Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
4645 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is bad customerservice at 27 Dec 2010 06:45:14 PM
I changed my wifes number from Telstra to Vodafone was told it would take 24 hours to find out they gave it to someone else.It took a shit load of phone calls and two weeks to rectifie the problem after that they cancelled my buisness number for 8 hours in that time i lost two jobs worth $10000 as im a sub contractor. My com was $140 big fucking deal if you do the math im still outta pocket.
27 Dec 2010 06:46:41 PM: I had the same issue changing my number to Vodafone, they blamed it on the other company even though all the details were correct at both ends...
4644 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Shocking at 27 Dec 2010 06:45:01 PM
Glad to hear it is not just me. I have sent numerous emails and spoken to Vodafone after being hung up numerous times on everything listed on this site! My voicemails rarely come through, picture messages delayed, battery dies quickly, no reception in the eastern suburbs, beach house, country or when I head away on school camps when I need my phone for emergencies. Terrible Terrible Network that needs to seriously lift their game. They buy 3, that's all well and good however when I head away with my girlfriend(she is on 3) she gets reception in places I don't. What is going on their? It is time to improve or collapse!
4643 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 06:45:00 PM
Calls keep dropping out...never any service...dial the number then dead silence...can hardly connect to the internet!!! Totally useless really!!!
4642 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Shocking at 27 Dec 2010 06:44:47 PM
No coverage ANYWHERE - ANY TIME ! dropping out - they acknowledge the have a problem beacuse they have given me credits and a new sim.
4641 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Utter BULLSHIT! at 27 Dec 2010 06:44:36 PM
I went on a Vodafone plan at the start of this year with a blackberry.
internet on the blackberry only works when it wants to, and when it dose work its incredibly slow!!! I pay an extra $15 a month to have unlimited txting so therefore I dont go over my cap. in the last two months my bills have come in nearly tripple the amount they should have! service is shit, and I have spent weeks trying to get in contact with them to sort out the issue and spend ATLEAST! 45 mins waiting on hold. my fone service has been cut off as i refuse to pay the bill, yet i cant get in contact with them to resolve the problem???
sounds about right dosent it -.-
internet on the blackberry only works when it wants to, and when it dose work its incredibly slow!!! I pay an extra $15 a month to have unlimited txting so therefore I dont go over my cap. in the last two months my bills have come in nearly tripple the amount they should have! service is shit, and I have spent weeks trying to get in contact with them to sort out the issue and spend ATLEAST! 45 mins waiting on hold. my fone service has been cut off as i refuse to pay the bill, yet i cant get in contact with them to resolve the problem???
sounds about right dosent it -.-
4640 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:44:27 PM
coverage not as good as it was have signed up but gotten really bad not happy have been with vodafone for 6 years and now looking at changing
4639 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is HATE THEM at 27 Dec 2010 06:43:32 PM
Poor reception, constantly cutting out on important phone calls. I have been with them for four years and every phone they give me is stuffed plus take forever to fix... get ur shit together voda... plus when u try and talk to someone takes forever to connect you thru and when they finally do they "accidently" hang up and never phone back...
4638 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is shocking at 27 Dec 2010 06:43:08 PM
I can access the Internet once in every ten attempts and when I finally get on I could go watch the evening news before it finally loads. Shame on you Vodafone
4637 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Total losers at 27 Dec 2010 06:42:50 PM
We have very little or no coverage at our home now, where we also have our vet clinic, which has 24 hour emergency care for our clients. Due to the fact that clients weren't able to get us, thanks to Vodafone, some animals had delayed medical help because of the lack of coverage of Vodafone. We had to buy Telstra phones for our Vets, more money we can't afford. Vodafone will only let us out of our plan if we pay over $5000, which we can't possibly do, even though they aren't providing us the promised service. Can't wait till we can leave them but that isn't till September 2011, help me! They seem to have got worse, originally they weren't to bad
4636 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is WORDS DO NOT DESCRIBE at 27 Dec 2010 06:42:45 PM
So I called Vodafone the other day to upgrade my plan, and after being on hold for 25 minutes they put me through to ... wait for it ... ANOTHER VODAFONE CUSTOMER ... yes that's right, someone who doesn't even work for Vodafone!! As if that isn't bad enough, I then hung up and called back again, only to be hung up on ... twice! After spending most of the day trying to get through with no luck I eventually went into a store the next day, who, actually were very helpful. They upgraded my plan and advised me someone would call me about ordering my new handset. They called alright ... 3 hrs later, and advised I couldn't get the phone I wanted because I had to be a customer for at least 3 months ... I HAVE BEEN A CUSTOMER FOR 8 YEARS VODAFONE YOU MORONS!!! I explained the only reason I changed my plan was so I could get the phone and advised I would be taking the matter further as I couldn't believe they could treat their loyal customers with such utter disrespect ... it was then they MAGICALLY found a way around the problem and ordered my new handset. Amazing!! This is aside from all of the connection issues I have with my phone and my home internet (it drops out at about 9 - 10pm every single night ... what the??)! Over it Vodafone! Your customer service is disgusting and the connection issues are a joke!!
4635 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very poor reception at 27 Dec 2010 06:42:41 PM
I have had a poor reception issue on and off but is has been worse last few months. Initially I thought it is due to my old mobile phone which I got from the contract with Vodafone. I had a new mobile phone a week ago and the reception is even worse.
4634 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Big at 27 Dec 2010 06:42:28 PM
I had a bill twice the amount of my usual bill two months ago. I have not once gone over my cap, during the worst part of my drop out and data coverage failure is when I received the bill. I argued it and showed previous account records,could this be due to Vodafones issues that have now come to the surface?
4633 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Unusable at 27 Dec 2010 06:42:13 PM
My house is exactly 1km line of site from the tower and I couldn't get any data flow. Had 3 before and worked fine. Have cut my losses and connected with Telstra which works fine from the same tower.
4632 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 10 at 27 Dec 2010 06:42:11 PM
4631 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is TITANIC! at 27 Dec 2010 06:41:15 PM
A couple of years ago I bought a prepaid service through their store in the Pitt St Mall, bought a couple of phones off them, experienced the same thing you guys are - paltry coveage, dropped calls, sending picture messages wasn't that easy. In the end I found out that the phone I had purchased wasn't compatible with Vodafone Live and boy did I serve it up to them .. they were very rude, uncompromising and uncaring ..
4630 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is terrible terrible service at 27 Dec 2010 06:41:11 PM
i live just outside of richmond nsw close to full reception i get about 3 bars at my house but as soon as a recieve or make a phone call it drops out 100% of the time ive had 3 phones in the last year every single one has done the same thing. thank god for this website
4629 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Major Fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:41:06 PM
currently on the phone to a mate (also on vodafone) who keeps complaining that he can't hear me cos the reception is dropping out, we're both in areas where reception shouldn't be a problem!
4628 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is HATE THEM at 27 Dec 2010 06:40:54 PM
Poor reception, constantly cutting out on important phone calls. I have been with them for four years and every phone they give me is stuffed plus take forever to fix... get ur shit together voda...
27 Dec 2010 06:42:22 PM: oh and everytime u try and talk to a real person u can never got thru and finally if you are one of the few that do get thru i have been hungup on ...
4627 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is epic at 27 Dec 2010 06:40:53 PM
I Have had messages pending in my outbox, that take ages to finally go through. Delayed voicemail messages as well as text messages arriving hours later than when they were sent.
Vodafone coverage in festivals is appalling. Every festival i go to i am certain to have NO coverage the whole time i am there whilst people on other networks (i.e 3) have full coverage.
Vodafone coverage in festivals is appalling. Every festival i go to i am certain to have NO coverage the whole time i am there whilst people on other networks (i.e 3) have full coverage.
4626 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Fail +++++ at 27 Dec 2010 06:40:43 PM
Where do I begin??! Ok, been with Vodafone since July 2009 and I was on contract with an Iphone (older gen ones) for 24 months. Received really bad reception and finally decided to call Vodafone customer service (Oct 2010) to complain. Got told (by a very friendly lady I must say) that it was not Vodafone's services but the Iphone just has bad reception. Thing is, when I go to my mother's house the reception is fantastic, but as soon as I'm in my bedroom at home, I'll be lucky if I get one bar. But my partner who is with 3 gets perfect reception every time. Anyway I was basically told to change handsets, which would mean I would have to pay off the rest of my contract, which was about another $450 at the time. I said I wanted to change over to 3 to be on the same network as my partner because I wasn't happy with Vodafone's services, but was assured it was the Iphone causing the poor reception and I was convinced that Vodafone and 3 were to merge "very soon" and all would be the same soon anyway. I was told to consider the HTC phones as they were "top of the range" in smart phones and I would get the reception and services I needed. I hung up and considered my options. Went into a local Vodafone/3 store and told the sales person I wanted to cancel my contract with Vodafone and sign up with a new handset with 3. Again I got told by a young lady that I shouldn't bother because things are merging and 3 and Vodafone will all the the same "very soon", and it's more likely that my Iphone is causing the reception problems. So naively I believed the sales girl and canceled my contract and signed up to get another phone for another 24 months.. BIG MISTAKE! I got the HTC Legend and it is much worse than my Iphone!! I receive SMS's, calls and when I try to call Vodafone to complain and have to wait 30-45 mins to talk to someone, I get hung up on whilst waiting!! I have a newborn baby and don't have time to be sitting around waiting to talk to someone, nor do I have the time to go into a store and wait over an hour to talk to a sales person either! So basically I am stuck with a sh*t phone with no service and another 24 month contract at 49$ a month (not to mention the amount I have paid to Vodafone to cancel my previous contract with them!) I am at my wits end! I have also called recently to complain that I wasn't receiving any data services, fixed that problem but I am still not receiving reception. I am fed up. Really considering to not pay my next bill!
4625 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is mobile internet at 27 Dec 2010 06:40:41 PM
ive got the mobile internet they said it will work well at home bullshit i cant use it because it takes 10 minutes to load a web page up and then it dont load the 3g its is useless and im on a 24 month contract rang and they dont want to no about it (WTF)
4624 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is impossible to deal with at 27 Dec 2010 06:40:40 PM
I have vodafone INTERNET. 1st month bill received by text, 2nd month by email, 3rd month 'twice' by email & 4th month NOT AT ALL! tried ringing vodafone to get bill, consultant asked for vodaphone mobile number, i explained I was an internet customer not a mobile customer therefore didnt have a mobile number consultant says 'sorry ma'am we cant assist you without a mobile number' then hung up!
Went INTO vodafone - stood there 15 minutes (initially i was only other customer in store apart from 2 people being served)& staff saw me waiting! other customers entered store & queued behind me (as you do)... my turn came, a lady walks up pushes in & the vodafone rep tells ME I have to wait now because they have started serving the other lady grrrr!... so of course i left. Went home, tried ringing again this time waited 58 minutes - no answer then got disconnected. went back into store (different store this time) got served. was told bill was due a few days earlier - explained i hadnt received email, was told that the email was showing as queued (meaning never got sent) no apologies just told to pay the bill at the post office - also told i may get a fee!!! (not a hope i'll be paying any fee).
My internet drops out ALL the time and shifts between 3G and H on a continuous basis making it almost impossible to keep a connection! I want to drop my dataplan to a lower one (im on month to month) but apparantly not allowed???
Try telling vodafone your problems, if they bother to answer there phones, THEY WONT CARE about your issues!!! They have absolutely DISGUSTING customer service and are impossible to reason with!!! Best thing to do - ditch them and go with another company!!!
Went INTO vodafone - stood there 15 minutes (initially i was only other customer in store apart from 2 people being served)& staff saw me waiting! other customers entered store & queued behind me (as you do)... my turn came, a lady walks up pushes in & the vodafone rep tells ME I have to wait now because they have started serving the other lady grrrr!... so of course i left. Went home, tried ringing again this time waited 58 minutes - no answer then got disconnected. went back into store (different store this time) got served. was told bill was due a few days earlier - explained i hadnt received email, was told that the email was showing as queued (meaning never got sent) no apologies just told to pay the bill at the post office - also told i may get a fee!!! (not a hope i'll be paying any fee).
My internet drops out ALL the time and shifts between 3G and H on a continuous basis making it almost impossible to keep a connection! I want to drop my dataplan to a lower one (im on month to month) but apparantly not allowed???
Try telling vodafone your problems, if they bother to answer there phones, THEY WONT CARE about your issues!!! They have absolutely DISGUSTING customer service and are impossible to reason with!!! Best thing to do - ditch them and go with another company!!!
4623 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Global embarrassment at 27 Dec 2010 06:40:03 PM
Ever since Vodafone bought 3mobile and sent there customer service to India they have gone down hill. I have been a customer spending 300-400 per month for 8 years. I am now considering changing. Sorry vodafail you have lost me. Vodafone had a responsibility to shame opts and Telstra and show them how it's done, but you have failed!
4622 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is RIP at 27 Dec 2010 06:39:49 PM
Lets orginise a protest against Vodafone for the first day of the Sydney cricket test, other cities and the rest of Sydney can blockade their offices and stores
this will bring more media coverage and hopefully make them do something to fix the problem
Lets remember they are spending millions on sponsorship and advertising to get more people to clog the network and VF bad vibe has rubbed off on the Australian cricket team
Can the web site set up a page for meeting points, numbers and signs etc
this will bring more media coverage and hopefully make them do something to fix the problem
Lets remember they are spending millions on sponsorship and advertising to get more people to clog the network and VF bad vibe has rubbed off on the Australian cricket team
Can the web site set up a page for meeting points, numbers and signs etc
4621 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:39:14 PM
i get 3 bars at my house outter suburbs of richmond nsw so very close to great service but as soon as i ring someone or recieve a phone call the phone drops out 100% of the time i thought it was just because of where i live but thank god for this website
4620 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 100% Fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:38:44 PM
Whenever I make a call it always drops out, doesn't matter if I'm standing right next to a tower. I use my phone for work and it's very embarrassing to have to call back my clients all the time. I find if I switch off 3G its not to bad but whats a smartphone without the internet.
4619 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL! at 27 Dec 2010 06:38:25 PM
Where do i begin??
Last year trying to suspend my fiance's contract for him whilst he was overseas with the Navy - before he left they told me i could do it provided i had his pin etc. When i called the day after he left, they said only he could do it. Yeh - in the middle of the indian ocean how's he supposed to ring!?
Then he did it himself. Only to find a month later a bill for some $600 for international calls after his mate borrowed his phone (they do that), which would have been fine IF vodafone had actually suspended the contract so no calls could be made.
I rejoined them again last year - stupid me - simply because my partner at the time was also with vodafone.
Left to go travelling overseas a month ago. I had called customer service over a period of several weeks, almost never getting through, and when i did, the call connection would inevitably fail EVERY time. Eventually, the day before i left, my mum managed to get through on my behalf. I asked them how to unlock my phone because their internet unlock thing wasnt working - hadnt been for some weeks. And they told me all i had to do was plug it in to iTunes and it would be fine. (iPhone 3). I asked what i would do if it didnt work coz i was leaving late that night and they said it would be fine - it would work. Tried it. It didnt work. Called back and they were closed. So about a week later after having no phone to use overseas coz mine was locked, i went into a london vodafone store to ask if they could help. They put me on the phone to vodafone AU and fortunately i had my first helpful service rep that day. He found there was a problem with my phone imei number or something and was having tech support get onto it... though he said that might be up to 10 days. In the meantime, i was supposed to be supplying a phone number to a future workplace in the US regarding an internship - desperately hoping they wouldnt withdraw the offer because i wasnt able to give them a number to call me on. By this time i'd spent, i'd approximate, 15-20 hours in the past month trying to contact vodafone in one way or another. During this time trying to unlock my phone, i was also trying to have the contract put on suspension whilst overseas - god only knows if they've actually done that.
The fact that I couldnt reach vodafone for customer service - even for the simplest of things - and then finally reaching them after weeks of trying, for them to give me a dud solution prior to the holiday of a lifetime, it completely ruined the fisrt few weeks fo my trip overseas (and the lead up) because all i did was worry. Fortunately, i unlocked my phone 2 days ago. Wishing i never had to deal with them again but unfortunately when i get back i will still have another year left of my contract.
Last year trying to suspend my fiance's contract for him whilst he was overseas with the Navy - before he left they told me i could do it provided i had his pin etc. When i called the day after he left, they said only he could do it. Yeh - in the middle of the indian ocean how's he supposed to ring!?
Then he did it himself. Only to find a month later a bill for some $600 for international calls after his mate borrowed his phone (they do that), which would have been fine IF vodafone had actually suspended the contract so no calls could be made.
I rejoined them again last year - stupid me - simply because my partner at the time was also with vodafone.
Left to go travelling overseas a month ago. I had called customer service over a period of several weeks, almost never getting through, and when i did, the call connection would inevitably fail EVERY time. Eventually, the day before i left, my mum managed to get through on my behalf. I asked them how to unlock my phone because their internet unlock thing wasnt working - hadnt been for some weeks. And they told me all i had to do was plug it in to iTunes and it would be fine. (iPhone 3). I asked what i would do if it didnt work coz i was leaving late that night and they said it would be fine - it would work. Tried it. It didnt work. Called back and they were closed. So about a week later after having no phone to use overseas coz mine was locked, i went into a london vodafone store to ask if they could help. They put me on the phone to vodafone AU and fortunately i had my first helpful service rep that day. He found there was a problem with my phone imei number or something and was having tech support get onto it... though he said that might be up to 10 days. In the meantime, i was supposed to be supplying a phone number to a future workplace in the US regarding an internship - desperately hoping they wouldnt withdraw the offer because i wasnt able to give them a number to call me on. By this time i'd spent, i'd approximate, 15-20 hours in the past month trying to contact vodafone in one way or another. During this time trying to unlock my phone, i was also trying to have the contract put on suspension whilst overseas - god only knows if they've actually done that.
The fact that I couldnt reach vodafone for customer service - even for the simplest of things - and then finally reaching them after weeks of trying, for them to give me a dud solution prior to the holiday of a lifetime, it completely ruined the fisrt few weeks fo my trip overseas (and the lead up) because all i did was worry. Fortunately, i unlocked my phone 2 days ago. Wishing i never had to deal with them again but unfortunately when i get back i will still have another year left of my contract.
4618 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is omg so bad at 27 Dec 2010 06:37:41 PM
We have been with vodafone for years. We recently found no reception in docklands or at our home in hallam even though we are in full coverage. Voicemail constantly as phone never rings and takes 5 mins to load a simple internet banking login screen. Offered us new phones and contract but this has not solved the problem!!!!!
4617 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Disgrace at 27 Dec 2010 06:37:33 PM
I thought it wAs my phone.. Glad to here it's vodaphone
that's the problem.. Clean up your act and treAt your
customers with respect..
that's the problem.. Clean up your act and treAt your
customers with respect..
4616 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Rubbish Network at 27 Dec 2010 06:37:32 PM
I have taken internet broadband for a year contract and never had excellent reception about 1 month left for the contract. I have been disconnected many times because of poor reception. I do not what what happened now because maybe they new I will change to another provider. Just waiting to waste money for another month.
4615 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% at 27 Dec 2010 06:37:27 PM
I live in Glen Innes and I can hardly use my mobile or internet and I moved from lismore and had the same problem and was told that the service was going to be up graded last christmas ,the service only got worse,This Iam looking at changing to telstra,I feel I should not have to do this as I have surported vodafone for a very long time,and could not go to another internet plan with this compony.When I can get signal it drops out constantly,Im very unhappy.
4614 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is SUcks to be voda at 27 Dec 2010 06:37:16 PM
I took three new iphones back due to errors and they sent me one through the mail and i told them i would hold the other one till i got my new one, they didnt even ask for it back and i sold it for $1000, yeehaa
4613 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is mega frickin' fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:37:13 PM
27 Dec 2010 06:45:05 PM: Oh I forgot to mention that everytime I tried to call from NZ (a total of about 6 times) I was told it would be over 40 minutes until I spoke to someone. Finally on my 7th try I got through in 15 minutes.
4612 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is extreem! at 27 Dec 2010 06:36:51 PM
The list is long, I ttried to complain in several shops and they don't seem to care, they say to contact their help line. I waited upto an hour on 3 occasions and finally got through only to have a bad connection and a massive language barrier. I tried to complain online but as I have so much to write about the page timed out! I've I find the time to list all my complaints again I will try and type them in advance then paste them into the page.
As a bit of fun I've asked 3 sales clerks in Vodafone shops to see their phone and 2 of them are with Optus (Not much better)! The list goes on and it's painful to rehash but I will document it all one day and share how bad they are with everyone, in the mean time all I can say is run, run away pay the money and get Telus, you won't regret it!
As a bit of fun I've asked 3 sales clerks in Vodafone shops to see their phone and 2 of them are with Optus (Not much better)! The list goes on and it's painful to rehash but I will document it all one day and share how bad they are with everyone, in the mean time all I can say is run, run away pay the money and get Telus, you won't regret it!
4611 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:36:37 PM
calls constantly drop out, reception randomly drops out despite the fact that i'm in a metropolitan area..
messages that don't send, and for a week last year, i didn't receive a single text on my phone even though people kept sending them!! and it's been like this for ages, recent network issues MY ARSE!!!
messages that don't send, and for a week last year, i didn't receive a single text on my phone even though people kept sending them!! and it's been like this for ages, recent network issues MY ARSE!!!
29 Dec 2010 12:15:59 PM: What is wrong with your arse? Too big? Can't see how your arse is vodafones problem...try canceling your arse or going with a different arse carrier...
4610 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Unbelievable at 27 Dec 2010 06:36:36 PM
I have been with vodafone for 8 months but since day 1 have had no reception in suburbs such as Mount Lawley, the city, Bassedean and Ellenbrook - all areas that i have been assured time and time again are good reception areas!!!
so i did what everyone does when they're frustrated - called customer service to be left on hold for almost 2 hours!!! i'm now waiting for their "resolution team" to contact me i just want to get out of my contract!!!
Awesome website by the way - why didnt anyone think of this earlier :)
so i did what everyone does when they're frustrated - called customer service to be left on hold for almost 2 hours!!! i'm now waiting for their "resolution team" to contact me i just want to get out of my contract!!!
Awesome website by the way - why didnt anyone think of this earlier :)
4609 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Disgrace at 27 Dec 2010 06:36:26 PM
International roaming not activated properly spent nearly an hour and a half on the phone to them now have a massive bill they dont want to credit even though its their own fault, it was one of their call backs had me on the phone for an hour an a half. Not only that but when I am back home I get messages delayed 2-3 days late at times, voicemails the same, call fails, internet doesnt work and I could literally be here all day complaining I just want out!
4608 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is SUPER FAIL !!! at 27 Dec 2010 06:36:13 PM
What mess haven't I been in ?!
Besides the consistent no service in my own house or major shopping centres, having NO reception has got me into trouble NUMEROUS times, a recent one of those times being stuck at a festival at Claremont Showgrounds (inner suburbs of Perth!) and losing my friends. I had no reception in the complex, nor outside the complex of 5km away in Cottesloe! Luckily a taxi drove past an hour later and picked me up (which I didn't want to do being a young female by myself .. but had no choice), meanwhile my friends thought I had been abducted due to my absense for a few hours.
The insurance is RIDICULOUS and I do NOT recommend anybody get their phone insured by Vodafone - it's a scam. The ONLY way you can get your phone fixed under insurance is if you dropped it in the toilet because it's too unhygienic to assess (the software was buggere din my phone - a legit reason to be insured I feel as it was nothing to do with the care I provded to the handset..). After 4 weeks to 'assess' my phone, I called them and the phone had apparently already been assessed and they hadn't contacted me. The new phone was meant to be in the mail in 10 days. 3 weeks later I called to see where my phone was - it was on 'backorder'. I changed the model from my preffered phone so I could recieve it earlier. 4 weeks later .. still no phone. I ended up having to go into Vodafone and PAYING $800 upfront out of my own pocket for my insurance in order to get my desired phone I had been without for a few months! Vodafone promised to reimburse my money within 10 days - it took 3 weeks ($800 is a lot for a student!).
I am hanging out for my contract to end so I can get out of this mumbo jumbo! They expect me to pay my bill and cut me off when I don't ... but I only have coverage 2-5 hours a day when it wants to work not when I need my phone - who wants to pay $90.00 a month for a service that doesn't provide? Vodafone Fail !!
Besides the consistent no service in my own house or major shopping centres, having NO reception has got me into trouble NUMEROUS times, a recent one of those times being stuck at a festival at Claremont Showgrounds (inner suburbs of Perth!) and losing my friends. I had no reception in the complex, nor outside the complex of 5km away in Cottesloe! Luckily a taxi drove past an hour later and picked me up (which I didn't want to do being a young female by myself .. but had no choice), meanwhile my friends thought I had been abducted due to my absense for a few hours.
The insurance is RIDICULOUS and I do NOT recommend anybody get their phone insured by Vodafone - it's a scam. The ONLY way you can get your phone fixed under insurance is if you dropped it in the toilet because it's too unhygienic to assess (the software was buggere din my phone - a legit reason to be insured I feel as it was nothing to do with the care I provded to the handset..). After 4 weeks to 'assess' my phone, I called them and the phone had apparently already been assessed and they hadn't contacted me. The new phone was meant to be in the mail in 10 days. 3 weeks later I called to see where my phone was - it was on 'backorder'. I changed the model from my preffered phone so I could recieve it earlier. 4 weeks later .. still no phone. I ended up having to go into Vodafone and PAYING $800 upfront out of my own pocket for my insurance in order to get my desired phone I had been without for a few months! Vodafone promised to reimburse my money within 10 days - it took 3 weeks ($800 is a lot for a student!).
I am hanging out for my contract to end so I can get out of this mumbo jumbo! They expect me to pay my bill and cut me off when I don't ... but I only have coverage 2-5 hours a day when it wants to work not when I need my phone - who wants to pay $90.00 a month for a service that doesn't provide? Vodafone Fail !!
4607 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:36:00 PM
I lost my job because of vodafone effin shit coverage I only no if im working the night before as i work through a job agency and they call or message me the night before they need me in... they tried to call me and when they couldn't get through because it kept going through to my voice mail they sent me a MSG which i didn't receive until 10am the next morning which was to late considering i needed to start at 5am... the reason i got sacked is because this was not the first time it had happened
29 Dec 2010 12:13:38 PM: If you rely on a piece of tech for your work and livelihood, wouldn't a normal person ensure they can get contacted with it? Either the work wasn't important or you didn't care. That it has happened before suggests you SHOULD be sacked for being so negligent. Can't see how this is a Vodafone issue. Cancel them and go with someone that can provide the service. Grow up, be responsible with your life, stop being a child. Man the fuck up baby. You'd make a great customer service rep at Vodafone
4606 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 06:35:46 PM
Internet connection is very bad. Very bad to connect, drops offs, slow...error 720, 734 or Device Switch Off. Can't wait for the end of my contract Jan 2012
4605 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Appalling at 27 Dec 2010 06:35:43 PM
The data coverage even in major metro areas is appalling, and they try to make you purchase a Wifi booster to increase signal but it doesn't. Unless you live next to a 3G tower I wouldn't even try to use the web in your phone, especially IPhone. They usually work faster when you turn 3G off. All customer "care" is now in Mumbai, India where they sadly have trouble understanding our fast Aussie accents, especially when discussing technical problems. I have even been told by a network technician "we do not have coverage in a place called Brisbane"
4604 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:35:23 PM
Great idea creating this site. Vodafone is playing with its customers. Their customer service is non existent. Like everybody else here, I waited more than ONE hour everytime I called their "customer service" to have somebody answering the phone then to be told that I should be talking to a different department. After nearly TWO hours on the phone somebody from Vodafone told me that Vodafone was upgrading their computers and the service should be up in a couple of weeks. Is this a Vodafone joke?? As this site suggests, call the TIO and present your complain. The Federal Government that legislates and grants licenses to telecommunications operators like Vodafone must also take a position to protect the customers.
4603 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No coverage at 27 Dec 2010 06:35:22 PM
Have been a Vodafone customer for approx 6 years and have never had a problem with them until the last 6 months, me and my wife have Iphone's and we are always getting No Service or only 1 bar of coverage, for the cost of the plans we are on we expect to get better, but at the moment are considering paying out the contracts to go elsewhere, but WHY should I????? Vodafone need to pull there act together, I have gone into a vodafone shop on various occasions only to be told to call customer service, then when I do call customer service I'm waiting for approx 40 mins before I get to speak to someone, I don't how long other people are waiting but when I'm working and I have to wait for more than 40 minutes, that's not very good Customer Service (my job suffers), when you finally get through to someone they aren't very helpful anyway, there is a language barrier.... VODAFONE PULL YOUR DAMN HEADS IN AND START GIVING US BETTER SERVICE..
4602 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Merger with 3 at 27 Dec 2010 06:35:14 PM
I have had issues with my 3 contract since they merged with 3!! When hearing this on TV, thought might head to website and see if the trouble is the same. I have been with 3 for 3 years and very happy - no coverage issues at all, so I renewed after a 2 year contract. Then about sept last year the problems started - dropping out, no coverage, calls start and then can't hear anything. All this started just after they joined with vodaphone. I was told that the network would be much better and if having problems should switch my phone to manual roaming!!! This is fine before I have a call (although then charged at higher rates!!!), but if I am in a call.... Again overseas call centre that doesn't understand. Am considering returning to Telstra, which is against everything I think but living in the country I need to have a reliable carrier.I wonder if this is just a vodafail thing or both as I know other people with 3 who have had similar issues. Maybe there is something in common with both these carriers.
4601 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:35:13 PM
I just spent an hour and twenty minutes on the phone to vodafone, to make a complaint. After redirected to "different" departments twice, both of which could hardly understand english I got cut off!!!! Which is ironic considering the reason I called to complain is because every-phone call I make gets cut off. I do not receive calls. I do not receive text messages on time and can rarely send a text message without getting "sent failed" I am absolutely furious with vodafone. I have been with your network for approximately five years yet no loyalty or understanding is being showed to me. I pay a lot of money to get absolutely nothing. I am sending this because I am unable to speak to anyone on the phone despite being on hold. I expect to get some kind of compensation for this otherwise I will be withdrawing from vodafone as soon as I can as my contract is drawing to an end. I will also look into taking further action. I have lost a lot of business in the last few months because of vodafones pathetic, unreliable and unprofessional network.
4600 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:35:11 PM
I lost my job because of vodafone effin shit coverage I only no if im working the night before as i work through a job agency and they call or message me the night before they need me in... they tried to call me and when they couldn't get through because it kept going through to my voice mail they sent me a MSG which i didn't receive until 10am the next morning which was to late considering i needed to start at 5am... the reason i got sacked is because this was not the first time it had happened
4599 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Crapolah at 27 Dec 2010 06:35:06 PM
Im based in the heart of Canberra and get crap house service and forever drop outs......... FRIGG vodafone, then again you cant expect to much from poms which use indians to run their call centres, easier talking to microsoft and thats even a joke.
4598 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is A DISGRACE at 27 Dec 2010 06:35:00 PM
For the past 12 months i have been calling vodafone to complain about calls dropping out they told me to high light it on the bill or record the times and dates for reimburstment. This is impossible to do when i use my mobile for work, i would be stopping all day. Not Good Enough. Also no one has ever called me back after a complaint to see if i happy with the result... Simply because there hasnt been a result its worse now then it ever was and when i asked to fauvit my contract they told me it cost somewhere around $800...
4597 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Immensely at 27 Dec 2010 06:34:58 PM
It is a joke. I called to make a complaint about the service I am not getting. After being on hold for almost two hours, being redirected to a different departments I finally get cut off!
27 Dec 2010 06:42:12 PM: Has happened to me too many times to count!
4596 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:34:49 PM
unless i make a phone call to my home phone or any other phone first thing in the morning my mobile phone does not recieve calls its as if it needs abump start to get going even then it doesnt allways work i have had angry tradesman trying to get access to homes or get an address as we all know most tradesman are on a very tight scedule and this has caused me alot of grief since i sighned up with vodaphone 3 months ago october 2010 i have had nothing but bad coverage i have lost count of the times i have called vodaphone and have been told that i can exit the contract but have to pay for the handset $500
4595 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:34:46 PM
I lost my job because of vodafone effin shit coverage I only no if im working the night before as i work through a job agency and they call or message me the night before they need me in... they tried to call me and when they couldn't get through because it kept going through to my voice mail they sent me a MSG which i didn't receive until 10am the next morning which was to late considering i needed to start at 5am... the reason i got sacked is because this was not the first time it had happened
4594 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:34:24 PM
we where in a contract for 2 years with our internet with vodefone, what a joke that was if you managed to get online you weren't on for long it would drop out consistantly, rang them a number of times to be told it would be ok. The end straw was when i rang them to complain yet again after my contract had finished they then said they would send me something in the mail to make it work faster and it would help with the drop off"s, surprise surprise it never came in the mail after three and a half weeks so i finally cancelled it completetly. Never again vodeafail
4593 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Sux at 27 Dec 2010 06:34:22 PM
I have Been a loyal customer for over 11yrs and vodafone have not shown any
Recognition, let alone informed me and other customers about any network redevelopment and impact it may cause. This year i have put up with Not having reception, incorrect amounts charged for my bill, call drop outs, slow data and being put on hold for hrs. And the most annoying thing would have to be Lara the computerized Staff member who is there to "help" but actully infuriates you more.
Vodafone needs to get there stuff together or I'm
Recognition, let alone informed me and other customers about any network redevelopment and impact it may cause. This year i have put up with Not having reception, incorrect amounts charged for my bill, call drop outs, slow data and being put on hold for hrs. And the most annoying thing would have to be Lara the computerized Staff member who is there to "help" but actully infuriates you more.
Vodafone needs to get there stuff together or I'm
4592 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Xxxxrated fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:34:20 PM
I have an iPhone on Vodafone and an iPad on Telstra. It is an embarrassment to Vodafone that there signal is on one bar on the iPhone when the iPad is screaming with bandwidth!! Shame on you. Although Telstra and Optus have there own issues and are no better at service. I have DoDo broadband at home and every time it rains my service fails. It's about time Australia got a back bone and stood up for itself. The UK service 52 million customers and have 10 times better broadband speeds and incredible 3G bandwidth!! Come on Australia stop living in the dark ages and use the tax payers money on something better than Gillards red hair dye!
4591 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 06:34:11 PM
My family lives in the Bush, East Gippsland, and the reception is very limited. The amount of reception can vary between a number of phones in the same area. Compared to the other networks Vodafone fails as a phone company!!!!
4590 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is it sucks at 27 Dec 2010 06:34:08 PM
its about time someone was able to do something about the service. i tried going into the store in Elizabeth city center and they practicably called me a lier and was really rude about it too. they tried to say i have full service when i know i dont, it always drops out in my home no matter what room. iv even had to buy a home phone so i didnt loose calls from work. even sometimes i cant even message and have to wait till it comes back. they said it could be a faulty sim card and yet even tho they replaced it, nothing has changed. im paying heaps for a service they dont even give me properly. i hope this law suit helps everyone like me out that can not afford to do something about it.
4589 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:33:38 PM
I lost my job because of vodafone effin shit coverage I only no if im working the night before as i work through a job agency and they call or message me the night before they need me in... they tried to call me and when they couldn't get through because it kept going through to my voice mail they sent me a MSG which i didn't receive until 10am the next morning which was to late considering i needed to start at 5am... the reason i got sacked is because this was not the first time it had happened
4588 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 5/5 at 27 Dec 2010 06:33:36 PM
We never signed up with Vodafone. We were signed up with 3 because the coverage was pretty good (even though their phone service is crappy and you can't understand what the people on the other end of the phone are saying!!!). Now that the 2 companies have merged our coverage is almost non existent and with over 6 months still to run it's bloody frustrating...even worse considering we operate 2 businesses and our mobiles are a necessary part of the day to day running of each business.
27 Dec 2010 06:34:24 PM: that's 5/5 for UNRELIABLE COVERAGE!!!
4587 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Disgraceful at 27 Dec 2010 06:33:29 PM
I am with Crazy Johns, I have taken my phone back thinking there was something wrong with it. They put new software on it, but its still as bad. I'm on a $69 plan,which I got so I didnt have to use my home phone. My mobile is virtually unusable cant use 3g at all cant use the internet at all on the phone, what am I paying for???? Does anyone know if I can get out of my contract???
4586 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No words can describe how fail it is at 27 Dec 2010 06:33:06 PM
The reception is so crap I even lose signal in my house and I live in the city were people with other phones have full reception. It's so fail. How hard Is it to get the reception right. I'm never going with Vodafail again
4585 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is extreme Angry at 27 Dec 2010 06:33:06 PM
I been on hold for 1and 23 mins and then I cut off, mate never ever in my life I felt like VERY VERY Frustrated
4584 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Unable to terminate service at 27 Dec 2010 06:33:01 PM
At the end of my contract I decided to get out of vocative! do you think this is possible? Not on line. After being on hold for 2 hours customer service hung up on me 3 times!
Vodafone kept debiting my credit card after I cancelled it online. When they finally responed to my repeated email they told me I have another 12 months of contract. I had to send them a copy of my contract to prove they were wrong. They finally canceled my service not before taking 4 extra months payments & refusing to refund them or respond to my requests!
Vodafone kept debiting my credit card after I cancelled it online. When they finally responed to my repeated email they told me I have another 12 months of contract. I had to send them a copy of my contract to prove they were wrong. They finally canceled my service not before taking 4 extra months payments & refusing to refund them or respond to my requests!
4583 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is completly at 27 Dec 2010 06:32:41 PM
We have prepaid ,and we are saving all our credits because we hardly ever have any reception!!!!!
4582 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Totally at 27 Dec 2010 06:32:21 PM
I have had problems with everything already mentioned but the worst, has been Lara!! I feel so encouraged to know that I am not the only VF customer counting the days til the end of my contract. Thanks for making this site!!
4581 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is big time fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:32:02 PM
I have had reception issues since moving closer to the Perth CBD 2 months ago. I sent emails and only got standard automated responses. They tried to call me on the mobile phone in question and didnt try to contact me at home when the call dropped out 5 times in 10 minutes! I stressed to them i am unemployed and this is affecting my chances of getting employment and i have missed out on potential work over christmas because calls dont get through to voicemail.
They finally admit its their fault but wont acknowledge the statement they made that they would cancel my contract if it was a reception issue.
They finally admit its their fault but wont acknowledge the statement they made that they would cancel my contract if it was a reception issue.
4580 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very! at 27 Dec 2010 06:31:54 PM
Over the Christmas Boxing day break I had NO SERVICE more than I had service! When I rang Customer Care and waited 45min I then lost service and was disconnected and the guy didn't even give me the common decency to ring back. So I got in the que again took the option of a call back in 30min. This happen in an hour and a half only for them to suggest it's my handset and to put my sim in another phone and try it!! Only to hear about this site and find out EVERYONE is having problems!! It is very disappointing! I have 4 phones with them.
4579 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 06:31:35 PM
Vodafone gives absolutely pathetic download speed... I have lost count of the number of times the connection 'times out' before managing to open websites. I hadn't realised that the problem was as big as it is. If I weren't on a contract then I would definitely change provider grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
4578 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is useless at 27 Dec 2010 06:31:30 PM
run a business, have continual dropouts, no network coverage, also have calls go straight to messagebank, then have to pay to retrieve them. not fucking happy with the service at all. I also thought it was my nokia95, but my partners phone does this also. will be discussing a cancellation of contract for both phones due to inept service issues.
4577 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Dropouts at 27 Dec 2010 06:31:23 PM
I thought the dropouts were just a regular occurence across all networks, but now I know it's just Vodafone. What are my issues?? Little or no reception (I'm in Wollongong, apparently good on the 3G network??), calls go straight to voicemail...and these are received well after the call, txts not received by my friends but history show that it has been sent!!! On and on it goes, and shite me and my girlfriend have 19 more months left on our contract!!!
4576 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Just plain annoying at 27 Dec 2010 06:31:22 PM
Standing outside the vodafone store = No reception
Standing in my house - No reception
Standing near the phone tower up the street = 1 Bar
Vodafail is right.
Standing in my house - No reception
Standing near the phone tower up the street = 1 Bar
Vodafail is right.
4575 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAILED at 27 Dec 2010 06:31:22 PM
I only use my phone for 2 things these days
To speak to some girl called LARA and she says she is too busy right now but wait
and to get this message that can not load page no cellular data network
To speak to some girl called LARA and she says she is too busy right now but wait
and to get this message that can not load page no cellular data network
4574 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is xmass drop out at 27 Dec 2010 06:31:01 PM
28 Dec 2010 09:16:43 PM: if your daughter thinks you dont love her because your phone wasnt working, you have more problems then vodafone not working all the time..gees grow up lady
29 Dec 2010 09:01:50 AM: <quote> if your daughter thinks you dont love her because your phone wasnt working, you have more problems then vodafone not working all the time..gees grow up lady</quote> WTF has that got to do with it? Fact their service is rubbish.
29 Dec 2010 12:07:37 PM: Like her parenting...MummyFail...
4573 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Bad! at 27 Dec 2010 06:30:51 PM
AND FUCK LARA OFF TOO! Can't stand the mole!
27 Dec 2010 06:41:38 PM: Very true!
27 Dec 2010 06:42:05 PM: I FUCKING HATE LARA! Everytime I hear the bitch's voice I wan't to strangle someone.
27 Dec 2010 07:28:32 PM: I HATE LARA & so does everybody I know including Vodafone staff.
4572 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is network coverage at 27 Dec 2010 06:30:06 PM
Ver poor network coverage lucky to be able to make a phone call from my home address just signed up for a 24 month contract
Vodafone dont seem to be making any upgrades calls always drop out
Vodafone dont seem to be making any upgrades calls always drop out
4571 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is all the time at 27 Dec 2010 06:29:53 PM
i can never get reception in some places and like every second day my phone cant recieve messages or calls and i cant like do anything on it! its so shitttttttt. fix the bastard
4570 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is terrible reception, continually drops out at 27 Dec 2010 06:29:48 PM
I do not even get service at my own house having to drive down the road to find a spot that has reception, but doesn't always mean I will find it.
27 Dec 2010 06:45:57 PM: renren
4569 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Drop outs, slow HSPA at 27 Dec 2010 06:29:41 PM
I am right next to a tower, that i know Vodafone runs off, anyway i get drop outs constantly, slow as HSPA, like 15 seconds to get google for gods sake, and yes phone sits in limbo for about 20 seconds before connecting...
Sorry but VODAFAIL, then again Telstra and Optus are just as bad.
Sorry but VODAFAIL, then again Telstra and Optus are just as bad.
4568 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Shocking at 27 Dec 2010 06:29:26 PM
Horrendous internet service availability, download speeds. mobile coverage is absolutely disgraceful and their customer service is non-existent.
4567 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Wasting my time! at 27 Dec 2010 06:28:33 PM
I purchased a HTC Desire HD on a 2 year $59 per month plan. Before I purchased the phone I checked both the Crazy Johns and Vodafone website to make sure I had coverage. According to both websites and the sales people at Crazy Johns, I was assured that I would have coverage at home/work. Once I go home (which is 10mins from the Crazy Johns store), I realised I had no Vodafone reception at my home address (Mornington Victoria). Teltra and Optus have 3 bars of signal strength. I tried returning the phone to the Crazy Johns store the next day, but they wouldn't take it back. Instead I was given Vodafones number to call. I have spent hours on the phone to Vodafone with no results. To their credit, Vodafone has unlocked the phone for me so I could put in a Telstra sim and have divereted all my calls to the new Telstra number. However the hole Crazy Johns/Vodafone service is a joke. I have no intent on paying any of Vodafone/Crazy Johns' bills.
27 Dec 2010 06:32:07 PM: Dont pay the bill, let them chase you and take you to court, you will win hands down as their terms and conditions state that you will have service in the areas marked. As a consumer, mention consumer affairs, that sound get them to take it back
4566 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very extremely fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:28:26 PM
I wonder why my 3g usage will be charge into my call usage.
For example,whenever i surf by using 3g, the amount charge shown on my call usage.
i have a 2.5 G plan but none of the data was used!
what a disaster!After i found out i realize that voda have been charging me for more than 5 months ! WTF!
For example,whenever i surf by using 3g, the amount charge shown on my call usage.
i have a 2.5 G plan but none of the data was used!
what a disaster!After i found out i realize that voda have been charging me for more than 5 months ! WTF!
4565 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Bugger all reception at 27 Dec 2010 06:28:16 PM
I run my own business and have been with 3 mobile for a number of years.
I upgraded my plan and 4 months on no cverage,drop outs and eco on in comming calls.
3 mobile told me to pay out the rest of my contract and take my business somewhere eles.
If i ran my company like that id be broke !!!!!!!!
I upgraded my plan and 4 months on no cverage,drop outs and eco on in comming calls.
3 mobile told me to pay out the rest of my contract and take my business somewhere eles.
If i ran my company like that id be broke !!!!!!!!
4564 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No phone, no internet at 27 Dec 2010 06:28:11 PM
Live in Alexandria, NSW, full reception but cannot make/receive calls and no Internet. Only can SMS. Call Vodafail more than 5 times and each time waited for over an hour. Each time same stories; they upgrading the network and it will be fixed soon so case closed. Till now, service still not active. Over promise, under deliver.
4563 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is disgusting at 27 Dec 2010 06:27:22 PM
Poor coverage, poor customer care, slow downloads, nuisance texts from vodafone andthe list goes on and on
4562 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very bad at 27 Dec 2010 06:27:15 PM
Vodafone is so bad that my partner sends me a text to say he is on his way home and by the time Vodafone decides to let me receive it he is walking in the door or he has been home for ages!
Also my friends try to ring and it just goes strat to voicemail coz my phone has no reception even tho I'm standing under a tower, and when you ring the dumbass's on the phone say bad luck!
The worst thing they have done to me is when I recharge and get $150 for free they take it all back over night and try to say I used all my credit over night and to bad! What a fucking joke!
Fuck it I'm going to telstra!
Also my friends try to ring and it just goes strat to voicemail coz my phone has no reception even tho I'm standing under a tower, and when you ring the dumbass's on the phone say bad luck!
The worst thing they have done to me is when I recharge and get $150 for free they take it all back over night and try to say I used all my credit over night and to bad! What a fucking joke!
Fuck it I'm going to telstra!
4561 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Incomprehensable at 27 Dec 2010 06:27:14 PM
In October Vodaphone rang me because my contract had run out, so I signed up again over the phone I was promised they would post me a new phone, well it never arrived, so I spent 6 hours trying to get hold of them only to be hung up on, when I finally got past Lara (who speaks english, she just doesn't understand it, or doesn't listen), I was told they had no record of the phone call, from then on it has gone from bad to worse, they offered me another phone plus 2 months free usage because of the the trouble I had gone through, I picked up the phone only to find out it was faulty and didn't work, so after many hours of trying to communicate with them, I took the new phone back for a replacement only to find out they didn't know when they would have any stock, so after another full day trying to get some satisfaction from them, they then promised me another phone on the $49.00 month plan and I could have the handset for free and I would still get the 2 months free without having to pay the monthly fee, (I might add at this stage I had an $85.00 credit on my monthly bill, well surprise surprise I received a bill for the $49.00 which they had promptly taken out of my $85.00 credit, so back to the drawing board, after another day on the phone, they told me because they had already taken the money they couldn't put it back, so the 2 months free would start on my next bill, then the next week they promptly disconnected my phone, so after another day of running around they finally reconnected it saying they were sorry they had messed up, then last week I got another bill only to discover they had taken the rest of my credit and someone in their wisdom had put me on a $240.00 a month plan, (which I have the paperwork to prove I am on a $49.00 month plan) that makes no difference to them, they are just ignorant and intolerant to peoples needs and really don't give a damn, anyway after spending all of last Thursday trying to get this sorted out, I was promised it would be fixed up in the afternoon and they would send me an SMS to let me know, it is now Monday night and still no SMS, and to top it all off on Friday I did get and SMS telling me my bill had been emailed to me for $240.00 due on the 12th January, I am still trying to work out what happened to my 2 months free.
4560 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Sh_thouse. at 27 Dec 2010 06:27:14 PM
Very late SMS (days), dropped calls, super slow data, handset goes off line too often.
Vodafone customer for 10 year......never on contract.
It's simple, I'm off.
Vodafone customer for 10 year......never on contract.
It's simple, I'm off.
4559 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:26:47 PM
What has poor battery life got to do with vodafone?
Isn't that the handset manufacturer fault?
Isn't that the handset manufacturer fault?
27 Dec 2010 07:15:29 PM: My battery life is worse when my phone is constantly trying to find a service.
4558 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Sh_thouse. at 27 Dec 2010 06:26:45 PM
Very late SMS (days), dropped calls, super slow data, handset goes off line too often.
Vodafone customer for 10 year......never on contract.
It's simple, I'm off.
Vodafone customer for 10 year......never on contract.
It's simple, I'm off.
4557 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is poor at 27 Dec 2010 06:26:37 PM
I had no trouble with 3 until they merged with vodaphone. now i get many call dropouts andoften no reception. i recently upgraded my phone to an lg and found it unusable believing it was a phone fault, i changed the phone to another lg with the same result. i had to change the phone to an errikson to get some servive. its almost impossible changing phones. once you are on a contract no one cares.
4556 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Pretty darn fail. at 27 Dec 2010 06:26:35 PM
Both myself and my partner signed up with Vodafone a few months ago now and we are unable to make calls within our own house. To make a call we have to walk outside with still varying levels of reception. Some days are better than others and we may be able to make a 30 second call from the kitchen on occasion! WOOPIE!
4555 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is worst reception,customer service etc!! at 27 Dec 2010 06:26:23 PM
My reception hardly ever works and when it does the reception usually drops out and my calls fail or disconnect. everytime i try to get my account balance 'it is currently unavailable'. They charged me over a hundred dollars to drop my cap down and then failed to tell me that my new cap didnt cover my calls to my voicemail and charged me extra to ring anyone on a different service. calling customer service to change i was kept on hold for up to 2hrs only to have to call back AGAIN coz they had failed to do what they said they would do!
4554 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 10 at 27 Dec 2010 06:26:22 PM
4553 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 27 Dec 2010 06:26:19 PM
Very late SMS (days), dropped calls, super slow data, handset goes off line too often.
Vodafone customer for 10 year......never on contract.
It's simple, I'm off.
Vodafone customer for 10 year......never on contract.
It's simple, I'm off.
4552 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 06:26:09 PM
Vodafone are absolutely pathetic, when signing 3 phones up to vodafone we were advised we had maximum coverage in Pakenham vic, Rubbish there is barely anything, then to add salt to the wound they force you to go to email phone bills but every month for the past 6 months we have to go to a vodafone store because they just cant manage to send it!!! who do these people think they are i will be very keen to take up the class action and recoup the costs involved with using these liars!!!!!
4551 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is BIGTIME at 27 Dec 2010 06:26:05 PM
Merry Christmas, I have had nothing but pain since the last contract I signed. My phone has been back twice for repairs and is now failing again, I cant receive the coverage I need when we are out 4Wdriving, messages receives late, message that arent for me, there website did not update my e-mail address and I ended up with a large bill and my service cut off.
I cant wait until my contract is up and I will definitely go elsewhere.
I cant wait until my contract is up and I will definitely go elsewhere.
4550 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Unusable at 27 Dec 2010 06:26:05 PM
I bought a Vodafone USB 3G modem for use when on my frequent visits to Melbourne. Unfortunately it seems that the eastern suburbs of Melbourne are a no-coverage area for Vodafone. Just while accessing this site in the past 30 minutes I have had four dropouts.
27 Dec 2010 06:26:33 PM: edit: make that five.
4549 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is incompetent at 27 Dec 2010 06:26:03 PM
how is this one, several weeks ago i called into the local vodafone shop and got a pocket wifi thing for the laptop, after several hours of trying to get it to work properly at the speed promised by the retailer i gave up and took it back to where igot it from, the staff there were not very helpful so i just gave back the equipment and told them the contract was at an end, now i am getting bills for a service and equipment i do not have, after several fruitless phone calls i have just recieved another one, i am writing this as i wait on hold as i want this to end, 35 minutes later im still on hold
4548 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is cheap in all ways at 27 Dec 2010 06:25:52 PM
I went overseas for 3 months but had to stay longer due to a family reason. Virgin quaranteed our numbers and refused to return them so I shopped for alternatives and bought one just mobile and a GRL sim card both Vodafone resellers. Loosing friends because of network failures is a terrible thing we had to go thru in the past 2 months. Data service is ok but in hindsight should have gone to Telstra in the first place. being a technician myself I know just how underpaid technical people are but the problem is truly global. French Orange technicians commit-ed mass suicides due to poor working conditions. Vodafone fix it or pay!!!
4547 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 27 Dec 2010 06:25:50 PM
Very late SMS (days), dropped calls, super slow data, handset goes off line too often.
Vodafone customer for 10 year......never on contract.
It's simple, I'm off.
Vodafone customer for 10 year......never on contract.
It's simple, I'm off.
4546 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:25:46 PM
Where do I start???
1. Six hours without coverage
2. text messages coming through days (at least 4 days) after they were sent
3. calls dropping out
4. being unable to recharge either by the website or on my phone for 4 hours
5. slow data connection
All this within 2 weeks. Ridiculous Vodafone, total massive fail. I have been with them for 7 years and have always been happy but this last 3 months I have seen them really drop the ball. Such a pity cause I don't want to turn to other competitors especially not Telstra.
1. Six hours without coverage
2. text messages coming through days (at least 4 days) after they were sent
3. calls dropping out
4. being unable to recharge either by the website or on my phone for 4 hours
5. slow data connection
All this within 2 weeks. Ridiculous Vodafone, total massive fail. I have been with them for 7 years and have always been happy but this last 3 months I have seen them really drop the ball. Such a pity cause I don't want to turn to other competitors especially not Telstra.