Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
4445 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Stupid at 27 Dec 2010 06:06:34 PM
I still get a bill from a previously closed down (Post-Pay Cell Phone) account that is almost a year old where I still have extra money on the account that I am owed. I have a new Vodafone account and I can not merge the account debit and credit together. I am now on a by-the-month Bring Your Own plan not a fixed 24 month contract and I can not get the present bill emailed to me it can only be sent in paper form (with a additional $2.50 fee) unlike the other bill that is emailed to me. I have poor or no service as soon as I go outside the City Area. Now I have a different email address I am going to have to pay a $2.50 fee for having the old bill I owe nothing on mailed to me in paper form. If you call Vodafone assistance and get to speak to someone they are barely able to speak English and 90% of the time the problem or issue is not resolved it is left the same way it started out as. I have spend hours on the phone waiting for the accounts and bills department but there is still no change to my accounts and it is a waste of my time and money. Vodafone is cheap compared to some other Telecommunication Providers in Australia but their customer service is so very low. Even if you go into a Vodafone store they are useless because I am told I need to call the department and they do not deal with such matters. The staff in the shops are only there to make a sale and get people on fixed contracts.
4444 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 06:06:27 PM
When I had two friends over from China who needed to have an Autralian mobile number, I didn't hesitate to take them to Vodafone which has been the only mobile network that I've ever used. They each purchased a sim card with $20 credit. They mainly used their phones to receive phone calls from China. After about one month, they both got the message from Vodafone saying their credit had run out. They were really puzzled as they were assured by Vodafone that they do not pay for phone calls received. One of my friends decided to purchase another $20 credit. Alas, two weeks later he got the message againg saying his credit was about to run out when he hardly had his phone switched on! I tried to contact Vodafone many times trying to work this out and was eventually told that the SIM card had a number that has been recycled. The person who had this number before subcribed to a company that provided overseas media content that still sent text message regularly at a cost of $3.50 per text message to my friend! You would think Vodafone would have blocked all these 'old connections' before they issue the same number again to someone else!!!
4443 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:06:08 PM
I was told that I would have coverage in Kalgoorlie as I travel there once a week. Yeah I get coverage but getting speeds worse than dial up (Speed test 1kb/s) and very unreliable. If I was not half way through a 24mth contract I would not be with this comapny at all.
4442 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Stupid at 27 Dec 2010 06:06:05 PM
I still get a bill from a previously closed down (Post-Pay Cell Phone) account that is almost a year old where I still have extra money on the account that I am owed. I have a new Vodafone account and I can not merge the account debit and credit together. I am now on a by-the-month Bring Your Own plan not a fixed 24 month contract and I can not get the present bill emailed to me it can only be sent in paper form (with a additional $2.50 fee) unlike the other bill that is emailed to me. I have poor or no service as soon as I go outside the City Area. Now I have a different email address I am going to have to pay a $2.50 fee for having the old bill I owe nothing on mailed to me in paper form. If you call Vodafone assistance and get to speak to someone they are barely able to speak English and 90% of the time the problem or issue is not resolved it is left the same way it started out as. I have spend hours on the phone waiting for the accounts and bills department but there is still no change to my accounts and it is a waste of my time and money. Vodafone is cheap compared to some other Telecommunication Providers in Australia but their customer service is so very low. Even if you go into a Vodafone store they are useless because I am told I need to call the department and they do not deal with such matters. The staff in the shops are only there to make a sale and get people on fixed contracts.
4441 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 90% at 27 Dec 2010 06:05:58 PM
G`day. am posting this while on holiday in Tassie , But i am going to say that after 7 mths , 3 usb sticks , 4 sim-card replacements(1 returned from store in a bent condition) , next to no connections and data going `missing` and then credited at a later time with extra Gig added ..... for no real reason , i received a Full Credit on the device with no questions asked. they (V) actually suggested this and now i am using the provider that doesnt start with T , but a few letters before.
this service is great ...... especially see-ing that my current location in Tasmania is Stanley on the North of the island and i cannot get signal from EITHER of the 2 known biggies on my personal or work phones. one of the phones is with T , the other with the big V. will leave ya`s with that comment and i hopes you`se-all get a win sometime in the future.
be nice if they would just give some free Usage for a Month , wouldn`t it?
Cheers .... :)
this service is great ...... especially see-ing that my current location in Tasmania is Stanley on the North of the island and i cannot get signal from EITHER of the 2 known biggies on my personal or work phones. one of the phones is with T , the other with the big V. will leave ya`s with that comment and i hopes you`se-all get a win sometime in the future.
be nice if they would just give some free Usage for a Month , wouldn`t it?
Cheers .... :)
4440 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is no coverage at 27 Dec 2010 06:05:49 PM
I have not had proper coverage for over a year in the area that I live in, which is very annoying to say the least as I need my phone for work as many a time I am on call as a nurse/support worker. The battery does not stay charged for long either and I am paying over $130.or more a month for no service and all they can say is that they are working on it what a poor excuse I am sick of the service I am receiving at present.
4439 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is mega fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:05:40 PM
I was on hold to stupid Lara for 2 hours and 4 minutes last week to sort out why my internet wasn't working. Well I never got through and my internet is still slow! Im sick of the coverage
4438 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 06:05:39 PM
Vodafail has ruined any chance my family and I have of communicating without drop outs or trying to finding reception by standing in the back yard. Thanks for ruining our communications....
4437 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Stupid at 27 Dec 2010 06:05:31 PM
I still get a bill from a previously closed down (Post-Pay Cell Phone) account that is almost a year old where I still have extra money on the account that I am owed. I have a new Vodafone account and I can not merge the account debit and credit together. I am now on a by-the-month Bring Your Own plan not a fixed 24 month contract and I can not get the present bill emailed to me it can only be sent in paper form (with a additional $2.50 fee) unlike the other bill that is emailed to me. I have poor or no service as soon as I go outside the City Area. Now I have a different email address I am going to have to pay a $2.50 fee for having the old bill I owe nothing on mailed to me in paper form. If you call Vodafone assistance and get to speak to someone they are barely able to speak English and 90% of the time the problem or issue is not resolved it is left the same way it started out as. I have spend hours on the phone waiting for the accounts and bills department but there is still no change to my accounts and it is a waste of my time and money. Vodafone is cheap compared to some other Telecommunication Providers in Australia but their customer service is so very low. Even if you go into a Vodafone store they are useless because I am told I need to call the department and they do not deal with such matters. The staff in the shops are only there to make a sale and get people on fixed contracts.
4436 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Apology and network upgrade at 27 Dec 2010 06:05:14 PM
Well and good for Nigel Dews apology recently, but with the apology I do not fix my network problems.
Vodafone have announced a big boost to their national 3G network, but the question is when? This is their link:
What is their dead line for the completion of the upgrade 12 months, 24 months or should I wait until I retire at 65?
Maybe to alleviate the coverage problem in the mean time (before they complete their upgrade) they could strike a deal with Telstra and Optus to use/share their towers where Vodafone towers do not exist or are too far away.
This would bring back some confidence back into their client base and would be a sign of respect towards their customers.
Vodafone have announced a big boost to their national 3G network, but the question is when? This is their link:
What is their dead line for the completion of the upgrade 12 months, 24 months or should I wait until I retire at 65?
Maybe to alleviate the coverage problem in the mean time (before they complete their upgrade) they could strike a deal with Telstra and Optus to use/share their towers where Vodafone towers do not exist or are too far away.
This would bring back some confidence back into their client base and would be a sign of respect towards their customers.
4435 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very! at 27 Dec 2010 06:05:11 PM
i use my mobile ALOT!!I am always on the phone, for work and study, and i use it to make international phone calls to my family in the middle east! The calls are dropping out, my sms service hardly works! when i send a picture, it rarely is received and when one is sent to me, i receive it about four to five days later! When i call "customer service" all i get is "i understand your frustration, i'm terribly sorry about your experience" WELL IF YOU'RE SORRY FIX IT!!!!! ggggggrrrrr!
4434 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:04:55 PM
When I signed my contract with Vodafone I explained to the Sales Assistant that I worked within the Emergency Services sector and I needed to have optimal reception EVERYWHERE. I made myself quite clear that the style of phone was not my concern but excellent reception was imperative. The Sales Assistant sold me a contracted phone with the reassurance that they have never had a problem with reception with that particular phone.
Well to my suprise she lied in a big way. I lived in the centre of town and was unable to get reception, when I was at home the only place I was able to have reception was by walking out to my letter box to make phone calls and send messages.
I rung Vodafone a few weeks later and informed them of the conversation I had had with the sales assistant, I stressed the importance of reception to the Vodafone rep. The only conclusion I achieved from the phone call was that I could pay my contract out or continue my contract.
I had no option but to pay my contract out as I HAD to have reception at all times and in all locations. This little exercise cost me a ridiculous amount of money and time and was a huge inconvenience.
I will never buy Vodafone again.
Well to my suprise she lied in a big way. I lived in the centre of town and was unable to get reception, when I was at home the only place I was able to have reception was by walking out to my letter box to make phone calls and send messages.
I rung Vodafone a few weeks later and informed them of the conversation I had had with the sales assistant, I stressed the importance of reception to the Vodafone rep. The only conclusion I achieved from the phone call was that I could pay my contract out or continue my contract.
I had no option but to pay my contract out as I HAD to have reception at all times and in all locations. This little exercise cost me a ridiculous amount of money and time and was a huge inconvenience.
I will never buy Vodafone again.
27 Dec 2010 07:51:05 PM: That's terrible
27 Dec 2010 08:34:10 PM: Oh and they even continued to send me monthly bills after I paid the contract out, cancelled my contract and had my phone turned off. Karma hey, I guess their's is coming
4433 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is massive fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:04:48 PM
had heaps of internet issues where after several complaints,hours and hours of telephone calls and being shafted from one dept to another,from one non english speaking so called customer service operator to another to be told my laptop was the issue and to find out it was only a coverage problem they still will not issue me back my credit i still have in the account.although not a large sum the cost of losing coverage and buying a new laptop for no reason just shows how useless this company is.this also icluded vodafone sending me 2 new doggles and new sim card.what does a person have to do to be reimbursed as when you go into a store they just say "phone customer service" ha what a joke
4432 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extremely Poor at 27 Dec 2010 06:04:46 PM
Extremely poor coverage in metropolitan areas. Calls constantly dropping out or automatically being sent to messgaqe bank. I even noticed they were over charging me on my accounts!
4431 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Often at 27 Dec 2010 06:04:42 PM
Frustrating drop outs. Not impressed at all. Will change providers once out of contract for sure, just to stick it up VF.
4430 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No reception at 27 Dec 2010 06:04:40 PM
Drop out all over Sydney, over the Blue Mountains Tasmania dreadful reception will change to Telstra at end of contract
4429 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is poor internet services at 27 Dec 2010 06:04:40 PM
We bought an internet USB stick in May 2010 from Vodafone, never had coverage (even though Vodafone said that in that area they have full coverage). Vodafone promised to fix it, never called back. After contacting them on numerous occasions (and being put through tens of departments and all at our own expance), they said that the contract was canceled, when in fact not only that they DID NOT cancel the cpntract, but they transfered "the debt of one month fee" to a collection company WITHOUT informing us (we never received a letter of notification, a bill etc). We were contacted by that collection company and threatened we will end up with a very bad credit history if we do not pay them. That is when we called Vodafone and they said we have to IGNORE that letter because our contract with them had been canceled. Only in november 2010 could we close the business with Vodafone, after we had to pay from our own pockets for all the correspondence with them and all the trouble with the collection company that they hired to get money from us we did not owe. It cost us 6 phone cards of $29 each and 20 hours of our times to sort out their mess because they REFUSED to call the collection company themselves. At the moment we are very very disappointed and we want to be compensated. Hope you will be able to do something about it. Our details: Brett and Betty Pedersen, 0406212705
4428 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is extreme at 27 Dec 2010 06:04:39 PM
3 is just as bad
27 Dec 2010 06:14:39 PM: Vodafone owns 3
4427 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:04:36 PM
We are being charged for multiple "connection errors" - 77c per flagfall with issues happening 5 times + in a row. the other night when i was driving home, i was having issues with my car and couldn't call my husband for 30 mins due to "connection issues". Remind me again WHY i am paying $60 per month for 2 services when i get charged for stuff im not using???
4426 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is the worst phone net work at 27 Dec 2010 06:04:26 PM
After taking a vodafone contract for the last almost 2 years, I have nothing but coverage, sms messages days late, missed calls never show, voice messages often never get through to me. I have to stand in one spot to call someone in my own house an can never ever walk around with talking or move an inch, I have complained as I want out of this network.
Vodafone Austrila is a heap of crap...worst service, worst coverage
Vodafone Austrila is a heap of crap...worst service, worst coverage
4425 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very bad at 27 Dec 2010 06:04:11 PM
hi there i have 2 concact with vodafone and both of them i arnt happy with very mad first is the wireless internet and phone the vodashop shop lied to me the first is the wireless internet which the shop show me a coverage screen saying that i will get very good coverage but i always get 1 bar saying very poor or i odd time a get 2 bar saying poor. it poor for me it takes sometimes about 3 minutes for a page to load up and i can be on internet sometimes for 5 minutes max then it just drop out i have to keep on disconnect then connect all the time and it make me very mad i have had my computer in shop to get resheshed but they told me its just vodafone we singed up in march any they made us sign up on a 2 year concact. everytime i use the internet i feel like smaching my laptop but vodafone the problem i like to cancel it but they told us it cost alot of money then worried they will put bad credit on our files.and for there telephone we never get good coverage we have to go outside to make a call i will never deal with vodafone again in the rest of my life it make me so made we pay for products and they dont give us the services very mad with them and it waste of time trying to call them they dont care
29 Dec 2010 11:45:55 AM: Hey I think i need my computer resheshed...where do i go to get this done? I would be made too!
4424 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:04:08 PM
I was on hold for two hours before I finally got through to someone to advise them my internet wasnt working, then I was advised it was out of hours for the technical team. I spoke to the supervisor and he hung up on me while talking to someone next to him. He did not call back. I called the next day, was on hold for an hour before someone answered my call and I was advised I would get a call back from someone who could help me, eight hours later I get a call back and am told to wait a couple of hours for the internet to start working again. Next day, internet not working again, called back Vodafone who told me to uninstall internet then reinstall and they hung up the phone. Turns out the computer would not let me reinstall the internet, Vodafone told me there was nothing they could do so I asked to be put through to disconnections. I was advised I would have to pay for the service for the next few weeks as they cannot disconnect until the end of my billing cycle (so I'm still paying for something that doesnt work). When I hang up the phone from them I discover they also disconnected my mobile phone...when will this nightmare end????
4423 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:04:00 PM
Vodafone were warned they will have serious issues if they do not manage the merger properly, and thats what you guys are experiencing. An overcrowding of the network.
I still remain firm that I do not experience issues with Vodafone. Telstra are a bunch of twats
I still remain firm that I do not experience issues with Vodafone. Telstra are a bunch of twats
4422 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bad at 27 Dec 2010 06:03:57 PM
We have TWO mobile phones which never get reception. I have a pre-psaid USB internet modem, it cost me $100 and when i took it back to my store to obtsin a refund they told me coverage is not their problem as long the unit works i said "The unit doesn't work because there is nop signal strength". Our mobile are about 1 year old, we can't change to another provider because the phones are locked. Vodafone wants us to pay to unlock the phones. Vodafone should make sure they could at least give 90% coverage,not tell customs it's not their problem but it is their problem, the total cost of Vodafone's failure to us is about $400. We are also members of the SES in the New England Region and miss important calls
4421 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:03:49 PM
So first of all, vodafone started charging me up to 600 dollars a month for my phone usage. The reason was cause i was receiving random sms messages which I never signed up for but that cost me 50 dollars an sms. It was sms's with random world facts. I was never told, even when asked that this was the reason my phone bill was so high until i asked around and figured out what it was supposed to be.
So i go in to vodafone, change the play to the 99 dollar unlimited plan and get an i phone.
When I signed up i was told to keep making payments into the same bpay account, i did.
Later I am told I have not paid my phone bill. After about a week of fucking around I finally get through to the customer service line, and eventually they give me the money i paid in credit on my current account.
This month, I get another bill;. No credit has been applied, nothing. Not only that. I am told my phone will be cut off in a few days if i don't pay right away.
Only problem is, I have a sms, an automated phonecall and an email ALL stating different amounts I owe (Anywhere between 110 and 400) I call for days, am on the line for over an hour sometimes and get no help. Can't even talk to anyone.
Then when i try and use the automated service to find out how much my bill is and what my b pay details are i am told my account details are unable to be found at this time, sorry for the inconvenience.
Next day my phone gets cut off.
I go into vodafone to sort it out. I am told that no vodafone representative at a vodafone shop is allowed to handle billing issues and all I can do is pay the full amount and maybe sometime this week my phone will come back on (Maybe) I paid the bill on friday.
This is after the vodafone representative checked on his computer and indeed confirmed i had 300 dollars of credit. Credit which was given to me by vodafone over a month ago and is registered in their computers yet they still want me to p[ay the same amount because their computers cant sort my shit out.
On top of that, there is the constant bad internet connection, bad service, late messages, missed phonically that don't come through till after its too late.
my email is
I am a film maker also. I will gladly help sue vodafone.
So i go in to vodafone, change the play to the 99 dollar unlimited plan and get an i phone.
When I signed up i was told to keep making payments into the same bpay account, i did.
Later I am told I have not paid my phone bill. After about a week of fucking around I finally get through to the customer service line, and eventually they give me the money i paid in credit on my current account.
This month, I get another bill;. No credit has been applied, nothing. Not only that. I am told my phone will be cut off in a few days if i don't pay right away.
Only problem is, I have a sms, an automated phonecall and an email ALL stating different amounts I owe (Anywhere between 110 and 400) I call for days, am on the line for over an hour sometimes and get no help. Can't even talk to anyone.
Then when i try and use the automated service to find out how much my bill is and what my b pay details are i am told my account details are unable to be found at this time, sorry for the inconvenience.
Next day my phone gets cut off.
I go into vodafone to sort it out. I am told that no vodafone representative at a vodafone shop is allowed to handle billing issues and all I can do is pay the full amount and maybe sometime this week my phone will come back on (Maybe) I paid the bill on friday.
This is after the vodafone representative checked on his computer and indeed confirmed i had 300 dollars of credit. Credit which was given to me by vodafone over a month ago and is registered in their computers yet they still want me to p[ay the same amount because their computers cant sort my shit out.
On top of that, there is the constant bad internet connection, bad service, late messages, missed phonically that don't come through till after its too late.
my email is
I am a film maker also. I will gladly help sue vodafone.
4420 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Worst service ever at 27 Dec 2010 06:03:46 PM
After being with optus for nearly 10 years I stupidly switched to Vodafone. I then had to wait over 4 weeks for my number to port across, during which time I subjected myself to their inadequate customer service as I attempted to have my problem resolved. One one occasion, I was disconnected from the 1300 number 5 times, and at least 2 of those calls had me on the line for nearly an hour. What a disgrace. I heard about this website on the news and to add insult to injury I can't get any Internet service on my Vodafone prepaid net so I am pain stakingly typing this on my iPhone.
Shame on Vodafone, you have failed to provide for me as a customer, and I cannot wait to escape this horrendous contract you have me bound to for the next 22 months!
Shame on Vodafone, you have failed to provide for me as a customer, and I cannot wait to escape this horrendous contract you have me bound to for the next 22 months!
4419 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:03:43 PM
Have had Vodaphone email since July and unable to use it, the response to complaint was to move the computer!!!
4418 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is network coverage or no reception at 27 Dec 2010 06:03:27 PM
we've been with vodafone as loyal customer for a few years and always recharges the credit with reasonable amount but so far until today always...always had a problem with the network coverage, doesn't matter where we are and whenever. actually even got worse than that where i was in emergency ( Hospital ) by my self couldn't made a call with the mobile that i had because there was no reception at all, its really..really wasn't fair at all. i've been keep complaining but they(vodafone) didn't really make improvement to provide a better service coverage, so i think its time for us to consider and think about whether stai in with vodafone problem or move in to a better provider.
4417 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Indian Nightmare! at 27 Dec 2010 06:03:16 PM
Call Centre in India!
Who the Fark is Lara? (the human-bot)I bet she doesn't live in India!
I'm OVER OFF SHORE CALL CENTRE's, its the year 2011 nearly, lets get it right!
Who the Fark is Lara? (the human-bot)I bet she doesn't live in India!
I'm OVER OFF SHORE CALL CENTRE's, its the year 2011 nearly, lets get it right!
27 Dec 2010 06:19:45 PM: Oh my golly gosh, you do not understand how hard it is to answer your calls when I am munching on my curry.
4416 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bad at 27 Dec 2010 06:02:55 PM
We have TWO mobile phones which never get reception. I have a pre-psaid USB internet modem, it cost me $100 and when i took it back to my store to obtsin a refund they told me coverage is not their problem as long the unit works i said "The unit doesn't work because there is nop signal strength". Our mobile are about 1 year old, we can't change to another provider because the phones are locked. Vodafone wants us to pay to unlock the phones. Vodafone should make sure they could at least give 90% coverage,not tell customs it's not their problem but it is their problem, the total cost of Vodafone's failure to us is about $400. We are also members of the SES in the New England Region and miss important calls
4415 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:02:38 PM
Internet cut off without notice. I call them to see what is going on. On hold for 30 mins, then hang up on. Call back and on hold again, told someone will call me back. They let the phone call for one ring and then just hang up. All up over 48 hours of making calls to them to sort out my already shit internet connection I was put on hold for over 2 and half hours. Sometimes I was on hold for 35 mins before someone even picked the phone up, then for them to tell me I have been put through to the wrong section just to be transferred to another area and be on hold for another 25mins. But I have to pay $200 to get out of the shit running contract!
4414 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Worst ever at 27 Dec 2010 06:02:33 PM
4413 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:02:21 PM
My wife and myself live in Kellyville Ridge / Rouse hill. We try and get reception but we have to move out side of the house, then when we do it drops out. Very frustrating for us.
Vodafone needs to address with with the highest priority.
Let it be noted today we can put a man on the moon, and yet the phone drops out in kellyville Ridge and on the M2.
Vodafone needs to address with with the highest priority.
Let it be noted today we can put a man on the moon, and yet the phone drops out in kellyville Ridge and on the M2.
4412 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:02:17 PM
Moved from the ACT in 2007, no problems with service there. Live in north coast area, have had poor service all the time I have lived here, have complained to Vodafone retail store about service and been told on more than one occasion that they were going to put in new tower in local area for better reception YEH RIGHT! Heard it all before, there are only a few places in my home where I can get service usually sit on front window sill. Sick to death of appalling service and lack of concern from customer service staff when I ring to complain. Their store closed some time ago but they were useless anyway. Good luck with this campaign.
4411 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Will never use again at 27 Dec 2010 06:02:01 PM
Slightly different to other posts. I was recently an overseas visitor, purchased a 'pay as you go' SIM card to use when in Australia. Started using it and thought it was a good idea to top it up with more money ... as I do in my home country. Wrong decision! Vodaphone take any current funds on the SIM card (thank you very much)and all you get is the new amount of monies. Yes, they do state this in their T&C in very small print but when do overseas visitors spend time reading the 'small print'? How many new Australian based customers also get 'caught' this way the first time? And no sales person made any mention of this practice. I wonder how much extra monies Vodaphone make from this practice. Oh, and they do not bother to reply to my complaint.
28 Dec 2010 10:24:28 PM: Inexcusable theft of your money.At least in the old days Ned Kelly was totally upfront and his victims knew immediately that he was stealing from them!!!! (they got me too)
29 Dec 2010 03:55:02 AM: Thanks for your reply ... perhaps we should somehow start a new thread to find out just how many of us there are?
2 Jan 2011 01:39:36 AM: I am sure that someone in Vodaphone management is studying much of Vodafail. How about explaining why you take 'left over' monies out of pre-paids when users top-up. Is this your way of cashing up from new, unwise customers? And if they are temporary, overseas visitors, they ain't got a hope of reconciliation. If you must use such poor business practice then HIGHLIGHT YOUR POLICY TO THE CUSTOMER.
20 Jan 2011 01:52:47 PM: Yes- follow you practice for the fine print on your mobile broad band- white fine print on a yellow background.
4410 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:01:55 PM
This is more a question but it is painful...I get like no reception with Vodafone in several places around my home town. Is this a sufficient reason to cancel my contract with them without incurring any charges does anyone know? It says on the Vodafone website on their "coverage map" that I should get service in the areas
4409 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:01:47 PM
every time i call someone it takes a couple of mins to connect or it will ring twice then go blank and i will have to hang up and call again it also cuts out half way through my fone calls so im having to call people back. and am always having NO SERVICE on my fone.
4408 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:01:46 PM
Phone gets SMS a day later , I can leave phone on my desk at home and it will have service then say no service without me moving the telephone , phone won't connect even though it has full signal .we have 4 iPhones locked in a business contract for another couple of months and we won't be renewing our contract .worst ever
4407 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodacrap TOTAL failure at 27 Dec 2010 06:01:44 PM
Vodacrap ripped me off - what more do I need to say? Promised a service they can't deliver. They cost me lot more than money too, they cost me a job. Dishonesty is the standard business paradigm for Australia but Vodacrap have taken dishonesty to a whole new level. We are lucky Vodacrap don't own a bank.
4406 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:01:34 PM
I handed back my wireless chip as no coversge as promised. I bought it for businedd and it was appalling. They took it back and cancelled the contract.
4405 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is disgusting at 27 Dec 2010 06:01:30 PM
Half way through a call it drops out saying "Network Busy". of cause its busy....I was on it. Then to add to the frustration 4 bars turns to 1 when you try to dial again and just before ringing the signal drops out completely for 10 minutes. All this without moving. This can happen 5 times a day easily....
27 Dec 2010 06:17:29 PM: I have the same problem with my calls and so does my wife. How can a network get busy when you are using it?????????????
27 Dec 2010 06:20:52 PM: I have just e-mailed Piper to join the class action at the following link; Unlike Vodafone I hope they respond.
27 Dec 2010 08:08:02 PM: I have just e-mailed Piper to join the class action at the following link; Unlike Vodafone I hope they respond.
4404 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Mega Fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:01:30 PM
Trying to recharge my Vodafone plan using a credit card, was a failure. Several calls to 1555 were intermittent, the worst one was where a Indian got all my credit card details, and just after that the phone hung up. Don't trust them with your card details!
4403 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is complete and utter failure at 27 Dec 2010 06:01:25 PM
Completey sick of Vodafone!!!!..i regret the day i left Telstra.Ive had nothing but grief from the day i walked out of the Vodafone store..they even made me repair my phone and said i had to repair it two more times before they would replace it... it would'nt have mattered if they replaced my phone its their horrible horrible reception it's has had me close to smashing/destroying my phone out of sheer frustration! It cuts out mid conversation ALL the time,and has"NO SERVICE" only 50kms out of Sydney and i dont even bother with the net! at the stage where i feel there isn't even any point to having a "Mobile" phone it doesn't work anyway!. All i want is out of my contract so im free to go back to Telstra!
4402 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Any Lawyers not on Vodafones payroll? at 27 Dec 2010 06:01:24 PM
Pretty silent submissive bunch of sycophants aren't you?? Piper's have the balls - why are rest of you so piss weak??
27 Dec 2010 06:07:19 PM: The Aussie lawyers with integrity and guts got to fight UN cases-the ones remaining here suck on the corporate teat. Big 5 are silent cos they too busy sucking up to global clients like....let me see..Vodafone!!
4401 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is no reception at 27 Dec 2010 06:01:20 PM
I entered into a contract with Vodafone in June, with a Nokia N97 phone and have no reception ever since. On taking out the contract I insisted on knowing that I would be able to receive reception in my area and was told yes. My Mobile has been sent away 3 times for repair and I have had a new sim card and 6 months down the track I still have NO reception. I want out of my contract as I can live up to my end of the deal by paying my bills but they have never lived up to theirs by giving my reception.
4400 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bloody Crap at 27 Dec 2010 06:01:07 PM
I took out a VodaPhone Wireless Internet Stick for my computer to surf the net and thought that prepaid internet wireless was the only way to go, well I had nothing but problems when I got the product home, there was at best of times a very weak siginal or no signal at all, I took the product back many times and had it swap over for a new stick, but still it did not fix the problem, I thought that vodaphone would work in a major city here in Sydney but it didn't.
After serveral attempts and exchanges I finally had enough, I asked for a refund and they did not want to give it to me as they want to try other options still all which didn't work, so I demanded my money back the next time I went in and finally got the majority of the money back except for a few dollars. For peace of mind I didn't care, but I also have a vodaphone mobile too and thats a constant struggle to deal with friendly customer service, most times It sound like I am speaking to a call centre somewhere in India
After serveral attempts and exchanges I finally had enough, I asked for a refund and they did not want to give it to me as they want to try other options still all which didn't work, so I demanded my money back the next time I went in and finally got the majority of the money back except for a few dollars. For peace of mind I didn't care, but I also have a vodaphone mobile too and thats a constant struggle to deal with friendly customer service, most times It sound like I am speaking to a call centre somewhere in India
4399 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is TERRIBLE at 27 Dec 2010 06:00:23 PM
My partner and i both have vodafone mobile web and IT SUCKS.. It is slow constantly drops out, stops downloading, uploading, network range is crap; Just hanging till out of contract to finally be rid of it!!!! he also has vodafone mobile phone and its range is the worst i have ever known.. he sends sms and it takes over an hour more than once to arrive...
4398 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Big Time at 27 Dec 2010 06:00:17 PM
I wanted to change plans, i was on hold for 1 hour and 20 mins until i spoke to some one. They put me through and i had to wait for a further hour. When i finally got through, the idiot put me into the wrong department. I had to wait again to get transferred into the correct department. To change my plan it took me 3 hours and 40 mins in total. I watched 7 news @ 4.30, deal or no deal, sevens news at 6, today tonight at 6.30, the Simpsons at 7, and i was finally off the phone at 7.40pm (starting at 4.00pm). Ridiculous waiting time! You cant change plans online nor in-stores and the waiting time for customer service is shocking.
4397 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is data & Phone reception at 27 Dec 2010 06:00:16 PM
When I was with Telstra I had reception even in the most remote areas in some national parks however I am now with Vodaphone. I have no coverage from my house and even from the opera house !!! I could see the person I was ringing on the ferry as it went past me about 200 metrs away, yet my phone repeatedly reported "Call Fail". If you cannot use your phone wirth Vodaphone what is the use of having a phone in the first place.
4396 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Useless Service at 27 Dec 2010 05:59:44 PM
What is the point of an infinite plan??? I suppose you need it so you can call back after continuous drop-outs and Zero service.
I signed up on a 24 month infinite plan 2 months ago. I asked if I would get service at my house ok and was told it was in a normal service area and would be ok. I now know the meaning of normal service!!! Not only at my home but just about everywhere in and around Brisbane. I have emailed them continuously and they come back to me in complete denial, saying to clean the sim, blaming the phone, wanting to replace the sim etc. even when I tell them that I have read all the media regarding their lack of service. HOW CAN THEY GET AWAY WITH SIGNING PEOPLE UP UNDER THESE FALSE PRETENCES!!!!!!!!
I signed up on a 24 month infinite plan 2 months ago. I asked if I would get service at my house ok and was told it was in a normal service area and would be ok. I now know the meaning of normal service!!! Not only at my home but just about everywhere in and around Brisbane. I have emailed them continuously and they come back to me in complete denial, saying to clean the sim, blaming the phone, wanting to replace the sim etc. even when I tell them that I have read all the media regarding their lack of service. HOW CAN THEY GET AWAY WITH SIGNING PEOPLE UP UNDER THESE FALSE PRETENCES!!!!!!!!
4395 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is difficult and unhelpful at 27 Dec 2010 05:59:42 PM
I had a vodafone 6 month plan and after 5 months I went overseas. I was told that I could cancel at the end of the 6 months. I emailed vodafone to do so and recieved no reply but continued to be billed (I had set up auto pay with my bank)I had my father visit the store and they assured him (after 3 hours in the store!) that it would be resolved. I recieved more bills. I emailed again,
no reply... This went on for the whole 6 months I was away (not using my phone)
upon returning home I went into the store and after an hour or more, the issue still wasn't resolved. I was told I would be refunded the ammount payed out as they at least had a record of the email (so why didn't they answer it??) But the staff couldn't confirm that, as, you guessed it, they couldn't get through and needed to Email HQ. Still waiting for a reply...
no reply... This went on for the whole 6 months I was away (not using my phone)
upon returning home I went into the store and after an hour or more, the issue still wasn't resolved. I was told I would be refunded the ammount payed out as they at least had a record of the email (so why didn't they answer it??) But the staff couldn't confirm that, as, you guessed it, they couldn't get through and needed to Email HQ. Still waiting for a reply...
4394 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is network in and out at 27 Dec 2010 05:59:30 PM
i join vodafine in dec 2010, thinking that i got a good deal and that vodafone is a strong network, i have been experiencing network failing 50 percent of a time sincet i join earlier this month. sometimes not network for the whole day. this never happen with my previous provider,
4393 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:59:23 PM
I can''t really complain about poor reception - it is always great EXCEPT for when I am in my house - a double brick home, that I get frequent drop outs. When I walk outside its fine. Any other location outside of my home is fine.
The thing that concerns me though is receiving a text message one hour after it was sent. This has not happened regularly, but has happened approximately 4 - 5 time in the last month or so.
The thing that concerns me though is receiving a text message one hour after it was sent. This has not happened regularly, but has happened approximately 4 - 5 time in the last month or so.
4392 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 05:59:05 PM
I had my phone serviced at vodafone randwick and I was going to ring them to find out if my phone was back yet. I called vodafone call connect to get the phone number for their randwick store. They told me they couldn't find it so they connected me through to vodafone customer service where i tried to navigate lara through to an operator but was unsuccessful.
I ended up calling telstras call connect service and they were very helpful, they told me the randwick number wasn't in the phone book, but they looked the number up on the internet for me.
I should have just googled it myself. but i thought surely vodafone could easily connect me to one of their stores...
I ended up calling telstras call connect service and they were very helpful, they told me the randwick number wasn't in the phone book, but they looked the number up on the internet for me.
I should have just googled it myself. but i thought surely vodafone could easily connect me to one of their stores...
4391 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 05:59:01 PM
Have had a Vodafone wireless internet, signed up to contract August 2009 have not used it in over 12 months total waste of time little or no signal, given up on help centre they just say it should be working and cant see a problem. Totally useless
4390 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is not at all at 27 Dec 2010 05:58:56 PM
I have been with Vodafone for the last 10 years and no problems with reception, no calls being dropped, or delays in connecting a call.
Infact im on a Vodafone Wireless Data connection now.
I really have not experienced problems with them, and yes im an IT Tech but that should not make a difference.
Infact im on a Vodafone Wireless Data connection now.
I really have not experienced problems with them, and yes im an IT Tech but that should not make a difference.
4389 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:58:37 PM
All this time I thought it was my phone playing up till I saw you on the news tonight. So what is Vodafone going to do for us.... I had to use my home phone so that i could get in touch with everyone. More money to out lay. Dont know how many times I turned my phone off to try and get network coverage.
I do have another issue to... when will the day come that we will get an australian to talk to about our issues instead of talking to someone in India that can not speak english!!!!!!!!!
I do have another issue to... when will the day come that we will get an australian to talk to about our issues instead of talking to someone in India that can not speak english!!!!!!!!!
4388 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 3/Vodafone Customer service at 27 Dec 2010 05:58:34 PM
Disputed in closing/terminating 2 phones on my account.
I had my now Ex wife and her fathers mobile phones on my 3/Vodafone account. I contacted customer customer service to have these phones removed from my account by the end of my account period in September 2010. To my dismay this didn't happen and now they are demanding payment from the date in which they were to cancel and the date where I rang to find out why the service was still operating. Plus I had a $19 Bonus cap and they charges $29 to cancel.I won't be paying this amount & I guess they will put me on a bad credit rating agency but I'm an old bloke and a bad credit rating won't to any harm. OK My Mobile is still working and I pay for my Cap each month. My contract ends in April 2011 and it will be goodbye Orange/3/Vodafone after 9+ years. By the way the service since changing from Orange CDMA to "3" 3G is crap especially when roaming
I had my now Ex wife and her fathers mobile phones on my 3/Vodafone account. I contacted customer customer service to have these phones removed from my account by the end of my account period in September 2010. To my dismay this didn't happen and now they are demanding payment from the date in which they were to cancel and the date where I rang to find out why the service was still operating. Plus I had a $19 Bonus cap and they charges $29 to cancel.I won't be paying this amount & I guess they will put me on a bad credit rating agency but I'm an old bloke and a bad credit rating won't to any harm. OK My Mobile is still working and I pay for my Cap each month. My contract ends in April 2011 and it will be goodbye Orange/3/Vodafone after 9+ years. By the way the service since changing from Orange CDMA to "3" 3G is crap especially when roaming
4387 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is big at 27 Dec 2010 05:58:33 PM
unless standing at the end of my driveway i have limited or no reception, often i am unable to even send a text message ...
4386 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is dreadfully bad at 27 Dec 2010 05:58:33 PM
Vodafone is a joke worst mistake I made changing to them from another carrier. No reception especially in my house, in the middle of the night I can not answer the phone unless I get out of bed and stand in a certain spot on my veranda if I am lucky it will connect, then the call drops out after 3mins. Messages can take up to 2 hours to be delivered to other phones. I am sick of having sos on my phone as this is the only reception available within my house and with all this rain its a disaster to trey and make calls. As for trying to send picture message its just a waste of time they take forever to send and most of the time they fail to send.
4385 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Mislead on plan/service at 27 Dec 2010 05:58:31 PM
I was misled when I signed up on a $49 plan and was told by the sales person I would be notified if I went over my limit I asked for a block on my phone if it was the case I was assured it would .My first months bill arrived I was horrified it was for the amount of $5000.Not only that the service was crap to begin with calls dropping out and limited service/coverage.
4384 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Bad at 27 Dec 2010 05:58:21 PM
I have a Vodafail wireless internet stick and it has never performs at the specified speed. It runs very slowly, or drops off-line completely.
I went to the local Vodafail shop where I purchased the system and was told to phone a particular number. I could hardly understand the person I phoned but the service was OK for a day or so but then it slowed down to its original speed. Some days it does not work at all. Other days it is VERY slow. Meanwhile Vodafail are taking $35+ every month from my credit card.
I went to the local Vodafail shop where I purchased the system and was told to phone a particular number. I could hardly understand the person I phoned but the service was OK for a day or so but then it slowed down to its original speed. Some days it does not work at all. Other days it is VERY slow. Meanwhile Vodafail are taking $35+ every month from my credit card.
4383 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is difficult and unhelpful at 27 Dec 2010 05:58:15 PM
I had a vodafone 6 month plan and after 5 months I went overseas. I was told that I could cancel at the end of the 6 months. I emailed vodafone to do so and recieved no reply but continued to be billed (I had set up auto pay with my bank)I had my father visit the store and they assured him (after 3 hours in the store!) that it would be resolved. I recieved more bills. I emailed again,
no reply... This went on for the whole 6 months I was away (not using my phone)
upon returning home I went into the store and after an hour or more, the issue still wasn't resolved. I was told I would be refunded the ammount payed out as they at least had a record of the email (so why didn't they answer it??) But the staff couldn't confirm that, as, you guessed it, they couldn't get through and needed to Email HQ. Still waiting for a reply...
no reply... This went on for the whole 6 months I was away (not using my phone)
upon returning home I went into the store and after an hour or more, the issue still wasn't resolved. I was told I would be refunded the ammount payed out as they at least had a record of the email (so why didn't they answer it??) But the staff couldn't confirm that, as, you guessed it, they couldn't get through and needed to Email HQ. Still waiting for a reply...
4382 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 20% at 27 Dec 2010 05:58:03 PM
I'm lucky if I have 1 bar of service in my home in Engadine, a southern Sydney suburb. I recently spent 9 weeks travelling by caravan in Queensland and as soon as I left the coast I had no phone service whatsoever (3 weeks with no phone not good). Even at Crescent Head on the north coast of NSW I had no phone coverage. I'm only with Vodafone because my 2 daughters are and as soon as they change providers I will too.
4381 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is useless at 27 Dec 2010 05:58:00 PM
have tried constantly to get my end of contract date and each time spoken to somebody in other parts of the world to be told yes you will be advised nothing happens have also sent emails and sms no answer Also only kids employed at the only vodaphone office in Cairns ( now closed )they know how to talk to each other and ignore the customer and i travel 200 kms to put up with imaturity
4380 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 90% fail to use data on 3G at 27 Dec 2010 05:57:42 PM
Everytime when I try to log onto the internet on my iphone in 3g it takes ages to download .... It really feels like I am going to back to 80's when we used a dial modem ... JUST TAKES forever to download simple apps like mobile banking ....
I mean, it consistently happens any time of the day.... I definetely made a wrong choice joining with VODAFONE .... I REALLY WISH THEY COULD INVEST THOSE MILLIONS OF MONEY THEY EARN THROUGH CUSTOMER LIKE US back for a better service...
I mean, it consistently happens any time of the day.... I definetely made a wrong choice joining with VODAFONE .... I REALLY WISH THEY COULD INVEST THOSE MILLIONS OF MONEY THEY EARN THROUGH CUSTOMER LIKE US back for a better service...
4379 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very bad at 27 Dec 2010 05:57:39 PM
I am constantly having dropouts on my Vodafone IPhone.
There is often no signal in the most obvious places where it should be 100%. My work phone is a blackberry from Telstra, what a difference.
Will swap over to Telstra as soon as my conract is up
Thanks for the chance of registering my complaints
There is often no signal in the most obvious places where it should be 100%. My work phone is a blackberry from Telstra, what a difference.
Will swap over to Telstra as soon as my conract is up
Thanks for the chance of registering my complaints
4378 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is difficult and unhelpful at 27 Dec 2010 05:57:35 PM
I had a vodafone 6 month plan and after 5 months I went overseas. I was told that I could cancel at the end of the 6 months. I emailed vodafone to do so and recieved no reply but continued to be billed (I had set up auto pay with my bank)I had my father visit the store and they assured him (after 3 hours in the store!) that it would be resolved. I recieved more bills. I emailed again,
no reply... This went on for the whole 6 months I was away (not using my phone)
upon returning home I went into the store and after an hour or more, the issue still wasn't resolved. I was told I would be refunded the ammount payed out as they at least had a record of the email (so why didn't they answer it??) But the staff couldn't confirm that, as, you guessed it, they couldn't get through and needed to Email HQ. Still waiting for a reply...
no reply... This went on for the whole 6 months I was away (not using my phone)
upon returning home I went into the store and after an hour or more, the issue still wasn't resolved. I was told I would be refunded the ammount payed out as they at least had a record of the email (so why didn't they answer it??) But the staff couldn't confirm that, as, you guessed it, they couldn't get through and needed to Email HQ. Still waiting for a reply...
4377 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is worst company ever at 27 Dec 2010 05:57:18 PM
I was with vodafone for a year and a bit i had nothing but problems with the service. I would call and it would drop out. I constantly went into vodafone stores for help and were unable to help told me to call customer service. i finally went into another vodafone store who had seen in my account i had nothing but problems called customer service and once again were unable to help. i had called customer service myself abusing them and constantly repeating myself and waivered fees to get out of the contract i then sent the phone back and no longer have anything to do with. I am appauled at the service provided.
4376 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Complete Fail at 27 Dec 2010 05:57:14 PM
4375 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is difficult and unhelpful at 27 Dec 2010 05:57:14 PM
I had a vodafone 6 month plan and after 5 months I went overseas. I was told that I could cancel at the end of the 6 months. I emailed vodafone to do so and recieved no reply but continued to be billed (I had set up auto pay with my bank)I had my father visit the store and they assured him (after 3 hours in the store!) that it would be resolved. I recieved more bills. I emailed again,
no reply... This went on for the whole 6 months I was away (not using my phone)
upon returning home I went into the store and after an hour or more, the issue still wasn't resolved. I was told I would be refunded the ammount payed out as they at least had a record of the email (so why didn't they answer it??) But the staff couldn't confirm that, as, you guessed it, they couldn't get through and needed to Email HQ. Still waiting for a reply...
no reply... This went on for the whole 6 months I was away (not using my phone)
upon returning home I went into the store and after an hour or more, the issue still wasn't resolved. I was told I would be refunded the ammount payed out as they at least had a record of the email (so why didn't they answer it??) But the staff couldn't confirm that, as, you guessed it, they couldn't get through and needed to Email HQ. Still waiting for a reply...
4374 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is mobile broadband at 27 Dec 2010 05:57:14 PM
call vodafone often about loss of connection speed. have been contracted for 12 months out of 24 now. first 6 months were good but has gone downhill from there. Last called them at 2.37pm on 20 dec 2010, left my number on automated message to get a call back in 15 to 24 minutes.....still waiting. shop is useless also
4373 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 05:57:05 PM
i have no coverage inside my house so i have to go outside to make calls and while i'm talking it just drops out and can't hear anything or is muffled. no reception bars for sometime so i get delayed texts until it comes back. sometimes my phone wont even ring then i get a text saying i have a voicemail. also my ringtones change automatically for some reason then it goes back to normal What The *!
4372 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally unreliable at 27 Dec 2010 05:56:53 PM
Very poor reception - all the time. Call drop outs mid conversation or unable to reach others on their mobiles; 3 or 4 attempts required.
Misinformed about global roaming and felt ripped off and was not compensated satisfactorily.
I can't turn off my voice mail even when following the exact instructions - they, the automated voice, confirmed the action (to turn of v-mail) is done but it actually remains on.
Extremely difficult to speak to a customer service operator - you must go through so many electronic options and then you end up talking to someone in a foreign country and the quality of the call is usually very bad and the customer service operator doesn't speak English very well or can't understand you.
Misinformed about global roaming and felt ripped off and was not compensated satisfactorily.
I can't turn off my voice mail even when following the exact instructions - they, the automated voice, confirmed the action (to turn of v-mail) is done but it actually remains on.
Extremely difficult to speak to a customer service operator - you must go through so many electronic options and then you end up talking to someone in a foreign country and the quality of the call is usually very bad and the customer service operator doesn't speak English very well or can't understand you.
4371 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 05:56:46 PM
People trying to call me are faced with the message "The number you are calling has incoming call restrictions", after several calls to vodafone they have still have yet rectify the situation.
4370 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is complete fail at 27 Dec 2010 05:56:37 PM
i have had extremely large problems with vodafone for the last 3 years. as in poor reception, calls dropping out, sending and recieving txt's and being unable to access my internet properly. i have complained about these problems at least 50 times and nothing has been done to fix it. i have had extremely large bills that were not due to my fault and i have complained about that alot as well. but still vodafone has done nothing to fix these problems. so extremely angry with there service its beyond a joke. they have recieved so much money out of me which i believe they were not legally supposed to recieve but otherwise they threatened to cut my service off and i need my phone for work. extremely unhappy with there service!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4369 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is difficult and unhelpful at 27 Dec 2010 05:56:37 PM
I had a vodafone 6 month plan and after 5 months I went overseas. I was told that I could cancel at the end of the 6 months. I emailed vodafone to do so and recieved no reply but continued to be billed (I had set up auto pay with my bank)I had my father visit the store and they assured him (after 3 hours in the store!) that it would be resolved. I recieved more bills. I emailed again,
no reply... This went on for the whole 6 months I was away (not using my phone)
upon returning home I went into the store and after an hour or more, the issue still wasn't resolved. I was told I would be refunded the ammount payed out as they at least had a record of the email (so why didn't they answer it??) But the staff couldn't confirm that, as, you guessed it, they couldn't get through and needed to Email HQ. Still waiting for a reply...
no reply... This went on for the whole 6 months I was away (not using my phone)
upon returning home I went into the store and after an hour or more, the issue still wasn't resolved. I was told I would be refunded the ammount payed out as they at least had a record of the email (so why didn't they answer it??) But the staff couldn't confirm that, as, you guessed it, they couldn't get through and needed to Email HQ. Still waiting for a reply...
4368 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Dodgy at 27 Dec 2010 05:56:12 PM
Mms don't send
Dont even receive them
Always drops out
Internet slow
Have to turn phone on and off
Shit shit shit shit
Dont even receive them
Always drops out
Internet slow
Have to turn phone on and off
Shit shit shit shit
27 Dec 2010 09:39:56 PM: i never got mms. total crap
4367 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is a total fail! at 27 Dec 2010 05:56:10 PM
We are about to move to Ravenshoe, in Far North Queensland, and up there, only Telstra is available. So because Ravenshoe is apparently in the 8% or whatever it is of Australia that they don't cover (I think this is a lie!), we have to change providers. So I rang up to ask about this, and we will be slugged a $3000 bill to exit, not because we want to, but because they don't have coverage. The best they can do is reduce the fee to $1500. That is still a lot of money because they are too incompetent to put reception in towns!!! I am very upset, and haven't decided what to do yet!
On a positive note, this is an awesome site! Well done!
On a positive note, this is an awesome site! Well done!
4366 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is MEGA FAIL! at 27 Dec 2010 05:56:06 PM
im quite annoyed about the reception in certain places, im from townsville and a few people (including a friend) has drowned recently at a local creek. due to no/ VERY poor reception they were unable to call for help. i find this highly disterbing and do not feel safe anywhere if i dont have reception.
i know this will be a controversial post but i need to put out there, that a phone call CAN save a life.
thanks for this site, its a good stress release!
i know this will be a controversial post but i need to put out there, that a phone call CAN save a life.
thanks for this site, its a good stress release!
4365 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Extremely at 27 Dec 2010 05:56:00 PM
I have a mobile broadband plan and over the last 6-8 weeks we have been getting repeated dropped connections and poor performance. As of today 5-6 dropouts a day is now normal with much difficuly re-acquiring the connection. As for peformance, well thats all but non-existent. My mum has a dial-up connection which is more reliable than what I have. I don't ask for huge speed and bandwidth but what I do expect is reliability above all. I am throwing mony at Vodafone for nothing. My contract expires on January 15th and will be going elsewhere. Don't even attemp to contact their phone support, I choose life...
4364 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 05:55:59 PM
I joined Vodafone wireless broadband after they looked up my address on their site and establishing total coverage. I live in Jolimont, less than 5k from Perth City centre and am on an upper floor so I envisaged no problems.
The first 3 weeks were idyllic. I could receive on my laptop all over the house as per usual. But then, suddenly, at about 3 weeks in, I couldn't get my connection. All over the house bar one uncomfortable corner of the lounge near a window, the connection WILL NOT pick up, even when there is a few bars of network available.
I asked at the shop and they shrugged and palmed me off. I am not impressed at all.
The first 3 weeks were idyllic. I could receive on my laptop all over the house as per usual. But then, suddenly, at about 3 weeks in, I couldn't get my connection. All over the house bar one uncomfortable corner of the lounge near a window, the connection WILL NOT pick up, even when there is a few bars of network available.
I asked at the shop and they shrugged and palmed me off. I am not impressed at all.
4363 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is difficult and unhelpful at 27 Dec 2010 05:55:58 PM
I had a vodafone 6 month plan and after 5 months I went overseas. I was told that I could cancel at the end of the 6 months. I emailed vodafone to do so and recieved no reply but continued to be billed (I had set up auto pay with my bank)I had my father visit the store and they assured him (after 3 hours in the store!) that it would be resolved. I recieved more bills. I emailed again,
no reply... This went on for the whole 6 months I was away (not using my phone)
upon returning home I went into the store and after an hour or more, the issue still wasn't resolved. I was told I would be refunded the ammount payed out as they at least had a record of the email (so why didn't they answer it??) But the staff couldn't confirm that, as, you guessed it, they couldn't get through and needed to Email HQ. Still waiting for a reply...
no reply... This went on for the whole 6 months I was away (not using my phone)
upon returning home I went into the store and after an hour or more, the issue still wasn't resolved. I was told I would be refunded the ammount payed out as they at least had a record of the email (so why didn't they answer it??) But the staff couldn't confirm that, as, you guessed it, they couldn't get through and needed to Email HQ. Still waiting for a reply...
4362 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Bad at 27 Dec 2010 05:55:52 PM
I can't phone anyone at night, keeps saying call disconnected when it hasn't even connected. It's just not good enough. I recently moved over from telstra and so wish I hadn't, there is no service and they stiffed up my first bill and won't refund me, making me pay more and I can't even get through to them on the phone!
4361 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAIL WITH 5 STARS at 27 Dec 2010 05:55:32 PM
where to start? transferred to voda from 3 (at the point where i wasnt aware they were merging..) then had problems with sign up- somehow wrong info entered, pushed into putting my number onto hubby's account which is all great til it comes on 1 bill which has none of my details - hopeless for tax.. mislead about data packages, bills $200 more than they shouldve been (basically staff instore told us different to the actual - and then i heard them repeat same to another customer next time i was in store!!!) told by 3/VODA customer service that i was wrong and that i needed to listen to them, spent countless hours on the phone to call centres on the other side of the world who cant seem to fix anything.. finally got credited for the mishap, but they STILL couldnt get my details right.. been ok for about a month, now it seems that my house has no reception despite my phone saying full reception.. I refuse to call the call centre as the last 2 times i called i was informed by "LARA" that there was a 40 minute wait and guess what...? the line dropped out.. had been with voda in the past then optus then 3, went back to voda thinking they were the best of the bunch.. Hmpfff and the funny thing? I only commenced my contract at the end of August!! They dont seem to think its funny when i tell them that i am disconnecting my payments because they havent kept their deal... TELCO Ombudsman here we come!!! just waiting for another written response from them to add to the collection!!
4360 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is criminal at 27 Dec 2010 05:55:20 PM
I used rave about VF to friends and get them to join, now I am going to make sure I tell everyone I can to stay away from them & hopefully lose them alot more than the $20K I have spent with them over the years (it is easier now I will just direct them to this website)
I have been suffering with this for over 6 months and thought I was alone and have spent many hours to the 1555 and at one stage I was even told I was making it up about the service
The worst was 3 days without service in my home (that i have lived in for 6 years) on 2 seperate phones until after 12 people (on a public phone) someone told me to turn off 3G
I can have full bars on the phone but can not ring out and calls get directed to voicemail but if the message does not come through for days you have no idea you even missed a call
If you use VF as your outgoing mail server (I would not recommend this) a few monnths back for over 3 weeks the server was down so if you sent an email it went into your sent folder you did not get not get a bounce back BUT NO ONE GOT YOUR EMAIL and VF did not tell anyone
Will do another post with some tips to get out of contract as I did
I have been suffering with this for over 6 months and thought I was alone and have spent many hours to the 1555 and at one stage I was even told I was making it up about the service
The worst was 3 days without service in my home (that i have lived in for 6 years) on 2 seperate phones until after 12 people (on a public phone) someone told me to turn off 3G
I can have full bars on the phone but can not ring out and calls get directed to voicemail but if the message does not come through for days you have no idea you even missed a call
If you use VF as your outgoing mail server (I would not recommend this) a few monnths back for over 3 weeks the server was down so if you sent an email it went into your sent folder you did not get not get a bounce back BUT NO ONE GOT YOUR EMAIL and VF did not tell anyone
Will do another post with some tips to get out of contract as I did
27 Dec 2010 05:56:43 PM: Good on ya mate - from fed up too
4359 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is A GROUNDSWELL BUT NO POLITICAL RESPONSE at 27 Dec 2010 05:55:20 PM
Thousands respond but our politicians and regulators are silent!! Whats going on you guys??
27 Dec 2010 05:57:35 PM: Remind me...don't we pay these peoples salaries????
27 Dec 2010 06:04:56 PM: Vodacrap probably pay them more.
4358 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is difficult and unhelpful at 27 Dec 2010 05:55:13 PM
I had a vodafone 6 month plan and after 5 months I went overseas. I was told that I could cancel at the end of the 6 months. I emailed vodafone to do so and recieved no reply but continued to be billed (I had set up auto pay with my bank)I had my father visit the store and they assured him (after 3 hours in the store!) that it would be resolved. I recieved more bills. I emailed again,
no reply... This went on for the whole 6 months I was away (not using my phone)
upon returning home I went into the store and after an hour or more, the issue still wasn't resolved. I was told I would be refunded the ammount payed out as they at least had a record of the email (so why didn't they answer it??) But the staff couldn't confirm that, as, you guessed it, they couldn't get through and needed to Email HQ. Still waiting for a reply...
no reply... This went on for the whole 6 months I was away (not using my phone)
upon returning home I went into the store and after an hour or more, the issue still wasn't resolved. I was told I would be refunded the ammount payed out as they at least had a record of the email (so why didn't they answer it??) But the staff couldn't confirm that, as, you guessed it, they couldn't get through and needed to Email HQ. Still waiting for a reply...
4357 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is serious at 27 Dec 2010 05:55:00 PM
In Hervey Bay you lose reception as soon as you are outside the main city area, in some of the outlying townships there is no reception at all. Even in the main city area there are countless dead spots.
4356 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:54:59 PM
I have had days of Vodafone not allowing calls through to my phone even though the signal bars on my handset are full. Voicemail messages coming through as a result of this take 3 to 4 days. My coverage drops out inside my house (about 15kms outside of the CBD) but never in the same room. Basically hit and miss depending on the day and time. I was talking to another phone provider the other day on my mobile and the phone dropped out 6 times in the space of 10 mins - was this because I was talking to the opposition (lol). Sooooo totally over Vodafone.
4355 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is completely hopeless at 27 Dec 2010 05:54:54 PM
intermittent service consistantly, not what I'm paying for. Everytime i ring up vodafone its always another problem and they're working on it !! It's been going on for a year now. (they're still working on it I presume!) Why should anyone pay for a service that doesn't exist ! I'm completely pissed off.. Seems like big companies can do more and more cons and can sell crap and get away with it. Lets go .. POWER TO THE PEOPLE !
4354 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is 100% at 27 Dec 2010 05:54:53 PM
Nil coverage, nil service but plenty of bill. Phone i was provided by Vodafail was locked to 3 and as I was interstate was slightlty inconvenienced all week. No phone but plleeeeeenntttyyy of excuse.
But just listen to Lara....hang in there we'll be with you soon......
But just listen to Lara....hang in there we'll be with you soon......
4353 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is difficult and unhelpful at 27 Dec 2010 05:54:46 PM
I had a vodafone 6 month plan and after 5 months I went overseas. I was told that I could cancel at the end of the 6 months. I emailed vodafone to do so and recieved no reply but continued to be billed (I had set up auto pay with my bank)I had my father visit the store and they assured him (after 3 hours in the store!) that it would be resolved. I recieved more bills. I emailed again,
no reply... This went on for the whole 6 months I was away (not using my phone)
upon returning home I went into the store and after an hour or more, the issue still wasn't resolved. I was told I would be refunded the ammount payed out as they at least had a record of the email (so why didn't they answer it??) But the staff couldn't confirm that, as, you guessed it, they couldn't get through and needed to Email HQ. Still waiting for a reply...
no reply... This went on for the whole 6 months I was away (not using my phone)
upon returning home I went into the store and after an hour or more, the issue still wasn't resolved. I was told I would be refunded the ammount payed out as they at least had a record of the email (so why didn't they answer it??) But the staff couldn't confirm that, as, you guessed it, they couldn't get through and needed to Email HQ. Still waiting for a reply...
4352 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Extreme at 27 Dec 2010 05:54:36 PM
I read a post for SA where the person states they "used to work for a telco and when you make a complaint to the ombudsman it costs the company $600 - no matter what the outcome of the complaint is."
There are currently 153 posts here x $600.00. That would cost Vodafone a tidy $91,800.00. Let's all go for it I say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are currently 153 posts here x $600.00. That would cost Vodafone a tidy $91,800.00. Let's all go for it I say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4351 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is 100% at 27 Dec 2010 05:54:18 PM
Nil coverage, nil service but plenty of bill. Phone i was provided by Vodafail was locked to 3 and as I was interstate was slightlty inconvenienced all week. No phone but plleeeeeenntttyyy of excuse.
But just listen to Lara....hang in there we'll be with you soon......
But just listen to Lara....hang in there we'll be with you soon......
4350 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is completely hopeless at 27 Dec 2010 05:54:18 PM
intermittent service consistantly, not what I'm paying for. Everytime i ring up vodafone its always another problem and they're working on it !! It's been going on for a year now. (they're still working on it I presume!) Why should anyone pay for a service that doesn't exist ! I'm completely pissed off.. Seems like big companies can do more and more cons and can sell crap and get away with it. Lets go .. POWER TO THE PEOPLE !
4349 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is difficult and unhelpful at 27 Dec 2010 05:54:12 PM
I had a vodafone 6 month plan and after 5 months I went overseas. I was told that I could cancel at the end of the 6 months. I emailed vodafone to do so and recieved no reply but continued to be billed (I had set up auto pay with my bank)I had my father visit the store and they assured him (after 3 hours in the store!) that it would be resolved. I recieved more bills. I emailed again,
no reply... This went on for the whole 6 months I was away (not using my phone)
upon returning home I went into the store and after an hour or more, the issue still wasn't resolved. I was told I would be refunded the ammount payed out as they at least had a record of the email (so why didn't they answer it??) But the staff couldn't confirm that, as, you guessed it, they couldn't get through and needed to Email HQ. Still waiting for a reply...
no reply... This went on for the whole 6 months I was away (not using my phone)
upon returning home I went into the store and after an hour or more, the issue still wasn't resolved. I was told I would be refunded the ammount payed out as they at least had a record of the email (so why didn't they answer it??) But the staff couldn't confirm that, as, you guessed it, they couldn't get through and needed to Email HQ. Still waiting for a reply...
4348 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is yet to be decideded at 27 Dec 2010 05:54:04 PM
I was with 3 but my contract was finished and my current phone died so went into 3 shop to get new phone and change cap plan. Was advised that Vodaphone had bought out 3 but as 3 used the same networks/lines etc, I wouldn't notice a difference. However when calling my parents who live maybe 20 metres away the calls drop out and can never get on facebook. Wait and see how it goes as I've only had phone for a week.
4347 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Drop out at 27 Dec 2010 05:54:02 PM
My phone drops out from Manly to Palm beach, Tasmania and just does not work over the Blue Moutains will be changing to Telstra when contract expires.
4346 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very bad at 27 Dec 2010 05:53:48 PM
Constant bill issues and secret charges, calls drop out, no signal right in the middle of the city, internet speeds are crud and always drops out also.