Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
17496 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is utterly failed at 28 Apr 2011 09:05:05 AM
i dont own a home phone my mobile is my only means of contact. when i have to text everyone to be able to have a conversation because if its a call my phone signal drops out constantly. if someone has to cantact me there is a good chance it will go straight to voicemail and on numerious occastions i dont recieve the voice mail for a couple of days. i dont live out of town, i live and work smack bang in the middle of a one of the larger qld cities. if i do take a roadtrip out of town i have to pray i dont have car troubles or come accross a car accident along the way as i wont be able to call for help on my mobile. and if something should happen to my children while there at school there is a good chance i cant be contacted.
the moment i have enough money for a new phone i will be changing telco companys.
the moment i have enough money for a new phone i will be changing telco companys.
17495 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is signal dissapears at 28 Apr 2011 07:48:27 AM
Located NW Hornsby old town centre 60m0etres from Fire Station less than 1km from township lose signal have to redial constantly of course this calls for another flag fall charge an lots of frustration. Signal can be seen dropping to nothing and about 30secs later coming back to full then once again dropping to zero once moore
17494 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is hopless at 28 Apr 2011 06:14:13 AM
calls drop out, takes ages to connect, mobile internet doesnot work properly very slow sometimes wont connect. have the wizbanging htc desire hd but cannot use it to its full potential due to the very substandard non existant vodafail service being provided. and dont think about ringing up and complaining you will run out of battery while on hold for the rest of your life. have now unlocked handset and running telstra sim when cannot acess network.
17493 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very at 28 Apr 2011 05:59:36 AM
Mobile Broadband. 200m from Southport CBD next to Australia Fair. 5 am (clearly nowhere near peak.) Full bar reception. HSPDA. Continous Ping to over 10 minutes. 6 outages. Average Ping 710ms. Deviation 456.3ms Maximum 1982ms. Minimum 348ms. Longest outage 49s. Overall: only 62% of Ping less than 1500ms. This means internet practically unusable 48% of time at non-peak of 5am next to CBD. How fail can vodafone get?
28 Apr 2011 08:17:29 PM: Im only 200 meters from the tower i get my signal from or lack off signal I should say, figure that one out, can't even get the 3G signal, web pages are always not loading, I told them tonight I refuse to pay anymore money, $39 a month for what???? I can use my 3 usb broadband stick no problem on the 3G network but not VODAFAIL.
30 Apr 2011 12:08:37 AM: And you still continue to pay your bills.. Vodafone=Fail ; You=Aussie Loer ; Vodafone CEO's, Big Brass and Shareholders laughing all the way to the bank = GIANT FAIL, but not as big a FAIL as you loser aussie scum who'll re-elect Anna Bligh next state election. Me = no care, not born here, dual citizenship, i have a home in the civilized world, and I'm heading back as soon as my contract is up, in the meanwhile I'm going to try to educate a few people along the way, seems that out of every 1000 aussies or so, there's one or two who actually have a brain inbetween their ears, so as far as I'm concerned, I'm sweet wtih the almighty, I'm doing my good deed for society. Live with passion and be the change you want to see in the world....
17490 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is pathetic at 28 Apr 2011 12:57:20 AM
17489 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Im not allowed to swear that much at 28 Apr 2011 12:52:22 AM
vodafail. For weeks, i had issues with their billing dept, they cut me off for a week and claimed I was behind on my bill - BS - since they have reconnected me i am having constant problems with call cut outs, wasted internet bandwidth due to technical error, and the inability to make calls for hours at a time. Thanks. Thanks so much.
17488 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Absolute at 28 Apr 2011 12:52:17 AM
Trying to cancel my mobile Internet contract since it barely works (unless I stand with my computer near my upstairs window at 4am in the morning) and I basically haven't used it for a year as I'm overseas. The team that links to the international number can't cancel the contract - I have to get put through to special people. Been put on hold so long that I give up eventually, now I've gone over the date for closing the contract and will have to pay an extra month for not cancelling it early enough. Vodafail.
28 Apr 2011 07:28:52 AM: so let me get this right, if you went to the local pizzeria and ordered a family size meatlovers pizza, the shop assistant flops the box on the table, ask for payment, say $19, you sniff and open the box, and you see NO MEAT, so you're going to pay them? DON'T PAY - TELL THEM TO GO AND GET STUFFED and walk out. Similarly here, tell them to stick their contract where the sun don't shine and formally tell them you will not be paying any further bills and that's that. Then switch to another carrier, and make a formal complaint to the T.I.O. The reason aussies are getting crap service, the reason we have electricity prices and the cost of everything else going up, up, up and away is because of stupid aussie people continuing to do as they're told, pay up, they pay up. My cousin works at ascom, which works in close conjunction with Swisscom, and when they have network issues, the delinquency rate on bills jumps dramatically, people say no, not getting service not paying. Very sensitive consumers my fellow countrymen, and they value their time unlike aussie people, most do the one-finger salute thing and change companies and most don't bother wasting time complaining to their relevant consumer authority. Therefore customer service tends to be so much better than here. Try to get one one of my people to go through the push button thing when calling customer support, they hang up, then switch companies. My niece works in accounts and collections at D2 mannesman in germany, she said in the few instances when they have network issues, her departments's job becomes a nightmare, with the number of people refusing payment or delaying payment skyrocketing dramatically. So the company strives to ensure they always provide acceptable service and as promises. Aussies have a lot to learn from civilized nations.
17487 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is bad at 27 Apr 2011 11:57:42 PM
My wife and I have mobile phones with Vodafone and have never had any problems at all phone wise. But our wireless Vf internet connection is awful. It can be ok at times then just simply not work or load eventually in time at 1995 speeds.
I'll probably go to send this and it will stall"This web page is not available" will come up. Wish me luck !
I'll probably go to send this and it will stall"This web page is not available" will come up. Wish me luck !
17486 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is extreme at 27 Apr 2011 10:46:43 PM
Missing incoming messages which caused missed appointments, drop calls and poor reception even in city areas
27 Apr 2011 11:11:48 PM: join the class action if it cost you $$$$$. Voda can pay any costs for lost clients/business.
17485 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Vodaphone is HORRIBLE at 27 Apr 2011 10:40:06 PM
I cannot receive my text messages fully, they always end up as *some text missing* and not only that, but I receive my texts an hour late! =.="
17484 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very fail at 27 Apr 2011 10:37:48 PM
I can't even get proper connection at home without going outside to make a phone call.
17483 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Apr 2011 10:36:46 PM
Baiscally It goes from no service to 3 bars of 3G. at my girlfriends place i get no service at all...
I pay $70 a month for a service i dont even use because i have no reception.
Thanks Voda
I pay $70 a month for a service i dont even use because i have no reception.
Thanks Voda
17482 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% Fail at 27 Apr 2011 10:20:39 PM
No coverage I get more Coverage in a remote area (Hunter Valley) than a more dense suburb
17481 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very fail at 27 Apr 2011 09:34:14 PM
It always cuts out and never works in my house and i am in a rural area :s
17480 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is drop outs at 27 Apr 2011 09:30:44 PM
Ok I am now over it.... tonight i have had 3 drop outs on a business call over 20 minutes THANKS Vodaphone this is how i pay my phone bill...
17478 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is EPIC at 27 Apr 2011 09:02:30 PM
The vodafone network drops out 4 times just between my house and my work. The reason we got warned about the floods coming in January was other campers getting notifications to move to higher ground as they were with other networks.
17477 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very fail at 27 Apr 2011 08:50:24 PM
I was on the 29$ plan paying an extra 15$ for unlimited txt to any phone in australia. I was over my phone so my partner gave me his new Samsung, the Samsung phone I was using is exclusive to Optus therefore if I had put my Vodafone sim card in it it could not connect to the internet, which I was fine with because that was making my bills go through the roof. Got a txt from Voda stating that my monthly spend on this number was $529.89, thought to myself, this isnt right. So I logged into myvodafone internet account and it stated that my next bill is $603.46 which was a big woah! I rang the customer care line and they said that i was charged for data usage. I could not connect to the internet, therefore I wasnt using any data. My partner rang up the TIO because I was not happy with the reception I had plus the bill didnt make me any happier. They said they'll get back to me in 10 business days to talk to me about it and get my 4 digit enquiry pin. They rang me back the next day and asked me what was going on and I told them about my bill plus the fact I wasnt happy about the reception I was receiving. The TIO representative asked me if I wanted to cancel my contract and without hesitation I said yes. They let me walk out with no extra payments and now been with Optus for 3 weeks and I'm loving it. Get unlimited access to FB and I also have unlimited txt to anyone in Australia and 700$ call credit and unlimited calls to any Optus number in Australia.
17476 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Apr 2011 08:48:41 PM
I never get reception, even in the middle of the CBD and am constantly having to find pockets of reception so that I can make calls and send texts. In short, Vodafone's "service" is a joke and I won't be resigning with them when my contract ends.
17475 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Huge vodaFail Billing Shame! at 27 Apr 2011 08:47:00 PM
I upgraded my contract, only to have them cancel my monthly repayment plan when I was told they would not, they now are trying to charge me $800 for their stuff up! mean while I have spent countless hours being put from person to per and nobody seems to be able to correct it!!!
17474 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Vodafail at 27 Apr 2011 08:23:52 PM
1) Poor signal reception even though i live 10 kms from the city centre.
2) Never connects to 3G, always on roaming so they have charged me excess fees
3) I have internet plan but could never use it because it never connects to 3G signal.
2) Never connects to 3G, always on roaming so they have charged me excess fees
3) I have internet plan but could never use it because it never connects to 3G signal.
17472 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 27 Apr 2011 08:19:52 PM
I am on $19 plan with 3 mobile.I have upgraded my mobile to HTC Legend on 29/03/2011 and extended the contract for another 2 years by paying extra 5 dollars per month for the handset, There are several issues with the mobile i have received, i have contacted 3 mobile but they have not done anything to resolve the issues.
1)First of all, it is not connecting to Wifi. It says connecting...disconnected continuously.It never connected to Wifi.The main reason for me to purchase a smart phone is to use the mobile for internet but it is never connected to wifi.
2)My plan has News & Info package but it was not pre-installed in my mobile.
3)Signal strength is so poor i am not able to use 3G connection, it is always on roaming even though other mobiles have good 3G connection.
4)Battery performance is so poor it finishes the battery within 1 hour, website claims the battery stands for 440 minutes.
5)It does not have Planet 3 pre-installed
6)Dynalink RTA1046VW modem which i use to connect for my laptops through another provider suddenly disconnects when i swith on the HTC Legend mobile wifi connection
I have called 3 mobile customer service, they have transferred me to 3 different departments but not solved the problem.
I have called them again, again changed 3 departments. I went to 3 store then i called them again, then i have reproduced the problem infront store staff, customer service service spoke to store representative, but till date problem was not resolved. I have complained to TIO, they have sent unresolved email, they are also useless.
1)First of all, it is not connecting to Wifi. It says connecting...disconnected continuously.It never connected to Wifi.The main reason for me to purchase a smart phone is to use the mobile for internet but it is never connected to wifi.
2)My plan has News & Info package but it was not pre-installed in my mobile.
3)Signal strength is so poor i am not able to use 3G connection, it is always on roaming even though other mobiles have good 3G connection.
4)Battery performance is so poor it finishes the battery within 1 hour, website claims the battery stands for 440 minutes.
5)It does not have Planet 3 pre-installed
6)Dynalink RTA1046VW modem which i use to connect for my laptops through another provider suddenly disconnects when i swith on the HTC Legend mobile wifi connection
I have called 3 mobile customer service, they have transferred me to 3 different departments but not solved the problem.
I have called them again, again changed 3 departments. I went to 3 store then i called them again, then i have reproduced the problem infront store staff, customer service service spoke to store representative, but till date problem was not resolved. I have complained to TIO, they have sent unresolved email, they are also useless.
17469 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Heaps at 27 Apr 2011 07:15:50 PM
Well I can't talk in my house without the mobile dropping out. I was just on hold to my bank with a ten minute wait for service and it dropped out on me. So I had to use the landline phone - and presto! Another ten minute wait (plus I was now charged for the call!) Twice if you count the call coast Vodafone would take!
17468 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Incompentent at 27 Apr 2011 06:31:34 PM
I had to cancel Vodafone due to their apaling coverage. I use my phone for work and was told to get rid of them. In the process ive now received a bill from them of $1000 for cancelling a contract????? I did not have a handset subsidy and did not sign a contract. I was also a vodafone customer for over 5 years. The response I received was too bad you have to pay it!!!!! Customer service basically said there was no way around it - anyone?
27 Apr 2011 09:11:01 PM: call the TIO
27 Apr 2011 10:32:10 PM: If you didn't sign a contract there wouldn't be a cancellation fee. Are you sure you weren't in a contract? A bill of $1000 usually means you've cancelled around 4 months into a 24 month contract.
17467 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 90% fail at 27 Apr 2011 06:28:14 PM
My partner lives in Wollongong and I constantly have trouble sending txts to him as well as ringing him. Txt messages can take upto 2 days to get through and then they all go through at once. When I ring I continually get a message saying the number I am calling is out of service or switched off. What a lot of rubbish. He is a nightshift worker and his phone is on 24/7. He works in Sydney and we constantly get calls drop out no matter where he is. I can even txt my own kids in the same house and still not get through to them. The whole idea of my children having mobile phones in the first place was so that I was able to contact them whenever I needed to. What a joke!!!!! Please fix your problems as my contract is due to expire in a few months and I will most certainly be changing my provider.
17466 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is How long is a line of string? at 27 Apr 2011 05:44:45 PM
After sending my complaint through with some mild course language, I receieved an automated response that had obviously picked up some key words used in my complaint such as "Dropping out" "No service" "3G" and "Blackberry. After sending me an email with lots of technical jargon, I wrote back how disgusted I was that an automated message is the first line of defence in trying to redeem their reputation and also salvage what was left of my faith in them, again, a few choice words were used... Then to find another automated message advising my complaint would not be actioned due to the threatening/abusive language being used... WTF?!
F-Off Vodafone!!!
You've just opened the flood gates...
F-Off Vodafone!!!
You've just opened the flood gates...
17465 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is haunting me! at 27 Apr 2011 05:31:13 PM
Just when i thought i was free from Vodafone a month after i ported out and settled my TIO case with a rep from resolutions team i get a nasty surprise bill over the easter weekend! Spent all day trying to contact resolutions team today only to keep reaching their message bank. Looks like it's back to the TIO! Why do vodafail bother promising things just to take it back?!
17464 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is poor at 27 Apr 2011 05:17:38 PM
drop outs bad
17463 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is extremely at 27 Apr 2011 04:58:18 PM
had 3 work mobiles and internet cut off (it took over 24 hours and far too long on the phone to sort it out) all through no fault of my own
17462 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is extremely at 27 Apr 2011 04:55:47 PM
had 3 of my work mobiles cut off and my office internet(which took 24 hours to rectify) all of this through no fault of mine. Had to spend far too many hours sorting it out. Not good enough and will be transferring my services to optus without any cost to myself.
17461 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is high at 27 Apr 2011 04:50:36 PM
i can be in my bedroom and have no service, but as soon as i move out to the kitchen which is only about 10 foot step i receive 1 to 2 bars.
i travelled all the way to yanco NSW back in March and receive no coverage what so ever on the the way there and on the way home.
I can down to safety beach Vic and we recieve to coverage once again, even the same when iam in carrrum downs or seaford.
i will be changing once the contact runs out in june and never going back
i travelled all the way to yanco NSW back in March and receive no coverage what so ever on the the way there and on the way home.
I can down to safety beach Vic and we recieve to coverage once again, even the same when iam in carrrum downs or seaford.
i will be changing once the contact runs out in june and never going back
17460 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Post Mortem at 27 Apr 2011 04:47:18 PM
I finally ceased my contract with vodafail (it took me literally going into a store and telling potential customers in front of employees not to sign up). I am now in $100 credit and was told over the phone that they can send me a cheque but that unfortunately, the address that I live at does not exist. I am apparently without a postal address and I cannot recieve a cheque unless I live somewhere. Suicidal levels of rage.
27 Apr 2011 10:34:16 PM: Congratulations on resorting to embarassing yourself infront of innocent staff to get your way. Hopefully you find peace in your life so that suicide isn't a resolution for you.
17458 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Slow at 27 Apr 2011 04:39:10 PM
Bloody 3g, why is it sooooo muuuuuucccchhhh slower than Edge? Argh...
27 Apr 2011 05:04:59 PM: 3G is not working in most of Tassie from what I can tell. If you get up between 2AM and 4AM in the morning you might be lucky enough to uplaod 1 picture
17457 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Worst Network Ever at 27 Apr 2011 04:35:55 PM
I live inner city Melbourne and my wireless internet reception is junk...refuses to load pages, constantly shuts down and sends me an error message and - on the very rare occassion it does work - take approx 10 minutes for the requested page to appear. Two calls to Vodafone and nada. No explaination, no plan of action, just a condescending "have you tried turning your computer off"
17456 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail at 27 Apr 2011 04:23:43 PM
I updated my email address when I left my previous job to receive my bills on my personal address. Continued receiving messages from them that they could not send my latest bill to my email address and they were going to charge $2.20 to send a paper bill. I double checked my account details online, email address is still the personal one I had updated with no spelling errors. Decided to call them and was quite surprised I was actually able to speak with a real person (even though they were probably from an overseas call centre) within 5 minutes of my call. I had left my previous job 6 months ago and the email they had on their system was the old one. What is the point of me updating my account details online if it's not going to be updated on theirs?? Grrr
17455 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Rubbish service in Parra at 27 Apr 2011 04:12:00 PM
I live in North Parramatta (near church & pennant hills road) and the coverage is absolute rubbish. As im renting I have not connected a landline but with all the Vodafone mobile problems and also mobile broadband - it looks like im going to have to get ADSL or something to get service. The mobile continually drops out and mobile broadband is almost non existent.
Does anyone else have a problem in North Parramatta? I been having problems all over the place but Parramatta/North Parramatta is just a 'black hole' for any signal.
Voda has a site to check for the network upgrade/issues and they have stated that there is a problem there but its not a recent problem as the problem has been there for more 1yr. I doubt if they will get anything fixed as they are loosing all credibility and customers to Telstra.
Come'on Telstra, reduce your prices to match Voda and I will be a returning customer. NAB had a 'break up' campaign with the other banks over fees, come'on Telstra you too can do a 'break up' and match Vodafone and we will ALL sign up with you TOMORROW!
So, anyone else with Voda problems in Parra for voice & data?
Telstra you up for lower prices so you get all of Voda's customers ?
Does anyone else have a problem in North Parramatta? I been having problems all over the place but Parramatta/North Parramatta is just a 'black hole' for any signal.
Voda has a site to check for the network upgrade/issues and they have stated that there is a problem there but its not a recent problem as the problem has been there for more 1yr. I doubt if they will get anything fixed as they are loosing all credibility and customers to Telstra.
Come'on Telstra, reduce your prices to match Voda and I will be a returning customer. NAB had a 'break up' campaign with the other banks over fees, come'on Telstra you too can do a 'break up' and match Vodafone and we will ALL sign up with you TOMORROW!
So, anyone else with Voda problems in Parra for voice & data?
Telstra you up for lower prices so you get all of Voda's customers ?
17454 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Apr 2011 04:06:49 PM
while in an area where i know of many people that use vodafone and complaints have been made many times and yet there is to be anything done about it, Forster, Tuncurry, Failford Rd and all close by areas still have hardly if any signal for calls text and internet. whilst visting family it was taking over half an hour for me to get my messages i couldnt keep a phone call and that was if i could even find a spot with signal. When i did it failed to bring through my texts and voicemails
17453 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is indifferent not different at 27 Apr 2011 04:00:33 PM
Western Suburbs of Perth - serious sub optimal coverage. Bit like not providing coverage in Canberra = worst place to do it if you are trying to hide something
17452 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No signal at 27 Apr 2011 04:00:26 PM
my signal drops in and out every day. Ok first thing then its a lucky dip as to how long it will last. When I need it to keep in contact with my son in the evenings it invariably drops out. As I am a pensioner and Vodafone is the only one that gives me 365 days to use my money I wish they could fix the problem.
17451 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is indifferent not different at 27 Apr 2011 03:58:38 PM
Western Suburbs of Perth - serious sub optimal coverage. Bit like not providing coverage in Canberra = worst place to do it if you are trying to hide something
17449 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Apr 2011 03:44:26 PM
Relieved that my contract has finally come to an end. Problems the minute I got the mobile broadband home. Called the tech support who were abrupt and extremely unhelpful. One guy from flat out refused to even return my calls or provide any assistance saying that the account number, sim number and mobile number was not correct?? Eventually rang back in frustration as I am not internet savvy and somebody else agreed to help me. It turned out the woman who sold the broadband had slotted the sim card into the device incorrectly - I had no idea. The first time i used the internet it worked fine. The second time it was slow and kept dropping out. A problem that I have persevered with all year. I have never once had full signal. The best is two bars and I agreed to this contract as I was told that I would get good signal. Even when it is supposedly connected and shows it is downloading a page it comes up repeatedly that internet explorer is not working, refresh page and it happens again and again. Or in the Vodafone Mobile Connect Screen data transfer becomes zero and even though it is connected, it is doing absolutely nothing. Many times I disconnect and reconnect again for the same thing to happen. For a year I have put up with this rubbish, paid my monthly account for crap reception in return. It's not right and clearly I am not alone. Wish I had the foresight to dispute this long ago and get out of the contract. Good riddance to Vodafone. I will be turning to Telstra. You get what you pay for.
17448 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Why am I paying you bills when your not providing any coverage at 27 Apr 2011 03:31:02 PM
Im stuck on a Vodafone plan for another 20 months and thanks to Vodafone's lack of coverage in the Metro Area I've now had to result to using payphones.
I continually post horrible messages about vodafone on facebook because I'm absolutely DISGUSTED with their ability to charge ontime, compensate no-one and keep customers like me on hold for EVERYTHING!
I urge you to do the same
I continually post horrible messages about vodafone on facebook because I'm absolutely DISGUSTED with their ability to charge ontime, compensate no-one and keep customers like me on hold for EVERYTHING!
I urge you to do the same
17447 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is on hold too long at 27 Apr 2011 03:23:55 PM
27 Apr 2011 10:36:35 PM: Jailed for life because you're on hold? Some people need to get out more.
28 Apr 2011 08:10:51 PM: I guess if you weren't on hold for so long you probably could get out more.
17446 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is drop out signal at 27 Apr 2011 03:20:17 PM
17445 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is MASSIVE FAIL at 27 Apr 2011 03:16:39 PM
Dropped calls, missing calls, shit reception. I've had enough, once this contract expires in three months I'm definitely switching providers!
17444 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Service? at 27 Apr 2011 03:10:18 PM
I cant even have phone calls or send message while sitting in my lounge room.
I swapped from 3 to vodafone as they said i would get better service. Did not deliver!!
I swapped from 3 to vodafone as they said i would get better service. Did not deliver!!
30 Apr 2011 12:11:06 AM: (yawn) and you just keep on paying your bills. Good one aussie dumb-ass. Stop paying your bills, tell them (in writing) why, tell them to stick it up their you-know-what and complain to the TIO, they'll release u from your contract and you'll be free to go to Telstra, cost u a bit more, but at least you get something resembling a mobile service.
17443 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is HUGE FAIL at 27 Apr 2011 03:09:31 PM
I left vodafone for telstra due to poor network coverage and customer service. I then received a text from vodafone saying my final bill has been sent to my email adress. I checked my email, and what do you know... its not there! So I called vodafone and was transfered between departments until finally the phone rang... and rang for 8 minutes before someone picked up and hung up on me!
17442 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Winning at Failing at 27 Apr 2011 03:03:26 PM
Stuck on a 24 month plan until October.
My phone constantly cuts out when connecting to mobile internet (if I'm fortunate to get mobile internet in the first place).
Full reception bars are a myth (and it's not the phone).
With this much failure and the reception bars going on holiday very frequently I want to exit my contract asap but am unsure if I can.
Hi-ho Telstra!
My phone constantly cuts out when connecting to mobile internet (if I'm fortunate to get mobile internet in the first place).
Full reception bars are a myth (and it's not the phone).
With this much failure and the reception bars going on holiday very frequently I want to exit my contract asap but am unsure if I can.
Hi-ho Telstra!
17441 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Reception / Service problems at 27 Apr 2011 02:59:56 PM
I have been in and out of range for the last few months. Not to mention the 'gliche' on Easter Sunday where I was unable to send a text for a minimum of 8 hours. I need to turn off my phone completely and restart everytime I lose reception. I am simply paying for a service that I am NOT receiving. I have been a Vodafone customer for 8 years and am strongly contemplating on changing providers.
17440 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is worst mobile service at 27 Apr 2011 02:48:26 PM
27 Apr 2011 10:38:05 PM: If you speak to them rudely they have every right to hang up on you. Learn some respect instead of acting like a tough guy behind the safety of your phone.
28 Apr 2011 05:25:51 PM: Up yours.
28 Apr 2011 08:05:37 PM: I had the rep laugh at me last night for no reason, i asked him what his problem was and he laughed again, I asked him if somebody was sitting there tickling his balls, SILENCE, I asked to be put through to the billing Dept. and he laughed again so i told him what I thought of him with a few choice to the person who thinks that hiding behind a phone you are a moron, where was the respect shown to me by this so called representative of Vodafone.
6 May 2011 10:18:09 PM: i love do gooders like the top comment if u are so nice it gets u no were they will walk all over u
17439 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is fail to the max at 27 Apr 2011 02:42:52 PM
over Easter poor reception no sms call drop outs wtf , we living in Australia or a third world Country !!!!!!!
17438 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Epic at 27 Apr 2011 02:00:51 PM
Poor coverage, continous call drop outs even in full range, bills not sent out on time, messages recieved hours/days after they had been sent. would like to get out of my plan but will cost to much!
17437 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is POOR COVERAGE WYNYARD TASMANIA at 27 Apr 2011 01:59:31 PM
Well Vodafone I am dissappointed with your mobile coverage at Wynyard, Tasmania. I have missed important calls when I have to travel there, and when there is a slight signal on a fine day it drops out during call. Forget any signal when there is patchy rain. Lift your game.
17436 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is dropped calls at 27 Apr 2011 01:58:45 PM
sick of calls dropping out/poor reception can't wait to change provider.
17435 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Apr 2011 01:54:15 PM
I have been with vodafail for more than 10yrs why is the reception getting worse?
Shouldnt it be getting better?
Shouldnt it be getting better?
17434 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL! at 27 Apr 2011 01:53:35 PM
Was with Vodafone for over 4 years and the poor reception, shocking service, drop-outs, coverage all became too much...luckily I switched to a different pre-paid carrier and what an absolute relief...all the problems are a distant memory...
Shame on Vodafone, for taking our money, not providing the service and simply not caring about it's clients...all their problems are related to their merge with 3 and after speaking with an insider, these issues will continue for another 1-2 years.
Shame on Vodafone, for taking our money, not providing the service and simply not caring about it's clients...all their problems are related to their merge with 3 and after speaking with an insider, these issues will continue for another 1-2 years.
5 May 2011 10:40:40 AM: who is your new carrier?
17433 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is 10 Fails at 27 Apr 2011 01:52:38 PM
I went to vodafone after my missus's new Iphone4 (which we just started on a 2 year contract) kept dropping calls and even sometimes failed to dial. I was told that the only way to deal with this problem was to turn off the 3G setting for the phone... So the point of buying a 3G phone as become redundant thanks to poor planing and implementation from Vodafone... (she still gets her calls dropped aswell). I'm considering paying to drop the contract so she is on a more reliable network. </Rant>
17432 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is ultimate fail at 27 Apr 2011 01:49:55 PM
Yesterday afternoon April 26 between 3pm and 5:30pm. Couldn't send sms' and couldn't connect to mobile internet on my HTC legend. Basically turned my phone from a smart phone into a dumb phone.
17431 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is they have changed the defination of FAIL. at 27 Apr 2011 01:43:53 PM
I bought an Iphone 4 with $18 per month and they charged my $36 per month for 3 months. Joke, Joke and joke. They didn't have my iphone registered into their system and I wanted to use it overseas.
Secondly, when I asked for mobile broadband being failed(can't use anytime), they asked me to cancel the mobile broadband. What is the use of Iphone without internet.
The CEO sending out emails saying, apolgies and stuff. It means, we can't deliver but still pay the bills. We can't do anything at the moment, still pay the bill. SMS failures, still pay the bill.
I want to get out of contract and I dont know what to do
Secondly, when I asked for mobile broadband being failed(can't use anytime), they asked me to cancel the mobile broadband. What is the use of Iphone without internet.
The CEO sending out emails saying, apolgies and stuff. It means, we can't deliver but still pay the bills. We can't do anything at the moment, still pay the bill. SMS failures, still pay the bill.
I want to get out of contract and I dont know what to do
17430 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Apr 2011 01:32:39 PM
I constantly have no signal at my workplace - on both my personal phone and work mobile! It does my head in. Sometimes I'll get a text message notification a day after someone has left me a voice mail.
17429 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very at 27 Apr 2011 01:06:07 PM
i always loose signal and i never used too and sometimes i cant send text messages and some calls drop out
17427 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is A communications company that can't communicate at 27 Apr 2011 12:41:19 PM
Vodafone told me that my area was receiving a 3Gnetwork upgrade, so l gave them time and the benifit of the doubt.
Turns out the upgrade is 3G 850 and not compatibile with the 3G 900 phone I am on contract with them.
Turns out the upgrade is 3G 850 and not compatibile with the 3G 900 phone I am on contract with them.
27 Apr 2011 02:09:00 PM: The 850 towers will still reduce the congestion off the 900 and 2100 towers, so it will still help.
27 Apr 2011 03:35:36 PM: blah blah will reduce the blah blah blah to the blah blah. It either works or it doesn't make, speak english.
27 Apr 2011 05:48:55 PM: Congestion doesn't seem like a problem, if you don't have a signal and the tower upgrade for your area is already being shown as being completed.
27 Apr 2011 08:50:39 PM: To the comment about Telstra and 4G, Vodafone were actually the first network to begin rollout of the LTE network, Telstra have yet to begin theirs.
17426 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is rubbish at 27 Apr 2011 12:39:19 PM
My mobile broadband connection sucks has been impossible even over Easter weekend
even had same problems early morning when most sensible people are tucked up
even had same problems early morning when most sensible people are tucked up
17425 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Seriously. at 27 Apr 2011 12:37:42 PM
What a debacle. I've been using Vodafone for ~8 years, and have weathered a few storms with them, however nothing as seriously bad as the last 6 months. Dropped calls, fluctuating reception, poor SMS performance. 3G internet performance is a joke; its so flaky regardless of how many bars are displayed on the phone. Being disgruntled, and then running into a non-functioning billing service is pretty much the last straw. I can't even pay my (quite excessive, given the lack of actual service) bill due to 1555 and their website both refusing to accept payment after long wait times and filling out tedious forms.
I will be moving over to Telstra. They might be more expensive, however at least I will be getting what I pay for.
I will be moving over to Telstra. They might be more expensive, however at least I will be getting what I pay for.
17424 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No Service at 27 Apr 2011 12:35:49 PM
I struggled to get any reception camping around Eildon over the Easter Break, same spot last year l had service, this year zilch..had to wait until l was into Mansfield before l could call - mind you my mates with the other carriers apart from 3 had service.
Been with Voda for 4 years had enough...time for a change
Been with Voda for 4 years had enough...time for a change
17423 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is severe at 27 Apr 2011 12:33:16 PM
continual and I mean continual dropouts and poor reception always
17422 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Mega at 27 Apr 2011 12:30:21 PM
Been with Vodfone 11 years, my last plan expired in January waiting to see things improve before starting a new 2 year plan .. this Easter weekend was bad, could not send SMS on Easter day, my phone had no reception most of the time resulting in continuos voicemail messages, when I could call it was broken up. I am trying so hard to stay on as a customer but cannot see any changes as promised over the past few months.
17421 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Coverage at 27 Apr 2011 12:24:35 PM
No 3G coverage in Glenorchy like I normaly, has been down for 3 days. Trying to operate a business on dial up speeds. Have had problems even trying to access this website.
27 Apr 2011 03:29:25 PM: Im in glenorchy aswell, and i thought it was my phone. thanks
17420 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Excruciating Fail at 27 Apr 2011 12:16:34 PM
First day back in Brissie and no 3G in the CBD and southside. Handset doesn't pickup any 3G, only GSM. Anyone had similar issues?
<start rant>
Just got back from Easter break overseas, funnily enough I don't have any problems shelling out $ for a good prepaid service there. This is coming from a person that takes being 'cheap' as a compliment.
seriously thinking of giving up Voda, i can't use 2GB worth of data i've been promised realistically even if I live in a CBD apartment. Oh and no signal inside too, had to stand in the balcony talking like some idiot. Voda, i thought Telstra didn't care about their customers, but compared to them you showed continuous innovation in frustrating customers, I think you deserve to win the FAIL award if you keep your current standards.
<end rant>
Ooh that felt a little better...
<start rant>
Just got back from Easter break overseas, funnily enough I don't have any problems shelling out $ for a good prepaid service there. This is coming from a person that takes being 'cheap' as a compliment.
seriously thinking of giving up Voda, i can't use 2GB worth of data i've been promised realistically even if I live in a CBD apartment. Oh and no signal inside too, had to stand in the balcony talking like some idiot. Voda, i thought Telstra didn't care about their customers, but compared to them you showed continuous innovation in frustrating customers, I think you deserve to win the FAIL award if you keep your current standards.
<end rant>
Ooh that felt a little better...
27 Apr 2011 04:02:20 PM: Vodafone retail staff have been encouraged/told to switch all users handsets to 2G mode in a bid to reduce congestion. Check your settings and make sure that cellular data and 3G are enabled. If not, then it's a forced 3G blackout from the cell(s) that you're closest to.
17418 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EFG at 27 Apr 2011 11:51:42 AM
Am lucky to get any reception in Waitara NSW 2077, 3G is non existent.
17417 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No Service - Double Bay NSW 2028 at 27 Apr 2011 11:45:59 AM
I have had no reception all morning in Double Bay NSW 2028 where I normally have reception. Have done all resets and phone on and off and still no luck
17416 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is terrible fail at 27 Apr 2011 11:44:56 AM
Dropped calls...I am having to call back people sometimes 4 or 5 times. Dropping my wireless network, poor access to internet using 3g network, anything pertaining to internet access basically. Turning phone on and off up to 20 times per day to get coverage and service back (alot of times the phone won't even turn back on!) Not able to receive or send texts and phone calls probably 3 or 4 times a week, for hours at a time.
17415 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is terrible fail at 27 Apr 2011 11:44:26 AM
Dropped calls...I am having to call back people sometimes 4 or 5 times. Dropping my wireless network, poor access to internet using 3g network, anything pertaining to internet access basically. Turning phone on and off up to 20 times per day to get coverage and service back (alot of times the phone won't even turn back on!) Not able to receive or send texts and phone calls probably 3 or 4 times a week, for hours at a time.
17414 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is UNBELIEVABLE at 27 Apr 2011 11:35:41 AM
Hobart... Is SLOWbart for VHA...
I struggled to get 3G on my HTC since XMAS and thought it was my Nokia N95 8G that was the cause. After 2 months of dropped calls, limited access etc. I have nbow upgraded to the HTC Desire HD and found some relief.
Then Easter... No TXT access & limited service AGAIN! Is this going to turn into a 3 months affair where I struggle to get access AGAIN!!!
I can't believe I had to watch ACA to see the story on VHA offering FREE TXT to their subscribers this Sunday.
Whoopdy-FKN-doo VHA I'm on an UNLIMITED plan so I get UNLIMITED TXT anyway...
Just get it right! More towers in Hobart and TAS for that matter & take a look at the East Coast!
I am embarrassed to say that I worked for VHA for nearly 10.5yrs.
All I can say is that since Grahame Maher CEO it has never been the same!
Grahame would turn in his grave if he could see VHA has gone to the dogs!
RIP Grahame.
I struggled to get 3G on my HTC since XMAS and thought it was my Nokia N95 8G that was the cause. After 2 months of dropped calls, limited access etc. I have nbow upgraded to the HTC Desire HD and found some relief.
Then Easter... No TXT access & limited service AGAIN! Is this going to turn into a 3 months affair where I struggle to get access AGAIN!!!
I can't believe I had to watch ACA to see the story on VHA offering FREE TXT to their subscribers this Sunday.
Whoopdy-FKN-doo VHA I'm on an UNLIMITED plan so I get UNLIMITED TXT anyway...
Just get it right! More towers in Hobart and TAS for that matter & take a look at the East Coast!
I am embarrassed to say that I worked for VHA for nearly 10.5yrs.
All I can say is that since Grahame Maher CEO it has never been the same!
Grahame would turn in his grave if he could see VHA has gone to the dogs!
RIP Grahame.
17413 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extreme at 27 Apr 2011 11:20:19 AM
I have only been with Vodaphone for 3-4 weeks. I cannot use my mobile (Iphone 4) at my desk at work or make or receive calls at my home. I was previously with 3 and was encouraged by Mobicom to change to Vodaphone and take advantage of the upgrade in phones - 10 in all. We are experiencing no service in 4 of our major work areas, where we did have service previously. The dropped calls is the worst and the delay in texts is atrocious. I have experienced good customer service but no solution to the problem has been offered. I am extremely disgruntled with the level of coverage and Vodaphone has not provided the level of service that I signed up for. 2 out of 10 vodaphone
17412 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Poor reception at 27 Apr 2011 10:53:01 AM
I live in WANRNER QLD & have very poor reception cant take cals inside my house i'm lucky to be able to text .
I dont live in the country but a major city in australia !!!
I dont live in the country but a major city in australia !!!
17411 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Terrible coverage, dropping calls and always dropped over long weekends at 27 Apr 2011 10:28:04 AM
There always seems to be network problems over long weekends, most recently this weekend. I had no coverage from easter Sunday morning until yesterday (Tuesday) lunchtime. I could not do anything and my phone sat in 'no network' mode for two days. Also, I live in Maylands WA, just 4pm from the Perth CBD and I cannot get any coverage in my house. If by chance I get to make a call it will drop out within the first minute, and 3G forget it!! I have made complaints since last Christmas, when again I had no coverage for two days and I'm still trying to get answers.
Thanks for the opportunity to shake my pain! At least I know I'm not the only sufferer.
Thanks for the opportunity to shake my pain! At least I know I'm not the only sufferer.
17410 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is at 27 Apr 2011 10:24:04 AM
I have been with Vodafone for around 4 years. I have put up with the dropped calls, bad reception (most of the time, no signal/reception at all), voicemails being delivered 24 hours after the call has been made, with family and friends telling me my phone was off, incorrect, phone is always on. I work in the CBD (Hobart) and sometimes cannot load facebook (in my lunch break of course), iTunes or Safari at all, it just continually tries to load the page unsuccessfully. When a call does connect and I answer, I can hear the person on the other end, but they can't hear me, or I can talk for a few minutes, then they can't hear me, all I get is "Where did you go?" or "Hello"??? so I hang up. Enough is enough in this day and age of modern technology, we should be able to talk, surf the net, buy a song, send a text and say hi to friends on facebook from our phone with no interruptions or service problems. I am hoping nothing happens to my daughter or myself, as I have my vodafone service to rely on for a 000 call should I need it.
17409 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is broadband not working at 27 Apr 2011 10:14:10 AM
I'm so glad thhis website is up and Vodaphone issues on TV last night. I thought I was only one. Many times I cannot even use the internet modem, signal coverage is either not at all or very poor. I've used vodaphone broadband for 3-4 months and have had continuous problems, over billed, being cut off when I thought an issue was resolved, long waits, everything little thing I say is repeated back parrot fashion from India, when all I want is the situation resolved.
17408 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Poor Reception at 27 Apr 2011 09:59:28 AM
I am in Bendigo Victoria and use my mobile extensively for work. I am often in areas that simply have no reception (My Factory in East Bendigo), on the train to Melb, or simply slightly outside the CBD. I get dropped calls, no reception, and the icing on the cake is - full signal and I get an sms telling me to call voicemail. I call voicemail and the time of the message is less than two minutes from my call to voicemail to when voicemail recorded the message. The message is someone calling to talk to me. When I speak to them, I ask if they heard my phone ring and they always state that it went straight through to voicemail. This is most frustrating as the phone had full signal and simply didn't ring.
17407 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is negligent and should face consequences for same at 27 Apr 2011 09:46:47 AM
27 Apr 2011 02:38:23 PM: You're an idiot
21 Jul 2011 01:35:54 AM: Wow your negotiating skills are so good wish I had those ideas! Tard..
17406 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is USELESS at 27 Apr 2011 09:45:58 AM
After selling the Vodafone product for many years and being a customer for 12 I am over it. I have been out of the mobile game for 5 years now ansd well all i can say is that Vodafone AUS has gone backwards. I live on the Gold Coast and have 3 ctn ( numbers ) conected to Vodafone. The coverage is the big thing. I can sit at home and my phone will say no service. I have to walk down the road to send a txt. Droped calls are becoming a joke. After many complaints to Voda and yes i have received a small rebate of half porice access for 3 months it still goes on and on. It's a real shame as i have been loyal to this company for a very long time. SORT IT OUT VODA.2 of my phones still have about 18 months left to run and the way they are going they will not make it to the end.
17405 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely at 27 Apr 2011 09:36:08 AM
I work from home a day a week, or at least used too. I cant upload to ebay, log into termserv remotely and am subsequently losing income. Thanks Vodafail.
17404 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Unreliable at 27 Apr 2011 09:34:07 AM
Over the past month I have continually experienced having what appears to be full service on my phone but unable to make or receive calls. Text messages have also been very slow to reach their destinations.
Very Very unsatisfied and I cant wait until my contract is up. I have already started a new contract with Telstra which I was very reluctant to do but alas I cannot put up with poor service anymore!!!
Very Very unsatisfied and I cant wait until my contract is up. I have already started a new contract with Telstra which I was very reluctant to do but alas I cannot put up with poor service anymore!!!
27 Apr 2011 09:55:55 AM: write to vodafone informing them you will not be paying any further bills they send you, and that you are writing a complaint to the TIO. Then draft up a formal complaint to the TIO. Port your number across to Telstra (or Optus), you don't have to pay for poor service.
How would you react if you ordered a ham and cheese family sized pizza from your local pizzeria, say $19.90 - order complete, guy flops pizza carton onto table, you open lid and see no cheese. Are you going to pay the $19.90 they demand? I certainly wouldn't. I'd tell them to go and whack some cheese on it, or piss off I'm out of here, yet Aussies continue to put up with crap service and when the bills come in they just pay them, albeit with some whingeing and raving and complaining. Stop whinging and TAKE ACTION - actions speak louder than words. Remember big brass of major companies laugh behind closed doors, they will do whatever they can reasonably get away with. For as long as they have cashflow they're happy. So actions to rectify their problems are slow. I know of several owners of Vodafone dealers who are fed up with the company, as it's impacting their dealership's growth, they still have the ongoing revenue from their existing clients usage, but you need growth over the long term of your dealership, as contracts expire, some customers get enticed by other carrier offers, especially nowadays its so easy and convenient to port your number between carriers.
How would you react if you ordered a ham and cheese family sized pizza from your local pizzeria, say $19.90 - order complete, guy flops pizza carton onto table, you open lid and see no cheese. Are you going to pay the $19.90 they demand? I certainly wouldn't. I'd tell them to go and whack some cheese on it, or piss off I'm out of here, yet Aussies continue to put up with crap service and when the bills come in they just pay them, albeit with some whingeing and raving and complaining. Stop whinging and TAKE ACTION - actions speak louder than words. Remember big brass of major companies laugh behind closed doors, they will do whatever they can reasonably get away with. For as long as they have cashflow they're happy. So actions to rectify their problems are slow. I know of several owners of Vodafone dealers who are fed up with the company, as it's impacting their dealership's growth, they still have the ongoing revenue from their existing clients usage, but you need growth over the long term of your dealership, as contracts expire, some customers get enticed by other carrier offers, especially nowadays its so easy and convenient to port your number between carriers.
17403 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Poor at 27 Apr 2011 09:27:39 AM
I have a small business and joined Vodafone, we have 3 mobiles and at the time the deal was too good to refuse, well the saying if the deal is too good it probably is. The drop outs were horrible but i must admit have improved.
The coverage is extremely poor, i don't dare leave Adelaide suburban area's because the coverage is useless, if i had of known this i would not have joined.
The coverage is extremely poor, i don't dare leave Adelaide suburban area's because the coverage is useless, if i had of known this i would not have joined.
17402 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Epic at 27 Apr 2011 09:19:57 AM
At Melbourne Airport, dusty little backwater place where mobile coverage cant really be expected. Cannot make or receive any calls even though my phone is showing full 3G coverage. Good work Voda
17401 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is GST on Cap at 27 Apr 2011 09:13:37 AM
Vodafone are TRYING to charge me GST on my $700 Cap before they start charging for excess (IE ) $636.36 of USAGE before charging for excess plus GST
On my last bill of $324 they charged me $32 in GST but TOOK $63 off my $700 cap to cover the GST I wonder if the ATO are being paid ?? Also their TRACK YOUR USAGE page is only operational 50% of the time
On my last bill of $324 they charged me $32 in GST but TOOK $63 off my $700 cap to cover the GST I wonder if the ATO are being paid ?? Also their TRACK YOUR USAGE page is only operational 50% of the time
17400 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is BAD at 27 Apr 2011 09:04:44 AM
17399 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Charging GST at 27 Apr 2011 09:00:05 AM
Vodafone in MOMBAY are insisting that i pay GST on my $700 Cap Which brings me down to $636.36 before they start charging for Excess Calls including GST Their brochure states $700 and even in their AUSTRALIAN STORES they say you get $700 credit before being charged Mombay cannot put me through or WON'T put me through to Australia Their Website to check on your usage is 50% non available on most days When you are on a $69 Cap with $10 back for being a GOOD bloke and are supposed to be paying $59 which is $6.72 in GST on the $69 Cap and they are charging after $636.36 they owe the ATO a lot of money
27 Apr 2011 02:16:11 PM: You do realise you pay GST on each call, so you are getting $700. It's just it displays ex-gst is all. Also it's Mumbai, not Mombay and they can't put you through to Australia because there is no call centre here.
17398 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very sub standard service and reception at 27 Apr 2011 08:49:39 AM
Tried making a call on the train a couple months back between Strathfield and Lidcombe ( Sydney ). 7 attempts and 7 FAILS...This was after Vodafail stated they were upgrading their service...pfft...Reception at my home used to be 4 or 5 bars - now its 1 or 2 yet sometimes but very rarely it will have full reception...and yes i couldnt send txt on Easter Sunday but could receive them...was trying to reply to mates and couldnt...funny thing is i was able to call them...Rubbish service..surprised people arent leaving in their droves..
17397 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Poor service at 27 Apr 2011 08:45:54 AM
Can not recieve calls from some parts of my house calls drop out when I have full service unable to send text at times text recieved late(up to a day late) I live not far from city in fannie bay one would think service should be good close to city have also had trouble in adelaide & melbourne (calls droping out poor service) have been with vodafone over 10years and hope troubles can be fixed soon
17396 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Stupidly at 27 Apr 2011 08:04:49 AM
I called my friend and my vodafail phone said dead battery when it was plug in and full battery
27 Apr 2011 02:17:50 PM: That's a manufacturer fault, not a network issue, hardly something Voda can be blamed for. Take it instore, if it's still under warranty they'll send it away to be fixed for free.
6 May 2011 05:26:34 PM: No no no. I used to work for Vodafone and all theyll do is have a cry cos noone like doing the massive amount of paper work involved in faulty handsets. Take ur phone instore and demand a replacement handset and if they say they cant tell them that u have already called they ACCC and ur expecting a letter from them stating what ur many options are. If ur handset is sent away it will return with a note from the repair company stating that is has liquid damage. They are assholes and most of the time they use 3rd party repair shops. FUCK VODAFONE!!!
17395 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Three delayed missed calls at 27 Apr 2011 07:46:18 AM
I have reported 6 delayed "missed call" notifications to Three customer support. They requested the details within 24 - 48 hours, which I did. However 10 days later they told me they were unable to investigate my problem as they no longer have the information - 10 days later!!! I was then informed the problem will be closed regardless they have not been able to determine where in their network the problem is and therefore unresolved. I then received text messaages advising me my problem was being investigated and they will call me to discuss it. I received 3 messages and 3 calls over the next few days in which I was told the call will be closed. Three support is totally useless and incompetent - they can't even get their facts right let alone determine the cause and resolution to their problems. How can they expect to retain customers when this is the level of service they provide and avoid!!
17394 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic at 27 Apr 2011 07:43:30 AM
Where do I begin...
When I got my phone upgraded I turned it on only to have photo's of someone posing in front of a mirror and text messages and call log and it was sold to me as a new phone, I took it back and they only replaced the phone, I asked about how do I know that the head phones havent been used and was told that they will only replace the phone with out an appolgy and more like tough **** now go away, then the next saga was about billing... I was getting charged for something that I had no idea what it was, after calling a few times and being on hold for over 1 hour I was advised the best they could do was reimburse me $50 the amount that they have charged me for is over $300 I could go on with so many other complaints but it would take up to many pages....
When I got my phone upgraded I turned it on only to have photo's of someone posing in front of a mirror and text messages and call log and it was sold to me as a new phone, I took it back and they only replaced the phone, I asked about how do I know that the head phones havent been used and was told that they will only replace the phone with out an appolgy and more like tough **** now go away, then the next saga was about billing... I was getting charged for something that I had no idea what it was, after calling a few times and being on hold for over 1 hour I was advised the best they could do was reimburse me $50 the amount that they have charged me for is over $300 I could go on with so many other complaints but it would take up to many pages....
17393 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is should have their telco license revoked at 27 Apr 2011 07:08:16 AM
it is high time we pressure our federal parliamentarians to introduce minimum service level legislation to telcos as condition of being allowed to operate and conduct business in this country. Vodafone and 3 are pathetic, and their problems are widespread and appear to be on-going.
Telecommunications is essential infrastructure on which business and the general public relies on in this day and age, and needs heavy regulation and stiff penalties when they fail to maintain a minimum standard of service. Taxi companies for example have minimum standards and service requirements imposed upon them. Dept.of.Transport monitors performance levels of each and every taxi company in terms of average pick-up times, and number of complaints. I know of two Australian taxi services who have been given notices to improve their level of service and driver training, or have their operating license terminated. One had that happen to, they were subsequently taken over by Cabcharge.
Privately owned bus companies servicing the public also have their performance levels assessed periodically, and if they consistently run late and provide ineffective levels of service to the public they serve, they are also reprimanded and brought into line. WHY NOT TELCOS ???
Back home in civilization, my cousin works at Ascom and does a lot of work with Swisscom. One of the reasons why coverage and network speeds are infinitely superior to the Aussie average is because of tough government legislation and controls. Feedback from senior management is if a telco attracted that many complains over there, and had that many problems, they'd be given notice and would be just a step away from having their telecommunications operating license revoked.
Telecommunications is essential infrastructure on which business and the general public relies on in this day and age, and needs heavy regulation and stiff penalties when they fail to maintain a minimum standard of service. Taxi companies for example have minimum standards and service requirements imposed upon them. Dept.of.Transport monitors performance levels of each and every taxi company in terms of average pick-up times, and number of complaints. I know of two Australian taxi services who have been given notices to improve their level of service and driver training, or have their operating license terminated. One had that happen to, they were subsequently taken over by Cabcharge.
Privately owned bus companies servicing the public also have their performance levels assessed periodically, and if they consistently run late and provide ineffective levels of service to the public they serve, they are also reprimanded and brought into line. WHY NOT TELCOS ???
Back home in civilization, my cousin works at Ascom and does a lot of work with Swisscom. One of the reasons why coverage and network speeds are infinitely superior to the Aussie average is because of tough government legislation and controls. Feedback from senior management is if a telco attracted that many complains over there, and had that many problems, they'd be given notice and would be just a step away from having their telecommunications operating license revoked.
17392 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 'new' iphone not new and had 24 days of usage. at 27 Apr 2011 03:36:46 AM
I purchased a 'new' iphone 4 today from Vodafone, Randwick and upon inspecting the Iphone, the Usage Statistics displayed the phone was 24 days old and had cellular network usage! What a joke! Make sure you check your usage statistics upon new purchase. Vodafone now selling refurbished phones. Hopeless
27 Apr 2011 08:51:19 AM: why the fuck will you get an iphone on vodafail when you know what is going on
you bring it upon your self.
you bring it upon your self.
17391 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Epic at 27 Apr 2011 01:54:48 AM
Poor internet reception. Told can't do much about it as there are hills within the area. Gave up ages ago phoning them as knew not much would get done about it. The end of the 2 year contract is nigh and then it's bye bye. At least Telstra plans are a bit better now. If they had better ones before this contract, well that could be another story.
17390 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Epic fail x Epic proportions at 27 Apr 2011 12:41:12 AM
Oh, and other points:
- multiple times I've had to call the customer service line and waited at least 30mins each time. One time I waited 45mins, then an Indian woman answered and the line dropped. Furious does not come close to how I felt...
- I copied all my contacts and texts over to my new Desire HD. Then after issues with the phone, after advice from the Customer Service team I removed and replaced the sim, and subsequently all the messages I had sent and received were resent to all the recipients/senders. All 800+ texts. It happened again the following week. Vodafone didn't know how to fix it, and during the 35mins to talk to them hundreds of messages were being resent
- I live in Mosman Park, phone reception is generally ok but will drop sporadically when it's sat in the same place. Why??? Other times it just won't work, even in the CBD. I turn off then switch back on my phone which sometimes helps. A lot of farting around.
- Phone tethering is an exasperating affair.
Vodafone - SORT IT OUT
- multiple times I've had to call the customer service line and waited at least 30mins each time. One time I waited 45mins, then an Indian woman answered and the line dropped. Furious does not come close to how I felt...
- I copied all my contacts and texts over to my new Desire HD. Then after issues with the phone, after advice from the Customer Service team I removed and replaced the sim, and subsequently all the messages I had sent and received were resent to all the recipients/senders. All 800+ texts. It happened again the following week. Vodafone didn't know how to fix it, and during the 35mins to talk to them hundreds of messages were being resent
- I live in Mosman Park, phone reception is generally ok but will drop sporadically when it's sat in the same place. Why??? Other times it just won't work, even in the CBD. I turn off then switch back on my phone which sometimes helps. A lot of farting around.
- Phone tethering is an exasperating affair.
Vodafone - SORT IT OUT
17389 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Epic at 27 Apr 2011 12:22:27 AM
Where do I start? Some calls don't even connect, and when I do get through some of them just drop out. But 3G? Well, I have never been so disgusted at such a poor service. It drops out every few minutes, without fail. I am fed up of having to click refresh numerous times, waiting for pictures to load, reloading pages it struggles to open, and being told I'm 40km from where I actually am. Oh, and every few hours I'm currently having to tell my phone what state I'm in so it can set the time properly.
The simple fact is: I am paying for a service that Vodafone is failing to provide. It is contravening it's contractual obligation, yet I have to pay. If I decided not to pay for this absent service, I would be blacklisted and my credit rating negatively affected for years. Vodafone need to a) sort themselves out and b) compensate us all for the loss of network and waste of our time. They have a hell of a lot to answer for.
The simple fact is: I am paying for a service that Vodafone is failing to provide. It is contravening it's contractual obligation, yet I have to pay. If I decided not to pay for this absent service, I would be blacklisted and my credit rating negatively affected for years. Vodafone need to a) sort themselves out and b) compensate us all for the loss of network and waste of our time. They have a hell of a lot to answer for.
17388 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is total fail at 27 Apr 2011 12:16:19 AM
I'd been a Vodafone customer for 8 years. When I wanted to switch to an iPhone 3g I actually asked when I signed up if I would be able to send and receive emails - YES, OF COURSE they lied, knowing full well the troubles I, at that time, knew nothing about. I was able to finally cancel the contract and return the iphone after days of being lied to by those lying idiots in India, and yet they still keep sending me bills for this now non existent account. Total arrogance from the fools in India. I am now with Telstra, much happier.
17387 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is wireless internet at 26 Apr 2011 11:33:44 PM
THANKS VODAFONE due to you incompitance & straight out lies i have been stuck with a internet connection that is ANYTHING but relyable i spend more time trying to connect to the service that actualy doing anything online due to constant freezes & network drop outs.I have rang the so called tec support on a daily basis since joining in march.To be told sorry nothing we can do.