Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
4946 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Much Failure at 27 Dec 2010 07:44:35 PM
No Connection What So Ever To The Network, And When It Did, It Was A Poor One At That, Only Had This A Month, Wishing I Didn't Bother At All With It, And Cant Exactly Call Customer Shitty Service Because Nobody Picks Up
4945 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Worst Recpetion Ever at 27 Dec 2010 07:44:27 PM
I have 6 months left on my plan I will be signing with a new service provider for sure. In recent times I have had dropped out calls, no reception in places I have had reception before. My biggest complaint is if you do not hold up to your end of the contract you are still expected to pay however it is fine for vodafone to contiuosly provide poor service and get away with it........
4944 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is voice bouncing at 27 Dec 2010 07:44:12 PM
My main problem is my voice bouncing. My son is also vodafone and the reception would just drop out. I also have trouble with internet on my phone.I have been with vodafone for years and only experienced problems the last 6 months
4943 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Wrong Billing at 27 Dec 2010 07:44:08 PM
Earlier this year Vodaphone for 4-5 consecutive months charged me for the use of some TV/entertainment package. Each month I would call and complain and get the bill fixed before paying each time Vodaphone tell me that it was my fault and the last time I had it fix they told me that they would be unable to change the bill the next time. Strangely it did not show up on any more bills after that. I never signed up for this service or changed any thing on my phone. Each time I called staff were rude and sometime hard to understand.
Fix yourself Vodaphone!
Fix yourself Vodaphone!
4942 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is APPALING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at 27 Dec 2010 07:44:03 PM
27 Dec 2010 07:45:21 PM: This has happened to me also
27 Dec 2010 07:50:48 PM: It happened to me also. I hate their "on hold" voice activated customer service.
27 Dec 2010 07:55:43 PM: Happened to me twice.
27 Dec 2010 09:24:55 PM: ahahahahh! oath mudda fuckaa.
4941 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is terrible at 27 Dec 2010 07:44:00 PM
I recently wanted to upgrade my contract to get a new phone only to discover that I could not upgrade it in store - only by calling customer service. I called on a Monday and was on hold for 1.5 hours with no success. At one point they had called me back only to put me onto someone who could not do/handle what I needed and then put me on hold again. I had to work and so called after work on the same day only to be put on hold again.
I then tried again the next day, put on hold once again and finally got through, again to be put through to the wrong person, being put on hold AGAIN.
Internet access is constantly limited and inconsistent.
Not a happy customer!
I then tried again the next day, put on hold once again and finally got through, again to be put through to the wrong person, being put on hold AGAIN.
Internet access is constantly limited and inconsistent.
Not a happy customer!
27 Dec 2010 08:05:52 PM: Yep all this happened to me too- what a joke!!
4940 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is VODAFONE FAILS EPIX at 27 Dec 2010 07:43:37 PM
ever since they bought THREE out, our reception for mobile internet reception has gone down by at least 50% and speed by at least 100%. reception with my mobile i am lucky to get 1 bar inside my house, eastern suburbs SA. we have to either go out the front or to the end of our back yard, after contacting vodafone nothing has been done, downloading a game on my phone, 80% done canceled $8 by the way from vodafone live. about 40 minutes later they hung up on me. total time to get refund almost 2 hours
4939 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 07:43:22 PM
Outer Brisbane, one bar of signal at best.
Calls drop out constantly - I'd be lucky to get through a minute of a call
Internet speed is AGONIZINGLY slow
Voicemail can take a day to show up
MMS rarely work. SMS can take hours to arrive.
The Vodafone website account tools rarely work
Calls drop out constantly - I'd be lucky to get through a minute of a call
Internet speed is AGONIZINGLY slow
Voicemail can take a day to show up
MMS rarely work. SMS can take hours to arrive.
The Vodafone website account tools rarely work
4938 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Ridiculously Unrealiable! at 27 Dec 2010 07:43:18 PM
I have been having massive reception problems for a while now. I saw on the news tonight that I'm not the only one and I was appalled to hear it! I have complained on three seperate occasions about my issues. In my home I have no signal or sometimes one bar if I'm lucky. My phone calls constantly cut out and there is AT THE VERY LEAST once incident a day where I have had people try to contact me and they are going straight to voicemail when my phone is actually switched on and has reception. When I send picture messages my friends recieve them at like 2am and sometimes not at all. Vodafone have assured me on several occassions that it must be my home that is the problem and that i just need a new sim card. Three new sim cards later and I'm no better off. I don't know what I can do next but I think I'm going to demand them to cancel my contract without a payout fee. In the past they have helped me out if I am persistant.
4937 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is huge fail at 27 Dec 2010 07:43:06 PM
Interested to know of anyone who has actually managed to get out of a vodafone contract - based on lousy service coverage etc...ANYONE??
4936 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 07:43:03 PM
2 months after signing up to my new 24 month plan I had to start using my old old nokia (thank god I still had it) and had to buy a pre paid sim card on another network because Vodafone wasn't working. I was so upset that the call centre is now in India because their customer service is shocking and they are unable to relate to the Ausralian consumer. Vodafone to date (for the past 4 months) have not been able to provide me with an answer as to why my phone wont work and I am unable to take it in to get 'repaired' as the Indian operator in India told me I had to take it to a Vodafone store on a week day - yeah thats great considering I work from 10am - 7pm and there is no Vodafone store near me... I asked if Vodafone could organise a curior but I was told that I would be responsibile for the costs of that... not fair! considering I am paying all this money for nothing!!! I am so upset - I have been with Vodafone since 2003 and this is the first time I have had any issues...whats going on?? Should I not pay my next phone bill... I'm still paying the plan even though I cant use my fancy new phone or my sim?
4935 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is line dropping & need a few call to get through at 27 Dec 2010 07:43:00 PM
my clients complain i have bad services, not taking their calls, but it's not my problem, it's bloody vodafone creat it for me, I need good carrier, any good one?
4934 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Massive Fail at 27 Dec 2010 07:42:23 PM
Vodafone are crooks. Even today after all the stories in the internet and on tv news regarding this, their support line staff still tell you that your phone is the problem.
4933 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is VodaPhoney is so fail I use the lint from my pockets to make a call at 27 Dec 2010 07:42:22 PM
3 was great. Then vodafone happened. Now I divert all my business calls to my trusty tin can phone. It has better coverage, and connects me to 97% more of the population than vodafone.
4932 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone Service is Unbearlable at 27 Dec 2010 07:42:19 PM
I've been complaining about my vodafone service for over 7 months now << there was even calls before that. Still trying hard to get out of my contract, hopefully this class action goes through and i get my money back!! Fuck you Vodafags!
15 Jan 2011 10:55:26 PM: It seems you haven't been to the TIO.Do that first.
4931 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Great Service at 27 Dec 2010 07:41:37 PM
I switched from Telstra to Vodafone 6 months ago and it's great. Mobile broadband is consistently at about 5 mbs and my iPhone 4 never drops out. I always get texts straight and voice mail works great. I guess you guys are just unlucky cursed fuckers maybe?
27 Dec 2010 07:44:56 PM: Totally agree
27 Dec 2010 08:32:16 PM: You must work for vodafail when we signed up to vodaphone the only place the crap would work was in the city and up the coast . Vodaphone has always known it has almost no service , it would not work anywhere in the country across 3 states I had mine for business and had no option to threaten them with ombudsman they released me from 2 contracts as they could not provide the service they had promised . A customerservice rep finally conceded they had very limited service full stop . We went back to telstra and that was nearly 2 years ago , if your service is that good you must be living up a vodaphone tower !
4930 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Snail Internet at 27 Dec 2010 07:41:34 PM
Slow speeds and constantly dropping out, makes using the Internet so frustrating, 6 months of this is enough for me.
27 Dec 2010 07:52:54 PM: I hear Ya I hear Ya
4929 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is fail x 2 at 27 Dec 2010 07:40:56 PM
I am currently using a vodafail wireless broadband usb. And if I get anymore than 2 bars of service it doesnt work along with this it is constantly dropping out anda myriad of other problems. I cant download anything because the minute I start to the thing drops out. I have spent countless hours on the phone to people in Egypt who wouldnt have a clue about the area I am in or how to fix the problems I am having.
I stupidly also have a vodafail mobile. I have only recently upgraded my phone. When I did they "upgraded" my sim. WHAT A JOKE!!!! Since I have had the new sim I cant get service where I used to be able to. I have to stand very still in one part of my backyard to be able to have a conversation with anyone and even then I get feedback where I constantly hear myself. I have been with them for a number of years and it has consistently downhill instead of improving.
I stupidly also have a vodafail mobile. I have only recently upgraded my phone. When I did they "upgraded" my sim. WHAT A JOKE!!!! Since I have had the new sim I cant get service where I used to be able to. I have to stand very still in one part of my backyard to be able to have a conversation with anyone and even then I get feedback where I constantly hear myself. I have been with them for a number of years and it has consistently downhill instead of improving.
4928 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Bad at 27 Dec 2010 07:40:46 PM
I originally joined Vodafone prepaid about 10 years ago and their coverage, services and prices were ok as long as you lived in a major capital city and didn't venture out anywhere in the Country.
The past 1-2 years, especially since my prepaid service was switched to the 3g network I have noticed terrible reception and call quality even in built up areas. Also a couple of months ago when sending texts the people who I sent texts too advised me that they were getting 20 seperate texts of the exact same message and when I checked my account I discovered that I was getting charged for each and every one of them. I complained but it took Vodafone about 2-3 weeks to resolve the problem and credit me with 150 texts. I wonder how many people didn't know about that problem and were charged 20 times more than what they should have been for text messages.
I also spend a lot of time on the bay islands here in Brisbane with family and Vodafone has absolutely no coverage whatsoever. Regardless of their cheap plans and 60 day expiry I finally switched to a Telstra pre-paid plan last week and here on the bay islands I get 5/5 bars for reception.
OK I pay a little bit more for my service but at least I am getting what I pay for. And that my friends is what Vodafone's customers should do too if they are unhappy. Even if you are on a contract just cancel it and if they threaten to charge an early termination fee just threaten them with the TIO.
Maybe with no customers they might get the message?
The past 1-2 years, especially since my prepaid service was switched to the 3g network I have noticed terrible reception and call quality even in built up areas. Also a couple of months ago when sending texts the people who I sent texts too advised me that they were getting 20 seperate texts of the exact same message and when I checked my account I discovered that I was getting charged for each and every one of them. I complained but it took Vodafone about 2-3 weeks to resolve the problem and credit me with 150 texts. I wonder how many people didn't know about that problem and were charged 20 times more than what they should have been for text messages.
I also spend a lot of time on the bay islands here in Brisbane with family and Vodafone has absolutely no coverage whatsoever. Regardless of their cheap plans and 60 day expiry I finally switched to a Telstra pre-paid plan last week and here on the bay islands I get 5/5 bars for reception.
OK I pay a little bit more for my service but at least I am getting what I pay for. And that my friends is what Vodafone's customers should do too if they are unhappy. Even if you are on a contract just cancel it and if they threaten to charge an early termination fee just threaten them with the TIO.
Maybe with no customers they might get the message?
4927 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail! at 27 Dec 2010 07:40:32 PM
My phone constantly drops out on the M4, M7, M2, F3 & the Hume, not mention various other locations in the middle of Sydney. I receive voicemail messages (from my customers, usually urgent), up to two days after they left the message. I also have to continually redial my voicemail after trying to use the callback feature. Glad my company has decided to move to Optus in Jan. Cya vodafail!!!!!!!!!!!
4926 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 95 % at 27 Dec 2010 07:40:19 PM
I used to be a Vodafone customer until i had enough of the service and changed providers, i have since change for atleast a year now and recently vodafone is sending me txt msgs all the time saying my account is due and i owe them money, ive rung vodafone one person told me my account is active, next told me its not. and appartly i owe them no money but they still keep sending me txt which doesnt make sense, and i dont want a bad credit because they cant get their act together.
Paula, Vic
Paula, Vic
4925 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Isn't the question, how is Vodafone NOT failing? at 27 Dec 2010 07:40:08 PM
I've been a very long term customer of Vodafone, switching from Telstra's rip off and very poor service of over a decade ago. I had never had trouble with VF until about 2 years ago and then increasingly so. I got so sick of ringing to complain only to have tours of the world - via Egypt, India and the Phillipines and any time I was put through to someone overseas who can barely speak English, who followed a script and couldn't understand English enough to answer questions, I would ask to put to someone in Australia. You won't get any satisfaction out of ringing customer service. I had to make 2 complaints to the TIO and got some satisfaction, only to then have the same problem develop not so long after, as VF assured me, 'it had been sorted out'. I started to call the head office number in Sydney direct. They will get the message quick enough if every disgruntled person started to call head office, on a real land line, in Australia! Check the phone book - the old hard copy ones (since you probably can't get wireless net coverage to check online anyway). Don't call on the 1 300 numbers they give customers for 'customer service' as you will get the biggest run around. Also, ask for a name and employee identifier number and where they located if you speak to someone and ask them to read back the notes of your call which they enter into their computers and keep your own notes. Problems include call drop outs, sms and voice messages not delivered for days, if at all, both receiving and sending, and yet other times, sms going back and forth without a hitch, poor coverage or no coverage for extended periods where there is supposed to be coverage, calls not connecting so ringing 2 or 3 or 4 times to make a call, static on lines, only hearing every few words, improper and incorrect billing, etc all of the things of which every one complains. I just love ringing directory assistance when I can't recall a number I need, only to be told that the company or business doesn't exist as VF can't find any listing when you know it's there. That's a joke!
4924 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is is a joke at 27 Dec 2010 07:40:04 PM
Every now and then i will flat out have zero reception anywhere for up to 12 hours straight. Outgoing MMS will never send first try and by the time they get to their destination it is hours later usually 3 or 4 in the morning with multiple copies of the same MMS, at my friends frustration They also have the nerve to charge me for every MMS even thought my handset says only one got through! I feel sorry who are trying to run a business. This is ridiculous
4923 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is vodafucked at 27 Dec 2010 07:40:03 PM
took 3 years for them to refund an overpaid account (originally $65, which kept reducing by $2 every month even though i was no longer an account holder). if it was the other way around, they would have black-listed my name on the credit register and disconnected my phone (not that it would have made much differene to my service performance)
4922 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Disappointed Service at 27 Dec 2010 07:39:37 PM
Having a wireless use Modem Connection since may 2010. Cant express my heart broken disappointment of coverage/service, customer service.
Since May 2010, exprecing no network connectivity, dropping/disconnecting connection automatically. had spoken many time with customer service, no desired result and improvment of connection connectivity.
I m regretting to have this vodafone connection and will never ever recommend to any of my relatives/friends etc.
As i cought with 12 monhs lockup plan. and wishes i can switch the connection with other vendors.
However sales person sells the connection and service with confirdance of high standard coverage/connectivity in Perth city. but it is worst than subarb areas.
Just living in city of Perth has 1 bar connectivity and even drops in a minute. DISAPPOINTED.
Got 6 GB plan for my use and hardly able to use even 15% of it in a months becuase of connectivity.
I will be happy to returns this ervices with immidiate effect...
recently looking on bill wrongly posted of $1400 ??? into my account where as i have only $39 (6GB) plan. how bad are no reliability..
VODAFONE you lost me and more other people trust...
Since May 2010, exprecing no network connectivity, dropping/disconnecting connection automatically. had spoken many time with customer service, no desired result and improvment of connection connectivity.
I m regretting to have this vodafone connection and will never ever recommend to any of my relatives/friends etc.
As i cought with 12 monhs lockup plan. and wishes i can switch the connection with other vendors.
However sales person sells the connection and service with confirdance of high standard coverage/connectivity in Perth city. but it is worst than subarb areas.
Just living in city of Perth has 1 bar connectivity and even drops in a minute. DISAPPOINTED.
Got 6 GB plan for my use and hardly able to use even 15% of it in a months becuase of connectivity.
I will be happy to returns this ervices with immidiate effect...
recently looking on bill wrongly posted of $1400 ??? into my account where as i have only $39 (6GB) plan. how bad are no reliability..
VODAFONE you lost me and more other people trust...
4921 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 07:39:29 PM
Spent 45 mins!!!!! on hold to speak to customer service,(regarding appalling service connection, calls dropping out, simcard locking), to then be connected to some Indian that could hardly speak english, who then hung up on me!!!!
4920 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very Bad at 27 Dec 2010 07:39:19 PM
I have 62 staff with Voda mobiles accounts. I will be changing to another carrier in the new year as a result of service levels onver the past 6 months.
4919 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is VODAFONE = POO at 27 Dec 2010 07:39:04 PM
4918 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 07:39:02 PM
I had already experienced call drop-outs and no reception where other phone users had four bars strong. The icing on the cake for me was when I was talking on my mobile (in the lower north shore of Sydney) with my brother about his recent suicide attempt. It was a difficult discussion made worse by the fact that the call dropped out FOUR times. Thanks for screwing up the lines of communication Vodafone.
4917 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Uber at 27 Dec 2010 07:38:36 PM
My brother fell very ill over the lead up to christmas day so i had been on the phone to my family constantly for updates on his recovery.. in ponit form below..
1) If had been on my mobile for over 15 minutes- it would drop outs- so i would call somone back and it would just have no dial tone for about 20 seconds before it dials..
2) No reception outside my house!! and its on the main street.. where i had ALWAYS had reception in the past.. where as now.. no a F'n Chance!! I have to walk 100 meters down the road to make a call or even recieve a call or SMS!!
3) While on the phone to vodafone customer service- To just ASK if there was anyway i could improve on this.. even to just get a new phone.. I was put on hold for almost 2 hours before somone picked up and then hung up!
4) To complain about above i was put on hold for 30 mins.. i so hung up and called again and demanded to speak to manage.. was put on hold for a futher 25 mibnutes before i hung up again..
5) Wrote an email (From the voda website) to complain about above i STILL havnt had a reply.. I thought i would try my luck again today over the phone and was AGAIN!! put on hold for a another 20 minutes. .
6) As i have only JUST signed up for a "infinate" Plan.. i cannot get out of it.. i dont see vodafone getting back to me.. so i have no choice but to stay .. I could just not pay my bill.. At least i would get some attention.. But then ill end up with a bad credit default.. no win!!
7) My sms's, PXT's- came 2-3 hours late!! one day i did not recieve TXTS for 2 days!!!!! 2 WHOLE days!!!
I have been with vodafone for 9 years!!! and have never experienced HELL in my life..!! after my contract i am NEVER comming back.. such a F'n disgrace!!
1) If had been on my mobile for over 15 minutes- it would drop outs- so i would call somone back and it would just have no dial tone for about 20 seconds before it dials..
2) No reception outside my house!! and its on the main street.. where i had ALWAYS had reception in the past.. where as now.. no a F'n Chance!! I have to walk 100 meters down the road to make a call or even recieve a call or SMS!!
3) While on the phone to vodafone customer service- To just ASK if there was anyway i could improve on this.. even to just get a new phone.. I was put on hold for almost 2 hours before somone picked up and then hung up!
4) To complain about above i was put on hold for 30 mins.. i so hung up and called again and demanded to speak to manage.. was put on hold for a futher 25 mibnutes before i hung up again..
5) Wrote an email (From the voda website) to complain about above i STILL havnt had a reply.. I thought i would try my luck again today over the phone and was AGAIN!! put on hold for a another 20 minutes. .
6) As i have only JUST signed up for a "infinate" Plan.. i cannot get out of it.. i dont see vodafone getting back to me.. so i have no choice but to stay .. I could just not pay my bill.. At least i would get some attention.. But then ill end up with a bad credit default.. no win!!
7) My sms's, PXT's- came 2-3 hours late!! one day i did not recieve TXTS for 2 days!!!!! 2 WHOLE days!!!
I have been with vodafone for 9 years!!! and have never experienced HELL in my life..!! after my contract i am NEVER comming back.. such a F'n disgrace!!
4916 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Vodafone is definitely 'dead' in Busselton W.A. at 27 Dec 2010 07:38:30 PM
We have just spent two weeks in Busselton, WA (including Christmas) and Vodafone coverage was absolutely disgusting. We were unable to stay logged on to the Internet, with the connection dropping in and out every couple of minutes. It was impossible to send or receive our emails, which meant a great amount of extra costs involving telephone calls instead of emails. We had similar experience in Busselton late November, but this last episode was way beyond funny! People staying with us who were on another Network had no trouble at all. Vodafone definitey needs a shake-up and we hope your action can accomplish this. Thank you. Fred & Pauline
4915 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Super fail at 27 Dec 2010 07:38:23 PM
This website just made my day....If only I had known there were others out there!
As a health professional, I am required to be on call for work regularly and thanks to the appalling service offered by vodafone, I cannot rely on my phone to log that a call was made to my phone in the first place when I'm on call, let alone, allow me to access the voicemails left on my phone within 48 hours of the message being left.
I have used vodafone for several years now, and the service gets worse every year. The sound of that chirpy 'Lara'character vodafone insists on using to lengthen our calls to the service centre, makes my skin crawl!!!
As a health professional, I am required to be on call for work regularly and thanks to the appalling service offered by vodafone, I cannot rely on my phone to log that a call was made to my phone in the first place when I'm on call, let alone, allow me to access the voicemails left on my phone within 48 hours of the message being left.
I have used vodafone for several years now, and the service gets worse every year. The sound of that chirpy 'Lara'character vodafone insists on using to lengthen our calls to the service centre, makes my skin crawl!!!
4914 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is TERRIBLE at 27 Dec 2010 07:38:18 PM
I wish your company burn in hell and waste money on this law suit and loose.
4913 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extremely at 27 Dec 2010 07:38:10 PM
Over the last month the service has been extremely poor. There are constant drop-outs, other times you simply can't get through if you are trying to call someone, it simply goes straight to their message bank. My partner lives interstate and we use the phone constanly as a means of communication. We'll at present there is no communication due to Vodaphones poor service at the moment. Also I have got my two (2) daughters and mother on plans/prepaid so at the moment it is not financially viable for me to swap to another carrier.
Extremely unhappy customer
Extremely unhappy customer
4912 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafailtastic at 27 Dec 2010 07:37:45 PM
I thought Optus sucked hard, but Vodafone truly can suck golfballs from a hose. I signed up in Oct and i have had problems with everything from reception to billing. Customer Service with most Telcos is crap, but vodafone have added extra fibre to their diets....flows real easy. I use my phone for work and it has been frustrating not to have coverage to make calls and lose jobs due to late message arrivals. i guess my VODAFONE communication device makes for a pretty good camera and music player because it sure as hell lacks communication skills! Best see the TIO in regards to dropping Voda contract for something more technologically advanced like two cans and a piece of string....SEE YA VODAFAIL!!!
4911 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is don't receive calls at 27 Dec 2010 07:37:25 PM
We were in Rouse Hill (2155) shopping center today (50m from the Vodafone store) and I phoned from my Telstra phone (new number as I can't trust my vodafone number - still paying monthly access though) to my wife on Vodafone and the call kept on going straight to voice mail - the number you have dialed is unavailable. ????
4910 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 07:37:22 PM
This year i was offered a phone and a better deal with vodafone, so i switched, at the time of the switch i was living in the NT, i told the sales person that i was moving to qld and could he please check the service for vodafone if i gave him the postcode. Once i gave him the postcode he told me that i would have good coverage so i went ahead with the switch. I left thew Nt about 2 moonths after switching to vodafone we were driving back to qld,once leavint darwin i didnt get servive again until i reached katherine, i then lost service and didn't get it again until Mt Isa, from there i lost it again until i reached Roma, then i lost it again until toowoomba.
this was very frustrating.
I have been back in qld since august 2010, i live and work 1 hour from brisbane and i have no service more times than i do have servcice.
To get service will depend where i am standing at the time, at work i do not get any service at all keeping in mind that i do live and work only 1 hour from brisbane.
I cannot wait to tell vodafone where to put their service and switch back to the company i was originally with.I may only paY $49 per month any my account is always in credit, i have given up trying to contact the company,if i could get out of the contract i would as i expect a better service as i am only 1 hour from brisbane and i was told i would have proper phone service.. this is not the case. i would never recomend vodafone to anyone.
this was very frustrating.
I have been back in qld since august 2010, i live and work 1 hour from brisbane and i have no service more times than i do have servcice.
To get service will depend where i am standing at the time, at work i do not get any service at all keeping in mind that i do live and work only 1 hour from brisbane.
I cannot wait to tell vodafone where to put their service and switch back to the company i was originally with.I may only paY $49 per month any my account is always in credit, i have given up trying to contact the company,if i could get out of the contract i would as i expect a better service as i am only 1 hour from brisbane and i was told i would have proper phone service.. this is not the case. i would never recomend vodafone to anyone.
4909 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Poor reception at 27 Dec 2010 07:37:21 PM
I drive 5 minutes down the road from my address and I can't get reception yet I was told No you will have no problems with reception. The 15 seconds you have to answer your phone or it goes to voice mail and then your charged for retrieving a message. I will never have another mobile phone again
4908 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is WORSE THAN FUCKED at 27 Dec 2010 07:37:09 PM
4907 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is No coverage no data connection at 27 Dec 2010 07:37:02 PM
I live 4km from the CBD and have been experiencing problems for last four months. Missed calls, voice messages come through 5-6 hrs after they have been left, don't receive text messages, only way can use data is to connect to telstra home wifi, has to get a pre paid telstra card for when I am on call at work, missed free front row U2 tickets because the person calling me couldn't get through, have spent 4hrs on hold, done everything the technicians asked, lodged a complaint still no answer.
4906 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Poor reception at 27 Dec 2010 07:36:36 PM
I drive 5 minutes down the road from my address and I can't get reception yet I was told No you will have no problems with reception. The 15 seconds you have to answer your phone or it goes to voice mail and then your charged for retrieving a message. I will never have another mobile phone again
4905 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 80% at 27 Dec 2010 07:36:09 PM
Four Vodafone customers in the one house. One being a child with a chronic illness. SMS not delivered, the ones that are delivered can take five hours to pass from one room to another. No reception for calls and drop out all the time. New upgrade of software for phone means battery lasts less than a day and unable to switch off background apps which is now costing extra money. Only Vodafone benefits.
4904 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Poor reception at 27 Dec 2010 07:36:06 PM
I drive 5 minutes down the road from my address and I can't get reception yet I was told No you will have no problems with reception. The 15 seconds you have to answer your phone or it goes to voice mail and then your charged for retrieving a message. I will never have another mobile phone again
4903 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Completely unreliable at 27 Dec 2010 07:35:46 PM
Data speeds are appalling using an iPhone 4. Ive found the speed to be slower than my original iPhone 3G 2 years ago.. In 2008/2009 I would notice data speeds would almost stop at around 10pm each night!
Constant drop outs to the point I am uncontactable for up to an hour until the network decides to connect and withoutas landline or broadband access this is frustrating, especially when I live in the Sydney CBD!
Constant drop outs to the point I am uncontactable for up to an hour until the network decides to connect and withoutas landline or broadband access this is frustrating, especially when I live in the Sydney CBD!
4902 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is internet coverage at 27 Dec 2010 07:35:33 PM
i have been a vodafone customer for near on 32 months. for my mobile and 12 months for wireless plan. The problem i have is not with my mobile coverage like many others, but with my internet coverage. after having a great run with mobile coverage i thought it would be a natural transition to get vodafone internet. (i originally wanted to use Optus only optus dont cover my area of victoria point for wireless or broadband, and i refuse to use telstra no matter how cheap or expensive they are) With my vodafone internet i was assured that my area was covered for 3G coverage and the vodafone shop i applied through said we were in the best coverage area possible (all purple colour on their graph) after only a couple of weeks i relised that there was something not right. i rung the customer care line and after many negotations over a couple of weeks. they told me that they were upgrading towers in my area for better coverage. i accepted that. but then after a couple more weeks i relised it still wasnt much better. after a few more calls over a week vodafone then accepted that there was a problem and credited me $15/week on my plan for the remainder of it (its still being credited monthly) im a pretty simple person and hate technology at the best of times. the way i tell if my vodafone coverage is quick or not is by looking at the internet icon when connected and it says 'coverage Very Poor' 100% all the time any time of the day. But when i use the same wireless connection in Capalaba (10 mins from where i live) i have the 'connection read Very Good or Excellent' 100% all the time. i can definatly tell that the connection and download speed is more than acceptable for what i do. Overall its not acceptable for a major telco though to be inconsistant for coverage like this in such close areas and considering all the telcos piggyback their coverage of each others lines when service is bad, its definatly noy acceptable. If Telstra were not so tight and made to share their lines or rent them out to other telco companies every customer would probably get better coverage and service. Between the telco companies, the big 4 banks and woolies and coles it wouldnt suprise me if all of them are owned by the 1 company.
4901 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Poor reception at 27 Dec 2010 07:35:30 PM
I drive 5 minutes down the road from my address and I can't get reception yet I was told No you will have no problems with reception. The 15 seconds you have to answer your phone or it goes to voice mail and then your charged for retrieving a message. I will never have another mobile phone again
4900 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is A FUCKING DISASTER at 27 Dec 2010 07:35:26 PM
I think vodaphone should allow all customers 6-12 months compensation for this shit service. customer service is terrible and the contract I signed didnt state that vodaphone is the shittest network out there and to sign up to be slammed in the ass. VODAPHONE PULL YOUR FINGER OUT, YOU ARE DOGGING ALL OF AUSTRALIA!!!
I am overseas and my phone wont work, wait till I return and I am going to tear up my contract and tell you how USELESS you REALLY ARE!
I am overseas and my phone wont work, wait till I return and I am going to tear up my contract and tell you how USELESS you REALLY ARE!
4899 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is SHIT at 27 Dec 2010 07:34:57 PM
network issue, call dropouts, very slow data speed & just living 5 minutes out of the Brisbane CBD, having very little network is frustrating.....
moreover, i have been wrongly charged for a dataplan i didnt sign for. waiting for them to fix it, will wait till next bill.
not happy at all.
moreover, i have been wrongly charged for a dataplan i didnt sign for. waiting for them to fix it, will wait till next bill.
not happy at all.
4898 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is vodafone failed big time at 27 Dec 2010 07:34:55 PM
me and my wife are vodafone customers for a month now, but we experienced alot of faults and poor customer service, i am on a $69 plan, about 10 days ago i called vodafone customer service, i was on the phone for about 70 minutes, no one attended my call and i had to hang up. seriousley this is not the way to do bussiness. we have very very poor signal in our area (armadale WA), can not send MMS, sms fails most of the time, we are not able to find out our balance, i m so angry
4897 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is extreme! at 27 Dec 2010 07:34:41 PM
ridculous dropout rate, delayed voicemail and try getting onto maps? what a joke - a blind person would get there sooner than the maps by the time they load, got so bad that I took phone into the store, which said I needed a new sim. Got new sim, perservered for another month - and now that my phone is 3 weeks out of warranty...!!Guess what! It's now my problem!! I can send it away to get an assessement for a minimum charge ofcourse. So fricking over vodafone - I nearly threw it out car window the other day!
4896 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is vodafone failed big time at 27 Dec 2010 07:34:40 PM
me and my wife are vodafone customers for a month now, but we experienced alot of faults and poor customer service, i am on a $69 plan, about 10 days ago i called vodafone customer service, i was on the phone for about 70 minutes, no one attended my call and i had to hang up. seriousley this is not the way to do bussiness. we have very very poor signal in our area (armadale WA), can not send MMS, sms fails most of the time, we are not able to find out our balance, i m so angry
4895 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is trying to get me to pay for a service that doesnt work and was cancelled 2-3 months prior at 27 Dec 2010 07:34:25 PM
Ohhh yes this is a doozy! Although I have experienced drop outs and terrible coverage with my mobile my partner and i stupidly decided to take the risk and sign up with their mobile broadband BIG MISTAKE! We live very close to Sydney's CBD so there is no excuse for this not to work right? WRONG! To make matters worse I spent numerous attempts calling to be left on the phone for 40 - 60 mins before the line dropped out and then got the run around by apparent customer service reps. I finally made a trip into the store only to be told that they couldnt help and had to again speak to someone on the phone for an hour and even had to fax a copy of our contract (which after numerous arguements about making us pay, which of course i wasnt because it wasnt even working!) they finally told me it was all sorted once I posted the contents back (I dont know why I couldnt leave it at the store where I picked it up from???). My next 3 bills STILL arrived with the contract charges on there! what a joke! VODAFONE is a terrible unprofessional company and im so glad to hear that someone is finally doing something about it!
4894 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Hopeless at 27 Dec 2010 07:34:19 PM
Purchased my phone and contract from Crazy Johns, never again. Continually drops out, won't send messages and if it does they arrive hours later. Try and send a photo - arrives 6 hours later. Also have broadband - big mistake!!
4893 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is vodafone failed big time at 27 Dec 2010 07:33:58 PM
me and my wife are vodafone customers for a month now, but we experienced alot of faults and poor customer service, i am on a $69 plan, about 10 days ago i called vodafone customer service, i was on the phone for about 70 minutes, no one attended my call and i had to hang up. seriousley this is not the way to do bussiness. we have very very poor signal in our area (armadale WA), can not send MMS, sms fails most of the time, we are not able to find out our balance, i m so angry
4892 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is PATHETIC!!!! at 27 Dec 2010 07:33:19 PM
My partner and I renewed our Vodafone contracts in May. We had been with them for 2 years prior and never had an issue. After signing on for another 2 years with higher plans so we could use internet, data etc, we have had nothing but troubles! Call drop outs, terrible coverage, missed calls, unable to make calls, SLOW loading for the net and just unable to use the net are a daily occurance.
So...I call to complain and it drops out 5 times while on HOLD. By the time I finally get to the bit where they can call you back, they do a week later! Then the girl in cancellations tells me that theres a clause in their contracts that "only guarantees coverage at the home address". From what Im reading, we are pretty lucky and get ok coverage at home, but seriously what the hell is the point of having a mobile if you cant take it MOBILE!!!
It also seems we have had worse coverage since complaining...
So...I call to complain and it drops out 5 times while on HOLD. By the time I finally get to the bit where they can call you back, they do a week later! Then the girl in cancellations tells me that theres a clause in their contracts that "only guarantees coverage at the home address". From what Im reading, we are pretty lucky and get ok coverage at home, but seriously what the hell is the point of having a mobile if you cant take it MOBILE!!!
It also seems we have had worse coverage since complaining...
4891 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is vodafone sucks at 27 Dec 2010 07:33:08 PM
me and my wife are vodafone customers for a month now, but we experienced alot of faults and poor customer service, i am on a $69 plan, about 10 days ago i called vodafone customer service, i was on the phone for about 70 minutes, no one attended my call and i had to hang up. seriousley this is not the way to do bussiness. we have very very poor signal in our area (armadale WA), can not send MMS, sms fails most of the time, we are not able to find out our balance, i m so angry
4890 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is massive at 27 Dec 2010 07:32:57 PM
i live in Healesville and get NO reception in the main street whatsoever.
one or two bars at home...
it's pathetic.
one or two bars at home...
it's pathetic.
4889 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 07:32:54 PM
My coverage used to be pretty good... Now I can't use my phone at work and it often drops out when I'm at home too. It occasionally works during the 20 minutes I'm in transit; great!!
Very disappointed, I can't believe they can get away with selling their network to new customers. At least the vodafail site is letting people know!
Very disappointed, I can't believe they can get away with selling their network to new customers. At least the vodafail site is letting people know!
4888 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is super fail! at 27 Dec 2010 07:32:49 PM
my voicemail messages are not coming through for hours after they are left, and sometimes SMS messages get delayed as well.
I've gotten in the habit of calling other Voda customers twice, because the first call rarely gets through.
I get a call failed message ending almost all calls longer than 2 minutes!!!
I've gotten in the habit of calling other Voda customers twice, because the first call rarely gets through.
I get a call failed message ending almost all calls longer than 2 minutes!!!
4887 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is vodafone sucks at 27 Dec 2010 07:32:37 PM
me and my wife are vodafone customers for a month now, but we experienced alot of faults and poor customer service, i am on a $69 plan, about 10 days ago i called vodafone customer service, i was on the phone for about 70 minutes, no one attended my call and i had to hang up. seriousley this is not the way to do bussiness. we have very very poor signal in our area (armadale WA), can not send MMS, sms fails most of the time, we are not able to find out our balance, i m so angry
4886 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is no service at 27 Dec 2010 07:32:11 PM
having bought into VODAFONE prepaid Internet with the $90 modem,plus recharges, earlier this year, I have been unable to get any reasonable connection despite their website showing complete coverage in Central Australia. the shop where I bought the thing just keep brushing me off. How can I get my money back?
4885 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is vodafone sucks at 27 Dec 2010 07:32:04 PM
me and my wife are vodafone customers for a month now, but we experienced alot of faults and poor customer service, i am on a $69 plan, about 10 days ago i called vodafone customer service, i was on the phone for about 70 minutes, no one attended my call and i had to hang up. seriousley this is not the way to do bussiness. we have very very poor signal in our area (armadale WA), can not send MMS, sms fails most of the time, we are not able to find out our balance, i m so angry
4884 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Total failure at 27 Dec 2010 07:31:51 PM
Totally regret why I switched from 3 to Vodafone in September 2010. They billed me twice the first 3 months, I had to close my bank account because they couldn't sort it out and couldn't explain to me why. The Vodafone shop in Prahran was not helpful too. I spent hours talking and listening to "LARA"... finally one day I was able to speak to someone, but told me "the system was down" and couldn't help. Before I switched, was told that if my family on 3 network will call me, still would be free. But it wasn't the case. I am working in Wodonga and Albury, reception is so bad I couldn't be contacted in an emergency. It doesn't even go into roaming. My fone proudly says "NO SERVICE" all the time. So frustrating. When will it end.
4883 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is EPIC GRAND FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 07:31:50 PM
Vodafone go fuck yourself
4882 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is vodafone sucks at 27 Dec 2010 07:31:41 PM
me and my wife are vodafone customers for a month now, but we experienced alot of faults and poor customer service, i am on a $69 plan, about 10 days ago i called vodafone customer service, i was on the phone for about 70 minutes, no one attended my call and i had to hang up. seriousley this is not the way to do bussiness. we have very very poor signal in our area (armadale WA), can not send MMS, sms fails most of the time, we are not able to find out our balance, i m so angry
4881 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is vodafail at 27 Dec 2010 07:31:29 PM
i was a customer with vodafone an changed my mobile provider i still have the internet with them when i moved here 2 counrty vic my internet kept droping out i kept ringing them they told me i had 2 get new 3g dongle at my own charge in the end they sent me one but it took 8 weeks i kept ring and the order had been cancelled twice an i was getin no were i finally got it an im still haveing trouble an all i got out of them was the the dongle may have something wrong with it why should i pay for something that doesnt work right an it wont work on my new computer i will be sending it back an if they thing im paying out my contract they mistakein they will not be getin one more cent from me
27 Dec 2010 07:41:18 PM: Hey fight them! We did took us 3 months but we finally won! and they sent us something similar (which was a load of rubbish) and we live right next to the CBD! My post is up further "trying to get me to pay for a service that doesnt work and was cancelled 2-3 months prior" GOOD LUCK!
4880 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is aaaaaarrrrggggh! at 27 Dec 2010 07:31:15 PM
I have the iPhone 4 and are paying 88 dollars a month, when vodaphone screwed up on that Saturday, and vodafone texted me saying that followig Saturday is on us! what happens I go 110 dollars over my bill, not only that when I make any calls, or texts they fail or it takes me at least a miniute or so for my phone to start to hear the dial tone. vodafone has completely screwed themselves, also does any one else who has the iPhone 4 I always seem to get this little dialog box saying ' your selected network has failed please select another network in settings' something like that! it no joke pops up on my phone whenever I try to make a call or check my phone! it's so annoying! I'm so sick of it and the worst part about it, is the fact that I'm stuck with vodafone for the next 22 months :/
4879 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is all ways at 27 Dec 2010 07:31:11 PM
I have been with vodafail for 10+ years like a beaten housewife they told me it would get better with time. It hasn't it has got worse just like a abusive marrage after all the droped calls no service standing at a special corner of the yard and 6 bits a second for high speed broad band i would love to have the chance to bring on a class action.
4878 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is mostly okay at 27 Dec 2010 07:30:30 PM
I have an old cheap (basic features only) phone, pay-as-you-go, and have been with Vodafone for about 5 years. Live in south-west, 7k from Brisbane city, and coverage is pretty much OK. The only time there is no coverage is at places like Mount Nebo, and in the Gold Coast Hinterland.
However, approx 2 years ago, Vodafone changed something in their network, which affected me badly when I made overseas phone calls. Very frustrating, and was close to terminating my "pay-as-you-go" with them. I think they probably switched to using the Internet for overseas calls. After 6-12 months this improved, but its still not as good as what it was before they tinkered with the "overseas-calling" system.
Possibly the problem for many customers is the fancy phone they use is on a different network?? Maybe if you switch back to an el-cheapo phone, you'll be okay again.
Also... just for the record, I originally switched from Optus, as their coverage was worse.
However, approx 2 years ago, Vodafone changed something in their network, which affected me badly when I made overseas phone calls. Very frustrating, and was close to terminating my "pay-as-you-go" with them. I think they probably switched to using the Internet for overseas calls. After 6-12 months this improved, but its still not as good as what it was before they tinkered with the "overseas-calling" system.
Possibly the problem for many customers is the fancy phone they use is on a different network?? Maybe if you switch back to an el-cheapo phone, you'll be okay again.
Also... just for the record, I originally switched from Optus, as their coverage was worse.
4877 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is A joke. at 27 Dec 2010 07:30:21 PM
I was in Sydney 3 weeks ago in the middle of the city in George Street and my vodafone iphone had NO reception... I had to turn my phone on and off and wait for 10 minutes before i had just 1 bar of reception. I have two phones on a $99 plan and 2 usb internet cards and both my phones constantly drop out of reception (i live in the centre of Brisbane), sometimes wont dial out or takes about 5 minutes to actually decide to dial out, voicemail can be up to 2 days to come through or i get delayed messages at 2am in the morning, my usb internet cards often fail to connect and i have to reinstall the software.
There is no point advertising good deals and competitive rates if the service provided is shit. In my opinion, Vodafone cannot compare themselves or their service to any of the major telco companies such as Telstra and Optus. You need to question the capacity of the vodafone network. It would appear that Vodafone have oversold their capacity and the number of users simply outweighs the network capability thus leading to the continued problems arrising in nearly every user. Surely this would be Misrepresentation under the Trade Practices Act. I certainly did not sign up to pay for a service that would not be given to me.
There is no point advertising good deals and competitive rates if the service provided is shit. In my opinion, Vodafone cannot compare themselves or their service to any of the major telco companies such as Telstra and Optus. You need to question the capacity of the vodafone network. It would appear that Vodafone have oversold their capacity and the number of users simply outweighs the network capability thus leading to the continued problems arrising in nearly every user. Surely this would be Misrepresentation under the Trade Practices Act. I certainly did not sign up to pay for a service that would not be given to me.
4876 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Woeful at 27 Dec 2010 07:30:10 PM
Having been with vodafone since I got my first phone 10 years ago.. I have done my best to remain a faithful customer. However in the last 18 months their service, reception, data access has been nothing short of worthless. My best friend lives 3 hours away, is also a Vodafail customer. So we would regularly make use of their prepaid $29 caps, using the voda minutes... However without fail, every 10 minutes or so, the call would drop out causing us to have to recall the other person, wasting more money on connection, in the space of an hour phone call, the call dropped out 12 times.. that is once every 5 minutes. I live on top of a mountain in qld, and the only places in my house where I could get reception were if i stood my phone up on top of my computer tower, or if i was holding it above my head in the back yard. So because of that I had to go out and spend $50 on a blue tooth, just so i could talk to people. But still I only ever had 1 bar of reception. Then of course there were the text msg's. I would send one msg to my best friend, and she would receive 8 copies of the msg... all of which I had been charged for. When I asked voda why this was, I was told (by an outsourced Indian who's accent was so think I struggled to understand them) that it was a phone problem. So why is it then that I would receive multiple copies of the same msg from my best friend, when she had an entirely different phone? I asked voda about that... they hung up. Obscene at best... ignorant and rude. So i'd had enough... I swithced to telstra. But in order to use the same phone, I had to unlock it from Voda... Back to the Indian call centre I go. I was previously told by one of the local phone stores, that if I had put enough credit through the phone since I had owned it, that I would have it unlocked for free. When I called the call centre, I was told by one of their Indian operators, that I could have it unlocked if I paid $50 WHICH I MAY OR MAY NOT GET BACK IN CREDIT ON THE PHONE. What the hell?? I didn't want credit on the phone... I wanted to be done with Voda all together.. So at the advice of my parents I contacted the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman who forwarded my complaint to voda. 8 Days later I received a phone call from an australian girl from their complaints centre who informed me that what I had been told by the phone centre was correct, and that the information given my by the indian call centre operator was absolute rubbish. They unlocked my phone for free and I am finally done with Vodafone. Come on Vodafone.... pull your fingers out of your backsides and fix the issues. Telstra have been wonderful since I switched to them. I'm answered almost immediately by their australian call centre, and the only one issue I had with them regarding the msg bank, they fixed immediately without problems or hassle. Thank you telsra.
4875 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is It's not at 27 Dec 2010 07:30:06 PM
I personally think you all need to grow up. I live in a house of 4, where all of us are with Vodafone, we never ever have any dramas apart from that Saturday a couple of weeks ago where the network was down for 2 1/2 hours. Vodafone's coverage is not the best, hence why they are currently upgrading all there towers and extending there network. You can't expect the coverage to be perfectly fine when they are trying to make the network better for YOU customers. I used to work for a different telco company a year ago, the amount of clueless customers that came into our store and complained there phone "didn't" work was unbelievable. However, most of those customers had no idea how to use there handset, when all they needed to do was possibly turn the phone off and pull the sim card out and restart the phone. Mobile phones these days are technically advanced they are almost like computers, try leaving your computer on continuously for days at a time and then see how it functions. Restarting phones every so often can do them wonders, I think half the reason you guys are complaining is because you don't know how to work your handset. Quit wingeing, if your not happy with the service you get from Vodafone move on to a different provider at the end of your contract, I can almost assure you that you will have dramas with other providers too. Vodafone are the worlds largest network, and they know what they are doing. Please, move onto a network like Telstra and see what kind of service you get with them.
27 Dec 2010 07:35:04 PM: Thank you for that ramble, Vodafone employee.
For the record, I recently switched from Vodafone to Telstra. Telstra is amazing. I truly understand now what it means to have a smartphone. I am so happy I left that substandard, failed company.
For the record, I recently switched from Vodafone to Telstra. Telstra is amazing. I truly understand now what it means to have a smartphone. I am so happy I left that substandard, failed company.
27 Dec 2010 07:46:54 PM: Obviously a Vodafone employee!! Dumbass, their customer service is the most pathetic part of the company. The customer service I recieved was horrid. My phone would not make or recieve calls for days at a time, and if I did get through would cut out. You try sitting on hold every day for a few hours and see how it fucks up your day. You are a moron for writing on this site. This site is clearly for ppl who are pissed off wirh Vodafone, not do-gooders who want to stand up for them.
27 Dec 2010 08:23:38 PM: Just reading your comments explains to me you know nothing about mobile phones or computers. My mobile and computers are on 24/7. Its people like you that try to distort, manipulate and capitalise to your advantage at the expense of hard working Australians who only want what they pay for. Is that hard to do????? It is time for you to realise people are just getting sick and tired of telco's who do not provide the service. People are banding together because they have the power as a group to say "NO MORE" you are now accountable so do it right or else you have to answer the questions as to why is this happening. As for TELSTRA, I have just moved all my business and private phones to them (after 20 years) because they simply are the best in what they do. Yes, customer service and technical proficiency. Maybe as you put it "Vodafone, the worlds largest network" needs to get their learning cap on and take a few notes. The more comments you make, the deeper you sink into the Vodafone brainwashing black hole.
27 Dec 2010 08:23:54 PM: so, you think we "ALL need to grow up??" so everyone posting on this site and everyone losing business all over australia from dropped calls and lost text messages is an idiot who cant use their phone? I dont think so!!
28 Dec 2010 07:26:21 AM: You're entitled to your opinion, but it's wrong. In my line of work, coworkers use their phones constantly throughout the day. Im the only Vodafone user and also the only person who has calls drop out, no reception etc etc. I can't remember the last time I saw anyone else remove their sim card just to make a call, that's just f*#cking ridiculous.
4874 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is ! at 27 Dec 2010 07:29:55 PM
Bahahah u people clearly have nothing better to do I have the same problem with my vodafone but sittin on a website dissing vodafone is goin to help u on what way
14 Jan 2011 11:33:12 AM: Not doing anything is "goin to help u on what way"??
4873 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Service Coverage at 27 Dec 2010 07:29:12 PM
I find it absolutely frustrating that I live 10mins from Brisbane City Centre and have terrible reception at my house. Not to mention as soon as I leave Brisbane either North, South or West I get no reception at all in a lot of places where my friends with Optus do. I was on holiday for a week in a popular coastal area with absolutely no reception whilst my friends enjoyed full service with Optus.
4872 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Mobile phone at 27 Dec 2010 07:29:12 PM
Vodafone allowed another company (have no idea who) to put $40 worth of calls on my mobile phone without my permission or knowledge. When I complained, I was told tough luck, I still had to pay. I wrote to them to advise that I wouldn't pay this bill, but they still keep billing me every month ($39.01). This has been going on for about a year now. They have no customer service.
4871 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Almost as bad as the Aussie cricket team at 27 Dec 2010 07:28:48 PM
I just moved to less than 5km from the Brisbane CBD and I have no mobile reception in my apartment. I have to walk down the street to make and receive calls. And an agonising 6 months left to run on my 24 month contract!!
4870 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Monster fail at 27 Dec 2010 07:28:36 PM
I am with three (3) and ever since they joined with Vodafone, I have been receiving text messages 2 - 3 hours and sometimes days late. My reception is weak, picture messages do not arrive roaming does not exist...unbelievably pathetic. My contract still has 6 months, but I am not coming back for any more of this punishment.
4869 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is tragic at 27 Dec 2010 07:28:32 PM
Phoned vodafone about continued failure of my internet plus the phone cutting out all the time when it finally works. I was told that I'm not in a grid for reception. What a load of crap I told him Ive been with vodaphone 9yrs, 6 in this area. They have me my contract goes for another 15mths. I live 20kms from Perth.
4868 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is reception fail at 27 Dec 2010 07:28:30 PM
I pay $30 a month for USB mobile broadband...i live in Warrnambool, and before i signed up, i made sure there was reception here, the salesmen showed me the coverage map and warrnambool was in coverage, but i NEVER got coverage!! thats $30 a month ive paid for nothing!!
4867 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Drop outs and disconnections at 27 Dec 2010 07:28:09 PM
&*(^$@ing Vodaphone
With in 2 weeks I had problem with disconnection, drop out and they disconnected me for not paying a bill,
With in 4 months, still disconnecting still droping out, with a new USB replacement which I been asking for one from word go,
Indian call centres not speaking clear english, I have learnt you either start swearing at them call them nasty words you get what you want which was $15 off 3 months.
Only good thing is I'm not in a contract but it's the best one around with out going onto a plan or prepayed.
With in 2 weeks I had problem with disconnection, drop out and they disconnected me for not paying a bill,
With in 4 months, still disconnecting still droping out, with a new USB replacement which I been asking for one from word go,
Indian call centres not speaking clear english, I have learnt you either start swearing at them call them nasty words you get what you want which was $15 off 3 months.
Only good thing is I'm not in a contract but it's the best one around with out going onto a plan or prepayed.
4866 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 07:27:54 PM
customer care hopeless, charged for phone calls overseas incoming that i did not get.charged for text messages that have been duplicated 5 and more times, charged for phone calls to 1800 numbers that are supposed to be free. charged for text messages to phone numbers that i don't even know. wait on the phone for hours trying to speak to someone. Will not renew contract with vodafone again
4865 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Poor reception & customer service at 27 Dec 2010 07:27:49 PM
It took me 2 hrs finally spoke to an operator that can help & call drop off. I call again & after almost 6 hrs in total that it was found that vodafone issued the phone no to the broadband sim& broadband no to my phone sim! Also in the past 3 weeks there were 3 times that they lost signal totally. It happened today 27 dec 10 around 11ish, there is no service at all! Vodafone is not reliable at all.
4864 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is extremely at 27 Dec 2010 07:27:46 PM
i am just sick of getting messages up to four hours after they were sent and never having an internet connection. All I want is to have my plan cancelled free of charge so i can sign up with a more reliable service provider!!!
4863 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 07:27:26 PM
I've been with vodafony for a while and I get no coverage in my own house where I receive most of my calls and need to make majority of calls! When I drive around corners near Beaumaris, it constantly cuts out! How useless!
4862 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is not the best! at 27 Dec 2010 07:26:53 PM
Our son was contacted by someone and signed up for a contract (even though the original account was in my name) He had just turned 18, so he signed up for a 24 month contract. Unfortuantely he has not been getting the best reception, same issues, drop out of calls, no signal/ coverage.... so he complained, was told that he could not get out of the contract he would have to pay 800+ costs, and he had to go to Telstra to get the reception he needs to have coverage.... Not good enough!! 1st he should not have been approached and allowed to take a contract on a number that was mine, and also if reception/ coverage is not good enouth, they should not be allowed to penalise you for changing carriers/ contracts.
4861 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Absolutely Shocking at 27 Dec 2010 07:26:51 PM
Deparately trying to get out og my contract. Had nearly a year of dropsout, poor reception. So unreliable, I use my landline now, as not sure if phone will work. Thought it was the phone, got it looked at twice - no phone problem. Also have to carry a Telstra Pre-paid phone as well. Talk about a bunch of crooks. Living in Rhodes.
4860 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No Good at 27 Dec 2010 07:26:39 PM
I was a customer for 2 years. The contract finished about 3 years ago and when it did I swore I would never go with that Telco again. I lived in a populated suburb of Melbourne and couldn't get reception in my house. I literally had to walk out of the house sometimes to make calls.
4859 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is not coverage at 27 Dec 2010 07:26:39 PM
I got my own business, and i have lost lots of calls from y customers, and also have severals complaints from then as they have not been able to get in contact with me. I also lots a lots of money as the customers have to go same where else due to the luck of coverage from vodafone. dame you vodafone
4858 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is like a bullet to the head at 27 Dec 2010 07:26:24 PM
in and out of reception data problems to the max voice mail delayed msg call fails al the times drops out people can't get thru
4857 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 07:26:10 PM
I must be one of the lucky ones but I have had very few problems with Vodafone. The customer service is of course shocking and always has been, both instore and over the phone, and sometimes I have no 3G in a 3G Metro coverage area, but apart from that, I haven't had any dropouts or major problems. If I ever really need to gain assistance over the phone I tend to tell 'Lara' the IVR that I have lost my phone and I seem to get through to a customer rep, pretty quick. Seems to work everytime. I feel for everyone that has had lots of trouble and can only hope that due to all of the complaints, that hopefully Vodafone will fix all of the problems and do a network upgrade a.s.a.p or seriously risk losing all of their customers to other Telcos.
4856 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 07:26:08 PM
I am so sick of having no coverage. The network is useless, they give you these great cheap plans but it ends up costing you more because you have to keep making phonecalls all the time. I even have to go into my bathroom to call someone because the reception is so bad around my house. Last week my car broke down on the way from Melton to Gisborne with my 7-month old son in the car and I had to walk to find the nearest house and ask to use their phone to call my Dad because Vodafone had no reception in that area. I had no pram and I had to carry him the whole way! I am definately changing providers and I hope everyone does so that Vodafone goes down!
4855 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is no calls or text at 27 Dec 2010 07:26:04 PM
on the 30th november i had a knee operation, i cant drive or get out of the house, so i was relying on my mobile to contact people to drive me around for food ect,i have had no incoming calls, and cannot call out including xmas, my sister was here from Sydney and she couldnt contact me, so we didnt see her on xmas day UNBELIEVABLE. I have spent up to 4hours on the phone with vodafone to no avail except to change provider as i cant wait any longer, i need the phone to call for help as i live on my own and my right knee wont be good for another month. UNSATISFIED VODAFONE CUSTOMER 7 YEARS.
4854 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodacricketfail at 27 Dec 2010 07:25:57 PM
Vodafail are responsible for our upcoming ashes defeat. If they had more integrity and respect for their customers then our Aussie cricket team wouldn't be in this bind. Their bad kharma is infectious I tell you. I hope this court case teaches them not to fuck with our great game of cricket. Only time will tell I guess.
4853 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Too big and probably just sitting it out ... at 27 Dec 2010 07:25:37 PM
Every morning and evening I travel through Circular Quay in Sydney. Full reception on iPhone and iPad - but no data flowing through. This has been going on for weeks now. Also, last week before XMAS all of a sudden the same happened in Manly NSW 2095 ... I have a hard time believing it's a software update! Get your capacity planning right ...
4852 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is a joke at 27 Dec 2010 07:25:35 PM
I bought a vodafail $2 sim and tried activating it at home (metro sydney) via the handset as I needed to port my other number across and it requires speaking to a customer care officer at the end of the activation.
Would you believe the line cut out during activation. I tried three times and all were unsuccessful, eventually I had to use a landline to call them and continue the process.
Hmmm not happy with vodafail.
Would you believe the line cut out during activation. I tried three times and all were unsuccessful, eventually I had to use a landline to call them and continue the process.
Hmmm not happy with vodafail.
4851 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is MAJOR FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 07:25:30 PM
I have a mobile phone plan and wireless internet plan with vodafone as I prefer vodafone over telstra. Not long after starting my phone plan I started getting connection errors several times a night, which did not allow me to send/receive messages or calls. After the network went down everything seemed to go back to normal and the connection errors dissappeared. A week later and I find my phone cutting out and disconnecting 4-5 minutes into each phone call i make and receive. This means I am calling someone at least 7-8 times just to have a proper conversation with them and it is very frustrating. As for my wireless internet, it usually seems find but at least once or twice a day it will not allow me to connect and comes up with an error of some sort. I either have to close the application and reboot it or reboot my whole laptop just so I can get on the net. This also is very frustrating. If there wasn't such a large amount of money to pay for exiting your contract with them, I would be out as fast as I can. Vodafone need to sort these problems out and find a way to reward all their customers to say sorry for all these problems that are occuring - and I don't mean just 24 hours worth of free calls on them, I mean something that will convince all their customers to stay with them and not choose better, if they really care.
4850 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 07:25:28 PM
I have been on contract with my mobile and have had no support whatsoever when I wanted to purchase a new phone (I was supposedly had a "free" mobile but had to pay out the phone before I could buy a new one with them...WTF?!)This was after 4 phone calls with just as many "consultants"
But wait, this isn't the worst...
After my partner reported excellent coverage on his Vodafail 3G modem (after dismal reception and ongoing issues with my 3 one)I decided to go with Vodafail and hope that I would never had to contact support. They were quick to sell me one but once I started experiencing issues with reception and dropouts that was the end of it. I have tried different laptops and computers, reformatted my machine, tried multiple settings and configurations as well as multiple phone calls without resolution.
I have requested multiple times as that they cannot provide me with the service to which they agreed to that they have broken my contract and as such should be voided...I get one bill wiped for the issues and having to waste half my day on the phone in anger to them because they do not understand that I have completed all of their troubleshooting BS but still no resolution.
How about they pay my hourly rate in time that I have lost in work due to their failures?
But wait, this isn't the worst...
After my partner reported excellent coverage on his Vodafail 3G modem (after dismal reception and ongoing issues with my 3 one)I decided to go with Vodafail and hope that I would never had to contact support. They were quick to sell me one but once I started experiencing issues with reception and dropouts that was the end of it. I have tried different laptops and computers, reformatted my machine, tried multiple settings and configurations as well as multiple phone calls without resolution.
I have requested multiple times as that they cannot provide me with the service to which they agreed to that they have broken my contract and as such should be voided...I get one bill wiped for the issues and having to waste half my day on the phone in anger to them because they do not understand that I have completed all of their troubleshooting BS but still no resolution.
How about they pay my hourly rate in time that I have lost in work due to their failures?
4849 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is A joke of a telecommunications company at 27 Dec 2010 07:25:19 PM
Purchased a 2 year plan with Vodafone after checking their coverage area on the internet. I now have a phone that only has reception in one part of one room in the house and sometimes in the garden. After ringing Vodaphone about this problem they advised me that their coverage area was only for outside (not inside buildings). They asked me how many bars I had displayed on my reception meter on the phnoe. I was making the call from outside and indicated that at the moment I had one bar. They responded by saying that one bar is sufficient to make and recieve calls. Problem fixed
4848 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Mess than - 10 at 27 Dec 2010 07:24:37 PM
I have been a customer for over 10 years - I prefer to stay with the one company. I am getting shocking reception in inner metro Adelaide, MMS are turning up 24 hours+ later. To top it all off when I ring I get different answers to the same question every time. I ask the same question because I never get an answer! I get three different answers to the simple question - how much data is available on my plan. Take your pick - I have 750, 2000 or 2750 MB!!
4847 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 100% Fail!!! at 27 Dec 2010 07:24:33 PM
I am sick of being on Vodafone, from the rubbish signal to the terrible customer service, i have had numerous arguments with the "so called supervisors" and i am stuck in a 24 month contract!!