Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
17281 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Effing Hopeless! at 26 Apr 2011 07:17:31 PM
My partner and myself had a Vodafone(fail) internet contract. We were on a $49 cap (I think it was about 4gb from memory) and barely even used it. So imagine our surprise when we received a bill for $900! WTF?! After 6 months (and one disconnected internet service later (on their end)) they finally realised they had made a mistake and we only owed, surprise surprise, $49. However, they refused to reconnect the service, and when we tried to get an internet service with Optus, we discovered that we couldn't as they had put a default on my partners credit rating! This has never been rectified. I have now had to get a pre-paid internet service (unfortuantly with Vodafone - not my first choice what so ever) which is so extremely slow, crashes constantly, expires after 30 days and the worst part is I pay $19 for only 500MB of usage!
They are blantantly ripping off consumers and they know it!
They are blantantly ripping off consumers and they know it!
17280 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is the worst!! at 26 Apr 2011 07:17:15 PM
i hasve terrible reception in the middle of the city, as well as at my house and lots of other places. it also takes a long time to connect calls, and delays in message sending. the 3g internet is always really slow and gets hardly any coverage
17279 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 3 is worse at 26 Apr 2011 07:14:47 PM
i have a iphone on 3 prepaid and trhey are with vodafone
its always roming (when it gets reception i cant get it in my house
its really bad because they charge you for stuff you dont do
i have been on hold for 6 hours once
im moving when i get the chance
its always roming (when it gets reception i cant get it in my house
its really bad because they charge you for stuff you dont do
i have been on hold for 6 hours once
im moving when i get the chance
17278 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is 9.5/10 at 26 Apr 2011 07:14:44 PM
I live in hewett(5118), and i struggle to get reception in my home and surrounding streets, just not good enough.....
17277 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is FAIL! at 26 Apr 2011 07:13:51 PM
17276 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Poor coverage at 26 Apr 2011 07:12:43 PM
I live at Beaudesert. Phone drops out ALL the time. I have been with vodaphone for years on the Gold Coast with FEW problems but now is a joke. Service cuts in and out all the time to the point where I really must change providers.
17275 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Extremely at 26 Apr 2011 07:12:15 PM
I have paid for my phone bill last month when I got the message saying it was ready to be paid, it came to the day when it was due and they toke more money out. I rang them and they have now informed me that they have LOST my money.
17274 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Recepetion probs. at 26 Apr 2011 07:12:09 PM
Port Noarlunga problems sending and receiving texts and making calls.
17273 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Frustrating!! at 26 Apr 2011 07:12:04 PM
We have mobile Broadband Internet, and have had NO coverage for the past 7 days, and prior to this very poor coverage for 3 weeks. Our internet connection would keep dropping out, any time of the day and without any warning. Now we cant connect at all, expect with GPRS/EDGE connection, which is extremely SLOW, too slow to allow me to upload photos, download music, or pay bills. I cant believe how much I pay for BROADBAND INTERNET, and I cant use it!!!!!!!! So frustrating!
17272 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is super-fail at 26 Apr 2011 07:11:20 PM
I have been over charged while roaming for "long texts - with no clear explanation of why or how to avoid & I travel regularly; have had to spend expensive roaming charges to communicate while overseas because texts were not operational (to the tune of a couple of hundred dollars); am getting constant texts/missed calls from sales team trying to upgrade me - despite the fact that I now own my own handset & have been trying to change to a sim-only plan; coverage & drop outs have become intolerable - esp. at home - but was assured there should be no problem in my area; have been verbally abused by customer service rep - apology voicemail rec'd and acknowledgement of inappropriateness but no compensation despite costs of calls & time taken to resolve issue (hours+days)... BUT biggest complaint is the inability to discuss my contract & other issues/options with a reasonable, honest & lucid representative - Need an alternative!!
17271 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Heaps at 26 Apr 2011 07:10:56 PM
My Vodafone mobile and Internet do not seem to stay stable at all as they drop out many times during the day and evening they say it wont be until july before the reception gets better.
17270 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 26 Apr 2011 07:10:04 PM
I recently complained about my service levels... Now I used to live in Bacchus Marsh and used to get OK 3G reception... I moved to Southbank 3 months ago and I have no more than 1 bar of reception in my apartment or at my work on Flinders Lane, Melbourne... Frustrating!!! When I spoke to customer care and was informed the following... That A - My last bill was going to be credited onto my account and B - I would receive 25% off my next 3 months bills... I was feeling good again.. Now a month later I received my bill and well firstly i was still being charged for the previous month, secondly the 25% had not been applied and thirdly I had been charged for international calls... Ummm as far as i know to make international calls you need to know people international... I was really annoyed so I called them back to speak to them... All they said to me was that because the notes on the system did not state the A option I was not entitled to this.. I said that I do not think that it was fair that I was paying for a service that I was not getting... The customer service team then said to me that because it was the technical team that I spoke to on the first call that they would need to call me back in 20 minutes after speaking to the tech team..... 7.5 hours later they called me back and said the same thing that because the notes did not state that I was having a bill waivered that i was not entitled to it... I also asked about the international calls and was advised that i would still have to pay for them... I asked to speak to the team leader and was told that was pointless as i would be told the same thing.. She also stated that the team leader was in a meeting.. I said i was willing to wait for them... She can back after 20 minutes on hold and said that the 25% discount was being applied and that the last months bill was being waivered but would still have to pay for international calls... I said fine I will call the TIC
17269 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is super-fail at 26 Apr 2011 07:10:01 PM
I have been over charged while roaming for "long texts - with no clear explanation of why or how to avoid & I travel regularly; have had to spend expensive roaming charges to communicate while overseas because texts were not operational (to the tune of a couple of hundred dollars); am getting constant texts/missed calls from sales team trying to upgrade me - despite the fact that I now own my own handset & have been trying to change to a sim-only plan; coverage & drop outs have become intolerable - esp. at home - but was assured there should be no problem in my area; have been verbally abused by customer service rep - apology voicemail rec'd and acknowledgement of inappropriateness but no compensation despite costs of calls & time taken to resolve issue (hours+days)... BUT biggest complaint is the inability to discuss my contract & other issues/options with a reasonable, honest & lucid representative - Need an alternative!!
17268 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is horrified at 26 Apr 2011 07:09:37 PM
I have a disabled sister and a sick mother whom I`m both next of kin for. My phone is my lifeline. If the hospital need to get a hold of me or my mother needs me I need to make sure I have my phone on and working at all times. I have currently been with Vodafone for the past 9 months and in this time I have experienced constant drop outs, sometimes I can`t use the phone for days at a time. Last sunday (Easter Sunday) I couldn`t text or receive a text. I have spoken to Vodafone numerous times but nothing is ever done. I`m stuck in the contract for 2 years and am seriously considering getting another phone and just riding this contract out at a loss!!
17267 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely at 26 Apr 2011 07:07:31 PM
My mum passed away last year. No reception on the day she died and vodafone told me I was in an area with no reception. Despite making calls from same location previous 10 days. I initially got a call centre in Egypt!
It wasn't until I got angry and told them I needed to call my family and tell them Mum had died they finally admitted there was a fault
It wasn't until I got angry and told them I needed to call my family and tell them Mum had died they finally admitted there was a fault
17266 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 26 Apr 2011 07:06:17 PM
I have been having issues with my phone ever since i begun my contract with Vodafone last year. I am constantly facing problems relating to:
1. dropped calls
2. delayed SMS and voicemails
3. dropped coverage consistently during the day
4. slow data and internet
5. phone constantly freezes
6. multiple charges for a single SMS
7. SMS's sending multiple times without my permission (THE LIST GOES ON)
Vodafone assured me that the coverage in my area was being improved over a month ago but all i have noticed is increasing problems and no solutions..Disgraceful!
1. dropped calls
2. delayed SMS and voicemails
3. dropped coverage consistently during the day
4. slow data and internet
5. phone constantly freezes
6. multiple charges for a single SMS
7. SMS's sending multiple times without my permission (THE LIST GOES ON)
Vodafone assured me that the coverage in my area was being improved over a month ago but all i have noticed is increasing problems and no solutions..Disgraceful!
17265 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extremely at 26 Apr 2011 07:03:39 PM
I recently switched from Three to Vodafone as I was constantly being charged for excess data usage from emails when roaming on Telstra. I was told that Vodafone doesn't roam on Telstra and had a much better coverage than Three so I switched over, what a MISTAKE!! Internet access is just about nonexistent, bad reception when making phone calls, can take up to a minute to connect a call some times. I use my phone for business (self employed) but if this keeps up I'll be unemployed as I won't be able to communicate with my clients. When are they going to get it right and provide the service we are paying for???
17264 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very very very bad!!! at 26 Apr 2011 07:03:24 PM
Call drop outs/can't call out/SMS not going though/sometimes people getting 50 SMS from me(same message) EVERYTHING!!!!
17263 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Colonoscopic at 26 Apr 2011 07:02:04 PM
I signed up to a 24 month Vodafone contract in Nov 2009. At the time I was upsold to include a monthly insurance premium at approx $10 per month. It is nice to have the peace of mind she tells me at the store. Two months later my brand new IPHONE stops working, no coverage picked up at all anywhere.
So I take it back to the store and they tell me they have to send it in. 2 weeks later I receive an SMS with a quote for $276 to repair the phone. WTF I say. It is still under warranty and I also have friggin insurance. We have found that it has water damage and that is covered by neither.
I can assure you the phone looked fine from the outside and I didn't go for a dip in the bay with the bloody thing in my pocket. No budging from the lady at the Vodafone store - COME AND GET YOUR PHONE she says.
So I have worn it like a d#mbc*nt for the last 18 months until some dooshbag came into my place of business 3 weeks ago assuring me I could receive a free upgrade to a new phone on one of their new deals. I tell him that I am still under contract for 6 months and he assures me he can take care of that so we make an appointment to meet the next day.
I prepare for the meeting by looking up and printing old bills and having my account number etc etc etc all ready to go. He tells me the next day that he can't do anything for me regarding the current contract but can offer me a free accessory pack on the new phone. So do you want me to start the paper work he says?
I nearly buried my fist in his head and told him to pierce auff.
Last Thursday he came back....
So I take it back to the store and they tell me they have to send it in. 2 weeks later I receive an SMS with a quote for $276 to repair the phone. WTF I say. It is still under warranty and I also have friggin insurance. We have found that it has water damage and that is covered by neither.
I can assure you the phone looked fine from the outside and I didn't go for a dip in the bay with the bloody thing in my pocket. No budging from the lady at the Vodafone store - COME AND GET YOUR PHONE she says.
So I have worn it like a d#mbc*nt for the last 18 months until some dooshbag came into my place of business 3 weeks ago assuring me I could receive a free upgrade to a new phone on one of their new deals. I tell him that I am still under contract for 6 months and he assures me he can take care of that so we make an appointment to meet the next day.
I prepare for the meeting by looking up and printing old bills and having my account number etc etc etc all ready to go. He tells me the next day that he can't do anything for me regarding the current contract but can offer me a free accessory pack on the new phone. So do you want me to start the paper work he says?
I nearly buried my fist in his head and told him to pierce auff.
Last Thursday he came back....
26 Apr 2011 09:58:43 PM:
17262 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is poor radio reception at 26 Apr 2011 07:01:56 PM
Just about any location on Bribie Island in Qld has poor reception from Vodafone. It has been this way for some years. Inside some buildings on the island, for example the RSL Club, have absolutely no Vodafone signal unless you walk ouside the building. Indeed even at my holiday unit in Bellara. I have to go outside onto the balcony to have a successful mobile phone call. Mobile internet coverage for my laptop computer is also a touch and go thing in my unit. Dropouts occur regularly.
17261 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Atrocious at 26 Apr 2011 07:01:33 PM
Last year I went on holiday to Hong Kong and Thailand. Before going, I did the right thing, went into a vodafone office to have my phone put on international roaming. I knew the costs, I'd looked em up, and was prepared to pay them when needed.
When I got ere, I couldn't get a carrier. Anywhere. Not in Hong Kong, not in Phuket.
When got home, I went back into the same office, because I was heading out again shortly to the USA. Seems the first time I'd been put on the 'wrong plan' and I was promised it was now fixed.
In the USA I managed to get a carrier, occasionally, just, but ended up buying a local prepaid, it was easier, clearer, cheaper.
Never again.
When I got ere, I couldn't get a carrier. Anywhere. Not in Hong Kong, not in Phuket.
When got home, I went back into the same office, because I was heading out again shortly to the USA. Seems the first time I'd been put on the 'wrong plan' and I was promised it was now fixed.
In the USA I managed to get a carrier, occasionally, just, but ended up buying a local prepaid, it was easier, clearer, cheaper.
Never again.
17260 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Continual dropped calls at 26 Apr 2011 07:01:18 PM
I live near Goulburn on the land, have no land line so have had to rely on mobile service with Vodaphone which is driving me absolutely batty. Every single phone call drops out sometimes up to 3 times in one call. I have to go outside as I have no reception inside. Not looking forward to winter when the weather gets below 0 degrees. Brrrrr. So many times people are unable to contact me, and are unable to leave a message as voice mail does not work. I need a phone company that I can rely, I worry if I am on my own and there was an emergency what would I do!! Vodafail get your act together.
17259 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is the definition of FAIL at 26 Apr 2011 07:00:48 PM
I have a phone on 3 which constantly drops out. it sits on my desk on loudspeaker, and all of a sudden the signal drops out. Also, constantly drops so low that I miss half of what my clients say to me when I am trying to assist them. Sure my house is at the edge of a 3G coverage zone, but the service is no different in the middle of Penrith. I get mobile broadband speeds of 180kbps at home, but barely 10kbps at my girlfriends in Penrith! 3 was good until they were taken over by Vodafone.
17258 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Atrocious at 26 Apr 2011 07:00:02 PM
Last year I went on holiday to Hong Kong and Thailand. Before going, I did the right thing, went into a vodafone office to have my phone put on international roaming. I knew the costs, I'd looked em up, and was prepared to pay them when needed.
When I got ere, I couldn't get a carrier. Anywhere. Not in Hong Kong, not in Phuket.
When got home, I went back into the same office, because I was heading out again shortly to the USA. Seems the first time I'd been put on the 'wrong plan' and I was promised it was now fixed.
In the USA I managed to get a carrier, occasionally, just, but ended up buying a local prepaid, it was easier, clearer, cheaper.
Never again.
When I got ere, I couldn't get a carrier. Anywhere. Not in Hong Kong, not in Phuket.
When got home, I went back into the same office, because I was heading out again shortly to the USA. Seems the first time I'd been put on the 'wrong plan' and I was promised it was now fixed.
In the USA I managed to get a carrier, occasionally, just, but ended up buying a local prepaid, it was easier, clearer, cheaper.
Never again.
17257 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 26 Apr 2011 06:58:36 PM
We went through the floods here in Ipswich and prior to the floods we had reasonable reception. Then, as flood waters came through we had no reception at all for about 3 days. Since then, We struggle to get 2-3 bars of reception at our house.
17256 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is MAD FAIL at 26 Apr 2011 06:58:34 PM
i have been with vodafone for almost 4 year, my mum, dad, and sisters are with vodafone. I cant even ring someone at home because the minute i walk around the house it drops out. I have to turn my iphone 4 off and on several time due to the pathetic reception. I have rung numerous times and no one has been able to tell me the problem.
17255 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is overcharging at 26 Apr 2011 06:58:08 PM
my illiterate father signed a $49 a month 2 year contract with vodashit he has never used all of the monthly credit yet he has an apparent bill for $700 even though he has never missed his monthly payments once from his bank account, I have spend numerous hours on the phone to vodafone and after going through everything with one customer support and them pretending to sort out the bill they put me through to another section to have the phone unbarred it starts all over again and this is after being on hold with them for hours only to have to start all over again with another section and on top of that the reception is pathetic.
I have forwarded my complaint to the ombudsman they are a bad phone company
I have forwarded my complaint to the ombudsman they are a bad phone company
17253 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is dropped called at 26 Apr 2011 06:57:18 PM
Since I joined Vodafone last November, my phone kept dropped out, my friends even urged me to change the plan, but I've signed 24 months contract, annoying! annoying! annoying!
17252 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Up the pole at 26 Apr 2011 06:56:57 PM
No coverage in Tennant Creek
17251 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 100% fail at 26 Apr 2011 06:56:22 PM
Couldnt send messages easter sunday. Not happy. Text message sending regulary fails, and calls drop out frequently. Reception is crap.
17250 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail!!! at 26 Apr 2011 06:56:10 PM
'3' Mobile is now owned but Hutchison Australia (Vodafone) and they have the same issues!
I once had $800+ taken out of my account (I had direct debit set up) incorrectly and never got it back. I had absolute rude pr**ks on the other end of the phone basically telling me where to go.
If we are a day late with a bill for either Vodafone or '3' they disconnect the service. But they constantly are in breach of their contract and we can't even end the contract for that reason? Stupid!
Finally, I used to work for a local debt collection company (in Wollongong) who exclusivley handle the contracts for both Vodafone and '3' and both companies advise all debt collectors to advise 'debtors' that it is not Vodafone or '3' resposibility if you have no reception, your phone doesn't work, basically any of the problems that happen.
We need to fight back against this!
I once had $800+ taken out of my account (I had direct debit set up) incorrectly and never got it back. I had absolute rude pr**ks on the other end of the phone basically telling me where to go.
If we are a day late with a bill for either Vodafone or '3' they disconnect the service. But they constantly are in breach of their contract and we can't even end the contract for that reason? Stupid!
Finally, I used to work for a local debt collection company (in Wollongong) who exclusivley handle the contracts for both Vodafone and '3' and both companies advise all debt collectors to advise 'debtors' that it is not Vodafone or '3' resposibility if you have no reception, your phone doesn't work, basically any of the problems that happen.
We need to fight back against this!
17249 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 26 Apr 2011 06:55:20 PM
For nearly five months last year, my local area (The Basin, Vic) went from having four bars of reception to rarely having one and mostly having none. I put it down initially to maybe a car taking out a transmition tower, but then it just became annoying. According to them, nothing was wrong, nothing had changed.
17248 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is coverage at 26 Apr 2011 06:54:51 PM
I go on holidays to a place called Hat Head (near Kempsey). I am with a company called Just PrePaid (uses the vodafone network). I use to get coverage there on and off , usually at night. In the past three years , it got worse - no coverage at all. I tried to complain to vodafone, online. But when it asked what my account no. was, I couldn't answer because my server is just prepaid. Nothing has changed. The vodafone dealer in Port Macquarie told me --- vodafone had their towers worked on by contractors. These blokes pointed the towers out to sea -- if you were a boat you are right. He told me to make a complaint --- to who???? Also I was told they don't use the 3G network there causing more coverage problems
17247 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Call drop outs & no service at 26 Apr 2011 06:54:34 PM
One day i went to call my wife who was at home in Lake Munmorah i was at Tuggerah in what i thought would be a good area for reception no i was wrong. After about 5 phone calls one after the other i gave up. All the calls i made were approx a matter of seconds not quite enough to have a proper conversation. I thought at the time free phone calls to mobile & landlines was great! Pretty bad you cant always use the service OR LACK OF SERVICE.
17246 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 3G unconnectivity at 26 Apr 2011 06:53:13 PM
Hi, I live about 1/2 hour north of Brisbane's CBD and cannot get 3G coverage from Vodafone at home. This means that I cannot use the internet on my smart phone. I also get frequent dropped calls. If it doesn't improve by December this year, I will switching mobile phone provider. To add my email address to my account took about 4 months. I rang, went to the store, updated my account online many times, but it still took 4 months.
17245 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is badly at 26 Apr 2011 06:53:10 PM
i pay good money every month to vodaphone and i would like agood service. i dont like to be let down on special days as i have been.
17244 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very very very at 26 Apr 2011 06:53:08 PM
i am a community nurse, so I rely heavily on my mobile phone. I have only just switched to Vodafone and have had nothing but trouble!!! I had an issue ( along with the rest of vodafone customers!) on Easter Sunday whereby I couldnt make or receive calls, or send Txt messages!!! This was a very bad situation for me as the client I had gone to see had fallen and couldnt get up!!!! I therefore couldnt contact anyone to help!!! NOT GOOD ENOUGH VODAFONE!!! SO MUCH FOR THE TECHNOLOGICAL ERA..... MORE LIKE A 3RF WORLD COUNTRY IF YOU ASK ME!!!!!
17243 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Bad at 26 Apr 2011 06:52:57 PM
I moved to the Blue Mountains and was told I would get good reception. Really? Shocking reception with most of the time dropping out. I had to get a landline installed -more money!
17242 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 26 Apr 2011 06:52:37 PM
In Truganina Melbourne near Hoppers Crossing where I live, and campbellfield where I work, the reception is almost non existent. There are some good days, but most of the time I have 1, maybe 2 bars and internet reception is non existent.
My friends and work colleges who are with different carriers have no issues in the same areas. I am bitterly disappointed with vodafone. For such a world class company I cant believe they continue to sell phones knowing they have a vastly inferior network.
My friends and work colleges who are with different carriers have no issues in the same areas. I am bitterly disappointed with vodafone. For such a world class company I cant believe they continue to sell phones knowing they have a vastly inferior network.
17241 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is disgraceful at 26 Apr 2011 06:51:55 PM
I currently have another few months left on my plan with crazy johns/vodafone and am getting very frustrated with service issues. The same messages are also getting sent countless times and I am getting billed for them. Vodafail alright..they are expecting yet another call from me tomorrow morning.
17240 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bull shit!!!! at 26 Apr 2011 06:51:54 PM
i put my self on a vodafone contract with the iphone 3gs just before the 4's came out and for the first month of my contract i hasd no internet access at all after numours calls to vodafone and still having an unsolved problem i rang the ombudsmen and finally a month and a half later i got internet, i than moved to a small country town and i have no coverage at all i have rang vodafone over n over and they keep telling me its my problem and i should have checked the service before i moved and wont remove me from the 24 month contract they have me on... i refuse to pay them any money tho as they refuse to be helpful... VODAFONE ARE ONE BIG JOKE THEY ARE BULLSHIT.. PROBLEM AFTER PROBLEM I HAVE HAD WITH THEM AND I WILL NEVER USE IT AGAIN!!
17239 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bad coverage at 26 Apr 2011 06:51:48 PM
Sitting under a tower and still cannot send or receive SMS 's or voice calls. Intermittent cover at home, when outside spend hours somedays trying to get coverage turning phone off and on.
17238 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bad Reception at 26 Apr 2011 06:51:31 PM
Calls dropping out & not receiving calls !!
SMS arriving hours later
Vodaphone = FAILED
SMS arriving hours later
Vodaphone = FAILED
17237 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is super fail at 26 Apr 2011 06:51:16 PM
I never seem to have reception ANYWHERE... I don't have it at home, I sometimes don't have it in the city CBD and whenever I do it drops out inexplicably.
I actually have better reception interstate than I do at home... great load of good that does!
I actually have better reception interstate than I do at home... great load of good that does!
17236 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Cannot bill properly at 26 Apr 2011 06:50:58 PM
Although I should be complaining how crap their reception and service is, I am not going to. I am yet to be billed for the services I have incurred since last August. Yes, I have not received one bill from them. I have logged on to my account and all of my correct details are there and even changed my address successfully and still, to this date, do not have a bill to pay. I haven't received any overdue letters, overdue texts nor overdue emails. My current charges always shows $0.00 so I ain't going to call and chase them up, they can stick it and their fault for their mistake.
So I aint sure if I should even consider myself lucky...
So I aint sure if I should even consider myself lucky...
17235 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is CUNTS at 26 Apr 2011 06:50:51 PM
SHIT RECEPTION..they are a mobile phone company who fuck about with prices plans bundles and all that shit and they have a web based email which keeps on fucking up.............. been with these twats for too long now time to pull the plug as their customer service is crap too like so many companies these days fuck off vodafone the future is not bright with your cunts around! CUNTS!!!
Tomorrow I plan to buy the shittest phone I can find, a phone so shit that any would be mugger will laugh and hand it back.
Tomorrow I plan to buy the shittest phone I can find, a phone so shit that any would be mugger will laugh and hand it back.
17234 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is a hazard to mental health and stress. at 26 Apr 2011 06:50:16 PM
I contact Vodafone every single month in regards to our corporate account. Every month they continue to fail. There are billing errors after billing errors and every time credits are meant to be applied or issues resolved THEY ARE NOT. Customer service reps lie, to contact them it is a nightmare especially when trying to navigate their call centres and I am spending hours on managing my phone service.
The reception is so bad I have suffered lost business and disgruntled customers.
I have not even begun resolving the poor service as I am still trying to resolve billing issues. If I decide to ignore there mistakes my service will be disconnected and false debts transferred to collectors.
I am being harassed and bullied by Vodafone and their incompetence.
The reception is so bad I have suffered lost business and disgruntled customers.
I have not even begun resolving the poor service as I am still trying to resolve billing issues. If I decide to ignore there mistakes my service will be disconnected and false debts transferred to collectors.
I am being harassed and bullied by Vodafone and their incompetence.
17233 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is crap at 26 Apr 2011 06:50:12 PM
cant even get service in house
have to wonder around yard or up street
complained but vodafone dont seem to care wont let me out of contract
phone is for my business and loss of service is costing me money
have to wonder around yard or up street
complained but vodafone dont seem to care wont let me out of contract
phone is for my business and loss of service is costing me money
27 Apr 2011 06:40:47 AM: tell them to stick their bill up their rear ends, don't pay it, and make a formal, written complaint to the T.I.O. ... For as long as Vodafone and 3 have their cashflow, ie everybody keeps paying their bills even though they're getting unacceptable service, then change will be slow and sluggish. If 25% of their customer base refuses to pay up, that's a big dent in their cashflow. People power, people !
17232 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No Reception at 26 Apr 2011 06:50:04 PM
I live in Melbourne 7.5km from the CBD in Postcode 3040, reception what is that?
To make a call I have to walk out into the street to get a single bar!!
Im told its my iPhone that the problem....right..NOT!!
To make a call I have to walk out into the street to get a single bar!!
Im told its my iPhone that the problem....right..NOT!!
17231 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail! at 26 Apr 2011 06:49:58 PM
I constantly have my phone dropping out. I can never ever get reception at uni (I go to the University of Wollongong so not a rural area or anything at all). I don't receive voicemails until DAYS after they were sent. Text messages are sometimes delayed by hours. When I call customer service, I am transfered to several different people, on hold for hours, and the phone usually cuts out several times. Reception disapears for no reason.
In short, Vodafone is the biggest joke of a company! They need to compensate their customers, but we all know they won't do that. As long as their CEO's have their money to roll around in, they don't care that they are ripping their customers off!
In short, Vodafone is the biggest joke of a company! They need to compensate their customers, but we all know they won't do that. As long as their CEO's have their money to roll around in, they don't care that they are ripping their customers off!
17230 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is no signal and drop calls at 26 Apr 2011 06:49:32 PM
I can not use my mobile in my house due to no signal
17229 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is On a scale from 1 - 10? 17 at 26 Apr 2011 06:49:20 PM
I'm in tatura (near sheppardon) and I have had no service at all since I got here yesterday. I'm not in the middle of no where! I expect to be able to call or text someone. This is cr@p.
17228 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is no reception at 26 Apr 2011 06:49:18 PM
Ive been with vodafone a year now i have had nothing but problems with reception/coverage, if i have my 3 g on i get no reception. If i am just using normal coverage i have one bar if that. Whether at home or out i have to walk around just to make calls or send sms.
17227 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Extremely fail at 26 Apr 2011 06:49:15 PM
Pearcedale has absoultely no reception at all!!!!! One of our plans is supposed to be unlimited texting yet we still get charged and never are we contacted about any of our bills if their is a fault on their behalf! When we do send texts people dont get them until he next day. Weve had bills for thousands of dollars that we knew nothing about but they take ages to reconnect your service with no apology! Am seriously considering opting out of our plans but what otion is there, there all as bad as each other!
26 Apr 2011 07:25:20 PM: That area is covered by 3g on their 'coverage map' however you're right, the reception is virtually non existent! Vodafail should be charged with misrepresentation.
17226 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extremely at 26 Apr 2011 06:49:08 PM
Are you going to let people out of their contrancts? If not why?
17225 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 26 Apr 2011 06:48:56 PM
service in the wacol/goodna area is crap, has been for years. ive also found anywhere from the sunshine coast to coffs harbour the service is crap. theres pretty much no coverage along the coast, even just walking into coles to do shopping the signal drops out!!! im about to change to another company an so is my partner.
30 Apr 2011 12:21:22 AM: they don't (and won't) give a fukk for as long as the dumb aussie customers keep paying their bill. Why should they provide a decent service if you keep endorsing it by way of rewarding them by paying them for substandard service. Just imagine if it was like back home where bad service saw bill delinquencies skyrocket by 400-800% when there are network outages, even just one base station going down in Dietikon, Basel or Zurich. Companies over there build redundancy into their networks to ensure quality of service, similarly in the states, Suncom in Florida the same (client of mine works for them), if a base station goes down, even if its accidental, people lose mobile phone coverage, or get weak signal as their phones try to maintain connection with adjacent area base station, as far as billing and collections are concerned, the numbers of subscribers who then refuse to pay their bill skyrockets. It's all about how high the population sets the bar. I do know of a lot of mobile phone users in TX, PA, CT and CA who complain of occasional issues, so it ain't all sweet and cosy over there - they often have similar problems to us, but there are always consequences, lots of delinquent customers - a massive jump in workload for credit control and collections. This in turn hurts the telco's bottom line.
17224 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No reseption or dropping out at 26 Apr 2011 06:48:49 PM
Why is it that a small park with about 10 trees can cause us in Rainbow Place, St Clair cause the drop outs? At least that's "3" excuse.
17223 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EXTREME at 26 Apr 2011 06:48:37 PM
After months of painfully slow, intermittent drop-outs or NO service at all I have finally gone back to Telstra, and will never go back to VODAFAIL... I attempted numerous times to get help or to simply end my contract and would be put through to 4 or 5 different people over 45 minutes or more and with no resolution. The customer service is a joke as is the entire vodafone network. I am still unable to end my contract without penalty, despite numerous complaints. How can this be acceptable?
What a joke!
What a joke!
17222 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Incredibly FAIL at 26 Apr 2011 06:48:18 PM
After numerous complaints about the reception in and around my workplace (Wyong), nothing has changed. I am unable to use my phone in my new job and I may have to take up another contract with another service provider just to ensure I keep my job. Vodafone is a joke and they do not take any complaints seriously!
17221 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 26 Apr 2011 06:48:04 PM
I had vodafone for the minimum contract of 2 years and for that entire time I was unable to get any reception in South West Rocks,NSW.
17220 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is stuffed at 26 Apr 2011 06:47:58 PM
i am with vodafone and 85% of the time i get drop outs or get sms and voice messeges 2 to 5 days after peope send them or leave voice messeges i now am with another provider i am happy with them for the moment reconciles isandi
17219 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very poorly at wrong times at 26 Apr 2011 06:47:55 PM
i pay good money for the service and i would like good service
17218 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 26 Apr 2011 06:47:50 PM
Poor reception, calls drop out repeatedly. Calling customer service is a waste of time, sometimes a two hour wait. Can't send photos off my new phone, vodafone store won't help, Bondi Junction Store assistant "Vincent", told me to F##k off when I asked for help with my settings. I will changing my phone and four family member's phones to another network when my plan expires.
17217 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Poor Reception at 26 Apr 2011 06:47:44 PM
Gradually the service i recieve is declining, The periods of time without reception are getting longer and longer, 15 months ago 5 mins was a long time without reception, Its not unusaual to experience 6 - 8 times per day with 30 plus mins sometimes, Usally 10 - 20 mins, but 30+ is common.
17215 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is The fail is strong with this one at 26 Apr 2011 06:47:36 PM
No calls, reception drop outs, call drop outs, cant sent or receive SMS etc... the whole fail in a bag...
17214 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is poo at 26 Apr 2011 06:47:20 PM
i have to stand outside my house or way up the street,up to 1 km away to get coverage.drops calls nearly every time i talk to some one even while outside close to the shopping mall in my town where vodafone and crazyjohns sell their product.cant even use the 1Gb of internet that the phone comes with.
17213 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No reception at 26 Apr 2011 06:47:09 PM
My partner lives in boronia,3155 and we dont get reception within the house and in most parts of the front and backyard.
17212 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 100% fail at 26 Apr 2011 06:47:02 PM
Nil reception inside my home, dropouts outside my home. Unable to text or receive/make calls time and time again on the rare occasions I have coverage. Cannot even get signal at work Which is inner city. Total fail.
17211 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is unsatisfactory at 26 Apr 2011 06:46:58 PM
I Have poor/no service, can not make & recive call, can not recive & send sms, drop outs all the time, slow 3g network, unable to speak to a real person
17210 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very bad at 26 Apr 2011 06:46:51 PM
I was on 2 yr contract with them, moved up to Newcastle 1 year ago, the reception was very poor, calls constantly dropping out. When i travelled up to Port Stephens I had zero reception, even on top of Stockton bridge. My Plan ceased last month so I've now gone with Telstra. Also the download speed was crap. Same problem with my wireless internet, absolute rubbish so went to bigpond after contract finished.
17209 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 26 Apr 2011 06:46:48 PM
Poor service, when paying a bill, the amount was taken out of my account twice, and when i called asking for the second payment to be refunded, vodafone refused!!!!
terrible reception, i have to turn my phone on and off 5 times a day as the reception is so bad, and my phone constantly cuts out.
terrible reception, i have to turn my phone on and off 5 times a day as the reception is so bad, and my phone constantly cuts out.
17208 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is NO 3G Network at 26 Apr 2011 06:46:46 PM
I rang Vodafone last month to complain about the reception on my iPhone only to find out they were having problems with the 3G network. The solution was to switch off my 3G network and it would work better. Yes it does work better but it is still very slow and I am paying for 3G network with my $100 per month plan. Not Happy Jan!
17207 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 26 Apr 2011 06:46:44 PM
Coverage maps indicate full coverage however this is not the case nil at my home address
17206 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is dropping out or no reseption at 26 Apr 2011 06:45:59 PM
"3" don't work 95% of the time in Grose Vale and keeps dropping out in St Clair. Reason: a small park at the end of our road........ Rainbow Place, St Clair. At least that's their excuse.
17205 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Failed at 26 Apr 2011 06:45:46 PM
SMS arrives hours later !! e.g. I sent an SMS at 5pm and my friend did not receive it until 8 pm !!
Calls not coming through !! e.g. My phone was right beside me and it doesn't ring, but goes straight through to message bank. I only got the message hours later & missed my appointment !!
Calls not coming through !! e.g. My phone was right beside me and it doesn't ring, but goes straight through to message bank. I only got the message hours later & missed my appointment !!
17204 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is epic fail at 26 Apr 2011 06:45:44 PM
no texts no calls my gf is up me makes me look like a complete snob
17203 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is really fail at 26 Apr 2011 06:45:39 PM
when im talking to anyone my phone just hangs up on my and the person that im talking to doesnt hang up. it is a little weird it has been happening to me since i went with vodafone. it is not a good phone company. (DONT GO WITH VODAFONE EVER!).
17202 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No reception at 26 Apr 2011 06:45:25 PM
My partner lives in boronia, 3155 and we cant get reception in the house and in some parts of the front and backyard.
17201 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is hmm no reception $69 p/m at 26 Apr 2011 06:45:25 PM
I have asked to get out of my contract due to a move to regional NSW (which surprisingly is out of the service area). In actual fact I don't get service is Sydney 1/2 the day. Not to mention texts or voice mail. I am tempted to give them $550 to get away from them.
Oh screw it I would perfer to spend my $ on fliers preventing people from signing up.
Oh screw it I would perfer to spend my $ on fliers preventing people from signing up.
17200 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 26 Apr 2011 06:45:25 PM
bought new htc desire hd so i could be connected the ineternet on it and it is useless poor reception should of just bought an old brick of a phone
17199 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is in my house Zero at 26 Apr 2011 06:45:24 PM
Cannot use my mobile phone in my house except at the end of our kitchen bench-top. we live 28 klms from Brisbane
26 Apr 2011 07:37:30 PM: I feel your pain the one place I get good reception is in my dinning room on the floor sitting underneath my bird cage, lol. Not exactly the cossiest place to sit talking on the phone.
17198 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Delays in receiving voicemail at 26 Apr 2011 06:45:17 PM
I often have delays of upto 4days with receiving my voicemails!
I have an iPhone and as far as I know there is no number I can call to retrieve my vmail so I have to wait for it to appear on my screen...sometimes 4 days later than its been left.
I use my phone for business calls as well as social so this is not acceptable.
I have an iPhone and as far as I know there is no number I can call to retrieve my vmail so I have to wait for it to appear on my screen...sometimes 4 days later than its been left.
I use my phone for business calls as well as social so this is not acceptable.
26 Apr 2011 06:48:26 PM: Try calling 121
17197 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is F*cking GAY! at 26 Apr 2011 06:45:10 PM
I live on the Central Coast, and I constantly have dropped calls, and sometimes, my phone doesn't even ring at all! I'm a volunteer firefighter who requires a reliable phone to be contacted. How can I when it doesn't work!?
Sorry Vodaphone, but if one of your stores was on fire, I can't help put it out because I never even heard about it... Not that I would anyway.
Sorry Vodaphone, but if one of your stores was on fire, I can't help put it out because I never even heard about it... Not that I would anyway.
17195 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very bad reception if any at 26 Apr 2011 06:45:04 PM
living at St. Georges Road, Bexley....very to no reception...have to run out to main Road from Villa compres ....its disgusting
17194 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is ExtremeLy at 26 Apr 2011 06:45:02 PM
overcharged, can't send messages. Phone calls drop out. Can't get reception.
17192 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is FAIL at 26 Apr 2011 06:44:45 PM
Cant even use my own mobile in my own house due to no service
17190 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is no sms at 26 Apr 2011 06:44:32 PM
could not reply to my easter well wishes on easter sunday... vodafone failed
17189 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 26 Apr 2011 06:44:20 PM
No reception, sms and mms dont go through when sent, always dropping out and i'm on a $108 cap plan, i'm always getting charged about $124 on average a month
17188 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is FAIL at 26 Apr 2011 06:44:12 PM
Cant even use my own mobile in my own house due to no service
17187 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is DROPOUT NO SERVICE at 26 Apr 2011 06:44:11 PM
I live in Southport Queensland and we have endless drop out calls or no service, we live in a 12klm radius of blackout, which is known by all telcos, how great is that considering southport is one of the main suburbs on the gold coast
27 Apr 2011 02:18:20 AM: Me too. On Sunday I had 0 bars in my house, so I had a look at the Vodafail network upgrades web page to see when Southport would get an upgrade and it said it was already done in February! So now it's as good as it's ever going to get. There's a new Labrador site supposedly being installed in April which *might* help, but probably not.
27 Apr 2011 02:27:37 AM: My bad! I misread: Southport was upgraded in February 2011 (still crap though), Labrador was completed during April, and another 850mhz upgrade to Southport is planned for July, so we'll see if that improves things in a three months time!
17186 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is reception. at 26 Apr 2011 06:43:53 PM
no one can contact me in my own home!! useless phone, with useless reception, useless customer service, useless contracts.thanks for nothing vodafone!
17185 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very at 26 Apr 2011 06:43:49 PM
where to start, the whole thing is jsut a failure, shit phones, no reception and a call centre with no one who understands english... ohhhh not to mention vodafone and 3 stores who cant help you, they just ask you to call the customer care line to be put on hold so that your battery dies before they speak to you
27 Apr 2011 06:45:22 AM: had a similar issue wanting to change plans, went to the "3"/Vodaphoneys booth at the Hyperdome. Said they can't do that, I need to call customer support. Told them waited over an hour on the phone and gave up, she had the audacity to say I need to be more patient. If there were a brick nearby I would have dome something I might have regretted. Pathetic phone company, pathetic people they employ.
Interesting they can access your customer file if you're buying a new handset (I upgraded from an LG to an iPhone some time ago, that, including the rate plan change, was all done at a "3" booth. It's clear all their focus is on gaining new customers, but neglect existing ones.
Interesting they can access your customer file if you're buying a new handset (I upgraded from an LG to an iPhone some time ago, that, including the rate plan change, was all done at a "3" booth. It's clear all their focus is on gaining new customers, but neglect existing ones.
17184 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Poor at 26 Apr 2011 06:43:42 PM
Very Weak Signal Strength In My Area Could Be Better
17183 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is FAIL at 26 Apr 2011 06:43:23 PM
No reception
17182 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is bad coverage wise at 26 Apr 2011 06:43:22 PM
i live near deloraine and have constant issues with coverage going from 5 bars to no service, I can have my phone sitting on table and watch it scroll from full bars to no service constantly. I cant understand it, either i have 4 bars or none. Causes a great deal of issues with people trying to get thru.
17181 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is vodafone is shit! at 26 Apr 2011 06:43:15 PM
cant use 3g and reception is very crap.
17180 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is FAILLLL at 26 Apr 2011 06:43:06 PM
Cant even use in my own HOUSE!!!!
17179 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is a joke that is getting worse by the day at 26 Apr 2011 06:43:01 PM
I have been with Voda since 2000 and have experienced pretty much all of the issues suggested - dropped calls (often 3-4 times in the one conversation), wrong bills, on hold for an hour, hopeless customer service (I am meant to have an account manager - they keep quitting !) and don't get me started about Lara (who they don;t program to recognise "shut the F up").
How do I get out of the contract that is due to expire in Sept ? I think 11 years is enough loyalty to get an exit bonus (or is that bonus exit ?)! If I have to keep a log of all the issues from now on it will only make me worse.
How do I get out of the contract that is due to expire in Sept ? I think 11 years is enough loyalty to get an exit bonus (or is that bonus exit ?)! If I have to keep a log of all the issues from now on it will only make me worse.
17178 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is BADLY at 26 Apr 2011 06:42:41 PM
Charged $600 for on month and didnt even use my phone for two weeks of that month.. Was overseas..
17177 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is FAIL at 26 Apr 2011 06:41:55 PM
Constant dropouts since Vodaphone joined up with 3.
Its getting worse
Its getting worse
If your livelihood depends on a working phone service you should be with Telstra.