Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
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2340 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is EXTREMELY F%&$#@ at 27 Dec 2010 12:35:45 PM
Hi, I can't express to you how happy I am to find this website, finally I discovered that its not only me that i'm suffering with Vodafone !!!
I have 2 plans with vodafone, one for me and one for my wife, and i can't tell you how horrible is the reception, we always experience dropped calls and no reception, I have lost count how many times people call me and when they get through to me they say why is your phone ALWAYS OFF, mind you my wife and I never turn our phones off but its clearly the EXTREMELY POOR coverage from vodafone that is causing this! to be honest I don't want to sue Vodafone for money as much as i want them to fix their bloody stupid retarted network !!!
Optus is not better at all I was with optus for 2 years before vodafone and trust me guys they are the same crap! the only good network with the best coverage is Telstra, but they are an absolute RIP OFFs !!
So if the vodafone people are sneeking into this website and read the comments and they are reading mine now, I say, PLEASE do something to enhance your coverage and services.
Thanks for whoever created this website.
Mazen from Melbourne
I have 2 plans with vodafone, one for me and one for my wife, and i can't tell you how horrible is the reception, we always experience dropped calls and no reception, I have lost count how many times people call me and when they get through to me they say why is your phone ALWAYS OFF, mind you my wife and I never turn our phones off but its clearly the EXTREMELY POOR coverage from vodafone that is causing this! to be honest I don't want to sue Vodafone for money as much as i want them to fix their bloody stupid retarted network !!!
Optus is not better at all I was with optus for 2 years before vodafone and trust me guys they are the same crap! the only good network with the best coverage is Telstra, but they are an absolute RIP OFFs !!
So if the vodafone people are sneeking into this website and read the comments and they are reading mine now, I say, PLEASE do something to enhance your coverage and services.
Thanks for whoever created this website.
Mazen from Melbourne
2339 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:35:30 PM
2338 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Xmas Gift Failure at 27 Dec 2010 12:35:16 PM
What an abomination Vodafone is. I was with Vodafone about 8 years ago and left THEN because they were pitiful. My wife and i bought my 12 year old daughter a Nokia C3 mobile for Christmas through a Vodafone deal and after my 12 year old watched me TRY and put credit on it for her after 2 bloody hours of being hung up on, errors galore on the website and them using VOIP for all there communications which was pathetic, we had just about given up when i FINALLY was able to give them some money for what i can only say is probably the most pathetic support i have ever been involved with in my 43 years. The phone (although advertised as Facebook compatible) is constantly giving "no network" whenever trying to access anything on the internet, after waiting one and a half hours for support and being hardly able to understand the 3 people at the other end, they tell me it has to go back to a Vodafone shop as it isn't working... NO SH*T SHERLOCK! I thought it was just me but after finding this site i just sit and shake my head and cannot wait for Wednesday so i can change my daughters phone over to Optus who i have been with for 4 years and have NO problems whatsoever! Thanks Vodafone for making my daughters Xmas sh*tty...
27 Dec 2010 01:59:11 PM: You are giving a 12 year old girl a mobile? With facebook access? You a a seriously negligent parent. Heard of brain timings and paedofiles? Best thing to happen that she doesn't get this phone...hope you think again about it...
27 Dec 2010 02:00:16 PM: Brain tumours
2337 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Fail Fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:35:08 PM
Was originally a Crazy Johns customer (Roams on Voda) until my contract came up for renewal. Voda offered the best deal on the iPhone 4 so I thought I would continue. Silly thing is, my house is terrible for voda coverage. The reception is poor at the front of the house, but usable. Walk two metres to the rear of the house, and there is no coverage at all. Whilst on a call, I have to stand perfectly still, or the call drops out. SMS can often take hours to send / recieve and dont even try PXT / MMS messages. I rang to complain and was just told that they were working to fix the problems and I should be patient. Plus, I was then politely told that as I was in a contract, there was very little IO could do anyways. Nice FAIL!
2336 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very makes me sick at 27 Dec 2010 12:34:59 PM
Over 6 months now i ring them they tell me they fixing the problem..
Th e problem is i cant access my emails through my iphone they tell me go through mail2web i did not spend $700 on a iphone to go through mail to web enter my data every time and muck around 5 min to get my emails.
Then after 5-6 complaints and very long waiting times on phone they game me $10 credit..I felt so sick
Th e problem is i cant access my emails through my iphone they tell me go through mail2web i did not spend $700 on a iphone to go through mail to web enter my data every time and muck around 5 min to get my emails.
Then after 5-6 complaints and very long waiting times on phone they game me $10 credit..I felt so sick
2335 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Utter fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:34:53 PM
I'm a 20 year old student.
I'm on a $69 cap with for the iphone + $8 insurance, 1 gb of internet and access to 3g network. In little under a year my phone stopped being able to connect to the 3g network, the internet became extremely slow and the phone would often miss calls.
I called Vodafone while at uni and spent close to and hour waiting on the phone. I had to hang up. No one answered. I tried calling again later and got through. I told them that I would like a new phone and felt entitled to one as I had been paying the extra insurance costs. They told me I would have to pay an additional lump sum of just under $200 to repair the phone. I hung up. As it happened they did discount me a month off of my 24month contract due to reception issues, however, I'm still paying way too much for a service that is overpriced and barely functional.
The internet is too slow for the 1gb of data entitlement, services such as googlemaps are cumbersome and the general utility of my phone is undermined by poor hardware performance and a service provider who, like others have said before, seem to disregard the nature of a contract. I'm paying $78 for a service I could get on a $50 or $30 cap.
Thank god someone set up this website.
I'm on a $69 cap with for the iphone + $8 insurance, 1 gb of internet and access to 3g network. In little under a year my phone stopped being able to connect to the 3g network, the internet became extremely slow and the phone would often miss calls.
I called Vodafone while at uni and spent close to and hour waiting on the phone. I had to hang up. No one answered. I tried calling again later and got through. I told them that I would like a new phone and felt entitled to one as I had been paying the extra insurance costs. They told me I would have to pay an additional lump sum of just under $200 to repair the phone. I hung up. As it happened they did discount me a month off of my 24month contract due to reception issues, however, I'm still paying way too much for a service that is overpriced and barely functional.
The internet is too slow for the 1gb of data entitlement, services such as googlemaps are cumbersome and the general utility of my phone is undermined by poor hardware performance and a service provider who, like others have said before, seem to disregard the nature of a contract. I'm paying $78 for a service I could get on a $50 or $30 cap.
Thank god someone set up this website.
2334 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:33:52 PM
I was going to be moving to a new estate where reception was brilliant unless you were with Telstra, but Vodafone told me that share tower with them so the reception will be fine....Bull!!! Its been terrible now im stuck on a 2 year plan with no reception unless I pay it out!
2333 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very bad at 27 Dec 2010 12:33:45 PM
It is unbelievable my friends always have full service, but I always have next to none, they are with Telstra and Optus even in the middle of the CBD I would be lucky to have one bar.
Soon as my Contract is out I am changing for sure.
Soon as my Contract is out I am changing for sure.
2332 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very unstable at 27 Dec 2010 12:32:51 PM
I have had continual poor reception with constant dropouts since I started my 2 year contract nearly 2 years ago. Since I use my mobile in my computer business you can imagine the embarrasment when calls with customers would just cut out. During calls I would also experience very poor call quality due to poor reception, making it very difficult to hear what customers are saying. My home office appears to be in a location where Vodafone coverage is not very good (even though I checked with the Vodafone shop staff before signing the contract) and most of the time my mobile shows no signal reception. I will often suddenly hear a text message come in saying I have a missed call, even though my mobile never rang. This is very common and quite frustrating. I'm definitely not getting my money's worth from my phone plan as I find most of the time I have to resort to a landline to make calls. I've tried different mobiles but I still have poor reception. I've also tried calling technical support a few times but haven't got very far. On a few occasions a Vodafone customer service representitive has rang my mobile but while talking with them my phone has dropped out, leaving me at square one. With only 3 months left in my contract I cannot wait to change providers so that I can use my mobile as expected. If Vodafone could improve their service I would be very happy to stay with them. I've found good reception with Telstra but I must say they are much more expensive...
2331 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is once aponatime at 27 Dec 2010 12:32:14 PM
Vodafone used to be first class, used it all the time. that was back in the old days which is now a memory long ago
2330 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 3G sooo slooooow at 27 Dec 2010 12:32:13 PM
I am on a 2 year contract and have 1G data plan. I figured I could use it to watch youtube or surf web on the bus home. Little did I know the problems I would face with super slow vodafone 3G speeds. I remember getting faster speeds in the days of dialup modems. 3G is classed as broadband right? How can a company offer a service and not provide it but then provide no way to get the problem resolved? As soon as I can get out of my contract I will never be a vodafone customer again.
2329 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Front for other telco's to look good. at 27 Dec 2010 12:32:10 PM
I have no mess now...I Ported to Telstra. After a hearing of my issues the guy in the (Telstra reseller) shop actually felt so sorry for me He threw in a Bluetooth car kit ($300), Phone cover($40), Box of screen protectors($20) in with my new trouble free IPhone 4. Who says Telstra is costly? Switching seems to have saved me $360 up front. Vodafone - can't even spell their own name !
2328 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is once aponatime at 27 Dec 2010 12:31:41 PM
Vodafone used to be first class, used it all the time. that was back in the old days which is now a memory long ago
28 Dec 2010 04:24:00 PM: Those were the days...
2327 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:31:27 PM
Great we now have a website to vent our anger at a company that reaps in hundereds of thousands of $$$$$$$$$$ in profits and ignore the most important part..THERE CUSTOMER BASE ! My first of many problems started when I paid $25 to have my mobile phone unlocked via there less than impressive website. After paying the $25 so I could use my phone in Thailand, once I arrived there I found I had NO COVERAGE because my phone WASNT unlocked !!! I AM STILL WAITING NEAR 12MTHS LATER FOR MY $25 BACK OR HAVE THE PHONE UNLOCKED !!! Also I have a Vodafone USB stick for my internet and the coverage is absolute terrible ( Frankston Area) with it dropping out and when it does work I have poor reception. I have called the call centre( useless bunch of non speaking and caring people) and been told that it is not my area but the tin roof I have on my house that is the major problem of my recetion complaint???? Vodafone need to get english speaking people who understand the word anger and empathy if you want to keep your customers coz this little black duck is about to find another internet company to deal with.
27 Dec 2010 12:52:56 PM: I think your problem is the fact that you live in Frankston
27 Dec 2010 01:07:41 PM: lol, i think his real problem is that he doesnt know the difference between "getting a phone unlocked" and "global roaming" are...
28 Dec 2010 01:21:20 PM: No, the person clearly wanted to use a local Thai SIM in his phone so that he didn't have to pay roaming charges.
2326 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Testing my patience and loyalty. at 27 Dec 2010 12:31:19 PM
on "that" fateful weekend we had a patch Tuesday for our server and remote support could not be contacted nor could the admin to find out when the servers would be up. we had vpn customers internationally unable to connect to our exchange and network and could not contact the admin who was on, you guessed it, the vodafone network. then just recently i had received texts 1 hour late, to verify with the sender i met up with them and saw his text was sent 1 hour before i received them. 1 hour!!! morse code takes less time. i have been a customer with vodafone for at least 8 years. patience is wearing thin and free texts and calls for 1 weekend doesnt cut it anymore. i am so glad our corp IT switched to Telstra recently, away from vodafone.
2325 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 2G network at 27 Dec 2010 12:31:03 PM
Hey guys, try to switch to 2G network, mine is working, halleeelluuuyaaahhhh!!!!!!
27 Dec 2010 12:56:48 PM: people without Iphones cant do this..
and WHY SHOULD WE HAVE TO? 3G isnt NEW TECH IN THIS COUNTRY, other providers manage to do it just fine.
and WHY SHOULD WE HAVE TO? 3G isnt NEW TECH IN THIS COUNTRY, other providers manage to do it just fine.
2324 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Unconscionable at 27 Dec 2010 12:31:01 PM
I was around my partners place last night using her post paid Vodafone Internet. It kept cutting out all the time. I restarted it 6 times in 2 hours. I used to using my Telstra Cable connection which has worked flawlessly for 6 years.
The government needs to take Vodafone to account. All Vodafone users should DEMAND a REFUND!
The government needs to take Vodafone to account. All Vodafone users should DEMAND a REFUND!
27 Dec 2010 04:03:27 PM: I have had my Nokia E63 for 1 year and it takes my phone 3 hours to receive a text message from my friends and I'm with Vodafone. So Vodafone is really Vodafail!
27 Dec 2010 04:25:04 PM: I am in Sydney suburb. You are fortunate to receive even if after 3 hours. Mine gets lost or arrive next day. I just drove from Paramatta Road, Strathfield. I had no signal for over 20 minutes. Vodaphone wasn't so pathetic. It just gets getting worse. I am willing to return them the phone, if only they will be so kind as to cancel my contract.
27 Dec 2010 09:30:06 PM: I have been with Vodafail for approx 10 years, i spend approx 38-48 hrs outcalls a month and who knows about incoming its up there, all i can say i have been getting an incredible amount of drop outs say 10-20 a day if not more, the reception seems to be getting worse and then i try contacting them and it can take up to 2 hrs sometimes i cant get through as when it seems i have gotten through it hangs up on me absolute CRAP and we pay premium rates for this pathetic service, i am actually considering changing carriers asthey dont care so maybe i should just move on from this trash
2323 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is VERY at 27 Dec 2010 12:30:28 PM
I live in the western suburbs (taylors Hill, Sydenham area) I very rarely have more than 1 Bar reception in my house or around. I often get messages the day after and can never get 3G on my phone. How can this be? It is a built up area of more than 12 years. Something has to be done!!!!!!!
2322 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:30:10 PM
2321 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is MEGA FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at 27 Dec 2010 12:30:07 PM
My phone was cut off without warning as Vodafone claimed that i had not paid my bill. Having been an honorable client for many years i was very upset about the situation. I was put on hold umpteen times without a response and bearing in mind i was having to call off someone else's phone, therefore incurring fees for them. Once i finally got through vodafone were claiming that they had tried to debit my credit card and it was rejected. I then called the bank and they claimed that my credit card had not even been attempted to debit. Vodafone has cost me time and money. As soon as my contract is up i vow to never waste my time with their company ever again.
27 Dec 2010 01:09:56 PM: was teh expiry date correct
2320 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pathetic Coverage. at 27 Dec 2010 12:30:01 PM
I live in Surry Hills in Sydney, and I mainly travel within about 10km of the CBD. It's become a running joke with my contacts that "I'm on vodafone" when my calls almost invariably drop out and often cannot even connect again promptly. This is a joke for living in the middle of what should be the best covered mobile signal area in teh country! The acid test is running a 64K AAC streaming audio app from my phone (DI.FM) into my car stereo and driving around town. You cannot enjoy constant audio even with very aggressive audio buffering enabled, because the mobile signal wont carry it. Not good enough Vodafone, but I'm stuck in a "Capped Plan".
2319 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Utter fail. at 27 Dec 2010 12:29:56 PM
I've had my phone for 6 months - twice the SIM card has come up with the message saying it is not registered. Mind you, when purchasing my phone, the original SIM card I had picked up, when they went to register it in my name, the computer system told the customer service person that the SIM card was already in use. What the?!? It was in its original packet, not opened!
2318 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is VodaPhoney at 27 Dec 2010 12:29:56 PM
customer Service vodafone style 1st ring Vodafone get nowhere then call TIO, you would be forgiven if you were to believe the TIO was the complaints department for Vodafone. Note this Lara is the face of Vodafone service (she s not real) nor is Vodafones service, dont get me started on the continual dropouts or failures to connect even vodafone to vodafone. PS no wonder the Aussie cricketers are doing so Bad I blame Vodfone Drop catches dro outs failure to connect failure to connect bat and Ball Unable to get wickets unable to solve customer complaints.
2317 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is failing fast at 27 Dec 2010 12:29:47 PM
Hi luckily for me,I am almost at end of my contract,service has been going downhill since I signed a new contract,23 months ago,I started doing a lot of work outside the main centers,had no idea there was so little or no coverage.
calls constantly drop out,or wont connect,even where I live I can sometimes not get service now,just pathetic,however vodafone face to face staff,have always been very good. I have been with vodafone for 15 years,off to telstra tomorrow
calls constantly drop out,or wont connect,even where I live I can sometimes not get service now,just pathetic,however vodafone face to face staff,have always been very good. I have been with vodafone for 15 years,off to telstra tomorrow
2316 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is useless at 27 Dec 2010 12:29:45 PM
The service is horrible. If I send a message to my boyfriend it takes him over an hour to receive it and he is with Vodafone too. And phone calls are constantly dropping out or I have trouble hearing the other person. Will never sign with Vodafone again. They have cheap plans but it's not worth it.
2315 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Rubbish at 27 Dec 2010 12:29:32 PM
I signed up with 3 mobile broadband couple of years ago - not flash, but they did the job. Then, Vodafoney took over, and things are downhill all the way - many dropouts of service, offline for 60 to 90 minutes at a time, customer service calls go unanswered, or are re-routed to an automated voice message, pointless browser re-directions asking me to activate my account - after my pre-paid data allowance is finished, so will I be.
2314 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Super Slow ADSL Internet at 27 Dec 2010 12:29:28 PM
I purchased a Pre-Paid USB Mobile ADSL for $79 and was told that I will receive ADSL internet Speed.
After purchasing that I never got even close to a Dial Up speed and when I wanted to use the Mobile Modem on other Internet service Providers I had to pay $25 to unlock the modem.
After purchasing that I never got even close to a Dial Up speed and when I wanted to use the Mobile Modem on other Internet service Providers I had to pay $25 to unlock the modem.
2313 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Not enough swear words available at 27 Dec 2010 12:29:02 PM
Vodafone. IM SO GLAD TO BE FREEEEE OF YOU! When the "scheduled maintenance" that occured on a saturday a few weeks back, i was left with a brick of an iphone 4 with no service available. Most vodafone users around me got their service back that night. Me however - No. SIX DAYS OF NO SERVICE! I rang every single day trying to figure out what happened, being left on hold for hours at a time, being disconnected etc - then on the sixth day I spoke to someone who said it takes seven days once they've put a 'voucher in' to source the problem, and ohhh, they forgot to put the voucher in so i have SEVEN MORE DAYS TO WAIT. Well obviously this led me on a tirade of abuse for a good 10 minutes saying I want OUT and NOW and i want my 200 dollar bill WIPED and blah blah blah.
Well after being told to wait while he transfers me to the accounts department to cancel the contract i screamed 'dont you dare put me on hold again!!!" and I was told "it's an internal transfer so it wont be as long a wait". OH REALLY? 2 hours.... 2..... hours.
Anyway it turned out to be worth it as after explaining how long I had been without service and how they breached the contract, they wiped my bill, told me they would refund my handset fee i pid up front and let me out of my contract - just have to send the handset back.
Now I'm with optus and they PWN VODAFONE SO HARD!
Well after being told to wait while he transfers me to the accounts department to cancel the contract i screamed 'dont you dare put me on hold again!!!" and I was told "it's an internal transfer so it wont be as long a wait". OH REALLY? 2 hours.... 2..... hours.
Anyway it turned out to be worth it as after explaining how long I had been without service and how they breached the contract, they wiped my bill, told me they would refund my handset fee i pid up front and let me out of my contract - just have to send the handset back.
Now I'm with optus and they PWN VODAFONE SO HARD!
2312 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is BREAK YOUR CONTRACT at 27 Dec 2010 12:28:58 PM
27 Dec 2010 01:20:23 PM: Really??? I will get down there this week. I use my phone for business as well as personal and the data and network have been shocking. Phone has been locking up, poor or no reception, text messages not recieved till days later and all at once if at all. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE Provider.
27 Dec 2010 03:19:27 PM: Telcos are over subscribed. Like in a supermarket at christmas, too many shoppers and not enough checkouts. Everyone rushes over to the newly opened checkout and before you know it, it's crap too.
Telcos are trying to balance shoppers and checkouts. Obviously, they aren't doing it very well.
It's the timewasting BS that really annoys me.
Telcos are trying to balance shoppers and checkouts. Obviously, they aren't doing it very well.
It's the timewasting BS that really annoys me.
27 Dec 2010 05:45:47 PM: You really can't beat Telstra for mobile coverage and internet connection. I've tried other providers but Telsta has never let me down!
27 Dec 2010 06:29:16 PM: Is this really possible??? that VODAFONE will allow people to get out of their contract??? IF IT IS TRUE THEN GREAT !!!
27 Dec 2010 07:22:43 PM: How? I only have reception full reception in my bedroom and bearly any in the living areas, then on one side of the house it drops out. At work, none!! I am so sick of the reception issues and I am sure it has only been recent months that this has been such a problem. Often I find I have reception and when people ring me it goes straight to voicemail. Please let me know how to break my contract.
27 Dec 2010 09:13:36 PM: Hey guys I've gone through the pain of Vodafone and been screwed around by them. Today they released me from my contract with 6mths left on my contract. I have to return the handset but I don't want to keep it anyway!
I have persisted/harassed them for the past month about my issues, they told me to follow certain steps but of course that didn't work. They then told me to go to my local Vodafone store..... Cairns, until recently, had 3 stores open. 2 got closed down and the last one was getting renovated. So I was stuck. In the last week I made a lot of phone calls and I finally got through, my case got given to a Network Engineer, the report given to the Cancellation Team said they would release me from my contract with no extra charges. Best outcome I've had and the one I wanted.
I have persisted/harassed them for the past month about my issues, they told me to follow certain steps but of course that didn't work. They then told me to go to my local Vodafone store..... Cairns, until recently, had 3 stores open. 2 got closed down and the last one was getting renovated. So I was stuck. In the last week I made a lot of phone calls and I finally got through, my case got given to a Network Engineer, the report given to the Cancellation Team said they would release me from my contract with no extra charges. Best outcome I've had and the one I wanted.
27 Dec 2010 11:02:31 PM: Those who suggested you go with Telstra especially with "Telsta has never let me down!" either works for Telstra or are talking BS.
27 Dec 2010 11:21:36 PM: The telecommunications ombudsman has declared Vodafone in breach of every contract in light of the poor connections, service and continual dropping out. It's not Vodafone offering to release you from your contract, it's the TCO ordering them to. You are not receiving the services you signed up for, therefore they HAVE TO allow anyone on a contract to sever that contract with no penalty. After 12 years with Vodafone, I'm bailing. It's affecting my business, and the straw that broke the camel's back? Recharging my son's prepay account one day, and having Vodafone remove all credit the next, with no explanation and no guarantee it won't happen again. I blame the merger with 3 personally....never had an issue with Vodafone's service until they joined together.
28 Dec 2010 12:00:24 AM: Hey guy, I'm a Independent ACN Representative. I understand how truly unhappy everyone are with Vodaphone. I never use Vodaphone, I usually use Telstra. I was unhappy with Telstra Customer service. They take too long to answer the call and transfer your call too many time, waisting credit and valuable time. You can reach their service within few minute, excellent services, quick and efficient service. Like to know more, don't hesitate to send me an email at I definitely love to make unhappy to happy customer.
2311 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No 3G at 27 Dec 2010 12:28:55 PM
Low service, continual internet drop out. No service when i'm at call for work
2310 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Bad at 27 Dec 2010 12:28:47 PM
The last three months have been really bad, continual drop outs even in normally good service areas and trying to get an Ipad connected to a pre-paid service in shop, took me four visits before service reps got it right. Was given the wrong micro-sim on two occasions. Also your call rates stink, looking at my recent calls to Papua New Guinea, how the hell can you justify (copied from my call history):
24/12/2010 12:22:02 Voice 67571733*** 00:00:02 INT $6.39
3/12/2010 18:11:26 Voice 67573210*** 00:01:23 INT $12.39
22/12/2010 19:20:46 Voice 67573210*** 00:00:02 INT $6.39
Two second connection to a voice mail and get charged bloody $6.39, absolute garbage.
24/12/2010 12:22:02 Voice 67571733*** 00:00:02 INT $6.39
3/12/2010 18:11:26 Voice 67573210*** 00:01:23 INT $12.39
22/12/2010 19:20:46 Voice 67573210*** 00:00:02 INT $6.39
Two second connection to a voice mail and get charged bloody $6.39, absolute garbage.
27 Dec 2010 12:32:16 PM: WOW that's totally crazy!
27 Dec 2010 10:32:19 PM: sounds about right.
Calling a backwater country to an automated line which is provided by an entirely different carrier and therefore charges Vodafone for you to use.
6 bucks a minute sounds right on the money.
Calling a backwater country to an automated line which is provided by an entirely different carrier and therefore charges Vodafone for you to use.
6 bucks a minute sounds right on the money.
2309 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 12:28:38 PM
After months of drop-outs and important calls going directly to my voicemail (and sometimes not receiving the voicemail until hours later) I called Vodafone to ask them when my 24 month contract ends. Called the help desk and was told it would be a long wait so I opted to be called back. Vodafone called back and hang up on me. I emailed Vodafone on the 13th of December to ask them when my contract expires. As of 27 December I still have not received a reply despite the website saying I would receive a reply within 5 business days.
2303 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is BREAK YOUR CONTRACT at 27 Dec 2010 12:27:18 PM
27 Dec 2010 02:37:48 PM: Hahahaha! That's not a free $200 giftcard...not with Telstra anyway! Telstra will end up having you pay them back with all the huge amounts of fees they slap you with. Telstra is worse than Vodaphone!
28 Dec 2010 08:08:18 AM: Really? they won't let me go buddy....
30 Dec 2010 09:03:56 PM: All they gave us was $10 credit per phone per month
24 Jan 2011 04:50:59 PM: Telstra worse then vodafone since i swapped from vodafone to telstra i now dont get Bites from the Mozzies Cus i can now make a call inside my OWN HOME. compared with vodafone i had to walk to the gate just to make a call and i live 300M away from Cas Square
2302 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 5star fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:27:18 PM
paying $114/month and i get nothing in return. Calls are pretty much impossible, all i am doing is running around in circles and out of buildings as soon as i get a call (if in fact i get the ring and not a straight voicemail eventually that i missed the call) to just try to be able to get through a phone call. And data? Don't even get me started, unuseable, utterly unuseable on all fronts, even text over internet (with minimum data requirements) only works half the time and unreliably. I am normally not a revengeful person, but if a class action lawsuit should start in Australia i would join too. I want my money back and a decent phone service. This is 2011 almost, not 1996. Seriously!
2301 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:27:14 PM
I needed to speak with vodafone customer support. I called and waited on hold for 2 hours, while being repeatedly told by an automated message that I was 'almost there'. After the 2 hour mark the call simply dropped out.
27 Dec 2010 12:35:12 PM: your lucky 2 hrs before the call dropped out im lucky if my call lasts 20 secs
2300 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is BREAK YOUR CONTRACT at 27 Dec 2010 12:27:06 PM
27 Dec 2010 12:54:54 PM: do you need to go to vodafone first to break contract?
28 Dec 2010 09:28:07 AM: I'd certainly like to know how to do this as my husband is so fed up he keeps telling me he is going to smash this f"ing phone.He is a truck driver and needs his phone for his work.I thuoght that I was getting a super bargain through Crazy Johns who use Vodafone. free calls to my husands phone and via versa what a joke thats only if you can get through to him.In my house I get the emergency calls only coverage.Have to go out side to the front to the road to get coverage.mind you I have MS and severe breathing problems.Was told when asked about the coverage because of medical problems that it was fine and even showed me on the computer where the coverage I signed a 2 year contract (bad mistake)Have made complaints but to no avail still have another year from January to go on contract.My postcode is 2443 and the only time that i have seen the 3G on my phone is when I have gone to Sydney.
2299 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Rural nightmare at 27 Dec 2010 12:26:48 PM
Re: 27 Dec 2010 02:23:17 P
Sorry to disagree but I travel widely in country Victoria, particularly through the Mallee areas and can spend most of my time with no Vodafone reception.
Sorry to disagree but I travel widely in country Victoria, particularly through the Mallee areas and can spend most of my time with no Vodafone reception.
2298 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is BREAK YOUR CONTRACT at 27 Dec 2010 12:26:47 PM
27 Dec 2010 12:43:47 PM: tell me more!!!!
27 Dec 2010 12:48:53 PM: I called Vodafone 2 weeks ago complaining of poor coverage and to terminate they wanted to charge me $600 since I have about 1 year left. Is there something different I need to do so I can terminate for free and take up Telstra as my provider?
28 Dec 2010 10:58:22 AM: can you do this in store? what about the early exit fee???
29 Dec 2010 09:37:27 AM: but what if your phones locked with vodafone???
2297 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Data only works 50% of the time. at 27 Dec 2010 12:26:31 PM
I have an iPhone 4, which you kind of expect to browse the internet on, and connect with apps, etc. roughly half of my connection attempts just time out. When it works it's pretty fast, but loading a complex web page with lots of graphics almost never works, or takes over 5 minutes.
Me: Let me look that up on the net for you...
Me: Umm, it's usually faster than this. (a lie but what are you going to say?)
Me: Yeah, well ok, I'll look it up later and let you know.
There's also the occasional dropped call and the dreaded "No Service" (one no services lasted a few hours until I left home).
I'm switching to Telstra when my contract runs out, but thanks for giving my some place to bitch in the meantime. :)
Me: Let me look that up on the net for you...
Me: Umm, it's usually faster than this. (a lie but what are you going to say?)
Me: Yeah, well ok, I'll look it up later and let you know.
There's also the occasional dropped call and the dreaded "No Service" (one no services lasted a few hours until I left home).
I'm switching to Telstra when my contract runs out, but thanks for giving my some place to bitch in the meantime. :)
2296 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is awful at 27 Dec 2010 12:26:30 PM
Vodafone is awful, we have lots of problems, calls always drop, reception is poor, I use this phone for business and all my clients always complaint why my phone always drops , it seems really unprofessional to them and bad affect on my business, on top of it the internet speed of awful, I can not use its internet at all. Someone should be responsible for it and no one is ! Awful service!
2295 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Unconnectable at 27 Dec 2010 12:26:02 PM
I have a mobile internet 'dongle' which used to work well but for the last fortnight has 'connected' but with connection speeds which would embarass a snail.
Thanks for this website ... I thought beginning to think it was me/my computer at fault!
Thanks for this website ... I thought beginning to think it was me/my computer at fault!
27 Dec 2010 02:29:12 PM: i agree dude, have the same problem, slow connection, random drop outs, and ect ect, really shit service! coverage different all over house ahaha how retarded,
27 Dec 2010 03:53:37 PM: I had Vodafone mobile broadband but changed, after years of no problems to No Connection at all, at Semaphore. Get Your act together Vodafone !!
27 Dec 2010 07:29:26 PM: I have the same problem, slow connection, random drop outs. I also thought it was my computer at fault, but NO its the network. After 18 months I'm feed up with it and refuse to pay for it anymore. Doesn't work in most places including big cities.
27 Dec 2010 09:55:50 PM: I totally agree... I rebooted my computer twice.... and was using my regular landline every day to call the call centre.... guess what when I called the customer service the first time to tell them I dont have internet connection they asked me to use the online customer support and send them an email detailing the problem !!!!!!!!! It was the most frustrating experience of my entire life dealing with the lack of service and poor customer service
27 Dec 2010 10:11:03 PM: I agree the condoms broke and now i owe child support
27 Dec 2010 11:03:24 PM: And this has what to do with poor service from Vodafone?
27 Dec 2010 11:26:38 PM: Agree too- internet data via 3G is crap!!! Im actually using VIRGIN to log on and write this... as VODAFONE internet is just too slow and unreliable!!! Im sorry I signed up to the 49 plan including 2GB usb stick plan... wonder if I can get out of it???
27 Dec 2010 11:45:52 PM: Their 3G internet is pathetic, 2kbps!? You can't be serious, Vodafone. Do you hand sort each byte in a call centre in India? I had better speeds in 1987!
27 Dec 2010 11:55:00 PM: mine was 0 - 8kbps..customer services was of no help
28 Dec 2010 12:17:48 AM: I;m an Idependent ACN Representative,I understand how everyone are totally dissatisfied with the Vodaphone phone, internet and customer service qualities. Our ACN customer services are incredible. You can reach them less than 10 mins pratically everytime. They are fast and effiecient and never transfer your call unlike Telstra or Optus as I heard, If you want to know more about us, contact me in my email at I loves to turn UNHAPPY customer to HAPPY customer.
28 Dec 2010 12:32:07 AM: <b>hmm</b>
28 Dec 2010 07:51:28 AM: I have noticed that Vodafone broadband network is highly insecure. My firewall is continuously alarming me about port scans and various attacks on various ports on my computer. Today i got 113 attacks in 15mins. When ever high level of attacks are found speed get down to almost zero. This is a clear indication about poor network management.
28 Dec 2010 09:29:46 AM: I have the post paid internet dongle thingy, and before that i had the prepaid one. In both cases, the first 2 weeks were fantastic, faster than my father's internet connection that runs connected to his phone line. but as soon as the first 2 weeks were over, the speeds dropped to ridiculous levels, like spending an hour sitting on 0bps, or not getting any higher than 20Kbps. it drops out frequently. the only consistancy with vodafone is that it's completely unreliable!! and when you call a number, u get transfered so many times (still not as bad as telstra there though) and when you finally get to someone who might be able to help you, you can't understand them, and they can't understand you. I had a call centre staff member tell me he couldn't understand my accent!!! I am an AUSTRALIAN customer, i don't have an accent!!!!
28 Dec 2010 12:23:23 PM: Same issue with pathetic mobile internet speeds. But when I tried to cancel the service, got told it would cost me money for a replacement modem (even though its a known problem) or to leave contract or had to sign for another two years to get a modem for free. Why would I sign for another two years with someone who doesnt give even poor service in the first instance?!
2294 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:25:49 PM
I was stuck in a 3 year contract and complained of the lack of reception. They said I was just in a bad mobile phone blackspot. Vodfone have said that customewrs have had bad reception in the past several weeks. Rubbish! This has been going on for years.
I want my money back.
I want my money back.
28 Dec 2010 12:59:00 AM: I'm an Idependent ACN Representative,I understand how everyone are totally dissatisfied with the Vodafone phone, internet and customer service qualities. Our ACN customer services are incredible. You can reach them less than 10 mins pratically everytime. They are fast and effiecient and never transfer your call unlike Telstra or Optus as I heard, If you want to know more about us, contact me in my email at I loves to turn UNHAPPY customer to HAPPY customer.
2293 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 0 at 27 Dec 2010 12:25:43 PM
Have both a Vodafone mobile phone contract and a mobile broadband plan. The broadband is terrible, very slow and sometimes won't connect at all. I have been overcharged on my usage as well. Have rung the technical support and they are pretty useless and also hard to understand due to accents. Recently I was unable to make or receive calls from my mobile phone for over 1 week. Very frustrating as I do not have a landline at home and would have been in serious trouble if any emergency arose. Nothing was mentioned on the website when I tried to research this problem and upon visiting one Vodafone shop was told that it was my iPhone and it needed a system upgrade. After doing this and accidently wiping photos of my kids there was no improvement. I visited another store and was told that Vodafone were upgrading the towers and my phone should be back in service at 6pm that night. Four days later still unable to make and receive calls. I have been with Vodafone for approx 8 years and am regretting signing another contract.
28 Dec 2010 03:43:15 PM: dont dis the call centre. It is NOT their fault. VHA obviously moved call centres offshore due to cost cutting, and have not spent ANY $ on training, one of the most frustrating things is peeps dissing the call centre. VODA 3G towers are shite, not ready for 3 customers.
2292 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No Help at 27 Dec 2010 12:25:15 PM
I actually use AAPT who use the vodaphone network. Since I signed up with a mobile phone, I cannot send or receive photos. I have made countless calls to AAPT support who always say it will work within the next 24 hrs but doesn't. In many local places I have no service as it seems that vodaphone coverage in the country is terrible.
28 Dec 2010 05:12:28 PM: You need the settings sent to your phone firstly, then you need to send yourself a photo to activate it.. It doesn|'t take 24 hours to do. It takes about 3 minutes, not even.
2291 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is TERRIBLE at 27 Dec 2010 12:25:09 PM
I had to return two Pocket WiFi devices because they kept cutting out. Turns out it was a major fault with the Vodafone network. I wasted hours of my life trying to get the Internet to work. Hundreds of others had the same problems and Vodafone didn't care! It's all documented on the Whirlpool forums.
WATCH OUT - Vodafone employ a heap of people in India to post positive comments and PR spin on all complaints.
WATCH OUT - Vodafone employ a heap of people in India to post positive comments and PR spin on all complaints.
27 Dec 2010 12:41:36 PM: I think Vodaphone is to be being very very excellent, yes yes. Very good! I am having no problem with my wireless phone. I very much reckommending vodaphone!
27 Dec 2010 12:52:45 PM: i used to work for savvytel an even crappier telco supplied by vodafone (i no imagine it) and we used to post on whirlpool too
27 Dec 2010 01:27:06 PM: They are known as professional bloggers. Paid to write favourable comments for their clients.
27 Dec 2010 02:26:32 PM: Ha Ha Bruce LMAO!!
27 Dec 2010 04:07:00 PM: You think vodafone is bad - try iinet - they suck ten times more = missbliss
27 Dec 2010 04:08:11 PM: yep stay away from iinet
27 Dec 2010 04:33:42 PM: in reply to savvytel person i have an old prepaid savvytel sim that i have and put 10 bucks on it only to find out it,s better than vodafone they now use the optus network which i find is pretty darn good compared to vodawhenever network
27 Dec 2010 05:17:31 PM: Bruce u r a big sycophant and probably on the payroll. good work son.
27 Dec 2010 05:18:29 PM: "Bruce" - where are you..Bangalore??
27 Dec 2010 05:24:02 PM: KARMA TO YOU BRUCE!!
27 Dec 2010 06:11:30 PM: i live in surry hills where reception is ok. On my train to work (taking into consideration tunnels) from central to epping via newcastle line i get ZERO 3g. I get 1 bar of REGULAR reception (2g) at my desk IF I'M LUCKY.
I pay $130 on my cap for 1k calls 500mb per month which is fine IF I HAD A SERVICE GOOD ENOUGH TO USE EVEN HALF OF THAT QUOTA. I use my phone for work, so have had to buy a PREPAID TELSTRA phone to use while i'm at my desk. Works better in more places take it from me.
The real insult was when i finally got on the phone to someone in bangalore, i was told they wouldn't release me from my contract, and that i'd need to have a technician come out and survey the area to confirm the condition.
Great i thought, that's a nice offer. Thank you i'll take it
"the wait is 4 months"
GGF Vodafone, your service is garbage, as is your customer service. I speak to your employees and even they agree with me your service is garbage. After speaking to some folks from VF at a company even, i've been told a $400m infrastructure investment is going to alleviate the problem - but even that's a further 6 months down the track.
DONT HAVE TIME FOR THAT. OVER IT VODAFONE. Your poor service and lack of commitment to even those who pay rediculous money on your FLAGSHIP CONSUMER SERVICE is the last staw for me.
I'm in contact with the TIO, telstra here i come. Welcome me with open arms.
I pay $130 on my cap for 1k calls 500mb per month which is fine IF I HAD A SERVICE GOOD ENOUGH TO USE EVEN HALF OF THAT QUOTA. I use my phone for work, so have had to buy a PREPAID TELSTRA phone to use while i'm at my desk. Works better in more places take it from me.
The real insult was when i finally got on the phone to someone in bangalore, i was told they wouldn't release me from my contract, and that i'd need to have a technician come out and survey the area to confirm the condition.
Great i thought, that's a nice offer. Thank you i'll take it
"the wait is 4 months"
GGF Vodafone, your service is garbage, as is your customer service. I speak to your employees and even they agree with me your service is garbage. After speaking to some folks from VF at a company even, i've been told a $400m infrastructure investment is going to alleviate the problem - but even that's a further 6 months down the track.
DONT HAVE TIME FOR THAT. OVER IT VODAFONE. Your poor service and lack of commitment to even those who pay rediculous money on your FLAGSHIP CONSUMER SERVICE is the last staw for me.
I'm in contact with the TIO, telstra here i come. Welcome me with open arms.
27 Dec 2010 06:31:14 PM: I wish - have not had service since Christmas Day - after waiting on line (landline) for 2 hrs, symapthy oozing from all pores the call centre person said she would register a fault ! huh!!!! fat lot of good that will do.
Yet Vodafone in Europe is excellent.
Telstra here I come - after I extricate myself from the bloody contract via the Ombudsman!
Yet Vodafone in Europe is excellent.
Telstra here I come - after I extricate myself from the bloody contract via the Ombudsman!
28 Dec 2010 06:12:46 PM: iiNet mobile? It's run on Optus. What problems are you getting with them?
Or are you just reflecting on their customer service?
Or are you just reflecting on their customer service?
2290 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is first class crap at 27 Dec 2010 12:25:06 PM
no signal, no signal, get signal drop out ecr ect
2289 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic at 27 Dec 2010 12:24:52 PM
Recently, my partner and I signed up for the portable wireless broadband plan for 10gb a month. We were assured that we would have full coverage in our area, and that the coverage would be more than suitable for online gaming. We are lucky to have one bar of coverage, thus meaning that gaming is near impossible due to lagging issues and glitching. Furthermore, my iphone plan is with Vodafone, and I'm constantly going in and out of service when I was assured full coverage in my area.
27 Dec 2010 12:46:06 PM: gaming on wireless will ALWAYS be dodgy with any current network connection or provider I would think.
But yeah painful when you dont have standard service.
But yeah painful when you dont have standard service.
27 Dec 2010 06:44:24 PM: wireless with Telstra is fine for gaming.
27 Dec 2010 08:37:49 PM: i agree only telstra wireless would be suitable for gaming.
27 Dec 2010 09:25:16 PM: Online gaming on a USB dongle is never going to be great. Even with Telstra is going to lagg like crap.
27 Dec 2010 10:07:51 PM: Don't game on a wireless connection then complain. Use a landline.
2288 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 12:24:48 PM
I swapped to vodafone just before the 3 merger. The sales rep told me the service would improve in my area because of the merger. On 3 I had limited reception issues. The service area map showed very good service in my area on vodafone, in fact it was better than 3 according to the maps.
Now, my phone drops off the service randomly, I cant use it downstairs in my house (if you can figure out why you're doing better than me) and for awhile there every night at 6pm the network would completely disappear to return 30-40 minutes later. Why? Buggered if I know!
Anyway, total fail began today. My partner is in Sydney for Christmas and now our phone conversations are more weird than normal. We will be talking fine for several minutes and then I can no longer hear him but he can hear me. What the? We have had multiple calls like that, I can only assume its so we hang up and call again to incur more fees or something.
We are both looking into a new provider and are considering the class action. You suck vodafone!
Now, my phone drops off the service randomly, I cant use it downstairs in my house (if you can figure out why you're doing better than me) and for awhile there every night at 6pm the network would completely disappear to return 30-40 minutes later. Why? Buggered if I know!
Anyway, total fail began today. My partner is in Sydney for Christmas and now our phone conversations are more weird than normal. We will be talking fine for several minutes and then I can no longer hear him but he can hear me. What the? We have had multiple calls like that, I can only assume its so we hang up and call again to incur more fees or something.
We are both looking into a new provider and are considering the class action. You suck vodafone!
27 Dec 2010 12:41:08 PM: I just joined a class action against Vodavone here...
27 Dec 2010 03:49:18 PM: I am in Cairns QLD and I am always having troubles with coverage with Vodafone. My calls always drop out and i have to go outside to make calls. I am waiting for my contract to be up so i can change providers. Bugger you Vodafone you are a joke!!!!
27 Dec 2010 04:30:20 PM: I recently moved where the reception was lets say nominal where the repeater station was as the crow flies about 2 clicks way on a mountain again like many on here it would depend on what part of the house i was in as to what reception i got (anger building stuff) and now that i have moved yet again depending on what part of the house i,m in as to what reception i get all i can say is com`on April 2011 when my contract runs out and i can give this telco the big heav ho
27 Dec 2010 05:20:14 PM: I live 4kms from surfers paradise and am lucky to get 1 bar 3G reception.
Data is always slow from "too much traffic". The shit never improved in the 4 years i was with them. Optus seems to be loads better without the Telstra pricetag
Data is always slow from "too much traffic". The shit never improved in the 4 years i was with them. Optus seems to be loads better without the Telstra pricetag
27 Dec 2010 05:20:19 PM: I recently purchased an iphone 2 months ago on 3 and they changed me to the vodaphone network. Since then my reception in the brisbane cbd is virtually 1 or 2 bars and my phone keeps dropping out during conversations. It is virtually so hard to make calls and I don't receive mms txt anymore. dont get me started on the data download.....not happy jan!!!
27 Dec 2010 05:21:36 PM: I live in Kangaroo Point, super close to city & my internet drops out about every 10mins & phone only works occasionally definitely not downstairs only outside the fence or upstairs. Pretty poor :(
27 Dec 2010 06:10:02 PM: The correct address to join the class action lawsuit is
The company is Piper Alderman and they have offices in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide.
The company is Piper Alderman and they have offices in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide.
27 Dec 2010 06:24:39 PM: For eight weeks continuously my clients could not contact me on my mobile, the impression some of my most valuable clients got was that my phone was disconnected due to non payment.There have also been other problems. Vodafone refused to release me from contract.
27 Dec 2010 06:28:14 PM: I am locked into a two year deal with Vodafone and I cannot wait to get out of it. The service outside of Perth is utterly pathetic and the charges they make for recovering voice messages (when you can) makes Ned Kelly look like Saint Mary McKillop. The CEO should resign or step up and give people thier money back.
27 Dec 2010 06:31:57 PM: Is it true that Vodafail will let me out of my contract and not pay a penalty?
If yes, I will do it immediately. What's more the Vodafone roaming service overseas is an absolute joke, except for the unbelievable charges.
If yes, I will do it immediately. What's more the Vodafone roaming service overseas is an absolute joke, except for the unbelievable charges.
27 Dec 2010 06:39:25 PM: From the time I changed to vodafone the phone's map doesn't work (even on the latest firmware) and when I talk it keep on dropping out. Optus and telstra were way better.
27 Dec 2010 07:28:31 PM: I live just 10kms out of Brisbane and my friends can't even contact me and I can't use my phone. Never have reception or 3G. Vodafone is pathetic!
20 Jan 2011 08:24:28 PM: been with vodaphone for many years . coverage of late is extremely poor. constant drop outs ,full signal one minute none the next, most of my call costs are from drop outs, no more!!! changed carriers today, $60 unlimited pm with my vodaphone lock removed ,will now save 1200 a yr in costs,vodaphone you have lost a loyal customer due to your poor service about time you listen and acted, not once did you offer a refund or extra credit.. no more..
2287 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is poo at 27 Dec 2010 12:24:29 PM
I switched to Vodafone a couple of years back. I was in a long-distance relationship in Qld and wanted to take advantage of their free credit between customers deal. On several occasions, while I was halfway through a conversation with my boyfriend, the call didn't exactly cut out - it got switched. Suddenly I was speaking to unknown people. Halfway through a call, my call got patched into someone else's call, and after about 30 seconds of going "Hello? hello? What's going on?" the call would cut out.
When I complained to Vodafone, they told me it must be my phone doing something. I had purchased my Nokia from their store, and it was THEIR NETWORK which was switching my calls. Thank God I wasn't trying to use that service for anything confidential; anyone could have been patched into my calls at any time.
When I complained to Vodafone, they told me it must be my phone doing something. I had purchased my Nokia from their store, and it was THEIR NETWORK which was switching my calls. Thank God I wasn't trying to use that service for anything confidential; anyone could have been patched into my calls at any time.
2286 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:24:29 PM
I am so disgusted in the service I have received to date. I'm paying for additional internet for my laptop that to date I have been unable to actually log onto and an iphone that has the worst reception I have experienced in all the years I have been a mobile phone user. Every time I called the service line I am told that 'Vodafone are experiencing an unprecedented number of calls and that the wait could be up to and over an hour!' Unprecedented... really, I beg to differ!!!! And please tell me who has an hour to wait on hold!
What a joke, signing with Vodafone was the biggest mistake I ever made!
What a joke, signing with Vodafone was the biggest mistake I ever made!
28 Dec 2010 12:50:59 AM: I'm an Idependent ACN Representative,I understand how everyone are totally dissatisfied with the Vodafone phone, internet and customer service qualities. Our ACN customer services are incredible. You can reach them less than 10 mins pratically everytime. They are fast and effiecient and never transfer your call unlike Telstra or Optus as I heard, If you want to know more about us, contact me in my email at I loves to turn UNHAPPY customer to HAPPY customer.
2285 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is terrible coverage at 27 Dec 2010 12:24:20 PM
Vodafone coverage in Portsea, Victoria is appalling. I hold my phone alongside others with the same make of phone on the same update and find that they have reception using Optus and Telstra when I have none. Vodafone customer service is a joke. I reported my problem last week, having had no reception for days and was very clear in my description of the issue. The reply came (a shock) and suggested that the information provided by Vodafone had cleared up the problem. This was not the case at all. The information didn't answer my problem at all. When I tried to reply I couldn't as the system told me that the problem was sorted out. Laughable.
2284 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Worse then Bad at 27 Dec 2010 12:24:11 PM
I have been with 'Crazy Johns' - Vodaphone for nearly 2 years, I have been arguing with them for nearly all that time regarding shocking reception. I can't even stand in my garden to get reception and standing in my house is non existent. Where do I live just 3.45km from the city CBD up on a hill. I have tried to talk to them, even contacted the Ombudsman, it seems impossible for them too!
27 Dec 2010 04:44:14 PM: i agree Crazy johns is shocking. I have been on the phone several times with them to try get out of my contract. and all they say is they will send a report to vodafone and i hear nothing.
27 Dec 2010 06:09:11 PM: I went pre-paid crazy johns, and was warned at the time that there could be reception issues in the area i was living. I accepted that and still took the phone. At home I managed to find the areas that had the best reception and worked with that, after all i was getting a fair better deal than what i was getting with telstra. But to my surprise, i also have a pre-paid vodafone internet dongle. Both go via the vodafone network, but i had better reception on my crazy johns than the dongle. In the end i just gave up trying with the dongle and used it whenever it was able to get reception. which was rarely. The only issues i have had with crazy johns in the 10 1/2 months i have been with them is an internet issue which was resolved quite quickly (in vodafone world!).
2283 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Useless coverage at 27 Dec 2010 12:23:48 PM
In built up area's in Melbourne including all of Chadstone Shopping Centre my mobile says "no coverage". It's not like I'm in the middle of no where and I NEVER had any problems when I was with Teltra. It's pretty scary walking around with health issues knowing I can't contact family or friends or more inportantly emergancy services. I told you it wasn't my sim card Vodaphone!!!!!!!!!
2282 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Good for off peak at 27 Dec 2010 12:23:23 PM
Mobile broadband: Reception is ok, plans are good.
However, unable to connect at all most days from 5pm to midnight.
However, unable to connect at all most days from 5pm to midnight.
27 Dec 2010 02:19:17 PM: I have the same problem in the ACT, except I'm with Virgin on a mobile broadband plan.
2281 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Hopeless at 27 Dec 2010 12:23:22 PM
There 3g wireless internet was hopeless i gave up on how many times i called to find out what is going on payed a small cancelation fee and that was the end of that.. as for the mobile coverage thats another hopeless area calls keep cutting out, its either always roaming or emergency calls only oh i cant wait for this contract to end ..
2280 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:23:17 PM
I dont beleive you people...Come up to the RURAL sector of NSW,where Telstra Next G is supposed to be the only network to work...I DOESNT at all and the only network that functions properly is Vodafone.
Get out of you metropolitian offices and come see how we get on.Telstra states that they have 98% coverage.Well I can tell you that 5 kilometers out of our town and there is SQUAT,BUT Vodafone is all of you get a life stop whinging and stop followin the sheep in fronmt of you,it will get lost as well
Get out of you metropolitian offices and come see how we get on.Telstra states that they have 98% coverage.Well I can tell you that 5 kilometers out of our town and there is SQUAT,BUT Vodafone is all of you get a life stop whinging and stop followin the sheep in fronmt of you,it will get lost as well
27 Dec 2010 12:51:20 PM: WHATEVER..
People cant get signal in the Melbourne CBD. You live in the sticks, you get what you get.. Thats YOUR CHOICe..
But people in the CBD cant even MAKE A FKN PHONECALL..
I cant get signal in my OFFICE AT WORK, 20 mins from the Melb CDB. I cant get signal for 200 KMS while driving on the main highway between 2 CAPITAL CITIES.
People cant get signal in the Melbourne CBD. You live in the sticks, you get what you get.. Thats YOUR CHOICe..
But people in the CBD cant even MAKE A FKN PHONECALL..
I cant get signal in my OFFICE AT WORK, 20 mins from the Melb CDB. I cant get signal for 200 KMS while driving on the main highway between 2 CAPITAL CITIES.
28 Dec 2010 12:01:30 AM: I'm an ex country girl I travelled of late, from Sydney to Dubbo and only had coverage in the major towns, txt messages came through when approaching the towns, your full of it
2279 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is failing at life at 27 Dec 2010 12:23:13 PM
i am with vodafone and i can't even call or make text messages to other people even within the network. i complained to my local store and they were so rude to me saying it was my fault.
27 Dec 2010 01:02:32 PM: IT IS YOUR FAULT
2278 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:23:05 PM
Continual drop outs, poor internet connection (freezing up), lack of service coverage by phone - I cannot wait to switch providers when I get home. I dont care what it costs to change - I want out of Vodafone. It sucks when my friends can all get messages and make calls but I don't have service. Screw this and screw voda-crap.
2277 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 12:23:05 PM
my phone is just one year old and for the past month i have had to turn my phone off and back on to recieve any messages. If i try to connect to the internet it doesnt work so have to do the same process. Being on pre-paid i start to think i have ran out of credit but its never the case. I am glad there is going to be a nation wide complaint to the company because this is unacceptable and downright pathetic. In this day and age we need mobile telephones in order to keep our lives in order and the simplicity of being able to communicate in any place is pure genious. The engineers behind the coverage monitoring of Vodafone are pure idiots. Either sort it out or shut your company down Vodafone cos if you dont take action soon you could be filing for bankruptcy anyway. I am happy to finally be able to rant a little and know that I will not be needing to buy a new phone but I am sorry to say I am very disappointed with the service. A real shame.
2276 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Horrible at 27 Dec 2010 12:22:44 PM
Hi, just heard about this site on ABC Newsradio and thought it was a great idea. Have been a customer of Vodafone for over 9 years and recently I upgraded to the new Nokia N8 having previously been using a Nokia 6220 Classic with no trouble at all (for almost 2 years). Have had almost 2 weeks of call dropouts. dead zones (where I never used to have any trouble before), and a couple of "sim registration fails". I've found that if I have the phone on speaker, it seems to work a bit better but that is not always possible when in public places. Also complete loss of signal for no reason which requires and restart to correct. Haven't contacted Cust service as it's the holidays etc but thought I would wait and see if it improved. Did get a new sim card which sort of helped a little. Thanks for this site. regards, John W.
2275 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 3rd world carrier at 27 Dec 2010 12:22:39 PM
I can't believe how bad reception is.. Try calling voda and it
takes hours to reach some.. Where is the ACCC?
takes hours to reach some.. Where is the ACCC?
2274 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is My Blackberry is not Working at 27 Dec 2010 12:22:38 PM
2273 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Rubbish at 27 Dec 2010 12:22:32 PM
I'm on pre-paid and in the last few months my reception has disappeared, my calls drop out, I rarely receive mms that have been sent to me and the ones I send rarely arrive. I've called vodafone several times, I have been on hold for hours only to be disconnected, I have been transferred from one department to another and still cannot get my issues solved! I had to send 9 emails to get a real person to answer and STILL my problem wasn't solved, I was just issued more data allowance. Would be great if I could actually use it! I went to a store to talk to staff but had to wait until the staff finished their Christmas plans conversation!!!
I downloaded vodafones "who to call" app for the iPhone only to figure out that I actually can't call 3 customers for free after all, after I called one to find I'd used up my credit
I downloaded vodafones "who to call" app for the iPhone only to figure out that I actually can't call 3 customers for free after all, after I called one to find I'd used up my credit
2272 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extreme at 27 Dec 2010 12:22:29 PM
No Service. THey reduced my plan after a month of chasing. Then on a $35 plan I owe them over $200 in two months. Complained to customer service - we actuall noy - I could get though. LARA should be shot. Billing left to stategically shaved monkeys and service left to Telstra (NOW THAT IS SAYING SOMETHING!)
Have text (drove up the road for reception) from my apparant full coverage including 3G area. Have phoned, text , Faxed and emailed - NO RESPONSE.
Been a client for over 10 years... make that -11 years.
Have text (drove up the road for reception) from my apparant full coverage including 3G area. Have phoned, text , Faxed and emailed - NO RESPONSE.
Been a client for over 10 years... make that -11 years.
27 Dec 2010 12:48:15 PM: we actuall noy - I could get though = well actually not - I couldnt get through for any follow up to plan change. I would like to cancel but see this as being as difficult. By the way for the $200 I never used the phone once....
2271 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Un-failing-believable at 27 Dec 2010 12:22:09 PM
Brought a new Sony Satio $79 cap.
Calendar & alarms wouldn't work. Had to send the phone away for repair 4 times before Vodafone would even contemplate replacement. What makes matters worse is the Vodafone policy of having to send a phone for repair 3 times before you can speak to a CRM to talk about a replacement.
Cost $80 to break my contract and get a new phone.
Got the HTC Desire HD, but alas no 3G internet access in Sydney (Paddington).
Calendar & alarms wouldn't work. Had to send the phone away for repair 4 times before Vodafone would even contemplate replacement. What makes matters worse is the Vodafone policy of having to send a phone for repair 3 times before you can speak to a CRM to talk about a replacement.
Cost $80 to break my contract and get a new phone.
Got the HTC Desire HD, but alas no 3G internet access in Sydney (Paddington).
2270 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is triplicate smses sent constantly and I'm being charged when I only sent one! at 27 Dec 2010 12:22:04 PM
For the last 3 months, on a very regular basis..vodafone sends my smses 3 or 4 times. I am then charged for this triplicate/quadruple send. I have rang vodafone, been put on hold for hours...been into a few stores. The best they can do is give me credit for the éxtra'smses sent. People now hate receiving my smses and I'm reluctant to use the sms service incase its still occurring. The problem was meant to have been fixed a month ago...but still happening. Vodafone staff are blaming the 3 merger. 3 are blaming the Vodafone merger. Get your act together Vodafone!
2269 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Pathetic service. at 27 Dec 2010 12:21:13 PM
I live in Weston Creek, I have no service in most of my house, I was assured this would be looked into only to be told "not our problem, it must be your phone". I did advise when i borrow another phone it has the same problem, I was told the same thing.
Vodafone, pull your head out!
Vodafone, pull your head out!
2268 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 27 Dec 2010 12:21:06 PM
VODAFONE READ ThIS. With vodafone for over 10 years. Several months ago talked into another two year contract to save money. Now email cannot be sent, txt arriving a day late. Trying to run a business . Unless it it resolved in the next two weeks cancellation of contract and legal action will be promised and paid for have not been delivered.
I could not treat my clients the same way and stay in business.
I could not treat my clients the same way and stay in business.
2267 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:21:04 PM
Seven months ago I changed over from Vodafone pre-paid to a contract so I could get a new Blackberry.
I had constant signal failure and calls dropping out on a regular basis with little or no internet signal also.
After 3 months I thought it might have been the handset so called Vodafone (as it was after hours) and was transferred to India after holding for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
The lady in India told me it was somthing to do with my settings and asked for me to switch it off for her to fix it. After I turned the handset on, ALL my files including pictures, music, videos etc had been wipped.
Vodafone took no responsibility, said that had never happend before.
Even after all of that, I still had no signal or slow internet so went iknto a physical store where they advised it was the sim card, not the handset NOR the service provider which was the cause of no reception.
They replaced my sim card and advised that over the weekend I would have poor or slow signal as "maintance and upgrades were taking place".
Needless to say, I still have the worse reception in places where I can CLEARLY see and hear that other people do.
I had constant signal failure and calls dropping out on a regular basis with little or no internet signal also.
After 3 months I thought it might have been the handset so called Vodafone (as it was after hours) and was transferred to India after holding for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
The lady in India told me it was somthing to do with my settings and asked for me to switch it off for her to fix it. After I turned the handset on, ALL my files including pictures, music, videos etc had been wipped.
Vodafone took no responsibility, said that had never happend before.
Even after all of that, I still had no signal or slow internet so went iknto a physical store where they advised it was the sim card, not the handset NOR the service provider which was the cause of no reception.
They replaced my sim card and advised that over the weekend I would have poor or slow signal as "maintance and upgrades were taking place".
Needless to say, I still have the worse reception in places where I can CLEARLY see and hear that other people do.
2266 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is IS GREAT at 27 Dec 2010 12:20:39 PM
Vodafone allowed me to break my contract i have only been 3 months into my 24 month contract. I switched to Telstra i got a $200 JB HIFI Gift Voucher for joining Telstra plus i got a $100 credit for switching to Telstra from Vodafone. So all i can say is THANK YOU VODAFONE FOR RELEASING ME FROM A PAINFUL NIGHTMARE. I recommend if you can break your contract and go to Telstra or Optus.
27 Dec 2010 12:21:37 PM: Is that deal from JB HI-FI?
27 Dec 2010 12:23:36 PM: Yeah just go to JB say you wanna port to Telstra from Vodafone and they give you a $200 Gift Card. Plus if you get a nice person like i did they called up Telstra and got me a $100 Credit as a sweetener to switch. Not like i needed the sweetener to be honest lol.
27 Dec 2010 12:54:24 PM: do you need to go to vodafone themselves first?
28 Dec 2010 10:26:18 AM: Spot the JB hi fi guy! lol
Everyone is trying to sell the same shit!
Everyone is trying to sell the same shit!
2265 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:20:25 PM
Seven months ago I changed over from Vodafone pre-paid to a contract so I could get a new Blackberry.
I had constant signal failure and calls dropping out on a regular basis with little or no internet signal also.
After 3 months I thought it might have been the handset so called Vodafone (as it was after hours) and was transferred to India after holding for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
The lady in India told me it was somthing to do with my settings and asked for me to switch it off for her to fix it. After I turned the handset on, ALL my files including pictures, music, videos etc had been wipped.
Vodafone took no responsibility, said that had never happend before.
Even after all of that, I still had no signal or slow internet so went iknto a physical store where they advised it was the sim card, not the handset NOR the service provider which was the cause of no reception.
They replaced my sim card and advised that over the weekend I would have poor or slow signal as "maintance and upgrades were taking place".
Needless to say, I still have the worse reception in places where I can CLEARLY see and hear that other people do.
I had constant signal failure and calls dropping out on a regular basis with little or no internet signal also.
After 3 months I thought it might have been the handset so called Vodafone (as it was after hours) and was transferred to India after holding for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
The lady in India told me it was somthing to do with my settings and asked for me to switch it off for her to fix it. After I turned the handset on, ALL my files including pictures, music, videos etc had been wipped.
Vodafone took no responsibility, said that had never happend before.
Even after all of that, I still had no signal or slow internet so went iknto a physical store where they advised it was the sim card, not the handset NOR the service provider which was the cause of no reception.
They replaced my sim card and advised that over the weekend I would have poor or slow signal as "maintance and upgrades were taking place".
Needless to say, I still have the worse reception in places where I can CLEARLY see and hear that other people do.
2264 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is annoying! at 27 Dec 2010 12:20:03 PM
We can now only get reception if we stand on tip toes at the kitchen sink on a clear and still day! Which were we live the adverage wind is about 5kms on a rare and very still day, usual is about 25-30km. They are also insisting that we get letters about issues we,ve raised like the sever drop on signal and constand drop outs, and network busy messages in written letter form. Which is great fun cause it must be the account name, who is my blind husband! they know he is blind, we had to jump through the flames of hell to get them to put voice over back on his phone after it went in for repair! My favorite part was when they looked at him and said the icons right there, can't you do it? Anyway, we we're told our issues here in south illawarra are due to storm damge that happened about 9 months ago! Which I believe cause before that we had alright service, unless you had to deal with them. That said, 9 months! Get up and fix it! my husband uses his phone and it's reception as an emergency mobilty aid!
27 Dec 2010 01:03:12 PM: i could get knocked up have a premmie baby and be outta hospital by the time vodafone can fix storm damage...
2263 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:19:54 PM
I am in Mt Tamporine just 30mins west of the gold coast. I am visiting family for a week for christmas. Since i have been here I have had not one bar of reception while everyone around me has full. I am having to drive 30mins to collect phone messages which are quite important as I organise a new years event in Sydney. This is unacceptable! I havn't even been able to receive christmas messages. What am I paying $100 a month for?? but of course to a vodafone customer of some time this is of no surprise. I wait every day excited for the end of my contract.
So bad is vodafone that I had no reception in the SYDNEY CBD everytime i entered myers or david jones on pitt st. I mean really.
So bad is vodafone that I had no reception in the SYDNEY CBD everytime i entered myers or david jones on pitt st. I mean really.
2262 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:19:45 PM
We signed up for wireless internet and it keeps dropping out every 5 minutes so completing research and assignments are becoming frustrating and hard. Even as we write this it continues to drop out and we have to restart the connection and another 5 or 10 minutes is wasted.
2261 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:19:26 PM
I am with 3 Phone and the reception is disgraceful,I was considering asking to be transferred to the Voda phone network which according to their outlet at Strathpine Qld can be done for customers experiencing drop outs or poor reception.
No way will I consider going to Voda Phone now !!
I shall be moving across to Telstra, at least I will be able to make a call from home.
No way will I consider going to Voda Phone now !!
I shall be moving across to Telstra, at least I will be able to make a call from home.
2260 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:19:14 PM
Wireless internet is soooo slow... A page takes up 2mins to load... called up Voda and the say its the coverage.... But evern @ 3am in the morning the connection is slow or just drops out... Vodafone=Fail
27 Dec 2010 01:11:32 PM: I get the worse spend on the wireless. Infact between 2am and 6am am is the only time I can use it and it wont be at dial up speeds :( I moved to 3 and its worse!!!! 3 is crap and so is vodafone.
28 Dec 2010 08:41:24 AM: Agree, 3 is crap. I'm in Surfers. Do they use the Vfone towers? Probably. Anyway, mobile "broadband" is more like mobile agony. I'm wasting my life waiting for simple pages to load. I think I grew a beard waiting for an overseas page. It used to be a lot better - before Vfone bought 3 that is. I've been online for 20 years. I remember when dial-up was all we had. It was quicker then than 3/Vfone can manage in this next century. But let's give them credit. We pay them heaps and let them give us shit, it's a top business model.
2259 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is bad at 27 Dec 2010 12:19:07 PM
Long receptional delay times and cut outs every 5 minutes all on international calls. Tried phoning 1555 to resolve this and Vodafone text and emails regarding I owe them money on account I closed off more than 2 months ago, which I lost credit on my phone and internet prepaid system. Their call centre staff are not clear, concise in speaking fluent language, I made it clear to them to speak slowly and claerly, they are rude. Easy way to loose customers world wide, and they'll loose their jobs.
2258 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:18:47 PM
I'm with 3 that has been taken over by Vodaphone. Since Sept 12th they've moved me onto 'outdoor coverage' which is no coverage at all. Message ? "Unable to connect to server". Hours and days later I'm told that there aren't many customers in my area hence Vodaphone has put me onto outdoor coverage. They also have a problem with some of their cell sites which they reluctantly admitted to.
2257 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bad at 27 Dec 2010 12:18:25 PM
No reception and drop out issues.. Not paying my bill till they
Fix the problem.. Voda is a disaster
Fix the problem.. Voda is a disaster
2256 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is shocking reception in Doreen-Vic at 27 Dec 2010 12:18:11 PM
Just moved over to the Vodafail network in December 25th 2010,a great Christmas present.
Reception is totally horrible to the extreme in the Doreen area of Melbourne.
I would not recommend this service to anyone.
A complete useless network that want your money but won't give you what you paid for.
Reception is totally horrible to the extreme in the Doreen area of Melbourne.
I would not recommend this service to anyone.
A complete useless network that want your money but won't give you what you paid for.
27 Dec 2010 01:07:01 PM: Agreed. Live in Doreen and can't keep a call longer than 6 minutes without it dropping out. Waiting for end of contract to depart!
27 Dec 2010 01:12:15 PM: ill agree calls always dropping out, no reception, sometimes roams to telstra other times it wont. come july hello telstra!
27 Dec 2010 01:19:48 PM: I'm in South Morang and definately agree with you
27 Dec 2010 01:38:56 PM: NEVER ANY RECEPTION!
2255 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Optimum fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:18:10 PM
My friends cant get through to me, messages i send never arrive, constant drop outs, the phones i get from them keep shitting themselves within weeks regardless of how good/ bad i treat them, i wanted to leave them 6 months early and they said i have to pay nearly $600. Absolute joke Vilefone
2254 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail to divert to another mobile number at 27 Dec 2010 12:17:33 PM
Vodafone never have any reception inside building, underground carpark, insdie toilet. If contact Vodafone and ask them to divert call to another number because vodafone poor reception. The call will be divert to someplace in India then I have to answer around 100 questions etc, after all that Vodafone said 'We are sorry, we can not divert your call to another mobilephone provider", how frustrated this was???
2253 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is like a 1000 at 27 Dec 2010 12:17:29 PM
shit idiots dont ever have good reception, internet drops in and out every 5 seconds.
2252 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely poor at 27 Dec 2010 12:17:12 PM
After being with Optus for 8 years, I switched to Vodafone only because of a discounted plan that was on offer for NRMA members. Now I live to regret this mistake. Poor reception on the train line from Lidcombe to Sydney and calls dropping out every 5 minutes were the major pains and frustrations that I have put up with over the last 1.5 years.
2251 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:17:09 PM
I got out of my mess - It cost me $2,000.00 thought to do it. I had a plan and have been a customer of Vodafone for 8 years - No longer!!!
The bastards had me pay out my contract due to a missed month payment. i had been unaware of the missed month (due to a banking error - it is automatically debited from my account). The months of me being in arrears continues for 9 months whereby I was paying my $160.00 per month plan payment. I thought I was entirely up to date in the meantime. I changed jobs and missed a payment which I was aware of and contacted vodafone to see if it would be ok to miss a month. They said yeas, but by the next month they cancelled my contract, sent in the debt collectors and demanded the upfront payment of my existing contract. I called their complaints department and was told by the person on the phone that even though they acknowledge that their records show the missed communication from their end I would still have to pay it upfront. I asked if I could continue to pay out the contract month by month but they said it had to be paid in full within 4 weeks. I argued with them for 3 weeks and achieved no result. I payed the contract out and told them I would NEVER be a customer of Vodafone again. The most excellent bit of this sad story is when I asked how to change my iphone over to another service provider. They direct you to a website that I thought would unlock to iphone to accept other sim cards. The Vodafone website charges you $25.00 to do this. I paid it and it sends me to web site that gives you instructions on how to unlock the iphone.... Greedy Wankers!!!! Needless to say, after that experience I would never recommend vodafone to anyone.
The bastards had me pay out my contract due to a missed month payment. i had been unaware of the missed month (due to a banking error - it is automatically debited from my account). The months of me being in arrears continues for 9 months whereby I was paying my $160.00 per month plan payment. I thought I was entirely up to date in the meantime. I changed jobs and missed a payment which I was aware of and contacted vodafone to see if it would be ok to miss a month. They said yeas, but by the next month they cancelled my contract, sent in the debt collectors and demanded the upfront payment of my existing contract. I called their complaints department and was told by the person on the phone that even though they acknowledge that their records show the missed communication from their end I would still have to pay it upfront. I asked if I could continue to pay out the contract month by month but they said it had to be paid in full within 4 weeks. I argued with them for 3 weeks and achieved no result. I payed the contract out and told them I would NEVER be a customer of Vodafone again. The most excellent bit of this sad story is when I asked how to change my iphone over to another service provider. They direct you to a website that I thought would unlock to iphone to accept other sim cards. The Vodafone website charges you $25.00 to do this. I paid it and it sends me to web site that gives you instructions on how to unlock the iphone.... Greedy Wankers!!!! Needless to say, after that experience I would never recommend vodafone to anyone.
27 Dec 2010 12:33:53 PM: dude, you missed your bill and let it go into default.. NOT Vodahos problem really.. And not related to their coverage service..
Not paying your bill is YOUR problem..
Not paying your bill is YOUR problem..
28 Dec 2010 11:39:34 AM: I would look into that, if they are not providing you a service you can break the contract with no service fee.
2250 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Extremely at 27 Dec 2010 12:16:22 PM
I can't access ADSL because of a device on my line that will not be removed so I have no choice but to have wireless broadband. I was with another carrier until about 4 months ago and was having trouble with the reception and was advised to change to Vodafone and since then have had issues with reception and being cut off, I am sick of dealing with the call centre because more often than not I get someone who can't speak English in an understandable way and get no where with complaints. I run a small business from home and internet connection is vital. When I swapped to Vodafone it was on a 24 month plan, do I really have to put up with this for another 20 months? I get so frustrated that I yell at the automated LARA!!
2249 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Hopeless at 27 Dec 2010 12:16:21 PM
I wasted so much time re-calling people, resending text messages, and waiting for pages to load, not to mention the countless hours on the phone to support. I've swapped to Telstra, although my bill is about $10 extra per month the service is so much better
2248 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:16:21 PM
More often than not text messages come a day or two late then there are days when there is no reception at all. I am a diabetic and need my phone.
2247 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is extreme at 27 Dec 2010 12:15:41 PM
continued drop outs and failures to connect. I have had varius issues with Vodafone and found customer service to be unacceptable in this day and age.
Vodafone use the TIO to process their complaints as a standard practice. If you have a complaint, Lara is the face of Vodafone, she is not real nor is Vodafone customer service.
Vodafone use the TIO to process their complaints as a standard practice. If you have a complaint, Lara is the face of Vodafone, she is not real nor is Vodafone customer service.
27 Dec 2010 01:19:01 PM: I live in the city and get crap reception WTF??
27 Dec 2010 02:06:52 PM: I compolained more than 6 months ago about my calls dropping out. They replied that they wouldn't do anything unless I can tell them the exact dates and times it happend. I changed carriers.
27 Dec 2010 04:46:27 PM: i called to ask why i wasnt getting calls or messages....i have to reset my network settings on my iphone at least 3 times a day just to get my messages and my phone has been checked, the sim has been replaced and neither of them are the issue, its because the phone cant find the towers!!
27 Dec 2010 05:09:51 PM: i had an issue with my phone about 4 months ago.....everytime my boyfriend would call me he was getting a males voice answering.....this in turn caused a huge fight between us because he thought i was cheating on him.....turned out my sim card had actually been cloned and vodafone actually did nothing to rectify this situation. i ended up changing carriers.
27 Dec 2010 05:50:17 PM: at least lara is the only person that you can understand i live in paralowie and can't even make a mobile call from home 8 out of 10 times when we go fishing at wallaroo its out right disgracefull
2246 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:14:40 PM
The speed and reliabillity of my data service on any given day or evening at best can be descibed as woeful.
I have given up on thier customer service because the issue is with the management's ability to fix the product they sell.
This service is unexceptable to your customers!!
I have given up on thier customer service because the issue is with the management's ability to fix the product they sell.
This service is unexceptable to your customers!!
2245 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No coverage at work at 27 Dec 2010 12:13:46 PM
Crazy John's employee went on the Vodafone homepage to check the coverage at Port Melbourne where I work; Everything seemed OK and I signed off the contract because we checked my home address as well. While the phone has sufficient coverage in Elwood (3G still very slow though), I have no coverage at work. I called Vodafone 5 times (have all recordings and names) and had endless email conversations with the service team that finally agreed to investigate the problems. RESULT: Vodafone admitted that there is a problem despite the false information on their homepage. Called the Vodafone internee to find out that Vodafone only needs to provide coverage for the address on the contract. DOUBLE FAIL
2244 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Fail in all aspects at 27 Dec 2010 12:13:32 PM
Ever since I bought the Iphone4 I kept loosing coverage and I get extra charges which I am not going to pay Customer sevice is appalling I get no satisfaction from them.
This great this website lets voise our frustration
Solomona Ulu
This great this website lets voise our frustration
Solomona Ulu
2243 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:13:28 PM
Poor coverage, calls not receceived..txt msgs delayed up to 24 hours.Told upgrades on old contracts only done by phone...waited 1.5hours twice within same day. had 4 services with them...down to 1 now and will cancel as soon as contract is finished.Would never use them again...
28 Dec 2010 12:50:10 AM: I'm an Idependent ACN Representative,I understand how everyone are totally dissatisfied with the Vodafone phone, internet and customer service qualities. Our ACN customer services are incredible. You can reach them less than 10 mins pratically everytime. They are fast and effiecient and never transfer your call unlike Telstra or Optus as I heard, If you want to know more about us, contact me in my email at I loves to turn UNHAPPY customer to HAPPY customer.
2242 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Lousy performance all round at 27 Dec 2010 12:13:18 PM
To be fair, we already knew that the reception in our area wasn't as good as Vodafone claimed - the salesman was honest enough to relate his experiences with his own phone. But it was mostly good enough to get us through the obligatory 6 months before we could unlock the phone. The snag was that it took an entire fricking month of contacting their appalling "help" systems and getting nowhere before it was finally unlocked, after I eventually suggested that they had breached the terms of sale and owed me an unlocked replacement if they couldn't fix it. Endless waiting on lines, dealing with the hideously annoying and inefficient "Lara", only to speak to people who promised things that never happened, plus getting automated email replies thanking me for the opportunity to serve me, but again doing nothing.
27 Dec 2010 12:28:02 PM: Oh, and BTW, this was a phone that was bought outright from a Vodafone shop on the absolute assurance that unlocking it would be a simple automatic process that would take only a moment or two online.... HA! Nothing is simple with Vodafone, with the possible exception of some of the people they employ. Only parts of their website seem to work at any given time, and even the link they sent me to the unlock area returned a "Page Not Found..." message. After several hours trying it did work long enough to finally unlock the phone, after weeks of reporting that they had no record of its IMEI number.
2241 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No Service in Chatswood! at 27 Dec 2010 12:13:01 PM
I regularly travel the Sydney North shore line to work in the morning. On a normal working day I am completely unable to get any service between Pymble and Gordon despite having 3G and full strength signal (according to my trusty iPhone) At Killara the signal dies completely then briefly appears at Roseville before completely dying (no service!) at Chatswood. Yep Chatswood, folks, thats where Vodafail used to be HQed! Perhaps they had an argument with the local council so decided to spite the local community by removing a few towers?
I bought my 3G phone (+ service) @ $69 per month so I could read the news on the train but on most days and both ways I'm lucky if I have a service for 10 of the 35 mins I'm on the train for. This is ridiculous, surely if they are not providing a service then I'm entitled to some kind of rebate? Can i have my money back please?
I bought my 3G phone (+ service) @ $69 per month so I could read the news on the train but on most days and both ways I'm lucky if I have a service for 10 of the 35 mins I'm on the train for. This is ridiculous, surely if they are not providing a service then I'm entitled to some kind of rebate? Can i have my money back please?
2240 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is rubbish at 27 Dec 2010 12:12:41 PM
been with vodafone for a few years and not had huge problems until recently upgraded to an account with data to use on iphone, very often all service drops out completely, including regular phone service, it sometimes returns with a rebooting of phone but not always. often just has nothing for hours! also very often delays of messages reaching the other person, mms have taken up to a FULL DAY to reach them. i've been too lazy to change but not for much longer...
2239 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is extremely poor at 27 Dec 2010 12:12:37 PM
we changed internet service a couple of months ago, just waited till the contract in southport on the gold coast and constantly dropped out and had to reload. were also on the crazy ron network which used vodafone. same thing just waited till the contract ran out then went to telstra. couldnt get mobile reception in the house if there were enough bars and the phone rang we had to run to the footpath just to be able to talk and even there recetion was poor. now 3 bars on the phone. reception on internet and phone perfect. poor reception and customer service non existent. waiting for over an hour everytime i needed to talk to them. netscape actualy calls me back if i have a problem no waiting on hold just to get someone to hang up on me. vodaphone very very poor. will never use again
2238 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 12:12:26 PM
Other then the usual calls dropping out as well as poor 3G internet. I recently had a Dishonour fee ($15) for non payment. Even though it is direct debit and I am 100% sure I had enough money in the account. Has this happened to anyone else?
2237 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:12:24 PM
Mobile internet sticks, what a waste of time, i was assueres i woulg get very fast internet access where i lived in secret harbour,i can only get crap speed in one room in my home, anywhere else in the house it has ne reception, so mmuch for it being mobile.
Complianed for the 1st 6 months of useage god knows how many times, its been 12 months now into a 24 month contract and have just given up trying.
WILL NEVER GO WITH VODAFONE EVER AGAIN, regardless of what they wreckon they can do, they are ****
Complianed for the 1st 6 months of useage god knows how many times, its been 12 months now into a 24 month contract and have just given up trying.
WILL NEVER GO WITH VODAFONE EVER AGAIN, regardless of what they wreckon they can do, they are ****
2236 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 12:12:18 PM
Poor coverage, drop outs on calls, reception comes and goes, data can be patchy ... Customer for 5 years... Wish I had gone with telstra !!!