26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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19796 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Power to you? at 26 Oct 2011 12:58:56 AM
Change the website slogan to Vodafone's, but with a question mark at the end (and maybe some italics)

Vodafone - Power to you?

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19795 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is superfail at 25 Oct 2011 09:39:59 PM
been on phone trying to get through since 7.00PM (it is 10.35PM and still no joy)
25 Oct 2011 10:01:48 PM: Wow that's a long wait! There is sometimes a callback option so they call you back when they get to you. Otherwise you can try posting on their facebook page, or their Vodafone community forum. Sometimes those are quicker than waiting on hold - but in the end they make you call up anyway.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
26 Oct 2011 02:02:10 PM: keep pressing the # key, you go straight to an operator

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19793 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is uber hitler moustache at 25 Oct 2011 08:44:27 PM
Brand new pocket wifi2 is averaging 26kb/s. Reminds me of the year 2001 on dialup!
26 Oct 2011 07:04:05 PM: These pocket wifis actually have a PROFOUND DESIGN FLAW - the antenna is behind the battery which has metallic cover.

Even a school child knows that you don't obstruct the antennas path with metals or conductive materials.

I just get amazed - what kind of a w**ker would make such an design, or what kind of another w**ker would pass it through the quality assurance process.
Have they actually tried using it?

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19792 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Exasperating at 25 Oct 2011 08:26:49 PM
3G connection is so slow it's unbearable.
26 Oct 2011 12:49:37 PM: Try changing your modem location if you can, to force 2G - I get very weak HSDPA and 3G - speed is non existant til I force 2G, but that's no speed demon either of course, but it's the only way to get any bandwidth.

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19791 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 25 Oct 2011 04:39:44 PM
Live usage detail on Vodafail website is a big joke. At the time I wrote this (25/10), I checked MY Account section on Vodafail website & guess what? Only see usage detail up to 20/10 which is 5 days ago. Vodafail states clearly on their site that it should be up to 1 date old only. In my case, it's 5 days old huh?

Damn you Vodafail. For now I am stuck with you cursed company cause all my family members are with 3 (need to call them for free).
26 Oct 2011 12:46:26 PM: And this lag has been like that for months - particularly handy near the end of a useage period.
1 Nov 2011 04:57:48 PM: I had the same problem, I having been using vodafone for 6months and used to get instant update on usage if though they say 24hrs. For the few weeks, the usage update information was lagging by atleast 5 days without my knowledge. Only to get more than $200 for a $49. When I checked my usage the balance was $15 above the allowance and only to be shocked with the bill.
4 Nov 2011 10:04:37 AM: Right there with you. Used 3 for almost 2 years with no problems as I could always check balance online. 2 months with Vodafone now. This month, bill was DOUBLE what it usually is. $132 two days ago after end of billing period. Today it shows $154! Called Vodafone and was told "sorry our system is down and I can't check your billing". 2 days ago when I first called to question teh $132 bill I was told that I went over my cap for internet mid month. As I was unable to check online - since they're 5 days behind - I had no clue. Hate vodafone and want to go back to 3!

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19790 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Didn't receive the product which I pay for. at 25 Oct 2011 04:13:21 PM
I purchased a prepaid pocket wifi 3 weeks ago but until now I still haven't received it.

And I have talked to the sales team for almost 10 times and it keeps terminating itself

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19789 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Vodafone lost my order at 25 Oct 2011 02:59:42 PM
I ordered an iphone 4S nearly 2 weeks ago (estimated delivery time was 2-4 days). I received a text with an agreement number on the day I ordered. I called yesterday to ask where my phone is and was told that the agreement number I was given doesn't exist and no order has been made. The order was then put through again but I have been told that they are out of stock and don't know when more is coming in. Also wasn't offered insurance when I made the order and now they refuse to add it even though they haven't even got a phone to send me yet. I find this insane and the worse it gets, the less they seem to care. I am migrating from 3 to vodafone with my iphone order, starting to think I should have gone with another provider. This new network had better be good!
26 Oct 2011 08:57:25 AM: well it's not. enjoy 2 yrs of no network coverage & a big fat fee for VF.

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19788 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is totally at 25 Oct 2011 02:13:04 PM
Why would it take 8 hours to receive a MMS, this happens many times from my partner who is also on Vodafone, about 2 in 10 never even make it at all? WTF

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19787 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is very at 25 Oct 2011 02:08:57 PM
pocket wifi issues and very limited net connections comes and goes in spurts.
worked fine for past 6 months whilts displaying 3G but issues now as unit switches between 3G and H, each time it switches it disconnects me from net access so for each minute Im connected it takes 10 minutes to reconnect. I have version 1 pocket wifi, would version 2 improve my situation?
SA 5014

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19786 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is internet's bad at 25 Oct 2011 01:39:01 PM
My sisters 3 wireless broadband on Saturday said "connect to international roaming, additional charges may apply" normal internet wouldnt work at all so she pressed ok (without asking me if its a good idea). last time i checked, Wollongong is in Australia, i dont know what sort of bill will eventuate soon. If $0.01 extra, ill cancel her month to month payment and go else where as this could be the start of a long troubled time with them.
Could this explain everyones excessive bills, they change your connection to international roaming / calls .... who knows.

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19785 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is massive fail at 25 Oct 2011 10:39:10 AM
i've had no signal on and off since yesterday and been recieving picture msgs 3 days later for a couple of weeks now. Stupid vodaphone.

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19783 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is at 25 Oct 2011 01:02:08 AM
To vodafone, how can you possible sell a product to the customers without first checking that it is suitable for the consumers use e.g the mobile c3-00 is an appaling apparatus it is very difficult to get anything working on it and your customer service is not very helpful, yet your all for us paying on time. All the promises made this phone as not deliver I really regret having purchase this rejected product now I am stuck with it till such time.

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19782 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Complete Fail at 24 Oct 2011 09:32:45 PM
We purchased 3 Iphones from Vodafone, were told that the reception was better than most (utter lies) and that we would be more than happy with there service. Nothing but lies from them, we customer service so many times it was ridiculous. Finally posted on there facebook page and they escalated the problem from us. After the usual 25% discount for 3 months nothing has changed, they are still crap. Our next stop is the TIO we want out of there fraudulent contracts. We are paying for 3 services and cannot use the phones. Vodafail.......
25 Oct 2011 10:00:10 PM: You shouldn't have to pay for something you can't use! Hope you get somewhere with Vodafone otherwise it's the TIO all the way. Goodluck!

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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19779 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is full fail at 24 Oct 2011 04:12:19 PM
I have spent a week up near Rainbow beach, pretty big tourist destination in QLD. The whole time my mates with Optus, Virgin and 3 were sitting on facebook and I couldn't even sent a text until we were about 45 minutes drive back towards Brisbane.
26 Oct 2011 09:01:45 AM: interesting rainbow beach is north of gympie, they cant service brissie how the hell do u expect them to service an area 300+ kms north.

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19778 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail, infinite fail. at 24 Oct 2011 03:37:31 PM
Bought the iPhone 4S, migrated from Three to Vodafone, 3 days later still 'No Service'

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19777 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 24 Oct 2011 02:45:43 PM
On my last 3 trips to Malaysia over the last 6 months, my vodafone iphone has not worked. Have had numerous conversations with the help desk but to no avail. Have had to resort to using a local sim although that does not help with Australian calls. Is Vodafone having issues with their parners?
25 Oct 2011 08:37:22 AM: if u did use VF sim i would hate to be picking up the tab. that "local sim" saved you a backet load. i just got back from china & 3 calls & 3 txt & close to $100 thanks for coming. it is so much cheaper using local sim

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19776 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is extremely at 24 Oct 2011 12:06:50 PM
My mobile internet bill just came in at $309.97 and I didn't even use it!!! Last month was $271.70 month before was $164.62. Every month it increases so thought I would test them and NOT use it at all. The bill is even larger - currently I am on hold listening to crap music - 20 mins so far.

How do they explain the bill?
24 Oct 2011 12:57:19 PM: just double check your settings to make sure you don't have a service running in the background that maybe talking online. looking forward to your outcome but am guessing like all the other's that chat on this page you will get nowhere & have to chat with out good friends at TIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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19775 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is the usual... at 24 Oct 2011 11:22:10 AM
No network data in Sydney CBD. TIO to th rescue soon.

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19774 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is always fail at 24 Oct 2011 10:39:37 AM
i am on vodafone's so called $29.24/ Mnth Cap. i have used extra $ 17.6 in Oct. 2011 month because there was 4-5 days delays in the balance updates. i always check my balance so i dont exceed my limit but vodafone is very unreliable. vodafone is unable to provide a real time balance but never late in charging extra usage to the customer. i have also signed for balance alerts but this does not seems to be working! did not even receive a single alert. i have neven seen such a bad customer service with a telco company.
26 Oct 2011 12:43:50 PM: Funny how the lag seems to be most pronounced near the end of a useage period.

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19773 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is really unbelievably hopeless at 24 Oct 2011 09:33:16 AM
Appalling reception

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19772 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No reception at 24 Oct 2011 08:50:56 AM
my reception keeps dropping out today. (24/10/2011) is anyone else experiancing the same problems??? have turned the phone on and off about 7 times now. have reset my iphone. im getting sick of this reception crap

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19771 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Having Net coverage Issues and Congestion problem at 23 Oct 2011 11:44:13 PM
I am having network Issues and the vodafone customer care representative told that an engineer will call me within 5 days and today is 9th day no one called me yet. moreover they lie and they are rude.
24 Oct 2011 12:23:52 AM: If they haven't got back to you yet and you can't reach them by phone, it might be time for the TIO. If you are seeking a resolution (reduced bill or leaving your contract) then the TIO will be able to help. Their details are on the 'how to complain' page.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
24 Oct 2011 08:49:02 AM: I was told the exact same thing when i rang regarding my problems with reception. Never got a call back from them.

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19770 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Useage updates on Vodafone website at 23 Oct 2011 11:34:13 PM
I can understand the odd delay of a day or two occasionally, but the useage updates have been lagging for some time - recently 4 or 5 days seems to be the norm. I do keep track of my useage myself, but it would be nice to rely on Vodafone's info, particularly when billing time comes up. Am I whinging unnecessarily??

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19766 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Totally terrible at 23 Oct 2011 08:49:58 PM
Was with 3 for close to 7 years but now all new contracts are getting moved onto vodafone. So I moved my phone and Internet to them. For 10 months my Internet cap is no more than $39 then I get a phone call the other day from them trying to get me to upgrade my plan because my bill is over $1000 for the month. I don't download anything on the net and hardly even use it. Then they suspended my account even though my bill is not overdue. I rang them up and they basically told me I am a liar and I will need to pay the bill in full

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19765 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is not working at all at 23 Oct 2011 08:21:00 PM
Just been on the customer service line hold for two hours, due to not being able to access data for the past two days, finally got hold of someone who informed me that the entire State of NSW has no capability to access data coverage, they've known about it for the past 48 hours but can't give any indication when the problem will be resolved.

So all of you in the same boat save yourself two hours on hold because thats the situation as it stands

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19764 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Massive at 23 Oct 2011 11:39:31 AM
We can't even get vodafone reception in our own house and we live 10 mims from Perth city.

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19763 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Quite at 23 Oct 2011 10:02:18 AM
I am currently trying to transfer my mobile number from my prepaid account to my new postpaid account. I thought this would be very simple as both accounts are with Vodafone. I just spoke with a call centre worker and it was so frustrating. He had a strong accent so I had to keep asking him to repeat himself, plus he couldn't understand me and kept asking me to repeat myself, then he said the line was bad and he couldn't hear me (I was calling from my Vodafone mobile!!!)

After a while, he told me that the account had been transferred from prepaid to postpaid, but the way he phrased it made me think that he had just converted my prepaid account into a postpaid account, rather than transferring my mobile number to my existing postpaid account. The call cut out before I could clarify this with him.

I am really frustrated - I understand that Vodafone uses foreign call centres to keep costs down, but onshore centres would be so much better. The most important thing you want out of a call centre is ease of communication between the call centre employee and the client - onshore centres would help with this.
24 Oct 2011 12:25:57 AM: Hopefully it gets sorted out soon! Vodafone does have some staff in Australia, mainly their social media support team and their 'resolutions' team. The latter of which you might get to speak to you when try and cancel your contract. Unfortunately for almost everything else you will reach a foreign call centre.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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19762 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is The worst telecommunication company ever at 23 Oct 2011 08:01:57 AM
I just got my iphone 4s last friday. And i was informed that it will take max 3 hrs to activate my connection. So im very exited went home set up d itunes and called the vodafone to activate my sim. Theres no one to talk but computer asking for the sim number etc. So i provided what they need. Here comes saturday, i waited till 12nn no activation was made. Called the customer care took 46mins and still my sim not activated. Called again at 2pm took me about 30mins wait to talk to someone. Still ask me to wait for couple of hrs to activate my sim. Called again at 4pm the computer said they will call me after 30 mins. Called again at 7pm finally i talk to someone again and they told me that the activation dept is not opening until monday. Now sunday morning i got the call from vadafone (the 30 mins wait they said from sat) and they said vodafone is actually experiencing technical diff. (oviously!)
Now my concern is this. How can i use my phone when they cant activate it. Why did they disconnect my old line when they cant give me new one. What if ders emergency call from overseas that im not receiving. Its been already 3days i cant use my number.
I just want to return this iphone 4s and just void the contract and give back phone line from 3.

Many thanks

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19761 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 23 Oct 2011 02:30:22 AM
Waiting for so long in line for a 4s only to find out you get charged an extra four bucks per month for the life of the contract just because you bought it from a vodafail store

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19760 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is No service. Wtf!!!!! at 22 Oct 2011 05:17:15 PM
How can 3 phones be in the back of a taxi and only one of them have full service, the other two have no service at all. And whats the deal with no sms or mms again. Vodafone what is going on.

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19759 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is High at 22 Oct 2011 04:25:20 PM
No reception no mms no internet

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19757 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Total fail at 22 Oct 2011 03:18:10 PM
Requested 3G modem stick for coverage in my area (900Mhz) but was sold a 2100Mhz modem, that takes me through GPRS 2G network. The stick was purchased today, and i phoned the store back this afternoon, and was told they don't have 3G 900Mhz modems. According to the coverage map's page, all regional area's (including where i live) uses the 900Mhz frequency (Iluka, NSW).
I was told because of the store's policy, i will have to take the matter up with Vodaphone Customer Care, my response was that i will be back to pay the store a visit tomorrow.
What is it with this mob?
23 Oct 2011 11:38:56 PM: Vodafail wireless dialup - pretty unique :)

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19756 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Not cricket at 22 Oct 2011 02:52:46 PM
Adam Gilchrist's message about Vodafail:

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19755 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is VERY at 22 Oct 2011 12:40:12 PM
I am 3/Vodafone and I continue to have issues with poor or no reception, phone shuting down and restarting, and not recieving messages till the day after. My phone has very limited reception in my home so I have to go otuside by a tree in the front garden to make a call or send message as this is the only place I seem to get reception. I also have trouble sending mutimedia message as they sit in my outbox for days before they actually send. I was also recently in Townsville for 2 months and was billed for all data use during this period (even thou I have a data packeage that I pay for on my contract). When I spoke with customer service I was advised that it was because I was on roaming...I was still in Austraila and not in a remote area?!? I also tried to explain to them at this time that I was having alot of reception difficulties, and whilst I was doing so I kept dropping out, so they asked if they could call me back on a landline beacuse they couldn't hear me clearly...I made the point that this is why I wanted out of contract but unfortunatley my phone dropped out before I heard their reply!

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19754 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 22 Oct 2011 11:22:30 AM
My Internet and phone calls keep dropping out so I have to keep cAlling customer service and be put on hold for hours then they tell me my bills over one thousand dollars when it only rose so high because I have to keep recalling and reconnecting to the net my phone freezes also and they do nothing to help just put on some random from overseas who tells me Theres nothing they can do
I will never ever ever make the mistake of getting myself in a vodafone contract again.

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19753 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is There is no word strong enough at 22 Oct 2011 11:10:19 AM
I have had non stop issues with coverage and my phone turning itself on and off and not having coverage even in apparently good areas. When I complained they had no issues with ending my contract 4 months early and waiving the termination fees if I sent my handset back. Fine I just wanted out. Over two months later and I have sent the handset back and they tell me it is received yet I was charged the $500 termination fee and it has still not been credited back to my account!!! Hours and hours on hold and lots of being disconnected and told it has to be sent to back of house and will be done within 6 working days and still nothing.

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19752 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Pathetic mob at 21 Oct 2011 08:41:35 PM
Very poor broadband service only around weekend days (Fri thru Tues) every week. Logged many email contacts and nobody has bothered to get back to me. Now logged a TIO complaint and cannot wait to escalate that to the next level. I really hope Vodafone go belly up, as much as we need competition this rubbish they dish up is beyond a joke.

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19751 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 110% fail at 21 Oct 2011 08:18:23 PM
On hold for over an hour then close of business hours for phone line comes around finally spoke with someone to be told to ring another number. VODAFONE GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!!!!!!!

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19750 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is this is what $94p/m gets you at 21 Oct 2011 06:48:46 PM
this seems to have deleted itself from my earlier post somehow.............
my experiences from vodafone filmed for all to see.

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19748 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is fail at 21 Oct 2011 03:21:06 PM

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19747 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 21 Oct 2011 03:03:21 PM
Where are the vodaphone shops in Adelaide and suburbs

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19746 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is usless at 21 Oct 2011 02:12:09 PM
i live in Westmead , and cant make calls from my unit, this afternoon i stood in front of the Westmead hospital and my calls all dropped out.
Im over it no one can call me or on rare occasions i can make a call. Im trying to run a business and have little chance with this usless service.
Most of the time now i call using my old land line with telstra

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19745 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 10000% at 21 Oct 2011 01:42:55 PM
24 Oct 2011 12:28:13 AM: Vodafone isn't providing the service you signed up for and are paying for. You should definitely let them know and if needed lodge a complaint with the TIO. Call vodafone first though and ask them what they can do to compensate you for your time and lost service. If they don't want to help then contact the TIO. Goodluck!

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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19744 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is reception-less at 21 Oct 2011 01:01:56 PM
Same position I was at the start of the year. Very poor coverage and my phone always seems to be 'searching' for signal which is can never find. I have to turn my phone off and on again. I got a new SIM card from Vodafaila and it hasn't helped at all.

I then went to pay my bill today which pains me as I'm paying for a rubbish service adn was told that a 1.1% surcharge has been put on - why are they charging this on normal transactions.Not happy.

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19743 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 3 now part of vodaphone at 21 Oct 2011 12:40:14 PM
Over the last few months we have experienced a huge increase in dropped calls, poor reception and no reception from my company's ten phones with 3/vodaphone

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19742 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL!! at 21 Oct 2011 12:28:38 PM
Have been with vodafone for years and with a hesitation took another contract with them due to loyalty. When I first started using vodafone they were the best provider on the market and coverage was second to no other company. Customer service is still of an exceptional level within vodafone and for that they should be proud...mind you, someone has to hear the heat and anger of complaints and unfortunately that is your customer care staff and they deserve a payrise for patience!!
My screen again displays NO SERVICE...this is an ongoing issue and as for paying an extra amount of money for internet usage I shouldnt bother because I can never get coverage!! Which is in itself infuriating since I purchased a top of the line phone via Vodafone contract so I could have the internet/work in my pocket...HA!!! Epic Fail!!!
When sharing my frustration my local vodafone store told me that it was the handset creating the service issue....strange because the HTC Desire is a vodafone promoted phone!! Another Epic Fail and frustrating point!!
Im close to certain that my phone would have network coverage if it were necessary to text me a payment reminder, actually...it does because I always get reminders, why you ask??? I have no problem paying for a service but it leaves a real bitter taste in my mouth when I have to pay vodafail $79 a month for no service other than apologetic custormer service, so they wait :(

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19741 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is TOTAL at 21 Oct 2011 08:38:56 AM
Lack of coverage with the usual lack of support or insight from Tech's
21 Oct 2011 09:30:00 AM: please stop telling every1 about our excellent customer service every1 will want the same std

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19740 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 21 Oct 2011 06:36:03 AM
i have fallen behind with my bill due to work issues i can afford to pay half of my bill but would vodafone allow me to pay half and arrange a payment plan for the rest? i have 3 contracts and willing to have 2 of them suspended untill all the bill is clear is this possible?

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19739 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very failed at 20 Oct 2011 09:22:18 PM
New phone new network to vodka fail and worse coverage than previous provider 3 whom I've when with for many years with never any issues
21 Oct 2011 09:32:08 AM: well gr8 news for you, you have 2 yrs of same std to enjoy. so enjoy.

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19738 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 20 Oct 2011 08:06:42 PM
No mobile internet available in Maryborough QLD until the end of November.
Only took 6 hours on phone and lots of yelling for Vodafone to tell me this.
Vodafone tech services kept telling me that was a problem with my computer.
21 Oct 2011 09:33:18 AM: well did u ask for a refund or some othre discount for no service.
6 Dec 2011 07:24:33 PM: After lodging complaint with the TIO,bombarding the vodafone site with negative comments and lodging a claim for cash compensation for the expenses I had incurred, I eventually received a call from resolutions team. I wouldn't agree to the compromise until I had received their offer in writing (email). I also cancelled my credit card from which vodafone deducted the bill payments. Glad I did; because the next bill was so totally incorrect that I would never have recouped the money from vodafone.
By the way, there will be no mobile broadband reception in Maryborough until the end of December.

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19737 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is So fail they've lost a loyal customer (>10 years) at 20 Oct 2011 07:39:28 PM
20 Oct 2011 07:55:06 PM: Don't forget to regularly back-up the data on your new smart phone. Loyal customer fail...... They ALWAYS wipe phone's memory before reloading firmware. You are advised ALWAYS to back-up your personal data before handing phone in for service. Again, Loyal Customer Fail.......
23 Oct 2011 01:55:20 PM: Yes, loyal customer fail indeed. ***bang forehead on wall***

I attribute my lack of sense on this occasion to inexperience (I've never had to get a phone serviced before, and am not familiar with how things are ALWAYS done), naivety (assuming that an $800 smartphone would be treated carefully and as belonging to me), and haste (I was in a hurry and did not read all the fine print on the paperwork).

That said, this is what I would have liked Vodafone to have done:
1. For their sales person in the store to have said "Please back up your phone data" before taking my phone in for servicing. I could have done it on the spot, although I would have needed their help with a replacement battery because the reason I was sending it for service was that the charging socket was broken and the battery had run flat.
2. For the service centre to have called and had a discussion with me before replacing my phone with a refurbished one.
3. Provided a simple way of obtaining the proof of purchase that didn't require 2 store visits + multiple phone calls & online requests for help.

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19736 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is VODAFAILED MOBILE DATA AGAIN!!! at 20 Oct 2011 07:29:24 PM
Internet keeps dropping out - DNS lookup fails time after time. Server closes connection without sending data, browser times out because response too long..... Vodafone need to URGENTLY resolve Internet Gateway issues with THEIR ISP. Too few ports available or what? The network is always OK but the Internet connection is a BIGTIME FAIL!! My wireless Telstra connection just hoons along with no slowdown, but I signed up with Voda 'cos their mobile data rates are more civilized. I want Vodafone to honour its contract with me by supplying continuous data. Like I said, their High Speed network is OK, just the Internet connection sucks - a gateway issue, not a network issue. Please get this right & stop blaming it on network upgrading which is NOT the root cause. I reiterate, Voda's Internet Gateway is the bottleneck - PLEASE, PLEASE FIX IT!!!
20 Oct 2011 08:22:20 PM: Vodafone are upgrading their tower. No internet connection until end November 2011. When I was assured it will be "brilliant". No concept of basic consumer law. They won't consider refund for period service is unavailable.

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19734 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is wireless broadband at 20 Oct 2011 06:15:41 PM
I can't keep a constant connection it keeps dropping out.
I've been told Vodafone have some tower issues but keep telling me the problem is my end but if I drive to another area and connect to a different tower i have no problems. Please just fix it or i'll have to change carriers.

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19733 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is network at 20 Oct 2011 05:25:31 PM
is for you send me the software to make my phone working.because if i put it on ,it says sim card registration failed.my phone is Nokia E63-1.IMEI:355376046826686
20 Oct 2011 05:31:39 PM: reply by sending right now.

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19732 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is BIG at 20 Oct 2011 04:16:06 PM
I preordered the Iphone 4s with VF after my contract with 3 expired. I am now told by Vf that they dont actually have any stock and will complete the order when they have stock. My issue is that how is it a preorder when they dont have any stock to sell. I get locked into an order when I can just walk up to the Telstra shop and get a mobile from then on the spot. I've tried calling them a few times from a prepaid VF number and failed to complete a conversation on 4 occasions coz their annoying sytem hung up on me and there were some instances where the call dropped out

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19731 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is FAIL!!! at 20 Oct 2011 11:58:40 AM
The last 4 days i have had incidents where my network has been cut off, no reception for atleast 6 hours! Over it! How do i get rid of vodafone? Cant even speak to someone instore they tell me to ring up all the time! Also everyone watch your bills mine have been questionable for the last 3 months!
20 Oct 2011 01:15:49 PM: its called the TIO. talk to VF about breaking contract if they say no tell them you will make a call to TIO
20 Oct 2011 07:49:09 PM: Thanks heaps for the reply, what is TIO and what does it mean for me? If i call VF they put me through a million different people and i explain my problem, over and over. I get frustrated with the poor service and give up.
20 Oct 2011 08:53:55 PM: https://www.tio.com.au/making-a-complaint/submit-a-complaint

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19730 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor customer care and late service provided at 20 Oct 2011 11:16:50 AM
Ive got iPhone 4s in last Monday , I've called 7th time to customer service to activate my new sim card but it's Thursday still no service in my mobile what the hell is this????
20 Oct 2011 01:18:49 PM: its called Vf service better get use to it. it is what you will get for the rest of your contract. if u r smart you will return it for a refund & go to another carrie which will cost more but you will get both a phone service & some form cust service.

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19729 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 20 Oct 2011 10:01:45 AM
Order an iPhone online, but never got a status update. Customer service didn't know either, so I cancelled my order, for which I received a text. I then went to a store to place a new order, and today I received two handsets. I have been on the phone for 1 hour trying to sort this out, but have been transferred to 5 different departments, none apparently having any sort of authority for any actions.

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19728 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Watch out for shadows at 20 Oct 2011 07:11:52 AM
I work in Sydney City....Vodafones coverage is so bad if you walk into a shadow coverage drops out..true try it.

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19727 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poorest Service ever at 20 Oct 2011 07:04:15 AM
I limit the amount of calls I make as it continually drops out....So I bought two cans and some string...its makes for a better call connection. The reception for internet is beyond ridiculous....i think its still searching for the server....just by accident it should have found it by now. I went into the store the other day too discuss an upgrade to the new Iphone 4s but because I have 11 months ( in vodafone terms a decade) left on my contract I would have to pay $644 to finish the contract. I nearly fell of the seat...do the customer service people understand what we are experiencing....I bet there contracts for phones are with Telstra.
20 Oct 2011 08:44:05 AM: They know exactly what their customers are experiencing but they are frausters and don't do anything about it. Put a form in here: https://www.tio.com.au/making-a-complaint/submit-a-complaint

that will hopefully get you out without any further money to pay.

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19726 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Like the Simpsons without Homer. at 20 Oct 2011 02:06:48 AM
I was originally with 3, which was fine for a while, but mother made me switch to Vodafone for some upgrade reasons. So I've been with Vodafail for about half a year now and my first incident occurred with the last bill that I need to pay soon.

I understood why I have the amount owing, but I was not happy with the way they were charging me, and how SLOW their service is. Basically, I posted on their 'Vodafone Community' about how I didn't like receiving a bill I was unaware of, considering I am a loyal customer and text to 1512 everyday just to make sure I'm on track with my usage. They never let me know that my exceeding amount was $78, instead it stayed on 0 the entire time up until the bill arrived. So I asked them if this was a way of milking money off customers? Telling you you're not exceeding and then charging you under the radar. I told them I would've been happy to pay that amount if they did their job or upgraded their service and notify me earlier about how much I was exceeding.

Now the point is, instead of replying to my post and helping me out...I receive a 'private' message saying my post was removed because I wasn't being nice and it didn't flow with the guidelines of the post forum. They also said I should 'treat them like how I want to be treated' - which then ended with a "Thanks for your help in keeping the community a friendly, productive environment for all members."

Really? I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure that majority of complaints don't end with a friendship bracelet. I wasn't a happy customer, and that was expected. I didn't swear, I wasn't being racist, I didn't do anything to offend anyone. Deleting my post instead of fixing the problem? Nice work, Vodafone! Now you're IGNORING customers. Hooray for poor customer service!

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19725 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Conniving and dishonest at 19 Oct 2011 11:15:53 PM
I have been with Vodafone for over 6 years. My mother, brother and father are also with Vodafone. None of us had experienced any problems with them to date and they were offering plans with the new iphone 4s that suited me. I went in today and requested the iphone on the $59 a month CAP plan (with $0 to pay for the phone). Unfortunately I am someone who is easily persuaded by salespeople, it's just my nature, so i always do my research first so I know what to get and don't get ripped off. The salesman today - and what a salesman he was - gave me every reason under the sun why I should go with their new INFINITE plan as opposed to the CAP plan, telling me the CAP plan is more for overseas calls while the infinite plan is better for local calls etc. Tried to sell me the most expensive one and i flatly refused. Eventually he had me agreeing to the $45 INFINITE plan with an extra $17 for the phone. All up not much difference to the $59 CAP. But then the extra charges come in, an extra $4 a month for another 700MB of data since it only comes with 500MB (as opposed to the CAP that has 2GB!) and then the insurance was offered as well. I was hesitant and he said don't worry all this has a 14 day cooling off period. To which I asked if that also meant changing the plan and he said of course, I could change the plan with Vodafone Customer Service. After thinking it over I decided I had been talked into something I didn't want and called customer service to change to the $59 CAP. He was very helpful and changed the plan and deleted the extra $4 I had bundled on for extra data and at the end of the conversation I also confirmed that the $17 for the phone (as part of the INFINITE plan) had been deleted to which he responded NO, I still had to pay the $17 as that was an agreement with the store. How can it be since every Vodafone store and online offer the same thing! I called the store and was told the following:
"The $17 is not reversible. Once I have signed up for the contract, the handset charges will be the same no matter what plan I change to"
I then called Vodafone customer complaints and told the lady the situation. I was then on hold and ten minutes later she returned to say there is nothing she can do about it, she has spoken to her manager and he said there is nothing customer serviced can do, I will have to enquire with the store. I told her that was not good enough and requested to speak to the manager. I was put through to the Accounts Manager and he still claimed that he could do nothing. I told him that was unacceptable and eventually he said he could offer me a $5 per month credit. This would mean that I am paying $59 a month for the CAP plan - which should include the handset for $0 plus an extra $17 that they claim I cannot get out of. With the $5 credit I am giving Vodafone $12 for absolutely nothing! Not Acceptable. I told the Accounts Manager that this result was not sufficient and that I will be inquiring with the ACCC to which he said "fine go ahead" and hung up!!
I have never experienced anything like this in my life. Firstly from the Salesman (who is actually the MANAGER of that store - Bondi Junction Westfield) - who didn't exactly lie but certainly did not give me all the information and the truth. Secondly why does Vodafone have a complaints department if they don't actually try and solve those complaints. If the account manager could credit me $5 he surely could credit me $17!
Is there anything I can do with this? It just seems like a complete rip off and I am now stuck with paying alot more than I wanted to for the next 24 months - money I can't really afford to just throw away like this...
11 Jan 2012 03:59:10 PM: Get a life, I can't believe you took all the time to write that, i can't even be bothered reading it!

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19724 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is NO COVERAGE at 19 Oct 2011 10:37:59 PM
After calling and checking online to make sure my regional town was in a full coverage area I signed up. BIG MISTAKE. My phone constantly drops in and out of service around my HOUSE! It's ridiculous and embarrassing and now I just don't use my mobile phone. I will NEVER use or recommend Vodafone again. STAY AWAY

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19723 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Bad at 19 Oct 2011 05:49:30 PM
I am in a slightly hilly area but nothing dramatic. Thje signal can vary between good (3 bars) and nothing, depending on the day and what part of the house I'm in. It wasn't this bad a year ago.

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19722 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Mobile internet fail!! Takes forever to load internet / emails at 19 Oct 2011 03:13:06 PM
I can't for the life of me get mobile internet in the city. Especially at lunchtime when I need to do my critical web-surfing / words with friends moves :P Seriously, it's incredibly annoying, as soon as I hit the city everything (email, internet) just seems to time out forever (and I live in the Northern Beaches where Voda's mobile internet seems to be much better - you'd think it'd be the other way round). Running iPhone 4. So lame.

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19721 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is BAD at 19 Oct 2011 02:00:05 PM
Call dropouts constanlty... soon as I dial the number, drop out, as soon as someone answers, drop out .... mid conversation, drop out. So frustrating, I've had to use the landline, which is going to be quite pricey this quarter. All this started when I received a message to say upgrades were being done, more like downgrades. Trying to get on to customer service is a joke, there is none.

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19720 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Epic at 19 Oct 2011 01:04:15 PM
Agreeing to migrate from Three to Vodafone is one of the worst decisions I ever made. Nothing has gone smoothly, SIM cards didn't work as promised and never got a reply to my written complaints.

Just got my first Vodafone bill, which includes various penalties for exceeding data and call caps, which is not right. They promised everything would stay EXACTLY the same as I had with Three, yet they have reduced the allowances.

I just called to complain and they said they can't help because they have a special team who deals with Three migrations, and I'd just have to wait for that team to call me back.

Absolutely not good enough!
19 Oct 2011 09:33:54 PM: It doesn't sound good enough and I'm sure the TIO would agree. Once they call back make it clear that you were promised the same plan and that if they don't deliver then you will lodge a complaint with the TIO. They will want to avoid the TIO's fines so they should start being more helpful.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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19719 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Mastered the art of Failure at 19 Oct 2011 11:22:03 AM
I redeemed my bonus bank credit and paid the $89 difference to get a prepaid samsung galaxy fit. They were out of stock and didnt bother letting me know.
When I contacted them they reversed the Bonus bank credit but not the $89 which i paid with credit card. When I asked... they said they want the receipt of payment... which I never received in the first place.

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19718 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is mega at 19 Oct 2011 11:19:58 AM
After changing from vodafone to telstra on the 9th october i realised that my iphone was locked to vodafone. damn. so I called them and they assured me it would be done. They STILL haven't unlocked it, although they were meant to call me yesterday (the second lot of '4 business days' i've had to wait, after they somehow forgot to action it after the first time i called them) and also sent me a text telling me it had been done, but alas, when i enter my details on the unlocking website it tells me that my details aren't found. so it's taken them 11 days to do sweet FA! i called their 1300 number and opted for the callback option. they rang me back, then all i got was the engaged tone. so i rang them back, sat on hold for 25 mins and then gave up. argh. today when you call the number it isn't even connecting!! i can't believe i gave them so much of my hard-earned money for 2 years. what a bunch of mofos. how can they actually get away with this???
27 Oct 2011 10:57:14 PM: if you go on the Vodafone website, they have step by step instructions on how to unlock an iPhone through iTunes

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19715 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is it is getting worse and worse at 19 Oct 2011 03:39:31 AM
No need to mention how bad the Vodafone service has became, but here is a different story:
On my last day of billing period (as usual) I checked my credit balance after 5+ hours from my last call, just to know how much left of my credit to use and make some international call of some family members.
It told me that there are $128 out of $500 left for me
ten I made some international calls within this limit; the bill came later with extra $91 for extra international calls.
Vodafone support told me "you have made these calls, and our system takes up to 48 hours to update your credit, and you need to be careful next time", I said how can I be careful; should I keep record of my calls over a month period and sum them just to know what is left !!
or should I be careful by not using the reported remaining amount (%25 of $500) and lose them just to be safe!!!
The most interesting thing, the support call manager told me that I shouldn't make any calls 48 hours before using the remaining credit, just to be sure of the actual credit.

Finally I asked to talk to their highest manager in Australia no India, but she said only India person is available and he can call me later.
I'm sick of that and really need to get out of that contract ASAP (14 months left), but how?

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19714 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Pretty fucking fail. at 19 Oct 2011 12:47:28 AM
Won't even let me buy a product, trying to add an infinite plan to my cart and when I press it "0 Items in cart" comes up. Before i've even started to fail with Vodafone they fail. Fucking pissweak.
19 Oct 2011 08:18:27 AM: wow u should buy a lotto ticket u just won big time. if u have read the posts on this site u will find out how lucky u r. keep running & be happy.

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19713 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is stupid at 19 Oct 2011 12:00:44 AM
I tried to pay my bill, but their website doesn't work.now my due date is nearing and I'm abroad, so online pay is my only way. they should hire someone who can run website properly and not some weird accent guy sitting thousands of miles away so when I try to pay my bill I should be able to. and on top of my effort to pay bill on time they will give me bad credit report and also charge me the interest for delayed payment.how is it fair??

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19712 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Big Fail at 18 Oct 2011 09:59:11 PM
I get reception but call quality is so bad other cannot hear me or it gets garbled on my end.. Internet access is between non existent or 5 minutes wait. I often have to reset the phones to assist with getting connectivty

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19711 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VERY CRAP at 18 Oct 2011 09:10:33 PM
Trying to recharge son's mobile and waiting on hold for more than 25 minutes

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19710 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very bad at 18 Oct 2011 08:23:08 PM
Well i had my phone stolen three years ago. When it was stolen i rang up cancelled it and payed what i had to witch was $79. a month later i got a bill for $1250. They rang me up and said i had to pay the $1250 or get black listed. so i payed the $1250 back $ 50 dollars a week witch they agreed on and i have been black listed for three years now. They rang me bacl last week aand said that they will remove the black list band. I have not being able to get a lone over the past three years all because of VODAFONES poor costumer service team did not cancle my phone when i rang up
Thanks alot VODAFONE
19 Oct 2011 08:21:17 AM: if u have a paper trail go to TIO may not get anywhere with it but who knows.

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19709 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 18 Oct 2011 07:41:16 PM
I need to write to vodaphone to get a copy of the reciept for my handset purchase. It was only purchased four months ago but I have had a flood and lost my paperwork. rang fair trading and the ombudsman and they said that within this timeframe and as I was still paying for the phone and it has a unique ime number id they should be able to provide a copy of this to me. There is no way I want to try and make this request over the phone to the call centre - does anyone have a postal address that I can write too to make a formal request? i expect voda will make this very hard for me.

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19708 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is DATA is deplorable at 18 Oct 2011 06:13:28 PM
The internet data is ok during the day for about 2 hours 11am till 2pm in the northern beaches deewhy sydney nsw area .I have a great HTC desire HD but cannot get simple pages or tehter to a small laptop (this page barley loaded)7:00PM deewhy.I am really getting tired of paying a post pay premium and not getting the service I am deserved.I am really thinking I would like to put the Voda failed USB pre pay stick in the cupboard and looking into Telstra Turbo and paying their premium but I know I will get blistering data speed for the home computers and just put up with the rubbish data on my very cool internet capable handset.I believe Voda is busy upgrading but they still dont get that the customer is all ways right and they need to employ more contractors to get the metropolitan areas up to scratch first ,makes sense !Why does Deewhy have a low spot till next year and other close suburbs have the good stuff and Deewhy has a massive population in comparison to any other beach suburb.I was out a Kograh for a few hours and data was amazing!and got home and really bad again.Vodafone (please hurry up for Deewhy >take visit some time it deserves good data flow.The calls side of things is fine ,I dont get drops or bad hook ups no issues there.
20 Oct 2011 07:42:25 PM: Nothing wrong with their network 3G or newer 850MHz Hi Speed. It's their BLOODY Internet Gateway - too few ports - BIG bloody bottleneck - They need to talk to THEIR ISP to increase the bandwith (i.e. MORE bloody ports). Little Indians in their Indial call centre blamed network upgrading - it is NOT network, it is Internet Gateway. VODAPEOPLE, PLEASE GET IT CORRECTED!!!!!!!!

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19707 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 18 Oct 2011 01:39:54 PM
They promised me 6 months free on two accounts now won't honour it
18 Oct 2011 04:05:04 PM: Make sure you have a record of what they said they would provide and then you can go to the TIO. The TIO will make someone from Vodafone's resolutions team contact you and try to sort it out properly.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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19706 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is terrible at 18 Oct 2011 01:36:12 PM
I needed a new phone and ported my service from 3 to vodafone on a Sunday. I was told the service should be active within 24 hours and to ring vodafone customer service if it wasn't connected by noon the next day, i.e. monday.

I waited until Tuesday morning before contacting vodafone customer service, waited on hold for 20 minutes. When I got to speak to someone that person told me they would transfer me to their connections team. That person then hung up on me.

I returned to the store where I got the phone to seek their assistance. After 30 minutes I was told that it would take another 24-48 hours to connect my service, because they had thousands of iphones to be registered.
I told them that this delay was not acceptable and asked for the contract to be cancelled. I was told that this was not possible. At this point I threw the phone on the floor, tore up the contract and walked out.
Good luck to vodafone in getting any money out of me. I will be going elsewhere for my new phone.
Vodafone can kiss my 4king azz.
18 Oct 2011 01:55:24 PM: you had better call tio because if you dont vf will get your money

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19705 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 10 out of vodafone at 18 Oct 2011 01:21:53 PM
absolutely no mobile data reception or speed.

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19704 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very very slow speeds at 17 Oct 2011 09:12:49 PM
I really want to get out of this contract but was told to hold off for another 3 months and vodafone will give me 50% off my total bill. I hung on and it's been 3 months and I want out of it now. Trying to get to vodafail.com was an effort on my iPhone. Im tired of not being able to surf the Internet and it embarrasses me that I have to ask my friends if I can use their mobiles because my network is not the best. I want to go to telstra!
17 Oct 2011 09:29:47 PM: You gave them 3 months and if it hasn't improved then you should be able to get out of your contract without charge. If Vodafone doesn't want to let you out then it's time for the TIO (details on the how to complain page). The TIO will start fining vodafone until they sort out your issue (i.e. let you out of your contract without charge).

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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19703 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Ericsson retards at 17 Oct 2011 08:39:09 PM
Vodafone's problems started with Ericsson equipment failing to do what it was meant to do, except make the sellers rich.

Here they go again.

It not 4G it's Telstra FakeG created by them Ericsson retards.

LTE-Basic operates at 700Mhz in the USA and Europe, Telstra's 1800Mhz implementation requires custom handsets to be made especially for their network.
This limits handset choice and drives the cost up for compatible ones.
18 Oct 2011 09:05:22 AM:

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19702 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Very at 17 Oct 2011 08:28:44 PM
18 Oct 2011 09:10:44 AM: well simply really
for Vf no serive is normal
intermittent mean unfortunately you got service.
you really should be happy you have an intermittent problem really

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19701 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is VODA-Slowwwwwwww Fail at 17 Oct 2011 06:46:05 PM
I have a Huawei Pocket WiFi 2. It connects OK to my home computers/devices. It connects OK to Voda's data network. Voda's data network DOES NOT CONNECT CONSISTENTLY with the Internet. It goes fast-slow-slower-STOP-wait-slow-slower-stop-slow-STOP-wait-slow etc... Pages perpetually time out in my Chrome or my Firefox browsers, DNS lookup failed, server shut down without sending data etc, etc. There is no firewall issue with my machine. Telstra mobile data just hoons along when I use my back-up prepaid Next-G pocket Wifi unit. Vodafone says they have no faults/issues with their data service(well....according to their Indian Helpdesk)...... THEY DO!!!! VODAFAIL BIGTIME!!!

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19700 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is lots at 17 Oct 2011 03:59:48 PM
new customer new phone new sim card
NO SERVICE and wont cance thought i had 30 days to make up my mindl

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19699 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Premium SMS at 17 Oct 2011 02:03:00 PM
Vodafone is charging users,which you won't know unless you thoroughly check your bill,for premium sms services which are unstoppable.The current code for premium SMS directs that sending STOP will stop the service but with some of these this will not work.Vodafone customer care suggested I call the premium service however after many months of complaints it is Vodafones own service which is in breach of the code.This extrapolates to possibly many hundreds of thousands of dollars collected by Vodafone in breach of the industry code and it tantamount to obtaining financial advantage by deception,particularly children,the elderly and the disabled who perhaps are not as vigilant to this occuring.As a good corporate citizen Vodafone need to audit their accounts and refund the money to those who have inadvertantly paid this money.They should also publicly announce that this has occurred so that account holders can check their accounts vigilantly.

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19698 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very at 16 Oct 2011 11:32:16 PM
On talk and text prepaid and as I had a lot of credit on my phone thought I would top up with $10 before my expiry date. So loaded the recharge and it told me that I was on a different plan, thought ok a new plan no problem. The it gave me my new balance $10. They had removed my existing credit of $17, when I rang they told me that to get my credit back I had to get another $10 credit as the talk and text minimum recharge was $20.00 What right has Vodafone get to take my money? Isn't it my choice of how much I can afford/want to recharge? Will be changing suppliers once phone release is up.

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19697 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is big vodafail at 16 Oct 2011 02:42:25 PM
signed up for the iphon 4s on Friday told id be connected by the following nigh(sat night) still not connected by Sunday lunch so i ring them and get disconnected twice. after an hour of trying to talk to some one im then told that it will be Monday evening at the latest for my service to be connected i felt like the service people really didnt care about me

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19696 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 16 Oct 2011 11:40:42 AM
The general mess with voda aside, I have a consumer-rights-related question. The Samsung Galaxy S II on $45 cap plan also had $15 extra monthly charge. I signed up for it. Within a month that $15 extra gradually went to 0. So, it's the SAME plan with price changes.

Am I entitled for price adjustments for the remaining billing periods?

(I know that in Europe and USA I would be able to even have a rebate percentage for past billing periods, the remaining billing periods would be adjusted without questioning upon the very first request.)

Thanks in advance for the advice.
16 Oct 2011 02:05:26 PM: You'd have to speak with Vodafone and see what their response is. Generally when you purchase a plan/phone, the telco buys the phone for a fixed price and then spreads the cost out over 24 months. Chances are they removed the handset charge because the price they were buying the Galaxy SII for was reduced significantly as well (and they passed those savings on to new customers).

That said it did happen within less than a month and that's pretty unlucky. Usually companies have a month or longer of grace period in the event of price drops. So probably just give them a call and explain how you just purchased it and see what they say (no harm in trying). Goodluck!

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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19695 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very at 16 Oct 2011 08:00:16 AM
Vodafone offered to renew my contract and supply me with a 16G iPhone 4GS free of charge which I agreed to being none the wiser. The next day I noticed online that I was intitled to a 32G iPhone 4GS on my current plan free of charge. They initially refused to upgrade my phone until I asked to speak to a superviser.

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19694 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VERY VERY VERY at 16 Oct 2011 12:28:14 AM
First of all I have ordered a black iPhone 4S, and they shipped me with a white one. Wasted half a day trying to sort thing out(80% on hold waiting, with 90% drop offs after waiting for 30 mins+!).

Then they cannot activate my sim, after 5 -6 fail transfer calls to their Activation department (which all dropped off after waiting more than 20 mins!), its finally activated. BUT THEN.... they activated on the wrong account and I have to drive to the local store, get someone to call them up (because by this stage I could not possible go through their Indian customer service any longer).

NOW after everything is finally sorted (took 2 days), there is NO RECEPTION! I live in Lidcombe, and on my Telstra iPad it shows FULL bar, but crappy vodafail only has 1 or even no bar. I even try to call my phone, and 40% of the time it wouldn't even get through and went straight to voicemail.

So regret of taking on vodafail because its 20 bucks cheaper than Telstra. For those thinking about signing up with vodafail... DO NOT DO IT! AS IT CAUSES MORE GRIEF THAN IT SHOULD. I would rather pay a slightly more premium price and get PERFECT reception and coverage.

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19693 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no hope at 15 Oct 2011 08:22:54 PM
This company should be closed after all the complaints not being sddressed. Please protect the consumers.

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19692 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is they are like a mega wedgie, they hurt you but you cant do much about it at 15 Oct 2011 11:30:39 AM
How good is this mob. ive been a customer for the better part of 5 years. I think thats pretty loyal. Ive finally had a gut full of receiving sms in the middle of the night that were sent during the day. im sick of rining my mrs and leaving VM only to find out she never got her VM. Finally i ring customer service lol .. i say lol because i got the "we will call you back because we are busy". well true to their form they called me back and without even talking to anyone i was put on hold. I got cranky after 45 min and hung up. What a bunch of incompatant turkeys. I want out of this place. I have 6 months to run on my contract and im thinking about just paying it and getting clear. such incompatance
15 Oct 2011 07:27:31 PM: No need to pay it out! Just file a complaint with Vodafone because you haven't been getting the service that you paid for and signed up for. Tell them that you want to get out of your contract without charge and if they don't want to sort it out then you can go to the TIO.

Full details are on the 'how to complain' page. It will take a couple phone calls but you'll get out without paying (usually after going to the TIO).

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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19691 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is very at 15 Oct 2011 10:41:29 AM
im sick of receiving SMS in the middle of the night when they are sent during the day

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19690 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Network Coverage at 15 Oct 2011 08:58:47 AM
I am in Burwood NSW and have been having no coverage or minimal coverage with continual dropouts since I moved here 6 weeks ago.
I have spent the last 3 weeks dealing with many departments in vodafone trying numerous solutions to fix this problem and now have a new phone which is costing me an extra $15 mth!!
Very very frustrated and dissapointed in vodafone!!

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19688 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very fustrated at 15 Oct 2011 02:49:53 AM
Received iphone 3 on the infinity plan a week ago and have had no service since I have had the phone and can't make calls. I think I'm gonna explode

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19687 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is SuperFail bridging the gap for newly arrived folks at 14 Oct 2011 06:59:12 PM
Cant buy the mobile prepaid sim card - described to my feedback to them:

I am a newly minted PR to Perth and i find it incredibly difficult to be your customer. though i find your prices very competitive, i must say that it is infinitely frustrating to sign up for a prepaid mobile broadband service form the online store and/or in-store. today, i was set to get the BYO Modem Prepaid package for $29 and upon keying in my details for credit card it kicks me out every time with the attached error "There seems to be a mistake..." - i've gone through the process countless times with other cards and with my wife's details and it all comes down to this error. I've also called over to the sales at 1300300404 and ive gone through the whole process with "Mark" and the same outcome is expected - FIX IT! the error is not from the customers end.

I decided then to go in-store to get the package. After an arduous process of getting a bank statement, i just got to know my credit is rejected because my current employment status is "unemployed". I've just got here and am finding a job as i've explained to the store sales. (who i must say is not very knowledgeable to the products for online).

Why is Vodafone so prickly and insensitive to the situations i face? there are many people who no doubt will be great vodafone customers if you get down from your high horse and understand im not a freaking terrorist and just a family guy who needs broadband.

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19686 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is fail that no word can describe how fail it is at 14 Oct 2011 03:32:51 PM
dropout call. poor reception

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19685 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Wifi out wonthaggi 2 days so far at 14 Oct 2011 01:51:24 PM
No Internet, no VoIP phone. Indian call centre hopeless and have no idea about it!

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19684 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is MMS Delays? at 14 Oct 2011 01:41:16 PM
Sick of the useless network for both voice and data in WA.

However, is anyone else experiencing delays with receiving messages (in particular MMS)?
14 Oct 2011 02:01:01 PM: I live in adelaide, south australia and the last few months my mms messages either never ever go thru or take up to several days. This has gone on for several weeks. When my credit runs out, i am going to change from vodafone prepaid to telstra prepaid, the 60 dollar long life plan where every recharge gives me brand new expiry date- year fren date of recharge

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