Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
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3945 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Up to be sued BY ME at 27 Dec 2010 04:57:56 PM
No reception, delayed messages, bad reception, no help I could go on and on but screw it. Quicker to go through court than your help desk. Want to resolve this out of court go ahead, but im gonna take you for everythin you have got. PS not a threat, Im furious, appalled. I have tied with you guys but tis site has made it possible. YOU ARE SERIOUSLY SCREWED. VODAPHONE start writtin sorry cheques coz Its gonna happen
3944 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:57:51 PM
My wife and i had 3 mobile phones with 3. Since they merged with vodafone we experienced coverage problems. We had reduced coverage for about 6 months. The previous 7 years to this happening we always had 5 bars of reception. We suddenly lost all reception completely for about 4 days on all 3 of our mobiles. We were 9 months into a 2 year contract with 3/vodafone. many phone calls later and they were still blaming the handsets and not the network. We even got three new sim cards which did nothing to fix the issue. Finally i had enough and 1 more phone call explaining i had three mobiles im front of me with new sim cards they finally excepted that it was the network and not my handsets. I got all 3 contracts terminated with no exit fee. All i had to do was return the handsets in an envelope they supplied me. Does not make up for 6 months of bad coverage but at least i do not have to deal with them anymore. I have since moved to telstra. FULL RECEPTION!!! Keep arguing with vodafone and you can get your contract cancelled with no cancellation fee!
3943 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is terrible at 27 Dec 2010 04:57:44 PM
Bad coverage, dropouts, useless having data as well.
Never again will I recommend this company.
Never again will I recommend this company.
3942 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Bad at 27 Dec 2010 04:57:24 PM
Very poor reception for internet connection. The very low speed network used up all my giga bites and prompted me to top up..really bad!
Not happy
Not happy
3941 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is worst reception ever at 27 Dec 2010 04:56:43 PM
Thankgod my contract is up:) so many times i have recieved a full days text messages and voicemail messages at midnite.....some sent at 9am. It doesnt matter where i am the reception is still poor.
3940 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Upmost 10/10 at 27 Dec 2010 04:56:35 PM
I have been attempting to set up a small computer repair shop for some time.
I finally was on call with my dream supplier. The phone dropped out. They said they will not supply some one who hangs up on them or can not keep adequate phone communication.
I finally was on call with my dream supplier. The phone dropped out. They said they will not supply some one who hangs up on them or can not keep adequate phone communication.
28 Dec 2010 12:26:25 AM: I;m an Idependent ACN Representative,I understand how everyone are totally dissatisfied with the Vodaphone phone, internet and customer service qualities. Our ACN customer services are incredible. You can reach them less than 10 mins pratically everytime. They are fast and effiecient and never transfer your call unlike Telstra or Optus as I heard, If you want to know more about us, contact me in my email at I loves to turn UNHAPPY customer to HAPPY customer.
29 Dec 2010 11:27:36 AM: Fuck the desperate for a sale scavenger trolls are out and lurking...don't these fucksticks realize no one will speak to them from here? Probably why he works for acn and not vodafone
30 Dec 2010 06:06:39 PM: ^^^Perfect lol
2 Jan 2011 02:30:51 PM: What a knob! do you troll cancer sufferers support web sites trying to sell funeral packages?
3939 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Beyond beliefe fail! at 27 Dec 2010 04:56:23 PM
I stupidly have my internet and mobile phone through Vodafone. Coverage from my house is absolutely craptacular most of the time for both internet and phone. I can't make a phone call in my local shopping mall. To bad if I was getting attacked in the carpark because there is noooo coverage under there. I was sent some picture text from a mate on Christmas day. It's now the 27th and i'm still waiting for them. My internet has to be hung out the window for it to work.
3938 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:56:17 PM
Reception is shocking, i have to stand in one spot at home or it cuts out. I also get late messages and when i do have reception sometimes i try and make a call and it just doesn't connect, all it says is called failed. Get your act together Vodafone, as soon as my contract runs out im outta there.
3937 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extreme Fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:56:14 PM
For over 3 years now we've put up with absolute disgraceful reception. Considering that we live in a good area, hubby works Silverwater way and has the same problem we have here at home. We have dropouts almost every phone call, people can hear us we can't hear them. Text messages won't send or delay in sending. Phone needs to be turned on and off a few times to get messages to send. There is 3 of us on a plan together and this just isn't good enough we pay over $200 a month for vodafone. For absolute useless unreliable service. I suffer anaphylaxis and need to have good reliable service as I'm allergic to many things severely. Vodafone used to be a great company with awesome phone upgrades and fantastic service...What happened????? Now they give the crapiest phones on upgrades. My husband has been with vodafone for approximately 16 years. We will not be renewing our contracts when they finally end next year. Vodafone absolutely disgraceful
3936 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is lack of reception at 27 Dec 2010 04:55:47 PM
doesn,t matter work or home, both in metro melbourne and i can't keep reception. Vodafone continue to still drop out during calls. its apinful and frustrating no end.
3935 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Rubbish at 27 Dec 2010 04:55:29 PM
I live in the inner suburbs of Sydney and 90% of the time cannot get signal in my home. I did send a complaint via the Vodafone site and someone did get back to me to help resolve the issue. However, the network dropped the call and nobody ever called me back again. Counting the days until I can get out of my contract!
3934 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Vodafone fails at 27 Dec 2010 04:55:25 PM
I signed up with vodafone about 9 months ago on a 24 month iPhone 3GS $69 plan, first problem I had was with my 1st bill. It's supposed to be $69 a month but I get charged 70.31, i receive SMS from vodafone about my online bill and I have this option switched off in my profile, my 2nd problem was next to no signal if it doesn't lose the network, my 3rd problem is also the billing ATM, I payed my bill online twice without realizing (was tired and it was a few days prior) and it still says I owe them, I know it takes 24 hours for it to go through so I called them after 3 days and had a lady confirm their servers were indeed down and that I have paid a couple months in advance. There was is no online notification at the time unless you phone them, All this is pissing me not to mention not being able to understand the broken English some of vodafones staff speak
3933 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Awfull at 27 Dec 2010 04:55:24 PM
I have been with vodafone for about 18 months - for the first 12 months - no real problems, the last 3 months the service has been embarrassing. So many times my wife has accused me of been on the phone with my phone being busy whilst I haven't been on the phone, then the data performance...example today wanting to do my internet banking on my phone it took 40 minutes....which is becoming typical of the service....then of course there are the constant network unavailable messages or network busy that appear when im trying to make a phone call.
3932 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:55:22 PM
I have several of the issues mentioned re drop outs and late sms but I have also, up until recently had my phone turning on then off. I was told to send it to the manufacturer for repair however, strangly, this only happened at my house and to my wifes phone also. Anyone would know two phones side by side doing this similtanously was not going to be an individual phone failure issue. After all, they both worked fine every where else. Also when I purchased these phones I was told by 3 (Vodaphone)that outside the capital cities they roamed onto and shared the Telstra network. However whilst travelling in Aust. recently I was unable to get coverage in some towns and when I rang to enquire they told me they had no coverage in this towns. Begs the question, whose network do they use in the country and it is Telsrta, is it selective?
3931 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 25% of my calls at 27 Dec 2010 04:55:09 PM
i spend min. $600 p/month on the past 3 years and they offer me $20 and they told me it will be ok if i turn of and on my phone,it's been like that from the past 2 years...every time i call them to complain they tell me witch part of sydney i have drop calls,my answer is : its not the places its the provider vodafone,i'm must the time around the cbd,,,,hello? its ridiculous,its not i'm driving around alice springs,delivering milk,i'm in sydney city...
3930 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is crap at 27 Dec 2010 04:55:03 PM
I consatantly have poor coverage, my phone will show all bars sometimes until i push the call button and then it drops from full service to zero service. I frequently have to restart my phone to get service. I will often not get my message bank messages until the following day. And when i try to call Vodafone about this it takes me friggin ages to get to help thanks to the automated computer (help) system. "FED UP"
3929 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is massive fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:55:02 PM
I was sitting at work the other day and got a voicemail msg what my phone didnt even ring, sent an sms to my sister and she got it several hours later, I cannot even roam while camping when my sister can get service on other networks. I get crappy reception at home and I am in a large town!
3928 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is call drop outs & delayed text msgs at 27 Dec 2010 04:54:58 PM
Calls that are on the VF to VF minutes(free) disconnect. Text messages are delayed in delivery, I recently received a text message sent from Sydney @ 8pm which arrived @ 12.15am which caused alarm for me at that time of night. As a prepaid customer,getting any assistance with "Customer Service" is non existant cannot get anyone on the phone nor any response with emails. I think the reception & service is far worse now since tha amalgamation with 3Network.
3927 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is sewage at 27 Dec 2010 04:54:45 PM
I would rather listen and smell the chunks of sewage and piss flow... Then wait for the support of the phone technicians. The phone connection is pitiful. How can you run a Billion dollar telecommunication service and advertise your product on F1 cars. The cars might be fast but there support is like a car with no motor. poo poo poo shame on you VodaPhone. I waited 2 and a half hours for a phone support.
3926 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is mobile broadband at 27 Dec 2010 04:54:19 PM
I purchased mobile broadband in Aucust 2010 (prepaid ) with 6G on it for $100. Bonus i thought the 6G lasted for 3 months. Since October when my first 6G ran out I have notices that a 4G top up will only last me 6 days? can anyone tell me is this normal? I have called vodafone, been into the store where i purchased my broadband from and no one can answer my question!I use my internet on average 2hrs a day. I also bought a fone on plan didn't recieve my bill via e-mail as stipulated in my contract.When i try to call vodafone im always on hold for more than 45mins, and you speck to people that can't speak english. I'm just feed up !!!!
3925 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is A joke!! at 27 Dec 2010 04:54:17 PM
Are trying over and over to contact vodafone, I could never get through. I had nothing but problems & obviously they didn't care. I had enough of it dropping out and my calls failing. I run a business and vodafone failed to delivered what was promised. They are a pathetic excuse for a company & even the staff in store have a 'I don't care' attitude. They are certainly not about keeping their customers happy as their slogan states. They should be shut down!!
3924 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Never fail to disappoint at 27 Dec 2010 04:54:08 PM
As per every Vodafone customer I have experienced the usual call drop outs, reception that resembles calling from a basement and the most unhelpful, painstaking customer service procedures known to man. Of recent I was put through 3 hours of customer service hell. If not for my love for Lara's automated voice I would of given up after 10mins. I had 3 problems,
1. Removing Credit Card Details from a old number and adding same details to existing number.
2. Obtaining pin to access mailbox of previous number.
3. Accessing MyVodafone due to some unbeknown reason the website instructed to contact Vodafone.
After several attempts of trying to speak to an actual operator with no success something happened and I spoke with a human. However this representative was in billing and as Prepaid customer we aren't as important and get the good old transfer trick followed by 30mins of ridiculous music. Retry and on this occasion the individual in billing actually assisted and removed the credit details from old number and solved the voicemail pin issue and solved my girlfriends MyVodafone issue. After ending call I attempted to add my credit details to existing number however I was not able to do this via the handset, the error message advised me to contact my bank as the card details were not correct. Frustrated at this I attempted to contact customer service, several attempts later I spoke with someone after been transferred from billing for been PrePaid. This gentleman advised that he couldn't help as this department was currently closed and was unable to add the card details manually. I was very angry as I had just previously removed the details with another rep. I requested to speak to the previous rep that had assisted me previously and was told that he was not available due to it been outside of his work hours. I then asked to speak with a supervisor and was put on hold, once taken off hold I was told I was getting transferred to someone who could assist but wasn't a supervisor, I wasn't given opportunity to respond. The next rep I was put through to welcomed me and then silence, no response, no call drop out just silence. I believe I was muted, this continued for 30mins before I ended the call. My next attempt after several in between the operator told me I was unable to add my card details which I just removed from previous number because I had no available funds, apparently you require $1 which is refunded to you at a later date to register card details. They don't advise this in the call however somewhere in some terms and conditions this is stated. I was furious as you could imagine. Vodafone constant lack of help and the rudeness of operators has got to stop. Anyone who has experienced the automated voice of Lara has an idea of what we all have to endure. Its like they will do anything to not actually allow you to speak to a human. Class action is more than necessary.
1. Removing Credit Card Details from a old number and adding same details to existing number.
2. Obtaining pin to access mailbox of previous number.
3. Accessing MyVodafone due to some unbeknown reason the website instructed to contact Vodafone.
After several attempts of trying to speak to an actual operator with no success something happened and I spoke with a human. However this representative was in billing and as Prepaid customer we aren't as important and get the good old transfer trick followed by 30mins of ridiculous music. Retry and on this occasion the individual in billing actually assisted and removed the credit details from old number and solved the voicemail pin issue and solved my girlfriends MyVodafone issue. After ending call I attempted to add my credit details to existing number however I was not able to do this via the handset, the error message advised me to contact my bank as the card details were not correct. Frustrated at this I attempted to contact customer service, several attempts later I spoke with someone after been transferred from billing for been PrePaid. This gentleman advised that he couldn't help as this department was currently closed and was unable to add the card details manually. I was very angry as I had just previously removed the details with another rep. I requested to speak to the previous rep that had assisted me previously and was told that he was not available due to it been outside of his work hours. I then asked to speak with a supervisor and was put on hold, once taken off hold I was told I was getting transferred to someone who could assist but wasn't a supervisor, I wasn't given opportunity to respond. The next rep I was put through to welcomed me and then silence, no response, no call drop out just silence. I believe I was muted, this continued for 30mins before I ended the call. My next attempt after several in between the operator told me I was unable to add my card details which I just removed from previous number because I had no available funds, apparently you require $1 which is refunded to you at a later date to register card details. They don't advise this in the call however somewhere in some terms and conditions this is stated. I was furious as you could imagine. Vodafone constant lack of help and the rudeness of operators has got to stop. Anyone who has experienced the automated voice of Lara has an idea of what we all have to endure. Its like they will do anything to not actually allow you to speak to a human. Class action is more than necessary.
3923 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Not at all at 27 Dec 2010 04:53:54 PM
There is no issue with Vodafone at all, I have been a customer for 2 years and the service and coverage have been nothing more then exceptional. The people out there who have time to waste complaining about trivial issues such as this, should really over christmas find some joy and start enjoying this time of year. INSTEAD of sitting online and complaining. HAPPY HOLIDAYS.
27 Dec 2010 05:04:18 PM: You are sadly, sadly, sadly mistaken. I have stood next to a person and they had 4 bars on their iphone for coverage while my Vodaphone iphone had NO SERVICE.
Is not trivial when this is the phone you use for business and your customers think you are ignoring their call and voicemail.
Is not trivial when this is the phone you use for business and your customers think you are ignoring their call and voicemail.
27 Dec 2010 05:06:11 PM: Ummmm ok. One happy customer. There's hope Vodafone.
PS Vodafone CEO Nigel Dew has admitted that there are issues. As an employee of Vodafone or a reseller or whatever you are, why don't you bat it out with him.
Now if you are really a satisfied CUSTOMER (which I doubt), why don't you let us all know what suburb you live in so that we can test coverage there.
PS Vodafone CEO Nigel Dew has admitted that there are issues. As an employee of Vodafone or a reseller or whatever you are, why don't you bat it out with him.
Now if you are really a satisfied CUSTOMER (which I doubt), why don't you let us all know what suburb you live in so that we can test coverage there.
27 Dec 2010 05:32:58 PM: Are you a Vodacrap employee? If you think not being able to make a phonecall is trivial then you really need to pull your head out of your arse & have a good look around.
28 Dec 2010 08:24:16 AM: Okay own up, who let the Mormans in?
3922 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is 10/10 at 27 Dec 2010 04:53:48 PM
No coverage at Carricklinga after being assured it would be fine, unlocked phone so I could buy another sim to use at Carrickalinga at my cost and I am still havng to pay the full contract. No chance of cancelling the contract so paying full price for 2 years for nothing...
27 Dec 2010 04:56:06 PM: Carrickalinga has never been fine. Should be able to get out of contract due to lack of coverage. Contact Vodafone, wouldn't expect a problem with termination fron Crricakalinga.
3921 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:53:42 PM
Call drop outs, not getting txt messages on time,data is almost useless
at times , I've never experienced anything like this. I'll be trying
To opt out of my contract
at times , I've never experienced anything like this. I'll be trying
To opt out of my contract
3920 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 50-50 at 27 Dec 2010 04:53:33 PM
I'm both with 3 and Vodafone, both has it's perks and downside. Coverage wise I think 3 catered for me the most especially in my area. I live 10 minutes away from the city and I barely get any 3G coverage with Vodafone, it's either I'm on EDGE or worse GSM (seriously GSM?), it's quite inconvenient because I have a blackberry and most of the time the BIS is inactive because of the coverage and I happen to use my phone for work purposes. Sometimes my phone calls drops out and calling takes a while or sometimes it doesn't even connect. It gets irritating after a while.
I made the move to Vodafone because I though it would be better since they were a bigger company than 3 and their coverage is supposedly wider. I haven't had any other problems, when I want to make a few changes, just do it online on MY VODAFONE, saves you time and hassle talking to the call centre representatives.
I expected the coverage to be better though, for it's standards.
I made the move to Vodafone because I though it would be better since they were a bigger company than 3 and their coverage is supposedly wider. I haven't had any other problems, when I want to make a few changes, just do it online on MY VODAFONE, saves you time and hassle talking to the call centre representatives.
I expected the coverage to be better though, for it's standards.
3919 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is shocking at 27 Dec 2010 04:53:05 PM
i have vodafone wireless broadband. It comes up with full bars and is still extremely slow and kicks me off constantly i only have 6 months left in my 24month contract and will never again use vodafone
3918 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is most of the time at 27 Dec 2010 04:53:00 PM
im in frankston vic it has poor reception most of the time.When Iget a call I have to run around to get reception
3917 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:52:58 PM
i have been with vodafone for years and have started working all over country victoria and the coverage is non existent in many places, also lately i have been on the phone when it suddenly disconnects me and a message comes up saying the network is busy
3916 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is low signal drop alots call bad service at 27 Dec 2010 04:52:50 PM
3915 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is CRAP at 27 Dec 2010 04:52:46 PM
Signed up with Vodafone in April. Was told as long as I am in, or near a regional city, coverage would not be a problem. I live 30 minutes north of Brisbane and my phone drops out ALL the time and my mobile internet is as fast as dial up, when I actually can get a signal.
3914 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is mobile fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:52:38 PM
I personally uses Optus and have no complaints but the company I work for uses Vodafail and poorer coverage I have never seen. With continual drop-outs, dialing someone and waiting forever for a connection if you get one at all and dialing someone and they can hear you but you can't hear them. You bet smarten up your act because there are far better Telcos around and when contracts finish people will leave believe me you don't want to end up like One Tel
3913 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is As fail as a Viagra that doesn't get you hard. at 27 Dec 2010 04:52:36 PM
Have not been able to use our phones(we have 2 with Vodacrap) in our house,a major shopping center(in and outside) mind you we are 5 minutes from the CBD in Adelaide..Wait times for any customer service are crap...
Also the billing department is full of incompetent ballsacks that are rude, argumentative and are just plain wankers... We have had luck with the Kiosk Voda shop at ingle farm shopping center though, extremely helpful people :)
Also the billing department is full of incompetent ballsacks that are rude, argumentative and are just plain wankers... We have had luck with the Kiosk Voda shop at ingle farm shopping center though, extremely helpful people :)
3912 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:52:32 PM
So were can I start - Purchas 2 blackberry phones live din Cairns guess what poor service - complained they did not listen- moved back home to brisbane north and same issue poor service / coverage. Called vodafail several times took them 4 months to investigate the issue finally they agreed we lived in a "black spot area" all coverage is a black spot for vodafail!!! So I ported one number to telstra and cancelled the other and they agreed to this but what happened next is they continued to send me a bill (after I waited on the vodafail phone line for 30 minutes then I was transferred to india and I was hung up on - spoke to a supervisor and i was promised this would be fixed drama after drame this has now been going on the 7 months and guess what I just received on the 10th of December another bill !!!!!!! they have no idea it is now the 27th of december and I am currently on hold as I am tyoing this (I have now been on hold foe 40 minutes) I wonder what this phone call will bring what a mess - Vodafail is a disgrace - their service is a joke their coverage is a disgrace - something needs to be done !!!
3911 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very bad at 27 Dec 2010 04:52:32 PM
I signed up with Vodaphone in february 2009 for a two year contract. I have never before experienced such a bad level of service from any other mobile service provider as I have experienced with Vodaphone. On 24/11/10 because of bad coverage, disgusting service to name a few issues I signed up with Telstra and quit my contract early. What an amazing difference the coverage is to start with.
Some of the issues I had with Vodaphone were no coverage in so many areas on the Gold Coast. I thought the Gold Coast was a major city in Australia and that coverage with Vodaphone would be good. Think again.. Other issues that I was confronted with were.
1. I signed up to a plan as advertised for $79.00, Vodaphone then charged me GST on top of this, no information was given to me by the sales person when signing up about the extra cost of GST. When I went back to query this they told me I should have read the fine print. Very Deceptive Vodaphone.
2. I signed up with them and the phone I was convinced to get- The Blackberry Storm was supposed to be the epitomy of Phones and EXCLUSIVE to Vodaphone. Not a very good phone at all. No wonder it was exclusive to Vodaphone, none of the others wanted it.
3. I paid extra for insurance as the phone was an expensive one. When I lost the phone and went to claim through insurance to get another phone they made me pay $250.00 approx to get it replaced. What the hell was the insurance for then, if I had to pay for a new phone. Also another issue not advised to me by the salesperson. Yet again more deception from Vodaphone.
4. These are only some of my issues I have had. I can't count the amount of times I have gone into a Vodaphone store and got such bad service from their staff.
Some of the issues I had with Vodaphone were no coverage in so many areas on the Gold Coast. I thought the Gold Coast was a major city in Australia and that coverage with Vodaphone would be good. Think again.. Other issues that I was confronted with were.
1. I signed up to a plan as advertised for $79.00, Vodaphone then charged me GST on top of this, no information was given to me by the sales person when signing up about the extra cost of GST. When I went back to query this they told me I should have read the fine print. Very Deceptive Vodaphone.
2. I signed up with them and the phone I was convinced to get- The Blackberry Storm was supposed to be the epitomy of Phones and EXCLUSIVE to Vodaphone. Not a very good phone at all. No wonder it was exclusive to Vodaphone, none of the others wanted it.
3. I paid extra for insurance as the phone was an expensive one. When I lost the phone and went to claim through insurance to get another phone they made me pay $250.00 approx to get it replaced. What the hell was the insurance for then, if I had to pay for a new phone. Also another issue not advised to me by the salesperson. Yet again more deception from Vodaphone.
4. These are only some of my issues I have had. I can't count the amount of times I have gone into a Vodaphone store and got such bad service from their staff.
3910 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Service/ reception drop-outs at 27 Dec 2010 04:52:31 PM
Service/reception drop-outs constantly. Having to recall friends/family in the middle of a conversation. Vodafone used to be so good. What Happened?
3909 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No service at home for last month at 27 Dec 2010 04:52:28 PM
When I started with Voda I was a happy fan, but around two months ago something changed, now my phone, wife's phone now only have some coverage at home with the phones in 'searching' mode more often then with service. I assume some update went bad, but it is now months.
3908 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very bad at 27 Dec 2010 04:52:17 PM
I Can't get good connection anywhere , phone drops out and I could go on forever........
3907 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is complete at 27 Dec 2010 04:52:16 PM
I was signed up for a 24 month contract- I took my phone home only to find out that the places I don't get reception were my house, when I was at University and at work.. Pretty darn inconvenient!
3906 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is massive fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:52:12 PM
My wife and i were with 3 without many hassles free calls to one another great reception in most places, thought we up date our phones to be made to jump over to vodaphone the two phones are ok , but we are in the middle of a perfect coverage area they tell us at home , but my wife and i have zero reception at home so no free calls to one another, and very hard to contact the outside world, so our home phone bill has gone up, pathetic service would not join them again, and want to get out of our contract asap, does anyone think it's possible?
3905 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 04:51:59 PM
Frequent call drop outs - usually after 4 - 5 mins. Also calls occasionally simply will not connect in any form requiring that I reset the network on my phone (iPhone - a 3G for 18 months, now a 4). Frequent = multiple times per day, no pattern in numbers (mobile, landline, local, national and international are all affected). This aspect is embarrassing as I use the phone for business conversations and conference calls. I now know I cannot host a conference initiated from my mobile phone because of this issue and have to make alternate arrangements for conference bridges when I am travelling.
No real issues noted with SMS.
3G data performance is patchy and doesn't seem to reflect signal strength indicated on the handset. I often use the phone to "tether" for internet access for my PC when travelling. I can be connected, and suddenly the PC reports no connection and it re-establishes. On occasion I cannot reconnect without a reset of my network. This occurs several times every time I travel which is at least once per fortnight.
No real issues noted with SMS.
3G data performance is patchy and doesn't seem to reflect signal strength indicated on the handset. I often use the phone to "tether" for internet access for my PC when travelling. I can be connected, and suddenly the PC reports no connection and it re-establishes. On occasion I cannot reconnect without a reset of my network. This occurs several times every time I travel which is at least once per fortnight.
3904 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 04:51:53 PM
They have charged my credit card twice within a couple of days and are still sending me reminders that my account is overdue. I have rung a numerous amount of times and emailed. I cannot get through and am very p..... off. I always pay my bills on time and to have a company saying that I am overdue due to there problems is really annoying. I just hope I don't get a bad credit rating out of this. I have been with Vodafone for many years and because of the customer service due to this error I think I will be moving unless they do something to right this wrong.
3903 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 04:51:51 PM
I moved from Telstra to Vodafone in June. Worst decision I have ever made. Sure they offered better free phones on their cap plans then Telstra, but that's where it ends. I have never had 3G coverage at my house (I live 10min from the city). My reception is continuously dropping in and out. The majority of the time I have no reception, because the phone is switching between 3G and 2G. I have lost count of the number of phone call that have just dropped out mid-call because of bad reception. Data connections are patchy and slow.
Switching to Vodafone was the worst decision I have made with regards to mobile carrier. Shocking service.
Switching to Vodafone was the worst decision I have made with regards to mobile carrier. Shocking service.
3902 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Service at 27 Dec 2010 04:51:51 PM
Customer for 14 years. Terrible service cover and drop outs - my business could not handle the problems. 5 weeks without proper service. Only got motivation from Vodafone when contacted Technical Director. Vodafone does work outside major cities.. 3G service is a joke. Have now changed to Telstra after protracted "negotiation" over "payout figures" - finally Vodafone offered to break contract and waive all associated fees.
3901 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Worst Network EVER at 27 Dec 2010 04:51:40 PM
I was a vodafone customer for about 3 years, i moved from Victoria to Jindabyne in NSW, which is at the base of Mt Perisher, as i was moving my contract was up i went into vodafone to talk about reception in the area i was moving to.
I was assured i would have great reception, was told broadband 3G coverage was avaliable, so i renewed my contract and moved.
When i arrived in Jindabyne i had no reception AT ALL. I then entered into an argument with Vodafone over this issue and they told me they have a tower in Jindabyne and it's not possible for me to have no reception. They sent me new sim cards, i drove 2 hrs to canberra to replace the handset but nothing!
The only way i got reception was to drive to the highest point in town and i would ger 3 bars.
It got to the point where i moved into an appartment at the top of the hill so i could always recieve calls and txt.
This went on for over 12 months and not once did Vodafone admit there was a problem and they told me noone else in the area had ever complained.. i found out of the local technician that vodafone had been trying to repair their tower for the last 18 months but with no success!
Eventually i went to the telephone ombudsum (can't spell that) and filed a complaint, when i called and told them my issue and who it was with, they said they weren't suprised and have had this with Vodafone a lot!
They cancelled my contract with no charge and i am now on Telstra. It was the most frustrating experience of my life, in the end i suppose you get what you pay for... but with vodafone i was paying and not getting!
WORST NETWORK EVER!! Stop spending money on marketing and spend it on fixing your product!
I was assured i would have great reception, was told broadband 3G coverage was avaliable, so i renewed my contract and moved.
When i arrived in Jindabyne i had no reception AT ALL. I then entered into an argument with Vodafone over this issue and they told me they have a tower in Jindabyne and it's not possible for me to have no reception. They sent me new sim cards, i drove 2 hrs to canberra to replace the handset but nothing!
The only way i got reception was to drive to the highest point in town and i would ger 3 bars.
It got to the point where i moved into an appartment at the top of the hill so i could always recieve calls and txt.
This went on for over 12 months and not once did Vodafone admit there was a problem and they told me noone else in the area had ever complained.. i found out of the local technician that vodafone had been trying to repair their tower for the last 18 months but with no success!
Eventually i went to the telephone ombudsum (can't spell that) and filed a complaint, when i called and told them my issue and who it was with, they said they weren't suprised and have had this with Vodafone a lot!
They cancelled my contract with no charge and i am now on Telstra. It was the most frustrating experience of my life, in the end i suppose you get what you pay for... but with vodafone i was paying and not getting!
WORST NETWORK EVER!! Stop spending money on marketing and spend it on fixing your product!
27 Dec 2010 04:53:20 PM: Wow... tgat is unbelieveable... should of sued!
27 Dec 2010 04:56:47 PM: Wow... tgat is unbelieveable... should of sued!
27 Dec 2010 05:15:16 PM:
Vodafone Class Action - Piper Alderman
Vodafone Class Action - Piper Alderman
3900 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is disgustingly slow at 27 Dec 2010 04:51:27 PM
I have gone back to vodafone contract from vodafone prepaid. MY VOICE MAIL in the last 6 months has not yet worked. They keep telling me it is setup? if so why can nobody ever leave me a message? i get no internet coverage and am stuck for 24 months on a blackberry plan i cant get out of either?? SO WHAT AM I PAYING FOR? and get some ENGLISH SPEAKING STAFF your staff cant even understand BASIC ENGLISH!
3899 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is none at 27 Dec 2010 04:51:20 PM
vodaphone are really good
get full coverage all the time anywhere
very fast browsing
get full coverage all the time anywhere
very fast browsing
27 Dec 2010 04:56:02 PM: yeah. awesome. mars must be beautiful planet.
27 Dec 2010 05:08:18 PM: exactly which suburb(s) are you talking about.
27 Dec 2010 10:15:16 PM: In your dreams
3898 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is bad at 27 Dec 2010 04:51:18 PM
vodafone coverage in my area Koroit 3282 is terrible can only use phone in my bedroom or out the front of house
27 Dec 2010 05:16:15 PM: Have the same issue in Berwick 3806.
Vodafone Class Action - Piper Alderman
Vodafone Class Action - Piper Alderman
3897 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Sucks at 27 Dec 2010 04:51:16 PM
Vodaphone Sucks. Rip off, a total scam. You better do something ASAP or im gonna go CRAZYYYY on u
3896 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Then Pits! at 27 Dec 2010 04:51:14 PM
After 45 mins CS Vodafone tried to tell me how to configure IE, I explained that I have been constantly have 3G problems not IT issues, I am a IT employee so I know what I am doing. I told the CS that maybe Vodafone has sucked the bandwith out of 3G by the Ashes LIVE service. Strangee how most of the network trouble seems to have been occurring in the lead up. I cnnot connet 3G only hit and miss at GPRS at 59bps thats bits per second.!!!
3895 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is their shocking at 27 Dec 2010 04:51:00 PM
vodafone are a load of shit. not happy at at all. everything goes wrong. limited access regional, cutouts all the time, terrible signal, and Lara just plain pisses me off. not happy jan. i go to Kadina to work which is a huge rural town, and receive no signal, even though i was assured signal there... I live in the middle of adelaide and receive very little or no signal at all. very disappointed.
28 Dec 2010 05:33:36 PM: try salisbury ,massive black spot, moved to craigmore,strong signal strength yet it always drops out for no reason
3894 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Should be dead at 27 Dec 2010 04:50:52 PM
They expect me to pay for my lack of reception, and almost life threatning incident.
Two weeks ago I was stranded alone in the bush of NSW. with no food, and there car broken down, the only hope I had was my Vodafone mobile, what a "great" help they are. With my phone reading full three bar service i attempted calling for help. Nothing. No dial tone, No message banks, No service what-so-ever.
After walking for five hours along one road I finally made it to a house on the outskirts of a town. The person found me collapsed on their doorstep and pulled me inside. I asked if they got service out here. And they said yes of course Optus is brilliant out here. Looks like optus will be taking my next phone contract. After trying to call voda head office they told me it was my fault that my car had broken down.
Cheers Vodafail for almost killing me, and then caring. :(
Two weeks ago I was stranded alone in the bush of NSW. with no food, and there car broken down, the only hope I had was my Vodafone mobile, what a "great" help they are. With my phone reading full three bar service i attempted calling for help. Nothing. No dial tone, No message banks, No service what-so-ever.
After walking for five hours along one road I finally made it to a house on the outskirts of a town. The person found me collapsed on their doorstep and pulled me inside. I asked if they got service out here. And they said yes of course Optus is brilliant out here. Looks like optus will be taking my next phone contract. After trying to call voda head office they told me it was my fault that my car had broken down.
Cheers Vodafail for almost killing me, and then caring. :(
28 Dec 2010 07:18:30 AM: Wow how nice is weren't even phoning to complain you car had broken down. That is such great customer service....not
29 Dec 2010 09:20:24 AM: I agree. You need to make your points clearer.. It was not vodafones fault that your car broke down and you having no food...They are a phone provider. So all you can complain about is your phone not working...DOnt blame them for having no food and your car breaking down. Head office in this instance were made a correct statement
29 Dec 2010 11:24:14 AM: Yeah i know how you feel...i called to complain that my girlfriend got pregnant and they were at fault but they said it wasn't their fault...THANKS, NICE ONE VODAFAIL. I should point out, I'm not even with Vodafone...
3893 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is reception at 27 Dec 2010 04:50:38 PM
if a phone provider makes you sign a contract and cannot provide a service they are required to cancel the contract with no fee's... another telco did it for me with no charges or penalties...
3892 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 120% at 27 Dec 2010 04:50:37 PM
Vodafone data coverage is the most useless for me as in my monthly payment keeps on increasing because of using data from other connection, and half the time it says no service. What the use of having Iphone if you cant use the net? Just waiting for my freaking contract to finish.
3891 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:50:07 PM
Been with Vodafone for many years- big mistake. Countless letters were ignored when I had three faulty phones which were replacements. Voda finally responded five months later and gave me another phone.
Endless number of dropped calls - no reception in busy areas - 3G network hardly has coverage - Im sick and tired of having my complaints fall upon deaf ears!
Endless number of dropped calls - no reception in busy areas - 3G network hardly has coverage - Im sick and tired of having my complaints fall upon deaf ears!
29 Dec 2010 11:20:25 AM: Two words for you...Go Postal!
3890 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic fail. at 27 Dec 2010 04:49:55 PM
Is it really acceptable to constantly be at one bar of reception or for 3G to be a rare sighting on the phone? Why have a Vodafone outlet in an area that doesn't even support the product properly.
29 Dec 2010 11:17:36 AM: Have you seen the new vodadeath version of the iPhone. Where the standard version has 5 bars to represent signal strength, this new version only has one bar and when it registers a signal, the screen plays an animation of fireworks and a rousing rendition of Beethoven's 9th symphony!! Serious! If you believe Voda reps (and you do cause you are here posting) you will believe this!! Believe...
3889 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is not the company it used to be at 27 Dec 2010 04:49:54 PM
2 broken handsets that apparently cannot be replaced without breaking two contracts (despite the upgrade your handsets for a little extra each month! ads I am bombarded with). My partner and I both signed up under a three months free offer which we didn't get. When I contacted them they apologised and gave me a credit, my partner however has been fighting them for over a YEAR to get his. The customer service used to be wonderful now I have been hung up on repeatedly and they see you as a problem to get off the phone -they are not interested in actually fixing your issue. We also bought our handsets online and no one seems to be responsible for phones purchased online. Right now I am counting the days to the end of my contracts.
I used to work for a telco and when you make a complaint to the ombudsman it costs the company $600 - no matter what the outcome of the complaint is. Always keep that in mind when dealing with a telco. If you are arguing over $300 it is always in the best interests of the telco to give you the money and save the cost of a complaint - so threaten the ombudsman if they do not resolve the complaint to your satisfaction and make sure they are aware of the costs their company will incur based on your complaint (a lower level call centre worker may not be aware of this and just want you off the phone).
I used to work for a telco and when you make a complaint to the ombudsman it costs the company $600 - no matter what the outcome of the complaint is. Always keep that in mind when dealing with a telco. If you are arguing over $300 it is always in the best interests of the telco to give you the money and save the cost of a complaint - so threaten the ombudsman if they do not resolve the complaint to your satisfaction and make sure they are aware of the costs their company will incur based on your complaint (a lower level call centre worker may not be aware of this and just want you off the phone).
27 Dec 2010 05:59:45 PM: If everyone here lodged a complaint with the Ombudsman (161 posts x $600) this would cost Vodafone $96,600.00
Should we all strategise and hit the Ombudsman at once?
Should we all strategise and hit the Ombudsman at once?
3888 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:49:47 PM
Running my own business from the road I depend on having access to the internet and phone calls. Horribly slow downloads and constant dropouts have caused me a lot of stress and pain. I'm at the beginning of a 2 year $99 plan and need to get out.
3887 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 04:49:47 PM
No coverage in my house and only 2 bar reception in my yard with drop outs occasionally
3886 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is xtra failed at 27 Dec 2010 04:49:39 PM
When people are trying to contact me the phone rings only twice and they get a signal like I have hung up on them especially when work calls it doesn't look good. I lose jobs because of this problem. Very frustrating gggrrr
3885 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:49:24 PM
I live in pyrmont sydney.. THE FREAKING CITY and i can not get any service on my vodafone phone unless im teatering on my balcony on one foot and holding the phone to the sky.. its ridiculous! I used to be such a big fan of Vodafone.. now, pffffffft is all i can say!
3884 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is It represents value for money at 27 Dec 2010 04:49:20 PM
If you don't like Vodaphones service go and pay twice as much for Telstra
3883 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:49:10 PM
NO customer service
No support
can NEVER get through on the customer support number
NO customer service by the people in the stores
DO NOT trust the network to receive calls OR to make them
Calls drop out for no reason
supposed to be UNLIMITED calls and text on $79 YET bills are always over $160 and NO help from the stores!!!
Soon as my contract is over Im out of there andive been a customer for 12 years!!!!!
no reasonable explanation as to why there are all theses issues!!!!!
No support
can NEVER get through on the customer support number
NO customer service by the people in the stores
DO NOT trust the network to receive calls OR to make them
Calls drop out for no reason
supposed to be UNLIMITED calls and text on $79 YET bills are always over $160 and NO help from the stores!!!
Soon as my contract is over Im out of there andive been a customer for 12 years!!!!!
no reasonable explanation as to why there are all theses issues!!!!!
3882 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Expensively Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 04:49:08 PM
The biggest gripe I have is with Lara, I went over to Vanuatu and forgot to get my phone set to international roaming, so I borrowed my friends phone to call Vodaphone customer service.
Straight away Lara " identified that I was calling from oversea`s and someone would be with me in just a moment ! For the next 40 minutes I was told they "are flat out at the moment but someone would be with me very soon" and other BS recorded messages ! . After giving up after 40 minutes I tried 3 more times over the next few days at different times of the day and night adding up to 1hr of waiting on hold from overseas! In the end I never got to speak to a human and never got my phone working whilst away. What my friend got was a extra couple of hundred dollars on her phone bill which I reimbursed her for and for that couple of hundred dollars I got the privilege of waiting on hold to Vodaphone`s so called Customer Service.
Vodaphone if your waiting times are so long because your so flat out dealing with customer service issues`s then at least employee more people too answer the phone and help sort out your shit
additionally, I am on a 2 year contract, it annoys me that some days I can have service at one end of my house I have an average size house)but intermittent service at the bedroom end of the house WTF.
Sometimes I have 5 bars on my phone other times I need to drive around the corner to make a phone call. Even in Sydney city sometimes there is NO Service.
Crap signal, Crapola Customer Service ! in these days of technology
Straight away Lara " identified that I was calling from oversea`s and someone would be with me in just a moment ! For the next 40 minutes I was told they "are flat out at the moment but someone would be with me very soon" and other BS recorded messages ! . After giving up after 40 minutes I tried 3 more times over the next few days at different times of the day and night adding up to 1hr of waiting on hold from overseas! In the end I never got to speak to a human and never got my phone working whilst away. What my friend got was a extra couple of hundred dollars on her phone bill which I reimbursed her for and for that couple of hundred dollars I got the privilege of waiting on hold to Vodaphone`s so called Customer Service.
Vodaphone if your waiting times are so long because your so flat out dealing with customer service issues`s then at least employee more people too answer the phone and help sort out your shit
additionally, I am on a 2 year contract, it annoys me that some days I can have service at one end of my house I have an average size house)but intermittent service at the bedroom end of the house WTF.
Sometimes I have 5 bars on my phone other times I need to drive around the corner to make a phone call. Even in Sydney city sometimes there is NO Service.
Crap signal, Crapola Customer Service ! in these days of technology
3881 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Massive at 27 Dec 2010 04:48:58 PM
Unwanted SMS advertising and repetative advertising to make their coffers bigger.
I hate their slow voice mail service charging me per second to listen to their
slow messaging service.
I hate their slow voice mail service charging me per second to listen to their
slow messaging service.
3880 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is coverage at 27 Dec 2010 04:48:49 PM
I live 10 minute's drive from sydney's cbd in sth coogee and 60% OF MY PHONe call's drop out its just not good enough im paying good money for a service that vodafone is not proving.I've been a customer for 11yrs but when my contract runss out im going somewhere else
3879 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Totally useless at 27 Dec 2010 04:48:45 PM
Trying to download using vodaphone is like watching paint dry you know it will eventually dry but when? I will be only to glad to sign up for any class action that maybe launched.
27 Dec 2010 05:11:38 PM:
Vodafone Class Action - Piper Alderman
Vodafone Class Action - Piper Alderman
3878 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is international calling barred to certain countries : Cuba at 27 Dec 2010 04:48:45 PM
Vodaphone blocks calls to Cuba and also FROM cuba, this is after advertising on their website that you can make all international calls in certain cap plans. But once you sign up with then on a contract they say oh you can call cuba and "we dont know when it'll be fixed". They are highly deceptive in their advertising and border or illegal or fraudulent practices. I realize that this particular problem will not affect many people but Australia is a multicultural country and this sort of deceptive behaviour by vodaphone affects the Spanish speaking diaspora in Australia.
27 Dec 2010 04:49:36 PM: correcting they say "you can't call Cuba"
3877 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Sour taste at 27 Dec 2010 04:48:31 PM
I came through your drivethrough and ordered 6 mcnuggets lrg fries and choc milkshake. Mother fuckers forgot my sauce. When I called to complain my phone DROPPED OUT TWICE
VODAPHONE SHOULD BE CALLED FAILPRONE, U suck huge ass, to many called nuggets coz of u.Now i have to eat them called an sauceless coz i cannot get through to them an MickyD's
VODAPHONE SHOULD BE CALLED FAILPRONE, U suck huge ass, to many called nuggets coz of u.Now i have to eat them called an sauceless coz i cannot get through to them an MickyD's
28 Dec 2010 09:00:05 AM: LOL
28 Dec 2010 06:47:17 PM: So the real problem is Mcdonalds not Vodafone ( note the spelling of Vodafone) and sorry were the nuggets called or cold??? Surely you have some tomato sauce at home and why not start a website about Mcdonalds, let me start you off, you can call it McFail!!!!!
28 Dec 2010 07:28:45 PM: ha ha ha haha.... ha
3876 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is major fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:48:15 PM
i have internet and phone with these people and i have no internet svc it is not to do with the are, my partner is with telsta and this is the svc im using now to wite on this page.. as for the phone i have to have at least 4 attemps to make a call and more than that for ppl to call me , yes have tryed to talk to vodaphone they just say its my phone or my computer or the area i live it is all rubbish, i have had to buy a telsta pre payed just to get and make calls with ease... this whole set up is a joke.. thanks for listerning
3875 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is pretty pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 04:48:13 PM
No coverage at all in my Riverstone NSW house and only two bars in our yard with a lot of drop outs
3874 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is BIGGEST FAIL. Worst ever! at 27 Dec 2010 04:48:04 PM
I've been with vodafone locked in a contract for 1.5 years and they have been overcharging me by over $150 every month, and everytime I call in, I need to wait for an HOUR on the phone for someone to pick up. They fix it, and then it happens again. This has been going on for 12 months! Like seriously? Absolutely the worst customer service I've ever received! Cant wait for another 7 months to finish my contract and head to someone who actually does what they are supposed to do!
3873 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is CRAP!! at 27 Dec 2010 04:47:59 PM
No reception most of the time & when it does finally connect it's soooooo slow & then drops out again.
3872 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extreme at 27 Dec 2010 04:47:49 PM
My Husband & I are both with Vodafone...We are lucky to have 1-2 bars of reception sometimes none...We cant use are i phone applications as we dont have enough service..If i receive calls within 30sec the call cuts out...Often i will receive a voice message but i cant access it as again i dont have enough service...I go to the local shopping centre i dont have any service!! God forbid if i need my phone for an emergency when im out!!
3871 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:47:42 PM
We stayed at the Hyatt on the park ( business for 6 months) Hyatt on the park is directly opposite Parliament House and at the very top of Burke Street!! (I don't know if you could get any more central other than the GPO)
NO coverage!! - Yet I bought the service from Vodaphone less than a 2 minute walk away! Go figure.
Vodaphone did not want to help in solving the matter and simply kept feeding me B.S. that they had a new tower being built that would solve the problem next month, then the next, then the next and so on.................
NO coverage!! - Yet I bought the service from Vodaphone less than a 2 minute walk away! Go figure.
Vodaphone did not want to help in solving the matter and simply kept feeding me B.S. that they had a new tower being built that would solve the problem next month, then the next, then the next and so on.................
3870 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is major fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:47:39 PM
i have internet and phone with these people and i have no internet svc it is not to do with the are, my partner is with telsta and this is the svc im using now to wite on this page.. as for the phone i have to have at least 4 attemps to make a call and more than that for ppl to call me , yes have tryed to talk to vodaphone they just say its my phone or my computer or the area i live it is all rubbish, i have had to buy a telsta pre payed just to get and make calls with ease... this whole set up is a joke.. thanks for listerning
3869 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is voda who? at 27 Dec 2010 04:47:38 PM
I stupidly suggested to my partner that she sign up with Vodafone mobile broadband because her building had no broadband wiring. Now she has moved in with me and has to continually re-connect. Vodafone mobile coverage here (Sydney northern beaches)is diabolical too.
Last year I was on the mid north coast of NSW with absolutely zero Vodafone service with friends sitting next to me talking on their Telstra and Optus phones. Vodafone sucks
Last year I was on the mid north coast of NSW with absolutely zero Vodafone service with friends sitting next to me talking on their Telstra and Optus phones. Vodafone sucks
3868 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is delayed text messages at 27 Dec 2010 04:47:27 PM
Text messages have been delayed in the past, for up to 2 days, and others have never been received.
3867 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no reception at 27 Dec 2010 04:47:27 PM
I switched from vodafone a number of years ago because of no reception at cundletown near taree . the person at vodafone told me to switch to telstra because of no reception. allan
3866 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is so bad at 27 Dec 2010 04:47:27 PM
i'm actually with 3 the phone company which has now joined vodaphone and use vodaphone towers, which i can tell you is absolute crap!!! my mum,dad,and my daughter have all just changed to virgin moblie and i will be as soon as i'm out of my 24 month plan. This is the biggest mistake 3 have madde joining with vodafail..... losing all your customers.
27 Dec 2010 04:48:48 PM: They don't use Vodafones towers, the networks are still separated.
3865 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:47:24 PM
So here it is. As ex staff member of Vodafone, I was disgusted to find out that Vodafone actually charge you on their premium 123 service to wait on their queues. When you ring 123 in sit on their queue, which lately are long and often you pay to sit their listening to advertising and music. Instead of actually charging you when a rep answers your call they decided to charge you to wait on the queue. Once upon time the Service Level on the 123 calls was around 95% calls answered within under 30 seconds. As a caller on 123 this Service Level is out the door. I spend so much time waiting such that I never call this service ever again. To make matters worse most customer service calls are handled overseas and after trying to get a copy of a plan agreement 5 times I will not call their customer service lines ever again. Instead I call friends that still work for Vodafone to help. I cannot believe that Vodafone can charge YOU/US to pay a premium charge to wait for their insufficient staffing levels to be able to answer your call. How is this right. The next time you call 123 and you go through to a queue remember you are paying top top dollar to listen to their advertising and rank music.
27 Dec 2010 04:53:50 PM: You're calling a premium number and complaining about cost? Just call the 1555 number then if you don't want to pay, it's not like they force you to call 123.
3864 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is very, very much at 27 Dec 2010 04:47:13 PM
Very poor coverage even though io live not far from a tower. Reception goes from G3 to Edge instantly without moving the phone (I have a BB Bold 9700). Very often the Reception is gone for hours and can not access the internet. Getting emails very slow, late. Many other gripes to many to mention. Will be leaving Vodafone at the first opportunity. I wonder what BlackBerry would think seeing that many customers like me have a BlackBerry?
3863 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is keep losing signal at 27 Dec 2010 04:47:12 PM
i have vodafone next 3g and i still cant take it west of where i live as i lose signal
3862 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is promised coverage at 27 Dec 2010 04:47:08 PM
I am stuck on a 2 year plan with no coverage in the specific area I asked if there was coverage there. Further to my pain I visited 3 separate dealers who all told me it would be fine and I also checked the Vodafone website which says there is coverage there....
No surprise I guess, but there is no coverage in the area with Vodafone!! Fantastic!!
No surprise I guess, but there is no coverage in the area with Vodafone!! Fantastic!!
3861 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no reception at 27 Dec 2010 04:47:05 PM
i used to be with vodafone but had to change due to no reception for weeks on end... this is not a new thing with the telco as i had this problem over 12 months ago and had to change due to needed a phone for work.... sad to see the company has not picked up its game with problems over 12 months old.....
3860 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is I'm with 3 at 27 Dec 2010 04:47:02 PM
isnt Three and Vodafone the same animal?
The past 3 month the reception and internet has been terrible.
What's going on?
The past 3 month the reception and internet has been terrible.
What's going on?
3859 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is everyway at 27 Dec 2010 04:46:57 PM
i had put up with vodafone for 2years plus. singed into a 24 month contract.
I had absolute terrible reception mosttimes having to walk outside of any building to make a call. all other networks worked in side those buildings. further more it was ALWAYS hard to hold a conversation as the line would break up stutter and drop in and out. Customer service from vodafone is the worst i have ever come across, i have been on hold for hours at a time. I was still getting billed once i discontinued service from them.
I changed providers and it has changed my mobile world, I don't know why i didn't do it sooner....
I had absolute terrible reception mosttimes having to walk outside of any building to make a call. all other networks worked in side those buildings. further more it was ALWAYS hard to hold a conversation as the line would break up stutter and drop in and out. Customer service from vodafone is the worst i have ever come across, i have been on hold for hours at a time. I was still getting billed once i discontinued service from them.
I changed providers and it has changed my mobile world, I don't know why i didn't do it sooner....
3858 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% at 27 Dec 2010 04:46:50 PM
I have a multi cap. Since October 2010 and i have had nothing good to report. I was previously with 3 and they were way better but now are one. When joining vodafone i was promised much better service, etc but i am sad to report i am now locked into a 2 year contract that is basically useless but costing me extensively.
3857 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is BIG TIME at 27 Dec 2010 04:46:45 PM
low reception, bad customer sevice, 2hours to talk to someone on a weekday,
3856 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 04:46:44 PM
When accessing the internet from my vodafail handset, the most common message I receive is "Couldn't reach the indicated web server" What is the point in having mobile internet when it doesn't work.
3855 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:46:40 PM
Trying to Get my Blackberry Storm fixed/replaced. Vodafone tells me nothing is wrong with the phone. but clearly there is. i call the company only to be place on hold for hours on end, when i do get through the operators hang up or give me false information. in melbourne its sometimes hard to get reception. we sign up for contracts but its a 2 way street. Vodafone are in a binding contract with us to provide a service. when i try to cancel my plan i am told i have to pay in excess of $1000 to break the contract. Optus is a far better Telco. at least they treat you like a person.
3854 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is big at 27 Dec 2010 04:46:35 PM
I have 3 numbers with voda and have got accustomed to the bad reception and lack of service in store with any questions.
But recently one of my contacts had expired so i needed to notify voda that i wanted it terminated. 1 in store visit and 3 daily calls later
I called keyed in all my info joined the que. was told 35 min was the eta to wait. then after 40 min my phone cut out.
the next day i tried again but this time using the option to get a call back from voda. all i got was a voicemail saying i had missed there call
day 3 after 1.5 hours on the phone and talking to 3 different people who i gave all my info to every time and said they all could help with my simple request of closing the account i finally got put threw to someone who could action this very simple request but then tried to sell me a wireless internet card at which point i express my disappointment and frustration.
This was finally done but i had to wait another month as they had gone over the bill cycle at this stage 4 days after i first attempted to cancel this number
But recently one of my contacts had expired so i needed to notify voda that i wanted it terminated. 1 in store visit and 3 daily calls later
I called keyed in all my info joined the que. was told 35 min was the eta to wait. then after 40 min my phone cut out.
the next day i tried again but this time using the option to get a call back from voda. all i got was a voicemail saying i had missed there call
day 3 after 1.5 hours on the phone and talking to 3 different people who i gave all my info to every time and said they all could help with my simple request of closing the account i finally got put threw to someone who could action this very simple request but then tried to sell me a wireless internet card at which point i express my disappointment and frustration.
This was finally done but i had to wait another month as they had gone over the bill cycle at this stage 4 days after i first attempted to cancel this number
3853 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is bad reception at 27 Dec 2010 04:46:27 PM
The rceeption forever drops out while on a call. It does matter where you stand the sevice quality is getting worse
3852 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Coverage at 27 Dec 2010 04:46:25 PM
The coverage I get is really shit! I can walk into the major shopping center in the center of Darwin (a captial city!) and my phone will go in and out of service and drop out all together. Their internet coverage is shit too. Take agers and is barely available.
3851 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:46:24 PM
Over the last six weeks my cell has been dropping out of signal when in conversation once I was able to get 5 full bars on my phone now I'm lucky to get 2 bars internet link is really slow ....however when I use my phone to talk to VodaFone I seem to get full 5 bars and a clear reception after talking to an indian I was told to exchange my sim card ...??????? C mon Vodafone I've been a loyal customer for years sort ya shit out will ya
3850 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Disgusting at 27 Dec 2010 04:46:22 PM
Unlucky for me, I am locked into a contract till August 2011. Vodafone's reception is non-existent 70% of the time. I have no recepption in most of my house and have to walk outside, down the yard for 3 bars of reception. I have to turn the phone off and on numerous times sometimes because of no reception at all at my place.
Customer service promise they will look into the problem but nothing has been done so far. Phone calls drop out for no reason even if you are both standing still. IBlackspots while travelling are a nightmare. I have comnplained numerous times and still no better off, just more and more frustrated.
Customer service promise they will look into the problem but nothing has been done so far. Phone calls drop out for no reason even if you are both standing still. IBlackspots while travelling are a nightmare. I have comnplained numerous times and still no better off, just more and more frustrated.
3849 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is rubbish network at 27 Dec 2010 04:46:12 PM
drop outs, no reception I live in the middle of coffs harbour and the same phone performed well under optus network I had no problem with that network, data huh your joking i have a 3g phone and can not even connect to the web... I use the same phone with an optus sim card and wella works fine.... its the poorest network ever why they sell products to areas and not can give cover ???
3848 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is totally useless at 27 Dec 2010 04:46:03 PM
I can not get reception inside the house to make phone calls but my wife can with her Telstra mobile. The mobile will work on the verandah but not inside the house.
I do not intend to renew my contract. This service is completely unsatisfactory.
I do not intend to renew my contract. This service is completely unsatisfactory.
3847 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is terrible at 27 Dec 2010 04:46:01 PM
6 years Ive been with them & every year it gets worse. Bad or no reception at all,photos sent dont reach me. Been wanting to change for awhile now.
3846 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is shit. at 27 Dec 2010 04:45:38 PM
yeh nah vodafone sucks. i live in the middle of the city and have an iphone and ive had full signal about 2 times in 1 1/2 years. cutouts happen all the time. its pretty poo.