Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
8906 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Unbelievably at 30 Dec 2010 08:17:10 AM
I have a phone but can't use it because Vodafone has network issues. Go figure. I was with 3 for years and hated it. When I was finally off my contract, I couldn't wait to switch back to Vodafone since I've never had issues with them. BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER. I'm unable to make any calls, I can't send or receive messages without there being hours of delay and I can't use BlackBerry messenger. WHAT IS THE POINT OF HAVING A PHONE THEN?!?! When I had issues earlier on, I called the call centre and had to wait in half an hour blocks just to talk to someone who can't even speak English properly. I've made complaints through the website but to no avail.
8905 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is needs to be cancelled, they have no idea about customer service at 30 Dec 2010 08:15:25 AM
I have been with vodafone for about 5 years now I have had issues before but no where near as bad as in the last few months I have been having major issues receiving calls and also dialing out, I keep getting call failed and then when people call me my phone does not even ring. I spoke to vodafone and informed them that due to the problems I wanted to cancel my contact without early termination fee's they said that it was my handset at first and then we did all the networking procedure but the issue was still not resolved so they said they needed to escalate it and that it would take 7 -14 days I explained to them that I could not go that long without a phone as my daughter was with her father and how was he supposed to contact me if anything happened, they said the only other option was that I could get out of my contact and pay $1036 which was remaining, I said fine and my contract was terminated I then contacted the TIO and spoke to them, a few days later I got a call off a vodafone resolution officer and we agreed that I only had to pay for my phone and that the contract will be terminated without any early fee's.
8904 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Total fail at 30 Dec 2010 08:15:02 AM
I live in New Farm, Brisbane and frequently find my calls drop out. I use a Blackberry and for a while I would blame friends for the iPhones for the problem - but it seems to be a network issue. At the moment I'm incredibly frustrated because I've had no service for the past few hours. On hold now - 26 minutes later - waiting to find out what the problem is.
8903 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is horrible!!! at 30 Dec 2010 08:11:51 AM
I live in an area where my old telstra phone got full bars of coverage. it was one of those $20 ones you get from woolworths. then it broke, so i went and got a nokia E71 on a vodafone plan; $29 a month and i get $150 worth of credit. so far, i have never once been charged $29; more like $65-$120. i find this ridiculous and whenever i call vodafone i go through about 7 or 8 different branches in 3 hours before i get frustrated and hang up. this has got to stop, its disgusting for a phone company to act this way!!!!!
8902 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 30 Dec 2010 08:05:10 AM
I have been with 3/Vodafone Mobile for over 5 years now. Previously, 3 Mobile had great coverage and I learned that this was due to a roaming agreement with Telstra. Back then, Telstra coverage was 3 Mobile coverage. Since early this year, I started to experience problems with my mobile phone coverage, dropped signals, dropped calls, poor battery life on my mobile phone. I initially thought it was my mobile phone until I have heard that a number of other 3 subscribers have been experiencing the same.
It looks like 3 has dropped their agreement with Telstra and they are now running on both Vodaphone and the 3 Mobile network. It has been lousy coverage everyday that it makes me want to chuck my phone out. Good thing I have a second phone under Telstra. I will wait until my contract ends in 2011 and stop wasting my money with 3 and Vodaphone.
It looks like 3 has dropped their agreement with Telstra and they are now running on both Vodaphone and the 3 Mobile network. It has been lousy coverage everyday that it makes me want to chuck my phone out. Good thing I have a second phone under Telstra. I will wait until my contract ends in 2011 and stop wasting my money with 3 and Vodaphone.
8901 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very bad at 30 Dec 2010 08:04:12 AM
I am contracted to 3 mobile, which I believe is owned/operated by Vodafone. Terrible issues with reception, drop-out calls etc. A previous email to 3 mobile with specific requests was answered with a generic response - not specific to my problems. Very disappointing. Garry
30 Dec 2010 08:43:26 PM: 3 Mobile is not owned or operated by Vodafone. They are a separate network who occassionally use Vodafone towers before Telstra towers. Vodafone AND 3 are owned by VHA - Vodafone Hutchison Australia. Maybe you should get your information correct before posting.
8900 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is missing the point at 30 Dec 2010 08:02:20 AM
I am in Sydney CBD, and yet can not make or receive phone calls or messages. All tests on phone have been complete (excessively long and unforgivable wait on hold) and the failure is the service, not the phone (big surprise there VF). An investigation is to be launched with results in 3 business days. It's very handy to have a phone that does not make/receive calls and due to the public holiday, and won't have the ability for a week.
Vodafone reception: FAIL
Vodafone service: FAIL
Lara, the most annoying automated voice: FAIL
Vodafone overall --> FAIL
Vodafone reception: FAIL
Vodafone service: FAIL
Lara, the most annoying automated voice: FAIL
Vodafone overall --> FAIL
30 Dec 2010 08:13:35 AM: lmfao i love this post cause the poster has missed the point all together so this post is ---> FAIL
30 Dec 2010 11:59:09 AM: A agree that vodafone has and is failing customers with poor service
8899 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very poor at 30 Dec 2010 07:58:46 AM
I am living in Surry Hills just near the CBD fringe.
3G is not an option here anymore..
one has to manually switch iPhone and Nokia phone over to 2G to get any service.
Still get dropouts or the 'dalek' effect (tinny choppy vocal quality) daily and banked sms deliveries around 4-6pm in the afternoon.
But after 3 months of complaints and an email to the TIO, Voda service finally contacted me a week ago offering 2 months free contract period if the faults are not rectified by January 2011.
Great contract period for no service period! Got to love that! Fail!
3G is not an option here anymore..
one has to manually switch iPhone and Nokia phone over to 2G to get any service.
Still get dropouts or the 'dalek' effect (tinny choppy vocal quality) daily and banked sms deliveries around 4-6pm in the afternoon.
But after 3 months of complaints and an email to the TIO, Voda service finally contacted me a week ago offering 2 months free contract period if the faults are not rectified by January 2011.
Great contract period for no service period! Got to love that! Fail!
8898 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very poor at 30 Dec 2010 07:55:11 AM
Vodafone USB Internet stick connection & coverage problem. I cannot open a page or browse my internet properly, keeps dropping out, gets disconnected. Sometimes, I send emails, it says (sent), but to my surprise my friends tell me, they haven't received the email. It shows connected, but there is no connection. The upload & download most of the times show 0bps, when I get connected, it says SIGNAL POOR or VERY POOR. In many occasions, contacted Vodafone, they haven't fixed anything as yet. I'm really fed up, frustrated, paying for a service, I don't or cannot use it properly.
8897 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Huge failure. at 30 Dec 2010 07:54:57 AM
poor coverage. poor data.
8896 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is extreme failure at 30 Dec 2010 07:53:31 AM
I ordered my iphone through Vodafone on the 1/8/10, received a faulty handset after 5 weeks. I contacted with Apple and they advised me to return to Vodafone since I've got it from Vodafone. Certainly, Vodafone agreed to replace a new one for me. However, after more than 2 months and numerous emails and phone calls they still failed to put down the order for the new phone for me. In the end, I contacted directly with Apple again and they replaced a new phone for me the following week. I don't understand how they could stuff up so much
Anyway, the phone calls take on average 30 minutes wait before someone answer the phone and the transfer between departments as well that usually result in more than one hour per phone call. One particular call I experienced was that after an hour on the phone, they put me to the right department then as soon as someone talked to me it hung up and I had to call again which took another hour
Thank you for the opportunity to express my frustration and I hope Vodafail acts as warning for all big telco companies that they will not be able to get away with bad services and expect the customers would just accept it
Anyway, the phone calls take on average 30 minutes wait before someone answer the phone and the transfer between departments as well that usually result in more than one hour per phone call. One particular call I experienced was that after an hour on the phone, they put me to the right department then as soon as someone talked to me it hung up and I had to call again which took another hour
Thank you for the opportunity to express my frustration and I hope Vodafail acts as warning for all big telco companies that they will not be able to get away with bad services and expect the customers would just accept it
8895 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is hard out. at 30 Dec 2010 07:53:21 AM
It doesn't matter where the hell i am i NEVER get reception, I never ever get my msgs the day they are sent picture msgs sometimes even take a week!
The ONLY reason im still with vodashit, is bekoz there prices are decent.
The ONLY reason im still with vodashit, is bekoz there prices are decent.
8894 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Keep Disconnecting at 30 Dec 2010 07:48:10 AM
This is the first time I spoke for a while on a mobile. I got a call from my mum in Chatswood and am in Macarthur. For some reason, the phone keeps disconnecting after 15 - 30 seconds of call. And every time my mum or me tried to call back, the same thing happen again after 15 - 30 secs. And this happened to about 10 times until I got sick of it and gave up talking. Now, I am not sure whether the problem lies with Vodafone network or mum's mobile provider. Both of our phone networks are at high (at least that's what shown on the mobile indicator).
I am with 3 and previously there wasn't such issues before, that is, prior to takeover by Vodafone.
I am with 3 and previously there wasn't such issues before, that is, prior to takeover by Vodafone.
8893 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Completely Useless at 30 Dec 2010 07:46:25 AM
I moved to a new address in January 2010, and while I received ok coverage at the old address, at the new address (which is only 1.5km from the CBD), I seemed to have fallen into a black-hole. Reception varies wildly, from a maximum of 3 bars, to no bars at all (where you are receiving only an Emergency signal - meaning no calls/texts in OR out). Calls drop out as often as not, and if the call continues, you cannot hear to other person or be heard by them ("...seem...and....but....for....with..." - that's all you hear). After months of this crap, I ended up buying a new mobile with a different Telco, just to get reception again! When asked, Vodafone says that maybe its the phone I bought from them, maybe it doesn't have the best antenna inside, and that I should buy another one - what? fork out more money with no guarrantee of reception? Not a chance! Vodafone should re-imburse me for the money I spent to buy a new phone with a different Telco!
8892 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Regularly at 30 Dec 2010 07:42:32 AM
The fail for both my wife and I is in relation to picture messages sent from Telstra phones and in particular the delay in their receipt.
Examples are; A (telstra) friend and I (voda) sent identical pictures from our iPhone 3GSs at the same time to my (voda) wife with her receiving the pic from me within reasonable time. As for the pic from our friend, well she's still waiting and as a time reference, we were at the Metallica concert in Sydney.
Next example; Afore mentioned friend's husband (also telstra)sends pic to his (telstra) wife, my (voda) wife and my(voda)self bragging about his view during morning tea. The two girls get their picture within seconds while I had to wait until lunchtime THE NEXT DAY for it to come through.
While the issue is greatest with picture messages it has been known for basic SMSs to disappear into the void and that is regardless of which provider they are going to or coming from.
Examples are; A (telstra) friend and I (voda) sent identical pictures from our iPhone 3GSs at the same time to my (voda) wife with her receiving the pic from me within reasonable time. As for the pic from our friend, well she's still waiting and as a time reference, we were at the Metallica concert in Sydney.
Next example; Afore mentioned friend's husband (also telstra)sends pic to his (telstra) wife, my (voda) wife and my(voda)self bragging about his view during morning tea. The two girls get their picture within seconds while I had to wait until lunchtime THE NEXT DAY for it to come through.
While the issue is greatest with picture messages it has been known for basic SMSs to disappear into the void and that is regardless of which provider they are going to or coming from.
8891 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Frequently Frustrating at 30 Dec 2010 07:38:59 AM
We live in the middle of the Gold Coast (500m from the Vodaphone shop and use vodaphone for both mobiles and mobile internet. The internet has been intermittent at best, frequently dropping or not finding a network and the phones have very poor call quality. One evening, after being on hold for 55minutes, the lovely lady in Mumbai apologised and explained that the internet problem was due to the fact that we had purchased an "outdoor" contract which didnt work properly indoors and she would cancel it immediately!We requested she not do that and the next day,we went into the Vodaphone shop 2 minutes down the road (where phone/internet signal is excellent btw) and related the story to them - embarrassment best sums up their response, and they are still unable to explain the poor signal, which continues now. We are lucky as we are not on contract so can change, but are holding out for Vodaphone to fix their network problems (for how much longer is hard to tell).
8890 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Beyond Reprieve at 30 Dec 2010 07:32:45 AM
Recently upgraded my phone at the end of my first contract, took it back 2 weeks later cause battery would not charge, was told to just give it a couple of weeks and it will sort itself out....uh huh! Just returned it again, only 3-4 months old, battery charge still doesnt last more than 12 hours, hardly any service, people cannot hear me properly, cannot access my main menu, cannot read my text messgaes, cannot access facebook service and cannot take it of silent profile. And yet they still will not replace it.
8889 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Worse than having no service at 30 Dec 2010 07:29:38 AM
Extreamly frustrating. The unreliablity is wrose than not having a service as I don't know if I will or will not get calls. If it's not gonna work then I will go elsewhere, but as I am on a contract, it's not as simple as jumping off and jumping on another. Such a pain.
8888 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 30 Dec 2010 07:20:18 AM
A number of fails. I have paid to have an old Nokia phone unlocked. The details for unlocking didn't work. Spent hours on hold on several occasions. No call backs as had been agreed when I did finally get through. Instead I got an email 4 days later. Still haven't got the phone unlocked. I tried going into a Vodafone store but was just told to call them myself.
The most annoying phone call - I was on hold for 1 & 1/2 hours but when I did get through, the technical department was closed at 8pm. Nobody could help. It was 8.05pm!
Also, I live in Sydney's inner west and the 3G network has be a serious fail for the last few months. Vodafone's comment was that it will be fixed in the New Year.
What needs to be done? An Australian based call center. It's frustrating getting through to the Indian based call centers. I get the feeling the don't quite know what they're doing.
The most annoying phone call - I was on hold for 1 & 1/2 hours but when I did get through, the technical department was closed at 8pm. Nobody could help. It was 8.05pm!
Also, I live in Sydney's inner west and the 3G network has be a serious fail for the last few months. Vodafone's comment was that it will be fixed in the New Year.
What needs to be done? An Australian based call center. It's frustrating getting through to the Indian based call centers. I get the feeling the don't quite know what they're doing.
8887 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Uselss at 30 Dec 2010 07:17:40 AM
When complaining about the lack of coverage I was told on three occasions it must be the SIM card, which was then replaced each time. WOW still no coverage.
8886 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Terrible at 30 Dec 2010 07:15:11 AM
Nothing like having a camp of 70 students when 30 of them get struck down by gastro and your phone has no coverage to make those all important phone calls to deal with the situation. What a nightmare.
30 Dec 2010 07:46:35 AM: Use a landline.
what.. because you don't have your full 3G coverage 200km past the CBD?!?!
what.. because you don't have your full 3G coverage 200km past the CBD?!?!
8885 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Total Fail at 30 Dec 2010 07:14:29 AM
After emailing Vodafail about the network issue/lack of reception, I ACTUALLY received a response..even if it was a typical troubleshooting reply. They've offered me 3 months of free access "as a show of good faith because they strive to provide the highest quality customer service" Does anybody think I should accept or stick to my guns?
30 Dec 2010 07:33:14 AM: Not really a tough choice - 3 months of free access to what, lack of reception and network issues? - stick to your guns.
30 Dec 2010 09:11:52 AM: 3 months free access.......but you can't get access...........means 3 months with a small brick the size of a mobile phone - stick to your guns.
30 Dec 2010 12:30:27 PM: I told them that I wouldn't accept 3 months free as they had caused me to lose complete faith in their ability to provide a service. I reiterated that the only acceptable outcome would be the null and voiding of my contract, and I would return the handset in pristine condition, with original packaging and all documentation as a show of good faith. Got told they couldn't increase the offer or let me go. Where to from here?
8884 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 3g, call drop outs at 30 Dec 2010 07:14:12 AM
Vodafone is a joke. I called 1555 and was put on hold 4 times and it cut off each time at the 14th minutes.
Will never use Vodafone again.
Iphone or no Iphone, the reception is a joke.
Will never use Vodafone again.
Iphone or no Iphone, the reception is a joke.
8883 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is totally fail at 30 Dec 2010 07:13:24 AM
I cant believe the issues i have been having with Vodaphone for years let alone especially at the moment - with a family member on life support in sydney & living on the central coast i must rely on my mobile for updates - except i cant hold a connection long enough, & when i do finally get news, it drops out up to 4 times before i give up.. i receive txt msgs up to 6 or more hrs later - sometimes waking me at 2 & 3 in the morning & friends are always having a go at me for not answering my phone OR txt msgs.. & dont even start me on wait times when u have to actually talk to someone - up to 3 hrs!!!
when are we going to receive the service we paid for???
when are we going to receive the service we paid for???
30 Dec 2010 07:14:01 AM: sorry - it should read NSW - im on the Central Coast
8882 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 30 Dec 2010 07:12:23 AM
i have had to purchase a telstra pre paid to put into my sons phone to be able to get him around home as vodafone wont work, so now im paying for a plan that dose not work and an expensive pre paid.
8880 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is poor coverage at 30 Dec 2010 07:11:27 AM
Stilll in contract and have just been on the phone to my private health insurer and the line dropped out. Had to call again and go through everything for the second time. I will not use vodaphone again for important calls like that.
8879 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is So very bad at 30 Dec 2010 07:09:36 AM
Why does it take 2 hours for a text to arrive. Just received one that was sent at 7.00am from the city and i got it at 9.05am in the suburbs!!!!!!!!!!!!
8878 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 50/50 at 30 Dec 2010 07:08:18 AM
Have you considered asking the users of Vodafone what handset they are using, with the proliferation of iPhones i'll bet the majority are using just that, I have an iPhone and the reception is RS whereas my wife has a Samsung and her rception is at worst 50% better
30 Dec 2010 08:03:05 AM: Tend to agree. It seams like it happen more often to the Iphone user than other mobile user. I have a iphone 3, my partner has an old Nokia we are both with three and if we both stand in the same room at home i have no reception and she has 3-4bars of reception on her phone...
8877 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is useless at 30 Dec 2010 07:04:44 AM
Vodafone, which is now owner of Three tried to resign me on another 24 month contract with Three in September after I stongly complained about the lack of service, reception, large number of drop out calls and the failure of two handsets not covered by warrenty. It was only after this that the call center operator asked where I lived so that he could check Three's coverage in the my suprise there was no coverage at my address.
It is my belief that when I signed up with Three, providing all my detail, including my address, they should have performed this 'reception preformace test' and informed me that I would have no reception at my place of residence...Three (Vodafone) entered into a contract with me to provide a service which they knew they could not provide.
I am now with Telstra and doubt I'll ever change.
It is my belief that when I signed up with Three, providing all my detail, including my address, they should have performed this 'reception preformace test' and informed me that I would have no reception at my place of residence...Three (Vodafone) entered into a contract with me to provide a service which they knew they could not provide.
I am now with Telstra and doubt I'll ever change.
8876 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Frustration at 30 Dec 2010 07:04:11 AM
I have an office 3km from the cbd in Brisbane. I teeter on 1 bar of reception at my office in the Brisbane Powerhouse. I got an unlimited plan as I did not desire/need to have an office landline phone. This has caused me great pain as I constantly miss calls, drop out of calls get delayed texts leaving a very unprofessional impression on my valued clients. At first I thought it was my new iPhon. I got it replaced but still found the same issues. I then bought another phone and it still has the same reception issues. Other workers who are on Telstra have 3 bars of reception in the same spot. I also spent 3 days up the sunshine coast and had zero reception. I was uncontactable. I could not believe it. We were in a waterfront apartment at mooloolaba the centre of the sunshine coast.
Finally I live in New Farm brisbane. I found between 7:30-10:30 the Internet slows to a standstill making it too slow to do anything online. It seems the Internet is overloaded with too many users in this peak time.
Other then that it's great ;)
Finally I live in New Farm brisbane. I found between 7:30-10:30 the Internet slows to a standstill making it too slow to do anything online. It seems the Internet is overloaded with too many users in this peak time.
Other then that it's great ;)
8875 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very at 30 Dec 2010 07:03:55 AM
MY facebook no longer works because of you guys,, your company has been stuffing up alot lately if you guys do not get your act together ii am switching companys im very fed up with your company being low !
8874 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extreme fail.. at 30 Dec 2010 07:01:20 AM
Was with 3 needed a new phone, the one I wanted was sold out with three, or as I was told no money was being put into 3 at the moment so there not restocking. The option I was given was walk away and have no phone for a few weeks or swap to vodafone. I was not overly keen but was told not to worry that they had the second best coverage in Aus! False! I had been with three for over 6 years, never any major problems, now I can NEVER get any Internet access for example, if I try to access the Internet 10 times a day I may get it once or twice, only to have it drop out after 30 seconds to a minute. Trying to make calls can also be frustrating as it takes upto a minute just to 'dial'. I have only been with vodafone for 4 weeks and I am extremely dissapointed with the service I have received!
8873 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 3p1c f41l at 30 Dec 2010 06:57:52 AM
Once upon a time I was with vodaphone, and I had the same problems as everyone else. Message would be lost, or come hours or days later. Luckily I wasn't locked into any contract, but i feel sorry for those of you who are. Hopefully someone cracks a whip hard enough for vodaphone to hear. Im glad this website is getting things done. Well done to the creator.
I have now been with Virgin Mobile for about 2/3 years and am very happy with the service. The coverage is pretty good and my messages always get to thier destination. The call centre staff have been very good when I have contacted them.
I have now been with Virgin Mobile for about 2/3 years and am very happy with the service. The coverage is pretty good and my messages always get to thier destination. The call centre staff have been very good when I have contacted them.
30 Dec 2010 07:55:58 AM: vodaphone...?
obviously you weren't there long enough to learn how to spell the company's name.
obviously you weren't there long enough to learn how to spell the company's name.
30 Dec 2010 08:14:44 AM: its spelt vodafone not vodaphone.dickhead
30 Dec 2010 09:03:27 AM: What is the point hassling people like this. However you spell it, its still failing.
30 Dec 2010 09:07:41 AM: A bit harsh don't you think.... who gives a @#$% how it's spelt, the service is unacceptable!
8872 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is getting worse at 30 Dec 2010 06:57:01 AM
Coverage changes from room to room, sms messages come all at once, some times up to 10 at a time, I can not wait to get out and change, I tell everyone I know never use them, Thank you for this site, hopefully it will save others my frustraion and make vodafone take some of this pain!!!!!!!!!!!
8871 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Can not connect at 30 Dec 2010 06:56:15 AM
Me and my husband both have Vodafone and both have issues with not connecting and call drop outs. It's hard to get through to Vodafone customer service. I am begining to hate the service. It was not like this before, but now the service has gotten worst. Fix it soon please.
8870 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Coverage and delays at 30 Dec 2010 06:52:48 AM
I have been a loyal Vodafone client for 7 years, I have always boasted there cheap call plans and have never had any major issues till now!!!!
Since the merger with 3 Mobile its has gone toatally the other way.
I live on the Gold coast and work in Brisbane. I only ever had one small drop out spot at Pimpama and the Woolangabba, now when i leave home in Helensavle, I loose network coverage 3-5 times between there and Yatala....It keeps swithing for the 3G network to the 2G network the GSM network It drives me insane. I have never had an issue with coverage in Runaway Bay but since the 3 merger, I have the worst reception.
I have lost my faith in Vodafone and will be moving to Optus as the first available opportunity.
Dont even get me started on Delayed Text Messages and emails..........
Good Bye Vodafone good Bye
Paul Helensvale Gold Coast
Since the merger with 3 Mobile its has gone toatally the other way.
I live on the Gold coast and work in Brisbane. I only ever had one small drop out spot at Pimpama and the Woolangabba, now when i leave home in Helensavle, I loose network coverage 3-5 times between there and Yatala....It keeps swithing for the 3G network to the 2G network the GSM network It drives me insane. I have never had an issue with coverage in Runaway Bay but since the 3 merger, I have the worst reception.
I have lost my faith in Vodafone and will be moving to Optus as the first available opportunity.
Dont even get me started on Delayed Text Messages and emails..........
Good Bye Vodafone good Bye
Paul Helensvale Gold Coast
30 Dec 2010 07:00:20 AM: This is true, our company was wit vodafone for 5 1/2 yrs, since last yr the coverage for mobiles has decreased, the modems are slower, our rep said its because they are only focusing on infrastructure in the cbd areas!!!
8869 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor at 30 Dec 2010 06:52:05 AM
We converted all our company phones to Vodaphone (great plan whihc we are happy with) however, we never received the credit we were promised, we have constant over charges and poor reception. Biggest pain is not having someone who can help sort our the billing issues (let alone the reception issues). Major issue as we rely on vodphone for email and also as modems to give support to clients.
8868 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is ITIL perspective at 30 Dec 2010 06:47:36 AM
At times my 3G mobile internet connection is slow or just non existent! A few key words for Vodafone to take into consideration.
Demand Management - How are you controlling usage on your network to improve speed? (eg free access to social networking websites is bound to increase traffic and presumable slow down requests to other sites)
Fit for Use - Despite 3G internet access being widely available in the metro areas, is it the service acceptable for the average user? (ie too slow?)
Incident Management - The best way to tame the savage customer is through information. With the ability to immediately access all of your customers (eg through an SMS or something) why isnt this being done? Why dont people answer phones quickly enough in the call centres?
Just my thoughts.
Demand Management - How are you controlling usage on your network to improve speed? (eg free access to social networking websites is bound to increase traffic and presumable slow down requests to other sites)
Fit for Use - Despite 3G internet access being widely available in the metro areas, is it the service acceptable for the average user? (ie too slow?)
Incident Management - The best way to tame the savage customer is through information. With the ability to immediately access all of your customers (eg through an SMS or something) why isnt this being done? Why dont people answer phones quickly enough in the call centres?
Just my thoughts.
8867 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Very bad reception at 30 Dec 2010 06:45:08 AM
When I signed up in 1999, VODA was great, best coverage, beat telstra in my suburb and out along the coast on holidays. In 2010 I can't even get good reception inside my home with the carrier dropping out so many times in a day it is annoying. I'm starting to look elsewhere - what am I paying vodafone for? They haven't expanded nor maintained their services. 2010 has been a write-off for vodafone.
8866 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is smoke alarm at 30 Dec 2010 06:40:03 AM
i bought a nokia n97 mini and plugged the charger into my cars cigarette lighter. smoke started billowing out! also i am supposed to pay 14.50 for the first 12 months of my plan, and my first bill is 41.00 despite NOT using anything outside of what my cap allows for. they said sorry you didnt activate the plan discount and transferred me to the "discount activation" centree, which by the way was closed!!! they now tell me i have been chargedf pro rata full price for the first month and a hal and thaT CMY DISCOUNT WILL START NEXT BILL.NO SUCH THING AS A FREE LUNCH!! I WANT OUT VODAFONE!!!
30 Dec 2010 06:47:48 AM: dodgy car and cigarette lighter
30 Dec 2010 10:28:47 AM: If it's a charger bought from the store, it should be voltage regulating with polarity protection
8865 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is CrazyJohn (owned by Vodafone is just as bad) at 30 Dec 2010 06:39:39 AM
We started with CrazyJohn on Jan 2010. Never had any reception at home (46 KM from Melbourne in the middle of Vodaphone coverage). Started to complain and was told it my new phone. Swapped sims, phone and scheduled to get coverage scan (which never happened). Nothing changed , they will not admit there is anything wrong. I am now trying to get out of the contract but they will not allow this until they do another network scan and find a problem. The problem is vodafone!
8864 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is VodaHell at 30 Dec 2010 06:37:33 AM
I Had 3 wireless broadband thought the price package was great .. how wrong was i, everytime i wanted to get online the speed wasnt even ticking it was even slower than the snails, how many times did i ring customer service only to be told we wil put you thru to our technicans im sorry but i dont want to speak your techincans they keep telling me the same freakin storie im bloody over it i just want the problem fixed, i was also told to take the wireless usb stick to a 3 store to do a speed test as the usb might be faulty yet when i explained to them that theres nothing wrong with the stick and i tested it on friends computer in another area they didnt want to know about it, and because i still had a few months left on my contract all they could do was give me a discount but i didnt want a discount on my monthly plan i just wanted to leave they said i could but i had to pay a cancellation fee i kept asking them why do i have to pay for a cancellation fee when im not getting the service im paying for in the end i just couldnt be bothered as i was just going round and round in circles going no were i joined Optus in da last 2 months of my conract and couldnt be happier.. Mobile service is just as bad try to make calls alomst everytime after 10 secs the calls gets disconned. text messages are comming days late once same old story Once this contract ends next month Vodahell can kiss my butt !!!! Thank You i feel better now lol
8863 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 30 Dec 2010 06:28:17 AM
I use the $29 or $49 maxi cap. I live in poet code 4223 Currumbin QLD. and most of my call are are dropped so I have wasted most of my money. Here is what they said about it. NO refund no nothing!!!!
Question: Vodafone coverage within Australia
Vodafone's GSM (2G) network covers up to 94.52%* of the Australian population. Our GPRS (2.5G) network covers 92% of the places you live and work in Australia. 3G available to 94% of the Australian population. Capital cities and larger regional centres operate on UMTS 2100MHz and smaller regional centres on UMTS 900MHz. 3G services are available in Vodafone's 3G areas - compatible device required. In metropolitan and some regional areas, Vodafone's 3G network operates on UMTS 2100Mhz. In smaller regional areas with Vodafone coverage, Vodafone's 3G network operates on UMTS 900Mhz. All 3G 900Mhz devices available from Vodafone are 2100Mhz compatible. However, not all 2100Mhz devices are 900Mhz compatible. Customers with 2100Mhz devices that are not 900Mhz compatible will experience GPRS (or Edge, where available) coverage in 3G 900Mhz areas. Slower speeds can be expected outside Vodafone's Mobile Broadband areas. Individual customer experience may vary - many factors affect access, capacity and speed. See for more details.
Important: While the highest standards are applied in preparing coverage maps, 100% mapping accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
Customer 13/08/2010 03:07 PM
There are a number of residences on the Gold Coast at Currumbin Beach 4223. That cannot get a strong enough signal to use mobile phones. The Houses and flats around no. 600 to 840 Pacific Parade Currumbin Beach experience mostly dropped out calls. Is there any kind off repeater that can be installed at a residence that boost the signal here in Australia? When I was living in Dubai they installed a cell phone booster in every apartment in our building.
What can be done please.
Question Reference #100813-000372
Question: Vodafone coverage within Australia
Vodafone's GSM (2G) network covers up to 94.52%* of the Australian population. Our GPRS (2.5G) network covers 92% of the places you live and work in Australia. 3G available to 94% of the Australian population. Capital cities and larger regional centres operate on UMTS 2100MHz and smaller regional centres on UMTS 900MHz. 3G services are available in Vodafone's 3G areas - compatible device required. In metropolitan and some regional areas, Vodafone's 3G network operates on UMTS 2100Mhz. In smaller regional areas with Vodafone coverage, Vodafone's 3G network operates on UMTS 900Mhz. All 3G 900Mhz devices available from Vodafone are 2100Mhz compatible. However, not all 2100Mhz devices are 900Mhz compatible. Customers with 2100Mhz devices that are not 900Mhz compatible will experience GPRS (or Edge, where available) coverage in 3G 900Mhz areas. Slower speeds can be expected outside Vodafone's Mobile Broadband areas. Individual customer experience may vary - many factors affect access, capacity and speed. See for more details.
Important: While the highest standards are applied in preparing coverage maps, 100% mapping accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
Customer 13/08/2010 03:07 PM
There are a number of residences on the Gold Coast at Currumbin Beach 4223. That cannot get a strong enough signal to use mobile phones. The Houses and flats around no. 600 to 840 Pacific Parade Currumbin Beach experience mostly dropped out calls. Is there any kind off repeater that can be installed at a residence that boost the signal here in Australia? When I was living in Dubai they installed a cell phone booster in every apartment in our building.
What can be done please.
Question Reference #100813-000372
30 Dec 2010 07:35:59 AM: Having recently moved house, we too are facing a similar situation. Having a look at the coverage map, we may be on the border of a 'dead spot'. Not being a technician, but wanting to see if there is a possible solution, try looking at Comnet Solutions Aust Web site. They and a few others have external aerials and other products which mat assist. Again, I'm not qualified in this area, but I'm sure a phone call may point you in the right direction to see if it can be done and if it is cost effective. I will be speaking with these and other companies in the New Year, when people get back to work. The research has taken a considerable number of hours, mainly due to having to wait for Google to load and then "Time Out" errors, before actually getting on line. Yes, unfortunately I use a Vodafone Pocket WiFi, which is one of the most attractive $39/ month paperweights I have seen in years. Sometimes, (usually around 2-3 in the morning) it doubles as a Wireless Modem. Yes, I am frustrated by the poor quality of service from Vodafone on the data transfers. When living in Brisbane, the reception and speeds were generally adequate. There were, at times you could not get on the Net for days. I pay good money for a service that doesn't perform at the moment, so why shouldn't I have the right to take my business somewhere else? The Telco's, like the Banks (now that's another story) try to make it too hard to change. If I didn't like the way a garage serviced my car, I wouldn't go back, why should Telco's be different? Yes I do understand about the 'free' phone part. The more they spend on advertising about how good they are, generally means reality is the opposite.
8862 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 30 Dec 2010 06:27:52 AM
I live in country nsw and experience absolutely no service as soon as i leave the town i live in. in town i experience call drop outs, bad service and black spots, even though i have been told that my town has excellent service. i have spent about 2 hours on the phone in the last two days and yet they need to investigate what my problem is. i have been a loyal vodafone customer for many years but now i am disappointed and can no longer defend the company...
8861 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Malfunctioning at 30 Dec 2010 06:25:48 AM
My service on Northside Brisbane
50% call failures
45% text msg send failure
50% of msgs I send - sometimes make it through a few hours later
100% crappy offshore 'customer care'
80% below substandard data speeds
100% idiot - CEO of Vodafone (he ulimately signs off on all major changes I would think)
All my correspondence with Vodafone is now through their 'emailing' contact page..... I can't talk with Vodafone 'customer care' anymore, they make me feel physically sick.
50% call failures
45% text msg send failure
50% of msgs I send - sometimes make it through a few hours later
100% crappy offshore 'customer care'
80% below substandard data speeds
100% idiot - CEO of Vodafone (he ulimately signs off on all major changes I would think)
All my correspondence with Vodafone is now through their 'emailing' contact page..... I can't talk with Vodafone 'customer care' anymore, they make me feel physically sick.
8860 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Disapointed at 30 Dec 2010 06:19:02 AM
I have been the greatest advocate of Vodafone, even did work experience in their head office yars ago because they were the most customer focused operator who genuinely cared for their staff.
Now I find it impossible to defend my allegiance to them as I am constantly disappointed with their service and regret convincing others to use them.
My issues are coverage fluctuations in the same location, a lack of clarity on call rates (some are free while others seemingly in the same time frame cost a fortune). I am now deliberately late paying every bill. They can wait for me.
Now I find it impossible to defend my allegiance to them as I am constantly disappointed with their service and regret convincing others to use them.
My issues are coverage fluctuations in the same location, a lack of clarity on call rates (some are free while others seemingly in the same time frame cost a fortune). I am now deliberately late paying every bill. They can wait for me.
30 Dec 2010 06:31:18 AM: I used to tell people how wonderful they were too... They are now in the join at your own risk category.... Along side telstra!
8859 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is DISGRACEFUL at 30 Dec 2010 06:18:27 AM
i have all the same complaints myself, husband and son all signed up 5 weeks ago and got the Nokia 8 we have continued dropped calls or unable to make calls no range text messages going through nearly a day later at odd hours waking people the 3 of us have missed out on work after work trying to contact us and can't get through so they ring someone else making us miss out we have younger children at home who are unable to get in contact with us at work we give up trying to use the internet because it is so bad.I have not been picked up from railway station because i can't make call and then i send text but they don't get it I have continually contacted customer service who end up saying i will just put you on hold and of course then they cut me off i have been to the shop and they direct me back to customer service lines the thing that upsets us is we need phones for work and contact with our children whilst working and it is so upsetting that we signed up without knowing there was these problems no one told us and now no one wants to know you after you have signed up. We are new and very unhappy customers and want OUT OF THESE CONTRACTS so we can go to a network that can give us what we pay for SERVICE Shame on VODAFONE we are telling everybody do not go to VODAFONE and the main reason would be the customer service on top of the Network problems which just make you more angry with the situation we feel we have been sucked in to a big mess
8858 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Just usless at 30 Dec 2010 06:14:59 AM
After just having my say 10 mins ago I filled in the online form to be contacted . I then go to log into my account to see why my $99 cap bill is 189 this month when I can hardly use my phone I can't even get on their web site . Vodafone is a joke and 3 is no different . I think we should all call the TIO and ACCC
8857 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Abysmal at 30 Dec 2010 06:13:54 AM
My Company had about 30 mobiles with Vodafone... recently the reception quality deteriorated and became so bad that almost all my staff complained and consequently we moved many to Telstra.
We all actually LIKE Vodafone, their staff are helpful and friendly and their 013 service is excellent. Most other Telco staff actually seem to dislike customers.
However, the big issue with Vodafone is their abysmal network....obviously there seems a level of technical incompetence within the Company that causes them to lose customers and goodwill, and customers lose too, having to move to the expensive monster Telstra if they want reliable reception..
We all actually LIKE Vodafone, their staff are helpful and friendly and their 013 service is excellent. Most other Telco staff actually seem to dislike customers.
However, the big issue with Vodafone is their abysmal network....obviously there seems a level of technical incompetence within the Company that causes them to lose customers and goodwill, and customers lose too, having to move to the expensive monster Telstra if they want reliable reception..
8856 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Extremely at 30 Dec 2010 06:09:47 AM
I am a three mobile customer (owned by vodafone) and I am absolutely disgusted with the roaming charges that they put upon us. I cant go anywhere without having to cautiously check if I am in a roaming zone. I am unable to contact parents becuase the roaming charges are too high. I am disgusted in Vodafail
30 Dec 2010 06:56:03 AM: Roaming charges only apply for Internet roaming.
Standard voice charges and sms rates are NOT altered.
If you read your brochures you would actually know this.
And, it's actually spelt "because".
You from Dandenong...?
Standard voice charges and sms rates are NOT altered.
If you read your brochures you would actually know this.
And, it's actually spelt "because".
You from Dandenong...?
30 Dec 2010 07:27:11 AM: The roaming charges are what is incurred from Telstra as part of the agreement. This charge is passed on by 3 to you from Telstra so you can continue your internet services if you wish
30 Dec 2010 07:47:41 AM: hear hear.
30 Dec 2010 09:48:45 AM: But vodaphone advertise that their product works. It just doesn't.
8855 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is NO COMMENT at 30 Dec 2010 06:09:44 AM
Vodafone 'customer care' made me cry a few days ago.... The only other telco to do that was telstra.... I can't believe I'm about to say this, but telstra is starting to look like a viable option again... At least you know you get great coverage and crappy customer service with telstra.
8854 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is NO COMMENT at 30 Dec 2010 06:09:14 AM
Vodafone 'customer care' made me cry a few days ago.... The only other telco to do that was telstra.... I can't believe I'm about to say this, but telstra is starting to look like a viable option again... At least you know you get great coverage and crappy customer service with telstra.
8853 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very poor at 30 Dec 2010 06:08:12 AM
I have had a lot of issues with Vodafone, first of which when I ordered 2 USB Internet devices and was sent 1, but billed 4 times. After hours of hold, calling them back, and being promised twice to be called back (but was not), that was my first issue.
Second, I have just moved to Caroline springs and have noticed little to no coverage where I live (a metro area)... I have also been locked out of my account, even when it asked for my drivers license, I still have nothing. Then I get a $110 phone bill because I couldn't keep track of my usage. I tried to call and got a 'we are very busy call back later' message and nobody has replied to my 3 emails, first of which was sent in November.
I am asking them to be released from my contract so that I can go elsewhere. Not good enough
Second, I have just moved to Caroline springs and have noticed little to no coverage where I live (a metro area)... I have also been locked out of my account, even when it asked for my drivers license, I still have nothing. Then I get a $110 phone bill because I couldn't keep track of my usage. I tried to call and got a 'we are very busy call back later' message and nobody has replied to my 3 emails, first of which was sent in November.
I am asking them to be released from my contract so that I can go elsewhere. Not good enough
30 Dec 2010 07:37:26 AM: Don't ask to be released - Demand!!
30 Dec 2010 05:58:20 PM: Yeah, I have sent a quite a few emails now, one this morning with this message above demanding a response today otherwise I will contact the OB but have got nothing.
8852 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 30 Dec 2010 06:06:34 AM
In the UK postcodes are within 6 houses of each other, so when you go into a Vodafone shop they put in your postcode (remember only 6 houses in the same street share that code)and they can tell if the service level is good or bad. They should be able to work out from address's where the failure is in Australia.
I have never had service at home with Vodafone and am really fed up!
I live in Kyle Bay 2221
I have never had service at home with Vodafone and am really fed up!
I live in Kyle Bay 2221
8851 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 30 Dec 2010 06:06:10 AM
So bad, 60% dropout, most calls either go straight to voicemail, or when they eventually get through to me we get cut off.... I am losing so much business, or business colleagues are getting so frustrated... This is no good.....I cannot continue..... My entire company is using Vodafone and we cannot trace one rep at any given time of day as they are unreachable now..... What an unreliable sourcel
8850 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Dissapointing at 30 Dec 2010 06:02:23 AM
I have had it all. Call drop outs, three way conversations, reception fail, calling a particular person and the call is then connected to an unknown person, delayed standerd text and extreamly delayed picture messaging by at least four hours.
8849 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No Reception at all. at 30 Dec 2010 06:02:10 AM
I was with Vodafone for several years without complaint, until I moved house. I could not get reception at all and made numerous calls to Vodafone only to be assured that I was in an area that had reception. Finally I had to go with another service and asked Vodafone if I could cancel my contract only to be told that it would cost me $380 to cancel. So I continued to pay $29 per month for the life of the contract. I recenly rang Vodafone to ask if I could cancel the contract now and was told that I would still have to pay a fee, even though I still cannot get reception. Seems like I am stuck until February paying $29 per month for a service I cannot use and have not used for at least 18 months. Maybe I am at fault for moving to an area without Vodafone reception, but according to the map on Vodafone site, the area is supposed to be covered.
8848 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 30 Dec 2010 05:53:21 AM
takes 45 mins to make a call
everyone calls me thinks my phone is off when it isn't
i would be better off carring around a pocket full of coins and using a pay phone cause hey i would find one of them before i get coverage from voda
everyone calls me thinks my phone is off when it isn't
i would be better off carring around a pocket full of coins and using a pay phone cause hey i would find one of them before i get coverage from voda
8847 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Pursased a usless device at 30 Dec 2010 05:47:27 AM
I signed a contract for a netbook over a year ago with an internal Internet connection I think I have logged maybe 10 times in that time every other attempt leaves me with no connection . I also have 2 iPhone 4 on contract and they constantly drop out , have no service , can't sent mms or go straight to voice mail after multiple calls and complaints I have got no where it's the ombudsman for me... I work in telecommunications and just want out of all my contracts so I can switch to telstra at least I will get service and receive important calls!!
8846 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Call drops out texts don't go through at 30 Dec 2010 05:25:43 AM
It has been happening for about 3 months now I thought it was only me or something was wrong with my phone. My husband told me what had been happening I thought it was just my phone playing up as my husbands phone never did what mine did an hes with vodafone as well about a month or so ago i couldn't make any phone calls or texts last time it happened was just before christmas this year so i hope it gets fixed.and,
8845 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 30 Dec 2010 05:22:22 AM
It was my birthday yesterday and had so many calls go straight to voicemail, as had reception one minute, but not the next.....very frustrating. I also had 4 calls drop out trying to talk to the same person, but I gave up in the end!!!!
30 Dec 2010 07:38:28 AM: Belated happy birthday to you!!
30 Dec 2010 08:05:59 AM: Yeah, happy birthday....
You should have asked Santa for a new phone...
You should have asked Santa for a new phone...
8844 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is constant dropouts at 30 Dec 2010 05:11:29 AM
If for a moment you city folk think the Mobile Broadband is sporadic i the major Australian cities, I would invite you to experience the absolutely hopeless service that I experience on Vodafone's Mobile Broadband connection in Broome,WA.,I would dearly love to try other ISP's but as a pensioner I am financially restricted in my disposable income.So I have persevered,it is virtually impossible to connect from 2pm until well after 11pm, and then the service drops out with stunning regularity, making for an all round frustrating experience, in attempting to rectify this chaos I have on numerous occasions used the various advertised telephone numbers, to gain some assistance and advice, the call center operators located in the Phillipines and Egypt, find it hard to comprehend that Broome is not a suburb of any Australian Capital city but is located 2500 klms from either Perth or Darwin, this realisation brings the operator to revert to stand Vodafone scripted dribble and zero resolution to my problem as their brain goes into melt down unable to cope with the geographical vastness of Oz and the distances involved.
All in all unless I am prepared to disrupt my normal sleep patterns and use this service from 2am until 6am, the chances of staying connected to Vodafone's mobile Broadband, well I have more confidence in winning Lotto, and that does happen either!
All in all unless I am prepared to disrupt my normal sleep patterns and use this service from 2am until 6am, the chances of staying connected to Vodafone's mobile Broadband, well I have more confidence in winning Lotto, and that does happen either!
8843 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is In the last mth-> 98% at 30 Dec 2010 05:06:06 AM
I have always stood by Vodafone but service is hard to get and I cannot use the internet. I do not live in a remote area, I live in Western Sydney! My friends and family have tried to contact me and have left a message which on many occasions I have not received the voicemail until days later or 3am in the morning. I am currently on a $79 cap which I never go over and I pay all my bills on time. On Christmas Eve I received a message saying I was $160 over my cap, fair enough. Two days later I got another message saying my phone bill is $300 and the funny thing is that I have not used my phone over Christmas... I have tried calling Vodafone and the LARA Voice Machine keeps pushing me around and around in circles. If I do not get through today I will be changing my service provider and taking legal action...
This is ridiculous!!!!!!
This is ridiculous!!!!!!
30 Dec 2010 05:39:53 AM: I too used to stand by Vodafone, not anymore though, they have gone too far down hill for me to recommend them to anyone. Seems like telcos in Australia need to be shaken up!
8842 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 95 % at 30 Dec 2010 04:49:58 AM
When you go to make a call, the message says, emergency calls only. The only good thing is you can have credit for a year. I am about to change carriers because I need reliability. Sorry Vodafone.
8841 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is billing at 30 Dec 2010 04:47:00 AM
In February 2010 my $49 cap for 2 years had ran out and I thought i would change to a $29 cap with the offer of a new phone the HTC Magic. I made it specific to vodafone that I wanted to change to the $29 cap but soon found out that my $49 cap was still running and I hadn't been switched over. I found out later on in my billing period that the HTC Magic was always connected to the internet and my bill went to $900+. After I tried to sort the problem out, with no luck from any support from them I paid the large amount. The following billing period they sent me a text to say my account was over 5 times the common amount....thanks vodafone.
30 Dec 2010 03:51:20 PM: unfair contract but that is how the telcos like to do business,like 50 cents per MB for excess data, where is the ACCC, sorry i forgot they are the uneducated lot backing the duopoly busy closing down the independent service stations, how could possibly understand business.
8840 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodaf@&ked at 30 Dec 2010 04:35:38 AM
Yep, calls dropping out, late texts, voicemails where the phone does not ring, slow internet access ( if any internet access) all for the great price of $99 a month. I want out, as im a business owner and need a reliable phone service. But I dont have the hrs and hrs of spare time needed to talk with an indian who I cannot understand anyway. They only tell me to turm the phone to 2g.... I pay for 3g.
8839 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Pre Paid Internet Coverage & Network Phone Service at 30 Dec 2010 04:32:23 AM
We have pre paid internet provision with Vodafone (for approx 12 months), the service is terrible, the signal is always weak. You can hardly ever get a signal? The service is appalling as it keeps booting you off.
We also both have pre paid mobiles with Vodafone (personal and business), the network coverage is disgraceful, calls continually dropping out, txt messages not going through. Or even worse txt messages going through hours later or multiple times.
BA -
We also both have pre paid mobiles with Vodafone (personal and business), the network coverage is disgraceful, calls continually dropping out, txt messages not going through. Or even worse txt messages going through hours later or multiple times.
BA -
8838 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 500% FAIL at 30 Dec 2010 04:28:03 AM
I received and email saying that the invoice/bills is ready to be viewed online. infact I can't even login for the past 2 months.. .ridiculous. They should put a notice on my page saying that the online service is currently unavailable until further notice (like 2012.... ).
I live on George street in sydney.. and calls will drop every 5 mins. friends would ask me why I didn't pickup or at least listen to the messages.. I checked and theres 0 messages... so.. where are my messages? Lara too busy to distribute those messages?
I am so dissapointed. I can't even be bothered to call now.. .i can never reach a reach person...
I live on George street in sydney.. and calls will drop every 5 mins. friends would ask me why I didn't pickup or at least listen to the messages.. I checked and theres 0 messages... so.. where are my messages? Lara too busy to distribute those messages?
I am so dissapointed. I can't even be bothered to call now.. .i can never reach a reach person...
8837 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is extremly fail at 30 Dec 2010 04:26:06 AM
im on the $99/month unlimited plan and have always since the first bill gone $100-$200 over the "$99"
8836 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is sickening at 30 Dec 2010 04:15:52 AM
Vodafone had great service and coverage 5,6 years ago. As time has gone on it has become worse, to the point were it cannot be called service and the coverage is crap these days. Despite complaining to vodafone all the time, there has still been no change to the service or coverage. Vodafone have so many excuses its not funny. The TIO was no help either it just made vodafone answer me a bit quicker, it still didnt resolve the problem.I am so glad you started this site, if i had known how to do this myself i would have done this years ago. THANK YOU.
8835 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very poor at 30 Dec 2010 04:11:42 AM
Company I work for changed from Telstra to Vodafone a few weeks ago - over 800 mobile services - because Vodafone offered a cheaper corporate deal. Since then I and my colleagues have experienced frequent call dropouts and a lot of calls go straight to messagebank even though the handset isn't in use. To top it off the text to tell you there's a message waiting arrives a few hours later. This infuriates clients who expect a prompt response.
Coverage is poor but at least we expected that and data service is so slow as to be useless.
Coverage is poor but at least we expected that and data service is so slow as to be useless.
30 Dec 2010 09:08:33 AM: Vote with your feet!
8834 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is just one phone call without dropping out PLEASE !!! at 30 Dec 2010 04:03:33 AM
Every call I make ok I might be exaggerating slighty its every second call I make drops out it is so FRUSTRATING having to call back people all the time paying the connection fee again and again and again
8833 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is the worst at 30 Dec 2010 03:32:01 AM
dropped calls, shit voicemail, shit internet facilities, slow to connect, lost alot of business as i rely on my phone. In fact, lost up to $15,000.
8832 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 30 Dec 2010 02:55:14 AM
I've just been reading through all these threads and being a Vodafone customer I share your angst. I've been looking at other telco's and I'd suggest all iiNet customers (like myself) to have a squiz at their new mobile offers - I believe they use the NextG network so it's far superior. Only drawback is that you have to bring your own handset along, but if we're on here complaining about service we already have a handset lol.
8831 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is MASSIVE at 30 Dec 2010 02:48:10 AM
Just like everyone else I get the regular call drop-outs, distorted/chopped up calls and late SMSs. Damn annoying.
But what has COMPLETELY undermined my confidence in Vodafail in the last few months is the BILLING BUGS on If Vodafail cant correctly calculate my simple mobile bill, how the hell can I trust them. Its not rocket science!
- "Recent Bills" page and the "Account Summary" often display different amounts owing. Sometimes I get a different amount again when I click "Pay My Bill".
- The Account Summary tells me I owe money for a bill that hasnt been produced yet (its not available online and calls for that period still appear as "Unbilled" category in "Usage Details")
- Vodafail seem to have changed my billing period without notification, and call details downloaded from the "Usage Details" tab no longer align with the billing period. Downloading call details is important for business/tax claims, so this is damn annoying.
- Vodafail wouldnt accept my credit card on the month of its expiry date. Cards expired at the END of the expiry month imbeciles. Of course I just didnt pay the bill.
- MyVodafail website is useless. Slow and bug ridden at best, unusable normally. Once I complained and the girls response was "set up a direct debit rather than paying online". As if I would give those idiots access to my bank account.
But what has COMPLETELY undermined my confidence in Vodafail in the last few months is the BILLING BUGS on If Vodafail cant correctly calculate my simple mobile bill, how the hell can I trust them. Its not rocket science!
- "Recent Bills" page and the "Account Summary" often display different amounts owing. Sometimes I get a different amount again when I click "Pay My Bill".
- The Account Summary tells me I owe money for a bill that hasnt been produced yet (its not available online and calls for that period still appear as "Unbilled" category in "Usage Details")
- Vodafail seem to have changed my billing period without notification, and call details downloaded from the "Usage Details" tab no longer align with the billing period. Downloading call details is important for business/tax claims, so this is damn annoying.
- Vodafail wouldnt accept my credit card on the month of its expiry date. Cards expired at the END of the expiry month imbeciles. Of course I just didnt pay the bill.
- MyVodafail website is useless. Slow and bug ridden at best, unusable normally. Once I complained and the girls response was "set up a direct debit rather than paying online". As if I would give those idiots access to my bank account.
30 Dec 2010 02:59:52 AM: BTW..forgot to add. Seems like MyVodafail works better in IE than Firefox. Just an observation not a scientifically rigourous analysis!
8830 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is absolutely disgusting at 30 Dec 2010 01:56:06 AM
Well, it is 2:23am in the morning and I have been online since 12:00am in order to avoid the peak period. I have ben a Vodafone customer for nearly 10 years now and I am at the end of my tether with this company.
I can't believe that this company is allowed to operate in Australia. Given the level of service it provides and the charges for its services that it costs.
I have all my communication services with them and I feel as if they don't care about me as a valued customer.
It is absolutely appalling that this company is able to get away with what I think is very inappropriate level of service because as a communications provider, their services are functional 24/7 and yet their office hours are only from Monday to Fridays between 8am and 8pm.
I have given up on trying to contacting them because everytime I ring their help line, I am put in a que for at least half an hour and then I get given the run around and at the end of the session, I am no better off then before.
Prblems I encounter are: 1) my mobile phone drops out during a conversation quite often. 2) I receive promotional messages that I don't want and never gave permission for my details to be released. 3) my wireless broadband internet has very rarely got a good signal and when it does, it is slower than when the signal is poor. 4) I spend on average 10 times longer on the internet everytime I use it because it is so slow that it feels as if I was on a dial-up system. And even so, I feel that the dial-up system was faster than my broadband system. This causes me alot of stress and frustrations because I cannot complete what I set out to do. 5) most importantly is that I do alot of business on Ebay and I am not competitive as I always fail to bid on time due to the slow response of the Vodafone Service. I have missed out on alot of deals/bargains due to this. 6) Even worst is the fact that I cannot complete my transactions because the pages will just stop loading and I have to shut the computer down and retry, and even so, 95% of the time it will not work again until the next day, by then, it is too late and the items are sold.
Finally, I can voice my opinion to the world about this absolutely lousy service, thanks to this website.
I hope that Vodafone will wake up and do the right thing by their customers as they are an international company and should be able to provide Australia with the appropriate service inline with the charges that is incurred.
As for me, I am jumping ship as I don't like being ripped-off. As the ssaying goes, ONCE BITTEN TWICE SHY.
I can't believe that this company is allowed to operate in Australia. Given the level of service it provides and the charges for its services that it costs.
I have all my communication services with them and I feel as if they don't care about me as a valued customer.
It is absolutely appalling that this company is able to get away with what I think is very inappropriate level of service because as a communications provider, their services are functional 24/7 and yet their office hours are only from Monday to Fridays between 8am and 8pm.
I have given up on trying to contacting them because everytime I ring their help line, I am put in a que for at least half an hour and then I get given the run around and at the end of the session, I am no better off then before.
Prblems I encounter are: 1) my mobile phone drops out during a conversation quite often. 2) I receive promotional messages that I don't want and never gave permission for my details to be released. 3) my wireless broadband internet has very rarely got a good signal and when it does, it is slower than when the signal is poor. 4) I spend on average 10 times longer on the internet everytime I use it because it is so slow that it feels as if I was on a dial-up system. And even so, I feel that the dial-up system was faster than my broadband system. This causes me alot of stress and frustrations because I cannot complete what I set out to do. 5) most importantly is that I do alot of business on Ebay and I am not competitive as I always fail to bid on time due to the slow response of the Vodafone Service. I have missed out on alot of deals/bargains due to this. 6) Even worst is the fact that I cannot complete my transactions because the pages will just stop loading and I have to shut the computer down and retry, and even so, 95% of the time it will not work again until the next day, by then, it is too late and the items are sold.
Finally, I can voice my opinion to the world about this absolutely lousy service, thanks to this website.
I hope that Vodafone will wake up and do the right thing by their customers as they are an international company and should be able to provide Australia with the appropriate service inline with the charges that is incurred.
As for me, I am jumping ship as I don't like being ripped-off. As the ssaying goes, ONCE BITTEN TWICE SHY.
30 Dec 2010 02:24:15 AM: In regards to problem '2', I strongly suggest you make a complaint to the OPC - The Australian Privacy Commission which can be found here: - Please make sure you double-check your contract in case you signed up to Vodafone and/or third party promotions before making the complaint. It'll save a lot of time. Good luck ^^;
8829 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 10/10 at 30 Dec 2010 01:52:02 AM
I haven't received a single text msg since 24 Dec, some msg sent also not received by others. Partner travelling in Europe and we had to resort to expensive overseas calls (on his part roaming calls)to keep in touch.
8828 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Kill Lara. at 30 Dec 2010 01:37:11 AM
Anyone want to start a KILL LARA movement?
8827 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very at 30 Dec 2010 01:23:50 AM
Constant dropouts of my mobile broadband USB modem, got to the point of being unusable for months on end and all they did was offer $10 a month discount!Seems to be sorted now but wasn't usable for much of this year. I was assured I was using it in a very strong area but it does not connect on 3G network, only HSPDA so not as quick as it should be.
8826 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is mega at 30 Dec 2010 12:52:32 AM
are three and vodafail on the same network, because i am on three and it seems to be JUST AS BAD!
no reception in my house, well within the metro area. never had a phonecall that hasn't dropped out. missing calls all the time. absolute bullshit
no reception in my house, well within the metro area. never had a phonecall that hasn't dropped out. missing calls all the time. absolute bullshit
30 Dec 2010 02:27:17 AM: I've been a 3 consumer for 6-7 years and I've not once had trouble with them. You may have a lot of metal or electrical equipment in/around your house that's interfering with your reception.
8825 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is dodgy at 30 Dec 2010 12:42:39 AM
Lately my friends have asked me why I send the same SMS TWICE to them... But I don't though. I wonder if VodaFail will be charging me for the second message? In the New Year, I will be breaking up with VodaFail after being with them since 2007.
8824 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Complete at 30 Dec 2010 12:20:53 AM
Almost ZERO coverage or reception anywhere i travel in Victoria, from Lilydale to Rye. I'm actually with Crazy Johns (Who use Vodafone's network for coverage) and when i signed up for 24 months!, i only did so on the basis that they assured me countless times i would have full coverage in both areas i travel and live in. This however has not been the case from day one! my friends say when they try to call me my phone always says it has no coverage or is turned off, I receive messages days after they have been originally sent (if im lucky!). Also being a student with very little expendable money i went through Crazy Johns (Vodafone) because they gave me a USB modem or Dongle, whatever you want to call it.. that i thought would be great and help me out with Uni work, but it has been COMPLETELY USELESS! i might as well throw it in the bin, id does not work at all, has a maximum speed of 7kb per second! (not even enough to load Google!) when they promised me BROADBAND SPEEDS! I feel completely ripped off and if i could break the contract i would immediately. Vodafone=F*kd! I want compensation.
8823 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is FKn Shithouse! at 30 Dec 2010 12:19:41 AM
Almost ZERO coverage or reception anywhere i travel in Victoria, from Lilydale to Rye. I'm actually with Crazy Johns (Who use Vodafone's network for coverage) and when i signed up for 24 months!, i only did so on the basis that they assured me countless times i would have full coverage in both areas i travel and live in. This however has not been the case from day one! my friends say when they try to call me my phone always says it has no coverage or is turned off, I receive messages days after they have been originally sent (if im lucky!). Also being a student with very little expendable money i went through Crazy Johns (Vodafone) because they gave me a USB modem or Dongle, whatever you want to call it.. that i thought would be great and help me out with Uni work, but it has been COMPLETELY USELESS! i might as well throw it in the bin, id does not work at all, has a maximum speed of 7kb per second! (not even enough to load Google!) when they promised me BROADBAND SPEEDS! I feel completely ripped off and if i could break the contract i would immediately. Vodafone=F*kd! I want compensation.
30 Dec 2010 05:43:16 AM: I know three people in rye and they are with vodafone and have no probs with coverage
8822 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is INTERNETS FAIL OVERSEAS ROAMING FAIL CALL CENTRE FAIL GENERAL FAIL at 30 Dec 2010 12:16:05 AM
Several things:
1. Their signal is crap, it is slow and painfully embarrassing when I am using it in my work environment.
2. It is always difficult to get through to their call centre.... Was on hold for almost an hour and my vodafone coverage was so bad that it cut out. I am sick of going through their bullshit whenever I need to talk to somebody about their service..... NO ONE IS EVER available!
3. Their service is a joke. You go into their stores and ask for help and they refer you to their website. Their website is so useless you call and sit on hold for hours - WHO IN THIS WORLD HAS THIS KIND OF TIME. I run a business and work 3 different jobs - I would be fired for giving such horrendous service.
4. I am currently traveling and FINALLY worked out (after many phone calls and what not) how to get global roaming for 2 weeks of traveling because apparently their rates are just SO GOOD. NOT. I got a bill for OVER A THOUSAND DOLLARS 2 days ago! Who are they kidding? I am not paying for this!
I will be organising to get out of my vodafail contract ASAP!
1. Their signal is crap, it is slow and painfully embarrassing when I am using it in my work environment.
2. It is always difficult to get through to their call centre.... Was on hold for almost an hour and my vodafone coverage was so bad that it cut out. I am sick of going through their bullshit whenever I need to talk to somebody about their service..... NO ONE IS EVER available!
3. Their service is a joke. You go into their stores and ask for help and they refer you to their website. Their website is so useless you call and sit on hold for hours - WHO IN THIS WORLD HAS THIS KIND OF TIME. I run a business and work 3 different jobs - I would be fired for giving such horrendous service.
4. I am currently traveling and FINALLY worked out (after many phone calls and what not) how to get global roaming for 2 weeks of traveling because apparently their rates are just SO GOOD. NOT. I got a bill for OVER A THOUSAND DOLLARS 2 days ago! Who are they kidding? I am not paying for this!
I will be organising to get out of my vodafail contract ASAP!
8821 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Complete Mobile Broadband Failure at 30 Dec 2010 12:09:34 AM
I signed up for a two year contract and after 6 months of complaining and intermitting reception signed up with something else and resigned myself to paying for something that doesn't work for the next 18 months....
8820 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 30 Dec 2010 12:08:38 AM
OMG every time i talk on my husbands plan for more than 5 minutes i get cut off, my prepaid i dont bother any more. Its really crazy, I have just started new business that involves me making delivery's, for some reason when im out the phones just wont connect. I live in a main street of blacktown , I always have full reception but i always get cut off. C'mon vodafone Weve been constant customers for the last 10 years. this needs to be fixed.
8819 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is infuriating. at 30 Dec 2010 12:05:14 AM
Ive been with Vodafone for 18mths, First time ever on the internet and I have always had slow downloading, constant drop outs, freezing of screen, says its connected when its not. Takes me forever to connect then 3 minutes on and it drops out again. I go into the shopfront and ask for help and they just say its a network problem go onto 2G edge. That doesnt even work. Today I went back to the shop front and all they said was to call the help line. I did and was put on hold for 2 hours. 6.30pm til 8.27pm. Im desperate to do my Uni application which I have now been made late to submit and it will cost me nearly $200 for late entry. Come on Vodafone, I put my trust in you.
8818 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is on hold for an hour at 30 Dec 2010 12:05:09 AM
Trying to disconnect postpaid over the phone get shuffled all around the place then on hold 3 times for up to an hour each time.....then i go back to work and try again but again have to hang up after an hour ,so now sim is in bin and any charges after today they will not be getting a cent....
8817 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is fucking piece of junk at 29 Dec 2010 11:55:32 PM
low signal or sometimes NO signal at all! insurance is rubbish and stupid. fuck!ng piece of shieeeeeeet. NO ONE SHOULD EVER JOIN VODAFONE.
8816 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is slow B,B Constant drop outs at 29 Dec 2010 11:31:59 PM
This Is a F@#%ing Joke it took 34 minutes to download 20 meg.
WTF is going on, come on Vodafone Pick up your socks get this sorted out, we pay good money for nothing. feeling ripped off & helpless.
Quick to take our money but not so good giving us what we paid for.
WTF is going on, come on Vodafone Pick up your socks get this sorted out, we pay good money for nothing. feeling ripped off & helpless.
Quick to take our money but not so good giving us what we paid for.
30 Dec 2010 02:30:17 AM: 34 MINUTES?! You've got to be kidding me! That's pretty much dial-up speeds 0.o
8815 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very poor reception at 29 Dec 2010 11:23:37 PM
I have very poor reception on my iPhone. Even in the CBD or other open areas. Also I can't make calls (calls fail), Also very slow web page downloads. Hey Voda, you should invest in your infrastucture.
This is the first and last time with Vodaphone. I'm going back to Telstra.
This is the first and last time with Vodaphone. I'm going back to Telstra.
30 Dec 2010 02:32:20 AM: Screw Telstra. I'd rather have my calls drop than go to them. They charge exorbitant amounts and give very little - I agree they're probs one of the most realiable telco's in the market at the moment but also the most expensive for what they 'offer'.
30 Dec 2010 07:56:57 AM: Have you been under a rock for the last year or something. Go check out their prices. And at least shit loads.
30 Dec 2010 07:58:45 AM: What's with everyone and their lack of proficiency in spelling.
vodaFONE not vodaPHONE.
Invest in infrastructure...?
Perhaps you should invest in Enlgish Classes.
vodaFONE not vodaPHONE.
Invest in infrastructure...?
Perhaps you should invest in Enlgish Classes.
30 Dec 2010 11:01:11 AM: Except for the fact that english classes would teach you that phone is spelt P H O N E.
8814 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Excrutiatingly Painful. at 29 Dec 2010 11:23:36 PM
29 Dec 2010 11:26:24 PM: btw- the pre-paid modem is with virgin.
8813 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is reponce time to fix my problem ,no data or very bad coverage,iam on a contract how can i get out of it .. at 29 Dec 2010 11:17:17 PM
as a customer with v phone i have now changed providers,due to the lack of and no coverage where i live they lied to me,i have tried everything including emails,very long phone waiting periods and very bad data coverage,but the funny think is that under the v phone coverage site my house was fine,but when i approched v phone they then told me a different story saying i was in a BLACK SPOT ZONE?? NOW..YOU DONT FALSE DATA COVERAGE OR DO YOU TO GET A SALE..the problem now is that i still have a fixed contact with them until march 2011,but with no coverage as i live in a black spot zone..fair go
29 Dec 2010 11:20:32 PM: Check out the 'How to complain' link at the top of this page. By the sounds of it you will need to escalate it to the TIO, but first contact vodafone, explain they are not providing a service and if they are unable to help, explain you will escalate it to the TIO. Then simply give the TIO all of the information and they will look into it for you :)
8812 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is hopeless at 29 Dec 2010 11:10:52 PM
Vodafone's Internet is so slooow. Everyday, often, Download speed 0bps and after midnight, well you are lucky if any speed, coz most of the time no speed at all and I live in the centre of Adelaide. Customer Service and "Lara" laughable ! Waited 60 minutes with constant "your call is important to us, we'll be with you shortly...and music...and again....and again...and again". Shame Vodafone, shame.
30 Dec 2010 02:34:03 AM: YES! Every minute that 'Lara' recording chimes in. I believe it's a ploy to get people to hang up.
8811 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is fail at 29 Dec 2010 10:57:48 PM
slow mobile internet
8810 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is thay fail in Mobile internet at 29 Dec 2010 10:56:16 PM
Very Slooow Speeds on the web on my mobile and i get sluged for it. PS LARA gives me the Poos to put it in a manner.
8809 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very at 29 Dec 2010 10:46:18 PM
Been having issues since about August. I have an iPhone 3Gs, was working great, had 4-5Mbps at home, now less than one. Used to be able to use when out and about to look up things (eg at JB Hifi to look up a movie to see if worth buying), and to use Facebook. Now that is near impossible. Have calls where the voice goes in and out. Calls drop out 10-20% of the time, double that if calling another Voda service (which is a pain because both my best mate and my sister are Voda). Called Voda last week, they offered me one month free while they investigate (like that will help). Called TIO, they are going to talk to Voda for me. Now just waiting for Voda to respond.. could take a while. Can't wait to leave and go to Telstra (never thought I would say that).
8808 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is VERY!!!!!! IDIOTS! at 29 Dec 2010 10:43:53 PM
Lets see.. my Cap starts brand new at 340 right.. yet it says i already used 100 of that on the very first day of getting it!!! Wat the hell!!!??
AND this month, my cap says i have $3 left yet ive gone over by $50??!!! WTF i only use it for text and calls so how does that make sense!!!
This has happened so many times.. stupid company, I'm changing when my cap finishes.
AND this month, my cap says i have $3 left yet ive gone over by $50??!!! WTF i only use it for text and calls so how does that make sense!!!
This has happened so many times.. stupid company, I'm changing when my cap finishes.
30 Dec 2010 02:36:29 AM: Make a complaint to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman ("TIO"). The TIO are brilliant at achieving a fair result/compromise.
8807 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is OVER,OVER FAIL at 29 Dec 2010 10:43:38 PM
For 2 months now my bills have been totally wrong. I have been over charged, when being on a cap plan..I was on a $29 cap for over 2 and a half yrs and never had a problem, but these past 2 months I have been over charged once for over usage of data (which was painfully proven to be there fault ) and the second month over charged when I was on a cap of $49.00 and was given an extra 500 free mins and megs for the mistake from previous bill IF I AGREED TO CHANGED TO A $49 CAP. I told them I felt like I was being bullied into this, but agreed as they were reimbursing me.. Now I was watching my usage like a hawk but apparently I still went over my usage?? come on? I call them up on the phone, sat there waiting and waiting as Lara is always flat out and low and behold I get cut off soon as an operator picks up?? I since have chatted to someone on vodafone help via twitter, my bills have been sorted out. ..for now...Im dreading the next bill, oh yeah and they still send me paper bills when I have given my email address and its been verified...I am so over it...I am scared of using my phone...Vodafone used to be good, but lately their performance has dramatically gone poor...
8806 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is 3/10 rating for honestty at 29 Dec 2010 10:38:18 PM
After signing our Business Contact and delivery of our 2 new iPhone 4...32gb mobile. We were promised, the porting of 1 of our numbers on the 23rd December.
Then after checking, on the 24th December, to see whether they were, going to successfully port the number.....on the 25th December.
The Business customer service representative , informed me that the porting team, do not work on Xmas day.
The first possible date, That i was promised ,that they could port the number was on the Tuesday the 28December.
After waiting, all day on the Tuesday, we decided to ring the customer service, on the Wednesday.
To be informed by the porting team, that the phone number, should of been ported, on the 23rd December on the sign up of the Business arrangement ,The porting team, Said that they would not be able, to port this number , because it was not ported on the activation, of the contract
It was only after, I said that I would cancel the contract, and send the 2 phones back to them.
They then, suggested, that they needed to talk to the supervisor, and put me on hold. When he came back he said yes I will do the port, it will take about 3 hours. 6th later the phone number has still not been ported. Every day losing several phone calls a day. I don't know how long we will have to wait for my number to be ported. May be I may have to send the phones back & cancel the contract
Then after checking, on the 24th December, to see whether they were, going to successfully port the number.....on the 25th December.
The Business customer service representative , informed me that the porting team, do not work on Xmas day.
The first possible date, That i was promised ,that they could port the number was on the Tuesday the 28December.
After waiting, all day on the Tuesday, we decided to ring the customer service, on the Wednesday.
To be informed by the porting team, that the phone number, should of been ported, on the 23rd December on the sign up of the Business arrangement ,The porting team, Said that they would not be able, to port this number , because it was not ported on the activation, of the contract
It was only after, I said that I would cancel the contract, and send the 2 phones back to them.
They then, suggested, that they needed to talk to the supervisor, and put me on hold. When he came back he said yes I will do the port, it will take about 3 hours. 6th later the phone number has still not been ported. Every day losing several phone calls a day. I don't know how long we will have to wait for my number to be ported. May be I may have to send the phones back & cancel the contract
29 Dec 2010 10:44:19 PM: mate, be smart CANCEL NOW , otherwise u will regret it, read all the posts here !!!!!
30 Dec 2010 07:51:59 AM: Good luck if you decide to CANCEL NOW.
My efforts to get any sense from VODAPHONE have just been a waste of time.
Their latest of many no reply emails states they will probably be unable to respond any earlier than 4 January. SO MUCH FOR CUSTOMER SUPPORT!!!!
My efforts to get any sense from VODAPHONE have just been a waste of time.
Their latest of many no reply emails states they will probably be unable to respond any earlier than 4 January. SO MUCH FOR CUSTOMER SUPPORT!!!!
Oh and also your battery life has nothing to do with your service provider