Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
4245 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Deadly at 27 Dec 2010 05:40:08 PM
My neighbours house went flames a month ago. Im running around trying to make surrounding neighbours aware while on the phone with an operater on 000. Then the phone just dropped out before the address could be given,thus costing the property a further 4 minutes damage dialing back emergency services and getting put through to fire and giving them the details again.
4244 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is good at 27 Dec 2010 05:40:02 PM
wel all those angry customers should try telstrafail . In short vodafone has not got the best coverage but it has by far the best plans and we are happy with their service and im sure they will improve the coverage in the near future. As im aware optus has recently upgraded their network and is pretty good. YES telstra has best coverage .... BUT you pay a premium price for it. Where else can you get unlimed calls and texts for $45.00? Vodafone offers this and telstra's best deal to match this is $125.00 ...
27 Dec 2010 05:42:50 PM: This must be someone from Vodafone, could have been the top bananas like the CEO?? So stupid and childlike though for its senior management to come to Vodafail to write this, don't you think?
27 Dec 2010 06:00:01 PM: Gotta be a Vodacrap management exec. I'd call them if I could get any service on this Vodacrap fone.
27 Dec 2010 08:35:18 PM: Telstra offers some very competitive cap deals now. They may not be as cheap as vodafone but the Telstra network is uncomparably better, it just goes to show, you get what you pay for.
28 Dec 2010 03:54:39 PM: What a bunch of twisted childish individuals. There are actually happy Vodafone customers(including myself) out there.. Wonder how many of the whingers have a "got to have the latest gadget"iphone?
28 Dec 2010 07:25:13 PM: For the odd occasion I can't use my phone (yes it did suck not to have it on Christmas eve) I really don't care that much about the coverage as it is satisfactory (not great), but it does the job and I pay bugger all for it... I will be staying :-)
28 Dec 2010 07:58:01 PM: Not much point having a cheeper plan if you can't use the phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28 Dec 2010 08:23:47 PM: They seem to work 95 percent of the time so I am happy!
31 Dec 2010 10:54:25 PM: My Blackberry worked fine even up in the mountains while I was with Telstra. The moment the switch was made to VF (which took about a week until the new card was activated), nadda, zip, zero. Sitting on top of the hill at West Launceston, looking down on the CBD and absolutely NO signal. Telstra aren't cheap (to the point of rippoff and beyond), but at least they work where and when you want...
4243 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Bad at 27 Dec 2010 05:39:42 PM
I am sick of getting missed calls when people tell me why my phone goes to message. It disconnects when i am on the phone, cuts out.When it doesn't even ring sometimes the bars are down to 1.My phone cuts out when i try to talk on it. This has been going on for so long it is ridiculous. when i try to ring customer service the same crap they say sorry we are trying to fix the problem with the reception, imagine if you live in the country, i live in a suburb 20 mins from the city, god help. Also i have been with vodaphone for over 10 years, and when i check on my balance it says balance is not available and to try later which is very annoying.The worse thing is when there is not a signal it says NO SERVICE can someone explain that this really pisses me of when i see that. Imagine if i had an emergency, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
4242 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is BAD at 27 Dec 2010 05:39:22 PM
O Vodafone. To many stories to much pain to recall here i thought when you reduced my plan from from $79 a month to $29 you where doing me a big favor but service is to hard to live with. While we are at it can anyone tell me if we only spend $50 on Say an $80 plan why do we not receive a credit the next month.Because if you spend more you have to pay extra .Why does the ACCC allow such plans
4241 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 05:39:13 PM
I was with vodafone over three years ago then changed to 3. After contract finish went back to Vodafail. Since i have been back 6 months i have had more drop outs than i had when i was with three. My phone is my business and it's not good dropping out when talking to customers. Any way bit the bullet and my business is with telstra. No drop outs on this side of the fence.
4240 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Complete Fail! at 27 Dec 2010 05:39:09 PM
I have 2 phones on a contract with vodafone and whilst i have been happy with them in the past the last few months we have had nothing but problems! We pay nearlly $160 a month and the service is non existant! I have made numerous phone calls to vodafone who have continually told me they dont know what the issue is and made us do numerous things to our phones as they keep saying its a problem with the phone. I was first told vodafone would compensate there customers and when i pressed this issue i was told i could be given a $10 compensation. I have since been given a 50% reduction on one bill however clearly they are well aware of these issues so i am now going to get out of my contracts as they have lied repeatedly and this shows how they operate. I was abused by a staff member at the capalaba store with him repeatedly saying they weren't aware of the issue and he even suggested we had just bought a dodgy phone by buying an iphone! I have sent an email to vodafone which is supposed to be responded to in 5 days - it has been over 2 weeks still no response, i had a vodafone worker advise me he was going to sort it out and call me back that was 2 weeks ago and still no call. I feel everyones pain and have repeatedly asked the question why should we have to pay the bill for a service they can't provide!
4239 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is really bad at 27 Dec 2010 05:39:05 PM
Had vodafone mobile broadband was told that would have coverage at home but had to walk into front yard to get 1 bar of reception wich you cant use, and was totaly useless out side brisbene. It was months of fighting to get a refund and then only throught goverment intervention.
I now have 3 mobile phone and since merger with vodafone I can not have a phone call inside the house so have to go outside to answer a call.
You may as well put 3 on the list of bad reception as well
I now have 3 mobile phone and since merger with vodafone I can not have a phone call inside the house so have to go outside to answer a call.
You may as well put 3 on the list of bad reception as well
4238 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Bad at 27 Dec 2010 05:38:42 PM
over the last 3 months i have been having calls drop out after about 5 minutes talk time
i have had on many occations a message flash on the screen the newtork is missing then all of a sudden it appears again and im connected
as far as 3 g goes its really a joke it takes anything from 5 minutes to 30 minutes to connect to a web site
I have called vodafone on a number of occations and get Lara she finally puts me through to the technical department but then thats where it stops she comes back on intermittently and i cant get connected to anyone this has been happening constantly over the last 3 weeks not just prior to Christmas 2010
i have had on many occations a message flash on the screen the newtork is missing then all of a sudden it appears again and im connected
as far as 3 g goes its really a joke it takes anything from 5 minutes to 30 minutes to connect to a web site
I have called vodafone on a number of occations and get Lara she finally puts me through to the technical department but then thats where it stops she comes back on intermittently and i cant get connected to anyone this has been happening constantly over the last 3 weeks not just prior to Christmas 2010
4237 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:37:58 PM
Have been a Vodaphone customer of there pre paid broadband a word, it's utter rubbish, very slow to connect and drops out so often I just give up...luckily im not on contract..its a woeful srevice, shame on you Vodaphone.
4236 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is really bad at 27 Dec 2010 05:37:52 PM
Had vodafone mobile broadband was told that would have coverage at home but had to walk into front yard to get 1 bar of reception wich you cant use, and was totaly useless out side brisbene. It was months of fighting to get a refund and then only throught goverment intervention.
I now have 3 mobile phone and since merger with vodafone I can not have a phone call inside the house so have to go outside to answer a call.
You may as well put 3 on the list of bad reception as well
I now have 3 mobile phone and since merger with vodafone I can not have a phone call inside the house so have to go outside to answer a call.
You may as well put 3 on the list of bad reception as well
4235 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is everyday at 27 Dec 2010 05:37:49 PM
Every day I loose reception around Perth and their coverage thru WA is terrible. I travel to the country for business and am always losing reception
4234 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is EXTREMELY at 27 Dec 2010 05:37:40 PM
In the centre of Canberra with apparently "full service" I cannot call another vodaphone within the same area!! Or if it does get through it cuts out after a minute
4233 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is triple fail at 27 Dec 2010 05:37:34 PM
I've been getting a text message from vodaphone for 3 months now, saying that my $16 bill for this month is now ready to be paid please go online. I AM A '3' customer and have been for about 5 years. So after being on hold to vodafail for 55 minutes and transferred about 10 times (no joke), they just said to ignore this as I do not have an active account??? Hmmmm. Too bad if I had just paid it every month, like some other poor defenseless people.
4232 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Signal drop out at 27 Dec 2010 05:37:15 PM
Signal drop out during the call and have to ring back apologise to drop out. Reparative signal failure and not able to make calls......
4231 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Pass-the-buck at 27 Dec 2010 05:37:01 PM
Why is it everytime I call for help- I am having trouble with calls dropping out, and slower than dial up broadband (even though I was assured it would be fine)- I wait 40 mins for "help" with one and then have to wait another 20 mins to speak to broadband? I must now wait for someone to check the network and call me back-- good chance! I KNOW again next week I will have to call and chase, then back to the store again to see if anyone there can help. Can't wait to talk to India again next week!
27 Dec 2010 05:41:17 PM: Agreed! They usually tell me the issue is my fault. Hope they choke on their naan!
4230 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very. at 27 Dec 2010 05:36:51 PM
i get absolutely no service, my phone always cuts out during phone calls.
4229 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Drop outs at 27 Dec 2010 05:36:34 PM
Phone is virtually unusable due to drop outs. Paying for nothing really
4228 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:36:29 PM
I have just read many of the posts from here and it looks like an ANTI LABOR vote on the Daily Telegraph.I cant believe you people.The majority of you are in Metro Sydney and have had more problems that The Labor Party & The Liberal Party put together.
I suggest that you 'roll with the punches'.Try using Telstra Next G or maybe even Floptus....neither of them work out here in rural NSW and we cant even activate Telstra GSM,so why are all you people that live in BIG country or metro towns whinge and complain.
Admittedly Lara is a pain in the BUTT,but this is part of Vodafones operations.Instead of putting your CRAP onm here go to Vodaphone and give them your are just a heap of whingers and wont do anything at all,BUT whinge,whinge whinge,so get of your butts get off your keyboard and send an email to Vodafone and make sure that they get the message......
I suggest that you 'roll with the punches'.Try using Telstra Next G or maybe even Floptus....neither of them work out here in rural NSW and we cant even activate Telstra GSM,so why are all you people that live in BIG country or metro towns whinge and complain.
Admittedly Lara is a pain in the BUTT,but this is part of Vodafones operations.Instead of putting your CRAP onm here go to Vodaphone and give them your are just a heap of whingers and wont do anything at all,BUT whinge,whinge whinge,so get of your butts get off your keyboard and send an email to Vodafone and make sure that they get the message......
27 Dec 2010 05:42:13 PM: If u bothered to read some of the posts properly u would see that some of us have tried several times and nothing gets done. So u can jam ur opinion buddy
27 Dec 2010 06:16:16 PM: If I could log on to the web I would - but my web service is via Vodacrap
4227 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Extreme at 27 Dec 2010 05:36:22 PM
My wife and I entered into a 2 year contract with Vodafone some 15 months ago. We bought 2 Blackberry mobiles on a $69.00 p/m plan @ = $138.00 p/m. We checked the coverage maps for the area we were about to move to. Once moved, the only reception we got was "edge" or "SOS". Real helpful Vodafone!
Countless calls made to customer support took no less then 20 minutes to get through. Promises to get back to you - but no - you chase them!!!!!
I am not a racist but for God's sake, can I speak to someone in Australia instead of India??? We have issues with dropped calls (repeatedly), unable to use our internet browsing, delayed sms, unable to send push email. What are we paying for? Vodafone is nothing less than a disgrace. Customer Support state they can't guarantee the accuracy of the coverage maps. What a cop out. This is misleading. If the map says there is coverage that is exactly what you should get.
Countless calls made to customer support took no less then 20 minutes to get through. Promises to get back to you - but no - you chase them!!!!!
I am not a racist but for God's sake, can I speak to someone in Australia instead of India??? We have issues with dropped calls (repeatedly), unable to use our internet browsing, delayed sms, unable to send push email. What are we paying for? Vodafone is nothing less than a disgrace. Customer Support state they can't guarantee the accuracy of the coverage maps. What a cop out. This is misleading. If the map says there is coverage that is exactly what you should get.
4226 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is unsympathetic and unreasonable at 27 Dec 2010 05:36:17 PM
numerous contract failures , failures to inform me the non contract plan i am currently on is actually now $20 cheaper? and you get x y z free? Ok i will just sit on my old deal shall i , just complete arrogance. They always over charge me for data, i have 5 gb on phone and 10 gb on wireless it easily meets my demand i very rarely if ever have gone any where near over, but always have excess usage why because they fail to upgrade from previous data plans ?? after i have called numerous times to change plans. always have people/clients/friends tell me they called me , and i have no record? late voice mail message some that come in 2 days later....and ect ect
4225 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Big Failure at 27 Dec 2010 05:36:09 PM
Ever since signing up with Vodafone I have had trouble in many ways i.e. drop outs, bad reception, getting on to other mobiles, calling any numbers. Sound is disgraceful as people cannot hear me and other things.
Signed Jillian Lister
Signed Jillian Lister
4224 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extremely at 27 Dec 2010 05:35:58 PM
I live right near a telstra tower and even with roaming on my iphone4 gets no reception. Constantly says no service. I once had no service for 12hrs straight and travelled through Ipswich to find some to make a call!!! Hardly can connect to Internet and phone calls drop in and out!!
4223 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is keep loosing reception at 27 Dec 2010 05:35:56 PM
my calls keep dropping out just about every call, as too does my partners as she is with vodafone also. she has complained a number of times and they kept blaming the sim card and didn't send one out till six weeks after and still didn't fix the issue after recieving the new card. they still have no answer after replacing the phone still calls drop out
4222 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Extreme Fail at 27 Dec 2010 05:35:40 PM
My husband had a vodafone mobile for aout a year before he passed away, we often spoke about switching to a new carrier howver never got around to it before he died.
For the entire period we never received bills, the phone would be constantly disconnected due to unpaid bills, vodafone would promise to resend the bill and demand the outstanding amount be paid or the phone wouldnt be reconnected, as we had a business we could not be without a phone so we would pay the bill but still the bill would not arrive. We complained about this numerous times we were assured it would be corrected however prior to my husband diying 4 motnhs ago it was still not reticifed and they have been chasing payment for his final bill even asking to speak with him and becoming irate when they are told it is not possible.
During the time of all this happening the reception on the vodafone was crap even when we were standing right near a tower the phone would constantly drop out and we were forever having drop out issues.
Thankyou for putting this site together and allowig us to air our vodafails!
For the entire period we never received bills, the phone would be constantly disconnected due to unpaid bills, vodafone would promise to resend the bill and demand the outstanding amount be paid or the phone wouldnt be reconnected, as we had a business we could not be without a phone so we would pay the bill but still the bill would not arrive. We complained about this numerous times we were assured it would be corrected however prior to my husband diying 4 motnhs ago it was still not reticifed and they have been chasing payment for his final bill even asking to speak with him and becoming irate when they are told it is not possible.
During the time of all this happening the reception on the vodafone was crap even when we were standing right near a tower the phone would constantly drop out and we were forever having drop out issues.
Thankyou for putting this site together and allowig us to air our vodafails!
4221 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Almost unusable at 27 Dec 2010 05:35:24 PM
Dropped calls all the time. Distortion when I can manage to make a call. Sometimes I can't even make outgoing calls and there's no dialtone when I call. Internet over 3G on my iPhone is slow to the point of non-existant, sometimes even in the Brisbane CBD when I have full bars.
4220 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Titanic at 27 Dec 2010 05:35:23 PM
I cant beleive that inner Brisbane has no coverage. 12 months with hardly any coverage and nothing but excuses.
4219 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is totally pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 05:35:12 PM
I have always been with vodafone without problems, until they merged with 3. I now have limited reception if any inside my house and have to run outside if I have any hope of using my phone. Like many others the reception also just disappears for no reason. Getting through to Vodafone is a joke, and they don't have any solutions anyway. Why should I have to pay for a service that I am not getting.
4218 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extremely failing at 27 Dec 2010 05:35:08 PM
Went from a prepaid nokia to an iphone on contract in june 10 because i use it for my business,on my 3rd iphone now becuase of problems,then was told to change my sim,got new sim card & phone stopped working altogether,had to go back to using old nokia for 2 weeks,got sim working in iphone again finally but still have crap reception,drop outs etc etc,real handy when my customers get cut off!!!!!
4217 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Crap = Vodafone at 27 Dec 2010 05:34:51 PM
I have an unlimited cap with Vodafone paying $120 a month. ALL of my calls drop out at some point. Internet connection comes and goes. Got a brand new iphone thinking that my phone may be the problem but no change! I have No signal anywhere in Australia! The signal is the worst I have ever seen. I hate Vodafone and will NEVER resign with then. Counting down the days till my contract is up!
4216 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is the worst fail in fail town. at 27 Dec 2010 05:34:50 PM
The battery is always killed everyday and I dont get any battery at night time meaning that i cant call anyone and i am stranded in my house.
4215 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is NOT AT ALL GREAT SERVICE at 27 Dec 2010 05:34:44 PM
Hi Everyone,
Just heard about all the complaints that Vodafone is receiving. After using all other mobile phone providers, I think the service and coverage Vodafone provides is just as good as its competitors, if not better. Myself and my husband have been on Vodafone contracts and the pre-pay service for 4 years with no problems whatsoever. We are everyday customers with no connection to Vodafone itself or its employers. Just like any large company providing a service some will always have a complaint - after all how many are connected to Vodafone?? Give Telstra a go and see how many complaints will be posted.
Just heard about all the complaints that Vodafone is receiving. After using all other mobile phone providers, I think the service and coverage Vodafone provides is just as good as its competitors, if not better. Myself and my husband have been on Vodafone contracts and the pre-pay service for 4 years with no problems whatsoever. We are everyday customers with no connection to Vodafone itself or its employers. Just like any large company providing a service some will always have a complaint - after all how many are connected to Vodafone?? Give Telstra a go and see how many complaints will be posted.
4214 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:34:43 PM
I just got a brand new phone 3 weeks ago and I am having to charge it 2or 3 times a day. If it is fully charged at 9am it will be completely empty by 1pm and my internet never has reception. It is so annoying.
4213 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pathetic, Horror experience at 27 Dec 2010 05:34:29 PM
It took nearly 2 weeks to receive the product because it was sent to a distribution centre outside my area. 3G coverage at my home close to centre of Tweed Heads is one bar or less. I phoned Vodafone about reception; phone call took 1 hour 15 minutes, They would look into reception problem & get back in under 72hrs.No they didn't. I phoned twice over 6 days only to be told the service could not be improved in my area.(web sites shows excellent coverage along the coast) I told them I wanted to cancel the service & I was told a return bag would sent to me. Once they received the device my account would cease. Over 2 months latter I received the return bag. I don't know how many hours I spent on the phone to them to finally get the bag. Although I wasn't using the device and had cancelled the service I was still being billed. Vodafone kept telling me the bag had been sent, kept telling me they would get back to me. When I finally posted the device back I kept receiving bills. Vodafone kept telling me they hadn't received the device. I eventually had to find out from Aust post when the device was delivered and tell Vodafone where and when it was delivered. I no longer receive paper bills but I received an email bill last month which was in credit.(4 mths from the beginning of the horror experience now) I have never dealt with a company with such poor customer relations. I spent literally hours on the phone waiting to speak to customer service. Never again will I have anything to do with Vodafone.
Tips for dealing with Vodafone.
Use a handsfree phone when calling them, you can do other things while you are put on hold.
Card games,Free cell and patience are good to fill in the time.
Hands free cordless speaker phone would allow you to go make a cup of tea or get something to eat from the kitchen.
Keep your cool because if you lose it they may hang up on you & you will have to call back and be on hold an hour or so.
Remind them there is a Telecommunication Ombudsman you will contact if you don't get results.
Keep a record of all you phone calls to them, dates and times and results.
Persistance is the only way you will win. I hope you have plenty of time to waste on the phone.
Best wishes
Tips for dealing with Vodafone.
Use a handsfree phone when calling them, you can do other things while you are put on hold.
Card games,Free cell and patience are good to fill in the time.
Hands free cordless speaker phone would allow you to go make a cup of tea or get something to eat from the kitchen.
Keep your cool because if you lose it they may hang up on you & you will have to call back and be on hold an hour or so.
Remind them there is a Telecommunication Ombudsman you will contact if you don't get results.
Keep a record of all you phone calls to them, dates and times and results.
Persistance is the only way you will win. I hope you have plenty of time to waste on the phone.
Best wishes
4212 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Bad at 27 Dec 2010 05:34:27 PM
Customer service in the Casuarina Retail is pathetic. Stood in line for 40mins, when I got to the front of the line the girl said 'sorry I can't help you with that we are too busy now'.
Sick of their overseas call centres! I cant understand a word they say!
Coverage in Fannie Bay is ridiculous. If I make a call I have to go outside!
Sick of their overseas call centres! I cant understand a word they say!
Coverage in Fannie Bay is ridiculous. If I make a call I have to go outside!
4211 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very poor at 27 Dec 2010 05:34:24 PM
poor reception & ability to surf the net is as good as non-existant .... nothing really new i guess
4210 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 10/10 at 27 Dec 2010 05:34:21 PM
Within the two months of agreeing to a plan with vodafone, I have had constant problems with reception,life of battery,and constant drop outs on my phone. I was relieved that I was supposed to be on a "Infinite" plan and was not getting charged everytime I was cut off from my important phone calls. However this month I found out that the " Infinate plan" that I am on actually does not mean that the customer can make infiniaty of phone calls and have been hit with a massive phone bill. I find this extremely misleading and cheeky. I WILL NEVER DEAL WITH OR RECOMMEND VODAFONE TO ANYBODY. Unfortunatly I am one of the unlucky who are now stuck with their incompetence for the next 2 years of my contract.
4209 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:34:00 PM
I constantly have to wait up to a few hours to get service. In my house I don't have service in my room. It takes ages to load anything on my phone. When i'm talking on the phone, it drops out, sometimes cuts out and then I have no service. I get my voicemail messages up to a week after they are left.
WTF!!!!!! This isn't what I signed up for...SORT IT OUT VODAFONE!!!!!
WTF!!!!!! This isn't what I signed up for...SORT IT OUT VODAFONE!!!!!
4208 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:33:57 PM
Been with Vodafone for about 13 years now, i have 2 phones/plans on my account, i have never ever heard from vodafone asking if i am happy, or how they can help etc etc. the last few months the reception here has been going down hill, the last 2 weeks we all of a sudden have no reception in our house and we have to drive around the block to get some coverage. Not good when i am trying to run a business on these phones, now i am using my home phone all the time and that bill is going to be huge, and we are even having to give clients our home phone number so they can get hold of us, its a joke!!! I rang Vodafone the other night, after being on hold for 1hr 23mins i finally spoke to someone who was trying to tell me it was phone(which is iPhone 3GS) even after i told her we have 2 phones doing the same thing,and my next door neighbour the same also, but she continued to make me try and reset all different settings on my phone(about 4 times) and now i have lost all my settings and a fair bit my stuff i had stored on there is gone too!!!! She told me i was in a standard good 3G reception area, and maybe i need to take my phone to get looked at(again i told its happening with all phones) she then said they have noted my call in the system and are looking into it and i should either have the problem fixed or hear from Vodafone regarding this within the next 72 hours, well i havent had either happen, i am furious!!!! i am stuck in a plan on one phone still for another year and a half, and the other is due in 2 months,which i was going to renew in the new year so i can get another iphone for 24 month contract, doubt i will be doing that now, anyone got Telstras number?
4207 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is a lot at 27 Dec 2010 05:33:43 PM
I live in central Sydney and you would expect the reception to be fantastic but NO it is really CRAP especially in my house. For goodness sakes it is nearly 2011 can't this be fixed it drops out continuously and I find myself outside having to pick up the calls. It is dreadful.
4206 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is woeful!! at 27 Dec 2010 05:33:40 PM
reception is very ordinary,messages can take hours to receive,when wishing to complain or ask questions its either an automated system that steers you where Vodafone wants to put you or alternatively a person with an accent in a foreign country that English is not the primary language,then has trouble understanding me and me them! When I have been fortunate enough to speak to someone that can speak AND understand English fluently they can't help me but are happy to transfer me into the system,see previous gripe re. automated system,the bottom line VODAFONE is customer service,you have chosen to put profit before customers so prepare for the anal intruder care of Karma and many disgruntled Vodafone customers.
4205 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is BIGGEST FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 05:33:35 PM
I live right in the CBD and I have the worst network in my building. I keep getting disconnected while I am on the phone and plus I am on the blackberry plan where I cant get any services. In the past 6 months since I went on a plan with vodafone I have had 4 handsets and 5 sims replaced. This is the worst network provider ever, someone get me out of this contract.
4204 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 05:33:30 PM
They charged me an extra $30 for no apparent reason about 2 months ago.
I will never direct debit with these guys- who knows how much extra they'd charge me if i didn't check my bill?!
I resolved this issue, except I had to call Customer Care- with the usual annoying hiccups you get when calling another country...
My suggestion to vodafone would be to make their Customer Care Australian, and to upgrade their software so that basic data entry doesn't f#@$ up our bills.
I will never direct debit with these guys- who knows how much extra they'd charge me if i didn't check my bill?!
I resolved this issue, except I had to call Customer Care- with the usual annoying hiccups you get when calling another country...
My suggestion to vodafone would be to make their Customer Care Australian, and to upgrade their software so that basic data entry doesn't f#@$ up our bills.
4203 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Drop outs and More at 27 Dec 2010 05:33:22 PM
I live in Alexandria and regularly = have to go elsewhere to make phone calls. If I dont I either get drop out or cut off mid stream. Additionally my iphone all to often says searching and then I have to attempt texts or start up the IE browser. There's another thing get hit with additional charges because i have to use text instead of calls. My wifi is crud to. The speed is slower than the Iphone browser and that costs me $15 a month for bugger all.
4202 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is CALL CENTRE SUCKS at 27 Dec 2010 05:33:19 PM
can u please employ people who UNDERSTAND ENGLISH!!!
27 Dec 2010 05:35:47 PM: 100 percent agree!!!!!
4201 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very poor in the house at 27 Dec 2010 05:33:14 PM
Hi, I live in Ballajura, a suburb about 15km north/east of Perth, and told Vodafone have good coverage in my area. The suburb is flat, and i live in a normal brick/tile house. The signal inside the house is bad & often results in dropped out calls.
Have to go outside to get some sort of service. have contacted vodafone & told "there are no reported problems in the area"... I have swapped hand sets - no improvement, so it is a bad network issue, which they deny!! Angela
Have to go outside to get some sort of service. have contacted vodafone & told "there are no reported problems in the area"... I have swapped hand sets - no improvement, so it is a bad network issue, which they deny!! Angela
4200 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Not happy at 27 Dec 2010 05:33:12 PM
My problem is with my phone and internet. The internet hasn't been reliable to say the least. Constant dropping out, bad signal strength, conflicts. I also get sms messages for another person. So by the looks of it the number I have for my internet is being used by someones phone, not very professional. I live in Glen Waverley and the internet will not work in my room or anywhere in the house. In fact I am often chatting to my friend on msn and I'll be kicked off. Sometimes when I try to re-connect it wont do it and I have to pull the usb stick and put it back in.
My iphone issues are much the same - someone will ring and it will go straight to voice mail, but it never rang at my end. People send me pictures and I'll get them .......three days later or not at all. I practically have to stand on my head in my house to get reception in my house. Yet when I signed up I asked specifically if there was reception in Glen Waverley as I use the phone for work and I was told yes. Will be ringing them when I get back from my holidays to see if I can get out of both contracts
My iphone issues are much the same - someone will ring and it will go straight to voice mail, but it never rang at my end. People send me pictures and I'll get them .......three days later or not at all. I practically have to stand on my head in my house to get reception in my house. Yet when I signed up I asked specifically if there was reception in Glen Waverley as I use the phone for work and I was told yes. Will be ringing them when I get back from my holidays to see if I can get out of both contracts
4199 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:32:48 PM
After 10 years of using Voda in the city, I moved to a country location and was assured that the service was advanced enough to facilitate my move.........well it wasn't. I'm in a major country town, 1 bar reception if any, 3 days to receive text messages, and to top it, I had the stupidity to sign up for a two year contract on theit 3G broadband offer. Download speeds were worse than my old dial up account on a landline. That was of course when there was no cloud cover, let alone a storm. Then, I had no reception at all, sometimes for days. I am now out of that internet deal, and after 12 years of faithful phone customership, I will be moving my accuont to someone else soon.
Now dont even get me started on the appaling so-called customer service, with that Lara autobot.........the amount of times I have been hung up on simply because the autobot cannot understand my inquiry. If at some astonishing time I do get to talk to a human, its someone that had little experience in actually speaking the English language.
Vodafone, you now suck..................
Now dont even get me started on the appaling so-called customer service, with that Lara autobot.........the amount of times I have been hung up on simply because the autobot cannot understand my inquiry. If at some astonishing time I do get to talk to a human, its someone that had little experience in actually speaking the English language.
Vodafone, you now suck..................
4198 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is not too bad at all at 27 Dec 2010 05:32:37 PM
Thought I'd share my experience so far. I signed up for a 2 yr plan with Vodafone a week ago after porting my number from Telstra Next G. I've made a lot of calls since then on my new HTC desire HD phone. We live in the hinterland of the Sunshine Coast surrounded by some impressive mountains but coverage for calls has been good so far. I must say that I did try to get some vodafone support but gave up hanging on the line. They really need to improve their phone support that's for sure. Over the years I've been with Telstra and Optus as well as Vodafone. No doubt about it that Telstra Next G is good for coverage but it used to drop out on me regularly here at home and it cost a lot to be with them. Optus cover where we live is worse than Vodafone. So hopefully I'm one of the lucky ones who will be able to continue to get good coverage on Vodafone. The internet on my new phone is slow though. It's slower than I expected it to be but I mainly wanted email access and it works fine for that. I really feel for the people out there who are having difficulties. Not sure if there's a communication onbudsman or similar who may be able to help you all. Hopefully Vodafone will read all of your complaints and lift their game soon.
4197 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is evidently not good. at 27 Dec 2010 05:32:36 PM
I work for Telstra and the number of vodaphone customers that call in wanting to come over to us is over and above customers from other companies wanting to come to us. I've never been a vodaphone customer so I'm not sure what's going on. But from what I'm reading here it's heart attack inducing. I have two mobiles; one's with Telstra, and the other is with Optus (shhh!). Both are prepaid and both have excellent service in terms of coverage and customer service. I read a comment below from someone who mentioned they were treated superbly as a Voda prepaid customer, but as soon as they signed a contract with Voda the customer service went up the proverbial creek with no paddles. This is awful to hear. God bless you all and I hope you all get your grievances resolved in your favour. Renee.
4196 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Worst. Service. Ever. at 27 Dec 2010 05:32:26 PM
Since day 1, in August 2009, my work colleagues mocked me for selecting vodaphone as they are known to have zero reception in the Lockyer Valley, west of Brisbane. I contacted Vodaphone after a while, as I was extremely disappointed with the service, as I am paying $114pm for unlimited phonecalls and SMS, as I intended to use my phone for work purposes. This has not been possible, and due to my phoen serching for service all day, my phones battery life is around 10hours. I have an iphone and initially thought it was phone, but it was the reception. I have to charge my phone at work, just to get through the working day and have a phone in case of emergency on the trips home.
I contact the help line who just sent me a generic "we are awaiting the technicians to confirm the problems" after initially asking me fill out a lot of forms which were the same question over and over again. After 6 months of dramas, I was told that i could not exit my contract, and that the website had now been adjusted to reflect the poor service and coverage in the area.
A little too late for my liking. I want to jump on with everyone else and sue for the 18 months I have endured this crap. I threatened them with legal action but thought "im all alone" and figured I would waste a lot of cash. Now I know I am not alone. If I have met my end of the deal (paying $114pm) them they should meet their end, otherwise, essentially they have broken the contract!! And If i dont pay, they cut me off. Lets hit them where it hurts.
I contact the help line who just sent me a generic "we are awaiting the technicians to confirm the problems" after initially asking me fill out a lot of forms which were the same question over and over again. After 6 months of dramas, I was told that i could not exit my contract, and that the website had now been adjusted to reflect the poor service and coverage in the area.
A little too late for my liking. I want to jump on with everyone else and sue for the 18 months I have endured this crap. I threatened them with legal action but thought "im all alone" and figured I would waste a lot of cash. Now I know I am not alone. If I have met my end of the deal (paying $114pm) them they should meet their end, otherwise, essentially they have broken the contract!! And If i dont pay, they cut me off. Lets hit them where it hurts.
4195 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is WORST COVERAGE at 27 Dec 2010 05:32:13 PM
I live in Lilydale, a metro suburb and I cannot even get a fraction of reception at my house. I joined with Vodafone when living at another address, and since moving have not been able to gain any reception at home. Other people in my home are with 3 and are able to roam through Telstra. I went into a Vodafone store to ask about roaming. The young girl employee looked clueless and said she would look into it and call me back in half an hour with the result. An hour and a half later she calls to tell me she can't do anything. I then call Customer Service to try and get my National Roaming activated (seeing as the girl couldn't comprehend the matter), and was on hold for 45 minutes before giving up. I then visited another store and had my roaming activated, at which point I was told that any txt or calls made when roaming where not included in my $114 Unlimited Cap and that I have to pay extra for Vodafone's failure of coverage. Then when I returned home I discovered that I still do no receive any reception, even with my roaming activated and turned on. Massive failure Vodafone. I cannot believe I still have to pay for another 10 months of service when I can't even get a single bar of reception at my own home. What's the point in paying $114 for month for unlimited usage when I can't even access any data services where I live?
4194 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:32:12 PM
I usually like the Vodafone network, just can't deal with Vodafone. The web site is horrible to find your way around. I was tempted to go with a Mobile Broadband, but had so much trouble finding things on the web site that I thought I would stick with Virgin. And that f*%*#@* Lara thing is just too much to put up with.
Wake up Voda.
Wake up Voda.
4193 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:32:09 PM
I have to make phone calls from my front verandah - no other place in my house has reception. Reception is patchy in my street - will drop out when you get to the bottom of the road. Texts are delayed due to no reception - i have to leave my phone outside if i want to guarantee a chance that it will keep its bars. I spent 45 minutes on hold to voda to complain after their website lists my area as "standard" coverage- their suggested solution was to go get a new sim and that maybe it was my nokia with the issue. Scathing email to the company resulted in a request to contact their "tech" department - from my phone which does not have reception ... likely. After 3 years of substandard calls cutting out, reception and lost business ... i hope you guys can fix it
4192 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very just slow speeds and no help at 27 Dec 2010 05:31:53 PM
I am lucky to get 600kbps speeds on my wireless broadband. They keep saying it is my pc, but doing a speed check at their request showed my pc could easily handle the supposed 7mbps they said they provided. It is also for every dropping out or coming to a standstill. I have been told to take it bake only to be told they can't take it back repeated times and I am always being charged for more than I use.
4191 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 100 PERCENT at 27 Dec 2010 05:31:49 PM
I live at acacia ridge in brisbane, at best 14km from CBD. i have a brand new iphone 4, at best i will be able to hear you on a call or send a text if i wait 5 mins for the phone to stop "SEARCHING". then if i make a call it will drop out. voicemail? no go. leave me one today il get it in 3 days. maybeeeeee. and because i did not live here when i signed up i CAN NOT cancel my contract, i have 3, without paying 900, 1400, and 1000 $ AUD. what a sick joke
28 Dec 2010 05:55:09 PM: See that is the point on the TT the guy who runs the site mentioned Sydney and Melbourne, but I think Brisbane is suffering just as badly if not worse.
4190 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is getting better at 27 Dec 2010 05:31:40 PM
Gday all with problems, how's your phone/broadband going today?
27 Dec 2010 05:34:14 PM: HOWS WEATHER IN INDIA TODAY??
29 Dec 2010 08:46:29 PM: lol
4189 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Disgusting service at 27 Dec 2010 05:31:35 PM
my mobile had dropped out numerous times, poor reception, messagebank containing messages few days old, or even better, phonecalls that dont ring and go straight through to messagebank? Poor mobile broadband speeds, you try opening a page it takes for ever and then says, server not found.
because of this i am missing so mny important calls. This thing is affecting me mentally and financially.
I wand to end my contract and go with some other good provider
because of this i am missing so mny important calls. This thing is affecting me mentally and financially.
I wand to end my contract and go with some other good provider
4188 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Terrible-Toowong at 27 Dec 2010 05:31:31 PM
Went to the toowong store today and was speaking to the girl behind the counter and couldnt even look at me when I spoke to her was to busy on the computer! I had to tell her to look at me when i spoke to her, so bloody rude! as a customer coverage is terrible in algester/parkinson, slow internet, voicemail often doesnt come through for 24 hours. WAIT TIMES FOR HELP ARE THE WORST I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED
4187 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Beyond Belief at 27 Dec 2010 05:31:29 PM
The usual dropped calls, overcharging, unhelpful customer service officers and I also have broadband with them in addition to 2 phones, the i phone keeps dropping out and the internet is almost non existant on it, the blackberry keeps on dropping out and keeps on turning itself off so I rang them and they told me to upgrade my blackberry software that didn't work. With the froadband the sinal is poor and the internet keeps on disconnecting so I can't finish my as the modem refuses to connect till the next and complainig has had no results I am so frustrated.
4186 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:31:25 PM
Pocket WIFI high speed internet runs at ( when available) at a ripper 2 k bites/second. We disconnected home line on Vodaphones promisses and got next to no internet now. Thanks heaps...
4185 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 05:31:20 PM
I would like someone just to know when my phone has no coverage I have done all the checks, my neighbours are not vodafone so do not need to ask them if their phones are working,if my son's phone and mine do not have coverage then there is no coverage. I only speak English and do not understand why i can not have some one without a strong accent from overseas answer my call. I am a person who relies on their phone for health reasons and as such need to know that the person I am speaking to knows what is going on in Australia and the time zone I am in at least.
4184 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 05:31:17 PM
I have tried calling Vodaphone for 3months to get my credit card registered on my new number. I cannot get in contact with anyone in customer care ever. I have tried to go into a Vodaphone shop they cannot help me, they tell me to call Vodaphone. Vodaphone will place me on hold for hours at a time only to be hung up on when I am supposed to be advancing in the Que. The vodaphone reception is terrible and the money we pay for the plans are not worth it.
4183 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very bad service x 3 at 27 Dec 2010 05:31:00 PM
I have 3 vodafone contracts,one for my wife and 2 for my children as I work away from home I like to stay in touch.My family can't ring me and I can't get through to them.Working away from home is hard enough with out having no service to ring them over the christmas period.I have rang complained and they said terminate your contracts but its going to cost you.
4182 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is terrible at 27 Dec 2010 05:30:52 PM
i have to payout the contract with vodafone so i can get the internet.
they told me they could supply with with mobile internet via the usb stick
they told me they could supply with with mobile internet via the usb stick
4181 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is hopeless at 27 Dec 2010 05:30:40 PM
For the majority of the time my phone drops out every 20 seconds when I am on the phone or goes straight to voice mail. Then for hours I do not receive a signal at all. Modem is poor quality and drops out every 10 mins or so.
4180 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 05:30:35 PM
Have had issues with wireless internet for months. When you call them for assistance they advise to go into the store. When you go into the store they advise only vodafone over the phone can help. When you call back you spend over 30 minutes on hold only to speak to someone who cannot understand you & you cannot understand them. THEN they tell you to go back into the store, where the vodafone store has been changed to "3 store" and they no longer can help with vodafone issues & give you another address. It's endless & no one can help. As soon as our contract ends I will NEVER use vodafone again and I do not recommend vodafone to ANYONE. Good job for this site !!!
27 Dec 2010 05:38:39 PM: it makes you wonder why they have stores if no one can help you, i know what you mean..may as well buy the phone from india and any problems call em
4179 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very Bad at 27 Dec 2010 05:30:35 PM
I have had problems with network coverage and have missed out on potential clients that could not get through to me asi had no coverage what so ever. I even got them to change my simcard and still the same issue. I have change 3 phones over the past 1.5 years and nothing has changed. They used to be good but over the past 1 year or so it is just getting worse..
It is a rip off and i think it is about time these big companies don't get away with this type of crap anymore........
It is a rip off and i think it is about time these big companies don't get away with this type of crap anymore........
4178 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:30:34 PM
Have been a Vodaphone customer of there pre paid broadband a word, utter rubbish, very slow to connect and drops out so often I just give up...licky im not on contract..its woeful srevice, shame on you Vodaphone.
4177 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is terrible at 27 Dec 2010 05:30:34 PM
retired, ride a motorbike around the land, cannot get reception in WA hopeless,have complained heaps get overseas operators cannot understand their language. nothing gets resolved, been told twice by vodafone to get a telstra fone when travelling. want out of this contract, was completly missled on reception etc, BUT try contacting vodafone by direct email. been fighting this for a year, nothimg has changed, vodafone suxs.
4176 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very very at 27 Dec 2010 05:30:21 PM
After 18 months of BAD reception or most often NO reception at all I have decided that the pain of only having reception at home in one spot in the middle of the yard provided i crouch down is too much and have decided to pay out the contract just to get away. The final straw came when i almost lost a highly sort after job offer because of the shocking reception. I keep getting charged even when week after week I have no internet connection at all despite only being 30 mins from the city centre.
4175 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is phone at 27 Dec 2010 05:30:18 PM
Hi i just got the HTC Desire HD phone i got it coz i was told by 1 chick it was a really good phone & me brother has 1 & told me it was the best phone to get right now i chaged it up over nite then i was on it less then 4mins & the battery was half full i took it back to the she the other lady at the shop told me the battery life on the phones r crap & it was the worst phone to get & that i had to take the phone to the repair shop 1hr away from me or thay can do a thing for me i told them to get f... i went from 3 to voda now im stuck for 24months
4174 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:30:11 PM
my phone keeps dropping out every time i make a call i live in surfers paradise and i don't get reception in my house
4173 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is extremly at 27 Dec 2010 05:29:59 PM
caused my boyfriend and myself to break up over unrecieved calls and arguments caused by delayed and unsent messages
4172 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 05:29:57 PM
Myself and my girlfriend have both travelled overseas using global roaming. We both were out of Australia at different times. I went to Asia and when she was on her holiday she went to Europe. For both of us we got bad reception, only enough so the call would connect and we get charged the ridiculous connection fee and then 30 seconds of static before it disconnected. We occasionally got ok reception but continued to get dropouts. Our complete talk times were minimum but we both got massive bills. Mine was over 600 dollars on top of my cap and hers was well over $1400. I also suffer from continuous drop outs to other people who use Vodafone also and get stupid charges on my bills. I got the same bill 3 times with them stating I hadn't paid which I had paid each time and now have about a 3 month credit on my account as they wouldn't refund my money which would have been good as it's Xmas time. I have been with Vodafone for a few years cuz if their caps but I have had problems with phones they send out as I received 5 phones in a row that didn't work properly. My girlfriend has been getting charged double her bill every month cuz they failed to change her cap properly like she asked. Her and I are waiting for our contracts to end to find a better provider.
27 Dec 2010 05:33:18 PM: Oh and their customer service is a joke as u have to wait on hold for hours sometimes listening to bad music as they don't always offer the call back option. Just trying to sort out a bill took 2 days of constant calling them and waiting to get call backs. It's suppose to be a 24 hour 7 day service but it is out of service all the time!!!
4171 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 05:29:57 PM
My wife and i had a prepaid Vodafone mbb modem, it was always slow and unreliable, but mid november it became really bad, after many phone calls and being told a different story everytime, we had had enough. We went to our local vodafone outlet and demanded our money back (the cost of the modem, plus the $150 credit we just bought) We were refused, so i went to every customer in the store and told them what i thought about vodafone, then stood out the front of the store and advised people not to spend their money on vodafone.
I then went to the main vodafone store in Wollongong, same story, again i told all the people in the store not to spend their money here, then went out the front advising people not to go inside.
Two days later after many more phone calls we went back to Wollongong, they refunded us $199, i think they were happy to get rid of us. Eventually they admitted to us the problem could take upto 6 months to fix. We don't care now as we have changed to a different service that works all the time.
I then went to the main vodafone store in Wollongong, same story, again i told all the people in the store not to spend their money here, then went out the front advising people not to go inside.
Two days later after many more phone calls we went back to Wollongong, they refunded us $199, i think they were happy to get rid of us. Eventually they admitted to us the problem could take upto 6 months to fix. We don't care now as we have changed to a different service that works all the time.
4170 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 05:29:55 PM
Im with Vodafone and my husband is with 3, we both have to go to the middle of the backyard to get reception, which still drops out quite regularly with every single call. After complaining to a customer service operator who rang to see how my experience with Vodafone was, he checked coverage to our area and said we were in a good reception spot. Funny that the phone kept dropping out and he rang me back twice to finish his call. I thought we were in a black spot, but obviously a lot of other people have this problem! The worst fear is we have a newborn and in case of emergency im scared my phone wont work when i need it the most. Grrrr!!!
4169 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is evidently not good. at 27 Dec 2010 05:29:53 PM
I work for Telstra and the number of vodaphone customers that call in wanting to come over to us is over and above customers from other companies wanting to come to us. I've never been a vodaphone customer so I'm not sure what's going on. But from what I'm reading here it's heart attack inducing. I have two mobiles; one's with Telstra, and the other is with Optus (shhh!). Both are prepaid and both have excellent service in terms of coverage and customer service. I read a comment below from someone who mentioned they were treated superbly as a Voda prepaid customer, but as soon as they signed a contract with Voda the customer service went up the proverbial creek with no paddles. This is awful to hear. God bless you all and I hope you all get your grievances resolved in your favour. Renee.
4168 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Crap = Vodafone at 27 Dec 2010 05:29:52 PM
I have an unlimited cap with Vodafone paying $120 a month. ALL of my calls drop out at some point. Internet connection comes and goes. Got a brand new iphone thinking that my phone may be the problem but no change! I have No signal anywhere in Australia! The signal is the worst I have ever seen. I hate Vodafone and will NEVER resign with then. Counting down the days till my contract is up!
4167 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No service coverage at 27 Dec 2010 05:29:35 PM
I have been with Vodafone for some 14 years, and stupidly signed up again (renewed contract) around September 2010 this year. As part of the contact I received a new 3GS I phone 3. Since this time I have experience untold service problems, with poor to no service, no internet access and failed message services, all within the Sydney metropolitan area and my home address. I am an emergency resource worker who requires reliable phone service. I attended and made numerous complaints to the Vodafone Liverpool Westfield store, where they sent me to Apple on four occasions replacing a brand new I phone three times, and yet still I have poor to no service coverage. The issues are not with the phone but Vodafone network services. The personnel in the Vodafone store advise me each time that they are experience network problems, but this clearly breaches the contract by not supplying a reliable mobile service. This problem has been ongoing for four months, and it is my opinion that Vodafone have breach the contract.
4166 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is the biggest joke since a Leyland P76 at 27 Dec 2010 05:29:31 PM
I'm a pre-paid customer. Can someone please explain what free vodafoney to vodafoney minutes are? I've NEVER seen the benefit of these free minutes!!!
I put up with call drop outs - call echo and feedback - and this wierd electronic grazing noise that does my head in!
Mobile Internet Speed? What's that??? Why is the connection always showing "POOR"???
If they can't look after the customer's they've got, they should be STOPPED from selling any more serv ices until they can take care of the customers they have RIGHT NOW.
Sooooooooooooooooooo glad I never signed a contract. If you've got a contract exercise your right to leave immediately as they publicly admit they cannot provide the service you're paying for. Or just keep calling and getting money off your bill each month until they get the message their service sux.
I put up with call drop outs - call echo and feedback - and this wierd electronic grazing noise that does my head in!
Mobile Internet Speed? What's that??? Why is the connection always showing "POOR"???
If they can't look after the customer's they've got, they should be STOPPED from selling any more serv ices until they can take care of the customers they have RIGHT NOW.
Sooooooooooooooooooo glad I never signed a contract. If you've got a contract exercise your right to leave immediately as they publicly admit they cannot provide the service you're paying for. Or just keep calling and getting money off your bill each month until they get the message their service sux.
4165 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Customer Service and Service Failure at 27 Dec 2010 05:28:31 PM
Mobile number was ported to Vodafone years ago and now on a 24 month contract. The mobile number was given out to someone else over east. Our friends get her and her friends call us. After months of being on hold to sort it out Virgin have said it is an issue with Vodafone. Everytime I call Vodafone I get some bloody non english speaking person in India and have to explain the whole situation over and over. They tell me its not their issue so I ask to speak to superviser. Once again after telling my story to another 3 workers I finally get the superviser who cant help me as it is not their problem. AFTER 3 HOURS ON THE PHONE BEING TRANSFERED OVER AND OVER AND A 24 MONTH CONTRACT THATS USELESS, VODAFONE IT IS YOUR F@#KING PROBLEM.
4164 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 05:28:26 PM
My provider was 3 which was bought out by Vodafone. ever since my phone has dropped out during calls and theres no reception at my house or immediate area. sometimes a simple phone call can take up to 4 or 5 connections due to the drop outs. i never chose vodafone, it was forced upon me. i had never had a problem until vodafone took over. surprise surprise they say that it shouldnt have made a difference but guess what??...IT DID!! now i am stuck until the end of my plan with a provider i didnt choose and dont want!!
4163 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No problem at home at 27 Dec 2010 05:28:20 PM
I love my vodafone at home. Funnily enough I live on a farm just north of Glasshouse Mountains in QLD and get full signal strength and fast data. The only problem I've ever had was on the outskirts if Ballarat VIC when I was with family just before Christmas. But I'm interested to see alot of other people have had a problem. My wife is with Optus and she gets terrible reception most places.
Does make me think about Vidafone though. There must be a big problem even Vodafone admit this.
Does make me think about Vidafone though. There must be a big problem even Vodafone admit this.
4162 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 8 at 27 Dec 2010 05:28:00 PM
I have been a Vodafone customer since it first began in Australia. However over the past 6 - 7 months the service has been the worst I have ever experienced. Other than when their entire global roaming network went down over Christmas a few years ago whilst I was overseas, the service has been OK. Currently however I receive text messages late, calls drop out and the reception in my house has gone from perfect to non existent which is difficult given it's the only phone I have at home. C'mon Vodafone, fix it and fast!
4161 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bad at 27 Dec 2010 05:27:54 PM
I have a mobile broadband thru Vodaphone (adverstised it would be 7.2 Mbs< its not even half of the mark
4160 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 50/50 at 27 Dec 2010 05:27:42 PM
Been with vodaphone for two painful years- last 12 mths have been hopeless with 3G coverage very patchy and unreliable through most of Brisbane . I put it down to iphone issues because that's who vodaphone were blaming but not now, I believe this fail issues finally brings to light the amount of real issues that vodaphone has in coverage
4159 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is shut them down at 27 Dec 2010 05:27:26 PM
they got me bigtime.. shut em down
4158 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is no reception, drop out, running my phone battery dry! at 27 Dec 2010 05:27:22 PM
after being with '3' for over a year i decided to swith to vodafone because my partner and most of the people i know are connected with them so i get the free calling credit, i have since regret this decision. Not only does my credit on my prepaid account run out quicker even with the free calls to other vodfone customers my battery power is running out quicker than with '3' i have no reception in most cases inside and while on a call it will simply drop out i can just change services but my girl friends cant as she will have to pay to have her phone unlocked as its locked to vodafone so this does not just affect contract consumers i believe they should not charge prepay customers to unlock their phones when they recieve poor services because this is also affecting my partner who lives innerstate!! Its unbelieveable this is happening because '3' and vodafone are now part of the same company!
27 Dec 2010 05:31:49 PM: If your friend has an iPhone tell her to google how to unlock your phone. You can do it for free.
4157 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is the Missing link GOOD BYE at 27 Dec 2010 05:27:08 PM
I spend more time trying to get connection than actually using the internet. its forever dropping out and no reception, the calls are the same such poor coverage and you wait till you try and call them .you get nothing just left on hold till you drop out.I WILL NOT BE PAYING THE BILL and we will be going back to telstra even though they cost alot more at least you can use the service .NEVER AGAIN VODAFONE SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4156 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 05:27:07 PM
why cant i connect to the internet through 3G at any time in sydney? it was fine a few months ago. never has it been so bad!!!
4155 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No Coverage at 27 Dec 2010 05:26:46 PM
I have an I-phone and live in Redbank Plains, Queensland and have had little or no reception. This is frustrating as I was waiting in my car for my son after school and they tried to contact me as he had an accident. After waiting decidied to go to reception to investigate. Just would have been good to get the phone call.
4154 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Slow, delays, just a damned waste of time at 27 Dec 2010 05:26:43 PM
Countless msg delays, mostly annoying coz my GF is voda(fail)fone also, Internet is slow and always cuts out, friends with same phone but different carriers have no where near as many problems! There is no ringtone for approximately 30 secs at the beginning of EVERY call. It just ain't good enough, think I might go with a different carrier at the end of the contract, unless it's going to improve..... Mmmmm
4153 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:26:43 PM
I have been with 3 for a good few years now. Never ever had any drama with my mobile broadband. Never had any drama with my mobile phone. No problems with 3. All of a sudden my mobile had dropped out numerous times, poor reception, messagebank containing messages 3 days old, or even better, phonecalls that dont ring and go straight through to messagebank? Poor mobile broadband speeds and shit piss poor reception. Low and behold guess who i find out merged with 3 when this all started to happen?
3 dont use vodaphone towers??? I couldnt care less if this was true or not. My mobile communication services were about as perfect as they could be for what i wanted. Due to the merger something has happened. And dont bother trying to call tech support...its a good thing those call centre operators live in another foots aching for a new home and i really need to put it somewhere.
3 dont use vodaphone towers??? I couldnt care less if this was true or not. My mobile communication services were about as perfect as they could be for what i wanted. Due to the merger something has happened. And dont bother trying to call tech support...its a good thing those call centre operators live in another foots aching for a new home and i really need to put it somewhere.
4152 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very slow mobile broadband connection at 27 Dec 2010 05:26:42 PM
I have a mobile broadband (USB stick)thru Vodaphone, connection is hardly upto the mark, although it said it would be around 7.2 Mbit
4151 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is bad at 27 Dec 2010 05:26:33 PM
O VODAFONE Too many stories to tell to much pain to recall but i am down from $79 plan to $29 plan. But While we are at it can anyone tell me why if i pay $79 a month and only use say $50 worth Why can i not get my balance carried over to the next month Why does the ACCC allow these stupid plans
4150 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Infinite. at 27 Dec 2010 05:26:01 PM
For months I have been wondering what is wrong with my phone. Some mornings I wake up with up to 15 messages that were sent to me days before. Often friends message me and the message will never show up. Or I'll message my friends and they never get the message. I use MMS a lot with work as well and receiving and sending pxts has now basically become pointless.
When I visited Vodafone yesterday to speak with someone about it the lady said nothing but "Haha mine does that too" and then gave me a phone number to speak with customer service. Pathetic.
Yet the very moment my billy is due (or overdue) it's cut off almost immediately.
When I visited Vodafone yesterday to speak with someone about it the lady said nothing but "Haha mine does that too" and then gave me a phone number to speak with customer service. Pathetic.
Yet the very moment my billy is due (or overdue) it's cut off almost immediately.
4149 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic at 27 Dec 2010 05:25:50 PM
My service sometimes drops out for hours. I was on hold for an hour and then told I would be given a days credit which of course never happened. I then rang again to check ,was on hold for half an hour only to be told when I spoke to someone that their system was down. I then suggested that maybe they put a message on their voice system only to be met with silence...
4148 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is crap rip off!!!!!! at 27 Dec 2010 05:25:43 PM
My partner and I both are with vodafone and have been stuck in contracts for 2 years. Never have service, calls always drop out and still charged for call and re-dial call, voice mails don't come through until next day, ring vodafone and they send you from one person to another for sometimes over an hour and still don't get any help with the problem. I am a business owner and have issues contacting and being contacted on a daily basis costing the business thousands. NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!! Why should anyone have to pay for a service that is not being provided???????
4147 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is ultra fail at 27 Dec 2010 05:25:13 PM
the service is always dissconecting ... its slow and always going and in and out of service and im talking in the city .... a few days ago ... my mate who is with optus tried to call me as a joke ... i had the phone on ... it didnt even ring, went to message bank ... we were both killing our selves laughing ...what a joke of service and coverage... the network should be abolished .... and so should vodafone i cant wait for my plan to finish
4146 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Astonishingly at 27 Dec 2010 05:25:09 PM
Having struggled through limited Mobile Broadband Coverage in houses in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, all of which are in areas of full coverage according to Vodafone's coverage maps, the last straw recently came when my ex and I tried to split the numbers currently under my name onto seperate accounts. We got the run-around of shop-front people saying they couldn't do it, we had to ring Customer "support", only to be told that we could do it at a shop. More than 12 hours between us later on hold, we still haven't been able to resolve the issue - I've been told the authorisation has gone through and would be effective immediately, only for her to call and be told that the authorisation hasn't been made. Oh, and I am writing this through a Dial-Up speed connection for which I am still paying Broadband rates. My fancy new Smartphone suffers from the same bandwidth strangulation. I don't have a positive thing to say about Vodafone, and am seriously considering leaving them, except that previous experience with other carriers hasn't exactly been positive.