26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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5009 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is LARA at 27 Dec 2010 08:04:00 PM
Call drop outs, late message sending and recieving and most of all, F*&% YOU Lara. I can not handle that computer generated talking system. I end up finally getting through to customer service and i am so pissed off just from that bloody lara chick. RAH!!!!!
27 Dec 2010 09:29:04 PM: yes totally agree F*& percent YOU Lara total waste of time! then when you finally get through to an indian that cant even speak english properly grrrrrrrr!!!!!!!

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5006 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Pretty fail at 27 Dec 2010 08:03:06 PM
My husband and I are both with Vodafone. Our experience hasn't been as bad as some other people's, but I just wanted to voice our frustrations over voice mail delivery delay and VERY slow data. My husband runs his own business and it looks incredibly unprofessional when he does not return customer's calls on time because he has received their voicemail for 12 hours late. A number of times he has been embarrassed when a customer is forces to ring a second time - telling a customer 'I never got the message' sounds like a crappy excuse! I have been incredibly frustrated over slow data. Just the other day I tried to log on to my bank's online banking site to transfer some funds. I needed to do this before I was able to purchase something. However after 20 minutes the page had still not loaded and I gave up, leaving the shop without being able to make my purchase. This is not at all uncommon. I know all the free Wi-Fi locations around my area and I go to these places to use the Internet because I can't reley on Vodafone. How ridiculous - I pay for data but can't even utilize it! I have not tried to contact Vodafone regarding these complaints but by the sound of things I think it would be pretty pointless.

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5001 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is irritating!! at 27 Dec 2010 08:01:43 PM
I was trying to ignore it but I find out later that MMS that are sent to me can either arrive up to 12 hours late or not at all, but other people that they are sent to receive them. I also find that calls often drop out even though I am stationary when on these calls. When I am not using my home wireless internet the vodafone 'internet' is soooooo slow. I moved from 3 to vodafone because my 3 contract was up and the only way I could get an iphone 4 without having to wait for ages was from vodafone and then the iphone was sent to me. I figured that as 3 and vodafone were merging that they might be a good company to deal with - unfounded optimism! I have had a heap of trouble with Telstra too when trying to change my husband's mobile from business plan to a private cap but have now solved that. I think that all of the major telcos are an absolute disgrace as they don't have customer service and they don't care. They must be making a heap of profit and so figure that they don't have to try to offer a service to their customers. I think if I could I would ditch vodafone and go to telstra as they now have competitive caps and heaps better network coverage but of course they don't offer customer service.
29 Dec 2010 08:01:04 PM: i did ditch my contracts my add is posted after yours and i went to the telecommunications ombudsmand they can really help you. look them up in the white pages.towards the front where they have complaints cheers. im now with telstra and will never change again.

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4956 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 07:46:36 PM
I was actually a happy customer with 3 phone company, for about 3 years getting excellent coverage because they used telstra towers.In feburary I signed my daughter up on a plan . 3 never mentioned they where merging with VODA PHONE, once they merged with VODA PHONE ,It all started going down hill. 3 kept telling me it was going to get better this started in feburary,I made several attempts to speak to them and they kept giving me different excuses, then I foumd out they where with VODA PHONE which we could never get where I live hence why I went with 3.I rely on my phone to get my work and in the end was getting no work for months they cost me alot of money in missing work. It got to september and I was totally fed up so rang the telecomunications ombudsman and if it wasnt for them getting 3 to cancel my 2 contracts I had I dont know what I would have done. I feel for everyone out there that is having to put up with this crap. I am now with telstra and will never go back . 3 ruined it all by merging with VODA PHONE.phone companys need to be more honest and loyal to there customers.

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4940 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is VODAFONE FAILS EPIX at 27 Dec 2010 07:43:37 PM
ever since they bought THREE out, our reception for mobile internet reception has gone down by at least 50% and speed by at least 100%. reception with my mobile i am lucky to get 1 bar inside my house, eastern suburbs SA. we have to either go out the front or to the end of our back yard, after contacting vodafone nothing has been done, downloading a game on my phone, 80% done canceled $8 by the way from vodafone live. about 40 minutes later they hung up on me. total time to get refund almost 2 hours

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4848 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Mess than - 10 at 27 Dec 2010 07:24:37 PM
I have been a customer for over 10 years - I prefer to stay with the one company. I am getting shocking reception in inner metro Adelaide, MMS are turning up 24 hours+ later. To top it all off when I ring I get different answers to the same question every time. I ask the same question because I never get an answer! I get three different answers to the simple question - how much data is available on my plan. Take your pick - I have 750, 2000 or 2750 MB!!

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4840 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is CR@P! at 27 Dec 2010 07:23:27 PM
Locked in 24 month contract. I work full days which means my phone is in my bag all day, by the time i finish it is flat! ( i dont even get to use it ) . My signal continually drops out and have no service and ends my calls! I hate vodafone but have no way out!

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4806 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is F@#KING HOPELESS at 27 Dec 2010 07:18:07 PM
every time i try to ring the knuckleheads they always take at least a bloody hour to answer the god damn phone, then when they finally do you can barely understand them and after about a few minutes the piece of shit reception cuts out anyway and you have to start again. And at the end of all this they dont bloody help you anyway, they always seem to have some bullshit excuse not to help ya! SO VODAFONE CAN KISS MY BUTT! To make matters worse they suckered me in to some shock proof phone that i dropped on the carpet and it cracked the screen. shock proof my ass, when they were signing me up they said it was all under warranty and now they wont even look at it, cheers vodafone

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4686 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:53:28 PM
i have been with Vodafone for as long as i can remember and it has slowly been getting worse. At the moment i cant even make it through a single phone call without it dropping out it is sooo FRUSTRATING!!! i receive text messages hours after they have been sent to me and sometimes not at all. Good luck trying to get in contact with Vodafone to complain you will be on the phone for hours and nothing will be fixed for you. well my contract is up in January and i will be switching networks. GOOD-BYE VODAFONE!!!!!!

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4683 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is bad at 27 Dec 2010 06:53:08 PM
i am a 3 customer - since Vodafone has taken over 3 the service is atrocious, until vodafone came along i had no problems with my service - i was with 3 for number of years and quite happy. But now i get poor signals, no signals, dropouts. As soon as my contract finishes, i am on the look out for a n ew provider.

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4653 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is very bad at 27 Dec 2010 06:46:18 PM
I have a phone reception tower only 3 doors up from my house, & i still get really poor vodafone broadband internet . I can get good phone coverage and ok mobile internet coverage. How can this be if all coverage is from the same phone tower?...Anyway i heard telstra runs the towers so that could be a reason... They might be blocking vodafones reception.I might switch to testra for that reason......they own everyhing when it comes to telecommunications in australia.Also telstra were only fined a small amount recently for blocking other companys from using their towers and giving bad connections or signals for those companys.Telstra can afford these fines thats why they must be blocking vodafones signal.vodafone is hopless for mobile broadband in semi rural areas .
28 Dec 2010 06:38:20 AM: Vodafone is responsible for its own network performance - they area totally separate network from Telstra or Optus. Telstra does not control any of Vodafone's infrastructure - they might share the same pole or tower but all their antennas and other equipment is separate.

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4652 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:45:55 PM
I am with 3 who have merged with vodaphone. I used to get far better coverage and less dropouts etc, B4 the merger. Now the coverage is shocking and i often have to go ouside and walk around to get coverage at my own home. When i entered the contract 8 months ago I was told the coverage could only improve as they expand their network. It has actually done the oposite for me, I would love to get out of the contact.
27 Dec 2010 06:54:30 PM: exactly my sentiments from another SA 3 customer

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4639 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is HATE THEM at 27 Dec 2010 06:43:32 PM
Poor reception, constantly cutting out on important phone calls. I have been with them for four years and every phone they give me is stuffed plus take forever to fix... get ur shit together voda... plus when u try and talk to someone takes forever to connect you thru and when they finally do they "accidently" hang up and never phone back...

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4634 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Big at 27 Dec 2010 06:42:28 PM
I had a bill twice the amount of my usual bill two months ago. I have not once gone over my cap, during the worst part of my drop out and data coverage failure is when I received the bill. I argued it and showed previous account records,could this be due to Vodafones issues that have now come to the surface?

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4628 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is HATE THEM at 27 Dec 2010 06:40:54 PM
Poor reception, constantly cutting out on important phone calls. I have been with them for four years and every phone they give me is stuffed plus take forever to fix... get ur shit together voda...
27 Dec 2010 06:42:22 PM: oh and everytime u try and talk to a real person u can never got thru and finally if you are one of the few that do get thru i have been hungup on ...

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4609 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Disgrace at 27 Dec 2010 06:36:26 PM
International roaming not activated properly spent nearly an hour and a half on the phone to them now have a massive bill they dont want to credit even though its their own fault, it was one of their call backs had me on the phone for an hour an a half. Not only that but when I am back home I get messages delayed 2-3 days late at times, voicemails the same, call fails, internet doesnt work and I could literally be here all day complaining I just want out!

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4602 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Merger with 3 at 27 Dec 2010 06:35:14 PM
I have had issues with my 3 contract since they merged with 3!! When hearing this on TV, thought might head to website and see if the trouble is the same. I have been with 3 for 3 years and very happy - no coverage issues at all, so I renewed after a 2 year contract. Then about sept last year the problems started - dropping out, no coverage, calls start and then can't hear anything. All this started just after they joined with vodaphone. I was told that the network would be much better and if having problems should switch my phone to manual roaming!!! This is fine before I have a call (although then charged at higher rates!!!), but if I am in a call.... Again overseas call centre that doesn't understand. Am considering returning to Telstra, which is against everything I think but living in the country I need to have a reliable carrier.I wonder if this is just a vodafail thing or both as I know other people with 3 who have had similar issues. Maybe there is something in common with both these carriers.

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4587 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Disgraceful at 27 Dec 2010 06:33:29 PM
I am with Crazy Johns, I have taken my phone back thinking there was something wrong with it. They put new software on it, but its still as bad. I'm on a $69 plan,which I got so I didnt have to use my home phone. My mobile is virtually unusable cant use 3g at all cant use the internet at all on the phone, what am I paying for???? Does anyone know if I can get out of my contract???

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4530 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Big at 27 Dec 2010 06:21:51 PM
I had a bill twice the amount of my usual bill two months ago. I have not once gone over my cap, during the worst part of my drop out and data coverage failure is when I received the bill. I argued it and showed previous account records,could this be due to Vodafones issues that have now come to the surface?
27 Dec 2010 07:44:02 PM: my daughter had the same problem. she was on an older '3 plan' and when her boyfriend changed to vodaphone thought the calls to him were free after 3 merged with vodaphone...told she needed to up upgrade her plan??? unfortunately, we were not aware of this for 2 BILLING PERIODS!!!

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4500 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is No Data at 27 Dec 2010 06:16:20 PM
I was with Vodafone for a minimum of four years, but last year I had problems, i couldn't receive data in Adelaide city, can't call out or receive any calls, I complained to Vodafone shop in Rundle Mall, the staff said they don't have problem in the city area, they gave me a new Sims card, but it still didn't work. I am now with a new provider, with no problems anymore.

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4495 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Massive fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:15:43 PM
The drop out of calls has reduced significantly but still frustratingly occurs from time to time.

My major annoyance with Vodafone is my 3G network and data coverage. I more often than not receive the Edge network or a constant switch of one bar on 3g straight down to the Edge network. What is the point of paying for something that I hardly receive.

The constant drop out to No Service and the need to switch off my phone is something no customer should be paying for, afterall I must be missing out on calls while my phone is searching for coverage.

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4460 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is rotten reception at 27 Dec 2010 06:09:10 PM
i changed from 3 to Vodafone because the guy in the shop showed me the coverage for my area and it "was the best available anywhere" ... swapped the 2 teenagers and my service over. I was told to just ring vodafone to unlock the 2 x 3 phones... easy!
dropped sim off to cross teenager... tried to ring and unlock phones... 30 minutes and 3 calls later... and I was still talking to a robot who kept hanging up on me... I get home to my house - no service whatsoever! like NONE! had to drive 3 minutes down the road to get any service :( hopeless!
went back to the vodafone shop in the morning... um sorry but we cant change you back the same way... the shop sent an email to customer service and needed to wait for them to do something!!!! how cross was I? 2 days before christmas... not able to have our own numbers, not able to have 3 service... unbelievable... surely swapping from 1 to the other should be just as easy.... luckily wonderful shop assistant managed to fix problem.. her regional manager was there and they had to delete my service ... give me usim's and change numbers over...

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4455 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Extremely at 27 Dec 2010 06:08:16 PM
Almost with out fail, every time I answer my phone, no one is there, I constantly have to ring people back because of this, and half the time that never connects either. I send texts that some people never receive, or they get days late. One extreme, my husband tried ringing me one day, as my phone went to go to voicemail, some how, an Asian man asnwered?! How the heck does that happen? Rang vodafone to ask how something like that could happen, I was on the phone for over 2 hours, and got no help whatsoever! I thought I was the only one having these issues, I am just so sick of them! :(
29 Dec 2010 11:51:21 AM: Maybe you are IMAGINING the phone ringing? Maybe you need a head shrinker? And maybe you THINK you are sending the text but not really? Is it possible the day your husband rang he got your Asian lover instead who was answering the phone while you were in the middle of getting some DP action? How can Vodafone help if your lover answers the fone when your husband is calling?

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4428 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is extreme at 27 Dec 2010 06:04:39 PM
3 is just as bad
27 Dec 2010 06:14:39 PM: Vodafone owns 3

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4420 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Worst service ever at 27 Dec 2010 06:03:46 PM
After being with optus for nearly 10 years I stupidly switched to Vodafone. I then had to wait over 4 weeks for my number to port across, during which time I subjected myself to their inadequate customer service as I attempted to have my problem resolved. One one occasion, I was disconnected from the 1300 number 5 times, and at least 2 of those calls had me on the line for nearly an hour. What a disgrace. I heard about this website on the news and to add insult to injury I can't get any Internet service on my Vodafone prepaid net so I am pain stakingly typing this on my iPhone.

Shame on Vodafone, you have failed to provide for me as a customer, and I cannot wait to escape this horrendous contract you have me bound to for the next 22 months!

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4409 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:01:47 PM
every time i call someone it takes a couple of mins to connect or it will ring twice then go blank and i will have to hang up and call again it also cuts out half way through my fone calls so im having to call people back. and am always having NO SERVICE on my fone.

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4352 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Extreme at 27 Dec 2010 05:54:36 PM
I read a post for SA where the person states they "used to work for a telco and when you make a complaint to the ombudsman it costs the company $600 - no matter what the outcome of the complaint is."
There are currently 153 posts here x $600.00. That would cost Vodafone a tidy $91,800.00. Let's all go for it I say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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4311 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Complete fail at 27 Dec 2010 05:50:11 PM
Poor reception, drop outs, poor service, very disappointed with their lack of service. Now stuck in a contract with them. I wouldn't recommend them.

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4308 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 05:49:53 PM
with extremely poor data rates, I decided to ring Vodafone and get a payout figure on my contract. After the 56 minute wait to speak to the first consultant, I was then made to wait another 55 minutes to speak to a technical support officer, which then made me wait another 1 hr and 2 minutes to esculate me. After getting through to a consultant, the call dropped out. I then phoned back (waited another 55 minutes) and the consultant could only then offer me $40 credit on my service... and that still didn't fix my poor data service... They promise me that a team leader will call me back, lets see what happens...

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4300 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is I would never go back to Vodafone again at 27 Dec 2010 05:48:59 PM
In 2009 my husband signed up with Vodafone through Crazy Johns shop, promising us excellent reception, told them I did party plan and traveled around, showed us the map of all their towers but Hubby dropped me off on Military Rd Semaphore, while he went to main Street close by, I rang and rang him, no answer, this was within half a klm. Same thing again got stranded and had to go looking for him in a country town, this caused me a lot of anxiety and had to get a lift from someone to go and find him, Crazy Johns would not believe us that the phone was faulty, I insisted they look at it, after two trips to shop, they took it and gave us a replacement for the interim that did not work either, then we got the old one back and it HAD been faulty, still got no coverage, and I rang up and told them that I had come to the end of my patience and they got hubby out of the contract, that day was a great one for us!! Back to Telstra for him, and all is good.

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4276 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is abysmal at 27 Dec 2010 05:45:13 PM
Vodafone prepaid broadband the past couple of weeks is worse than dial-up. One day the support centre was off the air. Today I cannot access my account info on the net. One useless thing after another. Unfortunately cannot afford to go elsewhere, was with 3 but was ripped off to the tune of $150 so wont go there again. At least the Vodafone site doesnt lie like 3 does.

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4249 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Reception and over-charging at 27 Dec 2010 05:40:37 PM
Reception is very poor and if i wasn't on the phone for a good hour saying to 'Vodafone' people, look you have over charged my account by $245.30, they could have easy got away with it. They kept telling me I went over my plan when I never have. It took so much of time and effort and who knows how many people they have actually got away with scamming. It is a waste of my time!
Disappointed and disgusted with the signal!!

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4245 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Deadly at 27 Dec 2010 05:40:08 PM
My neighbours house went flames a month ago. Im running around trying to make surrounding neighbours aware while on the phone with an operater on 000. Then the phone just dropped out before the address could be given,thus costing the property a further 4 minutes damage dialing back emergency services and getting put through to fire and giving them the details again.

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4229 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Drop outs at 27 Dec 2010 05:36:34 PM
Phone is virtually unusable due to drop outs. Paying for nothing really

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4227 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Extreme at 27 Dec 2010 05:36:22 PM
My wife and I entered into a 2 year contract with Vodafone some 15 months ago. We bought 2 Blackberry mobiles on a $69.00 p/m plan @ = $138.00 p/m. We checked the coverage maps for the area we were about to move to. Once moved, the only reception we got was "edge" or "SOS". Real helpful Vodafone!
Countless calls made to customer support took no less then 20 minutes to get through. Promises to get back to you - but no - you chase them!!!!!
I am not a racist but for God's sake, can I speak to someone in Australia instead of India??? We have issues with dropped calls (repeatedly), unable to use our internet browsing, delayed sms, unable to send push email. What are we paying for? Vodafone is nothing less than a disgrace. Customer Support state they can't guarantee the accuracy of the coverage maps. What a cop out. This is misleading. If the map says there is coverage that is exactly what you should get.

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4170 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 05:29:55 PM
Im with Vodafone and my husband is with 3, we both have to go to the middle of the backyard to get reception, which still drops out quite regularly with every single call. After complaining to a customer service operator who rang to see how my experience with Vodafone was, he checked coverage to our area and said we were in a good reception spot. Funny that the phone kept dropping out and he rang me back twice to finish his call. I thought we were in a black spot, but obviously a lot of other people have this problem! The worst fear is we have a newborn and in case of emergency im scared my phone wont work when i need it the most. Grrrr!!!

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4153 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:26:43 PM
I have been with 3 for a good few years now. Never ever had any drama with my mobile broadband. Never had any drama with my mobile phone. No problems with 3. All of a sudden my mobile had dropped out numerous times, poor reception, messagebank containing messages 3 days old, or even better, phonecalls that dont ring and go straight through to messagebank? Poor mobile broadband speeds and shit piss poor reception. Low and behold guess who i find out merged with 3 when this all started to happen?
3 dont use vodaphone towers??? I couldnt care less if this was true or not. My mobile communication services were about as perfect as they could be for what i wanted. Due to the merger something has happened. And dont bother trying to call tech support...its a good thing those call centre operators live in another country...my foots aching for a new home and i really need to put it somewhere.

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4132 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is unchanging ineffectiveness at 27 Dec 2010 05:23:38 PM
I've had to switch carriers so I can actually make and receive calls, send texts and so on. I've been with vodafone for years but each time I ring up it's the same procedure familiar to anyone dealing with any telco - idiotic menu choices that don't work anyway. Today I rang for technical assistance and got billing who then told me I should have rung technical assistance and who then said they'd put me through- instead I ended up with billing again. 30 minutes of nowhere.

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4126 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Poor at 27 Dec 2010 05:23:19 PM
Got sold a phone on a 2 year contract with vodafone. I argued with the guy in the store saying Ive always had bad coverage with vodafone but he insisted things had improved so I signed up. I live ten minutes from the city of adelaide in Henley Beach and calls drop out in my home. I travel also with work and the so called 3G coverage gives me many drop outs also. Absolute crap, and the sales people should be sued for lying.

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4115 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Useless waste of money at 27 Dec 2010 05:22:44 PM
Paid $49 for a usb modem with 3 GB data for mobile broadband. First they sent me a sim card only, then after 3 hours on the phone and no joke talked to 8 different departments, even though I kept begging them not to transfer me. My cordless landline battery even went flat. The coverage map showed we should have had coverage but I was forever reconnecting. Even bought a new laptop thinking it was a problem with my pc. Now have dumped Vodafone, luckily was only on prepaid. Not the fault of the phone support people. Fault of the company for not training them., Am really happy with my new company, Virgin. Anyone want a Vodafone usb modem!!!

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4105 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Megafail at 27 Dec 2010 05:22:11 PM
Been with 3 actually who are now in partnership with Vodafone.. the service is absolutely hopeless.. cant get reception in our house most of the time.. we are 10 mins from city centre ! and the download rates for mobile broadband is sometimes as low as 3 kb per second!! been worse since vodafone joined them. Cant get out of the contract and dont know what to do,, can i get out of the contract?? very disgruntled customer.

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4044 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Coverage failure at 27 Dec 2010 05:16:32 PM
We are on holiday in Adelaide staying at my mother's retirement village & have not had enough coverage to make phone calls from her home ANYWHERE, & have had to resort to constant texting. Our family are all on 3 (now coverage by vodaphone instead of telstra) so should have been able to ring them for free, but alas am having to resort to constant text messaging. We got no say in the take over of 3 and did not sign up with vodaphone, so am very, very unhappy with the service.

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4042 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:16:19 PM
Vodaphone was pretty good until it merged with 3. That's when the trouble started. Now it's just hopeless. I bought a prepaid almost 2 years ago and had little trouble until the last 6 months. Now there is no back-up service. It's like they just don't want to know. Very sad.

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4040 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is very very at 27 Dec 2010 05:15:58 PM
bought a 12 month phone contract lasted about a week with lousy service returned to the store they changed phone settings from 3g to 2g but still no good diverted phone to Telsta work phone for a month or two but got a huge bill paid out the contract as vodaphone would not cancel and went with Telstra.Also cant use vodaphone prepaid internet at home as i dont get any service there coverage map says its good have spent hours on phone to support but still no good now have Bigpond for home

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4019 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is NOT HAPPY JAN at 27 Dec 2010 05:12:11 PM
I purchased an iphone deal for $69 per month with the specific need for coverage in Tasmania for when I travel home and I go there for business...I looked at their coverage on the net and instore to make sure all areas were covered..It seemed good at the time. Well in August of this year I had to go home to Tassie as my dad died....I spent most of the time using my brothers phone as I could not get coverage and to top it all off I got a bill for 3 times my normal cost.....and cant explain why. I have $650 worth of free calls and texts...there is no way I could possibly have used that plus another $289 worth ..when I could not get coverage for most of the time ???????
I have also waited on the phone for 20-30 mins to speak to someone...the other day I waited 20 min spoke to someone she was dealing with my issues ...the call cut out and I had to wait another 20 min to speak to a second person.....these are just a couple of the issues too. NOT HAPPY JAN!!!!!!

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4016 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Access, reception and coverage. at 27 Dec 2010 05:11:46 PM
I am with Revolution Telecom (Revtel) on the Vodacrapp network; and live in Mannum, with the Vodacrapp tower in clear line of site.
Service is probably available 50% of the time, with constant poor reception.
My complaints have not been addressed.
I am not on any contract and am on pre-paid; with over $100 in credit.
I have been that pissed off (over the past several years) in not being able to rely on their service; I purchased an amaysim card on the Optus network; with excellent coverage, reception and access to the network 99% of the time.
The Vodacrapp network in this area has not been expanded in this area (despite empty promises) to cater for coverage and extra demands on the service (with more users).
I am in the process of porting my number with amaysim, on the Optus network, with the loss of my $100 plus credit.
Yes; a Class Action against Vodaphone for their broken promises and piss poor service should "be a winner" for the "little person" against a "giant".
Congratulations for your stance in stating that "WE ALL HAVE HAD ENOUGH".

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4006 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:09:44 PM
I live in "rural" area less than 40kms from Adelaide. Usually can get calls but can't get Internet, etc on my phone - and vodaphone seller sold me the phone for that purpose. I can't even access My as it just drops out. Impossible to even download a ringtone!

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3993 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:07:47 PM
Fortunately I am no longer with Vodafone but still keep getting my phone bill which is in credit. I switched from a plan to a prepaid and had a $30+ credit. I had enough of going some days with 12 hours plus of no coverage (even though they checked their computers and there was nothing wrong with my area) so I switched providers. I asked for a refund of my credit but was told as it was paid via BPay I needed to provide an original of my bank statement showing when it was paid. I told them to get lost, they aren't getting an original of my bank statement which shows my account details and all my transactions. Have been told what to do by the ombudsman but after previous attempts, honestly cant be bothered

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3991 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is many reasons at 27 Dec 2010 05:07:04 PM
just saw this on adelaide now... worth a read:http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/technology/vodafone-facing-class-action/story-e6freaal-1225976660048

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3983 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is about to expire at 27 Dec 2010 05:04:47 PM
with all this going on someone should propose a mass ETC, early termination of contract at every vodaphone and associated 3 merged store.
Lets see if these small little shops can cope with 100 customers coming in, in UNISON at the SAME TIME all wanting to change providers and all wanting instant service and all wanting to get out of their contracts.
picture it. 100 people. all crammed into a little shop. 2 or 3 employees sweating. everyone asking to have their service contract terminated.
understandably ETCs may cost us money, but hey, the only way for this to stop is to STOP using VODAPHONE.
27 Dec 2010 05:14:17 PM: That'd be a silly thing to do. Shops can't help you with disconnections.

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3975 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Totally at 27 Dec 2010 05:03:09 PM
Work Handsets with 3 - certainly had "drop out" issues but since the Vodafone merger the calls drop out on almost every call and as for customer service - drop outs, holds, being treated like a child by very rude helpdesk staff that olny want you to upgrade to Vodafone... maybe they could spend less money on race teams and start spending it on providing a quality service to customers.

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3961 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is craptastic at 27 Dec 2010 05:00:44 PM
For some reason there is a 5 hour long internet "call" on my phone that charged me 500 hundred dollars. From 1 - 6am. WHAT THE HECK ???
My internet also constantly drops out. Thankfully my plane nded recently so I can switch to another provider. Thank the lord!

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3956 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:00:03 PM
I purchased an iphone deal for $69 per month with the specific need for coverage in Tasmania for when I travel home and I go there for business...I looked at their coverage on the net and instore to make sure all areas were covered..It seemed good at the time. Well in August of this year I had to go home to Tassie as my dad died....I spent most of the time using my brothers phone as I could not get coverage and to top it all off I got a bill for 3 times my normal cost.....and cant explain why. I have $650 worth of free calls and texts...there is no way I could possibly have used that plus another $289 worth ..when I could not get coverage for most of the time ???????
I have also waited on the phone for 20-30 mins to speak to someone...the other day I waited 20 min spoke to someone she was dealing with my issues ...the call cut out and I had to wait another 20 min to speak to a second person.....these are just a couple of the issues too. NOT HAPPY JAN!!!!!!

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3946 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is could be better at 27 Dec 2010 04:58:19 PM
reseller - we share the pain with our customers. Have been loyal for years as first and only values based organisation under the dearly departed Grahame Maher. Unfortunately, good things don't last forever.
2 Jan 2011 03:19:18 PM: It is quite sad, hopefully the organisation get's better.

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3934 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Vodafone fails at 27 Dec 2010 04:55:25 PM
I signed up with vodafone about 9 months ago on a 24 month iPhone 3GS $69 plan, first problem I had was with my 1st bill. It's supposed to be $69 a month but I get charged 70.31, i receive SMS from vodafone about my online bill and I have this option switched off in my profile, my 2nd problem was next to no signal if it doesn't lose the network, my 3rd problem is also the billing ATM, I payed my bill online twice without realizing (was tired and it was a few days prior) and it still says I owe them, I know it takes 24 hours for it to go through so I called them after 3 days and had a lady confirm their servers were indeed down and that I have paid a couple months in advance. There was is no online notification at the time unless you phone them, All this is pissing me not to mention not being able to understand the broken English some of vodafones staff speak

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3927 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is sewage at 27 Dec 2010 04:54:45 PM
I would rather listen and smell the chunks of sewage and piss flow... Then wait for the support of the phone technicians. The phone connection is pitiful. How can you run a Billion dollar telecommunication service and advertise your product on F1 cars. The cars might be fast but there support is like a car with no motor. poo poo poo shame on you VodaPhone. I waited 2 and a half hours for a phone support.

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3922 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is 10/10 at 27 Dec 2010 04:53:48 PM
No coverage at Carricklinga after being assured it would be fine, unlocked phone so I could buy another sim to use at Carrickalinga at my cost and I am still havng to pay the full contract. No chance of cancelling the contract so paying full price for 2 years for nothing...
27 Dec 2010 04:56:06 PM: Carrickalinga has never been fine. Should be able to get out of contract due to lack of coverage. Contact Vodafone, wouldn't expect a problem with termination fron Crricakalinga.

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3921 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:53:42 PM
Call drop outs, not getting txt messages on time,data is almost useless
at times , I've never experienced anything like this. I'll be trying
To opt out of my contract

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3919 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is shocking at 27 Dec 2010 04:53:05 PM
i have vodafone wireless broadband. It comes up with full bars and is still extremely slow and kicks me off constantly i only have 6 months left in my 24month contract and will never again use vodafone

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3913 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is As fail as a Viagra that doesn't get you hard. at 27 Dec 2010 04:52:36 PM
Have not been able to use our phones(we have 2 with Vodacrap) in our house,a major shopping center(in and outside) mind you we are 5 minutes from the CBD in Adelaide..Wait times for any customer service are crap...
Also the billing department is full of incompetent ballsacks that are rude, argumentative and are just plain wankers... We have had luck with the Kiosk Voda shop at ingle farm shopping center though, extremely helpful people :)

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3903 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 04:51:51 PM
I moved from Telstra to Vodafone in June. Worst decision I have ever made. Sure they offered better free phones on their cap plans then Telstra, but that's where it ends. I have never had 3G coverage at my house (I live 10min from the city). My reception is continuously dropping in and out. The majority of the time I have no reception, because the phone is switching between 3G and 2G. I have lost count of the number of phone call that have just dropped out mid-call because of bad reception. Data connections are patchy and slow.

Switching to Vodafone was the worst decision I have made with regards to mobile carrier. Shocking service.

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3899 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is none at 27 Dec 2010 04:51:20 PM
vodaphone are really good
get full coverage all the time anywhere
very fast browsing
27 Dec 2010 04:56:02 PM: yeah. awesome. mars must be beautiful planet.
27 Dec 2010 05:08:18 PM: exactly which suburb(s) are you talking about.
27 Dec 2010 10:15:16 PM: In your dreams

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3895 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is their shocking at 27 Dec 2010 04:51:00 PM
vodafone are a load of shit. not happy at at all. everything goes wrong. limited access regional, cutouts all the time, terrible signal, and Lara just plain pisses me off. not happy jan. i go to Kadina to work which is a huge rural town, and receive no signal, even though i was assured signal there... I live in the middle of adelaide and receive very little or no signal at all. very disappointed.
28 Dec 2010 05:33:36 PM: try salisbury ,massive black spot, moved to craigmore,strong signal strength yet it always drops out for no reason

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3889 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is not the company it used to be at 27 Dec 2010 04:49:54 PM
2 broken handsets that apparently cannot be replaced without breaking two contracts (despite the upgrade your handsets for a little extra each month! ads I am bombarded with). My partner and I both signed up under a three months free offer which we didn't get. When I contacted them they apologised and gave me a credit, my partner however has been fighting them for over a YEAR to get his. The customer service used to be wonderful now I have been hung up on repeatedly and they see you as a problem to get off the phone -they are not interested in actually fixing your issue. We also bought our handsets online and no one seems to be responsible for phones purchased online. Right now I am counting the days to the end of my contracts.
I used to work for a telco and when you make a complaint to the ombudsman it costs the company $600 - no matter what the outcome of the complaint is. Always keep that in mind when dealing with a telco. If you are arguing over $300 it is always in the best interests of the telco to give you the money and save the cost of a complaint - so threaten the ombudsman if they do not resolve the complaint to your satisfaction and make sure they are aware of the costs their company will incur based on your complaint (a lower level call centre worker may not be aware of this and just want you off the phone).
27 Dec 2010 05:59:45 PM: If everyone here lodged a complaint with the Ombudsman (161 posts x $600) this would cost Vodafone $96,600.00
Should we all strategise and hit the Ombudsman at once?

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3873 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is CRAP!! at 27 Dec 2010 04:47:59 PM
No reception most of the time & when it does finally connect it's soooooo slow & then drops out again.

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3866 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is so bad at 27 Dec 2010 04:47:27 PM
i'm actually with 3 the phone company which has now joined vodaphone and use vodaphone towers, which i can tell you is absolute crap!!! my mum,dad,and my daughter have all just changed to virgin moblie and i will be as soon as i'm out of my 24 month plan. This is the biggest mistake 3 have madde joining with vodafail..... losing all your customers.
27 Dec 2010 04:48:48 PM: They don't use Vodafones towers, the networks are still separated.

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3863 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is keep losing signal at 27 Dec 2010 04:47:12 PM
i have vodafone next 3g and i still cant take it west of where i live as i lose signal

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3860 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is I'm with 3 at 27 Dec 2010 04:47:02 PM
isnt Three and Vodafone the same animal?
The past 3 month the reception and internet has been terrible.
What's going on?

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3846 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is shit. at 27 Dec 2010 04:45:38 PM
yeh nah vodafone sucks. i live in the middle of the city and have an iphone and ive had full signal about 2 times in 1 1/2 years. cutouts happen all the time. its pretty poo.

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3844 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Shocking at 27 Dec 2010 04:45:30 PM
The only time I have had decent reception was while I was in the USA and was roaming on the AT&T network, my coverage here in Australia is terrible, constant call drop outs, data fails about 90% of the time. This is not what I signed up for. I have only just signed a contract and I want to know can I get out of it?

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3839 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Vodacrap! at 27 Dec 2010 04:45:14 PM
3G coverage sucks! Calls drop out! General coverage is just crap as well! Wish Id never joined up!

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3820 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is 75% at 27 Dec 2010 04:43:36 PM
I am tired of Vodaphone and other large telcos stealing my unused prepay funds by not recharging by the due date. In my case I lost $75. keep recharging or loose all the accumulated free call times. The catch is even tho you have plenty of credit if you dont recharge by the due date you lose all. This is equivalent to old fashioned highwaymen. They are stealing our money. We could have text reminders recharge at least.At most the money we spend is ours and account recharge periods should be at least 6 months. Why not ? ? ? the answer is of course that it serves them to maintain the current system Vodaphone prepay customers forfeit millions. They steal just like the big banks do. Its a corporate disgrace and lacks business integrity.

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3814 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is epic fail! at 27 Dec 2010 04:43:16 PM
i changed from 3 to vodaphone because of bad reception... now it seems that the troubbles have followed me. phone dropps out all the time. internet dosent even work its a pain in the ASS

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3804 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is poo at 27 Dec 2010 04:42:18 PM
vodafone sucks

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3803 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is FAILLLLLL at 27 Dec 2010 04:42:16 PM
the reception is terrible....i go to a suburb in adelaide which is about 15mins outside of the city just a normal suburb and bam...no reception. pretty much all south of adelaide has no or a little reception, never had this issue with telstra...but telstra had terrible service. however tried to call vodafone the other day and got a 40min wait time, definitely worse than telstra!!

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3795 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Technically Incompetent at 27 Dec 2010 04:41:27 PM
After purchasing a Nokia n97 on a Vodafone plan I have had nothing but continuous call drop outs (up to 3 - 4 per call at times) over the period of 6 months. I then changed to another model / manufacture of phone believing the n97 was riddled with issues, only to find similar problems but on a slightly less scale. Speaking with Vodafone they were very quick to blame Nokia with their n97 saying that they had know it had issues however continued to sell it even after numerous complaints about it from the client base. Vodafone has extremely poor coverage within the metro area of Adelaide and I would definitely recommend that users not subscribe with them until they can commit to a network upgrade (more points of presence). They are very quick to blame the manufactures without taking a look at their own inadequate infrastructure.

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3785 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is network at 27 Dec 2010 04:40:32 PM
I was with 3 mobile and my contract ended the person in the shop convinced me to sign up with vodaphone. he said that vodaphone would have better signal in the postcode than 3 although i used to get network coverage with 3 mobile and now with vodaphone i have absolutly no network coverage. the most important thing i said to the guy many times was having good signal strength at the places i go. he looked it up and said i would have signal. got home and i have no signal. have been back to the shop many times to try and resolve the issue and i have had no luck, the shop is telling me to ring customer service and i have done that after being on hold for ages they did nothing several times. so my new 2 yr contract is absolutly usesless due to having no network coverage about 90 percent of the time. i have a business to run an the phone is really makingit hard.

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3777 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 04:40:07 PM
I was with Vodafone for years. My signal was always crap. After a complaint call and a call to the tio I got out of the contract.
now with telstra next g and I always have full coverage.

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3747 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is ridiculously comlete failure at 27 Dec 2010 04:36:25 PM
Mobile broadband, and lack of assistance from overseas call centres, costing a fortune in phone calls trying to sort the mess out...on a 12 month contract and am hardly able to use the internet, and when I am able, the speed is non existent. I couldn't use it at all for two months of the contract due to incompetent staff at kiosk/shops constantly giving me the run around with incorrect sim's. For three months I have also been charged an extra $10 per month for the internet key which was supposed to be free with the contract. (This has at least been stopped) I live an hour and a half from adelaide and was assured that my connection was going to be fantastic. I am lucky to get access to the internet for three hours a week, and even then, it cuts out on a regular basis...in fact it cut out while typing this out and have had to try to get back on. Vodafone, you are a pack of mongrels, and your service is pathetic. I have had a gutful of this inferior rubbish, and the second my contract is up, I am ditching the company, unfortunately I have 9 months left. I could go on and on about my dissatisfaction, but I will restrain myself, well a little anyway! I have passed on my complaints to the company as well as anyone who will give me the time of day. VODAFONE, YOU SUCK THE BIG ONE

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3718 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is RUBBISH at 27 Dec 2010 04:33:33 PM
Just bought a new mobile phone prepaid to use overseas just in case it gets stolen. cheap simple and small. Now with all this going on im worrying that my phone will be useless on vodaphone when i need it in an emergency.
I can only hope that if i do get mugged and the crook says "give us your phone" i can calmly say "but im with vodaphone". Crook runs off, i keep my piece of plastic and the crook goes home happy.

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3707 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is 3 at 27 Dec 2010 04:32:46 PM
27 Dec 2010 04:33:25 PM: bahaha

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3696 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is massive fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:31:21 PM
cant even ring vodafone to complain because the phone drops signal.... had to call 8 times the other day to tell them my signal is crap in metro adelaide - not to mention losing signal ten minutes out... it even got that bad that the person (whose accent i couldnt understand)on the other end of the call advised me to hang up so she could call me back on a non vodafone landline... and i was calling from christies beach IN adelaide...
messages can take hours to come through, unless im in second valley and then it can take days - if at all.
dont even get me started on the lack of internet signal on my phone....
and lucky me, im on a plan and am locked in for the next 18 months....
thanks vodafone

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3675 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is poor coverage at 27 Dec 2010 04:28:31 PM
cant use xmas present xbox360 as son want to play live and the net drops in and out all the time even with a sharing dock .6 months left of contract cant wait .never again whith vodafail.

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3652 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is the STUFF YOU SCRAPE FROM THE BOTTOM OF YOUR SHOE at 27 Dec 2010 04:26:19 PM
3. my mobile broadband coverage is a pathetic waste of technology. reception is rubbish and downloading....dont get me started. it now just manages to break the 100kb a second mark. thats right 100kb a second, thats at best. the average speed is about 10kb to 50kb...and i know the difference between b-kb-mb-gb and tb.
4.a friend who i convinced to join 3 a couple of years ago has even come and seen me to see if ive been having the same probs.
27 Dec 2010 04:30:21 PM: It's been slowing down to a stop at times for 2 yrs

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3618 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is reception at 27 Dec 2010 04:24:22 PM
i have signed two years contract with vodafone 6 months ago.the reception is too bad in cbd area as well.

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3599 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is VERY at 27 Dec 2010 04:23:05 PM
well, lets see. I can lose reception NEXT to a phone tower. I drop out of reception completely in the middle of calls (always in populated suburban areas where i should be getting full coverage). And my favourite, i've had incorrect bills and no voice mail. Why? because i don't think Vodafone actually has a call centre. 2 hours on hold and i gave up.

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3596 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is internet drops in and out at 27 Dec 2010 04:22:55 PM
my son just got his new xbox 360 which he cant play on the net because it drops in and out all the time . even after sending me a free sharing dock its no better. im on a contract which i cant get out of but never again

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3595 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:22:51 PM
I have Vodafone Mobile Broadband. Is this included in the proposed legal action? I find it very difficult to get a signal, and when I do it continually goes off line. Most of the Vodafone offices have closed around Adelaide making it difficult to complain, and I am tired of talking to someone overseas to complain. Thanks

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3594 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Ridiculous at 27 Dec 2010 04:22:32 PM
I have called companies and been put on hold waiting for service only to have my phone cut out and repeat the process...i call my boyfriend and family and have it cut out every minute and have to redial until we say its too hard and give up...this is a daily process and Im fed up...

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3588 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is dead man! at 27 Dec 2010 04:22:14 PM
Had 2 sim card plans with another provider, wanted to port one of them.. got to the shop, exec were helpfull, however made a blunder by porting another card which was not requested to be ported, was without any service for a few hours unable to comprehend what was happening..
have been trying to call the helpdesk since then, have only managed to reach the que waiting for being online for atleast 90 mins each time.. since then only waiting..... also have billed me for the wrong plan for both the mobile plans.. which effectively means that i'm paying for services which i did not request and not using...........

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3571 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very fail for mobile internet at 27 Dec 2010 04:21:03 PM
Fortunately I am out of this mess now and have Optus mobile internet and it works. That is why I am connected to the internet. My Vodafone mobile internet connection worked reasonably for the first six months of my two year contract. Then it got bad. I called and they told me it was because of my Norton Anti Virus. As I am not majorily IT savvy, I believed them.

A few months later, I had some time and I actually switched off my Norton and there was no change.

The crap ' I will work when I feel like' availability worsened over the next 6 months. It got to the stage where if often wouldn't even work FULL STOP. When it did 'work', it frequently cut out and it was never possible to have more than one webpage open at a time. I had to keep my mobile phone and other devices in another room to reduce its issues.

After more frustration, I was home on a TOIL day and I called vodafone again and was told that someone would call me back and let me know about the network coverage. Gee what a surprise, no call back.

Towards the end of my contract, I started getting calls from the salespeople (obviously trying to get me to sign up again). I told them about the issues and they made absolutely no effort to help me even though I had been paying $50 a month for internet that rarely worked.

It was at the stage where I would go and fill up the sink and wash a few dishes while waiting for the internet to change pages. What a joke, then it would usually cut out anyway.

I didn't bother trying a telecommunications ombudsman or others as I figured they would be dealing with millions of others but it would be good if there was better regulation in the industry.
I decided that I would just go and buy another internet service and pay for two until the end of my contract with vodafone as I really needed the Internet at home to study at night. I got the new Optus service, and I couldn't believe it, Optus worked, it didn't cut out, the speed was reasonable and I could have a few pages open at a time.

I was so angry with having been ripped off my vodafone. I went into the Vodafone store and asked to payout the rest of the my contract and they didn't want me to do it in the store. I had to raise my voice and complain loudly in front of the other customers to get it done. The guy calculated the amount and I paid out the rest of the contract.

A month or two later I got a letter from Vodafone telling me that I owed them $33 dollars, I didn't pay because I was so angry that I had done all the right things and then I got a letter from their debt collectors. Ha ha, what a joke, they were chasing me up for $33 and as far as I am concerned they owed me at least $700 for the time that the Internet didn't work (and that is being generous.

I paid it to get them out of my life. I will never have a contract with that company again. I may use prepaid vouchers on my phone periodically but definately no internet and no contracts.

I do feel sorry for their staff. It must be horrible working there.

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3548 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is extremely at 27 Dec 2010 04:19:45 PM
constant coverage problems, calls cut out ALL the time and sms's arrive days even weeks later.. lame provider

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3544 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 04:19:38 PM
i'm pretty sure that i read something in adelaide now, that vodafail has come to the final realisation that they have coverage issues, it did state that if you were experiencing constant dropouts and no 3g that you could be released from your contract, personally, used to work for optus, and especially wth the usb device that if they could not give coverage, u were released from your contract, personally i would take any issue wth coverage, phone drop outs, speeds- that they advise you should be getting and aren't straight tho the TIO.. their number is 1800 062 058.. but they will ask if u have spoken to a manager, and if not please do so... and then call the TIO for futher assistance.

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3524 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is drops in and out all the time. my son cant play his new xbox on the net due to this at 27 Dec 2010 04:18:09 PM
my son cant play his xmas present a xbox.as he want to play on the net and it keeps dropping in and out. they sent us a sharing dock and this made it no better

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3507 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is BILLING FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 04:16:26 PM
I was promised a bill emailed every month. No emails for 4 months then they expect me to pay 4months worth ($160) in one blow. Yes, I did do the right thing and call up asking for it, no answer. Couldnt get through to customer service. Unreliable service. Cannot even organize a professional billing system or customer service. Sub par.

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3464 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Extreme at 27 Dec 2010 04:13:44 PM
My vodafone iPhone struggles to have one bar of range at home, despite the fact that I was assured that I lived in an in-range place in SA. On the occasions when I do have enough range to make a call or receive an incoming call, the phone almost always drops out whithin minutes of making a connection. When I spoke to store where I purchased my vodafone, they said it was most unusual and that they had not had any complaints from other clients! Clearly, this is not the case!!
Now that I am locked into a two year contract to have a phone that has no reception, what can I do?

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3456 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Crap at 27 Dec 2010 04:12:49 PM
I use my iPhone 4 for business, I pay and I expect a good reliable service. My Internet while showing good signal and 3G is absolute crap. Slow data rates, no data unable to connect to servers. If you loose mobile coverage for a period of time then there are worse issues. No notification of voicemail, internet doesn't work at all.

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3435 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is extremely at 27 Dec 2010 04:11:41 PM
I joined vodafone about 4 months ago, firstly they put me on an old contract with less credit and downloads and when I finally spoke to someone to complain they said it was the salespersons fault but they couldn't correct it until the next month..no apology, no offer of reimbursement for lost date and credit.
The first month my data was fast and quite good so I increased it with another 3g now I can't even use 3g because nothing opens and I have had to pay money to another provider to use the internet.

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3390 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Customer Service or Lack Of! at 27 Dec 2010 04:08:09 PM
I was unsatisfied with Vodafones mobile reception and when my contract finished promptly switched to Optus. Now my internet plan has finished I can not seem to talk to someone to close my account.
I was on hold for 13 minutes before a customer service operator from some off-shore call centre answered my call, when they found out the reason for my call I was transfered to the 'cancellation department' 1 hour and 30 minutes later I was still on hold, giving up I tried the number again and spoke with a customer service operator. They informed me someone from the cancellation department will call me in 24 - 36 hours that was 6 days ago.
This sort of service is shocking, not to mention my internet reception problem, I am paying for a fast connection but am getting a slower than dial-up speed connection.
I have spoken to someone about this and they blame it on the merge between 3 and Vodafone, that was in January, it has only gotten worse!
I would happily join a class action and voice my concerns and request compensation for not acually getting the service I sugned up for. Shame on Vodafone!

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3375 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Ultrafail at 27 Dec 2010 04:07:09 PM
Back in August I rang up Vodafone to pay my bill with Visa. Voda took a double payment of $127, and refused to take the hold off the second payment. When I went into the store, they first said they couldn't do anything, and then said if I wanted to contact Voda directly, to expect an hour on hold at least. Two weeks later the BANK released the hold on my account.

To avoid this again, I decided to pay at the post office. I went into the store again to complain that my service had been disconnected. Apparently it takes two weeks for Australia Post payments to clear, and I shouldn't bother calling again.

If I call Vodafone directly from the SIM, I'm still told I need to have the phone number. Of course I don't know the phone number, it's a mobile broadband account. Sometimes I don't always have access to my bills (such as if I'm at work), and then I'm told they can't do anything.

My service sometimes drops out in the city, and I can't get 3G coverage in Mount Gambier or Warrnambool. I can get GPRS but it consistantly drops out.

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