Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
18535 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is ULTRA FAIL at 26 Jun 2011 07:34:31 PM
We have been contacting Vodafone over the course of 6 months, due to lost coverage, cant make or receive calls, cant send or receive texts and cant access data. Every 2 weeks we are on the phone with Voda.
We have lost angry clients who kept getting cut off, clients that have gone with someone else because we couldn't respond to them, we had enough and contacted them to resolve it once and for all in April... 4.5 hours and 17 transfers around the world later, we thought we resolve it, but its still an ongoing battle with TIO involved. Hopefully settling by end of June. Luckily, we have been able to get out and have received the best service ever from one of our colleagues who provides personal account management and can help fix your problems, best service we ever had, we didnt only save money, but get fast, friendly and reliable service which we've never experienced with any other Telco. We have pasted the link to his website below and highly recommend anyone to call him to get help
<<Web site name removed>>
Thank God we are (almost) off VodaFail!!!
We have lost angry clients who kept getting cut off, clients that have gone with someone else because we couldn't respond to them, we had enough and contacted them to resolve it once and for all in April... 4.5 hours and 17 transfers around the world later, we thought we resolve it, but its still an ongoing battle with TIO involved. Hopefully settling by end of June. Luckily, we have been able to get out and have received the best service ever from one of our colleagues who provides personal account management and can help fix your problems, best service we ever had, we didnt only save money, but get fast, friendly and reliable service which we've never experienced with any other Telco. We have pasted the link to his website below and highly recommend anyone to call him to get help
<<Web site name removed>>
Thank God we are (almost) off VodaFail!!!
18534 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Its shit. at 26 Jun 2011 05:56:47 PM
No network coverage in the hills, but other carriers get full coverage.
Its just fucking stupid.
Its just fucking stupid.
18533 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 26 Jun 2011 02:03:19 PM
I Had a Vodafone mobile service account but unfortunately I had next to no reception at my work place after approximately 6 months of phone calls with their technical department they decided it was a black spot and they would let me out of my contract.
They wanted me to pay $2200.00 just to cover the handsets. but they sent me a bill for $2633.00.
In the email a (PERSONAL DETAILS REMOVED) writes that I agree to pay $2200.00 I have no written or verbal agreement with her that this would happen. I said i had to think about her offer.
I told them I would not be paying this amount as there company has cost me thousands of dollars in lost time, lost phone calls and lost work.
I then received a noticed from PDR collection service to pay the amount $2633.00.I rang PDR explained to them my story she advised me she would ring Vodafone and get back to me.
I never heard back from her or Vodafone. I presumed with all their complaints and the class action regarding their reception they let the matter go.
now i have a bad credit rating and cant get a loan.
They wanted me to pay $2200.00 just to cover the handsets. but they sent me a bill for $2633.00.
In the email a (PERSONAL DETAILS REMOVED) writes that I agree to pay $2200.00 I have no written or verbal agreement with her that this would happen. I said i had to think about her offer.
I told them I would not be paying this amount as there company has cost me thousands of dollars in lost time, lost phone calls and lost work.
I then received a noticed from PDR collection service to pay the amount $2633.00.I rang PDR explained to them my story she advised me she would ring Vodafone and get back to me.
I never heard back from her or Vodafone. I presumed with all their complaints and the class action regarding their reception they let the matter go.
now i have a bad credit rating and cant get a loan.
26 Jun 2011 03:28:35 PM: That is not good.
It may not be too late to go to the TIO with this complaint.
Check out the How To Complain tab at the top of the page for further details. Moderation Team
It may not be too late to go to the TIO with this complaint.
Check out the How To Complain tab at the top of the page for further details. Moderation Team
18532 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Internet at 26 Jun 2011 12:40:51 PM
I returned a pocket WiFi after 6 days as it wasn't working. Vodafone debited my card for a bit more than the monthly agreed amount of $39 for 10GB (actually $41.59!?!) and now REFUSE to give me a refund (based on their 30 days money back guarantee on broadband items!) In those painful 6 days I used only 120MB of data!
18531 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is SUPPORT SUCKS... at 26 Jun 2011 04:26:08 AM
I knew I had been hacked... 32 years IT experience !!!
I asked VODAFONE support what is, ip_address of your Primary/Secondary DNS ???
They could not tell me this info ....
I found the info from another WEB resource,plugged in the correct ip_address's.
And Hey Presto ...I now have internet connections again ...
Vodafone your support is utter crap , and you will lose customers due to this.
I am a long time Vodafone user that does not need much help ...
And when I ask for it ... you deny my request and insult my intelligence...
I asked VODAFONE support what is, ip_address of your Primary/Secondary DNS ???
They could not tell me this info ....
I found the info from another WEB resource,plugged in the correct ip_address's.
And Hey Presto ...I now have internet connections again ...
Vodafone your support is utter crap , and you will lose customers due to this.
I am a long time Vodafone user that does not need much help ...
And when I ask for it ... you deny my request and insult my intelligence...
18530 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Totally piece of s**t at 26 Jun 2011 02:34:36 AM
I don't have enough words to express how much do I hate Vodafone. Although I hate even more Telstra that screwed up my phone line so I can't have ADSL2. At the end it is all Telstra fault.
Telstra and Vodafone, you both sucks!
Telstra and Vodafone, you both sucks!
18528 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is The New Infinite Recharge at 25 Jun 2011 01:10:57 PM
Don't get it!! It is a rip off! I recharged on tuesday with this 'infinite prepaid cap' and I now have $3 of credit left!!! Absolute rip off! Definately swtiching to telstra
18527 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Network still drops out at 25 Jun 2011 12:07:19 PM
I have been with vodafone since Jan and the other night was the last straw. I had to ring my partner four times in the space of 15 minutes because of the signal dropping out. Enough is enough, Vodafone i,m done. I even have to complain on a land line because of drop outs. Time to go with someone else.
18525 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is epic fail at 25 Jun 2011 09:48:54 AM
Well I got a 30 dollar recharge and the deal was i got free text messages for one month but it only worked for two weeks. :(
18524 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is severe at 24 Jun 2011 07:44:57 PM
They cant fix my coverage, no matter how often I complain and clearly identify the issues. I am so sick of this company. I also agree with the comments of someone from WA - why the hell is this company allowed to trade when they clearly cannot provide the core business that they are selling. Please will someone with some authority step in!!!!!
25 Jun 2011 11:16:15 AM: Yes they can..they just don't know how to fix it...must be Indian IT people
18522 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is excessive at 24 Jun 2011 12:56:30 PM
Have a prepaid and it keeps getting cut off (dropping off)! Doesn't even last for a minute! Called another person. Used another carrier's line (same location) and all was good.
18521 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is total fail at 24 Jun 2011 06:25:25 AM
if vodafone can't provide as promised, why are they allowed to trade. this is ridiculous.
25 Jun 2011 04:08:21 PM: Don't worry..I have already called for the Minister to give them a please explain why they should keep their licence....waiting for a reply
18520 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is pathetic at 24 Jun 2011 06:13:43 AM
reception issues. usually too slow to be useful, If I can get 3g reception at all. and Pre paid is horrendously expensive (especially when it's next to unuseable)
18519 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Mms picture msgs at 23 Jun 2011 10:40:17 PM
I am simply unable to retrieve and view mms msgs that are sent to my phone.
18518 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Worst provider I have ever been with besides 3 at 23 Jun 2011 10:09:03 PM
I used to be with 3 got no reception at all at home or surrounding areas. I live in caboolture north, I rang up 3 and opted to pay out my contract and by my iPhone outright but they begged me to let then swap me over to vodafone because they are linked and my reception is the same if not worse. It drops out during calls and suddenly drops out and picks up reception even if left in the same spot. It's just shit. I would recommend telstra for reception over these companies any day.
25 Jun 2011 01:06:06 PM: I told them to stick it on 20/6. Now with Telstra using E169 Virgin modem &Debian Squeeze, it still works much better than VF.Mansfield Qld 4122
18517 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Wont answer a simple question at 23 Jun 2011 10:01:46 PM
I live in South Lake and the Vodafone website says the suburb has been upgraded in April 2011 to 850Mhz. I has sent emails asking for confirmation and have been waiting for 2 weeks for a reply. I still get drop outs, have to use my land line to make calls. I left Telstra because I hated the customer service.....but now I wish I hadn't left.
18516 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is optus rock alot at 23 Jun 2011 08:57:29 PM
know if switch to optus stuff vodafail for ever
no drop out no late e-mail and most important
nice lady on the phone at the optus call center in sydney ....nice voice very helpful (kinda sexy) .......all go now lifes fantastic again my friends will love me again too......
no drop out no late e-mail and most important
nice lady on the phone at the optus call center in sydney ....nice voice very helpful (kinda sexy) .......all go now lifes fantastic again my friends will love me again too......
18515 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is crap at 23 Jun 2011 08:43:30 PM
taking days to receive mms messages, fix it
18514 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Dead loss at 23 Jun 2011 08:29:57 PM
Called today to ask when my contract is up (I was pretty sure of date, just wanted to confirm). I was told I would have to be put thru to another department to get that info, but 1st I had to state why I wanted to know!?! I told them that the reason I wanted to know, was simply because I wanted to know when my contract was due to expire.
Interesting way to run a business
Interesting way to run a business
18512 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Beyond FAIL at 23 Jun 2011 07:13:12 PM
Billing issues. I was given a credit for the bad service and coverage. Months later they take away my credit and said it was applied by error. Raise complaint to TIO and someone from Vodafone calls me and said they will apply the credit and will show up on next bill. Bill arrives and no credit. Call customer service and they know nothing about it. TIO again. Not only is coverage a problem but so is their billing.
Everything from Vodafone is fail, including the phones they brand. Anything Vodafone is fail. Don't buy a footy sweater that has vodafone on it, something bad will happen.
Vodafone is a virus in many different shapes and forms.
Everything from Vodafone is fail, including the phones they brand. Anything Vodafone is fail. Don't buy a footy sweater that has vodafone on it, something bad will happen.
Vodafone is a virus in many different shapes and forms.
18511 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is no creddit at 23 Jun 2011 04:58:50 PM
iam trying to ring andrew graham and it says less than $10 dollers pleas respond iam nathan graham
18510 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is dont understand the callers at 23 Jun 2011 04:58:43 PM
I just received a phone call on my mobile telling me that i owe over $1,000. & i should pay this amount today. iam on a contract & i pay all my monthly amounts of $29.00 even before it is due. Please explain, Thank You Bad reception & i couldnt understand the caller
I just received a phone call on my mobile telling me that i owe over $1,000. & i should pay this amount today. iam on a contract & i pay all my monthly amounts of $29.00 even before it is due. Please explain, Thank You Bad reception & i couldnt understand the caller
25 Jun 2011 01:09:59 PM: Check with VF, it could be a Indian hacker, but since VF/3 employ Indian CSO it may be difficult to tell otherwise
18508 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is a joke but not funny at 23 Jun 2011 03:33:23 PM
Where do i begin? Each time i call Vodafone i am stuck talking to them for so long that the vodafone drops out (of course). They are useless! THINKING OF USING VODAFONE? WHY NOT ASK A VODAFONE CUSTOMER FIRST and save yourself a lot of frustration!!!!!!!! Ask me if you like, ive suffered their poor excuse for service for years. I hear other peoples private vodafone messages, I have been lied to for 2 years about a problem with my service and billing, only now they admit there has been a problem all along and they were just fobbing me off coz they didnt know how to rectify the billing problem. I am now on hold AGAIN waiting for the consultant to check with his supervisor...he is confused about my bill-if he cant understand it, how can the customer?? MANY MANY complaints about this mob. ISnt it a bit racist of them to have local Australian staff at call centres when you are buying a product or service, but offshore staff when you need any assistance after you r signed up.....hmmmm. check it out... call to the centre and press buttons thru to buy a contract- talk to an aussie. now call back and press buttons for billing or problems....presto-overseas cheap call centre! i think this is a poor and discriminatory process by vodafone.
23 Jun 2011 04:41:50 PM: go to the TIO, lodge a complaint :) they will get back to you it's the only way to get anywhere with them. you have to play hardball unfortunately
18507 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is epic fail at 23 Jun 2011 12:47:42 PM
Everyone was running speed tests on their mobile broadband the other day. I couldn't even load the webpage.
18506 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% at 23 Jun 2011 11:15:37 AM
After 3 complaints, including waiting/talking on the phone with a "technician" in Mumbai I either do not get voicemail messages at all or if I do, I get them 24 hours late. One was for a medical problem so I was really annoyed as it was received on the Saturday necessitating a 2 day wait to contact the doctor.
With Mumbai's assistance we have reset voicemail 3 times to no avail.
I also have virtually no connection in my home and need to walk outside to get minimal coverage. I was with V/fone 10 years ago and I think the reception and service was a lot better.
I have 12 months left on the contract.
With Mumbai's assistance we have reset voicemail 3 times to no avail.
I also have virtually no connection in my home and need to walk outside to get minimal coverage. I was with V/fone 10 years ago and I think the reception and service was a lot better.
I have 12 months left on the contract.
23 Jun 2011 11:45:46 PM: You have given Vodafone plenty of opportunity to sort out their issues now it's time for the TIO. Check out the 'how to complain' page for their details. They will force Vodafone to solve the problem. Moderation Team Moderation Team
18505 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 23 Jun 2011 08:45:07 AM
For the last two days notification that a voice mail message has been left are no longer arriving. My setting (which hasn't changed in years) is for me to be notified by phone call. This is not working. Same with another vodafone user I know. Called customer support; they say "it's not fixed" but nothing changes.
18504 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Shocking at 23 Jun 2011 01:17:46 AM
I have been on vodafone for about 3 years now and it was fine unroll about December 2010, since then I am very lucky to get more than 2 bars signal, in that time iv had a nokia, iPhone 3 and 4 and there is no difference. I rely on the phones gps and Internet browser for work but usually have to wait minutes for pages to load. I honestly can't see how one of Australia's biggest mobile network providers can have such poor coverage, they need to sort their sh*t out
18503 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is HUGE FAIL at 22 Jun 2011 09:34:37 PM
Vodafone have consistently for the past 6 months NOT sent me bills. I receive a text message explaining I have a massive amount owing on my bills (at one point I had 4 months worth of bills owing which I had called about and they said they'd sent and would re-send) then we do this dance where I call, they say they sent the bill, I tell them they didn't then they say they won't barr my phone but the next day my phone is cut off.
I have been a vodafone customer for 10 years and they have turned out to be THE WORST provider ever.
I always liked Vodafone because I never had to deal with Indian call centres 0 oh how that has changed! Language barriers, communication breakdowns and many other problems only lead to HUGE PROBLEMS!
To add to the bill mishap I am also dealing with (as I now see other vodafone customers are too) constant drop outs in reception, text messages not coming through and no 3G reception. I live innercity Brisbane - not bumfrig nowhere! There is no excuse for 1 call taking 6 attempts to connect and maintain connection! To a landline! Vodafone = vodafail!!!!
I have been a vodafone customer for 10 years and they have turned out to be THE WORST provider ever.
I always liked Vodafone because I never had to deal with Indian call centres 0 oh how that has changed! Language barriers, communication breakdowns and many other problems only lead to HUGE PROBLEMS!
To add to the bill mishap I am also dealing with (as I now see other vodafone customers are too) constant drop outs in reception, text messages not coming through and no 3G reception. I live innercity Brisbane - not bumfrig nowhere! There is no excuse for 1 call taking 6 attempts to connect and maintain connection! To a landline! Vodafone = vodafail!!!!
18502 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is ALOT FAIL at 22 Jun 2011 08:22:01 PM
My cap wont let me call or text and it wont let me receive calls or texts. Im in a vodamess
18501 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Very at 22 Jun 2011 07:49:59 PM
Did anyone see Neighbours? I'm noticing tweets about Vodafail being on neighbours - is this true? Does anyone have a link I wanna see it! :)
18500 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is crap at 22 Jun 2011 07:25:08 PM
I've just read on your website that people have been waiting for the website to be fixed in regard to the bonus bank scheme where you cannot purchase a new phone. I was on the phone tonight to be told that in 48 hours someone would get back to me regarding this issue. Any other company would be able to process the transaction and payment over the phone but apparently it's their policy that you can only redeem bonus dollars through the website. What a scam!
18499 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Skype on Vodafail , LOL at 22 Jun 2011 05:48:50 PM
Thi is just for laughs....
I got this SMS 3 weeks ago offering me a 'great deal' with Skype on Vodafone. Skype to Skype for $3 a month. I thought Skype to Skype IS FREE anyway. So why would anyone bother signing up to get ripped off, PLUS your 3G has to be FAST to be able to use it. Not on Vodafone's 3G you wont be using it.
I got this SMS 3 weeks ago offering me a 'great deal' with Skype on Vodafone. Skype to Skype for $3 a month. I thought Skype to Skype IS FREE anyway. So why would anyone bother signing up to get ripped off, PLUS your 3G has to be FAST to be able to use it. Not on Vodafone's 3G you wont be using it.
18498 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Worse than than a mother in-law at 22 Jun 2011 05:31:42 PM
I couldnt get service on the ANU campus on Saturday unless I was out in the open. Whenever I was inside a building the signal would drop out.
Do they still release people from contracts? I had enough.
Do they still release people from contracts? I had enough.
18497 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is OMG no words at 22 Jun 2011 01:59:09 PM
Well I redeem my bonus bank dollars which is my money, I pay the difference on my credit card, which they charged, and NOW after 5 or 6 calls and 5 or 6 different stories, it comes out that that phone I ordered is NOT IN STOCK and they don't know when it will be!!!! So now someone is 'calling me back' to let me know if/when they are getting this phone in. That I have paid for. Not cool vodafail!!!!
18496 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 22 Jun 2011 12:55:36 PM
return from holiday with a $2500 bill!
22 Jun 2011 01:11:51 PM: $2500 !!
I feel your pain.
Why is the bill so high?
Have you been given any Vodareasons? Moderation Team
I feel your pain.
Why is the bill so high?
Have you been given any Vodareasons? Moderation Team
22 Jun 2011 07:51:25 PM: correction,I believe the term is "Vodabullsh()t"
22 Jun 2011 10:13:59 PM: double correction = It is Vodafu#kwits
18495 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is The last issue I will ever have with Vodafail! at 22 Jun 2011 10:44:53 AM
Last Friday I used the Vodafone website to pay my bill of $300. The following day I checked my bank account to find that my credit card had been charged twice by Vodafone. I spent a good part of Saturday speaking to MANY MANY different people at Vodafone only to be told that they could not reverse the extra withdraw from my account and would keep the extra payment and add a credit to my account for next months bill!!!! I have spoken to my bank and handed the matter over to them to investigate it as Vodafone don't seem to understand that it is illegal to withdraw money from someones visa without permission!! After 7 years with Vodafone I am closing my account. Enough is enough!
18494 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is lipstick on a pig at 22 Jun 2011 10:19:55 AM
I just received email from some PR chap at Vodafone proudly saying how improved their network is now.
Laugh ! I have given up using my prepaid broadband dongle as it is slower than a dial up connnection and has constant data dropouts.
So very disappointing. Vodafone as a company should be euthanased.
Laugh ! I have given up using my prepaid broadband dongle as it is slower than a dial up connnection and has constant data dropouts.
So very disappointing. Vodafone as a company should be euthanased.
27 Jun 2011 11:07:20 AM: Forced into liquidation?
18493 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Getting worse on Lwr North Shore at 22 Jun 2011 09:16:54 AM
My partner and I have been with VF for at least 6 years, living on lower north shore that whole time. While I was never overly amazed at their overall service, we never noticed having bad coverage or delayed SMS transmission... Even when the big media blowup about how bad some people were finding it happened, I never found it all that bad. But since they've been blowing their horn about how they're "making big changes and improvements" the service in this area has been getting MUCH worse.
My pet theory: They're removing infrastructure from parts of sydney where there's not too many complaints and installing it in high-complaint regions. That's certainly what it seems to be.
Anyway, goodbye vodafone, I've stuck with you for many years just because it was too much effort to look around and/or change, but I'm not locked into a contract and you're fired.
My pet theory: They're removing infrastructure from parts of sydney where there's not too many complaints and installing it in high-complaint regions. That's certainly what it seems to be.
Anyway, goodbye vodafone, I've stuck with you for many years just because it was too much effort to look around and/or change, but I'm not locked into a contract and you're fired.
18492 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Useless crap at 22 Jun 2011 01:17:03 AM
It is now more than one month that my 3G internet is useless. It is funny because the connection doesn't drop but although I'm connected I don't receive any data for some minutes, then I receive data for another minute and this s&&t keep going until I'm pissed off and give up.
Vodafone promised that my area would be upgraded until end of June but it disappeared from the upgrade list. It is hopeless.
Vodafone promised that my area would be upgraded until end of June but it disappeared from the upgrade list. It is hopeless.
22 Jun 2011 10:46:30 AM: If it has disappeared from the upgrade list, it usually means the upgrade has been completed.
Obviously there appears to be no discernible change in coverage and reception.........
Have a look around their website (if you can!) for completed sites...........I bet it is there!
Agree entirely with your last sentence. Moderation Team
Obviously there appears to be no discernible change in coverage and reception.........
Have a look around their website (if you can!) for completed sites...........I bet it is there!
Agree entirely with your last sentence. Moderation Team
25 Jun 2011 01:18:49 PM: Whirlppool user told May, Carindale, I was told August for Mansfield - next suburb.Recorded message said they were having problems with webpage for accounts. Others told VF had been spam attacked and sms stuffed also. i suspect they either havent recovered from hacking or have been hacked again.Telstra wbb much better here.Sure hacking vicious at moment,BUT the 1st hacking clearly demonstrated poor security practices on their part.
18491 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor reception at 21 Jun 2011 11:30:36 PM
I work in Mascot just 15 mins away from city centre yet my iPhone always gives me 'No Network Coverage' message box. How crap is that? When m,y contract is over, it's OVER and OUT for vodafone, I'm changing service provider!
18490 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is not happy at 21 Jun 2011 11:18:27 PM
As a Vodafone broadband user who has forked out a lot of money for a shoddy service, I think this article reflects the state of play.
(4th try to load this !)
As a Vodafone broadband user who has forked out a lot of money for a shoddy service, I think this article reflects the state of play.
(4th try to load this !)
18489 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Sad, Sad at 21 Jun 2011 10:08:39 PM
How can you collect a pxt from pxt world if it isn't working? You don't.
18488 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is the worst thing to happen to the earth. at 21 Jun 2011 07:49:15 PM
Vodafools Moblie Broadband Internet just stops working after 6 months in my area. The I call so many times and they have no solution for me. This morning it starts working again only to die again a few hours later. Something needs to be done about this company, seriously it needs a mass boycott or something because this is too rediculous. These groups and complaints are not effecting Vodafone in anyway, we need something bigger and more influencial to take on the surface of Vodafone and make a huge differnce to this evil corporation.
18487 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 21 Jun 2011 06:24:06 PM
The Vodafone website just wont load on any browser I have. I have now been trying for a week. So I cant even check my balance or re-charge my broadband mobile as I cant log onto their site! Help!
25 Jun 2011 01:22:25 PM: Go to a library & use TIO form. Go to VF shop & cancel. Go to Telstra & sign up. Their rAtes are now feasible, at least for me.
18486 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extreme at 21 Jun 2011 06:06:18 PM
I will imediatley be changing my carrier due to the shocking help through the main call centre. This was repeated over 5 seperate phone calls. I honestly dont know how this company survives.
18485 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is has upset 16859 people! at 21 Jun 2011 05:21:20 PM
Dear Vodafone, you lost your credibility when you decided to hire an indian call centre to deal with angry customers. If you have angry customers before they dial 1555, why on earth would you try piss them off even more by having untrained employees who speak english but don't understand it, do your dirty work...
After waiting two weeks to receive my Broadband modem that took several endless phone calls, that resulted in having to pick up my own parcel, I had to call yet again (there's a shocker!) I was charged during the whole two weeks of NOT having my modem let alone using it. I also asked for 6GB not 500MB (is that even a valid plan?) Have some commonsense what on earth will I do with half a GB, 'receive 2 emails' and I'm over my cap?!!! Let's not even mention my internet would not work until 10 minutes ago, and that's no thanks to Vodafone!
Lara: 'HI. I'm Lara, if you would like to talk to me using your keyboard please press #1, if you would like to talk to me like normal using a few words press #2'
Me: Fuck no! #1 it is...
(Please be patient while they transfer me to 5 different departments...)
Real name unknown: 'Hi, I'm Daniel...'
(Yea alright, that's just the name you've been given to disguise your indian name)
Real name unknown: 'Can you please read out your phone number and confirm your name and birthdate?'
(WTF for? I already typed it on my keyboard while getting through to you, and you have it on your screen in front of your face!)
...After delayed responses and asking me 'how my day is' not that I have time to respond, but still I'm polite and respond.
Me: '...I purchased a mobile broadband dongle over the phone from a Vodafone representative, I didn't get it until yesterday. It has informed me I only have 500MB of Data.. Why? I'm on a 6GB plan'
Name unknown: 'hmm, okay hold on I will check for you...'
(On hold for 5 minutes I kid you not.)
Name unknown: 'Your on the infinite plan, the $99 you only receive 3GB of data'
(Are you fucking shitting me right now?...)
Me: 'No, no, MOBILE BROADBAND not my phone plan a separate transaction under the same name!. I want to know why I only have 500MB of data and I should have 6GB, which would be around 6000MB not half a GB!!!'
Name unknown: 'One moment I will check that for you...'
(Ten minutes joke, I'm willing to show my call history)
Name unknown: 'Yes 500MB is half a GB, and 6000MB is 6GB, that is correct anything else I can help you with?'
(WHAT A JOKE! I did not wait 20 minutes for some clown to confirm the difference between GB and MB, Google could have answered that within a second...)
Have an amazing life 'Daniel', I hope the $3.20 per hour you receive will keep you intelligent.
Vodafone, enjoy your early retirement/grave, I hate Telstra for the same customer service reason, but god do they look like a diamond standing next to you.
After waiting two weeks to receive my Broadband modem that took several endless phone calls, that resulted in having to pick up my own parcel, I had to call yet again (there's a shocker!) I was charged during the whole two weeks of NOT having my modem let alone using it. I also asked for 6GB not 500MB (is that even a valid plan?) Have some commonsense what on earth will I do with half a GB, 'receive 2 emails' and I'm over my cap?!!! Let's not even mention my internet would not work until 10 minutes ago, and that's no thanks to Vodafone!
Lara: 'HI. I'm Lara, if you would like to talk to me using your keyboard please press #1, if you would like to talk to me like normal using a few words press #2'
Me: Fuck no! #1 it is...
(Please be patient while they transfer me to 5 different departments...)
Real name unknown: 'Hi, I'm Daniel...'
(Yea alright, that's just the name you've been given to disguise your indian name)
Real name unknown: 'Can you please read out your phone number and confirm your name and birthdate?'
(WTF for? I already typed it on my keyboard while getting through to you, and you have it on your screen in front of your face!)
...After delayed responses and asking me 'how my day is' not that I have time to respond, but still I'm polite and respond.
Me: '...I purchased a mobile broadband dongle over the phone from a Vodafone representative, I didn't get it until yesterday. It has informed me I only have 500MB of Data.. Why? I'm on a 6GB plan'
Name unknown: 'hmm, okay hold on I will check for you...'
(On hold for 5 minutes I kid you not.)
Name unknown: 'Your on the infinite plan, the $99 you only receive 3GB of data'
(Are you fucking shitting me right now?...)
Me: 'No, no, MOBILE BROADBAND not my phone plan a separate transaction under the same name!. I want to know why I only have 500MB of data and I should have 6GB, which would be around 6000MB not half a GB!!!'
Name unknown: 'One moment I will check that for you...'
(Ten minutes joke, I'm willing to show my call history)
Name unknown: 'Yes 500MB is half a GB, and 6000MB is 6GB, that is correct anything else I can help you with?'
(WHAT A JOKE! I did not wait 20 minutes for some clown to confirm the difference between GB and MB, Google could have answered that within a second...)
Have an amazing life 'Daniel', I hope the $3.20 per hour you receive will keep you intelligent.
Vodafone, enjoy your early retirement/grave, I hate Telstra for the same customer service reason, but god do they look like a diamond standing next to you.
21 Jul 2011 09:57:49 AM: You are a racist idiot!
27 Jul 2011 10:12:18 PM: Racist Idiot - bit harsh. I am sick too of having to repeat myself or asking them to repeat things several times because I can't understand what is being said. I have hearing difficulties and accents make it more diff. for me to understand. It would be the same if it were a strong American or whatever accent. I have seen the studies that say that telemarketers (etc) from other countries use western names to make u feel more comfortable (ha!) Now isn't that a bit racist thinking that we would be more comfortable if we didn't think he was a 'Sanjeev' or whatever. Today I got transferred from Vodafone to 3 and back. Everyone I talked to was Indian. I don't have a problem with the heritage - I want jobs for Australians. Of course I COULD have been talking to three Australians who migrated from India but I think that unlikely.
6 Aug 2011 09:22:22 PM: No, thats not racist at all. It's not unreasonable to ask for a good service for what your paying. So what, bringing up the word "indian" makes you racist? Your an idiot
10 Aug 2011 05:20:23 PM: I'm Indian, but I don't "sound" Indian, but I can tell you that sometimes the accent can really grate on my nerves...but I agree, it wouldn't make any difference what accent it was. The lines/connections to customer service are always crap, compound that with the fact that you are on hold and/or transfered numerous times only to repeat your story like an's generally not a happy place that you're at in the first place so it is easy to get frustrated with a rep of Vodaphone. And that's what they are - a representative. It is the upper eschalons of companies like Vodaphone that make the decision to have call centres out of Australia. I can't see the current situation changing from outsourcing call centres overseas back to Australia happening soon, and therefore these jobs will remain overseas. In the meantime can I suggest an alternative - go into a Vodaphone shop - they should be able to I went into one to change my plan just so that I didn't have to be on hold, transfered around etc.
My only issues with your post is the second last line of your post...."Have an amazing life 'Daniel', I hope the $3.20 per hour you receive will keep you intelligent." This just makes you sound like an ass and unintelligent. I know you've been frustrated beyond belief, but there's no need to be ugly about 'Daniel' and his life, hourly rate and intelligence. And by the way - my name is Charmaine...rather western don't you last name's rather western too. I was born with that name....and 'Daniel' could have been born with that name as well. There are LOTS of Indians with 'western'...or more correctly biblical names. Yes, there are some studies about telemarketing/call center tactics, but this strategy of changing names is not news.
If you can say that Telstra looks like a diamond next to Vodaphone, then you have yet to experience the bullshit I've had to deal with - and you should see the collective times of my call histories with them...err total all up to resolve 1 problem was 6+ hours!! All these companies the same Telstra, Optus, AAPT, Primus...and by the way, there WORST experiences I've had to date has been with Foxtel - yes I know it's not in the telco mobile content that's being discussed, but my point is about their customer care which is in Australia where you get to speak to a good olde Aussies who holds a call center job in OZs is absolutely SHIT. Go into a Vodaphone shop.
My only issues with your post is the second last line of your post...."Have an amazing life 'Daniel', I hope the $3.20 per hour you receive will keep you intelligent." This just makes you sound like an ass and unintelligent. I know you've been frustrated beyond belief, but there's no need to be ugly about 'Daniel' and his life, hourly rate and intelligence. And by the way - my name is Charmaine...rather western don't you last name's rather western too. I was born with that name....and 'Daniel' could have been born with that name as well. There are LOTS of Indians with 'western'...or more correctly biblical names. Yes, there are some studies about telemarketing/call center tactics, but this strategy of changing names is not news.
If you can say that Telstra looks like a diamond next to Vodaphone, then you have yet to experience the bullshit I've had to deal with - and you should see the collective times of my call histories with them...err total all up to resolve 1 problem was 6+ hours!! All these companies the same Telstra, Optus, AAPT, Primus...and by the way, there WORST experiences I've had to date has been with Foxtel - yes I know it's not in the telco mobile content that's being discussed, but my point is about their customer care which is in Australia where you get to speak to a good olde Aussies who holds a call center job in OZs is absolutely SHIT. Go into a Vodaphone shop.
18484 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 21 Jun 2011 04:29:52 PM
My wife's Vodafone phone contract has EXPIRED. We no longer want the 'ahem' service(?). Called their customer support (laugh) and was told that they couldn't terminate the contract because it was 'outside of business hours' Now apparently we have to wait '24 to 48 hours' for somebody else to call my wife at THEIR convenience, (not my wife's). No doubt they'll try to talk her out of cancelling just like they did with the OUT of CONTRACT mobile broadband we eventually got cancelled only after involving the TIA. Well, we also have TWO other Vodafone contracts and as soon as they're out of contract, they're going as well. That will be four contracts that will NOT be renewed with Vodafone.
18483 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is SO FKKEDDD at 21 Jun 2011 04:12:53 PM
went overseas, phone was on, but did not use internet AT ALL! no phone app notifications received, - tried to access hotel WIFI, unsuccessful, come back to data roaming bill of $1300 for 130MB, tried to ask what when how, was offered 50% off - not good enough! find out my cap was set up as business and not personal, wanted to lodge a complaint, transfered to customer care who tried to transfer my call back to business customer care, reception failed and cut the call.. ARGH!!!
25 Jun 2011 11:21:16 AM: That happens all the time...when going to make a complaint the call cuts off...wonder why....
18482 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is sms and msg bank at 21 Jun 2011 02:44:14 PM
I know this may sound un-beliveable but i consistantly get late sms and voicemail is often DAYS for the wireless works great on a school nite at 2am when others are asleep!
21 Jun 2011 04:06:39 PM: Don't worry it's not unbelievable. Plenty of people are having that issue so it might be best to file a complaint to see if they are planning on fixing it in your area any time soon. Moderation Team Moderation Team
18481 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is useless at 21 Jun 2011 02:42:06 PM
my internet keeps on dropping for couple of months now even i worked in the CBD. calling their customer support doesnt help as well because of loonnngg waiting time. How i wish i didnt transfer provider.
18480 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is No calls at 21 Jun 2011 02:32:33 PM
Calls to vodaphone mobile keeps going to voice mail even thou got 2 bars in the stirling area. Text are always delayedQ
18479 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is worse than Fukushima reactors at 21 Jun 2011 02:14:25 PM
Was on land-line to the help & support agent who called me (from India). He got me to reset, fiddle with settings, even swap SIM to another haandset, as had been down before. Anyway, as luck would have it, my head office called my Vodafail number from one of their HQ mobiles. It got distorted & dropped-out! BLISS!!! Now it is on RECORD that mobile A number called mobile B number from xyz other service provider. Sabih took all the details and is writing a FAULT REPORT for the Engineering Team who will contact me with 5 business days. Jeez - seems like Christmas ... I am NOT holding my breath [wink]
18478 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Bin LADEN's revenge!!! at 21 Jun 2011 01:06:55 PM
Macgregor QLD 4109. I can see the Vodafail towers at Garden City Shopping Centre, just across the Pacific Motorway, yet, I have such poor signal strength at home that my mobile is - dropping out - distorting - people cannot hear me. Yeah, just the usual stuff. Anyway, have just spent 20 minutes writing on their web site to report the current status so we can progress ourselves on this mission. Lo & Behold, pressing SUBMIT button to send the report to Support Tech has produced - "Error on Page". The message has not been received. Jeez - even their support page on Voda web site if VODAFAIL.
18477 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is very fail at 21 Jun 2011 12:51:59 PM
been with vodafone for 12months, moved to hobart and now can not get any service anywhere, no matter where it is my phone just continuosly says no service,
18474 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No service at 21 Jun 2011 12:44:57 PM
Told today when I went to shop to cancel service [called VF twice yesterday] that their network was being upgraded in my area and work would not finish for another two months. I was on a month to month plan but the sales rep I was connected to by phone in store insisted I HAD TO PAY FOR THE MODEM I OWNED OUTRIGHT. This was because I was a customer with VF but due to declining network availability and customers info being hacked got out of contract.
This morning could only get a 2g connection. Days before today either no connection or one page would load then nothing. Did a test and it said I had downloaded GB/s in 0/s that's right 0 seconds. Wonder how this compares to the speed of light! Yesterday there was a recorded message saying they were having difficulties with their accounting system. Not surprised. Imagine what your bill would be like.
Just posting in case others have had this experience and VF keep trying to troubleshoot YOUR problem. Quite frankly their network is stuffed in Mansfield Qld and has been since earlier this year [~Feb/March]. Thought I'd give them another shot in vain hope that after MONTHS their network would be fixed. Not so.
This morning could only get a 2g connection. Days before today either no connection or one page would load then nothing. Did a test and it said I had downloaded GB/s in 0/s that's right 0 seconds. Wonder how this compares to the speed of light! Yesterday there was a recorded message saying they were having difficulties with their accounting system. Not surprised. Imagine what your bill would be like.
Just posting in case others have had this experience and VF keep trying to troubleshoot YOUR problem. Quite frankly their network is stuffed in Mansfield Qld and has been since earlier this year [~Feb/March]. Thought I'd give them another shot in vain hope that after MONTHS their network would be fixed. Not so.
21 Jun 2011 04:08:14 PM: Thanks for letting everyone know, if Vodafone can't fix it then you should be able to get out of your contract and find another provider. Goodluck! Moderation Team Moderation Team
27 Jun 2011 11:09:31 AM: Got out of the month to month plan I had with them after 14 days. Other people in shop also unhappy about the phone reception.
18473 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is infinite Texts my Ass at 21 Jun 2011 12:28:04 PM
I changed my plan to the "All Time" Plan or whatever it is called. It gives me infinite texts, infinite calls to vodafone numbers, 250mb of data, free access to facebook, twitter and tumblr. But when I am at school (and I don't care that I shouldn't be using my phone at school) it comes up with a sending error on all of my messages. Then my boyfriend's texts don't come through to me, then he tells me that he recieved the same message 5 times. And I tried to resend the text 5 times. So it's a good thing I have infinite texts or I'd have no credit left. I also cannot access me 'free facebook' as my facebook app has never worked, and the internet will not load when I am at school. Not, not, not anything. I am seeing Vodafone tomorrow and will be ripping them a new hole because of the inconvenience they have caused me. I am contemplating changing to Telstra.
18472 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic at 21 Jun 2011 10:50:31 AM
Vodafone wireless reception and speed in narrabeen nsw is a joke do not buy and use there
18471 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is too fail to be true at 21 Jun 2011 04:13:47 AM
Internet on my phone is fucked. Especially when it gets past about 10pm my internet on my phone barely works (if at all). This is when I use it most and it's so frustrating. I've lost money from purchasing apps because I couldn't even refund within the 15 minute refund period on the android market and I can't do anything from work to uni. I called vodafone and the retards that I spoke to kept promising these 'updates' in the area that will be done in June. It's now July and the problem has only got worse. Fuck you Vodafone
18470 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is customer care at 20 Jun 2011 05:19:40 PM
18469 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is only works 50% of the time at 20 Jun 2011 04:10:10 PM
The other 50% keep getting ... The server at can't be found because the DNS lookup failed. Should not be allowed to sell this product wihout a warning of what the actual service is like.
18468 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 20 Jun 2011 03:23:58 PM
OMG bonus bank. They have an I.T problem but are convinced it's another problem that needs a whole freaking task team and will take 48 hours?! But the stupidity isn't even the main problem believe it or not. It's the rudeness!! I have never been spoken to that badly before. Vodafone give me my free phone so once and for all I can leave!! I have been with you for yrs, but who cares about loyalty to the long term customers eh????
18467 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is A Joke at 20 Jun 2011 02:45:09 PM
Vodafone have kept my money for over a month which was taken from my bank account twice by there automative recharge system a total of $98.I have sent them copys of my bank statement which clearly shows the mistake my phone was not credited with the recharge they have said they will reimburse me IM STILL WAITING
18466 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Just plain bad at 20 Jun 2011 01:55:26 PM
Need to get a warantee claim sorted, need a proof of purchase - phone was a replacement from insurance and I did not purchase it - need to take it into the store I bought it from - 15 years ago!!!! so much for loyalty for long term customers - telstra is calling...
4 Jul 2011 06:57:40 PM: you're a spacko, phones from 15 years ago don't even work on 3G network towers. idiot.
18465 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very fail at 20 Jun 2011 01:08:20 PM
delayed calls and sms and dropped out calls.
18464 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 20 Jun 2011 01:07:23 PM
Poor coverage, delayed sms and delayed voicemail.
18463 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Total fail at 20 Jun 2011 12:13:44 PM
Just moved to Wyndham Vale, VIC and their website shows it should have coverage in that area as they have just finished building the new network in Werribee. I don't have any network 95% of the times. When I do and try make a call gets dropped out in the middle of the call. Really annoying. I have complained to them and someone supposed to contact me but hasn't heard from them since.
20 Jun 2011 03:26:00 PM: They can't get through on their own bad network hahahah fail on both ends
31 Aug 2011 02:41:24 PM: I went to Wyndham Vale in August 2011 to check out my new home that is being constructed. Due to be completed in October 2011 and moving in straight away. I had no Vodafone signal at all on my HTC, neither did my husband on his iPhone (Vodafone network). I'm locked into a 24-month plan with 18-months left to go. What a waste!!! Boo Vodafone
21 Sep 2011 11:36:04 AM: I'm in the Wyndham Green Estate. I bearly get the new 850 signal (1-2bar)...It's funny I get 850 signal at the back of my house and when I'm at the front standing out next to the street my phone switches to the 2100Mhz signal just 1 bar on my phone. So yeah I get drop outs as well :(
18462 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is The worst at 20 Jun 2011 09:53:07 AM
Apparently my data usage went up 3 fold in less than 3 weeks, but I never use my phone to use the net, they offered me a 5% reduction on the account.... big fucking deal vodafone! Their service is the worst of any organisation in the world! Their service is DOWN again today! No account enquiries, and the message on their account enquiries line is try back in a few hours! Not good enough as far as I am concerned. EVERY SINGLE VODAFONE CUSTOMER SHOULD BOYCOTT VODAFONE AND NOT PAY THEIR ACCOUNTS, AND TAKE A CLASS ACTION AGAINST VODAFONE.
18461 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Can we say fraud? at 20 Jun 2011 09:40:47 AM
Finally got free of Vodafone today. I have posted previously on this site but I'd like to share the final chapter, which might be of interest to a lot of you. Since end of Nov 2010 my mobile broadband service [to Chippendale, NSW 2008] has been just awful. Wrote to the ombudsman and in February Vodafone got back to me that I was released from my 24 month contract and that they would waive my final bill. Didn't get around to finding a new ISP but finally called Vodafone at end of April seeking a cancellation. The lady offered to take $10 of my monthly spend and to send me the newest modem free of charge. I thought I'd give them one last try - alas, there was no improvement in performance. Switched to vividwireless, which works really well. Phoned vodafone today to cancel, and the rep told me that they were aware of a specific problem in my area, that would be resolved by start of August; offered that if I didn't cancel, they would waive my spend for the next three months. question is this:
In the seven months since I started having difficulties, why was I never informed of this specific problem before? On numerous occasions, the reps have expressly informed me that there are no coverage issues in or around my address.
And, of course, for the majority of those seven months, Vodafone have charged me the full rate of $39 per month.
I feel that Vodafone knowingly misled me and I encourage others to contact the ombudsman as soon as possible!
In the seven months since I started having difficulties, why was I never informed of this specific problem before? On numerous occasions, the reps have expressly informed me that there are no coverage issues in or around my address.
And, of course, for the majority of those seven months, Vodafone have charged me the full rate of $39 per month.
I feel that Vodafone knowingly misled me and I encourage others to contact the ombudsman as soon as possible!
27 Jun 2011 11:12:19 AM: I do too. They were still signing up customers in my area even though it has not had a decent reception since ~ February, shortly after they joined to '3'.
18454 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 20 Jun 2011 08:44:39 AM
I've received my iPhone 4 from Vodafone about a week ago and since then i was not able to activate my service (migrated from 3). I called numerous times and every time i was told that 'my issue has been escalated and would be processed by the next day'. Well, I've waited and 6 'next days' has passed with nothing done.All i get are fucking empty promises from vodafone. FUCK VODAFONE!!
18448 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Megafail at 19 Jun 2011 10:03:55 PM
Have to walk a block from the house to get reception. No service despite in initiating Global Roaming prior to an recent Overseas trip. 121 VoiceMail service not operating overseas. Charged $86 for Internet usage yet have no signal most of the time and do not use the service as it drops out or is dreadfully slow.
Cannot find anyone responsible to air my complaint except gentlemen and ladies based in India who have no idea what it means to be in Australia and are generally unsympathetic as the problems I am having bear little relationship to the life they are leading.
Cannot find anyone responsible to air my complaint except gentlemen and ladies based in India who have no idea what it means to be in Australia and are generally unsympathetic as the problems I am having bear little relationship to the life they are leading.
20 Jun 2011 08:38:30 AM: The TIO will listen and so will Vodafail when you contact the TIO.
Check out the How To Complain tab for further TIO details. Moderation Team
Check out the How To Complain tab for further TIO details. Moderation Team
18446 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is BAD at 19 Jun 2011 09:28:18 PM
18445 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is is da worst. Shouda left it tha way it waz. at 19 Jun 2011 08:20:37 PM
For about 2 weeks now my Vodafone Mobile Broadband internet will not work. It will connect and take data from me as normal but it wont load any web pages or anything... I called Vodafone 10 different times with no solution, they acted like it was only my problem and that they had no idea why their coverage is so bad. Rahahahajinu told me that my area only has outdoor coverage (I can only use it outdoors) I said that I had been using it for 5months inside a house in my area with very minor problems but nothing this bad... He was surprised that this happened but I still got no solution. He then said that he checked my area and stated that they are doing some work on towers, updating them etc. I went to the Yodafone website and did the update checker for my area and it was clearly stated that no update or work was going on in my area..... Was he just lieing to me so he could get me off the phone? I don't know what to do about this and am losing money......
20 Jun 2011 08:40:15 AM: Contact the TIO.
Check out the How To Complain tab for further TIO details. Moderation Team
Check out the How To Complain tab for further TIO details. Moderation Team
18444 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is frustrating! at 18 Jun 2011 10:34:00 PM
anyone even thinking of signing up to vodafail should have their head checked! i can't begin to express how F@#KING frustrated i am with their pathetic service/coverage/data/etc. as of the 28th of july they will no longer have me as a customer nor will i be paying anymore bills they issue to me.
18443 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Mega EPIC FAIL at 18 Jun 2011 06:54:35 PM
Got our internet bill for an 8 gig (sorry 6 gb + 2 gb extra, why don't they just say 8 gb since there's no 6 gb?!) contract with a wireless modem, we barely reached the 8 gig limit on the metre by the end of the month yet we're being charged for using almost 12 gb!! There's no way in hell that we used that much internet!
On top of them over-charging our internet this month, they also overcharged my mobile which is under a different name and on a seperate contract! And the internet is constantly saying it's connected by nothing will load (at 3 am, I doubt it has anything to do with server overload!)
On top of them over-charging our internet this month, they also overcharged my mobile which is under a different name and on a seperate contract! And the internet is constantly saying it's connected by nothing will load (at 3 am, I doubt it has anything to do with server overload!)
18 Jun 2011 09:23:07 PM: I got the same problem, internet connected but nothing loads! Yet still takes your data. This is unacceptable but they don't care and have no solution for me. Don't know what to do!!!
19 Jun 2011 02:58:13 PM: Both of you need to go to the TIO, sooner not later.
The TIO will *suspend* any over payments until a mutually agreed solution can be found.
Details of the TIO are in the How To Complain tab at the top of the page.
Good luck! Moderation Team
The TIO will *suspend* any over payments until a mutually agreed solution can be found.
Details of the TIO are in the How To Complain tab at the top of the page.
Good luck! Moderation Team
18442 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very. The life that vodafone is living is not right. The judge gave him that sentence and put him up for life. (Would you trust him and his network?) at 18 Jun 2011 04:46:20 PM
Vodafone's network is a joke. Their intenet is so slow and doesnt work 95% of the time. Yet they are still happy to eat your data with their greedy fat mouths, watching the balence of your last reacharge drool out of their fat freaking mouths. They take money out of your and my childrens mouths and use it too feed their Indian call centres in Chennai, Mumbai and Kolkata and laugh as Muhammed and his wife Naji sleep in their big pile of money and data you spent while leaving you on hold for hours until you give up or your ear rots out. Vodafone don't care about me or you, they care about their secret master plans that they are yet to reveal while proiding the worst service to you and your families. For SHAME! Won't somebody please think of the children, please!
18441 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Vodafail ?. at 18 Jun 2011 04:18:57 PM
Firstly my company is with vodafail and have constant drop outs in the city & country areas or no reception. I joined vodafone 15 months ago after i did some reaserch got a acceptable deal with mobile & internet through a retail outlet.At first it seemed ok but I spend a lot of time in other areas away from my own address, big mistake.Fifteen minutes south in Windaroo its Zero reception not just drop out.I have been advised via the retail outlet to phone and complain & they (maybe able to tweak it ) really dont they know its a dead area lots of other people do.I want out with 9 months to go
21 Jun 2011 01:01:15 PM: I live in Mansfield Qld and got out of contract with them via TIO as their network went bad from around the time they partnered with 3. Then their system was hacked. Wireless broadband with any provider has sucked in Mansfield from that time. Tried their month to month contract but cancelled it after two weeks today. Should have done it 14 days ago! Told this morning in shop that network "upgrades" ie no service at all, would be happening for next 2 months. Yet these bastards keep signing people up to their non-usable plans.
18440 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Only for losers. I swear I am going to destroy them and their puny feeble network. I get better coverage on my di... at 18 Jun 2011 04:16:21 PM
Why won't the Vodafone mobile network, work for me... why? why? why wont it work... It takes my data yet nothing loads. Vodafone is robbing me, whats next? They are the worst company in the history of the world. Every time I try to make the situation better they put me through to some loser i Bombay who I can't understand and is working 3 other jobs for 3 other providers at the same time. This is an outrage and I must do something about it now before it is too late for all of us... ... Expect me vodafone I'm comin'
18 Jun 2011 07:29:13 PM: Because Vodaphone believe that they can charge and charge and charge...because you are on a contract they believe that you HAVE TO pay even when the service is poor...what they don't know is in Australia NO SERVICE NO PAY even on contract....The drama they cause and loss of income by VOdaphone makes Vodaphone Liable...
18438 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is not too fail but still enough to do the job at 18 Jun 2011 12:45:34 PM
same problems as everyone else
18437 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is No reception - call cuts out at 18 Jun 2011 12:14:31 PM
Hi phone cuts out while in talk every day almost.
poor reception even at closer to citi.
poor reception even at closer to citi.
18436 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very at 18 Jun 2011 08:14:39 AM
Reception issues, I cannot get reliable internet it keeps crashing pages and I am 2k from the CBD here in Perth, one day I could access a webpage one in 5 attempts coverage and reception has got worse..when my contracts end I will go elsewhere..and please tell me why a company as large as Vodaf***ed does not have a 24/7 tech support line.
18435 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Extremely at 18 Jun 2011 04:49:04 AM
Vodafone Internet is so slow in Ireland, all the time! Once it turned off completely for 2 weeks, when contacting them each different member of staff would tell a different lie, do they think were stupid? They need to be boycotted, I hope they see this site!
18434 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 18 Jun 2011 12:26:47 AM
After fighting with Vodaphone for over 3 years and putting up with those dickhead monkeys in I found my phone cutoff and no one can do anything about it..cut off my phone while it is under dispute with the TIO....last I heard that was a fine....wonder how long it has been cut off...haven't tried to make a call for 3 days....yet I am on a plan where I get $600.00 worth of calls a month and 100 free texts...texts not used and certainly don't make $600.00 worth of current month has $565.00 credit to go in 14 days....and 100 free texts still to go...but they cut off my phone....
18433 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Frustratingly at 17 Jun 2011 10:55:36 PM
Here is my frustrating experience as a Vodafone customer; I use a few portable computing devices for work (2 laptops and a tablet, with Windows XP, Ubuntu and Android operating systems). These computers work fine (tested repeatedly on other networks).
Because it sounded as an interesting deal, I bought a 12 months contract with Vodafone last February for Mobile Broadband (pocket-wifi). Even at the beginning, the internet connection was not too good, but we were told that the Vodafone network was being upgraded and that this was the cause of the connection drop-outs.
Once I could not get internet access at all for 2 days. Then for a while the internet access was restricted to Skype (which points out to a DNS problem).
I have prepaid mobile phone with another mobile phone company. Calling Vodafone support for pocket-wifi is very expensive in these circumstances (it's free only if you have a Vodafone phone). My experience with the phone support was disappointing. When my internet access was restricted to Skype, I called the Vodafone helpline via Skype. I explained to the helpdesk person the situation. In particular the fact that I was calling via Skype. The suggestion of the Vodafone helpdesk was to reboot the computer! I pointed to this person that this would cut short our conversation. There was a long silence. Then I was re-asked the same id-check questions, and the connection dropped :-(
For the last month the connection drop outs have become so frequent (rarely does a connection stay on for more that a few minutes - I had to copy-paste this message), that the very unreliable connection has become almost useless. So, I have decided to stop the contract early on the grounds that the service quality has become extremely poor. On Thursday evening, I went to a Vodafone shop in Capalaba, Qld. There I told my sad story and asked to have the contract terminated.
The shop assistant claims that this cannot be done in a shop. I argued with him, that I was not willing to spend tens of dollars on prepaid mobile phone simply to have my contract terminated. He understood my frustration, and call some technical person from Vodafone. The outcome was that someone was going to call me on my mobile phone in the evening (they wanted me to be at home). They promised to call on Thursday evening 8pm or Friday evening 7pm. To maintain the tradition of customer disappointment nobody called me!
Here is my frustrating experience as a Vodafone customer; I use a few portable computing devices for work (2 laptops and a tablet, with Windows XP, Ubuntu and Android operating systems). These computers work fine (tested repeatedly on other networks).
Because it sounded as an interesting deal, I bought a 12 months contract with Vodafone last February for Mobile Broadband (pocket-wifi). Even at the beginning, the internet connection was not too good, but we were told that the Vodafone network was being upgraded and that this was the cause of the connection drop-outs.
Once I could not get internet access at all for 2 days. Then for a while the internet access was restricted to Skype (which points out to a DNS problem).
I have prepaid mobile phone with another mobile phone company. Calling Vodafone support for pocket-wifi is very expensive in these circumstances (it's free only if you have a Vodafone phone). My experience with the phone support was disappointing. When my internet access was restricted to Skype, I called the Vodafone helpline via Skype. I explained to the helpdesk person the situation. In particular the fact that I was calling via Skype. The suggestion of the Vodafone helpdesk was to reboot the computer! I pointed to this person that this would cut short our conversation. There was a long silence. Then I was re-asked the same id-check questions, and the connection dropped :-(
For the last month the connection drop outs have become so frequent (rarely does a connection stay on for more that a few minutes - I had to copy-paste this message), that the very unreliable connection has become almost useless. So, I have decided to stop the contract early on the grounds that the service quality has become extremely poor. On Thursday evening, I went to a Vodafone shop in Capalaba, Qld. There I told my sad story and asked to have the contract terminated.
The shop assistant claims that this cannot be done in a shop. I argued with him, that I was not willing to spend tens of dollars on prepaid mobile phone simply to have my contract terminated. He understood my frustration, and call some technical person from Vodafone. The outcome was that someone was going to call me on my mobile phone in the evening (they wanted me to be at home). They promised to call on Thursday evening 8pm or Friday evening 7pm. To maintain the tradition of customer disappointment nobody called me!
18 Jun 2011 12:05:19 PM: That sounds pretty bad but unfortunately it's not uncommon with Vodafone. You've clearly given Vodafone plenty of time and the opportunity to sort out their issues and have not followed through.
It's time for the TIO, check out the 'how to complain' page for more information. Once you lodge a complaint through the TIO, vodafone will contact you within 10 days to sort it out. Vodafone gets fined when you contact the TIO so they will get right on it.
Goodluck! Moderation Team
It's time for the TIO, check out the 'how to complain' page for more information. Once you lodge a complaint through the TIO, vodafone will contact you within 10 days to sort it out. Vodafone gets fined when you contact the TIO so they will get right on it.
Goodluck! Moderation Team
18432 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is I DROP OUT NOW at 17 Jun 2011 09:48:08 PM
lost all my v-mail msg today
had a drop out at the same spot as very day for the past 3 years i wonder why i still with this bunch of losers (i refer to losing me and all the rest of there ex-customers.......) maybe outsourcing customer service to the 3rd world isnt such a great business idea ......wonder if the ceo is with vodafone or 3 PLEASE DRIVE FROM ULTIMO TO DARLING HABOUR PAST THE IAN THORPE POOL FOR YOU DAILY DROP OUT MR CEO ......I AM NOT STUPID TO BELIEF YOUR UPGRADE ADS ANYMORE .......BYE BYE VODAFONE
had a drop out at the same spot as very day for the past 3 years i wonder why i still with this bunch of losers (i refer to losing me and all the rest of there ex-customers.......) maybe outsourcing customer service to the 3rd world isnt such a great business idea ......wonder if the ceo is with vodafone or 3 PLEASE DRIVE FROM ULTIMO TO DARLING HABOUR PAST THE IAN THORPE POOL FOR YOU DAILY DROP OUT MR CEO ......I AM NOT STUPID TO BELIEF YOUR UPGRADE ADS ANYMORE .......BYE BYE VODAFONE
18431 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is incredibly at 17 Jun 2011 08:50:57 PM
When I run out of Prepaid Vodafone credit, I receive a message telling me I have insufficient funds. Around 40-50 times. 40-50 separate sms messages come rolling in, with around a 5 second break inbetween, clogging up my inbox and constantly buzzing my phone for a long period of time.
Vodafone, I am not a goldfish, one message is fine.
Vodafone, I am not a goldfish, one message is fine.
20 Jun 2011 12:20:40 PM: they keep sedning that until you delete the message form your outbox that you were trying to send
18430 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Biggest fail provider at 17 Jun 2011 08:29:50 PM
Where do i start;
Firstly, i dont get coverage in my office, 3 km from the city. I constantly get drop outs and no service to and from the city, within the 3 km radius.
Secondly, i tried to pay my bill using credit card over the phone, "We're sorry, we're experiencing technical difficulties, please hang up and try again later...." So i thought i'd try it online, same thing.... so i vented my anger on twitter. And where do you think vodafail tried to resolve my complaint? On Twitter! What the hell?
I've constantly tried to get answers to my coverage issues, but i just get automatic responses saying they're improving coverage in my area, still hasnt happened yet, at home anyway and there's no mention of near my office.
I sit on the train and see others near by with iPhone 4's, different carriers who have better service than me, or that just have service when i dont.
How do i get out of my contract?!?!
Firstly, i dont get coverage in my office, 3 km from the city. I constantly get drop outs and no service to and from the city, within the 3 km radius.
Secondly, i tried to pay my bill using credit card over the phone, "We're sorry, we're experiencing technical difficulties, please hang up and try again later...." So i thought i'd try it online, same thing.... so i vented my anger on twitter. And where do you think vodafail tried to resolve my complaint? On Twitter! What the hell?
I've constantly tried to get answers to my coverage issues, but i just get automatic responses saying they're improving coverage in my area, still hasnt happened yet, at home anyway and there's no mention of near my office.
I sit on the train and see others near by with iPhone 4's, different carriers who have better service than me, or that just have service when i dont.
How do i get out of my contract?!?!
18 Jun 2011 10:46:42 AM: I've collected all of my evidence (emails etc) and told vodafail to release me from my contract.... see how we go
20 Jun 2011 11:56:18 AM: And we have a winner!!!!
"I have reviewed our coverage maps and currently the signal in the area is listed as “outdoor” coverage and the signal may not be sufficient to fully use the service indoors. While the network may be upgraded in the future, there are no specific plans at this time.
On this basis I am able to offer:
1. Reduction of your Early Termination Fee to $X for you to keep your handset.
2. Removal of your remaining commitment term upon return of your handset.
Please advise if you wish to accept either of these offers."
"I have reviewed our coverage maps and currently the signal in the area is listed as “outdoor” coverage and the signal may not be sufficient to fully use the service indoors. While the network may be upgraded in the future, there are no specific plans at this time.
On this basis I am able to offer:
1. Reduction of your Early Termination Fee to $X for you to keep your handset.
2. Removal of your remaining commitment term upon return of your handset.
Please advise if you wish to accept either of these offers."
21 Jun 2011 12:19:23 AM: Awesome! Congratulations on getting out of your contract. Hope you can find some much better service elsewhere! Moderation Team Moderation Team
24 Jun 2011 09:52:25 AM: Thanks! Moving to Telstra, by far the best coverage, and it will be nice to take a phone call in my office without it cutting out for a change!
18429 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very fail at 17 Jun 2011 08:29:30 PM
Voicemail was reset by munbai call center staff which i didnt ask for and lost 10-15 vmail for my business today (new leads).......this added to the drop out's (innerSydney!!) and late sms-email to my list of complaint.
I will go to optus to get my 5 lines switched over NO MORE Vodaphone
I will go to optus to get my 5 lines switched over NO MORE Vodaphone
18428 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally amazing FAIL at 17 Jun 2011 06:46:21 PM
Wow. I am in shock. I have spent the last 2 days chasing up vodafone. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Life sometimes throws you curve-balls I know, but this one has both blown my mind, and destroyed me emotionally and physically.
It all started 2 weeks ago when i was on a vodafone plan with my former employer. I as required submitted documents requesting access to make my number available to me once i retired my work handset, and simply switch it over to a pre-paid vodafone account.
Last 2 days of my life my friends. I took the days off work. Approximately 5 hours waiting around in a vodafone retail outlet. Approximately 6 hours on call (probably 5 hours of that on hold. I know their entire playlist of music. I also realised that the traveling wilburys were actually pretty good, after hearing 'Handle With Care' about 7 times today.) Add 2 hours of travel time.
I am still calling and trying to get my problem resolved, but it is past 6pm, and all my calls are going to India. 2 of them have hung up on me tonight. Not even God can help me now.
I can not express to you enough how harrowing this experience has been. The vodafone staff in my experience are good at their jobs. It's the company infrastructure that sucks, and clearly does not act to support the customer in a professional and respectable manner.
Thanks to the boys at Vodafail Broadway. Garfield and 'the skinny one'. I feel for you, but you did a the best you could. And a special shout out to Hannah from the pre-paid team. She tried, but as expected, the system failed her. Vodafailed her. Peace out.
It all started 2 weeks ago when i was on a vodafone plan with my former employer. I as required submitted documents requesting access to make my number available to me once i retired my work handset, and simply switch it over to a pre-paid vodafone account.
Last 2 days of my life my friends. I took the days off work. Approximately 5 hours waiting around in a vodafone retail outlet. Approximately 6 hours on call (probably 5 hours of that on hold. I know their entire playlist of music. I also realised that the traveling wilburys were actually pretty good, after hearing 'Handle With Care' about 7 times today.) Add 2 hours of travel time.
I am still calling and trying to get my problem resolved, but it is past 6pm, and all my calls are going to India. 2 of them have hung up on me tonight. Not even God can help me now.
I can not express to you enough how harrowing this experience has been. The vodafone staff in my experience are good at their jobs. It's the company infrastructure that sucks, and clearly does not act to support the customer in a professional and respectable manner.
Thanks to the boys at Vodafail Broadway. Garfield and 'the skinny one'. I feel for you, but you did a the best you could. And a special shout out to Hannah from the pre-paid team. She tried, but as expected, the system failed her. Vodafailed her. Peace out.
18427 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is The Worst Networ Ever at 17 Jun 2011 06:16:26 PM
I have been using the Vodafail Mobile Broadband for some time. All of a sudden the Broadband does not work. When connecting the internet says that the download speed is fine but it will not load any webpages etc. I have called Vodafail and troubleshooting many times but they are pathetic. Still it takes my money and data but I just can't use it. Vodafail resorts to this form of robbery whats next? Pathetic loser company. I'm sick of talking to people I cant understand. Get yourself together.
18426 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is extreme at 17 Jun 2011 02:38:09 PM
Port number from 3 to vodafail, it took 4 days still have not done!!
Now, my 3 SIM is de-registered from 3 network, but new vodafail SIM can not register to its network.
I am disconnected from the world!
Now, my 3 SIM is de-registered from 3 network, but new vodafail SIM can not register to its network.
I am disconnected from the world!
18425 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is SOOO BLOODY DODGY!!! at 17 Jun 2011 08:59:30 AM
I just changed carriers from Optus to Vodafone. WHAT A STUPID MISTAKE!!!
I called vodafone to activate my new sim card yesterday around 6pm and they said that there system was down and I would have to call back in an hour. An hour later called back, department was closed. Called in this morning at 8:15am, Same bloody excuse system is down, call back in an hour. Now I am left without being able to make any calls!!!! I asked the lady I spoke to this morning "Kivilta" to call me when the system was back up and she became aggresive and said "NO" as she doesnt know when the system will be back up. DOES THIS MEAN WHEN I CALL IN AN HOURS TIME AND SIT ON HOLD FOR ANOTHER 20-30 MINS I AM GONNA BE TOLD TO CALL BACK IN ANOTHER HOUR. WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!!
I called vodafone to activate my new sim card yesterday around 6pm and they said that there system was down and I would have to call back in an hour. An hour later called back, department was closed. Called in this morning at 8:15am, Same bloody excuse system is down, call back in an hour. Now I am left without being able to make any calls!!!! I asked the lady I spoke to this morning "Kivilta" to call me when the system was back up and she became aggresive and said "NO" as she doesnt know when the system will be back up. DOES THIS MEAN WHEN I CALL IN AN HOURS TIME AND SIT ON HOLD FOR ANOTHER 20-30 MINS I AM GONNA BE TOLD TO CALL BACK IN ANOTHER HOUR. WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!!
17 Jun 2011 11:07:59 AM: Welcome to Vodafail. Moderation Team Moderation Team
18422 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is AUST POST is quicker than Vodafone at 17 Jun 2011 12:03:55 AM
was sent a small picture from a fellow Vodafraud user, it took 4 Days to get and the sender only lives less than 10km in the Perth metro, "not happy jan"
18418 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ludicrous fail at 16 Jun 2011 07:26:16 PM
i moved from 3 after the merge, assuming that the towers would also merge giving us wonderful coverage (i never had 3 problems - live on northern beaches in sydney, work in sydney CBD).
alas, calls constantly drop out, often x for reception. its just rubbish. i am a solicitor, might start kicking up a fuss.
also, does anyone else have problems switching their voicemail off??? i dail the number, it says it's turned off. half an hour later i'll have a bloody voicemail.
alas, calls constantly drop out, often x for reception. its just rubbish. i am a solicitor, might start kicking up a fuss.
also, does anyone else have problems switching their voicemail off??? i dail the number, it says it's turned off. half an hour later i'll have a bloody voicemail.
18417 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is wrong billing at 16 Jun 2011 11:38:19 AM
Vodafone is builling me for txt message that was not made from my mobile, and are trying to make me pay for these messages.. i dont know who the number belongs to nor do i ever txt these no's. they are a rip off and the txt are $4.00 each..they are no help and their customer service is awful!!!
16 Jun 2011 09:35:25 PM: They are called premium SMS and you can put a permanant Bar on these services by calling 1555. They should provide you with a 1300 etc to call the copmpany who are doing these charges
18416 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Emergency letdown at 16 Jun 2011 11:37:34 AM
Ive been with Vodafone for a very long time - and the latest incident ive had has nailed the coffin im afraid.
Shortened version by far!
Despite visiting the same areas before many times- and with older phones - my partner, 3 yr old and i visited family near the Snowy Mountains recently. Given my mum had just moved we were given directions but became turned around on a wrong road. It was almost 1am in the morning, freezing, sleeting and we had ZERO reception, not even emergency reception. I couldnt get my laptop to connect using my mobile broadband. We had to drive somewhere we could find a few bars and even then the phone disconnected ever word or two.
The next day we had other family check their reception - perfect. We made sure we use different roaming settings but they still didnt work.
Im totally sick to death of never being able to use my phone ever, even in major towns and cities - it gets used for a few sms, the occasional call (that continues to drop out)and used as an alarm occasionally. A landline can do all this but isnt mobile.
So - as soon as possible im ditching Vodafone - they suck, ive never had a response about previous problems, and i was sucked into a new contract (after not being on one for years) just to upgrade to a phone that also freezes, turns itself off, has bad reception and generally isnt the best.
Vodofone - you really owe your customers - you provide terrible service.
What if we had had a terrible car accident or some other emergency? Cant use your service anymore, too unreliable. Imagine if your bad service impacted so badly on a family that they died. Could you live with that? Im sure someone there actually would.
Shortened version by far!
Despite visiting the same areas before many times- and with older phones - my partner, 3 yr old and i visited family near the Snowy Mountains recently. Given my mum had just moved we were given directions but became turned around on a wrong road. It was almost 1am in the morning, freezing, sleeting and we had ZERO reception, not even emergency reception. I couldnt get my laptop to connect using my mobile broadband. We had to drive somewhere we could find a few bars and even then the phone disconnected ever word or two.
The next day we had other family check their reception - perfect. We made sure we use different roaming settings but they still didnt work.
Im totally sick to death of never being able to use my phone ever, even in major towns and cities - it gets used for a few sms, the occasional call (that continues to drop out)and used as an alarm occasionally. A landline can do all this but isnt mobile.
So - as soon as possible im ditching Vodafone - they suck, ive never had a response about previous problems, and i was sucked into a new contract (after not being on one for years) just to upgrade to a phone that also freezes, turns itself off, has bad reception and generally isnt the best.
Vodofone - you really owe your customers - you provide terrible service.
What if we had had a terrible car accident or some other emergency? Cant use your service anymore, too unreliable. Imagine if your bad service impacted so badly on a family that they died. Could you live with that? Im sure someone there actually would.
16 Jun 2011 11:40:22 AM: Oh - and im ditching the mobile broadband with them too - it never works.
16 Jun 2011 11:50:05 AM: Another thing - the sms messages i do get to send - arrive at their destinations days later....
16 Jun 2011 12:18:20 PM: Wow.....I feel your pain!
You, my friend, need to take this matter to the TIO as soon as possible, simply not good enough from Vodafail.
Check out the How To Complain tab at the top of the page for the TIO details.
Vodafail will have 10 working days to respond to your raised issues. Moderation Team
You, my friend, need to take this matter to the TIO as soon as possible, simply not good enough from Vodafail.
Check out the How To Complain tab at the top of the page for the TIO details.
Vodafail will have 10 working days to respond to your raised issues. Moderation Team
18415 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Very Very badly at 16 Jun 2011 06:16:19 AM
My old usb dongle had internet connection software (version 9.1) that constantly disconnected. Each time, I had to reboot my machine to get another connection. Stopping the service and restarting it did not help, so I though I'd upgrade to the latest version (10). Not only did this one disconnect as well but it completely stops my normal internet from working. Why am I paying them money on contract if they can't test software and ensure that it works. Sucks! Suck! Suck!
18414 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is beyond epic at 15 Jun 2011 10:50:43 PM
well i own a nokia so its not the best of phone at times, and paired with vodafone, it has become a better solution to torture than being electrocuted. Most of the time when people call me it goes right to my message bank without my phone even ringing. on the odd occasion that my phone does ring i have to run into my bathroom to maintain 2 bars of reception, everywhere else in my house which i might ad is in a suburb 5 minutes from the Brisbane CBD has no reception...1 bar if im lucky. Sending texts involves waving my phone around the air trying to lock on to to the stray piece of reception that vodagay is offering us at $50 a month. I mean what's the point of offering infinite caps if i cant even make $10 worth in calls or txts. Gladly i have resolved these issues that have countlessly driven me to such acts as, throwing my phone at a wall or punching it with my bare fists, and that is to use the good old home phone or the internet. But by far the greatest resolution to my anger and infact to life itself was the best news I have ever received in my existence on this earth was the letter from vodafone informing me that my cap runs out in 2 months. there is a god
15 Jun 2011 11:19:46 PM:
Word of caution.
The contract may end but Vodafail keep it running until you contact Vodafail and advise them you wish to terminate on the expiry/anniversary date.
You will have every offer known to man thrown at you feet in an attempt to keep you as a customer - refuse - politely.
Make sure when you do terminate to get the CSR id, incident number, date and time and most importantly that all direct debits have been cancelled. Ask for confirmation of termination by email (they will probably refuse that one) ask for a text confirming conversation.
Ensure you have a date to port your number to your new supplier.
Check your bank account over the next few months to ensure no debits have been made by Vodafail. Moderation Team
Word of caution.
The contract may end but Vodafail keep it running until you contact Vodafail and advise them you wish to terminate on the expiry/anniversary date.
You will have every offer known to man thrown at you feet in an attempt to keep you as a customer - refuse - politely.
Make sure when you do terminate to get the CSR id, incident number, date and time and most importantly that all direct debits have been cancelled. Ask for confirmation of termination by email (they will probably refuse that one) ask for a text confirming conversation.
Ensure you have a date to port your number to your new supplier.
Check your bank account over the next few months to ensure no debits have been made by Vodafail. Moderation Team
18413 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is hopeless at 15 Jun 2011 09:38:55 PM
Vodafail sends an sms when your prepaid service needs recharging. Great. But why do they always send it in the middle of the night?? Considering we have Australian numbers, it is reasonable to assume we are asleep during the night hours.
Six months ago, I compained after three of my family each received reminder sms between 2am and 4am. Vodafail apologised profusely and said they had changed their ways. My father was woken by a reminder sms at 2.45am yesterday.
I emailed a complaint today on his behalf. Received a call tonight. The caller said I needed to speak to someone else and transferred me without passing any info to that person. Explained the issue. 'You need to speak to my manager'. After being on hold for 5 mins, I hung up. Received a call later to say someone would call me back within 48 hours.
I'm amazed this crowd actually manage to switch phone calls.
Six months ago, I compained after three of my family each received reminder sms between 2am and 4am. Vodafail apologised profusely and said they had changed their ways. My father was woken by a reminder sms at 2.45am yesterday.
I emailed a complaint today on his behalf. Received a call tonight. The caller said I needed to speak to someone else and transferred me without passing any info to that person. Explained the issue. 'You need to speak to my manager'. After being on hold for 5 mins, I hung up. Received a call later to say someone would call me back within 48 hours.
I'm amazed this crowd actually manage to switch phone calls.
18412 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Reception Issue at 15 Jun 2011 06:11:50 PM
Instead of receiving the call, it is directed to voice-mail some of the time. I can be sitting at my desk when this happens, check the phone to find it has good coverage. Ring it on the land line and it is fine but my clients are being put onto voice-mail. As you all know, if a business phone is not answered, you go on the next on the list.
18411 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is West Tweed Heads 2485 at 15 Jun 2011 04:28:08 PM
I currently have mobile broadbeand and my Iphone signed up with Vodafone, service is absolutely woeful. i only wish i had done more investigation rahter than choosing the cheapest. My iphone most of the time cant even load a webpage around Shearwater Parade Tweed Heads, if i move further up the Coast to Palm Beach it does improve, unfortunately im locked in a contract for another 18 months. My Mobile Broadband is that bad, that im looking for alternatives as its unworkable.
Anyone have any suggestions, i currently dont have a land line so bundling is probably not a option,cheers.
Anyone have any suggestions, i currently dont have a land line so bundling is probably not a option,cheers.
15 Jun 2011 10:28:57 PM: Don't feel to bad about the Cowboys at Vodacorpse ripping you off with bad service. They sucked in everyone. Most of the Gold Coast has little to no coverage. Those Cowboys reckon that they will improve there network as stated on Vodacorpse website update blog, otherwise if you haven't got the patience you can complain to the TIO. Otherwise maybe speak to one of the other Telco's to see if they can help you out with some sort of prepay to fit your budget, until these Cowboys unburied there rotten corpse, and drag there smelly Vodacorpse out of there ivory coffins and surprise us all by providing a workable useable network.
I have made a separate secure note of the web address and shall be in contact with the owner for further advice. Moderation Team