Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
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2641 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 01:52:02 PM
i have been a vodafone customer for 10years, but renuied my contract 18months ago. in the last month i have had so many problems with them. to make a phone call or 2 send a msg or 2 recieve phone calls or msgs i need 2 turn my phone off and on again at least 3 times, i also have a business and since having these problems and no customers being able 2 contact me on my mobile has resulted in the loss of greater than $100,000.00 to my business.
last night i needed 2 take my daughter and her son to the hospital when the car broke down on the way there and thanks 2 this bad service got stuck for hours coz i couldnt get into contact with anybody 2 help us.
every time i ring vodafone 2 make a complaint they just keep saying they will call me back and never do and it is getting extremely frustrating, when u owe them money they r quick 2 ring u and get what they want.
last night i needed 2 take my daughter and her son to the hospital when the car broke down on the way there and thanks 2 this bad service got stuck for hours coz i couldnt get into contact with anybody 2 help us.
every time i ring vodafone 2 make a complaint they just keep saying they will call me back and never do and it is getting extremely frustrating, when u owe them money they r quick 2 ring u and get what they want.
27 Dec 2010 10:11:17 PM: thats exactly why i refuse to pay my bills there dreaming if they think im not going to call back in the morning and abuse them once again
27 Dec 2010 10:13:52 PM: when they compinsate me for all the money i have lost for being with them during these problems then i will pay them their measally couple of $100
2640 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Darwin Award! at 27 Dec 2010 01:51:42 PM
Vodafone guaranteed me unlimited free calls to another vodafone number of my choice. After signing up with them they assured me that the vodafone "best mate" free calls were active on my account to the number which i had chosen. Because I am a diligent person I repeatedly tried to check up on my account balance but the service, which is guaranteed in the contract, was unavailable for days on end. When i finally got to check my account i found that my balance was in the RED! This was because they did not activate the best mate properly. This problem happened repeatedly for the next 3 months. Everytime I called customer service I spoke to someone from overseas who tried to convince me that I would have to pay for the calls which in my contract were specified as free. The ridiculous attempts by vodafone customer service to directly deny the rights and remedies granted to consumers by the Trade Practices Act is something which needs to be addressed by the ACCC. To anyone who knows that voda has ripped them off and you are having trouble with customer service state to them that to deny your right to refund is a direct breach of section 53(g) of the Trade Practices Act. Vodafone makes money of a lot of these supposed 'mistakes' in your bill, processing of information, call drop outs, and misinformation provided by its customer service call centres. It is my suspicion that vodafone management is aware that these 'mistakes' make them money and they implement systems and policies which do not attempt to rectify these mistakes and make it difficult for customers to seek refunds.
Perhaps a new idea for Adam Brimo: VodaLeaks! Where employees on the inside of vodafone can speak out about any unethical practices which they are aware of within the organisation!
Perhaps a new idea for Adam Brimo: VodaLeaks! Where employees on the inside of vodafone can speak out about any unethical practices which they are aware of within the organisation!
2639 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Complete failure .. at 27 Dec 2010 01:51:24 PM
Call drop outs, no reception, sporadic connection to internet. Can't wait to switch to another telco ... I keep getting told by customer service reps that they are merging with the 3 network and coverage will improve. This is after waiting for nearly 2 hours on the phone. I am regretting the day that i let them con me into renewing my contract with the lure of a free handset. As soon as I did, the problems started. And the Nokia phone they sent me is not the one i was promised!
2638 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 01:51:24 PM
To all those people worried that you're locked into a contract, look again at your contract. Vodafone have broken the contract themselves by not supplying the service agreed to in the contract. You should join the class action or go to the TIO, citing breach of contract by Vodafone.
2637 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is often at 27 Dec 2010 01:51:06 PM
Well My partner and I have two services with Vodafone. we have had them for almost a year now. We moved down to melbourne recently and (almost 3 months ago) and the service drops out, no coverage and I tried contacting the Service center on different occassions but couldnt wait on the line for longer than half an hour and still not get through. I however got through to them once after 3 hours of atempts and the reason I was so persistant was because my partners handset got stolen. I tried 4 times and waited different times, the successful one was for 48 minutes. By then , I was so frustrated I couldnt even complain about my the network connection. Look i love the rates Vodafone offer but since moving down to Victoria I just am very frustrated with the signal and their customer service.
2636 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extremely poor at 27 Dec 2010 01:51:06 PM
I have recently been overseas and took my I phone with me as it was on a plan i activated international roaming and set off, After the ridiculously high invoices i started to receive i went to a vodafail store in London to unlock my phone and they told me to call Australia Vodafail to unlock it which i did to have them tell me that they couldn't but i could do it on there website which i did at a cost of $20.00.
After a couple of day's my phone was still locked so i called Australia Vodafail and they said they couldn't help me and that it would probably take a few more days so i waited, After a couple of day's my phone was still locked so i called Australia Vodafail again and they said they will try to unlock my phone after all i had been through over the phone which again was a fail.
After many hours of calling Vodafail Australia from London which i was paying them for and telling my story to people who's english was not fluent and had trouble understanding me i decided to pay 25 pounds to unlock my phone at a electronic store which worked for a couple of weeks, Then my I phone started freezing so i took it back and they wanted to charge me for it so i told them where to go and went somewhere else and they said that whoever unlocked my phone has damaged it and i said great after all that my new I phone is worthless.
If Vodafail had of unbarred my phone like there website informed me after i had paid the $20.00 i would have saved money on my phone,phone bills and still have my I phone working properly and most importantly saved many hours of my time and unnecessary stress.
If vodafone reads this and wants to rectify my situation feel free to contact me via email at or if this site feels that they can help me it would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards and great work for this web page finally someone with the brains to show big corporations that they can't get away with the rubbish they try to pull on us all.
After a couple of day's my phone was still locked so i called Australia Vodafail and they said they couldn't help me and that it would probably take a few more days so i waited, After a couple of day's my phone was still locked so i called Australia Vodafail again and they said they will try to unlock my phone after all i had been through over the phone which again was a fail.
After many hours of calling Vodafail Australia from London which i was paying them for and telling my story to people who's english was not fluent and had trouble understanding me i decided to pay 25 pounds to unlock my phone at a electronic store which worked for a couple of weeks, Then my I phone started freezing so i took it back and they wanted to charge me for it so i told them where to go and went somewhere else and they said that whoever unlocked my phone has damaged it and i said great after all that my new I phone is worthless.
If Vodafail had of unbarred my phone like there website informed me after i had paid the $20.00 i would have saved money on my phone,phone bills and still have my I phone working properly and most importantly saved many hours of my time and unnecessary stress.
If vodafone reads this and wants to rectify my situation feel free to contact me via email at or if this site feels that they can help me it would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards and great work for this web page finally someone with the brains to show big corporations that they can't get away with the rubbish they try to pull on us all.
2635 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Third World Country Service at 27 Dec 2010 01:50:49 PM
Ive been with vodafone since may 2010 i regret switching from optus to vodafone because:
- Poor customer service
- Long wait to get through to Customer Care
- Calls Drop Out
- Messages delayed (sending & receiving)
- UNCLEAR charges!!
I was sent out a bill for 90 dollars for the month of may paid the bill on time than my service was disconnected in November as 40 dollars was apparently overdue.. Not knowing what this 40 dollars was for i called customer care (waited 3 hours to get through to someone) and i was informed that someone had mistakenly paid 40 dollars on my account and that they sent me a bill for the wrong amount and that they had transferred the 40 dollars to the person who "accidentally" made the payment on my bill.. But i was not notified of this until i contacted them in regards to my service been cut off which was 6 months later!! NOT GOOD ENOUGH!! how can someone "accidentally" make a payment on my bill when i have my own account number and personal details and security code!!
- Poor customer service
- Long wait to get through to Customer Care
- Calls Drop Out
- Messages delayed (sending & receiving)
- UNCLEAR charges!!
I was sent out a bill for 90 dollars for the month of may paid the bill on time than my service was disconnected in November as 40 dollars was apparently overdue.. Not knowing what this 40 dollars was for i called customer care (waited 3 hours to get through to someone) and i was informed that someone had mistakenly paid 40 dollars on my account and that they sent me a bill for the wrong amount and that they had transferred the 40 dollars to the person who "accidentally" made the payment on my bill.. But i was not notified of this until i contacted them in regards to my service been cut off which was 6 months later!! NOT GOOD ENOUGH!! how can someone "accidentally" make a payment on my bill when i have my own account number and personal details and security code!!
2634 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is MMS and Voicemail at 27 Dec 2010 01:50:18 PM
Send MMS to friends for them to not recieve them and then I still get charged for it? What a joke. Also I don't receive my Voicemail messages until the next day? What's the point of that? Get your act together Vodafone, don't you make enough millions of $ in profit a year to keep to your word and be a reliable phone company? *sigh*
2633 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 01:50:12 PM
I switched from 3 to Vodaphone about in October 2010 after complaining to 3 for months and months about their terrible service - no reception and call dropping out costing em a fortune in mobile calls from my landline. Until about 2 weeks ago the Vodafone reception was bearable but now it is the same as 3. Hutchinsons owns 3 and Vodafone so I know who should be sued.
2632 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is worse than ever at 27 Dec 2010 01:50:07 PM
Since they have takenover 3 Network our service area from 3 has dropped and we are not getting the service that we pay for
2631 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is badly at 27 Dec 2010 01:49:21 PM
Been with Vodafone now for 4 months and was waiting for the so-called software bugs to be fixed, but nothing has changed. I'm having bad reception at home (despite being within the boundaries of their coverage map, at least for GSM & Edge), constant call drop-outs everywhere despite bars on my iPhone showing good signal strength and often even 3G availability. In inner city areas like Newtown (Sydney) there is often no reception at all and (above ground) train rides are notorious for lack of network connectivity. 3G overall is a joke; even in the city and areas where a strong signal is indicated it's pretty useless; there's often no data reception at all.
Just put my name down to potentially join the class action against the company, plus gonna lodge a complaint with the Ombudsman and will try to get out of contract and get compensation.
Just put my name down to potentially join the class action against the company, plus gonna lodge a complaint with the Ombudsman and will try to get out of contract and get compensation.
2630 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is FAILS! at 27 Dec 2010 01:49:18 PM
I have been a customer of Vodafone for 10 years PLUS, always payed my bills within a respectable time bracket and never really had any issues until now. I have just discovered that my latest contract of 24 months has mysteriously gained another 3 months on top of the 24 months. I have gone into their stores and repeatedly asked for some assistance, but I do not receieve any calls etc...NOTHING. (Trying to get onto a customer service rep is a nightmare too) As far as im concerned, this is ILLEGAL and I will be trying to take this further! I too suffer from POOR reception and can only stand in one part of my home to make and/or receieve calls..Vodafone, ARE YOU SERIOUS???
2629 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Service is Shit. at 27 Dec 2010 01:48:47 PM
My problem with Vodafone is the customer service. For one simple issue I tried to call them for one week and still was not able to speak to a human being to solve my problem except waithng on hold for up to 1 hour at one time only to find out my call was cut off by "lara". I hate her!!! It should not always be about making more and more. I want to be able to speak to a customer service representative instead this computer bitch called "Lara".
2628 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Megafail at 27 Dec 2010 01:48:32 PM
My internet connect is pathetic, one or no bars normal. My credit card not accepted when i tried to recaharge over the net. The vouchers have been 75% dodgey, which means going back it the vodafone stall just to have them tell you to ring it in. Being put on hold with customer service just to run out of credit on my mobile phone. Oh and my presonal favourite...not being able to access my account even thought i know the password and the six digit pin!
2627 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Hopeless at 27 Dec 2010 01:48:13 PM
Drop-outs missed calls and SMS taking from 2 hours to a couple of days in the Brisbane metro area WHAT SERVICE Vodafail
2626 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Totally Useless and Ridicilous at 27 Dec 2010 01:48:09 PM
Vodafone is absolute crap. Been on hold for 1 hour and could not understand what the person at the other end was even saying. I use to get 2-3 Bars 3G Reception in my area, and in the last 2 months or so its slowly going down. (0-1 Bar 3G) or sometimes 1 Bar 2G. >.< This is annoying. I hate vodafone. Ill be going telstra.
2625 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 01:47:54 PM
Vodafone advertise that all calls from vodafone to vodafone and 3 (since merger) are free. However I still get charged everytime I call my daughter on 3. When I asked vodafone to explain they said if my daughter needs to sign up on a new contract and then I won't get charged. Clearly false advertising if you ask me.
2624 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Total Fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:47:43 PM
Bad reception, can't use internet properly, calls drop out, expensive plan, deceiving plans, tried to log in to myvodafone account (have done this every month for 1.5years to see my account balance< etc) and all of a sudden it says my p/w is incorrect and I need to call them. Now I've been forced to try and get through to someone just to see how much I'm using my phone and the charges etc. Total joke.
2623 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:47:39 PM
I signed uped for 24 months vodafone mobile broadband plan but it's very slow, sometime slower than dialup. Got 6GB but it seems like vodafone automatically decreases my download limit even i don't use it at all. It's abosolutely ridiculous.
2622 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is disappointing at 27 Dec 2010 01:47:35 PM
I am an call community nurse and I am heavyly relying on my phone, and it is disappointing that 80% of the time I have no reception or very poor reception. Last few days I have had no reception at all and I can not recieve incoming calls which means I am loosing my income. My workplace is not able to contact me nor am I able to contact them, therefore they replace me by calling other staff. I was involved in a road accident and due to the lack of reception I was unable to make an emergency call. Vodafone failed me and dissapointed me miserably.
2621 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 01:47:22 PM
i sent my son a mms on christmas and he still hasnt recieved it but i've been charged for it
hes with vodapone to the service is just rubbish i have to mobiles one voda and on 3 ....3 very good so will be sticking to them
hes with vodapone to the service is just rubbish i have to mobiles one voda and on 3 ....3 very good so will be sticking to them
27 Dec 2010 02:38:58 PM: vodafone and 3 mobile are now 1 company so to speak!
2620 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Abysmal at 27 Dec 2010 01:47:21 PM
We're a business who's been with vodaphone for 3 years. We've got 20 phones through their service via a reseller. In the last 4 to 5 months, drop outs and poor coverage have become increasingly problematic. At least one in every two is cut off during the call.
With recent inquiries via the reseller, they admitted that there was a failed software upgrade with 3G which caused widespread issues across the vodaphone network. We're in discussions with the reseller to end our contract prematurely which they seem to believe will not be an issue. We suggest people force the point to end their contracts without penalty.
With recent inquiries via the reseller, they admitted that there was a failed software upgrade with 3G which caused widespread issues across the vodaphone network. We're in discussions with the reseller to end our contract prematurely which they seem to believe will not be an issue. We suggest people force the point to end their contracts without penalty.
2619 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is spending too much on advertising and nowhere enough on core services at 27 Dec 2010 01:47:05 PM
Live at Noosa Heads on Sunshine Coast in Queensland. Despite maps showing good coverage for the region (phone/txt), don't be fooled. Coverage is worse than bad in many built-up areas with continually fluctuating signal strength and regular drop-outs. Problems appear to have increased significantly in recent months. And don't get me started on their website; its as unreliable as the network coverage.
Company has taken its eye off the ball.........too much advertising for new customers and have forgot about the ones they already have (who likely won't be staying around for much longer!! Shame really)
Company has taken its eye off the ball.........too much advertising for new customers and have forgot about the ones they already have (who likely won't be staying around for much longer!! Shame really)
2618 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is extreme fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:47:01 PM
Drop outs constantly! My phone broke twice (not there fault) but they refused to fix it! Told me its not worth it!! Then wouldnt let me out of my contract when I got crappy about it!! Still with them until the end of Jan!
2617 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is about as good as a hole in the head at 27 Dec 2010 01:47:01 PM
my phone got stolen , i had six months left on my contract...first i was told i could upgrade for free then when i tried they made me pay out my contract to get a new Phone. These people do nothing but LIE to you
2616 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is massive at 27 Dec 2010 01:46:58 PM
I signed up with vodafone over 2 years ago on the promise that I'd get 3g phone and internet within 6 months...that dragged out to a year then 18 months. 3g finally arrived but the internet showed only minimal improvement and the phone none. In the past 4 - 6 months the internet has become slower than dial up (it took almost 10 min to load this page), continually drops out and often tries to reconnect to the gprs network (which it occasionally succeeds in doing despite the settings on 3g only). The phone is supposed to connect to the internet but I rarely succeed as it can't find a reliable I'm paying for something I am unable to access due to vodafone network issues. I feel deceived and ripped off!
2615 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Sick of pre-paid dropouts GOLD COAST at 27 Dec 2010 01:46:49 PM
I am bloody sick of dropouts and bad reception, i'm talking 1 bar maximum on reception, has been ridiculous.
The blackberry is constantly on SOS calls only, or simply "Network Not Found"
I am in Beenleigh which is a pretty central place, just north of Gold Coast, and this has been happening for almost a year.
When will they actually start providing a service that EXISTS!?! I am switching to Telstra soon as I cannot cope with not being able to actually make or receieve phone calls.
The blackberry is constantly on SOS calls only, or simply "Network Not Found"
I am in Beenleigh which is a pretty central place, just north of Gold Coast, and this has been happening for almost a year.
When will they actually start providing a service that EXISTS!?! I am switching to Telstra soon as I cannot cope with not being able to actually make or receieve phone calls.
28 Dec 2010 12:46:10 AM: I'm an Idependent ACN Representative,I understand how everyone are totally dissatisfied with the Vodafone phone, internet and customer service qualities. Our ACN customer services are incredible. You can reach them less than 10 mins pratically everytime. They are fast and effiecient and never transfer your call unlike Telstra or Optus as I heard, If you want to know more about us, contact me in my email at I loves to turn UNHAPPY customer to HAPPY customer.
2614 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Help response at 27 Dec 2010 01:46:43 PM
The 1555 help line keeps you on hold for hours. If you complain via email you get a standard automated response after a few days saying sorry for the delay and we assume because we have been so long in replying you have fixed the problem another way by now!This has happened to me twice. My Vodafone to Vodafone minutes do not work, the time is taken from my outstanding pre-paid credit.
2613 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is an epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:46:06 PM
I went to Vodafone last year and thought they were awesome! Looks like Ill be heading back to Optus now, this is stupid, no service anywhere in my house, calls dont come through at all, but then 5 hours lates it sends me a voicemail msg for a call I never even received! Its stupid, alot of my family lives in other states, and my mobile is the main method of contact!
28 Dec 2010 09:49:39 AM: My sisters and boyfriend are with vodaphone and the majority of the time I call them it goes straight to voicemail, yet they never get a missed call on their phones. It is a waste of my money and frustrating for me so I can only imagine your pain. Optus is the way to go!
29 Dec 2010 03:35:17 AM: My sister often gets 20 sms's all in a row, come through at 3am or some other inconvenient time. Like they are saving them up for funsies!
Often she doesnt get them for a couple of days after they were sent also.
Often she doesnt get them for a couple of days after they were sent also.
2612 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is crap at 27 Dec 2010 01:45:54 PM
i live in rouse hill and i travel along old windsor rd to parramatta then from parramatta to burwood everyday.
should have pretty good coverage huh? not really. there is a 5km stretch on old windsor rd where i have no service and for the rest of the trip its laughable.
get into parramatta and i can sit there and wait for a page to load when i surf the web. fair enoough im gonna wait when im using 3g, but im talking minutes for a simple lightweight page.
im sick of it and i want out. i pay good money for a service i dont get.
should have pretty good coverage huh? not really. there is a 5km stretch on old windsor rd where i have no service and for the rest of the trip its laughable.
get into parramatta and i can sit there and wait for a page to load when i surf the web. fair enoough im gonna wait when im using 3g, but im talking minutes for a simple lightweight page.
im sick of it and i want out. i pay good money for a service i dont get.
27 Dec 2010 03:34:12 PM: yes rouse hill is the WORST area!!!
27 Dec 2010 05:19:58 PM: could not agree more. I asked when I went into Voda phone if they covered Kellyville because I had no signal with previous provider. They checked their "maps" and "Yes you have full coverage". No coverage, gave up complaining because they came up with every excuse under the sun, so have had to reconnect land line so i have a phone at home
28 Dec 2010 12:32:35 AM: Norwest Business Park is crap also, so much for doing business in a business district on vodafone!
28 Dec 2010 06:24:46 AM: Try Punchbowl too... looks like nowhere has service
28 Dec 2010 05:29:04 PM: Go further up Windsor Road - Kurrajong, Blaxlands Ridge, Glossodia - ALL laughable coverage!! YET when they sell you the plans they say... FULL COVERAGE!
28 Dec 2010 05:36:22 PM: I'm on the 15th floor of an office towe in the middle of Sydney CBD and can guarantee that my coverage reception is as poor as anything in Rouse HIll or alaong Windsor Road. I've even been as high as level 42 in our building with little improvement. When I finally escalated my complaints to Vodafone's Telecommunication Industry Ombudsmen department, the customer service rep had to ask for my land line number as she had previously attempted to call me 3times (striaght through to voicemail) and felt the the current call was breaking up so badly that she was going to drop out.
28 Dec 2010 08:55:51 PM: yes, i agreed with yoou all. I live in Rouse Hill/Stanhope here & my fone dropped out every single time I have a fone call. VODAFONE is so suck!!!
2611 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Really bad at 27 Dec 2010 01:45:53 PM
Ongoing network issues,i livevin da city so network shld b really gd, nd updates of yre BAL it gives you an incorrect amount,so u use your ph based on the info they give you. But then its wrong so youre billed for their mistake..... Not fair and i have just signed up for 2 years....... NOT GOOD....
2610 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is not good at 27 Dec 2010 01:45:52 PM
bought new phone in freemantle after forgetting my phone, after having my partner call policeearlier after thinking I something had happened to me when I hadn't phone and she was unable to call me. Turns out I was thirty minutes off being placed as missing person, my family had been informed something had happened and had faxed through photos to police. My mum has bad heart condition and it was three days later before her heart started to calm. This was due to no optus signal, I was told by vodafone that I would have no problems anywhere in NSW and in fact australi in general. I was also promised 100 free text and free internet for 6 weeks, I was charged from start for services I didn't want. I should have known better after door to store was opened 10 minutes late and then when opened sales lady let door slam in my face, no apology. She also wrote wrong number down for new phone and I passed on this number to friends and employees of mine that might need to contact me.
Returning to NSW found signal not as I was told and travelling through NSW no signal, have bought a Terlstra phone but am stuck with vodafone contract that they won;t release., have tried ringing them many times but all I do is waste excessive amounts of time and end up getting nowhere.
Inability to contact me was costing me money so had to get telstra phone.;
Returning to NSW found signal not as I was told and travelling through NSW no signal, have bought a Terlstra phone but am stuck with vodafone contract that they won;t release., have tried ringing them many times but all I do is waste excessive amounts of time and end up getting nowhere.
Inability to contact me was costing me money so had to get telstra phone.;
2609 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is it's a shocker at 27 Dec 2010 01:45:51 PM
Incoming calls go straight to my voicemail and outgoing calls often fail.
Have given up calling Vodafones "customer service", they are not able to offer any solutions at all.
Have given up calling Vodafones "customer service", they are not able to offer any solutions at all.
2608 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Kind of epic at 27 Dec 2010 01:45:35 PM
Just annoyed that where I live there is network coverage but every now and then I seem to get none what-so-ever. Also really frustrated by the fact that approx. every 2 days I'm always charging my battery. Just saying.
2607 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Total at 27 Dec 2010 01:45:31 PM
After battling with a Vodafone mobile and wireless internet service for many months of call dropout and abysmal download speed I gave up and went to Telstra. As much as I hate paying through the nose for Telstra plans at least they work.Vodafone are good on the promotional glitz and have a good website but apart from that forget it.
2606 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is King of Fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:45:27 PM
Stuck in a contract that I'm not happy with. From the first day I went on the iphone plan I am lucky to have 1 bar. My calls drop out for no reason. No network comes up on my phone, WTF? I pay $79 a month... and I have no network? What a joke. So when the call drops out, I have to redial and what to you know? Another connection fee. Really f#$king disappointed. Oh and just to add to more insult they have done something to my login on their website so now I can't check my usage. I called them to speak to someone, an hour and 38 minutes later it hung up on me! VODAFONE... you suck balls.
2605 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Maybe fails at 27 Dec 2010 01:43:42 PM
One of my daughters and I are both vodaphone users. Reading the complaints I am wondering if Vodaphone alleged poor services may be in part responible got the recent deepening rift between us. Daughter has accused me of not picking up calls or responding to texts. After a conversation cut in at a heated point the first contact I have had was a texted Christmas Greeting at 11.55PM on Christmas Day. Was very hurt but noe I am wondering????
2604 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No coverage at 27 Dec 2010 01:43:39 PM
Have no coverage most days in my house!! Only on occasions do a get little coverage, until it cuts out! Will change back to telstra when my contract ends!!!
2603 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is BAD at 27 Dec 2010 01:43:35 PM
Signal drops out without warning and can be gone for 24hrs. have to turn phone off then on to get signal back (sometimes).get charged for internet when have not used it.
2602 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 27 Dec 2010 01:43:07 PM
I've been putting up with Vodafail for 2 years now. At home on the Northern Beach, my iPhone constantly drops out. I work in the city, with uninterrupted views over the harbour, and struggle to get a signal. When I'm travelling on the bus through the CBD, there are black spots everywhere. Every single time I look at my phone it has the message telling me I've got no signal. I'll be switching over to another provider early in the new year when I get a new work phone. I'll never use Vodafail again. It's unbelievable how bad they are.
2601 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is not as good as it used to be at 27 Dec 2010 01:43:05 PM
I've been with Vodafone for about 18 months now. The service was fine - great, actually - until about six months ago. I live in an a metro area of the Gold Coast which used to get about 3-5 bars of 3G reception. For the most part it worked fine and provided acceptable service. Then almost overnight, everything changed. I now get about 0-2 bars and data is an absolute pain. I thought it might've been my handset but after testing different handsets with different sim cards, the problem was clear. Unfortunately the issue isn't isolated, as reception everywhere in general is rubbish. 2G on the other hand is fine, however is pretty slow for data... particularly when connected via GPRS. This isn't what I paid for. I never thought I'd say it, but it seems Vodafone is WORSE than Droptus. in six months time (if I can last that long) I'll absolutely be joining Telstra.
2600 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Poor at 27 Dec 2010 01:42:55 PM
Dropped calls, poor or zero coverage in excellent Telstra coverage areas. Massively delayed voicemail messages - does not live up to promises made to gain contract. Very disappaointed, however still 12 months to go on contract - I won't be renewing with Vodaphone unless things change for the better.
2599 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 1000% at 27 Dec 2010 01:42:51 PM
tHE net work suxxxxx'zzzzz they rip you off!! take your money and provide you with nothing!!
2598 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is The absolute worst if the worst at 27 Dec 2010 01:42:51 PM
No reception. Late messages which come in bulk, sometimes day late. Calls drop out all the time. Constantly have to turn phone off and on again to get reception! Can hardly use net cause of no reception! Grrrrrrrrrb
2596 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor coverage at 27 Dec 2010 01:42:31 PM
Poor coverage whilst at home, when I am out, my calls drop out, customers say they leave me voice messages and I would only get 50 % of the voice messages that are left on my phone. Since purchasing my ipone back in April, my phone has gone back for repairs twice. It is not the phone that is the problem, it is the provider.Unfortunately I am stuck with Vodafone for another year as I have a 2 year contract.
2595 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 10 at 27 Dec 2010 01:42:24 PM
was told iphone was suffering, and a new phone would be needed, got a new plan 24/12/10 only to get the exact same reception from vodafone. have tried to call them about this service, but cant get past "lara" and the one day i did manage to get past her, was on hold for 34 minutes before i simply hung up. reception is poor, data speed is poor, customer service is poor.
2594 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very Poor at 27 Dec 2010 01:42:10 PM
Continous drop outs when on phone, poor coverage outside metro area's, received voice messages 4 days late it took for me to ring Vodaphone and then put on hold for 30 minutes to get a response that this only affected IPhones then suprisingly 2 minutes later i get 7 voice messages, customer service very poor.
2593 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Useless in every aspect at 27 Dec 2010 01:41:59 PM
Have a mobile phone with them crappy service.I signed up for mobile broadband was told a had a 10 day cooling off period, tried to take it back arfter three days ...ended up in a 3 month ordeal with them over it.sent it back told i would NOT be charged anything for it ....yeah 2 months later i was still be charged for it, arfter countless phone calls and LIES , i had to get the TIO involved - bottom line is DO NOT sign up for anything with this company!!!!
2592 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is totaly Useless at 27 Dec 2010 01:41:32 PM
Have a mobile phone with them crappy service.I signed up for mobile broadband was told a had a 10 day cooling off period, tried to take it back arfter three days ...ended up in a 3 month ordeal with them over it.sent it back told i would NOT be charged anything for it ....yeah 2 months later i was still be charged for it, arfter countless phone calls and LIES , i had to get the TIO involved - bottom line is DO NOT sign up for anything with this company!!!!
2591 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Poor reception less than 30km south east from Melbourne at 27 Dec 2010 01:41:14 PM
Very embarrassing answering a mobile in Endeavour Hills. The reception drops in and out and often the call is lost within the first minute. The performance has remained unsatisfactory for over 6 months now and their solution was to give me a new simcard. Poor call reception problems continue.
2590 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is totaly Useless at 27 Dec 2010 01:40:56 PM
Have a mobile phone with them crappy service.I signed up for mobile broadband was told a had a 10 day cooling off period, tried to take it back arfter three days ...ended up in a 3 month ordeal with them over it.sent it back told i would NOT be charged anything for it ....yeah 2 months later i was still be charged for it, arfter countless phone calls and LIES , i had to get the TIO involved - bottom line is DO NOT sign up for anything with this company!!!!
2589 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 01:40:51 PM
im sick of my reception dropping out and not being able to understand the call centre i want to speak to an australian im sick of my phone dropping out all the time and i live fairly close to the tower i left vodapone years ago and went to another service ( Great ) but decided to give vodapone another chance when i found out they had put a new tower in our town ... great now im still stuck with poor service for the next two years i cant just go into a shop for help there is no back up here like in the cities
2588 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 01:40:47 PM
I can't even get reception in my own home. I have to wander all around my house to find enough reception even to send an sms... my phone dies almost everyday due to it constantly having to search for a network, I am at my wits end!!! Enough Vodafone!! Do your job!!! As soon as my contract expires I will be returning to my previous phone company.
2587 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Shithouse at 27 Dec 2010 01:39:28 PM
Also, it took 10 days to even get connected after receiving my handset. Every day they said "it should work later today, just wait a few hours."
2586 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is shiocking at 27 Dec 2010 01:39:25 PM
My Fiancee try s to call me and my VODAFAIL just goes straight to voicemail, which is quite annoying.
Thinking of leaving because it doesn't deliver the service required.
Thinking of leaving because it doesn't deliver the service required.
2585 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is I'm looking at going to telstra! at 27 Dec 2010 01:39:22 PM
I have been a loyal vodafone customer for 8 yrs and in the past 3 yrs the service just seems to get worse and worse. I run a buisness from my phone and a lot of the time i never recieve a call only a msg ring to check my voicemail messages. What really pisses me off is that i count on my phone ringing to recieve the call so that way i can assure the customer of my service and in turn book them in, with the phone not even ringing i lose the job to another supplier so it costs me money. I have rang vodafone several times only to be told it is a national issue and will be fixed asap, well it never gets fixed and when i do ask for some form of compensation they say they will get back to me once they have talked to their supervisor which never happens. Enough is enough vodafone admit your mistakes and compensate the people who pay you good money for a failed service!
27 Dec 2010 06:54:19 PM: Join the dark side and come to telstra, it's better! Need any advise on network or price call telstra port Melbourne store, good service there.
28 Dec 2010 04:59:08 PM: Come to my place with your Telstra trash. No service, Vodafone full service 24/7.
Small coutry Vic town supposedly covered by Telstra and Optus, but both have no service at my home. Only Vodafone delivers!
Small coutry Vic town supposedly covered by Telstra and Optus, but both have no service at my home. Only Vodafone delivers!
28 Dec 2010 06:08:59 PM: Rule # 1 You get what you pay for. All you Vodafone users (losers?) signed up to Vodafone because it was cheaper than Telstra and now you're all "boo hoo, the coverage and service isnt any good". Wake up. Your getting exactly the cheap unreliable service you paid for. All wanted to get an iphone NOW, but Tesltra was too expensive. Too bad, so sad, enjoying the cheap cost now ???
28 Dec 2010 09:28:36 PM: rule #2 If you have to be a nasty prick do it on your own web site....Telstra wanker!
28 Dec 2010 10:41:50 PM: Don't even get me started on Telstra money I just paid big money to get out of a ridiculous contract with them, finally got my number out of phone number quarantine (W T .... ) signed up with Vodafone and its just as useless only cheaper
2584 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Hopeless at 27 Dec 2010 01:39:12 PM
I live in a new subdivision with no reception, I have to wave the phone around to get even one bar. Also cannot access my account online. Vodafone is a joke. Not happy Jan, not happy at all
2583 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Slow texts/Outsourcing Customer Service at 27 Dec 2010 01:38:58 PM
Texts are extremely slow to be received by someone else also on a Vodafone network!
They only appear a few hours later or the next day!
I used to be able to talk to customer service within Australia and not have to wait that long.
Its the longest wait in the world to talk to someone that sounds like they are in India or China!
Can't understand a word they are saying with their thick accent or would have to use simple terms and/or words to explain the issue or problem.
They only appear a few hours later or the next day!
I used to be able to talk to customer service within Australia and not have to wait that long.
Its the longest wait in the world to talk to someone that sounds like they are in India or China!
Can't understand a word they are saying with their thick accent or would have to use simple terms and/or words to explain the issue or problem.
2582 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Becoming decidedly & noticeably worse! at 27 Dec 2010 01:38:28 PM
Message sent to vodafone, let's see what the response will be: "I have been experiencing worsening reception issues in recent times around Melbourne generally but particularly in the center of Rosebud on the Mornington Peninsular in Victoria where reception is almost non existant any longer whereas it was perfectly fine previously. It is important to me as I travel and spend time in Rosebud and therefore am wondering why this has occurred, whether it was simply a technical issue that will be resolved very quickly or what the cause is for the decline in service because otherwise I fear will have to change providers."
2581 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No Service! at 27 Dec 2010 01:38:21 PM
In the last 4 weeks I suddenly have no service at my house. When I called them they made me reset factory settings. This worked for about 5 minutes, long enough to get off the phone to them. I then wrote an email of complaint. I got back an email with some crap copy and pasted from their website, which of course did not answer my question as to why suddenly now I do not have service at my house. It is frustrating, especially when this is my only way to contact people. I want out of my contract with them as there is no point being on a capped plan, when I can't use it at home!
27 Dec 2010 06:57:59 PM: Had the same thing happen to me, not only at my house but in my whole town! get out of your contract and switch telcos, because they wont bother to fix it. I know ten other people in my town it happened to, all complaining at the same time, adn we were all being told that there were no other reported problems and that coverage should be fine. Dont wait for them to fix it, just go!
2580 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Shithouse. at 27 Dec 2010 01:37:48 PM
Poor reception in the inner city and non-existant reception any further than the burbs. Typical call drop out or "call failed" bullshit. And I don't think I've ever managed to get a webpage to load in under 5mins (even mobile optimized sites). iPhone keeps bugging me with "could not activate cellular network" every 2 seconds. joined in november. such regret.
2579 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Poor coverage at 27 Dec 2010 01:37:40 PM
Terrible coverage in Robe whilst on holidays
2578 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is a last resort at 27 Dec 2010 01:37:01 PM
Bought $900 phone outright for prepaid service. Can not get reception inside my house, have to sit in the middle of my back yard. Had to call an ambulance for my mother and it was raining outside ... phone now broken from water damage :) yay
2577 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is 10 at 27 Dec 2010 01:36:35 PM
I was with 3 with awesome coverage and my phone plan was up. When I went in, the 3/vodafone dealer said that they were combining the networks and I would bet the same coverage if not better now in Tas. It took 5 days for my new phone to activate on a plan (so no phone access), I have very limited coverage now resulting in me having to get a home phone just to be contacted by people. My phone drops out of calls every 6.30 minutes and noone can tell me why, when I am standing in places with great reception (which is rare). I wish I had stayed with my old phone and 3. This phone plan, resepsion and service is so bad I am considering getting rid of it and going to telstra!!!!!!!!
2576 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is up s***ts creek without a paddle at 27 Dec 2010 01:36:27 PM
my computer goes offline every couple of minutes making it hard to do anything. when i was doing my christmas shopping i lost so many items on ebay because when i'd put in a last minute bid it would go offline at the most important moment. even putting this on the website i had to do it 3 times. i'm fed up!!!! i still have 1 year on my contract but i don't know if i can last that long. help us!!!
2575 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:36:17 PM
Been with vodafone for years, moved to 3G cos it was the latest "Thing" absolute disaster, they ended up cancelling my contract but still charged me $932 or something for the phone.
Moved back to vodafone and was with them once again for years, always happy with them, was on the one month contract thing.
Then Vodafone called me and offered me a new phone for signing a contract, i thought about it and thought well, it is convenient, i dont have the money but is about time for a new phone.
Untill this point, i had always provided my own phone.
When they called back the next day i said yes, deal was done and first phone they sent was a heap of crap, keep missing all my incoming calls and have to call everyone back which caused me to go over my cap, next phone they sent had exactly the same issue's and almost went over my cap again, and lost a lot of business cos i couldnt afford to call people back.....
Third phone they sent me worked well, used it for 3 months then started having issues, so now use a phone my mate gave me.
Now i use a phone that has just as many issues as the one i had and im stuck with a contract.
Cant wait for Contract to end so i can move over to ACN
Moved back to vodafone and was with them once again for years, always happy with them, was on the one month contract thing.
Then Vodafone called me and offered me a new phone for signing a contract, i thought about it and thought well, it is convenient, i dont have the money but is about time for a new phone.
Untill this point, i had always provided my own phone.
When they called back the next day i said yes, deal was done and first phone they sent was a heap of crap, keep missing all my incoming calls and have to call everyone back which caused me to go over my cap, next phone they sent had exactly the same issue's and almost went over my cap again, and lost a lot of business cos i couldnt afford to call people back.....
Third phone they sent me worked well, used it for 3 months then started having issues, so now use a phone my mate gave me.
Now i use a phone that has just as many issues as the one i had and im stuck with a contract.
Cant wait for Contract to end so i can move over to ACN
2574 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 01:36:13 PM
I have been a customer of Vodafone for many years and over the past few months it is impossible to send a message, receive a call, also the delay in receiving messages and the battery is flat continually even though I have a reasonable new phone, and use it very little (because it doesn't work). Hopeless to say the least
2573 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bad at 27 Dec 2010 01:36:04 PM
I get poor reception, even in Sydney, talking on the phone and then it drops out. I have a blackberry and have very inconsistent recption and emails and texts go missing.
2572 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Total nightmare at 27 Dec 2010 01:35:54 PM
my 3G internet is currently connecting at 3G for 1 minute and then cuts to dial up for 30 mins. I can't connect to 3G any longer. Called customer service and I get a disconnect message. Has the call center shut shop???? I want out of my contract this is madness. What a stupid company, listen to your customers and do something about this - or go under!!!
2571 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extreme! at 27 Dec 2010 01:35:52 PM
2 years ago, I decided to get a new phone on contract with vodaphone (my previous phone was stolen after my house was robbed...btw, it was also under a vodafail contract and they wouldn't redeem the insurance that had been paid for over the last one and a half years because a crook climbing through an already broken window and taking things is apparently my fault and is considered as me 'leaving my phone in a public place'.)
But I digress. I went on the cheapest plan at the time, which was something like $49. I knew I could easily pay it even though I was only working weekends. After a few days, I relish in the amazing (at the time) web browser on the phone. I didn't want to go too much over the $49 cap so I used it very sparringly, thinking that the downloads would cost the same as other companies (12c p/mb). I literally downloaded one song and checked my facebook twice a day but never looked at pictures or made posts.
A month later, my first bill comes in and it's $578. That's a lot of money when you're a 19 year old student.
I promptly called vodaphone and soon found out that they were actually charging me 12c per KILOBYTE! It takes 8kb for google to load up on my phones browser so that's about ONE DOLLAR to load up the google homepage!!
I then get a call a couple of days later and the vodadrone asked me if I wanted to add a mobile internet service for an extra $10 per month in which I would receive 20mb of internet data and when I go over the 20mb limit, I will only be charged 12c per MB. I don't think I've screamed at anyone more in my life.
2 years on, I'm 21 and owe vodafail over $1000.
They're not getting a single cent.
But I digress. I went on the cheapest plan at the time, which was something like $49. I knew I could easily pay it even though I was only working weekends. After a few days, I relish in the amazing (at the time) web browser on the phone. I didn't want to go too much over the $49 cap so I used it very sparringly, thinking that the downloads would cost the same as other companies (12c p/mb). I literally downloaded one song and checked my facebook twice a day but never looked at pictures or made posts.
A month later, my first bill comes in and it's $578. That's a lot of money when you're a 19 year old student.
I promptly called vodaphone and soon found out that they were actually charging me 12c per KILOBYTE! It takes 8kb for google to load up on my phones browser so that's about ONE DOLLAR to load up the google homepage!!
I then get a call a couple of days later and the vodadrone asked me if I wanted to add a mobile internet service for an extra $10 per month in which I would receive 20mb of internet data and when I go over the 20mb limit, I will only be charged 12c per MB. I don't think I've screamed at anyone more in my life.
2 years on, I'm 21 and owe vodafail over $1000.
They're not getting a single cent.
27 Dec 2010 06:19:04 PM: I feel your pain I was on a $49 cap my first bill came it was for $5000.I aint paying a cent either.
2570 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Frustrating at 27 Dec 2010 01:35:08 PM
My internet suck big time. Was told by customer service that they would resolve the issue before Xmas.. Well till now, I get disconnected so often... Very frustrating and pissed off.. Will definitely change to other provider in a few months..
2569 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is next to useless at 27 Dec 2010 01:35:02 PM
count me in. I live very close to darwin town centre 5-6 blocks, and i can't get reception in my house - have to put the phone on the balcony. Went home to Canberra for a visit and in Yarralumla could not get reception in my father's house. In the end i got telstra (don't get me started on their problems) where at least i got reception
2568 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 01:34:52 PM
have to go ouside to use mobile and get charged for droped out calls
2567 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is next to useless at 27 Dec 2010 01:34:28 PM
count me in. I live very close to darwin town centre 5-6 blocks, and i can't get reception in my house - have to put the phone on the balcony. Went home to Canberra for a visit and in Yarralumla could not get reception in my father's house. In the end i got telstra (don't get me started on their problems) where at least i go reception
2566 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 01:34:26 PM
Just saw a news story on this, thought I'd share my pain. I have been with telestra all my life until I got an iPhone 2 years ago. Since swapping to an iPhone I changed networks as vodephone had the the cheapest deals. Since changing network, I no longer get reception in my office and even most areas of my house. Message's can take 48 hours to appear in my message bank so frequently that I have had to remove my mobile number from my business cards as I wasn't receiving messages. I thought these issues may have been related to the iPhone and Thad why I have never registered my disappointment in case the problem related to the iPhone, I love this device and I'm not getting rid of it so I just put up with it. Knowing now that is a network issue, I'm sharing my pain not for compensation, just to put a rocket under vodefone and get them to fix the issue.
2565 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 01:34:26 PM
I have suffered continuous drop outs, poor reception and woeful customer support. Vodafone have caused me constant stress and frustration with their awful performance. I want out!
2564 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is So CRAP!!! at 27 Dec 2010 01:34:10 PM
I run a business on call and rely on my phone 24/7 and was getting voicemail messages 12 hours late! I complained to Vodafone and they said there visual voicemail on Iphone wasnt working, so now I have to pay to retrieve my voicemails (121) because Vodafone cant support it!! Never get reception or 3G coverage on a Friday afternoon between 5pm - 6pm. The vodafone mail server stoped working so I dont receive emails through it anymore. Receive SMS messages 4 hours late!! I will happily pay more to Telstra for a reliable network.
29 Dec 2010 07:48:26 AM: im in the same boat and as a small buisness which relies on leads (wich i might add i have to pay for) i have been slugged for leads wich have been late or havnt even arrived let alone all the customers who havnt been able to contact me!
i was told it would be fixed up!
2 damn months later and 2 months worth of prepaid for 2 damn phones and still doesnt work!
taking into account all the buisness lost and bills having to get paid for work i havnt been able to get, looks like its time to wrap up my trading!
thankyou Vodashit for ruining yet another small buisness!
i was told it would be fixed up!
2 damn months later and 2 months worth of prepaid for 2 damn phones and still doesnt work!
taking into account all the buisness lost and bills having to get paid for work i havnt been able to get, looks like its time to wrap up my trading!
thankyou Vodashit for ruining yet another small buisness!
29 Dec 2010 10:25:43 AM: As a business owner you have a legal responsibility to ensure continuity of that business, even going so far as to get another phone connected to a carrier that works until issues with vfone are sorted. So you are unfamiliar with the law or don't really care that much about the business. Can't see how vfone are the cause of u pulling the pin on it. Grow up and get real and stop being such a baby.
29 Dec 2010 12:19:53 PM: You say pay for another service with another supplier that will be no better whilst you wait for Vodaphone to do what?
2563 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 01:34:07 PM
I left Vodafone years ago, as they assured me I would be covered if my phone was lost/ stolen if I paid for insurance. My phone was stolen, and guess what? it turned out that the insurance paid did nothing - it allowed me to pay for a new phone (which would have been possible without the insurance). Then they "forgot" to cancel my account at the end of my contract so I had to pay an extra 2 months. Needless to say I would never go back to Vodafone! Sorry to all those people out there who have been putting up with this company and "service"
2562 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is fucked!!!!!!! at 27 Dec 2010 01:33:49 PM
phone call drop outs constantly!!! And dont get me started on that pathetic LARA if i can find the person that has supplied her voice i will let her know how she has made the world a sadder place.
2561 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Awful at 27 Dec 2010 01:33:44 PM
No 3G service on Nth Shore Line of Sydney, Northern Line, or western line.
Have commuted through all three locations in the previous 3 years
Phone calls in Sydney Metro, just "stop"
Billing, audit your bills, I've been overcharged a number of times and spent countless hours on the phone with call centre staff trying to rectify the situation.
Have commuted through all three locations in the previous 3 years
Phone calls in Sydney Metro, just "stop"
Billing, audit your bills, I've been overcharged a number of times and spent countless hours on the phone with call centre staff trying to rectify the situation.
2560 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is disgusting! at 27 Dec 2010 01:33:35 PM
I put the poor reception and delayed messages down to my iphone, but on seeing this site have realised it's Vodafone. Not happy considering I not long got a $1000 phone bill for data roaming in the US when I had been told I can't roam if I don't sign up to their data bundle! I had used the wireless service in the motels I stayed in so how do I now have a massive bill??
2559 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is 90% at 27 Dec 2010 01:33:32 PM
count me in. I live very close to darwin town centre 5-6 blocks, and i can't get reception in my house - have to put the phone on the balcony. Went home to Canberra for a visit and in Yarralumla could not get reception in my father's house. In the end i got telstra (don't get me started on their problems) where at least i go reception
2558 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Outrageous at 27 Dec 2010 01:33:30 PM
After reading the article on the Sydney morning herald I finally realized that I wasn't the only person experiencing incredibly poor network service. I've gone for months with terrible service. I've spent a lot of time thinking "it must just be my location or even my phone" but after hearing the same problems from my business partner, my wife and then gradually everyone I know who has signed with vodafone- I've finally come to the conclusion that I've been paying for a service that is not delivering on even the most simplest of functions. Clients can't contact me, I can't call my family of friends from home- it's not only a massive inconvenience- it's a huge concern when you might have to make an emergency phone call! SO I called vodafone and told them that I wasn't going to pay this months bill. They agreed. I encourage every vodafone customer to not to pay their latest bill and demand a refund. They can't refuse but unfortunately it hasn't made a difference to their service.
2557 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EXTREMELY!!! at 27 Dec 2010 01:33:09 PM
No reception, msgs come through days later, 45 min wait when ever you call - when u do get through to someone they cant speak english and don't help at all
2556 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is poor call quality calls that drop out. fustrating customer service. unable to connect at 27 Dec 2010 01:32:49 PM
The call reception is often terrible or the calls drop out so more money is wasted trying to reconnect . Have been unable to make calls at inportant times due to an overloaded network ,. also God help you if you need to call the call centre , the automated service will drive you crazy and after a about half hour in a call quew the call then usually drops out so you have to start all over again.
The call reception is often terrible or the calls drop out so more money is wasted trying to reconnect . Have been unable to make calls at inportant times due to an overloaded network ,. also God help you if you need to call the call centre , the automated service will drive you crazy and after a about half hour in a call quew the call then usually drops out so you have to start all over again.
2555 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 01:32:34 PM
I have been a customer for approx 3 years and have never had any troubles until the last few months and now I have NO signal in the suburb where I live. Calls constantly drop out and everyone says I sound like I am under water!
Attempts to contact vodaphone take hours and are fruitless. I put a complaint investigation in and got a response saying "the system was being enhanced and they did not know how long it would take to finish enhancing."
Attempts to contact vodaphone take hours and are fruitless. I put a complaint investigation in and got a response saying "the system was being enhanced and they did not know how long it would take to finish enhancing."
2554 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:32:32 PM
I have held an account my three accounts with Vodafone for approx 3 years, only recently changing to another network. The three accounts, however, have a credit balance on them. Vodafone have decided that even though the money is not theirs, they are refusing any attempts (now ongoing for over 3 months) to refund over $220 owed to me. Hello, Telephone Ombudsman...I''ve had enough of dealing with incompetence.
2553 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is 100/100 at 27 Dec 2010 01:32:26 PM
my computer goes offline every couple of minutes making it hard to do anything. when i was doing my christmas shopping i lost so many items on ebay because when i'd put in a last minute bid it would go offline at the most important moment. even putting this on the website i had to do it 3 times. i'm fed up!!!! i still have 1 year on my contract but i don't know if i can last that long. help us!!!
2552 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is THIS YEAR! at 27 Dec 2010 01:32:15 PM
I've been with Vodafone for almost 10 years.
I used to have full bars of reception no matter where I went.
I've noticed that when I receive or make calls, I have two bars, sometimes only one!
When the calls cut out or drop cut, my full bars of reception are instantly restored!
Is this now the way Vodafone treats its loyal customers?
I used to have full bars of reception no matter where I went.
I've noticed that when I receive or make calls, I have two bars, sometimes only one!
When the calls cut out or drop cut, my full bars of reception are instantly restored!
Is this now the way Vodafone treats its loyal customers?
2551 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is really failed at 27 Dec 2010 01:32:12 PM
hi, when i signed up 15months ago for an iphone 3gs i was assured of reception in my suburb, but i have never gotten even half a bar of reception in my street. vodafone assure me there is reception in my area, even as i tell them there is none. they will not help me at all
2550 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Inaccurate balance at 27 Dec 2010 01:32:06 PM
The remaining value and balance provided online is constantly inaccurate, has raised the issue with Vodafone so many times, yet no actions! This has resulted in going above my cap value and being ripped off by Vodafone every month. Not to mention the poor reception and the drops-out!
2549 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is bad reception no reception at 27 Dec 2010 01:31:59 PM
I have been with Vodafone for many years now (over 10) and had bad reception from year one. I would like to be able to use my phone anywhere.
2548 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is rediculous at 27 Dec 2010 01:31:56 PM
I have problems getting reception in Brisbane. The internet is so slow it is almost useless. My picture messages don't go through for hours. When calling the connection stops working and all you can hear is this stupid alien noise so you have to hang up and call back. Sometimes the call won't even go through. It is slow. It doesn't tell me I have voicemail for hours. It is SO expensive for the benefit I am receiving. I am changing to TPG as soon as my contract runs out. A LOT better service, and the prices and contracts are a lot more consumer friendly.
2547 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Mega Fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:31:39 PM
I was silly enough to buy a phone on Vodafone Prepaid a while back. The phone wasn't a known brand. Just said Vodafone on it. Anyway, only a few weeks after buying the phone I accidentally ran over the charger with my desk chair and wrecked it. I tried to get a replacement at Vodafone shops and they said they didn't have any. I tried ringing Vodafone and they said the didn't have parts for it even though I had just bought the thing. I asked for my call to be escalated and the manager I spoke to said it was my own bad luck and I would have to get another phone! Like I said I had only had the phone a few weeks and they just told me to buy another phone. No other chargers would fit the phone 'cos it was some weird Vodafone own brand. So I had a bran new phone I could not charge and Vodafone said that was my fault.
For other reasons I didn't bother getting a new phone for a long time afterwards. Of course I didn't get Vodafone. But when I tried to get my old number ported over I couldn't. I went to the Vodafone shop and they told me my old number had been "made inactive". Whatever that means. I had a 365 day pre paid so you would think the number would not be used often. Anyway, they wanted me to pay them to make my old number active again. I didn't pay them. I got a new number instead which is a pain but it's better than giving money to a terrible company like Vodafone.
I hate them. Dealing with Vodafone was a disaster for me. And it's not just technical problems. They treat their customers with contempt. They do not deserve your business. Don't deal with them or you'll be sorry like I was.
For other reasons I didn't bother getting a new phone for a long time afterwards. Of course I didn't get Vodafone. But when I tried to get my old number ported over I couldn't. I went to the Vodafone shop and they told me my old number had been "made inactive". Whatever that means. I had a 365 day pre paid so you would think the number would not be used often. Anyway, they wanted me to pay them to make my old number active again. I didn't pay them. I got a new number instead which is a pain but it's better than giving money to a terrible company like Vodafone.
I hate them. Dealing with Vodafone was a disaster for me. And it's not just technical problems. They treat their customers with contempt. They do not deserve your business. Don't deal with them or you'll be sorry like I was.
2546 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Frustrated! at 27 Dec 2010 01:31:03 PM
I'm with 3 and have been a for almost 5 years. I don't get reception in my house in the inner suburbs. I'm talked to them many times and they let it slip on one call (last Christmas!) that they know my house is in a bit of a black spot but they still would not let me out of my contract. We get drop out all over the place. I have been thinking it might be my handset? Highly frustrated.
2545 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is coverage is boardering on pointless. at 27 Dec 2010 01:30:54 PM
I told the sales rep I travel between Brisbane and Mackay several times a week, and that I live in Beerwah and needed the phone both as a 24 hour contact and safety net when on the road. I have very little coverage if any at times when at home, Coverage on the Bruce Highway, is extreamly patchy if not totally non existent from beerwah to Mackay in a lot of places. Vodaphone is not a seriouse provider at all as they do not appear to have improved their coverage at all in the 3 years I have been with them. They really need a seriouse wake up call as they put the lives of people like me at risk by misrepresenting their coverage areas at point of sale.
2544 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No signal inside home in Burwood area at 27 Dec 2010 01:30:32 PM
We have 4 (plan) contracts with Vodaphone with over a year left. It is impossible to call them to complain. Does any one know how to cancel the contracts without paying penalty or spending hours in trying to call them? We will gladly return back the phones they gave us just to get out of contracts, so we can move to Optus or Telstra. Vodaphone service and signal reception is absolutely disgraceful.
2543 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Drop outs & low coverage at 27 Dec 2010 01:30:26 PM
I have just moved from NSW to Perth & am hoping coverage is better than what I received in Wamberal. Constant drop outs in the Wamberal & Erina region causing double the necessary phone calls to be made, no reception in my work building in Wyong & delayed messages. Let's hope that there will be improvements with coverage as this is what I was promised by the sales staff when signing up again to a contract... Silly mistake. Id just like to get out of contract & go to another provider.. Ie Telstra that provides reliable coverage... Or pay my monthly bill based on the percentage of time I'm actually within range!? So frustrating!
2542 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor at 27 Dec 2010 01:30:17 PM
Took 17 days to transfer my Vodafone service from a company plan to a personal prepaid plan.This involved approx several calls (over 5 hours in total) and 7 visits to the Vodafone shop.After 2 weeks threatened staff I would not leave the shop until the phone service was operation. Problem was found to be a new sim card sold to us but this was not required, unknown if there were other problems. Phone service now works OK
2541 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is decrepit reception & service at 27 Dec 2010 01:29:22 PM
In late 2008, I had to contact Vodaphone the very next day after taking out a new contract because I had no reception at home. Their own maps showed there should have been reception. Vodaphone took many months before they agreed they would cancel my contract without penalty to me. In the process I had to continue to pay monthly for a phone I could not use. At one stage, when the phone was switched OFF [I was on a plane] it dialled one of its own service numbers hundreds of times and then sent me a bill for hundreds of dollars! There is far more to my story and I cannot bear to re-live it all! I will however, if I can get something for the torture and mental torment Vodaphone and its Reps put me through. I have retained the full file of this stupid saga. By the way, The guy at Crazy Johns also kept hard copies of his attempts to help me- they were not at fault..Vodaphone gave WRONG information about their coverage on their maps and when we verbally checked, they lied. The saga lasted around 9 months before I finally got a Zero account BUT I STILL HAD TO PAY AROUND $50 month for the privilege of not having a phone that worked! They even had the gall to try to charge me $415 "voluntary cancellation fee". That took many phone calls and very angry temper tantrums from me before they stopped the runaround from their staff!
Incompetent idiots and a terrible system. NEVER AGAIN!@#$%^&*()!
They should never have charged me a penny! There was never any offer to reimburse me for the monthly fees I had to pay!!!
Incompetent idiots and a terrible system. NEVER AGAIN!@#$%^&*()!
They should never have charged me a penny! There was never any offer to reimburse me for the monthly fees I had to pay!!!