Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
18778 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Data blah at 19 Jul 2011 10:09:38 PM
total crap data transition today/tonight. both edge and 3g take forever to load any page. Its the pits.. When is Tassie going to be upgraded?????
18777 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Appauling at 19 Jul 2011 09:36:13 PM
The calls keep droppping out.
I know its not just me as my neigbour is experiencing exactly the same problem
The network is unreliable.
I have decided to switch to Telstra NextG and advised friends and family to do the same. Vodafone is just a marketing sham of a company and deserves to go to the wall. Goodbye and good riddance!!!
I know its not just me as my neigbour is experiencing exactly the same problem
The network is unreliable.
I have decided to switch to Telstra NextG and advised friends and family to do the same. Vodafone is just a marketing sham of a company and deserves to go to the wall. Goodbye and good riddance!!!
18776 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 19 Jul 2011 08:21:11 PM
I have received a phone bill for $1032 dollars for two week usage after an sms to say that my terms and conditions have been changed, I am on a 69 dollar cap
18775 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is catastrophic at 19 Jul 2011 06:58:29 PM
Constant call drop outs, lack of reception leaving me unable to make or receive phone calls, excessive roaming charges. No real-time update of call usage.
18774 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is catastrophic at 19 Jul 2011 06:58:04 PM
Constant call drop outs, lack of reception leaving me unable to make or receive phone calls, excessive roaming charges. No real-time update of call usage.
18773 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is catastrophic at 19 Jul 2011 06:57:40 PM
Constant call drop outs, lack of reception leaving me unable to make or receive phone calls, excessive roaming charges. No real-time update of call usage.
18772 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Endless and unrelenting at 19 Jul 2011 04:56:00 PM
Low signal, slow download, constant dropouts....
18771 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is beyond bad at 19 Jul 2011 04:54:43 PM
vodafone reception in glebe point an inner city suburb of sydney where the reception goes from full to zero and back again every 5 to 10 minutes. no conversation will last longer than this. i wish i had stayed with telstra as it never dropped out at all. i run my business from here and it is suffering because of it. it has been going on for years.
18770 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 19 Jul 2011 04:05:44 PM
Only a customer for 2 months and I wish now I walked by the store that day! Coverage is bad at home and in work signal comes and goes. I need my mobile at work for the school to reach me as I have a daughter with medical problems. Billing seems to be my biggest problem at the moment. First bill arrived 9th June am on a $70 plan. I paid the bill on the same day, checked my Vodafone account for several days and no sign of the payment. Contacted the customer service and they told me to wait. I waited but nothing so called them again and told me not to worry it will show. Then on the 4th July I receive a text that I am going to be cut off on the 7th if I did not pay my bill!! Called again by the way what is up with the fake names if they are called Andrew , Nicole etc (heavy Indian accent)then I am called Mother Theresa . He Andrew told me to send the credit card statement so went to the bank as Vodacrap did not believe me! Phoned again and tried to tell them the transaction number it took nearly 30 min for Nicole to write it down and she got it wrong! So I went to the shop they were helpful put on my account that they could not disconnect me and took a copy and told me they will sort it out. New bill arrives for July and I tried to pay 3 times my credit card is declined (nope it wasn't) tried again the next day and bingo delighted with myself I paid a bill. I asked customer not so good service did they find my missing payment?? Gave them 2 working days and guess what I owe them for 2 months. Thanks Vodafone for making my holidays a pleasant one and I guess I will need to visit the shop again!
18769 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Horrible at 19 Jul 2011 03:07:33 PM
Well seems like it isnt enough that Vodafone is absolutely terrible at doing business, it has now taken over Three and is obviously ruining it for Three customers as well. I have a prepaid Three mobile broadband. Till recently I could login to the three site to check my broadband usage. But come Vodafone and with their penchant for screwing up things, there is no data usage available on the site.
I call up tehir call centre and i get a pre recorded message telling me that prepaid broadband account check is only available online. Seems like ok we got your money, we dont care about you anymore. I tried to login to the site again and immediately after login, I get a timeout message.
If vodafone cannot get a new site which works in place, it should atleast keep the old one, so that customers are not harrassed.
I call up tehir call centre and i get a pre recorded message telling me that prepaid broadband account check is only available online. Seems like ok we got your money, we dont care about you anymore. I tried to login to the site again and immediately after login, I get a timeout message.
If vodafone cannot get a new site which works in place, it should atleast keep the old one, so that customers are not harrassed.
18768 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Completely at 19 Jul 2011 10:08:47 AM
I cannot get coverage 80% of the time- which in effect makes my phone redundant. I have emailed their customer care but they have just pasted a standard coverage response, rather than dealing with the individual nature of my enquiry.
I regret signing up with vodafone.
I regret signing up with vodafone.
18767 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is gahhhh at 19 Jul 2011 01:54:10 AM
45min so far.... better not drop out or my phone is going through the window
19 Jul 2011 08:53:57 AM: gave up at 1hr. apparently calling back at 8.30am doesnt help....
18766 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is fail at 19 Jul 2011 01:02:52 AM
In an area which has 3G coverage (Wagga Wagga) that has all the bars and getting below dial-up speeds. Come on Vodafail, lift your game as this has gone on for too long.
18764 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail at 18 Jul 2011 10:00:34 PM
very poor coverage between cambelltown and the ACT had to rely on telstras full coverage.
18763 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is bad at 18 Jul 2011 09:57:04 PM
no coverage in langwarrin victoria, having to use land line again and its costing me a fortune
18762 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Billed for cancelled service at 18 Jul 2011 07:07:41 PM
Stupidly, stupidly took out a BYO modem month to month service with VF. Cancelled after less than 10 days. Contract dated 6 June 2011. Cancelled on 14th June 2011 as I was unable to use the service. Only used ~250mb in this time as it would connect, load one page and then stop working. I don't consider this a broadband service. Only phone calls shown on the account were to their 1555 helpline number, 8 calls in all on 6 and 7 June 2011.
I cancelled the contract in the Carindale store and dealt with a young Asian male who kept claiming their was no problem with their network. Yet the store had people claiming they had problems with their phone service.
He told me that I only had to pay $2.29. When I received an account they had billed me for the next month even though I had cancelled the service. I emailed them a reply to their emailed account. Today I got a SMS claiming I owed them $39.95.
I cancelled the contract in the Carindale store and dealt with a young Asian male who kept claiming their was no problem with their network. Yet the store had people claiming they had problems with their phone service.
He told me that I only had to pay $2.29. When I received an account they had billed me for the next month even though I had cancelled the service. I emailed them a reply to their emailed account. Today I got a SMS claiming I owed them $39.95.
18761 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very at 18 Jul 2011 05:53:17 PM
poor reception. everytime i use my mobile it cuts out & vodafone has the nerve 2 say it's my phone. i can tell you now that it is not my phone but shitty reception & service from vodafone
18760 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Extreme FAIL at 18 Jul 2011 05:46:39 PM
Hi there! I signed up with 3 mobile six weeks ago and experienced nothing but issues from day one. I live in Two Rocks, WA, which is 60km from Perth's CBD so I asked the consultant to please check that I would have coverage in my area. I was assured that there would be no problems! HA! I made countless complaints to 3 who (After 3 weeks!!) came back to me with the solution of switching me to Vodafone. I was told that Vodafone has better coverage and the issues would not continue. I have now been with Vodafone for a week and the exact issues are ongoing; phone calls dropping out, unable to make calls "Call Failed" and constantly get the messages "Searching", "No Service", and "Cannot activate cellular data network". On the rare occasions that the internet does work it takes 3-5 minutes to load a page. To top things off, a new error has begun occurring since moving from 3 to Vodafone. When I text my partner, he often gets a text I sent days or even weeks earlier!! I have made countless complaints to 3/ Vodafone but all they do is check my home address, tell me the network coverage is fine and ask me if i have been through all the troubleshooting!! I told them that I will not be resetting my network settings one more time because although this resolves the issue, it will again return to "No Service" within the next couple of hours. Despite my countless complaints Vodafone still say that I will be forced to pay cancellation fees if I choose to exit my contract?!! How can they hold me to the contract when they are breaching the contract by not providing the service I was promised?? I have just lodged a complaint with TIO and currently waiting for Vodafone to respond.
18759 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Vodafone makes me cry at 18 Jul 2011 03:16:37 PM
Just called up to cancel my plan. Was informed by 'Steven' that upgrades in my area starting are soon. When I asked will it improve things, he said "yes, a noticeable improvement, you will get dropouts only 15% of the time." (He was serious). Lol. Bye Bye Vodafone.
18 Jul 2011 05:25:21 PM: 15% of calls dropping out is not acceptable! I'm sure you can find a better carrier than that. Moderation Team Moderation Team
18758 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Total thieves at 18 Jul 2011 02:32:07 PM
Wireless broadband stick & broadband prepaid vouchers gets me less than dial up
speed, or drops my d/ls half way - gone. Still costs me money though. COMPLAIN and tell me to recharge. BULLSHIT. It is the websites fault, BULLSHIT. The site cant disconnect my modem, can it?
CALL CATCHER is off/on again, off/on again, off/on again, off/on again, etc. etc. An hour on my phone, to INDIA or EGYPT, got me absolutely NOWHERE. Ive had a gutful and am sick & tired of being sick & tired with VODAFONE Austindiaegypt...
speed, or drops my d/ls half way - gone. Still costs me money though. COMPLAIN and tell me to recharge. BULLSHIT. It is the websites fault, BULLSHIT. The site cant disconnect my modem, can it?
CALL CATCHER is off/on again, off/on again, off/on again, off/on again, etc. etc. An hour on my phone, to INDIA or EGYPT, got me absolutely NOWHERE. Ive had a gutful and am sick & tired of being sick & tired with VODAFONE Austindiaegypt...
18757 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no network coverage at 18 Jul 2011 02:09:17 PM
Network fail. Vodafone always say nothing wrong from their side, they deny ther network failure & put the blame on my handset. Brand new iphone 4!
18 Jul 2011 05:49:40 PM: They did the same thing to me!!! Brand new iphone 4!! I took it to Apple to prove them wrong and Apple confirmed it was a network issue as my iphone was working perfectly. The guy at apple even told me Vodafone are the pits and advised me to get out of my contract. Still waiting on the TIO to help me do that! So frustrating! Vodafone are criminals!!
18756 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Useless at 18 Jul 2011 10:32:22 AM
Switched from 3 to VF thinking companies would merge and service would improve, still i have crap data speeds, late sms and poor signal on Mornington Peninsula, i am currently looking to relocate to SE Vic country town where optus & telstra are strong, however NO VF at all, spoke to VF, best they could do is is allow me to unlock ph so at my expense i can swap sims to reliable service providers in the area hmm good business plan VF flood the market with cheap city plans to raise money for infrastructure and invest in the area with most complaints, they must be laughing all the way to the bank !!!!
18755 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is internet! at 18 Jul 2011 01:25:39 AM
I have been trying to buy a track off itunes for the last 3 hours now! WHAT JOKE!
18754 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is pathetic at 18 Jul 2011 01:22:40 AM
sort yourself out vodafone! Im OVER your constant drop outs! Constant cut outs! and LARA you NEVER understand what I say!? Internet.....................WHAT a NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18753 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is deplorable at 17 Jul 2011 10:27:14 PM
19 Jul 2011 01:58:44 AM: no need to be a prick they are only reading a script. telstra/optus do the same thing
18752 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is FAIL at 17 Jul 2011 08:53:32 PM
Vodafone have cheated me, barely any of msgs have ever been received from either end. The coverage is constantly crackling, cutting out mid conversation and or not even connecting the call.
Appalled by you VODAFONE.
Appalled by you VODAFONE.
18750 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Big Fail at 17 Jul 2011 04:43:07 PM
Organised upgrade to iphone 4 after current Blackeberry phone ceased (7 months old and purchased through Vodafone), but as my last bill was paid on the 15th July via Bpay,(today is the 17th and a Sunday!) they hadn't cleared the payment yet and I was left with no phone to use. Very poor service and I have been a customer for 5 years!
18749 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 17 Jul 2011 01:17:03 PM
I was going to have only one (very selective from the overall mess) whinge VodaLoadaCrap, but I unexpectedly have two!
International roaming is rubbish - but maybe it's because an undeveloped country like France couldn't provide any connections for up to three days at a time. Prague - forget it. Too much to detail, but overall the whole lousy experience was only compounded by the huge bills for appalling service. The poor girl in the VodaFlop shop could only offer a sad smile and say things were getting better soon. And would you like a new SIM card, sir? Can't blame her for trying.
And - Whinge 2 - my brother called this morning to tell me a photo I texted him 10 days ago on my Blackberry has just arrived! Did it go into a cache or a cave? Is that a record?
International roaming is rubbish - but maybe it's because an undeveloped country like France couldn't provide any connections for up to three days at a time. Prague - forget it. Too much to detail, but overall the whole lousy experience was only compounded by the huge bills for appalling service. The poor girl in the VodaFlop shop could only offer a sad smile and say things were getting better soon. And would you like a new SIM card, sir? Can't blame her for trying.
And - Whinge 2 - my brother called this morning to tell me a photo I texted him 10 days ago on my Blackberry has just arrived! Did it go into a cache or a cave? Is that a record?
18748 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Seriousy crap at 16 Jul 2011 10:51:10 PM
Spent over and hour in voda store this morning trying to upgrade iphone, waited 15 minutes to be served, was sent to post office to pay latest bill, came back with receipt as asked, waited a further 35 minutes to be served, only to be told to come back during the week as it is Sat and billing department required was closed. WTF!! Just wasted another hour of my live with Vodafone. Only went instore after 4 failed attempts to talk to anyone I could understand in their call centre. It's a sign....time to move on.
18747 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Total at 16 Jul 2011 08:15:30 PM
Parents (80yr old) have old Nokia 3530 model, they carry it for emergencies when traveling. It has Vodafone credit until March 2012 but has not been used for at least twelve months. When turned on today to check it came up with invalid sim card. We are at present in country NSW 2726. Is this phone now obsolete?
19 Jul 2011 02:00:09 AM: the sim card is inactive. get a new one, pretty simple
18746 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is such a joke at 16 Jul 2011 05:39:46 PM
I've signed up with vodafone thinking they are an international network, which should facilitate good use of the phone when travelling abroad... what a mistake: even in countries in which there is vodafone, there is no roaming provided for prepaid... why?!
Also, when trying to access my voicemail from another phone, I get "the system is experiencing some difficulties, please try later"... but that's been now the story for a few days!
What can I say, very helpful... I'm switching to another services as soon as I get back!
Also, when trying to access my voicemail from another phone, I get "the system is experiencing some difficulties, please try later"... but that's been now the story for a few days!
What can I say, very helpful... I'm switching to another services as soon as I get back!
19 Jul 2011 02:03:38 AM: dont be an idiot. australia has no "international" carriers. roaming is roaming no matter where you go or who you are with. telstra/optus will charge you for roaming the same as vodafone will. yes, VF prepaid roams
18744 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Feedback to Vodaphone at 15 Jul 2011 11:35:25 PM
I was cold-called one saturday morning by someone from Vodaphone when I was still with 3, and told by the rep that Vodaphone had bought 3 and as a result all their customers were being "encouraged" to move to Vodaphone. He had my access details, phone plan details, and full account information, and identified Vodaphone plans that would provide everything plus more that our 3 accounts would. I had concerns about the Vodaphone network since we have several friends who have experienced such poor reception that they have moved to another network - he "looked up" our address and told us our signal would be much better. He also made the transfer sound painless since it would be an internal transfer.
The deal sounded like it was inevitable since 3 and Vodaphone were going to be the same, everyone would have to transfer sometime, and everything would be matched or better than for 3, so I signed up. We received SIM cards in the mail about a week later, and switched over.
We had some initial problems with MMS messages because no one told us that our phone settings needed to be changed for the new network, the staff in our local Vodaphone store fixed this for us.
Whilst in the store I have learned that one of the key features of the 3 deal is not available under Vodaphone - with 3 when you are overseas on a 3 network in that country your calls are considered as though you are in Australia - which was attractive since we travel to the UK and Europe and want that feature, this is apparently not available on Vodaphone.
I have also just been charged over $900 by 3 for leaving thir network without telling them. They will refund it but only after a long and heated discussion with them. Basically Vodaphone salesman sold the deal as though it was one company, and you would take care of the transfer - BUT 3 levy a large charge unless their customers inform them, which I didn't do since I was told that this wasn't necessary. Whilst I will be refunded I will have the inconvenience of no money until it is refunded, and have incurred bank charges for going overdrawn - which is unfair since Vodaphone have caused this.
AND, apart from all the hassle I have had to do (and am still dealing with) to effect a "seamless internal" transfer my wife has such poor receotion in her place of work that her mobile is useless during the day. Since she works in the centre of Perth city approx 50m from your nearest store this doesn't reflect well on your network. I have also experienced far more dropouts and low signals than I ever had with 3.
My main complaint is that your salesteam made it sound like there was no option but to switch, that the switch would be completely painless, and that every aspect of our current contracts would be the same or better. If it had been just a telesales I would have hung up, but they had full access to 3's systems and therefore sounded very official.
As a result of your actions I feel very strongly that we have been lied to, and wish that I had never taken your call. Since your network is worse than 3's in the centre of Perth, South Perth, and Victoria Park it is virtually useless for us. I would like to switch back to 3 - but since it will become Vodaphone in the future this is pointless, and means that we will no have option but to transfer to Telstra.
I would appreciate your comments, an apology for your telesales team, and an assurance that 3 customers will not be contacted in this way again. I have complained to 3 about this and will follow up with them.
The deal sounded like it was inevitable since 3 and Vodaphone were going to be the same, everyone would have to transfer sometime, and everything would be matched or better than for 3, so I signed up. We received SIM cards in the mail about a week later, and switched over.
We had some initial problems with MMS messages because no one told us that our phone settings needed to be changed for the new network, the staff in our local Vodaphone store fixed this for us.
Whilst in the store I have learned that one of the key features of the 3 deal is not available under Vodaphone - with 3 when you are overseas on a 3 network in that country your calls are considered as though you are in Australia - which was attractive since we travel to the UK and Europe and want that feature, this is apparently not available on Vodaphone.
I have also just been charged over $900 by 3 for leaving thir network without telling them. They will refund it but only after a long and heated discussion with them. Basically Vodaphone salesman sold the deal as though it was one company, and you would take care of the transfer - BUT 3 levy a large charge unless their customers inform them, which I didn't do since I was told that this wasn't necessary. Whilst I will be refunded I will have the inconvenience of no money until it is refunded, and have incurred bank charges for going overdrawn - which is unfair since Vodaphone have caused this.
AND, apart from all the hassle I have had to do (and am still dealing with) to effect a "seamless internal" transfer my wife has such poor receotion in her place of work that her mobile is useless during the day. Since she works in the centre of Perth city approx 50m from your nearest store this doesn't reflect well on your network. I have also experienced far more dropouts and low signals than I ever had with 3.
My main complaint is that your salesteam made it sound like there was no option but to switch, that the switch would be completely painless, and that every aspect of our current contracts would be the same or better. If it had been just a telesales I would have hung up, but they had full access to 3's systems and therefore sounded very official.
As a result of your actions I feel very strongly that we have been lied to, and wish that I had never taken your call. Since your network is worse than 3's in the centre of Perth, South Perth, and Victoria Park it is virtually useless for us. I would like to switch back to 3 - but since it will become Vodaphone in the future this is pointless, and means that we will no have option but to transfer to Telstra.
I would appreciate your comments, an apology for your telesales team, and an assurance that 3 customers will not be contacted in this way again. I have complained to 3 about this and will follow up with them.
29 Jul 2011 11:17:29 PM: Thank you so much for posting your comment. My husband and I are "3" customers who have been cold called by Vodaphone and encouraged to transfer across (& as you've highlighted, they have implied that this transfer is inevitable). We will not be changing our current contact, based on your experience!!! (& will change services once our current contract expires or the 3 service declines).
18743 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Scumbaggggs at 15 Jul 2011 06:17:27 PM
Vodafone reward their "loyal" customers by reducing their bills for upto three months. Well, guess what? Just another empty promise. I've been waiting for this reduced bill for 3 months now and am still being charged full price. If it wasnt so much hassle to terminate contracts i'd be out!!!
18742 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAIL-IER than the TITANIC at 15 Jul 2011 04:53:49 PM
31 Drop outs and Failed connections in ONE DAY! and its only 446 pm, Talking to clients on the phone, dropped out 4 times in one conversation, not only if they dont fix it will i get my iphone for free but i will look forward to some nice damages too:-)
18741 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is EPIC at 15 Jul 2011 12:57:36 PM
I have had Vodafone and Crazy Johns for 4 years, reception is patchy at best, with little to no reception at our house. Sick of getting told that they are working on improving coverage, especially when all they say is soon. 4 Years is not soon!
18740 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is its not fail at 15 Jul 2011 12:22:22 PM
vodafone is the greatest company, you are all un loyal.. wait for a couple of months and you will all be spewing..
15 Jul 2011 12:46:40 PM: wrong forum mate, you're looking for
18739 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is bad at 15 Jul 2011 11:55:08 AM
the coverage and reception is terrible and always drops out when im on the phone
18738 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is CRAP at 15 Jul 2011 11:42:46 AM
No service, no data for 2 days. I got told it will be like this till october because of upgrades. I used my phone for business...
18737 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very. at 15 Jul 2011 09:13:54 AM
Submitted a complaint to the TIO after terrible reception and calls going straight to voicemail. Vodafone has been trying to contact me ever since, but all their calls are going straight to voicemail. Oh the irony...
16 Jul 2011 12:05:52 PM: Have the same problem. The original calls from Vodafail kept going striaght to my Voicemail. I then received an SMS one week later that I had messages. However, by this time Vodafail had cut off my phone so I couldn't retrieve the messages. Finally got an SMS from Vodafail asking me to ring them. Guess what? When you ring it goes straight through to their Voicemail and they don't bother ringing back. About to escalate the matter further with the TIO
18736 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is I have full reception for once, but internet does not work at 15 Jul 2011 05:26:58 AM
Contacted Vodafone 10 times so far since I bought this pocket wifi a week ago. Now they are saying it is a national outage that started 2 days ago. What are they thinking.
18735 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is USELESS at 15 Jul 2011 04:14:56 AM
I am cancelling my mobile and internet with Vodaf*cking unreliable tomorrow! It cuts out ALL the time, I have a HIGH speed mac but can't get the benefits from it as I am with a shit provider... Time to go with reliable Telstra :)
18734 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is last straw fail at 15 Jul 2011 12:02:28 AM
The USB charger part of my HTC Desire HD stopped working. The phone had been kept in near mint condition. It was to be covered by the 12 month warranty. After Vodafone sent it off it camed back with no work done on it and a report stating the severe distress caused the issue and that it would have cost more than the handset to repair. 10 years of loyalty, even through the rough patch last year. Enough is enough, need a reliable phone and reliable phone service
18733 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is its awesome at 14 Jul 2011 09:00:10 PM
why must you sit back and bag the network- vodafone has a fantastic network, better plans then you will find anywhere else, great customer service and so on. the tiny percentage of people out there who may have had a bad experience, stop complaining and move networks.
15 Jul 2011 05:40:59 AM: So what time does the store open today?
15 Jul 2011 08:55:36 AM: This would be the vodafone in which country? certainly not Australia?!
15 Jul 2011 04:56:13 PM: this guy has to be trolling, I live in METRO sydney, was lied to about my coverage and have had 31 drop outs today, tell me that its good you moron
18732 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Major at 14 Jul 2011 07:48:51 PM
Apparently in Ipswich qld 3G is not available! This is not good enough. Off to another provider I go.
18731 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is 3 out of 3 for fail at 14 Jul 2011 05:03:10 PM
How long did it take 3 to ruin vodafone 3 months since they merged.
After 10 yrs with Vodafone and getting quality service, they have not only ruined the network they cant get the call centre right either!
After 10 yrs with Vodafone and getting quality service, they have not only ruined the network they cant get the call centre right either!
18730 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is excremental at 14 Jul 2011 01:34:29 PM
Bad reception at home same at work when my current contract expires i will be switching maybe even before then vodafone you suck big time
18729 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is can't work with at 14 Jul 2011 11:50:28 AM
have to make copy of all my e-mails in case network drops out midway thru sending (have to make a copy of this message also coz not sure it will actually upload w/o dropping out)
sure enough ... Oops! Google Chrome could not find
sure enough ... Oops! Google Chrome could not find
18728 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is megafail at 14 Jul 2011 09:43:08 AM
unable to send text messages for two days now.
18727 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Really fail at 14 Jul 2011 08:49:30 AM
I work in melbourne's cbd. About half the time I get phone calls when I'm at my desk the line cuts out.
18726 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is epic at 14 Jul 2011 04:38:17 AM
Pre paid mobile internet (I live in Bramston Tce Herston, Brisbane on a hill with a clear veiw to the city)
Reception is soooo bad, often only bps, that I have NEVER been able to load the Vodafone website. This means I have to always use my mobile and call India to resolve any issues or to recharge etc. I have noticed lately though that the call centre people now use their real names and openly admit they are in India. Not as fun as having an Indian called Mick trying to convince you he is in Oz!
Reception is soooo bad, often only bps, that I have NEVER been able to load the Vodafone website. This means I have to always use my mobile and call India to resolve any issues or to recharge etc. I have noticed lately though that the call centre people now use their real names and openly admit they are in India. Not as fun as having an Indian called Mick trying to convince you he is in Oz!
14 Jul 2011 11:53:44 AM: Yep ... I get all nostalgic for 1996 using Netscape, when I use vodaphone mobile BB. It's like having a 64 kbps dial-up modem again
18725 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Call Catcher Scam at 13 Jul 2011 10:36:12 PM
Vodafone has taken to enalbing 'Call Catcher' on your SIM card WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION. This is designed to reduce network congestion, by terminating the ringing call tone after 5 - 10 seconds and forcing a missed call SMS message being sent to you.
You can't disable it by normal methods, on your phone or their Myvodafone website. You have to dial 1555 and register your anger with them to remove it, via the Skype Cust Call service to INDIA.
Benefits to Vodafone:
1 Reduces non paying ring time on the network.
2 Increases paid call time by people re-ringing back the the original caller. If the call rang long enough you wouldn't have to, as you would probably have enough time to answer the call.
This scam by Vodafone needs investigating by the TIO.
Who else has been annoyed by this scam?
You can't disable it by normal methods, on your phone or their Myvodafone website. You have to dial 1555 and register your anger with them to remove it, via the Skype Cust Call service to INDIA.
Benefits to Vodafone:
1 Reduces non paying ring time on the network.
2 Increases paid call time by people re-ringing back the the original caller. If the call rang long enough you wouldn't have to, as you would probably have enough time to answer the call.
This scam by Vodafone needs investigating by the TIO.
Who else has been annoyed by this scam?
18724 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible beyond English words. And if i did have words for it, the phone would cut out half way through me telling you about it. at 13 Jul 2011 09:41:08 PM
My second 24 month contract with Vodafone. First time around i was happy enough. The last 2 years have been terrible. Im having the same problems so many others are, Texts not getting through, Phone calls dropping out, woeful customer service. There's one spot near my work where i can see the "phone tower" and still my calls drop out. The good news for me- only 2 months left with these idiots.
18723 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is the worst carrier ever at 13 Jul 2011 08:44:39 PM
Pretty much no data reception anywhere I go in Brisbane, and even if I happen to get it somewhere, it shortly drops out. Can't wait for my contract to expire, I will be leaving them as soon as I can.
18722 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic fail at 13 Jul 2011 07:33:12 PM
Right problem started yesterday call drops 6 minutes in spoke to punjub your service is fine sir went on the fb page got no help from tech support and they didnt even listen to me she said are you still not gettng a signal....
18721 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Maximum at 13 Jul 2011 05:38:57 PM
Little to no mobile data reception EVERYWHERE.
I work in Brisbane CBD and live in the inner suburbs and have no way of ever being able to use my 2GB data pack.
I work in Brisbane CBD and live in the inner suburbs and have no way of ever being able to use my 2GB data pack.
18720 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Bad at 13 Jul 2011 05:38:10 PM
No longer in a mess because I am now in Norway. I was Three (Vodafail) customer and wandered why my phone would drop 80% of the calls. Thought I had a lemon HTC Legend. Three techs implied that was the case. I am now using Telenor, a Norwegian carrier, and the problem vanished! Phone problem. Not. Carrier problem - Yes. Took an international move to prove it.
18719 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 13 Jul 2011 05:25:50 PM
As of 48hrs ago I was smacked with a $900 bill...
I have a $45 unlimited plan with 1gb of data per month. The bill was not for excess calls/sms etc but rather for going over the data limit. The interesting thing is when you work out the $900 in terms of how many mb of data over the limit i was it turns out to be close to 5gb. Even more interesting is the fact that records of data transfer for this month show that in the handfull of times i have accessed the net the data usage was at most 500kb. Then all of a sudden on 10/7/11 there is a massive 1.5 gb spike in data usage - this alone obvsiously exceeds my monthly data limit. However on 3 other occassions there over the next 24 hours I apparently downloaded files as big as 1.8gb.
I have the same applications on my phonw i have had for the last 6mo when i first entered the contract and at no other time have i has issues with data limits. And yet i had vodafone service attendants telling me it was me. I replied with the question of why would I knowingly go over the limit by an extra 4gb? Of course the customer service rep was silent and offered to slash $200 off the hefty $900 bill to which i replied thats a start now lets address the remaining $700. I checked the download records on my phone itself and apart from a 100mb operating system upgrade last month (outside of this billing period) i have no other updates that were downloaded so it wasnt due to automatic software updates either...even if it was, what bloody phone app needs software updates in the order of 4gb? In short the problem has yet to be solved and im waiting for a call back from one of the customer service managers. Any ideas on how to tackle this or any similar stories please let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated
I have a $45 unlimited plan with 1gb of data per month. The bill was not for excess calls/sms etc but rather for going over the data limit. The interesting thing is when you work out the $900 in terms of how many mb of data over the limit i was it turns out to be close to 5gb. Even more interesting is the fact that records of data transfer for this month show that in the handfull of times i have accessed the net the data usage was at most 500kb. Then all of a sudden on 10/7/11 there is a massive 1.5 gb spike in data usage - this alone obvsiously exceeds my monthly data limit. However on 3 other occassions there over the next 24 hours I apparently downloaded files as big as 1.8gb.
I have the same applications on my phonw i have had for the last 6mo when i first entered the contract and at no other time have i has issues with data limits. And yet i had vodafone service attendants telling me it was me. I replied with the question of why would I knowingly go over the limit by an extra 4gb? Of course the customer service rep was silent and offered to slash $200 off the hefty $900 bill to which i replied thats a start now lets address the remaining $700. I checked the download records on my phone itself and apart from a 100mb operating system upgrade last month (outside of this billing period) i have no other updates that were downloaded so it wasnt due to automatic software updates either...even if it was, what bloody phone app needs software updates in the order of 4gb? In short the problem has yet to be solved and im waiting for a call back from one of the customer service managers. Any ideas on how to tackle this or any similar stories please let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated
15 Jul 2011 08:53:29 AM: Have you gone to the TIO (details on the how to complain page)? When you make a complaint through them Vodafone will change their town and be a bit more helpful. You can also dispute a bill through the TIO so hopefully they can look into the situation and reduce it even more.
Goodluck! Moderation Team
Goodluck! Moderation Team
18718 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is bad coverage at 13 Jul 2011 02:04:38 PM
very limited coverage outside of the CBD
18717 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Holocaust at 13 Jul 2011 01:19:17 PM
My internet service doesnt work in Brisbane and Gold Coast CBD or anywhere inbetween. I have been sent a fone in the mail after cancelling it because I picked it up in the store and despite numerous attemps to call and get help to send it back they have hung up on me, then after being on hold for 15mins the 2nd time the new indian girl didnt understand my problem. She advised me a call back but never did. I have had 3 promises of call backs but have not recieved 1. This whole company needs some serious work. I want out of this contract now. If they havent got the skilled manpower or the services to facilitate this many customers then they shouldnt be taking on anymore new business. So frustrated Im going to the Ombudsman.
18716 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is EpicFail at 13 Jul 2011 12:57:10 PM
No coverage at all. Super annoyed.
18715 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Extreme at 13 Jul 2011 12:39:15 PM
Calls dropping out, sms's unreliable, and internet? what internet? I have to go to my gym or library! What am I paying for. Both on my phone and on my USB modem service is not happening at all. It used to be very variable but now nothing. This is both in the northern suburbs and in the CBD.
18714 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is bloody terrible at 13 Jul 2011 12:23:18 PM
Anyone else not getting internet at the moment? I can't access internet or Facebook at the moment!
13 Jul 2011 12:56:32 PM: yeah me too.. problems since 8am.
located in CBD
located in CBD
18713 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is no phone reception at 13 Jul 2011 12:22:51 PM
Apparently the entire network has gone down in WA, for me this means I can't recieve incoming calls and therefore new jobs
18712 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is allot at 13 Jul 2011 10:46:15 AM
no reception keeps cutting out and service juswt suks.
18711 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 3G FAIL at 13 Jul 2011 10:21:33 AM
Foir the past 2-3 weeks I am unable to access ANYTHING on line. My emails are not coming through and all web sites will not load. I have sent approx 8 emails in total, each time I get a call "there was a service outage, we are sorry"
The next day - it happens again.
All in Brisbane.
The next day - it happens again.
All in Brisbane.
18695 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Large at 13 Jul 2011 08:45:38 AM
Poor reception, delayed SMS, 3G drop outs, no android updates.
13 Jul 2011 08:47:40 PM: Technically the android updates are up to the mobile phone manufacturer (HTC, Sony Ericsson etc) but still...Boo Vodafone!
20 Jul 2011 12:37:54 PM: Ummm no - I have a nexus one - I applied the vanilla firmware and now get the google updates. My friends still on the VF firmware are WAY behind. Thats not HTC's fault. Thats VF's fault.
18694 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very at 12 Jul 2011 09:00:23 PM
I live in North Melbourne and need mobile broadband here (home), St. Kilsda & Footscray. All these places are near the heart of the CBD. My internet is hit and miss at the best of times and its getting beyond frustrating. As a student I need this service, in fact its ESSENTIAL to my studies... even now I can't load a page or wait less than 5 mins to load a frikken email. EPIC FAIL.. Even this whinge has taken 10 mins to load and type! Can't afford a to switch company.. arrrggghhh!
**UPDATE** can't even send this.. fuckers
**UPDATE2** 20 mins.. still nothing
**UPDATE** can't even send this.. fuckers
**UPDATE2** 20 mins.. still nothing
13 Jul 2011 12:40:32 PM: Totally agree I am in the same situation as you
18693 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 12 Jul 2011 05:22:37 PM
Dropped calls, friends say when they call me it always goes to voicemail
14 Jul 2011 05:58:38 PM: see 18725 'Call Catcher Scam'. It explains what is going on and how to fix it.
18692 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extremely at 12 Jul 2011 05:00:03 PM
1. One-bar phone reception at home and at work
2. Zero internet connection - even though it's included in the data plan
3. Call drop-outs - constant
4. Still have to pay for service that's clearly not provided
2. Zero internet connection - even though it's included in the data plan
3. Call drop-outs - constant
4. Still have to pay for service that's clearly not provided
18691 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Serious Fail! at 12 Jul 2011 03:54:54 PM
I have been with vodafone for 4 months.
Firstly, I never have phone reception, and I live 15 mins drive from perths city centre. I recently went to visit my mother in south australia, had 6 people around the table everyone had FULL bars of reception on different networks, I was lucky to get 1 bar, the whole 4 weeks I was there I had to call everyone who had called me back when I went for a drive.... This resulted in a $600 phone bill!! Rang them and they couldnt do anything for me.
Secondly, I asked vodafone to notify me when my bill got to $50, $100, etc. so I could monitor my usage. First month yep they did that, then stopped and I ended up with a massive bill, as far as I was aware I was still under my cap! Rang and complained all they could do was give me 10% off the bill.... Wasn't happy, not good enough!
Now I am not receiving my bills via email, rang to get this sorted and yep they have the right email address, and apparently theyre definantly sent got told to check my spam folder but I already had, I got a "well we cant help you then" ... Not impressed!
Not getting texts or emails about my bills how am I supposed to pay it? They just keep cutting my phone off without warning! I need my phone for work and I am losing business from it.
Im pretty sure contracts go both ways, they provide a service, I pay them for that service.... Theyre not providing me with a service at all! Not getting phone reception, my bill, any sort of customer service at all! Ive had more than enough and I WANT OUT OF MY CONTRACT!!!!!
Last time I rang them the guy on the other end couldnt understand what I was saying and I got that frustrated I ended up abusing him and hanging up!
Firstly, I never have phone reception, and I live 15 mins drive from perths city centre. I recently went to visit my mother in south australia, had 6 people around the table everyone had FULL bars of reception on different networks, I was lucky to get 1 bar, the whole 4 weeks I was there I had to call everyone who had called me back when I went for a drive.... This resulted in a $600 phone bill!! Rang them and they couldnt do anything for me.
Secondly, I asked vodafone to notify me when my bill got to $50, $100, etc. so I could monitor my usage. First month yep they did that, then stopped and I ended up with a massive bill, as far as I was aware I was still under my cap! Rang and complained all they could do was give me 10% off the bill.... Wasn't happy, not good enough!
Now I am not receiving my bills via email, rang to get this sorted and yep they have the right email address, and apparently theyre definantly sent got told to check my spam folder but I already had, I got a "well we cant help you then" ... Not impressed!
Not getting texts or emails about my bills how am I supposed to pay it? They just keep cutting my phone off without warning! I need my phone for work and I am losing business from it.
Im pretty sure contracts go both ways, they provide a service, I pay them for that service.... Theyre not providing me with a service at all! Not getting phone reception, my bill, any sort of customer service at all! Ive had more than enough and I WANT OUT OF MY CONTRACT!!!!!
Last time I rang them the guy on the other end couldnt understand what I was saying and I got that frustrated I ended up abusing him and hanging up!
18689 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is very fail at 12 Jul 2011 03:32:43 PM
Terrible customer service, terrible coverage, terrible everything. My calls drop in and out in volume and quality constantly, delayed text messages, an absolute minimum of a 20 minute wait to speak to customer service, an ironic, inappropriate title for vodafone to use, who rarely speak translatable english, OR care about my problems after tedious minutes of negotiating the language barrier. My data rate is pathetic. Using websites is completely impractical, I can set my phone to navigate to a page and wait half an hour and it has maybe a 50/50 chance of having loaded. Cannot use even a fraction of the data I pay for, I can use literally about 1/00th of my monthly quota when constantly trying to use it.
Not to mention my phone drops off the network completely almost every day, and I live under a relay... my housemates on alternative providers have full coverage at all times, and I cant wait to change. Ive been with vodafone for 10 years and back then they used to be the best, its all just gone downhill dramatically.
Not to mention my phone drops off the network completely almost every day, and I live under a relay... my housemates on alternative providers have full coverage at all times, and I cant wait to change. Ive been with vodafone for 10 years and back then they used to be the best, its all just gone downhill dramatically.
18688 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is TOTALFAIL at 12 Jul 2011 03:19:21 PM
No 3G internet or edge reception in Sydney CBD near Wynyard Station.
18687 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Data Connection at 12 Jul 2011 09:03:54 AM
Have not been able to get a reliable (or any) data connection for 2 days, I'm located just outside the Melbourne CBD. Really frustrating, noting I'm paying for a data service!
18686 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Extremely at 11 Jul 2011 07:02:57 PM
Just ported to Vodafone from 3 to get the new Nexus S. The "My Vodafone" site is absolutely horrendous compared to 3's website. I can't find anything... it is by far the worst website I've ever used. When will you get your act together, vodafone?
18685 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is reception/dropout at 11 Jul 2011 06:05:21 PM
How can they call it mobile broadband when it is so slow that a utube clip will not run without stop/start waiting etc.
18684 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is WTF!!!!! at 11 Jul 2011 02:07:49 PM
Vodafone have admitted to putting my credit card details on someone else's account. Won't remove them, because I don't have authority over that account! Said I will be direct debited there bills! This isn't fail, it's borderline criminal!
11 Jul 2011 03:23:58 PM: Borderline?
You need to go to the TIO sooner and not later, it is not a state of affairs to find yourself in.
Suggest you do it today.
TIO details found at the top of the page under the How To Complain tab. Moderation Team
You need to go to the TIO sooner and not later, it is not a state of affairs to find yourself in.
Suggest you do it today.
TIO details found at the top of the page under the How To Complain tab. Moderation Team
18683 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is $55 all time plan at 11 Jul 2011 11:45:35 AM
Paid for $55 new alltime prepaid plan. Made sure I did not ring 1300, 13, and 1800 numbers. Plan lasted 2 weeks apparently and this is not up in bright lights but the 121 message bank number is charged at $1.20 each time you ring for your messages. And they are double dipping here as a lot of my calls I don't receive they get redirected to message bank, so I am racking up a message bank bill that they are initiating because of their poor network. Rang Vodaphone (India) reckon they owed me a full month ($55) because it had happened for two months, generously gave me $10 back to go on this months $55.00 plan which is absolutely useless as I have changed to call back messages which is free.
18682 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Not too bad at 11 Jul 2011 10:38:44 AM
Firstly, I'll be blunt - I ported to Vodafone because their 850 network performs better than Telstra all over Sydney. However...
They've accidentally ported my number onto someone else's account, and sent me the SIM/Service. So I'm with an account which isn't under my name, and I can't change it back because I'm not the account holder. To make it worse, doing this has also disconnected this poor random ladies number - and she's getting my bills. Apparently reversing the port allows them to fix my issue, but would totally disconnect her service and she'd not be able to get her number back!
I'm sure it will all be sorted out, but it's a little laughable. If this was a business service, it would be a total nightmare!
They've accidentally ported my number onto someone else's account, and sent me the SIM/Service. So I'm with an account which isn't under my name, and I can't change it back because I'm not the account holder. To make it worse, doing this has also disconnected this poor random ladies number - and she's getting my bills. Apparently reversing the port allows them to fix my issue, but would totally disconnect her service and she'd not be able to get her number back!
I'm sure it will all be sorted out, but it's a little laughable. If this was a business service, it would be a total nightmare!
18681 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is very bad at 11 Jul 2011 05:22:46 AM
I am spending a month in italy. I bought 2 vodafone sim cards one for internet and one prepaied for my phone. on the first day, everything was working well but on the second day, I cant send any sms from my phone even tho I can make and recive phone calls. Every time I send an sms it sais to me that the traffic is insufficient. For my internet sim I really got screwed because they told me that it would work everywhere and I found out that there is next to no network in the city I'm in and I always get the same message that the traffic is insufficient. I am interested in joining the class action suit and I hope it will put those liars out of buisness. I am not looking for any financial compensation.
18679 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is no upgrade at 10 Jul 2011 11:15:14 PM
Cheking Vodafone Network status page find no upgrades planned for Mackay, Qld (postcode 4740) See many plans for places al around here, but none in town!
11 Jul 2011 05:36:00 AM: Results for postcode 4740 from
Voice / SMS 31% Mobile Internet 21% Broadband 13% Dropped Calls 371
Coverage and reception information has been reported by 38 users in this area.
If you have complained to Vodafail about the lack of reception and they have performed an investigation and nothing has improved, it is time for the TIO.
TIO details found under the How To Complain tab at the top of the page. Moderation Team
Voice / SMS 31% Mobile Internet 21% Broadband 13% Dropped Calls 371
Coverage and reception information has been reported by 38 users in this area.
If you have complained to Vodafail about the lack of reception and they have performed an investigation and nothing has improved, it is time for the TIO.
TIO details found under the How To Complain tab at the top of the page. Moderation Team
18678 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Massive at 10 Jul 2011 11:06:15 PM
Have been "out of service area" all day. Funny thing is I am still in my usual place of residence where I used to get at least 2 bars (if I stood out the front of my house and held my phone up high to "catch" the signal). But today, all day, zip! I suppose it was windy though, maybe it blew the signal away.
Oh, and what remote area do I live in? 15km from Brisbane CBD!
Oh, and what remote area do I live in? 15km from Brisbane CBD!
18677 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Masssive Fail at 10 Jul 2011 09:31:35 PM
So after 9 months off contract with 3, I decided to sign up to a new 24 month contract with Vodafone. Ported my number over and the reception in Box Hill is absolutely terrible. I cannot even maintain a phone call without constantly redialing. What use is having so much credit when you are redialing all the time. Don't make this mistake like I did.
18676 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Massive Fail at 10 Jul 2011 05:58:15 PM
I feel the pain of all the other vodafone users out there. I have taken my complaint to the obudsman and vodafone have still failed to contact me. However they may have left a message but I probably won't receive it for a couple of weeks!
11 Jul 2011 05:24:32 AM: Vodafail do have 10 working days to contact you, if the time period is longer than stated, go back to the TIO with your original reference number.
Vodafail will get *fined* again (larger amount)for not responding to your query.
Many posters have indicated that Vodafail leave their contact with punters until the 8,9 or 10th day. Moderation Team
Vodafail will get *fined* again (larger amount)for not responding to your query.
Many posters have indicated that Vodafail leave their contact with punters until the 8,9 or 10th day. Moderation Team
18675 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Exponentially worse! at 10 Jul 2011 08:45:58 AM
Does vodafail still have a 3G network - makes the apps look a little decorative? SMS works intermitently - and reception varies. All of these issues are getting worse. Used to love vodafone (providing I was in Sydney) but now can't even manage it in Redfern / Glebe. Most of the time I am recieving a late 1990's phone experience.
18674 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is dumb as f(_)ck at 10 Jul 2011 01:22:22 AM
I was lucky, 5 months ago I got out of a new 24 month contract due to the abysmal level of vodafone period.
Yet still to this day the send me SMS to tell me that THEY OWE ME money on my last bill... FFS pay me the money, you have my bank details, you have all me normal details, stop sending me SMS to tell me to pay a negative amount of money
Yet still to this day the send me SMS to tell me that THEY OWE ME money on my last bill... FFS pay me the money, you have my bank details, you have all me normal details, stop sending me SMS to tell me to pay a negative amount of money
11 Jul 2011 05:30:49 AM: Same thing happened to me! Very irritating, my amount was for -$0.01.
I used to get texts at 3 am.
Tried resolving it amicably to no avail and I ended up going to the TIO.
Man from Vodafail said it is their flawed accounting system, apparently a negative balance has to be set up for a customer to leave Vodafail, generating -$0.01 bills.
Strange but true. Moderation Team
I used to get texts at 3 am.
Tried resolving it amicably to no avail and I ended up going to the TIO.
Man from Vodafail said it is their flawed accounting system, apparently a negative balance has to be set up for a customer to leave Vodafail, generating -$0.01 bills.
Strange but true. Moderation Team
18672 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is epic at 9 Jul 2011 09:19:50 PM
using 3g dongle internet. Is geting worse. Cant keep online for more than a couple minutes before it drops out
13 Jul 2011 04:40:16 PM: same. I can hardly use it now
18671 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is EXTREME at 9 Jul 2011 05:04:44 PM
18670 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 9 Jul 2011 05:02:46 PM
18669 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 9 Jul 2011 11:47:46 AM
had to go back to america for an urgent opperation. the phone company said the international rome was turned off, but apparently it wasn't. So after 2 weeks in america with my phone constantly roming looking for internet my monthly bill came to $4000.00. they said they stopped the service and froze my phone at this amount because they didn't want the bill to shock me to much. Are you joking, my bill is usually $50.00 to $60.00 for the month. When iI contacted them about it they said there was nothing they could do about it and that I would have to pay it or they would send the debt collectors after.
I am a 19 year old uni student from America with not much money, and there is no way I can afford this. I am really worried about this and don't no what to do, has this happened to anyone else and what solutions did they come up with.
I am a 19 year old uni student from America with not much money, and there is no way I can afford this. I am really worried about this and don't no what to do, has this happened to anyone else and what solutions did they come up with.
9 Jul 2011 04:22:42 PM: That's terrible and they really shouldn't let the bill run up that much. If vodafone isn't going to do anything then you can go to the TIO (details on the how to complain page). On their website you can put in the amount of money your are disputing on the bill. Once you do that then you won't have to pay until the issue is resolved.
Make sure you have all your information ready and vodafone will contact you within 10 days of you contacting the TIO. If Vodafone still doesn't sort out our bill then you can go back to the TIO and let them know you still aren't happy with the result.
Goodluck! Moderation Team
Make sure you have all your information ready and vodafone will contact you within 10 days of you contacting the TIO. If Vodafone still doesn't sort out our bill then you can go back to the TIO and let them know you still aren't happy with the result.
Goodluck! Moderation Team
10 Jul 2011 03:04:59 PM: also call accan and tell them about your circumstances
18668 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is thru connect...did not connect at 9 Jul 2011 09:48:36 AM
tried to call thru connect....and hung up on me at least 10 times...what is the point then?
18667 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor signal and 3G network at 9 Jul 2011 08:58:10 AM
Too many issues.
1. No signal in sone major place. Like on Sydney Strathfield train platform, pit street mall, etc....
2. Poor 3G network. Slow as hell, almost unusable on the train (not in the tunnel!)
3. Every time when I drop a call ( eg. I called someone but not able to get through) if I dial the number again within 1 minute, the call just fail straight away.
1. No signal in sone major place. Like on Sydney Strathfield train platform, pit street mall, etc....
2. Poor 3G network. Slow as hell, almost unusable on the train (not in the tunnel!)
3. Every time when I drop a call ( eg. I called someone but not able to get through) if I dial the number again within 1 minute, the call just fail straight away.
18663 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is worser and worser at 8 Jul 2011 08:23:55 PM
After six months of efforts to resolve my situation I gave up and decided to go with another carrier, but Vodafone won't even let me do this!!!! There is apparently a restriction code on the phone which stops you going to someone else. I have to go to a store or get another handset. Again costing me time and money and lost opportunity. I am going to the TIO for resolution. Vodafone's behaviour is verging on being criminal. Does any one at Vodafone read this????
18662 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 8 Jul 2011 06:00:22 PM
I have been on the same contract with vodafone for 4 years and the contract was with wireless internet. In april my housemates and I decided to get TPG wireless for our house. I didn't end up cancelling my internet with vodafone because it would cost more to get out of the contract than to just let it run out.. so here is my dilemma. The contract was for $39 a month for 7 gb, it doesn't cost more if i go over it, it just goes slower. So since april when i got wireless TPG I stopped using vodafone, just found out that they have decided to direct debit over $800 from my mums account for months april, may, june & july where I have not even used the modem.. aaaargh vodafone you are pathetic.
18661 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Disgraceful at 8 Jul 2011 05:43:46 PM
People who ring me are complaining that they are being sent straight to VoiceMail (probably because the Vodafail reception is so crap). I then don't receive the SMS notifying me that I have VoiceMail until 5 days later at which time I find that I have 10 messages.
18660 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Petty at 8 Jul 2011 05:28:19 PM
I have lodged a complaint with the TIO about Vodafail and problems with their billing system. The TIO advised me that they had forwarded the complaint to Vodafail for them to rectify. Vodafail responded by cutting off my mobile service two days later. Way to go Vodafail!!! Take your bat and ball and go home and sulk. Definitely joining the class action against you now!
8 Jul 2011 05:38:12 PM: If 10 working days have elapsed since the initial complaint return to the TIO with the above, use your original TIO reference number. Moderation Team Moderation Team
18659 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 8 Jul 2011 04:23:59 PM
No signal in the house i live in!! I use some other sim for international calls, and that seems to have amazing signal! Shame
18658 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is no SERVICE at 8 Jul 2011 11:59:56 AM
ME AND MY HUSBAND ARE BOTH with no reception for a whole day now. called vodafone and put me through some steps. reset network settings. turn phone off and on. took sim card out and back in. apparently nothing is wrong with coverage in our area. but how can we both not have service. they both stoppped around the same time. and we don't have connected bills. im sick of the BS.
18657 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 8 Jul 2011 09:51:40 AM
Hi all,
I have been getting excessive internet usage charged to my Iphone 3GS as off the 1st of July. On one occasion I apparently used 760 Mb whilst sleeping, mind you I have wifi at home also. I noticed this when I checked my usage by texting 1512, has anybody else had this issue?
I have been getting excessive internet usage charged to my Iphone 3GS as off the 1st of July. On one occasion I apparently used 760 Mb whilst sleeping, mind you I have wifi at home also. I noticed this when I checked my usage by texting 1512, has anybody else had this issue?
18656 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is System Alert Overload at 8 Jul 2011 09:49:15 AM
I am on pre paid $29 flexicap. If i have run out of flexi credit and attempt to send a message. I will recieve a System Alert Insufficient Funds message, this is fine, this is expected - whats is not expexted or fine is the 50 or so other System Alert messages that follow after that. one directly after the other. i then have to go and delete every message one by one,on top of that i can not use my fone because of the constant interuptions of messages being recieved. my only choice is to switch off my phone for a while and then sometimes that doesnt stop it and i then just have to wait till my inbox recieves the maximum number of messages. all the while this just ends up draining my battery and draining my patience and self control. This happens all the f~time.
8 Jul 2011 12:45:27 PM: You need to call Vodafone and bar premium sms. That's why you're having that issue.
18655 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Delayed Messages at 8 Jul 2011 09:29:19 AM Moderation Team