Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
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18410 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is HUGE... EPIC at 15 Jun 2011 04:18:41 PM
December last year I posted on this site and contacted the TIO over Vodafails lack of reliability and refusal to cancel my contract.
Once the TIO became involved I was contacted by Vodafail in Jan and they agreed to terminate my contract. GREAT I thought.... well the next month I recieved a bill, I called Vodafail and was told sorry well cancel the contract and refund the amount. Again the next month, and the next I didnt bother calling as it had been agreed on two occasions to end the contract.
On the 4th bill after my account cancellation I call again to while I am told;
1. You did not cancel the account but cancelled the contract
2. I am still using the phone
3. I have to pay the 4 outstanding invoices
well after explaining the following
1. Why the F**K would I cancel the contract but leave the account running when I stated in my TIO complaint I wanted the account canceled, all ammounts paid refunded due to Vodafones failure to provide a service and no further amounts owed.
2. I smashed the phone + simm card at the start of 2010 and so it is physically impossible for me to make an outgoing call/sms/data service. I am not responsible for anyone who calls the number (which is redirected) for this phone as it was my business phone and so EVERYONE had this number.
3. They can go to hell if he thinks I am paying a single bloody dollar when I have repeatedly told them to bugger off.
The result
1. Vodafail will cancel the account once I have paid the outstanding invoices
2. The operator did not understand that forwarding incoming calls to my new phone was like a magazine subscription. The individual is not responsible for paying for magazines once they have declared their wish to cancel the subscription. Every magazine after that is a mistake of the company which it cannot charge for. While the support person was capable of cancelling the excess invoices out of the goodness of his heart he would only cancel two of them and I pay the other two (then the account will be cancelled).
3. I reiterated my comment about hell with additional flowery language.
Back to the TIO, for FARKS sake........
Once the TIO became involved I was contacted by Vodafail in Jan and they agreed to terminate my contract. GREAT I thought.... well the next month I recieved a bill, I called Vodafail and was told sorry well cancel the contract and refund the amount. Again the next month, and the next I didnt bother calling as it had been agreed on two occasions to end the contract.
On the 4th bill after my account cancellation I call again to while I am told;
1. You did not cancel the account but cancelled the contract
2. I am still using the phone
3. I have to pay the 4 outstanding invoices
well after explaining the following
1. Why the F**K would I cancel the contract but leave the account running when I stated in my TIO complaint I wanted the account canceled, all ammounts paid refunded due to Vodafones failure to provide a service and no further amounts owed.
2. I smashed the phone + simm card at the start of 2010 and so it is physically impossible for me to make an outgoing call/sms/data service. I am not responsible for anyone who calls the number (which is redirected) for this phone as it was my business phone and so EVERYONE had this number.
3. They can go to hell if he thinks I am paying a single bloody dollar when I have repeatedly told them to bugger off.
The result
1. Vodafail will cancel the account once I have paid the outstanding invoices
2. The operator did not understand that forwarding incoming calls to my new phone was like a magazine subscription. The individual is not responsible for paying for magazines once they have declared their wish to cancel the subscription. Every magazine after that is a mistake of the company which it cannot charge for. While the support person was capable of cancelling the excess invoices out of the goodness of his heart he would only cancel two of them and I pay the other two (then the account will be cancelled).
3. I reiterated my comment about hell with additional flowery language.
Back to the TIO, for FARKS sake........
18408 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is extremely at 15 Jun 2011 03:14:55 PM
cuts out all the time, constantly uploading 1-4kb persecond am lucky to get 400 bits per second download, when its not cutting out. modem stopps working every hour or so and needs to be disconnected and reconnected. even with dialup i could load google in less than a minute!!!
18406 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Bad service at 14 Jun 2011 07:58:35 PM
I have been trying to get someone at Vodafone to help me for six months (!) I have persisted hoping there would be a serious attempt at remedying my situation. I am paying way too much for the calls I get.
Now I am going to the Telecommunications Ombudsman.
The worst part about this is that I was once a rusted on Vodafone customer. I actually wanted them to help me,but all I got was their ridiculous email system for three months, no personalised help, then nothing.
Bad, bad, bad service. Gerard Mc, Canberra
Now I am going to the Telecommunications Ombudsman.
The worst part about this is that I was once a rusted on Vodafone customer. I actually wanted them to help me,but all I got was their ridiculous email system for three months, no personalised help, then nothing.
Bad, bad, bad service. Gerard Mc, Canberra
18405 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is The worst company in the world at 14 Jun 2011 07:02:36 PM
I've had no signal for the past hour. When I eventually make it to a phone booth to call the "help" line, I'm betting they'll say I've been cut off for not paying my $700 bill. WHY? Because it is absolutely APPALLING that I should rack up a bill like that in the first place, simply from calling other mobiles in Australia. I have never encountered such irresponsible price trapping or poor customer service in my life and fully intend to take my business elsewhere. Goodbye, Vodafail.
18404 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is 3 Customer at 14 Jun 2011 06:00:26 PM
I was a 3 customer,
Last year when I resigned I didn't know that Vodafone had taken over the service.
Maybe I didn't read it in the fine-print.
Certainly no one explained it to me in the shop where I signed up.
I never liked Vodafone and I never wanted to be a customer of theirs after troubles I had with them while traveling in the UK.
Am I now stuck with useless service, incoming calls constantly diverted to VM, no reception, poor SMS delivery and dropped calls or is there a way I can cancel my contract without incurring large exit fees.
Last year when I resigned I didn't know that Vodafone had taken over the service.
Maybe I didn't read it in the fine-print.
Certainly no one explained it to me in the shop where I signed up.
I never liked Vodafone and I never wanted to be a customer of theirs after troubles I had with them while traveling in the UK.
Am I now stuck with useless service, incoming calls constantly diverted to VM, no reception, poor SMS delivery and dropped calls or is there a way I can cancel my contract without incurring large exit fees.
18403 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is pathetic at 14 Jun 2011 05:31:00 PM
Signed up to a Galaxy Tab 10.1v $39 a month plan. Am being charged $49.50 a month. Hung up on by two "Customer Support" (lol, buck passers) people. Told I had to go into the store I purchased at and sort this problem out. Apparently Vodaphone cutomer support are redundant as people just have to go into store now to sort out all their problems.
18402 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Failarific at 14 Jun 2011 05:12:02 PM
Vodafone sent me a lovely wake up text message telling me that I owed them near to $500 on my monthly contract which usually only costs me $49. I have never been wide awake so quickly. I got onto customer billing support and they told me that as the bill had not been generated yet, they were unable to help me and I should call back in 4 business days time.
Now I have an anxious wait ahead of me to clear this mess up. The only thing I can think of which might explain this is that I recently upgraded my $49 plan from the 'old' plan with 50mb data to the 'new' plan with 1.5Gb. I was told that this would not affect the terms of my contract or cost me any more than the $49 a month I was usually paying.
Now I have an anxious wait ahead of me to clear this mess up. The only thing I can think of which might explain this is that I recently upgraded my $49 plan from the 'old' plan with 50mb data to the 'new' plan with 1.5Gb. I was told that this would not affect the terms of my contract or cost me any more than the $49 a month I was usually paying.
18401 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 14 Jun 2011 01:38:06 PM
Delayed SMS and vociemail for 3 days. Have missed numerous jobs and shifts because of missed messages. Extremely *#@!-off!
18400 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAIL at 14 Jun 2011 12:50:20 PM
I was contaced by a Vodafone rep in early May, who wanted to "upgrade" my business cap from $130 a month to $150 a mont. he said he would give me two free Sim Cards weith unlimited talk and text time and pay no more than $150 a month. He also offered me $800 voucher on hardware in any vodafone store. I agreed to what i thought was great value, as my parents are pensioners and it would be a great way to keep all our bills down. NI have now been slugged with an extra $122.72 on two bills for use of the two extra Sim cards, which by the way are still unactivated and not being used. I have contacted vodafone, got call centres in India who said they would call me back. I am stil lwaiting to hear from them.
24 Jun 2011 10:29:13 AM: you should have got 3 x 45 infinity plans instead, my daughter used to rack up $200 on pre-pay each month, now since 3 months on a 45 plan I have never paid more then $45,,,some things are good at vodafone.I dont mind a few drop outs if Im gonna save 3 times as much from another carrier. Be realistic,
18397 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is veeeeeeerrrrrrrry at 14 Jun 2011 03:52:41 AM
im on the new plan infinte i think its spelt that way any way i am paying 70 a month and this is my second bill and i was charged 1020.46 for apprently calling overseas NOW i call noone overseas let alone know anyone so when i was talking to the guy i told him im not paying it because thats stupid i dont know anyone overseas so why would i call them and you know what he did !! HUNG UP ON ME :| no impressed and not paying for this bill at all
14 Jun 2011 09:23:26 AM: Go to the TIO immediately, otherwise they will send you a few more "pay now" letters and finally a debt collector will try to take the car from your drive way. Complain to the TIO, let them know you're being charged for calls you didn't make, and that this "bill shock" is unacceptable. Tell them you'll pay $70 and not a cent more.
14 Jun 2011 11:07:05 AM: 14 Jun 2011 09:23:26 AM: is quite correct in what he/she says.
Go to the TIO today, contact details in the How To Complain tab.
The amount in question is 'suspended' until a full investigation is made by Vodafail and an mutually agreed solution is negotiated between you and Vodafail.
Vodafail will have 10 business days to respond.
I feel your pain. Moderation Team
Go to the TIO today, contact details in the How To Complain tab.
The amount in question is 'suspended' until a full investigation is made by Vodafail and an mutually agreed solution is negotiated between you and Vodafail.
Vodafail will have 10 business days to respond.
I feel your pain. Moderation Team
18396 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Total Debacle at 14 Jun 2011 01:43:27 AM
My mobile broadband used to work fine until two or three months ago when Vodafony started to make claims for doing upgrades on their network. Their Megamodem is completely useless, and the connection speed is now slower than a dial-up 15 years ago. Stay away from this money-sucker if you can!
27 Jun 2011 11:58:22 PM: I have the same problem. Vodafail stated they upgraded my local area network (Cloverdale) and got a new modem, download spends have been cr@p ever since.
Most websites cant access.
Most websites cant access.
18395 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is FU*KED UP at 13 Jun 2011 10:40:40 PM
I can send pxt just cant receive them. nothing new wid vodafail what pisses me off is they cant fix the problem but can ring and annoy and harrass the crap outta me and others to commit to a new contract cos apparently they have better deals and plans.How bout they get off their lazy fat arses and fix the problems!!!!!!!!!
18394 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is getting poor at 13 Jun 2011 03:16:02 PM
i have been using for mobile phone service for about 6 years now and has been doing good job until recently (since early this year)i found the network coverage is getting poor. now it is hardly i can make a stable phone call inside my house as it will goes off anytime and I have to go outside the house to make phone call. This was NEVER happen before.
I was wondering the reason behind and only recently i found out that is no longer solely exist but has combined with Vodafone. I am not sure if this is the factor behind it but certainly i have had enough to this.
Cetainly i don't want to talk outside the house especially during winter night.
After couple of months of waiting after complaint to the customer service hopefully this issue can be rectified but unfortunately I can see no improvement.
So i have decided to switch to other mobile operater and i don't mind to pay extra for better network coverage.
I was wondering the reason behind and only recently i found out that is no longer solely exist but has combined with Vodafone. I am not sure if this is the factor behind it but certainly i have had enough to this.
Cetainly i don't want to talk outside the house especially during winter night.
After couple of months of waiting after complaint to the customer service hopefully this issue can be rectified but unfortunately I can see no improvement.
So i have decided to switch to other mobile operater and i don't mind to pay extra for better network coverage.
18392 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Slack as....Vodafone at 13 Jun 2011 12:00:43 AM
Currently working in Mandurah, WA.
Am 3 Mobile customer but have to use Vodafone network (roaming) where I am accommodated. Data speed is *ridiculously* slow, even though the signal strength is 2-3 bars from 4.
Where I live in SYD, I have a weaker signal (3 network) but better data speeds.
I hope Vodafail doesn't rub off too much onto 3.
Am 3 Mobile customer but have to use Vodafone network (roaming) where I am accommodated. Data speed is *ridiculously* slow, even though the signal strength is 2-3 bars from 4.
Where I live in SYD, I have a weaker signal (3 network) but better data speeds.
I hope Vodafail doesn't rub off too much onto 3.
18391 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is works in stops and starts at 12 Jun 2011 10:34:24 PM
broadband internet service works in stops and starts really not what I thought I was going to get
12 Jun 2011 11:38:57 PM: I just signed up a postpaid contract with them... Looks like i fall into the price trap...
18390 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 12 Jun 2011 06:06:33 PM
i want to cancel my contract. After unfair service i ported my number to another carrier but they continue to tell me they will not cancel my contract. t
They say that dropouts and disconnections and no data service is not grounds for cancellation.
They say that dropouts and disconnections and no data service is not grounds for cancellation.
12 Jun 2011 06:46:54 PM: Beggars belief!
So what does constitute grounds for cancellation?
Off to the TIO, I think you (and Vodafail) will find there are adequate grounds for cancellation once the TIO is involved.
Check out the How To Complain tab for further details. Moderation Team
So what does constitute grounds for cancellation?
Off to the TIO, I think you (and Vodafail) will find there are adequate grounds for cancellation once the TIO is involved.
Check out the How To Complain tab for further details. Moderation Team
18389 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Piece of Crap at 12 Jun 2011 12:19:42 PM
Although I hate the internet service in Australia in general, Vodafone can make it even worse. It is now three months that I can't have a stable connection. Vodafone already gave me three months for free since they are planning to upgrade my area to 850 Mhz and everything should be ok by the end of June.
Today I was checking their website to see if there is any progress on the upgrade of my area, Carina - QLD, and surprisingly it simply disappeared from Vodafone website!
What pisses me off is not having options. I have to use 3G "broadband" because of Telstra (I'm on a pair gain system) and I refuse to sign up with BigPond and give money to them.
Today I was checking their website to see if there is any progress on the upgrade of my area, Carina - QLD, and surprisingly it simply disappeared from Vodafone website!
What pisses me off is not having options. I have to use 3G "broadband" because of Telstra (I'm on a pair gain system) and I refuse to sign up with BigPond and give money to them.
14 Jun 2011 03:30:54 PM: oh get the hell over telstra issue. we know the are expensive you pay for what you get loser
15 Jun 2011 06:46:58 PM: I have had good and bad experiences with Telstra... but they beat Vodafone hands down...
What I'm more concerned about is the rude response given... Everyone is allowed to have a option... telling someone they are a loser because their opinion is different to yours, makes you sad and ignorant...
What I'm more concerned about is the rude response given... Everyone is allowed to have a option... telling someone they are a loser because their opinion is different to yours, makes you sad and ignorant...
15 Jun 2011 08:47:41 PM: Agree with 15 Jun 2011 06:46:58 PM: Regarding comments made by second poster.
@ 14 Jun 2011 03:30:54 PM: Stop being such a knob.
@ 14 Jun 2011 03:30:54 PM: Stop being such a knob.
25 Jun 2011 01:28:19 PM: Actually due to ongoing plan upgrades, Telstra could be a financially viable option now depending on your needs.
18388 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is problem at 12 Jun 2011 11:37:48 AM
Our 3 mobiles are always roaming (on telstra towers) and hunting for the 3/vodaphone towers. Battery life is less than one day.
18387 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is completely useless at 12 Jun 2011 10:09:34 AM
Some 4 months ago I terminated my contract with Vodafail, I have had several communications with their facebook team as I am constantly receiving texts and e mails about the old account, saying I owe them money.
The facebook team have advised me several times that the old account has been closed and I will not receive any more texts or mails.
I advised Vodafail facebook team that the next mail/text would result in a complaint to the TIO as I consider it harassment and spam. The Vodafail facebook assured me I would not receive any more requests.
Today I had yet another e mail, so, off to the TIO.
Is it really that difficult to cancel (several times) an account, or are they just totally incompetent?
Customer service has reached a new low with this bunch of twerps.
The facebook team have advised me several times that the old account has been closed and I will not receive any more texts or mails.
I advised Vodafail facebook team that the next mail/text would result in a complaint to the TIO as I consider it harassment and spam. The Vodafail facebook assured me I would not receive any more requests.
Today I had yet another e mail, so, off to the TIO.
Is it really that difficult to cancel (several times) an account, or are they just totally incompetent?
Customer service has reached a new low with this bunch of twerps.
13 Jun 2011 01:32:18 PM: How many $ was/were the account(s) for? Moderation Team Moderation Team
13 Jun 2011 04:00:55 PM: Two accounts, one was for $543 and the other is for -0.001c!!
Obviously I am concerned that Vodafail will persist with the $543 amount and effect my credit rating.
The Vodafail facebook team at least agree that both accounts are closed, it just appears that their internal systems or accounting systems or just plain old people incompetence will not rid me once and for all of this appallingly inefficient and rubbish company.
Obviously I am concerned that Vodafail will persist with the $543 amount and effect my credit rating.
The Vodafail facebook team at least agree that both accounts are closed, it just appears that their internal systems or accounting systems or just plain old people incompetence will not rid me once and for all of this appallingly inefficient and rubbish company.
16 Jun 2011 07:40:31 PM:
Update........had the best customer service so far from Vodafail.
A member of the resolutions team contacted me, polite, articulate, Australian.
Entire conversation less than 3 minutes.
He agreed it was Vodafails fault and could immediately spot the error, which he rectified.
He asked if there was anything else I would like to add, I mentioned to him about the lack of reception, dropped calls, no/late SMS etc ...... he fully understood the issues (probably heard them thousands of times) and said he would pass on my feedback.
So a result, well done TIO, well done resolutions team.
10 out of 10 for the TIO.
10 out of 10 for the resolutions team
0 out of 10 for the Vodafail facebook team
0 out of 10 for Vodafail.
Never, ever going back.
Update........had the best customer service so far from Vodafail.
A member of the resolutions team contacted me, polite, articulate, Australian.
Entire conversation less than 3 minutes.
He agreed it was Vodafails fault and could immediately spot the error, which he rectified.
He asked if there was anything else I would like to add, I mentioned to him about the lack of reception, dropped calls, no/late SMS etc ...... he fully understood the issues (probably heard them thousands of times) and said he would pass on my feedback.
So a result, well done TIO, well done resolutions team.
10 out of 10 for the TIO.
10 out of 10 for the resolutions team
0 out of 10 for the Vodafail facebook team
0 out of 10 for Vodafail.
Never, ever going back.
18386 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is WTF at 12 Jun 2011 12:42:48 AM
I was at Montezuma's at Crows Nest tonight. I checked my phone and it said that I had a missed a call from my friend. I had full 3G reception. Great you think but no. I tried to call him back but the phone seem to be taking ages to get the call out, then all of a sudden I hear 3 beeps. When I looked at the phone it said "Call failed". I tried again and still that same thing. I tried again 4 more times and still the same problem. What is going on. Full 3G reception but can't get a call out. What is this? I finally got through to my friend but it was really hard to hear and sounded like it was wanting to drop out. Lucky I have a second phone with telstra so I called him on that and had no problem. Should've used that in the first place.
18385 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 11 Jun 2011 05:54:09 PM
Been having trouble with the network for last year now the reception at the Entrance were i live is a joke i have to go stand on my veranda and hold my phone into the air to get maybe 1 bar. So i have been hasseling customer service and VodaFAIL store at Bay village. They said that there are tower upgrades in the area happening sometime in July, July! so we have to wait a month or maybe even more for improved signal, well thats what customer care said but a VodaFAIL bay village they said there is no new towers going up in your area and there is no problem with the signal in your area. Vodafone are useless and they need to stop all this marketing and advertising and fix there problems.
18382 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Data, what data? at 11 Jun 2011 04:09:51 PM
Waiting for the last 30 mins to get data connection... pathetic!
18381 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 6 Star Fail at 11 Jun 2011 03:12:30 PM
my calls have been dropping out worse than ever all week - worse than ever.
i would say that 80% of my calls cut out.
Bye bye Vodafone. 1 more week and you are gone FOREVER - I hope you go broke.,
i would say that 80% of my calls cut out.
Bye bye Vodafone. 1 more week and you are gone FOREVER - I hope you go broke.,
18380 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Maxfail !!! at 11 Jun 2011 08:27:39 AM
Have been locked into a contract for 15months now,
have complained on many occasions of poor signal and drop-outs to no avail,
then to add insult to injury Vodafone offers a free stanard usb modem on the
new network,my question? WHERE IS THE WEB PAGE???????
have complained on many occasions of poor signal and drop-outs to no avail,
then to add insult to injury Vodafone offers a free stanard usb modem on the
new network,my question? WHERE IS THE WEB PAGE???????
18379 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Mega at 11 Jun 2011 01:22:20 AM
Stuck without a working phone in the city. Can't get home. Unacceptable.
18378 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is unbefailevable at 11 Jun 2011 12:01:21 AM
i have an n97 that I'm paying a mint for on a service that doesn't work. The worst phone Nokia has created on the worst network in Australia. I might go and have a big cry..........sorry about that. I feel a lot better now
18377 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 100% at 10 Jun 2011 09:41:05 PM
Linking this site to another forun
18376 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is BIG FAIL at 10 Jun 2011 09:38:22 PM
I moved my SIM from Vodafone to Telstra. I used the unlock code provided for my blackberry bold from Vodafone's website. The code didn't work. I now have to wait 5 business days to use my blackberry while Vodafone contact RIM to verify and check the unlock code! I need this phone for work! No wonder I left Vodafone!!
18375 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Hopless at 10 Jun 2011 07:38:44 PM
18374 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is bad at 10 Jun 2011 05:32:13 PM
drop out, eg: no reception for phone/net
drop out during call
there looks like having a reception , but people still cannot call me.
drop out during call
there looks like having a reception , but people still cannot call me.
18373 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is charged additional downloads at 10 Jun 2011 05:21:38 PM
Vodafone have charged my company phone account $424 extra in "supposed" downloads. Issue is that...I dont play games, I dont download music, I dont use wi fi to connect. I have not done anything different in the past 6 months to make my usage go through the roof. plus they cannot provide me with any evidence other than their download report to say how I did this...any suggestions?
18372 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 10 Jun 2011 04:58:16 PM
have been waiting for a phone call in reply to a job interview all afternoon. Had my phone by my side all day with full reception, just found out from a friend that my phone has been engaged all day even though i have not been on it once and it has full reception. turned it off and on again, same thing. Called the job and they said i would of got it but i was uncontactable all afternoon, not a good sign of reliability, therefore i didnt get the job. So does vodafone want to support me with 45 grand a year so i can afford to live. Tah.! What a fuckup!!
25 Jun 2011 01:32:17 PM: Using their "broadband" internet to job hunt also a masochistic exercise.
18371 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Very at 10 Jun 2011 04:35:30 PM
I travelled to Indonesia in May and upon landing recieved a text from Vodafone AU stating "Standard calls from Indonesia using Vodafone Traveller start at $2 per minute + ur standard call rate + a flagfall"
When I got home, my next bill was astronomical and when calling vodafone they informed me that call rates were $6 per minute. I asked them about the text and they have no record of the text. Anyway I argued and after about an hour on the phone they agreed to charge me the rate that was in the text. Epic Fail
When I got home, my next bill was astronomical and when calling vodafone they informed me that call rates were $6 per minute. I asked them about the text and they have no record of the text. Anyway I argued and after about an hour on the phone they agreed to charge me the rate that was in the text. Epic Fail
18369 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 10 Jun 2011 02:57:16 PM
bill excessively high
18367 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 10 Jun 2011 01:27:33 PM
18366 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very at 10 Jun 2011 12:23:57 AM
I have a lot of bonus bank credit and whenever I attempt to get a decent phone with it, it continues to ask me for my email address, however this does not occur when choosing cheaper phones on the list.
Seriously fail
Seriously fail
18365 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is rediculously at 9 Jun 2011 08:59:52 PM
1/never get coverage at work or home after vodaFAIL convinced me to rejoin with promises of better service within 3 months. 6month later = FAIL!
2/Lara.... that bitch is stupid
3/never get internet service
4/ will be contacting them tomorrow onece AGAIN to sort something out.
2/Lara.... that bitch is stupid
3/never get internet service
4/ will be contacting them tomorrow onece AGAIN to sort something out.
11 Jun 2011 01:47:25 AM: Loved this one "2/Lara.... that bitch is stupid"
Was on Vodafone and switched to Virgin :)
Was on Vodafone and switched to Virgin :)
18364 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 9 Jun 2011 08:53:43 PM
Texts messages being sent but receiver isnt receiving them!!!
18363 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is It's safer to buy a phone from a guy in the pub than sign up with Vodafone! at 9 Jun 2011 06:39:47 PM
I signed up for 2 year broadband, what a joke speeds where closer to dial up but I considered it was mobile so it was okayish.
The bit that gets me is I was supposed to get the 5,6 & 7 month free, it never happened. They now tell me it is not in my contract, even though they where advertising it at the time ending 31/03/2009.
They have the worst customer service I have ever experienced, rude, arrogant, pushy and down right offensive at times. To be fair, today I received good customer service but this is the first time in 2 years.
I've closed my account with them (even that was a struggle) and now that they have bought 3 I will be closing that phone account too. I will never deal with this company again.
The bit that gets me is I was supposed to get the 5,6 & 7 month free, it never happened. They now tell me it is not in my contract, even though they where advertising it at the time ending 31/03/2009.
They have the worst customer service I have ever experienced, rude, arrogant, pushy and down right offensive at times. To be fair, today I received good customer service but this is the first time in 2 years.
I've closed my account with them (even that was a struggle) and now that they have bought 3 I will be closing that phone account too. I will never deal with this company again.
18362 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is fed up of reading ... at 9 Jun 2011 05:59:56 PM
"This web page is not available".
18361 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is dissapointingly fail! at 9 Jun 2011 04:40:11 PM
Couple of days ago I tried to call my husband, who is also with Vodafone like myself. For over 2 hours I was trying to ring and it kept disconnecting. We have two little children, one goes to school and the other one goes to daycare. This experience was quite distressing as I couldn't get in touch with my husband to let him know if I'm stuck on a train, or late - to pick up the children. I did try to sms him as well - no success there either! I've signed up with Vodafone to be able to contact people everywhere and anytime... Shame...
18359 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Worst company ever. at 9 Jun 2011 03:11:32 PM
18358 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 9 Jun 2011 02:39:58 PM
every month they are still charging me when my bills should be $0 as i pay fortnightly. There is $130 discrepency i have stopped paying until they sort it out! WHen spoke with them they said they could not get access to information because of net down. THey have blocked me from my vodafone website access because put in 3 wrong passwords. So when i rang to get it changed they say that they cant as the whole website has been down. What for 6 months!!!!! say website is down NOT wrong password or phone number.
Cannot get any phone coveraage on new Iphone 4. not network nothing.partner changed phones and still samet thign happening to his. THey are EPIC FAIL and customer service is shocking, service is shocking they should be shut down for ripping people off! not delivering on the deals they provide!!!
Cannot get any phone coveraage on new Iphone 4. not network nothing.partner changed phones and still samet thign happening to his. THey are EPIC FAIL and customer service is shocking, service is shocking they should be shut down for ripping people off! not delivering on the deals they provide!!!
11 Jun 2011 05:15:33 PM: how can a website be down for 6 months lol so funny. you should write a letter or something to the head of vodafone or something. but got to say vodafone is failing pretty bad. don't they find themselves embarrasin!!!
18356 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 9 Jun 2011 11:14:06 AM
I got the flyer sent to me by post and it states
Great news our new 850MHz network is now available in your area!!!
Blah Blah Blah.......
Heres the punch line..
"IT COULDNT BE SIMPLER to get your free standard usb modem"
Sounds easy enough
Would if i could get to the website page
How i cant even get to the page to enter anything!!!
Went to the store, they havent heard of such an offer
Rang customer care 20mins around and around still no idea
"take your old modem in and buy the new upgrade i was told"
now how the hell does that make any sense, he had no idea what i was TALKING ABOUT
Great news our new 850MHz network is now available in your area!!!
Blah Blah Blah.......
Heres the punch line..
"IT COULDNT BE SIMPLER to get your free standard usb modem"
Sounds easy enough
Would if i could get to the website page
How i cant even get to the page to enter anything!!!
Went to the store, they havent heard of such an offer
Rang customer care 20mins around and around still no idea
"take your old modem in and buy the new upgrade i was told"
now how the hell does that make any sense, he had no idea what i was TALKING ABOUT
30 Jun 2011 03:56:03 PM: it is the worst broadband i have ever had for cutting you off the quicker it runs out the better
18355 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is MASSIVE FAIL! at 9 Jun 2011 09:33:54 AM
I bought a sony ericsson XPERIA X10 (i know HUGE mistake) september last year and it has malfunctioned since 1/2011. so i sent it away in march to get fixed. got it back two weeks later...same thing still broken. went back again and they claimed that you have to send it away TWICE to get fixed! what rubbish!! I have been waiting over two months for my phone to be returned to me and everytime i ring vodafone they say they cant help me...meanwhile they are collecting my nearly $100 a month bill for a phone that im not using. is there anyway i can get them to either cancel my contract or get them to upgrade my contract to a better phone?? (PERSONAL DETAILS REMOVED)
9 Jun 2011 02:24:44 PM: I got through to Vodafone Service and Repairs and they told me that my phone has been sitting at the shop I purchased at it for the past 5 weeks...even though I had rang the shop and they 100% assured me that they DID NOT have the phone and were waiting for it...poor form vodafone. I am about to go and pick it up from the shop and if it is still malfunctioning I will scream blue murder and ask for a new phone!
18354 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Eye Stabbingly!! at 9 Jun 2011 08:50:25 AM
Seems that for some reason, my mobile broadband will only work properly at increasingly arbitrary hours, like 12 at night or 6 in the morning, instead of all the other normal hours of the day!! Edge works well enough, of course, but the 3g, even with full bars, will simply just sit there and not do a thing. Seriously, the government needs to pull it's thumb out on this whole telecommunication bullshit.
18352 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bunch of pricks at 8 Jun 2011 09:57:51 PM
where is the consumer watchdog,why havent these criminals been shutdown?
wireless usb internet is absolute bullshit
i seen vodacrims advertising on tv tonight still?wtf
wireless usb internet is absolute bullshit
i seen vodacrims advertising on tv tonight still?wtf
9 Jun 2011 12:30:24 AM: there's the ACMA, ACCC, TIO.... none of them do anything.. lights are on but nobody's home
11 Jun 2011 12:14:28 PM: The ACMA has just released their draft report on the situation and they want to address all the problems we have been having. The report looks very good. Moderation Team Moderation Team
18351 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 8 Jun 2011 09:55:25 PM
I had many issues with calls dropping out, messages taking hours/days/weeks to get delivered. So a couple of weeks ago i called up vodafone and surprisingly was able to get out of my contract relatively easily (within 10 minutes) provided i sent the phone back. Only 5 months into my contract i thought this was reasonable and agreed to this. The guy i spoke to told me voda would send out a bag and that i should get in within 5 days. It's now been 9 days and no bag has come. For anyone else this has happened to how long did it take to receive the bag?
10 Jun 2011 04:17:01 PM: I never received my bag... the phone is still sitting in my drawer (14months now)
18350 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Wireless Broadband at 8 Jun 2011 03:48:01 PM
I have had prepaid wireless broadband for over a year now. The first year was fine. Not a problem - ever. I bought a new wireless modem on special at Christmas for what I thought was a bargain - $99 for what had previously cost me $150. Now I am able to connect, but can only get to webpages once in a while. I usually get an "unable to display the webpage error". Same on my iPhone. So, although I have enough to get me through the year, the year will expire well before I am able to use up all my gigs. I am not very techo, but when I am able to get through on the customer support line, the tech people don't seem to really know what the problem is. They guide me all around the place and eventually get it going again (not sure if this is co-incidental or not), but then the next time I log-on, 9 times out of 10 I am back to the same problem. Think I might just cut my losses and ditch the Vodafone modem and go buy a new one!!
18349 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is signal drop out at 8 Jun 2011 02:50:41 PM
Our company uses vodafone for our data network, with drop outs all day long in the metro area. I think we will go to telstra soon.
18348 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is less communicative than my ex-husband during our divorce!! lol at 8 Jun 2011 01:28:24 PM
Since last Friday, my phone has pretty much stopped ringing, but I then get all these voicemail messages from people who can't get through. Calling up the VM service now only works intermittently - so I can't always even find out who's not even getting through (I'm not getting 'missed call' messages either).
Calls from my handset work only intermittently, and I'm often cut off. Only SMS seem to be going in or out, but with substantial delay. Even mobile data access is off.
The last two times I rang up to report outages in north Canberra, they would not take a report on it, and both times just repeated over and over again that there were no reported network problems in my area! This, despite the line dropping out twice - they still tell me my line is fine!! The last time I called, I had to offer the guy $20 just to stop saying it ;). [I swear, if they were trained to tell you repeatedly the sky was most certainly orange, they would do it.]
And of course now I can't even get through to their call centre to even log that there's a major problem - I can't get a single call in or out all day.
I've never broken a phone contract in my life, but in 2 days my new Optus phone arrives :))). Can't wait. [Except for the joy of getting Voda to fulfill their promise that I can leave my contract fee free - I can definitely wait for them to reneg on that, which if history is any guide, they certainly will try to.]
Solidarity & good luck fellow mobile users! At least we're not alone in this :).
Calls from my handset work only intermittently, and I'm often cut off. Only SMS seem to be going in or out, but with substantial delay. Even mobile data access is off.
The last two times I rang up to report outages in north Canberra, they would not take a report on it, and both times just repeated over and over again that there were no reported network problems in my area! This, despite the line dropping out twice - they still tell me my line is fine!! The last time I called, I had to offer the guy $20 just to stop saying it ;). [I swear, if they were trained to tell you repeatedly the sky was most certainly orange, they would do it.]
And of course now I can't even get through to their call centre to even log that there's a major problem - I can't get a single call in or out all day.
I've never broken a phone contract in my life, but in 2 days my new Optus phone arrives :))). Can't wait. [Except for the joy of getting Voda to fulfill their promise that I can leave my contract fee free - I can definitely wait for them to reneg on that, which if history is any guide, they certainly will try to.]
Solidarity & good luck fellow mobile users! At least we're not alone in this :).
18347 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is no reception at 8 Jun 2011 01:22:47 PM
for the past 2 days people have been trying to call without success because my phone is apparently switched off.
18346 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Fail at 8 Jun 2011 12:33:07 PM
Have had intermittent issues for a long time in brisbane, namely calls dropping out, dialing the number and nearing nothing happen (no connection), sms messages will not send... so i will have to copy the message and send it again later, no coverage in new address in Highfields (which, admittedly their coverage map shows is low coverage), and horrible coverage throughout Toowoomba which should have decent coverage. Also have lots of issues with the mobile data. Have contacted support, and while their staff are only doing their job, the response is slow and inneffective. I have been given 3 months worth of 100% discount on my minimum spend, which is great... except that Im getting a free service that doesnt work. I have called back later and told them that I want to be released from the contract, and they have stated they need to start an investigation which will take up to 72 business hours.. which is 9 days, or nearly 2 weeks.
Any tips?
Any tips?
8 Jun 2011 01:06:49 PM: Oh, and also as others here have said, my voicemail. If I have a missed call, I will try to check voicemail straight away even though I have not recieved a notification that I have a message... and then days later I will receieve a text telling me I have a voicemail...! And if i miss the call because of their bad coverage, and therefore my phone doesnt register a missed call on the handset, I dont check the voicemail until i recieve the text. Really helpful.
And MMS messages which dont send... which claim sent on my phone, and then the person I sent it to recieves it days later randomly. And I dont know whether it is vodafone, or what, but people sending me MMS will often not recieve for days. My partner sent me an MMS yesterday, and I still have not recieved it. Will be amusing to see how long it takes
And MMS messages which dont send... which claim sent on my phone, and then the person I sent it to recieves it days later randomly. And I dont know whether it is vodafone, or what, but people sending me MMS will often not recieve for days. My partner sent me an MMS yesterday, and I still have not recieved it. Will be amusing to see how long it takes
18345 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is UBER MMS FAIL at 8 Jun 2011 09:13:41 AM
I cannot send picture messages, at all! Since 3 was bought by vodafone, I have been unable to send photos to friends. luckily I have an app that i can send them over via the internet, but to txt a photo, its impossible. It's not that I live in the sticks, i mainly send them from right in the cbd!!!
Only 7 months to go on my contract... 7 months till its bye bye vodafone!!!
Only 7 months to go on my contract... 7 months till its bye bye vodafone!!!
8 Jun 2011 10:08:30 AM: Why wait 7 months?
If you have complained to Vodafail and not had a satisfactory outcome the next step is the TIO.
Check out the How To Complain tab at the top of the page for further details. Moderation Team
If you have complained to Vodafail and not had a satisfactory outcome the next step is the TIO.
Check out the How To Complain tab at the top of the page for further details. Moderation Team
18344 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fundamental level fail at 8 Jun 2011 04:05:18 AM
I use Voda mobile internet. The fuxxing USB wireless modem keeps cutting out every once in a while. Sometimes it would be every 5-10 minutes, sometimes a few hours but it will just stop workind and eventually come up with the error "Mobile Device not detected". When this happens all you can do is unplug it and try again, sometimes multiple times within minutes. Even the hardware is fail. It happened again, as I am trying to post this. OMFG FAILLLL
18343 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is WHAT A JOKE at 7 Jun 2011 11:37:34 PM
I live in Griffith NSW and Vodafone is the biggest joke here. At best I have 1 or 2 bars. And thats if Im in the middle of town. I live about 10 mins out and I have 1 bar at best. Slow internet and constant call dropout. The Mobile phone tower is an hour's drive away near Hay in the middle of nowhere and if i want full coverage i need to go out there and that's when the signal is strongest. The nearest Vodafail store is at Wagga (200km away). Looks like another epic fail. I was visiting Sydney last week and the signal was 3 bars at best. Hopeless!!! Get your act together Vodaphoney!! You are hopeless in reigonal NSW. The best services are Telstra, Austar or CountryMobile.
18342 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic misleading fail. at 7 Jun 2011 11:16:47 PM
After hearing of the well priced deal for the new Nexus S phone, I decided that it would be worth it to go back to vodafail and see if their network had improved with their deals.
The online order failed to generate a confirmation number, but the following day I received an email from Online Store Team Leader Simone Coleman to say my order had been delayed. Fair enough, cool that they let me know. A few more days passed and I called the customer support number. After being bounced around department after department, I was told I would be called back. After I had not received a call the next day, I rang back and was again bounced around seemingly forever, where I was told there had been an IT problem and that my order would be manually processed. Cool, an answer.
The next day I received a call from a customer support member saying that it would be better to post a new order now the system was working again. I did that straight away. It generated the order, all seemed well. Two days later, I got a second confirmation - the manual order had finally been given an order number, now they were trying to send 2 phones.
After calling and emailing repeatedly, I managed to get the manual order cancelled, which they did by forcing a credit check failure. A few days later (bearing in mind the expected shipping date was 1-2 business days) I received an email stating the remaining order had been delayed. No reason, just delayed. The online tracking still listed the order for 1-2 business day shipping.
I then received 2 emails, containing separate bills for $0, which indicated that the post-paid accounts, both of them, had been opened and I was being billed as of this time.
I contacted support, who explained that the remaining order would be in my hands within 5 business days, and nothing was to stop me from getting my phone. 5 Business days later, no phone. I contacted them again and was told there would be another 5 business day delay, but I would definitely be receiving my phone. Yet another 5 business days passed, I emailed support again, and 2 days later, instead of responding to my email, another automated email came through telling me my credit check (which had supposedly cleared 2 weeks prior) had been declined.
For the record, I have notified Vodafone that I would be taking these events public to help prevent more people being sucked in by misleading support staff.
The online order failed to generate a confirmation number, but the following day I received an email from Online Store Team Leader Simone Coleman to say my order had been delayed. Fair enough, cool that they let me know. A few more days passed and I called the customer support number. After being bounced around department after department, I was told I would be called back. After I had not received a call the next day, I rang back and was again bounced around seemingly forever, where I was told there had been an IT problem and that my order would be manually processed. Cool, an answer.
The next day I received a call from a customer support member saying that it would be better to post a new order now the system was working again. I did that straight away. It generated the order, all seemed well. Two days later, I got a second confirmation - the manual order had finally been given an order number, now they were trying to send 2 phones.
After calling and emailing repeatedly, I managed to get the manual order cancelled, which they did by forcing a credit check failure. A few days later (bearing in mind the expected shipping date was 1-2 business days) I received an email stating the remaining order had been delayed. No reason, just delayed. The online tracking still listed the order for 1-2 business day shipping.
I then received 2 emails, containing separate bills for $0, which indicated that the post-paid accounts, both of them, had been opened and I was being billed as of this time.
I contacted support, who explained that the remaining order would be in my hands within 5 business days, and nothing was to stop me from getting my phone. 5 Business days later, no phone. I contacted them again and was told there would be another 5 business day delay, but I would definitely be receiving my phone. Yet another 5 business days passed, I emailed support again, and 2 days later, instead of responding to my email, another automated email came through telling me my credit check (which had supposedly cleared 2 weeks prior) had been declined.
For the record, I have notified Vodafone that I would be taking these events public to help prevent more people being sucked in by misleading support staff.
8 Jun 2011 09:03:04 AM: If/when the phones arrive, you can refuse delivery at the door and I believe that constitutes non-acceptance of Vodafail's terms and conditions, ergo no contract.
Has the above happened to anyone else and what was their result? Moderation Team
Has the above happened to anyone else and what was their result? Moderation Team
9 Jun 2011 01:48:38 AM: I wasn't so much concerned about receiving 2 phones, as you said, refuse delivery of one of them, problem solved; the bouncing around and delaying, only to be let down entirely in the end is what really got me.
28 Jun 2011 05:02:40 AM: After continual avoidance by the Vodafone team to my pleas directly, here and elsewhere, I have now complained to the TIO. Let's see them avoid this.
18341 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely Disgraceful at 7 Jun 2011 10:34:41 PM
Holidaying in Cairns, QLD, did not have ANY COVERAGE WHATSOEVER for 3 days. Unable to contact family in NSW. I had to use the payphone in the hotel lobby. EMBARASSING!! Mobile Internet constantly times out, too slow to load webpages. Phone calls drop out regularly. Slow data download on 3G Smartphone.
18340 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is bloody aweful at 7 Jun 2011 10:18:39 PM
in the canningvale area and 3G reception is so bad that the phone and ipad does not receive a signal...or at best 1 bar of gsm signal...outside of the house is not much better at all....
its not like Canningvale (WA) is out in the sitcks!!!
its not like Canningvale (WA) is out in the sitcks!!!
18339 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Epic at 7 Jun 2011 09:17:34 PM
Just wondering if anyone's received a copy of their contract when signing up online? Iisn't it a breach of the National Credit Code to not supply a copy of the contact to consumers within 14 days? I remember submitting my details to only be sent an email saying "we are processing your request" and then suddenly receiving a phone. I thought that I hadn't been successful and went and bought another phone. Now stuck with a dud contract with vodafail...
18338 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is don't even make me start at 7 Jun 2011 09:12:19 PM
Dear Vodafail, I have a genuine concern that Vodafone is blocking/limiting Skype, here's why:
Skype keeps spinning to connect, while I can access other websites.
No pc updates or background traffic is active - I AM SURE OF IT.
Even if it does eventually connect, I am not able to use Skype for simple voice calls that require 60kilobits/ps connection to function properly, while the speedtest reports 2megabit connections.
No antivirus, clean OS install, no concurrent internet traffic
How is this logically or legally possible?
Is this another way to chain the customers so they didn't escape?
I'd appreciate if an investigation was held with this issue.
Skype keeps spinning to connect, while I can access other websites.
No pc updates or background traffic is active - I AM SURE OF IT.
Even if it does eventually connect, I am not able to use Skype for simple voice calls that require 60kilobits/ps connection to function properly, while the speedtest reports 2megabit connections.
No antivirus, clean OS install, no concurrent internet traffic
How is this logically or legally possible?
Is this another way to chain the customers so they didn't escape?
I'd appreciate if an investigation was held with this issue.
8 Jun 2011 01:09:03 AM: Hi,
It appears that Skype is having some service problems today that are affecting some users worldwide. There is a blog post on the skype website and it says they are working on sorting them out.
The blog says the issues aren't yet resolved so maybe check back on the Skype website in the morning and see if it's fixed. Moderation Team
It appears that Skype is having some service problems today that are affecting some users worldwide. There is a blog post on the skype website and it says they are working on sorting them out.
The blog says the issues aren't yet resolved so maybe check back on the Skype website in the morning and see if it's fixed. Moderation Team
18337 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is MEGAFail at 7 Jun 2011 02:45:15 PM
plastic cups and string anyone?
Joined the 35$ sim-only cab. This is the second month. Spent about 2-3 hours per month with india on the phone finding out why havent i yet recieved a bill for ACTUALLY $35!..first bill was 37$ and they said it was "connection fees"..second bill $53!!!! Bloody Hell! that included an "honesty fee" when my "autopayment" bounced off..altho i didnt know i had autopayment activated, didnt get any news about it bouncing off and thought i just paid my bill on time and thats that. In addition there was $1.5 for promotional txts that i never recieved and 2$ creditcard processing fees! After writing off some of those payments i asked the girl (ok..they did improve their customer service i gota say..last year i used to wait 2 hours b4 anyone speaks to me) to cancel my contract & she managed to convince me to keep it 1 more month as a TEST! we'll see.
Reason i dont leave them? coz i dont think any of the other providers are better. we are TRAPPED! plastic cups and string anyone?
Joined the 35$ sim-only cab. This is the second month. Spent about 2-3 hours per month with india on the phone finding out why havent i yet recieved a bill for ACTUALLY $35!..first bill was 37$ and they said it was "connection fees"..second bill $53!!!! Bloody Hell! that included an "honesty fee" when my "autopayment" bounced off..altho i didnt know i had autopayment activated, didnt get any news about it bouncing off and thought i just paid my bill on time and thats that. In addition there was $1.5 for promotional txts that i never recieved and 2$ creditcard processing fees! After writing off some of those payments i asked the girl (ok..they did improve their customer service i gota say..last year i used to wait 2 hours b4 anyone speaks to me) to cancel my contract & she managed to convince me to keep it 1 more month as a TEST! we'll see.
Reason i dont leave them? coz i dont think any of the other providers are better. we are TRAPPED! plastic cups and string anyone?
18336 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Usage Data Epic Fail at 7 Jun 2011 01:44:52 PM
Oh Vodafail, how can I possibly download 2,000,000kB of data when my mobile is off? Why is it that I am the one that has to ask your customer service reps twice to calm down? Why do I have to pay $500 for your mistake. No my dear Vodafail, I think not, TIO has been contacted and you have 10 days to respond.
Why do we not have a better regulated Telecommunications system in Australia?
Why do we not have a better regulated Telecommunications system in Australia?
18335 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Huge at 7 Jun 2011 12:11:44 PM
After complaining to the Ombudsman we had our plan finally terminated with Vodafone with no exit fees.
We joined another provider and after setting up my phone I was told that my phone was locked with Vodafone and that they were the only ones that could unlock it. I went to Vodafone in the Galleria Morley and was told by a smug sales person that my phone was not locked and that it was a problem my phone. He said that I needed to take it back to company that makes the phone for them to look at it. When I picked up the phone I was told that there was nothing wrong with my phone and that it was locked by Vodafone. I went back to Vodafone in the Galleria and spoke to another sales person who said that it WAS locked by Vodafone and it would cost me $25 to have it unlocked. He then said that the phone will probably not work because it is not Next G compatible and that I should by a new phone. I went away and came back the next day and asked him to unlock it. Well guess what? The phone works better than before and I feel that he was just trying to get me to buy a new phone from him. My experience with Vodafone has been nothing but frustrating and timewasting. Their sales people dont even know what is going on and gave me misleading information. I will never be going back to Vodafone
We joined another provider and after setting up my phone I was told that my phone was locked with Vodafone and that they were the only ones that could unlock it. I went to Vodafone in the Galleria Morley and was told by a smug sales person that my phone was not locked and that it was a problem my phone. He said that I needed to take it back to company that makes the phone for them to look at it. When I picked up the phone I was told that there was nothing wrong with my phone and that it was locked by Vodafone. I went back to Vodafone in the Galleria and spoke to another sales person who said that it WAS locked by Vodafone and it would cost me $25 to have it unlocked. He then said that the phone will probably not work because it is not Next G compatible and that I should by a new phone. I went away and came back the next day and asked him to unlock it. Well guess what? The phone works better than before and I feel that he was just trying to get me to buy a new phone from him. My experience with Vodafone has been nothing but frustrating and timewasting. Their sales people dont even know what is going on and gave me misleading information. I will never be going back to Vodafone
18334 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 7 Jun 2011 11:09:18 AM
6 months into 24 month contract. Trying to run small business from home with 3 Mobile but always have low or no signal. Daughter and wife are with Optus and have full signal. How do I break contract. Customer service is bad. help at all, if you can understand them! Frustrated to max when I have to go for a drive and make phone calls in good reception area.
7 Jun 2011 11:15:23 AM: It appears you have tried unsuccessfully to resolve your mobile issues, the next step is to take the matter to the TIO.
Check out the How To Complain tab at the top of the page for further details. Moderation Team
Check out the How To Complain tab at the top of the page for further details. Moderation Team
18333 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is a complete waste of money at 7 Jun 2011 12:29:17 AM
I have 3G mobile broadband and live in an inner suburb, yet reception constantly drops out and I have to reconnect repetitively to get anything out of it. The speed starts out as it should, then over a period of a few seconds it zooms down to zero. It's quite comical how utterly useless it is. Looked at the website today to see how to unlock my sim and it says I can't do it unless I bought it from a Vodafone retail outlet. VODAFAIL!!!
18332 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 6 Jun 2011 11:00:52 PM
i'm no legal expert but looks like Vodafone is up to no good snooping around people's private facebook profiles......
mind your own business, Vodafone!
mind your own business, Vodafone!
18331 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Abominable! at 6 Jun 2011 10:07:03 PM
18328 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Kajunga at 6 Jun 2011 08:55:14 PM
Not only have I had to put up with the stock standard faults such as calls dropped, 0 reception, poor internet, and delayed texts..but by far the worse is delayed voicemails! I received two notifications of voicemails, each being left on separate days, that had been left FOUR days ago....these voice-mails were from my employer...I missed out on two shifts...that's $400 I missed out on because of you Vodaphone. Also, my friends and family think I'm rude because I don't return their calls or voice-mails - I received a voice-mail today from a message recorded by my brother YESTERDAY..AND my phone never rang nor even recorded receiving a call from him??! Get your act together Vodaphone!
12 Jun 2011 11:55:55 AM: Change carriers before you have to change employer!
18327 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 6 Jun 2011 08:05:00 PM
After being told that I would have full reception in my area, I cant even get reception in my house. A text message can take up to an hour to get to me and I cant make calls from my own house.
Thanks alot Vodafone
Thanks alot Vodafone
18326 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very at 6 Jun 2011 07:22:16 PM
I have had Vodafone mobile internet for 3 years and since the first month. It has never worked from my property. Even Vodafone admitt that there is nocoverage where i live in an inner city Brisbane suburb. Each month i complain and each month they tell me that if do not pay the account, my phone will be barred. Last month after the 24 month contract ran out i sent them a user account for the last 24 months and they finally reimbursed me $1230. The next day i changed my accont to another carrier and now they are telling me that the girl in the shop had no right or authority to alter my account. Luckily, i had girl in store sign a refund for me and i am happy to take this all the way to court. Vodafone are a disgrace and as a matter of fact most of providers are the same!
18325 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 6 Jun 2011 06:55:07 PM
I just rang them and requested a disconnection date and end of my contract term, they threw the world at me, free handsets better call rates bla bla bla. mate i said, just put the notice in. off he went again in his butter chicken accent (very hard to understand) so i says mate... just put the notice in.
So off he went into round 3 of persisting they were fixing issues bla bla bla, mate i said.. put the notice in. In the end i gave up and said, look, ill call back on the date and disconnect it then. I had to actually hang up on him because he kept going off in different tangents.
Ive been a voda customer for over 10 years. Parting will be such sweet sweet sorrow. Not.
So off he went into round 3 of persisting they were fixing issues bla bla bla, mate i said.. put the notice in. In the end i gave up and said, look, ill call back on the date and disconnect it then. I had to actually hang up on him because he kept going off in different tangents.
Ive been a voda customer for over 10 years. Parting will be such sweet sweet sorrow. Not.
18324 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is fucktonne at 6 Jun 2011 06:40:03 PM
No reception
18323 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 6 Jun 2011 06:18:52 PM
Well, I haven't been able to get 3g on my iphone 4 for about 2 weeks now, it's getting to the point where have to take 3g off and use the slow internet just to send school emails and so forth, but once I'm in the city or even 10 minutes away from my house I get 3g, ITS PISSING ME OFF.
18322 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 6 Jun 2011 05:47:17 PM
After going to the TIO I have been able to get out of my 24 month plan with vodafone:), no exit fees! Still think they should have refunded the past 6 months' bills, but I'm just happy to be done with this crap company..They definitely should not be allowed to operate.
18321 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is vm delays and dropped service at 6 Jun 2011 03:50:38 PM
vm delays and dropped service, I drive from upper north shore to city and speak with another voda customer all the way. We suffer dropped calls all the way and at different spots. Delayed VM from 2 days ago. WHY?
18319 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Massively at 6 Jun 2011 02:22:25 PM
I received 10 voicemail messages, all at once. They were from a period of 3 weeks.
I had to apologise to one and all.
Luckily it wasn't the return call of a dream job, or an emergency, but por form nonetheless
I had to apologise to one and all.
Luckily it wasn't the return call of a dream job, or an emergency, but por form nonetheless
18318 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very at 6 Jun 2011 12:32:13 PM
vodafone havent been billing me properly for a YEAR AND A HALF!! very time i call they say they've fixed the problem and every month a bill fails to show up. no-one seems to know what is going on over there and i've had enough!! VODAFAIL!
18317 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is see below at 6 Jun 2011 11:25:58 AM
18315 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Pathetic Internet and overall reception at 6 Jun 2011 10:33:47 AM
I can be sitting in a car, outside, or anywhere, with my 2 best friends, one of whom is with Telstra, the other with Optus, and both can connect to the internet so much faster then I can. When getting on net to get directions somewhere, my friends will both have been able to enter where we are going, and have gotten the directions, before my page has fully loaded! We all have the same iphone, so that shouldn't become the issue at all. Then on top of this, vodafone will just drop out when I am on the phone, no matter where I am! So ridiculously frustrating. My phone wouldn't work in my street at all for a week, I would have to check all my emails etc whilst I was at work, as even my household internet is with them, and when I would ring customer care they tried to tell me nothing was wrong with the service in my area! As soon as contract is up I am heading to Telstra.
18314 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is frustating at 6 Jun 2011 10:09:51 AM
sent SMSs to my friend yesterday and again today and she still have not received
18313 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Have you checked your handset Credits Lately at 6 Jun 2011 09:16:04 AM
18312 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is useless at 6 Jun 2011 01:24:23 AM
Disconnects every 30 seconds
18311 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is late messages at 5 Jun 2011 11:26:40 PM
messages arriving 24 hours after the event
18309 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Frustratingly at 5 Jun 2011 10:55:50 PM
call dropped, poor reception, slow internet, infuriating customer service!!!!
18308 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is A Flamin' Mongrel at 5 Jun 2011 06:19:04 PM
Poor coverage, slow broadband, inner suburbs, 5 minutes from our CBD.
Strewth, they might as well have stolen me dinghy!
Strewth, they might as well have stolen me dinghy!
18307 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is BAD at 5 Jun 2011 06:07:18 PM
These guys are complete idiots. I have a security camera with a sim card that was sold to me originally by Hutcheson originally, and it was sold as a device you simply dial into so it never needed to be recharged. Once Vodaphone took over they saw fit to just disconnect the sim and so I have been left with no ability to get into my security, thinking I had some other problem.
I now find out that this sim is of a special type and you cant put a normal sim in yet they say the old one is cancelled and they cant supply a new one of that type.
I have left MANY messages for a manager to call back but these idiots cant even manage that.
I now find out that this sim is of a special type and you cant put a normal sim in yet they say the old one is cancelled and they cant supply a new one of that type.
I have left MANY messages for a manager to call back but these idiots cant even manage that.
18306 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Major at 5 Jun 2011 05:32:27 PM
No stable service...drops out continuously
18305 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is a failed company at 5 Jun 2011 05:15:28 PM
I have been with Vodafone for nearly a year and in the middle of my credit it just cut out. I went to make a call and it said insufficient funds so I sent a txt to tell me how much credit I have and it says that you need to put credit on your account before you can use this service instead of telling me when i need to recharge by. Its time to change providers
18304 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is rather at 5 Jun 2011 04:38:00 PM
Vodafone have replaced my iphone under warranty, but dont offer any warranty on the replacement.. so now im 13 months into my contract, and vodafone wont do a damn thing for me....
18303 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Account Usage txt Fail! at 5 Jun 2011 03:51:35 PM
Have used SimToolKit 3 times to see how much credit and data I have left for the month, it usually sends me a text message, none have arrived. i have called 1512 to check the same details via a call, it telss me what plan I am on but not how much I have spent and how much I have left, same for data. How am I to check my usage? Just stupid. How can you trust their service if you can not check these details??? Have checked the website which helped a little but still, crap service.
18302 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Best at being worst. at 5 Jun 2011 02:54:02 PM
I left Australia yesterday and had to cancel my 3 Mobile broadband internet and Vodafail mobile service.
I called 3 Mobile the night before and they told me they would have to seek higher authority to cancel my account and that they'd be in touch in an hour. When I saw that my service was still running an hour later, I called them again and my account was still showing as 'active'. Finally after the 2nd call (and ENDLESS questions about whether I knew someone I could transfer the service to), the account was closed.
The EXACT same thing happened at the airport with my Vodafail account. I called them once and they assured me it would be cancelled. An hour later my service was still running. So I had to call them again when I was on the plane and had to rush the guy at the end of the call because the plane doors had closed.
GOOD RIDDANCE to terrible service!
I called 3 Mobile the night before and they told me they would have to seek higher authority to cancel my account and that they'd be in touch in an hour. When I saw that my service was still running an hour later, I called them again and my account was still showing as 'active'. Finally after the 2nd call (and ENDLESS questions about whether I knew someone I could transfer the service to), the account was closed.
The EXACT same thing happened at the airport with my Vodafail account. I called them once and they assured me it would be cancelled. An hour later my service was still running. So I had to call them again when I was on the plane and had to rush the guy at the end of the call because the plane doors had closed.
GOOD RIDDANCE to terrible service!
18301 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is blech! at 5 Jun 2011 02:27:18 PM
Im just sick of a slow internet connection. How funny is it that I got a txt from Vodafone advising how they are improving things and to go to a website - and it doesnt even work?
18300 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is SHIT at 5 Jun 2011 01:49:18 PM
I have 3 Mobile which is owned by Vodafail. There are giving the same useless service as Vodafail. My phone just doesn't have reception, the internet is super slow and billing is super faulty.
Stay away from 3 Mobile.
Stay away from 3 Mobile.
18299 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Twice or three times a day. at 5 Jun 2011 12:28:18 PM
I am only a pre paid customer. But lately every second phone call drops out. Even when I know that I am sitting in the 1 spot and so is the person I am talking to. Useless
18298 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very Poor at 5 Jun 2011 06:01:17 AM
I left my Galaxy S handset at the Victoria Ave Chatswood Vodafail office (not the Westfield one) for warranty repair in Mid May. "We'll sms when it comes back im told". "It will only be 10 days I'm told."
Three weeks later, no SMS. Do you think that they answer their phones (phone number taken from their Repair Order Receipt)....NO. Do you think they return voicemail messages...NO. Do you think they respond to SMS I send them....NO. Do you think Vodafail Customer Support could contact them either or give me a status of my warranty repair, even when I gave them my Order Number...NO
I live in rural NSW and can't just pop into the store to ask. I can have a friend pick up my phone if I knew it was ready.
Three weeks later, no SMS. Do you think that they answer their phones (phone number taken from their Repair Order Receipt)....NO. Do you think they return voicemail messages...NO. Do you think they respond to SMS I send them....NO. Do you think Vodafail Customer Support could contact them either or give me a status of my warranty repair, even when I gave them my Order Number...NO
I live in rural NSW and can't just pop into the store to ask. I can have a friend pick up my phone if I knew it was ready.
18296 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Terrible reception at 5 Jun 2011 01:11:38 AM
Just signed up this afternoon and found this website. D**n it. Currently sitting in Mawson Lakes and using both Optus and Vodafail. Can see the clear differences. My optus Nokia mobile always shows 3-4 out of 4 bars. nearly perfect. This device is a year old FYI. My brand new bling bling Nexus S on Vodafail normally shows 0-1 bar out of 4. What the heck is wrong is Vodafail. The dealer showed me the coverage map and told me that it is working fine and added he has a friend up in Mawson Lakes on Vodafail. Wanna terminate the contract.
My fellow UniSA engineering students... Voda is nothing but failure!
My fellow UniSA engineering students... Voda is nothing but failure!
8 Jun 2011 01:39:05 PM: Go back and terminate the contract. Just do it, immediately. I switched to Voda 8 months ago, and it's just been pure hell. You *have the right* to a working mobile phone. Voda are clearly in trouble with the Trade Practices Act, and you have the right to expect reasonable coverage so that your phone can operate.
Now that you know what you do, go back & get out of this straight away. And INSIST on no fees or charges. Others have got that - eventually, if their cases are good. And no coverage in your area at all - that's a good case. [If you want to improve your chances, call Voda first & get through to their technical team and report a reception problem in your suburb. That way there's at least 1 report, which may help later on with avoiding fees. In my experience, few people actually report poor reception in a suburb, they just whinge about it & cop penalty fees.]
Now that you know what you do, go back & get out of this straight away. And INSIST on no fees or charges. Others have got that - eventually, if their cases are good. And no coverage in your area at all - that's a good case. [If you want to improve your chances, call Voda first & get through to their technical team and report a reception problem in your suburb. That way there's at least 1 report, which may help later on with avoiding fees. In my experience, few people actually report poor reception in a suburb, they just whinge about it & cop penalty fees.]
18295 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is EXORBITANT at 4 Jun 2011 11:07:00 PM
Until recently, I have had 2 years of relatively happy iPhone 3GS use on Vodafone's 3G network; As I am now finding, the seemingly unavoidable delayed voice messages, mysterious missing text(s) delivered hours/days later, poor signal in apparently well-covered areas (as demonstrated in Vodafone's 3G signal coverage literature availabe at their high street shops), and painfully slow internet/data connection speeds were not isolated to "just poor old me".
BUT recent pains are far greater, and have increased significantly with this emerging issue of "BATERY LIFE". My iPhone 3GS started to fail miserably, apps were crashing, restarting, freezing etc and Google Maps was pathetic. So i took the phone to Apple, they checked it out and althogh they couldn't find the source of the errors, they replaced it for $250.00. Generous enough, I thought.
Thinking the problem could lie at the hands of my service provider, I apprached Vodafone and talked with a customer service rep in a City branch store. He checked and apparently I had an "old" SIM card, the same one I had when taking out my original contract some 3+ years previous. Advised by this representatove of Vodafone, I took my new SIM and restarted my iPhone with marginal improvement.
Then I went on holiday for 6 weeks to the UK whereby my iPhone sat dormant apart as a phone, instead provoding my entertainment on train journeys as a games machine (Tiger Woods golf) and functinooing as my music device.
So 6 weeks later I return to Aus and connect back to Vodafone's network. And to my surprise, my battery was dead in 2.5 - 3 hours. Every day. With no apps functioning. And if I used apps such as mapping or GPS, or dared to enter conversation with fellow mobile phone users, the battery life would visibly tick diwn under observation.
Anticipating the end was nigh for my "new" 3GS, and not wanting to go to Apple for another $250 replacement which may go the same way, I went to Vodafone and upgraded my contract (FREE as I'd reached 21 months) and opted for a HTC Desire HD. Now the battery life on this thing is SHOCKING. But I wonder how much this is to do with teh service provider as my iPhone (now simply an iPod and games machine) battery now lasts up to 9 days on standby which includes iPod use. Now this is shocking - no SIM - 9 days; with SIM (no apps or usage) 3 hours. SOmething is definiitely wrong here. now the HTC deviceis an interesting one too; Friends of mine have the same phone without the battery life problems. And no-one else I know with iPhone 3GS OR iPhone 4 has the battery life issues i have observed and documented.
Is there a problem related to the service provider's SIM card and battery life? Has anyone found this in their area? My evidence is absolutely clear and unequivocal (9 days versus 3 hours) and I guess I wuold like to know more about it.. Any suggestions??
BUT recent pains are far greater, and have increased significantly with this emerging issue of "BATERY LIFE". My iPhone 3GS started to fail miserably, apps were crashing, restarting, freezing etc and Google Maps was pathetic. So i took the phone to Apple, they checked it out and althogh they couldn't find the source of the errors, they replaced it for $250.00. Generous enough, I thought.
Thinking the problem could lie at the hands of my service provider, I apprached Vodafone and talked with a customer service rep in a City branch store. He checked and apparently I had an "old" SIM card, the same one I had when taking out my original contract some 3+ years previous. Advised by this representatove of Vodafone, I took my new SIM and restarted my iPhone with marginal improvement.
Then I went on holiday for 6 weeks to the UK whereby my iPhone sat dormant apart as a phone, instead provoding my entertainment on train journeys as a games machine (Tiger Woods golf) and functinooing as my music device.
So 6 weeks later I return to Aus and connect back to Vodafone's network. And to my surprise, my battery was dead in 2.5 - 3 hours. Every day. With no apps functioning. And if I used apps such as mapping or GPS, or dared to enter conversation with fellow mobile phone users, the battery life would visibly tick diwn under observation.
Anticipating the end was nigh for my "new" 3GS, and not wanting to go to Apple for another $250 replacement which may go the same way, I went to Vodafone and upgraded my contract (FREE as I'd reached 21 months) and opted for a HTC Desire HD. Now the battery life on this thing is SHOCKING. But I wonder how much this is to do with teh service provider as my iPhone (now simply an iPod and games machine) battery now lasts up to 9 days on standby which includes iPod use. Now this is shocking - no SIM - 9 days; with SIM (no apps or usage) 3 hours. SOmething is definiitely wrong here. now the HTC deviceis an interesting one too; Friends of mine have the same phone without the battery life problems. And no-one else I know with iPhone 3GS OR iPhone 4 has the battery life issues i have observed and documented.
Is there a problem related to the service provider's SIM card and battery life? Has anyone found this in their area? My evidence is absolutely clear and unequivocal (9 days versus 3 hours) and I guess I wuold like to know more about it.. Any suggestions??
5 Jun 2011 06:11:40 PM: Do you live in a poor 3g coverage area? If your spending a lot of time in a poor coverage area your phone may be constantly searching for a better signal, changing base stations and switching between 3g and 2g, as it struggles to maintain a good signal whilst prioritising 3g.
11 Jun 2011 05:32:54 PM: OMG I have the exact same problem with battery life. I have samsung galaxy S and my battery only last a few hours with no applications open. If i make a phone call it will prob last 2,3hrs. I have to charge everyday. SO BAD. I originally thought there was somefin wrong with my phone. But looks like its a voda prob.
18294 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Comedic at 4 Jun 2011 09:56:53 PM
Nigel Dews can at least become a comedian when they fire him from Vodafail:
''We are a work in progress. We have got another good two years to go, but we are resilient and building a good, strong business for our shareholders.'' - Nigel Dews, 4th June, 2011
LOL *laughs* *Applause*
Nigel, you are one funny funny person.
Read more:
''We are a work in progress. We have got another good two years to go, but we are resilient and building a good, strong business for our shareholders.'' - Nigel Dews, 4th June, 2011
LOL *laughs* *Applause*
Nigel, you are one funny funny person.
Read more:
4 Jun 2011 10:03:32 PM: ''It is fine for now,'' Dews says. ''I think we learnt very early that No. 2 in two years was not something that we wanted to pursue, because it was never anything that we were going to pursue at any cost and growing profitably is what's key to us.''
No Nigel, it's NOT fine. Your company is in shambles and your network doesn't actually work. "Pursue at any cost" are precisely the words that describe Vodafail's abhorrent, short-sighted business strategy and complete disregard for its customers who are slewn around by their contracts.
No Nigel, it's NOT fine. Your company is in shambles and your network doesn't actually work. "Pursue at any cost" are precisely the words that describe Vodafail's abhorrent, short-sighted business strategy and complete disregard for its customers who are slewn around by their contracts.
6 Jun 2011 10:22:05 AM: Vodafone is only a marketing company who's only cares about promoting the little red symbol. If they really cared about there network, they wouldn't allow it to get so bad. The only reason they merged with the 3 network was so they can benefit from sponsorships that 3 has. Lets face it what idiot would piss off so many customers and do very little to fix it. It easy to have 2% of there customers to leave there network hence instant improvement to there service. Vodafone has the dollars to improve there services at a fast rate, but its easier and cheaper to have people leave there network. There PR will entice new customers by providing higher data and voice package, knowing you would never use it due to the speed of there internet and service so there will always be "fresh meat" to come on board. Plus having a call center in Mumbai with staff with english skills of a Grade 4 student just benefits vodafone further, by having you give up in getting things improved with your service. There are people in Mumbai that have fantastic english skills but vodafone just ignore this level of education. Its a big con.
The TIO will *suspend* the over payments until a mutually agreed solution can be found.
Details of the TIO are in the How To Complain tab at the top of the page.
Do not worry, you are not alone, do not lose any more sleep over Vodafail. Moderation Team
I've just spent half an hour arguing with some women in India, becuase i don't know my 4 digit pin ~ she said she cant even access my account with it ~ i said well i clarify who i am with providing all the matching details i.e. name, address, contact details etc etc ... but i was "supposed" to memorise this 4 digit pin and now I cant do anything about this ridiculous bill .... on a side note- it's amazing how i can get more of a response through there facebook page, rather than there call centre :(
The TIO has a tendency to focus their mindset, hey ho strange old world we live in! Moderation Team