Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
2440 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is UBER at 27 Dec 2010 12:59:46 PM
My sister lives on Pitttwater road, Narrabeen (Sydney north shore), im on a MAIN thoroughfare, and I have NO RECEPTION. ZERO. I drive 15 Ks down the road, and I mass receive 8 messages from an 12 hour period. Absolute Joke, Telstra Im coming to you. I had been with Vodafail for over 10 years, and I get this as thanks???
2439 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is crap at 27 Dec 2010 12:59:36 PM
Web Browsing takes ages, unless you are in a wi-fi zone (at home which is run by telstra)
International calls get dropped all the time, sometimes dont receive messages after half hour of it being sent.
International calls get dropped all the time, sometimes dont receive messages after half hour of it being sent.
2438 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is useless piece of Shit at 27 Dec 2010 12:59:04 PM
call keeps dropping out, from full service to none....being to Vodafone few times and no one seems to be interested..its like deal with it attitude Iam getting.
2437 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Should be free! at 27 Dec 2010 12:58:57 PM
Been with Vodafone for 10 years now, and it has gone from good to ok to poor to horrible. I like in northern beaches and the service is beyond proper. I am on one of their highest plans and have to struggle to call my wife, on average I need to try to call 3 - 5 times in a row so I can be connected. I also run my own business and am constantly embarrassed when I am in mid sentence with my clients and get cut off. I cannot believe that I am paying for this *sheety* service. If it was beta I would understand, but paying so much for something that does NOT work is just not on.
2436 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No problems at 27 Dec 2010 12:58:42 PM
I have to agree with the vast minority of Vodafone customers who do not actually have a problem.
I have been a Vodafone customer since 1996. I admit, I do not have any great expectations of Vodafone. I use my mobile as a telephone, no bells and whistles. And living within a metropolitan area, I have no issues with range. I simply expect that if I'm travelling to a remote area, I accept coverage is unlikely.
I spend less than $10 per month on my mobile, so I get what I pay for. My opinion is if you want to get all the bells and whistles and coverage in every corner of Australia, then move (and pay through the nose) to telstra.
Well, that's my 2c.
PeterB, Toowoomba Qld
I have been a Vodafone customer since 1996. I admit, I do not have any great expectations of Vodafone. I use my mobile as a telephone, no bells and whistles. And living within a metropolitan area, I have no issues with range. I simply expect that if I'm travelling to a remote area, I accept coverage is unlikely.
I spend less than $10 per month on my mobile, so I get what I pay for. My opinion is if you want to get all the bells and whistles and coverage in every corner of Australia, then move (and pay through the nose) to telstra.
Well, that's my 2c.
PeterB, Toowoomba Qld
27 Dec 2010 03:02:32 PM: The Problem is Peter is that they promise the world and deliver nothing! They say yes you can be connected but cannot. People are frustrated with broken promises.
27 Dec 2010 03:45:54 PM: Your lucky Peter, on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, i couldn't make or recieve calls, or SMS. They bullshit their customers, which just isn't good enough.
27 Dec 2010 04:53:27 PM: Telstra are terrible, would use Vodaphone over them!
27 Dec 2010 06:04:07 PM: I live in Toowoomba too Peter, and you would have experienced call dropouts. You don't pay for or use any of the features that the majority of Vodafone customers are being charged yes, you are in a minority
27 Dec 2010 09:45:37 PM: i live in melbourne and throughout the inner suburbs (that includes where i live) i have frequently no coverage. i've been told its the sim, handset, and i've replaced them however i am in the same boat of not being able to send SMS, make or receive calls, get delayed voicemails and i'm a small business so depending on the severity of the reception drop outs, it can really impact my reputation with my clients if i m not contacting them back promptly. its just not good enough, they need to run their business fairly as its not fair on their misled customers.
27 Dec 2010 10:03:13 PM: My expectation of Vodafone is pretty simple. That I am able to call out and receive my calls when I am paying $60 a month. Fair and simple.No Bells or whistle. Just to be able to call from my lounge room.
27 Dec 2010 11:25:11 PM: I live in south side of QLD and have no issues with my calls or text or mobile broadband at all.
28 Dec 2010 06:22:39 AM: Totally agreed with previous comment about expectations. I am paying $79(my personal/business) on one and $49(wifey) on the other. I expect service and comfortable talking with clients as well as family. Isn't that fair?
28 Dec 2010 09:38:51 AM: Isn't it fair for those of us who live in a capital city or a major city, to expect decent coverage whilst IN the city. Peter, you obviously don't use your phone as much as we do, we can understand that. But you have to understand, for those of us who rely on our mobile phones working.... this is hell.
2435 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:58:17 PM
We have been with Vodafone for ten years. We have been on a business plan with five mobile plans connected. We also have a mobile data plan. For the last year nothing - absolutely nothing - has worked - and it has impacted the business. The last call to Vodafone - which took over 80minutes to answer for customer support, told us the upgrade would be finsihed by Christmas. Well, that of course has not happened. I don't know if it is the phones (but there are several different types in the plan) and/or the network, but this is the first time we have looked to churn. I have not used the data plan for over a year, because it will not work and the multiple calls to get it sorted has ended up with the laptop being blamed, but have tried other mobile data services and they work fine. The contract is up shortly and most certainly will not be renewed. Not sure if the reverse take over by 3 has resulted in this significant deterioration in services, but the exec team needs to be changed and I think that too many people were laid off from the merger/takeover which is defintily impacting the service. When the basic promise of delivering communications cannot be met, never mind the brand values are muddled and are not being demonstrated, then something is very awry! And as a long term advocate - that has influenced over 20 new connections, all of which have churned this year - I find it amazing that their data and systems do not support more responsiveness with even long term customers
28 Dec 2010 12:22:29 AM: I;m an Idependent ACN Representative,I understand how everyone are totally dissatisfied with the Vodaphone phone, internet and customer service qualities. Our ACN customer services are incredible. You can reach them less than 10 mins pratically everytime. They are fast and effiecient and never transfer your call unlike Telstra or Optus as I heard, If you want to know more about us, contact me in my email at I loves to turn UNHAPPY customer to HAPPY customer.
28 Dec 2010 05:31:28 PM: lol @ the dodgy home based business above offering superior services inside poorly written sales pitch with shocking spelling and apalling grammar. Nice work trying to cash in on any opportunity that presents :)
28 Dec 2010 06:17:42 PM: LMAO!!!
28 Dec 2010 06:47:27 PM: PMSL...If you are going to bag someone's spelling (above), you should spell all the words correctly yourself!!!!!!!
28 Dec 2010 08:26:58 PM: So you're going to give them grief for missing a solitary 'p' in 'appalling'? I fail to see their sales pitch. It doesn't appear to be representing any company vying for other posters dollars. So a single missing letter is of no importance. You'd expect perfection from a business representative. Not so much from the general public.
28 Dec 2010 10:43:51 PM: No, you don't normally give one grief for missing a 'p' in appalling. But they are using that word in context of bagging someone else's poor spelling and grammar. You'd think they would double check their own post. LOL.
2434 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor coverage with poor customer service at 27 Dec 2010 12:58:13 PM
I have made over 10 phone calls to Vodafone (after waiting an hour on hold) to complain about the ongoing drop outs only to be told to " switch ur phone off then on" on more than 5 occasions, i have had my gprs reactivated 3 times and still have the same issue.
I requested to go on a lower plan as I don't see why I should continue paying a high monthly fee when I dnt get my full service only to be told "i signed up on a 24 month contract"
The service I received was appalling! I'm stuck for over 1 year!
I requested to go on a lower plan as I don't see why I should continue paying a high monthly fee when I dnt get my full service only to be told "i signed up on a 24 month contract"
The service I received was appalling! I'm stuck for over 1 year!
2433 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Reception at 27 Dec 2010 12:58:08 PM
I live in Andergrove, Mackay and the reception is hopeless unless I stand outside of my house in an area 10m clear of obstructions. My partner has an Optus Phone and has 3/5 bars consistently anywhere inside and outside the house. It has been raining here for months, so to make a call I have to go outside and stand in the rain.
2432 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Mega-fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:57:56 PM
I'm in Port Macquarie in NSW. Even though I have reception all through the town I can't make a single call without having to try 2 or 3 times. Then even if I do finally establish a connection the call is guaranteed to drop out if I plan on talking for more than a minute...
2431 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Where do I start at 27 Dec 2010 12:57:20 PM
Unable to connect or most calls drop out after 30 seconds.... basically vodafone only has limited covergae around the Brighton-Le-Sands also NO SERVICE this is a pain, when I use this mobil for bussiess I am over the whole thing, I keep calling and yes I get someone from Overseas telling me that they will fix the PROBLEM...WHEN its been 2 years and they are still fixing it. WHAT A JOKE
2430 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:57:01 PM
2429 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:56:57 PM
low signal, slow data loading- not able to use internet most of the time.
2428 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:56:51 PM
I've just read an article on The Age website about possible class action against Voda-freakin-fone. I'm so glad this website exists!
Earlier this year I was left without ANY coverage whatsoever for almost a week. I called their bloody Indian call centre a dozen times, I emailed them via their website and to this day the issue has not been explained to me. Coverage returned after about a week but it certainly was no thanks to Vodafone's customer service (what service??).
I am locked in a contract until August 2011...I am counting down the days till I can break free and get away from this crappy carrier!
Earlier this year I was left without ANY coverage whatsoever for almost a week. I called their bloody Indian call centre a dozen times, I emailed them via their website and to this day the issue has not been explained to me. Coverage returned after about a week but it certainly was no thanks to Vodafone's customer service (what service??).
I am locked in a contract until August 2011...I am counting down the days till I can break free and get away from this crappy carrier!
27 Dec 2010 03:20:45 PM: Someone just posted that you can get out of your contract at no charge. This is your right under consumer law since they are not providing the service they agreed to under your contract.
27 Dec 2010 03:24:57 PM: You can break the contract. Tell them you are going to contact the Telecommunications ombudsmen and lodge a complaint for failing to provide the service you signed up for. Also quote them "IT IS AGAINST THE LAW TO ENTER INTO A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT IF YOU CAN NOT LIVE UP TO THE SERVICE DESCRIBED"
29 Dec 2010 12:03:36 AM:
29 Dec 2010 07:25:17 AM: I had a problem with Vodafone, and after banging my head against a brick wall I contacted the ombudsman office. they gave me a direct number to Vodafone, I wish I'd kept it as I would have published it now, but as soon as I called that number my contract was cancelled.
29 Dec 2010 10:12:52 AM: Don't blame the indian call centre, blame Vodafone for paying them too little and not monitoring them.
2427 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is miserable at 27 Dec 2010 12:56:49 PM
VHA performance has been very bad in terms of holding voice calls and losing its network coverage,interestingly 3 network works well whilst Vodafone network fails.After the merger of 3 and Voda,the mindset of VHA has been they are the 2nd player in the market whilst completely ignoring customer issues. Vodafone has never been a popular brand in Oz and allowing the merger itself was a bad decision by ACCC.
2426 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is horrible at 27 Dec 2010 12:56:23 PM
My Vodafone service is unbearably slow or non-exsistent.
I have a iPhone 3gs $69 cap with them.
I cannot get any service when I go to any place remotely outside of the 20km melbourne city radius, though both my sisters telstra and virgin mobile phones work fine. My internet is so slow it might as well not be there, I live 20 minutes from the city centre, i can't imagine how the people in country areas deal with it.
I have a iPhone 3gs $69 cap with them.
I cannot get any service when I go to any place remotely outside of the 20km melbourne city radius, though both my sisters telstra and virgin mobile phones work fine. My internet is so slow it might as well not be there, I live 20 minutes from the city centre, i can't imagine how the people in country areas deal with it.
27 Dec 2010 08:57:26 PM: I know how you feel i live in 3155 about 35 mins from the cbd and as im sitting here in my study i have my phone next to me (iphone 3g) and ironically it sais "No Signal"
28 Dec 2010 06:00:03 AM: I fully agree, i live in 3046 about 15 mins from cbd and it takes forever to load onto the net if it does(iphone 3gs) and i receive pic messages 2 days later at like 1-2 am in the morning and my calls keep dropping out. How do i get out of this contract
2425 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is disgusting at 27 Dec 2010 12:56:18 PM
I still have a about 8 months left to go on contract.
I have no reception at times, text messages being sent to friends 2 days later, and being repeated sometimes up to 6 times!, voicemails arriving 1-2 days later, slow internet and the list goes on!
I have no reception at times, text messages being sent to friends 2 days later, and being repeated sometimes up to 6 times!, voicemails arriving 1-2 days later, slow internet and the list goes on!
2424 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is horrible at 27 Dec 2010 12:55:51 PM
My Vodafone service is unbearably slow or non-exsistent.
I have a iPhone 3gs $69 cap with them.
I cannot get any service when I go to any place remotely outside of the 20km melbourne city radius, though both my sisters telstra and virgin mobile phones work fine. My internet is so slow it might as well not be there, I live 20 minutes from the city centre, i can't imagine how the people in country areas deal with it.
I have a iPhone 3gs $69 cap with them.
I cannot get any service when I go to any place remotely outside of the 20km melbourne city radius, though both my sisters telstra and virgin mobile phones work fine. My internet is so slow it might as well not be there, I live 20 minutes from the city centre, i can't imagine how the people in country areas deal with it.
27 Dec 2010 01:00:35 PM: i feels ya
2423 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is shocking at 27 Dec 2010 12:55:51 PM
Thank heavens my contract is finished with Vodaphone, NEVER AGAIN! Mine was a 24 month Broadband 5Gig @ $39 per month.It was hardly ever up to speed, my complaints were never addressed, and frusration was my feeling everytime I turned the computer on. Now with Virgin/Optus...better , but is not always fast / good reception..still heaps better.
2422 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:55:47 PM
purchased a plan from vodaphone about2 month ago. I asked them if i would get coverage at my place in western Melbourne (Melton) and Rochester Vic. They had a look on the computer at their coverage and said yes i would definalty get coverage. WELL NO I DON'T. My phone is useless at Rochester Vic. and at Melton depending where i am in the house i get F**king Nothing...!!! Not happy at all. Very disapointing that you spend so much a month on a plan and can't even use you bloody phone!!!
2421 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Unreceptive at 27 Dec 2010 12:55:36 PM
I have been a satisfied Vodafone customer for several years, however since moving 2kms south I no longer have reception on my mobile at my home. So disappointing given I live on the Sunshine Coast - a major metropolitan area. Mind you, I have had fewer issues with Vodafone than people I know who are with Telstra - maybe there should be a website for them too?
2420 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Really Poor - that's my usual wireless reception at 27 Dec 2010 12:55:31 PM
I have had wireless internet with Vodafone for nearly 2 years. I have never had "good" reception and I have used it in multiple places including Sydney's inner west suburbs. I was shown a wireless reception map displaying Vodafone's wireless coverage prior to signing up which covered my area. Over the last 6 months almost every occasion I have accessed the internet I have a drop out problems. I am still paying $40 a month for this plan and I can't wait till January when my plan is up and I can change providers. Terrible reception!
2419 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:55:26 PM
im sick of shit reception and phone calls dropping out. i am on a high plan pay good amount of money for shitness. what a joke, in this day and age with our technology there shouldnt be these kind of muck ups. what a joke what a stuff up. voda fail is right and they should payout everyones contracts we are in or pay 3 months of bills because this is not good enough.
2417 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very fail! at 27 Dec 2010 12:55:16 PM
is it neccessary to get text msgs from them, 2, 3 4 am in morning informing me i have no credit? i realize this, and dont need to be reminded in the middle of the night and then, 20 times a day! your a bloody shit network.
2416 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 12:55:14 PM
Constant drop out's, seriously poor 3G coverage & phones that just don't work properly, thank god I've only got 4 months left of this rip off contract
2415 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 12:55:12 PM
I have experienced dropouts 10 times a day, delayed voicemail of 12 hours, slow internet nad people cant hear me when i talk and sometimes i cant hear them. I sometimes cant call people or my phone never rang at all... people cant call me. I tired asking them to rectify the problems and they blame the phone, they ask me to try and upgrade my phone, change sim card.... do evertything but it's never their network. they even asked me to send my phone in to have it repaired yet wouldnt give me a loan phone. first they told me it mite take two weeks and after i did the paperwork, they said it will take up to six weeks..... BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet you their CEO Nigel Dewsbag uses Telstra network cos he knows how shitty his own network is.
2414 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is is a complete failure at 27 Dec 2010 12:54:58 PM
I have no reception in my house. One night I needed to ring the police and it took over 10 minutes for me to get reception..eventually I had to walk down the street to get it.!!!Not good enough Vodafail!!!
2413 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No reception at 27 Dec 2010 12:54:56 PM
Big mess i am in, to make a call or receive a call i have to walk to the street corner in rain or no rain. Sick and tired of it.Battery goes flat very quickly has been fixed but still runs flat very quickly.This phone was bought from Crazy John's in Sydney feb 2010.I had to buy a telstra phone to get reception.Im 15 km north of cairns.
2412 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 100% at 27 Dec 2010 12:54:04 PM
shit service
2411 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Useless at 27 Dec 2010 12:53:50 PM
My home phone bill has gone through the roof since I moved to another suburb IN Melbourne only to find I'm in a "Black Spot." Calls drop out or I have to ring people back on the home phone to guarantee the conversation will last.
I shouldn't be tied to a plan if YOU cant provide a service.
I shouldn't be tied to a plan if YOU cant provide a service.
2410 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is No service at 27 Dec 2010 12:53:50 PM
I ordered mobile broad band with modem, Vodafone sent a wrong item. OK, I mailed using the link in the invoice mail for customer service, I got bounced back. Then, my wife called the service, waited for long time, transferred many times, and also to wrong place. Even worse, one of their service operator told my wife filthy words. I also tried to call the service with long time, their telephone message says they have online service. I used online claiming, then they sent back to me " use telephone service". Finally they agreed to refund my order 2 weeks ago, but I have not received my money back yet. I want everyone to know Vodafone has NO CUSTOMER SERVICE.
27 Dec 2010 01:47:38 PM: I totally agree with that. It took them over two years for them to change to my married name on my account, they are absolutely hopeless!
2409 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Extremely Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 12:52:59 PM
It has been one month and 3 days since I connected Vodafone. I received my SIM Card on 9 December since then I have been calling Vodafone 15 times and every time waited at least 1 hour and 30 minutes without any result. I used 8 deffirent phones from HTC Desire HD to iPhone4 Nokia n97, Nokia N8, N95 iPhone 3G and 3GS.
* Low or No signal
* Signal drops out while on conversation
* Internet Date fails 99%
* Poor Customer service.
* Still waiting for call back from Vodafone technical support team.
I regret joining contract with vodafone.
* Low or No signal
* Signal drops out while on conversation
* Internet Date fails 99%
* Poor Customer service.
* Still waiting for call back from Vodafone technical support team.
I regret joining contract with vodafone.
27 Dec 2010 07:18:59 PM: Call them back and start swearing at them and crying it work for me
27 Dec 2010 08:37:01 PM: Don't bother asking to speak to their manager. They're all equally retarded.
28 Dec 2010 04:44:45 PM: My place has really good coverage....on boats. Yes most of the reception of our place is in the sea.
2408 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is reaping what they've sowed at 27 Dec 2010 12:52:43 PM
Poor reception in Hobart CBD and surrounding suburbs - weird black spots in main shopping centres or certain suburbs.
The worst issue for me is the 3G speed. Using the speedtest app averages 2.00Mbps down and 1.0Mbps up in Melbourne CDB - Hobart CBD averages 0.10Mbps down and 0.50Mbps up.
These are not the '3G' speeds I want to be paying $79 a month for. I'd be interested to know what other people average in Tasmania.
The worst issue for me is the 3G speed. Using the speedtest app averages 2.00Mbps down and 1.0Mbps up in Melbourne CDB - Hobart CBD averages 0.10Mbps down and 0.50Mbps up.
These are not the '3G' speeds I want to be paying $79 a month for. I'd be interested to know what other people average in Tasmania.
27 Dec 2010 02:24:31 PM: Launceston= hit and miss. in the CBD its fine, out in the northern suburbs its shit. As soon as you get up near Prospect and start heading towards the NW Coast then there is no reception for over half the trip. Dodgy and intermittent on the NW Coast. It reverts to GPRS and wont work in some areas. All in all: annoying and not worth it.
27 Dec 2010 03:46:46 PM: Half the time 3G works really, really slowly in Hobart CBD and the other half of the time it's switching between 3G and EDGE. Surely someone can make Vodafone PROVE that their network is 3G and that people can USE it?
28 Dec 2010 02:45:09 PM: I generally always use gsm/edge because 3g is just not worth it, I know i will get a signal and data speeds I can deal with but 3g, I just give up... I once called VF to complain, they did not believe me, wanted me to complete a 50 question complaint feedback form thing, could not be bothered because they made reporting of outages etc too difficult. I gave up on my wireless broadband when it would create a net connection but would not transmit, either up or down...
28 Dec 2010 08:43:14 PM: Vodafone data in Hobart is absolutely crap. I have done extensive testing all over Tasmania. Actually Devonport has been the best I can get. Northern suburbs of Hobart around Brighton, Bridgewater, Gagebrook, Old Beach are a waste of time.
Telstra is better but still nowhere near their 7.2 they advertise.
Telstra is better but still nowhere near their 7.2 they advertise.
28 Dec 2010 10:47:18 PM: what would you expect in hobart im surprised you use mobiles down there i would of thought you would be putting the 6 digits on each hand to better use like playing banjoes and dynamiting catfish in the dam
29 Dec 2010 01:22:50 AM: I've been with Voda for about 3 years now, I haven't been able to get 3G on my mobile 'broadband' anywhere in Launceston, so I only use it in Melbourne where I get a 'poor' to 'good' 3G signal. I got an iPhone last year and have found I can get reception in the City and in Norwood but not in Newstead (directly between the City and Norwood!) No reception in Prospect, Hadspen, Newnham or Rocherlea apart from the occasional one bar of reception to recieve a message that can be up to three hours old. I hate the idea of going to Telstra because as far as I can see they are a major rip off. They are unwilling to match Voda's plans or caps even though they have the client base and the reception. I don't even use their home phone survice anymore. Has anyone else signed up for the 'My Say' email survey? every time they ask if I have any comments on improving their business all I badger on about is reception. I hope everyone else is doing the same.
I really hope this all makes a difference,
I really hope this all makes a difference,
29 Dec 2010 11:30:12 AM: i have been using vodafone internet connection for about a year now and for that that time i get nothing but a constant poor connection and alot of the time none at all i live in glebe nsw and you would think that i would get fantastic reception , i have talked to several vodafone people about this issue and still nothing gets done about . mark murray
31 Dec 2010 08:03:36 PM: no planed 3g in any of tassie.....
1 Jan 2011 06:54:36 PM: n
1 Jan 2011 07:01:39 PM: maybe mr mark murray could move elly-may and the cousins north to stay with him,knock back a cask of lambrusca and swap vodafone war stories,that would be entertaining enough ,you wont have to give yourself grief about the internet then.
7 Jan 2011 09:24:00 PM: "No planned 3G in any of Tassie...." So I guess that the "3G" on the screen of my phone and my ability to make video calls are figments of my imagination?
Granted, I get the odd drop out, but f*** me, I used to get those on Telstra too (not that you'll hear anybody admit to it on any online blogs). They can happen with any wireless network anywhere in the world.
I'll bet that you'll find that most people who are reporting problems are using new generation smartphones such as iPhone or any phone running the Android OS.
The reason that they will be having more problems than anybody else is because smartphones are constantly synchronising data in the background for various apps.
Say for the sake of the argument that a mobile tower has 50 channels available to carry voice calls, video calls, and data connections.
Voice calls only use one channel each, so that 1 tower can simultaneously handle 50 voice calls.
Video calls and data connections on the other hand, take up 2 channels each, therefore reducing the total number of simultaneous events that it is able to handle.
Most of the time you'll find anywhere up to 100 "keep up with the Joneses" types (most of whom just have to have an iPhone because it will be the answer to their coverage problems) crammed into an area that is covered by a single tower, all with their background data turned on so that their Facebook etc keep synching throughout the day.
Bang - there you have it - instant congestion.
So to those who think getting an iPhone 4 or similar phone is the answer to their problems, I'm sorry - but it isn't. By using one of these types of phones, you are in fact directly contributing towards your own problems.
For the record, yes I happen to be a Vodafone customer, but I am not (and have never been) an employee of Vodafone, although I will admit to having worked in the mobile telecommunications industry in the past.
Granted, I get the odd drop out, but f*** me, I used to get those on Telstra too (not that you'll hear anybody admit to it on any online blogs). They can happen with any wireless network anywhere in the world.
I'll bet that you'll find that most people who are reporting problems are using new generation smartphones such as iPhone or any phone running the Android OS.
The reason that they will be having more problems than anybody else is because smartphones are constantly synchronising data in the background for various apps.
Say for the sake of the argument that a mobile tower has 50 channels available to carry voice calls, video calls, and data connections.
Voice calls only use one channel each, so that 1 tower can simultaneously handle 50 voice calls.
Video calls and data connections on the other hand, take up 2 channels each, therefore reducing the total number of simultaneous events that it is able to handle.
Most of the time you'll find anywhere up to 100 "keep up with the Joneses" types (most of whom just have to have an iPhone because it will be the answer to their coverage problems) crammed into an area that is covered by a single tower, all with their background data turned on so that their Facebook etc keep synching throughout the day.
Bang - there you have it - instant congestion.
So to those who think getting an iPhone 4 or similar phone is the answer to their problems, I'm sorry - but it isn't. By using one of these types of phones, you are in fact directly contributing towards your own problems.
For the record, yes I happen to be a Vodafone customer, but I am not (and have never been) an employee of Vodafone, although I will admit to having worked in the mobile telecommunications industry in the past.
21 Jan 2011 08:47:46 PM: Mornington - lucky if we get 45kdownload on wireless internet
2407 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:52:39 PM
We have no complains but recognize that everyone is not the same
2406 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Superfail at 27 Dec 2010 12:52:24 PM
I just signed a new two year contract with vodafone earlier this year which also includes data. The plans were upgraded and so naturally i got the new plan as well after i call and requested to be ugraded. this is pointless since my phone cannot acess data while i'm at work in the city which i think is crap because the time i need it the most, it can't connect so whats the point of having all that data when u can't acess it when u want to?
2405 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is What's the point at 27 Dec 2010 12:52:18 PM
Vodafone mobile internet? When it does work, it is slow, and when I try access using my phone it doesn't work half the time. I have tried calling customer service, only to be put on hold, then told to call another department, and now I have just given up. Luckily I only have 1 month left of a 24 month contract, and then I will not be renewing.
27 Dec 2010 04:29:17 PM: i can't wait til Jan 2012. i will be FREEEEEEEEE!
27 Dec 2010 04:38:08 PM: i cant wait till april 2011 and i,ll be freeeeee sorry
2404 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is as bad as it gets at 27 Dec 2010 12:51:02 PM
I tried to use the Mobile 3G broadband connection after signing up for a 2 year contract. I tried to get out of the contract the very next day after signing, but it was difficult to speak with anyone in customer service - I spent many hours on hold. I finally gave up and let the contract run it's course without using it. Vodafone seem to intentionally make it almost impossible to have complaints properly addressed. I will never do business with Vodafone again.
27 Dec 2010 04:28:39 PM: Yes I tried several times unsuccessfully to leave my contract but i needed to jump through hoops and was on hold for way too long since i have to use this time more productively. ie. work.
2403 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Total Failure at 27 Dec 2010 12:51:01 PM
I can't get proper reception in my home as well as surrounding 1 KM area. I live in a suburb which is very near to Melbourne CBD and still the coverage is so pathetic. I can still bear with it but the most annoying thing that happened to me last week was that I missed a call for a job interview that I had applied and when I called them back this week they said I am not in the list as they couldn't reach me and confirm my availability with me. Now this was the job I really wanted and due to horrible services by Vodafone I screwed it. Damn, I am really very angry and pissed off and still I can't change my service as I am tied with a contract with them.
27 Dec 2010 03:18:39 PM: Why don't you join the class action that was mentioned in the news today and get back compensation for losing a job because of it. And while you are at it, you should contact Vodafone customer service and get out of your contract at no charge since Vodafone has not provided the agreed service. This is your right under consumer law.
27 Dec 2010 07:33:40 PM: lol
27 Dec 2010 08:41:08 PM: and while you're at it, don't forget that it's Vodaphones fault that you're all bitter and twisted. They tricked you into signing that contract and now you're all pissed off and angry. They should be paying ALL your medical bills for the next several years since all your problems are most likely caused by STRESS, which is due to having a Vodaphone contract.
Wake up people. You bought a Vodaphone contract because it was cheaper. No one ever seems to wonder why cheap stuff is cheap until they've paid for it....
Wake up people. You bought a Vodaphone contract because it was cheaper. No one ever seems to wonder why cheap stuff is cheap until they've paid for it....
27 Dec 2010 10:06:59 PM: How can you get recompense for a job you may have not got in the first place?
28 Dec 2010 11:01:46 AM: that is why fixed landline is the best for back up never rely on wireless connection. dont fink local fink global .....n pls stop whinin like a baby n get a life ...
28 Dec 2010 05:27:21 PM: God there are some imbeciles here. I'm not talking about the OP either. He wasn't suggesting that Vodafone compensate him for a lost job. He is just bitter that he missed the opportunity to interview for the job. Secondly, just because Vodafone are cheaper than the opposition does not mean that sub standard service should be endured. Especially when they tout themselves as being the duck's nuts and offer unlimited data plans. If this is a network capacity issue as suggested by Vodafone themselves, then it is irresponsible to sign new cutomers to a data plan that promises all you can eat. The contract containes a service level agreement that Vodafone are not meeting. Of course there is cause for complaint as Vodafone customers are not receiving the service they were promised.
28 Dec 2010 05:49:41 PM: Rule # 1 You get what you pay for. All you Vodaphone users (losers?) signed up to Vodaphone because it was cheaper than Telstra and now you're all "boo hoo, the coverage and service isnt any good". Wake up. Your getting exactly the cheap unreliable service you paid for. All wanted to get an iphone NOW, but Tesltra was too expensive. Boo Hoo, enjoying the cheap cost now ???
28 Dec 2010 06:18:39 PM: telstra isnt much better, my daughter got a hiptop phone from telstra on a 24 month contract with free msn and free mms and free internet, the only thing she would be charge for was her calls. well, every month we get charge for the txt's the mms, the internet plus they chuck on an extra $200 or $600 to her bill which is only...$56 a mounth as she never use's it to make calls so i have to ring them every month to fix it and every month i get the same bullshit and im sorry we will credit your account now so dont talk to me about telstra they suck to. thank god we have only four months to go on that plan then its off to optus.
28 Dec 2010 06:39:53 PM: dont go to optus they are just as bad as vodafone
28 Dec 2010 06:48:41 PM: Vodafone, Telstra, Optus, 3 Mobile -they all have their faults! vodafone doesnt seem to be any worse than the others from from my experiences and what i've heard from friends and family.
28 Dec 2010 08:01:13 PM: seriously do you people have nothing better to do than winge on an internet site. Who the fuck would want to employ this joke of a man anyway. You people all act so tough and say that vodafone tricked you into signing contracts... you iddiots signed it so its your fault. and in my house i have no reception other than vodafone so its a diffrent situation with every phone company why cant you people understand that its not vodafones fault all these problems have explainations. If you are un happy with there service than fuck of to another carrier as you give the staff greif and abuse them - my friend is an emplyee and she has recieved death theats from dick head like you! it is her job and every time that you ring the call centre and abuse them just remember it is just their job and they are not soley responsible if you dont get reception! So Just remember guys GO GET A LIFE and LEAVE VODAFONE ALONE! if you can run a huge company without any problems then get to it!!
28 Dec 2010 09:40:01 PM: Got out of contract, ( Our business has been with vodafone since it started 12 years ago with assorted $BIG dollar business cap) after my 15 minutes with the TIO, its worth the call. Reception has gone pear shaped the last 3-4 months, Email uploads on iPhone don't happen at all, most txt's late, plus sat phone service is stuffed and vodapone have pulled out of globestar sat phone service,....... Globestar advise you to go onto the internet to find out when the sat is overhead so you can use the sat phone...... Your kidding me. The Phones a $2000 bit of junk now! The poor people @ tech support have no answer, at least they offered me a $500 credit but as I said I still want a the service not the money..... Sorry vodafone but my 12 phones are off to Telstra for GSM and Iridium for the sat Service. Remember people price is soon forgotten and quality(service) is long remembered.
2402 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no reception at 27 Dec 2010 12:50:55 PM
i have no reception about 60% of the time, even in open areas, no reception.
None of my contacts can never reach me, i i recieve sms about 4 or 5 hours after it was sent.
None of my contacts can never reach me, i i recieve sms about 4 or 5 hours after it was sent.
27 Dec 2010 12:53:49 PM: Then you sir, have a faulty phone.
27 Dec 2010 03:39:36 PM: Its not a faulty phone, its a faulty network, it happens to me too on both my Nokia's.
27 Dec 2010 05:27:35 PM: its incredibly tiresome to read caps lock writing btw...
27 Dec 2010 05:41:07 PM: Caps lock rage
27 Dec 2010 08:31:04 PM: my fone is alway show NO NET WORK COVERAGE most of the time even when I'm just outside the building or front yard. I received my SMS after 5 hours & did not understand why my friends always text me middle of the night.
28 Dec 2010 12:16:09 AM: I;m an Idependent ACN Representative,I understand how everyone are totally dissatisfied with the Vodaphone phone, internet and customer service qualities. Our customer services are incredible. You can reach them less than 10 mins pratically everytime. They are fast and effiecient and never transfer your call unlike Telstra or Optus as I heard, If you want to know more about us, contact me in my email at I loves to turn UNHAPPY customer to HAPPY customer.
2401 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is completely at 27 Dec 2010 12:50:00 PM
absolutely zero reception anywhere inside or outside my house. I can get some by walking up the road and standing in the middle of the roundabout. When I rang to complain the only response i could get was "We don't guarantee reception" ie Bad luck!! Just waiting for my contract to expire so I can move on.
27 Dec 2010 12:52:35 PM: So join someone who has coverage at your house? The fact you did no research isn't Vodafones problem. Optus doesn't work at my house, so I joined someone else. I didn't join Optus, then complain they had no coverage lol
2400 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Less that Average at 27 Dec 2010 12:49:46 PM
I was with Vodafone for about 3 years. On PrePaid. Didn't have too many issues, apart from not being able to send or receive mms, sms arriving late or not at all, patchy reception, disconnecting calls, dreadful customer service oh, and then there were the "customer satisfaction" calls.
Needless to sat, now with Virgin and have much better service - still nowhere near as amazing as I've in the UK or Americas, but soooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than Vodafail, Oops I mean Vodafone.
Needless to sat, now with Virgin and have much better service - still nowhere near as amazing as I've in the UK or Americas, but soooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than Vodafail, Oops I mean Vodafone.
2399 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Not at all at 27 Dec 2010 12:49:38 PM
There's nothing wrong with Vodafone at all.
I've been a customer for years, and never had a problem with it.
The recent weather trends are probably responsible for any network problems.
I have family members on Optus, Telstra and 3 Mobile, all three of these companies have been having the same troubles.
Anybody who tries to sue Vodafone completely deserves to waste any and all time they put into this fruitless endeavour.
I've been a customer for years, and never had a problem with it.
The recent weather trends are probably responsible for any network problems.
I have family members on Optus, Telstra and 3 Mobile, all three of these companies have been having the same troubles.
Anybody who tries to sue Vodafone completely deserves to waste any and all time they put into this fruitless endeavour.
27 Dec 2010 12:50:50 PM: Haha - funny!
27 Dec 2010 12:52:10 PM: Yeah sure!! And how long have you been in the employ of Vodaphone?
27 Dec 2010 12:53:29 PM: Good for you you must live next door to a tower
27 Dec 2010 12:53:39 PM: It's so obvious you're a VodaFone employee. Besides, your comment is just one "positive" in sea of negatives, so it doesn't count. At all.
27 Dec 2010 12:53:48 PM: I knew there had to be one out of 400,000 customers happy!!! Quick, note this time and date....
27 Dec 2010 12:55:12 PM: Not employed by Vodafone, just a customer like everyone else... I live in a semi-rural area and I've yet to have a problem with any reception (Actually, yesterday for about an hour, I was stuck with one bar of reception)
I'm just saying, that you guys need to just get over it... I'm quite happy with the service, and just thought I'd come check out what everyones complainign about (Linked from MSN Today to the site)
I'm just saying, that you guys need to just get over it... I'm quite happy with the service, and just thought I'd come check out what everyones complainign about (Linked from MSN Today to the site)
27 Dec 2010 12:56:22 PM: When you say "customer", don't you mean "staff member"??
27 Dec 2010 12:57:58 PM: Come to my place and tell me there's no problem with Vodafone 'at all'. Silly goat.
27 Dec 2010 01:01:34 PM: I guess I must just live in a decently covered area... Although it's hardly like I'm living in the middle of the CBD anywhere, I live just South of Gladstone in Queensland, and I've always had more trouble with Telstra than any other company... I'll just wait a few weeks and see if I have any troubles... Will post back if anything happens.
27 Dec 2010 01:11:48 PM: Hi 'customer'
I have a business that relies on mobiles for communication. Given that these work less than 40 percent of the time, while I seemingly have close to %100 coverage with Telstra. I am sure, that if you were a customer receiving this sort of service, with little or no response from customer care or support, you might find it hard to 'get over it'.
Every call my business misses from a new client costs me approximately $50 at a minimum (that is a conservative minimum).
Would you be happy to just 'get over' a potential loss of clientelle of approx $200 per day?
I think not...
I have a business that relies on mobiles for communication. Given that these work less than 40 percent of the time, while I seemingly have close to %100 coverage with Telstra. I am sure, that if you were a customer receiving this sort of service, with little or no response from customer care or support, you might find it hard to 'get over it'.
Every call my business misses from a new client costs me approximately $50 at a minimum (that is a conservative minimum).
Would you be happy to just 'get over' a potential loss of clientelle of approx $200 per day?
I think not...
2398 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 12:49:36 PM
I am a franchisee who sells their product! In short if I complain I lose my airtime which is approximately $120k over the next 2 years! I just refinanced on my home and now with the bad press I will never be able to bounce back. Little consolation I can get out of my contracts with mobiles. I would love to be a whistle blower but I am afraid I will lose everything because of them and their issues!! Please help me
2397 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is crudtastic at 27 Dec 2010 12:49:31 PM
I had to go to Rockhampton for work in late November and got one bar of phone coverage maximum and NEVER any 3Gg service. A couple of months ago I had issues in Brisbane where my texts would fail sending on my end, but get sent five times to the recipient. Because I thought they'd failed I'd try over and over again and they'd get up to thirty texts. Lately 3G times out constantly everywhere I go in Brisbane, and I drive for a living so that's pretty much everywhere.
2396 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Less that Average at 27 Dec 2010 12:49:05 PM
I was with Vodafone for about 3 years. On PrePaid. Didn't have too many issues, apart from not being able to send or receive mms, sms arriving late or not at all, patchy reception, disconnecting calls, dreadful customer service oh, and then there were the "customer satisfaction" calls.
Needless to sat, now with Virgin and have much better service - still nowhere near as amazing as I've in the UK or Americas, but soooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than Vodafail, Oops I mean Vodafone.
Needless to sat, now with Virgin and have much better service - still nowhere near as amazing as I've in the UK or Americas, but soooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than Vodafail, Oops I mean Vodafone.
2395 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EpicFAIL! at 27 Dec 2010 12:48:59 PM
These companies are all as bad as one another. I have had equally as bad experiences with VodaFone, Telstra and Optus! The overseas call centres are USELESS, why must we speak to someone in India or the Philippines to get an Australian phone or internet service fixed?!! It may cost the company less but us customers end up calling five times anyway, waste an hour and end up pissed off!
Not even going to start on how utterly useless my Vodafone mobile internet stick was, the only thing that worked on it were the little green lights when it got plugged in. Internet, what internet?!
Not even going to start on how utterly useless my Vodafone mobile internet stick was, the only thing that worked on it were the little green lights when it got plugged in. Internet, what internet?!
27 Dec 2010 09:29:54 PM: I agree, the problem is that they are all as bad as one another.
27 Dec 2010 11:16:24 PM: I agree about the internet stick, just seems to be a lack of strengh oof the signal... I have had Virgin broadband stick for a while and its great.. plenty of bars and always works... VODAFONE though just seems useless. Im locked in contract though so not sure what my rights might be... will call into store and see...
2394 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Deceptive SMS Marketing at 27 Dec 2010 12:48:52 PM
Did anyone else get this SMS'ed to their mobile a few weeks ago from Vodafone?
It took me to a site about being able to use my data quota in many European countries for 2 Euros a day! I was going to Germany for a few days so I asked Hansa Lalvani at Vodafone Customer Service about it. They couldn't bring up the link, but it's still availabe today out there!
It took me to a site about being able to use my data quota in many European countries for 2 Euros a day! I was going to Germany for a few days so I asked Hansa Lalvani at Vodafone Customer Service about it. They couldn't bring up the link, but it's still availabe today out there!
2393 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 12:48:41 PM
Have no phone network inside our house and have to go out on back deck to use phone. As for the internet there is one spot in the lounge room to use it if it isn't too overcast or we have to take the computer out on the back deck. Have called Vodafone many times. Was told once we were apparently told when we signed up that they couldn't guarantee service inside our house. WTF? Why would we sign up if we couldn't use our phones or internet inside the house? Every other time they have failed to get back to us after apparently doing a coverage check.
Vodafone I hope you go down!!!!!
Vodafone I hope you go down!!!!!
2392 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Less that Average at 27 Dec 2010 12:48:28 PM
I was with Vodafone for about 3 years. On PrePaid. Didn't have too many issues, apart from not being able to send or receive mms, sms arriving late or not at all, patchy reception, disconnecting calls, dreadful customer service oh, and then there were the "customer satisfaction" calls.
Needless to sat, now with Virgin and have much better service - still nowhere near as amazing as I've in the UK or Americas, but soooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than Vodafail, Oops I mean Vodafone.
Needless to sat, now with Virgin and have much better service - still nowhere near as amazing as I've in the UK or Americas, but soooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than Vodafail, Oops I mean Vodafone.
2391 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Awful at 27 Dec 2010 12:48:26 PM
Both my sister & I got new phones with Voda in Aug 2010. We both live in Ballart (postcode 3350) and was assured we had full coverage. What an outright lie that was. A 15 min phone call to each other requires 4 phone calls due to drop outs. I can't talk on my phone inside my house - no coverage. I can't talk/receive calls in my office - no coverage. I have never had more than 3 bars of signal strength. Most calls go direct to voicemail - but the message to advise I even have a message can take hours! I don't even bother using USB internet anymore - incredibly slow, and most times won't even connect. Both my sister and I have exactly the same problems. I've been a customer for 4 years now - its time to just give up thinking it will improve and move on.
28 Dec 2010 12:20:13 AM: I;m an Idependent ACN Representative,I understand how everyone are totally dissatisfied with the Vodaphone phone, internet and customer service qualities. Our ACN customer services are incredible. You can reach them less than 10 mins pratically everytime. They are fast and effiecient and never transfer your call unlike Telstra or Optus as I heard, If you want to know more about us, contact me in my email at I loves to turn UNHAPPY customer to HAPPY customer.
28 Dec 2010 05:28:30 AM: Please stop spamming this forum with advertising, I loves to turn spamming to not spam
2390 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Worst telco around!! at 27 Dec 2010 12:48:24 PM
What mess am I in??? Let's see...
- I lose reception in highly populated areas like the city
- Phone internet is too slow for emails
- 3G has been down for god knows how long, I understand there needs to be upgrades but how about a public service announcement letting everyone know to switch back to 2G and how to do it
- Answering back to my 20 emails of concern
- Absolutely no reception when your at a festival so its hard to ever find anyone
The worst part is that I have 12 months left of my contract and have no way of getting out of it without being out of pocket!!!!!! No way will I be renewing!!!!!
- I lose reception in highly populated areas like the city
- Phone internet is too slow for emails
- 3G has been down for god knows how long, I understand there needs to be upgrades but how about a public service announcement letting everyone know to switch back to 2G and how to do it
- Answering back to my 20 emails of concern
- Absolutely no reception when your at a festival so its hard to ever find anyone
The worst part is that I have 12 months left of my contract and have no way of getting out of it without being out of pocket!!!!!! No way will I be renewing!!!!!
2389 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is 80 at 27 Dec 2010 12:48:15 PM
I have a Vodaphone USB WiFi stick that I thought would be better cost wise than tethering to my Telstra HTC. Bad bad move. Poor value due to the fact that I have never had a constant connection. Vodaphone have told me it is my location/my computer/the fact that I live in Tasmania etc etc. Fact, as I look at the signal strength of the WiFi stick right now, I have 1 bar, despite being 150M from a tower!!!
On a positive note, I happen to comment on my issue to a (Australian) Telstra call center operator and they instantly gave me 3GB of free data on my plan.
Kinda says it all!
On a positive note, I happen to comment on my issue to a (Australian) Telstra call center operator and they instantly gave me 3GB of free data on my plan.
Kinda says it all!
27 Dec 2010 06:44:31 PM: Good comment. I struggled using anything voda, now I have a telstra iPhone 4, USB broadband and everything, and it just WORKS all the time. With the other providers they suck you in with 'cheap' prices, voda sales guy told me I only had to pay $69 for my mobile plan, never got a bill below $100, now I've got an iPhone 4 with telstra and for 5 months paid for the $79 cap each bill and I got a faster service with a better phone. And if you ever need service, you can always find a store close by.
5 Jan 2011 02:19:01 PM: i want that!! i should be sending vodafone my doctor bills for the stress they cause me!
2388 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pretty damn failed! at 27 Dec 2010 12:47:12 PM
I had issues with Vodafone: firstly telling me that my modem (which they provided) wasn't working. Got a replacement, still didn't work. Called them back & apparently I had to upgrade to the new version of Vodafone Mobile Broadband. WHY WAS I NOT NOTIFIED 3 WEEKS PRIOR?????
27 Dec 2010 12:48:55 PM: Perhaps you should have followed the troubleshooting guide, and updated the software, before screaming and crying and demanding a replacement? That way you'd have had a working mobile broadband connection in 30 minutes, not 21 days...
2387 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is the ultimate rip off at 27 Dec 2010 12:46:36 PM
In a few months I'll be free from the dreadful 2 year contract of $79 plan + $10 (for mobile phone). I couldn't care less about the $10 for the mobile phone but paying $79 per month for an inconsistent network coverage and constant drop out calls almost every single time I make a phone call (within 5 minutes) is out of the question. Called them twice/trice this year. The coverage was so bad that I had to stop my contact for 3 months and I have to pay $11 per month for each month I stop my contact for (which is stupid). I asked for a break from my contact which they say that they will contact me back within a week if the service isn't any better. They didn't call me back and I am still paying $79 for a useless piece of crap coverage. Looking forward to the day i can burn my contract to pieces and switch to a more reliable provider. LONG LIVE VODAFAIL!!
2386 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is over charge at 27 Dec 2010 12:46:17 PM
i ve got the cap plan with vodafone 7/8 months before 0f $69 all together $84 a months with insurance of my iphone 3. With that plan some time i have been pain weekly$ 94 and more. when I make an inquire they said its previous months bills. this is no thing and i upgrade my plan with iphone 4. I agreed to pay $37 extra on my current plan for 24 months. but when i get the bill they charge me entire cost of the iphone 4 which is $1200. I rang to the customer service center to know what is going on ?? one of the representative said to me it will fixed. but not fixed up to 2 months and than i rang them again about 6 /7 times all the time they promise to fix but not. 4 months passed problem is not fixed. They cut off my service even cant receive the incoming call as well. and i tried to fix but to get some one i need to wait minimum 2 hours, and at the end they transferred the call some other department and need to wait again 2 to 2 hour and at the end i have been transferred wrong department. unbelievable.!! This happen many times. now i,m out of mobile phone from last 3 months. i haven't paid that $1200 because i didn't sing and agreed for that.
what should i do???
what should i do???
2385 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is MMMM at 27 Dec 2010 12:46:15 PM
To add to this debate, Im not defending VF or any of the other Telco's of Aus. But if we want better coverage... We must allow them to put up mobile transmitters. To often I read about people not wanting new mobile phone towers / transmitters in their area due to possible radiation exposure!!! If you want the coverage BUILD IT AND THE SIGNAL WILL COME.
28 Dec 2010 08:57:22 AM: ^^ This ^^
NIMBY's need to STFU. Higher up there is an example of an Emergency Services Worker being screwed over by lack of reception. Whilst I'm not one to wish ill on others if ill were to happen let it happen to a Nimby
NIMBY's need to STFU. Higher up there is an example of an Emergency Services Worker being screwed over by lack of reception. Whilst I'm not one to wish ill on others if ill were to happen let it happen to a Nimby
29 Dec 2010 08:32:24 PM: It doesn't matter if VF can't put transmitters up. If they can't, fine: then they can't go and pretend they can offer great coverage to everyone who walks in a store.
29 Dec 2010 08:57:31 PM: Easy answer to that question- DON"T SELL PEOPLE THE PHONES IF U DONT HAVE THE TRANSMITTERS!!!its not rocket science
30 Dec 2010 05:30:17 PM: Caps lock button does turn off if pressed; it's not rocket science.
2 Jan 2011 02:07:25 AM: Sorry but this doesn't help. I live two houses away from one!!! Still i get no phone calls coming thru!!!
2384 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is outage at 27 Dec 2010 12:46:11 PM
Located at work near sydney airport, had no functioning 3G for 4 days. Only 2G was available. This in an area which has a heavy reliance on 3G service for businesses and smartphones is unacceptable.
The greater Sydney area overall for 3G availability in my experience has been very patchy when compared to a Telstra 3G servce.
The greater Sydney area overall for 3G availability in my experience has been very patchy when compared to a Telstra 3G servce.
2383 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bad at 27 Dec 2010 12:45:09 PM
Unable to connect or most calls drop out after 30 seconds.... basically vodafone only has limited covergae around the Cronulla
... dont want to get started on their 3g coverage
... dont want to get started on their 3g coverage
2382 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Poor Reception at 27 Dec 2010 12:44:54 PM
Been with Vodafone now for coming on six years and as a whole relatively happy compared with some of the others out there. But seriously how can I sit in my own home in the middle of the CBD in Adelaide and not get any signal what so ever. Very poor form. I've also decided to turn the 3G function on my phone off all together as it was just so unreliable in South Australia.
2381 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is my unstable phone at 27 Dec 2010 12:44:45 PM
In the middle of trying to organise a move; and, the phone either has no reception or just drops the call. This is extremely frustrating.
Just to make it all funnier, Vodafone sent a survey asking about whether I was happy with the service. Needless to say, I would never refer anyone to them.
Have not tried customer care due to ready about the hours on hold. None of this is fair to any of us; and the amount of time wasted is outrageous..
In the middle of trying to organise a move; and, the phone either has no reception or just drops the call. This is extremely frustrating.
Just to make it all funnier, Vodafone sent a survey asking about whether I was happy with the service. Needless to say, I would never refer anyone to them.
Have not tried customer care due to ready about the hours on hold. None of this is fair to any of us; and the amount of time wasted is outrageous..
2380 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Intermittent at 27 Dec 2010 12:44:41 PM
After changing to VF from Optus for a huge number of years after moving to SA> I have had nothing but continued drop outs, frozen screens on PC and Iphone as has my daughter or nothing coming through or if it does some days later. Sometimes phone calls going straight to voicemail and I miss them.
I thought it was the Iphone but so relieved to hear its VFs network.
Where can I join this class I have had no satisfaction regarding upgrades or changing to different plans on VF. Not very helpful.....
I thought it was the Iphone but so relieved to hear its VFs network.
Where can I join this class I have had no satisfaction regarding upgrades or changing to different plans on VF. Not very helpful.....
2379 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Customer service at 27 Dec 2010 12:44:23 PM
Customer Service in the use of their automated processing of Customer calls is tedious and time consuming and at times frustrating. Button after button to be pressed and then you end up with some one from India or else where. Due all fairness i must say that io am satisfied with the Mobile Internet for my PC. In contrast to others I know who often had drop out issues with others such as Optus. o I opted for Vodafone and all is ok with my internet reception.
I think most complaints are referred to Mobile Phone usage. I don't use any of the Big Providers. I use a small player where I get great service and good value. perhaps it's time for amny of you Guys to simply just move on to other smaller players and get your justice that way. Then the bigger players will be forced to lift thir Game.
Let's be fair here. Optus and Telstra are also much to be desired hence even more of a reason to look for alternatives on the Net.
I think most complaints are referred to Mobile Phone usage. I don't use any of the Big Providers. I use a small player where I get great service and good value. perhaps it's time for amny of you Guys to simply just move on to other smaller players and get your justice that way. Then the bigger players will be forced to lift thir Game.
Let's be fair here. Optus and Telstra are also much to be desired hence even more of a reason to look for alternatives on the Net.
2378 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Extreme Fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:44:14 PM
Reception is terrible most places I go, including the CBD which you would think would have excellent reception. Text messages are usually delayed sometimes taking over 24 hours to make it to their destination. Text messages usually pile up on the network and come in a bulk package, and MMS is not even worth bothering with, they don't show up most of the time. Phonecalls usually cut out after only a few minutes with a network error. Oh and the data service may as well not even exist, my phone connects to Vodafail internet but rarely downloads any data at all.
2377 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Shit House at 27 Dec 2010 12:43:34 PM
How can I be heard like thousand of other unhappy customers using Vodafone service. I'm very desatisfied with their internet service and reception is awful, I'm in Queensland and I have an Iphone. I have to always hook up to my internet at home to check my messages on my IPhone. It shouldn't resolve to this, the coverage and speed should be a hell of a lot better. I will be looking at switching to another carrier when my contract is finished. I have been with Vodafone for 9 years, unless they get their act together, they will loose thousands of customers. Who care if they bought out 3. Give us all what you promised.
27 Dec 2010 01:03:19 PM: I think your problem might be the fact that you're using an iPhone...
2376 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is massive at 27 Dec 2010 12:43:20 PM
thank you everyone for sharing, i thougth vodafone is a good internet conection provider but its not. its a massive headache for us, if i get out of my contract i never never use vodafone again.
2375 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is join the class action at 27 Dec 2010 12:43:13 PM
Join the class action against Vodafone!!! I have!
2374 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:43:02 PM
since signing to new contract two years ago ive had nothing but drops out constantly more than once during each phone call,messages sent fail but then randomly get sent to friends weeks later at all hours of the night and more than once.I am not alone my hubby has same issues along with almost all my friends and family that are also with vodafone.Numerous complaints have been made,apologies offered but full amounts on phone account must still b paid even though there is no quality service.ill end it here as i could go on and on.I FEEL UR PAIN
2373 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extremely Useless!!! at 27 Dec 2010 12:42:50 PM
Ive been on contract for the past 18months, have been having problems with my handset eversince. It either freezes on me, diverts my call to someone I don't know, fails to let me text, this occurs on and off. One month it works and the next month it fails. My latest drama, I had to change my sim card because it would no longer read my current one!!! Need I go on.... Each time I take it back to where I purchased they give off some lame excuse, not to mention the service guy checking out the chicks walking past rather than paying attention to what I am telling him. I call the customer service line and they totally give me the brush off too...Christmas Day and I'm back to square one. Vodafone totally FAILS!!! When this contract is up I'm off elsewhere.
2372 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very frequently at 27 Dec 2010 12:42:43 PM
I've been using VODAFONE for 3 months and not a day goes by when I don't get internet dropout. This happens even when I'm at the same location. One minute I'd have reception the next minute I would drop out. I'm on a 24 months contract but only 3 months in I'm really considering opting out, I just can't afford the exit fee though. This sucks, VODAFONE sucks.
2371 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone is the worst company at 27 Dec 2010 12:42:28 PM
I have 4 mobiles with Vodafone, and boy was that the biggest mistake I made. For the last 4 months I have never had so many problems with a phone company. I do not get reception where I live, I was even in Sydney CBD one day and got no reception at all. I have experienced days where all our phones have no reception for a day, then there are the times my messages don't come through until about 3am and then they all come. My partner and I have rang vodafone about this numerous times, the last 2 times I have been advised it would be looked into and that they will get back to us within 72 hours, they never do. Then when you don't pay the bill because of the crap service they just cut you off and wont connect you until you pay it. I have requested that I be let out of the contract with them due to the service (or lack thereof) and I am still waiting to hear from them, what a joke. I absolutely HATE vodafone and will never ever deal with them again. They promise the worth and deliver crap. Please tell everyone about vodafone and how bad they are, because they will loose business and hopefully take what we are saying seriously.
2370 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Poor service, poor web support at 27 Dec 2010 12:41:48 PM
Re: prepaid broadband. Internet service drops out frequently, or slows to a useless crawl. And at top speed it ain't too speedy.
More frustratingly, I know they removed their Paypal recharge option, probably because it was so frequently out of order. At a recent recharge, however, I couldn't even recharge online with credit card - making me have to drive to the shop especially to buy a voucher. It's as if they don't actually _want_ their customers' money. This is the first time I've complained on a forum or anywhere else about a company, but Vodafone really do seem to me very indifferent to their customers.
More frustratingly, I know they removed their Paypal recharge option, probably because it was so frequently out of order. At a recent recharge, however, I couldn't even recharge online with credit card - making me have to drive to the shop especially to buy a voucher. It's as if they don't actually _want_ their customers' money. This is the first time I've complained on a forum or anywhere else about a company, but Vodafone really do seem to me very indifferent to their customers.
27 Dec 2010 04:28:04 PM: Thank you for mentioning the credit card problem. I have the same issue and am tired of having to drive to the service station when I run out of credit. I have contacted Vodafone about this and asked why they wont accept my credit card and they cant give me an answer.
28 Dec 2010 08:21:39 AM: lol, does anyone remember that you could not even view Vodafones own website thorough the Vodafone Wireless mobile connection a little while back. You could not recharge / check balance / register a complaint through the websites. No access was allowed. Fixed now but I moved on shortly after wards.
2369 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Extremely fail! at 27 Dec 2010 12:41:40 PM
Just got on to vodafone roughly 3 months in. The promised great reception in rural areas, fast internet speeds etc. What I get is quite contrary. I have a phone with crap reception all the time, no coverage almost everywhere outside the city, slow internet speeds, vodafone customer service sucks completely. What else can I add to this? They said they give me 2gb's data but in reality they are just charging me money and discounting it from my total plan... I did not sign up for this.
2368 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Mobile internet at 27 Dec 2010 12:41:26 PM
I had a mobile internet modem which did not connect, super slow speed and if connection did occur never did I register anything but poor signal. It took me over a month to get someone from customer "service" to cancel my contract and that occurred only after I lost my temper and demanded to speak to a supervisor. When I registered with vodafone they got my email address incorrect and I was receiving duplicate accounts for overdue amounts I knew nothing about. Not happy Jan
2367 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Cheatfail. at 27 Dec 2010 12:41:17 PM
Was sick of Vodaphone's shocking coverage, so was going to change carriers when my contract was up and the iPhone4 came out. Just before the iPhone was released Vodaphone's coverage dramatically improved and I was told they had been upgrading and I would have better coverage from now on. A few weeks ago the coverage went to crap, my calls keep going to voicemail and my messages can take several hours if not a day or two to reach me. This smacks more of FRAUD than just bad business practices.
2366 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is poor coverage at 27 Dec 2010 12:40:57 PM
the coverage just keeps getting worse, more so since they took over "3" I live within the inner suburbs of Melbourne, most calls I make, I can hear my own voice in the background, many drop-outs, and voice delays... all making my calling experience poor at best.
Their mobile broadband is no better, more like mobile dial up with slow speeds, thats when it gets coverage and wants to work , as this service also drops out multiple times while using.
Also trying to call customer support is just a joke... the longest I waited to speak to someone in India, was 54 minutes and if I get though within 30 minutes im very surprised.
They seem to like changing call rates without notification or warning, which is fine if its a old call rate, not one that has been just advertised .. ie $3 per 10 minutes to call New Zealand, then quickly changed back to $2.40 per minute.
Once my CONtract is up, im off to sign up with another provider... Ive been with vodafone for 11 years, both here in Australia and New Zealand, and the last 3 years on contract here... but clearly they dont care about their customers or the service they provide, and nor does most of the other networks, but at least the others have more reliable services.
Their mobile broadband is no better, more like mobile dial up with slow speeds, thats when it gets coverage and wants to work , as this service also drops out multiple times while using.
Also trying to call customer support is just a joke... the longest I waited to speak to someone in India, was 54 minutes and if I get though within 30 minutes im very surprised.
They seem to like changing call rates without notification or warning, which is fine if its a old call rate, not one that has been just advertised .. ie $3 per 10 minutes to call New Zealand, then quickly changed back to $2.40 per minute.
Once my CONtract is up, im off to sign up with another provider... Ive been with vodafone for 11 years, both here in Australia and New Zealand, and the last 3 years on contract here... but clearly they dont care about their customers or the service they provide, and nor does most of the other networks, but at least the others have more reliable services.
2365 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is HOPELESS at 27 Dec 2010 12:40:32 PM
I have been with Vodafone for more than 6 years. There service used to be fantastic and so did their coverage especially in regional areas (although not really remote but definitely out of the the big towns). Now it is appalling that I can't receive a call in the city where I live and work without it regularly dropping out. I am out of pocket regularly with the dropouts as I have to recall as face another connection fee plus the fact that they bill in 30 or 60 second intervals!!! Apparently they were doing a tower upgrade over a year ago but the coverage has only gotten worse not better especially in the regional areas. How come I can't have a conversation inside a house or building anymore???
I too have also experience customer service issues when calling Customer Care 1555, I finally get through once the stupid Lara (who used to work well) finally understands what I want but then I am placed on hold for an exhorbitant amount of time and then I am finally transferred to someone where it rings and rings and rings eventually after 5 minutes of the ringing I hang up (sick of the noise in my ear) and try again (I can only assume the person does not want to pick up as they can see how long I have been on hold for and will get an earful from me!). The next few times I try once Lara sorts it out, I am then told there has been a problem and I will have to call again later and am promptly hung up on. Other times, I am transferred to the wrong area to be told it is closed and need to call again during business hours and not given the option to speak to anyone or change my choice. I have to call again!!!
I am disappointed with both the coverage and service as I have recommended many people in the past to Vodafone and they are all worse off now than before and I am now faced with changing companies which means I have to pay to call them all or vice versa! All because of this crap!
I too have also experience customer service issues when calling Customer Care 1555, I finally get through once the stupid Lara (who used to work well) finally understands what I want but then I am placed on hold for an exhorbitant amount of time and then I am finally transferred to someone where it rings and rings and rings eventually after 5 minutes of the ringing I hang up (sick of the noise in my ear) and try again (I can only assume the person does not want to pick up as they can see how long I have been on hold for and will get an earful from me!). The next few times I try once Lara sorts it out, I am then told there has been a problem and I will have to call again later and am promptly hung up on. Other times, I am transferred to the wrong area to be told it is closed and need to call again during business hours and not given the option to speak to anyone or change my choice. I have to call again!!!
I am disappointed with both the coverage and service as I have recommended many people in the past to Vodafone and they are all worse off now than before and I am now faced with changing companies which means I have to pay to call them all or vice versa! All because of this crap!
2364 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is making everyone very angry at 27 Dec 2010 12:40:12 PM
Come to think of it, I have downloaded and PAID for apps including Ministry of Sound Radio that were unable to work due to lack of 3g coverage. Vodafone, you are responsible. I was clearly lied to in order to get my business.
This is a true story - BONDI BEACH VODAFONE store sold me my iphone on the premise of 3G coverage. Within four weeks of purchase I was back in the stor, where another assistant told me that Bondi Beach has never had adequate coverage and that it was a known issue. I was advised to turn off 3G and use 2G only. Well, if it was 'known', then why didn't you tell me up-front. Is that clearly not misleading BONDI BEACH VODAFONE store?
That mighht explain why my 3G broadband dongle NEVER worked. By the way, I'll be seeking back my 24 months x $49 Vodafone. You knew it wouldn't work and sold it to me anyway.
This is a true story - BONDI BEACH VODAFONE store sold me my iphone on the premise of 3G coverage. Within four weeks of purchase I was back in the stor, where another assistant told me that Bondi Beach has never had adequate coverage and that it was a known issue. I was advised to turn off 3G and use 2G only. Well, if it was 'known', then why didn't you tell me up-front. Is that clearly not misleading BONDI BEACH VODAFONE store?
That mighht explain why my 3G broadband dongle NEVER worked. By the way, I'll be seeking back my 24 months x $49 Vodafone. You knew it wouldn't work and sold it to me anyway.
27 Dec 2010 04:34:23 PM: if the salesperson didnt do a coverage check before selling you your phone and/or internet device the store (and vodafone) has to cancel the contract and reimburse you.
27 Dec 2010 06:25:33 PM: simple contract law...misrepresentation. contract is now voidable
27 Dec 2010 10:21:54 PM: same thing happend to my father, they sold him a phone in a non coverage area, and told him he would have full coverage, he also got a 3gb wireless for his laptop and it crashed his laptop, they didn't fix problem only gave him $10 bill..he gets drops out no coverage and the phone is totally messed up..They keep putting him through to different departments, went into store they didn't want to know about it..
28 Dec 2010 12:05:12 AM: I can't believe this has been happening. All this time I had thought it was my phone's fault. Vodafone used to be so good and now it is just as bad as everyone one of the phone companies.
2363 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is s#$% at 27 Dec 2010 12:40:03 PM
I am unable to receive or make any calls, my home phone bill has sky rocketed......
2362 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone is good at 27 Dec 2010 12:39:57 PM
I dont think Vodafone has given any problem so I am surprised with the problem you are facing. In fact Telstra is not available in my shop and home. So are you going to start an anti-Telstra web site too. let me know I will sign up for that.
27 Dec 2010 12:41:54 PM: do you work for vodafone?????????????????????????????????????
27 Dec 2010 12:44:02 PM: ok Vodafone Indian call centre staff member. Thanks for sharing. Telstra never promised reception in Bangalore anyway.
27 Dec 2010 01:02:13 PM: so why are you browsing this site for????? how do you know about this site????
2361 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is INSTANT FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 12:39:24 PM
I could not even send SMS from inside my house! Nor could I make or receive calls from inside my house. Everytime, I had to step outside to talk or text. I continually reported this to Vodafone and they allowed me to break my contract without penalty.
2360 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is The big F! at 27 Dec 2010 12:39:21 PM
Ever since i signed up to a 2 year contract 6 months ago i have had all the "usual" problems. even vodafone to vodafone the texts can take upto 12hrs to be received. im in the middle of the city and there is no coverage (apparently apples fault) my internet sometimes works which is better than nothing... i suppose.
2359 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Intersting at 27 Dec 2010 12:39:03 PM
For the record, the site owner is deleting positive comments. I wonder why? Does he really work for Woffle (a Vodafone competitor), as sugested at the SMH? I've personally had few issues, and merely think *most* of this is people who chose a carrier with poor coverage in their suburb, rather than *actual* issues. Wonder if he'll delete this post too?
If only Telstra works properly at your house, join Telstra eh?
If only Telstra works properly at your house, join Telstra eh?
27 Dec 2010 12:46:08 PM: We have not deleted positive comments (please see many comments here saying they have not experienced many problems with vodafone, including comments attacking those who are complaining. Although as the rate of comments increase they are moved past front page and may not be visible). I am moderating today (I am not the site owner) and have only deleted 1. repeated spamming msgs leaving at least one original message 2. crude comments unrelated to vodafone. The site owner and myself do not work for woffle. The SMH also made no such suggestion, the reporter at SMH has spoken to us and knows we are not related to any telecommunications companies.
27 Dec 2010 12:47:12 PM: Ummmmmm. You're an idiot. Even if three positive comments were deleted, there is a weight of evidence. Even if three hundred positive comments are deleted, there's still the weight of evidence.
Nice try Vodafone employee. Now get back to work assisting customers instead of wasting your time on the internet.
Nice try Vodafone employee. Now get back to work assisting customers instead of wasting your time on the internet.
27 Dec 2010 12:53:38 PM: I agree" I think this Blog should not just focus on the negatives. I am sure there are many who may be reasonably happy. I use a Mobile Internet Service and I have no issues with it where as with Optus people told me of their drop outs. So I chose Vodafone and all is ok except Customer Service. Sick of pressing one button after another. In regards to all complaints with Mobile Phone Service? GHo to a smaller Player whom I have a great service with and great pricing too. Think Mobile" You call a number and get to speak to a person too. Check em out. And" I don't work for them...
27 Dec 2010 12:59:21 PM: I am actually an ex-optus customer. Optus mobile broadband was TERRIBLE so I changed to Vodafone. Most of the time it is fine, although I do have regular dropouts, and their customer service is appalling. Truly, customers should not have to try every single telco to find the best service. The telco should be honest about the services they can provide, and at least TRY to solve problems when you call customer service. I am now stuck with yet another 24 month contract. Perhaps after that I'll try Telstra. (BAHAHAHA. As if!)
2358 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is VERY VERY at 27 Dec 2010 12:38:59 PM
I have been with Vodafone since arriving in Australia in 2005 and have recently gone to Telstra, i run a business and my calls would drop out, i would have hardly any reception and the phone could be sat beside me and then all of a sudden i would have 5 missed calls and the phone did not even ring, i had to cancel i could not continue this way i hate to think of how many clients i have lost because of this truly rubbish network coverage.
2357 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone is good at 27 Dec 2010 12:38:57 PM
I dont think Vodafone has given any problem so I am surprised with the problem you are facing. In fact Telstra is not available in my shop and home. So are you going to start an anti-Telstra web site too. let me know I will sign up for that.
2356 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is rather annoying at 27 Dec 2010 12:38:47 PM
There is always a lack of reception in the area I am in. Also I haven't had credit in sometime and am aware of this so I don't bother trying to send texts or call and yet every day at 1:34pm without fail I will get spammed with 5-8 messages saying "Transaction failed - Insufficient funds". I also haven't signed up to anything that would require them to take daily payments of credit.
27 Dec 2010 12:47:28 PM: Why didn't you join a carrier with coverage in your suburb then? Optus has poor coverage in my area, so I joined Vodafone instead and have no issues.
2355 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic at 27 Dec 2010 12:38:43 PM
Complained may times over the phone about reception and issues with my new phone. Went into Glendale and Jesmond stores many times to be ignored by staff, managed to get one helpfull guy who swapped my sim because he could see I had no reception in store. New sim didnt resolve the issue called again had to send phone away for repair at own cost to be repaired, came back still faulty. Called vodafone again and the promised they would send out a technical support person to check signal in my area, advised there was no issues. Went into vodafone store to compain once again to be ignored by staff and advised them I would like a pay out figure the advised it would be over $500.00 I advised I would be happy to pay to get away from Vodafone for good. Lodged a COMPLAINT ONLINE WITH THE aUST tELICOMUNICATION oMBUSMAN TO WHICH THEIR REPLY WAS TO TRY AND LET vODAFONE RESOLVE THE ISSUE.Still owe Vodafone over $250.00 as i am trying to pay the debt off, have been blacklisted by Vodafone to which I could not care less. Am now with Telstra and couldnt be happier.
2354 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone is good at 27 Dec 2010 12:38:40 PM
I dont think Vodafone has given any problem so I am surprised with the problem you are facing. In fact Telstra is not available in my shop and home. So are you going to start an anti-Telstra web site too. let me know I will sign up for that.
2353 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone is good at 27 Dec 2010 12:38:24 PM
I dont think Vodafone has given any problem so I am surprised with the problem you are facing. In fact Telstra is not available in my shop and home. So are you going to start an anti-Telstra web site too. let me know I will sign up for that.
27 Dec 2010 12:50:01 PM: SPAM ALERT
ok Vodafone Indian call centre staff member. Thanks for sharing. Telstra never promised reception in Bangalore anyway.
ok Vodafone Indian call centre staff member. Thanks for sharing. Telstra never promised reception in Bangalore anyway.
2352 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is PATHETIC at 27 Dec 2010 12:38:06 PM
I had the same issues as everyone else. Drop outs and no service. I had one month left of my contract and decided I couldn't wait that month. So expecting to pay out the last $100 of my contract they have now billed me $450!! WTF?
27 Dec 2010 03:23:41 PM: You can break the contract. Tell them you are going to contact the Telecommunications ombudsmen and lodge a complaint for failing to provide the service you signed up for. Also quote them "IT IS AGAINST THE LAW TO ENTER INTO A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT IF YOU CAN NOT LIVE UP TO THE SERVICE DESCRIBED"
27 Dec 2010 04:25:38 PM: GOOD LUCK ...when i contacted the telecomunication authority and the law courts the UNIFORM response is LIKE ALDI ...VODAFONE is not an AU identity and therefore NOT under the durestriction of AUS authorities. unless I can obtain detail of an AU address and name responsible THE courts have advised they can not prepare a summons for me to serve
27 Dec 2010 06:31:16 PM: Any company that operates in Australia is bound by Australian law. But in this case Vodafone that operates in Australia IS an Australian company it's called "Vodafone Hutchison Australia" and the CEO's name is Nigel Dews.
28 Dec 2010 12:25:59 AM: asfsdfasdfasdfasdf
28 Dec 2010 05:00:44 AM: Vodafone Hutchison Australia Pty Ltd. ABN 76 096 304 620.
thank you 08:31:16
this is an Australian company... seems like you got an intern to give you legal advise. I suggest you speak with legal aid or wait until this class action against Vodafone begins. and yes, DO NOT ACCEPT VODAFONE CHARGES IF THEY ARE NOT WARRANTED
thank you 08:31:16
this is an Australian company... seems like you got an intern to give you legal advise. I suggest you speak with legal aid or wait until this class action against Vodafone begins. and yes, DO NOT ACCEPT VODAFONE CHARGES IF THEY ARE NOT WARRANTED
28 Dec 2010 05:16:56 AM: I was at boxing day test and vfone were promoting the crap out of their product. While I sat there unable to make or receive calls for most of the day. As soon as I walked out of the ground and back into the city a whole heap of texts came through. The irony of being at the vfone ashes!!
2351 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone is good at 27 Dec 2010 12:37:58 PM
I dont think Vodafone has given any problem so I am surprised with the problem you are facing. In fact Telstra is not available in my shop and home. So are you going to start an anti-Telstra web site too. let me know I will sign up for that.
2350 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 12:37:44 PM
forgot to mention my kids me and my partner all on vodafone i live in Rydalmere the reception is so bad in my units that we keep out phones near the sliding door on a table orelse it says out of service to my friends that call im on 2nd level in a unit block.......
2349 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is global roaming service at 27 Dec 2010 12:37:43 PM
over the last 2 years i've sufferred constant call drop outs with roaming in central bangkok. trying to run 2 businesses and poor reception aren't a winning combination. thank god for email and customers who are willing to call international numbers, otherwise i'd be broke.
bradman had a 99.99% run rate...but vodafone's drop out rate is matched.
yeah, i've sent countless emails to resolve issues, spoken with customer service operators (in egypt, phillipines, india, etc) at my expense at international rates, and had family ring on my behalf in australia and advocate on my behalf...and still the service is hopeless.
vodafone's email service always says they've resolved the problem, sending out "problem solved' emails, which causes further frustration.
their overseas call support always want to know "what the weather is like in australia" & that "they want to visit" would i know what the weather is in australia, i'm in bangkok making a complaint...and as for travel plans to australia, great...but don't use vodafone if you want to do the stop over in bangkok.
vodafone do my head in...i've been using this number for 10 years i'm boxed in with a high priced service that doesn't deliver...if the service delivered, i'd have no problem.
please feel free to contact me in regards to any further support or complaints to vodafone...this is the very short version of months of dealing with incompetance.
bradman had a 99.99% run rate...but vodafone's drop out rate is matched.
yeah, i've sent countless emails to resolve issues, spoken with customer service operators (in egypt, phillipines, india, etc) at my expense at international rates, and had family ring on my behalf in australia and advocate on my behalf...and still the service is hopeless.
vodafone's email service always says they've resolved the problem, sending out "problem solved' emails, which causes further frustration.
their overseas call support always want to know "what the weather is like in australia" & that "they want to visit" would i know what the weather is in australia, i'm in bangkok making a complaint...and as for travel plans to australia, great...but don't use vodafone if you want to do the stop over in bangkok.
vodafone do my head in...i've been using this number for 10 years i'm boxed in with a high priced service that doesn't deliver...if the service delivered, i'd have no problem.
please feel free to contact me in regards to any further support or complaints to vodafone...this is the very short version of months of dealing with incompetance.
2348 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VERY at 27 Dec 2010 12:37:35 PM
2347 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is terrible at 27 Dec 2010 12:37:32 PM
Trying to get a new handset on insurance (after $275 excess later) but cant get through to give them the mailing address. Message just says "sorry, an error has occurred. Please call again..." have tried over and over again... not sure what to do..
Also, 0 reception in Yass (just pout of town) and poor reception everywhere else.
Also, 0 reception in Yass (just pout of town) and poor reception everywhere else.
27 Dec 2010 01:48:21 PM: there's no reception in the main street either...
2346 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:37:32 PM
got an iphone 4 2 months ago, just stopped working xmas day, take it to vodafone store boxing day and am told it will be 3 weeks while they fix it.. no loan phone or anything! absolutely OUTRAGED!! i hate, I HATE YOU VODAFONE. CRAP SERVICE, cant understand your mumbai call centre slumdogs and LARA is the worst service director as she can never understand with any background noise. constantly get dropped calls, shit reception and most annoyingly.... NO DATA COVERAGE! whats the point of paying for 1.5gb of data when im lucky to use 200mb on your SHIT NETWORK!
TIO contacted.. im getting out! i suggest you all do the same!
TIO contacted.. im getting out! i suggest you all do the same!
27 Dec 2010 12:39:24 PM: You should have gone booked an appoitment with Genious the Apple Store they would have fixed your phone on the spot.
27 Dec 2010 01:10:19 PM: Your problem is your iPhone, they run terrible on Vodafone, should have gotten a Nokia.
2345 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:37:24 PM
We were constantly being charged an excess on our account with Vodafone. After contacting their customer service centre and being told "don't know" we decided to go elsewhere only to be charged a $120 exit fee. They were charging us and could not even tell us what it was for?? Very, very disappointing and such a poor service.
2344 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:37:21 PM
I was using vodafone internet for some years until it stopped working in my place. In short vodafone service is extreamly poor after complaining for 3 months,no internet service and getting told it was my fault. I decided to break the contract and start again with another provider. Those idiots are still asking me for a pay out.
2343 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is poor global roaming service at 27 Dec 2010 12:37:13 PM
over the last 2 years i've sufferred constant call drop outs with roaming in central bangkok. trying to run 2 businesses and poor reception aren't a winning combination. thank god for email and customers who are willing to call international numbers, otherwise i'd be broke.
bradman had a 99.99% run rate...but vodafone's drop out rate is matched.
yeah, i've sent countless emails to resolve issues, spoken with customer service operators (in egypt, phillipines, india, etc) at my expense at international rates, and had family ring on my behalf in australia and advocate on my behalf...and still the service is hopeless.
vodafone's email service always says they've resolved the problem, sending out "problem solved' emails, which causes further frustration.
their overseas call support always want to know "what the weather is like in australia" & that "they want to visit" would i know what the weather is in australia, i'm in bangkok making a complaint...and as for travel plans to australia, great...but don't use vodafone if you want to do the stop over in bangkok.
vodafone do my head in...i've been using this number for 10 years i'm boxed in with a high priced service that doesn't deliver...if the service delivered, i'd have no problem.
please feel free to contact me in regards to any further support or complaints to vodafone...this is the very short version of months of dealing with incompetance.
bradman had a 99.99% run rate...but vodafone's drop out rate is matched.
yeah, i've sent countless emails to resolve issues, spoken with customer service operators (in egypt, phillipines, india, etc) at my expense at international rates, and had family ring on my behalf in australia and advocate on my behalf...and still the service is hopeless.
vodafone's email service always says they've resolved the problem, sending out "problem solved' emails, which causes further frustration.
their overseas call support always want to know "what the weather is like in australia" & that "they want to visit" would i know what the weather is in australia, i'm in bangkok making a complaint...and as for travel plans to australia, great...but don't use vodafone if you want to do the stop over in bangkok.
vodafone do my head in...i've been using this number for 10 years i'm boxed in with a high priced service that doesn't deliver...if the service delivered, i'd have no problem.
please feel free to contact me in regards to any further support or complaints to vodafone...this is the very short version of months of dealing with incompetance.
2342 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone is good at 27 Dec 2010 12:36:57 PM
I dont think Vodafone has given any problem so I am surprised with the problem you are facing. In fact Telstra is not available in my shop and home. So are you going to start an anti-Telstra web site too. let me know I will sign up for that.
2341 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is BAD at 27 Dec 2010 12:36:21 PM
No coverage and drop outs.Not happy !!!!!!