Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
19567 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very fail at 3 Oct 2011 07:55:56 PM
I called up last Tuesday night to have my Mum's plan changed. The Vodafail staff member said the change would be done within 30 minutes. A week later my Mum checked and her plan had still not changed. When I phoned Vodafail today they said that on Tuesday night many of their plan change requests had been 'lost' and they had no idea which customers they were, so had not followed up with them. Very Fail!
19566 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is worst of the worst at 3 Oct 2011 10:45:07 AM
My nightmare started two years ago when I started my two years $59/month iPhone contract. First, I was told I can use my $350/month credit to make any calls including international calls, I wouldn't sign up this contract if I knew international calls are not included because I called overseas quite often. Then the first month,I was charged almost $170 more for the international calls I made while I still have hundreds of credit remaining, and I called their customer service, they said international calls are not included in the $350 credit. Then I went overseas, and sent 1 text email, vodafone charged me $83 and wouldn't explain how the amount is calculated. I didn't receive a bar of signal in my office in the city, and my phone was cut off shortly after it's connected 80% of the time. I feel the nightmare would be over when I called in to cancel the service last month, but I was wrong, vodafone haunted me again. I lost the number I was using for years because vadafone said once I cancel the service with them, my number cannot be transferred to another mobile provider, and even I re-open my account with vodafone I cannot keep my old number anymore. The only thing that I am glad now is that I'll never ever deal with vodafone anymore, the worst of the worst companies ever!!! Bad coverage, bad sales, bad customer service.
19565 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very at 3 Oct 2011 02:24:23 AM
Victor Harbor, during the day: 20kb/sec when I'm lucky. At 3AM: 150kb/sec, works perfectly, no lag, because I'd be the only person using the tower.
It's not a signal problem, or a hardware problem - it's very simple. The tower does not have enough capacity.
It's not a signal problem, or a hardware problem - it's very simple. The tower does not have enough capacity.
19564 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Useless at 2 Oct 2011 08:46:30 PM
No mobile reception in Chapel Hill. Hardly ever full signal for most of my daily trips in the western suburbs of Brisbane. I spent 4 hours at Jinderlee today with zero (yes zero) reception. 3 drop-outs per trip on my daily commute of 8km between Chapel Hill and Milton. Unusable internet 95% of the time, just hangs, never decent bandwidth, even on 3G, the speed is a joke.
My company pay for the contract so I am stuck with this pathetic network. My friends and family have Telstra and Optus and they are very happy. Being on Vodaphone is like being the dirtiest, smelliest kid in the classroom.
I am their sworn enemy and I bad mouth Vodaphone to anyone who'll listen.
My company pay for the contract so I am stuck with this pathetic network. My friends and family have Telstra and Optus and they are very happy. Being on Vodaphone is like being the dirtiest, smelliest kid in the classroom.
I am their sworn enemy and I bad mouth Vodaphone to anyone who'll listen.
19563 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Dropped call and interference at 2 Oct 2011 02:38:55 PM
My call's keep getting dropped with interference, local vodafone to vodafone and international, extremely frustration. My coverage in one spot goes from full to searching.
9 Oct 2011 01:02:52 PM: Most to Telstra ASAP
19562 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is raising my blood pressure at 2 Oct 2011 02:33:01 PM
It's bad enough that the call reception from Vodafone is horrible and that sms's are delayed, but now I have realised that Vodafone is also the reason why I do not have the Symbian Anna update for my Nokia N8.
Now before you start to think "hang on, that's Nokia's problem not Vodafone's", you'd be wrong. Nokia has released the update more then a month ago for Australia and most mobile phone carriers have finished their testing of the update and allowed for their users to download the update.
So this is what irritates me the most, those with other carriers have had this update for more then a month, while Vodafone has JUST STARTED TESTING the update! Check it out for yourself:
Now before you start to think "hang on, that's Nokia's problem not Vodafone's", you'd be wrong. Nokia has released the update more then a month ago for Australia and most mobile phone carriers have finished their testing of the update and allowed for their users to download the update.
So this is what irritates me the most, those with other carriers have had this update for more then a month, while Vodafone has JUST STARTED TESTING the update! Check it out for yourself:
3 Oct 2011 03:05:02 PM: they all are testing it no one has released it yet.
4 Oct 2011 10:22:10 AM: Vodafone is actually testing it, whereas Telstra claim no knowledge. Vodafone were ahead of the game with the PR 1.2 release as well. Telstra never released it. Telstrafail.
19561 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Complete fail at 2 Oct 2011 11:13:37 AM
Every now and then (that is within one week) I tried to call certain people on my phone and I always have a Connection error!! Full reception and all but it just wouldn't connect. I thought they said they are upgrading their service or something?
3 Oct 2011 02:57:04 PM: They are gradually replacing most of their 3G network however it will take some time before they complete it. You can check if they are upgrading your area on their website:
If you are still having trouble in an area they've already upgraded then it's best to give them a call and let them know. Moderation Team
If you are still having trouble in an area they've already upgraded then it's best to give them a call and let them know. Moderation Team
19560 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Billing and Poor customer service at 2 Oct 2011 11:06:52 AM
I recently swapped my existing contract from 3 to Vodafail, as they are merging. When i did, my first bill consisted of 2 plan charges. My existing $79 cap, and my $29 cap from years ago, plus excess usage charges. That plan did not even exist, it was ended when i started my $79 cap... yet i was charged both. I called them, they could not explain why this had happened and told me i would received a credit on my next bill. Today i receive from vodafail on the 7018 number that said i owe "$146.23 due to usage not covered by plan allowance". I call them and ask what is this about? He told me he can't help me, he can't access that information until tomorrow when the billing comes out. I said to him, no, you sent me a text about the charges this morning, you need to be able to explain what they are about. He was evasive, and i kept querying him (him being Glennn, ID number 39395). He said to me "how are you not understanding what i am saying" implying that i was stupid. So i got his name and ID number. But got nothing out of the call. I have NO idea what the charges are about. When i look at my online usage it says $0.00. Yet the text says i owe 146.23. Nothing but incompetence since i have changed over.
19559 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Crap at 1 Oct 2011 10:44:36 PM
I'm currently in rainbow beach and there is NO SERVICE AT ALL!!!!! m family in Brisbane doesn't even know if I'm ok cause they can't even contact me!! Vodafail!!!
19558 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is ITS A FAIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at 1 Oct 2011 10:39:36 PM
im waiting to make a complaint and its been 16 min and im still waiting !
19557 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Its a total mess at 1 Oct 2011 12:37:25 PM
I have gone over my $20 sim (thats my fault) but the overcharge they give me for facebook so I assume that the Data I have uses on facebook but no. Stupid Vodafone ... (more like Vodafail) has charged me $109 in 2 days cause I've been on facebook and i've texted a standard number (8 times) so all vodafone does is take money away from me. You can get better Service but pay more but I would rather pay more than Be with Vodafone. I am Disgusted by Vodafone and there excess text like how much you have to pay, its horrible !!!!!!!!!! Shame on you Vodafail !
19555 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is epic fail at 30 Sep 2011 05:05:33 PM
I was with vodafone for about 8 years, i noticed data reliablity in Brisbane was beginning to become beyond a joke,I mean speeds were comparable if not better than what i see with telstra next g now, but the data drop outs were frequently ridiculous.I can guarantee its not a handeset issue because the moment i switched to telstra i immediately got 5 bars reception (something of a rarity with vodafone)on my galaxy s2; also on the train ride into the city i now almost never get any data/call drop outs even in tunnels. So yeah, the moral of the story if your experiencing this subpar service just port to another provider,whats the worst that can happen? obviously it cant sink any lower that vodafone.
19554 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extreme fail at 30 Sep 2011 04:13:09 PM
Suffered with extremely poor levels of reception and at times, equally poor customer service for around 18 months.
Reception issues are to the extent that almost all calls are very distorted, and the vast majority of calls have to be made at least twice due to the distortion/drop outs (my itemised bills are testament to this!)
After 3-4 calls to customer care, Vodafone offered 3 months of line-rental at a discounted (50% rate), promising that the network in my area would be upgraded to dual band during this period. I have experienced no notable changes.
I am also a Corporate Friends and Family customer with a Vodafone line that used to be serviced by Mobiz, but needed to be ported to Vodafone when Mobiz closed shop. This should have been a simple process of submitting an application form.
I have now submitted my forms twice, and allowed five weeks for my service to be ported over but to no avail.
The most frustrating part of this all has to be the time spent (2.5hours so far) trying to firstly navigate through the automated portion of the customer care, then trying my utmost to stay calm whilst talking to customer care.
The Australian-based Business Team have been particularly helpful (shout out to Gemma and Aidan), but their offshore counterparts seem to be instructed to LIE and insist that they cannot transfer customers through to Australian-based extensions, unless pressed hard on the matter.
This is by no means a racist rant, and it's clearly not the fault of the operators themselves, but it is poor form of Vodafone to be creating so many hurdles for what should be relatively simple operations such as contacting a specific team member when provided with their precise extension number.
Ultimately, I am almost certainly switching to Telstra shortly, happy to pay a premium for what appears to be a premium service (coverage etc) based on friends and family members' experiences.
Reception issues are to the extent that almost all calls are very distorted, and the vast majority of calls have to be made at least twice due to the distortion/drop outs (my itemised bills are testament to this!)
After 3-4 calls to customer care, Vodafone offered 3 months of line-rental at a discounted (50% rate), promising that the network in my area would be upgraded to dual band during this period. I have experienced no notable changes.
I am also a Corporate Friends and Family customer with a Vodafone line that used to be serviced by Mobiz, but needed to be ported to Vodafone when Mobiz closed shop. This should have been a simple process of submitting an application form.
I have now submitted my forms twice, and allowed five weeks for my service to be ported over but to no avail.
The most frustrating part of this all has to be the time spent (2.5hours so far) trying to firstly navigate through the automated portion of the customer care, then trying my utmost to stay calm whilst talking to customer care.
The Australian-based Business Team have been particularly helpful (shout out to Gemma and Aidan), but their offshore counterparts seem to be instructed to LIE and insist that they cannot transfer customers through to Australian-based extensions, unless pressed hard on the matter.
This is by no means a racist rant, and it's clearly not the fault of the operators themselves, but it is poor form of Vodafone to be creating so many hurdles for what should be relatively simple operations such as contacting a specific team member when provided with their precise extension number.
Ultimately, I am almost certainly switching to Telstra shortly, happy to pay a premium for what appears to be a premium service (coverage etc) based on friends and family members' experiences.
3 Oct 2011 03:10:48 PM: what a shock am in roma qld & have fast internet (can watch that facetube thing) & am able to make phone calls. what a gr8 service lucky i am with telstra as there is nothing else to do in this town.
11 Oct 2011 08:06:14 PM: Just a quick update - THERE IS HOPE PEOPLE! (please excuse the caps, but I want people to pay attention.
I spent a total of 4.5hours on the phone to Vodafone today, the outcome being 100% waiver of cancellation fees, 100% waiver of outstanding handset contributions on both plans. (10 months and 14 months remaining on contracts.)
The moral is, persevere when trying to get your issues resolved. My connection was terminated 3 times during this process (I won't go so far as accusing them of hanging up on me), but I stuck at it, and managed to speak to both supervisors, then ultimately the manager in the "retentions team".
- Main tips are to be polite, whilst reiterating your frustrations.
- Kindly refuse to be put on hold without receiving extension numbers in the event you get cut off.
- Kindly refuse to put up with the bullshit of repeating your entire story to the lowly operators that answer 1555, and insist that you be transferred to the relevant department/extension. Works best if you explain its in both yours and their best interest not to repeatedly waste time in this way.
- Seek reassurance that the person on the other end will call you back immediately in the event the call drops out.
Best of luck guys.
I spent a total of 4.5hours on the phone to Vodafone today, the outcome being 100% waiver of cancellation fees, 100% waiver of outstanding handset contributions on both plans. (10 months and 14 months remaining on contracts.)
The moral is, persevere when trying to get your issues resolved. My connection was terminated 3 times during this process (I won't go so far as accusing them of hanging up on me), but I stuck at it, and managed to speak to both supervisors, then ultimately the manager in the "retentions team".
- Main tips are to be polite, whilst reiterating your frustrations.
- Kindly refuse to be put on hold without receiving extension numbers in the event you get cut off.
- Kindly refuse to put up with the bullshit of repeating your entire story to the lowly operators that answer 1555, and insist that you be transferred to the relevant department/extension. Works best if you explain its in both yours and their best interest not to repeatedly waste time in this way.
- Seek reassurance that the person on the other end will call you back immediately in the event the call drops out.
Best of luck guys.
2 Nov 2011 09:10:41 AM: I am from Victoria and had same issue about MOBIZ shutting shop. Today I spent 2 hours of my day on the phone to various customer service representatives trying to resolve the problem.
Problem: In August I closed my Mobiz account and switched over to Vodafone Prepaid. In September and October I have still received invoices for call charges for Mobiz, even though I dont have an account with them any more. The amounts are still being direct debited from my bank account.
What did I do: I called Mobiz. But of course, their phone number on the invoice just sends me to 1555 the standard Vodafone customer care. Talked with 4 different representatives who all followed the same steps within their powers and came to the same useless solution of "try calling back in 48 hours". What does 48 hours fix other than that they wont have to fix your problem?
My next idea: Call Hutchinson Corporate Australia. Straight through to a local operator who listened and seemed to find my problems slightly humorous as if she's heard it all before, but understood what I needed. She put me straight through to a Australian Business Team who followed the exact steps the other people had done before.
HOWEVER, this time the girl (Rebecca) while putting me on hold had already taken the initiative to go and speak to her supervisor about how best to solve my problem. Although she had the same results as the other customer service people I had spoke to she told me that she would make sure she gets to the bottom of it for me. She actually WANTED to help and took down my invoice details, customer details and all of that and said she would personally track down with the accounting and invoicing team what has gone wrong and why no one knows if MOBIZ exists anymore.
Obviously I will have to wait a few days for her to follow it up, but I must praise this person from the Business Team who actually showed INITIATIVE in following up the problem to find me a solution.
It actually would SAVE Vodafone money by employing more people like this team (more expensive local customer service operators) who show initiative and can solve a problem on their own within 10 - 15 minutes, instead of the current system of outsourcing to overseas where the people just follow the set script and don't seem to WANT to help you out with your problems and you end up spending 120 minutes on the phone with no resolution.
Why is it that the Australian customer service representative straight away approaches their supervisor without you even requesting them to, when the Indian customer service ones you have to ask like 5 or 6 times and they still refuse to put you onto their supervisor as if you are going to dob them in for doing something wrong. Obviously there is something wrong with how things are being run down there and the culture that top management are sending down to lower employees.
Problem: In August I closed my Mobiz account and switched over to Vodafone Prepaid. In September and October I have still received invoices for call charges for Mobiz, even though I dont have an account with them any more. The amounts are still being direct debited from my bank account.
What did I do: I called Mobiz. But of course, their phone number on the invoice just sends me to 1555 the standard Vodafone customer care. Talked with 4 different representatives who all followed the same steps within their powers and came to the same useless solution of "try calling back in 48 hours". What does 48 hours fix other than that they wont have to fix your problem?
My next idea: Call Hutchinson Corporate Australia. Straight through to a local operator who listened and seemed to find my problems slightly humorous as if she's heard it all before, but understood what I needed. She put me straight through to a Australian Business Team who followed the exact steps the other people had done before.
HOWEVER, this time the girl (Rebecca) while putting me on hold had already taken the initiative to go and speak to her supervisor about how best to solve my problem. Although she had the same results as the other customer service people I had spoke to she told me that she would make sure she gets to the bottom of it for me. She actually WANTED to help and took down my invoice details, customer details and all of that and said she would personally track down with the accounting and invoicing team what has gone wrong and why no one knows if MOBIZ exists anymore.
Obviously I will have to wait a few days for her to follow it up, but I must praise this person from the Business Team who actually showed INITIATIVE in following up the problem to find me a solution.
It actually would SAVE Vodafone money by employing more people like this team (more expensive local customer service operators) who show initiative and can solve a problem on their own within 10 - 15 minutes, instead of the current system of outsourcing to overseas where the people just follow the set script and don't seem to WANT to help you out with your problems and you end up spending 120 minutes on the phone with no resolution.
Why is it that the Australian customer service representative straight away approaches their supervisor without you even requesting them to, when the Indian customer service ones you have to ask like 5 or 6 times and they still refuse to put you onto their supervisor as if you are going to dob them in for doing something wrong. Obviously there is something wrong with how things are being run down there and the culture that top management are sending down to lower employees.
19553 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is shitty but much better now at 30 Sep 2011 01:27:04 PM
I have been with voda for 12 years, but for the past year I could never get reception in my own house in the Liverpool area. They would have full bars and when i tried calling myself with the landline it would say my phone was off and everytime i went out i would have to drive maybe 5 mins from the area and get bombarded by text messages that was sent to me while i was at home. And the data I never bothered with that at home just used wifi used it on commute and at work in wynyard. I was meaning to change my plan but all the people I call are on vodafone and i can call them for free, cant really beat that deal.
However, I got a new phone and when i put my sim in it said H+ instead of 3g. It has always had full reception but i haven't travelled out of sydney to know if it works everywhere. I haven't had a call drop out once or any problems with reception. The data is fast and there is absolutely no lag on SMSing. The internet speed is faster than Optus data using the same phone. So I guess the year of shit reception meant they were really fixing the lines. Maybe it was a case of Vodafail and Iphail4.
So my suggestion is everybody if you aren't getting a 4G phone, Change networks but if you are you shouldn't have any vodafails anymore!
However, I got a new phone and when i put my sim in it said H+ instead of 3g. It has always had full reception but i haven't travelled out of sydney to know if it works everywhere. I haven't had a call drop out once or any problems with reception. The data is fast and there is absolutely no lag on SMSing. The internet speed is faster than Optus data using the same phone. So I guess the year of shit reception meant they were really fixing the lines. Maybe it was a case of Vodafail and Iphail4.
So my suggestion is everybody if you aren't getting a 4G phone, Change networks but if you are you shouldn't have any vodafails anymore!
19552 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Red Bull .... bad move to join vodafone at 30 Sep 2011 07:49:05 AM
1 Oct 2011 06:10:19 PM: In reality...Vodaphone copied Optus coverage map to fool customers into thinking it was Vodafails...
19551 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Unnacceptable at 29 Sep 2011 10:16:37 PM
Around Liverpool where I work, I usually get little or no 3G bandwidth. Web pages take ages to load or don't load at all, can hardly even check Facebook. I complained to Vodafone and for my troubles they increased my data allowance an extra 1GB, which sounds good, but is basically useless because I get no 3G bandwidth where I work and when I get home I use wifi.
19550 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is not at all at 29 Sep 2011 09:52:09 PM
the mess in in is reading the crap you have written
i have been with Vodafone foe 8 years and find it great
you just sound like a whinging wineing little bitch
i have been with Vodafone foe 8 years and find it great
you just sound like a whinging wineing little bitch
1 Oct 2011 12:48:28 PM: if u think its great than f off u asshole
1 Oct 2011 06:13:27 PM: He obviously is employed by Vodafail
6 Oct 2011 01:15:55 AM: If spelling could facepalm, now is the time it would. You reflect badly on the carrier you try to protect.
19549 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is EXTREMELY at 29 Sep 2011 08:16:16 PM
I have made the terrible mistake of signing up for both phone and internet. I have only just returned to oz and wasn't aware of the upgrade service problems, of course the salesperson told me I would have excellent coverage!!! I was informed after many failed attempts of contacting vodafone to turn off my internet on my iphone so that my calls will stop cutting out ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!! what is the point of an iphone without internet!!!! I am outraged I have taken this to the TIO because I want OUT and they are refusing to let me out of my contract without paying. They are a terrible company, that provides terrible service and are ripping people off.
30 Sep 2011 07:41:46 AM: I feel the sales team should be liable, and taken to justice. They know from continual customer anger in store of their service, yet they have the nerve to put others in pain. How can they sleep at night is beyond me!
30 Sep 2011 11:48:39 AM: easy, no angry feedback from customers, no people walking in their stores slamming their fists on the table expressing their anger..... We're too politically correct in this country. I'm not saying resort to violence and threats, but EXPRESSING ANGER so that other customers in their stores can see what they could be in for...
19548 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic at 29 Sep 2011 07:35:21 PM
Vodafone has the worst mobile internet coverage ever! Takes minutes to load web pages when everyone elses provider takes seconds. Not good enough Vodafone. Wish someone would have informed me prior to signing a 2year contract. FAIL
19546 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is login and coverage at 29 Sep 2011 05:44:32 PM
Once again I am frustrated with good old "vodafone" Since my last coverage problem earlier this month, the same thing has occurred again!! No reception in my area on 3G or GSM. I tried to enter my vodafone account online but last time, my name and password failed. It said "incorrect password" I clicked "forgotten password" to receive a new password. I received that new password on my mobile, entered it online...and what do you know. The new password also failed. Now because I have made 3 attempt to login, my mobile is now locked for 24HOURS!!!!!!! What utter rubbish, as soon as this problem is solved I am going to dump vodafone after 12 agonising years with coverage failures. Every year it's like "we are upgrading our coverage" what B***S***!!!
19544 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is 100%FAIL at 29 Sep 2011 03:13:31 PM
Signal dropouts all the time. 2 weeks ago got call from sales guy who wanted me to renew. Told him about my poor dropout history and how their customer service people always wanted to reassure me that the service had been improved in my area. He told me that the customer service was overseas and they didnt know the local situation (impressed me no end). Told me that there is an upgrade schedule to June next year. (great just great). Within a couple of days i received a Huwai wireless transmitter in the post so I can share my connection within the house. Wan$ers dont realise that you have to have a connection before you can share one. Counting down the days till I go across to Telstra
19543 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is OMG Don't Start at 29 Sep 2011 12:57:50 PM
I had a default added on my Credit history from vodafone 3 years ago. I ended my contract with Vodafone and went prepaid so now have been a vodafone customer for around 7 years. However, when I ended my contract I paid over $1200 to finalise it and was told it was all finished. a couple months later i recieve this bill for over $500 dollars. So I rang vodafone asking why i was billed and had this indian rep that i couldn't understand they said it was the exit fee so i said no i finalised this contract ages ago i shouldn't be billed this extra amount and demanded to speak to a supervisor. Then was put on hold for ridiculous amounts of time or put through to another person i couldn't understand. I rang so many times with the exact same outcome then was sent a letter informing me I had been defaulted! i was younger then and had never (and have never since) been defaulted so i stupidly paid the amount immediately. i have only now become aware of my rights (which are i should not have been defaulted if i was disputing the bill) or the TIO. So I rang Voda and informed them on this but they say they don't have any records of me disputing the amount! which made me so angry because it was a huge headache for me at the time! i lodged an enquiry with the TIO and they say my complaint is ligit but they can't help because it was over 2 years ago. i need to contact the Resolutions team... or go to fair trading! Resolutions team never answer the phone... so fair trading it is! if anyone else knows how i can have it removed let me know!
19542 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Frauding Me at 29 Sep 2011 09:36:56 AM
You see the mess is not my mess rather Vodafones mess that they want me to rectify.
I have only ever had pre paid(never have i ever entered into any plan).But Vodafone discovered that they were a victim of fraud and so they decided to drop a $3,500 bill into my prepaid information that they were provided with when I had my pre paid sim card activated.
They have accused me of entering into a plan...of course this was all sent to a debt collector.
I spent an entire week on the phone trying to rectify this mess that they decided to place on my shoulders.Is all I got was this " I have to send them(via fax) photo 2 other forms of id fill out a stat dec,all of this was to be faxed to a number that had no adress details ...only a post office box no.
I then decided that this matter was one for the police,the police were satisfied that Vodafone have made an error.
Let me put you more in the picture,I had a copy of this phone bill plan emaiedl to me,this bill had my name and someone elses adress on it.I looked in the phone book to see if there was someone of the same surname as mine at that adress problem solved (so i thought) there was someone at that adress with my surname ..different first name.I brought this to Vodafones attention and they still want to persue me for this money.
I have provided vodafone with the event no the police provided me with and still they don't leave me alone.Go figure..why is this mob after me,why do they continue to refer this account as my account and who decided to drop this unpaid bill into my pre - paid information that they have on me.Why has Vodafone refused to meet with discuss this face to face..that's because they only have a PO BOX address.I have actually washed my hands of the matter.
I have only ever had pre paid(never have i ever entered into any plan).But Vodafone discovered that they were a victim of fraud and so they decided to drop a $3,500 bill into my prepaid information that they were provided with when I had my pre paid sim card activated.
They have accused me of entering into a plan...of course this was all sent to a debt collector.
I spent an entire week on the phone trying to rectify this mess that they decided to place on my shoulders.Is all I got was this " I have to send them(via fax) photo 2 other forms of id fill out a stat dec,all of this was to be faxed to a number that had no adress details ...only a post office box no.
I then decided that this matter was one for the police,the police were satisfied that Vodafone have made an error.
Let me put you more in the picture,I had a copy of this phone bill plan emaiedl to me,this bill had my name and someone elses adress on it.I looked in the phone book to see if there was someone of the same surname as mine at that adress problem solved (so i thought) there was someone at that adress with my surname ..different first name.I brought this to Vodafones attention and they still want to persue me for this money.
I have provided vodafone with the event no the police provided me with and still they don't leave me alone.Go figure..why is this mob after me,why do they continue to refer this account as my account and who decided to drop this unpaid bill into my pre - paid information that they have on me.Why has Vodafone refused to meet with discuss this face to face..that's because they only have a PO BOX address.I have actually washed my hands of the matter.
29 Sep 2011 09:55:31 AM: I am 19542,I forgot to mention that i bought my phone outright and unlocked,thank goodness because i am now trying out the Woolworths pre paid and optus have reassured me that because I had been with them previously for 6 years(not on a plan either) that this behaviour from vodafone will not happen with them.I have now no credit on vodafone and am not putting any on it.
29 Sep 2011 04:35:14 PM: Wow this sounds really bad. It's good that you got the police involved. Have you lodged a complaint with the TIO as well? It sounds like Vodafone isn't interested in sorting this out so the TIO will be able to fine them until they take it seriously. More info is on the 'how to complain' page. Moderation Team Moderation Team
27 Oct 2011 11:11:26 AM: Thanks for this information,since posting this matter onto this site I have not heard from them,however I feel that they will..I am guessing this side of Xmas they will contact me again..just to upset the Xmas Spirit...
Myself I think they have commited a criminal offence with a lot of privacy law issues broken.This time I am going to be more prepared and not let it upset me to the point that I fall in a heap and ball my eyes out.
Myself I think they have commited a criminal offence with a lot of privacy law issues broken.This time I am going to be more prepared and not let it upset me to the point that I fall in a heap and ball my eyes out.
19541 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extremely at 28 Sep 2011 10:36:18 PM
vodafone threatening to send to debt collectors over 1.13 but they wont allow my bpay payment go through to pay it
19540 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Useless as a chocolate teapot at 28 Sep 2011 05:36:40 PM
Once again my new Samsung Galaxy smartphone is reduced to a paperweight. Texts I sent yesterday still haven't reached their recipient today! Right now I cannot get any internet services. Calls drop out constantly, you can tell they are about to when syllables start disappearing from the other party's conversation, or all of a sudden you realise you have been talking to yourself for the last 2 minutes as the call dropped out silently. Call quality is bad, and coverage is woeful. I can stand in the Perth Underground railway station with absolutely no signal whereas all around me other people (obviously not with Vodafone) are chatting merrily away on their phones. Country reception - well there's an oxymoron - there isn't any! Go more than a mile from a major town and that's it - no coverage! Suburban coverage is hit and miss, more often a miss. How does this company stay in business? I have a complaint in with TIO and hope to be out of contract soon and going to another carrier whose initials start with Telstra. Worst - carrier - ever!
19538 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is heaps at 28 Sep 2011 12:55:16 PM
I wrote to Vodafone a few weeks ago letting them know that i wish to terminate my service. i am outside of my contract and can terminate at any time. they keep billing me despite the fact i have written to Vodafone at the address for notices. why o why do I have to call Lara my least favourite person on the planet
28 Sep 2011 07:23:44 PM: if you out of contract, and if you wan to move to another carrier, that carrier will switch you accross. You do not have to notify Vodafone.
19537 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is seriously at 28 Sep 2011 07:39:57 AM
Vodafone has billed me for extra charges on my infinite plan. Since when is any carrier supposed to charge for 1800 calls? They are supposed to be free to the caller. That's the whole point of them.
28 Sep 2011 07:26:43 PM: all mobile phone carriers charge you for 18/15/13 calls, Vodafones Infinity 100 includes unlimited 13/15/18 calls
29 Sep 2011 02:45:02 AM: not all phone companies charge for 18 and 13 calls. you are wrong. take TPG for example.
19535 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is no mess offers at 28 Sep 2011 01:22:56 AM
i am using vodafone for a long time , costumer care is worse not giving any correct information about offers . My no is 9985954050 can you please sugest me some good offers or else i will go to another subscription thank you .....
19534 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Mobile broadband is very slow at 27 Sep 2011 09:21:12 PM
I have bought a $50 Vodafone mobile broadband pack. It is slow and intermittently can not connect. I am very frustrated. I feel that I wasted my money. I will never ever again by anything from Vodafone. I know that they are a British company and are here to exploit us.
I do not recommend them to anyone.
Use Optus or Telstra ( if you are rich)
I do not recommend them to anyone.
Use Optus or Telstra ( if you are rich)
27 Sep 2011 10:38:03 PM: they are half British, half Chinese. They would be far more accountable if they were Australian owned and run I'm sure.
19533 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is EPIC at 27 Sep 2011 06:45:58 PM
No coverage at home today. NOTHING. Can't make or receive calls, can't send or receive text messages... but drive 10km away to my friend's house and receive them there? And last night my dad called me but did my phone ring? NO. Did I get the voicemail he left? NO. I'm surprised I got the text message he sent after that. FIX UP, VODAFONE.
19532 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 27 Sep 2011 04:14:25 PM
I have had no service all bloody day! I cant make a phone call, i cant send a message, i cant use my internet! What the hell is the point of paying $70 per month for a phone i cant use!!!!!!!!!
19531 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Over Failure at 27 Sep 2011 02:39:31 PM
Attention: Vodafone Customer Support
Reference: Denial of Mobile Phone Service - Account 6XXXXXXX
To whom it may concern,
I have, for some time now been putting up with poor mobile phone service. We have waited for the well publicised network improvements to no end.
The main problems we have experienced are:
calls continually dropping out between 30 sec and 3 min
having to dial a number of times to get a connection
poor voice quality
denial of internet access in areas as close as 3km from the Perth CBD,
continual denial of voice and data services in the Perth Metropolitan area, particularly in the suburb of Leeming,
very poor network access in rural areas where other network operate acceptably, and
dysfunctional customer service including, failing to call back when lodging an enquiry and inability of operators to answer a basic question.
We believe we have been extremely patient with Vodafone denying us reasonable access to a service for which we are paying. The service is at times so poor that it is affecting our business.
We request that our mobile phone contract be immediately terminated for mobile number 04XX XXX XXX. We look forward to an immediate and prompt response.
Reference: Denial of Mobile Phone Service - Account 6XXXXXXX
To whom it may concern,
I have, for some time now been putting up with poor mobile phone service. We have waited for the well publicised network improvements to no end.
The main problems we have experienced are:
calls continually dropping out between 30 sec and 3 min
having to dial a number of times to get a connection
poor voice quality
denial of internet access in areas as close as 3km from the Perth CBD,
continual denial of voice and data services in the Perth Metropolitan area, particularly in the suburb of Leeming,
very poor network access in rural areas where other network operate acceptably, and
dysfunctional customer service including, failing to call back when lodging an enquiry and inability of operators to answer a basic question.
We believe we have been extremely patient with Vodafone denying us reasonable access to a service for which we are paying. The service is at times so poor that it is affecting our business.
We request that our mobile phone contract be immediately terminated for mobile number 04XX XXX XXX. We look forward to an immediate and prompt response.
19530 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Over Failure at 27 Sep 2011 02:36:50 PM
Attention: Vodafone Customer Support
Reference: Denial of Mobile Phone Service - Account 6XXXXXXXX
To whom it may concern,
I have, for some time now been putting up with poor mobile phone service. We have waited for the well publicised network improvements to no end.
The main problems we have experienced are:
calls continually dropping out between 30 sec and 3 min
having to dial a number of times to get a connection
poor voice quality
denial of internet access in areas as close as 3km from the Perth CBD,
continual denial of voice and data services in the Perth Metropolitan area, particularly in the suburb of Leeming,
very poor network access in rural areas where other network operate acceptably, and
dysfunctional customer service including, failing to call back when lodging an enquiry and inability of operators to answer a basic question.
We believe we have been extremely patient with Vodafone denying us reasonable access to a service for which we are paying. The service is at times so poor that it is affecting our business.
We request that our mobile phone contract be immediately terminated for mobile number 04XX XXX XXX. We look forward to an immediate and prompt response.
Over the Failure Customer
Attention: Vodafone Customer Support
Reference: Denial of Mobile Phone Service - Account 6XXXXXXXX
To whom it may concern,
I have, for some time now been putting up with poor mobile phone service. We have waited for the well publicised network improvements to no end.
The main problems we have experienced are:
calls continually dropping out between 30 sec and 3 min
having to dial a number of times to get a connection
poor voice quality
denial of internet access in areas as close as 3km from the Perth CBD,
continual denial of voice and data services in the Perth Metropolitan area, particularly in the suburb of Leeming,
very poor network access in rural areas where other network operate acceptably, and
dysfunctional customer service including, failing to call back when lodging an enquiry and inability of operators to answer a basic question.
We believe we have been extremely patient with Vodafone denying us reasonable access to a service for which we are paying. The service is at times so poor that it is affecting our business.
We request that our mobile phone contract be immediately terminated for mobile number 04XX XXX XXX. We look forward to an immediate and prompt response.
Over the Failure Customer
19529 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Vodafail at 27 Sep 2011 10:50:23 AM
I have several issues
- I live in Melbourne in my lounge room I have 2 bars of reception I walk 7 meters to the bedroom and have no reception at all.
- when I was in Queenstown NZ recently on top of a mountain about to board down wanted to take a photo and I noticed on my phone I had 5 bars of reception!! Full reception in the middle of nowhere what the????
-phone calls drop out everyday and nearly every phone call
-when I want help from 1555 Lara does my head in and then the help desk is in India and they don't know what is going on
I am so frustrated I need my phone 24/7 I'm in the healthcare field and don't have a home phone my mobile I need it all the time and not getting service that I was promised
- I live in Melbourne in my lounge room I have 2 bars of reception I walk 7 meters to the bedroom and have no reception at all.
- when I was in Queenstown NZ recently on top of a mountain about to board down wanted to take a photo and I noticed on my phone I had 5 bars of reception!! Full reception in the middle of nowhere what the????
-phone calls drop out everyday and nearly every phone call
-when I want help from 1555 Lara does my head in and then the help desk is in India and they don't know what is going on
I am so frustrated I need my phone 24/7 I'm in the healthcare field and don't have a home phone my mobile I need it all the time and not getting service that I was promised
27 Sep 2011 10:53:08 AM: And to add to that receiving texts 3 days later!!! Not good enough surely they can't be getting away with this?? Not fair
19528 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Almost over Vodafone for good at 26 Sep 2011 05:44:30 PM
It seems that whenever I try to send an MMS (photo) on a Friday night or over the weekend it is delayed significantly and the receiving party receives it multiple times (up to a dozen or more - I amsure soemone told me 21 times)and in the early hours of the morning. SMS are also delayed . I am seriously thinking of changing over from Vodafone...been with them since 1996. Also had problems setting up auto payment after credit card was replaced. Website was down for what seemed like weeks. Other family members on Vodafone experiencing the same issues - get their messages late at night etc and multiple times.
26 Sep 2011 07:40:10 PM: many more reasons do you need to make you leave them. it's like a husband that beats you continuously... yet you keep going back. Give them the flick, and if they won't let you go, drop a line to the TIO here:
19526 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 3 is fail as Vodafone at 26 Sep 2011 12:44:44 PM
26 Sep 2011 01:08:10 PM: Me again. I travel between Sydney and Canberra often. My 3 phone does not have connection at all all the way from Sydney <-> Canberra. In Both Sydney and Canberra, Wifi wirelee broadband does not have reception, I can only use it to open internet page until late night after 11pm. "Not happy! Jan"
26 Sep 2011 01:27:26 PM: "do you have any recommendation" - Yes.
Firstly, regarding the bills for services Vodafail haven't provided: put a complaint in here(, explain yourself, and demand full repayment for all the money you have paid since September last year onwards and full waiver of outstanding bills. (I got a refund on everything I paid for around 8 months - over $1,000 total - simply because I argued that the services I had received did not work. they argued that I'd still managed to use all the data I had received, but I argued that using the internet at the very slow speeds was NOT the service I had paid for, so even though I had used ALL the data I have purchased they still had to give me a full refund because usage was so restricted because of the limitations on capacity).
Secondly, regarding a new mobile plan, Telstra have the best coverage (but not the best prices). Optus have moderate coverage. TPG offer good monthly plans and INCLUDE 13/1300/1800 numbers. Amaysim also offer good monthly plans BUT DO NOT INCLUDE 13/1300/1800 numbers.
Firstly, regarding the bills for services Vodafail haven't provided: put a complaint in here(, explain yourself, and demand full repayment for all the money you have paid since September last year onwards and full waiver of outstanding bills. (I got a refund on everything I paid for around 8 months - over $1,000 total - simply because I argued that the services I had received did not work. they argued that I'd still managed to use all the data I had received, but I argued that using the internet at the very slow speeds was NOT the service I had paid for, so even though I had used ALL the data I have purchased they still had to give me a full refund because usage was so restricted because of the limitations on capacity).
Secondly, regarding a new mobile plan, Telstra have the best coverage (but not the best prices). Optus have moderate coverage. TPG offer good monthly plans and INCLUDE 13/1300/1800 numbers. Amaysim also offer good monthly plans BUT DO NOT INCLUDE 13/1300/1800 numbers.
19525 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Vodaphone & 3 FAIL at 26 Sep 2011 12:27:25 PM
I was a happy "3" customer, but now that "3" was taken over and moved to Vodaphone network, i can not get more than one bar of reception in Port Melbourne, 2 km away from CBD. Looking to change to telstra at first opportunity.
19523 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 26 Sep 2011 11:31:22 AM
dropped calls and bad customer service
19522 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Stuck on GSM at 25 Sep 2011 06:59:24 PM
I live in East Hawthorn about 10km from the centre of Melbourne. To get any viable reception I have to keep my phone locked to GSM, and even then the signal is marginal at best, and drops out regularly. 3G reception here is absolutely hopeless with only one bar which is totally unusable.
Still waiting for Vodafail to provide a reasonable 3G service.
This simply isn't good enough for an inner suburban area, yet Vodafail shows this area as fully serviced on their reception maps.
Still waiting for Vodafail to provide a reasonable 3G service.
This simply isn't good enough for an inner suburban area, yet Vodafail shows this area as fully serviced on their reception maps.
26 Sep 2011 09:36:35 PM: It might be best to give Vodafone a call and let them know you are having issues in the area. That way if you ever run into more issues they will have a record of your complaint. Moderation Team Moderation Team
19521 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 3G slow till Oct 1st at 25 Sep 2011 05:07:35 PM
Vodafone doing upgrades in Sutherland Shire South Sydney area from 24 sept till 1 oct. They tell me 3G is affectively slow for the next 5 days. Asking yelling a an idian they offered a 25% discount off next months bill. That's the best they can do. I advise all other affected customers to call 1555 and ask for the same discount.
19520 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very high at 25 Sep 2011 02:20:36 PM
Absolutely no data coverage in brisbane cbd, this plan was supposed to be an upgrade from the 3 network which was pretty bad. How can it be worse after it took over the 3 network. I get internet coverage about 10% of the time on my brand new smart phone...which is now useless
19519 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Not good enough at 25 Sep 2011 02:06:57 PM
For the second time in a month i can't send mms messages i just get network error message
19518 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Freaking Network on Galaxy S II at 25 Sep 2011 12:20:04 PM
I live in Kogarah Area,My Phone is always off the network unless I restart the phone. There is a very low freaking network coverage. I was a 3 customer until 2 months ago when they switched me to vodafone on a new plan with a Samsung Galaxy S 2. What do I know now? I really want to smash the phone on a vodafone tower.
What to Learn?
Never buy freaking vodafone
What will I do?
1. Complaint in vodafone.
2. Depends on their response, unless I will lodge a complaint with TIO.
What to Learn?
Never buy freaking vodafone
What will I do?
1. Complaint in vodafone.
2. Depends on their response, unless I will lodge a complaint with TIO.
27 Sep 2011 02:18:31 PM: good luck with that
19517 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is incredibly at 25 Sep 2011 11:12:32 AM
Vodafone barred me for non-payment during a billing dispute escalated to the TIO. And even when that was resolved, the barring prevented me from logging on to their website OR calling 1555. It's like they didnt even want me to pay.
Now I'm on Telstra prepaid <3
Now I'm on Telstra prepaid <3
19516 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No Coverage at 25 Sep 2011 09:09:01 AM
Hi There
I have not had network coverage for 2 days now (Sat 24th Sept and Sun 25th Sept). I have looked at vodafone website via your link to see if there is any upgrade in our area but there doesn't appear to be.
As you can imagine the massive inconvenience this is to me especially as my phone is my only means of contact as we have no landline.. plus, I have a little 15 month old boy and fear that if i need to make an important call for help to loved ones I cant.
We live Brooklet NSW which is 15 mins from Byron Bay.. never really the best place for Vodafone reception with odd days here and there with this same issue of no coverage, but still I am mostly able to pick up reception in a few key spots around the house.
Not sure what I can do. Ideally I would like to get out of my plan which i have about 6 months left to go. I feel I should be able to break my contract because they are not keeping up to their end of the deal.
What do you think?
I have not had network coverage for 2 days now (Sat 24th Sept and Sun 25th Sept). I have looked at vodafone website via your link to see if there is any upgrade in our area but there doesn't appear to be.
As you can imagine the massive inconvenience this is to me especially as my phone is my only means of contact as we have no landline.. plus, I have a little 15 month old boy and fear that if i need to make an important call for help to loved ones I cant.
We live Brooklet NSW which is 15 mins from Byron Bay.. never really the best place for Vodafone reception with odd days here and there with this same issue of no coverage, but still I am mostly able to pick up reception in a few key spots around the house.
Not sure what I can do. Ideally I would like to get out of my plan which i have about 6 months left to go. I feel I should be able to break my contract because they are not keeping up to their end of the deal.
What do you think?
26 Sep 2011 11:38:17 AM: Hi Kelly,
If you are still in your contract you should make a complaint to Vodafone directly and let them know you want to leave your contract. If they don't let you or say that you have to pay an exit fee then you can complaint to the TIO (details on the how to complain page). The TIO will then have someone else from Vodafone contact you within 10 days with a better solution. Goodluck! Moderation Team
If you are still in your contract you should make a complaint to Vodafone directly and let them know you want to leave your contract. If they don't let you or say that you have to pay an exit fee then you can complaint to the TIO (details on the how to complain page). The TIO will then have someone else from Vodafone contact you within 10 days with a better solution. Goodluck! Moderation Team
19515 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is fring on vodafone is intermittent at 24 Sep 2011 03:51:27 AM
19514 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Why bother having Mobile. at 23 Sep 2011 08:14:07 PM
I Can't call out i cant text. Inside my House or outside my house. I sometimes even go up the street for a bit better and it still drops out. No matter where i am i'm scared to be on the phone to long because it could drop out at any time. Theyre customer service is a complete JOKE! i cant call them because ill get put on hold so long it will cut out. so i tryed putting an on-line complaint in. off there website i got an auto response saying i have good reception so i changed the complaint to outline there lack of thought. they then proceeded to e-mail me ( auto response ) the same msg as the previous auto response about 94 percent of Australians have great service.I since have not had a reply but it has not been 2 working days yet which they said it will take. so maybe 2 weeks. i live in a house of 4 people (including myself) and we all have massive problem no matter Where we are. we are all changing providers.
19513 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is EXTREME at 23 Sep 2011 06:28:03 PM
Signed up for the pocket wifi 3 weeks ago. Received it without any instructions or a number to call to activate sim, no worries, I'm smart, I sort this out. Wifi doesn't work. Call the call centre, told to reset wifi, still doesn't work. Told that its cos my area has poor reception (what a joke, I live in the CBD and the wifi shows full bars of reception), told it must be my computer. Rang the next day to try and cancel, told can't do it without talking to tech support. Spent another hour on the phone with tech support, who manage to get it half working by bypassing the server. Told to go into a store for a sim swap. Did a sim swap, took 24 hours for the sim swap to take effect (no service in the mean time). After the sim swap, the wifi will not even connect to the service anymore! Rang again to cancel the service, told that it must be a device error and to go in to get a new one. Go into store again, collect a new pocket wifi. Same issues. Back on the phone, reset device about 6 thousand times, and changed every setting on my lap top. Told to go into the store AGAIN to get another sim swap. Did that, took another 24 hours for it to activate, STILL DOESN'T WORK! Rang again to cancel, put through about 5 different people, last one said would call me back in 30 mins. 3.5 hours later (at 10.45pm) got a callback to say they can't solve the issue, have to go back into the store. Back into a store, spent an hour whilst all sorts of things tried, yet ANOTHER sim swap, store sim card, store device, etc etc. Girl from store got onto the phone to tech support on my behalf, still no resolution. Told will be called back again. Called back when I was in the middle of something, asked them to call in 15 minutes, 2.5 hours later, still no call. Got back on the phone to ask what was happening. Guy on the other end said he couldn't help me, will get someone to call me back. I asked to speak to one of the managers. Called back in 30min by someone that proclaims to be a manager who decided that he will be the only one I will ever have to deal with from then on (what a joke, never heard from him again) and promises a call back the next day between 8 and 11am. 5pm and still no call back. By the way, 3 weeks now since I got the stupid thing, spent over 20 hours going into stores and calling India, 2 different devices, 4 SIM SWAPS, reset countless times and STILL NO SERVICE! What a joke, what a waste of money! At least we're helping keep all those Indian call centre staff employed and maybe their families can afford dinner now. NEVER AGAIN VODAFAIL!
19512 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Mobile broadband...leave it to 3 to provide the service! at 23 Sep 2011 10:24:57 AM
I have 3 mobile broadband for just over 2years now.
Its been great, fast service, fast downloads etc i couldnt find a fault at all, but literally in the past 4 week, the service has dropped, there is signal but pages wont load, i find myself pulling the modem out and putting it back in (restarting basically) for it to only work for another hour and the same thing all over again.
From what i hear, voda is in its final stages for taking over 3.
Im on the month to month basis, so once uni is finished, so will my need of the internet.
another thing, my sister has the same modem / service as me, she received a email from 3 / vodafone saying here is an additional 5gb free per month (Her broadband is soooooo slow!! it took over 5minutes to play a 30sec youtube video)
I didnt get that email!
I am a loyal customer, paying bills as soon as i get the email, every month i had excessive charges, i didnt complain as i thought, fair enough i need to download text for uni, but please, taking advantage of a student is not fair especially if i was not at home for 3weeks and i still got overcharged for something i didnt use.
Enjoy your last 2 months of theft vodafone!!
ill cancel both my and my sisters internet service's soon.
Its been great, fast service, fast downloads etc i couldnt find a fault at all, but literally in the past 4 week, the service has dropped, there is signal but pages wont load, i find myself pulling the modem out and putting it back in (restarting basically) for it to only work for another hour and the same thing all over again.
From what i hear, voda is in its final stages for taking over 3.
Im on the month to month basis, so once uni is finished, so will my need of the internet.
another thing, my sister has the same modem / service as me, she received a email from 3 / vodafone saying here is an additional 5gb free per month (Her broadband is soooooo slow!! it took over 5minutes to play a 30sec youtube video)
I didnt get that email!
I am a loyal customer, paying bills as soon as i get the email, every month i had excessive charges, i didnt complain as i thought, fair enough i need to download text for uni, but please, taking advantage of a student is not fair especially if i was not at home for 3weeks and i still got overcharged for something i didnt use.
Enjoy your last 2 months of theft vodafone!!
ill cancel both my and my sisters internet service's soon.
25 Sep 2011 11:09:28 AM: me again, lastnight and today there is heavy rain here. the signal is weak, poor, name it. the vodafone signal cant be that weak that water disrupts it!! can it be?
19511 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Network coverage NZ at 23 Sep 2011 09:26:00 AM
The network coverage in NZ has gone from bad to terrible with the RWC - I don't think Vodafone can cope with the additional traffic. It is all sweet on all the special deals and stuff, but when it comes to where it really matters, like getting a signal, Vodafone fails. Travelling in Auckland (and even stationary at the office or at home where the signal was always quite good) I often get the 'no service' message. My wife is thinking I am starting an affair, because "you're phone is switched off so often".
19510 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Crazy Fail at 22 Sep 2011 11:42:41 PM
I'm wondering if we can discuss Crazy John's here. Crazy John's own website states it is part of the VHA group. VHA is Vodafone Hutchison Australia which operates Vodafone, 3 and Crazy John's. Many people like me are signing up with Crazy John's not really aware that Vodafone, 3 and Crazy John's are the one company. I'm stuck with a two year plan with Crazy John's not to mention a bill for over $1000 for 3.1 Gigabytes of data that at this stage appears to be due to a faulty phone handset as we really just use the phone for a bit of facebook and a bit of news on the web. Their customer service in cases like this is disgraceful and unethical. They won't give me anything in writing to confirm what our method of bill payment is. I've just submitted an application to the telephone ombudsman. We will also investigate making a Freedom of Information request because we are worried they still have my wife's banking account details even though we have cancelled the direct debit payment. I'll write more when I find out we our allowed to discuss Crazy John's on this website. I suspect as the 'Vodafone' brand name losses trust with people the company will merely continue to trade strongly under the 'Crazy John's' brand name.
19509 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Entirely hopeless at 22 Sep 2011 11:09:09 PM
Absolutely so service what so ever on the bottom level of Melbourne central shopping centre. Every other network had full service. Non existent to Terrible service on trains even when above ground. Something needs to be improved. Does the 850 network make any difference?
19508 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Lost us at 22 Sep 2011 09:03:51 PM
My wife has canceled our three contracts with vodaphone six months into a 2 year contract. Nice phones but never any signal. We were asked to wait two more months and the signal would improve. We paid no penalties or extra fees to tear up the contract...just had to use the magic word....ombudsman. Am now with Virgin and the phones have never lost a signal since. Great work. We pay a bit more a month but at least we can use what we pay for.
19507 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is incomprehensibly bad at 22 Sep 2011 07:10:32 PM
My reception constantly sits at three bars on my iPhone. Even in Chatswood, I've had disconnecting calls, slow SMS sending speeds, and 3G slower than dial-up. Get your s*** together, Vodafone!
19505 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Major at 22 Sep 2011 04:58:41 PM
Called vodafail for their lack of coverage to cancel a contract. Told them i had to get optus in the interim (with a new number) to receive work calls from home. They suggested i divert my vodafone calls to my optus number, continue paying the vodafone contract and they'd take $20 off my $79 unlimited contract that im currently on...say what??!
22 Sep 2011 10:29:07 PM: It sounds like they want you to pay while admitting the service doesn't work. You don't have to accept that outcome and if they can't sort it out then go to the TIO for a better a resolution. Moderation Team Moderation Team
25 Sep 2011 07:45:04 AM: After experiencing the TIO for great lengths of time...even they have proven they are a waste of time...Vodaphone very conveniently ignored all suggestions by the tIO and the TIO did nothing about it....taken the issue to the Communications Dept...No longer with Vodaphone
19504 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is worse than '3' at 22 Sep 2011 04:31:48 PM
Since being convinced by the '3' Priority Care team that the Vodafone network is far superior and transferring over, I've had no-end of network issues incl. dropped calls (particularly when on the move), poor/non-existent reception where the phone won't even ring, unable to use simple mobile internet functions (such as email, facebook & the like).
After contacting Vodafone support on a number of occasions, by phone initially & now via email, providing very detailed evidence of my issues all they can tell me is they've investigated the matter & found no issues with the network coverage - and then proceed to offer me 50% discount for the next three months.
Curious they would offer me a discount as compensation where they've supposedly found no issues. Three phone calls & another four email incidents logged without reasonable resolution - I'm now taking it to the TIO to get some action.
After contacting Vodafone support on a number of occasions, by phone initially & now via email, providing very detailed evidence of my issues all they can tell me is they've investigated the matter & found no issues with the network coverage - and then proceed to offer me 50% discount for the next three months.
Curious they would offer me a discount as compensation where they've supposedly found no issues. Three phone calls & another four email incidents logged without reasonable resolution - I'm now taking it to the TIO to get some action.
19503 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Roasting at 22 Sep 2011 03:58:49 PM
19500 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 22 Sep 2011 03:28:51 PM
Using Vodafone Wireless Broadband. Works great, reliable and very fast between 2am and 10am. But between 10am and 2am, it grinds to a halt, 1KB/s speeds, that's 7 times slower than the old dial up speeds, and many times it keeps disconnecting me and unable to connect to the network at all! VODAFLOP!!!
19499 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is its beyond fail at 22 Sep 2011 02:56:39 PM
bought a outright phone from vodafone and it was locked to vodafone went online paid the unlocking fee and when i entered it , it said its failed. attempted to contact vodafone and they tell me the phones IMEI is not regiestered to vodafone nd the phone isnt a vodafone phone!!! when i bought the phone from a vodafone shop and it has vodafone firmware!!! all they did was say theyl call me back nd havnt!!! now im stuck with a useless phone!! help?
25 Sep 2011 07:49:11 AM: Go into a Vodaphone store and do it...I found the same thing when unlocking my doesn't unlock them... convenient for them.....refused to pay the fee due to their system...
19498 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Useless at 22 Sep 2011 12:36:03 PM
Below is a competition to add some advertising onto the V8 Supercar sposored by Vodafone.
This may be an opportunity try and get Vodafail onto the car or just send enough entries for Vodafail. (not sure what would get used for an ABN?)
This may be an opportunity try and get Vodafail onto the car or just send enough entries for Vodafail. (not sure what would get used for an ABN?)
22 Sep 2011 01:30:38 PM: I can't believe it. Imagine if someone wins and get's the "Vodafail" logo put on the "Vodafone" car lol.
22 Sep 2011 10:33:14 PM: Haha that would be classic although it looks like you have to enter a reason for why you should be featured. I imagine they would pick the business with the best reason, Vodafail can't lose then! ;) Moderation Team Moderation Team
1 Oct 2011 07:15:30 PM: a competition so they can put Vodaphone logo on your car for free... interesting..unpaid advertising
19497 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Drop outs, No reception in the Sydney CBD and poor 3G coverage at 22 Sep 2011 11:38:41 AM
Yesterday I called Vodafone to complain about the above issues which I have been experiencing for months and only acting upon now. Vodafone customer service said that the reason why I'm experiencing the issues is because of the merger of 3 and Vodafone. I was told that a technical support person will contact me to explain further details. Frankly I do not want to wait for their excuses. What process should I take to cancel my contract??
19496 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Very at 22 Sep 2011 07:10:13 AM
20 Jan 2012 01:33:09 AM: you are best speaking to blackberry about that if it ever occurs again. bbm is not a vodafone service but a blackberry one :D
19495 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Optus is not better at 21 Sep 2011 11:28:43 PM
This is about Optus. I have a sim card which I purchased in the year 2000. Since about 3 years ago, it's been experiencing nil reception in arears where there is supposed to be otherwise great coverage. Consequently, my phone has constantly diverted to voicemail and i've missed important calls when the phone should have rung. Now this is Optus. I wrote a letter to Optus, no response. The only way to force them to respond had been to write a letter to the Federal Telecommunications Ombudsman. Optus contacted me and suggested that I go to an Optus shop and purchase a new sim card, saying that my one is a 2G one and that that may be why I am having these issues. So I went to an Optus shop and not only did they want $25 for it (I would have happily paid), but they said that I will not be able to carry my original pre-paid plan with me and they will force me to go to a new plan with a 3G sim card! Note that I still have one of those original plans from the year 2000, does anyone here remember Optus FreeTime Prepaid?? Remember how you get 10 minutes, mobile to any network mobile, for $25 cents, 7pm to 7am?? Well, I am still on that pre paid plan, and as there is no end date on it, they have to honour it so I am still on it now. I am not giving up this plan! So I'm still on the 2G sim card and apparently haven't made enough noise to force Optus or Singtel to replace my sim card with a newer 3G one and retain my plan. The lack of service happens all across Sydney Metro, Mt Druitt, Colyton, Willmot, Seven Hills, etc.
If anyone has any similar experiences with Optus or knows of anyone who does, please reply to this posting.
If anyone has any similar experiences with Optus or knows of anyone who does, please reply to this posting.
19494 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is totally at 21 Sep 2011 11:27:49 PM
In Daylesford, for a well deserved break. NO SERVICE WHATSOEVER ! It's right near some major country cities. NO SERVICE. The JOKE is, the local paper had a COLES brochure, advertising cheap Vodafone deals. What for? they are the only company that DOESN'T WORK IN THIS AREA........JERKS!
19493 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Disgusting at 21 Sep 2011 10:17:38 PM
Simply does not work for 4 - 8 hours every day.
But they still insist on being paid all their money in our contract.
If it were a car, there would be outrage - but for some reason, we're all supposed to accept this?
But they still insist on being paid all their money in our contract.
If it were a car, there would be outrage - but for some reason, we're all supposed to accept this?
19491 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is On a Scale of 1 - 10, 100! at 21 Sep 2011 07:01:38 PM
How are these clowns in business in Australia, let alone spending big on advertising and sporting sponsorship??? Sh!thouse coverage WA statewide, constant dropping out, not getting SMS/MMS, near zero internet coverage, and the final kick in the groin once I cancelled my contract..
A final bill arrives with a due date of 22 Sept 2011, then a letter of demand dated 16 Sept for that invoice lobs in, threatening to do untold things to my credit rating, and seizure of my assets for $70! And of course, the Indian call centre to deal with again, after arguing for an hour to cancel the contract last month.
If Vodafones Australian offices were to burn to the ground, I'd probably send a tanker of diesel in for the fire fighters to put it out with.
Ironically, one of the anti-spam captcha words is service....
A final bill arrives with a due date of 22 Sept 2011, then a letter of demand dated 16 Sept for that invoice lobs in, threatening to do untold things to my credit rating, and seizure of my assets for $70! And of course, the Indian call centre to deal with again, after arguing for an hour to cancel the contract last month.
If Vodafones Australian offices were to burn to the ground, I'd probably send a tanker of diesel in for the fire fighters to put it out with.
Ironically, one of the anti-spam captcha words is service....
19490 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Scale of 1-10, 11 at 21 Sep 2011 01:35:38 PM
Had my phone sitting 2 metres away from me at home this morning. Full reception (for a change) mum comes home asks why i never call her back, look at the phone and no missed calls or messages. She says the vet had been trying to call me but said my phone was busy. Turn the phone off and on again. After about 10mins i receive 3 missed calls and 3 new messages. fail
19489 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Bert Newton's Hair Extensions at 21 Sep 2011 12:13:43 PM
My partner has vodaphone, and I can never call him! I find I have to ring the number 2-3 times, hang up when I get message bank for the call to go through. Every time he's surprised because his phone shows reception. He also gets messages in clumps about 3-4 times a day because not a single one goes straight through.
19488 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is pain in *** at 21 Sep 2011 09:45:50 AM
On my break, it is impossible to surf the internet.
Friend of mine using 3 and he got 100% coverage inside and outside
Vodafone coverage is stupid.
Friend of mine using 3 and he got 100% coverage inside and outside
Vodafone coverage is stupid.
19487 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Mucho Failo at 21 Sep 2011 09:28:50 AM
I have a few questions that perhaps people could answer. I've put up with all the usual problems that Vodafone present, but since my service has been dropping out everytime i'm on a call, and I have two babies and am trying to run a home business - i'm starting to reach the end of my patience!
I have multiple problems (like most people) with Vodafone, but am having a hard time differentiating between whether it's Vodafone or my HTC Desire HD that are the problem. Or does the fact that Vodafone gave me my phone make it their problem too??
I have all the usual issues; facebook not loading, updates running for ages without doing anything, service in the middle of a city (Canberra) that makes me feel like i'm in the middle of nowhere(etc, etc, etc). These things aside, the reason i've finally bothered to complain is the service dropping out thing (the signal goes wiggy like i'm in the matrix or the way transformers talk :D) It's been happening every call I make or take since saturday (for five days) and it's driving me absolutely crazy.
I have multiple problems (like most people) with Vodafone, but am having a hard time differentiating between whether it's Vodafone or my HTC Desire HD that are the problem. Or does the fact that Vodafone gave me my phone make it their problem too??
I have all the usual issues; facebook not loading, updates running for ages without doing anything, service in the middle of a city (Canberra) that makes me feel like i'm in the middle of nowhere(etc, etc, etc). These things aside, the reason i've finally bothered to complain is the service dropping out thing (the signal goes wiggy like i'm in the matrix or the way transformers talk :D) It's been happening every call I make or take since saturday (for five days) and it's driving me absolutely crazy.
21 Sep 2011 11:54:46 AM: u have 2 choices.
1 believe voda & they will say it is your phone & your problem.
2 believe the couple of hundred thousand comments on this site.
i know which i would believe!!!!!!!!!!
If only tio could do something to this pack of thieves
1 believe voda & they will say it is your phone & your problem.
2 believe the couple of hundred thousand comments on this site.
i know which i would believe!!!!!!!!!!
If only tio could do something to this pack of thieves
21 Sep 2011 12:00:33 PM: It is probably Vodafone and not the handset that is the problem.They will most likely say there is something wrong with the phone or that they are "upgrading" the tower. Since you are trying to run a business i strongly urge you to first call Vodafone and complain and when they wont let you out of the contract without penalty you will need the tio to help you.check the how to complain section for more info.
21 Sep 2011 12:14:56 PM: It's not the phone. I know people with Desires not on Vodaphone that never have that problem.
19486 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 20 Sep 2011 10:31:05 PM
What you all have to realize is although you have all had a bad experience with vodafone not everyone has. This year there has been so much bad press come out about vodafone yet 100's of people in qld each month and thousands across Australia each month are signing up to the network. And triple those numbers are upgrading each month so they are obviously happy customers.
21 Sep 2011 08:54:28 AM: how much have voda paid u for your comments
21 Sep 2011 04:43:32 PM: Haha nothing and I'm not against what most people on here are saying. Lots of people on here have valid complaints and I think it's good for people to know some of them but too many people on here go on about how vodafone should have their license removed etc etc which is just ridiculous. Every company has their fair share of complaints... None of them are perfect. If you want the best quality pay the most money... Simple. Telstra doesn't have plans as cheap as vodafone so you get what your paying for
22 Sep 2011 04:45:05 PM: I "upgraded" from a happy '3' customer to a very unhappy Vodafone customer - not by choice, that's just what's happened, oh I wish I could turn back the clock there's no way I would've agreed to change over.
Currently taking the issue to the TIO after not getting anything resembling a satisfactory response from them.
Currently taking the issue to the TIO after not getting anything resembling a satisfactory response from them.
19485 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very fail at 20 Sep 2011 09:38:07 PM
repeated credit card debits that bear no correspondence with bills sent through.
Surely charging our credit card in an unauthorised manner must be illegal??
We have tried to address this with customer services via telephone to be told to send an e-mail which is never followed up on..
Today when I suggested that we would take this matter further and instruct legal action i asked for an official address to send the correspondence to and was given the first name of the "senior manager" and when i reiterated that I needed a postal address they hung up the phone.
This organisation seems to have a smokescreen of customer serve designed purely to delay and irritate to the point opt giving up..
How can a major corporation maintain such a poor quality of customer service???
Nick Hall
Surely charging our credit card in an unauthorised manner must be illegal??
We have tried to address this with customer services via telephone to be told to send an e-mail which is never followed up on..
Today when I suggested that we would take this matter further and instruct legal action i asked for an official address to send the correspondence to and was given the first name of the "senior manager" and when i reiterated that I needed a postal address they hung up the phone.
This organisation seems to have a smokescreen of customer serve designed purely to delay and irritate to the point opt giving up..
How can a major corporation maintain such a poor quality of customer service???
Nick Hall
21 Sep 2011 01:18:19 PM: Lesson for all. We should never sign a direct debit authority. You should cancel your direct debit. If that does not stop it, then cancel the credit card. Oh what a pain.
19484 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ridonkulous;y crap at 20 Sep 2011 06:56:39 PM
firstly i complained about the three lots of crap customer service i received within two days and have received nothing back. and now my phone doesnt work. despite numerous phone calls they're like oh sorry. vodafone sucks. now i have to go into a shop and have them 'fix' it for me. jerks
19483 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is shocking at 20 Sep 2011 04:50:09 PM
Well Adam, I have a suggestion for your 'suggestion box'.
I think you should create a similair website but for Qantas. Vodafone and qantas today have caused more stress than I can remember.
My parents who are in their 80's were flying back to South Africa today there flight was delayed due to strike and then due to engineering problems.
I have had so many drop outs today that my mother had a full blown panic attack as me calling her back all the time just stressed her out.
We are not going to see eachother for 3 years now and this is the way we had to say good bye.
Shame on you qantas and vodafone!!!
I think you should create a similair website but for Qantas. Vodafone and qantas today have caused more stress than I can remember.
My parents who are in their 80's were flying back to South Africa today there flight was delayed due to strike and then due to engineering problems.
I have had so many drop outs today that my mother had a full blown panic attack as me calling her back all the time just stressed her out.
We are not going to see eachother for 3 years now and this is the way we had to say good bye.
Shame on you qantas and vodafone!!!
20 Sep 2011 08:35:34 PM: That's pretty sad, thanks for the suggestion. I started this website because everyone was having problems with Vodafone and the company wasn't listening. It was affecting a lot of people and I personally had enough so I used the skills I had and dedicated a couple months full time to the cause. Everyone's stories raised a lot of awareness and resulted in Vodafone announcing some big changes (which they are still working on delivering).
More than just this nice little website is the fact that I had a real story that was representative of so many people struggling with Vodafone at the time. Your story is one of the most important things and I hope that the stories and support on this site provide the inspiration to stand up against Qantas. If the story is your own then you have to use your skills to demand action, neither I or anyone else can do that for you.
I've written a bit about using your skills to solve problems here: but you are welcome to get in touch with me if you have any questions.
Adam Moderation Team
More than just this nice little website is the fact that I had a real story that was representative of so many people struggling with Vodafone at the time. Your story is one of the most important things and I hope that the stories and support on this site provide the inspiration to stand up against Qantas. If the story is your own then you have to use your skills to demand action, neither I or anyone else can do that for you.
I've written a bit about using your skills to solve problems here: but you are welcome to get in touch with me if you have any questions.
Adam Moderation Team
21 Sep 2011 12:23:40 PM: OMG I have to fly Qantas twice a week for work and I could provide endless input of things that have gone wrong! I keep nagging our travel department to switch to Virgin flights, but being a cheaper airline they can't get the same service from the bookings side of thing. I am SO OVER them and the torture of flying with them, guessing what's going to go wrong next. I have had flights delayed with no notification, damaged and lost bags and being a Platinum member you think when I complain I would get a response within a resonable time period, but no. I'd had more than a month of waiting.
19482 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 20 Sep 2011 03:17:32 PM
just paying my final bill(have changed provider now) got through to internet to the last step then error, can not process payment. Call up, spoke to a computer, charged the phone call cost(becuae i am not with vodafail anymore) plus 1.5% credit card charge. The phone then asks me how much i want to pay. i have to work out the 1.5% plus my final bill. RIP vodafail
19481 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Epic at 20 Sep 2011 12:17:03 PM
Internet drops on my girlfriends handset and calls drop. And 3 tell me to give them a chance and switch to Vodafone or they won't exit me for free? Seriously?
19480 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 20 Sep 2011 11:03:43 AM
internet ..........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
19479 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Useless at 20 Sep 2011 08:18:40 AM
Vodafail website should consider sponsoring one of the V8 Supercars and placing the Vodafail symbol and message on it. I am sure there are enough people out there who would contribute - I know I would. With the biggest Australian V8 race almost here (Bathurst) and the front runners are sponsored by Vodafone it may be an opportunity for revenge.
20 Sep 2011 10:23:34 AM: what a gr8 idea dean fiore has some free space on his car.
20 Sep 2011 12:04:21 PM: that's an amazing idea.... some sports players (cricket, rugby) have complained via their twitter pages - maybe some racing drivers have done the same thing and may be happy to advertise Vodafail for free, as in a public awareness campaign? It would be great if anybody knew a driver if they could ask them.
But we could always get some money together and pay, if this goes ahead I will definitely give $30. It all adds up I suppose!
But we could always get some money together and pay, if this goes ahead I will definitely give $30. It all adds up I suppose!
20 Sep 2011 12:41:57 PM: Someone ask him:
Adam, what do you think of this idea?
Adam, what do you think of this idea?
20 Sep 2011 01:23:49 PM: i know deano is a tail ender & has too come with gr8 marketing ideas & this would be gr8 BUT. he would have to say no to this as his car & guessing important spare are x triple 8 race bits & they are of course sponsored by voda greatest phone company in the world.
20 Sep 2011 08:26:45 PM: That's a pretty cool idea although I won't be the one organising it. My goal with this website was to raise awareness for the problems and provide everyone with a free and open place to talk about their Vodafone issues. It's gotten a lot of attention and because of that (and all of you) Vodafone is now being forced to pick up their game.
The fact that 375,000 customers left Vodafone in the first 6 months of this year shows that lots of people know what's going on and don't want to stick around and wait for it to improve. Although I do hope Vodafone gets better real soon for everyone who is still on the network.
Thanks for the support. Moderation Team
The fact that 375,000 customers left Vodafone in the first 6 months of this year shows that lots of people know what's going on and don't want to stick around and wait for it to improve. Although I do hope Vodafone gets better real soon for everyone who is still on the network.
Thanks for the support. Moderation Team
21 Sep 2011 01:07:35 PM: Is there anyone of this forum who has the skills to get this completed before the Bathurst 1000 on the 9th of October? I know I would be prepared to contribute financially but we would need to have someone who has the project management skills and possibly marketing knowledge to get the work done.
Also can someone post this to Facebook as I don't have a Facebook account
Also can someone post this to Facebook as I don't have a Facebook account
19478 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Desparate for $$$ at 19 Sep 2011 09:17:16 PM
I just received my Vodafone bill and got a $202.69 add-on for 1,902,509 KB of national data on a Nokia 6760 on 15-Aug-11. However, the phone was used only for phone calls and e-mail so I am at a loss to figure out how one can amass that much use (the phone normally uses 8 KB to 215 KB). Called Vodafone customer service (India) and after 45 minutes had to talk to a supervisor (Kripa) as the original customer service agent would clearly not listen to my complaint. Received a call back from Kripa a few days later and stated that Vodafone investigate the charge and the data usage was from the phone and that I now had to pay the entire charge. I asked for the list of websites or other data sources where the usage was incurred from...she stated that that information is confidential and they do not keep track of that information. I know that all data backed up and monitored by government security she was unwilling to provide me with any information on where the Nokia 6760 downloaded that much data. As they were unwilling to reduce or eliminate the charge which is a normal practice with US cellular carriers (including Vodafone's affiliate Verizon), I stated that I would pay the bill but complain profusely to others I come in contact with, as well as file a complaint with ACCC. I also switched out the SIM on the phone to a simple unlocked Alcatel voice/SMS-only phone as having a smartphone is a "ticking time-bomb" in American parlance to being assessed major league data charges regardless of whether one actually used the phone for Internet and e-mail or not!
19 Sep 2011 11:57:33 PM: I also lodged a complaint with the ACCC and am mighty unhappy because they only told me to write to my local minister... hopeless. they let Vodafone get away with blue murder.
20 Sep 2011 12:22:33 PM: Sorry, just realised that swearing is not allowed. Feel free to delete my "Oh F*ck" comment.
20 Sep 2011 08:22:40 PM: No worries commenter above! I've removed your comment as you asked but some swearing is fine. Just so long as it's not excessive or directed at one person. Thanks for dropping by. Moderation Team Moderation Team
19477 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 19 Sep 2011 08:54:54 PM
2 Months ago, I had no network coverage on my phone, which took almost a week for vodafone to fix.
On top of the usual call dropouts and bad customer service, which I have called to complain in the past, I was extremely frustrated. They advised that the issue will take up to 7days to be fixed. UNACCEPTABLE. and they had the audacity to send me a bill for the month. Just at the end of last month, my blackberry completely failed on me. I took it in to the store and asked to have it repaired. The salesperson said that he's seen a similar case and that it's a software issue, and therefore I'd have to wait a few days. What he had not told me is the fact that I will have a data loss.
The following week, I went and picked up my phone, only to realise that it has been swapped over with a new handset. The problem I had with the phone was the screen, and I had lost everything. Not a single contact number. I was upset at the fact that the storeperson failed to mention anything about possible data loss. After the incident, I got my phone bill, which I refused to pay. If anything, I deserve something for the data loss. I called up vodafone to complain. They told me that they will give me a month fee off for the network problem 2 months ago. However, they can't do anything about the data loss. The man from mumbai made me feel like an idiot by saying it's common sense to expect data loss even if the storeperson doesn't tell me that there will be data loss. I argued, the storeperson is not a trained technician, and he has every right to inform me that there may be data loss, it's the storeperson's mistake and I should not suffer from his mistake. Nor does the customer care person have any right to talk to me as if I lack common sense. When my screen breaks I do not expect my phone to be replaced if I don't get told of it. Then he started cornering me for not backing up my data. Nothing worked on my phone. I couldn't even call out or receive the phone without having the screen working properly. I'm about to lodge my complaint to TIO. I'll see what they do after I lodge my complaint. All I'm left with is anger and frustration.
On top of the usual call dropouts and bad customer service, which I have called to complain in the past, I was extremely frustrated. They advised that the issue will take up to 7days to be fixed. UNACCEPTABLE. and they had the audacity to send me a bill for the month. Just at the end of last month, my blackberry completely failed on me. I took it in to the store and asked to have it repaired. The salesperson said that he's seen a similar case and that it's a software issue, and therefore I'd have to wait a few days. What he had not told me is the fact that I will have a data loss.
The following week, I went and picked up my phone, only to realise that it has been swapped over with a new handset. The problem I had with the phone was the screen, and I had lost everything. Not a single contact number. I was upset at the fact that the storeperson failed to mention anything about possible data loss. After the incident, I got my phone bill, which I refused to pay. If anything, I deserve something for the data loss. I called up vodafone to complain. They told me that they will give me a month fee off for the network problem 2 months ago. However, they can't do anything about the data loss. The man from mumbai made me feel like an idiot by saying it's common sense to expect data loss even if the storeperson doesn't tell me that there will be data loss. I argued, the storeperson is not a trained technician, and he has every right to inform me that there may be data loss, it's the storeperson's mistake and I should not suffer from his mistake. Nor does the customer care person have any right to talk to me as if I lack common sense. When my screen breaks I do not expect my phone to be replaced if I don't get told of it. Then he started cornering me for not backing up my data. Nothing worked on my phone. I couldn't even call out or receive the phone without having the screen working properly. I'm about to lodge my complaint to TIO. I'll see what they do after I lodge my complaint. All I'm left with is anger and frustration.
20 Sep 2011 08:20:32 PM: The TIO is the way to go. Within a week or so someone from Vodafone will call you and try and sort it out. They will be more helpful now that the TIO is involved. Moderation Team Moderation Team
19476 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is OVERCHARGE! at 19 Sep 2011 06:50:56 PM
Well well well... I have to admit that Vodaphone have actually normally been pretty good... that was until I recieved a $480 internet bill!!! What makes no sense is that Vodaphone admitted that since they have changed their internet technology in my area they need to upgrade my USB as I don't get any coverage anymore due to my device not being compatible! They have told me that there is no way that someone can hack a Mobile Internet USB, yet I have been charged for days when I am not even at my house, device is not in computer and computer is not turned on! Customer service was a disgrace, told me that it was my fault, even though I have never used more that 4gb a month in the last year.
Spoke to technical support and gentleman was great and offered me a free upgrade due the coverage problems... I have had the computer checked and no application was running in the background.
Can anyone tell me how this is possible or what I can do to rectify it!
Spoke to technical support and gentleman was great and offered me a free upgrade due the coverage problems... I have had the computer checked and no application was running in the background.
Can anyone tell me how this is possible or what I can do to rectify it!
20 Sep 2011 10:45:44 AM: it's called vf stick it to the man service fee, call tio & try to get them to settle it for you
20 Sep 2011 11:52:08 AM: i agree this is common
20 Sep 2011 08:19:48 PM: The comments above are correct. If you don't think you used that much then you can argue your case for a reduced bill. Otherwise they really should send out warnings when you come close to your limit. If Vodafone doesn't want to help then you can go to the TIO and they will help you sort it out. Their details are on the 'how to complain' page. Moderation Team Moderation Team
19475 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is fail fail fail at 19 Sep 2011 05:45:14 PM
was existing 3 customer and rang for an upgrade, they suggested go to vodafone as the 3 network would soon finish and vodafone was much better... No service/signal at my residential address no service/signal at my brothers residence 40 km away.. tech support says they know there is a problem but i should be getting some service/signal.. change your phone settings and call us again. hey 1 bar of service/signal sorry no i was mistaken. Vodafone offered three months at 50% discount - what about the rest of the 24 month contract, then they offered keep my 24 month contract and they will put me back to 3, to what end 3 is finishing by their admission within the next 6 months then i will be back to the vodafone network, their time frame for the sevice upgrade is in course??? could mean the next ten years, im stuck with a new phone for the next 24 months thats useless because of no service nice one vodaFAIL
19474 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Voda phone support is totally useless... at 19 Sep 2011 05:43:34 PM
I just got my bill... after two sms warnings about usage outisde my plan, I was keen to know what the hell was going on. Apparently it was "national data". On the last day of my plan somehow I downloaded nearly 1.8GB - yes, GB of data. The three days before as well I also apparently managed to download nearly the same taking me to nearly 4GB for the month. So this bill is nearly $400 and my usage for the month is over 5 times more than any other month. I never go over my plan. I have WiFi at work and at home. All other days in my plan were normal usage, well within my plan like any other month or year...
I called Vodafone... after being transferred to three different people, I finally got offered $100. Whoop-de-do! I said thanks but no thanks. I'm not paying for any of this. I asked them could they tell me what IP address or websites this data came from. No they couldn't. Even though I was told by the operator before they could?? I checked my phone, downloads for September - 1 PDF of 200kb... Something is VERY VERY fishy...
I then went and visited my local Vodafone reseller store - they are going to call for me tomorrow - so will see how I go! Apparently their system was down this afternoon.
Also, my wife had something similar happen, but smaller amount, They refused to do anything. When we said our whole office will move to another supplier - they didn't care. When we said we had been with Vodafone for over 10 years, they said "we must have been providing good service or you wouldn't have stayed that long".... Seriously!
My wife is changing when the phone she wants comes out - she is out of contract - unlike me... and yes, I will also be changing, as will the rest of our office who are jacked with Voda.
I called Vodafone... after being transferred to three different people, I finally got offered $100. Whoop-de-do! I said thanks but no thanks. I'm not paying for any of this. I asked them could they tell me what IP address or websites this data came from. No they couldn't. Even though I was told by the operator before they could?? I checked my phone, downloads for September - 1 PDF of 200kb... Something is VERY VERY fishy...
I then went and visited my local Vodafone reseller store - they are going to call for me tomorrow - so will see how I go! Apparently their system was down this afternoon.
Also, my wife had something similar happen, but smaller amount, They refused to do anything. When we said our whole office will move to another supplier - they didn't care. When we said we had been with Vodafone for over 10 years, they said "we must have been providing good service or you wouldn't have stayed that long".... Seriously!
My wife is changing when the phone she wants comes out - she is out of contract - unlike me... and yes, I will also be changing, as will the rest of our office who are jacked with Voda.
21 Sep 2011 10:02:28 AM: I also have a huge amount of $621.80 bill for this month! all because of data usage. i dont know what to do..
19473 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Arrogant at 19 Sep 2011 03:57:46 PM
I have been with 3 for a number of years and have always acknowledged that their coverage is not good outside of major cities...........but that is not my complaint. 3 have always been first class on customer service and could be relied upon to assist where possible and advise if there was a problem. I had chosen for my personal mobiles (which included the wife and all the kids as well - 5 services in total) because i had had difficulties with billings in the past with Vodafone and it took me a year to get my name off a "bad credit" listing that they had instigated.
Imagine my dismay when i discovered that 3 was now part of Vodafone. Still, have to give everyone a second chance..............
Now, my eldest son was sent a message regarding upgrading his phone (it comes out of contract in 3 months) and the same week we all received notification that 3 was now part of Vodafone "officially". He decided that it was time he had his own account rather than using mine so we needed to transfer ownership and then he could upgrade to a new phone.
I called 3, explained the situation and they told me no problem but that the new phone would be with Vodafone as they were now all one Company. I asked about the ownership transfer and was told that it should be fine and could be done by phone but would be easier "in-store". Knowing all the ID problems normally associated with transfers I thought, yes in-store would be easier.
We arrived at the recommended store (Innaloo, WA) and noted the big new signs with 3 and Vodafone on them but also noticed a large queue.......but that is normal so we queued for approximately 30 minutes. The somewhat harrasses sales lady finally spoke to us somewhat rudely and we explained what we needed to do. We were then informed that they would not do it in-store because it took too long and because they were a Vodafone store and not a 3 store. No amount of arguing would help and we were told to call 3 and do it on the telephone. We were also informed that Vodafone and 3 are seperate Companies.
After an exchange of words we got the message and went outside the store and called 3. I explained what had happened and was told that the gorl in storw was incorrect but as we were on the phone they would do the transfer there and then. It took about 30 minutes in a noisy shopping centre but we got through it and the changes to ownership were made.
Needless to say, I was still a little upset with the store so i went back in (queued again) and complained to the Manager saying that i wanted to lodge a complaint. She listened then told me that the sales assistant was correct and that they did not have to deal with the issues from 3. Apparently all the stores had complained about having to deal with ownership issues from 3 and that 3 was supposed to be a seperate Company and all changes should be done on the phone. Again, apparently they had been told that a memo had been sent to all phone staff advising them not to direct 3 customers to stores!!!!
I explained that I had spoken to three different operators at 3 over the past week and that they all appeared unaware of it. I was told that it was not her problem and to take it up with 3.
Fortunately we only have 3 months left on the Contracts.............good to see that Vodafone have not changed and are as inept and unhelpful as ever. I am never going to recommend them to anyone, and cancel all services at the end of Contract...........I suggest that all 3 customers do the same thing......Vodafone will muck you around, overcharge you and be down right rude to you if you dare question them.
Imagine my dismay when i discovered that 3 was now part of Vodafone. Still, have to give everyone a second chance..............
Now, my eldest son was sent a message regarding upgrading his phone (it comes out of contract in 3 months) and the same week we all received notification that 3 was now part of Vodafone "officially". He decided that it was time he had his own account rather than using mine so we needed to transfer ownership and then he could upgrade to a new phone.
I called 3, explained the situation and they told me no problem but that the new phone would be with Vodafone as they were now all one Company. I asked about the ownership transfer and was told that it should be fine and could be done by phone but would be easier "in-store". Knowing all the ID problems normally associated with transfers I thought, yes in-store would be easier.
We arrived at the recommended store (Innaloo, WA) and noted the big new signs with 3 and Vodafone on them but also noticed a large queue.......but that is normal so we queued for approximately 30 minutes. The somewhat harrasses sales lady finally spoke to us somewhat rudely and we explained what we needed to do. We were then informed that they would not do it in-store because it took too long and because they were a Vodafone store and not a 3 store. No amount of arguing would help and we were told to call 3 and do it on the telephone. We were also informed that Vodafone and 3 are seperate Companies.
After an exchange of words we got the message and went outside the store and called 3. I explained what had happened and was told that the gorl in storw was incorrect but as we were on the phone they would do the transfer there and then. It took about 30 minutes in a noisy shopping centre but we got through it and the changes to ownership were made.
Needless to say, I was still a little upset with the store so i went back in (queued again) and complained to the Manager saying that i wanted to lodge a complaint. She listened then told me that the sales assistant was correct and that they did not have to deal with the issues from 3. Apparently all the stores had complained about having to deal with ownership issues from 3 and that 3 was supposed to be a seperate Company and all changes should be done on the phone. Again, apparently they had been told that a memo had been sent to all phone staff advising them not to direct 3 customers to stores!!!!
I explained that I had spoken to three different operators at 3 over the past week and that they all appeared unaware of it. I was told that it was not her problem and to take it up with 3.
Fortunately we only have 3 months left on the Contracts.............good to see that Vodafone have not changed and are as inept and unhelpful as ever. I am never going to recommend them to anyone, and cancel all services at the end of Contract...........I suggest that all 3 customers do the same thing......Vodafone will muck you around, overcharge you and be down right rude to you if you dare question them.
20 Sep 2011 08:17:48 PM: That's a shocker, if you can't put up with it for another three months then you can probably get out of your contract without having to pay. You'd have to lodge a complaint with the TIO which would take about a week after your initial complaints to Vodafone. Otherwise, all the best with a new carrier in 3 months. Goodluck! Moderation Team Moderation Team
19472 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 40% at 19 Sep 2011 03:39:24 PM
My prepaid mobile internet connection has kept dropping out and/or slowing up over the past week, often during an important transaction: pathetic excuses were offered, JR
19471 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is SHGKHASDFDSG at 19 Sep 2011 01:59:22 PM
I just got a text message from vodafone saying that i owe them $496 0_0 , i rang customer service and they said they needed my security code and i don't know it, so they said they need to talk to my dad about it and if i tell my dad that i apparently owe them that much money he will kill me.
19470 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% at 19 Sep 2011 01:26:50 PM
Every day i have more than 80 calls dropped, too much distortion in voice and inside my room no signals at all and there is no coverage for 3G or Either 2G or any of voda of 3 three network while i get full coverage of optus
19469 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Still getting it wrong at 19 Sep 2011 11:11:46 AM
nearly daily occurrence of dropping off network.
Try to call out - 'connection error'
Try to receive a call - straight to voicemail.
turn phone off then on - back on air and can make calls.
vodafail act like nothing's happening and there is no problem.
I can't believe they are still allowed to do it.
Try to call out - 'connection error'
Try to receive a call - straight to voicemail.
turn phone off then on - back on air and can make calls.
vodafail act like nothing's happening and there is no problem.
I can't believe they are still allowed to do it.
19468 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% failure at 19 Sep 2011 10:57:27 AM
I'm in the Ponds,2769 NSW new suburb and I dont' have connection for 99% of the time in my place.And the phone is basically useless and I still have to pay my rental to stay in the contract.pathetic.
19467 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Misleading information from staff at 19 Sep 2011 09:26:52 AM
Hi ,
i have just been switched over to vodafone from 3 as i was looking for a new phone and i was suggsted that i should switch over to vodafone to get the better hand set and service .
i was told that as my billing cycle is finished on 12th of every month and i have applied after vodafone afert that , so my plan with vodafone will be applicable from next billing cycle (ie : next 12th ) . and i specifically confirmed that i will not be charged any extra bills then the cap i am on , and i was confirmed that it will not be the case .
But as at the end of the month i was charged 49 $ from 3 and i got another bill from vodafone for 87. somtheing $$ .
thaking this complaint i went to one of your outlet ,and now the story was all different , now when i told them that i have got 2 bills , they threw every thing on me saying that they cant do any thing about it as i have used 2 days from 3 and the rest with voadafone , so i am suppose to pay both the bills .
but hoe will a customer like me will know that i am on 3 or vodafone at that time when i was told that i will be on the same plan with 3 for the whole month till next cycle . when i was switching over i was told " oplease do it it better for you as it is the same company " but when i went back saying i have been charged for what was not promised by the person on the store , then suddeny it bacame 2 different companies saying that , they cant do any thing as they are 2 different companies .
so what am i suppose to assume that the person who represents your company on the store or in the call center is not always right and is not providing the right information every time as it cahnges from person to person . i do find it mifleading and dishonest as the information i got first hand became false and invalid as i dont have a proof for what your representative said at the first place . and at last what we hear from them is " Sir as we can see that this discussion is not going any where and at last you have to pay the bill for both the compnies and thanx for you patience "
i hope i will get better reply for this from you side ..
Kind regards
i have just been switched over to vodafone from 3 as i was looking for a new phone and i was suggsted that i should switch over to vodafone to get the better hand set and service .
i was told that as my billing cycle is finished on 12th of every month and i have applied after vodafone afert that , so my plan with vodafone will be applicable from next billing cycle (ie : next 12th ) . and i specifically confirmed that i will not be charged any extra bills then the cap i am on , and i was confirmed that it will not be the case .
But as at the end of the month i was charged 49 $ from 3 and i got another bill from vodafone for 87. somtheing $$ .
thaking this complaint i went to one of your outlet ,and now the story was all different , now when i told them that i have got 2 bills , they threw every thing on me saying that they cant do any thing about it as i have used 2 days from 3 and the rest with voadafone , so i am suppose to pay both the bills .
but hoe will a customer like me will know that i am on 3 or vodafone at that time when i was told that i will be on the same plan with 3 for the whole month till next cycle . when i was switching over i was told " oplease do it it better for you as it is the same company " but when i went back saying i have been charged for what was not promised by the person on the store , then suddeny it bacame 2 different companies saying that , they cant do any thing as they are 2 different companies .
so what am i suppose to assume that the person who represents your company on the store or in the call center is not always right and is not providing the right information every time as it cahnges from person to person . i do find it mifleading and dishonest as the information i got first hand became false and invalid as i dont have a proof for what your representative said at the first place . and at last what we hear from them is " Sir as we can see that this discussion is not going any where and at last you have to pay the bill for both the compnies and thanx for you patience "
i hope i will get better reply for this from you side ..
Kind regards
19 Sep 2011 04:00:45 PM: See my changeover bet is to ditch Vodafone as soon as you can.....they won't fix anything and it will all be your fault anyway. 3 always understood customer service...........Vodafone have the worst people (probably the cheapest) working for them!!!!!!!1
20 Sep 2011 12:05:17 AM: Thanks for posting. I've removed your name from the post just in case (as per our guidelines). If you are still having trouble and Vodafone won't fix it then just go to the TIO. They will help you get out of your contrat. Moderation Team Moderation Team
28 Sep 2011 12:32:54 AM: 3 bills their customers in arrears, Vodafone bills in advance... that's why you got two bills. But of course that should've been explained for you!
19466 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is new network also epic fail at 19 Sep 2011 01:38:20 AM
Vodafone's new 850Mhz network isn't anything to write home about.
Here's a speed test comparison between Telstra and Vodafone, both 850Mhz networks. Vodafone's hopeless.
Here's a speed test comparison between Telstra and Vodafone, both 850Mhz networks. Vodafone's hopeless.
19 Sep 2011 01:39:15 AM:
19 Sep 2011 02:05:15 AM: fantastic post. Really glad someone has recorded this :)
19465 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Mega at 18 Sep 2011 08:27:48 PM
upgraded my handset from iPhone 3g, to iPhone 4g. No issues with old handset in the past.
Every single Friday, my phone loses coverage 'no service' @ my place of residence. Even to the point, last 2 Fridays, had no coverage all weekend.
Called Voda numerous times, to get no result. 25% discount on bill for next 3 months and a 'protective' case lol. Yeh that'll solve the problem. Called into a voda shop, sim swap, called into an Apple store. No issue with the phone.
Had enough Calle TIO. 12 days to resolve, or bye bye Vodafone...
Anyone else had this problem be4??
Every single Friday, my phone loses coverage 'no service' @ my place of residence. Even to the point, last 2 Fridays, had no coverage all weekend.
Called Voda numerous times, to get no result. 25% discount on bill for next 3 months and a 'protective' case lol. Yeh that'll solve the problem. Called into a voda shop, sim swap, called into an Apple store. No issue with the phone.
Had enough Calle TIO. 12 days to resolve, or bye bye Vodafone...
Anyone else had this problem be4??
19464 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very failed at 18 Sep 2011 05:05:24 PM
I was in Sydney CBD on Friday 16th September and my Vodafail had no internet reception for a good 4 hours. As a result of this, I missed an important email that my colleague sent me regarding the cancellation of a meeting scheduled at mid-day. It took me 15 minutes to figure out why I was sitting alone in the meeting room.
19463 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Piss poor data connectivity at 18 Sep 2011 07:56:10 AM
Greetings from the UK. You will be unsurprised to know that vodafone as just as useless here in the UK.
Been battling with shit data coverage for the most part of my 18 month contract. The problem is much more pronounced in built up areas i.e. the square city and Canary Wharf. Typical problem is full bars, mixture of 3G or HDSPA connection but no data flow. At my desk in the city....lucky if I get a connection 5 / 6 times a day.
Never once made it past the morons on customer service desk. Usual drill is power down phone, remove SIM etc. They also have this bullshit trick of asking you to connect to another network. They then conclude it's a handset problem and bump you. I might record one of the conversations just so you can get a flavour of how clueless these muppets are.
Had the problem on both an unbranded HTC Desire and an unbranded Samsung Galaxy S2. I've used android application to document and prove the point (of course customer service not interested one bit). I got SIMs from all five big providers and ran the tests. O2 cames out tops. Vodafone didn't even work half the time so utterly useless.
Contract up on 13th Oct. Can't wait. Will move to either O2 or 3 network.
Only way this will ever really get sorted is if enough people start leaving. I'm at the front of the queue.
Been battling with shit data coverage for the most part of my 18 month contract. The problem is much more pronounced in built up areas i.e. the square city and Canary Wharf. Typical problem is full bars, mixture of 3G or HDSPA connection but no data flow. At my desk in the city....lucky if I get a connection 5 / 6 times a day.
Never once made it past the morons on customer service desk. Usual drill is power down phone, remove SIM etc. They also have this bullshit trick of asking you to connect to another network. They then conclude it's a handset problem and bump you. I might record one of the conversations just so you can get a flavour of how clueless these muppets are.
Had the problem on both an unbranded HTC Desire and an unbranded Samsung Galaxy S2. I've used android application to document and prove the point (of course customer service not interested one bit). I got SIMs from all five big providers and ran the tests. O2 cames out tops. Vodafone didn't even work half the time so utterly useless.
Contract up on 13th Oct. Can't wait. Will move to either O2 or 3 network.
Only way this will ever really get sorted is if enough people start leaving. I'm at the front of the queue.
18 Sep 2011 09:36:10 PM: 375,000 have left Vodaphone many do you think will make them stand up and take notice
19 Sep 2011 01:43:38 AM: it would take a lot more for them to stand up and take notice, they continue to aggressively market themselves to gain new customers with very attractive plans, tie them into two year contracts. It's contracts that keep companies like Vodafone in business. If government had any brains and actually REPRESENTED the people, it would make mobile phone contracts illegal instead of treating the general public like complete morons making them to lodge a complaint with the T.I.O. in order to be let out of their contracts. If the mobile phone company was providing a decent quality service at a decent price, there would be no need for contracts, people would stay willingly.
19 Sep 2011 09:35:18 AM: LIKE LIKE LIKE the above comment
3 Oct 2011 04:48:46 PM: If you don't want a contract, then buy your phone outright. Simple
19462 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is very fail at 17 Sep 2011 09:42:55 PM
have no 3G for 3 days now,cant get or send mms or emails
19461 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Can't make call! at 17 Sep 2011 08:47:06 PM
After moved from 3 to Vodafone days ago, first time to Hurstville Westfield Shopping Centre, totally failed to call out or get any data connection. Is that always like that or just today? Been told by store people needs to go out centre to get the connection??!! Thinking about move back to 3, never go any problem before!
17 Sep 2011 09:03:01 PM: same network champ.
19460 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 17 Sep 2011 07:15:13 PM
Picked up an HTC Evo 3D, 50 bucks a month, unlimited calls unlimited text, works perfectly.
The new 850 Network really makes a difference.
The new 850 Network really makes a difference.
18 Sep 2011 09:38:32 PM: New 850 network????that's what it was supposed to be right from the start....Mobile in australia IS 850
19 Sep 2011 01:46:17 AM: Vodafone's new 850 network is crap. Here's a live speed test comparing Vodafone to Telstra here at Broadbeach on the Gold Coast
Telstra around 700kB/s, Vodafone around 11kB/s.
Telstra around 700kB/s, Vodafone around 11kB/s.
19459 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Shocking at 17 Sep 2011 12:19:43 PM
Vodafone has provided nothing but grief. Their outages and network coverage is pathetic. Their call centre staff dont care. I cant wait for my contract to come to an end. I do not recommend Vodafone until they pick up their game.
19458 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 17 Sep 2011 12:16:04 PM
I have been a loyal Vodafone customer for many many years. However their standards have declined rapidly. I have coverage issues in very popular locations were other telco don't. I have tried to resolve these issues with many staff at Vodafone with no luck. I am fed up with their lack of care factor when you call and speak to their call centre and the managers could not care one iota on whether you stay with them as a customer or not. They just simply remind you of the financial consequences of terminating the contract. I will be writing to the TIO as well as not renewing my services with them ever again.
19457 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor visitors at 17 Sep 2011 10:55:25 AM
I really really feel sorry for the international visitors that arrive to Sydney airport. Vodafone have 2 stores adjacent to arrivals a,b,c,d and their advertising on every trolley so the poor innocent people that want a local sim card think voda is strong here.
They had a few people signing up this morning.
Imagine that, your a backpacker in a foreign country, you depend on your phone for security reasons and friends / family connection 24/7 etc. Your in ANY location in Australia trying to make a call, and the phone wont work.
Imagine the feeling you would get!!
Plus westfields Miranda, on level 2 voda has literally 3 or 4 stores there all within a few minutes walk from one another.
I think voda should get the hint, excessive shops means no customers. Shut down and leave Australian shores!!
Plus, i dont think they have noticed asyet, vodaPHone!!! not vodaFone, i think the dodgy spelling should be self evident of the dodgy service.
They had a few people signing up this morning.
Imagine that, your a backpacker in a foreign country, you depend on your phone for security reasons and friends / family connection 24/7 etc. Your in ANY location in Australia trying to make a call, and the phone wont work.
Imagine the feeling you would get!!
Plus westfields Miranda, on level 2 voda has literally 3 or 4 stores there all within a few minutes walk from one another.
I think voda should get the hint, excessive shops means no customers. Shut down and leave Australian shores!!
Plus, i dont think they have noticed asyet, vodaPHone!!! not vodaFone, i think the dodgy spelling should be self evident of the dodgy service.