Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
9538 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Prolonged fail at 31 Dec 2010 12:20:30 PM
Internet wont connect and if it does will stop working within 10 seconds! Have managed a total 1GB download last month and 500MB this month - not good enough! Dont want to pay my bill because I'm not receiving the service that I pay for!
9537 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is That unacceptable at 31 Dec 2010 12:19:23 PM
I live in Warriewood, My wife sent SMS from her 3 network and arrived to my Vodafone mobile phone 2 days later !!! Even the 3G signal is only 3 as we live at Warriewood Valley, where the Vodafone antenna is on top of hill ! We cannot use video call in Warriewood sometimes so we have to go to nearest network antenna to get video calls.
9536 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is completely shithouse at 31 Dec 2010 12:16:05 PM
2 bars of service, not even 3G
lag with the internet
call drop outs
the same problems the other 9200 people have posted
they say they're doing something about it; we understand that it takes time, but how long do we need to wait?
i (and probably these other 9200 people) am going to cancel my contract and go to someone that actually has a decent network.
lag with the internet
call drop outs
the same problems the other 9200 people have posted
they say they're doing something about it; we understand that it takes time, but how long do we need to wait?
i (and probably these other 9200 people) am going to cancel my contract and go to someone that actually has a decent network.
9535 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Useless at 31 Dec 2010 12:08:03 PM
No internet, even in full 3G coverage.
Constant mid call drop outs.
SMS taking a day to come through
Constant issues with voicemail..
Constant mid call drop outs.
SMS taking a day to come through
Constant issues with voicemail..
9534 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Useless at 31 Dec 2010 12:07:43 PM
No internet, even in full 3G coverage.
Constant mid call drop outs.
SMS taking a day to come through
Constant issues with voicemail..
Constant mid call drop outs.
SMS taking a day to come through
Constant issues with voicemail..
9533 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Poor coverage at 31 Dec 2010 12:07:00 PM
Stiil in contract with most areas of Adelaide having very poor coverage, causing calls to drop out or to fail.
Voicemail sms is often delayed by days.
The network is a complete joke and Vodafone shouldnt sign up more customers until it is resolved.
Voicemail sms is often delayed by days.
The network is a complete joke and Vodafone shouldnt sign up more customers until it is resolved.
9532 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 31 Dec 2010 12:02:30 PM
I Prepaid with three for a few years and now 3 has been taken over by Voda, i've had some severe reception issues, no net or data capabilities and have even had one recharge not go through. Tried talking to call centres and have recieved little or no help. Not happy Vodafone!!!!
31 Dec 2010 12:07:13 PM: and to add some more, dropping out in the middle of sydney harbour!!!! rang help, told them issue and got reply of you are out on the water!!! I tried to explain that 1 km in front of me was double bay less than a km behind me is Kirribilli and the Syd harb bridge is not very far away. Are the call centre staff geographically challenged?
31 Dec 2010 04:39:39 PM: Are you common sense challenged? I live in Brisbane and I don't know what the fuck you are talking about, not everyone lives in your part of the country and knows what you are talking about you clown.
9531 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Super Fail!!! at 31 Dec 2010 12:02:17 PM
I've been a Vodafone customer since 1999 and up until the last 12 months was happy with the service. In the last 12 months I've been charge the wrong amount on bills, been charged for other peoples bills, had my automatic payment details removed for over 3 months causing my bills not to be paid without my knowledge causing me to incur late and dishonoured payment fees, can't access the MyVodafone website and now can't call any of the Customers Services numbers because they all hangup once they take the call.
Vodafone, come on, pickup your game.
Vodafone, come on, pickup your game.
9530 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very fail at 31 Dec 2010 12:01:08 PM
constant drop out in service, the worse customer service when calling there 1300650410 number ive waited 2 hours then been hung up on, this happened twise over to days...billing me 181.00 on a 29 plan ...
9529 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 31 Dec 2010 11:59:24 AM
I've had problems since March and have reported it at least four times. Call drop outs but call connect problems also. Most days i give up trying to call the 1555 number. Tried to exit contract early today, but they say i have to go through a 'proper' trouble shooting process. Why didnt they just tell me the truth months ago instead of 'it will be fixed soon' SOON?? now i am to wait another five days for them to tell me what i already know. Enough.
9528 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very fail at 31 Dec 2010 11:58:41 AM
constant drop outs , terrible waiting times to contact vodafone, constant wrong billing info sent to my phone..
9527 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Hell at 31 Dec 2010 11:58:07 AM
this should sum up my problems, its the complaint i sent to vodafone.
Dear Sir / Madam
In mid March I signed a contract for a new Vodafone account. I had not done business with you before. We are unhappy with the service provided. All of the problems are as follows, calls not connecting, extremely poor data performance, no reception in my home where as all other network's phones work. Calls also drop out, SMS messages fail to send occasionaly, SMS messages being recieved days later on some occasions there are other issues as well such as poor coverage in regional areas where as other networks continue to provide the service. When I purchased the phone we asked and were assured we would have coverage in regional areas that we visited.
My first BlackBerry's screen malfunctioned, after receiving a 'loanfone' which continued to offer poor network performance Vodafone quickly replaced the BlackBerry so it was apparent it was not a hardware issue because the service was consistently disappointing and remains so.
I have used Vodafone's network on multiple devices including the original BlackBerry the 'loanfone' and the replacement BlackBerry in multiple locations and it has failed to provide the services promised I would like to move on without a contract break fee. We will return the BlackBerry device on request to our store of purchase, Vodafone Robina. Please reply by email or mobile phone,
Andrew Ranson
Dear Sir / Madam
In mid March I signed a contract for a new Vodafone account. I had not done business with you before. We are unhappy with the service provided. All of the problems are as follows, calls not connecting, extremely poor data performance, no reception in my home where as all other network's phones work. Calls also drop out, SMS messages fail to send occasionaly, SMS messages being recieved days later on some occasions there are other issues as well such as poor coverage in regional areas where as other networks continue to provide the service. When I purchased the phone we asked and were assured we would have coverage in regional areas that we visited.
My first BlackBerry's screen malfunctioned, after receiving a 'loanfone' which continued to offer poor network performance Vodafone quickly replaced the BlackBerry so it was apparent it was not a hardware issue because the service was consistently disappointing and remains so.
I have used Vodafone's network on multiple devices including the original BlackBerry the 'loanfone' and the replacement BlackBerry in multiple locations and it has failed to provide the services promised I would like to move on without a contract break fee. We will return the BlackBerry device on request to our store of purchase, Vodafone Robina. Please reply by email or mobile phone,
Andrew Ranson
31 Dec 2010 12:14:58 PM: Did anyone reply to you?
7 Sep 2011 01:09:31 AM: yes Vodaphone fixed and cancelled plan
9526 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extremely fail! at 31 Dec 2010 11:55:04 AM
Traveling on the train from Helensvale (gold Coast) to Brisbane everyday with minimal to no coverage the entire way! I went into a store to find out why & I was told that the apple iPhone has very poor reception & that's why. Since then I have noticed other people on the train using there apple iPhone for phone calls & sending text. So the other day I bought a telstra pre paid sim & had coverage the entire way!! Also where I live at pacific pines there is minimal to no reception & continual drop outs, I live 5 minutes from a Vodafone store!! Good work Vodafone... Not!
9525 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Massive Fail! at 31 Dec 2010 11:48:29 AM
what a joke
about 3 months into our 2 year contract
cant use the phone half the time and if you can it drops out absolutely useless in a emergency we need a phone that we can use not some worthless paper weight on a contract ! have been with vodafail for 10 years and was more than happy until the last 12 months !! only to be led to believe it our old phones being the problem and talked into getting new ones because there's nothing wrong with vodafone !! yeah right ! still get told the same crap if we ring to sort it out with vodafone ! you are breaking the contract by not supplying a even half arsed excuse for a phone company anymore !! you should let everyone out of there contracts for free !! some people need there phone for more than just talking ! when someone dies because they cant make a call for help because your network has turned to crap what then !!!!!!!!
about 3 months into our 2 year contract
cant use the phone half the time and if you can it drops out absolutely useless in a emergency we need a phone that we can use not some worthless paper weight on a contract ! have been with vodafail for 10 years and was more than happy until the last 12 months !! only to be led to believe it our old phones being the problem and talked into getting new ones because there's nothing wrong with vodafone !! yeah right ! still get told the same crap if we ring to sort it out with vodafone ! you are breaking the contract by not supplying a even half arsed excuse for a phone company anymore !! you should let everyone out of there contracts for free !! some people need there phone for more than just talking ! when someone dies because they cant make a call for help because your network has turned to crap what then !!!!!!!!
9524 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is massive fail at 31 Dec 2010 11:41:09 AM
I am self employed and have recently found that my phone is suffering massive drop outs even in cbd. I am currently trying to cancel my plan and I have been on the phone with them for now over 35 mins. The customer service centre will not tell me my details of contract ie how long to go. I must stress that I have never een a late payer
9523 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Very at 31 Dec 2010 11:39:56 AM
I randomly have not been able to receive calls quite frequently, normally I don't mind this however the other night my girlfriend who is new to Canberra was catching the bus back to her place and I was expecting a call from her. Nothing for over 2 hours, I decide to try ring her, it failed to do anything, I then got through to a guess what! an emotional wreck of a young girl who was lost in Canberra now in the dark crying as she got off the wrong bus stop. Since this time she has even told me on the internet, I am trying to call you now and can't get through hell she even thought I turned my phone off not to answer her!!
I guess living ACT Kambah (Southside) is bad enough but come on...
I guess living ACT Kambah (Southside) is bad enough but come on...
31 Dec 2010 11:42:01 AM: Ohh, I went into the office and they said 'disable 3G and only use GPRS' ... What going backwards in life now - I didn't get a 'smart phone' FROM THEM to use GPRS...
9522 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bad at 31 Dec 2010 11:37:03 AM
Who else is worried about no New Years Eve Phone coverage tonight?
31 Dec 2010 02:38:06 PM: yeah have a felling vodafails gona go down for a while toniggt
9520 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Alright, according to an employee on ProductReview at 31 Dec 2010 11:32:26 AM
This is a verbatim copy of a 5 star review of Vodafone from an apparent employee on
Begin quote:
"Overall: I am tired of reading all these reviews and them just constantly saying, "the service with vodafone is crap" The merge between 3 and Vodafone has affected the 3G network immensely. Vodafone are aware of this situation they are trying to improve it by putting up more towers and in the next 18 months looking at introducing a 4G network. With the storms occuring this summer it has become very difficult to fix the network. It's not as if Vodafone are turning a blind eye to the issues all the customers are facing. Vodafone knows the service is constantly dropping out. It mainly effects the touch screen smartphones, eg. Iphone, N8 & HTC's. The issues happening with Vodafone is the network not the customer service itself. With the network being down there is a high demand on phone calls to the customer care team, who are situated in mumbai, so yes the people who answer the phones are of indian relation. They try very hard to help find a solution to each individual customers enquires, but you have to understand that just as much as we have trouble understanding them, they also have trouble understanding us and our accents. So being racist and carrying on saying that you are getting frustrated with the team is just childish. They wont have all the answers and until we recieve information from Vodadone Head Office themselves we don't have much information that we can forward on to our customers. WE KNOW THAT CALLS ARE DROPPING OUT. WE KNOW THAT THERE ARE HIGH DEMAND ON PHONE CALLS TO THE CUSTOMER CARE TEAM. WE ARE TRYING TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM. ITS THE NETWORK ITSELF NOT THE SERVICE YOU RECIEVE FROM A MEMBER OF VODAFONE."
End Quote:
It appears highly likely that Vodafone management are fully aware that they cannot provide the service they contracted, yet still they are advertising furiously, and signing gullible customers to a failed service. This is tantamount to fraud.
Adam, coud you please pass on the above link to your new media mates; they might like to pick up on the 'poor Vodafone support staff' angle, given the shortage of other 'news'.
Begin quote:
"Overall: I am tired of reading all these reviews and them just constantly saying, "the service with vodafone is crap" The merge between 3 and Vodafone has affected the 3G network immensely. Vodafone are aware of this situation they are trying to improve it by putting up more towers and in the next 18 months looking at introducing a 4G network. With the storms occuring this summer it has become very difficult to fix the network. It's not as if Vodafone are turning a blind eye to the issues all the customers are facing. Vodafone knows the service is constantly dropping out. It mainly effects the touch screen smartphones, eg. Iphone, N8 & HTC's. The issues happening with Vodafone is the network not the customer service itself. With the network being down there is a high demand on phone calls to the customer care team, who are situated in mumbai, so yes the people who answer the phones are of indian relation. They try very hard to help find a solution to each individual customers enquires, but you have to understand that just as much as we have trouble understanding them, they also have trouble understanding us and our accents. So being racist and carrying on saying that you are getting frustrated with the team is just childish. They wont have all the answers and until we recieve information from Vodadone Head Office themselves we don't have much information that we can forward on to our customers. WE KNOW THAT CALLS ARE DROPPING OUT. WE KNOW THAT THERE ARE HIGH DEMAND ON PHONE CALLS TO THE CUSTOMER CARE TEAM. WE ARE TRYING TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM. ITS THE NETWORK ITSELF NOT THE SERVICE YOU RECIEVE FROM A MEMBER OF VODAFONE."
End Quote:
It appears highly likely that Vodafone management are fully aware that they cannot provide the service they contracted, yet still they are advertising furiously, and signing gullible customers to a failed service. This is tantamount to fraud.
Adam, coud you please pass on the above link to your new media mates; they might like to pick up on the 'poor Vodafone support staff' angle, given the shortage of other 'news'.
31 Dec 2010 11:38:47 AM: "but you have to understand that just as much as we have trouble understanding them, they also have trouble understanding us and our accents." THIS WOULD NOT HAPPEN IF THE CALL CENTRES WERE IN AUSTRALIA
31 Dec 2010 12:39:12 PM: I wouldn't care where they were if you could at least get throught to a human being to talk to!!! I don't want to hang on for 2 hours and have their silly call back service late into the evening after giving up. Optus answers within a few minutes. I have changed to their internet service, given up on the USB stick - hopeless.
31 Dec 2010 02:26:35 PM: Thanks for that, we have been contacted by some vodafone staff who are suffering as well. I'll pass it on. - Adam
9519 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Voodoofone at 31 Dec 2010 11:30:52 AM
I live in southern metro Melbourne and in 2007 changed from Virgin to Vodafone thinking surely it would be an improvement. Was I wrong! Calls would mostly go to voicemail, even though mostly I wasn't engaged in any other call. When calls did get to my mobile they would drop out. I'd have to move around the house, or even into the backyard to get a better reception. I'm not situated in the country, or in some roaming region either. There are two nearby Voodoofone towers here.
Worst fail case was on one Saturday I received a text message sent the previous Thursday. What is the point of having a "mobile" phone with Vodafone when a letter would have arrived quicker!
Worst fail case was on one Saturday I received a text message sent the previous Thursday. What is the point of having a "mobile" phone with Vodafone when a letter would have arrived quicker!
31 Dec 2010 11:36:13 AM: i got a text at 4.14am today that was sent on tuesday.....
9518 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 31 Dec 2010 11:29:22 AM
It took me five attempts this morning to make a phone call...
9.09am could not connect
9.10am 1 minute prior to drop out
9.12am 2 minutes prior to drop out
9.15am could not connect again....
9.15am finally got my phone call through but cut it short to aviod drop out. I had to go and stand in the middle of the sun in the middle of a park like a statue in order to prevent the phone call from dropping out.
9.09am could not connect
9.10am 1 minute prior to drop out
9.12am 2 minutes prior to drop out
9.15am could not connect again....
9.15am finally got my phone call through but cut it short to aviod drop out. I had to go and stand in the middle of the sun in the middle of a park like a statue in order to prevent the phone call from dropping out.
31 Dec 2010 11:32:15 AM: My internet is also with vodafail until i can get through to them to let the dongle use another service provider....
also my sister and i are doctors, both with vodafail (for now), both have difficulties being contacted while we are on call..
also my sister and i are doctors, both with vodafail (for now), both have difficulties being contacted while we are on call..
9517 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Worst Ever!!! at 31 Dec 2010 11:29:14 AM
I am right this minute, 103 minutes to be exact, on hold waiting for a Vodafone representative to speak to me but get this, at the 43 minute mark I was connected to a Customer Service dude, he put me on hold to address my issue and two minutes later I was back in the que! Now if that's not enough, exactly the same thing happened to me yesterday, wait, there's more! The second Customer Service dude I spoke to promised he was going to monitor my issue (Nokia N8 unlocking) and ring me back at 9:30am, no call! Still more, it probably won't surprise any of you but over the last week I have spent a total of 12 hours and 15 minutes on hold waiting to speak to someone who is powerless to help me, after all this I am no closer to resolving my issue than I was before I picked up the phone for the first time. I just signed a contract for 10 Infinite 45 plans with handsets, if Vodafone don't let me out of my contract this is going to end up in court for sure. They are the most useless company I have ever had the misfortune to deal with!
31 Dec 2010 11:32:55 AM: wow... you havent had it drop out after that many minutes?!
9516 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is ??????????????? at 31 Dec 2010 11:28:11 AM
I am on (and off!!) vodafone via AAPT and up til about 6 months ago not really a problem. Now I have issues where I previously had no problems I now have "no network coverage " messages pop up..10 minutes later ok!! then another 10 minutes, calls drop out!! Bad for business ..costing lots of time. Have been told coverage is fine (Ha Ha) then we'll send you a new SIM card as Vodafone have told us the problems are fixed!!
9515 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is call drop outs at 31 Dec 2010 11:28:11 AM
I have another 7 months to go on my contract with voda, i wish i never signed up in the first place, but with most of family with them thought good idea, big mistake. I have had a lot of the calls that people make to me drop out, which means I have then had to call them back, this puts my monthly bill up all the time. I have had people ask me why I have not been answering their call, but the phone never rang, never got missed call text. Some say that call went to voice mail, but I never received those either. With elderly unwell family I am finding this not at all acceptable as any of these calls could be concerning one of them that could have been admitted to hospital.
I am feeling that I should not be having to pay for this contract as far as i am concerned voda are not holing up their end of the contract.
I am feeling that I should not be having to pay for this contract as far as i am concerned voda are not holing up their end of the contract.
9514 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Absolutely Useless at 31 Dec 2010 11:23:41 AM
I'm currently sitting here with the phone on speaker waiting for someone to answer my call so I can cancel my daughters account because of reception issues. Current waiting time as I type is 58 MINUTES... They had better not ask me why I want to cancel because if the call is being used for training purposes I will give those trainees something to listen to for the next ten years!!! ... Currenlty ONE HOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
31 Dec 2010 11:48:02 AM: Me to thats crazy I am trying to cancel also
9513 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Beyond rediculous! at 31 Dec 2010 11:12:46 AM
After being a loyal 3 customer for many years on the highest plan available (at least 39 hours of outbound calls per month) I have had to switch to optus. When Vodafone merged with 3 obviously their roaming agreement with Telstra got dissolved and we all started roaming to the vodafone network. My service with three in the eastern areas was sketchy to say the least but roaming onto Vodafone made me service unusable. Each monthly bill had HOURS of calls just to receive voice mails and the biggest slap in the face was the delay receiving notification that there were calls sitting there from 2 days ago! DO NOT RECOMMEND VODAFONE and I'm spreading the word! Congrats on this web site, I love it!
9512 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pretty Bad at 31 Dec 2010 11:12:36 AM
We are a small business (two users) who signed up to a Blackberry 49 Business plan in early December 2010. Since we ported our numbers from our former carrier we are unable to get any 3G coverage. I was on the phone for approximately 20 minutes when I seemed to have got through the line cut off. (Coverage issues). We work and live in the North Sydney area. I called up again and have been on the line for 45 minutes now and have heard the following message"hang in there we will be with you pretty soon" over and over again. I suppose I will see what response I get first from Vodafone before I visit the ACCC website or the class action law firm. I am worried reading the posts that this is the beginning of my "suffering" as a result of joining Vodafone.
9511 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Mega Fail at 31 Dec 2010 11:12:34 AM
I have a Wireless USB stick with Vodaphone, and it always drops out. I have moved three times in the life of my contract, and get the same problem wherever I go. This is in Penrith, NSW. I also had a Mobile Phone with Vodaphone, and switched companies at the end of my contract earlier this year.
31 Dec 2010 11:20:19 AM: *Vodafone
9510 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is service/mislead at 31 Dec 2010 11:08:24 AM
i recently signed up on a 12 month contracxt for an i phone4...after waiting 5 weeks for a delivery i got my phone... to discover i have no service where i live, cant send messages, even when i do get 1 bar of service....i even used the service checker before signing says i have full coverage where i live..laidley..i spoke to a vodafone representative in a shopping centre, wh told me oh yes it has full coverage for the old 2g network.. but not the 3 g network..he said i could apply to have the contract terminated, but vodafone wont usually do it, so he advised me to go to the ombudsman..what the!! i pay 68 bucks a month for a nice phone i cant use! peed off.
31 Dec 2010 11:10:52 AM: a little bit of study would of prevented its ur fault on this 1
31 Dec 2010 11:50:55 AM: no way what the????
9509 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is ridiculous at 31 Dec 2010 11:05:39 AM
We changed from 3 to Vodafone (crazy John's) with the reassurance that we would get the the same reception. This has not been the case. One place works in my house for reception and even then it is hit and miss. My reception can drop out for days at a time and like others have received messages days after they were sent. I have already had the phone sent away to be assured that it was fine and when I went in again they told me I would need to send it away at least three times before they may do anything else or I could buy a totally new phone at my expense and "hope that fixes it".
9508 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Poor Signal, TXT, Internet Customer Service etc. at 31 Dec 2010 11:05:19 AM
I have decided I am just going to cancel my contract as I have been paying between $100 - $150+ per month and kept my side of tthe contract, however Vodafone has failed to keep their side of the deal as I cant use the phone: Call drop outs no Internet coverage messages take 5+ days to come through sometimes. I have been loosing Business because clients cant get hold of me of leave messages and I dont get back to them, simply because I DONT receive them!!! Then you go into the shop and they cant help you have to sit on the phone for 30....40....50+ minutes to finally speak to someone that can barely communicate in the same language and is no help!!!!!
9507 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail - customer service at 31 Dec 2010 10:53:17 AM
Fair play Adam Brimo, I started something similar to you about 2 years ago after I got so pissed off with Vodafone I bought - presumably forgot to renew their domain name!
I posted my own horror stories up there for all to see and eventually got a phone call from their lawyers so I gave it back to them.
Nice one.
I posted my own horror stories up there for all to see and eventually got a phone call from their lawyers so I gave it back to them.
Nice one.
31 Dec 2010 11:06:53 AM: You gave it back to them? You could have made a killing with that domain name!
31 Dec 2010 11:11:37 AM: sure u did.
31 Dec 2010 11:29:21 AM: The proof is in the link above.
I thought I might make a killing to! But the lawyers scared me off.
I thought I might make a killing to! But the lawyers scared me off.
31 Dec 2010 01:09:14 PM: wow 2 years and nothing has changed!!!!!
dont expect things to get any better in future
dont expect things to get any better in future
9506 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is extremely poor at 31 Dec 2010 10:51:05 AM
I live in Gippsland and travel regularly to Melb with work. I logged a complaint on poor coverage over a month ago ( took One hour 30 mins to do so) and was asked to log my loss of coverage. On one trip to Melb I lost coverage 8 times in a 2 hour journey making my employment extremely difficult. I receive coverage out on my street at my home but not in my loungeroom!!.
I am still waiting to hear from Vodaphone on the results of the investigation. I have had to purchase a Telstra plan to ensure my employment is not affected.
I am still waiting to hear from Vodaphone on the results of the investigation. I have had to purchase a Telstra plan to ensure my employment is not affected.
9505 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is WTF at 31 Dec 2010 10:49:54 AM
I often recieve a txt telling me I have a txt (voicemail) even though my phone never rang. Why can I recieve a txt but not the initial call. Fallout is an all-too common experience. My partner's phone is the same. She will often not recieve txt's sent days before, even after turning the phone on and off. This is really disappointing as I would like to turn off vodafone permanently now. All in all, a poor performance that we pay for. And don't get me started on the pathetic web page that won't allow me to change my int roaming settings!!!!
9504 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very fail at 31 Dec 2010 10:44:20 AM
I haven't really had reception in my house for quite a while. My messgaes are taking anywhere between 2-13hrs to be received and I have to drive 5 mins or more from home before they come through.
Charlestown Square has a new section opened up and the reception is piss poor. You go and talk to their customer service about it and get told it's being looked at. Every other person who is in the same part of the shop has reception why can't Vodafone? he funny thing is they have 2 stores in Charlestown square and they don't care.
The customer service side is also poor, phoning them is a joke. I rang them the other night and was on the phone on hold for over 70mins each time and ended up hanging up as I got no one. I rang back the next morning only to get straight through this time and it was an Indian call centre (I think). He was helpful, but I don't think he understood my problem.
My new Nokia N8 is another problem. This seems to be too much hard work for them and they don't know anything about this phone either. The girl told me to take the battery out of my phone (when I need a special torque screwdriver to do this) before I sent my phone to them for repair. Look up about phones which you are selling. They had no idea with this phone before and after it came out. I seem to know more than what you do!
Charlestown Square has a new section opened up and the reception is piss poor. You go and talk to their customer service about it and get told it's being looked at. Every other person who is in the same part of the shop has reception why can't Vodafone? he funny thing is they have 2 stores in Charlestown square and they don't care.
The customer service side is also poor, phoning them is a joke. I rang them the other night and was on the phone on hold for over 70mins each time and ended up hanging up as I got no one. I rang back the next morning only to get straight through this time and it was an Indian call centre (I think). He was helpful, but I don't think he understood my problem.
My new Nokia N8 is another problem. This seems to be too much hard work for them and they don't know anything about this phone either. The girl told me to take the battery out of my phone (when I need a special torque screwdriver to do this) before I sent my phone to them for repair. Look up about phones which you are selling. They had no idea with this phone before and after it came out. I seem to know more than what you do!
9503 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is gone poor in service at 31 Dec 2010 10:43:27 AM
Vodafone accepted payment for my old account causing barring on my new account without any notification of reason or billing.I tried calling 5 times & having to wait approximately 30 minutes each call before problem was resolved.Issues with phone are no reception escepically as i operate a business requiring reception 24/7.
9502 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Big Fat Fail at 31 Dec 2010 10:43:09 AM
My pain is probably not as big as others. Currently I need to talk a lot to Vodafone as I just migrated to Voda from 3 (I live in Meadowbank, and here being on Voda is way better than being on 3 - due to almost no reception for 3 - unable to use mobile internet, as its always on roaming).
Every time I call Voda to sort out any issues, I get to a rep only after hours of wait, and numerous disconnections. Just yesterday, I spent my entire day dealing with them. Half of my holidays have gone dealing with Voda, and this is not how I imagined my holidays. Although, my issues are not major, just to get the small work done from them is taking ages. I imagine, my issues hv almost been sorted out. I hope to be a happy customer of Voda (But being on Vodafail and going through all the problems ppl are having, I sound a bit overoptimistic). May god bless us all!!!
Every time I call Voda to sort out any issues, I get to a rep only after hours of wait, and numerous disconnections. Just yesterday, I spent my entire day dealing with them. Half of my holidays have gone dealing with Voda, and this is not how I imagined my holidays. Although, my issues are not major, just to get the small work done from them is taking ages. I imagine, my issues hv almost been sorted out. I hope to be a happy customer of Voda (But being on Vodafail and going through all the problems ppl are having, I sound a bit overoptimistic). May god bless us all!!!
2 Jan 2011 08:40:41 AM: Oh wow... pretty much straight away after I posted the above, I started having issues. I closed a $45 Month to Month plan with Voda as I migrated my 3 plan to $45 0 Mnth on Voda. What it turns out that 3 upgrade team put me on $45 12Mth contract as they couldnt put me on 0Mth from their system. I had to go back forth between them for hours to sort this issue, and I hope it's been sorted out, but I hv been told that I wont see any changes yet as these are taking time to propagate through all their systems.
My migration was done on 31st Dec, and with that I got a bigger and more immediate problem, that I got only 500MB of data, instead of 1GB. Moreover my internet usage is being charged and not being taken off from my data allowance(Cust support told me). This was not the case with my non-migrated plan $45 0 Mth that I had with Voda before 31st Dec. And I hv been using my internet exactly the same way as b4. Whats more concerning is that, right now i'm using my internet blindly, without knowing wuts happening with my data allowance or if i'm being charged more, cuz their Account Balance via Text and MyVodafone features are not working properly.
My migration was done on 31st Dec, and with that I got a bigger and more immediate problem, that I got only 500MB of data, instead of 1GB. Moreover my internet usage is being charged and not being taken off from my data allowance(Cust support told me). This was not the case with my non-migrated plan $45 0 Mth that I had with Voda before 31st Dec. And I hv been using my internet exactly the same way as b4. Whats more concerning is that, right now i'm using my internet blindly, without knowing wuts happening with my data allowance or if i'm being charged more, cuz their Account Balance via Text and MyVodafone features are not working properly.
9501 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is the Worst ever at 31 Dec 2010 10:40:34 AM
I had six months of no reception at Balamin NSW 2041. I tried over many months to resolve this problem with no success. I spent hours on the phone and sent countless emails with no resolution. Finally, I contacted the Telecommunications ombudsmen. Five days later I was contacted by vodaphone saying that I was released from my contract but there was to be no compensation for the six months of charges paid by me for no service provided by them. A few days later I received a leter threatening to charge me over $1ooo dollars if I did not return the phone. They included a plastic express post satchel but no address etc. I then had to spend more of time finding out where to send it. Why am I not surprised.
9500 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is In the extreme at 31 Dec 2010 10:39:22 AM
Recently connected in Newcastle for use in both Newy and Tathra on the south coast. Before connecting, I reviewed Vodafones coverage maps which showed top coverage for both locations. I have since found this to be untrue and cannot use the mobile in either loction on most occaisions. This provider should be dealt with by the regulators.
9499 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extremely at 31 Dec 2010 10:38:30 AM
I am sick and tired of having no network and no internet.
my service is dropped regularly and in particular I have not had an internet service on my phone for days now.
did not matter whether in sydney or up on the central coast where I live.
I am sick of ringing them only to be talking to someone in a foreign country who is unable to help properly as they have a very limited understanding of what they are doing.
I want something done about the call centers in foreign countries that all the big businesses are using now.(they are all cheating us now)
I want it to be illegal to give our jobs to foreign countries.
Its not right to do that to Australians needing jobs and its not right to force australians to deal with people who cant be understood.
this is not right and I believe it is providing us with VERY POOR service.
I believe these companies to be making the complaint process as difficult as possible so people just give up.
I suggest people also look at ways of making the government outlaw these call centers.
I have had so many calls end in total frustration after talking with people who are in India or the Philippines that are unable to handle 99% of our problems.
If the answer is not on the screen in front of them they give you an answer to a question you never asked.
my service is dropped regularly and in particular I have not had an internet service on my phone for days now.
did not matter whether in sydney or up on the central coast where I live.
I am sick of ringing them only to be talking to someone in a foreign country who is unable to help properly as they have a very limited understanding of what they are doing.
I want something done about the call centers in foreign countries that all the big businesses are using now.(they are all cheating us now)
I want it to be illegal to give our jobs to foreign countries.
Its not right to do that to Australians needing jobs and its not right to force australians to deal with people who cant be understood.
this is not right and I believe it is providing us with VERY POOR service.
I believe these companies to be making the complaint process as difficult as possible so people just give up.
I suggest people also look at ways of making the government outlaw these call centers.
I have had so many calls end in total frustration after talking with people who are in India or the Philippines that are unable to handle 99% of our problems.
If the answer is not on the screen in front of them they give you an answer to a question you never asked.
9498 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extreme at 31 Dec 2010 10:34:22 AM
ive got a modem usb stick with vodafone and have had trouble being online for around 5 months it will not stay online longer than 5 minutes ive spoken to vodafone tech support numerous amount of times and they cannot help me anymore and even tried going into the store where i sighned up with and spoke to the manager and he refused to even talk to me.... i think theyre in over there head....
9497 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is poor coverage and speed at 31 Dec 2010 10:33:54 AM
i use vodafail in darwin, the reception is very poor at alot of places, as for the wireless internet it is worse still.
coverage drops out when about to make calls (very annoying), ill be cancleing my contracts soon.
coverage drops out when about to make calls (very annoying), ill be cancleing my contracts soon.
9496 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extreme at 31 Dec 2010 10:30:52 AM
ive got a modem usb stick with vodafone and have had trouble being online for around 5 months it will not stay online longer than 5 minutes ive spoken to vodafone tech support numerous amount of times and they cannot help me anymore and even tried going into the store where i sighned up with and spoke to the manager and he refused to even talk to me.... i think theyre in over there head....
9495 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Fail at 31 Dec 2010 10:28:26 AM
Logged a formal written complaint to vodafail to be released from my contract as calls continuously dropped and network keep getting lost. Also logged it to TIO.
Live in Sunbury 3429 and the data download is slow,calls drops and every time I drive from Sunbury to Melbourne CBD on Calder freeway, the network keep getting lost at least 3 to 4 times. We have been comparing between telstra 3G network as my partner on telstra. No problem with telstra, so obviously voda network is an issue as we are all aware. The voda technician kept advising us that every time that network lost happen to call them. Agh, how? where there is no connection.. Doh! they want us to keep the record, agh, mm whilst I'm driving ?
They going to "investigate" this but really .... This is 2011 well almost, one more day.... But surely we can do better than this compare to such a small country like singapore for instance? Vodafail... Priceless !
Live in Sunbury 3429 and the data download is slow,calls drops and every time I drive from Sunbury to Melbourne CBD on Calder freeway, the network keep getting lost at least 3 to 4 times. We have been comparing between telstra 3G network as my partner on telstra. No problem with telstra, so obviously voda network is an issue as we are all aware. The voda technician kept advising us that every time that network lost happen to call them. Agh, how? where there is no connection.. Doh! they want us to keep the record, agh, mm whilst I'm driving ?
They going to "investigate" this but really .... This is 2011 well almost, one more day.... But surely we can do better than this compare to such a small country like singapore for instance? Vodafail... Priceless !
31 Dec 2010 10:34:45 AM: Further to this , have followed all the things and all the check list and all the silly games that they asked us to do. It was all on the webpage that they put on their website,but still issues keep occurring and they adamant that further investigation needed. Mmm yeah right. How difficult is to provide a service that we pay ?
9494 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Massive FAIL... at 31 Dec 2010 10:21:15 AM
No service what so ever, missed phone calls, txt messages days later, unable to access facebook, my banking or anything internet based from my phone, Sometimes recieve weak signal so i try make a phone call, then it drops out immediately. Thanks Vodafone. For nothing. I want OUT!
9493 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail at 31 Dec 2010 10:19:42 AM
when i send messages To my friends It comes and hour or 2 later when they send me one And when i try ringing my phone from my homephone It says incomeing restrictions ty
9492 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Extremely at 31 Dec 2010 10:13:49 AM
Network constantly up and down. Receive missed calls, voicemails, text messages hours/days later. Phone calls don't come through. Reset Network Settings several times a day to reboot the network settings on my mobile.
9491 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL!!!!! at 31 Dec 2010 10:09:24 AM
9489 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is shit at 31 Dec 2010 10:02:18 AM
vodafone is the worst mobile company around everytime u call your you will get a drop out they need to pull there finger out and fix all there problems i will never go back to vodafone
9488 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Is 3 Failing Too at 31 Dec 2010 10:01:44 AM
I'm a 3 customer and lately I get my connection drops in certain areas. Sometimes after the line drop, get message SIM card registration failed and I have to reboot the phone. Is it a coincidence or 3 is using the same network now?
9486 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is towers are coming down at 31 Dec 2010 09:59:10 AM
What on earth are we paying Vodafone for when towers are being pulled down?
Here's a tip for everyone! For those who no longer have contracts and are frustated with phone companies, buy unlocked DUAL SIM PHONES. You'd be free to switch your prepaid anytime!
Here's a tip for everyone! For those who no longer have contracts and are frustated with phone companies, buy unlocked DUAL SIM PHONES. You'd be free to switch your prepaid anytime!
9485 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is It is an april fool's joke gone wrong! at 31 Dec 2010 09:57:33 AM
Since joining vodafone over a year now! I have been unable to access the service features of the myvodafone website such as view your bill, pay your bill etc. I have contacted vodafone over 30 times and have been told it is being looked at byt the technical team.. for over a year!!!!
Oh yeah and my reception at home drops out constantly as well as in the middle of the CBD in sydney... Never a again!!
Oh yeah and my reception at home drops out constantly as well as in the middle of the CBD in sydney... Never a again!!
9484 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Terrible at 31 Dec 2010 09:52:04 AM
I've got continual reception issues with the phone always dropping out on my calls. When I first switched from 3 to Vodafone (because it was my only option to avoid fees from 3 when I moved rural) I was assured there was no reception problems near where I live. I'm currently lucky if I get one bar reception. Calls are always dropping out and voicemail msgs rarely get to me within 24hrs. I'm waiting 12 months for my contract to expire then I'm outta here. Their terrible.
9483 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 3 Customer Same Same but Different at 31 Dec 2010 09:48:33 AM
Previously was a prepaid customer on 3 really just for their Skype deal. They asked if I wanted to be upgraded to post-paid which I agreed as long as I could keep my same number as it was on my business cards and all my contacts overseas have it. When it came to receiving my new sim card they told me I was pretty much on my own they couldn't change the number over of course after spending hours waiting on the phone. As I had signed a contract they were charging me $59 a month plus I was having to update my prepaid number so my clients could still get in contact. Luckily Optus was nice enough to give me the advice to port my number to them then go back to 3/vodafone and port the number onto my contract. Optus ported my number over immediately 3 mucked me around for over a week! I feel like I duped. I must admit being a 3/vodafone customer you never know how bad the service you are being provided until you compare your phone that is on Telstra and Optus. Running things like Skype over 3g on your iphone you may as well not bother, however; on the other networks works just like WIFI. Enjoy my custom 3/vodafone cause you won't be getting me or my business back once I get out of this contract - buyers beware
9482 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is As fail as this song at 31 Dec 2010 09:45:09 AM
I thought of a jingle for Vodafail:
Vodafone, Vodafone, You make me want to smash my phone,
Vodafone, Vodafone, my reception is fked at home.
We set up a site in your honor called Vodafail,
Your CEO heard and turned an ugly shade of pale.
He met with the kid Brimo to have a chat,
About not being made to look the rat.
How bout next time pick on someone your own age,
Like something from the dinosaur page.
You're a CEO for Pete's sake,
Not some fat kid selling cake.
My iPhone wants a brand new app,
But I cant get it because your network's crap.
You wanna know how to solve this horror?
Replace the lazy jerks earning the big dollar.
Get that fitness nut from the Biggest Loser
To run between your towers with a screwdriver.
Maybe then we'll get some good Vodafone times,
Instead of going online spewing awful rhymes.
Vodafone, Vodafone, You make me want to smash my phone,
Vodafone, Vodafone, my reception is fked at home.
Vodafone, Vodafone, You make me want to smash my phone,
Vodafone, Vodafone, my reception is fked at home.
We set up a site in your honor called Vodafail,
Your CEO heard and turned an ugly shade of pale.
He met with the kid Brimo to have a chat,
About not being made to look the rat.
How bout next time pick on someone your own age,
Like something from the dinosaur page.
You're a CEO for Pete's sake,
Not some fat kid selling cake.
My iPhone wants a brand new app,
But I cant get it because your network's crap.
You wanna know how to solve this horror?
Replace the lazy jerks earning the big dollar.
Get that fitness nut from the Biggest Loser
To run between your towers with a screwdriver.
Maybe then we'll get some good Vodafone times,
Instead of going online spewing awful rhymes.
Vodafone, Vodafone, You make me want to smash my phone,
Vodafone, Vodafone, my reception is fked at home.
31 Dec 2010 09:46:26 AM: lol
31 Dec 2010 10:04:16 AM: Just imagine for one moment Laura saying that!!! Is there a suggested tune for the jingle??
31 Dec 2010 10:07:30 AM: good one:)
31 Dec 2010 01:10:15 PM: haha thats epic
someone do a youtube.. i bet it'll go viral ;)
someone do a youtube.. i bet it'll go viral ;)
9481 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Massive Fail! at 31 Dec 2010 09:45:00 AM
I have the wireless USB that i use for my laptop. Without fail every single time i take my laptop with me on the train the net will drop out at least 6 times!!!! While at home, it is also constantly dropping out.
Tired of this crap!
Tired of this crap!
9480 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is really bad at 31 Dec 2010 09:42:37 AM
Yes forgot to mention message service that doens't get messages. Phone doesn't ring and it goes straight to message bank. Voicemail that doenst work.
9478 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is is it only 3g at 31 Dec 2010 09:41:35 AM
i recently switched from my 2g phone ( of which i NEVER had any dropouts) to their 3g htc legend phone. then the drop outs started. i am no recharging the battery for the lg kp 500 2g phone and will see if i get drop outs when using it., if i dont, hurray, then who cares that i cant get my emails on it at least i wont be frustrated and just get on the net at home on my computer.
9477 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is epic at 31 Dec 2010 09:41:31 AM
Dropouts, failed calls, delayed text messages, choppy calls since early November. Still no better as of today. In light of recent network issues I emailed Vodafone a week ago requesting more information and for them to esaclate my issue, only to be given 3 responses at first saying "Issue Resolved, please reply between the two lines below" rubbish, before I actually got what looked like a human response. This third response was, "Please call us to escalate your issue to our technical support" OMG!
So I call them today, speak to an uninterested non-Australian, who puts me through to technical support. I explain my issue twice to the other non-Australian, who hangs up on me. Unacceptable. Epic Fail for Vodafone.
So I call them today, speak to an uninterested non-Australian, who puts me through to technical support. I explain my issue twice to the other non-Australian, who hangs up on me. Unacceptable. Epic Fail for Vodafone.
9476 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Consistant crap at 31 Dec 2010 09:40:04 AM
Same as everyone else consistant drop outs . Message on my iphone every five minutes. Network coverage lost. Calls drop out mid way through. The internet coverage is slow and inconsistant. the service contracted for has not been provided. I pay my bills they dont give service!!!
9475 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is my poo is bettter then vodafone at 31 Dec 2010 09:39:13 AM
im pretty sure i did a poo this morning and that could be a better provider then vodafone=fail
31 Dec 2010 10:30:17 AM: That's hilarious lol
9474 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is BIggest waist of Time EVER at 31 Dec 2010 09:37:52 AM
I started a new Contract in October 09 with a Nokia n97 i had it 3 weeks needed to be fixed then 2 months came along and needed to be fixed again all operating system problems apparently Vodafone lost my phone ...then a Rep from Vodafone called to find out where it was they had never sent it away to be fixed so i have to go in collect it and take it to Nokia myself
I was fighting them to be let out of my contract because it was
Losing Reception
switching off
battery dying every 12 hours
not receiving msgs nor phone calls
and a heap of other things
I had to send my phone away 3 times to be allowed a replacement phone they then tried to leave me on my $79 dollar contract for a phone that is on a $29 a month
I chucked the biggest argument in the store then on the phone for 3 and half hours and 2 months of Fighting and threatening to take them to court and them telling me i have to pay$900 to get out of a contract for a phone that wouldn't switch on
Has Resulted in a new phone ..... that still has Service issues i cant not wait until my contract is up i will be leaving vodafone
I was fighting them to be let out of my contract because it was
Losing Reception
switching off
battery dying every 12 hours
not receiving msgs nor phone calls
and a heap of other things
I had to send my phone away 3 times to be allowed a replacement phone they then tried to leave me on my $79 dollar contract for a phone that is on a $29 a month
I chucked the biggest argument in the store then on the phone for 3 and half hours and 2 months of Fighting and threatening to take them to court and them telling me i have to pay$900 to get out of a contract for a phone that wouldn't switch on
Has Resulted in a new phone ..... that still has Service issues i cant not wait until my contract is up i will be leaving vodafone
9473 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is 100 stars at 31 Dec 2010 09:36:59 AM
vodafone is shit house i was so shit faced
9472 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Worst connection ever at 31 Dec 2010 09:33:52 AM
I have list a numorous calls which have dropped out for no reason. I think in one month I came across over 40% of my calls have failed half way through. My bill hit over $200 when I have a $69 cap....since my calls fail alot of the time, and used 1.4gb of my 2gb limit...I could not figure out why so much. After being on hold for 1hr and 46minutes I gave up. Went to the voda store and said I need to call 1555 to resolve the issue. I walked out saying if they answered my call I'm sure I would. Another problem is that I loose all reception in places where I should have at least 4 of 5 bars. Turn the phone off and on again sometimes helps. The net is slow as HELL....I mean my mates 3G stick works better underground than me being a full reception area!!!! Figure that one out!!!!!!!
9471 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is MegaFAIL at 31 Dec 2010 09:33:41 AM
Calls dropping out where the phone shows there should be coverage. Overall appalling coverage even in the middle of major cities. The message "No Serice appears on the phone in the middle of a call or an SMS send inaplace where therewould normally be coverage.SMSsss sending and arriving hours late; Picture messages not sending at all. I have been thinking I was going mad so I am so pleased to see this website. I am not alone!
9470 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is still getting worse at 31 Dec 2010 09:33:17 AM
I can't believe that Vodafone are pushing this Infinite cap crap when they know the data service on their network is already heavily overloaded, it really is incompetence at it's best... all the Infinite Cap is going to do is bring more heavy data users onto the already overloaded network.
As for general problems, my 3G has started getting really flakey and I just received a voicemail message 40 minutes late from someone who said I didn't pick up... phone never rang and no missed calls!
As for general problems, my 3G has started getting really flakey and I just received a voicemail message 40 minutes late from someone who said I didn't pick up... phone never rang and no missed calls!
31 Dec 2010 01:23:34 PM: if you find out why this is happening can you post as this is the same for me so sick of my phone not ringing and not seeing any missed calls either
9469 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is epic at 31 Dec 2010 09:28:24 AM
Hardly any mobile internet coverage, calls drop out in areas where it shouldn't. Have tried for several months now to resolve issues through calling 1555 and going into a store and had no luck.
The girl in the store at Westfield Helensvale told me and I quote "dont you watch TV? Everybody knows that the new iphone 4 has bad reception you should have known and should not have got one". Turns out I know quite a few people with iphone 4's that are with telstra and not having any problems at all. I have been on plans with Vodafone for 13 years but that does not seem to count. I will be going to Telstra next, no doubt.
Also I dont like Holden or McLaren...
The girl in the store at Westfield Helensvale told me and I quote "dont you watch TV? Everybody knows that the new iphone 4 has bad reception you should have known and should not have got one". Turns out I know quite a few people with iphone 4's that are with telstra and not having any problems at all. I have been on plans with Vodafone for 13 years but that does not seem to count. I will be going to Telstra next, no doubt.
Also I dont like Holden or McLaren...
9468 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is the worst network ive found in australia at 31 Dec 2010 09:26:35 AM
most of the time the phone shows no service and most of the time its in roaming.cant listen to any call inside my home.always have run outside even in the cold weather. doesnt work even in central malls in the subarbs. its a real pain in the........always have to keelp on checking whether phone has any network or not.always have put phone away somewhere, where there is probability of catching network.........I am tired of this shit......if it is not going to be fixed I think I will go to cosumer affairs court and report it to current affairs.
31 Dec 2010 09:35:01 AM: They have a court specifically for consumer affairs now? :|
31 Dec 2010 09:43:39 AM: I'm sure a current affair would care deeply about your specific case. Good luck with that.
9467 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is SMS failed, no support at 31 Dec 2010 09:25:13 AM
SMS' appeared to go but were never received, calls dropped out, callers reported that my phone was out of range (i was at their front door and my phone is never turned off), customer support rarely answered and when they did they never assisted.
Bought new phone (N8) to see if that didn't. Shop staff are ignorant of the problem and are unable to get any feedback from their own support group (i called continually for over three days). Sent email listing problems and received automated replies stating they hadn't heard from me so everything must be ok. I replied only to receive another automated reply so i replied to the replies etc.
Also cancelled modem due to lack of service coverage and recently changed phone service to Optus.
Once they have refunded my fees they can close up so no-one else gets burnt.,
Bought new phone (N8) to see if that didn't. Shop staff are ignorant of the problem and are unable to get any feedback from their own support group (i called continually for over three days). Sent email listing problems and received automated replies stating they hadn't heard from me so everything must be ok. I replied only to receive another automated reply so i replied to the replies etc.
Also cancelled modem due to lack of service coverage and recently changed phone service to Optus.
Once they have refunded my fees they can close up so no-one else gets burnt.,
9466 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is the worst network ive found in australia at 31 Dec 2010 09:25:12 AM
most of the time the phone shows no service and most of the time its in roaming.cant listen to any call inside my home.always have run outside even in the cold weather. doesnt work even in central malls in the subarbs. its a real pain in the........always have to keep on checking whether phone has any network or not.always have put phone away somewhere, where there is probability of catching network.........I am tired of this shit......if it is not going to be fixed I think I will go to cosumer affairs court and report it to current affairs.
9465 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is the worst network ive found in australia at 31 Dec 2010 09:24:20 AM
most of the time the phone shows no service and most of the time its in roaming.cant listen to any call inside my home.always have run outside even in the cold weather. doesnt work even in central malls in the subarbs. its a real pain in the........always have to keep on checking whether phone has any network or not.always have put phone away somewhere, where there is probability of catching network.........I am tired of this shit......if it is not going to be fixed I think I will go to cosumer affairs court and report it to current affairs.
9464 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Wireless broadband+phone at 31 Dec 2010 09:23:39 AM
I am Vodaphone user for few years now,early December i moved to postcode 4209 and problems started,no Internet connection and phone calls I can do only in particular spot in my bathroom,people who calling me get answer - this phone is switched of - I call Customer Support before Christmas and have been connected to Technician in Mumbay/India,after he managed to stuffed my PC as I follow with confidence his instructions,then after we had no results what so ever he ask me what Brand PC I am using then advice me to contact Manufacturer as he is not qualified to help me with my problem,it took 43 minutes.
So I was stacked again,and guess what I did,went to shop,purchased Telstra Turbo Wireless Broadband($79.00)and my PC work perfectly.Will do same with my Phone/Sim card,may be my experience can help some Vodaphone users to make decision.
Class Action? I am in as I have no money to waste on hopeless 21st Century Communication Company,better will support Charity!
So I was stacked again,and guess what I did,went to shop,purchased Telstra Turbo Wireless Broadband($79.00)and my PC work perfectly.Will do same with my Phone/Sim card,may be my experience can help some Vodaphone users to make decision.
Class Action? I am in as I have no money to waste on hopeless 21st Century Communication Company,better will support Charity!
9463 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is vodafailed at 31 Dec 2010 09:23:16 AM
I have been with vodafone for 8 years now and have found that the reception has gone from bad to worse. I'm constantly making phone calls for work and its been a massive inconenience as of late. I'm also not recieving my voicemails and i have been a loyal customer. If something does not change then i will change companies
9462 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Incompetent at 31 Dec 2010 09:22:26 AM
My vodafone wireless Internet stick has little to no coverage in my house. I have phoned vodafone twice with no improvement. The last time I called I was told that there was no reception in my area (Brisbane inner city suburb!) and that I would be contacted immediately with a resolution. That was almost 6monts ago and I still have not heard anything.
31 Dec 2010 09:31:29 PM: you won't unless you push it
9461 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is No security at 31 Dec 2010 09:21:49 AM
I lost my VF prepaid SIM card. My fault, but I wanted a replacement when going on holiday (to replace business SIM). I found the page on the VF website saying free replacement for lost card, visit a shop.
Here's the fail. I went into a Brisbane CBD VF store with the page about replacements printed and my number hand written on the top. The assistant was VERY (truly) helpful. He got a new SIM for me, confirmed the number, changed details on the PC and bid me farewell. At no point did I produce ID, answer security questions, OR EVEN GIVE MY NAME.
So much for 100 points of ID being needed. Just 'borrow' another person's account ...
Here's the fail. I went into a Brisbane CBD VF store with the page about replacements printed and my number hand written on the top. The assistant was VERY (truly) helpful. He got a new SIM for me, confirmed the number, changed details on the PC and bid me farewell. At no point did I produce ID, answer security questions, OR EVEN GIVE MY NAME.
So much for 100 points of ID being needed. Just 'borrow' another person's account ...
13 Jan 2011 11:09:51 PM: A similar thing happened to my partner. Had issues with the SIM card and got it replaced - no questions asked.
9460 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Extreme at 31 Dec 2010 09:20:02 AM
My son Ben is close to 19, has been anaphylactic since about 1992 and has been using 3 as his phone provider.
His and my reasons for having a 3 account were:
1. Sharing with Telstra for coverage
2. No problems with roaming
3. Excellent rates/caps
4. Most of his mates were on 3 and therefore there were a lot of free calls.
5. He added a 2 year contract (under my name) recently and got an iPhone 4 (he's delighted with it) however, the reduction in service for the same cap price is a worry and we are now locked in to the poor service for another 20 months or so...
Now we have no certainty of service with the combination of 3 and Vodafone - coverage reduction since 3 and Vodafone joined forces has meant that his Cap of about $40 is now costing nearer $80...
Bottom line is that we had found a good compromise on price and service with the 3/telstra arrangement. Now with the changes it is possible that his life is at increased risk - he carries Epipen and drugs to combat an anaphylactic reaction and whilst 000 should always work, certainty of service to call his support network (parents and siblings) if an attack occurs is severely reduced.
His and my reasons for having a 3 account were:
1. Sharing with Telstra for coverage
2. No problems with roaming
3. Excellent rates/caps
4. Most of his mates were on 3 and therefore there were a lot of free calls.
5. He added a 2 year contract (under my name) recently and got an iPhone 4 (he's delighted with it) however, the reduction in service for the same cap price is a worry and we are now locked in to the poor service for another 20 months or so...
Now we have no certainty of service with the combination of 3 and Vodafone - coverage reduction since 3 and Vodafone joined forces has meant that his Cap of about $40 is now costing nearer $80...
Bottom line is that we had found a good compromise on price and service with the 3/telstra arrangement. Now with the changes it is possible that his life is at increased risk - he carries Epipen and drugs to combat an anaphylactic reaction and whilst 000 should always work, certainty of service to call his support network (parents and siblings) if an attack occurs is severely reduced.
31 Dec 2010 09:23:51 AM: In case you are unaware, when the contract between 3 & Telstra run out, Telstra will not be renewing the contract as 3 merged with Vodafone, and vodafone is a major competitor of Teltra's. Just letting you know in case you have to figure out which way you will proceed with your choice in carrier.
31 Dec 2010 07:24:41 PM: The actual agreement between 3/Telstra finishes in Aug 2012
9459 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Useless at 31 Dec 2010 09:16:49 AM
Pocket wifi prepaid reception almost nil in Noosaville post code 4566 today 31 December at 10am.
Will lose $30 prepaid if signal does not improve. This is a common occurrence here.
Will lose $30 prepaid if signal does not improve. This is a common occurrence here.
9458 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Frustrating at 31 Dec 2010 09:16:31 AM
I thought it was just me until all the stories started coming out. Of course i'm another with almost impossible coverage, drop outs, very delayed messages via voicemail and txt and all the rest..! I Called vodafone voiced issues, they were suppose get back to me but i've had no call. Very frustrating and i just hope i am not in an emergency situation and have no coverage!! Over it!!
9456 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Horrible Fail at 31 Dec 2010 09:08:44 AM
Where do I start? Tried to sign up to new Pocket Wifi, try to sign up to the service online, page keeps crashing. So I call the customer service line, half an hour wait. When I finally get through, the operator puts me through to the department she thought I needed to speak to. Once I was put through, the consultant told me I was in the wrong department and would put me through to another department and guess what? Another 30 minute wait. In frustration, I went down to Highpoing VIC which has TWO vodafone stores. The first vodafone store was out of stock, when I went to the other store, they couldnt find me on the system, and then when they finally did, the system was 'down' and they couldnt sign me up!!! I've had enough of Vodafone's incompetence, everytime I ring its a half an hour wait, I will be moving when my contract expires
9455 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is worst service award at 31 Dec 2010 09:07:45 AM
thankyou for starting this site
the service is terrible in both ways reception and customer service
they dont seem to care
i cant run a business with the un-professionalism shown by this company
terminate my contract please
the service is terrible in both ways reception and customer service
they dont seem to care
i cant run a business with the un-professionalism shown by this company
terminate my contract please
31 Dec 2010 09:45:59 AM: Terminate your own contract. This site is not designed to do your work for you. If you have a problem, go to the Ombudsman...
9454 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is appalling at 31 Dec 2010 09:07:38 AM
During October, I moved our buisness mobiles from Telstra to Vodafail. After two months of basicly no service at all for any of our staff at out production facility, we are now back with Telstra.
For a good part of the time we had no service and this was not a phone dependent thing, as it was largly the same over Nokia, HTC & Samsung Phones. Ocasionally when you did get service, it still didn't work properly with haphazard dropouts and disconnects.
On one occasion, I was able to answer a call, talk to the person on the other end, a land line, and then after about a minute the call dropped out. I was standing in a padock, the most significant object in this padock was a round hay bale. How does that work? I had service and then it just stopped. How does that work? Did the signal spit the dummy, pick up its bat and ball and go home?
After about a week of waiting on hold to Vodafone customer "we don't" care, we are now free from the vodafail menace.
For a good part of the time we had no service and this was not a phone dependent thing, as it was largly the same over Nokia, HTC & Samsung Phones. Ocasionally when you did get service, it still didn't work properly with haphazard dropouts and disconnects.
On one occasion, I was able to answer a call, talk to the person on the other end, a land line, and then after about a minute the call dropped out. I was standing in a padock, the most significant object in this padock was a round hay bale. How does that work? I had service and then it just stopped. How does that work? Did the signal spit the dummy, pick up its bat and ball and go home?
After about a week of waiting on hold to Vodafone customer "we don't" care, we are now free from the vodafail menace.
9453 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is The Worst Ever at 31 Dec 2010 09:05:46 AM
2 hours of my life on the phone waiting for Vodafone and then finally getting through to be told that they will log my examples with the networking team and I SHOULD be contacted in the next 3-5 days! Oh and also to try my sim card in another phone as it might be my phone! Yep right. They have publiclly admitted fault, why not help your customers and let them cancel their contracts. Never again with Vodfone once I can get out of this crap!
31 Dec 2010 09:46:35 AM: Agreed. When the fault has been admitted publicly it shouldnt be that hard.
9452 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is a candidate for bankruptcy at 31 Dec 2010 09:04:56 AM
its taken me about 45 mins to get a connection on the internet. If I could break my contract with out penalty I would...can't wait until Jan 2012.
9451 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is a joke of a company at 31 Dec 2010 09:02:42 AM
Same as every one else, dropped calls, no reception, poor 3G performance. Makes it worse to read from Vodafail that we have to call them and endure their wait times.
Nigel Dews = Gollum.
Nigel Dews = Gollum.
9450 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is totally failed at 31 Dec 2010 09:02:07 AM
Don't start me on the new Nokia N8 !!!! had it a week - doesn't work properly - shuts down, can't access the internet at all anymore.. asking me for some weird code.. !!! why do Vodafail continue handing these out when there's an obvious problem..?
31 Dec 2010 09:47:06 AM: Optus and Telstra and Virgin are handing them out too...
9449 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is $80 a month for nothing at 31 Dec 2010 09:00:25 AM
$80 a month to have no mobile internet and it takes up to 5 min for a call to dial out Vodaphone tells me it will be fixed by the close of business that was 2 weeks ago, i have since been into one of the dealers and was told the same thing again whats going on?????
9448 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Help The Sick at 31 Dec 2010 09:00:19 AM
Try some compassion!!!!How about Vodafone, 3 and Crazy John's let the people who are sick and need to be able to contact friends or Doctors out of their contracts on the Vodafone network. I'm sure if they passed on the company would not hesitate to continue billing them! Give these people away out and peace of mind.
9447 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is totally failed at 31 Dec 2010 08:59:04 AM
no coverage what-so-ever today here on the central coast..! what are we paying for..?
9446 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is epic at 31 Dec 2010 08:55:00 AM
I have a prepaid voda usb modem. i can be right smack bang in the middle of 3G coverage and get slower than dialup on GPRS, because 3G connection just doesnt happen.
i am lucky, because the credit i have is for 12 months, so unlike many others i am sure, i am not having my credit run out before i can use it, becuase of its complete unusuability.
BUT... i did have to fork out for credit for my other USB stick, which is Telstras, and we all know how expensive that stuff is for even a small amount of data.
Why arent the media representing that 3G issues dont just affect phone users?
i am lucky, because the credit i have is for 12 months, so unlike many others i am sure, i am not having my credit run out before i can use it, becuase of its complete unusuability.
BUT... i did have to fork out for credit for my other USB stick, which is Telstras, and we all know how expensive that stuff is for even a small amount of data.
Why arent the media representing that 3G issues dont just affect phone users?
9445 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Absolutely Crap provider at 31 Dec 2010 08:54:32 AM
I have continually had problems with Vodafone since i signed up to a 24-month contract. I regret the day i made the decision to do so. I got a crap phone with a faulty battery. The process to put a complaint to their customer service centre was a debacle. I was on hold for over an hour and transfered from one department to the other. No one knew who would resolve it. The worst was that they activated two services under my name yet another phone number.
Now my family and friends always complain that my phone continues to go on voicemail, they never receive my messages. It is futile to have a phone from them since it acts as a dumby phone only. I am tired of all this. Why should i bear the cost of something i am not even using.
Now my family and friends always complain that my phone continues to go on voicemail, they never receive my messages. It is futile to have a phone from them since it acts as a dumby phone only. I am tired of all this. Why should i bear the cost of something i am not even using.
1 Jan 2011 06:48:10 PM: Why haven't you taken your phone into the store? They DO have warranties. If you're within your warranty period they'll send it away for free and will also give you a loan handset (if they have them available) to use in the mean time.
Obviously your complains go unresolved by just posting on here. If you don't want to call customer care, get up and see someone.
Obviously your complains go unresolved by just posting on here. If you don't want to call customer care, get up and see someone.
9444 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is VodaFUME at 31 Dec 2010 08:48:14 AM
How is that a company like Skype is quick not only to admit & address their issues, but to follow through and compensate its customers. I have Optus on my iPhone and it is seamless! Time to change!!!!
9443 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Roaming CHARGES!! at 31 Dec 2010 08:47:25 AM
hi, i live and work in the sydney CBD. how the fark do i get $95 worth of roaming charges for using other networks.
f#ck you vodaphone
f#ck you vodaphone
9442 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Mega fail at 31 Dec 2010 08:46:18 AM
I have a nokia N97 mini that has broken twice in less than 12 months of having the phone. So I decided I needed a new phone thinking it would be easy to get a new phone. I was told I should have a reply from the escalations department in 24 to 48 hours the issue has now gone on for a week. While I did receive a reply in that time frame vodafone's response was that I need two repair slips before they would do an exchange the staff at the store were amazing and offered to ring them so I could talk to them one and a half hours later I was told by the 6th person i spoke to the exact same thing i was told an hour and a half early. So after getting the second repair slip and having the store email them again i was offered an exchange but told that they would send me the phone instead of allowing me to do it in the store. Needless to say I will be going to someone else when my contract is up. Ps. While I am angry at vodafone the staff at the store I have been dealing with have been fantastic and are also getting as frustrated by all of this as I am they have actually gotten to the point where they are making demands on my behalf just to get the situation solved
9441 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is at 31 Dec 2010 08:44:50 AM
Unfortunitly the story is simmular in New Zealand. They advertise 3G service but have one 3G site in the middle of a city. They have been showen up by Telecoms new network and coverage. The new player 2 degrees is taking customers from them also. Although they wholesale Vodafone network capacity they are building more sites all the time. Go 2 degrees. Stick it to them. Looks like it a Vodafone South pacific policy. Sign people up but don't supplky any service or support until you have to.
9440 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Shocking at 31 Dec 2010 08:43:15 AM
Just like everyone else, no svc on my ph and no svc from customer svc. I was on hold today for 35 mins as I needed to log my 'fault examples', I was them told I had the wrong department. I was transferred and 40 mins later I received someone else who said they can only test 3 sites not everywhere and I would need 3 examples from 3 specific sites so that they could start a log and investigate. I have now been on this call for 20 mins and STILL they are saying that they cant help me as I need 3 examples on the same location before they can log a fault!!!! I have 6 examples from just yesterday and this isnt good enough as I wasnt at the same address for all the faults! Hello doesnt that prove that they have a problem????!!!! How can I get out of this contract and away from these imbiciles?!!
9439 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is phone and internet at 31 Dec 2010 08:40:32 AM
Due to an injury I am working from home, I have internet and phone contracts with Vodafone. I live in an area on northern beaches which Vodafone deams as good coverage. Due to loss of connectivity with my phone during teleconference meetings and my inability to get a signal to connect to the web I have now lost my job as I cannot meet deadlines nor participate in phone conferences.
The worst experience to date would be the delay in text message reciept. My ex husband sent me a text message as my little boy had been in an accident and to get to the hospital I did not recieve the text until 2hrs later! I have requested so many times to be realeased from my contracts as I am paying for a service they cannot provide. For all of us who legitimately cannot get coverage let us out of our contracts. It's like Vodafone are stealing from us. They take our money each month but don't deliver on service.
The worst experience to date would be the delay in text message reciept. My ex husband sent me a text message as my little boy had been in an accident and to get to the hospital I did not recieve the text until 2hrs later! I have requested so many times to be realeased from my contracts as I am paying for a service they cannot provide. For all of us who legitimately cannot get coverage let us out of our contracts. It's like Vodafone are stealing from us. They take our money each month but don't deliver on service.
31 Dec 2010 09:48:24 AM: I love it how people are relying on texts to pass on important information. Pick up the phone and call.
9438 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is cheating customers and should pay up at 31 Dec 2010 08:31:55 AM
I'm a Three customer, and have terrible reception and constant drop-outs in Brisbane. Sometimes I don't have signal for a couple of minutes, having to restart my phone!
31 Dec 2010 07:19:58 PM: Ha I thought it was just me In the last 6 months my reception has gone to hell can now only use my phone out side and can't move or the call drops out TELSTRA here I come
31 Dec 2010 09:33:46 PM: Beware of Telstra to...log you calls and compare it on your bill
9437 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 31 Dec 2010 08:27:55 AM
My business partner and I had same phone for almost 2 years with Vodaphone we experienced the drop outs at an alarming rate on both phones especially in the past 8 months or so, whereby every 3rd call or so dropped out in middle of conversations to businees clients. My Business partner has moved to Telstra drives around, has done so for last 2 months not a drop out from his telstra phone. Yet with my Vodaphone phone standing still ai metro area or where even Vodaphone reception is high it still drops out in an instant. I have 5 months of this to endure until I can walk away from vodaphone.
Trying to call them is now a 2 hour + wait that was on 30Dec2010.
Vodaphone from where you are now you can only go up you cant go down any further.
G. H
Trying to call them is now a 2 hour + wait that was on 30Dec2010.
Vodaphone from where you are now you can only go up you cant go down any further.
G. H
9436 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Gone at 31 Dec 2010 08:27:22 AM
I have just left Vodafone and returned to Telstra. With Vodafone, I had dropped calls and failed calls most days. There is an area very close to where I live, along the Cooks River Earlwood, where I have NEVER been able to make a call. I always get "Call Failed", and that strange rising pitch signal. I was near the end of my contract, so I was able to unblock my blackberry and give it to one of my children, while I got a new HTC Desire from Telstra. I have had not one failed call so far, and only one dropped call in two weeks. And that is just the phone. Vodafone 3G coverage was extremely patchy, often dropping to GPRS and even EDGE, and the internet on my blackberry was so slow as to be useless. It simply was not worth using the internet for anything. Opening attachments to emails took forever. Now, I can look things up or download files quickly. I just opened a 1.1MB attachment in a few seconds. I have usable internet on my phone for the first time. As for cost, when Vodafone phoned me to sell me a renewal, they could not tell me how much of my cap I was actually using and whether I should go for a cheaper cap. I strongly suspect that I should have been on a cheaper plan, but they could not/would not tell me that information. With Telstra, I have halved my plan costs. Telstra may be more expensive, but they were quite willing to advise me to go for a cheaper plan and upgrade if necessary, instead of selling me the most they could get away with. As for their "support", forget it. The day that I went to Telstra, and the straw that broke any shred of loyalty to Vodafone, was the day AFTER Vodafone had those huge outages in Sydney a couple of weeks ago. I found I could not make phone calls or send texts. I phoned support and was kept on the line for an hour and a half, with the support guy in India repeatedly assuring me there was no outage in my area. He made me reboot three times, he made me swap SIM cards with another phone, and had just suggested we go back to factory settings (which would have involved a huge amount of time setting up my phone with BES all over again) when my employee told me her Vodafone phone was not working, and nor was her friends in another part of the city. So there was an outage, despite the repeated denials! I was at the Telstra shop within half an hour after that.
9435 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is The Worst ever at 31 Dec 2010 08:22:39 AM
After suffering 2 months of service that was getting continually worse by the week. I decided to spend the next couple of months being shuffled from one department to another before finally being told my area all of a sudden required a new tower. I was then told I would be released from my contract with no early termination fees. Great, except I had to go through the same torturous process with my vodacrap mobile broadband. This was finally resoved in September 2010. I then received a letter from a credit agency through vodafone for an early termination fee. No bill no letters no calls just a letter from a credit collection agency. Now as I try to get my wife out of the same rubbish I went through we spent a whole day using the call back service before being cut off, directed to wrong departments, left on hold for 45 minutes before being hung up on and having no success at all. I will try again today and let you know the outcome. Funny thing is I just received in my in box a bill from vodafone for overdue amount from my mobile broadband. Get ready Vodafone I am dialling now. In all honesty people how can this company survive this, crap service, non existant customer service and a product that has such a bad name. I am willing to bet that this company will cease to exist in the next year.
Its as simple as taking out the sim and re insert.
That simple, staight forward process replaces the need for capital expenditure on infrastructure, re employing the engineers who actually kept the network going and good old customer service
Its as simple as taking out the sim and re insert*cough*ing-a-telstra-sim*cough*
That simple, staight forward process replaces the need for capital expenditure on infrastructure, re employing the engineers who actually kept the network going and good old customer service