Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
5246 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is A bloated binbag of broken dreams floating on a sea of shit at 27 Dec 2010 09:04:30 PM
they f*cked me over years ago when I wouldn't pay their bill for zero service. This is so awesome that they are finally getting screwed over, hope they go bankrupt in australia!
4 Jan 2011 07:43:11 PM: Unfortunately, they are signing up new victims at an allarming rate, they have plenty of money and theres plenty more coming their way
5245 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very poorly at 27 Dec 2010 09:04:05 PM
it's keep cutting out my calls,iternet never works, sms never getting tru & i'm getting charge multiple times, always getting indian workers (no disrespect or racial as i am an other ethnic as well)that couldnt understand what was i talking about & sum were quite rude to me. very unprofessional & even I always pay on time they couldnt careless. i am so sick to death these multibillion fone company just keep taking our money how about giving us what we actually paid for!
5244 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Slow internet at 27 Dec 2010 09:03:13 PM
I decided sign up with vodafone because optus was charging me too much for my internet, but i just realised thats better pay more and have the service than pay a okay amount and have nothing!!! Freakin slow internet!!!!!
5243 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 95% at 27 Dec 2010 09:03:10 PM
Vodafone is shit simple, can't wait for my contract to be over.then I can move to telstra or optus
5242 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is fail whale at 27 Dec 2010 09:03:01 PM
internet service/3G service is a joke. one moment you have full reception, next momnet internet has gone yet I haven't moved a muscle. full bars of reception, no internet connection. And there is always an internal error
5241 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is massive at 27 Dec 2010 09:03:01 PM
to send a txt msg i have to first type the msg, then let it go to outbox as it wont send, then turn my phone on & off again before retrying to send it! also i havent been able to talk to my husband who's visiting tas as the phone doesn't even ring & if it does we can't hear each other. Also i have been recieving msg's from people upto 6 hours later then when they sent it!!! this is a nightmare!
5240 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is paying for nothing at 27 Dec 2010 09:02:58 PM
We should be getting our money back as Vodafone have failed to deliver the service when we signed with them. So I am not a happy chappy in this case. I am SO ANGRY .
5239 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is bad at 27 Dec 2010 09:02:52 PM
I cannot accept text messages everyday until I send a text message - its like my phone has to be activated each day. on several occasions i have sent a text message and my phone then sends the same one again. Im on the $19 cap and I never go over except last month i had to pay $53. I think I should be reimbursed.
5238 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Verry at 27 Dec 2010 09:02:30 PM
1) vodafone internet has the worst reception. constant dropouts. staff at the vodafone store adamant that the coverage is fine. so i disconnected the contract and had to pay a fee. im with another provider with great coverage.
2)vodafone mobile is crap. line dropouts are frequent, and call quality very poor. not good enough vodafone!
2)vodafone mobile is crap. line dropouts are frequent, and call quality very poor. not good enough vodafone!
5237 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is AWFUL! at 27 Dec 2010 09:01:43 PM
HORRIBLE RECEPTION! My calls CONSTANTLY drop out and I can't get service half the time. I could not receive international txt messages for about 4 months, I called Vodafone about a billion times and they kept giving me the run around. Finally I did my own research on the internet and found out that anyone with a 0426 # had the same problem. and the only way to fix it was to change my number... So I had to call them, tell them how to fix their own problem, and now after taking the time to hand out tons of job resumes no one can reach me cause my number is changed. Vodafone YOU SUCK!
ALSO, their internet is awful! Super slow and constantly drops out, the other day the software died on me and I had to spend hours on the phone trying to fix that problem.
Pick another company for mobile coverage cause Vodafone is trouble!
ALSO, their internet is awful! Super slow and constantly drops out, the other day the software died on me and I had to spend hours on the phone trying to fix that problem.
Pick another company for mobile coverage cause Vodafone is trouble!
5236 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No reception at 27 Dec 2010 09:01:30 PM
Bought a Vodafone mobile from Crazy Johns and couldn't get any reception. Unable to get refund because map issued by Vodafone showed there was reception in my area. There is a small pocket where there isn't any but they weren't interested in my complaint.
27 Dec 2010 09:04:58 PM: I had the same problem and had to cancel my contract and pay a fee. What a joke!
5235 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Most painful at 27 Dec 2010 09:01:23 PM
Being a real estate agent, phone is the most important and life line of this profession. Dont get thru calls and clients complain that I am not accessible. Vodafone has caused me great loss in terms of my business. Vodafone has to compensate for my loss.
27 Dec 2010 09:05:45 PM: Most of the time, we dont come to realise that the phone is not accessible. Only when one checks by calling the phone, one realises that phone is not accessible even though its turned on. Very, very serious problem with vodafone reception. Vodafone is cheating its clients downright
5234 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is VERY at 27 Dec 2010 09:01:17 PM
I have all the issues that people are stating here. Little to no reception, my reception basically always has 1 bar. People informing me that my phone is off when it is not, and i areas where i have full reception. I can go on.
The one thing that really bothers me about vodafone is their website. I find it is and always has been incredibly frustraing to use. Error messages always popping up when trying to access different parts of the site. Have to right click and then select open in new window to access part of the site i wanted to go to. Phones support a couple months back to find out when my plan would run out so i could give them the flick. After finally getting throough to someone to talk to the gentleman i spoke to refused to tell me when my plan ran out unless i told him the reason why i wanted to know.
My plan is up in March and sure as the sun sets and rises i will not be renewing my plan with vodafone and i will tell everybody i can just how crap they actually are.
The one thing that really bothers me about vodafone is their website. I find it is and always has been incredibly frustraing to use. Error messages always popping up when trying to access different parts of the site. Have to right click and then select open in new window to access part of the site i wanted to go to. Phones support a couple months back to find out when my plan would run out so i could give them the flick. After finally getting throough to someone to talk to the gentleman i spoke to refused to tell me when my plan ran out unless i told him the reason why i wanted to know.
My plan is up in March and sure as the sun sets and rises i will not be renewing my plan with vodafone and i will tell everybody i can just how crap they actually are.
5233 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is VERY at 27 Dec 2010 09:00:56 PM
They said i will have great coverage in my area, well we all know thats a load of bull cause its very lucky if i get one bar of reception!
I now am with Telstra who have not failed me in any way and yet i still have to pay money to Vodafone after endless complaints and calls!
I now am with Telstra who have not failed me in any way and yet i still have to pay money to Vodafone after endless complaints and calls!
5232 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic failure at 27 Dec 2010 09:00:53 PM
no one can reach my phone all my calls automatically divert to voice mail even when i have full bars. why am i paying for this plan im on and not able to make or receive calls yeah thats really fair. And when i go in to my local branch or call the service line they do nothing at all to help me and they cant even tell me why i cant make or receive calls. Vodafone have no clue what there doing and do not care about there customers at all.
5231 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 09:00:39 PM
After about 3 months of our usb internet not working properly and ringing Vodafone multiple times and them blaming it on my computer or repaires and also Vodafone replacing my USB and sim card we are still having problems cancelling our contract. I'm sick of ringing up the call centre being on hold for about 30 minutes at a time (I have a life) and then when speaking to someone they cant do crap to help me or I can't understand them. I even tried to ring the head office (in Sydney) to complain and they ended up putting me back through to India again!!! All I want to do now is cancel my contract, but they wont just do this as they have to do an investigation on why its not working (if it frigin worked then I wouldnt want to cancel it). I'm so sick of their recpetion and customer service, they dont help crap and blame it on the customer saying it's their problem. Very much over it now, going through the investigation at the moment and they will most likely turn around and say I have to pay the cancelation fee as they will say it's working like they do every other time. I have put in a complaint to TIO, so hopefully something will be done to improve their shit service!!!! Something needs to be done!!!!
27 Dec 2010 09:30:43 PM: I have had a similar frustrating experience trying to cancel my contract. Try to wait and hear Lara give you the optin for cancelling your contract - yeah right! the voice recognition systenm is useless to me anyway - all is does is pick up the noise of my kids in the background - when I spoke to someone eventually, they said to ring when my kids weren;t around - how helpful! i have been trying to cancel my account with them, but a) i am always onhold for hours b)the cancellation team isn't in and will need to ring me back c)if I stay they will give me a free phone, which only ends up being the deals offered to the ordinary public, not a special deal for me and d)they say they need to ring me back to cancel my account - that's their procedure. My procedure is: I ring you, tell you to close my account, end of story.
The website is useless and when you try to ask a question, it gives you an automated response back, after this you get an automated email. Upon responding to this, another automated email. Does anyone real, other than the 3 persons they have sitting in India, work for Vodafone???? It's a pity, I had been a customer for 13 years...
The website is useless and when you try to ask a question, it gives you an automated response back, after this you get an automated email. Upon responding to this, another automated email. Does anyone real, other than the 3 persons they have sitting in India, work for Vodafone???? It's a pity, I had been a customer for 13 years...
5230 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is hopelessly at 27 Dec 2010 09:00:24 PM
My wife and I are both on 3 mobiles and over the last 6 or so months after Vodafone bought out 3 the coverage has been significantly worse than when it was under 3. If you think 3's network coverage is bad, think again when it is under Vodafone. Often we get drop outs, connection errors, no network, roaming and anything and everything else in between. I used to work at a Vodafone call centre years ago and I have almost never got any negative feedback about the coverage. I left when management decided to trade us in for travellers and students who are on chicken feed per hour. I now work in a western industrial area and there used to be ok reception before and now it is usually on roaming or not at all, therefore I can't get onto the internet from my phone. I need my mobile for work and I can't afford to be screwed around by the incompetency of these dills. I have been on 3 for almost 10 years and my wife signed up to 3 4 years ago. Not anymore. my contract has already expired and I'm on pay as you go, and 3 has been pestering me for the last 6 months asking me to commit to another 2 years. Not a chance in hell. Plenty of people I know has already cancelled their 3 contracts and we won't be too far behind them. My advice would be vote with your wallets and tell these idiots to quit putting their money towards V8 stupidcars and Formula Fail and anything to give them a big head and junkets and start looking after their customers and commit to quality infrastructure.
5229 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is useless at 27 Dec 2010 09:00:17 PM
What do you people want ?? Great deals, great bundles, but at what cost ?? If it sounds too good to be true, usually is. Try using Telstra, great coverage, bundles are pretty good and EXTREMELY RARELY lose coverage. The old adage " YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR ". That is what you are all getting with Vodafone. No sympathy for you.
5228 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 09:00:02 PM
My service was out for a full day with no notification in regards to this, i was at work and upset as my son was at daycare and had no means of contact in case anything went wrong. I recieved an apology SMS 3days later! I had no idea why or when my phone reception would be restored. Unhappy, Vodafone!
5227 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Massive FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 09:00:01 PM
I have a 24 month plan with Vodafone for both my mobile phone and internet (a USB). My phone contract is due to run out now in 4 weeks (thank goodness) but I have had on going issues with signal, service and mostly customer service. I rang Customer service on numerous occasions about my issues with coverage and a billing enquiry and was on hold for ever.
Coverage for my internet at my house is shocking, despite being told by vodafone (and showed a coverage map) that internet coverage in my area was really good. (there is also a vodafone store less than 3 kms from my house, so why are they selling internet when it doesnt work more than 3km from their shop!), Again I rang Customer Service about the issue, was on hold nearly 40 mins and then spoke to someone who barely understood a word I said and then kept trying to transfer me through to another department before even hearing the reason why I had rang. When I asked how long I had left on my contracts I got the 3rd degree and eventually told. He then insisted on transferring me through to another area which he ASSURED me could help me with my problem right now. I got transferred to a pre-recorded msg "This department is currently closed" and then I got disconnected.
So.... I went in to see someone at the shop. The girl I spoke to said "well, you only have your internet contract until January 22nd with Vodafone, so if you just put up with it until then you can change after that" This is really annoying, customers shouldnt have to 'put up with it' until the end of the contract, it should be resolved, regardless of how much is left on the contract. I have 6 months left with my mobile phone and I am NOT HAPPY!!
Coverage for my internet at my house is shocking, despite being told by vodafone (and showed a coverage map) that internet coverage in my area was really good. (there is also a vodafone store less than 3 kms from my house, so why are they selling internet when it doesnt work more than 3km from their shop!), Again I rang Customer Service about the issue, was on hold nearly 40 mins and then spoke to someone who barely understood a word I said and then kept trying to transfer me through to another department before even hearing the reason why I had rang. When I asked how long I had left on my contracts I got the 3rd degree and eventually told. He then insisted on transferring me through to another area which he ASSURED me could help me with my problem right now. I got transferred to a pre-recorded msg "This department is currently closed" and then I got disconnected.
So.... I went in to see someone at the shop. The girl I spoke to said "well, you only have your internet contract until January 22nd with Vodafone, so if you just put up with it until then you can change after that" This is really annoying, customers shouldnt have to 'put up with it' until the end of the contract, it should be resolved, regardless of how much is left on the contract. I have 6 months left with my mobile phone and I am NOT HAPPY!!
5226 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is SHITHOUSE x 100 at 27 Dec 2010 08:59:49 PM
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Is all i can say!
I am over Vodafone!!!!! I have had so many drop outs and unable to connect. More recently. I have not been received lots of messages from friends n family - various networks. Some arrived days later. Ive missed important info and had a blue with a friend for a misunderstnding re not receiving a text message. Tried ringing up almost every day in the past month - "Lara" (who I also HATE) tells me its at least a 40 - 45 min wait time! Who has that kinda time to waste???????? And IF I did get through, an overseas person answered and cant understand my accent or what I am trying to say!!
I also have been trying to get a new iphone 4 - been waiting over 2 months!
I HATE VOADFONE! If I could quit my contract without penalties I would.
THANK YOU TAHNK YOU for thid s website!
I am over Vodafone!!!!! I have had so many drop outs and unable to connect. More recently. I have not been received lots of messages from friends n family - various networks. Some arrived days later. Ive missed important info and had a blue with a friend for a misunderstnding re not receiving a text message. Tried ringing up almost every day in the past month - "Lara" (who I also HATE) tells me its at least a 40 - 45 min wait time! Who has that kinda time to waste???????? And IF I did get through, an overseas person answered and cant understand my accent or what I am trying to say!!
I also have been trying to get a new iphone 4 - been waiting over 2 months!
I HATE VOADFONE! If I could quit my contract without penalties I would.
THANK YOU TAHNK YOU for thid s website!
5225 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very Poor at 27 Dec 2010 08:59:29 PM
No coverage inside the home, stand at a particular location in the house to get the reception.Totally Hopeless, very frustating to be with 3/Voda
5224 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 08:59:22 PM
Aaaah need to constantly wander around my house to find even 1 bar of reception. My sis is with same provider and her calls drop out all the time and she works on top floor of an office building (because reception should be really hard to come by at that height! stupid 3/vodafone
5223 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Major Fail at 27 Dec 2010 08:59:08 PM
I cannot get reception on my phone whilst at work (SE Suburbs of Melb) so have had to purchase a Telstra phone to stop missing calls. I have been hung up on repeatedly while on hold for Customer Service and still have no answer as to why every other network can do what Vodafone cannot - give me coverage in a metro area of a major capital city!
5222 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 08:59:07 PM
We've been loyal Vodafone customers for many years. We have personal & business accounts. The service the last 3-4 months has been disgraceful. When we've complained to Vodafone they'd tried to blame the phones rather than their service. This is despite the use of iPhones, Nokias and Blackberries. The same problems, same locations, the same rubbish.
Vodafone has lost us for good. No apology, re assurance or compensation will repair their PR damage. They've demonstrated that they don't value their customers by not informing us of the pending problems but actually denying they existed. All while still advertising for new business on a system that is flawed. They deserve to go broke on their blatant arrogance alone. Glad our contracts are finished as there is no way we would renew with them.
Vodafone has lost us for good. No apology, re assurance or compensation will repair their PR damage. They've demonstrated that they don't value their customers by not informing us of the pending problems but actually denying they existed. All while still advertising for new business on a system that is flawed. They deserve to go broke on their blatant arrogance alone. Glad our contracts are finished as there is no way we would renew with them.
5221 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 08:59:07 PM
We live in Nth Qld, and in the past 6 months have lived in 3 different suburbs, all of which are in the close metro area. The reception in all of these locations has been nothing short of terrible. We pay our bills on time for a service provided "apparently". My wife called them some months back to complain about the terrible service, only to be placed on hold by someone in Deli most probably. She had the tennacity to hold the line until she was answered, only to have the service that she was complaining about drop out mid conversation. My wife then called back and again after waiting the obligatory hour on hold, got cut off again mid complaint due to the terrible serice. Our problems do not end there. The phone I got with my contract died. I took it into my local vodafone outlet, only to be turned away and told to come back when they contact me with an outcome, but they didnt even take the phone off me. I may be a simple man but you cant fix a broken phone without the broken phone (so common sence would dictate). Well that was 5 months ago and since then I have grown tired of waiting, brought a cheap simple phone and had no drama, 'thanks' for the help vodafone. Rest assured if I was to forget to pay a bill on time, that they would expect me to rectify this problem ASAP, I think it only fair they do the same. It is clear from this well though out websight, that there is not a minority with the problem, it is much more widespread than anyone first though. Rest assured we will also be getting on contact with the TIO and the telicomunication ombudsman.
5220 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Hopeless at 27 Dec 2010 08:58:53 PM
Have been with Vodafone for a few years, in the beginning it was ok, no problems with coverage and always able to contact staff quickly. Now unable to speak to anyone, on hold for ages, then get disconnected constantly. Have missed many urgent calls as they went straight to voicemail and no callback for 2 days. Bad coverage hardly any signal at my home. Vodafone store staff unable to help me either. So frustrating going around in circles.
5219 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is vodafone three is unreliable at 27 Dec 2010 08:58:47 PM
me and my wife was three for morethan 4 years. we bought a new house in brisbane which is 15 kms to CBD. I had constant dropouts or no reception for four months. after a long haul fight with the Vodafone three company they have given an option of breaking the contract and shifting to Vodafone. They said they would waive my contract break fees if I send my handset. I was happy with to do so in order to get a working reliable phone. its been 3 months they haven't sent me a return pack to send the phone, but have send a heafty bill to collection. I called the company 4 times with 4 and odd hours of wait I dint get no where. I have lodged a complaint with telecom obusdmen authority. Hope I get a fair reply or question is..Are we responsible for the unreliability of the vodafone three telecom? if not why do we suffer for their mistakes..
5218 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 08:58:39 PM
5217 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 8/10 at 27 Dec 2010 08:58:31 PM
5216 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone are rip-off artists at 27 Dec 2010 08:58:27 PM
Vodafone have overcharged me for dropped out voicemail retrievals as result of their sub standard Network. Their "customer service" is just as rubbish when trying to find out why I should be charged a national call rates when voice mail retrieval dropped out out . I have cancelled my Vodafone contract today and won't ever return even if they lift their game, which is doubtful
5215 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is TOTAL FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 08:58:01 PM
Drop outs, no signal, disconnections mid conversation, loading credit (its a pre pay) then days later the entire credit has 'disappeared' and vodafone say it was never loaded in the first place and stand by that (lesson to us to keep recharge receipts).
5214 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Phone drop and network not strong at 27 Dec 2010 08:57:57 PM
I have rang them several time and was told that they're fixing the tower somewhere and was without phone for 3 days. I am on 3G and I cannot access that facility at all. I am very disapointed about the network and the lack of response I am getting from them. There a lot of other issue that I will post here soon.
5213 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 08:57:51 PM
5212 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 8/10 at 27 Dec 2010 08:57:44 PM
5211 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Wtf does "how fail is vodafone" supposed to mean?! at 27 Dec 2010 08:57:42 PM
I'm over Vodafone and glad that I've signed up with Optus. I paid out my contract and life is good again..... Vodafone doesn't offer enough coverage for areas outside of major cities and will soon feel the reprocussions of their poor performance!
5210 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is crap wireless internet speed at 27 Dec 2010 08:57:26 PM
I live in st kilda I had wireless broadband with 3 owned by vodacrap
the speed was terrible I cancelled with 3 after 2 ears, a vodapone sales person said that the speed would be alot faster, fantastic with vodapone. she garanteed it. I waited over a month for the modem it finally arrived the speed was crap!
I switched to optus much better.
I have spent hours waiting on hold for vodacrap to complian and stop payment.
I have also wasted time emailing them.
They have sent me a bill for this month after I told them I cancelled.
vodapone has caused me great frustration and waste of time.
they should spend money on quality service rather than pubilicty compaigns.
the speed was terrible I cancelled with 3 after 2 ears, a vodapone sales person said that the speed would be alot faster, fantastic with vodapone. she garanteed it. I waited over a month for the modem it finally arrived the speed was crap!
I switched to optus much better.
I have spent hours waiting on hold for vodacrap to complian and stop payment.
I have also wasted time emailing them.
They have sent me a bill for this month after I told them I cancelled.
vodapone has caused me great frustration and waste of time.
they should spend money on quality service rather than pubilicty compaigns.
5209 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is total crud at 27 Dec 2010 08:57:22 PM
Very slow data since the 3/vodaphone merge!!We both have 3 plans but will migrate back to Telstra eventually. Call centre has been polite when I've needed assistance though.
5208 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is drop out at 27 Dec 2010 08:57:20 PM
It is wierd in the middle of conversation it cuts out have to redial again embaressing ,it changes the ring tone byitself A BIG NO NO RECEPTION 2 year contract. sometimes dont get the names of the callers so i have to guess .i dont know why they start to treat costumers like ... .sorry they need to get sraight.thanks
5207 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely at 27 Dec 2010 08:57:11 PM
Cannot use the service that I pay for!
What is the point of having an unlimited cap when every call is limited by a few minutes before a drop out occurs?
What is the point of having an unlimited cap when every call is limited by a few minutes before a drop out occurs?
5206 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is 0 at 27 Dec 2010 08:56:33 PM
5205 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 27 Dec 2010 08:56:08 PM
My family have a vodafone internet stick that we use when we go away or during a removal when we don't have internet. It drives me crazy! The signal bars are always terrible, mostly 1 bar or none and constant drop out and it is also slow as hell! Also, my family are with Vodafone for our mobiles but not on contracts. Again, the signal is terrible and constant drop outs. For Christmas recently, I was talking on my mobile in Brisbane to my grandparents in Sydney... The call dropped out FOUR TIMES! I said "I need a coat hanger!" I'M FED UP!
5204 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 08:56:04 PM
While i was happy with VF in the past - I am quickly losing interest in the lack of service I now receive with VF.
Remove one word from the Telco dictionary T E L S T R A - not much left to plat with!!!
Oh god - TELSTRA are SO BAD! Just remember how bad!!!
Remove one word from the Telco dictionary T E L S T R A - not much left to plat with!!!
Oh god - TELSTRA are SO BAD! Just remember how bad!!!
27 Dec 2010 08:58:51 PM: I beg to differ. I just ported to Telstra and the experience has been brilliant so far.
27 Dec 2010 09:13:49 PM: Service (netowrk) is brilliant - wait until you get over charged for 2 years because the computer system doesnt recognise your bill - kinda in the realm of 3K. TIO is the way to go - here is great for just shouting
5203 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 10/10 at 27 Dec 2010 08:55:44 PM
bought it for work on a contract,and as i pull into work it goes to 1 bar of reception then nothing,then the same at home,where i want it the most,bloody over it been with vodaphone for years,all my mates laugh at me as they surf the net,etc.going telstra or optus as the boys at work enjoy full coverage.dont go vodaphane if you know whats best.
5202 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Totally at 27 Dec 2010 08:55:18 PM
I have 3 mobiles with Vodaphone and since I have has them there has been hardly any service to no service at my home address for all three phones. I still pay for the big caps but have limited usage. Also I sent pics to another mobile on Xmas day at approx 11.45 am and the person did not receive the photos till 9pm boxing day. Not Good enough Vodaphoney.
27 Dec 2010 08:58:45 PM: Vodaphoney - I LOVE it
5201 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is no sigal between me and my daughter at 27 Dec 2010 08:55:13 PM
my daughter and i were at carols in the park and told her if we got separted we would use our phones. after many attempts during the night i had no success in contacting her and started to panick after about an hour we found each other. she told me that no messages or phone calls came through on her phone{we are both vodafone network} i was at the stage that i was ready to contact the police because i wasn`t sure where she was{mine you she is only 11yrs} that was on the 19th of dec. on the 26th of dec about 8 oclock in the morning all the miss calls and messages came through all at once. i then rang vodafone to make a complaint and they couldn`t give a rat arse about it. my only worry i had was that my daughtre could have been taken my a stranger or bashed. vodafone this is not good enough
27 Dec 2010 10:56:13 PM: im hearing you i have there crap service to,nowadays we all rely on mobile service wether it be in your case or wether it be coming accross a car accident and needing the phone for help,there just is no excuse in this day and age,companies like them should be banned.
5200 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is very bad service for mobile broadband at 27 Dec 2010 08:55:11 PM
since I signed 12 month contract with Vodafone for mobile broadband, I could not connect my mobile broadband most of days. Once connected,often kick me off the line. I have to get it connectted only turn my computer off. Especially, last 3 weeks, I can't get on the internet at all during the day, no matter how hard I tried it up!
5199 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is extremely at 27 Dec 2010 08:54:59 PM
5198 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is They are not listening at 27 Dec 2010 08:54:51 PM
Im with Vodafone prepaid and use my credit card to top up each month..Last month, for some reason, I could not get through to top up my prepaid..took 4 attempts to add $29 buddle to my phone.... 2 days later I checked my Bank statement and Vodafone took out $29 x 2... Annoyed, I rang vodafone spoke to someone in India and said they would fix my problem up.. In short they would extend my expiry date to the 13/2/11 instead on 13/1/11.... GREAT!! I though but after 4 more attempts to contact them they have not fixed it up... They sent me a email to say it is all fixed now... So I checked via 1512 and NO SURPRISE still not fixed... How easy is it for them to fix.... I guess NOT !! Frustrated. After many years with Vodafone... I will go to Virgin
5197 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Supercrap at 27 Dec 2010 08:54:45 PM
Vodafone mobile broadband connection is terrible. There had been a long strings of incident since I sign up with Vodafone back in March. All involving the same problem: I couldn't access the internet even when the coverage is saying "very good". First sign of trouble was not long after I signed up in Sydney. There wasn't a connection for 3 days. Took the USB back to the shop, thinking it was a hardware problem. To cut the story short, it turned out to be Vodafone's problem, something to do with "technical problem at Vodafone network". Service went back to "normal" (= slow, but working) afterwards.
I moved to Cairns in April and took the mobile broadband with me. Most of the time the connection is slow, which turn to super slow after 5pm, even when it's on 3G/HSUPA, connection dropped off frequently.
The next incident happened some months later. Couldn't access the internet for about 3 days again. Rang customer service, there was a recorded message saying that Vodafone was having some networks problems in some parts of Australia.
The latest incident was on Nov 31st - 3rd Dec. Rang their customer service which was obviously being outsourced to call centres in India. Spoke to VERY rude Indians who kept on saying there wasn't any problem, they kept on trying to shift the blame to my computer/other things even though after some "diagnosis" it was obvious it was their problem. They insisted that I was the only one in Australia who made a complaint to them! When I demanded to speak to a manager/supervisor, one of them cockily said "I'm THE most authority, you can't speak to anyone higher than me". The cheek of it, I'm sure he doesn't own the company, he doesn't even live in Australia!
I persisted and kept on ringing them. In total I spent 2hr 51mins 27 secs on the phone with them, mostly being put on hold, before they finally gave me an "escallation reference number" to investigate my complaints. Good thing I have a spare Vodafone SIM card, otherwise I would have spent a bomb ringing them from my Optus mobile phone as I don't have a landline. Every single time I rang time, they kept me waiting for at least 20-40mins. before I could speak to a REAL person.
Afterwards I lodged a complaint through Vodafone's website, about the appalling rudeness of their customer service (what "service"?!), telling them that I'm not going to pay for a service I didn't get - why should I pay for my broadband subscription if Vodafone isn't providing what they're obligated to fulfil in a contract (= a broadband service). After some email exchanges, they agreed to waive my subscription rate for the month. It's the first time I kicked up a big fuss about it and I think I should have kicked up a big fuss at other times, too. Afterall, a contract binds not only a customer, Vodafone is also bound to deliver the service I've signed up to!!!
I'm glad I'm not "the only one in Australia" who aren't happy with Vodafone. Bring the job back to Australia, those Indians didn't even know how to treat a customer respectfully.
I moved to Cairns in April and took the mobile broadband with me. Most of the time the connection is slow, which turn to super slow after 5pm, even when it's on 3G/HSUPA, connection dropped off frequently.
The next incident happened some months later. Couldn't access the internet for about 3 days again. Rang customer service, there was a recorded message saying that Vodafone was having some networks problems in some parts of Australia.
The latest incident was on Nov 31st - 3rd Dec. Rang their customer service which was obviously being outsourced to call centres in India. Spoke to VERY rude Indians who kept on saying there wasn't any problem, they kept on trying to shift the blame to my computer/other things even though after some "diagnosis" it was obvious it was their problem. They insisted that I was the only one in Australia who made a complaint to them! When I demanded to speak to a manager/supervisor, one of them cockily said "I'm THE most authority, you can't speak to anyone higher than me". The cheek of it, I'm sure he doesn't own the company, he doesn't even live in Australia!
I persisted and kept on ringing them. In total I spent 2hr 51mins 27 secs on the phone with them, mostly being put on hold, before they finally gave me an "escallation reference number" to investigate my complaints. Good thing I have a spare Vodafone SIM card, otherwise I would have spent a bomb ringing them from my Optus mobile phone as I don't have a landline. Every single time I rang time, they kept me waiting for at least 20-40mins. before I could speak to a REAL person.
Afterwards I lodged a complaint through Vodafone's website, about the appalling rudeness of their customer service (what "service"?!), telling them that I'm not going to pay for a service I didn't get - why should I pay for my broadband subscription if Vodafone isn't providing what they're obligated to fulfil in a contract (= a broadband service). After some email exchanges, they agreed to waive my subscription rate for the month. It's the first time I kicked up a big fuss about it and I think I should have kicked up a big fuss at other times, too. Afterall, a contract binds not only a customer, Vodafone is also bound to deliver the service I've signed up to!!!
I'm glad I'm not "the only one in Australia" who aren't happy with Vodafone. Bring the job back to Australia, those Indians didn't even know how to treat a customer respectfully.
5196 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is UNACCEPTABLE at 27 Dec 2010 08:54:36 PM
Very poor reception, I do a lot of international calls, to no avail, every time I have to call at least 3 to 4 times before getting through, with my other service provider, i always get through 1st time.
5195 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is USELESS at 27 Dec 2010 08:54:22 PM
i have to toggle airplane mode off and on on my iphone constantly just to send/receive sms messages, websites take forever to load and calls drop out constantly!!!!! I am sick of it.
28 Dec 2010 12:35:25 PM: It's because you're using the worst phone ever made ...
5194 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is HUGE at 27 Dec 2010 08:53:55 PM
Vodafone internet,do not go there.Worst ever,drops out every 3 minutes.Been paying for my contract (ends in April)but have had to pay for telstra as well because i couldn't use the Vodafone, it is sooooo bad.Two lots of internet bill for the last 2 years, surely that can't be right.Vodafone told me the problem would be fixed years ago and it never was so i had to connect to telstra, they always said i had good coverage and basically put the blame on me,now i know i'm not going insane and there was a problen with the coverage.
5193 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very much after 3 merge at 27 Dec 2010 08:53:54 PM
It seems that after the 3 merger the coverage and service is crap. I have to get through to Mumbai when you have an issue sucks. I am now in the process of going to telstra as you get to speak to a real person in qld I have been with vodafone since 1996 so consider a fair loyalty. Now they can go to hell. I get 1 bar in the city and drop outs all over the place. I rang Mumbai and it was suggested to replace my sim. I did and hey guess what no difference. I am over the whole process. I have now recommended 20 friends to go to telstra who were considering vodafone. Man I am sick of the crap and everyone I speak to who is on vodafone are saying the same things. Time to move on. Oh I did get a $100 credit once for trying to leave!
28 Dec 2010 12:42:55 PM: You're lucky to get Telstra customer service in Australia. One call I made went from Phillipines, US, India - transferred from place to place and taking over an hour to get nowhere! I'm pretty cynical in that I don't believe any telcos know anything about good customer service at all.
5192 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Megatron fail at 27 Dec 2010 08:53:54 PM
Annoyed! as I was happy with 3 and was lied to about 'how good' the coverage is...then at times, I can't even get a signal in my room, at work ect. Makes it very difficult when your awaiting calls from a job and have to explain why you were unreachable.
5191 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 08:53:36 PM
i signed up to a mobile internet contract and for 18 months have had nothing but problems and piss poor reception. calls to tech support always had the same solution reinstall the program which never worked. if u tried to complain in person at the store they would just palm you off saying call tech support. absolutey piss poor!!
5190 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extreme at 27 Dec 2010 08:53:33 PM
No reception at all any time what so ever. Any calls we make the line drops out all the time. Have to reconnect to the internet every ten minutes because the wireless drops out not to mention how slow it is in general.We are on plans and neither of our phones work properly and vodafone refuse to replace them.Vodafone is so fucked!
5189 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 08:53:27 PM
I no longer have a problem. About 3 years ago I went to Crazy John's. When I found out it was Vodafone I told the salesperson I can't have Vodafone as I am a Carer and due to the lack of coverage in my suburb I could not be without a phone. I was assured that the coverage had improved since my previous experience with Vodafone some years earlier so I signed a contract. Later that day I was without coverage. The service in and around the suburb of Windale is a disgrace. I tried to get out of the contract on the grounds I was told lies by salesperson. The attempt was unsuccessful. I paid out the contract and went back to Telstra.
5188 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% fail at 27 Dec 2010 08:53:02 PM
this is the second time in which i have lost reception where i live. the first time i lost reception was a few months ago, and just recently again. the only way i could use my iphone was to switch off 3g and once i switched it back again, i'd have no service. this is absolute bullshit, i've never had issues with vodafone up until now.
5187 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Major FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 08:52:16 PM
For weeks I have missed incoming calls (diverting straight to voicemail) and had been unable to send or receive MMS messages. Thought I had that sorted after a painful call to Vodafone. Today I spent another frustrating hour on the phone after calls started diverting to voicemail again and text messages weren't getting through. The operator finally admitted that Vodafone network problems are the cause and after checking all the settings on my phone, assured me that I won't have any more problems. I in turn, advised him that I had better not because they didn't want me calling again!
5186 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is No regional coverage at 27 Dec 2010 08:52:02 PM
There is never any coverage when I went travelling around the state. Get with the times Vodafone... it's time to move on.
5185 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is drop out at 27 Dec 2010 08:51:58 PM
It is wierd in the middle of conversation it cuts out have to redial again embaressing ,it changes the ring tone byitself A BIG NO NO RECEPTION 2 year contract. sometimes dont get the names of the callers so i have to guess .i dont no when companies get fames they start to treat cosromers like shit .sorry they need to get sraight.thanks
5184 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very very at 27 Dec 2010 08:51:43 PM
i haven't had internet coverage, mobile coverage for over 3 weeks, and im being billed for my internet.
5183 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bad reception at 27 Dec 2010 08:51:33 PM
Have 3 mobile phone services in Beaumont Hills, (kellyville)2155 suppose to be one of fastest growing areas 5-10 years ago yet Vodafone reception is terrible,never caught up, constant drop outs on Brampton drive until you get on Samantha Riley Drive. Terrible reception at homes on Hadlow close, Comet and Smalls Creek drive. Would expect Vodafone to have a half decent service in Beaumont hills. If you live here avoid Vodafone, can't wait for my contract to expire
5182 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 08:51:12 PM
I don't receive messages until days later or receive calls at all most of the time! i bought a new phone to see if the problem went away but of course it hasn't. vodafone suck too much
5181 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Coverage SUCKS! at 27 Dec 2010 08:50:47 PM
Yay for this website! I'm thinking they may be getting the point now!?!
We are so use to a world that is so disposable - including customers. You normally get a 14 year old who doesn't give two hoots about what you really want whether it is at McDonalds or at a company like Vodafone. Gone are the good ol'days where the customer was always right and you actually got service...which is what I don't get from Vodafone. I get service in 1 part of town but not over here, or there, but I do here but not there. Also within buildings, like a hospital, NO service...hhhmmmnn. Other friends on other providers do, but not me??? And here is the best one, a friend who doesn't have a home phone line as they have their mobile on that "you don't need one plan as you have your mobile", has NO RECEPTION IN HER HOME!!! Go figure!
We are so use to a world that is so disposable - including customers. You normally get a 14 year old who doesn't give two hoots about what you really want whether it is at McDonalds or at a company like Vodafone. Gone are the good ol'days where the customer was always right and you actually got service...which is what I don't get from Vodafone. I get service in 1 part of town but not over here, or there, but I do here but not there. Also within buildings, like a hospital, NO service...hhhmmmnn. Other friends on other providers do, but not me??? And here is the best one, a friend who doesn't have a home phone line as they have their mobile on that "you don't need one plan as you have your mobile", has NO RECEPTION IN HER HOME!!! Go figure!
5180 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone is Vodafail big time at 27 Dec 2010 08:50:30 PM
Time, angst, hassle. Not able to access emails on interstate business trip, data dropouts constantly, when I ring, queue and complain, they have seen fit to credit me $20 !! What an insult. Standing in CBD Sydney, cannot access my emails? What kind of service is this. Class action - good idea. If promised service is not given, we should demand it.
5179 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is the worse ever at 27 Dec 2010 08:50:18 PM
5178 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 08:50:04 PM
I cannot make any calls from inside my house without the call dropping out. Voicemail messges coming through hours later and people trying to call me when I am not on the phone but they constantly get the engaged signal.
5177 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is DREDFULL at 27 Dec 2010 08:49:36 PM
5176 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is words can't even describe. at 27 Dec 2010 08:49:07 PM
I have spent two hours on hold to their customer service number, i had to hang up because the phone i was on ran out of battery. I had everything i was going to say and every record i had right in front of me, but no, it never happened because no one could be bothered to pick up the phone....and they're a phone company. BIGGEST JOKE. This was after i'd been in-store. Even the guy behind the counter warned me what i was in for.
They are charging me for a phone i have not used... and the bill is growing even without use.They claim it's a time delay, but why after six days of being switched off is it still adding on costs? Shouldn't they just do it at once and be done with it? Of course not, that is the LOGICAL thing to do.They are also showing me i have an unpaid bill. i have a receipt and over a week later apparently i still owe.
Vodafone struggles to provide decent coverage....anywhere!
The picture messages i send wake my contacts in the middle of the night over 24 hours after they were originally sent. Aren't I popular the next day? Thanks Vodafone.To receive messages, i have to actually send individual messages to each contact before i get just one that could have been sent hours ago.It takes ten minutes to open a single page on my iphone due to the little "Searching" in the corner that makes me want to throw my phone at the wall.
The 24 month contract is more expensive than one for a new iphone 4... and i'm receiving less for my money. Their three months early exit offer is clearly not enough, make it three months into the contract and they've got themselves a deal.
Their "spend and entitlements" page does not update, or does so very slowly ensuring their "valued" customers have exceeded their plan and then still tell them they can text their little heart out.
All in all, what can i say...
Will i be going back? Certainly not.
They are charging me for a phone i have not used... and the bill is growing even without use.They claim it's a time delay, but why after six days of being switched off is it still adding on costs? Shouldn't they just do it at once and be done with it? Of course not, that is the LOGICAL thing to do.They are also showing me i have an unpaid bill. i have a receipt and over a week later apparently i still owe.
Vodafone struggles to provide decent coverage....anywhere!
The picture messages i send wake my contacts in the middle of the night over 24 hours after they were originally sent. Aren't I popular the next day? Thanks Vodafone.To receive messages, i have to actually send individual messages to each contact before i get just one that could have been sent hours ago.It takes ten minutes to open a single page on my iphone due to the little "Searching" in the corner that makes me want to throw my phone at the wall.
The 24 month contract is more expensive than one for a new iphone 4... and i'm receiving less for my money. Their three months early exit offer is clearly not enough, make it three months into the contract and they've got themselves a deal.
Their "spend and entitlements" page does not update, or does so very slowly ensuring their "valued" customers have exceeded their plan and then still tell them they can text their little heart out.
All in all, what can i say...
Will i be going back? Certainly not.
5175 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Joke n worst on the earth at 27 Dec 2010 08:48:46 PM
Always unavailable still the phone on and can not make any phone calls for days. It was like that from 23/12 to 26/12 at last time.drops call at all time.Like i have a selfphone but it does not work.It is not because my mobile it is cause of VODAFONE fails at ALL THE TIME. Please stop billing me or get a better service which i should 100% used n happy to pay the bill :(
Take back the contract and let me free, you dare VODAFONE !!!!!
Take back the contract and let me free, you dare VODAFONE !!!!!
5174 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is one hundred percent fail at 27 Dec 2010 08:48:35 PM
bought a sim card from vodafone went home spent two hours trying to make calls only to have my calls dropped after two seconds called vodafone spent another two hours on the phone and got nowhere they just kept pasiing me off onto another department which also put me on hold gave up,next thing you know its working but my calls keep cutting out,still to this very minute the same thing.i also have alot of trouyble with my friends calling me they say that when they call it says im diconeected or doesnt call at all.ive been a customer with vodafone for over 8 soon as i can i will be changing to another network never too use vodafone again one thing to say to vodafone f@!ck you for all your bs and time and money wasted.
5173 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is not at all at 27 Dec 2010 08:47:11 PM
I actually haven't had any problems with Vodafone at all. I know a lot of other people who haven't either. Everything has its issues you just have to give it a chance or go to Telstra or Optus or whoever and pay through the roof. As for reaching an Indian Call Centre most companies in Oz use them so thats nothing out of the ordinary is it.
27 Dec 2010 08:49:04 PM: Hi there Vodafone social media team. How are your holidays going?
5172 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Joke n worst on the earth at 27 Dec 2010 08:47:08 PM
Always unavailable still the phone on and can not make any phone calls for days. It was alike that from 23/12 to 26/12 at last time.drops call at all time.Like i have a selfphone but it does not work.It is not because my mobile it is cause of VODAFONE fails at ALL THE TIME. Please spot billing me or get a better service which i should 100% used n happy to pay the bill :(
Take back the contract and let me free, you dare VODAFONE !!!!!
Take back the contract and let me free, you dare VODAFONE !!!!!
27 Dec 2010 08:47:49 PM: stop
5171 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is the bottom line is at 27 Dec 2010 08:47:08 PM
vodafone will have to allow their scammed customers off their contracts,theres no question about it
5170 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Silver Surfer NES fail OMG at 27 Dec 2010 08:47:07 PM
Just got my bill and rather than being for 1 moth it was delayed and contains 2 months.
I signed up through the NRMA offer to have first 3 months free but this has been charged.
I am constantly having issues connecting to the internet to get apps for my flashy new Samsung Galaxy S. Also people say they can't get through to me when making calls.
I would like to exit and just pay off the phone at the discounted price.
I signed up through the NRMA offer to have first 3 months free but this has been charged.
I am constantly having issues connecting to the internet to get apps for my flashy new Samsung Galaxy S. Also people say they can't get through to me when making calls.
I would like to exit and just pay off the phone at the discounted price.
5169 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Frustratingly poor at 27 Dec 2010 08:47:05 PM
I have a Crazy John's mobile broadband which uses the Vodafone network. For months I've been complaining about drop outs, failures to connect, and more recently wasting hours per day waiting for ulta-slow connections which cannot be guaranteed to stay in for the duration of the message or query.
The Crazy John's store gave me a new sim card last week but to no avail as the Vodafone network remains the cause of the problems.
The Crazy John's store gave me a new sim card last week but to no avail as the Vodafone network remains the cause of the problems.
5168 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No Coverage in a Metro Areas?! at 27 Dec 2010 08:46:46 PM
I joined Vodafone about 5 years ago in regional New Zealand where the coverage was good. I moved to Australia believing this would continue. I signed up for a 24 month, $29 post-paid plan as I was attracted initially by the free calling to 3 and Vodafone. Of course to enjoy such a service, it is necessary to have coverage! At my parent's house in Wollongong I kept a measly 1 bar or no bars downstairs despite the house being on high ground apparently near a Vodafone mast? In Shell Cove, near Shellharbour, I get no coverage at all. I literally have to walk up the street holding my phone in the air to get one bar. I receive constant drop-outs. I also receive no coverage between Waterfall and Sutherland which I find ludicrous - these suburbs and those between them are less than an hour away from Sydney! Vodafone however deny there are any issues with their coverage in any of the areas I have identified problems. They blatantly lie on their website and get away with it. Why should I pay for a service that does not work and be involved with a company who deny any issues exist?
5167 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 08:46:37 PM
Vodafone has the WORST reception. I can't use my bluetooth in the car because the reception keeps going in and out all the time. I get text messages up to a day after they are sent including voicemail messages! I was with 3 before vodafone and had absolutely no problems with them whatsoever.
5166 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Extreme Disappointment at 27 Dec 2010 08:46:23 PM
I have been with Vodafone for quite a few years, I originally transferred from Telstra because at the time it was cheaper (as I could chose free calls unlimited to the person I called the most, I was saving approx $400 per month!!).. But I instantly noticed the reception differances.
It was bearable until recently.. I was in Hobart Mall on Thurs 23rd and I could not make a call at all!! It was searching for reception and even when my phone was telling me I had reception I still could not make a call.
I went into the Vodafone Store in the Mall and asked if they had any network issues to which I was told no, turn my phone off and then back on.. I did this and the problem still persisted for another 3 days!!!
I had no reception for most of the 3 days over Christmas to contact any family to wish them a Merry Christmas or let them know if I was on my way or delayed.. God forbid if something had have happened I would not have been able to contact anyone, and with a 2 1/2yr old son being able to contact people is EXTREMELY important!!!
I will without a doubt be going back to Telstra after my contract ends in September 2011 unless I can find a way out or $700 to pay out the contract... It is bullshit that they can keep you in a contract when they do not uphold their end of the bargain by providing a decent level of reception!!
It was bearable until recently.. I was in Hobart Mall on Thurs 23rd and I could not make a call at all!! It was searching for reception and even when my phone was telling me I had reception I still could not make a call.
I went into the Vodafone Store in the Mall and asked if they had any network issues to which I was told no, turn my phone off and then back on.. I did this and the problem still persisted for another 3 days!!!
I had no reception for most of the 3 days over Christmas to contact any family to wish them a Merry Christmas or let them know if I was on my way or delayed.. God forbid if something had have happened I would not have been able to contact anyone, and with a 2 1/2yr old son being able to contact people is EXTREMELY important!!!
I will without a doubt be going back to Telstra after my contract ends in September 2011 unless I can find a way out or $700 to pay out the contract... It is bullshit that they can keep you in a contract when they do not uphold their end of the bargain by providing a decent level of reception!!
5165 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 08:46:06 PM
Cant wait for my contract to finish from this shoddy service.But a word of warning people,don't think that lovely telco TELSTRA will save the day.They
will milk you dry and delibaretely confuse you with their billing,on-line help and web site so you cough up rather than question the charges.I'm now left with Optus to try for the first time,good luck to us all,Amen.
will milk you dry and delibaretely confuse you with their billing,on-line help and web site so you cough up rather than question the charges.I'm now left with Optus to try for the first time,good luck to us all,Amen.
5164 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Massive~! at 27 Dec 2010 08:45:52 PM
I am in the process of working with debt collectors regarding a vodafone bill. I didnt recieve my first iphone bill for 2 months, despite calling them 3 times asking for my bill which of course takes hours because the call wait line is endless and the customer service reps incompetant. I then had my iphone stolen and when i called them was told i could get a new one which i could pay off over 6 months. I then recieved a $3000!!!!!!! bill for 3 months worth of charges (what the hell?? I was on a $79 dollar per month contract) and the new iphone which was to be paid within 2 weeks. Goodbye good credit rating, hello years of terrible service and no help. Im so happy this has been started, i thought it was just me! Its about time these big corporations were held accountable! The best part is that i cannot now switch service providers because of my credit rating
5163 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 10 fails at 27 Dec 2010 08:45:33 PM
I live in Springfield lakes, which is about 30min drive from south bank, Brisbane
I recently started my 24month contract at a vodafone inside a shopping centre that is about 2mins from my house
I can pretty much only use my phone in about 3 rooms inside due to poor signal
I understand that the coverage isnt as good as telstra, optus etc
but why open a vodafone store and offer a service to a area that you cannot cover
I recently started my 24month contract at a vodafone inside a shopping centre that is about 2mins from my house
I can pretty much only use my phone in about 3 rooms inside due to poor signal
I understand that the coverage isnt as good as telstra, optus etc
but why open a vodafone store and offer a service to a area that you cannot cover
5162 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic at 27 Dec 2010 08:45:26 PM
Attempting to un-lock Mum's ex-vodafone 3G iphone, whose contract has expired and whose mobile number is now with a new carrier - for a $25 fee!!! This amount is being extorted from me to 'cover the cost of obtaining the un-lock code from Apple'...a blatant lie according to the helpful person from Apple tech. support who answered in un-accented English on the third ring.
Repeated attempts to enter the imei number on the vodafail un-locking website leads to prompts for contact deatils as the imei number cannot be found - with reassurances that I'll be contacted via phone or e-mail within 10 days (uproarious LOL).
Numerous calls to vodafail's call centre (and an eternity on hold) result in the same assurance - we'll contact you with the unlock code - pfffft! 3 weeks and counting.
Basically I'm left with an iphone shaped paper weight.
Repeated attempts to enter the imei number on the vodafail un-locking website leads to prompts for contact deatils as the imei number cannot be found - with reassurances that I'll be contacted via phone or e-mail within 10 days (uproarious LOL).
Numerous calls to vodafail's call centre (and an eternity on hold) result in the same assurance - we'll contact you with the unlock code - pfffft! 3 weeks and counting.
Basically I'm left with an iphone shaped paper weight.
5161 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is poor at 27 Dec 2010 08:43:51 PM
i am on a 2 year contract, have 7 months to go.
Line drop out and no voice/data receptions every now and then.
Line drop out and no voice/data receptions every now and then.
5160 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extremely fail at 27 Dec 2010 08:43:40 PM
I live in Brisbane and I have an iPhone 3GS on a 24 month contract. I was told by the sales person at the Vodafone shop how good the phone would be and that I would be more than satisfied with the service they provided. Yes i was until i walked out of the shop and tried to use it.
I have had the phone for approx 7 months now and all through that time i have experienced poorer than average service. Phone calls dropping out. Slow loading web pages or not loading at all, Delayed SMS.
I was told by the sales rep when i bought the phone that it was not locked to the Vodafone network. Wrong. When i tried to test a Telstra prepaid simm in the phone i found out the truth. Once i managed to unlock the phone by paying the ripoff fee i found out for sure how bad Vodafone service was. Web pages loaded at waht i would call standard broadband speeds on the NextG network.
I have had occasion to call Vodafone customer care and waited for 1 hour 20 mins before i hung up.
Show me how to join this class action. I am in for sure.
I have had the phone for approx 7 months now and all through that time i have experienced poorer than average service. Phone calls dropping out. Slow loading web pages or not loading at all, Delayed SMS.
I was told by the sales rep when i bought the phone that it was not locked to the Vodafone network. Wrong. When i tried to test a Telstra prepaid simm in the phone i found out the truth. Once i managed to unlock the phone by paying the ripoff fee i found out for sure how bad Vodafone service was. Web pages loaded at waht i would call standard broadband speeds on the NextG network.
I have had occasion to call Vodafone customer care and waited for 1 hour 20 mins before i hung up.
Show me how to join this class action. I am in for sure.
5159 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Overseas problems at 27 Dec 2010 08:43:32 PM
I recently took a group of students overseas. Before I left I rang Vodafone and informed them that I would like to use my phone overseas without getting another sim card. They assured me everything would be fine. Not the case: I was unable to make calls or receive or send messages.
I also got my wallet stolen and I had to use public phones to block my cards.
Not happy.
I also got my wallet stolen and I had to use public phones to block my cards.
Not happy.
27 Dec 2010 08:48:05 PM: You are so lucky that if you were able to make/receive calls that you weren't charged for roaming. Also, Data usage overseas is charged at $20.48 per MB.
5158 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Shite at 27 Dec 2010 08:43:16 PM
I was with vodafail for 6 yrs all good at first bur the past year nothing but crap my reception was always out never was able to het calls which frustrated people who tried to call. The last two months I had people call me the phone would drop out as I answer the call saying no reception then I have to turn my mobile on and off to get reception back. The last two bills I've had went up in price and don't add up. I tried calling which was useless so I went into the store. They closed our vodafail store and moved us to a small company down the road they r rude and useless they wouldn't help and the when I thought stupidly to upgrade to a new phone on a special 59 cap plan in there catalogue they told me it went to 69 even though the special lasted till 31 January they said vodafail decided to change their mines well then don't advertise it. What made me jumped shi was after the guy working there was talking to a customer on the phone happily after hanging up started bad mouth the customer on the phone in front of everyone saying there full name I was so disgusted that I went across the road and sign up with telstra. I am still arguing over the bill and I am not paying it till they have a reason and fix the. All I can say is bye bye vodafail you suck!
5157 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic at 27 Dec 2010 08:43:01 PM
19 months into my 24 month plan..............never agian
dont get reception in my house have to put my head out the window and even than i only get a bar or 2 and i live in the inner west of sydney, coverage drop out all the time ,if i have to talk to layla or what ever her name is im gonna pull my hair out, spend 2 night been transfer to different department just trying to set up direct debit before i got put thou to a person in egypt.......their plenty more but i will be here all night
dont get reception in my house have to put my head out the window and even than i only get a bar or 2 and i live in the inner west of sydney, coverage drop out all the time ,if i have to talk to layla or what ever her name is im gonna pull my hair out, spend 2 night been transfer to different department just trying to set up direct debit before i got put thou to a person in egypt.......their plenty more but i will be here all night
5156 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Joke n worst on the earth at 27 Dec 2010 08:42:50 PM
Always unavailable still the phone on and can not make any phone calls for days. It was alike that from 23/12 to 26/12 at last time.drops call at all time.Like i have a selfphone but it does not work.It is not because my mobile it is cause of VODAFONE fails at ALL THE TIME. Please spot billing me or get a better service which i should 100% used n happy to pay the bill :(
Take back the contract and let me free, you dare VODAFONE !!!!!
Take back the contract and let me free, you dare VODAFONE !!!!!
27 Dec 2010 08:46:30 PM: Sorry, mean to be STOP billing
5155 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is really bad at 27 Dec 2010 08:42:43 PM
I always have bad reception and keeps dropping out every single call at least three time because i keep missing the reception.
5154 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is vodadefunct at 27 Dec 2010 08:42:16 PM
Very disappointed. Came across from Optus where I had an iPhone 3 now have iPhone 4 and the download speeds are way slower than I was getting at Optus even though the phone I now have has much faster downloading capabilities. The only Explanation "Vodadefunct".
Wish I had stayed with Optus.
Wish I had stayed with Optus.
5153 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is CRAP at 27 Dec 2010 08:41:49 PM
I have been with vodafone for the past years and in the past year and a half have experienced more problems with them then i ever have. Dropping my calls out, not sending my messages, constanly loosing my reception, its just so unrealiable. worst if u wnat something done about it it takes u hours to be connected to a real person and when u finally do they either dont understand u are rude or hang up on u.... so many problems not just with the reception but even with horrible customer service....
5152 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 10/10 on the Fail Scale at 27 Dec 2010 08:41:37 PM
Joined Vodafone in July. Suddenly my mobile phones (3) became 'sometimes' phones.
Multiple phone calls on a daily basis drop out.
Calls that do connect and stay connected are noisy and crackly and only rarely clear.
Incoming phone calls go straight to voicemail multiple times per day.
Voicemail notifications frequently hours, sometimes an entire day later rather than the expected minutes / seconds.
Data connection failures on a weekly basis. Not quite so frequent as call drop outs but still frustrating when the service is being paid for.
I was with Vodafone 10 years ago for a couple of years and they were fabulous back then! What happened???
Thank you for speaking out about this. None of my friends are with Vodafone (smart huh!!) so I had no comparison feedback.
Perth, WA
Multiple phone calls on a daily basis drop out.
Calls that do connect and stay connected are noisy and crackly and only rarely clear.
Incoming phone calls go straight to voicemail multiple times per day.
Voicemail notifications frequently hours, sometimes an entire day later rather than the expected minutes / seconds.
Data connection failures on a weekly basis. Not quite so frequent as call drop outs but still frustrating when the service is being paid for.
I was with Vodafone 10 years ago for a couple of years and they were fabulous back then! What happened???
Thank you for speaking out about this. None of my friends are with Vodafone (smart huh!!) so I had no comparison feedback.
Perth, WA
5151 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 08:41:35 PM
In the past 2 months I have experienced drop outs and no reception more than I ever have over the past 9 years I have been with Vodafone.Even when it appears that there is good reception, I am still losing calls.
5150 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafail at 27 Dec 2010 08:41:10 PM
I could not figure out why friends and family had repeatedly told me that they had called me, but my phone did not ring or no voicemail. I called Vodafone (and lost hours and hours off my life that i will never get back)and was told that it was my phone settings and that between the hours of 11pm and 6am, Vodafone were upgrading the network in my area. This went on for months. More phone calls and more b/s from Vodafone. Eventually, i was told that i had to turn off the 3G on my phone so it can work properly. Now i am stuck with slow downloads on my 'smart phone'for email and internet and still i pay a premium contract price. Reception in my area is still cactus between 11pm and 6am. Bring on the fight !
5149 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is worst service ever at 27 Dec 2010 08:40:41 PM
im a courier and im on my phone all day... the area i work in everyday is all of western sydney as far as the northern beaches, i constantly lose coverage and have problems with the moblie internet. i constantly have dropped calls nd lose all reception.. i was with 3 for 2 years and suffered the same problems...
5148 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Out of Pocket cos I Beat Them! at 27 Dec 2010 08:40:25 PM
Rang asking for a payout figure to cancel my contract. When they asked why I explained all of the issues I'd been having & was told that they could help me to solve the problems & if they couldn't then I would be able to be released from my contract & NOT HAVE TO PAY A CENT. Fast forward thru 6 weeks of lies from call centre & heated "discussions" between me & call centre ending with a complaint thru the TIO website. Result: An apology from someone in the Resolutions dept & my contract cancelled free of charge - I lost $5-odd that I'd overpaid my last bill but was happy to call it even. Two weeks later, I get a bill for 93c... I'm waiting for them to call me to collect but I doubt they will.
5147 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is reception overseas. at 27 Dec 2010 08:40:16 PM
I was recently overseas and I could not get coverage on my phone. It worked for a few days and then it dropped out. I was unable to send or receieve messages from my family and friends. Disappointed with the severvice.