Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
1935 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is FAIL FAIL FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 11:10:22 AM
Not a vodafone customer, but a 3 customer (for the last 4 years). Since 3 joined forces with Vodafone, my reception has greatly decreased. As example, until recently I had perfect reception in Newman, WA. This year, shortly after the amalgamation of the two companies, I now have NO RECEPTION in Newman, WA, and limited reception in parts of Perth, WA.
1934 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is At least it's cheapish at 27 Dec 2010 11:10:20 AM
Coles Supermarkets (Australia-wide) have started selling the Vodafone Prepaid Wireless starter packs, with USB dongles, for $24.50.
Obviously, Vodafone Marketing have been given a directive to flood the market, to offset any loses in current Vodafone customers who leave.
However, Virgin Mobile is now also selling Wireless Dongle starter packs for $24.95 at Coles.
So competition is good!
Obviously, Vodafone Marketing have been given a directive to flood the market, to offset any loses in current Vodafone customers who leave.
However, Virgin Mobile is now also selling Wireless Dongle starter packs for $24.95 at Coles.
So competition is good!
1933 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic at 27 Dec 2010 11:09:14 AM
Does anyone share my irritation at Vodafone's brand slapping over the cricket?? How about you take some of the millions you're spending on sponsorship and actually put it somewhere that matters...I mean, how is it that I can work on the 28th floor of a Sydney CBD building and not have reception?? "Power to you" - what a load of bollocks!
1932 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Network drop out at 27 Dec 2010 11:08:37 AM
I continually experienced network drop outs as well as no 3G coverage in Mount Eliza, Victoria. I contacted Vodafone several times to try to have this issue resolved. In the end, I cancelled my contract and changed to Telstra.
I also informed the TIO who referred me to the resolution department of Vodafone. I offered to return my iPhone and to walk away from the contract. Vodafone, after several weeks of emails, offered me to purchase the iPhone and to get out of the contract.
I also informed the TIO who referred me to the resolution department of Vodafone. I offered to return my iPhone and to walk away from the contract. Vodafone, after several weeks of emails, offered me to purchase the iPhone and to get out of the contract.
1931 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is major at 27 Dec 2010 11:07:59 AM
I forgot to mention internet often doesn't work either, and when it does, it's ridiculously slow. I bought an ipad, but it's been a waste since I'm using vodaphone.
Oh, and while overseas I had major problems too - at one point my phone didn't work at all for 3 days. But still I had an $800 phone bill when I got back.
Oh, and while overseas I had major problems too - at one point my phone didn't work at all for 3 days. But still I had an $800 phone bill when I got back.
1930 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely frustrating at 27 Dec 2010 11:07:32 AM
Everything I have with Vodafail has given me problems, from usb wireless internet which very rarely works and when it does it drops out continually to ordering an iphone and been told it would take 4 weeks but then received it 12 weeks later and then cannot make a call without a dropout or no signal.
Have tried calling customer service but unless you have 3 hours to spare and
speak Indian you will not get very far.......I could go on.
Have tried calling customer service but unless you have 3 hours to spare and
speak Indian you will not get very far.......I could go on.
1929 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Big fail at 27 Dec 2010 11:07:26 AM
POor reception, and incredibly slow data transfer speeds.
Side by side with my friends optus iphone, illustrated just how poor the service has been. it was a good 35 seconds behind his phone when we clicked on the same site.
I have also had issues of not receiving text messages until a good 24 hrs after they were sent. I would and still get occasionally a whole block of texts ie 5 or 6 sms's in a row the next morning.
Im not happy at all with vodafone/3 at all...i cannot wait for my contract to be up...its optus or telstra from now on even if i have to pay a bit more!!!
Side by side with my friends optus iphone, illustrated just how poor the service has been. it was a good 35 seconds behind his phone when we clicked on the same site.
I have also had issues of not receiving text messages until a good 24 hrs after they were sent. I would and still get occasionally a whole block of texts ie 5 or 6 sms's in a row the next morning.
Im not happy at all with vodafone/3 at all...i cannot wait for my contract to be up...its optus or telstra from now on even if i have to pay a bit more!!!
1928 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Absolute Awful at 27 Dec 2010 11:07:05 AM
Living in Port Douglas is almost like a forgotten town by Vodafone, 95% of my calls goes directly to voicemail and that's hardly the issue, after 2 to 3 days i received notice saying i have voicemail that was left a few days ago, the longest one i had was 7 days after the message was left. Friends and families get frustrated with me. India/Egypt didn't help much, can't wait for my contract to finish and probably going to another company with exactly the same problem.
27 Dec 2010 11:09:19 AM: Call the TIO
1927 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is epic customer service fail at 27 Dec 2010 11:07:04 AM
As a loyal and high-paying customer of twelve years with Vodafone I found the 'service' I received over the past two years to get increasingly worse. I moved to a Central QLD mining town for work and asked Vodafone to freeze my cap payments as there was no Vodafone range, so I couldn't use my phone at all. I got a Telstra pre-paid so I could be contactable whilst out of Voda range. I was told 'too bad' and was charged my monthly cap even though I couldn't use it. When I got back to the city I had VF customer service people calling up twice a week for two months to see if everything was ok, as they could clearly see a big-spender had stopped generating charges at all for four months. I told them I shouldn't have to pay for a service I can't use and they agreed to refund me the money charged. However they didn't and I then received abusive (that's right, abusive) calls from Indians demanding the payment I owed them. It then went a to a debt collector who called asking for my details 'on behalf of Vodafone'. Customer service fail - no rewards for loyalty and they broke my privacy. This is the 'nutshell' version of a very long-wonded and boring story. The moral is, I have switched to Telstra. I have range everywhere I go and so far, no abusive calls or communication breakdowns!
1926 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Reception very bad at 27 Dec 2010 11:06:36 AM
The reception on my phone is always playing up and down and when i put my phone on a table or in my pocket some time i losse the signal.
The service is really bad i wish someone can do something about it, i am under a 2 years contract with the Vodafone and that is the only reason i am stil with them.
The service is really bad i wish someone can do something about it, i am under a 2 years contract with the Vodafone and that is the only reason i am stil with them.
1925 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Big fail at 27 Dec 2010 11:06:30 AM
POor reception, and incredibly slow data transfer speeds.
Side by side with my friends optus iphone, illustrated just how poor the service has been. it was a good 35 seconds behind his phone when we clicked on the same site.
I have also had issues of not receiving text messages until a good 24 hrs after they were sent. I would and still get occasionally a whole block of texts ie 5 or 6 sms's in a row the next morning.
Im not happy at all with vodafone/3 at all...i cannot wait for my contract to be up...its optus or telstra from now on even if i have to pay a bit more!!!
Side by side with my friends optus iphone, illustrated just how poor the service has been. it was a good 35 seconds behind his phone when we clicked on the same site.
I have also had issues of not receiving text messages until a good 24 hrs after they were sent. I would and still get occasionally a whole block of texts ie 5 or 6 sms's in a row the next morning.
Im not happy at all with vodafone/3 at all...i cannot wait for my contract to be up...its optus or telstra from now on even if i have to pay a bit more!!!
1924 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is HOPELESS at 27 Dec 2010 11:06:21 AM
Almost every day at some point I have "no service" for lengthy periods, until I switch my phone off and on again.
I have had people try to get hold of me and my phone is right beside me switched on but it doesn't ring. They leave a message, which I don't receive until 4 or more hours later.
I receive text messages often half an hour after they're sent (just now as I am writing this my partner has had to contact me via facebook because my phone is going straight to voicemail and his text still hasn't come through!)
I have calls drop out ALL the time, very rare I have a proper conversation without it dropping out at least once.
It takes ages for a call to connect, and often I just get 'call failed' and can't even send a text.
Very frustrating! As soon as my plan runs out I will be switching to Telstra. I don't care if they are more expensive - as long as it works!
I have had people try to get hold of me and my phone is right beside me switched on but it doesn't ring. They leave a message, which I don't receive until 4 or more hours later.
I receive text messages often half an hour after they're sent (just now as I am writing this my partner has had to contact me via facebook because my phone is going straight to voicemail and his text still hasn't come through!)
I have calls drop out ALL the time, very rare I have a proper conversation without it dropping out at least once.
It takes ages for a call to connect, and often I just get 'call failed' and can't even send a text.
Very frustrating! As soon as my plan runs out I will be switching to Telstra. I don't care if they are more expensive - as long as it works!
1923 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 11:06:21 AM
I have constant call drop outs and lousy reception. My phone tends to show 'SOS only' more than halve the time. Data is pathetic and you think only understanding every second word of the call is good, then I recommend you join Vodafone.
"Vodafone. Bringing you the third world performance in the first"
"Vodafone. Bringing you the third world performance in the first"
1922 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Mind Numbing at 27 Dec 2010 11:05:57 AM
I live to South East Queensland and I seem to at times have good reception the other days it seems to be crap and all of it is inconsistant and frustrating. I can be out for work and trying to use my mobile to call back to work and it drops out as someone answers the phone or the txt messages wont send but after 3-4 tries it finally works.
Not only that I called the customer 'Care' line to order a new phone and went through all of the usual rigmarole to get it. They told me it would be delivered in 2 weeks. When that time passed I still had no phone so I called back and they told me that there was an issue on the system, an error so my order never happened. They couldnt explain what had happened and they dont know why no one bothered to make contact and let me know this had happened. Still they said in 24-48 hrs they would call me and replace the order when it cleared from the system. That never happend either. So for 3 months this same thing went on and on. I would call and they would tell me the same story. In the end I got annoyed and demanded answers. The 'supervisor' told me I could finally go into a store and pick up the phone. But ofcourse my local store had been closed for a refit and the nearest ones were 1.5 hours away and I didnt have a car. I told her that and she said that there is nothing they can do so either wait til the error was fixed or my store reopened. When th store reopened, I went in and told them that Iv been waiting 3 months for a phone and was told to come in, they had not been told any of the information. The store assistant had to spend another hour on the phone to see if I could have my new phone. I changed to vodafone because I was told good things about there recption and service but both have been crap since I joined. 3 months for a phone come on, really!
Not only that I called the customer 'Care' line to order a new phone and went through all of the usual rigmarole to get it. They told me it would be delivered in 2 weeks. When that time passed I still had no phone so I called back and they told me that there was an issue on the system, an error so my order never happened. They couldnt explain what had happened and they dont know why no one bothered to make contact and let me know this had happened. Still they said in 24-48 hrs they would call me and replace the order when it cleared from the system. That never happend either. So for 3 months this same thing went on and on. I would call and they would tell me the same story. In the end I got annoyed and demanded answers. The 'supervisor' told me I could finally go into a store and pick up the phone. But ofcourse my local store had been closed for a refit and the nearest ones were 1.5 hours away and I didnt have a car. I told her that and she said that there is nothing they can do so either wait til the error was fixed or my store reopened. When th store reopened, I went in and told them that Iv been waiting 3 months for a phone and was told to come in, they had not been told any of the information. The store assistant had to spend another hour on the phone to see if I could have my new phone. I changed to vodafone because I was told good things about there recption and service but both have been crap since I joined. 3 months for a phone come on, really!
1921 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Bad Reception at 27 Dec 2010 11:05:51 AM
I just signed a contract with vodaphone and i was using optus before but the difference between both are massive.In vodafone as soon as you go little out then CBD area signals gone they ll come and go and data you dont even ask you better take wireless modem with you rather relying on vodafone.I hope they improve their service otherwise i might look for some legal advice to break my contract.
1920 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Big fail at 27 Dec 2010 11:05:50 AM
POor reception, and incredibly slow data transfer speeds.
Side by side with my friends optus iphone, illustrated just how poor the service has been. it was a good 35 seconds behind his phone when we clicked on the same site.
I have also had issues of not receiving text messages until a good 24 hrs after they were sent. I would and still get occasionally a whole block of texts ie 5 or 6 sms's in a row the next morning.
Im not happy at all with vodafone/3 at all...i cannot wait for my contract to be up...its optus or telstra from now on even if i have to pay a bit more!!!
Side by side with my friends optus iphone, illustrated just how poor the service has been. it was a good 35 seconds behind his phone when we clicked on the same site.
I have also had issues of not receiving text messages until a good 24 hrs after they were sent. I would and still get occasionally a whole block of texts ie 5 or 6 sms's in a row the next morning.
Im not happy at all with vodafone/3 at all...i cannot wait for my contract to be up...its optus or telstra from now on even if i have to pay a bit more!!!
1919 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Not so bad where I am at 27 Dec 2010 11:05:22 AM
I use a Voda reseller for OS calls. Call service has never really been an issue at home. The tower is about 1 KM from me. On a recent trip to Victoria, the phone was basically a paperweight unless we were in a major regional area, while my Optus phone had coverage most of the time.
1918 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is cant receive phone calls at 27 Dec 2010 11:05:11 AM
i run my own business and customer cant contact me my phone is on 24hrs a day and when people ring me they say my phone is off i receive text message a week later that's a shit go when ur trying to run a business
27 Dec 2010 11:21:24 AM: too true. My Mum tells me off for having my phone off but actually the call just goes straight to voice mail.. on the 7th time she calls sometimes it comes through..
1917 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is bad reception at 27 Dec 2010 11:04:29 AM
i had this service for last 6 months but it gave me alot headache through bad reception ,no network most of the time in countryside but im with optus im realy happy
1916 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Failtacular at 27 Dec 2010 11:04:11 AM
- Marginal (1 bar) 3G reception across huge swathes of inner north Canberra. Even drops back to GPRS quite often in these areas (Northborne Ave corridor, particularly between Haig Park and Macarthur Ave). I mean cmon, this is barely 2 km out of the CBD! 2G has strong 5 bars everywhere but VF's 3G capacity in this area is a joke.
- Even if there is strong reception, data speeds are still shocking. Was sitting in the middle of Canberra City the other day with 5 bars 3G but was unable to refresh Twitter or even load the Google homepage. These activities require a few kB at most, so this is indicative of some ~major~ network congestion.
- VF Mobile Internet APN ( is not too bad, but their default 'phone' APN (live.vodafone) is s-l-o-w. Makes smartphone users second class citizens behind broadband dongle users. Not fair.
- Even if there is strong reception, data speeds are still shocking. Was sitting in the middle of Canberra City the other day with 5 bars 3G but was unable to refresh Twitter or even load the Google homepage. These activities require a few kB at most, so this is indicative of some ~major~ network congestion.
- VF Mobile Internet APN ( is not too bad, but their default 'phone' APN (live.vodafone) is s-l-o-w. Makes smartphone users second class citizens behind broadband dongle users. Not fair.
1915 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is aussie customer at 27 Dec 2010 11:04:10 AM
Vodafone used to have an Egyptian Call Centre with great customer service
now it's moved and the customer service is terrable
Does Vodafone own 3 or 3 own Vodafone?
3 used to have shocking customer service
I have had drop outs on the Princess Highway between Heathcoat and Batemans Bay
I have DATA drop outs in the western Sydney train line
whilst in the train
between Central and Parramatta
now it's moved and the customer service is terrable
Does Vodafone own 3 or 3 own Vodafone?
3 used to have shocking customer service
I have had drop outs on the Princess Highway between Heathcoat and Batemans Bay
I have DATA drop outs in the western Sydney train line
whilst in the train
between Central and Parramatta
27 Dec 2010 11:07:36 AM: Neither 3 nor Vodafone own eachother, the merge was a 50/50 deal. Both companies banded together rather then 1 company buying the other out.
The networks are still separate however the call centers are now located in the same building in Mumbai.
The networks are still separate however the call centers are now located in the same building in Mumbai.
27 Dec 2010 12:36:13 PM: Actually there is only one small call centre in Mumbai, a small one in QLD and a small one on the NSW Central Coast. The largest 3/Vodafone call centre is in the Philipines. I know this, cos I was made redundant by Vodafone some 10 months ago, and was told extensively where and why. More than 500 Australians lost their jobs at my centre, with an unknown number at other Australian centres.
1914 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 11:04:03 AM
1913 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is worst ever at 27 Dec 2010 11:03:24 AM
I live in the NT and get absoluely no coverage at home, they failed to tell me that where I live was a black spot when I signed up, but want to charge me the cancellation costs to dis connect. So all in all I have a phone I pay $50 a month for that is completely useless. You suck Vodaphone
30 Dec 2010 10:02:44 AM: if your in a black spot you can get out of your contract with no charge at all. Black spot customers are let out of the contract. DONT TELL a sales rep that your going to TIO (they dont care honestly) ring vodafone (as painful as it maybe) and let them know that your taking them TIO and ask to speak to a team leader. works everytime.
1912 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is poor reception everywhere and poor data coverage at 27 Dec 2010 11:03:09 AM
I live on the Central coast (of NSW) and cannot get consistent reception in my house, meaning I have to go outside to make calls and if its worse than usual even to send/receive text. Living in a densely populated area only an hour North of Sydney it would seem logical to have reasonable coverage but there are many No Service areas on the Coast. I do alot of commercial work in shopping centres etc and rarely have reception at work. I have been with Vodafone for 10 years but as I get older and have integrated smart phones and their technologies into my life it is becoming more apparent that Vodafone do not offer a comprehensive or suitable service.
1911 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely! at 27 Dec 2010 11:02:55 AM
I live in prestons NSW and I never get a decent Internet connection on my phone. It's either a fraction of a bar when 3G appears on the screen and 99% of the time it is the dodgy slow Edge network where I can barely navigate to any site. Also I'll be holding my phone in the same position and the a phone call will just disconnect a number of times and internet connection just keeps going and coming. I've seen the no network message thousands of times and NO vodafone I don't live in a cave. I will be in a suburban area close to the city where you expect a decent connection!
1910 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic at 27 Dec 2010 11:02:46 AM
1909 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Abymal! at 27 Dec 2010 11:02:45 AM
We (try to) use vodafone as our mobile service provider though Transact as part of our total utilities package. First problem - I used 'Transact', 'vodafone' and 'service' in the same sentence. We can't even get mobile coverage in the middle of town! We are not on a contract so the easiest thing for us to do switch, much as it galls me to say this, to Telstra. If enough other Transact customers also withdraw from vodafone, maybe Transact will wake up and join the fight. Right now Transact is just happy to take our money and blame vodafone for the problems.
1908 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is No 3G Calls working ? at 27 Dec 2010 11:02:23 AM
My new ANdroid phone stopped being able to receive or make 3G calls in the Wanneroo area. When I call the call ends immediately or when someone calls me they get a message saying the service is unavailiable. I switched the phone over to the 2G network which gives me more signal bars and it works fine.
1907 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Different at 27 Dec 2010 11:01:59 AM
I've been reading a few posts on here and thought there needed to be a little clarification. Although 3 and Vodafone merged into VHA a while ago the networks themselves are still separate. No changes were made to combine them etc, so blaming the merger for affecting 3's coverage is incorrect. 3's network is still a combination of 3 towers and Telstra towers, and will be until around mid next year when the contract between 3 and Telstra ends.
Hopefully that will clear up a little confusion.
Hopefully that will clear up a little confusion.
1906 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 11:01:55 AM
1905 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Quite fail at 27 Dec 2010 11:01:46 AM
I signed up to 3 a year and a bit ago and they always had wonderful coverage and fast internet, but we all unwillingly got changed to vodafone when they merged and now I'm hating on everything! Half the time I have almost no reception, occasionally it will decide to have some but then it goes again! The internet is very temperamental, and needs to be in exactly the right spot to work at all.
Something needs to be done! I think especially 3 customers who had no choice in this should be able to break contracts so we can get a decent provider..
Something needs to be done! I think especially 3 customers who had no choice in this should be able to break contracts so we can get a decent provider..
27 Dec 2010 11:04:16 AM: As mentioned above the networks are still separate, the only way you would have been changed to Vodafones network would be if you requested it and resigned a contract. They wouldn't have just moved you over.
1904 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 11:01:38 AM
In central Sydney CBD, I cannot make or recieve calls at random times during the day. I know i'm not recieving calls because I get an sms from Vodafone saying I have anywhere for 1-7 new voice messages - best part is: I try to call voicemail and get call fail, connection error etc etc etc!!
27 Dec 2010 11:03:44 AM: what phone brand?
1903 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor at 27 Dec 2010 11:01:36 AM
It must be embarrassing at the vodafone store in Ryde Shopping centre. You cannot get reception.
You can barely get it outside the shopping centre
You can barely get it outside the shopping centre
1902 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is PAST FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 11:00:45 AM
1901 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is The ""PITS"" at 27 Dec 2010 11:00:43 AM
Bought laptop as xmas present, with voda/prepaid wireless modem.
Difficulty in setting up!
Phone customer care at Vodaphone India replies with question (why am I setting up my wife's computer????) Because she is slightly less computer literate than I!!!
A sentence in Indian dialect. Please speak English. Phone is hung-up on me.
Difficulty in setting up!
Phone customer care at Vodaphone India replies with question (why am I setting up my wife's computer????) Because she is slightly less computer literate than I!!!
A sentence in Indian dialect. Please speak English. Phone is hung-up on me.
1900 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is fail big time at 27 Dec 2010 11:00:25 AM
im constantly having drop outs in the middle of conversations , having to call back far to often friends constantly complain to me how crap my phone is but its a bran new i phone...
im fed up with the drops outs and complaints from friends about having to call me back all the time ...
this happens in all areas arround melbourne and is not limited to a particular suburb at all ...
i would definatly be interested in class action as this has been happening for far to many months
im fed up with the drops outs and complaints from friends about having to call me back all the time ...
this happens in all areas arround melbourne and is not limited to a particular suburb at all ...
i would definatly be interested in class action as this has been happening for far to many months
27 Dec 2010 12:37:58 PM: You are aware that iphones altogether dont help with reception right? They are well know for their issues yet no one is trying to sue apple.
1899 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is sh1t as curry at 27 Dec 2010 11:00:19 AM
bloody ridicules service and customer support,you tell the curry muncher "i got no signal"! he asks you "why is that sir", you say " idont know you tell me" he says "yes i know but its not our problem" .id rather talk to a wall at least it will understand
1898 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very Disappointed at 27 Dec 2010 11:00:18 AM
I am looking to change networks to possibly Telstra as I have had a problem with Vodafone and Optus re setting up my email on my Iphone 3gs. I went to Apple and they couldn't help me properly after spending an hour with me. I am unable to consistently send emails from my Iphone resulting in me unable to be top of my mantle in my business.
1897 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 11:00:01 AM
I live just ten kilometers south of Canberra and half the time, there is no signal. I often have to go out of the house (in this weather!) to make or receive a call. Very poor coverage.
1896 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is I wish i knew at 27 Dec 2010 10:59:01 AM
I bought a prepaid broadband from vodafone, thought it was a good price compared to the rest, they DID advertise Broadband speed !! well if Broadband speed is 4 to 6 kbps a second youve got to be joking !! they tell you to check if coverage is in your area , I DID CHECK before i activated, trouble is they dont tell you that their coverage is SLOW !!!!!!!!! wankers i want my money back i cant afford to buy a dongle from another provider, i have sent 4 sms to them via their software requesting help but they have not answered. i went to their website to the support page and it was offline, Vodafone is just a scam thats all thats why they dont have a support shop its all online because there will b too many people lining up to slap them one. Go away Vodafone get out of australia you and your crappy service is not wanted or needed here, im telling everyone anyway NOT to choose them, i think if we all did this word will get around enough and they will disappear one day i hope.
Robert Walker
Harris Park
Robert Walker
Harris Park
27 Dec 2010 11:01:42 AM: is that a USB STICK?
1895 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ridiculously pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 10:58:55 AM
Besides all the issues everyone else is suffering (dropouts,slow data,delayed SMS,pathetic customer service, etc, etc, etc) the manufacturer of my so called "smart phone" released a software upgrade for the phone addressing a few of its many shortcomings several months ago but Vodafail is not releasing it for download. The only reason I can think of is: why make a customer more satisfied with his handset (with manufactures' faults) if you might be frustrated enough with it to prematurely buy another plan/phone from them?
I would be glad to join a class action.
I would be glad to join a class action.
1894 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Lack of coverage and drop out at 27 Dec 2010 10:58:22 AM
always dropping in and out of service makes it very hard when you are on call 24/7 and when dose drop party can here you swearing but you can't here them.
1893 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is not what I signed up for at 27 Dec 2010 10:57:37 AM
I have had to keep my blackberry on 2G for 6+ weeks just so that I can receive calls and sms's. Mind you, all my calls drop out. I have been on Vodafone for 10+ years and I'm ready to switch to Virgin. I'm sure the staff in the indian call centre are lovely, but they were No. Help. At. All.
1892 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is equal to apple at 27 Dec 2010 10:57:23 AM
what kind of phone do you have that you are using the Vodafone network? an iphone? the iphone was clearly advertised before, to be a bad reception phone. Do you have a iphone? give us an idea what kind of phone you have, when you comment, so we get an understanding what you are using. I blame the iphone equal to vodafone. They are both as bad as each other!
27 Dec 2010 10:59:25 AM: Thank goodness, some sense from someone regarding the iphone. Looks great, very nice to play with, semi-useless as a phone.
27 Dec 2010 11:01:25 AM: 1700 people have posted on this forum. Thank you for your wisdom, but I'd suggest that the common denominator is the Vodafone network. Even the Vodafone CEO has admitted that the network is failing.
27 Dec 2010 11:12:42 AM: i know this, i agree.. but, the iphone is a terrible phone for reception, just google this fact, and you will see the amount of information out there regarding this. BUT ppl still buy it, and now whinge. I think they are both equal bad, and should be both terminated, NOT just vodafone
28 Dec 2010 10:19:44 AM: Never have any trouble with my iphone4 (that's on telstra) way better than any Nokia brick I ever had! (can't stand the Indian call centers with telstra though!)
1891 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 3's performance is poor at 27 Dec 2010 10:56:36 AM
I use 3 network that uses vodafone's network. I do not get any reception at airpot where I work and I get voicemals when I get back home. This has affected my work as I miss many important calls and miss appointments.
27 Dec 2010 11:44:34 AM: 3 does not use Vodafones network
1890 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is poor reception and dropouts at 27 Dec 2010 10:55:10 AM
I experience a very poor reception in my apartment. During calls I have to move around to get reception, and it often it drops out. It is very annoying during business calls.
1889 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic at 27 Dec 2010 10:54:34 AM
We live at Wakerley Brisbane, 15km from the CBD, and have no mobile reception at all. My wife's work mobile is with Telstra and has full bars, when sitting side by side in the house.
My mobile has poor reception at work in my office at Milton and I have to walk into a boardroom 20 meters away to get one bar!!!!!
We want to get rid of the land line at home but cant due to no mobile reception at home.
Like death and taxes the other certainty is we wont be Vodafone customers when our plans expire!!!!!!
My mobile has poor reception at work in my office at Milton and I have to walk into a boardroom 20 meters away to get one bar!!!!!
We want to get rid of the land line at home but cant due to no mobile reception at home.
Like death and taxes the other certainty is we wont be Vodafone customers when our plans expire!!!!!!
1888 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL! at 27 Dec 2010 10:54:33 AM
I have not been able to make or receive calls in my suburb for the past week! I receive text messages and am able to send them just fine, there are no issues with my reception but calls just do not work! Tried calling 3 times over three days and after 50 minutes on hold the phone call has been cut off each time! It's impossible to speak to somebody and the people in their stores claim "we know there is an issue but we dont know what it is" well your a great help! I have sent them an email but really I'm not expecting a response. The ombudsman might be a good idea right about now...
1887 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is too many customers at 27 Dec 2010 10:53:44 AM
I travel between Darwin and Perth. I have a vodafone toggle for my computer access.
I bought it in Darwin about a year ago and the speed and reception was Ok but has been steadily getting worse as they sell more. It is hopeless in the evenings (when everyone gets on it i presume) and also seems to be weather sensitive. Yes i went through the hanging on the phone trying to contact them before I worked out for myself what was going on because they didnt tell me this one. I now ask and complain the old fashioned way with a stamp and envelope and still don't get the truth. I went through the same thing in Perth with them telling me i was in a reception shadow but i was actually on the top of a hill with line of sight to the tower!
Recently the Perth reception North Perth/Coolbinia has improved greatly...using it now.
I bought a subscription for a year 6 months ago. I will have to go to telstra when it expires. Although it costs more it is a whole lot better.
I bought it in Darwin about a year ago and the speed and reception was Ok but has been steadily getting worse as they sell more. It is hopeless in the evenings (when everyone gets on it i presume) and also seems to be weather sensitive. Yes i went through the hanging on the phone trying to contact them before I worked out for myself what was going on because they didnt tell me this one. I now ask and complain the old fashioned way with a stamp and envelope and still don't get the truth. I went through the same thing in Perth with them telling me i was in a reception shadow but i was actually on the top of a hill with line of sight to the tower!
Recently the Perth reception North Perth/Coolbinia has improved greatly...using it now.
I bought a subscription for a year 6 months ago. I will have to go to telstra when it expires. Although it costs more it is a whole lot better.
1886 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL! at 27 Dec 2010 10:53:44 AM
Try to downgrade your contract. I previously lived away hence needed my cap upgraded to the $99 and when I moved back to my family I requested to drop to the $29 cap. This would cost me $760 odd, turns out you have to cancel current contract then start another 24month cap.This was all explained to me apparently when I signed up and written in the fine print somewhere..... as argued to me by the Indian call centre. I did cancel my contract, payed the charges however I just changed carriers instead of starting a new 24month term.
Reception inside buildings in Wagga Wagga was non-existant unless you are in the town centre, other regional towns just as bad and the outdoor reception and call quality is far below par.
Vodafone will never see my business again.
Reception inside buildings in Wagga Wagga was non-existant unless you are in the town centre, other regional towns just as bad and the outdoor reception and call quality is far below par.
Vodafone will never see my business again.
1885 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is half epic at 27 Dec 2010 10:53:06 AM
Poor signal coverage in most of Brisbane (GSM), calls drop out or don't even ring (goes straight to voicemail).
1884 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Inconsistent at 27 Dec 2010 10:52:59 AM
Try walking down george street in sydney city centre after you have come out of the post office..
I had to turn off/on phone twice before it would connect to the network..
Thought it was my old htc android phone, upgraded to a new htc desire hd and it still behaves the same!!!
I had to turn off/on phone twice before it would connect to the network..
Thought it was my old htc android phone, upgraded to a new htc desire hd and it still behaves the same!!!
1883 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very fail at 27 Dec 2010 10:52:53 AM
We live in the northern beaches and consistently have issues with the Vodafone data service dropping out recently. It has been getting worse in the past few months rather than better.
27 Dec 2010 11:15:19 AM: Northern beaches people hate you too.
27 Dec 2010 11:23:40 AM: the person who lives in the Eastern Suburbs and hates northern beaches residents is probably a renter or up to his eyeballs in debt and living beyond his means!
1882 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is dreadful at 27 Dec 2010 10:52:50 AM
I'm a lawyer. Several clients have actually blamed me for cutting them off. Other clients say that I don't answer their calls or that they get messages saying the mobile is unattended or whatnot. I have complained-they said they would check on the antenna servicing the area but there was no feed-back, not a dickey bird and the service remains patchy-I have to stand in a certain doorway of my house to get get good reception-woe betide me if I move away from it! I have their bill and now they have my complaint
1881 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is poor reception and frequent dropouts at 27 Dec 2010 10:51:33 AM
I experience a very poor reception in my Rose Bay apartment. During a call I have to move around to get reception, and often it drops out. Rather inconvenient during business calls.
1880 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Big Fail at 27 Dec 2010 10:51:24 AM
The Top Ryde Shopping Center has had no mobile coverage inside it's doors for Vodafone customers for nearly 8 months. When I rang Vodafone to find out why this was, they told me that it was not their fault. It was the Shopping Center itself that had not turned on the internal transmitters and, despite several requests from Vodafone, they refuse to turn them on. Now for a new center that is trying to get customers through the door this sounded very strange to me. So I rang the center to find out why they were not turning them on. Spoke to a lovely girl there who said that they were quite happy to turn on the transmitter for Vodafone, but they had to pay the fee for it's use like all the other mobile companies and that they had refused to do so. If this is not a case of leaving your customers out to dry for what must be peanuts compared to what they make out of us everyday, then I don't know what is.
1879 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Pretty fail at 27 Dec 2010 10:50:41 AM
I used to work for Vodafone. I hear a lot of staff are bitching to say the issues are the consumer's fault. That's crap. Ever since the merger, service has been horrible.
On top of that, outsourcing the call centres to the Philippines and India was a completely stupid move resulting in the loss of hundreds of Australian jobs.
Who's really at fault here, Vodafone?
On top of that, outsourcing the call centres to the Philippines and India was a completely stupid move resulting in the loss of hundreds of Australian jobs.
Who's really at fault here, Vodafone?
1878 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Total fail at 27 Dec 2010 10:50:20 AM
Signed up for a USB wifi modem with Vodafail about 5 months ago and had terrible reception, way too slow to watch videos, often dropping out and just not connecting at all for hours in Bentleigh. Also found that I cannot plug the USB diectly into my mac or it just freezes the computer. When I use it on my pc, if it goes into sleep mode, I can't reconnect to the internet without shutting down the entire computer. Also can't start the computer with USB stick plugged in or it crashes.
After a couple of months the stick just wouldn't connect at all. We took it into the shop and got a temporary one which didn't crash our computers. When we received a permanent replacement (a completely new USB stick) it crashes our computers the same way the old one did. We went back to the store and they said there was nothing they could do as it was a new stick and should just work.
Thanks Vodafone.
After a couple of months the stick just wouldn't connect at all. We took it into the shop and got a temporary one which didn't crash our computers. When we received a permanent replacement (a completely new USB stick) it crashes our computers the same way the old one did. We went back to the store and they said there was nothing they could do as it was a new stick and should just work.
Thanks Vodafone.
1877 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 10:49:52 AM
Constant loss of network and no reception inside the house. We live in Shenton Park - how hard can that be?
1876 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is DRIVING ME CRAZY at 27 Dec 2010 10:49:32 AM
I dream of the day I can send and receive a SMS within the hour!!
I dread the day that I need to use my phone in an emergency!!!!
I dread the day that I need to use my phone in an emergency!!!!
1875 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ok but not great at 27 Dec 2010 10:48:29 AM
I live in Rozelle and have to run to far back of the block I live to be able to guarantee reception on my phone. Anywhere else it can fail at any time
1874 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Extreme at 27 Dec 2010 10:48:28 AM
I could not get the internet to work when i first joined vodafone back in June 2009. I downloaded the settings on-line installled them on my phone and followed all the instructions, yet it wouldn't work.
I tried calling the help line, but after being on hold for 20 minutes the call would drop out and i would be placed right back in the front of the queue again. This happened about 3 times across different days.
I tried going into a store, to only receive attitude from the staff who were completely disinterested as i wasn't buying. All they did was tell me to call the customer support.
I called customer support and got through. All the operator did was send the settings to my phone again, which i installed again and yet still didn't work.
I tried logging a request on the online support platform that vodafone have. Still no luck.
I tried calling vodafone and simply asking for some step-by-step instructions to change the settings my self. I finally reached an operator who understood my exasperation and put me through to the support. After speaking to someone who did mot understand english i was put through to an operator who finally solved my problem. My account did not have internet activated, despite me requesting it on the application form i completed.
I don't understand why Vodafone make it so hard to help their customers. Vodafone have serious issues in terms of the culture in there organisation. It is completely customer service averse.
I tried calling the help line, but after being on hold for 20 minutes the call would drop out and i would be placed right back in the front of the queue again. This happened about 3 times across different days.
I tried going into a store, to only receive attitude from the staff who were completely disinterested as i wasn't buying. All they did was tell me to call the customer support.
I called customer support and got through. All the operator did was send the settings to my phone again, which i installed again and yet still didn't work.
I tried logging a request on the online support platform that vodafone have. Still no luck.
I tried calling vodafone and simply asking for some step-by-step instructions to change the settings my self. I finally reached an operator who understood my exasperation and put me through to the support. After speaking to someone who did mot understand english i was put through to an operator who finally solved my problem. My account did not have internet activated, despite me requesting it on the application form i completed.
I don't understand why Vodafone make it so hard to help their customers. Vodafone have serious issues in terms of the culture in there organisation. It is completely customer service averse.
1873 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Massive ongoing Fail at 27 Dec 2010 10:47:40 AM
About 4 times a month basis my iphone 3G signal will cut out while I'm on a call. Instead of switching to the standard band it totally disconnects me - forcing me to call back the person I was initially speaking to.
Of course I get charged the connection fee and the length of call.
My pain is nearly over though - contract runs out in March, I'm heading for Optus.
Of course I get charged the connection fee and the length of call.
My pain is nearly over though - contract runs out in March, I'm heading for Optus.
27 Dec 2010 11:03:38 AM: Check out optus coverage before you sign up. optus used to share mobile infrastructure with vodafone... On 3g they could be as bad....
27 Dec 2010 11:05:25 AM: If it's really important, id go to telstra...
1872 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 10:46:56 AM
Vodafone used to be good. Really. They did. As opposed to 3 (who are now part of Vodafone in a bizarre twist), who were expensive, had little to no coverage, and whose IT depatment made chimps look like engineers.
For some reason, and only in the past 5 or so years, Vodafone has gone really bad.
Coverage can only be described as crap, the word "plan" is used very loosely, and "customer service" seems to be an outdated, frowned upon method of solving a problem.
Personally, I think I have only suffered as much as the next person, but it is the fact that we are suffering at all that bothers me!
Why do I think sitting on the phone for "18 to 23 mintues" is acceptable? Especially when that seems to translate to approximately 45 to 90 minutes, and just in waiting time. Why do I just accept the fact that I can no longer use the email function on my iPhone unless I go into the Safari application and log on from there, apparentley because "Vodafone no longer supports that function", even though it did so just fine for 3 months!? And why do I also accept the fact that every second month or so, I "accidentially" get charged an astronomical amount, have a 40 minute conversation with Vodafone's tech support who unable to give any type of assurance whatsoever, and then I'm surprised when it happens again!?
Thank you for a place to share this Adam Brimo! Hopefully I will get away from Vodafone before my 30th birthday!
For some reason, and only in the past 5 or so years, Vodafone has gone really bad.
Coverage can only be described as crap, the word "plan" is used very loosely, and "customer service" seems to be an outdated, frowned upon method of solving a problem.
Personally, I think I have only suffered as much as the next person, but it is the fact that we are suffering at all that bothers me!
Why do I think sitting on the phone for "18 to 23 mintues" is acceptable? Especially when that seems to translate to approximately 45 to 90 minutes, and just in waiting time. Why do I just accept the fact that I can no longer use the email function on my iPhone unless I go into the Safari application and log on from there, apparentley because "Vodafone no longer supports that function", even though it did so just fine for 3 months!? And why do I also accept the fact that every second month or so, I "accidentially" get charged an astronomical amount, have a 40 minute conversation with Vodafone's tech support who unable to give any type of assurance whatsoever, and then I'm surprised when it happens again!?
Thank you for a place to share this Adam Brimo! Hopefully I will get away from Vodafone before my 30th birthday!
27 Dec 2010 11:00:17 AM: It would appear that the time has come for Vodafone to get out of the mobile telephone industry and go back to Cleaning Lavatories
27 Dec 2010 11:12:51 AM: If they Don't They Should Well do anything BUT run a mobile telephone service
1871 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is EPIC at 27 Dec 2010 10:46:15 AM
Poor reception all the time - in the parliamentary triangle, the airport precinct and Kingston generally.
Terrible customer service, after waiting in phone queue I was hung up upon right after they answered the phone. Twice.
the same device on the telstra network - both with full bar reception gives 400kbps down on Vodafail and 8000kbps for data downloads. But I don't even get 3g in my own house... (hebel brick, top floor of apartment). What's the point of having 2Gb data allowance if you can't even download that much if you try.
Terrible customer service, after waiting in phone queue I was hung up upon right after they answered the phone. Twice.
the same device on the telstra network - both with full bar reception gives 400kbps down on Vodafail and 8000kbps for data downloads. But I don't even get 3g in my own house... (hebel brick, top floor of apartment). What's the point of having 2Gb data allowance if you can't even download that much if you try.
1870 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Awfull reception at 27 Dec 2010 10:45:42 AM
My wife and I have been with Vodafone since our first mobiles. Reception has steadily deteriorated over last few years to the point where we get little or no reception in or around our house. My daughter has new phone and is with V/F also, and has same problems in lots of places around Perth. So prblem is not due to older phones. Contacting V/F is difficult to say the least. After sending an email to complain, they sent me a reply which was clearly designed to make it so dificult for me to answer that I gave up! I am sure that is what they wanted. Vodafone, it's time to accept that things are wrong and start fixing them!
1869 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Vodafone Telco Robbers at 27 Dec 2010 10:45:03 AM
Great site: I have been a Vodafone custoer for far too long. Its time Vodafone provided a better service. Patchy coverage in regional OZ even on highways. Even Virgin coverage seems better. Patchy coverage in innercity Melbourne, calls dropping out and very slow data. Plus the appalling service from the automated telephone system. I have also had bill paying problems when I was charged twice in 2009 when I tried to pay my bill via the phone. I also love the wY they charge when I am on global roaming. This us a company that deserves to have it's brand trashed for it's contempt for it's customers.
1868 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Reception at 27 Dec 2010 10:43:56 AM
Everytime I cross the Harbour Bridge travelling south I get drop out without fail. Very frustrating.
1867 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Working spasmodically or not at all at 27 Dec 2010 10:43:42 AM
I am now changing my 3 family phones to another company after losing access to my email and unable to get basic access from my home. I need this for work and have a constant message Connection Failed. I have slow access through Live however I need normal access that is what I paid for...........
I see there are similar problems with other users on the another blog site as well
I see there are similar problems with other users on the another blog site as well
1866 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Network performance at 27 Dec 2010 10:43:16 AM
Well I heard from a very trusted source Vodafone is replacing the whole ailing Nokia (NSN) 2G/3G network with a Chinese vendor who was half the price of the NSN bid. God help Vodafone...
Everyone is focussed on Vodafone but friends of mine had similar network failures on Optus who also have the same Nokia/NSN network...
The ACA should bring back the % of dropped and failed 2G call benchmarks all the carriers had to submit to the ACA to be published to the public. Since the three carriers built their 3G networks the ACA does not force the carriers to publish their % of dropped and failed 3G 'voice' AND 'data' calls?? ACA it is your job to look after the public objectively!!
Everyone is focussed on Vodafone but friends of mine had similar network failures on Optus who also have the same Nokia/NSN network...
The ACA should bring back the % of dropped and failed 2G call benchmarks all the carriers had to submit to the ACA to be published to the public. Since the three carriers built their 3G networks the ACA does not force the carriers to publish their % of dropped and failed 3G 'voice' AND 'data' calls?? ACA it is your job to look after the public objectively!!
1865 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is pretty average at 27 Dec 2010 10:42:56 AM
Coverage just below the brewery in South Hobart, one suburb out from the city is close to zero. Pretty disappointing. Looking into switching to Telstra so i can make calls at home without it dropping out and out of the city where there is no Vodafone coverage
1864 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Annoyingly fail at 27 Dec 2010 10:42:40 AM
My brother and I cannot get calls or texts while in buildings, yet our phone's reception bars say we have reception. When you try to call us, it tells you that our "vodafone mobile has been switched off." Lies! I do not like Vodafone lying on my behalf.
Was on the highway yesterday and accidentally dialled someone. Using the iPhone, when you get messages you must click to either "view" or "close" the dialog box that pops up before operating anything else on the screen. Well, after making this accidental call and trying to hang up, useless vodafone must have connected and I got a sudden influx of a dozen messages from the past few days I had been inside a building. I couldn't hang up because of the constant dialog boxes popping up. What a joy it is to be with Vodafone.
I don't like how Vodafone is keeping quiet about all these problems. At least offer us free credit or bandwidth or those gifts they used to offer. Useless PR.
Was on the highway yesterday and accidentally dialled someone. Using the iPhone, when you get messages you must click to either "view" or "close" the dialog box that pops up before operating anything else on the screen. Well, after making this accidental call and trying to hang up, useless vodafone must have connected and I got a sudden influx of a dozen messages from the past few days I had been inside a building. I couldn't hang up because of the constant dialog boxes popping up. What a joy it is to be with Vodafone.
I don't like how Vodafone is keeping quiet about all these problems. At least offer us free credit or bandwidth or those gifts they used to offer. Useless PR.
27 Dec 2010 10:44:01 AM: Note: I wasn't the one driving while on the highway.
1863 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is 3 merger at 27 Dec 2010 10:42:30 AM
Also another thing, why is it that my mate can get reception with 3 in places I can't with vodafone
1862 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very bad at 27 Dec 2010 10:42:09 AM
IPhone dropping out all the time. Just went to apple store. They can download off your phone all the call failures. Might be helpful when trying to get out of your contract.
Its a disgrace that they are still advertising when the product doesn't work.
Its a disgrace that they are still advertising when the product doesn't work.
1861 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is CLASS ACTION at 27 Dec 2010 10:42:04 AM
Register your interest at
1860 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 10:41:52 AM
I live in Forestdale Qld 4118 and my reception here is pathetic, 3G? what's that? Lucky to get over 2 bars of roaming. So not staying with vodalame when my contract is up
1859 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic at 27 Dec 2010 10:41:38 AM
Vodafone is crap, i have 6hr delays on PXT messages, poor data speeds, drop outs and no reception when holidaying in Coffs Harbour, Surfers Paradise and Brisbane
27 Dec 2010 11:04:53 AM: only 6hr delays?... I'm still waiting.. (it's been days...)
1858 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Poor Data Speed at 27 Dec 2010 10:41:29 AM
I have a USB modem with Crazy John (Owned by Vodafone), I cant use it during the day, its very slow slower than dial up on a phone line :(
1857 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Extremely at 27 Dec 2010 10:41:21 AM
If you are anywhere other than a metropolis you get like 1 bar or less
1856 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is worse with the 3 merger at 27 Dec 2010 10:40:54 AM
I have been with VF for more than three years and have never experienced such shitty service and quality as I have the past three months. Websites fail to load and call quality is so bad that I often borrow my partner's phone (Telstra) to make and receive calls. WTF Vodafone?
BUT I do have to say that reception and Internet connection is very good on the Epping-Chatswood rail line. It's funny that VF is able to deliver such good quality service more than 150 metres underground yet fails to deliver aboveground.
BUT I do have to say that reception and Internet connection is very good on the Epping-Chatswood rail line. It's funny that VF is able to deliver such good quality service more than 150 metres underground yet fails to deliver aboveground.
27 Dec 2010 10:42:22 AM: that's quite funny...reminds me of that Telstra ad on TV
27 Dec 2010 10:51:22 AM: theres some truth to that ad
1855 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 10:40:45 AM
1853 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Not sure - but its a fail. at 27 Dec 2010 10:40:09 AM
I don't know if its a Vodafone fail or a Commonwealth Bank one, but I rang the bank and everything is fine with my cards and accounts:
I am registered for the Bonus Bank scheme, I wanted to purchase the Nokia E71 with the $14 I had on my account - turns out if you're with the Commonwealth Bank, you CANNOT make a purchase with Vodafone online.
For the record I was trying to use my Debit Mastercard = no go.
Tried using my brother's Commonwealth Band Mastercard, with his permission
(a regular credit card) = no go
Now I have $20 in my Bonus Bank account and that's lovely, but I can't use it.
Please explain?
I am registered for the Bonus Bank scheme, I wanted to purchase the Nokia E71 with the $14 I had on my account - turns out if you're with the Commonwealth Bank, you CANNOT make a purchase with Vodafone online.
For the record I was trying to use my Debit Mastercard = no go.
Tried using my brother's Commonwealth Band Mastercard, with his permission
(a regular credit card) = no go
Now I have $20 in my Bonus Bank account and that's lovely, but I can't use it.
Please explain?
1851 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Unable to call with call dropouts at 27 Dec 2010 10:39:12 AM
I have been a vodaphone customer for few years now. In the last year I have been very annoyed because of inability to make calls when I really need to, call drop outs, and delayed text messages. I have same issue with my wifes vodaphone. Same is occurring with my friend with vodaphone too. It is a shame that vodaphone has not fixed the issue. Hope this website will give them the slap they need.
1850 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is pretty good at 27 Dec 2010 10:38:50 AM
im not in one, its good
1849 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is I love Vodafone at 27 Dec 2010 10:38:18 AM
You guys are such a bunch of whingers.
Just change carriers and get on with life for christs sake.
Just change carriers and get on with life for christs sake.
27 Dec 2010 10:41:59 AM: I am with the PMG (now known as Telstra) I was their first Cellular Customer I have used Vodafone and found it to be hopeless I stick to the major operator they might be big and ugly but at least there system works
27 Dec 2010 11:36:14 AM: the problem is we are locked into a contract
1848 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Crippling at 27 Dec 2010 10:38:14 AM
3g dropouts every 30 secs or so..
1847 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 10:37:19 AM
constantly failing to connect and problems all the time with mobile broadfband.................hopeless. disgruntled customer
1846 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extremly at 27 Dec 2010 10:36:04 AM
I had Vodafone mobile internet for about 9 months and got constantly fed up with how slow the service was. Meanwhile trying to complete online study made it worse. When I sighned up for it the sales person assured me that it was as good as adsl broadband...oh how he lied! I was on a 12 month contract and figured i couldn't get out of it but got so wild that I rung up the call centre, was on hold forever, don't get me started on how rubbish Lara the animated service system is. Finally got to speak to someone in Mumbai India and explain my story to 3 different people.After long discussions I managed to end the contract early but have wasted over $500 in a service that I beerly used.
1845 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ridiculously pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 10:34:52 AM
Besides all the issues everyone else is suffering (dropouts,slow data,delayed SMS,pathetic customer service, etc, etc, etc) the manufacturer of my so called "smart phone" released a software upgrade for the phone addressing a few of its many shortcomings several months ago but Vodafail is not releasing it for download. The only reason I can think of is: why make a customer more satisfied with his handset (with manufactures' faults) if you might be frustrated enough with it to prematurely buy another plan/phone from them?
I would be glad to join a class action.
I would be glad to join a class action.
1844 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Painful at 27 Dec 2010 10:34:41 AM
Been trying to log into my Vodafone account online for years in order to change details etc. Sometimes it works, other times it tells me it's the wrong password, then I have to enter my birthdate and then it tells me MY OWN BIRTHDATE IS WRONG.
Yet instore, all is fine and dandy. I don't get it, how is it my details can change so often by someone who isn't me or with my authority?
Yet instore, all is fine and dandy. I don't get it, how is it my details can change so often by someone who isn't me or with my authority?
27 Dec 2010 11:14:47 AM: I just posted my own story but I had exactly the same problem with logging in on-line also. When I tried to contact them via the website they made it so hard and time consuming you just give up. They don't respect people's time and I am sure they have set it up deliberatly to discourage you from contacting them. They think we're all idiots.
1843 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Pathetic joke at 27 Dec 2010 10:33:33 AM
My partner was with Vodacrap. Multiple SMS messages, missed calls, random SMS sending and receiving... you name it. I thought we were the only ones until I read about this site in my news feed. Unreal. They are obviously unaware how to run a large telco. Vote with your feet people and leave. That's what my girl did and I go out of my way now to tell people how pathetic Vodajunk actually is.
1842 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Unreliable at 27 Dec 2010 10:32:52 AM
Phone kept dropping calls. The phone as old so i thought maybe i should change my phone...Changed the phone but still drops calls. Was ok on 3 but now after the merger its bad..
Drove down to canberra, covergae is now only half of when it was on 3 with roaming to Telstra...
not happy
Drove down to canberra, covergae is now only half of when it was on 3 with roaming to Telstra...
not happy
1841 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 10:30:14 AM
I was a customer of Vodafone for 4 years. I had nothing bad to say about this company until the beginning of this year (2010). I began receiving complaints from friends that they could hardly hear me, calls started to drop out and I would have maximum reception bars on the handset but when I attempted to make a call it would not connect. Also reception issues where vodafone said I had reception I had none.
Unfortunately for vodafone my contract expired in November. I gave them a call (after waiting an hour) to see what was going on and to see if there was some explanation onto what was happening. I was advised that I needed to provide them with 3 examples of time, place and phone number dialled before they would consider my complaint. After waiting an hour and a further 30 minutes to register this complaint, it sealed Vodafones fortune for me.
After being a loyal customer for 4 years, it has become apparent that they really don't appreciate the customer and the best thing I ever did was switch to Telstra. As a previous Telstra customer about 6 years ago, I was a little hesitant as I had, had a few issues with their customer service at that time. To my delight, I have had nothing but exceptional service and reception from them and would recommend that all you people having problems with Vodafone walk with your feet. Hit them in the hip pocket.
Unfortunately for vodafone my contract expired in November. I gave them a call (after waiting an hour) to see what was going on and to see if there was some explanation onto what was happening. I was advised that I needed to provide them with 3 examples of time, place and phone number dialled before they would consider my complaint. After waiting an hour and a further 30 minutes to register this complaint, it sealed Vodafones fortune for me.
After being a loyal customer for 4 years, it has become apparent that they really don't appreciate the customer and the best thing I ever did was switch to Telstra. As a previous Telstra customer about 6 years ago, I was a little hesitant as I had, had a few issues with their customer service at that time. To my delight, I have had nothing but exceptional service and reception from them and would recommend that all you people having problems with Vodafone walk with your feet. Hit them in the hip pocket.
1840 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is crazy bills at 27 Dec 2010 10:29:51 AM
I gave up trying to work out why my bills were at $450 per mth. I had been with vodafone for over 10years..and then this year started to experience both poor reception and poor customer service. I explained that there had been no change in my call pattern and I am on a business plan $79 cap plan which is for high users and that my bills were insane. I had constant complaints from clients and friends. I decided to bite the bullet and payout my contract and went to crazy johns on an umlimited blackberry plan to stop the bleeding. I thought this was risky but I needed a quick fix and entered into a $79 unlimited plan. for some reason I have experience better reception and customner service from crazy johns than with vodafone which is all a bit weird..maybe due to blackberry service..No excuse to vodafone...prior to my decision to leaving they offered me a deal to extend my contract with an extra phone which i agreed and then they palmed me off to someone else who reneg on the deal...absolutely ridiculous..
1839 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Getting worse rather than better at 27 Dec 2010 10:28:49 AM
I work in the Perth cbd and over the last month my reception is constantly dropping out... Right in the middle of the metro area! WTF?
1838 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Was good now POOR at 27 Dec 2010 10:28:44 AM
I run a business, travel constantly and work out of 4 states. My Blackberry is my most important business tool. Many parts of Melb CBD, Sydney CBD and even Canberra experience block outs. Because Voda USED to be good - I thought is must have been my new Blackberry and was about to hound them!
I do have to congratulate Vodafone Management on 1 thing - they are starting to make Telstra under Sol look competent!
I do have to congratulate Vodafone Management on 1 thing - they are starting to make Telstra under Sol look competent!
1837 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Mobile Internet at 27 Dec 2010 10:27:51 AM
Bought an office plan for 4 x vodafone mobile internets for 6GB a month. According to Vodafone 6GB is 5.1 GB actual usage. HOW DOES THAT WORK ACCC???
How can you advertise 6GB when it is only 5.1GB a month? HERE IS THE SCOOP. Used the same internet download on a 2GB plan (for 18mnths with NP BTW) then switched to "6GB" and my usage was SUDDENLY way over 6GB. Vodafone set up would not allow me to track usage. Took me 4 weeks , heaps of my & my IT guy's time to figure out why I was suddenly tripling my contract useage. Finally able to use data tracker now after persisting to find someone from vodafone who knew what they were talking about. Now vodafone know I am onto them, my usage has gone back to pre 6GB plan usage . INMHO something may be very fishy about vodafone's usage tracking.
How can you advertise 6GB when it is only 5.1GB a month? HERE IS THE SCOOP. Used the same internet download on a 2GB plan (for 18mnths with NP BTW) then switched to "6GB" and my usage was SUDDENLY way over 6GB. Vodafone set up would not allow me to track usage. Took me 4 weeks , heaps of my & my IT guy's time to figure out why I was suddenly tripling my contract useage. Finally able to use data tracker now after persisting to find someone from vodafone who knew what they were talking about. Now vodafone know I am onto them, my usage has gone back to pre 6GB plan usage . INMHO something may be very fishy about vodafone's usage tracking.
1836 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No sure at 27 Dec 2010 10:27:13 AM
I am using 3 network, having problem with international roaming oversea with my iPhone. There is no service at all at the iPhone, even when the setting for carieer is set to Automatic.
1835 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is **** at 27 Dec 2010 10:26:47 AM
Two different handsets - Samsung Jet & Iphone 4 - poor reception at home (Endeavour Hills), have to walk around the house to make or receive calls. Can rarely access internet if away from home wifi, including in the Crown complex, MCG, etc.
1834 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic at 27 Dec 2010 10:26:40 AM
Ths biggest setback this retarded network has caused me was a series of 3 day late voicemails from a prospective employer for an apprenticeship interview which i later found was a sure thing if only i hadnt recieved the multiple voicemails just hours after the interview was scheduled. Since then on numerous occasions i have attempted to complain after many bounced or dropped calls, but the process is too lengthy and painful (for a reason no doubt). Over the christmas period i was away from my girlfriend (also with vodafone) and every single call was dropped at 7 minutes on the dot! Over the past few months i have deterred 5 friends from entering plans with vodafone. Im not a number! And in May i am a free man! Fcuk you vodafcuk!
%#*$ you, "27 DEC 2010" - Their coverage is sh!thouse, why should it cost us $2000 to drop a sh!t contract. That's not a solution, Dickbag.