Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
2235 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 12:12:13 PM
Vodafone is useless. None or very little reception 24 hrs a day. Its that bad I have give them the flick and are now with TELSTRA. That in itself shows how bad Vodafone is if you are happy with TELSTRA.
2234 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is extremely poor at 27 Dec 2010 12:11:59 PM
we changed internet service a couple of months ago, just waited till the contract in southport on the gold coast and constantly dropped out and had to reload. were also on the crazy ron network which used vodafone. same thing just waited till the contract ran out then went to telstra. couldnt get mobile reception in the house if there were enough bars and the phone rang we had to run to the footpath just to be able to talk and even there recetion was poor. now 3 bars on the phone. reception on internet and phone perfect. poor reception and customer service non existent. waiting for over an hour everytime i needed to talk to them. netscape actualy calls me back if i have a problem no waiting on hold just to get someone to hang up on me. vodaphone very very poor. will never use again
2233 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is awful at 27 Dec 2010 12:11:58 PM
Apart from the dropouts in suburban Melbourne, there are the text messages that take up to 24hrs or more to reach the recipient. THis was particularly problematic when relaitves were in palliative acre earlier this year. My contract runs out in two months, but I can't wait that long and am going to Telstra beforehand. Had enough!
2232 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Bad to worse at 27 Dec 2010 12:11:33 PM
Recently my phone started sending out multiple copies of texts. My friends were receiving up to 10 copies of the same text. I was unsure if I was being charged for these texts, so I tried sending a request to my account balance. This was hopelessly inaccurate as I was never sure when the extra texts were sent.
So I decided to call Vodafone.
I could not get hold of anyone.
So I decided to see exactly how long it would take before the system cut me off, or alternatively, if I got to hear from a human.
I placed my phone on the charger, rang the number, put it on speaker so I didn't have to hold it up to my ear. This I did at around 10am. Over 24 hours - TWENTY FOUR BLOODY HOURS - I was still on hold. Every 15min or so arecorded message came through to let me know I was in a cue and my call "was important."
In the end I gave up. I had been on hold ALL DAY, and ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT, into lunch time the next day. Before I actually hung up.
Prior to this I had called every number possible related to Vodafone, and managed to speak to one person in the "business" dept who referred me back to the numbers I had called.
A week after this experience I received a call from a vodafone telemarketer - in the middle of work - asking me if I wanted to sign up for extra specials etc etc.
I took this opportunity to tell him of my experiences and relate my grief and concern that I was being charged for texts I never sent.
He said he'd get back to me after speaking to his supervisor.
3 months later, I'm still waiting.
In a little while I will buy a new phone, and I will NEVER go back to vodafail.
I'm utterly disgusted with their dodgy practices.
Oh, and reception? Only in the inner metro north of Melbourne. Everywhere else is one to 0 bars. I have noticed nobody else has this poor range with their providers.
So I decided to call Vodafone.
I could not get hold of anyone.
So I decided to see exactly how long it would take before the system cut me off, or alternatively, if I got to hear from a human.
I placed my phone on the charger, rang the number, put it on speaker so I didn't have to hold it up to my ear. This I did at around 10am. Over 24 hours - TWENTY FOUR BLOODY HOURS - I was still on hold. Every 15min or so arecorded message came through to let me know I was in a cue and my call "was important."
In the end I gave up. I had been on hold ALL DAY, and ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT, into lunch time the next day. Before I actually hung up.
Prior to this I had called every number possible related to Vodafone, and managed to speak to one person in the "business" dept who referred me back to the numbers I had called.
A week after this experience I received a call from a vodafone telemarketer - in the middle of work - asking me if I wanted to sign up for extra specials etc etc.
I took this opportunity to tell him of my experiences and relate my grief and concern that I was being charged for texts I never sent.
He said he'd get back to me after speaking to his supervisor.
3 months later, I'm still waiting.
In a little while I will buy a new phone, and I will NEVER go back to vodafail.
I'm utterly disgusted with their dodgy practices.
Oh, and reception? Only in the inner metro north of Melbourne. Everywhere else is one to 0 bars. I have noticed nobody else has this poor range with their providers.
2231 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is A constant worry. at 27 Dec 2010 12:11:17 PM
Call drop out after afew minutes on nearly every call.On X-mas day I had to call back to my family four times because of connection fails. Messages sometimes take a day to come through too.
2230 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 12:11:12 PM
I live in Busselton WA, and the resception is shocking. I cant talk inside my house in vasse newtown which is shocking. The only hope i have is if i turn of 3G coverage and then i get reception. Otherwise it will drop calls all the time.
Disapointing vodafone. Hopefully u live to ur prmoise and fix it early next yr as u told me over the phone
Disapointing vodafone. Hopefully u live to ur prmoise and fix it early next yr as u told me over the phone
2229 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is A constant worry. at 27 Dec 2010 12:10:43 PM
Call drop out after afew minutes on nearly every call.On X-mas day I had to call back to my family four times because of connection fails. Messages sometimes take a day to come through too.
2228 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:10:42 PM
i am in the campbelltown area and have been having call drop outs and at times wont even go through. Txt msges take forever to get to the reciever and at times they dont even recieve them. When calling voda to complain they want to know everytime, and area im experiencing problems as im all over the place constantly it is an impossible task to remember and log. Also at times i have sent 1 txt and it has arrived at the reciever 2,3 and sometimes 4 times. I have also had txt msgs from vodafone carriers that i have recieved a number of times 1 after the other. vodafone deeds to sort out its issues or they will loosing more bussiness
2227 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Woeful at 27 Dec 2010 12:10:37 PM
Bought a 'Vodafone' $79 USB Modem to use in a resort at Miami Qld.
In the month we were there (August 2010) it managed to log on about 3 times, and loading the Home Page was almost impossible.
In the month we were there (August 2010) it managed to log on about 3 times, and loading the Home Page was almost impossible.
2226 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Hopless at 27 Dec 2010 12:10:07 PM
It's Monday afternoon and I'm sitting in a high rise building with relay twoers on the roof and dozens and dozens of other towers visible and I can't get any service! SMS messages can take hours if not days to be delivered. This crooked company should be shut down and all calls transferred to another network until they can provide the service they pay for.
I suggest everyone only pay half their phone bill as we only get half the promised service.
I suggest everyone only pay half their phone bill as we only get half the promised service.
2225 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally at 27 Dec 2010 12:09:55 PM
I live on the Central Coast and have to go outside my office to take a phone call. It drives me crazy!
2224 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:09:39 PM
What do you expect when you outsource your entire technical division and your Network Operations is in India....
This should serve as a lesson to all network operators that when you offshore and outsource, your service and your customers suffer.
This should serve as a lesson to all network operators that when you offshore and outsource, your service and your customers suffer.
2223 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Vodafail fails at 27 Dec 2010 12:09:24 PM
The Vodafail Moderator is a fascist in his/her censorship. There was NOTHING wrong'against the rules with my POst from Kalgoorlie, WA.
27 Dec 2010 12:14:35 PM: I've only moderated 2 comments today with crude messages. They were not from WA. It may be likely that your comment was posted but comments are coming up at such a fast rate that it isn't being shown on the front page. Feel free to post again if it is indeed within the rules.
2222 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no problems at all at 27 Dec 2010 12:09:19 PM
I tell you all something...I have been a Vodafone customer for the past 10-12 years,I havent had one bit of problem with them.I have been on prepaid for the past 10 years and if I have had a problem,I have been treated with courtisy and have had NO problems at all.
I reside in rural NSW,on a main road,and the majority of people in our town,and for that matter all the weay up and down the highway use them and have never had any problems.
Instead of whinging about Vodafone,get off your contracts and get onto prepaid...them all your problems are somved
I reside in rural NSW,on a main road,and the majority of people in our town,and for that matter all the weay up and down the highway use them and have never had any problems.
Instead of whinging about Vodafone,get off your contracts and get onto prepaid...them all your problems are somved
27 Dec 2010 12:13:16 PM: I am only on prepaid and am about to leave them because they are so pitiful.
27 Dec 2010 12:14:34 PM: Good idea mate, let's just pay them out even more money since they're not providing the service promised and just go prepaid... Hell, I may as well stop my whinging and just give them my bank details so they can withdraw $50 every month and save us all the hassle. It's not like I'm paying them to provide a service or anything. /sarcasm.
27 Dec 2010 12:16:18 PM: Have a look at my post. I am on pre-paid and not only do i get poor reception even in capital cities, they charge me for texts i did not send.
Never again vodafone...
Never again vodafone...
2221 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Once you are out of BRisbane it is utter crap. at 27 Dec 2010 12:09:07 PM
You cannot get decent reception once you are past the RAAF base at Amberley. In Toowoomba it is crap. The region coverage map says you should be able to get reception all the way from Brisbane out west to Toowoomba and down to Warwick (the area I travel in - and it's flat as a tack country from Toowoomba to Warwick). Why should I pay for a service that I don't get? I wouldn't have signed up with a telco provider if it wasn't going to cover the area I travel in. No phone coverage, no net coverage. Toowoomba isn't exact a pip squeak of a town.
2220 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 12:09:05 PM
my phone is just one year old and for the past month i have had to turn my phone off and back on to recieve any messages. If i try to connect to the internet it doesnt work so have to do the same process. Being on pre-paid i start to think i have ran out of credit but its never the case. I am glad there is going to be a nation wide complaint to the company because this is unacceptable and downright pathetic. In this day and age we need mobile telephones in order to keep our lives in order and the simplicity of being able to communicate in any place is pure genious. The engineers behind the coverage monitoring of Vodafone are pure idiots. Either sort it out or shut your company down Vodafone cos if you dont take action soon you could be filing for bankruptcy anyway. I am happy to finally be able to rant a little and know that I will not be needing to buy a new phone but I am sorry to say I am very disappointed with the service. A real shame.
2219 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is bad at 27 Dec 2010 12:08:59 PM
Constant dropouts and out of 1.4 gig i use only up to a 100 mb cause it's too slow with data transfer
Sometimes does not connect at all and other times just takes forever so you just give up on it
simply discusted with it
Sometimes does not connect at all and other times just takes forever so you just give up on it
simply discusted with it
2218 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ridiculousely at 27 Dec 2010 12:08:53 PM
no reception, no coverage, no internet, no messages, no calls
and on top of that the worst customer service on the planet!!
very unreliable, highly unrecommended company if you like your phone to make and recieve calls/msgs
and on top of that the worst customer service on the planet!!
very unreliable, highly unrecommended company if you like your phone to make and recieve calls/msgs
2217 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is poor coverage at 27 Dec 2010 12:08:23 PM
My wife and I are both on Vodafone. She has been complaining of poor coverage where she works and even when she goes to other suburbs. She simply can't make or receive calls in these areas. These are long & well established suburbs in Melbourne. I use teh internet on my phone quite a bit, and sometimes it simply doesnt work, other time in exactly the same location (at home) it works fine. Just don't know what is going on with their poor coverage.
2216 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is VERY! at 27 Dec 2010 12:08:19 PM
My Usual Business phone plan spend is around $250 -$350 per month.... this month $4,000+ reason being one of my numbers has downloaded 10 gig of data over the month (phone is used by a person largely in wifi network and who also sleeps at night), and why didn't I get notification before it got to $3000?. OK, fair enough, say we have downloaded 10 gig, now give me a reasonable price for it! I then tried to contact them on many occasions usually on hold for 15-20 minutes and when I got through, the consultant has either no knowledge of why the bill is so high or.....beep beep beep, ohh, the indian call centre has dropped out again, here goes another 20 minutes of my life wasted. Anyway, finally have reported them to the TIO....lets see what happens, there is no way I am paying this, bad credit rating or not!
2215 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Crap at 27 Dec 2010 12:08:01 PM
I am with Three network, I believe they both are merged anyway. Just moved to Caulfield and was surprised to find the network is absolutely crap in area. Tried calling Customer care to find out if there is any problem with my Handset and they've told me that my house in a blackout spot and the network is not not so great and they cant really do anything. Network continuously keep dropping, No 3G Coverage.
Ok.. I just asked what I am I supposed to do if there is no network at my place, they're like What do you want us to do...
Ok.. I just asked what I am I supposed to do if there is no network at my place, they're like What do you want us to do...
2214 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Total at 27 Dec 2010 12:07:47 PM
I have a prepaid...or at least i did have. No reception in many areas in and around Brisbane, but thats not the worst. I can no longer use the "sim" because it was hacked or cloned. Whoever did this, took all but $2 of my credit. Even with the $2 credit, i am blocked from sending text or calling out. After several talks with Vodafone reps and a complaint to TIO, no action was taken. When i stated my situation on Vodafone's Facebook page, they quicky removed my message. Looking at a computer screen shown to me by a sales assistant at a Vodafone store, i was surprised to see 2 names with my number, one of which was myself.
2213 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is getting worse.. at 27 Dec 2010 12:07:39 PM
I work in docklands-- no buildings around me.
No reception for more than half the building- fine for all other carriers..
Catch a tram to flinders st - 3 black out areas..
Black out areas most of the train ride home..
3g hardly ever works-- and soooooooooo many times no internet al all.
No reception for more than half the building- fine for all other carriers..
Catch a tram to flinders st - 3 black out areas..
Black out areas most of the train ride home..
3g hardly ever works-- and soooooooooo many times no internet al all.
2212 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Average at 27 Dec 2010 12:07:36 PM
I've had one tel, telstra, and (in the UK) vodafone services. I've been now with vodafone here in Melbourne for a fair few years. (5 at a guess). They're okaaay. Certainly not perfect. My gripes are that quite often my phone (iPhone 4 bought online via vodafone) won't place a call after dialing my partners number. (she's with vodafone also). It's pretty frustrating. It happens enough to be annoying. My other issues are some missed calls going to voicemail when I'm clearly not on a call and the phone is on but has not rung. I also get dropouts on calls (I would estimate on approx 5%) I'm not sure whether my phone is the fault or the carrier but the drop outs are when I've got full bars or close to, and it's with different people on landlines or mobile phones) I've had a call drop out while on phone to vodafone. I've never really complained to vodafone as it's just annoying but not unbearable. Jack in Brunswick vic
2211 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 12:07:15 PM
I am a Crazy Johns customer and they use Vodafone. Can barely ever get reception in my house, I live in the suburbs, not in the sticks or anything.. My little sister went into hospital, but my family couldn't contact me as i had no reception- so i didn't find out til the next day. Cutomer care dont give a rats, telling me they would give me $10 credit on my account. Ridiculous considering the amount of times calls have dropped out, unreceived messages etc.
2210 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No Reception at 27 Dec 2010 12:06:46 PM
I am 7km from Brisbane city and don't get much reception in my house, I have to go 40meters down the road to be able to talk to someone without dropping out.
Do you know what is crazy? Im in a town called Childers for christmas, 3 hours out of Brisbane, has one woolworths and subway is the only fast food here. I have perfect reception in a gully 5 mins out of the town centre. Why can't the city be the same, so annoying,
Do you know what is crazy? Im in a town called Childers for christmas, 3 hours out of Brisbane, has one woolworths and subway is the only fast food here. I have perfect reception in a gully 5 mins out of the town centre. Why can't the city be the same, so annoying,
2209 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is not at all for me at 27 Dec 2010 12:06:36 PM
I am happy with what I get get from Voda. I have been with Voda for the past 8 years. As a customer we wanted good service and we do not want to hear excuses such as software upgrandes on RNCs (RU20) is causing troubles....I do not know aht kind of test bed testing is carried out before rolling out any network changes...However I want to see 3 operators in the market to keep competition.
2208 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally at 27 Dec 2010 12:06:34 PM
I am lucky to finish one phone call without dropping out. I live in a high rise building in sight of dozens of mobile twoers and I still can't get a connection half the time I try to use my phone. Vodafone sucks!
2207 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Drop Outs at 27 Dec 2010 12:06:13 PM
I have a busniess accounts with Vodafail and Keep getting drpouts and have to keep ringing my customers back. After contacting their customer support and telling them of the problem, the answer was go outside the recption shoud be better i am in central melbourne not like i live in the bush
2206 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL. at 27 Dec 2010 12:06:11 PM
My partner and I have been Vodafone customers for years and have seen the steady decline of its service and reception over those years. Most recently there are the obvious reception issues where within a group of friends, we are the only ones struggling to find reception in even the most popular areas. We have most calls dropping out or displaying 'Error in Connection' and text messages that fail to deliver or are delivered 6+ hours later. The last few weeks we have seen messages that are several months old being delivered and redelivered over and over again, often in place of the intended message. I often get the same two messages, one from my best friend and one from my brother, delivered almost every single day! WTF?! It's like having last months newspaper dropped on your door every morning...
I also feel like I was misled when signing up as I joined a contract plan, against my better judgment, thinking the capped plans were the best value for money at the time. Only after I signed up was I told I could get practically the same plan on pre-paid! *sigh*
Lastly, before signing up I was on the 3mobile $29 cap which in the two years I held the plan, I never exceeded. To my surprise, I 'upgraded' to the Vodafone $49 cap and found myself exceeding the limit every month without using my phone any more than I did on the old plan. Now my plan has expired, without any contact from Vodafone whatsoever to inform me or ask if I'd like to renew, so I just want to get out of this nightmare asap and leave Vodafone behind me... That's if I can ever get in contact with a real person in customer service!
I also feel like I was misled when signing up as I joined a contract plan, against my better judgment, thinking the capped plans were the best value for money at the time. Only after I signed up was I told I could get practically the same plan on pre-paid! *sigh*
Lastly, before signing up I was on the 3mobile $29 cap which in the two years I held the plan, I never exceeded. To my surprise, I 'upgraded' to the Vodafone $49 cap and found myself exceeding the limit every month without using my phone any more than I did on the old plan. Now my plan has expired, without any contact from Vodafone whatsoever to inform me or ask if I'd like to renew, so I just want to get out of this nightmare asap and leave Vodafone behind me... That's if I can ever get in contact with a real person in customer service!
2205 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Reception What?! at 27 Dec 2010 12:05:57 PM
I have been with Vodafone for as long as I can remember and never had issues with them in the past.
I always found their plans and service quite good...until recently.
Ive had days where I have had no reception at all for the whole day. But mostly its just once or twice a day. Here I was thinking it was mY iPhone causing the issue but my gf who has an iPhone as well never has any issues.
Now we find out they are having issues with the reception but did we get a discount on our bills for this lousy we didnt!!!
Maybe I shouldve left Vodafone when getting a new contract for a phone and gone with someone more reliable.
I always found their plans and service quite good...until recently.
Ive had days where I have had no reception at all for the whole day. But mostly its just once or twice a day. Here I was thinking it was mY iPhone causing the issue but my gf who has an iPhone as well never has any issues.
Now we find out they are having issues with the reception but did we get a discount on our bills for this lousy we didnt!!!
Maybe I shouldve left Vodafone when getting a new contract for a phone and gone with someone more reliable.
2204 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 24/7 service at 27 Dec 2010 12:05:45 PM
I recenly attempted to speak to Voda Customer Service. The automated voice announcer advised:
"We listened to your feedback and we are now opened 24/7....... You call has been placed in the queue and your estimated wait time is... 2 Hours and 46 minutes..." Well done Voda!
"We listened to your feedback and we are now opened 24/7....... You call has been placed in the queue and your estimated wait time is... 2 Hours and 46 minutes..." Well done Voda!
2203 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is late messages and poor service from management at 27 Dec 2010 12:05:08 PM
Apparently I have had a photo message delivered numerous times I sent it toa number of friends and family my brother reports he received it 4 times.
Also when people arecalling it doent always ring but goesstraight to voice mailand over christmas my bro made one such call but hey its not on the voice mail. It drops out of service for no reason. Oh and msg sent christmas arrived at 4am on the 27th.
I also had to helpmy son fix his account due to illness and over a two week period I was told a manager will get back to you...they never did but a call to say I was going to cancel and reportthem got action.
My daughter cancelled her vodafone account 1 month ago and got an sms to say her bill is ready and she owes $200 guess what her number doesnt exisit at vodafoneso online or phoning they cant help after a number of emails we received here is your account you will be direct they were told that account had also been cancelled. DUMB I'm getting out as soon as.
Also when people arecalling it doent always ring but goesstraight to voice mailand over christmas my bro made one such call but hey its not on the voice mail. It drops out of service for no reason. Oh and msg sent christmas arrived at 4am on the 27th.
I also had to helpmy son fix his account due to illness and over a two week period I was told a manager will get back to you...they never did but a call to say I was going to cancel and reportthem got action.
My daughter cancelled her vodafone account 1 month ago and got an sms to say her bill is ready and she owes $200 guess what her number doesnt exisit at vodafoneso online or phoning they cant help after a number of emails we received here is your account you will be direct they were told that account had also been cancelled. DUMB I'm getting out as soon as.
27 Dec 2010 12:09:30 PM: I have had all the same issues with the PXT msgs and incoming calls going straight to voicemail without ringing! Sometimes it doesn't ring AT ALL but when I take it out of my pocket, BOOM - FOUR MISSED CALLS.
2202 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:04:51 PM
My husband and I had a terrible 2 years with the vodafone 3G mobile broadband. Our internet would constantly drop out if connect at all and was very slow. After countless complaints to customer care and promises that were never recieved, we got no results and vowed never to use them as an internet provider again. When i signed up via the internet for a new mobile phone and plan I was notified a week later telling me the phone was not available and had to choose a different phone (the only reason i signed a plan was to get that phone) My name is still spelt incorrect on my bill even though I've gone into store to correct 3 times now. I'm sorry we ever signed up for the mobile internet and am glad to be out of that contract finally.
2201 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:04:29 PM
We were with vodafone a couple years ago and the service then was crap. Dropouts,no connection, poor service. I would expect this sort of thing in mongolia but not here. We switched over to iprimus which operates off the telstra network and service has been good so far. Keep away from vodafone.
2200 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 12:04:18 PM
i'm with 3 but it uses vodafail towers i am experencing drop outs and very poor coverage.
2199 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 12:04:09 PM
I have been with Vodafone for a year and a half and i have never been so unhappy with any service and i have been with them all. I live on the Gold coast and I still get no reception even in Surfers Paradise where you would think you would have no proble. My internet has stopped working i cant even access it at all this has been about a week now. this is disgusting to think you sign up for a 2 year contract where you are paying $80 a month and you cant even use your phone, i would hate to be in any sort of emergency where i would need to use it. i am very sad that i am out of pocket for somethng i cannot use. i just cant wait until this contract is up and i can switch to another more reliable company.
2198 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is wireless broadand drops out at 27 Dec 2010 12:03:44 PM
im on a twelve month plan for wireless broadband i have had trouble since day one with it droping out, i contacted customer support which tell me i am in a good coverage area, customer service is unable to improve my service ,my service is slow alot of the time also, im a very unhappy customer
2197 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is So Bad they terminated the service at 27 Dec 2010 12:03:37 PM
After 12 months of interrupted services because their was little or no signal they terminated the service but i still get reminder accounts every month after vodafone terminated the service.
2196 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:03:25 PM
Im with 3../Vodafone.. My phone reception on three has always been average. But since Vodafone took over the copmany I roam on Vodafone 2g network 9 out of 10 times. Can we sue 3 aswell for crap performance ans basicly not up holding their end of the deal
2195 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is fail x 100000 at 27 Dec 2010 12:03:13 PM
i currently work for a 3/vodafone dealer and the biggest regret i've had this year was moving from 3 and signing up to vodafone. firstly, my number from 3 stopped working, but the number didnt actually port over to vodafone for a few days so i was stuck with no phone and no number over these few days. after that, i had shitty reception (though somewhat understandable as i got the iphone 4), however internet speed was poor. as the weeks went by the call dropouts increased, poor reception increased, internet speed became more and more slower. then there was the incident on a saturday not too long ago where voda had no reception for hours. then just before xmas again my phone cut out service for around 1-2 hours. i work for vodafone and i even think people should steer clear of them..
2194 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is just money minded at 27 Dec 2010 12:02:26 PM
I live in Tempe and after 11 pm there is very hard to find the vodafone network.
2193 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:02:08 PM
My initial reason for signing with Vodafone was they included overseas SMS in the post-paid plan. Since I have a friend there that I had been texting regularly I thought this was great. After signing I send a text to my friend. No response. Further texts still received no response. Chatting online a few days later and asked if any texts had been received. Nothing. Calls to Vodafone eventually reveal that they only forward texts to two select carriers in Canada. Seems Bell aren't worthy of such a service. Of course none of this was mentioned during the sales discussion where I specifically said where my friend lived.
2192 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is PEEEED OFF at 27 Dec 2010 12:01:29 PM
Not a happy customer!!!!! Apparently i have not paid my bills but have proof from the bank and my mobile goes into emergency calls about 10 times a day. Not to mention i get cut off my calls constantly so yet vodafone are making some money here with me having to re-call people all the time. My mobile is not faulty either but have wondered to check the services etc on the OPTUS network. Be f**ked if im going to continue in paying my mobile bills. FIX THE NETWORK PROBLEMS!!!! NOT F**KING HAPPY!!!!!!
2191 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very poor and we should be compensated! at 27 Dec 2010 12:01:01 PM
I am sick of my phone connection dropping out mid call, loosing coverage and having to re-set my phone and the overall performance. I want to jump ship but can't afford it as I'm still in a contract. I hear it will take up to 2 years before the benefits come into play from Vodaphone buying out 3...what about your customers in the meantime - I want some kind of compensation and I want it now!...
2190 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally Useless Company at 27 Dec 2010 12:00:48 PM
I live at Cabarita Beach, Far North Coast NSW and have NEVER had any reception at home!!! I can't receive, make calls or retrieve calls on my Vodafone mobile from my home. I either have to go down the end of the street or up into town to do any of the previously mentioned actions. Can send texts IF I wait long enough to get a signal, but often fails then also. Can take up to 2 days for my text to arrive at it's destination. Have been told on numerous occasions that new towers are being erected over the past 5 years but that is a load of hogswash. My niece works for Vodafone in Sydney and the rewards that they receive (overseas trips, dinners at top restaurants, grand Xmas parties etc)are fantastic. Maybe they should look after their customers as well as their employees. After my experience on 23/12/2010 though, I have now decided that it is time for me to look for another mobile company. Tried to send a message in Tweed Heads, which had full reception and received a SYS-ALERT and just thought that I had no texts left (I had over 90 only a couple of days before so this totally confused me). Sent a message for my account balance to find I had no credit at all. Proceeded to the Vodafone shop to find out that I had had $22 odd dollars worth of credit and my texts on 22/12/2010 but my credit was due to expire on 23/12/2010. This is the first time that I haven't been advised that my credit expiry date was getting close and advise to add credit. So they told me to call 1555 and ask for complaints which I did. After waiting ages for them to answer, I asked for complaints and was instantly disconnected. Did this again with the same response, so I guess it is time to give these loosers the flick and get on with the rest of my life.
2189 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is rubbish at 27 Dec 2010 12:00:44 PM
i always have service but never can make phone calls.. iv tried different phones to test out if my phone has problems but the results are the same....
i dont understand why they can have so many dropouts so often.....
i dont understand why they can have so many dropouts so often.....
2188 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Coverage at 27 Dec 2010 12:00:19 PM
Well I was lucky after 2 months of complaints and continue calls most of which had me on hold for an hour or more I was able to terminate my contract 11 months early. No penalty was applied but I am awaiting my final bill to confirm this.
We will wait and see
We will wait and see
2187 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is poor..very poor at 27 Dec 2010 12:00:18 PM
Have been unable to use my phone in my home..try going outside but no improvement..( I live in suburbia )this has been occurring for around 7 months now.I've been a Vodafone customer for quite some time but am now seriously considering using another Telco when my contract expires as am paying for a service that isn't being delivered :((
27 Dec 2010 12:02:14 PM: Contact them and advise them of the lack of coverage. It took me 2 months but I was abe to terminate my contract ad port my number. It is a tedious process and you need to be patient.
They will ask you to do several things to investigate the problem but in the end if the coverage is a problem it is grounds to get out of your contract.
They will ask you to do several things to investigate the problem but in the end if the coverage is a problem it is grounds to get out of your contract.
2186 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is rubbish at 27 Dec 2010 12:00:17 PM
i always have service but never can make phone calls.. iv tried different phones to test out if my phone has problems but the results are the same....
i dont understand why they can have so many dropouts so often.....
i dont understand why they can have so many dropouts so often.....
2185 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is reception at 27 Dec 2010 12:00:16 PM
the reception is always dropping happens atleast once a day.
l have tried to ring my wife while we are both in the house and can't get through to her!!!!!
l have tried to ring my wife while we are both in the house and can't get through to her!!!!!
2184 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 11:59:55 AM
my phone is just one year old and for the past month i have had to turn my phone off and back on to recieve any messages. If i try to connect to the internet it doesnt work so have to do the same process. Being on pre-paid i start to think i have ran out of credit but its never the case. I am glad there is going to be a nation wide complaint to the company because this is unacceptable and downright pathetic. In this day and age we need mobile telephones in order to keep our lives in order and the simplicity of being able to communicate in any place is pure genious. The engineers behind the coverage monitoring of Vodafone are pure idiots. Either sort it out or shut your company down Vodafone cos if you dont take action soon you could be filing for bankruptcy anyway. I am happy to finally be able to rant a little and know that I will not be needing to buy a new phone but I am sorry to say I am very disappointed with the service. A real shame.
2183 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Absolutely Useless at 27 Dec 2010 11:59:22 AM
Somehow locked out of the website using all my regular sign-on details. Spent 20 minutes going through that useless automated system (thank heavens they finally gave you the option to just push buttons as opposed to screaming English that the computer wouldn't recognise anyways), only to get a guy who told me that the website is "experiencing difficulties" (read: FAILS), as is the entire recharge phone system, and they had absolutely no idea when it would be fixed. Not a clue. The only flimsy excuse he could cough up was that they're "renewing the systems". Over Xmas?? WTF? Really, Vodafone, REALLY???? You do ONE thing and you can't even do that reliably, nor even manage a website.
2182 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No service in Thornleigh at 27 Dec 2010 11:59:20 AM
Being a customer of Vodafone for years but this few months we always have friend complaint that our phone is out of coverage and in lots of place we cannot get coverages.
2181 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodacrap at 27 Dec 2010 11:59:13 AM
On the 30th December this month my contract ends with Vodafone, I am going to Telstra as the network is perfect and fast around my area (2155 Rouse Hill, Kellyville area) I either get three things in my top left hand signal corner, (No Service, Searching or just 1 bar) SMS are delivered late, VM come through at 1 or 2 am in the morning important messages that are delayed, or the pick some milk up from the shop message comes in after I been to the shops ? WTF enough is enough GOODBYE VODAFONE AFTER 10 YEARS !!!!
2180 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is INDESCRIBABLE at 27 Dec 2010 11:59:06 AM
2179 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Vodaphony! at 27 Dec 2010 11:58:55 AM
I had always been a Telstra client, but changed to Vodaphone as my friend in Perth is on the network. She has just moved to Karratha and now every 5 minutes the call drops off and I have to ring her? What the hell is that all about? Again after years of trouble free broadband with Telstra, I changed to a mobile broadband usb. Since I started 12 months ago, the service has just got worse and worse. I am lucky if the service doesn't drop out every 30 minutes and the download speed is at tortoise level. I doubtI will complete my 24 months contract as I will be in an insane asylum before then! Thanks vodafail for nothing
2178 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is reception at 27 Dec 2010 11:58:51 AM
the reception is always dropping happens atleast once a day.
l have tried to ring my wife while we are both in the house and can't get through to her!!!!!
l have tried to ring my wife while we are both in the house and can't get through to her!!!!!
2177 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is a rip-off at 27 Dec 2010 11:58:50 AM
I'm in Bendigo and my phone calls always have bad reception and often drop out. When I go to see my family in St.Arnaud I have no reception at all, this means that I just have to hope that the trip goes smoothly as I have no way of contacting anyone should I need to. I have missed phone calls from my workplace as a result of the reception issue which has meant I have missed the opportunity to work and gain further income. When I initially asked about vodaphones reception the question was avoided and I was given a spiel about the governement giving them some money to increase their coverage....I haven't noticed that that has happened in the last 18 months!!!
2176 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is no roaming incoming call at 27 Dec 2010 11:58:48 AM
I have been on Vodafone Prepay since 2001.For a long period of time in 2009, I was wondering why I did not receive any incoming call or text and later found out that I could not receive incoming roaming call but could only make outgoing roaming call. I called vodafone, incurring costly IDD calls and gave them a local number to call me back (no point calling me on my aus number if I cannot receive incoming call). Vodafone did not call me back but fortunately early this year 2010, I was able to receive incoming call again.
2175 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is absolutely horrible at 27 Dec 2010 11:58:03 AM
i have had nothgn but trouble since i joined with vodafone, they have tried to blame everyone else but the network itself, i have had 3 replacement simcards and a replacement phone, still not working... it is nice to see that there are others out there that are having trouble, i signed up with the thought that it would be better then my simple 2G phone but no no it isnt and well i want out! i dont want to be wasting my money on something that does not work properly! people blamed the merge between 3 and Vodafone but my problems happened months before this. Now i have a phone for decoration and not for its proper purpose! thanx a bunch vodafone you useless prick of a network
2174 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 11:57:57 AM
My gripe is more with the original 3 mobile. I have just finished paying a 2 year contract out for a mobile dongle for my PC which never worked. WE were not able to use it at home or abroad. Likewise with our 2 mobile phones we have very poor receoption having to run up and down the street in the hope of getting some reception. Others in my family have the same problems. Of course I have lodged many many phone calls to 3 vodaphone to lodge complaints but always to no avail. they are always stupid enough to send a respsonse survey after my "customer experience with their tech section" and always give negative feedback, which never rates a response. When appropriate and less costly for us, we will change to another network.
2173 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Totalfail at 27 Dec 2010 11:57:56 AM
I was with Vodafone for 4 weeks. Using my iphone with Vodafone was a complete waste of time. Using google maps was useless as I reach my destination before my maps loaded. onstatnt calls dropping out and being on hold for 2 hours for support - Vodafone return calls at midnight etc etc etc
I finally had to leave and to to Telstra. Never again.
I finally had to leave and to to Telstra. Never again.
2172 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is terrible at 27 Dec 2010 11:57:39 AM
i call voda to fix the million problems i have and end up waiting on the phone for 2 hours
THEN they tell me theyll call me back and they dont
so i call again the next day and cannot even understand the people i speak to STOP TAKING ADVANTAGE OF CHEAP LABOUR AND GET SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHAT THEYRE DOING
after half an hour of being on the phone to some idiot who tells me theres no way to fix the problem i go the a vodafone shop the next day and my problem is fixed in seconds
im leaving vodafone and im pretty sure im no the only one
THEN they tell me theyll call me back and they dont
so i call again the next day and cannot even understand the people i speak to STOP TAKING ADVANTAGE OF CHEAP LABOUR AND GET SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHAT THEYRE DOING
after half an hour of being on the phone to some idiot who tells me theres no way to fix the problem i go the a vodafone shop the next day and my problem is fixed in seconds
im leaving vodafone and im pretty sure im no the only one
2171 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 11:57:21 AM
I've had problems with my phone for years and how stupid of me for blaming my actual phone and not the company/network. I've had messages arrived in the middle of the night when they've been sent in the middle of the day, heaps of problems sending messages ( I think I pushed the send button 20 times before I gave up) and I can't even tally up the amount of times I've said to people "I can't hear a word you are saying!" Not to mention the number of times my signal has completely disappeared while other people's phone are working perfectly fine. It is about time I stop being so lazy and do something about it.
2170 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 11:56:53 AM
2169 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Awful Reception at 27 Dec 2010 11:56:50 AM
I have recently moved to the Caboolture area from Burpengary where my service was good. But now Im lucky to have 1 or 2 bars. It takes me a few attemps to send a text. If I call someone I have to make sure to tell them I have horrible service so I will cut out sooner rather than later. I don't have a landline connected so it is concerning having 2 children and not having the phone service when needed. It is really frustrating. I thought I was the only one and I am glad to find this site.
2168 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Doesn't work at 27 Dec 2010 11:56:43 AM
After signing up for wire-less internet it didn't work, even after a tech from Vodafone tried to fix it. I asked to cancel the contract (the same day I received the modem), yet they still bill me every month!
I did eventually speak to somebody ( in Mumbai after 4 hours (really!) of transfers to various managers to be told that they didn't have my request on their "log", thus they couldn't help. I have been waiting now for 2 weeks for their tech bloke to call to fix my lack of reception! Perhaps he will install a tower in my yard!
I did eventually speak to somebody ( in Mumbai after 4 hours (really!) of transfers to various managers to be told that they didn't have my request on their "log", thus they couldn't help. I have been waiting now for 2 weeks for their tech bloke to call to fix my lack of reception! Perhaps he will install a tower in my yard!
2167 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely Frustrating at 27 Dec 2010 11:56:39 AM
I have been with Vodafone for around 6 years now and never have I experienced such poor reception, customer service and such delays.
I frequently getting people saying they called me, yet my phone never rang nor did it register a missed call but days later I finally recieve the voicemail message. I'm constantly turning my phone off and on to try to increase my reception. I recently was told to turn my "3G" off to gain more reception and it worked to a point where my phone says I have full reception yet I go to make a call and it tells me no network coverage!
I thank the creator of this website for letting all of us voice our opionions to a point where someone may listen to us!
If something isn't done in the coming month I will no longer be a vodafone user.
I frequently getting people saying they called me, yet my phone never rang nor did it register a missed call but days later I finally recieve the voicemail message. I'm constantly turning my phone off and on to try to increase my reception. I recently was told to turn my "3G" off to gain more reception and it worked to a point where my phone says I have full reception yet I go to make a call and it tells me no network coverage!
I thank the creator of this website for letting all of us voice our opionions to a point where someone may listen to us!
If something isn't done in the coming month I will no longer be a vodafone user.
2166 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Dreadful at 27 Dec 2010 11:56:35 AM
I have been with vodafone for number of years and am so over them!! I travel a lot and have NO reception, the data which I need for business is pathetic. My blackberry battery is disgusting and the phone died a couple of months ago and so when I took it in to get fixed it was total drama!! I tried contacting customer service and found out to my chagrin that customer service was in India or some place offshore.
I ended up with NO service for this broken phone and as soon as my contract is up I am waving goodbye
I ended up with NO service for this broken phone and as soon as my contract is up I am waving goodbye
2165 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 11:56:21 AM
I always get terrible reception outside- and inside reception ? non-existent.
I attempted to recharged apparently the service was 'out of order'- I was refered onto another Sales Rep- which I never got through to- considering the dial out was 30 minutes & then Vodafone disconnected me
I attempted to recharged apparently the service was 'out of order'- I was refered onto another Sales Rep- which I never got through to- considering the dial out was 30 minutes & then Vodafone disconnected me
2164 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is not providing service i signed up for at 27 Dec 2010 11:55:51 AM
limited connection for both mob and internet.. not what i signed up for... with vodafone. thought i had done sufficient research to have phone and internet service where i required it... very disappinted. contacted vodaphone . they helped me slightly but still have daily issues with the so called service
2163 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 11:55:30 AM
I was with Telstra for 6yrs before recently cutting short my contract and switching over to VF. VF were offering great deals and because I was no longer happy with what price I was paying with Telstra, I made the switch. In the month I have been signed up with VF I have had no problems with txt messaging but the reception/coverage has been absolutely terrible. My Husband and I are both VF customers and 95% of the time when we have called one another (and that's in the metro area), we can barely hear each other or it completely drops out. Most of my calls are always dropping out and the internet takes a very very long time to act, browsing is painful! We also have VMB which also drops out constantly. This is not good enough so lets hope VF get their act together and sort out their network asap so good paying customers can continue with their lives in a more convenient manner.
2162 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 11:55:25 AM
I am a mega-pissed off vodafone user. I have been with them since january this year and am utterly dissapointed with them. I am one of the lucky ones who receive no signal in more that 3/4s of my house, which is in a suburb less than 10mins from the city. My 3G Internet is extremely slow and regularly fails when not connected to wifi. I am constantly with no signal or extremely low and useless. I just want to make a call without it cutting out, use google without being told that the cellular network is currently not available!!! Arrggggggv
2161 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 11:55:08 AM
using the internet on my iphone is painfully slow, i thought it was the fact that the recent updates on iphones was crap however, my friend whom was sitting next to me with a Telstra Iphone could go on the internet quickly and efficiently. we both had full service in the shopping center...
this is just not good enough from vodafone....
this is just not good enough from vodafone....
2160 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Vodaphony! at 27 Dec 2010 11:54:44 AM
I had always been a Telstra client, but changed to Vodaphone as my friend in Perth is on the network. She has just moved to Karratha and now every 5 minutes the call drops off and I have to ring her? What the hell is that all about? Again after years of trouble free broadband with Telstra, I changed to a mobile broadband usb. Since I started 12 months ago, the service has just got worse and worse. I am lucky if the service doesn't drop out every 30 minutes and the download speed is at tortoise level. I doubtI will complete my 24 months contract as I will be in an insane asylum before then! Thanks vodafail for nothing
2159 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is no signal. line drop at 27 Dec 2010 11:54:22 AM
it is shit network. shit phone.n97. it may cost me a lot of business deal and my company's reputation
27 Dec 2010 12:29:48 PM: No, I'd say your punctuation would probably be the chief cause of that.
27 Dec 2010 01:29:29 PM: Trolling on a complaint board ? That's pretty low bruh. Do you work for Vodaphone or something ?
27 Dec 2010 03:16:31 PM: i have had vodafone now since 28th dec 2009 i have had problems from week one of my contract the fone is a major problem a nokia n97 a piece of junk i origonally wanted iphone and got talked out of it by vfone staff now when i want change to wot i wanted they say its gonna cost me heaps i have to pay outold contract and apply for new one, rubbish as far as i am concerned, they sell me a piece of junk they should replace with equivilent or better not worse. my fone dropps out eve when i have 5 bars of service and even though it has 2 -3 bars it says i cant get connection ???? they tell me fone needs software upgrade i do this online and nothing changes. i use my fone primarily for bussiness as i am interstate truck driver and it causes me massive frustration i have the same problems in any capital city i visit and many coutry centers too i have had to keep my old telstra prepaid to make up for vfones unreliability. Gary Miller
i am more than willing to join anyclass action or just get the fone i wanted in first place and the service i pay for
i am more than willing to join anyclass action or just get the fone i wanted in first place and the service i pay for
27 Dec 2010 03:17:51 PM: LOL, dude. Consider using more punctuation.
27 Dec 2010 03:37:35 PM: "LOL, dude." who cares??? this is not an english writing exam. GET OVER IT.
27 Dec 2010 03:38:31 PM: consider using a spell check too
27 Dec 2010 03:38:37 PM: Thats pretty bad.
I had what was an unlocked phone and since using the Vodafone "dis"service my message center is stuck to Vodafone and I can no longer send text messages.
I had what was an unlocked phone and since using the Vodafone "dis"service my message center is stuck to Vodafone and I can no longer send text messages.
27 Dec 2010 03:48:10 PM: i agree they are crap and yea man who cares about the spelling i just can never be bothered checking my typing in these things and im sure that spelling has nothing to do with spelling they are just Crap unreliable, liars who just dont care they dont even have there call centres here lets try india egypt what the hell. ill class action with you they need to be stripped of there great bright red and be downgraded to dirt brown
27 Dec 2010 03:56:25 PM: I find the grammar, punctuation, and endless syntax errors in this piece of prose atrocious. The level of English is touching no illiteracy. It%u2019s as though this person was educated by reading American comics. What has gone wrong with our school system in Australia? I hope the person has their phone upgraded.
28 Dec 2010 07:33:31 AM: Since time immemorial, illiterate and or dyslexic people have learnt to communicate using the written and spoken word of popular culture. Ie, an illiterate or dyslexic person from the 70's would be prone to using 'hippyisms'. This guy sounds like a hard working tax paying aussie champion, for you to nit pick over his grammer? especially in this forum? Pure sehole.
2158 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL! at 27 Dec 2010 11:54:08 AM
Been a vodafail customer for way to long, around 4 years.. My mates and i used to joke about how poor the reception was outside of sydney in coastal towns which was barely acceptable, now i lose reception in military road, sydney and everywhere else in sydney on a constant basis! Vodafail staff insist that it is the phone i'm using that is the cause of the poor reception, but surely through about 7 different phones, there optimistic denial can't be tolerated any longer. (Watching the cricket now, not even vodafone hotspot works!) After so many years of putting up with vodafail, enough is enough. I have been stupidly paying $99 per month on my contract to recieve dreadful coverage. Give us a fair go vodafail and stop sponsoring major events like the ashes so we have to be shown your infuriating sponsorship all day every day
2157 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Horrible at 27 Dec 2010 11:53:59 AM
Hi, just heard about this site on ABC Newsradio and thought it was a great idea. Have been a customer of Vodafone for over 9 years and recently I upgraded to the new Nokia N8 having previously been using a Nokia 6220 Classic with no trouble at all (for almost 2 years). Have had almost 2 weeks of call dropouts. dead zones (where I never used to have any trouble before), and a couple of "sim registration fails". I've found that if I have the phone on speaker, it seems to work a bit better but that is not always possible when in public places. Also complete loss of signal for no reason which requires and restart to correct. Haven't contacted Cust service as it's the holidays etc but thought I would wait and see if it improved. Did get a new sim card which sort of helped a little. Thanks for this site. regards, John W.
2156 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No service - bad reception at 27 Dec 2010 11:53:48 AM
I can only use about 10% of my cap plan when i am at home. I go from 1 bar to 'no service' 90% of the time. Vodafone promised to investigate and get back to me on 24th dec. I had to call them on the afternoon of 24th. They said the investigation was ongoing and that i'd hear from them when they had an answer. I was given 1 weeks worth off call costs off my bill to make up for this problem - a problem that has been getting worse over the last three months.
27 Dec 2010 11:57:59 AM: I'd like to add that I am paying $80 per month when I am getting about $10 value out of my service and they don't seem to care.I can't wait to get out of my contract. My neighbour (10mt away)had her contract cancelled due to bad reception yet I have to wait until they can 'test' my service and deliver a verdict!
2155 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is crooked service at 27 Dec 2010 11:53:39 AM
Numerous times the money gone missing from the prepaid account. I check regularly the 1512 for account balance. Balance dropped often 20c+ without any calls made by me or nobody else. In total, 200-300$ disappeared from my vodafone account over 6 year period. When trying to resolve issue, the access to my vodafone Internet account got blocked. They (vodafone) send me password to reenter the account and that password was fake. I still can't enter the vodafone Internet account to check what is happening with evidence of my calls.
2154 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is coverage at 27 Dec 2010 11:53:33 AM
I have to keep to turn my phone on and off because the network keeps dropping out. it needs to be done every 10 minutes or so depending my location. it's so shit because it takes time to get back on, and my iphone keep sending me this "network unavailable, go to settings". I've still got another 18 months to go on my contract, that i wasn't signed up for this shit service!
2153 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible, just terrible at 27 Dec 2010 11:53:25 AM
I have had never ending issues with my vodafone MMS service. It takes hours for the MMS to be received and there are some people in my contacts list who i do not receive MMS from at all. I can literally be sitting next to the person and watch them send the MMS and never ever receive it. I have had the settings reset on my phone and my friends phone (who is also with vodafone)and when i speak with the 'helpdesk' they state all is fine and cannot explain the situation. I have emailed vodafone again and again and cannot get a reasonable response, all i get is a pro forma reply. Basically, im over it.
2152 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 11:53:23 AM
I forgot to mention I can't get any service just about anywhere and I can't even get a page to load on the internet so that 1.5gb of data is absolutely useless to me. 4 days after I got the phone I it slipped out of my hand from less than 3 feet off the ground and the whole screen shattered. I rang the insurance that I paid extra for and they said it would cost me $200 (25% of the value to buy one brand new) to have my phone repaired or replaced. The guy in the allphones store never mentioned anything about this excess when I signed up and I certainly wasn't given any product disclosure statements with this information. I couldn't afford the $200 at the time (being a single mother of 3) I said I would call them back. By the time I had gathered some money together I got my first bill and it was $316 which naturally I refused to pay and so I could not use my insurance as long as I had an oustanding bill. So 4 months down the track I still owe hundreds of dollars (they are about to cut my phone off after 10 plus years of loyalty and paying my bills on time every time), I have a smashed phone and barely any network coverage. No, I'M NOT HAPPY!
2151 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is You tell Me at 27 Dec 2010 11:53:19 AM
Get a life you losers and stop complaining!!!! If you think you can do better make your own company cheap idiots..
27 Dec 2010 11:54:23 AM: Ouch is that someone from Voda management??? I suspect so!
27 Dec 2010 11:57:05 AM: Wow, you sound angry. Something to do with these 'pesky' customers?
27 Dec 2010 11:58:17 AM: It is absolutely certain that this guy does not have a Vodaphone phone :-)
27 Dec 2010 12:00:16 PM: You have to love when the CEO jumps on here calling us losers lol
27 Dec 2010 12:01:01 PM: actually i hate vodafone but not as much as losers who complain like you lol
27 Dec 2010 12:07:12 PM: No you're just someone who likes to get on the bandwagon and voice your opinion where its not needed. You clearly have no idea whats going on cos if you did you would'nt be acting like a child. We have the right to complain if we are being ripped off and have the right to solutions being formed. If you have a problem with people voicing their opinions then you can set up your own website to do that. In the meantime maybe we will set up our own phone company, i think with all of us knowing how pathetic it can be we will know how to satisfy our customers. You can shut up and go buy a vodafone phone then see how tough you are.
27 Dec 2010 12:46:58 PM: There is panic at the FMT no doubt !!
2150 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally Useless Company at 27 Dec 2010 11:53:17 AM
NEVER had any reception at home!!! I can't receive, make calls or retrieve calls on my Vodafone mobile from my home. I either have to go down the end of the street or up into town to do any of the previously mentioned actions. Can send texts IF I wait long enough to get a signal, but often fails then also. Have been told on numerous occasions that new towers are being erected over the past 5 years but that is a load of hogswash. My niece works for Vodafone in Sydney and the rewards that they receive (overseas trips, dinners at top restaurants, grand Xmas parties etc)are fantastic. Maybe they should look after their customers as well as their employees. After my experience on 23/12/2010 though, I have now decided that it is time for me to look for another mobile company. Tried to send a message in Tweed Heads, which had full reception and received a SYS-ALERT and just thought that I had no texts left (I had over 90 only a couple of days before so this totally confused me). Sent a message for my account balance to find I had no credit at all. Proceeded to the Vodafone shop to find out that I had had $22 odd dollars worth of credit and my texts on 22/12/2010 but my credit was due to expire on 23/12/2010. This is the first time that I haven't been advised that my credit expiry date was getting close and advise to add credit. So they told me to call 1555 and ask for complaints which I did. After waiting ages for them to answer, I asked for complaints and was instantly disconnected. Did this again with the same response, so I guess it is time to give these loosers the flick and get on with the rest of my life.
2149 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is mostly at 27 Dec 2010 11:53:11 AM
i've been on vodafone for 7 years, works ok in 3012, but as soon as i leave the western ring road area it fails. think i might start looking around for a better deal
2148 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 11:53:08 AM
vodafone allowed someone to order a phone using my details which only they had , i picked it up when the courier rang to confirm the delivery , i told them to cancel the delivery and return the phone to vodafone , 6 mths later and only with the intervention of the ombudsman are we close to resolving the issue ( they charge me monthly though the phone was never delivered or signed for ) they also point blank refused to assist the police with investigating the fraud which forced them to stop investigating , i assume this was to cover up the fact that their data securtiy is compromised or that an employee of theirs was running a scam or why else would they be so reluctant to clear up this matter ?? anyway i thought its a situation worth reporting to your readers
2147 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is unknowable customer service at 27 Dec 2010 11:53:02 AM
i recently called vodafone to cancel my contact and asked them what the "exact procedure is for myself to do in order to cancel my contact. i also asked them what fees i would incur and under what user agreements are the fees applicable to in regards to my contract.
they told me they did not know and i would have to go into a retail vodafone store.
this kind of pathetic "Customer Service" is just ridiculous, its not JUST a retail stores responsibility to issue random vodafone customers with detailed information & queries. if this is the case the there is no need for vodafone 123 or any telephone customer service....
not happy...
they told me they did not know and i would have to go into a retail vodafone store.
this kind of pathetic "Customer Service" is just ridiculous, its not JUST a retail stores responsibility to issue random vodafone customers with detailed information & queries. if this is the case the there is no need for vodafone 123 or any telephone customer service....
not happy...
2146 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Rubbish!!!! at 27 Dec 2010 11:52:43 AM
Had a 2 year contract mobile internet card for my laptop, the only place the thing ever semi-worked was at home!!! Constant dropouts and worse than dial-up speeds when it did actually connect. Customer service (which was obviously not in Australia) was pathetic, couldn't answer basic questions & they just transfer you or "accidentally" hang up on you!! (pretty much the same across all the phone companies though! When will these companies realise that cheaper is not always better when it comes to call centres! A nightmare trying to get a simple thing done to any service! You end up calling 5 times anyway!)
More importantly, coverage was useless! Was away a couple of times with friends with 4 other laptops and mobile internet & they all worked no problem with fast broadband speeds, I was sitting there still trying to connect!! Ended up using a local wifi hotspot instead (& still paid for Vodafone's rubbish !) Gone to Telstra now, costs a bit more & the customer service is just as bad (if not worse!) but at least the thing works!!
More importantly, coverage was useless! Was away a couple of times with friends with 4 other laptops and mobile internet & they all worked no problem with fast broadband speeds, I was sitting there still trying to connect!! Ended up using a local wifi hotspot instead (& still paid for Vodafone's rubbish !) Gone to Telstra now, costs a bit more & the customer service is just as bad (if not worse!) but at least the thing works!!
2145 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor Vodafone at 27 Dec 2010 11:52:38 AM
For five years we had our family business's six services with Vodafone, the coverage was never any good over our home office in 2035 or at parts of UNSW but the customer service we got as business customers was good. We recently had a change of account manager to the invisible man. Then I did a road trip to Byron Bay, up the New England Highway, back down the Pacific. As a test I bought pre-paid SIMs from Optus and Telstra and found, using thjree identical Nokia phones found both Optus and Telstra have good coverage in country towns and Byron Bay, but Vodafone coverage was atrocious. I contacted Vodafone many times over a six week period and CSRs kep promising 'someone will get back to me', of course they never did. We have now switched to Telstra.
2144 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Terrible at 27 Dec 2010 11:51:57 AM
Billing, Porting Delays, Poor Speed
I am a corporate customer with 6 Phones !!
6 Weeks to Port an employees number (so far has cost me $700).
40 Mins to wait to complain to Indian Call Centre.
Put through to wrong dept.
Data Performance is always Poor.
All 1 plan but Data bills go to my home address, phone bill comes through email.
I am a corporate customer with 6 Phones !!
6 Weeks to Port an employees number (so far has cost me $700).
40 Mins to wait to complain to Indian Call Centre.
Put through to wrong dept.
Data Performance is always Poor.
All 1 plan but Data bills go to my home address, phone bill comes through email.
2143 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 11:51:44 AM
Vodafone refused to transfer credit (that is mine) over to another number (that is also owned by me) because they "cannot change credit across phone numbers" which in effect, means I can't use the 500 minutes I have accrued, to call other Vodafone customers, which I am entitled to, whereas Amaysim will happily do this.
I was going to take my phone number to Amaysim, but doing so will destroy my 500 minutes credit, so I asked vodafone to transfer my credit to another vodafone sim that I purchased, they refused..
I was going to take my phone number to Amaysim, but doing so will destroy my 500 minutes credit, so I asked vodafone to transfer my credit to another vodafone sim that I purchased, they refused..
2142 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is slow drop out 3g at 27 Dec 2010 11:51:37 AM
vodafone price shit plan compare to optus. bad 3g. while using skype to ring people it drops out and loses bars. but when phone is not using the signal show more signal bar. using vodafone iphone 3gs. so when my contract finish. im out.
2141 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is an utter disappointment at 27 Dec 2010 11:50:59 AM
I'm finding it sort of comforting that there are so many other people in the same bloody predicament as I'm in! I was a happy customer with Three for about 5 years, I only switched over about a month ago because I was assured that the service would be BETTER (it was only the no extra roaming charges that I cared about, my service was fine). Plus the Three/Vodafone store seemed to only be selling iphones to vodafone customers, they had some kind of weird hierarchical waiting list going on. From the get-go I've been terribly unimpressed with Vodafone, lamenting that I paid extra fees to switch over. I feel betrayed by the staff for not being honest with me and taking my money!! And then on a weekend away, where previously I had impeccable coverage from Three, I was unable to contact my friend I had been wanting to see because I had no reception! So frustrating! I live walking distance to the CBD and can't make phone calls to people within 5km of me! And at times I've attempted to send messages and they've failed because of poor reception, and then sent all at once later on costing me 5 times the price! I'm frustrated, my friends are frustrated. Grrrr so angry. And sad. I miss Three :(
2140 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 11:50:54 AM
Terrible coverage where I lived (even though it was inner Sydney!) and Vodafone refused to do anything about it for a number of years. Then they started charging my bill for services I had never asked for. After months of trying to resolve this I eventually started a TIO complaint. All improperly billed money was eventually refunded but Vodafone never addressed the fault in their billing system that caused the overcharging in the first place.
Not to mention the huge wait times to talk to customer service staff. These used to be regularly 45 minutes, and are still something like 10-15 mins. In comparison, Telstra have made huge strides recently to improve their customer service, with friendlier staff and zero wait time every time I have called them.
Ported out to Telstra in the end, and advising everyone I know to steer clear of Vodafone.
Not to mention the huge wait times to talk to customer service staff. These used to be regularly 45 minutes, and are still something like 10-15 mins. In comparison, Telstra have made huge strides recently to improve their customer service, with friendlier staff and zero wait time every time I have called them.
Ported out to Telstra in the end, and advising everyone I know to steer clear of Vodafone.
2139 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no connection at 27 Dec 2010 11:50:24 AM
I live in Darlinghurst, NSW. I am unable to use the mobile broadband service offered by vodafone since moving to this suburb, but due to the contract, I am still liable to pay for a service that is non existent. I have to have a land line ADSL installed.
Some of my friends called me, but I never get their calls. It happened recently when I had an important appointment with a friend. I SMS him, he said, "I called you on your vodafone mobile, but there was no answer." but I was waiting for that call the whole morning.
Some of my friends called me, but I never get their calls. It happened recently when I had an important appointment with a friend. I SMS him, he said, "I called you on your vodafone mobile, but there was no answer." but I was waiting for that call the whole morning.
2138 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is a worthless 3rd world provider at 27 Dec 2010 11:49:48 AM
Was on prepaid and paid $50 a month over 4 years. Thought it was time to go onto a plan and was rejected (for a LOWER plan of $30) because they accidentally processed my application too many times making it appear that I had been rejected numerous times so they wouldn't even take the time to process my application on it's merits. Go to hell vodafone. Telstra is the best.
2137 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is chronic at 27 Dec 2010 11:49:43 AM
When I purchased my iphone on a vodaphone plan I was assured the area I was moving to had reception snd checked the network coverage maps to confirm. when I moved though I dsicovered that I have hardly any signal at home and none at my place of work. I can't use the internet anywhere in the area! When I complained, I was told to document 3 times that my calls had been disconnected due to poor coverage. I did this easily and gave them details. I was later told via a message that they had checked and that coverage in my area was in fact fine and they were upgrading the towers in teh near future anyway. That was 12mths ago! If anything it is worse now that before - maybe they need to come and visit some of these places and see just how fine the coverage is! very frustrating and annoying when you're committed to a plan. I'm sure if I didn't uphold my end of the bargain, they'd be quick to do something about it!
2136 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is ALL HAT AND NO CATTLE at 27 Dec 2010 11:49:32 AM
Long on advertising, long on promotion pathetic on running a real business (ie. doing the hard yards to deliver on promises) The local senior executives are destroying a once capable organisation. They have to go.. Fund managers take note - this company is now utterly dysfunctional. Buy and hold their shares at your peril.