Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
3744 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No reception for 3 days at 27 Dec 2010 04:36:18 PM
I have been unable to receive or make calls for the last 3 days and i live right in the center of Sydney.
Calling for costumer support is a never ending wait and that's no surprise considering the state of their services, lucky i am not working due to pregnancy, because for work i relied totaly on my phone...and if anything happens to me tomorrow and i'm not near my land line i'm f...ed !!!
Not impressed !!!
Calling for costumer support is a never ending wait and that's no surprise considering the state of their services, lucky i am not working due to pregnancy, because for work i relied totaly on my phone...and if anything happens to me tomorrow and i'm not near my land line i'm f...ed !!!
Not impressed !!!
3743 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is The worst ever at 27 Dec 2010 04:36:15 PM
Constantly no service where I work whilst the other colleagues who are with different telecommunication company (such as TPG) having full services appears on their phones. I wish I could terminate my contract with Vodafone and move to other company.
3742 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 11/10 fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:36:13 PM
I got barred from calling and messaging another vodafone customer by vodafone netwprk themselves. As i write this i am using my vodfone iphone and on the crappy vodafone 3G internet. You can imagine how slow its taking. Oh and if i ever speak to lara again or hear grainy rob thomas whilst waiting for a woman in india to answer my call and not have a clue what im even talking about, i think i may throttle someone.
3741 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:36:13 PM
3740 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Vodafone has no customer service at 27 Dec 2010 04:36:10 PM
Customer for 2 years, first twelve months excellent. For the past 12 months my payment even though they are often paid in cash and at PO they are not credited. Currently 4 months behind according to vodafone. Staff at Camberwell great have assisted to get payments credited ion the past but this time they are struggling and have been trying for over a week prior to Christmas. Vodafone India tell me to read out the receipt numbers, then tell me they won't credit them because I could be making them up. Phone goes straight to message bank. Phone cuts it self off when I go to Daylesford every 2 weeks. Often needs Vodafone assistance to get back on. Reception poor in many regional places. On my plan I am now being charged extra for Victorian calls outside Melbourne. $79 plan now $93
3739 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very little coverage at 27 Dec 2010 04:36:06 PM
pay the monthly amount but my coverage every time I connect is poor or very poor with modem ? how should when directly connected to modem and my I pod touch says it needs password to connect to my lan device but was never given password and when It into the store the sales persons there were most unhelpful
3738 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Mega Fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:36:02 PM
3737 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Over use messages - thanks after it hit $400 at 27 Dec 2010 04:35:49 PM
I have a $79 plan with Vodafone.
I was using my phone heavily due to a family incident.
I regularly tried to check the account balance on 1512.
The service "was temporarily unavailable call back later".
So I did call/sms and then try getting to speak to a human - who eventually conceeded the service had failed and was out of order for at least a week.
She referred me to the online web site and I could check it there.
I asked how can that be so if you cannot access it and help me - she said it works.
Two hours later trying online - and smsing the 1512 number - still "out of order".
Eventually after another week I started getting your service is abnormal please check your account usage by contacting us, using 1512 or checking online.
Still no access, no help.
I stopped using it.
Called the vodafone help line who said they could not help me as the balance and usage system was unavailable.
Funny 2 days later my bill was generated with a $432 bill for excessive usage.
When i called "customer service" and ended up speaking to a supervisor she said "you used it, you pay, or we will place it in the hands of a debt collector".
Being upset I wrote a letter and explained the situation and the lengths that I went to manage the situation.
Despite the letter with the detailed explanation I got a letter back "thanks for your recent letter, you used this amount of service so you are required to pay".
Thanks Vodafail.
I was using my phone heavily due to a family incident.
I regularly tried to check the account balance on 1512.
The service "was temporarily unavailable call back later".
So I did call/sms and then try getting to speak to a human - who eventually conceeded the service had failed and was out of order for at least a week.
She referred me to the online web site and I could check it there.
I asked how can that be so if you cannot access it and help me - she said it works.
Two hours later trying online - and smsing the 1512 number - still "out of order".
Eventually after another week I started getting your service is abnormal please check your account usage by contacting us, using 1512 or checking online.
Still no access, no help.
I stopped using it.
Called the vodafone help line who said they could not help me as the balance and usage system was unavailable.
Funny 2 days later my bill was generated with a $432 bill for excessive usage.
When i called "customer service" and ended up speaking to a supervisor she said "you used it, you pay, or we will place it in the hands of a debt collector".
Being upset I wrote a letter and explained the situation and the lengths that I went to manage the situation.
Despite the letter with the detailed explanation I got a letter back "thanks for your recent letter, you used this amount of service so you are required to pay".
Thanks Vodafail.
28 Dec 2010 08:49:43 AM: If the balance check system of my credit card was down and i overspent on that i would still be charged for the money i spent on it. Why is this any different?
2 Jan 2011 02:27:40 PM: Unfair comment, vodas system failed, he tried alternatives, give him a break
15 Jan 2011 10:54:08 PM: Is it possible, at all, that somebody with access to the system, could have put someone else's call on to your bill?
23 Jan 2011 08:38:48 PM: um no
3736 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Below average service at 27 Dec 2010 04:35:33 PM
Right where I live is a "black spot" or "blank spot" for vodafone reception. I don't live in the middle of the nuga-wuga, I live in a Melbourne suburb ! The whole idea of having a mobile is privacy and flexibility. When I am in my room I cannot make or take any mobile calls, the reception drops out. When I do have a call I have to walk around constantly to try to keep the reception on tap. Even sending a text message can sometimes be a saga, where I have to watch the reception meter in the top left hand corner carefully before pressing "send". It's just as well I am not a big phone user, and I get by with my nokia/vodafone mobile. I don't plan to switch, but if my circumstances changed I would be forced to .
3735 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Bad Reception at 27 Dec 2010 04:35:30 PM
Reception has been very poor since recently, calls are breaking up and it's impossible to connect to the internet...
3734 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is no coverage at 27 Dec 2010 04:35:19 PM
Hi I switched from 3 to Vodafone because I was told I would have better coverage in Cairns by using Vodafone. I have lost work because my boss always fails to contact me, I can never call home when I am away from it and in the event I was in need of help I would be in quite a mess.
I have had promises that they are upgrading the networks since Sept 2010 and it hasnt happened yet. Very upset customer
Linda Merrill
I have had promises that they are upgrading the networks since Sept 2010 and it hasnt happened yet. Very upset customer
Linda Merrill
3733 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic at 27 Dec 2010 04:34:51 PM
Tried contacting Vodafone to sort out some issues with activating new iphone and mobile broadband. Went through the painful message system "LARA" to be placed on hold. After countless messages saying my call will be dealt with shortly I spent over 2.5hrs on hold before hanging up the phone. My phone was then call barred due to the payment system going down. I had paid my bill but was still call barred for there mistake. This is totally unacceptable.
3732 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Ditch the phone at 27 Dec 2010 04:34:45 PM
We arrived in Aus, bought a vodaphone at the airport and the dude there grabbed the cash and never gave us the ID number so the Vodaphone call centre refuse to talk to us!!! No coverage 95% of the time. Vodaphone internet stick doesn't work at home and doesn't work outside our home area (still in the same state). When we finally got through to the call centre staff, on another companies phone, they went through "you have full coverage so it must be a faulty phone", "All 3 phones in the house must be faulty", "sorry we can do nothing without your code, even if you are complaining about not being given a code", and finally charging us money to unlock the phone which was no better than a paperweight on the Vodaphone network. The entire phone was deactivated after talking to the call centre because I was unable to recharge the phone. I finally got through to head office in Australia and they charged me more to unlock AND swiped the rest of my credit ($70+), even though I still had a Vodaphone SIM card.
I don't feel like Vodaphone have honoured the promises their salespeople make, and the misrepresentation may wind up costing lives if people try to use a Vodaphone in an emergency situation.
The whole network was down in our area for most of the month, yet the credit we could not use was also swiped out completely rather than extended.
I don't feel like Vodaphone have honoured the promises their salespeople make, and the misrepresentation may wind up costing lives if people try to use a Vodaphone in an emergency situation.
The whole network was down in our area for most of the month, yet the credit we could not use was also swiped out completely rather than extended.
3731 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is VERY!!!! at 27 Dec 2010 04:34:42 PM
I've had issues with my phone for a year now. My phone freezes continuously and switches off at least 10 times a day.
I'm so over VODAFONE!!!!
I'm so over VODAFONE!!!!
3730 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Hopless at 27 Dec 2010 04:34:31 PM
Continous droping out. To get through to vodaphone is like getting the south and north koreans to have a bbq toether on a raining sunday afternoon.
3729 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Terribad at 27 Dec 2010 04:34:26 PM
Often, when I make phone calls, I get an ear-splitting screech through my phone, that can only be the network.
If I actually get a call out, there's a good chance they aren't able to hear me.
On the off chance I get a good call, it drops out minutes in.
Plus whenever I call their "Customer Care" line, there's a wait time of >40 minutes.
I've been on hold with the "Customer Care" line for 1:30:00 once, halfway in my phones battery almost died, I plugged it into the charger, then at the 1:20:00 mark, the phone said it's battery was about to overheat!
If I actually get a call out, there's a good chance they aren't able to hear me.
On the off chance I get a good call, it drops out minutes in.
Plus whenever I call their "Customer Care" line, there's a wait time of >40 minutes.
I've been on hold with the "Customer Care" line for 1:30:00 once, halfway in my phones battery almost died, I plugged it into the charger, then at the 1:20:00 mark, the phone said it's battery was about to overheat!
3728 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Pitiful! at 27 Dec 2010 04:34:22 PM
I am sick of drop outs and no service, yet we live in Metropolitan Melbourne! I would understand if I lived in outback Australia but not here. Mobile Internet is a joke, we pay extra for an Internet Package yet most times service is Roaming so you get charged extra for Internet connections.I would like to be able to get out of my Contract without charges so I can go elsewhere.
3727 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Fail big time at 27 Dec 2010 04:34:16 PM
I went to a three shop to get the new iphone 4 about 2-3 months ago. Wanted to get Three line but the representative told me three and vodafone is the same company now and was being assured that they are the same and use the same infrastucture(network is the same). And i was also being told that its pointless to get Three line because Three will eventually become Vodafone and they will rebrand all Three network to Vodafone in a matter of time. I have another three line and if you compare both, vodafone network fail big time. I occassionally suffer drop out calls, no reception and unable to surf the net.
3726 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is TERRIBLE at 27 Dec 2010 04:34:08 PM
Vodafone is crap i used to be with Optus before but switched to Vodafone due to having better coverage well so it said on their website, well what i crock of shit it is actually worse surprise surprise, even in the CBD is a little better but hey what can i do once my contract is up off to another company i go so VODAFONE YOU HAVE LOST MY BUSINESS AND WILL BE SPREADING THE WORD
3725 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Dastardly! at 27 Dec 2010 04:34:07 PM
I've had a dongle thingy for wireless internet with Vodafail for 2 years and constantly have little to zip reception. I'm about to start an online based Uni post grad course and am planning to get rid of 'em and use another provider with adsl2+. Dial up would be better than this! Don't get me started on my mobile coverage! How fail is Vodafone? EPIC FAIL!
3724 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Ridiculous at 27 Dec 2010 04:33:57 PM
I have been having troubles with service for the past 4 weeks. Most of the time I have no service which is extremely frustrating as my mobile is the only contact number I have and having 2 young children it is very important that vodafone works. Since having problems with Vodafone service I have also had battery problems and have to charge my phone at 3 times a day. I also have Vodafone MobileConnect Internet and have the same problems, it has taken me an hour just to write this as the interenet connection keeps cutting out.
I actually went into a Vodafone store a week ago to be told that the coverage issues was due to it being that time of year, "Christmas", and people are sending messages all the time and ringing family and friends all the time. What a load of reindeer crap.
If it wasn't for the fact that I'm tied into a 24 month contract I would have left Vodafone and gone to another network by now.
I actually went into a Vodafone store a week ago to be told that the coverage issues was due to it being that time of year, "Christmas", and people are sending messages all the time and ringing family and friends all the time. What a load of reindeer crap.
If it wasn't for the fact that I'm tied into a 24 month contract I would have left Vodafone and gone to another network by now.
3723 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is -9 at 27 Dec 2010 04:33:43 PM
Same problems as everybody else, continually dropping out, bad coverage. I live in Townsvile North Queensland. Dont go outside the 80k zone because you will get more reception speaking into your shoe.
3722 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is dropped calls at 27 Dec 2010 04:33:41 PM
my blakberry storm is great, but eh, reception is dam awful, the internet conection is slow sometimes does not connect at all and i can wait all day for it to connect just to get one email out of it and in most areas of sydney suburbs i cant get any reception at all to make an emergancy phone call or a txt even i also went to the place where i origanaly bought the phone to complain about it the compnay had moved to the plaza next door when i went to the plaza the people that own the vodafone business there had told me that i had never bought the phone from them even when i had shown them the receipt with the guys name on it they said i would have to go to the head office in parramatta i went there they told me to go back to where i had bought the phone from i told them i had been there and they told me that they couldn't do nothing about it it wasn't there problem as i did not buy the phone from them i needed to go back to the place where i bought it so i did in doing so i talked to a person that could not speak english very well nor could they understand what i was talking about they kept telling me i did not buy this phone from them and i would have to go back to were i bought the phone from which that place was now the place where i went to in the plaza next to where i was told they had moved istill have the contract and the card with the guys name on it and have rang it and a woman answered the phone and asked me how i got this number i said sorry i have the wrong number so i rang the number again but this time the mobile number was either switched of or not in range
3721 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100 at 27 Dec 2010 04:33:39 PM
I have made numerous complaints to Vodafone, stating - no service, drops out, and the list goes on... They sent my on a wild goose chase, stating that the CBD has no problems and it would be my sim card or handset. So off I went to a Vodafone store to get a new sim card... but that didn't fix the problem. So I rang again, they said it could be the handset.. I kept on asking what there any coverage issues with Vodafone... They reply no. Voadafone asked if I wanted a investigation report on my location where the drops outs and etc were happening, I said yes... well they did the investigation report, but for the wrong location - mind you I GAVE THE ADDRESS OF MY WORK LOCATION... but they decided upon themselves to do my home location... I only found that out when they told me that the investigation wasw complete and my home location had low signals (or something similar)well I said that was the wrong location. Vodafone said that they will do another investigation report on the right location CBD... guess what... someone called 5 minutes later confirming that I wanted a investigation report on my home location... at this time I was fuming... I said "NO NOT MY HOME LOCATION, BUT MY WORK LOCATION". Vodafone really need to train their customer service staff in handling customer service...
Mind you I have been a Vodafone customer over 10 years, but after I got the TIO involved Vodafone has taken me off contract, so I may go to another provider. I realised that Vodafone don't care about the customers at all...
Mind you I have been a Vodafone customer over 10 years, but after I got the TIO involved Vodafone has taken me off contract, so I may go to another provider. I realised that Vodafone don't care about the customers at all...
3720 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pathetic service, pathetic coverage at 27 Dec 2010 04:33:37 PM
my husband lodged a formal complaint with the ombudsman and within days I was released from my contract with them which still had over 12 months to go. our winning line was repeated over and over to them that we were keeping our contract intact but they were failing to keep their side of the contract as there was NO coverage/mobile service therefore they were breaking the contract. Mentioned not only was my business suffering greatly but my children's school could not contact me in the case of emergency and
would they compensate should god forbid anything happen to my children. In short I urge you all to persist don't back down and continue to tell them they have broken their side of the contract. I was released without paying a cent of the supposed $1077 balance of contract.
would they compensate should god forbid anything happen to my children. In short I urge you all to persist don't back down and continue to tell them they have broken their side of the contract. I was released without paying a cent of the supposed $1077 balance of contract.
3719 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is a complete day off air every 2nd week at 27 Dec 2010 04:33:34 PM
Thank god we have a platform! - I've been with vodafone since the early 90's and yes then it was a very limited coverage. I reckoned that as an American international eventually things would get better - and they did however since vodafone went over to the 3G network I have had an MINIMUM of one day off air - BOTH voice and data - every week for the three months!
That's the minimum! and of course if I can't contact them via by phone ...
... yes I've left customer complaints via their website but no response - I give them all the information they ask for but they say as they haven't had any response to their request for more info (ie pin number) then the complaint has been solved!!! How can I respond in the time limit if I have NO COVERAGE!!!! and I'm not the only one - many people I know who are experiencing coverage issues are with vodafone - what a garbage service - yet they still expect payment!!!
I'm still paying my bills but the next step is definitely class action!
And I don't care who knows who I am - Deirdre - 0414 587 348
Thank god we have a platform! - I've been with vodafone since the early 90's and yes then it was a very limited coverage. I reckoned that as an American international eventually things would get better - and they did however since vodafone went over to the 3G network I have had an MINIMUM of one day off air - BOTH voice and data - every week for the three months!
That's the minimum! and of course if I can't contact them via by phone ...
... yes I've left customer complaints via their website but no response - I give them all the information they ask for but they say as they haven't had any response to their request for more info (ie pin number) then the complaint has been solved!!! How can I respond in the time limit if I have NO COVERAGE!!!! and I'm not the only one - many people I know who are experiencing coverage issues are with vodafone - what a garbage service - yet they still expect payment!!!
I'm still paying my bills but the next step is definitely class action!
And I don't care who knows who I am - Deirdre - 0414 587 348
3718 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is RUBBISH at 27 Dec 2010 04:33:33 PM
Just bought a new mobile phone prepaid to use overseas just in case it gets stolen. cheap simple and small. Now with all this going on im worrying that my phone will be useless on vodaphone when i need it in an emergency.
I can only hope that if i do get mugged and the crook says "give us your phone" i can calmly say "but im with vodaphone". Crook runs off, i keep my piece of plastic and the crook goes home happy.
I can only hope that if i do get mugged and the crook says "give us your phone" i can calmly say "but im with vodaphone". Crook runs off, i keep my piece of plastic and the crook goes home happy.
3717 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is mobile phone coverage at 27 Dec 2010 04:33:33 PM
I'm for ever having difficulty's in the coverage of my mobile phone. It's that bad that i have to return the calls using my land line. so many times i have rang vodafone explaining of my problems with coverage and for ever told that the reception will improve. Still waiting.Wanting to get out of my contract , but will have to pay a termination fee. I don't think it's fair.
3716 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 04:33:28 PM
Calls constantly drop out. No service. Worse when callling other vodafone customers.
3715 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 100% at 27 Dec 2010 04:33:27 PM
I have not made even a single call from this new vodaphone connection that i took 2 months back where my call doesnt got dropped or people on the other side were saying that they cant here me about 10 times per call... I dont have $1000+ to disconnect. Is there any law by which I can cancel this connection wuthout paying this fee. Please help. And yeah I have never seen more then 2 network points anywhere except then city.
3714 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 04:33:18 PM
I just left another carrier to come back to vodafone after 3 years.
I already want out
I already want out
3713 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is frustrating at 27 Dec 2010 04:33:14 PM
i have been with vodafone mobile broadband now for 11 months and have made numerous complaints re: very very slow broadband,and dropouts. the last time i complained i threatened to take legal action against them and they offered to cut my monthly payment in half which i accepted,as soon as my contract is due, bye bye vodafone
3712 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is pretty fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:33:04 PM
i am only an hour out of melbourne and am unable to receive any reception whatsoever. also when trying to unlock my phone (so i could put my telstra sim in it) on the website it actually did not work at all even after following the steps multiple times.
3711 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is SHOCKING ! THE WORST EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!! at 27 Dec 2010 04:33:04 PM
Where do i start,i have wasted not only hours, not days but weeks of my time stuffing around with Vodafail,they are a discrace,i've lost count of how many times ive had to go to Parramatta or Hurstville and previously the recently shut down Chatswood office which was in Sydney NSW,it would have to be over 20 times in 1 year,Chatswoos possibly shutdown due to too many complaints !
I've apparently had 4 Nokia N97 phones replaced and guess what the new one is still crap.
my phone drops calls, extremely erratic reception,Camera freezes up,phone freezing up ,really really slow internet,have to remove my battery to rectify troubles only having to do it time and time again each day.The worst thing is it plays up when you need it most. How can such a big company be such a failure? Ive sometimes been on the phone for 2hrs being passed from 1 person in india to another in the phillipines explaining over and over the same issues before being hung up on to piss me off even more.
Far far far from impressed,I've been with Vodafail for 20 years and guess what,there not going to make there 21st birthday with me. You Suck !!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. There is another company we cannot forget and that is MOKIA CARE You suck aswell.
How the heck can we get out of our contracts and move on ???? Please help ????
I've apparently had 4 Nokia N97 phones replaced and guess what the new one is still crap.
my phone drops calls, extremely erratic reception,Camera freezes up,phone freezing up ,really really slow internet,have to remove my battery to rectify troubles only having to do it time and time again each day.The worst thing is it plays up when you need it most. How can such a big company be such a failure? Ive sometimes been on the phone for 2hrs being passed from 1 person in india to another in the phillipines explaining over and over the same issues before being hung up on to piss me off even more.
Far far far from impressed,I've been with Vodafail for 20 years and guess what,there not going to make there 21st birthday with me. You Suck !!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. There is another company we cannot forget and that is MOKIA CARE You suck aswell.
How the heck can we get out of our contracts and move on ???? Please help ????
3710 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is false advertising it is at 27 Dec 2010 04:33:03 PM
If a service is advertised, and not delivered, simply stop paying the bills.
I work in debt collection - there's very little Voda can do once you write to head office.
They could and should lose 1000's of customers per day - just like any other business would.
I work in debt collection - there's very little Voda can do once you write to head office.
They could and should lose 1000's of customers per day - just like any other business would.
3709 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is calls drop out, internet sometimes work, coverage is crap, so bad. at 27 Dec 2010 04:33:02 PM
my calls are constantly dropping out and having to call people back. my internet works some times but then others just wont connect. my friends have serice in areas where I have none. I contacted them about this and also about other things and it took me 2.5 hrs to get somewhere mean while my phone dropped out 3 times and i had to keep calling back. then when I finally got to someone that could help they said that they would transfer me to the loyalty department and they were closed. so now I have to call back and have not had a spare 3hrs to do so in business hrs. my good this shits me that nothing has been done and they didnt even know the loyalty department was closed
3708 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Too much to bare at 27 Dec 2010 04:32:47 PM
28 cents a text? Are you serious?
Why do we as Australians have to pay so much
My friend in greece pays only a few cents.
Why do we as Australians have to pay so much
My friend in greece pays only a few cents.
27 Dec 2010 04:37:05 PM: voda rates are terrible. combine that with the coverage of the network and i'm surprised people sign up with them at all in the first place.
27 Dec 2010 05:06:58 PM: Get Skype. It costs 7 cents to text.
3707 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is 3 at 27 Dec 2010 04:32:46 PM
27 Dec 2010 04:33:25 PM: bahaha
3706 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Reception & lack of Customer Service at 27 Dec 2010 04:32:43 PM
My phone constantly drops out during calls and when sending text messages they often fail. I have tried calling Vodafone about this and end up waiting on the line for upro an hour then have someone try to understand what I am saying is near impossible. I have asked to terminate our contracts and they want to charge us nearly $500. I can't wait til mine and my partners contracts are up in June 2011... We will be giving them the flick!!
3705 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is disappointing at 27 Dec 2010 04:32:17 PM
I have been with Vodafail for almost 3 years and in the last 18 months I have experience call drop outs, no service for up to 8 hours at a time and low service.
This is a very poor service from Vodafone unfortunately my contract does not expire for another 6 months.
This is a very poor service from Vodafone unfortunately my contract does not expire for another 6 months.
3704 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is NONE at 27 Dec 2010 04:32:03 PM
My Mess is that I have been connected to Vodafone for over eight years and have always found the customer service excellent. I do know they have had problems lately with coverage and drop outs in NSW but that is because they are upgrading the network and it always causes problems when new systems are intoduced. My main complaint is with reading winges from people who have problems with their handsets. Telco companies do not make phones they only suppy the network to use the phone on. As for people complaining about hign invoices for using their phone over the limit they are entitled too Well what do you expect
27 Dec 2010 07:10:19 PM: finally someone with some sense of reality !!! this page is ridiculous-i thought it was fine-everyone is entitled to their opinion-until i read every slightly positive post has been tagged as being written by the Vodafone CEO-im sure they would havebetter ways to spend their time.
Ive been with Vodafone for years-in tasmania and never had a problem. I say get agrip people, no telco is perfect. :)
Ive been with Vodafone for years-in tasmania and never had a problem. I say get agrip people, no telco is perfect. :)
3703 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no coverage out of city precinct at 27 Dec 2010 04:31:58 PM
The dropping out of calls and no network coverage are the nightmare for me who's job as cable installer that i am depenned on the mobile phone to contact to my customer and dispatcher office to get my jobs done.and you wouldn't belive that i went to Apple's store to swap 4 handsets already that i thought it was handset quality issue in couple months time.
3702 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Absolutely terrible at 27 Dec 2010 04:31:52 PM
I use my mobile for work, and I have continuously experienced significant delays in receiving voicemails. There was a period of about six days where none were delivered. This was very embarrassing (and unprofessional) on my part to return calls so late. I live in the st kilda area and in the evenings (particularly) the network coverage is non existent. The next morning I get bombarded with texts and voicemails that I didn't receive the night before. My friends and family think I am rude for not replying!
3701 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VF= vodafone/very fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:31:51 PM
my boyfriend threatened to break up with me cos i reply in time. i received his messages 10 hours late. and he's the bitchy gay type, so you figure out the problem that vodafones caused me.
3700 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is frustrating at 27 Dec 2010 04:31:51 PM
i have been with vodafone mobile broadband now for 11 months and have made numerous complaints re: very very slow broadband,and dropouts. the last time i complained i threatened to take legal action against them and they offered to cut my monthly payment in half which i accepted,as soon as my contract is due, bye bye vodafone
3699 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is VERY! at 27 Dec 2010 04:31:47 PM
Over Vodafone full stop! I call up to complain about the service and was on hold for over 33mins to be told 'there were no problems reported' - Yes there is, so she transfers me to the team that looks after the technical side.. on hold for another 10 mins so I hang up.. I emailed Vodafone directly to lodge a complaint, I recieved a reply stating there were routine upgrades but not a major problem and changed the status of my complain to 'solved' - I replied stating it was not solved and I requested a consultant to call me as I cant be sitting on hold for another 30 mins + I recieved a further reply stating that If I wanted to have it resolved I have to call my self. I find this disgusting that a telco would do this. I have constant drop outs, msg fails and no service on my ph. I want to change to Optus now!!
Not impressed what so ever!!
Not impressed what so ever!!
27 Dec 2010 04:35:46 PM: All standard practise - anything to keep you on contract! Don't take their BS go to the TIO!
3698 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Seriously no reception in Cronulla at 27 Dec 2010 04:31:27 PM
I'm over it, continually no reception in Cronulla N.S.W on a regular basis. Plus after numerous complaints to Vodafone they are blameing another networks tower. And my emails are not being sent from my phone either. This has been so damaging to my business, I'm now forced to carry a laptop around with me again, and of course I have pay for the mobile USB connection.
The thing that gets on my goat is that I'm paying for this non existent service.
How can I get out of it???????
The thing that gets on my goat is that I'm paying for this non existent service.
How can I get out of it???????
3697 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is i can only sms! at 27 Dec 2010 04:31:22 PM
I just signed up a contract for iphone in early Nov, 2010. The first month was fine but I noticed that from late Dec, I CAN NOT MAKE PHONE CALLS! I am using both iPhone4 (Vodafone prepaid) and Nokia N79 (Vodafone 69 Plan), and they are both the same. Can not call out, just call failed, connection error or network busy immediately. I can only SMS and receiving calls occasionally.
3696 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is massive fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:31:21 PM
cant even ring vodafone to complain because the phone drops signal.... had to call 8 times the other day to tell them my signal is crap in metro adelaide - not to mention losing signal ten minutes out... it even got that bad that the person (whose accent i couldnt understand)on the other end of the call advised me to hang up so she could call me back on a non vodafone landline... and i was calling from christies beach IN adelaide...
messages can take hours to come through, unless im in second valley and then it can take days - if at all.
dont even get me started on the lack of internet signal on my phone....
and lucky me, im on a plan and am locked in for the next 18 months....
thanks vodafone
messages can take hours to come through, unless im in second valley and then it can take days - if at all.
dont even get me started on the lack of internet signal on my phone....
and lucky me, im on a plan and am locked in for the next 18 months....
thanks vodafone
3695 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Really quite Poor. at 27 Dec 2010 04:31:10 PM
Have been with Vodafone for 10 years straight. Never had worse service than now. I am sure the service has got worse recently, very rarely do I receive 3G and very rarely solid data connections. My calls constantly drop out and I have been forced into Visual Voicemail which I simply cannot rely on. Since customer service moved overseas it is almost impossible to resolve issues through the shuffling of calls from one area to the other (very reminiscent of Dell).
3694 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is big thumbs down at 27 Dec 2010 04:31:00 PM
SOOOOOO annoying!! No service most of the time and when i do it drops out and then when i try to call back, BUSY NETWORK!!!!
Whenever i try and call vodafone to complain i'm on hold for half an hour at a time. REALY REALY shitting me off......
I really hope enough people do complain and leave them hopefully they go bankrupt or something....
Whenever i try and call vodafone to complain i'm on hold for half an hour at a time. REALY REALY shitting me off......
I really hope enough people do complain and leave them hopefully they go bankrupt or something....
3693 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is The worst service at 27 Dec 2010 04:30:51 PM
Dropped calls. No coverage in my house. Voicemails that get delivered 4 days later. Calls that won't go through. Unable to text my sister for the last 8 days. What the hell am I paying for???
3692 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Going further down the hill at 27 Dec 2010 04:30:33 PM
I have been with Vodafone for years but the last 6 weeks have been pathetic in Tuggerah on Central Coast. No 3g downloads but gsm seems to work at 3-4k it's useless. Connection errors, or network busy is mostly what i get on my Nokia x6. I get a message about voicemail then can't dial in to get them. Customer care does not exist. If you wait in the queue long enough you get disconnected when finally put through to an operator. I called the ombudsmen last week and they now have 2 weeks to contact me. I too will try to cancel my contract (with 18 months to go) and go somewhere else for some real service. I congratulate the people involved with this site for allowing us to vent our anger.
3691 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is network drops at 27 Dec 2010 04:30:18 PM
2 weeks ago my mobile service droped off at 9 in the morning it didnt returne to 10 the following day i religh on my mobile so i can be contacted anywhere for my serverly disabled daughter , not good at all and acording to vodafone there was no service problem but everyne up here in mossman far north qld had the same issue .
3690 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is DREADFULL at 27 Dec 2010 04:30:11 PM
When I receive a call they cannot hear me, they keep saying your dropping out, so I move around the house, then outside and that's when they say they can hear me, at times I even have to move to the road. They say I'm on "roaming" but not even that works, even if it did I would be charged a much higher rate!!! WHY SHOULD I BE PENALIZED FOR NOT GETTING THEIR RECEPTION???
3689 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very bad at 27 Dec 2010 04:30:08 PM
3 more months to go
3688 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAIL!!!!! at 27 Dec 2010 04:29:55 PM
Everytime I get a voicemail message it sends me a text about half a day later to let me know. And then it will send me a message to let me know about this voicemail message about every 15 minutes, even if i have already listened to it. Therefore VERY frustrating.
3687 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 04:29:54 PM
very little data coverage 3G over sydney
3686 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is lost network coverage at 27 Dec 2010 04:29:54 PM
both my husbands phone and mine are vodafone, with which we use for our business and our children get hold of us. unfortunetly we can go without coverage for up to 10-12 hours, which of course then we have finished work, unable to order from suppliers and check that our children are safe and well. lets alone being in the middle of a conversation and having our phone drop out. Becoming extremely frustrated with vodafone and have 16months left on my contract....... what to do!!
3685 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is dead set hopeless at 27 Dec 2010 04:29:54 PM
i move back home to moama from the gold coast and my phone and broadband wont work at all they have to ring me on telsra prepaid phone that i brought because vodafone is f---ed and idont plan on paying any thing im on 100 cap plus 30 broadband a month and non off it works at all vodafone fell free 2 contact me on0459520428 on my telsta phone
3684 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Badly at 27 Dec 2010 04:29:21 PM
I am a medical practitioner and having enormous problems with reception and can not get through to vodafone to complain.
3683 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Pathetic! at 27 Dec 2010 04:29:19 PM
I have used Vodafone for the last 6 years, however about 8 months ago while still living in Perth, W.A, we really noticed the ability to connect via Vodafone going from usable to next to barely tolerable service... Now we have moved to South West Melbourne, Vic about 6 weeks ago and we can not use our mobile internet, we may get 1 text out of 15 and no longer even try to use our mobiles to make or receive calls. I am so pissed, what the hell is the point in having a mobile or the kids having mobiles for emergencies if they/we can't use them, at the moment my husband and I are both on plans and feel we are paying for nothing. So what the hell has happened to the Vodafone service?
3682 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 04:29:16 PM
EPIC FAIL, what's the point of a "Infinite" plan if you can't make any calls or send any txt's. The vodafone website say's i should have "Standard" reception, I didn't realise "Standard" meant SHIT!!!
3681 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Total flop at 27 Dec 2010 04:29:06 PM
Ive beeen a loyal vodsfone customer for 7 years. but since they merged with 3 they are hopeless, constant drop outs slow internet broadband depsite being in a 3g area!!! lousy signal.and customer service 90% of the time dont know how to help and the automated lara Gee whizz talk about dumb or what cant get anything right or put u thru to the right place. Only way to get to talk with a human being at the customer service is to tell lara u've had ur phone stolen!!!
3680 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:28:54 PM
A customer for over 13 years the reception has never been worse!! I originally joined Vodafone because they bragged of the best coverage in the country, and for a while this was true however this year 2010 I have had many drop outs, messages not sent, very poor reception everywhere, water noise when I attempt to call someone instead of a connected call. My texts, when they are sent through arrive hours late. Voicemail notifications never come through either, neither do most calls. My husband who is also a Vodafone customer is impossible to get a hold of and doesn't
receive my texts till after we go to bed (I send them during the working day). To top things off it's impossible to speak to an Aussie who has any idea as to what I'm trying to say and we were told last week when we called re our problems that there was nothing wrong with the network.
Very disappointed in Vodaphone and desperate to get out!
receive my texts till after we go to bed (I send them during the working day). To top things off it's impossible to speak to an Aussie who has any idea as to what I'm trying to say and we were told last week when we called re our problems that there was nothing wrong with the network.
Very disappointed in Vodaphone and desperate to get out!
3679 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Unbelievably ridiculous at 27 Dec 2010 04:28:49 PM
I literally have no reception anywhere in my house...when i pick up my phone, it shows full bars, as i press call, they diminish until the call cuts out all together. People think it's my actual's hard to believe my reception seems fairly fine everywhere, BUT my home. - Unbelievable
I really don't feel like going on about the pain i went through with customer service, when they claimed they hadn't received a payment which i did make and had proof of, i still don't really understand part of it - Ridiculous
I really don't feel like going on about the pain i went through with customer service, when they claimed they hadn't received a payment which i did make and had proof of, i still don't really understand part of it - Ridiculous
3678 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Terrible service at 27 Dec 2010 04:28:47 PM
27 Dec 2010 04:31:45 PM: If you'd like to have a voice on Ch 7 we are doing an investigation into this. Please enter your details at
Or please call us on 03 9697 7827
Or please call us on 03 9697 7827
27 Dec 2010 05:18:19 PM:
Vodafone Class Action - Piper Alderman
Vodafone Class Action - Piper Alderman
3677 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Hopeless at 27 Dec 2010 04:28:45 PM
I have been a longtime expensive customer of Vodafone. I have persisted while the service, which once was a real alternative to Telstra, but no more. My phone looses service in my home in Kew and my work at Bundoora, all inner suburbs in Melbourne. My husband changed carriers because of this and the transfer out caused my phone to block my ability to call him. this took 2 weeks to fix. Vodafone problem !!! I have lost service twice writing this. I also use this phone for my business. I'm sure it's costing me business. FIX IT. I have complained and was fobbed off!
3676 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:28:39 PM
My reception goes between 2 bars and none, people get my mms 1-2 days later, I get my voicemails 2 days +. I barely use any of my data as it's just not worth waiting as it just drops
Out all the time!!!! Like most people I am in a contract and can't do anything till it ends, but I will b changing companies that's for sure!!
Out all the time!!!! Like most people I am in a contract and can't do anything till it ends, but I will b changing companies that's for sure!!
27 Dec 2010 04:36:51 PM: Also whenever I go to a shopping centre I have no reception at all!! Why is that???!!!
3675 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is poor coverage at 27 Dec 2010 04:28:31 PM
cant use xmas present xbox360 as son want to play live and the net drops in and out all the time even with a sharing dock .6 months left of contract cant wait .never again whith vodafail.
3674 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:28:16 PM
I was with 3 and the service and coverage was appalling at best. I quit my planearly and switched to vodaphone that people I knew had coverage in my area. Then vodaphone merged with 3 and the coverage at my house got even more pathetic. I cannot move if I am actually able to get a connection, and even without moving my phone constantly drops out. I like in Pymble, in the middle of Sydney, not far from the pacific highway, so no excuses. I cannot send a text, my phone never rings at home and I only know that I have voicemail when I ring the phone. Everyone thinks I have constantly got my phone turned off, but it is never off. I have no internet coverage and textx rarely go through.
3673 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is HUGE FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 04:28:09 PM
I signed up for a 24 month contract with Vodafone through Crazy Johns. Both companies have proved to be joke of an organisation. After ample problems with my mobile from the very beginning including:
-short battery life
-no reception
-dropping out of internet and applications every day!
- no reply when I message the balance account number
-they set up to automatically pay my phone bill from my bank account even though I certainly did NOT authorise this, therefore I would pay for my bill and they would take the money out of my account and therefore taking double the payment. They also denied activating this without my permission.
-constant problems with my phone, I have spent so much wasted time and money both on the phone and in the store to this company.
-I was advised by staff members both in Vodafone and Crazy Johns stores in Penrith to pretend to "lose" my phone and then claim it on insurance in order to get a brand new phone. Therefore they advised me to commit fraud.
-After a constant battle with vodafone over the unsatisfactory quality of my mobile phone I sent it in again to be fixed. they then sent it back and said it had liquid damage and that I need to pay for a new phone. I look after my phone very thoroughly and never spilt liquid on it or anything close. They said they would email me the photographic evidence, an email which of course was never sent to me. After I contacted them numerous times to have this email sent to me, it still never was. my phone has since run out of warranty and I am too bloody tired of all this crap to keep chasing it up.
I am so tired of this constant battle with these companies. I will never be returning to Vodafone's service after my contract is complete and I am advising my friends and family to do the same.
-short battery life
-no reception
-dropping out of internet and applications every day!
- no reply when I message the balance account number
-they set up to automatically pay my phone bill from my bank account even though I certainly did NOT authorise this, therefore I would pay for my bill and they would take the money out of my account and therefore taking double the payment. They also denied activating this without my permission.
-constant problems with my phone, I have spent so much wasted time and money both on the phone and in the store to this company.
-I was advised by staff members both in Vodafone and Crazy Johns stores in Penrith to pretend to "lose" my phone and then claim it on insurance in order to get a brand new phone. Therefore they advised me to commit fraud.
-After a constant battle with vodafone over the unsatisfactory quality of my mobile phone I sent it in again to be fixed. they then sent it back and said it had liquid damage and that I need to pay for a new phone. I look after my phone very thoroughly and never spilt liquid on it or anything close. They said they would email me the photographic evidence, an email which of course was never sent to me. After I contacted them numerous times to have this email sent to me, it still never was. my phone has since run out of warranty and I am too bloody tired of all this crap to keep chasing it up.
I am so tired of this constant battle with these companies. I will never be returning to Vodafone's service after my contract is complete and I am advising my friends and family to do the same.
3672 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Poor coverage at 27 Dec 2010 04:27:54 PM
I first joined Vodafone 10 years ago and I have been a very loyal customer. The coverage was good but in the last 2 years it has got worse. Voice and text messages can take hours sometimes a day to be received. Phone calls drop out, or connection error when trying to dial out when I'm in the middle of Geelong. I hope Vodafone read all of this because they have a huge problem that need to be fixed.
3671 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is always at 27 Dec 2010 04:27:54 PM
I have just gone with vodafone after having some issues with another service provider And have had nothing but trouble with vodafone since the day I walked out the door of the shop. Its gone from no signal to not being able to get help from the call centre, I couldn't get any help standing in my local vodafone store for five hours, I can not on must days receive or make calls, And forget about sending texts!!! I'm sick of being left in the lurch by vodafone!!! I HATE VODAFONE
3670 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is wheres the service at 27 Dec 2010 04:27:53 PM
Just sick of no coverage and drop outs,forget customer service vodafone dont think we are important enough as there customers for any sort of help..
Yeah its a Fail well done vodafail
Yeah its a Fail well done vodafail
3669 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:27:51 PM
I have had no 3G coverage for about 3 weeks now in Gungahlin area and all over Canberra.. I thought it was my phone. I contacted Vodafone and waited 90mins for me to speak to someone.. Just to tell me how to switch 3G off my phone and I could make and receive calls. With this function now switched off! I have unlimited and rely on this phone for work and personal calls.. I visited a local vodafail store on christmas eve wanting to cancel my account and they said that they could not process this.. That I had to call disconnections and I said..what another 90 min wait on the phone!! I am so over it.... also my mobile broadband is due to expire next month and I am disconnecting that too.... this is flamin' ridiculous! The sales person at Vodafone also said the 3G failure was widespread over Canberra and they have had no response to their emails to the company! Go figure...
3668 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Just thought of another bs problem at 27 Dec 2010 04:27:46 PM
I just wrote about my Internet or lack of I should say on my iPhone, I also have a problem shared by some and that is apparently my phone is off or goes straight to voicemail. My phone is always on and I have sometimes gotten 15missed call txt but my phone never rang!
I hate you Vodaphone I should have never left optus.
I hate you Vodaphone I should have never left optus.
27 Dec 2010 04:29:08 PM: That normal... Had those issues as well.
3667 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very!!! at 27 Dec 2010 04:27:45 PM
Network drop outs whilst using the maps application on my iPhone,resulting in me getting lost,also having text messages I sent arrive at least 3 hours late at times,text messages I receive being at least 4 hours late,no reception in my house or my mother in law's house,numerous call drop outs even though I have full reception & failing to load web pages even whilst having full 3G reception
3666 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:27:41 PM
Almost no reception in parts of Newtown with multiple call dropouts. Call will go to voicemail without ringing and the message sent 3 days later.
3665 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No reception at 27 Dec 2010 04:27:41 PM
3664 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Lost a 12 year customer! at 27 Dec 2010 04:27:38 PM
I have been with Vodafone since 1998.
I have been pretty happy (obviously).
Since I signed my last contract in June 2008 I have had non-stop issues with Vodafone.
First it was billing issues, and now it is constant dropped calls and poor reception.
I have been living at my current address for 5 years and had no issues, in the last month or more I have had next to no reception, and on some days I cannot even get ANY reception.
I'm also so F'in sick of Lara - "she" needs to be taken out back and put to sleep! I'm sure the boffins and marketing "gurus" at Vodafone think she "humanises" the customer service experience.... I'd prefer to have to go 10 menus deep selecting from up to nine numbers at each level than listen to her false "chirpy, friendly, ever so (NOT) helpful "voice"".
I had Christmas SMS messages I sent to friends that were received on the 27th!!! EXPRESS POST letters would get there quicker!!!
Considering their network cannot handle the voice/data needs of existing customers Vodafone should be BANNED from acquiring new customers until they can properly provide for their existing users.
I have been pretty happy (obviously).
Since I signed my last contract in June 2008 I have had non-stop issues with Vodafone.
First it was billing issues, and now it is constant dropped calls and poor reception.
I have been living at my current address for 5 years and had no issues, in the last month or more I have had next to no reception, and on some days I cannot even get ANY reception.
I'm also so F'in sick of Lara - "she" needs to be taken out back and put to sleep! I'm sure the boffins and marketing "gurus" at Vodafone think she "humanises" the customer service experience.... I'd prefer to have to go 10 menus deep selecting from up to nine numbers at each level than listen to her false "chirpy, friendly, ever so (NOT) helpful "voice"".
I had Christmas SMS messages I sent to friends that were received on the 27th!!! EXPRESS POST letters would get there quicker!!!
Considering their network cannot handle the voice/data needs of existing customers Vodafone should be BANNED from acquiring new customers until they can properly provide for their existing users.
27 Dec 2010 04:29:37 PM: Oppps - that was meant to be June 2009...
I cannot wait until June 2011 comes round... I will take much pleasure in informing Vodafone I will never be a customer of theirs again!!
I cannot wait until June 2011 comes round... I will take much pleasure in informing Vodafone I will never be a customer of theirs again!!
27 Dec 2010 04:32:56 PM: Just signed up for the lawsuit... I am usually against such trawling for lawyers fees, but Vodafone deserve it, I'll give the lawyers 100 percent of any damages they win - just on the principle of showing Vodafone they suck sweaty, smell, hairy nuts
3663 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is i shoked at 27 Dec 2010 04:27:10 PM
i did sign 3 weeks ago with them and i have not recived anything yet...
what to do to cancel it?
what to do to cancel it?
3662 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:27:08 PM
Although getting started with Vodafone was difficult, (porting failed twice from Telstra, but I believe it was Telstra's fault) I have been happy with the service provided by Vodafone. The only problem has been when I went to Daylesford and got no reception, even in the centre of town, when the coverage map showed I would.
3661 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Terrible at 27 Dec 2010 04:27:00 PM
Have been with Vodafone for over 6 years, Two months ago, upgraded to a new smart phone , its totally useless . Im an Emergency Service Volunteer and rely on mobile phone coverage,I live in Warrandyte. I am now in a contract that Crazy Johns [Vodafone] wont let me out of. I have never complained before the last two months.I have been a loyal customer to Vodafone. Now, I owe over $1000.oo for NOTHING ! JB, North Warrandyte.
27 Dec 2010 05:20:27 PM:
Vodafone Class Action - Piper Alderman
Vodafone Class Action - Piper Alderman
3660 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Mobile Broadband Internet at 27 Dec 2010 04:26:46 PM
Signed up with Vodafone Mobile Broadband on a contract for 24 months bundled with mobile phone, and as I have been paying a lot of money for the service that does not work in Surfers Paradise, I was unable to socially interact, nor do my business, therefore I am forced to conduct these activities through internet cafe. I have already spoken to few shops who have indicated that Surfers Paradise is typically a bad connecting place, where a lot of people use its service, therefore I feel extremely cheated and annoyed by the dishonesty and deception that Vodafone has created amongst its customers like me. Please help!
3659 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Constant drop outs and lengthy delays on texts at 27 Dec 2010 04:26:37 PM
Still got 12 months to run - suffering constant drop outs, long delays in receiving texts, appalling coverage in too many places. I had CAREFULLY checked with Vodafone re coverage as had them before 10 years ago- they lied! Coverage had only MARGINALLY improved in 10 years, shocking. Getting text and emails on PC so much quicker than on mobile, sometimes arrive on mobile HOURS after received on PC! Vodafone, spend the money to fulfil your promise of network coverage and phone connections, us customers need the basics to be covered!
3658 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is EVERYTHING is wrong with them! at 27 Dec 2010 04:26:37 PM
I have been with Vodafone for years and never really had any problems with either reception or customer service. Over the last 6 months I have no reception in most places and when I do it takes minutes to even start ringing a number, my voice mails take hours and/or days to come through and when they do I cant even access them!! When people try to call me it goes straight to voice mail or just beeps and my phone doesn't even ring!! I have called their customer service so many times and keep speaking to useless people who tell me that "Australia is a large country, so you cant have reception everywhere" and if I want to leave I have to pay a massive exit fee... anyways I have logged a complaint with the ITO and they were great and say I have grounds to get out of my contact. I would urge everyone to do the same! I am still waiting to hear from Vodafone but hopefully this time in a few weeks I will be with Telstra!
27 Dec 2010 04:28:19 PM: sorry TIO*
29 Dec 2010 08:34:59 PM: OMG me to!
29 Dec 2010 08:53:26 PM: Mee too I was so excited to get my new i phone 4 and now I hate it.. I know its not the phone but the provider. I can't make calls on it as no-one can hear me long enough and then it drops out.. I might get pic messages 2 days later. And yes sometimes doesn't even ring. Its just so frustrating. I nearly threw it through the window at the vodafone store, when once again no one was willing to help me out. It really is a disgrace that in this day and age we have to go to these limits to get some good old fashioned serviced and Communication.
29 Dec 2010 09:11:30 PM: I moved to the big T about a year ago and both my brother and sister got out of their contracts (thanks TIO) and also moved to the big T. We are all incredibly happy with our move it's a little more expensive but well worth it.
4 Jan 2011 09:24:31 PM: nothing wrong with paying for something that works
3657 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:26:32 PM
3656 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is North shore reception worst ever at 27 Dec 2010 04:26:25 PM
Travelling between the upper north shore and Sydney CBD on a daily basis you are guaranteed to have a number dropped calls and data losses. It is extremely frustrating especially if you would like to do some work while travelling to and from work. No use talking to Vodafone.
3655 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is EPIC at 27 Dec 2010 04:26:25 PM
the coverage is shit but i knew that when signing up , my problem is with the customer service ... if i wanted to talk to an indian about my australian phone i would ask but as i have no choice i am uable to get questions answered.... i recently was overcharged for an account which took seven phone call to indians and three hours at the vodafone shop.... FOR FUCK SAKE employ some god damn aussies so some goddam aussies can answer our questons in plain simple english..
14 Jan 2011 11:49:31 AM: Yes, give a bunch of bogans a job! Then wait for their work breaks in their full time chainsmoking careers to deal with your complaints,pet. Then you'd realise,pet, that even Vodafone could get worse. ok,love?
3654 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:26:24 PM
The handset they gave me is FALLING APART!!! Online, yea right!!
lol what a joke of a network
lol what a joke of a network
3653 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Bad - but recoverable at 27 Dec 2010 04:26:20 PM
2 year contract with 16 months left, living on Bribie Island, QLD. We can go for days with no service. When we get service it is zero to all bars, varying by the minute, most times, no 3G at home mst times so use WiFi all the time at home which I did not need to do with Optus.
Given up trying to talk to the Indians several times without success as even after an hour wait, no answer, I don't have that sort of time.
I have access to 2 x Nokia and 1 x Huawei smart phones, all with the same problems so it is not the phones. I am in the industry and know that their cell site is badly designed and there is not enough equipment to handle the traffic. We are approx 500m line of sight from the cell site.
Fortunately I send most of my time away from home and most times, the service is OK as I am overseas. If only Vodafone's Australian network was as good as their NZ network.
My wife is on Telstra, no problems, Optus was not brilliant but OK, Vodafone sucks.
I have had no billing problems and their shop in Morayfield was excellent but one of their shop in Chermside was the pits, 1 1/2 hours to open an account???
Given up trying to talk to the Indians several times without success as even after an hour wait, no answer, I don't have that sort of time.
I have access to 2 x Nokia and 1 x Huawei smart phones, all with the same problems so it is not the phones. I am in the industry and know that their cell site is badly designed and there is not enough equipment to handle the traffic. We are approx 500m line of sight from the cell site.
Fortunately I send most of my time away from home and most times, the service is OK as I am overseas. If only Vodafone's Australian network was as good as their NZ network.
My wife is on Telstra, no problems, Optus was not brilliant but OK, Vodafone sucks.
I have had no billing problems and their shop in Morayfield was excellent but one of their shop in Chermside was the pits, 1 1/2 hours to open an account???
3652 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is the STUFF YOU SCRAPE FROM THE BOTTOM OF YOUR SHOE at 27 Dec 2010 04:26:19 PM
3. my mobile broadband coverage is a pathetic waste of technology. reception is rubbish and downloading....dont get me started. it now just manages to break the 100kb a second mark. thats right 100kb a second, thats at best. the average speed is about 10kb to 50kb...and i know the difference between b-kb-mb-gb and tb.
4.a friend who i convinced to join 3 a couple of years ago has even come and seen me to see if ive been having the same probs.
3. my mobile broadband coverage is a pathetic waste of technology. reception is rubbish and downloading....dont get me started. it now just manages to break the 100kb a second mark. thats right 100kb a second, thats at best. the average speed is about 10kb to 50kb...and i know the difference between b-kb-mb-gb and tb.
4.a friend who i convinced to join 3 a couple of years ago has even come and seen me to see if ive been having the same probs.
27 Dec 2010 04:30:21 PM: It's been slowing down to a stop at times for 2 yrs
3651 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is bad service, incorrect billing, dropping out, terrible internet connection at 27 Dec 2010 04:26:18 PM
i have been with vodaphone for over 9 yrs. i was going to change to telstra at the end of my last contract but vodaphone gave me a deal i was happy with. this is where it ends. every bill since has billed me over $160 over my cap. in all the years i've been with them i've been over maybe 6 times. i call 1512 regulary to make sure i'm not over but with my last bill on the 28th november it told me i had $40 credit. On my bill statement it starts charging me as of that day. Even though i didn't use my phone much they are telling me i used grossly over my cap over the next couple of days. i had $4 credit today, made 1 call in which went to message bank so i hung up straight away. My credit now goes down to $2. Then it drops out all the time so they charge you another '$1.15' straight up to remake the call. Then there is the internet. Most of the time i can't get on. Then there is the fact i can't understand what customer service is saying to try and rectify my problems. Waiting in line up at vodaphone at the hyperdome qld for 2 hrs with a 3 yr old,8 mths pregnant to find out the guy couldn't help me, i have to talk to someone i don't understand in India.
3650 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 100% at 27 Dec 2010 04:26:14 PM
Firstly let me just say that I cannot stand the annoying robot voice 'lara'. It is even more irritating when waiting on hold for over an hour and a half, it continues to tell me that they're 'flat out' but rest assured my call is important to them! Pretty sure they'd answer the phone if my call was important. We have had nothing but trouble with vodaphone since we unfortunately signed up for a 2 year contract. The bills are through the roof, for no apparent reason. One was even in the thousands of dollars. We are now on the $99 cap, which in vodaphone terms means about $200!
27 Dec 2010 04:27:23 PM: hahahah "lara" shes as useful as a hole in the head hey!!
3649 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL!!! at 27 Dec 2010 04:26:09 PM
I use my phone for work, and there is nothing more frustrating than having clients complain about how they CANNOT get a hold of me, and how they just go to voicemail without the phone actually ringing!! On top of this when I can actually dial through to listen to my voicemails, I can't always call people back even though I apparently have full reception!! I have been with vodafone for the last 4 years, and now I'm contracted for another 2 years (epic fail on my behalf). I'm more often than not in credit when I pay my bills, and ALWAYS polite to customer service when I finally get through to someone. The least they can do is actually povide a service that works! That is after all what I'm paying for. Not paying them again till their service actually works, and moving to telstra!
3648 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Service at 27 Dec 2010 04:26:07 PM
I have a iPhone 3GS and live in the gold coast my calls constantly drop out and my signal never reaches full bars when i go away for work to rockhampton townsville or airlie beach im luckly to be able to make calls my 3g internet service is slow at best I want to swap to telstra but still have 10 months left on my contract Vodafone is shit!! And there Customer service is shit!!
3647 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Annoying at 27 Dec 2010 04:26:06 PM
My partner and I both have Vodafone and we barely have any coverage at home with our mobiles. There are some places at my partners work in Footscray (less than 5 minutes from the city) where he cannot be reached! The internet is very very slow on my phone also. Some days I cannot even access mail and internet and because I work from home that is very annoying
3646 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is idots at 27 Dec 2010 04:25:56 PM
how do we register our interest for the class action
3645 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is This has been going on for 6 years at 27 Dec 2010 04:25:36 PM
I could not get coverage at my home in Nudgee.
The phone get dropping out. Full signal on the phone then nothing and vice versa.
I complained direct to Vodafone who blamed the handset.
After three times being "repaired" and then replaced by a new set it was pretty obvious it was not the handset.
My house mates are connected with Optus and Telstra and they have no problems.
In fact they can attempt to call me sitting across the room and they will get "phone is turned off message" even though I am sitting across the room with it on.
Vodafone eventually did a "drive by" and in their words "an assessment" of the signal in the area.
When I called back to find out their findings they refused to talk to me.
I asked for a discount or compensation due the missed calls, the delayed sms messages, the delayed mms, and of course the frustrating drop outs which forced me to use my home phone.
They refused - without any explanation.
Other frequent areas of drop outs in this region are on the north side of the Gateway Bridge - both sides.
Around the Pimpama exit on the M3.
The list goes on!
I am please to know that I am not "an idiot" or a "complaining customer" as I have been made out to be by Vodafone.
With these testimonials that I have read it seems that more people have been disadvantaged than advantaged by this poor provider.
I could not get coverage at my home in Nudgee.
The phone get dropping out. Full signal on the phone then nothing and vice versa.
I complained direct to Vodafone who blamed the handset.
After three times being "repaired" and then replaced by a new set it was pretty obvious it was not the handset.
My house mates are connected with Optus and Telstra and they have no problems.
In fact they can attempt to call me sitting across the room and they will get "phone is turned off message" even though I am sitting across the room with it on.
Vodafone eventually did a "drive by" and in their words "an assessment" of the signal in the area.
When I called back to find out their findings they refused to talk to me.
I asked for a discount or compensation due the missed calls, the delayed sms messages, the delayed mms, and of course the frustrating drop outs which forced me to use my home phone.
They refused - without any explanation.
Other frequent areas of drop outs in this region are on the north side of the Gateway Bridge - both sides.
Around the Pimpama exit on the M3.
The list goes on!
I am please to know that I am not "an idiot" or a "complaining customer" as I have been made out to be by Vodafone.
With these testimonials that I have read it seems that more people have been disadvantaged than advantaged by this poor provider.