26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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21114 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Ongoing poor resception at 13 Mar 2012 08:20:07 PM
I have called their help desk and asked for the bad reception to be logged. I was told there is no ability to do this. I have spoken to work collegues and all are experiencing the same problem with hearing other people on calls. Boughta Telstra SIM card today as its dangerous with a cyclone on the way not to be able to rely non your Vodafone reception

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21016 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is EPIC at 5 Mar 2012 08:51:48 AM
No reception in Darwin - unable to hear anyone who calls this has been going on since last Wednesday & tech support are no help. Am going to another service provider!
5 Mar 2012 09:50:00 PM: Why not call the VF HelplessDesk again until they provide a meaningful response. Tech support people should know what the problem is, unless ... they are not technical!

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20962 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Total at 25 Feb 2012 08:01:48 PM
Extremely slow data ipad2 Darwin CBS.

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20933 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is How long is a piece of string at 22 Feb 2012 01:34:06 PM
Im not in a "mess" anymore, I am porting back to Telstra and will enjoy 4G. This is my recent experience. I live at Bondi Beach and have been with VodaFAIL for nearly 4 years. I rue the day I ported from Telstra. Back in Septemeber last year, I decided to get on a data plan for my iPad with vodafone(they don't even deserve capitalization of their rubbish brand!) Immediately I was noticing heavy 'shaping' of data-flow. It was so bad I had a cry to voda about it. They subsequently gave me 3 months free access. Well, month #4 I knew that the data flow for internet was below dial-up speed and paid 1 month and told them I wasn't interested in a data plan that meant my browser couldn't even find a server because of the 'shaping'. Fast forward to Jan. Since I had my ipad, I repetitiously ran a speedtest to see just how bad it was. ( I kept the logs!)

How can you expect data-flow when it is 'shaped' to be slower than dial-up? This is absolutely nowhere in the T&C that I would be subjected to 'shaping' in the largest city in Australia. There are times I get a D/L speed of 0.10KB/s and U/P at half that again.
Well, to cut a long story short, I went to Telstra today to return back to the service I KNOW is better and more reliable. All I ever got from vodaFAIL were spiels about "network issues", which is just rubbish. vodaFAIL are still using old 3 network that was substandard to begin with.
I thought I'd pay vodaFAIL the courtesy of ringing them and giving them the opportunity to release me from my last 4 months because they were interested in good customer service. Well, I just finished with someone in vodaFAIL, they offered me a 50% discount on the remainder of my plan. As you may assume, I am not going to pay them another cent. vodaFAIL have a bad reputation for a very good reason...THEY EARNED IT THEMSELVES. I will await the demand letters, the bad credit rating for defaulting on the contract, and then I will see vodaFAIL in the CTTT, bring all my own evidence that THEY have breached our contractual agreement by service failure unrelated to "network outage" of network issues".

The ONLY issue is, that vodaFAIL just won't do what they need to do to correct how someone in a city of millions cannot even get Google to load and receives "remote server not found". I'm no techno-geek, but I am also far from being uneducated with relation to shaping. The same applies for an understaning of The Trade Practices Act, Fair Trading and how the ACCC have already hauled vodaFAIL over the coals over handset warranty.

To YOU vodafone, you can kiss my arse and I look forward to nothing more than embarrassing you in front of a Registrar with your crappy history of disgruntled(rightfully so!) and dissatisfied customers. I wouldn't recomment vodaFAIL to a third world country, as the country would derserve better than dealing with vodaDOLTS that have no grasp of The Trade Practices Act in Australia.

Me V's vodfone?
Yeah, dream on vodaFAIL. I did my research well

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20919 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is NO GUARANTEE/ NO PHONE /NO MONEYBACK/ NO SERVICE/NO NETWORK/ NO ETHICS at 20 Feb 2012 05:42:47 PM

Vodafone offers 30-day money back guarantee

Sign up to a Vodafone mobile broadband contract and if you find the network coverage is not up to your expectations, you can cancel within 30 days penalty free.
Sign up to a Vodafone mobile broadband contract and if you find the network coverage is not up to your expectations, you can cancel within 30 days penalty free.

There are no cancellation fees, Vodafone promises, simply pay for what you've used until the cancellation takes effect.

The offer also applies to Vodafone post-paid mobile customers.

Complaints about Vodafone to the Telecommunications Ombudsman (TIO) reached record highs following significant problems with the network in 2010.

Customers experienced slow speeds, reduced coverage and frequent drop outs when trying to make a call or connect to the internet over the Vodafone network.

(If you don't you'll be sorry)
Vodafone Mumbai never let you cancel.

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20801 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Pretty fail at 7 Feb 2012 10:37:18 PM
Not to give you the wrong impression of trying to make Vodafone look better than it is, but as a worker in one of the shops I honestly strive to give you the customer the best experience I can.

Sure, we can't fix everything for you on the spot, but we try. If we need to, we'll try alternatives. I'll admit, depending on the area you live in i'll suggest Telstra.

Upgrades for 3g equipment was done between July/December 2011 (including 6 new towers). Should be a few more new towers by May this year (850mhz, including for howard springs).

I do NOT think you should get Vodafone if you live in Roseberry or Howard Springs, they are the 2 worst areas.

One last thing, is it reeeeaaaally so hard to keep a receipt stapled to a contract from getting lost? It makes things a ton easier for everyone involved if we're unable to find a proof of purchase in your account.

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20677 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is mega fail at 22 Jan 2012 03:13:31 PM
it is never in range has terrible reception and seems to be getting worse instead of better!

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20660 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is phone calls drop out and since Christmas mobile broadband is virtually non exitent and slower than dial up at 20 Jan 2012 07:47:13 PM
I have 2 phones and a pocket wi fi on what I thought was a resonable plan...but the phone calls drop out and since Christmas mobile broadband in Darwin is virtually non exitent and slower than dial up...it's slower and less reliable than the free 1 hour service a day tat Darwin City Council provides in the Darwin City mall. It's pathetic!

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20474 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is VERY at 28 Dec 2011 12:29:28 PM
vodafone sent me a reminder notice threatening within 7 days to pay or be reported to debit collecters when they said during the first that all the fees from canceling the service including that months bill will be waived

i never got a bill for that month

then in december i got a bill for over $1000+ and saying that the month b4 bill was over due but i never received a bill

i had to ring up the resolution center again they said send proof that u sent the phone back so i did took them few weeks to respond then she said i gotta pay that $74.33

this month i received a bill for $74.33 for janaury then today i received a reminder notice saying pay it or in 7 days will be reported to DEBT collector

vodafone on facebook aint helping what should i do help please :(

do i contact tio again?
28 Dec 2011 12:30:25 PM: during the first TIO complaint*****
28 Dec 2011 12:57:03 PM: Yes go back to the TIO with your original complaint number, they will escalate on your behalf and believe me VF will take notice this time.

Let us know how you get on!

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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20113 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Failicious at 26 Nov 2011 10:45:39 PM
0 to 1 signal bar strength constantly in Darwin (Coconut Grove)

One very positive thing though which has happened, is due to my phone seemingly being unable to be unlocked, it has been upgraded free of charge to the new Sony Ericsson Experia ARC.

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20096 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is very fail! at 24 Nov 2011 05:29:30 PM
I got a bill over $1000 even after a tio resolution that my service will be cancelled without any fees and also sent the phone back to them but they still charged me lol.... TIO here i come again?
24 Nov 2011 06:40:59 PM: TIO is just a proxy-Vodafail call centre. Just with a different name.
24 Nov 2011 08:23:54 PM: Yes go back to the TIO with your original reference number.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
24 Nov 2011 10:18:00 PM: will do first thing in the morning thankss :)
4 Dec 2011 11:25:58 AM: How did you get on?

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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19973 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is gone! at 13 Nov 2011 09:20:45 AM
At Humpty Doo - Full signal then at 9AM disappeared, nada, "No Service".
Nothing on Vodafone website at 10AM.

Optus and Telstra still fine.
13 Nov 2011 09:36:04 AM: It's back, full strength, yay!
They must read this site.

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19905 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is High level fail. at 8 Nov 2011 10:25:28 AM
Not revieving text.

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19865 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is 99% at 4 Nov 2011 08:08:29 AM
Very poor network and broadband coverage. Have spoken to Vodafone and the steps I was asked to complete on my Nexus & iPhone did nothing to improve coverage for broadband.

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19731 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is FAIL!!! at 20 Oct 2011 11:58:40 AM
The last 4 days i have had incidents where my network has been cut off, no reception for atleast 6 hours! Over it! How do i get rid of vodafone? Cant even speak to someone instore they tell me to ring up all the time! Also everyone watch your bills mine have been questionable for the last 3 months!
20 Oct 2011 01:15:49 PM: its called the TIO. talk to VF about breaking contract if they say no tell them you will make a call to TIO
20 Oct 2011 07:49:09 PM: Thanks heaps for the reply, what is TIO and what does it mean for me? If i call VF they put me through a million different people and i explain my problem, over and over. I get frustrated with the poor service and give up.
20 Oct 2011 08:53:55 PM: https://www.tio.com.au/making-a-complaint/submit-a-complaint

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19714 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Pretty fucking fail. at 19 Oct 2011 12:47:28 AM
Won't even let me buy a product, trying to add an infinite plan to my cart and when I press it "0 Items in cart" comes up. Before i've even started to fail with Vodafone they fail. Fucking pissweak.
19 Oct 2011 08:18:27 AM: wow u should buy a lotto ticket u just won big time. if u have read the posts on this site u will find out how lucky u r. keep running & be happy.

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19713 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is stupid at 19 Oct 2011 12:00:44 AM
I tried to pay my bill, but their website doesn't work.now my due date is nearing and I'm abroad, so online pay is my only way. they should hire someone who can run website properly and not some weird accent guy sitting thousands of miles away so when I try to pay my bill I should be able to. and on top of my effort to pay bill on time they will give me bad credit report and also charge me the interest for delayed payment.how is it fair??

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19443 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is There is no Vodafone in Darwin at 16 Sep 2011 12:35:45 PM
There is no meaningful Vodafone reception in Darwin. 3 weeks in the city and my phone showed "no signal" or "searching" for most of the time. There was no communication with the outside world. Vodafone have lost 5 accounts!!!!.......my 2 numbers and family members who are all switching to other carriers........GOOD RIDDANCE TO VODAFAIL!!!

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19107 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is default credit paid at 10 Aug 2011 01:12:24 AM
I had moved from state to interstate .i had finished my 3 contract but i had a pending bill of $150.So due to address chang i didnt got the due date letter .so i want to take out that default credit from my credit .pls any one can help for my problem .it is very hard for me to get a lone from bank even though i had a good job.Pls i cal to veda advantge they told that the vodafone can do that .PLs help me

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19047 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Someone is lying at 3 Aug 2011 03:18:24 PM
Have struggled with Vodafone's poor network for over two years now. Probably a bit of a sucker to have signed up with another 24month contract. The optimist in me wanting to believe they could be bothered to fix their network in a regional part of Australia.

Funny thing is, around 6 months ago, the coverage got worse! Signal is less than what it used to be, making 3G useless.

Recently (last couple of months) found that the Internet has gone from dog slow to no access at all (or slower than dial up for every 10th page-load attempt).

Rang Vodafone and got told it will cost me over $800 to terminate my contract for a service they apparently think they are providing. Apparently the network issues are to do with my handset and/or sim card... even though I can duplicate the conditions on two different handsets and friends of mine are having a similar experience.

Now postponed while there is an "investigation" launched into my problems. A process which apparently takes "a month or so". The support person could not provide details as to exactly what this investigation entails, but my cynical side tells me a large part of it probably consists of doing absolutely nothing until they can come up with another reason to keep me tagging along and paying that monthly fee for a service they are not providing.

Awesome way to keep customers and improve good will.
3 Aug 2011 03:59:58 PM: $800 to terminate their contract is way too much if they can't provide the service you signed up for. It's time for the TIO - details on the 'how to complain' page. Goodluck!

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
3 Aug 2011 05:49:54 PM: Thanks for the advise (and the website). Have done exactly that... interesting to see what the response will be.
20 Oct 2011 03:37:30 PM: Well, after contacting the TIO, Vodafone were quite cooperative in allowing me to exit my plan. We ended up agreeing on a $300 figure.

Have now switched to Optus and can actually use my phone for data and voice calls... whilst paying less for the privilege.

Thanks again for hosting this site - it's a lifesaver resource for those stuck in this Vodafone mess.

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18956 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is hopeless at 28 Jul 2011 12:47:18 PM
I live in an inner suburb and work in the middle of the city. No reception at home or at work...

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18772 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Endless and unrelenting at 19 Jul 2011 04:56:00 PM
Low signal, slow download, constant dropouts....

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18380 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Maxfail !!! at 11 Jun 2011 08:27:39 AM
Have been locked into a contract for 15months now,
have complained on many occasions of poor signal and drop-outs to no avail,
then to add insult to injury Vodafone offers a free stanard usb modem on the
new network,my question? WHERE IS THE WEB PAGE???????

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17964 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Vodafone's cover me insurance doesn't cover me. at 14 May 2011 11:19:27 PM
i pay $10 extra a month on my contract to get the Vodafone insurance which they call cover me. only problem is as i have discovered when it comes to making a claim it doesn't acutely cover me or anyone else.
the cover me booklet says that it covers accidental damage but when i dropped my iphone and the back cracked quite badly and it was affecting the reception i tried to get it fixed by the insurance that i pay for each month only to be told that it didn't come under the cover because me accidentally dropping my phone is damage due to negligence not accidental damage at all. so Im like ok wtf do i pay extra for insurance for?
17 May 2011 04:07:54 PM: it clearly states in the insurance information that it will not be covered if the result is from negligence. This insurance matter is nothing to do with Vodafone and is to do with the policies of the insurance company which is Marsh insurance. No insurance company will cover a phone if it is through negligence. i suggest next time dont get an iphone or get a otterbox case.

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17963 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Lara dosn't understand at 14 May 2011 11:06:25 PM
Lara the automatic vodafone msg voice is so sensitive to noise my sister watching tv in the other room was confusing her and making her stutter and tell me who hadn't even said anything yet to say it again and more clearly. she was sending me in circles for 45 min until she finally put me on hold to talk to someone. i then had to wate for 35 min to talk to someone.
17 May 2011 04:04:56 PM: They are getting rid of Lara all together in a few weeks time. It will be a dialled operator system like every other telco now.

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17950 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is fail at 14 May 2011 07:23:42 AM
data download so slow its useless calls keep droping out all the time and anywhere
14 May 2011 12:49:26 PM: I live in Coconut Grove Darwin a very central place in Darwin and inside the mobile phone is useless. I had to buy a prepaid telstra phone so I can make calls all while Im paying vodafail contract. I really got caught with the sharlitians... BAD NEWS!

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17946 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Not quite the worst..yet. at 13 May 2011 09:31:20 PM
No reception at all. We switched from 3 as we were in Adelaide ( we live in Alice Springs ) as it was going to happen anyway so I thought it might be a good idea to be pro-active. My wife uses her phone for business - she now has no reception for her iphone 3gs.. I'd heard about the problems but damn...

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17900 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is epic fail at 11 May 2011 05:54:48 PM
ok we moved house, no reception at all...umm ok we are in the city, ok ring vodafail (i mean vodafone) explain to them i need the phone and that theres no service, even no 3g? they said they do test and get back to me in 4 days....5-6 days later still no word rand vodafail again put n hold for an hr got told they would ring back said if i move from this sopt i dont get any reception so they wouldnt get me, manager finally put on...charged me $400 to get out of contract and then sent to dept collector when they hadnt billed me??? for $30....

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17397 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Poor service at 27 Apr 2011 08:45:54 AM
Can not recieve calls from some parts of my house calls drop out when I have full service unable to send text at times text recieved late(up to a day late) I live not far from city in fannie bay one would think service should be good close to city have also had trouble in adelaide & melbourne (calls droping out poor service) have been with vodafone over 10years and hope troubles can be fixed soon

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17317 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Disgusting at 26 Apr 2011 08:14:59 PM
Have only been with Vodaphone for just over a month and am extremely dissatissfied with service. Very bad and inconsistant coverage, calls have gone straight to message bank without phone ringing and SMS messages can take hours to send and receive.

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17252 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Up the pole at 26 Apr 2011 06:56:57 PM
No coverage in Tennant Creek

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17002 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is badly at 24 Apr 2011 07:05:56 PM
No sms! Neither receiving and nor sending since 4 hours.
I do not like this.

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16977 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Cant SMS at 24 Apr 2011 05:55:03 PM
Haven't been able to send SMS messages for nearly 3 hours.

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16913 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is The Worst at 24 Apr 2011 03:54:00 PM
Can't receive or send text messages either.

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16545 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Bad at 1 Apr 2011 09:44:22 AM
Reception is awful I'm trapped with vodafone for another year or so. The other month i got an excess bill of $ 98...on top of my monthly cap. Holy Shit....Can i get out of the damn contract?
1 Apr 2011 09:48:01 AM: You sure can get out of your contract. If vodafone isn't delivering then what are you paying for? Follow the steps on the 'How to complain' page and goodluck!

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
1 Apr 2011 09:48:25 AM: yes. fill in the form here: (takes 5 minutes) http://www.tio.com.au/ComplaintForm/ComplaintFormS1.asp

An aussie will call you within 10 days, and you can get a full refund
1 Apr 2011 03:50:59 PM: under the trade practices act of Australia, they have failed to provide the products and services that were part of the contract I originally agreed to. So in effect, they have breached contract and I am free to do what I want.

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16530 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Delayed Messages at 1 Apr 2011 08:29:53 AM
Twice now I have had an issue arrise where I won't get messages from my girlfriend for quite literally a week. I can call, send her messages, and receive messages from everyone else (when I actually get reception) but I don't receive any messages at all untill about a week later when they all flood through at the same time.

Really disappointed with Vodaphone and will definetly never be using them again. Is there any grounds in the contract for termination on the basis that the service they provide is inadequate and not what they advertised and promoted it to be? I expect not...

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16470 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is People looking after the shop don't know what they are doing or what their own policy is. at 30 Mar 2011 01:27:12 PM
I bought an HTC phone from a workmate who has gone overseas. It developed a fault rear loud speaker stopped. A very helpful phone shop selling all kinds of phones advised me to contact HTC who replied that the phone was one of Vodafails and to take it to them. First problem no proof of purchase. Ok I'll pay for the repair Ok bring it in to us pay $50 and we'll send it away could take up to 8 weeks.
Next visit we can't send your phone away because you don't have the original receipt but HTC says it was one of your phones. But it's not on our data base so before we can send it for repair you have to tell us where it was bought. I wondered how many mobile resellers sell phones for Vodafail and what was in the the girl's head.
Returned to my friendly phone dealer who said Send it off to SA they will fix phones out of warranty here's the place here's the phone number and address.
Great service from one small shop Zero from brainless Vodafail.Do they train their staff? I will never enter their doors again.
30 Mar 2011 07:51:03 PM: Why don't you take some product back to a different company, claim its theirs and demand a repair, see how they respond.

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16419 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is at 26 Mar 2011 08:44:02 AM
2x iphones 3gs zero reception in own home. Limited reception Darwin and Zero reception surrounding areas. Delays in receiving SMS up to 4 hours in some cases. Contract due to end in 4mths. Told to wait till end March upgrading system. Nothing has changed. What can you offer to convince us to stay
Then to make matters worse we tried to talk to customer service and waited over an hour and still didnt speak to anyone.
14 May 2011 11:55:24 PM: many of the older houses in Darwin have little or no reception in them with most phone companies this is due to the concrete bunker design of many of the houses built in the years after cyclone tracy. and believe it or not i just got back to Darwin from Brisbane i live in Tiwi and there is better reception in darwin on a whole than brisbane or the sunshie coast.... at least in darwin city i have 3 bars of 3G in Brisbane i was lucky to have 1. and dont even get me started on when i went up the sunshie cost... no signal at all anywhere.

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16366 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Fail Whale at 21 Mar 2011 12:37:53 PM
I have an iPhone 4 and whenever I use facebook the internet loading is SOOOOOOOO slow. I sometimes have to wait 2 minutes for a page to load.
14 May 2011 11:57:52 PM: ha ha u 2. have u tried internet banking on your phone. mine takes about 10 min just to load the login screen.

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16327 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is bad!!! at 16 Mar 2011 08:13:03 PM
well the tower has failed in parts of the northen suburbs of darwin and palmerston and they have not fixed it properly it has been 1 week now not happy!!!

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16223 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is shite at 9 Mar 2011 02:34:50 PM
just spoke to todd from vodafone and said that no1 is willing to help even when it comes to their sister company vha(3).when will this court case to ahead??????????????????????????????????????

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16203 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is usuless at 8 Mar 2011 06:23:02 PM
it takes me on average 30 minutes to access the internet on my phone.i made a complaint to mr nigel dews of vodafone australia.his response was to pass the buck to a call centre in india or where ever vodafone's call centre is.

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15746 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Very at 19 Feb 2011 10:13:11 AM
Consistent drop of phonecalls, calls going straight to message bank without my phone ringing. Connection Error, Phone not connecting to internet and more

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15211 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Absolute Disaster at 4 Feb 2011 02:48:09 PM
Since I joined Vodaphone in December My wife and I have not had a signal without the word "edge" attached It consistently drops out we can not get a signal inside our house at all and have to go out to the veranda to make a call and even then hope it wont drop out. The phone does not always ring when a call comes in I have missed 2 important calls because of this!!! On top of this I am being charged $6.00 per link for a company to send me a link to my phone each day I certainly didn't ask for this. I just spoke to Vodaphone about this and they are saying I subscribed to the site WRONG!!! I will now get onto the telecom ombudsman and raise some hell

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15203 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is vodafone vs. 3 at 4 Feb 2011 12:07:42 PM
vodafone is telling us that if we switch our service to 3 we will get better coverage and wont experience the drop outs and lack of service we are getting now. i don't understand how that can be if it runs on the same network as vodafone. has anyone else been told this by vodafone or switched and had better service?
4 Feb 2011 12:19:33 PM: Yes. I have just been on the phone to Vodafone for the last hours trying to cancel my contract. I'm sick of the customer service you DON'T receive and getting fobbed off. I was having problems with calls dropping out, connection errors and delayed text messages. This all started back in December 2010 and today they have finally cancelled by contract but i had to pay them 180 bucks, i'm so glad its finally over GOOD BYE VODAFONE HELLO OPTUS

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15060 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is very poor reception at 1 Feb 2011 02:49:09 PM
Called vodafone to complain and to be let out of our contract and they refused. told us it would be a fee of $800 for both phones to be released from our contract! tried to argue that they are not providing the service we pay for. i barely get reception in my house and a lot of time no reception. my husband works out at ranger and only get reception in certain areas of the mine. they told us we could switch to 3 and that would give us better coverage. has anyone else tried this and gotten better recpeption?

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14491 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Horrible. at 24 Jan 2011 05:51:57 PM
1 bar reception at best when inside my house, and ONLY when situated right next to a window or doorway and even then calls are dropped at random. Terrible 3G reception. Unable to login to many sites (mobile banking in particular) due to timeouts or page simply not loading. When the site DOES finally load it's after about 15 minutes and a good 8-9 refreshes.
At random the phone will display full reception for about 10 minutes (when in reality there is little or no reception), during this time it is unable to send texts, make or recieve calls or access any form of data transfer.
Horrible company. Moving carriers ASAP.

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14438 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is SMS snail mail at 24 Jan 2011 01:04:51 PM
From Darwin, NT. With vodafone post paid, I used to send send SMS from my vodafone to Telstra mobile and it reaches next day most of times...if I am fortunate, it will arrive same day after 5-6 hours.Now stopped and using PC VoIP service to send the SMS.For cheaper rates, they can even send to international SMS for less than 5 cents.
24 Jan 2011 01:07:49 PM:
If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.

The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.

Good luck and let us know how you get on!!!

Thanks Vodafail.com mod

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14423 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is No signal and data download speed at 24 Jan 2011 11:20:28 AM
From Darwin,NT and I have been paying $69.00 every month from Aug/2009 in a 2 year lock-in contract with 400$ calls and 1 GB data.I have not been using the 50% of my limit just because in Darwin, Vodafone coverage is limited to the city area and even in CBD where I work, it is available in the window side of the buildings. In my home, I get coverage only in one room in the suburb of Leanyer.Need a way to get out of this crap and only Telstra works a little decetly in Northern Terriroty.
24 Jan 2011 01:14:42 PM: If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.

The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.

Good luck and let us know how you get on!!!

Thanks Vodafail.com mod

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14214 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Reception fail at 22 Jan 2011 08:00:38 PM
I live in the Northern Suburbs of Darwin. I have no bars of reception in my house. If I go out into the middle of the backyard, I get 2 bars of reception max. Darwin city itself is a 10min drive from my house where I get 4-5 bars of reception. If I take myself to the shopping centre (10min drive in the opposite direction), I also get 4-5 bars of reception. Yet between these areas I get nothing. I do not understand how it is so difficult to provide such a small city that Darwin is with decent coverage in its surrounding suburbs. If I was driving out of town, I do not expect decent reception without 3G coverage, but when you are literally a 10-15min drive from anything in Darwin and its suburbs, that there are only a few key locations where I can get a decent amount of reception. I stay with Vodafone because I like what is incorporated into the Cap Plans and Cap Prepaid options, however it is very irritating that I cannot sit inside and make a phone call. And even when I do make phone calls (in the middle of the yard), more often than not the call will drop-out, because the reception dropped out for a minute or two for reasons unbeknownst to me. Grrrr!

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14117 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Pretty ordinary at 22 Jan 2011 07:38:50 AM
Signed up again for 2yrs about 6mths ago because last time I was with this Telco, I found them great.I did my homework and looked at coverage maps, talked to vodafone staff in stores about coverage etc to make sure that they could meet my needs. I was told that in my area there was full 3G coverage and was only getting better as the tower upgrades would be completed in the very near future. I took the plunge and resigned. Mistake. Every time I call another Vodafone mobile (for free) it cuts out after a few minutes, not to mention that the service in my house is very patchy considering I live in a metropolitan area. The internet / apps are painful to load and have only gotten worse over the time. Coverage is unreliable, and like so many out there was told that it must be my handset and they swapped SIM cards. Coverage is worse. I feel thst customer service has slipped dramatically since I was last with this carrier and I feel they are just reading from a cheat sheet and do not understand what they are talking about. I am very dissappointed with my Vodafone experience this time and I am really hoping that I can get out of my contract as they have not fulfilled their part of the agreement and provided me with the services that I pay for. Not happy and neither is my workplace because they cannot contact me half of the time.
22 Jan 2011 03:16:34 PM: TIO complaint worked for me.

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13926 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is relentlessly shite at 21 Jan 2011 02:39:21 PM
I'm not longer in this mess because I gave up and coughed up. I had been with Vodafone for quite a while and in the N.T. - even inner city Darwin area, the reception is rubbish. I'm talking ZERO bars. From inside my house, anywhere in my house in one of the oldest suburbs of Darwin, very close to the city center, I have to leave my phone on my windowsill in hope of gaining reception. If I get a call I must run outside and even then I am at a high risk of reception fail. I had complained a few times to the HORRIBLE staff at Casuarina Vodafone but they say 'that's just Darwin' and 'All the carriers have this problem'. Let me tell you now, that this is RUBBISH. Since I switched my phone now gets reception inside my house and never drops out outside. YOU LIE, VODAFAIL. YOU LIE. When my phone died I went into Vodafail and enquired about what I could do. The phone had simply deteriorated from a functioning Nokia N95 to one that wouldn't work. There was no incedent or anything like that. I was told by the DISGUSTING VODAFAIL CASUARINA STAFF that my only choices were to pay out my contract and enter into a new contract with Vodafail or pay out my contract and go elsewhere. Some way to treat a loyal customer. I asked if there was anything they could do, any deals, any help on perhaps repairing the phone and the fat little goth behind the counter told me in the rudest of no uncertain terms that bad luck, whatever you do you have to pay up, we dont care. I then said why should I stay with you when I can go to telstra who had a better deal on at the time and had better reception? She bassically then told me to f-off to Telstra then, she doesn't care. So I did. And my HTC Desire Andriod never misses a bar. And I have never had a bill quite as large as some of my Vodafail bills. And the staff were rather pleasant. This isn't an add for Telstra, I think they all pretty much stink but Vodafail stinks the most. They sent me the $300 bill of course. I paid... eventually.

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13171 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Unreal at 21 Jan 2011 06:26:27 AM
My new Iphone when i bought it last year was faulty.I was asked to go nearby store fix it.The store person said to come back after a week.After a week i was told they will take the mobile but no loan mobiles will be given and not sure when the mobile will come back from repair. Vodafone has the worst network coverage and customer service. I am just waiting for my contract to finish and i'll get away from from this network. Luckily my phone was fixed by Apple because i was still covered by 1 year warranty.

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13156 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Contract/reception at 21 Jan 2011 06:10:47 AM
I was with Vodafone, but after fighting with them for 6 months regarding my reception and coverage issues I contacted the communications ombodsman, it was solved within a week. They released me from my contract,I kept my handset and mobile number!
21 Jan 2011 07:02:40 AM: Great Idea...I think its the way Im going to go too since Ive had nothing resolved!

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12733 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is at 16 Jan 2011 06:13:27 AM




Veda/Bay-corp will not care one little bit about the Vodafone factor, yes you have rights to do this sort of thing, but its not going to work doing it that way.

there is a very specific way to complain which is explained here in a link at the top of the page, don't wreck your credit file just cause your angry, you could end up not being able to get a contract with anyone else in the future.
16 Jan 2011 08:58:07 AM: Absolutely right !Guard your good credit rating !
It might make you feel warm and fuzzy not paying your Vodafone bill,but you will simply just destroy your Credit Rating. You will be blacklisted at the credit agencies as a "defaulter" which will jeopardise your ability to get a home loan, or rent a fridge, etc etc.
You are much much wiser to pay the bills in full and then take legal action to recover same.
Unless you are loaded with hard cold cash to pay everytime,all your life, do not underestimate the value of a good credit rating in todays society.
I work in a personal loans/home loans dept and trust me, dozens of applicants are turned down every day because they have not paid bills on time.
16 Jan 2011 09:08:51 AM: At 40yrs of age, I HAVE NEVER HAD A BAD LISTING IN MY LIFE, until I refused Vodafone. Now they listed and I cant get a contract elsewhere due to this ONE listing. So while I have left, I am on prepaid with Telstra and dont get the benefits I would on a contract. LISTEN TO WHAT THESE PEOPLE ARE SAYING. Dont ignore this, fight it through the correct channels and leave without any damage to yourself. Let's just damage Vodafone beyond repair and save others the nightmare

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12721 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is at 15 Jan 2011 10:41:31 PM
no reception anywhere
15 Jan 2011 10:55:03 PM: Holy shit. Lol, a lack of any reception anywhere, you're just about right.

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12646 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Failest of the fail at 14 Jan 2011 04:33:06 PM
14 Jan 2011 06:09:47 PM: It's nice how they bend over backwards to help their customers.
14 Jan 2011 06:57:03 PM: Its nice how the customers bend over backwards for vodafail, do all the trouble shooting free of charge, do an audit of the networks failures free of charge, but those customers better not dispute a bill for that failed service, and those customers better pay those bills on time!
14 Jan 2011 07:00:39 PM: Having done all the investigations, the lon and the short of it is, the problem is that the sim card says vodafone, that is the begining and the end of the problem
15 Jan 2011 05:18:49 AM: OPtus and telstra also have similar ways
15 Jan 2011 06:58:15 AM: Not disputing that, but at least their bloody networks actually work!
16 Jan 2011 03:24:22 PM: For a result, Try http://vodafone.custhelp.com/app/ask
at least I'm now getting reply's.
16 Jan 2011 07:12:47 PM: There are so many variables. Would you rather they asked you one question at a time and then had a look at that and then moved on or would you rather they got all the pertinent info in one go? Which can help them isolate an issue.

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12573 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is About 85% at 14 Jan 2011 07:37:03 AM
No signal at all at Tindal and very intermittent in Katherine even though the coverage map shows full coverage for both areas.
21 Jan 2011 06:32:58 AM: tell me about it.I have telstra and vodafone mobile.Telstra has full network bar and Vodafone out of coverage.Now i was travelling outside darwin its fair but i am in Berrimah.I cant believe after all the compaints people have put in Nothing has been done.

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12267 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is very bad at 12 Jan 2011 01:43:44 PM
they are charging me for a phone i never received or wanted, due to pushy dodgy sales staff, i have proof, including the delivery guy, got him on board
12 Jan 2011 02:39:01 PM: Don't bugger about with this one...........take it to the TIO.

Check out the How To Complain tab at the top of the page.

Let us know how you get on!!!

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12171 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is 2012 style fail at 11 Jan 2011 10:02:53 PM
OK. I did not think data speed and coverage could get any worse but it is. I have read what is happening when other people try & get issues resolved & having tried myself it seems hopeless & we have to wait until our contracts expire. What about the poor folk in Qld on Vodafail... They really need the service to be up & running properly in such a situation. You should be ashamed of yourselves Vodafail and karma dictates you won't be in business for much longer. The security breach is totally scary & I don't believe a word that comes out of Vodafail.

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12150 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 11 Jan 2011 07:39:58 PM
11 Jan 2011 07:49:50 PM: Yes the email was full of fail.

Best way to describe is 'Weasel words' (as pointed out to me on whirlpool) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weasel_word

Most people will read that and think everything is fine, but the information only requires a login and password and an internet access. It is far from a 'secure' login and password.
11 Jan 2011 08:08:37 PM: Agree with above, the most unfortunate thing is the very poor use of the English language, if this email is an example of the standard that Customer Service & Experience have to achieve..............
11 Jan 2011 09:45:45 PM: Agree total fail. Why hasn't anything changed with service & now this.

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12112 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is usb Stick-24 month contract at 11 Jan 2011 04:39:47 PM
I signed up for a 24 month contract for a vodafone usb stick 5mb which I paid $39.95 a month.It broke down after4 months of use.The whole situation has been a complete joke I was studying at the time at uni,and everytime I was in the middle of an assignment it wouldn't connect or breakdown.Try and explain that to my uni lecturer about my assignments not being completed..
I tried to get a replacement,and the consultant was going to charge me $80 for another usb stick also I was told that my contract would be cancelled.I asked to speak to the Manager that didn't happen.SoI was told to call the customer care phone number,as they don't deal with any technical difficulties.What do they do then.When I called,my call sent to egypt of all places.I was told my contract can be cancelled ut bit would cost me a further $25 to get out of the contract,and then I was told my contract was finished and I won't be paying anything furher in payments.
I was told that it was,it didn't happen and I am still getting sms and email saying that the direct debit is still coming out of my bank account.This isn't good enough,I thought I was dealing with a proffessional company,I was so wrong!!!I hope we all get some justice finally!!!
14 Jan 2011 04:07:02 PM: Let's use this forum and its grouping by suburgs to gather together in our respective suburbs and go into their stores all at the same time.

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12095 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is nocoverageNT at 11 Jan 2011 03:31:03 PM
No coverage in NT since 6am this morning.
11 Jan 2011 04:28:09 PM: Check out the 'How To Complain' link at the top of the page. The TIO will no doubt be able to assist you
12 Jan 2011 12:32:33 AM: 12 hours of no reception? You poor, poor thing.

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12021 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 11 Jan 2011 11:06:42 AM

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11829 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is lousy at 10 Jan 2011 07:09:11 PM
Just attempted to talk to family. Vodafone to Vodafone, Darwin to Sydney. Seven dropouts in 5 minutes of attempted communication. Why so poor?

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11581 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is at 9 Jan 2011 10:40:11 PM
Vodafone cut off my phone and gave my number to someone else in September. Someone at a senior level went into my account, cut off my number (ie disabled my account) and gave my number to a customer they were signing up. It took DAYS on hold - one day I was on hold for SIX hours to get through to some operator in India who then handballed me to various departments, and no one could help me. I couldn't call from my Vodafone - they'd cut my service. So had to tie up (And pay for) my landline to contact them about the mess they'd created.
Eventually I went into the local Vodafone shop - three days in a row - to use their phone. They were very helpful and they USED THEIR OWN PHONES AND PHONE CREDIT to get my number back.

I got my number back. They Vodafone billed me $460 for service cancellation!

I got the disconnection/contract cancellation charge reversed and I was told, as compensation, that I would get the following month free. The bill came in for that 'free' month at $463.00! I'm on a $29 cap!
I called again - only two hours on hold this time. I was told that the person who had authorised the month's free credit had left the company and left no notes. I pointed out that had been billed incorrectly ($7 to retrieve voicemail? Hello?) and after a few more hours on hold came back with an offer of $463 phone credit - but not get my money refunded nor would they agree to release me from my contract (I was over it by this stage) .
I agreed to the credit - about 15months worth.
The next day they debited $29 from my account - my monthly charge.
Added to this was an overseas trip when my roaming failed. I was unable to receive calls, conduct business or receive necessary text messages to do banking/book flights etc.

Vodafone has since agreed to refund ALL the money they've incorrectly taken from me - $463 plus $29 =$492. They said they could do this in 10 working days, which, after negotiation, I got down to five. The money hasn't come through yet - stay tuned. I asked again to be released from my contract but they refused.
I have yet to discuss with Vodafone compensation for distress, loss of income (I run my own business and spent days away from it at a crucial time trying to get my phone number back - which by the way was on all my business materials). The people on the front line - the ONLY human beings I was able to talk to face to face were at the retail outlet and did what they could to help... - what about their distress? I wasn't the first customer to come in with a service complaint.
If I could get out of my contract I would, and I if there's a class action happening, I'm in: (PERSONAL DETAILS REMOVED - Vodafail.com Team).

Jinny, NT
9 Jan 2011 10:48:47 PM: Hi Jinny, you can register your interest to take part in the class action below with Piper Alderman. Currently 9000 are queued to take part in the class action law suit against Vodafone. And rightly so :)


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11554 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Would like to meet and kill LARA at 9 Jan 2011 08:24:00 PM
I hope the woman who supplied Lara's voice hangs her head in shame.
9 Jan 2011 08:32:50 PM: hahahahahah thats gold! agreed!!

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11550 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Extreme! at 9 Jan 2011 08:19:02 PM
I had a Vodafone broadband bundle with usb on a 24 month contract, was only able to use it about 8 times. Rarely got signal both here and down south where the networks are supposedly 'better'. When i eventually did get some form of connection it was at Dial-Up speed!! and then after 5 minutes the signal was just dropped anyway. Contacted Vodafone on many occasions to try and get a solution but they just told me it was a problem with the area i was in (even tho i have a notebook and am in all sorts of areas all the time!!!) When my plan was finally over and i could finally stop wasting money on something that was useless, i had to ring them and deal with almost an hour of a customer service rep trying to sell me the 'new wifi' thing that will make reception 'so much better' NO THANKS!!!! Would love my money back for the 24 months of unused internet at $49.95 a month!!! Ha a 5gb Limit that i was never going to reach because i would never be able to connect to the internet!!!
10 Jan 2011 06:40:53 PM: What internet plans,they can't organize customer service plans, so us vodafone used and abused don't have a hope in hell!

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11465 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Extreme fail- constantly dropping out and data hardly works at 9 Jan 2011 04:35:49 PM
Can't use my phone at the office or at home as there is no reception. I have to go outside to take phone calls and I'm in sales. Data rarely works and when it does it's very slow.

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11394 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Dissapointing.. at 9 Jan 2011 12:58:16 PM
Look I am a vodafone employee and I recently read about a unkowm person claiming they work for vodafone stating "suck shit your the idiots that sign the contracts" I don't believe this is actually a vodafone employer as all of us here at casurina have contracts with vodafone and experience the same difficulties such as drop outs, reception, Internet issues, and customer care what u don't realize is that it's hard for us when u get angry at us when all we are licensed to do is sell you the phone! I personally if I know the phone is shit and heard bad about your suburb I will not sell! Because I am genuinely a nice person. But I am just stating for all of us at casurina we are sorry for the problems but there is nothing on our end we can do! Customer care drives me wild and even if I have a problem with my phone or contact I have to sit on the phone for hours too. but is a job and I have to do it to my best no matter the circumstances!

Yours sincerely vodafone employee casurina!
9 Jan 2011 01:03:50 PM: I definitely feel for your situation. The nature of this forum being anonymous is that we cannot be sure that anyone is who they say they are. It could be troublemakers, or disgruntled Voda employees. Clearly there is a wide spectrum of opinion within Voda itself. This website does stress again and again for customers to not take frustrations out on employees who are not responsible for the issues and cannot help much. I just hope people listen and also the higher ups at Voda get their act together to support both their employees and their customers.
9 Jan 2011 01:10:37 PM: Vodafone is not the best carrier for NT I have experienced this first hand each time I visit NT I have to take a different service provider, to stay in contact with WA.
9 Jan 2011 01:28:29 PM: I hope so too, but I am close with all the other girls that work here and all of them feel the same pain as we are all Voda customers as well as employees so they wouldn't wrote a statement like that! Our manager has lightly briefed us on the matters but we are still pretty oblivious to what's going on, and then I found this website. To be completely honest I was with opts before hand and not sticking up for my work place but I do get better reception with Voda!

Cas employee!

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11382 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is very fail at 9 Jan 2011 12:01:16 PM
I recently upgraded my contract with vodafone to include a new nokia N8, being a place that doesn't have a vodafone store I upgarded over the phone, I was really impressed by the service...until I recieved my phone. As soon as it arrived I opened the box and tried to charge it, it wouldn't charge, so checked nokia website and found that the phone is faulty.
Next day I ring Vodafone @8am, after trying to explain what was happening, they transfer me to nokia, who say that vodafone needs to replace the phone, so I get transferred back to vodafone, after beiing on hold for 45 minutes, they then tell me that I have to take the phone into the vodafone store I brought it from, affter repeatly being told that there was NO vodafone store where I lived and the closest one was an 18 hour drive...they had to check before believing me...then they said I had to send the phone back first and they would chack it thenif it is faulty they would send a new one out...which would take 6 to 8 weeks????? What was i suppose to do during that time...not their problem.
Once I explained that what they wanted was not going to happen, and they needed to put me through to tech support so they could put a note on my account to send a new one out...2 1/2 hours on hold and the tech support guy tells me to turn the N8 off, remove the sim card and remove the battery...since my sim card was in my old phone and you can't remove the battery from the N8 I told him that this was impossible to do...another 45mins on hold while he checked that I was right and then told me to contact nokia, already done, and then he said that he couldn't help me and I would have to take it to a vodafone store....Finally after much discussion, he finally put a note on my account to send a replace phone and put me through to the account department to ensure everything was right to go...another 1hr on hold and then had to reexplain everything to the person on the other end.
So after three hours on the phone the problem was sorted...until having to wait another 3 weeks for my replacement phone to be sent out...because they don't process and orders for up to a week after it's been placed.
Even with the new phone, my calls still drop out, my voicemails are usually 3 to 4 days later and I'm lucky to get text messgaes within the week they are sent.

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11326 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is very at 9 Jan 2011 09:18:18 AM
spent hours trying to get through to customers service, then they billed me $700 for the pleasure of calling their number.
Also went on a road trip from Darwin to Adelaide, only had reception till 20km outside darwin, just within the town circle of Alic springs and Port Augusta and the same for Adelaide on Kangaroo Island there was none. Two other people one with Telstra and the other optus were more in reception than out of it and had reception on the island too. I was absolutly sickened, my partner alos has vodafone and she was also without reception so it definaltly was not the handsets

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11310 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is delayed voicemail at 9 Jan 2011 08:38:53 AM
I constantly get voicemails several days after they ahve been left or NOT at all!

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11134 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is crazy uncool at 7 Jan 2011 06:28:41 PM
i have been sold a vodafone interent wireless stick on a contract. the contract isn't bad, 29.95 for 5gb or something, which i never use ... the problem is I CAN"T GET RECEPTION!!!! i have problems with my phone too, i can't get reception, my phone drops out during conversations, i cancel my insurance because when my phone breaks for some reason the insurance doesn't cover it, i keep get charged insurance for six months, i ring to complain and they tell me to go on the internet to look for a new plan! I CAN"T GET THE INTERNET THANK YOU VODAFONE!!! also ... just travelled from perth to airlie beach in a 4wd and needed my phone to call local police in each town to ask if roads were flooded, not that i could do that because vodafone doesn't get reception anywhere!!!! not happy with paying over $100 every month and not getting reception when i need it most. will more than likely go telstra when my contract ends. also have spent hours on hold with the phone on speaker so i don't kill my ear drums only to be hung up on.
7 Jan 2011 07:12:10 PM: Wait until you try to stop a contract extension when your 24 month term is up. You cannot email,call or have vodafone call back to end your contract. (see 10740) below. I think once you start with them your with them for life.My next step is a TIO complaint. I hope this will be the end to a crap service. I have changed to Telstra.

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10740 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Extreme at 5 Jan 2011 07:14:51 PM
The mobile broadband contract I entered with vodafone was supposed to be 3G, in 24 months I have rarely been connected to 3G. My contract expires on the 17/1/2011 and you would not believe how hard it is to get through to vodafone's 1300650410 number trying to cancel any extension of my contract. Maybe a vodafone ploy to get an extra months payment out of me. I will not use them ever again, or recommend them to friends or anybody considering using vodafone.
5 Jan 2011 07:19:27 PM: I envy you, finish on 17/1/2011, you lucky person!!!! Try 1555 and ask for Cancellations, be prepared for a long wait (as usual)!!!! If not there is a mail address, I think online.help@vodafone.com.au if no joy then go to the TIO the details can be found at the top of the page in the How To Complain tab. Good luck and let us know how you get on!!!
5 Jan 2011 07:26:04 PM: Thank's I'll try everything.
9 Jan 2011 03:59:01 PM: I have completed a TIO complaint and with a great deal of luck should have this resolved in 10 days. Go Telstra!
9 Jan 2011 04:05:18 PM: You would'nt believe it while I was typing the above sentence, big brother at vodafone dropped me out.
18 Jan 2011 06:51:31 PM: Finished my contract, ended by vodafone after a TIO complaint, YAHOO!. Now connected to Bigpond ADSL2 and loving it. Extreme 10740.

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10644 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is big time at 5 Jan 2011 02:17:41 PM
vodafail has progressively got worse. the service was quite good when i joined a couple of years ago however now calls regularly drop out, i miss calls while driving through blackspots that exist all over Darwin (especially around the airport), i get 1 bar in my bedroom and fluctuating 1-3 bars elsewhere in my city unit. accessing the internet from my mobile is just as bad. I also have a wifi dongle that worked for about the first month but then became sporadic in reception - often no reception at night and could only log in early morning - and then dropping out in the middle of using the internet - til i gave up using it mid-year. i have used the dongle interstate with moderate success (however reception in perth CBD where i stayed in november was very sketchy). picture sms - forget it - they either come through early morning (think 1 or 2 am) or not at all. unless the service improves dramatically i will not be renewing with vodafail.

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10600 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is High scale fail! at 5 Jan 2011 12:43:19 PM
My Vodafone wifi connection is crap. It constantly drops out, can't connect to the internet or usually there's some other related problem.

Forget about watching Youtube clips. I don't really want to wait an hour to watch a 10 minute clip.

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10503 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is service at 5 Jan 2011 10:00:27 AM

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10445 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is billing and website problems at 4 Jan 2011 10:25:27 PM
tried logging on to myvodafone but system shut me out and told me to call a number to reset password. called this number was on the phone for 15 mins. they came to the conclusion that they could reset my password however it may not work for 1-2 days due to ongoing problems with their website... they then want to chage me $156 for the 15 min phone call
4 Jan 2011 10:31:26 PM: thats a crock of shit. $156 for 15 min phone call no chance in hell
4 Jan 2011 11:44:04 PM: I agree totaly, no chance in hell a vodafone call could possibley stay connected that long

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10280 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is not worth the hassel at 4 Jan 2011 11:27:25 AM
vodaphone is useless i thought it was only happing to my phone, having no recpetion in mitchell street and in parap is lucky to have one bar of reception. Ppl send me picture msg and i never recieve them or they come 2 days late! They say u have roaming when u go away and demand it from the shop and u find u go overseas and it actually doesnt work.. Telstra is the way to go at least u have full recpetion all the time and there plans are getting better. Nothing but problems with vodaphone
4 Jan 2011 11:29:46 AM: If possible can you use the 'Your Coverage' tab at the top of the page, it will help others if we can provide hard evidence to Vodafone about their lack of network coverage. Agree entirely with your last sentence!!!!

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10232 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is so bad at 4 Jan 2011 09:15:25 AM
I can't get reception in my flat, I can get it in 1 corner of the bedroom, not on the couch, not in the kitchen... it's so frustrating. My USB is pointless! I called them over and over and never got through, I refused to pay my bill, they cut me off, I told them Im not paying for something I cant use, they told me I had to pay it, and they they would see if it worked, they never rang back when they said they would! Im not paying it again!

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10056 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is can't use at all at 3 Jan 2011 08:46:56 AM
wireless broadband is as slow as dial up at home (SA) at times I can't even get on net. Mobile not so bad.

On Hols in Darwin and can't use either, no phone no internet both contracts are useless here.

Have spoken to Vodaphone back in SA with a suck it up answer (not their words)

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10028 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is VERY!!! at 2 Jan 2011 09:32:37 PM
I cannot use my mobile inside my unit. I have to wait for ages for bars to appear and even then I'm lucky if it stays at 3 bars. Drops out depending on which suburb I'm in. Continually fails to send texts. Periodic failure to receive texts.

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9857 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is at 2 Jan 2011 01:57:31 AM
I find it extremely annoying. My niece was in hospital and her mother tried to call me ..... NOTHING! Even yesterday my boss tried to contact me and once more NOTHING! I think it is fantastic that this website is up and running! When you try to call vodaphone you get thrown on hold and then disconnected! Ridiculous!!
2 Jan 2011 06:47:15 AM: even better.. wait on hold for an hour, get through to customer service, call drops out, they have all your details on screen in front of them, but do they call you back?? no, now its time to start the whole agonising process again!

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9497 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is poor coverage and speed at 31 Dec 2010 10:33:54 AM
i use vodafail in darwin, the reception is very poor at alot of places, as for the wireless internet it is worse still.
coverage drops out when about to make calls (very annoying), ill be cancleing my contracts soon.

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9461 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is No security at 31 Dec 2010 09:21:49 AM
I lost my VF prepaid SIM card. My fault, but I wanted a replacement when going on holiday (to replace business SIM). I found the page on the VF website saying free replacement for lost card, visit a shop.

Here's the fail. I went into a Brisbane CBD VF store with the page about replacements printed and my number hand written on the top. The assistant was VERY (truly) helpful. He got a new SIM for me, confirmed the number, changed details on the PC and bid me farewell. At no point did I produce ID, answer security questions, OR EVEN GIVE MY NAME.

So much for 100 points of ID being needed. Just 'borrow' another person's account ...
13 Jan 2011 11:09:51 PM: A similar thing happened to my partner. Had issues with the SIM card and got it replaced - no questions asked.

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9291 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Vodafone uses street lights at 30 Dec 2010 07:46:54 PM
I have come to the conclusion that Vodafone uses street lights instead of towers, ie when you leave the row of street lights, (city) you lose reception ! Further evidence to my case in point, when I lose reception at home (often) if I walk out to my rear deck and point my iPhone to the nearest street light (and raise my right hand) reception comes back ;(
24 Jan 2011 09:00:33 PM: "like" the street light theory!

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9232 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is very very big fail at 30 Dec 2010 05:42:30 PM
I called vodafone on 27th December to report network issues, I was speaking to the customer service department about the cost to cancel my contract for both my services, the person i spoke to asked why, told him because of network issues, he told me i could lodge a complaint with technical services and if they couldn't fix my issues they would cancel my contract with no cost to me. I was then placed on hold for 45 minutes. When my call was answered, the operator asked what area i was in, as i was at my brothers i gave her his address, however did tell her that is not where i lived and was not experiencing issues there. She never asked me what my address was. This lady was exceptionally rude and kept talking over the top of me. I told her that i wanted to lodge a complaint - she told me she would need an alternate number to contact me on, i tried to tell her that i had no other contact number as i have no landline, she told me she couldn't help me unless she could call me on another number. i asked to speak to someone else as she was not listening to me and preferably in australia as this is where i live, she told me she could not do that as all calls go to India. I hung up on her. I later received a call from her supervisor to whom i said i could not speak at that time. she then called me back at 7am the next morning.. as i write this i am on hold to vodafone and have been for 34.15 mintutes, however they keep assuring me someone will be with me soon!!
31 Dec 2010 05:16:11 AM: sadly, an all too common story for all of us.
5 Jan 2011 07:21:07 PM: Try 1hour and 30minutes and still did not get through. STEAMING!!!!!!

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9225 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is very very fail at 30 Dec 2010 05:18:55 PM
i bought a blackberry from vodaphone on a 99 cap since i took it i had a problem with it calls dropping out and there was no reception , tried to contact the technical support then they were taking me around different departments internally at last they told to send the phone and then they sent me back the phone and said they found some water particles in the phone and then i took another phone from them then its still doing the same thing calls drop out and there is not reception always its a problem , there will be signal at one momemnt as u try to ring it says called failed

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9121 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 30 Dec 2010 02:09:24 PM
I have been with Vodafone for over 2 years. a few months ago we had a really bad storm and all vodafone reception dropped out for 2 days. On the second day I borrowed a telstra phone to ring vodafone helpdesk to find out what the go was. It took $40.00 of prepaid credit and an hour of waiting for them to pick up the phone. Just for them to tell me there was absolutley nothing wrong with the reception in alice springs and it is my mobile phone. well i tried 2 other handsets and they must have been broken too as no reception on them either. I rang vodafone back and they said there was nothing they could do. It luckily came back the next day. I also have had times and places where I do not get reception at all. it is as simple as walking 2 metres and the reception drops out. When I signed up for Vodafone I was told that Alice Springs would have as good reception as any large city by the end of the year. Well 2 years on and I still have the shittest reception. good on ya vodafone... you liars... and please for the love of god. hire a fucking australian.

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9012 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is you deserve all you get at 30 Dec 2010 10:47:52 AM
Anyone who only sees the price of a contract or prepaid offer deserves all they get. I am not a fan of telstra but have been with them solidly on a mobile plan since 1989-90. Sure, I have had major issues periodically, what with billing problems etc. but the actual coverage and reception quality has always been there. I have recently purchased an iphone and although I am not an apple fan and would rather use my HTC HD2 instead, I'm not one to knock a phone or a network without trying it for myself. I must say I was pleasantly surprised to see my iphone working flawlessly on Telstra, not only in Alice Springs but wherever there is Telstra coverage. I have also tried Optus, Vodafone and Virgin prepaid SIMs and found the service and coverage to be lacking greatly around Alice Springs where I live. Once again I say, I am not a telstra fan but I firmly beleive you only get what you pay for, and if it is not broken, DON'T FIX IT!!!!!
30 Dec 2010 10:57:41 AM: To be fair, when I signed up to Voda (and I suspect a fair few others) I had no idea they are considered the 'discount/cheapo' option. In fact I'm quite sure Voda branding and marketing would not want to portray themselves as such. With that said, being cheaper is a choice Vodafone made to be competitive - it in no way exonerates them for not providing adequate service. There are plenty of people paying upwards of $100 per month for their services, they deserve to get what they are promised.
30 Dec 2010 08:12:47 PM: My reasons for going with Vf were not price-driven but memories of dealing with Telecom/Telstra. Wow, to think I'm considering going back to T-fail from V-fail

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8956 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Biblically Epic at 30 Dec 2010 09:25:34 AM
Coverage in Darwin is rubbish. Dropped calls still happening, seemed worse with my HTC for some reason even though it indicated full reception.
What's worse is I had my phone break and the staff at the Voda shop is Cas are in a league of their own with regards to ignorance of their own procedures, politeness, professionality, you know, basic service standards. When I went to get my phone serviced by warranty, they couldn't look up my phone details where I got it from, so I went home and got my receipt. Then, the IMEI was apparently invalid....jesus it took so long.....
The second time the girl had NO IDEA what she was doing and then actually left the store to talk to someone. I was in there for >45 minutes just to get my phone serviced, waiting around while some bloke slowly guided her through the process she hadn't been trained in and couldn't figure out.
Part of the problem, I am sure, is that every time I go in there, I am astounded at the length of time it takes them to do anything on their computer system. Also, I am annoyed that they can't do all that much without ringing home first.
How can I get them to release me? The shop alone is bad enough, and then with the dropped calls....I used to like Voda, but recent experience has made me a hater.

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8949 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is extremely disappointing at 30 Dec 2010 09:20:32 AM
I've been with Vodafone for over 10 years and I've had a few minor wins with complaints that I have lodged with their customer service personnel. That said their coverage has been to say the least fairly appalling in that time. This is something that I have 'lived' with until now. Recently I signed for a 24mth contract with a new iPhone 4 and coincidently have found that 3G coverage in Darwin has dropped. This resulted in my phone constantly searching for 3G service, which in turn sapped my battery at a great rate of knots. I have since turned 3G off and have found that not only my battery has a better life, but the 2G service is a lot quicker and more readily available than 3G. This is inexcusable considering VHA tout 3G availability in Darwin - why should we have to resort to using the old network technology. Get your act together Vodafone.
In addition, I too have been told by friends and colleagues that they have service most of the way to Katherine with Telstra, yet as soon as I reach Noonamah all service is gone - why Vodafone? Considering the NT has a lot of remote areas I would hate to experience any sort of difficulty on the road as I would not be able to contact anyone for help!

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8595 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Bad at 29 Dec 2010 04:56:25 PM
This is a comment on pressure to be applied.

I was in Casuarina square today, watching a stream of sheep wandering
into the Vodaphone store with the extra large photos of Ricky
Ponting and Michael Clark on the wall.

One action to take might be to contract media outlets advertising
vodaphone and suggest that their reputation may be tarnished if
they keep advertising this company. The Herald-Sun has vodaphone
ads on its home page. I just wrote to them, politely, and suggested
that might wish to reconsider whether they should continue to
advertise this company.

29 Dec 2010 05:05:40 PM: I agree. Vodafone's sponsership of cricket has bought the sport into disrepute. They aren't far away from "smoke and alcohol" advertising in my mind.

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8405 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is a lot at 29 Dec 2010 01:00:39 PM
i got a i phone and i tend to walk around it keeps dropping out on reception the internet is slow the voice-mail is unclear on 5 bars i got told it would work in tenant creek on the trip to Alice springs guess what it didn't work!

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8072 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is poor at 29 Dec 2010 08:17:25 AM
Poor to zero reception, when sitting next to a Telstra customer who has 3-5 bars on their phone. SMS messages that have taken up to two WEEKS to finally arrive!. Impossibly long waits for a response to a help call. I dont have time to waste waiting for Vodafone to respond! Am waiting out my contract, then will walk to another carrier, never to return.

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7886 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is can LMB at 28 Dec 2010 11:49:14 PM
I have sat on customer service for hours and hours as well, but then decided that I would contact the TIO requesting with Vodafone that I wanted out of my contract. They called me and said they'd credit my account for $79 (my monthly cap) and, exasperated, I decided to agree since my contract is done in March. I then saw all the media coverage on the reception - I hadn't even thought of complaining! I had just chalked it up to it "being Vodafone". But Vodafone refuses to let me out of my contract. Come on March!!!
28 Dec 2010 11:50:52 PM: Raise it back with the TIO, explain your situation, the TIO will then contact Vodfone again and they have 10 days to respond.

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7848 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is 95% at 28 Dec 2010 10:31:11 PM
No coverage most of the time, sometimes get signal but its so weak, can't use the phone at all

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7834 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Failing at 28 Dec 2010 10:01:50 PM
They shut the local store down and the next one is 50 minute drive away. Fail.
30 Dec 2010 12:25:31 PM: To be fair I doubt a trip from palmerston to cas takes 50mins.. Unless u are not doing the speed limits and also it was closed for a refit?

Don't like Voda.. Just need to be fair

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7786 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is hate at 28 Dec 2010 09:18:32 PM
i hate vodafone
28 Dec 2010 09:20:01 PM: oh yeah!

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