Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
6450 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is No Service crap coverage at 28 Dec 2010 11:37:07 AM
I am a reseller of phone credit and sell about $15,000 a month in phone credit. Previously with Telstra for many years I changed in May this year to Vodafone for their unlimited service for both my wife and I as it was a good deal and I use my phone constantly for business. The story so far: phone sits on No Service half the day so I can't use it and I work and live 3 km from town, call drop outs all the time (3 on one call yesterday) the internet is so slow and crap that I don't even use 100MB of my 4GB download available, delayed text messgaes and lost ones, customer service non existent, have complained several times after being put on hold for ages to India and all the crap bullshit excuses in the world. Had enough and want out of both contracts and am going to the TIO. Vodafone sucks and should not be allowed to provide a phone service.
6449 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 11:36:28 AM
We have three mobile phones in our family and we have switched them all to Vodafone. The reception is terrible and most of the time have no reception at all. My husband and I use our phones for work so it sucks. We live in Darwin not in a rural area and can't understand why this is the case?
6448 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is bad at 28 Dec 2010 11:35:14 AM
Phone calls keep dropping out. Only in the last 6 months
6447 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Data allowance at 28 Dec 2010 11:34:31 AM
Signed up to a iphone 4G plan with a 200MB data limit each month. Every month i have only been provided with a 50MB limit and charging me for additional data usage.
Have contact the customer support centre which is now outsourced from Australia to Vodafone's international centre which have over 1 hour call waits, lengthy average handling times and false promises to fix the issues with my plan!
Extremely frustrated!
Class action and beyond I say!
Have contact the customer support centre which is now outsourced from Australia to Vodafone's international centre which have over 1 hour call waits, lengthy average handling times and false promises to fix the issues with my plan!
Extremely frustrated!
Class action and beyond I say!
6444 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is beyond failure at 28 Dec 2010 11:31:58 AM
everynow and then i try to download stuff from their network and when i do i get charged and the downloads either dont download or dont work at all. all 3 phones. iv called up and asked why iv written emails and the best part is they sent a bullcrap email that has no relation to the subject.. and when i do talk to someone they just put ya on hold and then transfer you to someone whos just as clueless as the previous person..... voda you are freaking screwed beyond words
6443 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Worst. Network. Ever!!! at 28 Dec 2010 11:31:56 AM
After being a loyal vodafone customer for many years, i have finally "had enough" with the constant call drop outs, lack of reception, deylayed sms and mms (if i got them at all that is) and in general very very poor customer service (call centre)
So i have gone to another major network now, and am much happier with them, although when i had my number ported from vodafone to the new network, 4days later i recieved a letter from a debt collector with a 72hr demand for $400, thanks vodafone...
Thats just the begining, i also had mobile broardband with vodafone, again had very very limited reception, the connection would constantly drop out, very slow to load pages etc so once my 2year contract was up (i still used it month to month) i decided to cancel my account as i couldnt use the service as desired and wasnt happy paying for something i cant use, so on the phone i got to cancel, after speaking to "lara" and sitting on hold for 45mins i get told that the department i would need to speak to has just closed, so the lady on the phone took my details and claimed she would arrange a call back the next day, well late afternoon the next day and still no call back i get back on the phone, 58mins on hold (i timed it) i speak to someone, telling them im not happy with the service an my contract was up and to cancel the account, i was then placed on hold for a few seconds and was then disconnected!!! I couldnt believe it, i got straight back on the phone and after another 45min wait i spoke to someone, who tried and tried and tried to talk me out of ending my service, eventually they did cancel the service and made the sim card from my broardband stick a prepaid mobile phone sim card and put $20 credit on it as a "good will gusture"
Anothe quick rant about the call centre wich the tellco uses, i personally found it very very hard to understand most of the operators due to very thick accents.
Im so glad im no longer a customer of vodafone and would never go back or recomend it to anyone!
So i have gone to another major network now, and am much happier with them, although when i had my number ported from vodafone to the new network, 4days later i recieved a letter from a debt collector with a 72hr demand for $400, thanks vodafone...
Thats just the begining, i also had mobile broardband with vodafone, again had very very limited reception, the connection would constantly drop out, very slow to load pages etc so once my 2year contract was up (i still used it month to month) i decided to cancel my account as i couldnt use the service as desired and wasnt happy paying for something i cant use, so on the phone i got to cancel, after speaking to "lara" and sitting on hold for 45mins i get told that the department i would need to speak to has just closed, so the lady on the phone took my details and claimed she would arrange a call back the next day, well late afternoon the next day and still no call back i get back on the phone, 58mins on hold (i timed it) i speak to someone, telling them im not happy with the service an my contract was up and to cancel the account, i was then placed on hold for a few seconds and was then disconnected!!! I couldnt believe it, i got straight back on the phone and after another 45min wait i spoke to someone, who tried and tried and tried to talk me out of ending my service, eventually they did cancel the service and made the sim card from my broardband stick a prepaid mobile phone sim card and put $20 credit on it as a "good will gusture"
Anothe quick rant about the call centre wich the tellco uses, i personally found it very very hard to understand most of the operators due to very thick accents.
Im so glad im no longer a customer of vodafone and would never go back or recomend it to anyone!
6442 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 11:31:05 AM
l strated out with 3 who used the Telstra Network somwhere somehow they switched over to Vodaphone network thats when all the problems started Try to comunicate with a Overseas Call Centre Bloody nightmare Only after Numerous calls & Complaints l got fantastic results from the Obudsmen who gave me a Direct line in Australia & resolved my Phone Contracts Never Ever again Thanks for Vodaphone hopeless network
6441 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is unable to see how much is being used at 28 Dec 2010 11:27:33 AM
so my cap roled over in decemnber i was givin a data limit and decided to teather my phone to my computer, viewing web pages i was checking my balance by sending an sms to 1512 each time it fail to say i have been though any data. shock came the next day and it said i had been though $450 worth of data when the night before it said i had a good 1gb of a balance. not to menchion i get droped calls and no data anywhere anymore after the three patership. oputs here i come
6440 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pathetic service at 28 Dec 2010 11:27:19 AM
Continually call with same complaint of nil service unable to use Internet receive or make calls missing out on important phone calls sndcwirh two small toddlers it's very hard yo sit and wait on phone for vodafonevto answer . Then make a complaintvto be told the same garbage all the ti
e. Sick of paying for a service that we are not getting. What a laugh thou to bebtold by them they will re emburse us $20 per phone I'm sorry but Vodafone is in BREACH of the Contract not me !!!!!! Time to change networks We all need to unite
e. Sick of paying for a service that we are not getting. What a laugh thou to bebtold by them they will re emburse us $20 per phone I'm sorry but Vodafone is in BREACH of the Contract not me !!!!!! Time to change networks We all need to unite
6439 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very poor at 28 Dec 2010 11:27:10 AM
for the last six months the service has been rubbish, my usb modem is on a gain off again with the software telling me to reinstall etc...its crap
and for last three days no luck getting on the system !!! Im pulling the pin on these tureys
and for last three days no luck getting on the system !!! Im pulling the pin on these tureys
6438 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Complete FUCKING ASSHOLES! at 28 Dec 2010 11:25:30 AM
I work all over SA, no matter where I go I have the worst service known to man kind. Trust me, I didn't sign a contract for a piece of fucking shit. In normal conditions I can receive no reception for up to 8 hours in metropolitan Adelaide. Furthermore, their 3G data services are a fucking joke. I know I didn't ask about the cunt full of cold water service when I first signed up.
Plus, add to this the standard Vodafone bullshit like having a different contract version on their site than they made me sign (the online one doesn't include their obligations to me) the one that I signed did. Fuck you ASSHOLES! Ring up to ask for the contract? No worries with a 53 MINUTE WAIT! WHAT THE FUCK!
Plus, add to this the standard Vodafone bullshit like having a different contract version on their site than they made me sign (the online one doesn't include their obligations to me) the one that I signed did. Fuck you ASSHOLES! Ring up to ask for the contract? No worries with a 53 MINUTE WAIT! WHAT THE FUCK!
6437 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is AN ABSOLUTE JOKE FOR A MAJOR TELCO!! at 28 Dec 2010 11:23:43 AM
Left Vodafone in 04' due to incorrect billings, hopeless customer service and no support for queries. Returned in October 2010 due to the amount of family/relatives/friends and general contacts who are with them, also due to having my father becoming ill in hospital so i joined a $49 cap with a Sony Ericsson X10i. Had no support from Vodafone in regards to the 3G network always operating in the background of my phone (had not downloaded any apps to operate in the background) but incurred a bill in excess of $400 due to data use. To add insult to injury i have sent my handset in twice for faults such as turning off by itself,not charging off a car charger (tested in various vehicles), the 3G Network operating constantly when not needed and the usual freezing. I received the handset yesterday only to be told the same thing had been carried out to rectify the issues "we've updated to android 2.1"....and surprise surprise, the same faults are now still present in the handset!
28 Dec 2010 12:19:00 PM: The replies have been removed due to personal attacks. - Vodafail team
6436 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is no signal at 28 Dec 2010 11:22:30 AM
I started a 2year contract with Vodaphone and was assured by the sales person at the time I would have reception in my area.From day one I have not been able to use my phone at home, I have to go up to a kilometre from home and even then the signal is weak or intermitant. What a waste of money,costs too much to get out of contract so will just have to wait.
6435 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is BIG FAIL at 28 Dec 2010 11:21:12 AM
I am unable to send MMS. Even when I am in Adelaide CBD, there is no network connectivity. Frequent call drops. I am going bald because of constant hair pulling situations now and then. Just because of the SAD connectivity, the battery life of my iPhone is shit. With a full charge it wont last for more than 9 hours - standard usage (Few songs on my way to work and few games during my 45 minute lunch break). This is truly a mess. And when I wanted to make a phone call using my other SIM, guess what PAY $75 to get the phone unlocked. **** you vodafone.
6434 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is wost mobile phone server ever. at 28 Dec 2010 11:21:03 AM
We could not get service in our own house. We had to go to the very rear of our block to get access to a tower. The phones would ring but you could not answer them as there was no service. I would only get service on half my way home - on a major highway through Brisbane. We were also charged an extra $100 on one of our bills, we rang the number on the bill to complain. We could not get anyone to understand us, let alone assist us when we finally got through - after over 4 hours at different times on mobile and landline trying to access the number. We even went to the vodaphone office. The person behind the counter was rude and very unhelpful. He said we had to ring the number on the bill!! We ended up paying the money as vodaphone started sending nasty letters. We changed servers and payed off the contract to get away from vodaphone. We can now answer phone calls at home - inside the house. We get messages on the day they are sent not the next day. We have service everywhere we go. We have warned every person we speak to about staying away from vodaphone - we even have a note sending disatisfied customers to this site at our retail store.
6433 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Fine at 28 Dec 2010 11:20:41 AM
No problems here... I have never had any of the issues that everyone is complaining about... maybe it's an eastern states thing... or maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones...
28 Dec 2010 11:34:10 AM: Give it time an you too will see why everyone is complaining Its such a shame this is occurring to such a big telco they certainly dnt need any more BAD publicity
28 Dec 2010 01:02:59 PM: i too dont see what all the problems are. My voda service works fine, except for that sat 2 weeks ago when the network crashed in wa.
6432 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fraud at 28 Dec 2010 11:20:40 AM
I'm now absolutely sick and tired of Vodafone charging me a flag fall every time I have to call my friends back because it drops out. I think they also round up my call minutes to the nearest minute. They also round me up my broadband USB to the next MB every time my internet drops out.
Everyone join the class action with me - Vodafone is a fraud.
Everyone join the class action with me - Vodafone is a fraud.
6431 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Vodafone sucks at 28 Dec 2010 11:18:55 AM
I recently purchased a HTC legend through Vodafone - 24 month contract with $50 credit and 1.2 GB data for first 12 months with 200 MB after. The data allowance on my plan appears as 200 MB which hasn't been fixed after calling them twice and waiting online for about 50 mins every time. They had also charged me incorrect amounts on my bill (which they have now reversed).
The operators on the phone have no clue of what they need to do. For every question I was put on hold for 15 mins and they would come back and try to handball by saying call the data management department.
I am regretting moving away from three just cos of a better deal with Vodafone.
In summary "Vodafone cannot be trusted and I would give their service a minus 3.
The operators on the phone have no clue of what they need to do. For every question I was put on hold for 15 mins and they would come back and try to handball by saying call the data management department.
I am regretting moving away from three just cos of a better deal with Vodafone.
In summary "Vodafone cannot be trusted and I would give their service a minus 3.
6430 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is bollocks at 28 Dec 2010 11:18:40 AM
Network coverage CONTINUALLY drops out in main areas, missing calls and text messages. Locked in for another 11 months. BOLLOCKS
6429 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Omega at 28 Dec 2010 11:18:35 AM
What a surprise, Vodafail's live cricket streaming on my phone is down. They're only the major sponsor of the Ashes Series. It's like they've taken the opportunity to show the country how crap they are.
6428 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very bad at 28 Dec 2010 11:18:23 AM
I have a vodafone wireless internet, i always get a bad signal I am in the middle of there so called coverage area. The download speed somtimes reaches the dizzing heights of 20 kbps. I know it is cheaper then telstra but what is the point if the signal is worse. Don't get me started with the customer help line. All I can say is unless you are running a buisness and you need help outside of buisness hours or on a weekend or a public holiday. And that animated voice ( what ever her name is) is just so annoying. I made at least 4 phone calls once until I go someone to tell me there was a problem with the network and that was why my internet was not working.
6427 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Oh no at 28 Dec 2010 11:15:40 AM
Hi, we are a struggling national cricket team with this companies logo all over us. We are playing soo bad, we are starting to wonder if this is why?! We have been trying to get advice from our Indian call centre but they keep transferring us or we get hung up on or sometimes we just can't understand them! We have spent so much time on the phone to the call centre lately that we have no time to train anymore. What should we do?!
6426 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is garbage at 28 Dec 2010 11:13:39 AM
all contracts with these criminals should be terminated.The honest consumer should not have to payout for early termination of the contract
6425 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 11:12:26 AM
6424 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Craphone! at 28 Dec 2010 11:12:21 AM
Reading the comments on this site - my issues are the same. Constant drop outs, lengthy times where 'no network coverage' is displayed and over all poor service. I have needed to purchase a plug in modem with another network provider so that I can skype people when vodafone coverage is not available. I work in Pitt st Sydney and cannot even get coverage from my desk on the 11th floor (and no I don't work in a lead bunker!)I pay the maximum package for minimal service and support. Not happy
6423 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Terrible! at 28 Dec 2010 11:11:26 AM
Went on a 24month contract with vodafone to combine mobile and internet costs. Since signing up, reception is appalling - I live near Manuka, within 1km of a tower, 500m of another, and can still only get one bar reception at most times. My Internet is slower than Dial up and is practically useless with the majority of the time I have to reset the connection several times to get anywhere. I cannot update my Tivo. Have tried to contact Vodafone several times but no solutions.
My calls often go straight to message bank and hearing people on my phone is very difficult due to very poor reception.
My calls often go straight to message bank and hearing people on my phone is very difficult due to very poor reception.
6422 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very poor performance at 28 Dec 2010 11:10:57 AM
i have been using vodaphone for 6 months now and i wish i never used them...i get constant drop outs,poor reception,texts that take up to 1 week to reach me.
i am in sydney cbd and i still get poor reception...what a joke..
and i always get a indian on the other end when complaining...who can barely speak english.
i am in sydney cbd and i still get poor reception...what a joke..
and i always get a indian on the other end when complaining...who can barely speak english.
6421 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 11:10:52 AM
Total disaster as far as connectivity goes. The internet takes forever to connect if ever and phone calls are hit and miss with no service over 50% of the time. Not good enough, they keep charging me though, funny that! Dont bother ringing Vodafone cause you will wait at least 25 minutes to get through and then they will tell you there is nothing they can do.
6420 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very poor connection at 28 Dec 2010 11:10:42 AM
When I arrived in Australia 6 months ago I bought VF mobile internet access. Since the beginning I only got very poor connection. I didn't claim because I thought this is standard in Australia (I'm from Austria). Now I know that is not necessary - I think I will switch to Telstra (very good sevice with my mobile telephone as well as with my telstra landline).
6419 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is chronic at 28 Dec 2010 11:09:39 AM
im on a pension and on vodafail pre-paid.i play poker on line 4 cash. over the past 4 mths the number of dropouts and total system failures have cost me a lot of money which i can ill afford.voda fails response is no response. their opperators are rude,discourteous and down right insulting.they have the unmitigated gall to spend millions on avertising a service they cant provide.surely this is against all rules of fair trading,but no one seems to care.thanks for the chance to ventilate my anger and frustration.
6418 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is disgrace at 28 Dec 2010 11:09:33 AM
their mobile internet usb is a joke,no connection.
how can i afford to disconnect it,all i wanted was internet connection
how can i afford to disconnect it,all i wanted was internet connection
6417 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is words can not explain at 28 Dec 2010 11:09:24 AM
6416 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is EPICFAIL at 28 Dec 2010 11:09:23 AM
My phone drops out, sometimes i never receive MMS messages..even when i have sent them to myself from other peoples phones.
Sometimes text messages are delayed, then arrive multiple times.
The internet coverage turns my iphone into a commodore 64.
Sometimes text messages are delayed, then arrive multiple times.
The internet coverage turns my iphone into a commodore 64.
6415 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Huge at 28 Dec 2010 11:08:10 AM
we have moved from Op to Vodaphone with the promise of all the features we used to have. Chose 2 iphones and internet dongle laptop packages what a mistake!!!!!!!!!! massive call drop outs, takes ages to get photo msgs thru and can only store twenty voicemail msgs including saved msgs. This is not what we asked or signed up for. Business is suffering from this decision to changeover. Vodaphone promised the world and gave us an atlas
6414 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 11:07:52 AM
6413 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 11:07:38 AM
We are both using pocketwifi on our laptops and hardly ever get coverage in spite of paying a monthly bill. We're thinking of getting a landline. Would that make coverage better? Hard to know since you have to spend half the day on the phone trying to get through to Vodafone. Give us back what we've paid since you can't provide the service. And how about the inconvenience? It's a busy world. we need the net. That's why we're paying!
6412 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is absolute joke at 28 Dec 2010 11:06:34 AM
my usb internet stick on a 24mth contract is useless.
No connection,i have been robbed
No connection,i have been robbed
6411 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is exactly what I expected at 28 Dec 2010 11:06:19 AM
I live in Katherine and coverage is hopeless. Every couple of months there is none at all. But to be perfectly honest, this is why they are cheaper. Telstra may have the worst possible customer service and cost you a small fortune, but they have put the money into installing a decent network. Vodafone has not and is cheaper as a result. No point complaining about simple coverage issues. Their customer service has always been great (coming from lifelong Telstra usage) and while they did try and charge me for a support call once, they removed the charge as soon as I pointed it out. If you live somewhere like the NT, it's kind of obvious that you should do the research before signing up to any sort of wireless coverage contract. The contract doesn't guarantee coverage. Their 3G network is actually hugely better than Telstra's (for those with a phone that will work with standard 3G but not nextG frequencies).
So yes, the Vodafone network is pretty hopeless, but if you do the research before signing anything you're pretty safe. I am on a month by month contract and so I could ditch them at any time, but as long as they give me a better deal...
All that said, I have never had a call dropped or any issues while well within network coverage. I can sympathise with that. Unless you use an iPhone, then it's entirely your fault.
So yes, the Vodafone network is pretty hopeless, but if you do the research before signing anything you're pretty safe. I am on a month by month contract and so I could ditch them at any time, but as long as they give me a better deal...
All that said, I have never had a call dropped or any issues while well within network coverage. I can sympathise with that. Unless you use an iPhone, then it's entirely your fault.
6410 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally Dodgy at 28 Dec 2010 11:06:06 AM
I have some issues with the service from Vodafone as well, but not only with the coverage and calls dropping out but with the level of reagrd and treatment from customer service itself.
Vodafone called me to se if I wanted to renew my contract as mine was coming to an end. The middle eastern sounding lady told me about the new infinite cap which was fine, and then she asked me about my phone and how that was going I said it had a few issues so she offered me a new one I said that I wanted to get the iphone 4 but was advised that they were out of stock and there was a wait of up to 4 weeks so she said that I should get this other phone called the Nokia N8 I quizzed her about the specifics of the phone and told her that if it wasn't exactly like the iphone 4 in looks and capalbility then I wsn't interested in that phone at all. She told me it looks exactly like the iphone and does all the same things but the only difference was the camera it being a 12megapixel as the iphone4 has only a 5megapixel. Had I of known that this camera is nothing like the iphone 4 I wouldn't have even considered getting this phone especailly wehn I got it, the phone was faulty as broken calculator. At first when I got it I was super hessitant since it wasn't what I was expecting at all but decided to give it a go anyway. Once I charged the battery I stuck my sim card in and began my using it, my relationship with my new phone lasted for not even 2 days. Turns out the phone was faulty, the battery didn't even last a day, and it would take a really long time to respond to any commands that I would give it or just not respond at all or if I managed to get to the applications screen and try to open one the wole phone would just go black. So began my calling to vodafone, or should I say VODAFAIL.. I called them every day for nearly 2 weeks sometimes several times a day and each time I'd be left on hold for over an hour waiting and then when I FINALLY GOT THROUGH and explained my situation about how the phone was faulty and misled into getting it the first place, they would only say that I have come through to the wrong department and that would have to transfer me to the correct one, this happened at least 6 times everytime I would call customer service! I have been a customer loyal to vodafone for nearly 8 years and I think I think I deserve better than this! They sent me the phone by courier from an Allphones store and said that if the phone came form them then I would have to take it up with them. So I did they told me it Vodafone's probelm, Vodafone sent me back and forth like a tennis ball wi this faulty phone cos niether of them wanted to take responsibilty of a faulty phone. In the end I finally got through after another 1 and half or so of having to listen to the annoying Lara, to an Australian guy who explained that despite the circumstances of being misled in getting the Nokia N8 I had signed a verbal contract with that phone and that the only thing that they could do was send me out another one. I explained that I wasn't interested in getting another one of this handset and asked that my upgrade to the 49 infinite plan be reversed and I send back the faulty handset to vodafone, and start over. After being told that this was possible by someone else (another middle eastern person) the Australian guy said that the only thin that he could do for me was send me out a replacement of the same handset of the Nokia N8, and if the second handset turned out to be faulty as well only then would they look at reversing my upgrade and sending me out a different phone all together, being the iphone 4 which is what I wanted to start with. The lady that initially did the upgrade was only trying to give me the hard sell on that phone as they would commissions on every phone sold. So now I have to wait for this other Nokia N8 and find out if it faulty and go through the entire process AGAIN! I'm not racist, but it makes me so mad that for a company thats based in Australia, they would have a call centres in places like the middle east, you call them expecting to talk to someone who can understand what they are saying and you can understnad what they are saying but half the time you can't, its total bullox! If people can't speack english properly and clearly then they should be employed in call centres PERIOD. VODAFONE YOU TOTALLY BITE! Your name definately be should be VODAFAIL, you have definately failed me.
Vodafone called me to se if I wanted to renew my contract as mine was coming to an end. The middle eastern sounding lady told me about the new infinite cap which was fine, and then she asked me about my phone and how that was going I said it had a few issues so she offered me a new one I said that I wanted to get the iphone 4 but was advised that they were out of stock and there was a wait of up to 4 weeks so she said that I should get this other phone called the Nokia N8 I quizzed her about the specifics of the phone and told her that if it wasn't exactly like the iphone 4 in looks and capalbility then I wsn't interested in that phone at all. She told me it looks exactly like the iphone and does all the same things but the only difference was the camera it being a 12megapixel as the iphone4 has only a 5megapixel. Had I of known that this camera is nothing like the iphone 4 I wouldn't have even considered getting this phone especailly wehn I got it, the phone was faulty as broken calculator. At first when I got it I was super hessitant since it wasn't what I was expecting at all but decided to give it a go anyway. Once I charged the battery I stuck my sim card in and began my using it, my relationship with my new phone lasted for not even 2 days. Turns out the phone was faulty, the battery didn't even last a day, and it would take a really long time to respond to any commands that I would give it or just not respond at all or if I managed to get to the applications screen and try to open one the wole phone would just go black. So began my calling to vodafone, or should I say VODAFAIL.. I called them every day for nearly 2 weeks sometimes several times a day and each time I'd be left on hold for over an hour waiting and then when I FINALLY GOT THROUGH and explained my situation about how the phone was faulty and misled into getting it the first place, they would only say that I have come through to the wrong department and that would have to transfer me to the correct one, this happened at least 6 times everytime I would call customer service! I have been a customer loyal to vodafone for nearly 8 years and I think I think I deserve better than this! They sent me the phone by courier from an Allphones store and said that if the phone came form them then I would have to take it up with them. So I did they told me it Vodafone's probelm, Vodafone sent me back and forth like a tennis ball wi this faulty phone cos niether of them wanted to take responsibilty of a faulty phone. In the end I finally got through after another 1 and half or so of having to listen to the annoying Lara, to an Australian guy who explained that despite the circumstances of being misled in getting the Nokia N8 I had signed a verbal contract with that phone and that the only thing that they could do was send me out another one. I explained that I wasn't interested in getting another one of this handset and asked that my upgrade to the 49 infinite plan be reversed and I send back the faulty handset to vodafone, and start over. After being told that this was possible by someone else (another middle eastern person) the Australian guy said that the only thin that he could do for me was send me out a replacement of the same handset of the Nokia N8, and if the second handset turned out to be faulty as well only then would they look at reversing my upgrade and sending me out a different phone all together, being the iphone 4 which is what I wanted to start with. The lady that initially did the upgrade was only trying to give me the hard sell on that phone as they would commissions on every phone sold. So now I have to wait for this other Nokia N8 and find out if it faulty and go through the entire process AGAIN! I'm not racist, but it makes me so mad that for a company thats based in Australia, they would have a call centres in places like the middle east, you call them expecting to talk to someone who can understand what they are saying and you can understnad what they are saying but half the time you can't, its total bullox! If people can't speack english properly and clearly then they should be employed in call centres PERIOD. VODAFONE YOU TOTALLY BITE! Your name definately be should be VODAFAIL, you have definately failed me.
6409 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is OMG at 28 Dec 2010 11:05:25 AM
WE recently swopped because they offered a good deal and said they owned 3 (who we were with previously and had no problems with) so have both signed up new contracts which stated $14.50 a month for the first 12 months. I just had my first bill after two weeks - $92.00. I can't get through to customer care for hours, when I do they say they're fixed it and they haven't, and they're just taking it from my account and NOT DOING ANYTHING! I feel so helpless.
6408 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is words cant explain at 28 Dec 2010 11:04:57 AM
It starts with not having ANY reception in our house,so our phones and internet don't work!We get told to go into the vodafone shop to upgrade ur phones but once in the shop we then get told they cant upgrade to iphones in store and we have to ring them, but they did tell us they have iphones in store but they are not for exsisting customers,which i think we should get priority!! we then ring the vodafone place and are on hold for 20mins,we finally get thru and there systems are down and they also refused to upgrade as we had $50 outstanding but we paid it over the internet but they are making us wait 2 DAYS!!!!!.... are crap!!
6407 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Major Fail at 28 Dec 2010 11:02:43 AM
Barely get reception. Delayed messeges. Barely ever gets a 3G signal. Extremely slow data tranfer rates. Static filled calls. Calls dropping out. Missed calls that do not make it to voicemail it just disconnects the caller.
6406 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is red with anger at 28 Dec 2010 11:02:37 AM
little reception at home ( can't pay my bill on 1555 number as no reception ) and little reception elsewhere as call drop outs are common ( everyday ) so rarely use my phone! Is this what they want when you are capped? Told by sales person that reception was good in my area but at home now with single bar reception. Can't wait to get out.
6405 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is NO SERVICE and CALL DROPS at 28 Dec 2010 11:02:24 AM
I have been using Vodafone from the past 7 weeks but haven't been happy at all from the service. Reasons are many to mention:
-No Network coverage (half of the time)
-Call drops (half the time)
-Can't get to customer care (atleast before 25-30minutes)
Vodafone really needs to take all this seriously.
-No Network coverage (half of the time)
-Call drops (half the time)
-Can't get to customer care (atleast before 25-30minutes)
Vodafone really needs to take all this seriously.
6404 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Complete Fail at 28 Dec 2010 11:00:23 AM
Vodafone Customer Service needs to be reviewed also, everytime i have tried to ring voda customer service i have been on hold for at least 45min at a time, then somehow you have the wrong department after following the prompts correctly, then you have to wait another 30 - 45min again, and when you finally speak to someone inregards to getting some credit for the time you have waited, they come out with another load of rubbish story...
Go to hell vodafone and i will get out of my contracts, i will wipe my black ass and i will send the ceo what i think of his service.
Brett from Perth
Go to hell vodafone and i will get out of my contracts, i will wipe my black ass and i will send the ceo what i think of his service.
Brett from Perth
6403 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is VERY Fail at 28 Dec 2010 10:58:59 AM
I have contacted VF via email after being kept on hold for an hour only to speak to an Indian who couldn't help me. They have admittedly been friendly in their email responses, however they give you 120hrs to respond and assume your problem has magically gone away if you don't respond in that time! I have basically been told to switch to 2G and note the details of any dropped calls or inability to make calls - like I have the time whilst working to note all this down!! VF just keeps telling me their "techs" are working to resolve the issue and have offered me no compensation even though having to remake dropped calls is making me go over and above my capped amount every month.
6402 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is always bad at 28 Dec 2010 10:57:14 AM
only problem with promises of solutions is that they have been as bad as this for me for a very long time.
6401 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is O out of 10 at 28 Dec 2010 10:56:56 AM
Failed calls, no service,delayed messages and more. Moaned at apple as this is new iPhone but the problem not with handset. Is there a way to cancel my contract -only one month old.
6400 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Shocking Reception at 28 Dec 2010 10:56:56 AM
I have 2 phones and mobile broadband with vodafone and live in townsville. I have to move around my house to get reception to make or recieve calls. Common to have delayed text msg's and voicemail. No reception at my work 15km from CBD, I have an iphone so dont even think about using any of my 1gb of data can barely load google. Mobilebroadband only works outside peak times as there is not enough reception to load any pages. Please help me get out of vodafone so I can pay someone for a service that I can actually use, C'mon class action get me out of my contract.
6399 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is F@IL!!!!!!! at 28 Dec 2010 10:56:09 AM
my 3G drops out calls often and my messages are in late..
do yourself a favor i just went this morning and changed to a new provider and i already feel 100% content
do yourself a favor i just went this morning and changed to a new provider and i already feel 100% content
6398 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 10:54:33 AM
I have an iPhone that I cant use as a Phone. Apparently according to Vodaphone, its the iPhone not them that I cant make/receive calls, texts, email. I also apparently am in a VERY good reception area. I cant make calls from my workplace or my own home, both of which are in a 5klm radius.
They have even admitted that I'm getting poor service as they halved my Fee due to the fact that I'm unable to get any service..Cant wait til my Contract expires. Good ridance Vodaphone
They have even admitted that I'm getting poor service as they halved my Fee due to the fact that I'm unable to get any service..Cant wait til my Contract expires. Good ridance Vodaphone
6397 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No service at 28 Dec 2010 10:53:19 AM
I can't make calls when i am in a shopping centre, my wife has a iphone just like me but is with telstra and has no problems at all. Sometimes takes up to 24 hrs to recieve a MMS. I am really disapointed with service I can't get 3g service where I live but my wife can.
6396 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Rediculous at 28 Dec 2010 10:53:00 AM
Have been experiencing rediculous reception for ages, dont understand why considering the problem areas are all areas that have been around for many many years and have thousands of residents.
Earlier this year I sent my Iphone out for repair with Vodafone and it was gone for over 3 months..... they eventually admitted they could not find it and just replaced the phone but offered me nothing for all the time wasted chasing them up and all the inconvenience involved with the whole mess ........... pathetic
Earlier this year I sent my Iphone out for repair with Vodafone and it was gone for over 3 months..... they eventually admitted they could not find it and just replaced the phone but offered me nothing for all the time wasted chasing them up and all the inconvenience involved with the whole mess ........... pathetic
6395 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Calls dropping out at 28 Dec 2010 10:53:00 AM
I have used the pre paid option for ages. However, in the past year the problem of calls dropping out at any stage of my conversations is now a daily thing. This means I have to be making calls back!!!! Making the extra calls means I go through my credit quicker. I tried to have this resolved but was told to just take the sim out wipe it and put it back in.
So where do I stand in regard to Vodafone ???? Can someone please tell me
So where do I stand in regard to Vodafone ???? Can someone please tell me
6394 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Crap at 28 Dec 2010 10:52:20 AM
The signal strength is low, over congestion resulting in drop outs especially in an inner city area!
Unable to connect routinely, some times dialing six or seven times to get a line!
Unable to connect routinely, some times dialing six or seven times to get a line!
6393 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 4 out of 10 at 28 Dec 2010 10:51:24 AM
I have been blaming my Nokia N95! Have trouble sending/receiving emails let alone searching the Internet. I have sent the phone in to be fixed THREE times. NOW the penny drops! Why don't the repair people speak up!
HURRAH only three months of contract left!
HURRAH only three months of contract left!
6392 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Complete Fail at 28 Dec 2010 10:51:05 AM
The News released a statement on the radio from the ACCC that vodafone customers who where experiencing problems over that last few months with call drop outs, call fails, no signal, etc would be eligable from release from there exsisting contracts. Well when i rang do this as i was having those problems, boy did they come out with some excuses, they would have to do troubleshooting with the lines and see if you did have problems then they would release you from your contract without any penalties. what a load of rubbish...I am paying for a service and not getting anything in return..Vodafone you sux big time and i want out of my contract NOW...........
6391 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is prepaid broadband terrible at 28 Dec 2010 10:50:06 AM
If it's raining, it cuts out. If it's drizzling, it cuts out. If it's cloudy, it cuts out. If it's foggy, it cuts out. If it's windy, it cuts out. If it's hot, it cuts out. On a fine mild day with no wind, I can get up to one uninterrupted hour of net browsing. However the speed is appalling and rates in the range of 100's of bps (yes, Bytes Per Second) are not uncommon. All this and Vodaphone says I am in one of their "good" broadband reception areas.
6390 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Frustrating at 28 Dec 2010 10:48:49 AM
Calls go to message bank despite showing 3/5 bars on the phone, sms messages delayed both in/out, 3G very slow with poor or no reception (even where used to have excellent reception). I have since switched of 3G on my iPhone and resorted to 2G network with no Internet access on the iPhone. Reception is much better at 2G.
Having Internet on the phone is crucial to my work. Luckily contract ends soon and I can walk away from Vodafone.
Having Internet on the phone is crucial to my work. Luckily contract ends soon and I can walk away from Vodafone.
6389 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Shocking service at 28 Dec 2010 10:48:39 AM
I just got a vodafone service not too long ago and yesterday i was Text'in a mate because we both had job interviews he was meant to text me the time and such.but yea the message came in the morning ,one day late, yup......too late..
so i just wanna know why?
from, Anonymous. btw vodafone?no more...
so i just wanna know why?
from, Anonymous. btw vodafone?no more...
6388 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 10:46:17 AM
left 3 for thought a better network. was told new towers in helensvale will increase pacific pines coverage. but 8 hr delayed message bank voice mails and constant drop outs with full 3g coverage. Then they blame it my iPhone 4 aerial issues.. me think not!
6387 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is understanding at 28 Dec 2010 10:43:40 AM
i exepreince all the same problems with vodafone but its frustrating but everytime i call customer service they usually get back to me as soon as they can and for my troubles they discounted $15 off my bill and then the 2nd time they credited $114 back to me, but it only lasts a couple days then it goes back the way it was and so on..
6386 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Useless at 28 Dec 2010 10:43:16 AM
I run my construction business from my home in Taringa and had 3 mobiles on Vodafone caps. After the merger with 3 my reception disappeared and I changed the phone the sim card everything to no avail !!
Eventually after 4 months on continuos complaining to SOHO solutions, they cancelled my contract and allowed me to keep the 'phones ( 1 out of contract, 1 2 months to go and 1 15 months to go )
I changed to Telstra and have no issues and full coverage everywhere
Eventually after 4 months on continuos complaining to SOHO solutions, they cancelled my contract and allowed me to keep the 'phones ( 1 out of contract, 1 2 months to go and 1 15 months to go )
I changed to Telstra and have no issues and full coverage everywhere
6385 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Disgraceful service at 28 Dec 2010 10:43:16 AM
The network coverage in my area of Cairns (Redlynch) is disgraceful. We, in our household do not have a landline and rely solely on mobile phones (Vodafone). More frequently than not my phone conversations break up to the point where the person I am talking to cannot understand what I'm saying, not to mention the frequent signal drop outs. My question to Vodafone is, would they be prepared to accept responsibility if there is no network coverage in an emergency situation??
6384 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 10:42:58 AM
cant send SMS a lot of the time, it says... GENERIC NETWORK FAILURE!!! Wont refresh my facebook info, it says...... cannot retrieve or some crap similar to that. Al;ready had my phone swapped over as thought that was the problem, but still happening. Very frustrating!!!
6383 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 10:42:36 AM
I've been a vodafone customer for 10yrs... Never hav I once had a problem with them, that was until a few months ago when my service only works when it wants to, can't make calls or receive calls, can't send of receive txt messages, can't get any signal whatsoever.... Bit stupid when I do alot of work by my mobile phone... Even using the internet I can't connect or it can take a whole day to connect.... I also hav a small child in which I need to be contactable or be able to contact people when she is not with me or if I get stuck.... Twre is not excuse for this terrible service...and when I do call vodafone im sick of listening to "Lara".... All I can say is vodafone is about to lose a loyal customer of 10yrs if they don't shape up and come to the party and sort this out...
6382 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% at 28 Dec 2010 10:41:17 AM
In Westfield in Hornsby which has 100% 3G signal, I am lucky to get E signal with one or 2 bars, no way of getting any data download or 3G signal. Even in the Crazy Johns store which sells Vodaphone there is no 3G signal. Ruins my nice Desire HD phone Unbelievable
6381 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Crap service at 28 Dec 2010 10:40:20 AM
Vodafone stick your pathetic crap service where the sun dont shine LOOSERS....
6380 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is extreme fail at 28 Dec 2010 10:40:17 AM
I phoned vodafone to cancel a mobile internet service i have had for 12 months. I sat on hold 4 nights in a row for 2.5 hours and when I finally got through to to a representative, the cancellations department had 'closed'. It took 2 irate phone calls to finally get through to the cancellations team who gave me the third degree about why i was cancelling. They then proceeded to tell me i signed a 24 month contract and a cancellation fee would apply. I am positive I would have only signed up to a 12 month contract as I was renting and aiming to go overseas the next year. I cannot find any paperwork at my end which is bad on my part otherwise I would have a case. I asked them to email me a copy of the contract which they could not do. i will be moving my business to optus when my contact is up in feb. VERY UNHAPPY.
6379 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Can't call to my wife at 28 Dec 2010 10:40:17 AM
I'm using voda and I often can't make a call to my wife which is also on voda network. After walked about 500 m then I was able to call to my wife.
It was afternoon on 27th of Dec and I don't know the network was saturated by the free call within voda and three users. I can't wait the contract expiries next year.
It was afternoon on 27th of Dec and I don't know the network was saturated by the free call within voda and three users. I can't wait the contract expiries next year.
6378 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 8 at 28 Dec 2010 10:39:34 AM
to every vodafone customer
i am always experiencing dropped calls after the first 5 mins the recpetion cuts out and you cant hear the person on the other end and it keeps happening and it gets really really frustrating for example i could be on the line with a company and be palced on hold and its a process and i sometimeshave to wait a while the line just drops it has come to the point where ive thrown my phone at the wall and been so close to just throwing it out.
i am always experiencing dropped calls after the first 5 mins the recpetion cuts out and you cant hear the person on the other end and it keeps happening and it gets really really frustrating for example i could be on the line with a company and be palced on hold and its a process and i sometimeshave to wait a while the line just drops it has come to the point where ive thrown my phone at the wall and been so close to just throwing it out.
6377 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is MEGA FAIL at 28 Dec 2010 10:39:21 AM
-drop-outs every few minutes whilst on calls.
-inability of callers to leave messages on message bank.
-incoming calls have been lost and not recorded as missed calls.
-low battery life.
I've had this phone for only a month or so. During the Christmas period i have missed out on important reunions with family members. I am frustrated by the constant dropping out of reception during phonecalls. This is absolutely not acceptable and i'd rather not be paying a monthly fee for such a poor service.
-inability of callers to leave messages on message bank.
-incoming calls have been lost and not recorded as missed calls.
-low battery life.
I've had this phone for only a month or so. During the Christmas period i have missed out on important reunions with family members. I am frustrated by the constant dropping out of reception during phonecalls. This is absolutely not acceptable and i'd rather not be paying a monthly fee for such a poor service.
28 Dec 2010 01:06:59 PM: you must be using an iphone huh?
6376 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Bad at 28 Dec 2010 10:39:02 AM
Limited reception unless in highly populated areas. Very poor service when moving around.No reception inside house or office
6375 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Regularly useless at 28 Dec 2010 10:36:44 AM
Using vodafone mobile broadband in newcastle is like taking tickets in a lottery. For 3-4 nights per week you get speeds slower than dial-up (if you can get a connection at all). On some nights you can get a super speed of 256k!! Impossible to get through to customer assistance. If, however, you are prepared to limit your inernet use to betwen 4 and 6am on weekdays, you can sometimes get up to 1Mbps. Absolutely useless and NOT recommended.
6374 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is VERY FAIL :( at 28 Dec 2010 10:36:35 AM
My phone drops in and out all the time, usless having an iphone when you can hardy use the features due to signall strentgh andf i live in the city not the bush. At work i have to go outside to get better signal and this is in the CBD of Cairns, we are not a remote area. Tried callin many occoasions to get a payout figure but you spend so bloody long on hold and i have had this drop out when they are transferring you to another area to deal with my questions. My partner can hardy ever call me as my phone shows "no signal", then later on it's got it...bloody fustrating and i'm ready just to get away from Vodafone as much as i don't like Telstra, but considering just cancelling and moving to another provider.
6373 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Fail fail at 28 Dec 2010 10:36:26 AM
All the problems seen by fellow users, however I am with Crazy Johns (still Vodafone), so where do I stand?
We won't have true competition, until they get rid of these plans and contracts.
We won't have true competition, until they get rid of these plans and contracts.
6372 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 10:35:30 AM
Im sick of calling LARA, im sick of waiting on hold for 30-40 minutes, im sick of listening to customer service telling me there are no network problems in my area, and to turn off my phone, clean the sim, delete my sms inbox.... If a call is over 5 minutes it drops out, on Christmas Eve there were network problems all day. Im surprised that on the Vodafone website, where their apology is, that they have a blog going that is scathing of their service, they couldn't even get their network feedback email address right. Vodafone couldn't organise a root in a brothel with a fist full of fiftys.
6371 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is dropping out calls at 28 Dec 2010 10:35:25 AM
i have been on calls that have dropped out time and time again not getting
messages until 2-3 days later,i have also lost business,
Vodafone should give the option for clients leave or stay(with no penalty)
messages until 2-3 days later,i have also lost business,
Vodafone should give the option for clients leave or stay(with no penalty)
6370 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is the VodaPhone 3 partnership at 28 Dec 2010 10:33:11 AM
6369 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is five star fail! at 28 Dec 2010 10:32:46 AM
Just about all the complaints I have read on this site, I have experienced. Am watching my husband standing in the backyard holding his phone in the air trying to get a signal right now!
6368 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is call drop outs and delay in Text Messages, plus delay on emails to mobile at 28 Dec 2010 10:31:47 AM
I am in Adel city area, we have 4 mobiles on our plan, the delay in receiving Text Messages in these tec advanced days is just unbelieveable, because we don't get a reply to our Text Messages or emails, we are forced to make a call, we get charged for both. The delay in rec'ding and sending emails to and from a mobile, I am sure that sending a Memo/letter by Australia Post could be faster.
Another problem that I have spoken to Vodafone about over years, is that sometimes I have monthly periods that I travel to NZ, and delays in rec'ding Text & emails, and the call drop-outs to my Mobile is that bad that I now have purchased a cheap Mobile in NZ to make calls and have to arrange with a Customers for emails to be sent to me. I have suggested to Vodafone Aussie that they talk to Vodafone NZ about arrange a cheaper prices for Vodafone Customers on both sides of the Ditch, but that idea seems to hard, the costs between the 2 countries with a ditch in between is just out of this world, A very upset Vodafone customer since 1998
Another problem that I have spoken to Vodafone about over years, is that sometimes I have monthly periods that I travel to NZ, and delays in rec'ding Text & emails, and the call drop-outs to my Mobile is that bad that I now have purchased a cheap Mobile in NZ to make calls and have to arrange with a Customers for emails to be sent to me. I have suggested to Vodafone Aussie that they talk to Vodafone NZ about arrange a cheaper prices for Vodafone Customers on both sides of the Ditch, but that idea seems to hard, the costs between the 2 countries with a ditch in between is just out of this world, A very upset Vodafone customer since 1998
6367 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Poor coverage and service at 28 Dec 2010 10:30:55 AM
I live in an area that shows on the map that it's in good coverage. I constantly get calls dropping out or no service at all. As a member of a couple of emergency service organisations I need good coverage to be called up for service. I've logged a number of complaints and was told to wait until after the upgrade in my area as it should improve then. Nope, it didn't improve. I also don't get any service at all at my friends place (up on top of the hill nearby) and it too is in a good coverage area according to their map.
When I try to make contact with Voda about it, I usually end up with a person who has limited, if any, english and become more frustrated from talking to them. When I go to the store they direct me to the call centre and are unable to help.
Yesterday I wanted to go and upgrade my phone, before leaving I looked up the opening hours of the store (9am). After waiting for over 20mins past the opening time, I knocked on the glass and got the attention of a lady inside who stated they didn't open until 10am as it was a public holiday. This was not noted on the internet and there was no sign outside the store to indicate this. I left very angry as I didn't have time to wait. I live 20mins outside of town and only went in to see them.
I called customer care when I got home to try and find out about the eligibility for upgrading my phone and after an hour of waiting for someone to answer, I hung up in disgust.
I really like the caps and the infinity offers but I just wish the service and coverage would improve.
When I try to make contact with Voda about it, I usually end up with a person who has limited, if any, english and become more frustrated from talking to them. When I go to the store they direct me to the call centre and are unable to help.
Yesterday I wanted to go and upgrade my phone, before leaving I looked up the opening hours of the store (9am). After waiting for over 20mins past the opening time, I knocked on the glass and got the attention of a lady inside who stated they didn't open until 10am as it was a public holiday. This was not noted on the internet and there was no sign outside the store to indicate this. I left very angry as I didn't have time to wait. I live 20mins outside of town and only went in to see them.
I called customer care when I got home to try and find out about the eligibility for upgrading my phone and after an hour of waiting for someone to answer, I hung up in disgust.
I really like the caps and the infinity offers but I just wish the service and coverage would improve.
28 Dec 2010 12:54:20 PM: There are 10,000 homes in the area I am covered by. ! 1/2 years ago I moved and the area is only 3 klms away..the coverage here is worse....for over 2 years I have been fighting Vodaphone over this and suggested a booster tower...Vodaphone refuse to look into it....Vodaphone come up up with all the excusaes they can NOT to improve the service....time is coming for a showdown....
6366 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible 'customer service' and poor network coverage at 28 Dec 2010 10:28:53 AM
So after a few weeks trying to obtain an iphone upgrade through Vodafone, I was finally told that I could go direct to the apple store in Sydney who could do it for me as Vodafone didn't have any stock. It was all done and dusted in about 30mins. Loved the new phone, but as of Sunday my 3G service has decided not to work, I have difficulties making phone calls, my voicemail come in a few hours late and yet i seem to have full signal and the 3G sign is visible. Yesterday I spent a total of about 3 hrs on hold trying to speak to someone who doesn't speak English very well. Not to mention I am on my holiday! So I speak to someone who tells me to reset my settings and that should fix the problem. Did this about 6 times and it's not fixed anything. So I call back and when I finally get to speak to someone they tell me I should turn off my 3G and just use the 2g network which is super slow. He then transfers me to someone in 'network support' so they can look into the issue. I hung up after being on hold for 53mins so never spoke to anyone. I gave up. I have been with Vodafone for about 10 years and it is absolutely shocking, customer service is simply a joke.
6365 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is pathetic network coverage at 28 Dec 2010 10:28:24 AM
I think it is a disgrace for vodaphone to keep on offering contracts with no plan to improve their network. Vodaphone's corporate strategy sucks!!
6364 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fine at 28 Dec 2010 10:28:08 AM
The owner of this site owns a company which resells Optus services... Why does he delete posts making people aware of this, rather than disclosing the truth on himself? What is he trying to hide???
28 Dec 2010 10:35:45 AM: i don't really care what he does or who he is - VODAFONEY have an issue here they need to fix - its that simple, there is no need to drag up dirt on the owner of the site. As someone said many years ago - "He who is without sin cast the first stone".
28 Dec 2010 10:41:32 AM: I disagree, if the site owner runs a Vodafone competitor he should make that very clear on the front page
28 Dec 2010 01:06:15 PM: The people I know who use Optus reckon Optus sucks too..
29 Dec 2010 06:53:52 AM: What a crack up if you notice most of the replies are from the same person and most of the posts spelling and grammar lol good one
6363 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is very at 28 Dec 2010 10:27:53 AM
I've recently changed from Optus to Vodafail and have had to do 3 factory resets already just to get my text messages in. It works again ok for a little while then boom! nothing again.
Another complaint is can someone on the exact same plan, exact same phone be standing right next to me..have full coverage and i have nothing??
Another complaint is can someone on the exact same plan, exact same phone be standing right next to me..have full coverage and i have nothing??
6362 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is the most serious service is failing us who keep it afloat at 28 Dec 2010 10:27:50 AM
My daughter text'd a message from Melbourne to sunshine Coast stating her flight arrival, this was 9.30 am we recieved her text at 4.30 pm after her flight had arrived . NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!another time she text us on a sunday to say she would be late home and we didn't recieve the message until thursday. What will you do about that????????????????? from LIZ
6361 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is the most serious service is failing us who keep it afloat at 28 Dec 2010 10:26:50 AM
My daughter text'd a message from Melbourne to sunshine Coast stating her flight arrival, this was 9.30 am we recieved her text at 4.30 pm after her flight had arrived . NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!another time she text us on a sunday to say she would be late home and we didn't recieve the message until thursday. What will you do about that????????????????? from LIZ
6360 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Try Telstra Prepaid ! at 28 Dec 2010 10:25:22 AM
6359 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is I Can't Get No Satisifaction at 28 Dec 2010 10:25:00 AM
I've been with this particulr company for a while. It seems that they don't give a dam for so called valued customers, it seems to me as if there were a black hole in comunication for so called coverage. As a customer I pay for this so called service, but get none. So I think it's only fair that I get get what I pay for , but oh no they demand my money when it's due & as for my writes I don't have any & get slugged for a late fee for my trouble. So to all you out there DON'T GIVE THEM THE SATISACTION as we should not to opt out of our contract, THEY SHOULD PAY US FOR the inconvience. DON'T SIGN UP again. COMPANIES like them shouldent be allowed to operate. I also missed out on jobs though the lack of reception. Signed Disgruntled
6358 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is After 2 weeks, somewhat peeved... at 28 Dec 2010 10:21:09 AM
Just signed up for a 24 month contract (including handset). The connection process went well, within 2 hours like the shop assistant said, so far so good. On Xmas eve, tried to make a call (vodafone to vodafone), no reception, moved outside, no reception, wandered around the yard, no reception. Assumed phone was glitching, turned phone off, took out battery & sim, waited a minute or so, put it back together. Had 1 bar of reception, tried to make call again, went straight to voicemail, tried again, nothing but silence. Called another person (vodafone to telstra), finally got through, they called the person I originally tried to call and then called me back. At the same time all this was going on, 2 of my friends were on facebook complaining about vodafone as they were having trouble too. My advice would be don't sign up with vodafone until the fix the bugs, it's not worth it.
6357 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is frustrating failing at 28 Dec 2010 10:20:03 AM
Delayed text messages , delayed voice mail , not connecting phone calls . Sole trader of a business and losing time and business not being able to call or receive call makes my company not run efficiently and losing business.
6356 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very fail at 28 Dec 2010 10:19:21 AM
I never am able to recieve my voicemails till a few hours after. same with text messages. If i try to call someone, it can either take up to 5 minutes to start ringing or i have to turn my phone on and off. it does this while telling me i have full reception. they constantly mess up my bill, i pay a automatic 50 dollars a fortnight yet they still try to charge me full amount at the end of each month and when investigated it shows that i have paid. they will not let me end my contract. will never go with them again.
6355 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 100% fail Vodafail vodafone at 28 Dec 2010 10:17:30 AM
I make lot of international call from my included value , all the time calls disconnected so now I am spending $ 100 for buying international calling cards to make international call , what should I do with my included $700 and 2 gig of data. Is any answer for this VODAFONE (VODAFAIL)
28 Dec 2010 10:27:19 AM: So, the question is... will you EVER get $700 worth of calls? Do you monitor your calls and calculate your usage. IS THERE A WAY TO CALCULATE YOUR USAGE? ON PREPAID THERE ISN'T. They give to you with one hand and take with the other. What you win on the swings, you lose on the roundabout. Don't believe a word the Telcos tell you. They're all liars.
28 Dec 2010 10:54:05 AM: mooni koe
6354 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is always at 28 Dec 2010 10:14:52 AM
no service most of the time i can't make a call and if i do i need to call a few times cause it always drops out
6353 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Can not believe it at 28 Dec 2010 10:14:12 AM
Can not believe some of the posts I just read after I posted my story. My laptop is connected by mobile 3 broadband and recently I have been getting disconnected about 3 times a day and I took my laptop to Nagambie and guess what,... NO SIGNAL OR CONNECTION WHATSOVER. Could not dial up any other server. I took my laptop outside and tried in many different spots,.. No connection. So am I correct that vodafone has taken over 3? OMG!!
28 Dec 2010 10:30:03 AM: And they show you impressive 'coverage' pix with yellow and grey and purple coverage areas which YOU are right in the middle of... and then you get home with your new card and find you have zero coverage.. but they don't care, you're LOCKED IN FOR TWO YEARS Ha ha ha ha ha ha ... YOU'VE BEEN CONNED MATE.
29 Dec 2010 03:45:48 PM: Should read my earlier post 6340. Like stupid telstra gsm. Will be able to use phone for 9 years. New phone, only had it for 2 years supposed to be excellent country coverage. LIARS it dropped out all the time.Then they tell me i can no longer use phone because it is gsm locked and they are finishing the gsm up.
6352 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Drop out at 28 Dec 2010 10:13:57 AM
I recently moved to Geelong and the phone that was working perfectly fine in Brisbane suddenly can't work in 3 out of 6 rooms in my new house.
Mind you i do not live in the outskirts of Geelong, i live in a VERY nice part of town very close to town.
If i walk 5 minutes to the store it works fine.
I have complained and simply been told (and i quote)
"We are sorry but you must live in a dead area and i am afraid there is nothing we can do about it"
I then ask about cancelling my contract since they are not upholding their part of the bargain and get this response
"You are obligated under the terms of the signed contract to pay the full amount over the stipulated time period"
Fortunatly i do not have long to go and will NEVER use their pitiful "service" again
Mind you i do not live in the outskirts of Geelong, i live in a VERY nice part of town very close to town.
If i walk 5 minutes to the store it works fine.
I have complained and simply been told (and i quote)
"We are sorry but you must live in a dead area and i am afraid there is nothing we can do about it"
I then ask about cancelling my contract since they are not upholding their part of the bargain and get this response
"You are obligated under the terms of the signed contract to pay the full amount over the stipulated time period"
Fortunatly i do not have long to go and will NEVER use their pitiful "service" again
6351 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Worst Phone Company at 28 Dec 2010 10:13:28 AM
I've been with Vodafone for years and it only gets worse as times goes on. I live in the Southern Highlands in NSW and many numerous times that I've lost count Vodafone has gone dead in the area. No service at all anywhere you go. Sometimes it lasts a few hours to a day or so. A few times all we have waited a few days with no service at all.
What is the point in having a mobile phone if you're not going to get service in your Home area and it drops out for days? I'm trying to run a small business and I lose business because of Vodafone. It also doesn't help if their is an Emergency and I need help and I can't call anybody. The service is terrible all in all even when it does work. I'll be talking to my girlfriend who is also with Vodafone and her service will completely drop out.
My girlfriend is also having Data Issues. We're both on Prepaid on the 49 cap where we apparently get 3 gig. Well her usage is never used it costs her money to go on and her usage stays at 3 gig.
All in all the only reason we both have stayed with Vodafone over the years is to be able to call each other free. Soon we will both be changing to Optus when she can afford to go on a plan.
What is the point in having a mobile phone if you're not going to get service in your Home area and it drops out for days? I'm trying to run a small business and I lose business because of Vodafone. It also doesn't help if their is an Emergency and I need help and I can't call anybody. The service is terrible all in all even when it does work. I'll be talking to my girlfriend who is also with Vodafone and her service will completely drop out.
My girlfriend is also having Data Issues. We're both on Prepaid on the 49 cap where we apparently get 3 gig. Well her usage is never used it costs her money to go on and her usage stays at 3 gig.
All in all the only reason we both have stayed with Vodafone over the years is to be able to call each other free. Soon we will both be changing to Optus when she can afford to go on a plan.
6350 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic at 28 Dec 2010 10:12:08 AM
I get around between redfern Cronulla and Newcastle. No reception in Cronulla or maitland. Callow fail on the highway and even in redfern I constantly need to reset my connection or my phone hangs on data upload and receives no response from towers.
6349 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very fail at 28 Dec 2010 10:12:07 AM
i want iphone 4