Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
8598 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is ridiculous at 29 Dec 2010 05:00:44 PM
vodafone has been poor for sometime, you are unable to have proper conversations with the other caller due to connection and reception problems, usually the call ends up cutting out! very very frustrating! especially when the call is extremely important- like when i was in hospital ill! its getting absolutely ridiculous!
8597 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Highly fail at 29 Dec 2010 05:00:25 PM
Messages coming in 4 days later than sent. Calls dropping out. I have 6 months left on my contract and i will never never sign with vodafone again.
8596 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely at 29 Dec 2010 04:59:18 PM
Well after multiple phone calls and being left on hold or waiting for the callback (that doesn't come) I am over it. I am complaining about my phone and vodafone's poor service areas and performance issues.
I constantly have people call me and my phone goes straight to voice mail. Same as SMS's disappearing or arriving hours late. My phone disconnects mid-call constantly!
The service is so poor I have purchased a SIM with another provider and tested my handset with zero problems. So for the past 3 months I have been migrating over. I want to exit. However, now I am told I need to pay out my contract (6 months x $49)!!! Vodafone's service is so bad I am forced to go elsewhere so why should I be held to that? I want out but at nearly $300 to exit this is extortion. I do not want to be paying two providers.
My family are all on vodafone and experience the same problems. What I want to understand is what happened recently (last 3 months). The service is not worth the money.
I recently understood they can void this exit fee if the service area is a known problem area. This is nearly everywhere I go however particularly at home it is amplified and as I said the whole family is affected.
I constantly have people call me and my phone goes straight to voice mail. Same as SMS's disappearing or arriving hours late. My phone disconnects mid-call constantly!
The service is so poor I have purchased a SIM with another provider and tested my handset with zero problems. So for the past 3 months I have been migrating over. I want to exit. However, now I am told I need to pay out my contract (6 months x $49)!!! Vodafone's service is so bad I am forced to go elsewhere so why should I be held to that? I want out but at nearly $300 to exit this is extortion. I do not want to be paying two providers.
My family are all on vodafone and experience the same problems. What I want to understand is what happened recently (last 3 months). The service is not worth the money.
I recently understood they can void this exit fee if the service area is a known problem area. This is nearly everywhere I go however particularly at home it is amplified and as I said the whole family is affected.
29 Dec 2010 05:06:44 PM: Yea if you are having really bad reception issues they should let you cancel without any fee, but they might ask for the phone back. Keep contacting them and if they can't resolve your issue then it might be worth going to the TIO.
8595 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Bad at 29 Dec 2010 04:56:25 PM
This is a comment on pressure to be applied.
I was in Casuarina square today, watching a stream of sheep wandering
into the Vodaphone store with the extra large photos of Ricky
Ponting and Michael Clark on the wall.
One action to take might be to contract media outlets advertising
vodaphone and suggest that their reputation may be tarnished if
they keep advertising this company. The Herald-Sun has vodaphone
ads on its home page. I just wrote to them, politely, and suggested
that might wish to reconsider whether they should continue to
advertise this company.
I was in Casuarina square today, watching a stream of sheep wandering
into the Vodaphone store with the extra large photos of Ricky
Ponting and Michael Clark on the wall.
One action to take might be to contract media outlets advertising
vodaphone and suggest that their reputation may be tarnished if
they keep advertising this company. The Herald-Sun has vodaphone
ads on its home page. I just wrote to them, politely, and suggested
that might wish to reconsider whether they should continue to
advertise this company.
29 Dec 2010 05:05:40 PM: I agree. Vodafone's sponsership of cricket has bought the sport into disrepute. They aren't far away from "smoke and alcohol" advertising in my mind.
8594 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Highly at 29 Dec 2010 04:55:05 PM
Calls continuously drop out or I have no reception. This is costing me so much as my phone is used for business. Repeatedly calling people back not only is the added expense of calls, the time wasted is enormous.
This must be fixed! And soon!
This must be fixed! And soon!
8593 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is very fail at 29 Dec 2010 04:53:41 PM
multi media sms wont send, very ordianry reception....when I can get reception.
Just unhappy with the service. Have been with Vodafone for over 10 years but over the last 12 months the service has turned to absolute sh*t.
Just unhappy with the service. Have been with Vodafone for over 10 years but over the last 12 months the service has turned to absolute sh*t.
8592 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Central Coast at 29 Dec 2010 04:52:58 PM
Service is getting progressive worst. Couple of years ago it was OK. Now we have no service frequently. Sometimes texts will not be able to be sent. Ed Sanders
8591 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is horrendous at 29 Dec 2010 04:52:32 PM
Cant get reception even when im in the city near a reception tower, had no reception at the waca last weekend... would hope they start spending more money on fixing their coverage than on the cricket!
8590 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is MEGA BIG fail!! at 29 Dec 2010 04:51:19 PM
Vodafone was great with fabulous customer service until Hutchins(3) bought it out 3/4 years ago has become progressive NIGHTMARE since. Have 3 phones and 2 broadband modems= 5 connections with them and, honest, ALL are stuffed in last few years. Calls don't come through, may or maynot get to voicemail, texts may take 4 DAYS to come through, missed calls, dropped calls, everything already said on this site! Slow broadband, ACHINGLY slow website etc...and concept of 'customer service' is an unlaughable joke. The customer service operators themselves are polite, apologetic and genuine in their desire to help but they are also ineffective and uncertain in their answers and actions, likely to the limitations of information, authority to act and staff numbers in the call centres they work from. Less staff, less equipment and trainig leaves more money for aggressive (if shonky) advertising and managerial payrises I guess. Am in process of transfering phones to Virgin, though wish someone else would offer 365day option as is useful for my spare phone. Also paid $300 for original broadband modems (2) when released, told could disconnect from Vodafone3 after 6 months, not exactly true I found out, as want to charge ANOTHER $75 each for the disconnection fee!! Yes, cheaper to cut my loss of both modems and buy again elsewhere. So my warning to unwary is DO NOT BUY ANYTHING from this company whatever the 'offers' may be as they WILL find a way to trap or abuse your contracts with them!! Joined them 2004, leaving them with 2010. Great website, fabulous initiative!! To critics....yes, all telcos and any other business who want contractual obligations to your wallet for 2 years should have websites like this calling them on their side of that contract!! Well done!
8589 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 2 out of 2 at 29 Dec 2010 04:48:07 PM
Bought two vodaphones this xmas one on contract. one prepaid.
Neither work in the house. will work 500 yards up the road.
1, Do I move the house.
2, Try and get refund for prepaid and try and cancel contract.
At present I think 1 will work as I am still on hold after 1 hour.
Any suggestions.
Neither work in the house. will work 500 yards up the road.
1, Do I move the house.
2, Try and get refund for prepaid and try and cancel contract.
At present I think 1 will work as I am still on hold after 1 hour.
Any suggestions.
29 Dec 2010 05:02:05 PM: Email them via their online complaints form.. it takes longer for a response but you can track it. They will exit your contract if your service area cannot be fixed.
8588 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is grinch-worthy at 29 Dec 2010 04:45:11 PM
Photos sent by MMS (from a Telstra mobile) on Christmas afternoon to my VodaMobile arrived on Monday 28/12.
SMS sent from Rural NSW from Telstra mobile at 9pm 28/12 did not arrive until 0620 29/12.
SMS sent from Westpac Bank 24/12 (as part of funds transfer security) never arrived - at all. Requested replacement SMS security code - never arrived.
SMS sent from Car Dealer for info on my car never arrived.
Other SMS arrive multiple times (only "sent" once)
Examples of SMS being sent multiple times but I only pressed "send" once - although credit where credit due, when I rang 1555 they gave me and account credit.
Frustration with poor coverage outside main areas including dead spots in main suburban areas around ACT.
A recent holiday uncovered almost no coverage throughout Tasmania.
The deals and prices might be pretty good but the adage of "you get what you pay for" is proving quite true.
SMS sent from Rural NSW from Telstra mobile at 9pm 28/12 did not arrive until 0620 29/12.
SMS sent from Westpac Bank 24/12 (as part of funds transfer security) never arrived - at all. Requested replacement SMS security code - never arrived.
SMS sent from Car Dealer for info on my car never arrived.
Other SMS arrive multiple times (only "sent" once)
Examples of SMS being sent multiple times but I only pressed "send" once - although credit where credit due, when I rang 1555 they gave me and account credit.
Frustration with poor coverage outside main areas including dead spots in main suburban areas around ACT.
A recent holiday uncovered almost no coverage throughout Tasmania.
The deals and prices might be pretty good but the adage of "you get what you pay for" is proving quite true.
29 Dec 2010 04:55:59 PM: How true! even though Telstra costs more it works. No good paying a cheaper price for something that doesnt work.
29 Dec 2010 05:39:05 PM: All of these are true for me, plus I can call my Wife standing next to me Both with Desire HD's and it tells me her phone is switched off. Full reception on Both. Send her a message and it turns up 3 hours to 2 days later. Phones are meant to be able to be used for Emergence good God help me if she is ever in need of medical help...
8587 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 90% at 29 Dec 2010 04:43:57 PM
my text don't go through. we have hardly any coverage in our area & we only live 5klms from the city center.. i have to go outside to talk, even then i get dropouts.. i even got a new phone in case mine was faulty..
8586 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is lack of coverage at 29 Dec 2010 04:41:38 PM
lack of coverage text messages that are sent but never arrive but are charged
8585 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is absolutely woeful at 29 Dec 2010 04:41:11 PM
I have one spot in my house I can make a call and that is the corner of my kitchen next to my microwave (should I be concerned?) and even this is hit and miss. If it turn the phone on and off and sit up on the bench I am lucky to make it through a call but often there will be silent periods where the other person cant hear me. My patio is the only part of my whole yard i can make a call and it is often only one bar. Sending an sms can be done in the same spots but I have to sit the phone on something so it is still or up on the top of my couch and often it will take at least 15 minutes to get just enough coverage to go through. Checking internet sites is pointless almost at home especially anything that is considerable in size to download. If it is just text it is usually ok. Vodafone have been extremely rude and unhelpful in this and stated that I have adequate coverage in my area. I was told when I bought the phone that I had excellent coverage. HA! Also checking the vodafone website for my usage is painstaking and the graphs dont work anymore when they did in the past! Not happy Jan.
8584 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Waiting waiting waiting at 29 Dec 2010 04:38:19 PM
It takes forever to get anything done! Ring ring, Lara, ring ring, Lara, ring ring, Lara, Lara, Lara, Lara, Lara, last months crappy top five tunes, Lara, ring ring, Lara OMG!!!!
I am about to bet my head into the wall!!!
Why is no one talking to me yet? 45 mins and I just wanted to update my banking details!!!
Longest wait time ever!
Unfortunately, I've looked around and if I changed, my bills would be double if not triple when you take away the free calls to 3 and vodafone customers
Damned if you do, damn I'd u don't I say...
I am about to bet my head into the wall!!!
Why is no one talking to me yet? 45 mins and I just wanted to update my banking details!!!
Longest wait time ever!
Unfortunately, I've looked around and if I changed, my bills would be double if not triple when you take away the free calls to 3 and vodafone customers
Damned if you do, damn I'd u don't I say...
29 Dec 2010 08:55:03 PM: if ur silly enough to listen to Lara u dont have my sympathy, what i do is cut her off every time she speaks i say operator or customer assistance, i have found that it works well.
8583 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 29 Dec 2010 04:37:24 PM
It is very simple - STAY away Vodafone until they have a functioning network and you get value for your hard earned dollars - they our advertising cheap plans and data .. and give you an even CHEAPER network, data connections and e-mail service.
My woes started about six months ago with outbound sent e-mails just disappearing into the WWW never to be seen again - but for some strange reasons you seem to get inbound e-mail ok.
Then MMS pictures were taking 8 hrs to arrive at the destination phone after sending them ... not good when your bosses and work associates are sent an MMS at 4pm and are woken up at 2am when they arrive on their phone.
If you send an MMS with text attached to it - the text arrives but the picture disappears.
In the last 5 days alone I have logged "26" fail to connect to the network, and YES I have taken the SIM card out, rebooted the phone, switched off 3G, manually located the network - the same outcome results "FAIL TO CONNECT"
Call DROP OUTS to many to count I literally dozens a day - for six months I have been told the same thing by Vodafone .. when it's being addressed ! - it has been fixed ! - I'm sure this is only temporary ! please call us back if you have any further problems !
its ALL SPIN ... fix our telecommunication service that you charge us for monthly without fail - do what you advertise you can do OR PAY YOUR CUSTOMERS BACK ! enough is enough
My woes started about six months ago with outbound sent e-mails just disappearing into the WWW never to be seen again - but for some strange reasons you seem to get inbound e-mail ok.
Then MMS pictures were taking 8 hrs to arrive at the destination phone after sending them ... not good when your bosses and work associates are sent an MMS at 4pm and are woken up at 2am when they arrive on their phone.
If you send an MMS with text attached to it - the text arrives but the picture disappears.
In the last 5 days alone I have logged "26" fail to connect to the network, and YES I have taken the SIM card out, rebooted the phone, switched off 3G, manually located the network - the same outcome results "FAIL TO CONNECT"
Call DROP OUTS to many to count I literally dozens a day - for six months I have been told the same thing by Vodafone .. when it's being addressed ! - it has been fixed ! - I'm sure this is only temporary ! please call us back if you have any further problems !
its ALL SPIN ... fix our telecommunication service that you charge us for monthly without fail - do what you advertise you can do OR PAY YOUR CUSTOMERS BACK ! enough is enough
8582 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is at 29 Dec 2010 04:36:44 PM
Having not been able to be call my local mechanic when I had to get my car towed on the weekend and having to take a day off work just to sort things out,forgivable, but now at this very second. Trying to get hold of someone/anyone just to activate my international roaming now that I'm out of the country (Australia {WA}), what is going on? You could say 9 mins 59 secs making it an overseas could be a reasonable juncture to end call? I rest my case. Thank you administrators for allowing us to channel our frustrations..somewhere.
8581 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 29 Dec 2010 04:36:33 PM
Seems to be a common trait, unable to speak with anyone regarding my wireless dongle (poor signal in most locations around my home on Gold Coast). Ended up calling a vodafone store in the NT! Rang Vodafone and was put on hold for about twenty min, ended up hanging up. I'll wait for the 12 months to expire on contract and cancell it, I will never go back, it seems to be the easiest way at the moment.
Worst customer service I have ever come accross in my 55 years.
Hope the class action generates some responce from them.
Worst customer service I have ever come accross in my 55 years.
Hope the class action generates some responce from them.
8580 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is poor service at 29 Dec 2010 04:35:35 PM
2 vodafone shops where i signed up my phones have closed down. The first shop provided totally wrong information about what means the "cap". The misleading caused me paying $ 2,000 phone bill 1 month. When I called vodafone to complain, the answers is: it the fault of the shop owner, not vodafone. 2nd shop i signed up my iphone has closed as well, also provided me the wrong information about overseas service fee, this time i even did not bother to complain since i know i will get the same excuse. Vodafone is definitely providing very poor service to their customers. At the meantime, i sometimes got signal problem even in the city. As a customer, i am NOT happy.
29 Dec 2010 04:59:19 PM: Don't be unhappy Sign up to class action against Vodafone and claim compensation.
30 Dec 2010 06:44:19 AM: Vodafone has dealers that are separate from vodafone and just sell vodafone product therefore it is the shops fault
1 Jan 2011 06:38:29 PM: Spare a thought for the franchisees.. They must sell this dodgy product to feed their families. It was good up until the merge now it's all gone pear shaped. VHA has sent my business and me personally broke. How can I honestly "sting" customers? VHA will not admit they are at fault as every franchisee will sue them. I've just recently refinanced my property to the tune of $100k.. I never signed up for a dodgy network of merge!! Now I'm going to lose the lot!! Care factor from VHA is zero... Can't wait for my barrister to get back from annual leave!!! Good luck to each and everyone of you! Don't give the pricks the satisfaction!!!! Two cans and a string will do me!!! NJ
8579 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Delayed response with customer service at 29 Dec 2010 04:33:21 PM
These telco's have a real issue with answering customer's inquires, and the first step is to simplify their answering systems by having people answer calls and directing them to the appropriate section. Automatic answering systems do not work.
8578 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Uber fail at 29 Dec 2010 04:30:33 PM
Ahh nice website!!! Had 9 iPhones... Over this year!!! Vodafone kept on giving me faulty phones!! Ive had 6 3G's and 3 iphone 4's. And my reception is shit where I live. Calls dropping out.. Data failing to operate and 1 and a half hour wait times for support just to be told "our system is down".. Seriously vodafone WTF?!? Plus I just got a 1400 phone bill which is incorrect and it still took 4 calls and a talk to the CEO to get it fixted!! OR GO TELSTRA!!!
8577 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Vodafone isn't that bad surely?? at 29 Dec 2010 04:29:55 PM
I have Been vodafone customer for the last five years and am lucky enough to have found a store that has gone through several coverage issues and customer care calls with me. I think vodafones coverage can be pretty poor a lot of the time, by they are by far the best deal I have received and now I can call people on three and vodafone unlimited, excellent!!! The sales advisor at my store who I visited today said that yes calls are dropping out a lot at the moment and Internet is really slow and unfortunately for the customer, do many customers are buying high data intensive phones and mobile internet that the network upgraded towers have not been able to keep up with it!! Also there is an issue because 3 customers are now roaming onto the vodafone networks as there is network congestion on their roaming partners network making everything a whole heap worse!!! I know it's not the consumers fault, but they have shown me a whole heap of towers that hvw gone up around the Brighton area, and there have been soooo many, and apparently lots more to come with this merger blah blah blah. I say stick in there because they are definatley the best value. I also recommend going to get your services from the smaller stores not in the shopping centers, it's nice to have someone remember your name!!
8576 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is terrible at 29 Dec 2010 04:21:30 PM
I do not get any signal, in a normal area, i cannot obtain a balance on 1555 when i send an sms & i dont receive picture messages, its a fukn joke & im peeved off !
8575 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is major FAIL at 29 Dec 2010 04:20:04 PM
So over the whole service, on most days it takes me 5-10 times to dail someone and get through! Once i do get though and talk for a few minutes my call drops out! Also my data on the my phone is worsed than dail-up internet speed :S
Been in contact with vodafone and they keep telling me that it's my phone that is the issue, on the second time i called them they told me the same thing even though i took my phone in to be looked at, only to be told that there is nothing wrong with in. When i told the operator this, he still told me its my phone!
I have been with Vodafone for 5 years and in that time i never had all these huge issues! Now at a point to tell vodafail where to go and find another provider!
Been in contact with vodafone and they keep telling me that it's my phone that is the issue, on the second time i called them they told me the same thing even though i took my phone in to be looked at, only to be told that there is nothing wrong with in. When i told the operator this, he still told me its my phone!
I have been with Vodafone for 5 years and in that time i never had all these huge issues! Now at a point to tell vodafail where to go and find another provider!
8574 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Terrible at 29 Dec 2010 04:20:00 PM
Agree, having same problems as everyone & extremely frustrated & angry! Been with Vodafone 10 yrs. Their customer service is almost non existent. The greatest deterioration is in the last few months but declining over past 2 years. Main problems are dropping out, poor reception ie often only 1 - 2 bars, problems with global service while on business & unable to access voicemail - unable to get through to call centre to resolve, on hold 40 minutes at nearly $7 per minute, yes this is the cost to call the customer assistance from overseas! Made several attempts, each time eventually hung up as unable to get through. The one time I got through the girl said this was not her department and we needed to speak to another dept which were not available at that time but she would notify them - we never heard from her or the dept. Attempted online help & also sent email query. Received a response to our email from Vodafail nearly 24 hrs later to tell us they had received & logged our problem & 'they would get back to us' and gave some standard info which didn't help. We were on business overseas and was ridiculous not only that global roaming was not working but that we could not get assistance to fix the problem yet ended up with a big $ bill in trying. On return from overseas attempted multiple times to contact Vodafone to discuss this bill before paying for a service we did not get but could not get through. 3 days after the bill was overdue a bar was put on my phone.... as a last resort to contact vodafail l plugged my phone in to its charger and my partner & l spent a combined nearly 6 hrs on hold to get through to resolve the global roaming bill issues. We are fed up.
8573 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very bad at 29 Dec 2010 04:19:00 PM
Really bad signal strength in a lot of places still. Around my house, I have to move from one area of the house to another until a bar appears and then the call will drop out if I move an inch!!
8572 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is phone drops out of service constantly, receiving sms & multimedia is deis layed. I had pictures sent to me on christmas day, recieved them four days later! at 29 Dec 2010 04:18:44 PM
Phone drops out of service constantly and takes a long time to come back in service. Receiving sms & mutlimedia is delayed. I had two pictures sent to me on christmas day and I finally recieved them on the 29/12/10!
I have been a vodafone customer for years, but will look into other service providers if they can't get themselves sorted out!
I have been a vodafone customer for years, but will look into other service providers if they can't get themselves sorted out!
8571 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is extremely fail at 29 Dec 2010 04:17:17 PM
i have had my phone and broadband connected with vodafone for quite some time now. My broadband for starters, i have been contacting vodafone for going on 11 months now with problems connecting my broadband, problems getting to my home page, problems recharging, problems loading web pages and the list continues. I have spoken to at least 40 customer assistants and every time i get told they will get a technician to look at my problems yet 11 months later im still having the same problems. i asked to speak to the supervisor on the last couple of phone calls and i was told he can see the ongoing list of people io have spoken to and was arranging a meeting to solve my problems. that was 4 weeks ago. still nothing. With my mobile phone i have had constant coverage problems, constant dropouts, i have sent messages that havent gotten to the receiver till days later, i have sent messages that have then sent multiple times again, i have had messages sent to me that i havent received till days later and i have had constant default texts sent to me from vodafone for no reason at all. I have now been dealing with vodafone for like i said going on 11 months and i still have not been able to use neither my phone nor my broadband properly. I am still waiting for the call back in regards to my last phone call 4 weeks ago.
8570 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is CEO reception at 29 Dec 2010 04:12:39 PM
I wonder what kind of reception Nigel Dews the Vodaphone CEO gets?? Surely he is having the same issues at times. I am sure if he was getting that kind of service for his electricity supplier he would want to be let out of his contract immediately and switch suppliers. Any Vodaphone staff out there had to switch carriers because of the problems??
29 Dec 2010 04:16:42 PM: He probably uses the NextG network :P
8569 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 29 Dec 2010 04:10:44 PM
unable to get signal, calls drop out, sometimes I just cannot get a signal even though others on different networks can, having to listen to longer message from vodafail when retrieving my messagebank!! Unable to get onto the internet after vodafail boasting that I have 500mb to use, I don;t think I have EVER used to facility since they started it........!! Aarrgghhhh!!
I am looking to go onto a plan but will look elsewhere even after having been a vodafail customer for over 4 years....
I am looking to go onto a plan but will look elsewhere even after having been a vodafail customer for over 4 years....
8568 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Completely at 29 Dec 2010 04:10:37 PM
I started my own business and our business phone is with Vodafone, we had not had a problem until we had clients trying to call us and they couldnt in saying that we then lost so much business over the next 10 days @about $700 per day adn think that vodafone should rein-burst us for what we have lost
8567 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Fed UP at 29 Dec 2010 04:10:06 PM
My main gripe is the poor signal I get from everywhere, including the main cities of Australia. And when you are in regional areas you are often only able to make emergency calls.
MMS arrive days and days late. A MMS sent by a relative from interstate on Christmas Eve arrived on December 29th at 3am. This is simply not good enough, Will be doing all I can to get out of my contract, because enough is enough...
MMS arrive days and days late. A MMS sent by a relative from interstate on Christmas Eve arrived on December 29th at 3am. This is simply not good enough, Will be doing all I can to get out of my contract, because enough is enough...
8566 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is extremely. at 29 Dec 2010 04:08:49 PM
Just bought my daughter a new vodafone prepaid phone for christmas, she was so excited, we goto the shop to buy a $30 recharge and the phone won't even allow me to recharge her BRAND NEW phone? Now what on earth is this? i can't take the recharge back nor the phone so what do we do?
We phone customer service. Currently been on hold for 37 minutes.
Great Customer service you've got there vodaFAIL.
We phone customer service. Currently been on hold for 37 minutes.
Great Customer service you've got there vodaFAIL.
8565 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is constant dropouts at 29 Dec 2010 04:07:35 PM
very poor service always hard to connect and stay connected around Parramatta I cannot wait on the phone for long periods of time to explain my problems with this service or lack of service and customer care they know its a problem and take our money every month I have chosen another carrier pay as you go who are much more effecient at what vodaphone does poorly
8564 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 29 Dec 2010 04:04:19 PM
I initially used Vodafone because they told me that I would have great coverage in my area and over most of eastern NSW and their plans were actually great value. 2 years ago we drove to Melbourne- hardley any coverage along the way, none along Great Ocean Road. and ended up buying a new phone, still with Vodafone because I thought my mobile was faulty. Then had to stay in Melbourne extra night due to Sim card problems. Questioned staff from local shop about this upon our return and was told to list everywhere that coverage dropped and then contact Vodafone with that info. Too many places to even start listing, plus I can't get mobile reception in our house. I have to walk a block away, sometimes 2 to get reception. What is the use of that? Finally gave up this Novemeber and transfered my account to Telstra. I don't have as good a monthly plan as I had with Vodafone, but I guess you get what you pay for. I finally have home reception, all the way mostly to work (an hours drive) and at work. Yay!! Vodafone GONE!!!!!!!! Thank you for taking on the task.
8563 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Vodafone is a joke! at 29 Dec 2010 03:59:12 PM
I have had poor internet service since I began my contract. It drops out more times than it is connected as a student who relies on the net for research it is starting to impact my studies. Trying to contact Vodafone to sort this out has been nothing short of a complete waste of time. I spent an hour on the phone only to be told by a foreign call centre operator "I don't know anything about that" and who tried to put me on hold again. My partner tried after this and spent two hours on hold. Got through to someone only to be transferred to another department and put on hold again. At this point he succeeded in getting put through to the cancellation department. Win for us, right? Not really. He got a recorded message saying "the department is shut" and vodafone cut him off. He tried again yesterday, demanding to speak to a manager. After getting passed around several times he finally got someone who at least agreed to waive my next bill but said to ring back tomorrow. He rings back - spends 40 minutes on hold - gets put through. Gets cut off. Instead, I try sending several emails. The only response I get is "we are closing the correspondence". This is beyond a joke! We are at our wits ends now and have no idea what to do. I have contacted the ombudsman and have to hope that will accomplish some real results.
8562 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Totally at 29 Dec 2010 03:58:54 PM
8561 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Horrible and useless at 29 Dec 2010 03:54:52 PM
I have been going in and out of reception in the last few weeks and only noticed because people were messaging me to call them as they couldn't get through to me.
Spent an hour on hold yesterday only to give up.
I'm 8 months pregnant living alone so having no coverage in a time of need is not acceptable in my eyes. How can I get out of my contract?!
Spent an hour on hold yesterday only to give up.
I'm 8 months pregnant living alone so having no coverage in a time of need is not acceptable in my eyes. How can I get out of my contract?!
8560 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Big time at 29 Dec 2010 03:53:23 PM
I have moved to Vodafone few months ago. My wife also moved to VF since. we have had terrible coverage at home. Always missing calls etc. Thats fine considering coverage. What I am pissed is that when people call me it doesnt come through to my phone not even voice mail. I am very disapponted and now all my calls are forwared to a Telstra Prepaid (which i brought only for this reason) number. My wife doesn't want to carry another phone, so she keep missing the calls. Being an radio engineer my self, I could understand that there are areas holes even in the city center but missing calls even while in coverage is unacceptable.
Oh, my wife has been trying to get her password reset for over two weeks now. She is furious with the customer care, they simply taking people for a ride. A simple password reset due to VF system failure takes over two weeks to fix !!!
Oh, my wife has been trying to get her password reset for over two weeks now. She is furious with the customer care, they simply taking people for a ride. A simple password reset due to VF system failure takes over two weeks to fix !!!
8559 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Let down at 29 Dec 2010 03:52:11 PM
I live in the Sydney south west. I cannot drive to Wollongong via piction road without having zero reception. What year are we in? 1800's? It is a disgrace!
I have also had problems in the city with no data coverage or slow coverage!
My girlfriend has an optus contract and the 3G speed compared to vodacrap is so much better!
My family are with vodacrap they have sure lost 4 customers!
I have also had problems in the city with no data coverage or slow coverage!
My girlfriend has an optus contract and the 3G speed compared to vodacrap is so much better!
My family are with vodacrap they have sure lost 4 customers!
29 Dec 2010 04:04:33 PM: wow 4 whole customers? this will break their budget for sure....haha hahahahaha
29 Dec 2010 05:11:00 PM: Hi Nigel. Your on line again
8558 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 29 Dec 2010 03:50:49 PM
they signed me up know all of this and happy took my money and still do every month for service i dont get.wish i new this before i signed a 24mth con :-(
8557 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is not the only network with problems at 29 Dec 2010 03:48:24 PM
If you created websites for all other networks you will get the same type of feedback... we all know that you're not the only one facing these problems... i think that it is a waste of energy, time and money to do all this... not one network is perfect... and if everyone including I put this much energy, time and money into bigger issues and more important issues... we can do some GOOD. Im sorry but i find this whole thing to be more of a joke.
29 Dec 2010 03:51:49 PM: Interesting opinion, I disagree with most of what you have said but we live in Australia and as such everyone is entitled to that opinion. As with the latest update on this site:
"29 Dec 2010 - Breaking Update
I started this website hoping to gain the attention of Vodafone so that they acknowledge our problems and get them resolved. This morning I took your complaints and suggestions to Vodafone CEO Nigel Dews. He and his team are well aware of our issues and are focusing on how to solve them. It is now up to Vodafone to announce how and when your specific problems will be solved. Vodafone has clearly taken notice however this website will remain open until our main issues are resolved. I am appreciative and humbled by the support and coverage this website has achieved yet it is a testament to your complaints and contributions. We understand that this may be a frustrating time for customers however please remember to be calm and respectful to Vodafone employees and each other. We cannot personally resolve any of your issues but we can keep you informed and direct you to the right people."
So to me, this site is achieving more then you realise.
"29 Dec 2010 - Breaking Update
I started this website hoping to gain the attention of Vodafone so that they acknowledge our problems and get them resolved. This morning I took your complaints and suggestions to Vodafone CEO Nigel Dews. He and his team are well aware of our issues and are focusing on how to solve them. It is now up to Vodafone to announce how and when your specific problems will be solved. Vodafone has clearly taken notice however this website will remain open until our main issues are resolved. I am appreciative and humbled by the support and coverage this website has achieved yet it is a testament to your complaints and contributions. We understand that this may be a frustrating time for customers however please remember to be calm and respectful to Vodafone employees and each other. We cannot personally resolve any of your issues but we can keep you informed and direct you to the right people."
So to me, this site is achieving more then you realise.
29 Dec 2010 03:52:08 PM: hear hear...all the networks in australia have their pros and with vodafone and there is nothing wrong with my service.
29 Dec 2010 03:53:52 PM: Yet I am on the NextG network for my 3G needs (both phone, mobile broadband etc), and it is faultless. They may not have the best call centre support, but none of them do. But network wise the NextG network is faultless.
29 Dec 2010 03:59:48 PM: I think they already knew the problems they were facing before. Especially with the merge, It makes sense that there will be a few hiccups.
29 Dec 2010 04:08:05 PM: I certainly think this website is great and not a waste of time.It seems it was needed to let Vodafone know what it's Customers really thought and take action. The fact that Vodaphone is still signing people up to substandard network without warning them is criminal. It's easy to have the cheapest plans to attract Customers but you need a network that will support your current Customers as well as your new ones and their increased demands.
29 Dec 2010 07:54:15 PM: Sorry, your opinion is irrelevant - of course no network is "perfect", and no-one expects them to be. The issue is quality - a reasonable expectation of minimum service. This is the reason I left Vodafone a few years ago.
30 Dec 2010 08:24:34 AM: well this is all interesting,I can honestly say I have when with optus for around 14 yrs never experienced the amount of problems I do with vodafone,this being said it is also only since they merged with 3 that our problems started,It was also explained to me by someone from another provider that when these thing happen you have more people using the network which creates weaker signals,but i also need to piont out that when I was originally with vf many years ago they were abs crap back then as well so it does look as though not a thing has changed there,I will be leaving them again never to return.
8556 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAIL-MAX at 29 Dec 2010 03:46:26 PM
I spent over 3 MONTHS on the phone to Vodafone regarding my connection.
The first month I tried to resolve the problem, the last 2 months I tried to cancel my contract because they were not providing me with the service I signed up for!
Cutting a long story short - I FINALLY got some results - the offered me 2 free months and then a big discount off every monthly bill that I had after that (another 12 months) BUT - that wasn't enough for me, I wanted my contract cancelled and I got it! (FREE OF CHARGE). Keep on pushing people! Im now with Virgin, and am finding them MUCH better!
Well done Vodafail! Sort em out!
The first month I tried to resolve the problem, the last 2 months I tried to cancel my contract because they were not providing me with the service I signed up for!
Cutting a long story short - I FINALLY got some results - the offered me 2 free months and then a big discount off every monthly bill that I had after that (another 12 months) BUT - that wasn't enough for me, I wanted my contract cancelled and I got it! (FREE OF CHARGE). Keep on pushing people! Im now with Virgin, and am finding them MUCH better!
Well done Vodafail! Sort em out!
8555 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is festering sore at 29 Dec 2010 03:45:37 PM
today again in the cannington area of perth. i could not call or sms anyone. my wife is also on vaodafone and we couldnt send or recive anyhting. always with the "network connection error" or something like that. we get home and the sms texts i sent her arrived after we got home which is a 15 minute drive. it only appeared to start working again when wemoved to a different suburs base station is all i can guess. 1555 rings out but the TIO is always a guarenteed means.
8554 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible in every way at 29 Dec 2010 03:45:32 PM
No data coverage in Sydney CBD, cannot access internet, email or voicemail at times. Phone will display full reception throughout day, but people tell me they can't contact me on mobile. SMS messages not getting to recipient - this has happened numerous times. Frustrated that I'm being charged to send an sms that is not being delivered.
Moved from Optus network after 2yrs of crappy service from them thinking that Vodafone would be better (I was a vodafone customer for 8 years prior to going to Optus) however, very disapointed to find that Vodafones problems are worse than Optus. Would like to be able to tether my phone to use the mobile broadband, however cannot do it at home or in Sydney CBD.
Complained to Vodafone via their website describing in detail where the problem was and how it was affecting me, had a response from their support asking me where the problem was and how it was affecting me. In other words, their support didnt even read my original email.
I want out of my contract or a reduced monthly fee at least until the problems are fixed. I am paying for a service which obviously cannot be delivered.
Moved from Optus network after 2yrs of crappy service from them thinking that Vodafone would be better (I was a vodafone customer for 8 years prior to going to Optus) however, very disapointed to find that Vodafones problems are worse than Optus. Would like to be able to tether my phone to use the mobile broadband, however cannot do it at home or in Sydney CBD.
Complained to Vodafone via their website describing in detail where the problem was and how it was affecting me, had a response from their support asking me where the problem was and how it was affecting me. In other words, their support didnt even read my original email.
I want out of my contract or a reduced monthly fee at least until the problems are fixed. I am paying for a service which obviously cannot be delivered.
8553 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EXCRUCIATINGLY at 29 Dec 2010 03:44:43 PM
I usually have 2 min of service and 30 min of no service. I have been timing this for the last few weeks. Well, this is certainly VERY ANNOYING, yet we DO try to understand the company's issues and blah blah blah... HOWEVER today I got a call from VODAFAIL offering me a new plan which is UNLIMITED!!! Now, I wonder how unlimited it can be, GIVEN THAT I CAN'T MAKE CALLS!!!!!!!!!
8552 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is valueless at 29 Dec 2010 03:41:08 PM
Im in FNQ so i know service is problem as you go north but even in cairns service is bad. in my house i can not use my phone at all and have to stand out front on the side of the road and that only works sometimes. Also im on a plan and my bill is wrong more offten then not e.g, one bill will finish on the 16th of the 11th and the next will start on 14th of the 11th. it cost me money every time i have to call to get it fixed. Why Vodafone Why?
8551 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is poor service for months at 29 Dec 2010 03:39:52 PM
Finally found some time to complain to Vodafone about the slow data I get plus more recently call drop outs and slow text messages as I am now on hlidays and have some spare time. Although data has always been slow it has definately been getting worse no matter where I am.
Of course the Customer Care staff had to go thorough a process have you tried this and that (yes I have). They are going to run some tests and get back to me on Monday due to the holidays etc. This is after I requested to get out of my contract.
I must say the staff member I eventually got put through to was very helpful (sounded like a subcontinent call centre though). And they put me on a cheaper plan (as they should).
All I can say Vodafone is stop signing more people up to a Data plans on a network that clearly isn't coping. Apologise to everyone and promote how great your network is once it's upgraded.
Oh and by the way there are plenty of your Customers that haven't yet bothered to complain cause they don't have the time. Just because someone hasn't complained in detail doesn't mean they are happy with the service ( I think the CEO was saying only a small number of Customer complained). Once their contracts are up I think plenty will be switching. My advice would be to send apology letters and discounted plans now until the problems are fixed.
Hopefully I will hear back Monday! Wish me luck!
Of course the Customer Care staff had to go thorough a process have you tried this and that (yes I have). They are going to run some tests and get back to me on Monday due to the holidays etc. This is after I requested to get out of my contract.
I must say the staff member I eventually got put through to was very helpful (sounded like a subcontinent call centre though). And they put me on a cheaper plan (as they should).
All I can say Vodafone is stop signing more people up to a Data plans on a network that clearly isn't coping. Apologise to everyone and promote how great your network is once it's upgraded.
Oh and by the way there are plenty of your Customers that haven't yet bothered to complain cause they don't have the time. Just because someone hasn't complained in detail doesn't mean they are happy with the service ( I think the CEO was saying only a small number of Customer complained). Once their contracts are up I think plenty will be switching. My advice would be to send apology letters and discounted plans now until the problems are fixed.
Hopefully I will hear back Monday! Wish me luck!
29 Dec 2010 04:14:33 PM: Good luck! Hope you get your contract sorted out soon.
8550 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Mega Fail at 29 Dec 2010 03:39:40 PM
Recently (only in December) contracted to vodafone for 24 months with both phone plan, phone and internet. Now can barely get internet which virtually drops out after just connecting and as for the phone, I have found only one place in the house that I can get minimal receptions and even this continually drops out. Currently on hold now to vodafone to see the options of getting out of this very new contract...wish I found this website before I signed :(
8549 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is ALWAYS DROPPING OUT!! at 29 Dec 2010 03:38:41 PM
Half the calls made to my phone dont make it through because there is usually no or little reception at home (and my last 2 houses in this suburb - Duncraig). Making calls is just as appauling. My last call got disconnected after 2 minutes because of reception drop out. Called up to order pizza last night, and it took about 3 times for them to get my order because the phone kept breaking up due to bad reception - even when outside!!
When I called up vodafone about this, all they recomended was to change my sim card at a vodafone store. It changed nothing! Vodafone reception is crap! Thinking seriously about changing
When I called up vodafone about this, all they recomended was to change my sim card at a vodafone store. It changed nothing! Vodafone reception is crap! Thinking seriously about changing
8548 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAIL!!!!! at 29 Dec 2010 03:36:28 PM
Im not even going to start on my phone issues. My biggest problem is our INTERNET. When i signed onto my contract i lived in Moss Vale. I had every intention of moving to Nowra. I checked with voda that the coverage would be fine. They assured me that nowra had full coverage as it was a much larger suburb. It doesnt. Long story short i now have an internet contract with Voda and absolutly NO coverage that i have to still pay $10 a month for the next 15 months.
My partner has had the same number with Voda for 13 years. It was ok until the last 12 months. Constant drop out calls, network busy or no coverage. We are both on recently new plans and have no service in our new house. They just dont want to now about it, no help at all and i just cant deal with them anymore :(
My partner has had the same number with Voda for 13 years. It was ok until the last 12 months. Constant drop out calls, network busy or no coverage. We are both on recently new plans and have no service in our new house. They just dont want to now about it, no help at all and i just cant deal with them anymore :(
8547 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Absolutely shocking at 29 Dec 2010 03:33:14 PM
I purchased my IPhone from the Port Macquarie outlet at Settlement City shopping centre late last year, where the phone displayed FULL reception (great gimick that one - you move 30 meters from the Vodafone shop & the reception disappears!!). I have no reception in my house, except on occasion I will have one bar of service on my washing machine. I logged my complaint some months ago explaining the issues that I have - which is no service, & they said they would send someone out to have a look. I had not heard from them for several weeks so I followed up my complaint to be told that I don't live at a valid address!! I had even given them instructions on how to get to my house & it can be located on Google Maps. They dismissed me & told me to go to the Ombudsman. Being a full time working parent, I cannot take the time out during working hours to log my complaint, so to date have not done so. I would like to say, that I would never ever ever recommend anyone to sign up with Vodafone. I left Telstra due to their lack of customer service, but Vodafone just have no service at all! Very disgruntled from Port Macquarie (not the middle of Australia where one would expect to have limited service).
8546 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is QUERY PAIN at 29 Dec 2010 03:30:32 PM
8545 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epically fail at 29 Dec 2010 03:29:44 PM
Worst reception, constant break up. Can never get calls from work which frustrates me so badly. They desperately need to fix up their coverage soon. If not ill just have to switch ny provider.
8544 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is completely at 29 Dec 2010 03:29:14 PM
Im not even going to start on my phone issues. My biggest problem is our INTERNET. When i signed onto my contract i lived in Moss Vale. I had every intention of moving to Nowra. I checked with voda that the coverage would be fine. They assured me that nowra had full coverage as it was a much larger suburb. It doesnt. Long story short i now have an internet contract with Voda and absolutly NO coverage that i have to still pay $10 a month for the next 15 months.
My partner has had the same number with Voda for 13 years. It was ok until the last 12 months. Constant drop out calls, network busy or no coverage. We are both on recently new plans and have no service in our new house. They just dont want to now about it, no help at all and i just cant deal with them anymore :(
My partner has had the same number with Voda for 13 years. It was ok until the last 12 months. Constant drop out calls, network busy or no coverage. We are both on recently new plans and have no service in our new house. They just dont want to now about it, no help at all and i just cant deal with them anymore :(
8543 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is 10/10 at 29 Dec 2010 03:26:40 PM
No reception at my living address. 3 Months ago never had a problem with reception.
Calls are going to my voice message! I get the messages hours after the call was made.
As a result I am having to pay to use my voice message as well as return the phone call!
Due to no reception I have missed out on much needed work leading up to Christmas!!!!
Calls are going to my voice message! I get the messages hours after the call was made.
As a result I am having to pay to use my voice message as well as return the phone call!
Due to no reception I have missed out on much needed work leading up to Christmas!!!!
30 Dec 2010 10:11:33 AM: I have had the same problem!!!! Not Happy!!!!
31 Dec 2010 01:03:33 PM: i have this problem too they suck
8542 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is lolfail at 29 Dec 2010 03:26:11 PM
my phone says i have full reception but i cant make any phone calls, send txts or get on the internet. people apparently have been trying to contact me for 3 hours to see where i am, and i've been waiting at home for them to call me.
vodafone is ruining my social life coz i can't contact anyone
vodafone is ruining my social life coz i can't contact anyone
8541 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is epic at 29 Dec 2010 03:25:54 PM
Usually pretty good vodafone area never complained before but now for the past 5 days txt messages are delayed by about 10 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how do they explain that!!!!! I am not receiving calls they go straight to voice mail which doesn't notify so how am i meant to know they are there????????? Very very unhappy customer looks like Telstra is the only reliable one out there this is ridiculous service.
8540 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No Service at 29 Dec 2010 03:25:06 PM
I have been with Vodafone for quite a while now and have had nothing but trouble with my service. I have to change my network settings on my phone in order to get any service if not I can't get any (which i was advised to do from a vodafone employee)so everytime i turn my phone off and on again i then have to adjust my settings. I have to walk around my house in order to find a place with service in order to send messages. If im in a shopping centre and try to make a call i have to stand in the one place until my call is finished or it drops out. I can be in the same room as my husband and forward him a message and he will get it 2 hours later. I would hate to be in an emergency situation as i have text my husband on my way home from work and he has received the message and hour to 2 hours later after i have got home. Im definately thinking about going to a different provider.
8539 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is HUGE FAIL at 29 Dec 2010 03:24:11 PM
I am still waiting for a message on my vodafone which was sent approx 3.5 hrs ago, this message involves the whereabouts of my children. At least I found them after calling around but I shouldn't have to go through that when they have done the right thing by letting me know via text. MASSIVE FAIL
8538 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 29 Dec 2010 03:17:48 PM
everytime i am on the phone in a middle of a call, it drops out, getting sick and tired of it, i will go to another user if this keeps going and never use vodafone again!!!!ENOUGH IS ENOUGH FIX YOUR PROBLEM!!!!!
8537 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Ashes at 29 Dec 2010 03:17:05 PM
The ashes. Another Vodafail!
8536 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Craptacular at 29 Dec 2010 03:13:38 PM
29 Dec 2010 03:16:30 PM: You should have mentioned the TIO to the person you were talking to, as that may have sped the process up for you. Either way bet of luck, the TIO should be able to assist you.
29 Dec 2010 03:19:58 PM: Yeah I did mention the TIO and was basically told that I should feel free to contact the TIO if I wished (we know these help desk people are useless but they are certainly very polite!)
29 Dec 2010 03:26:58 PM: Bugger I thought that would have sped it up for you, ah well now they get hit with a fe from the TIO to investigate, and additionally they have 10-15 working days to rectify the problem.
29 Dec 2010 03:35:11 PM: Fingers crossed. Thanks for your support :)
29 Dec 2010 03:42:05 PM: It would have actually assisted the rep to resolve your issue if you had factual information. You can't get out of your contract based on your say so. It is a contract! This just goes to show that the old saying is true. 'Buyers are Liars'
29 Dec 2010 03:51:38 PM: As I said, I did not write down every time a call dropped or a call failed as I was out or running around at work. I was not aware that this is what they needed (numbers, times, places, dates etc). If they looked through my phone history if they could be bothered (especially since the fault is theirs and not mine) they would be able to quite clearly see all this information for themselves. I am no liar. What would possess you to think I would waste my time on such things if they did not direct affect my life? Please reread my initial post if you need to understand why having a reliable service (that i have always paid for on time every month by the way) is important for me.
29 Dec 2010 04:01:04 PM: You wrote that you made stuff up. They CAN see call history. They can put 2 and 2 together. Instead of lying you could have recorded the times and dates where it happened again to make your complaint factual and called them back or viewed your call history in your bill and worked it out for yourself. They have no requirement to help you end your contract. The burden of proof/supplying a reason is on you.
29 Dec 2010 04:17:24 PM: I said I made up a few incidents to get them to shut up, i.e. to get the investigation going. The incidents I told them about have actually all happened to me, just not within the 72 hour period they demanded information for. I have barely used my phone in the past 72 hours because of Vodafone's craptacular service. When all the above-mentioned incidents have occurred over the past 3 months, I have simply not been in a position to write them down. I'm sure I'm not alone in that. I know every single member of my family who are with Vodafone are all having the exact same issues as me, and not one of them has been writing things down. I will repeat, they can look at my records to find out what they need - I can guarantee you that their records are a lot more comprehensive than my measly online bill. They may not have a requirement to end my contract, but they certainly have an obligation to provide me with the service that is stated in the said contract, which as we all know, they are not.
8535 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is POOR POOR POOR at 29 Dec 2010 03:13:20 PM
I am a new vodaphone customer and just finding out what that means...I am from brisbane, but christmas in northern NSW with no signal at all in tweed heads and ballina, then no signal in brisbane until I find this web page and learn that if I turn on and off I get a signal! have just listened to 4 days of messages
8534 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Failure at 29 Dec 2010 03:13:18 PM
I have had nothing but trouble in the last year with Vodaphone. The problems have been call drop outs,poor reception,Bills not showing call details 6 off the last 12 months,I could not get on my vodaphone could not get on last 2 months spent a total of 15 hours on phone just for that issue.
I just want a service provider that can provide the service that I am paying for.
I just want a service provider that can provide the service that I am paying for.
8533 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Unsure at 29 Dec 2010 03:12:41 PM
I have signed up a week ago (and already experienced their bad service) and am wondering if I should try and get out of the 2 year contract? I live at the Gap and work in Fortitude Valley in Qld. Is there a cooling off period etc? Is there any chance of Vodafone actually improving their service? If only I had known about this site a week ago!!
29 Dec 2010 03:33:40 PM: have fun trying to get out of a contract.. have fun trying to get through laras maze just to talk to a real person!
29 Dec 2010 03:46:45 PM: I'm in exactly the same boat, I've been in my contract for 2-3 weeks. I think there is a cooling off period but I cant remember if it was 2 weeks or not. I'm on the phone to them now and intend to complain but see if I can get compensation for the inconvenience or let out of my contract.
29 Dec 2010 03:49:54 PM: there is no cooling off period..u signed a 24 month contract!!!!!!
30 Dec 2010 09:47:42 AM: I don't understand how they can legally sign you up to a contract, knowing full well that they cannot deliver the service as promised? Surely this is a breach of fair trading/ACCC/ASIC something??? ASIC fine you $65 for lodging a form late, but a massive multi national company can rip us off for thousands of dollars and we can't do anything about it? What is wrong with this country?
8532 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is terrible at 29 Dec 2010 03:12:17 PM
I went to Vodafone as 3 gave poor service... since i have been with them I have had nothing but issues phone calls are always dropping out on me or not even getting through,I don't get much service at home or work, my text msgs are taking up to 6hrs to get to the recipetent, voicemail is coming through up to a day late.
Every time I call to try and discuss this issue I have to wait between 1-3 hours till I get through or they return my call and then spend 1/2 an hour to an hour listening to them telling me its my (I) phone or where I live.....
Friends are with other services and have great service in my place of residence and work, today I called and left a msg to get A return call it took 3hrs I then started to re discuss my issues and advised I wasn't happy with the outcome.. the customer service representative then advised he would put me through to disconnection... lol I have just disconnected that call after waiting for 45 mins... I will be going into a store on my next day of this is ridiculous.
Every time I call to try and discuss this issue I have to wait between 1-3 hours till I get through or they return my call and then spend 1/2 an hour to an hour listening to them telling me its my (I) phone or where I live.....
Friends are with other services and have great service in my place of residence and work, today I called and left a msg to get A return call it took 3hrs I then started to re discuss my issues and advised I wasn't happy with the outcome.. the customer service representative then advised he would put me through to disconnection... lol I have just disconnected that call after waiting for 45 mins... I will be going into a store on my next day of this is ridiculous.
8531 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is of the charts!!! at 29 Dec 2010 03:10:02 PM
8530 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is fail at 29 Dec 2010 03:08:07 PM
around cairns i am lucky to keep reception all the time.. in some shopping centres it drops out all the time, at home i have to stand out in the street to get only 1 bar, also have just gotten back from tasmania on a holiday and only had reception in hobart, sorell, launceston, devonport and burnie.. as soon as i was outside the city area it completely dropped out.. complete fail there as we also had a mobile broadband stick for our laptop.. used once when we got back to hobart finally.... its compeletly crap reception
8529 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Its not so fail for a stand alone company at 29 Dec 2010 03:06:38 PM
Terrible 2g reception and 3g is a scam
29 Dec 2010 05:14:21 PM: terrteter
8528 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Extremely at 29 Dec 2010 03:06:23 PM
I have been a vodafone customer for quite some time now and i have not had so much of these problems until this past year, which has been terrible with constant call drop outs sometimes having to call back up to six times just to finish what would have been a quick conversation and no reception coverage as well as short battery life. It is driving me insane. I really do hope that all this media attention will get something positive done fast.
29 Dec 2010 03:14:40 PM: Extremely Disappointing that was meant to be ;-(
14 Jan 2011 11:24:36 PM: Please tell me you are not using one of the new gadgets? Ie a phone that constantly updates your facebook is a gps as well as constantly accessing the network to retrieve your email maybe has Bluetooth and wifi operating most of the time? Check out this website if you do here you can find out the specs of your phone including battery life and if other people using the same type of phone are having the same issue.... Just a thought
8526 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 29 Dec 2010 03:01:13 PM
I have been a vodafone customer for more than ten years,despite the dropping of calls and poor coverage the thing that has had the most impact on my life is the text messages that regulary turn up hours if not days late.My childs mother in past few years has attempted to contact me only to have the message dissappear or be delivered the following day,This has caused enormous angst.Despite calls to vodafone this issue has never been resolved. i am more than willing to join a class action it is the only way vodafone will be forced to address an on going problem.
8525 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is POOR POOR POOR at 29 Dec 2010 02:56:38 PM
I just travelled to Brisbane for Christmas and i hardly had 3G coverage, In Sydney i have good signal, my messages were delivered late and - i was in Brisbane City, it was crap, had to turn my phone off and on to get one bar of signal, since Voda has merged with 3 they appear to be flying off the radar with the service they provide and the customer service when you are transferred to India - i was on hold for 1 hour and 50 minutes to speak to a Voda rep. That is Poor.
8524 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is No longer competitive at 29 Dec 2010 02:56:04 PM
New iPhone 4 customer. Cannot get stable Internet browsing or data transfer. I'm supposed to get 1.5GB per month but due to poor speed and dropouts I can't even get close so what am I paying for. When I complained, I was told to turn my phone on and you think I hadn't already done that! When I complained in writing I was asked loads of irrelevant often do you use your phone, how long for, is it an iPhone 4.....nothing about my data woes
8523 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is LIFE THREATENING!!!! at 29 Dec 2010 02:55:07 PM
Due to the poor service vodafone has been providing i was unable to call emergency services yesterday when my daughter collapsed at the shopping centre i had to scream out to someone to call an ambulance for her.
I hope to god this vodafone nightmare does not cost someone their life!!!!
I hope to god this vodafone nightmare does not cost someone their life!!!!
29 Dec 2010 03:44:44 PM: Your phone will call emergency services on any network that is available. If you couldn't call out then NO NETWORK was available at all. In door coverage is not guaranteed by any carrier.
30 Dec 2010 12:34:24 PM: Thats funny the lady standing next to us was able to get through to emergency services...therfore THERE WAS A NETWORK service available
8522 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is HORRENDOUS at 29 Dec 2010 02:53:34 PM
Never have any reception. people constantly cant get onto me. i cant get onto other people. i never get messages. people never get my messages.
8521 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is fail at 29 Dec 2010 02:51:07 PM
I have repeated failed attempts at connection, people tell me they haven't been able to contact me for days and that my phone has been switched off
and i went over my plane by 3 msg's and when i got my bill it goes i went over my plane by 42$
i think vodafone is becoming more fail by the 1hour this is unbelievable.
and i went over my plane by 3 msg's and when i got my bill it goes i went over my plane by 42$
i think vodafone is becoming more fail by the 1hour this is unbelievable.
8520 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Failing again and again at 29 Dec 2010 02:51:05 PM
Perth metro area, close to CBD. Poor and often NO signal. Rarely receive 3G. Call drops. Delayed text and voicemail messages (often delayed by several hours). Atrocious customer service call centre (not the fault of staff). Wanted to change my direct debit details, they told me to do it myself on their website. I told them I had tried that but their website wasn't working and was even mire atrocious. Devaluing existing customers. If Vodafone spent half as much time and money improving their services as they do on advertising and marketing, it would never have come to this. What a shame.
8519 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No reception! at 29 Dec 2010 02:51:05 PM
I don't have reception at my house and yet I work from home!! How the hell can a person conduct business from home in an area that does not have reception. Bad coverage Three/Voda!!!
29 Dec 2010 03:50:42 PM: u can try moving
8518 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is THE SIZE OF THE INDIAN OCEAN at 29 Dec 2010 02:50:51 PM
i had a vodafone mobile but it no longer recieves calls just goes straight to message bank so i had to buy an optus mobile wich is terrible in its own right but i also have a vodafone moble broadband connection wich is absolutely useless it connects and uses credit but rarely allows me to browse online for more than a few minutes my complaints are constantly referred to a mysterious "team" who never get back to me i doubt they even exist i have been reembersed a small amount of credit but in all they seem not to care about my situation they are bastards
8517 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is extremely at 29 Dec 2010 02:50:42 PM
Have 5 services with vodafone and my phone (which i require for work) drops in and out constantly and when I went into a store to possibly get another one they suggested i buy a "crappy one" until my plan runs out early next year.I have also spent hours being kept on hold when I have rung 'customer service' which is a total joke plus have trouble viewing my bill.
8516 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Total Fail! at 29 Dec 2010 02:49:09 PM
I signed up with TransACT 18 months ago (24 month contract) - they run off the Vodafone network. When I signed up I told them that I go to the south east coast a lot, namely to Bermagui and Beauty Point, and I was assured of service in those areas. COMPLETE FAIL! No service at all in Beauty Point, and very little areas of reception in Bermagui.
Also, I have been receiving sms's up to a day late, and some voice mail messages haven't been received at all. I was told recently that it was the fault of the phone, so just shelled out $99 for a pre-paid handset to last me through to the end of my contact.
TransACT / Vodafone - UTTER FAILURE
Also, I have been receiving sms's up to a day late, and some voice mail messages haven't been received at all. I was told recently that it was the fault of the phone, so just shelled out $99 for a pre-paid handset to last me through to the end of my contact.
TransACT / Vodafone - UTTER FAILURE
8515 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Voda Three Telstra comparison at 29 Dec 2010 02:48:59 PM
I thought my Three mobile internet on hand held computer was getting slower, IT WAS!! I bought prepaid Telstra 3G simcard and installed in UMPC and it works super fast. since Three have been hijacked by VODA the service quality has deteriated. I thought THREE were OK and they were, but it seems Voda are ruining a good service provider. three always had good call centre help, not a long wait and problems solved quickly. Seems Telstra and Optus will end up with a duopoly and we'll be paying dearly in the future for access. best advice, don't take up plans, use prepaid uncontracted phones free of provider software etc.I wonder if Telsta now own all of Three mobiles towers?? possible reason for deteriation of network.
29 Dec 2010 02:56:44 PM: spot on
8514 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is On call for 2.5 hours at 29 Dec 2010 02:48:26 PM
I have been on the phone to Vodafone and Three for over 2.5 hours trying to resolve unblocking a handset and re-gaining email access, without any resolution to either. So much for Customer Care!!! I was advised to call Vodafone, hung on for 30 mins after whicvh I was informed to ring Three. Was transferred by the Support person only to hear "this service is not available" So much for Support, or lack thereof
8513 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Shit house at 29 Dec 2010 02:48:06 PM
I still currently am paying off a 1700 dollar bill from vodafone when most of the calls on this were not actually mine. I Have paid over half of this back now because they were sending it on to give me a bad credit rating.when contacting vodafone time and time again i was told nothing they could do.
8512 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No longer have email access at 29 Dec 2010 02:44:09 PM
I am a Three (now VodafoneHutchinson Australia - VHA) user and have always had (free) email access since joining Three. Now Three Support advised me today when I called them that I have to pay $5 a month for email access. When I upgraded my handset at the local Three branch, no-one advised me a charge (for email access) will apply. I've checked the Three website and nowhere does it state a charge will apply. Three now expect me to pay the monthly charge whereas it was their responsibility to advise me at the time of replacing the handset a charge will apply. In my view it is their responsibility to ensure I continue to have email services at their cost, not mine.
29 Dec 2010 03:48:52 PM: if u upgraded ur service and took on a new plan (one which doesnt include free email)..then u dont get the free email..simple as that..the new plans come with free data.which u can use for email should have asked if ur previous inclusions carry is not the responsibility of the sales person to tell you.
8511 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is one word "POOR" at 29 Dec 2010 02:43:58 PM
POOR service
POOR call receiption
POOR in message recievals
POOR all round
couldn't promise to fix all of the above, ended up braking contract because of that. all they cared about was that the billed got paid, didnt have problems taking my money...
POOR call receiption
POOR in message recievals
POOR all round
couldn't promise to fix all of the above, ended up braking contract because of that. all they cared about was that the billed got paid, didnt have problems taking my money...
8510 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Totally crap at 29 Dec 2010 02:43:07 PM
On switching to 3 (now Vodafone) from the overcharging big T, I have discovered that as I walk through my house I can be shunted through three different cell towers ... problem is that I loose reception (no signal) when switching between cell towers ... 3 and Vodafone have been pathetic in their attempts to assure me the coverage and switching between towers should not cause signal drop outs even going as far as suggesting that it's my mobile that is the issue. I've invited both 3 and Vodafone to my place to test it for themselves, but the customer service person I spoke with at Vodafone told me that they were too busy dealing with real issues! So Vodofone, what good is a mobile if you can't walk around and use it like the manufacturer intended?
EJ from Evatt
EJ from Evatt
8509 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is extremely fail at 29 Dec 2010 02:41:38 PM
No recpetion on my phone, paying internet for almost 6 months without any form of internet connection. Billing system is disastrous. Vodafone sent a billed on my wrong address, payment didnt get on time and now I have a default credit rating against my name, however all address's were updated but still fail to get the bills to the correct address. customer service is worst in my experience dealing with any retail outlet.
8508 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING at 29 Dec 2010 02:40:54 PM
Have had Vodafone for many many years despite the fact that NOT ONCE has a call remained constant without dropping out. We live in Cherrybrook in suburban Sydney and have 3 mobiles on Vodafone. NOT ONE of the phones [all different brands] can reliably receive calls in our home. The phone MAY ring, usually not, and if it does manage to ring...the caller ALWAYS drops out! We are NEVER able to be contacted, nor contact each other within the local shopping centre, nor at Castle Towers- monstrous shopping centre- whilst every other telco users CAN receive calls...NOT US VODAFONE SUCKERS!. Calls constantly drop out, every single call, EVERYTIME!!!!!
So we bought yet another 3 cheap mobile phones recently in frustration and connected them to VIRGIN. Uses the Optus network, however Virgin coverage seems much much better The phone ALWAYS RINGS! AND is definitely available in the shopping centres mentioned above. Still trying it out though. As far as Vodafone goes, they deserve what they get for not using local call centres and employing Aussie staff to service customers. Like Hutchinson 3 Mobile they shoved us off to India & elsewhere, and just like we did to THREE 3 mobile , we are now giving Vodafone the BIGGEST SHOVE OF ALL!!! OUT THE BLOODY DOOR###
So we bought yet another 3 cheap mobile phones recently in frustration and connected them to VIRGIN. Uses the Optus network, however Virgin coverage seems much much better The phone ALWAYS RINGS! AND is definitely available in the shopping centres mentioned above. Still trying it out though. As far as Vodafone goes, they deserve what they get for not using local call centres and employing Aussie staff to service customers. Like Hutchinson 3 Mobile they shoved us off to India & elsewhere, and just like we did to THREE 3 mobile , we are now giving Vodafone the BIGGEST SHOVE OF ALL!!! OUT THE BLOODY DOOR###
29 Dec 2010 03:47:51 PM: Haha I was in Castle Towers a few days ago. Got a call in the cinema. Thanks Vodafone for embarrasing me. Spose I should have had it on silent. Works fine throughout the centre. Strange that you had this experience.
8507 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is crap at 29 Dec 2010 02:39:21 PM
Spent the day shopping at a major Gold Coast shopping centre my phone was on the whole time but when my mum tried to call me it went to message bank she panicked and was stressed cause she couldnt get through to me. I also sent a sms on christmas night but the person didn't get it til 5.30am the next morning, they weren't too happy being woken up at that time.
Major fail vodafone
Major fail vodafone
8506 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Massively! at 29 Dec 2010 02:37:54 PM
I have my phone on silent most of the time at work and as a result if someone calls and I miss it, they generally leave a message for me to call them back. Problem is, the messages don't come through to my phone on average for about 2-3 hours later and the phone doesn't even register that I've had a missed call. My calls cut out, the internet is constantly dropping out, I can get reception in my kitchen but not my bedroom (which is right next to the kitchen) and I live in Mt Gravatt! But this is all on a good day. A good day is classed as one where the hand set (which is only 18 months old) actually works. I am typing this whist having been on hold to Vodafone now for the last 35 minutes. I orginially called to find out when my contract will be finalised with them due to my handset not working, the CS rep suggested I speak with someone about their "loyalty phone upgrade" program. So after waiting 35 minutes on hold, I was then informed by the next person that I would have to pay an extra $30-$50 per month just to have a new phone for the next 12 months otherwise I can pay for the remainder of my current phone which would be just over $300.00! Not really sure how this is a loyalty program considering it means me having to pay them more for a service that DOESN'T WORK!
8505 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VODA-LAME at 29 Dec 2010 02:36:15 PM
I've been with Vodafail for a few years now and it has been gradually getting worse!. It often takes ages to connect when I try and make a call if it manages to at all!. I also have a prepaid internet stick and at times it will take over 10 minutes to load even the google search engine page!. It's supposed to be using 3G network and my phone that's sitting next to the computer loads the page in 5 secs. I rang the customer service and they explained that between the hours of 8 - 11pm there is an increased traffic on the net and so it might be slower. Why was I not told this when I purchased the internet stick?. Funnily though, as soon as I've run out of internet credit the top up page comes up faster than lightning. Boo on you Vodafone!! Way to lose your customers...OH and don't even get me started on the incredibly frustrating LARA customer service voice system!
8504 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAIL at 29 Dec 2010 02:35:06 PM
8503 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very fail at 29 Dec 2010 02:34:54 PM
I have repeated failed attempts at connection, people tell me they haven't been able to contact me for days and that my phone has been switched off which is simply not true:it is simply that my service provider is not providing service and not fulfilling their part of contract.
I am in a medical field and this morning I was trying to contact a colleague while in the apartment of an acutely unwell patient. Of course my phone would not connect me! Just one example of many I can cite.
I'm very interested in this class action I heard about. I will definitely be lodging my grievance with the ACCC and withdrawing from contract.
I am in a medical field and this morning I was trying to contact a colleague while in the apartment of an acutely unwell patient. Of course my phone would not connect me! Just one example of many I can cite.
I'm very interested in this class action I heard about. I will definitely be lodging my grievance with the ACCC and withdrawing from contract.
8502 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is 100% at 29 Dec 2010 02:34:37 PM
Crazy Johns data USB device, uses Vodaphone, it is USELESS.. me thinks its quicker to use Snail Mail !!!!
8501 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very fail at 29 Dec 2010 02:34:09 PM
I have repeated failed attempts at connection, people tell me they haven't been able to contact me for days and that my phone has been switched off which is simply not true:it is simply that my service provider is not providing service and not fulfilling their part of contract.
I am in a medical field and this morning I was trying to contact a colleague while in the apartment of an acutely unwell patient. Of course my phone would not connect me! Just one example of many I can cite.
I'm very interested in this class action I heard about. I will definitely be lodging my grievance with the ACCC and withdrawing from contract.
I am in a medical field and this morning I was trying to contact a colleague while in the apartment of an acutely unwell patient. Of course my phone would not connect me! Just one example of many I can cite.
I'm very interested in this class action I heard about. I will definitely be lodging my grievance with the ACCC and withdrawing from contract.
8500 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very fail at 29 Dec 2010 02:33:18 PM
I have repeated failed attempts at connection, people tell me they haven't been able to contact me for days and that my phone has been switched off which is simply not true:it is simply that my service provider is not providing service and not fulfilling their part of contract.
I am in a medical field and this morning I was trying to contact a colleague while in the apartment of an acutely unwell patient. Of course my phone would not connect me! Just one example of many I can cite.
I'm very interested in this class action I heard about. I will definitely be lodging my grievance with the ACCC and withdrawing from contract.
I am in a medical field and this morning I was trying to contact a colleague while in the apartment of an acutely unwell patient. Of course my phone would not connect me! Just one example of many I can cite.
I'm very interested in this class action I heard about. I will definitely be lodging my grievance with the ACCC and withdrawing from contract.
8499 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Criminal at 29 Dec 2010 02:33:16 PM
I Have been a vodafone customer for more than 3 years and got a contract with the iphone 3gs and was given a coverage map the day i signed up ensuring me that coverage was not a problem in my area.
I was soon to find out that this is not the case at all. I cannot get coverage in my house or outside unless i get up on my water tank which is very dangerous.My boss has almost given up trying to ring me because it constantly drops out and then costs more to ring back again and again.
One night i came home from the city on the train and tried ringing my wife to pick me up from carrum station in melb but had no reception on the train all the way from parkdale so i ended up having to ring from a payphone and yet costing me even more money! Voicemail is constantly down or you dont get the message untill hours later and i cannot send emails from my iphone.
I have complained to vodafone on their website more than once and their response was "we are working on it", i must be a big job because that was last year and its still no good!I cant believe i am legaly bound to a contract that i have to pay for when they are clearly not providing the service that they promised. Like in said above its Criminal.
I was soon to find out that this is not the case at all. I cannot get coverage in my house or outside unless i get up on my water tank which is very dangerous.My boss has almost given up trying to ring me because it constantly drops out and then costs more to ring back again and again.
One night i came home from the city on the train and tried ringing my wife to pick me up from carrum station in melb but had no reception on the train all the way from parkdale so i ended up having to ring from a payphone and yet costing me even more money! Voicemail is constantly down or you dont get the message untill hours later and i cannot send emails from my iphone.
I have complained to vodafone on their website more than once and their response was "we are working on it", i must be a big job because that was last year and its still no good!I cant believe i am legaly bound to a contract that i have to pay for when they are clearly not providing the service that they promised. Like in said above its Criminal.
8498 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is service deteriation at 29 Dec 2010 02:32:57 PM
I'm a THREE user and have been for a few years, using mobile internet on UMPC and 2 x Sami non contracted phones. Service and reception on both mob internet and on 2 x phones were ok until recently. the data speed testing has dropped down and have phone connection and drop out problems. this seems to happened since VODA took control of THREE !!? luckily I'm not on contract and Phones are unlocked. If this is'nt resolved soon I think I may head back to the BIG TELSTRA after 3 years away!! I have excellent reception on 3G at home 5 bars all the time so no excuses THREE / VODA.