Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
16838 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 18 Apr 2011 05:01:19 PM
I sit at work, look down and my coverage has dropped out. I have no idea whether it has been 1 hour or three hours. Given I work in Sales, having my mobile coverage cut out is not acceptable.
16837 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Decent coverage, worse with the new phone at 18 Apr 2011 03:56:08 PM
I recently requested a new fone and to be upgraded to a nokia C7 without charge. They have now billed me a not even a month into the contract with a due date 6 days before the month ends??? Requesting $81 for a $45 unlimited plan. I rang them up and requested them ; to change this ; to talk to an Australian vodafone rep ; why the hell Im being billed before the month is even over ; why I am being charged a $9 freight fee and $0.72 for paying my bill last month ; why I was told I would not be charged any extra and now am before I have even gotten through the first month. I told them to fix it or im not paying the bill, so they can carry on as long as they like, looks like free mobile service for me, as Im not paying till they recitify the situation. Im over their ridiclious crap.
16836 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is -10/10 at 18 Apr 2011 03:01:37 PM
I have been overcharged, simply they lied about their free phone on the contract and charged me $5 extra on every bill + their extraordinary poor customer service
promising they'll fix it with next bill every time I called. All this with their poor network coverage and never working internet and 3rd grade handsets. After paying them 4 months on their false commitments, I have decided not to pay anymore...
promising they'll fix it with next bill every time I called. All this with their poor network coverage and never working internet and 3rd grade handsets. After paying them 4 months on their false commitments, I have decided not to pay anymore...
16835 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bloody well at 18 Apr 2011 02:28:59 PM
I am on Crazy Johns Network. Last Thursday, Stopped getting EDGE network completely!!!
16834 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Mount Eliza at 18 Apr 2011 01:56:47 PM
I just recently finished a 24 month contract with 3 mobile migrated my service to Vodafone, under another 24 month contact with HTC desire HD. Around my house with 3 mobile reception was more than acceptable, very rarely had dropouts and coverage levels fine throughout the house.
I was a bit concerned about vodaphones reception issues, but the sales rep performed a "coverage check" for me and ensured me that I would actually get better coverage with vodaphone.
I get no reception at all anywhere in the house using my htc desire hd, I can't even send or receive text messages. I have to drive about 1km to get even 1-2 bars of reception using my desire HD. Using my old nokia E71 I can get usually get enough reception out the front of my house to send/receive a text, but calls would drop out.
I was a bit concerned about vodaphones reception issues, but the sales rep performed a "coverage check" for me and ensured me that I would actually get better coverage with vodaphone.
I get no reception at all anywhere in the house using my htc desire hd, I can't even send or receive text messages. I have to drive about 1km to get even 1-2 bars of reception using my desire HD. Using my old nokia E71 I can get usually get enough reception out the front of my house to send/receive a text, but calls would drop out.
16833 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is About as useful as a stick in a swordfight at 18 Apr 2011 10:46:50 AM
Quick question.......
I'm going to make a complaint to the relative department today, but I'm just wondering.....
I got an iPhone from Vodafone. If I cancel my contract, can I pay a certain amount to keep the phone? Obviously I'll pay to unblock it, but I do want to keep it.
Any ideas would be cool.
I'm going to make a complaint to the relative department today, but I'm just wondering.....
I got an iPhone from Vodafone. If I cancel my contract, can I pay a certain amount to keep the phone? Obviously I'll pay to unblock it, but I do want to keep it.
Any ideas would be cool.
18 Apr 2011 04:16:55 PM: This is something you'll have to discuss with Vodafone. We have heard reports of people offering to pay a nominal amount to keep the handset after being released from their contracts without being charged. Goodluck! Moderation Team Moderation Team
16832 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is DOUBLENEGATIVE FAIL at 18 Apr 2011 09:59:12 AM
Called Vodafone a month ago. They formally agreed over the phone to my demand that 2 bills be waived and a 50% discount for 3 months of bills due to all of the a phone call saying that my account is overdue!
Called Vodafone to find out why, and they seem to have no record of it!!!!
Guess I'm going on hold for another hour.......
Called Vodafone to find out why, and they seem to have no record of it!!!!
Guess I'm going on hold for another hour.......
16831 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 18 Apr 2011 08:36:28 AM
I have been a vodafone customer for over 10 years, the latest is this: in march i paid $100 off my bill from my VISA, somehow they managed to take $200. I have contacted them and its "Under Investigation" for over 2 weeks now, HOW HARD IS TO TO SEE THAT HAVE TAKEN IT TWICE!! Ive got my bank statement saying it does, they can contact the bank and its done! 2NDLY: I signed up for a Sony X10 8 months ago, and i have sent it back twice for repairs. The 3rd time i went back to the store to tell them i want a new handset as im unhappy with this one. The man was actually very helpful and followed it up with Vodafone who after trying to get me to sign up to a new contract (NO WAY),i agreed just to swap it. After choosing 1 from a list of 5 i called Vodafone back to tell them which handset i wanted. He told me it would take 7-10 working days. Well friday gone was 10 days up and still no phone. I called them to ask where it was, they gave me a consignment # and i followed it up. That consignment was not addressed to me and it went to Victoria to the person it was meant for. So i called Vodafone back. He told me to give him 3-5 days to "Investigate" I told him this was not good enough. cut a long story short the manager called me back and i said if they didnt let me go into a store to pick up a new phone the following day or i want to cancel my contract with no fees. Well he wont let me go in store to get a phone and told me mine was never sent and he can send one out in 5 days - NOT GOOD ENOUGH!! I told him i want to cancel right now then. He put me through to cancellation department who told me i would have to pay almost $700 in fees. Im now waiting for the telecommunications ombudsman to open up this morning and hopefully cancel my contract and switch to TELSTRA. Fingers crossed :)
16830 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Continuous Problems at 18 Apr 2011 08:28:56 AM
I was with Telstra for more than 10 years and during that time did not have to call customer service, not even once. I have been with Vodafone for 5 months and have called their customer service 4 times.
I am in the same boat as alot of people. Calls drop out or go straight to voicemail, text messages delayed or just never received & poor network coverage in general.
The last instance with customer service was that "most likely" have a faulty sim card. So i jumped through their hoop this time and replaced the sim card on the weekend but expect to have the same problems.
I am in the same boat as alot of people. Calls drop out or go straight to voicemail, text messages delayed or just never received & poor network coverage in general.
The last instance with customer service was that "most likely" have a faulty sim card. So i jumped through their hoop this time and replaced the sim card on the weekend but expect to have the same problems.
18 Apr 2011 08:38:40 AM: What made you leave Telstra and switch to Vodafone?
16829 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Contractual disaster at 17 Apr 2011 11:37:11 PM
I signed up with vodafone because i in England (where i am from) they have a good reputation. The main reason i signed up with them was the free calls to 3 and voda, which was useful because my girlfriend and a few others are with them. 5 months later and many over charged bills, dropped out phonecalls, no or very very slow internet, 25 plus waits in the voda shop, long waits on hold followed by awful customer service and generally a great deal of stress, i have had enough.
There have been no benifits whatsoever to being with vodafone and with my latest bill being double what it should be from going over my cap on its last day by trying to talk to my bank about problem i had with bill payments which were not my fault has given me yet another reason to leave them.
Also charging us to listen to our voicemail because we dont have the signal to answer the original call? Its ridiculous!
I support vodafail 110% of the way.
There have been no benifits whatsoever to being with vodafone and with my latest bill being double what it should be from going over my cap on its last day by trying to talk to my bank about problem i had with bill payments which were not my fault has given me yet another reason to leave them.
Also charging us to listen to our voicemail because we dont have the signal to answer the original call? Its ridiculous!
I support vodafail 110% of the way.
16828 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No internet at 17 Apr 2011 09:38:37 PM
I was never able to conntect to the Internet on my mobile phone although it is in my plan. When seeing staff in their stores they were able to restore it momentarily but that was it. I reported it numerous times and was advised a week ago that it was escelated to their network people but I'm not getting any feedback so I put in a complaint to the TIO. I hope something can be done. I'm extremely disappointed.
16827 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is VodaDoesn'tWork at 17 Apr 2011 07:16:58 PM
Joined vodafone 2 months ago alright reception in Sydney not great moved to Cairns and there is no reception at all, your lucky if you can pick up 1 out of every 4 words and if the phonecall doesn't drop out under 3 minutes. Impossible to make a phone call or receive a phonecall. Was put on the Infinite plan with an IPhone and there is no 3G reception up here so impossible to get on the net and there is no normal reception so it's impossible to make or receive a phonecall! Don't go near Vodafail!
16826 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Full fail somersault, double backflip fail fail at 17 Apr 2011 06:08:05 PM
After several emails, faxes and phone calls to Vodafone, choice but to lodge my complaint with TIO. So far, I have received a first attempt at mediation with a Vodafone representative. His offer was that "If you return the Hub we will cancel your contract as of the day we receive it". Back to the TIO, they said they will now write to Vodafone and give them three (3) weeks to table an offer exceeding the original and I can then decide if that new offer is more acceptable. As my complaint has been active and ongoing (Vodafone acknowledges this) for three (3) months, you can appreciate what I am expecting.
16825 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is crap at 17 Apr 2011 04:38:57 PM
I work in Labrador on the Gold Coast and there is NO RECEPTION/ no phone coverage.
16824 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Truly awful at 17 Apr 2011 02:12:55 PM
Located in metropolitan Perth, Western Australia - very close to city centre.
This past week, mobile broadband has been APPALLING.
3G, HSUPA, HSDPA (which seem to be selected almost randomly when connecting and chop and change throughout connection) = all ABYSMAL with constant dropout.
Vodafail strikes again!
This past week, mobile broadband has been APPALLING.
3G, HSUPA, HSDPA (which seem to be selected almost randomly when connecting and chop and change throughout connection) = all ABYSMAL with constant dropout.
Vodafail strikes again!
17 Apr 2011 02:21:14 PM: And yes - bring back dial-up; all is forgiven!
16821 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is No Better at 17 Apr 2011 01:15:15 PM
Have paid my bill via the internet, credit card has been charged but no receipt number has been forthcoming. Spoke to Lara who told me to call back tomorrow. Managed to get through to the call centre who put me on hold before informing me that they were unable to tell me if the bill had been paid and advised me to wait for 24 hours. Have now reached the point of no return.
Question - How do I get out of my mobile contract, billing problems and poor reception are a nightmare.
Question - How do I get out of my mobile contract, billing problems and poor reception are a nightmare.
17 Apr 2011 05:41:43 PM: lodge a complain here:
and English speaking person will contact you, and you can get out without any fees, plus get a partial/full refund on serivces rendered since September 2010 when problems began - be persistant and insist on a refund on what you paid and keep reassuring them that your service (that you paid for) was non-existant!
and English speaking person will contact you, and you can get out without any fees, plus get a partial/full refund on serivces rendered since September 2010 when problems began - be persistant and insist on a refund on what you paid and keep reassuring them that your service (that you paid for) was non-existant!
18 Apr 2011 01:46:35 AM: Thanks for the advice, I'll do this in the morning and let you know how I get on.
16820 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Hopeless at 17 Apr 2011 11:00:15 AM
no reception between central & redfern! Emergency calls only!
16818 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is awful at 16 Apr 2011 10:05:39 PM
Either no coverage or drop out even tho close to CBD.
16817 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is EPIC EPIC FAIL!! at 16 Apr 2011 09:47:44 PM
It has been months, and months of fighting with the sad excuse of company called Vodafone. Finally I get my contract cancelled with nothing to pay, just had to send back the iphone 3gs (didn't mind, because now I have an iphone 4 from Telstra) And they are still sending me bills even though they have told me I was released and I would not be contacted again. It can't be that hard, seriously what kind of people do they employ? Why can't they do anything right? Everything is a pain in ass, nothing goes smoothly with this crap company. I think vodafone owes me something for the stress I have had to put up with...
18 Apr 2011 03:59:25 PM: Exact same thing happened to me, moved to telstra and they insisted on me paying, then i got a bill for $ 394 despite me not being on vodafone, so is ent it to the TIO and TIO got me out of paying, even though i didnt need to pay.Justw atch out theya re sneaky if you do direct debit i recommend you cancelling direct debit with them as they will take out whenever and whatever...
16816 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Bad even in the metro area at 16 Apr 2011 09:37:29 PM
Really irritated because I left vodaphone because it was so bad and went to 3 and now I am back w vodaphone through no choice of my own
16814 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Extremely at 16 Apr 2011 02:21:03 PM
No network coverage in my house at all, and sketchy coverage around Mt Lawley. Been like this one week now, and I've pissed off alot of people & business associates who think I'm ignoring them!
16813 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Mobile Broadband FAIL at 16 Apr 2011 01:01:07 PM
The mobile broadband we have through them was working pretty fine for a few months, but over the last few weeks has been absolutely dreadful and almost useless. With the contstant dropouts it would probably be better using dialup, because even though it's slow at least it stays online and completes actions. If only some other decent services were available at our house I would change within a heartbeat. Also don't know that I can call their support due to the extreme waiting times and the fact that they only have a 1300 number listed which will cost me a dollar a minute from my mobile :(
16812 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is My Bill should be $49 at 16 Apr 2011 09:27:02 AM
I was walking passed Vodafone two months ago and noticed a new deal, $45 unlimited calls, 1g and international texts. I brought a data plan for $4 that gave me an extra 700mb. So my total bill should be $49. However I just checked my account and it said that I own $145. I have not call international and I know that 13, 1300 and 1800 numbers are not included. I have phoned and their accounts team and they were as useless as a ashtray on a motor bike. Telstra here I come...
17 Apr 2011 12:02:31 AM: Telstra is so much better. For $50 you can get 5g of internet and free weekends.
16811 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 16 Apr 2011 09:17:24 AM
I have been reading lots about Vodafone's poor coverage and I know that in regional NSW it can be difficult out of town areas. IS VIRGIN and OPTUS any better? I don't want to go near Telstra. I am thinking of changing my service from Vodafone but am concerned that the coverage may not be any better with Virgin. I live just out of Cowra. Does anyone know what the data and call coverage is like?
16 Apr 2011 07:19:17 PM: Stop being a tool and go with Telstra - your in the country. Think of your families safety and go with Telstra who has the best regional coverage In NSW.
I drive through cowra every month. I wouldn't have anything else but Telstra.
I drive through cowra every month. I wouldn't have anything else but Telstra.
21 Apr 2011 05:51:39 PM: Virgin uses optus network ... being a past employee of both optus/telstra and now currently virgin your best to definantly go telstra :)
16810 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is no internet access at 15 Apr 2011 11:54:19 PM
i constantly have no internet service and even if i am lucky enough to obtain service it constantly drops out and especially at the moments you are doing something really important on the net. I have tried calling vodafone about this and the service i have recieved is disgusting!!! I am going to call them again and ensure I have no cancellation fees as I have paid my internet bills for the last few months even though i have not been using it because it is so shocking. i have transferred to Telstra in the mean time.
16 Apr 2011 01:03:17 AM: You have tried escalating to escalate to the TIO.
The TIO will ensure Vodafone do comply with your wishes in a more professional manner expected of a provider.
Contact details at the top of the page in the How To Complain tab. Moderation Team
The TIO will ensure Vodafone do comply with your wishes in a more professional manner expected of a provider.
Contact details at the top of the page in the How To Complain tab. Moderation Team
16809 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Staff at 15 Apr 2011 09:57:47 PM
I am a long time Vodafone staff member working on the front line in one of the busiest stores in Australia. I do my job very very well and any customer who is lucky enough to see me always has their problems resolved. However being such a busy store it usually takes 20 minutes to get to me and we always have massive lines. I found out yesterday that Vodafone has decided in all its wisdom to cut our labour budget from 4500 hours to 1800 hour per month meaning that we will be running on a skeleton staff and the majority of our casual employees will not have a job. They are doing this to cut costs and screw their customers, and it disgusts me more than anyone because it is a company I have defended vigorously in the past. This is the biggest of Vodafails, blatant stupidity!!!
21 Apr 2011 12:29:39 PM: I started work with Vodafone sometime ago and this month my work hours as a casual have been cut into less than half earning $250 a fortnight, this was without any information or heads up, when talked with Store incharge he responds I can't do anything as Vodafone has told us to reduce work hours. I feel I am better off with Centrelink (which I totally despise for making people bludgers). shift hours keep on changing week to week. When I went for interview we were told we shall be getting a minimum of 20hrs/week, once the shitstorm from the customers has calmed down the stormtroopers have been sent into oblivion. So its not just the customers, its screw anyone and everyone after we have made use of them, this amounts to Good Ol Capitalism which as we can see has brought upon us the doom of mankind. Centrelink here i come :(
16807 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is biggest mistake i ever made! at 15 Apr 2011 09:10:12 PM
I can't get reception 99% of the time no matter where i am. Can't send texts or make calls, have to keep trying and most of the time i give up and not bother. My phone calls ALWAYS drop out and wont let me call them back. Have never had such a slow internet connection with any other company, except vodaphone. Biggest mistake i made!
16806 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Severely at 15 Apr 2011 08:33:07 PM
I have been on prepay for 7 years without much difficulty.
I changed to postpay because I thought I would get better value for data with my own (paid outright) iphone.
I went to North America for two weeks, barely used my phone (I am aware of avoiding data roaming charges etc), and instead used my hotel wifi and skype to make calls. I have previously traveled with prepay at very little cost.
On return I was informed I had a charge of close to $300.
I spent over an hour on hold to find out how these charges added up. I was told that they could not help me as the invoice had not been generated yet. I stated I wanted to go back to prepay as these charges were obscene.
They told me that if I stayed with postpay they would reduce the charges by half, and advised me to call back on a certain date once the invoice was generated to discuss the charges.
I am a doctor, and one day while on call, my phone just stopped working.
They had put a bar on it, and had not forewarned me or sent me any kind of text/correspondance that they would do this.
I had to leave my work on a very busy day to go to the vodophone shop across the street to get my phone unbarred. Again, being on hold for a very long time.
While I was on hold, I changed over to Virgin.
As a doctor on call, I needed my phone and was horrified that Vodophone had done this to my phone without warning.
Changing to post pay, this incident and moving to another carrier occured within only four weeks.
They have not provided any rational explanation for their actions, or apologised. And have just invoiced me for $290. I have never had to pay such a large cost for my mobile phone in all my years of usage.
I changed to postpay because I thought I would get better value for data with my own (paid outright) iphone.
I went to North America for two weeks, barely used my phone (I am aware of avoiding data roaming charges etc), and instead used my hotel wifi and skype to make calls. I have previously traveled with prepay at very little cost.
On return I was informed I had a charge of close to $300.
I spent over an hour on hold to find out how these charges added up. I was told that they could not help me as the invoice had not been generated yet. I stated I wanted to go back to prepay as these charges were obscene.
They told me that if I stayed with postpay they would reduce the charges by half, and advised me to call back on a certain date once the invoice was generated to discuss the charges.
I am a doctor, and one day while on call, my phone just stopped working.
They had put a bar on it, and had not forewarned me or sent me any kind of text/correspondance that they would do this.
I had to leave my work on a very busy day to go to the vodophone shop across the street to get my phone unbarred. Again, being on hold for a very long time.
While I was on hold, I changed over to Virgin.
As a doctor on call, I needed my phone and was horrified that Vodophone had done this to my phone without warning.
Changing to post pay, this incident and moving to another carrier occured within only four weeks.
They have not provided any rational explanation for their actions, or apologised. And have just invoiced me for $290. I have never had to pay such a large cost for my mobile phone in all my years of usage.
15 Apr 2011 09:29:16 PM: Lodge a complaint here (takes 5 minutes)and you should be able to speak to someone in English and get (hopefully) all of the $290 back.
16804 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is No 3g at 15 Apr 2011 07:57:55 PM
there seems to be no 3g data at the moment, I am in Glenorchy with no 3g data on mobile and my partner in Oakdowns also no 3g data on modem. EDGE data is fine though.
Looking at Vodafones website for network issues there says that there is no outages at the moment...
Looking at Vodafones website for network issues there says that there is no outages at the moment...
20 Apr 2011 11:31:16 AM: Up here in Launceston we've lost even edge since Wednesday morning. It's completely unacceptable!
16802 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is ugh! at 15 Apr 2011 03:47:11 PM
Send in to voda feedback ---> this afternoon at work, a colleague who's not as technical as I or has a firm of a grasp on the English language asked me to assist with this phone. After setting up internet access on his phone a few days before, he asked if I could assist once again because internet had stopped working.
As the correct APN was selected and a reboot did not resolve the issue, I contacted mobile customer care. All I asked for was the APN settings for mobile internet, I didn't request to discuss specific account information or anything else that would violate privacy act stipulations. However I was told that you needed to verify the account before these details could be given, dumbfounded by this ridiculousness I requested to speak with a supervisor who sang the same tune, however did advise that the information was available on Vodafone's website. I kindly asked that he read the details from the website, this request was refused.
I thought you as organisation were aiming to lift your customer service standards, not perpetuate the bad reputation that you already have. A customer who is on the phone, who cannot access the internet is told that we cannot provide the information that is not protected by law and is openly available to the world, and you won't help out a customer by giving that information over the phone.
Well I may not be able to move my colleague off your network, but I can and do request that my service be terminated at the end of the current billing cycle.
Account number 70xxxxxxx is to be disconnected at the end of the current billing cycle. You may call me on 0416xxxxxx to confirm this if you wish.
As the correct APN was selected and a reboot did not resolve the issue, I contacted mobile customer care. All I asked for was the APN settings for mobile internet, I didn't request to discuss specific account information or anything else that would violate privacy act stipulations. However I was told that you needed to verify the account before these details could be given, dumbfounded by this ridiculousness I requested to speak with a supervisor who sang the same tune, however did advise that the information was available on Vodafone's website. I kindly asked that he read the details from the website, this request was refused.
I thought you as organisation were aiming to lift your customer service standards, not perpetuate the bad reputation that you already have. A customer who is on the phone, who cannot access the internet is told that we cannot provide the information that is not protected by law and is openly available to the world, and you won't help out a customer by giving that information over the phone.
Well I may not be able to move my colleague off your network, but I can and do request that my service be terminated at the end of the current billing cycle.
Account number 70xxxxxxx is to be disconnected at the end of the current billing cycle. You may call me on 0416xxxxxx to confirm this if you wish.
16801 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Totally at 15 Apr 2011 02:00:01 PM
I moved houses about 4 months ago. I moved about 8 mins drive from where I was living before (I live in a large suburb of Melbourne). You'd think that there would be no difference in reception barely 10 mins drive away - but I barely have one bar of reception on my phone! Sure, dropouts were a big problem before I moved, but at least I had pretty much full reception at my other place... now i get both dropouts AND crap reception IN THE MIDDLE OF F@&KING SUBURBIA!!! Thanks Vodafail - been with you for over 5 years, Telstra - here I come!
16800 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic at 15 Apr 2011 01:56:14 PM
About 6 months ago my phone stopped working at my work address in Narrabeen. Months later, hours of MY TIME spent talking to customer service and technical support people, still no proper information or response. I have been with Vodaphone for about 10 years with no problems at all but am absolutely on teh point of leaving. Thank goodness I didn't respond to the offer for a new phone on a 24 month contract I received a couple of weeks. I am sick of their pleadings for me to "bear with them" or it must be the construction of my office (a timber cottage!) that is the problem. AAAAAAARRRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!
16799 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extreme FAILURE at 15 Apr 2011 10:08:42 AM
I've moved from Adelaide to Sydney metro. You would think I would have less drop outs in Sydney then in Adelaide. WRONG - I have had more drop outs in metro Sydney then ever before. Vodafone should never have existed, I have wasted so much money being on this contract. I only joined because at the time they had the Blackberry Storm. If only I knew the heart ache it would have caused me, I definatly would not have signed up. This is also my 4th Blackberry in a year. The amount of times I've had application errors, in which I have lost so much important information and times I've had to have my Blackberry repaired. The stores set up arent that customer friendly either. Standing where ever you can see a spot and the amount of times other customers push in. It's ridiculous. I cant wait till my contract is over because BYE BYE and FAREWELL FOREVER VODAFONE. I will constantly not recommend you to everyone I know. Waste of a phone provider / service.
16798 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 15 Apr 2011 09:27:55 AM
I have come back to Aus to apply for a new UK visa and before leaving, I got my Wonderful wife a BlackBerry, so we could keep in touch without the high text charges. I sorry to see that no one other than Crazy Johns, had a prepaid BB package. SO with my $29 in hand, I bought it and then inserted it into the Phone. I later discovered, that I have edge network from hom (Maroubra) to about Randwick Race Course, and then have to reboot my phone as It crashes when the signal stops. The CBD and North Sydney are useless. No Data Coverage, and now this morning, When I walked out and tell my Wife "Good Night", it failed to send. Maroubra this morning had no data coverage. I now use BB services on my flatmates ADSL modem... Will I ever be able to have normal connection to the BB services on the Vodafone network?
16797 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Epic, Epic Fail at 15 Apr 2011 12:03:18 AM
Long story is long.
I only switched to Vodaphone around a month ago. I had started having problems with Three (bad data coverage, late SMS delivery - or no SMS delivery at all, a monthly bill that seemed to be a rip off in comparison to the mobile contracts of my peers etc etc) and after two ranty calls to Three customer care, a nice man from Three called me at seven am on a Saturday, apropos of nothing, to offer me A DEAL.
And because I am a sucker, I took it - despite a chorus of my well informed friends screeching "NO! NO! VODAPHONE IS THE DEVIL!" at me. And despite the fact that I knew, in my heart of hearts, that the problems I was experiencing with three (excluding the rip-off plan I was on) were probably linked to the merge with vodaphone.
They lulled me with their siren song of opting out of my contract, a brand new handset, and zero cancellation fees. And now they have me right where they want me: on a 24 month $45 infinite plan, with $10 handset repayments every bill.
At first it wasn't so bad. I did notice some patchy connectivity, especially with data coverage, but it didn't really cause me any major inconvinience. I am not -terribly- bothered if I can't check into the train station, on foursquare, on my way to work in the morning. Sure, it's a service I am technically paying for - a reliable internet connection of my smartphone - but hey, what's the very occasional outage, right?
Only in the last two weeks, it hasn't been the occasional outage. It's been 'no internet for you!' at least 50% of the time, despite the fact that I live ten minutes from Perth city, work in the CBD, and rarely venture farther afield than the inner suburbs.
And then there are the calls that people apparently made to me, that...I never got. Strangely this seems to mostly happen when other vodaphone customers are trying to call me.
And then yesterday, I experienced exactly the same problem that I was having with three last year. I had arranged to meet a friend for coffee, but a work meeting ran late and I had to text her to cancel (couldn't call as I was in a meeting). I sent her a message and received no reply, but figured maybe she just hadn't seen the need of a response. Around forty minutes later, I got a message from her saying "I'm here...where are you?". I sent her another text reiterating my first message, and adding "...did you not get my first text?".
No reply for awhile, then another twenty minutes later ", ok, well I've waited nearly an hour now so I guess we'll catch up another time. Bye."
Vodaphone. This is bad. When I tell my friend, later, "Oh shit I am sorry, I did send you a text! I don't know why you didn't get it!" it is going to sound like a crappy excuse. In fact, it IS a crappy excuse, because I've just wasted forty minutes of my friend's time because of your fucking fail telecommunications. You know the irony? Yup, SHE TOO IS A VODAPHONE CUSTOMER. So, basically, you can't even send text messages between users on your own damn network? Seriously?
Now obviously in this case, no greater tragedy befell either of us due to this telecommunications glitch. She got forty minutes of her time wasted, and I feel like a dickhead because of it. Nobody got hurt. Nobody died. But what if I'd been trying to make a call to emergency services? Or organise something more pressing and important than a coffee with a university colleague?
I'm not naturally a 'complain-y' kind of person, but I called vodaphone customer care today to chase up these issues (my data coverage, and this issue texting this friend of mine). I made it very clear to 'LARA' that I was making a complaint, and was put swiftly through to a customer service rep (points to vodafail for this one - at least I wasn't on hold forever).
The lady I spoke to was a very good listener, but did not offer me anything in the way of empathy or support. There were lengthy pauses after I'd spoken, and at length, the best she could do was offer to put me through to tech support. Now, to be honest, having called vodafail with a legit complaint, and having made it clear that I don't feel this is a problem on 'my end', and that I am very dissatisfied, I kind of expect to be offered some form of compensation. Obviously I am deluded, in that regard, but anyway...
She put me through to tech support, which seemed a bit pointless since I was pretty damn sure none of this was my problem, but I went along with it anyway, thinking perhaps tech support might enlighten me as to what sort of network issues they were experiencing that would mean someone ON THE SAME NETWORK was unable to receive my messages.
I reiterated the same story to the tech guy, who gave me the knee-jerk response of "Have you tried turning it off then on again". To which I replied "Yes" and reiterated (again) that this was a problem I had previously had when I was on three, that I knew other vodaphone customers had had problems with data coverage and messaging, that I was pretty sure it was an issue on their end, and that I was very displeased with it.
He then proceeded to ask "...what do you want me to do about it?"
The customer service/tech guy at vodaphone sullenly demanded WHAT I WANTED HIM TO DO about my problem.
I was pretty dumbfounded by this, to be honest. I replied that I had really only called up to register a complaint, that I was fairly certan he, personally, could not 'fix' my issue, but that I was hoping that by registering it as a problem he could tell me a) whether other people had been experiencing the same issue and b) what VODAPHONE were going to do about fixing it and/or compensating me for a service that I was paying for and not getting the full use of.
He proceeded to ask me for the number that I was calling from. I should note that he had already taken this number down when he first answered my call, so quite why he needed it a second time, I don't know. Then he asked me for the number I was having problems texting (this is after me having to explain, repeatedly, that I was able to successfully call and text SOME numbers, just not this particular one - that I knew of). I had to go into my phonebook to get the number, but I managed to read it out to him.
After he had taken it down, he talked to me for a few more minutes, then said " what was the number that you were having problems texting?"
Um. Really? The number I gave you a minute and a half ago? The number you JUST WROTE DOWN (presumably?). THAT number?
When I informed him that it was the number I'd just given him, he mumbled something that I didn't quite catch. I then asked "Sorry, what was that, I didn't quite hear you?"
The line was silent.
"...sorry?" I asked again "I didn't quite hear what you said?"
At this point I checked to see if the call was still connected. It was, but Mr Vodaphone didn't feel like talking anymore, apparently. I was so sick of the whole 25 minute conversation, at this point, that I just hung up.
I should also note that my first bill, which should (I thought) have been $55 (45 infinite + 10 for handset repayment) was $86. When I called about that, they informed me that as it was my first bill I was charged from the moment I began using the service, and for the subsequent billing period, but honestly I am a bit lost here. Does this mean I'm now paid up for a subsequent month? How does this work? Looking at my bill online, I certainly don't see that I've gone over my data or anything, so it shouldn't be additional fees for going over my cap - they've charged me for a month + the one or two weeks I was using the service before the billing period kicked in? I want to see a itemised explanation of this, but I assume I'm not going to get one...
I only switched to Vodaphone around a month ago. I had started having problems with Three (bad data coverage, late SMS delivery - or no SMS delivery at all, a monthly bill that seemed to be a rip off in comparison to the mobile contracts of my peers etc etc) and after two ranty calls to Three customer care, a nice man from Three called me at seven am on a Saturday, apropos of nothing, to offer me A DEAL.
And because I am a sucker, I took it - despite a chorus of my well informed friends screeching "NO! NO! VODAPHONE IS THE DEVIL!" at me. And despite the fact that I knew, in my heart of hearts, that the problems I was experiencing with three (excluding the rip-off plan I was on) were probably linked to the merge with vodaphone.
They lulled me with their siren song of opting out of my contract, a brand new handset, and zero cancellation fees. And now they have me right where they want me: on a 24 month $45 infinite plan, with $10 handset repayments every bill.
At first it wasn't so bad. I did notice some patchy connectivity, especially with data coverage, but it didn't really cause me any major inconvinience. I am not -terribly- bothered if I can't check into the train station, on foursquare, on my way to work in the morning. Sure, it's a service I am technically paying for - a reliable internet connection of my smartphone - but hey, what's the very occasional outage, right?
Only in the last two weeks, it hasn't been the occasional outage. It's been 'no internet for you!' at least 50% of the time, despite the fact that I live ten minutes from Perth city, work in the CBD, and rarely venture farther afield than the inner suburbs.
And then there are the calls that people apparently made to me, that...I never got. Strangely this seems to mostly happen when other vodaphone customers are trying to call me.
And then yesterday, I experienced exactly the same problem that I was having with three last year. I had arranged to meet a friend for coffee, but a work meeting ran late and I had to text her to cancel (couldn't call as I was in a meeting). I sent her a message and received no reply, but figured maybe she just hadn't seen the need of a response. Around forty minutes later, I got a message from her saying "I'm here...where are you?". I sent her another text reiterating my first message, and adding "...did you not get my first text?".
No reply for awhile, then another twenty minutes later ", ok, well I've waited nearly an hour now so I guess we'll catch up another time. Bye."
Vodaphone. This is bad. When I tell my friend, later, "Oh shit I am sorry, I did send you a text! I don't know why you didn't get it!" it is going to sound like a crappy excuse. In fact, it IS a crappy excuse, because I've just wasted forty minutes of my friend's time because of your fucking fail telecommunications. You know the irony? Yup, SHE TOO IS A VODAPHONE CUSTOMER. So, basically, you can't even send text messages between users on your own damn network? Seriously?
Now obviously in this case, no greater tragedy befell either of us due to this telecommunications glitch. She got forty minutes of her time wasted, and I feel like a dickhead because of it. Nobody got hurt. Nobody died. But what if I'd been trying to make a call to emergency services? Or organise something more pressing and important than a coffee with a university colleague?
I'm not naturally a 'complain-y' kind of person, but I called vodaphone customer care today to chase up these issues (my data coverage, and this issue texting this friend of mine). I made it very clear to 'LARA' that I was making a complaint, and was put swiftly through to a customer service rep (points to vodafail for this one - at least I wasn't on hold forever).
The lady I spoke to was a very good listener, but did not offer me anything in the way of empathy or support. There were lengthy pauses after I'd spoken, and at length, the best she could do was offer to put me through to tech support. Now, to be honest, having called vodafail with a legit complaint, and having made it clear that I don't feel this is a problem on 'my end', and that I am very dissatisfied, I kind of expect to be offered some form of compensation. Obviously I am deluded, in that regard, but anyway...
She put me through to tech support, which seemed a bit pointless since I was pretty damn sure none of this was my problem, but I went along with it anyway, thinking perhaps tech support might enlighten me as to what sort of network issues they were experiencing that would mean someone ON THE SAME NETWORK was unable to receive my messages.
I reiterated the same story to the tech guy, who gave me the knee-jerk response of "Have you tried turning it off then on again". To which I replied "Yes" and reiterated (again) that this was a problem I had previously had when I was on three, that I knew other vodaphone customers had had problems with data coverage and messaging, that I was pretty sure it was an issue on their end, and that I was very displeased with it.
He then proceeded to ask "...what do you want me to do about it?"
The customer service/tech guy at vodaphone sullenly demanded WHAT I WANTED HIM TO DO about my problem.
I was pretty dumbfounded by this, to be honest. I replied that I had really only called up to register a complaint, that I was fairly certan he, personally, could not 'fix' my issue, but that I was hoping that by registering it as a problem he could tell me a) whether other people had been experiencing the same issue and b) what VODAPHONE were going to do about fixing it and/or compensating me for a service that I was paying for and not getting the full use of.
He proceeded to ask me for the number that I was calling from. I should note that he had already taken this number down when he first answered my call, so quite why he needed it a second time, I don't know. Then he asked me for the number I was having problems texting (this is after me having to explain, repeatedly, that I was able to successfully call and text SOME numbers, just not this particular one - that I knew of). I had to go into my phonebook to get the number, but I managed to read it out to him.
After he had taken it down, he talked to me for a few more minutes, then said " what was the number that you were having problems texting?"
Um. Really? The number I gave you a minute and a half ago? The number you JUST WROTE DOWN (presumably?). THAT number?
When I informed him that it was the number I'd just given him, he mumbled something that I didn't quite catch. I then asked "Sorry, what was that, I didn't quite hear you?"
The line was silent.
"...sorry?" I asked again "I didn't quite hear what you said?"
At this point I checked to see if the call was still connected. It was, but Mr Vodaphone didn't feel like talking anymore, apparently. I was so sick of the whole 25 minute conversation, at this point, that I just hung up.
I should also note that my first bill, which should (I thought) have been $55 (45 infinite + 10 for handset repayment) was $86. When I called about that, they informed me that as it was my first bill I was charged from the moment I began using the service, and for the subsequent billing period, but honestly I am a bit lost here. Does this mean I'm now paid up for a subsequent month? How does this work? Looking at my bill online, I certainly don't see that I've gone over my data or anything, so it shouldn't be additional fees for going over my cap - they've charged me for a month + the one or two weeks I was using the service before the billing period kicked in? I want to see a itemised explanation of this, but I assume I'm not going to get one...
15 Apr 2011 12:28:33 PM: i have had this exact same problem with the coverage for text messages, except it only sends messages which are less than 1 part in data charges, otherwise the message seems to not get through. if i try and be smart to get around it by sending two separate 1 part messages, neither of them make it through. i don't know whats going on there, i'm not even going to waste my time calling customer service after reading your post, the only option seems to be to ditch this crappy service and go with someone more reliable.
15 Apr 2011 01:02:29 PM: you have to make a complaint here:
it takes 5 minutes, you'll speak to an Australian (and usually a pretty smart one), and they will actually achknowledge your problems AND issue compensation. PLUS there's the added benefit that when you lodge your complaint, Vodafone actually get fined =)
it takes 5 minutes, you'll speak to an Australian (and usually a pretty smart one), and they will actually achknowledge your problems AND issue compensation. PLUS there's the added benefit that when you lodge your complaint, Vodafone actually get fined =)
30 Apr 2011 10:20:24 PM: If you read the contract when you connected with Vodaphone it says (paraphrased) that you will receive two charges in your first bill, the first is a pro-rated amount from the time you start using your new Vodaphone service until the time your billing period starts (appox. ten days from when you sign your contract), the second is your first bill in advance. The pro-rated amount is a case by case basis, however if it transpires that your are already at your first billing period i.e. through a migration or something to that effect, then they will simply charge you the first month as would normally have happened, then the second month in advance. It all works out in the end and you do not get overcharged.
16795 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is vodanospeakadaenglish at 14 Apr 2011 11:04:08 PM
have you rang vodafone and someone in mumbai has finally pick up a phone and started talking indian, well i guess its indian and you start talking english and they hang up, i know it was vodafone i rang because i went through all the press 1 and then press 4 and all that stuff, so they have lost me, lucky i was on prepaid and not stuck to a 24month contract. i feel for all you so called customers they dont treat you like your a customer.
16794 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 14 Apr 2011 10:43:40 PM
I've been with Vodafone for about 3 months now and its only taken me that long to have had enough of their ridiculous crap they call service.
My phone calls continuously drop out, I've had to call people back about 3 times to actually be able to finish the conversation we were having. Not to mention the thousands of times when it doesn't even ring, and just says 'call failed.' I've had bad reception before, but Vodafone takes the cake by a loooong shot.
The last few days i've had people tell me they've called me multiple times and left messages on my voicemail. I have not received any missed calls and no voicemails. So either, all these people are lying to me, or Vodafone has something to answer to.
This is ridiculous, when we pay for a phone service, we should get a phone service. If I knew this would be a feature of their 'infinite cap' I would never have signed up for it. I'd rather pay for service I actually GET.
So angry!
My phone calls continuously drop out, I've had to call people back about 3 times to actually be able to finish the conversation we were having. Not to mention the thousands of times when it doesn't even ring, and just says 'call failed.' I've had bad reception before, but Vodafone takes the cake by a loooong shot.
The last few days i've had people tell me they've called me multiple times and left messages on my voicemail. I have not received any missed calls and no voicemails. So either, all these people are lying to me, or Vodafone has something to answer to.
This is ridiculous, when we pay for a phone service, we should get a phone service. If I knew this would be a feature of their 'infinite cap' I would never have signed up for it. I'd rather pay for service I actually GET.
So angry!
26 Apr 2011 10:39:49 PM: I found the exact same thing! I have had people say to me they have been calling me fortnightly for months and leaving voice mails and I told them I had no record about that at all it sounds like such a pathetic response but it was true! I am glad Im not the only one but wish that neither of us have this problem.
16792 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is what service at 14 Apr 2011 09:12:47 PM
i have an iphone 3gs on vodaphone pre-paid, from the start signal in S.E queensland was poor to non existent, download speeds where common to be half that of dial-up add to that my phone would continually switch off, joined telstra pre-paid on monday with download speeds under 5mbs and my phone dosent switch off anymore, if vodaphone get any worse they will be handing out cups with string attached to them. great web site.
16791 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Useless at 14 Apr 2011 09:11:09 PM
Not really a mess, I recently moved my service from Three to Vodafone with one month left on my contract with the idea of seeing how service was in my area.
The reason I did this was I moved from Sydney to the Hunter Valley six months ago and could not use data on Three without paying rip-off roaming fees.
My final contract month is up, the service seems OK although calls can be a problem but data is good.
I thought I would upgrade my service with Vodafone and rang "upgrades" for what I thought would be a 20min call. Over 5 hours later still no joy!
After being cut off numerous times and talking to many third world idiots I finally received a call from a supervisor which took 4 hours to arrive and came through on another service number I have with Three because obviously they could not reach me on my Vodafone service number!
During this call I was informed that after transferring from Three to Vodafone you must wait three months to upgrade if you expect a new handset despite the fact that I was specifically told I could upgrade after my final contract month was up.
During the time I have wasted on the phone trying to deal with Vodafone today I have also attempted to contact them on their Twitter & Facebook accounts with no response, probably due to the fact that Australian based customers do not want to deal with Third World Call Centres and are flooding the presumably Australian staffed Facebook and Twitter accounts with their problems.
Vodafone needs to immediately kill off it's overseas call centres and bring them back to Australia if they are serious about keeping their Australian customers.
When I want to talk to Sales or Upgrades I should be able to do so quickly and with competent Australian staff. OK phone companies don't really want to provide support so maybe keeping those call centres overseas is a good way of scaring customers from calling them and of course scaring customers away as soon as they can get out of contract but Sales & Upgrades should always be Australian based.
If I wanted to buy from overseas then I could just order a cheaper better phone online from America or Europe and get a pre-paid SIM.
I will be upgrading my phone in the next few days but probably it will be with Telstra or Virgin now.
The reason I did this was I moved from Sydney to the Hunter Valley six months ago and could not use data on Three without paying rip-off roaming fees.
My final contract month is up, the service seems OK although calls can be a problem but data is good.
I thought I would upgrade my service with Vodafone and rang "upgrades" for what I thought would be a 20min call. Over 5 hours later still no joy!
After being cut off numerous times and talking to many third world idiots I finally received a call from a supervisor which took 4 hours to arrive and came through on another service number I have with Three because obviously they could not reach me on my Vodafone service number!
During this call I was informed that after transferring from Three to Vodafone you must wait three months to upgrade if you expect a new handset despite the fact that I was specifically told I could upgrade after my final contract month was up.
During the time I have wasted on the phone trying to deal with Vodafone today I have also attempted to contact them on their Twitter & Facebook accounts with no response, probably due to the fact that Australian based customers do not want to deal with Third World Call Centres and are flooding the presumably Australian staffed Facebook and Twitter accounts with their problems.
Vodafone needs to immediately kill off it's overseas call centres and bring them back to Australia if they are serious about keeping their Australian customers.
When I want to talk to Sales or Upgrades I should be able to do so quickly and with competent Australian staff. OK phone companies don't really want to provide support so maybe keeping those call centres overseas is a good way of scaring customers from calling them and of course scaring customers away as soon as they can get out of contract but Sales & Upgrades should always be Australian based.
If I wanted to buy from overseas then I could just order a cheaper better phone online from America or Europe and get a pre-paid SIM.
I will be upgrading my phone in the next few days but probably it will be with Telstra or Virgin now.
16790 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is VERY FARKIN FAIL at 14 Apr 2011 01:49:37 PM
Where to start...Last year in September(2010) i was in Japan with some mates. I use pre-paid vodaphone on an unlocked phone. As you can imagine being overseas and with pre-paid your credit can run out pretty quick accepting and making calls + texts. I tried to access my vodafone live account, I used the correct password and login but it said it couldnt find me. I then tried to email vodafone about it, they got back to me at the END of my trip, and asking me for details which i had already provided! So in the end i asked my mum and partner to text me through vodafone recharges (because accepting text is free thankgod). The real clincher here YOU NEED CREDIT TO RECHARGE? What? Are you kidding me? YOU NEED CREDIT IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY TO Rechage! Pretty damn frustrating to say the least. In the end I actually managed to bug the system so I could recharge by calling the recharge line numerous times. Stupid vodafone. YOU SUCK!
16789 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Vodafone sucks at 14 Apr 2011 12:17:13 PM
I have a complete paper trail showing that vodasuck is no longer our provider. I have documentation from Australia Post that vodasuck has received their handsets. Yet I am still getting bills and last night Vodasuck authorised a debt collector to ring a staff member at night on her own phone and the debt has been personally transferred to her. Can I take legal action?
16788 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bigtime!! at 14 Apr 2011 12:06:15 PM
I used to be on Sim Only Cap but since last October I have not used this servoce. I have many times called and lodged complaints that I am no longer suing this service and need to sign out of the prepaid monthly service. Till today I am gettign the bills. My usage shows $0.00 but still they are sending me the bills.
Moreover, I ordered an iPhone4 in Aug via phone. I tracked backed on few occassions and was told there is no order placed under my name. I got pissed off because it was 2months now. I went ahead and got a new plan on iPhone4. I am getting bloody new bills with a new number since Nov. I have not received the iPhone and never have I ever this sccount.
I went back to Vodafone shops but they send me back to call the customer care. I called and sent emails via VF website but till today I am getting the bills on my email. Its now $550. The bills cleary shows usage is $0.00 but still I am getting bills for something I never received or used.
I am about to complaint to Fair Trading and Consumer Council.
Please advise the best thing to do to get over being harrased by VF.
I used to be on Sim Only Cap but since last October I have not used this servoce. I have many times called and lodged complaints that I am no longer suing this service and need to sign out of the prepaid monthly service. Till today I am gettign the bills. My usage shows $0.00 but still they are sending me the bills.
Moreover, I ordered an iPhone4 in Aug via phone. I tracked backed on few occassions and was told there is no order placed under my name. I got pissed off because it was 2months now. I went ahead and got a new plan on iPhone4. I am getting bloody new bills with a new number since Nov. I have not received the iPhone and never have I ever this sccount.
I went back to Vodafone shops but they send me back to call the customer care. I called and sent emails via VF website but till today I am getting the bills on my email. Its now $550. The bills cleary shows usage is $0.00 but still I am getting bills for something I never received or used.
I am about to complaint to Fair Trading and Consumer Council.
Please advise the best thing to do to get over being harrased by VF.
14 Apr 2011 12:11:42 PM: you should make a complaint here:
takes 5 minutes, you will get a call from an english-speaking-person withing 10 days, and it's the only way to get anywhere with Vodafone.
takes 5 minutes, you will get a call from an english-speaking-person withing 10 days, and it's the only way to get anywhere with Vodafone.
14 Apr 2011 04:53:37 PM: Thanks. I have done that and hope to see their response.
16787 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Rediculous at 14 Apr 2011 12:00:10 PM
10 hours on hold for helpdesk, this is rediculous... then send me a bill for the cost of the calls. How bout i send Vodafone a bill for 10 hours of my time. And the problem never even was sorted out!!!
14 Apr 2011 12:14:50 PM: you can bill them for your time (you get a refund on what you've paid) since there service wasn't working since September 2010, you can ask for all that $$$$ back. The TIO will make it happen, or at least a good % of it. I've heard of full refunds but only if you complain fervently enough.
16786 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Vodafone is the worst communications company at 14 Apr 2011 11:18:50 AM
I have no network coverage, a phone that wont even send text messages, and Vodafone can only put me through to Indians who can't understand my issues and can't willing to let me exit my contract without any fees incured. I have paid thousands of dollars to vodafone for a service in which I have never received.
16783 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Massice at 14 Apr 2011 08:41:29 AM
Really totally dissapointed in the very poor internet connection Vodafone has.
I'm in a $69 cap per month, I get 3 Giga of Data every month but its just useless!!!!!!!!!
Almost everytime it fails to connect and I have to refresh, it connects, then it fails, then it connects again...
I wonder why they give me much data of 3000 MB if I cant even maximize 500 MB out of it...
I'm in a $69 cap per month, I get 3 Giga of Data every month but its just useless!!!!!!!!!
Almost everytime it fails to connect and I have to refresh, it connects, then it fails, then it connects again...
I wonder why they give me much data of 3000 MB if I cant even maximize 500 MB out of it...
16782 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is massive fail at 13 Apr 2011 10:52:12 PM
Dropped calls while on the phone to complain about dropped calls!!!!! absolute bullsh*t, however did discount my bill for the next 3 months...
oh and by the way
oh and by the way
27 Apr 2011 02:21:51 PM: Same here...and I was astounded at how easily they volunteered the 3 month discount. Everybody get on the 25% x 3 month discount bandwagon while it lasts.
In the meantime I am writing to Wayne Swan (My local member) and the TIO to make formal complaints and then the media will be next.
Vodafone...get your sh*t together!
In the meantime I am writing to Wayne Swan (My local member) and the TIO to make formal complaints and then the media will be next.
Vodafone...get your sh*t together!
16781 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is not that bad at 13 Apr 2011 10:47:11 PM
we have two broadband modems in the house one is vodafone and one is optus the vodafone one always loads pages even if the signal is very low and it dose it quite fast as for the optus one it has full coverage and is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow some times dosent load pages some time dosent even connect it always has problems it's crap OPTUS IS CRAP!!!!!!!!!!
16780 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is As a secondary service Vodafone has been excellent!. at 13 Apr 2011 08:01:00 PM
We have been with Vodafone for over 5 years now. We are in regional NSW and can only get reception in the three rooms in the house. However, friends also have problems with reception with other carriers. We feel that we have had value for money. The free vodafone to vodafone option has been amazing. Such a great way to have long and frequent chats with children. Up until now our mobiles have been our secondary phone service with our landline being our Primary Service. I am now considering using the mobile service as the primary service because we are out and about more. I find myself in a very hard place. Telstra has great reception out here but I signed up for a 24mth contract with them for the home phone 6 months ago and have been gobsmacked at all the hidden cost and the impossible service, they never answer a question or resolve issues - can't wait for the contract to end. I have found Vodafone service and personal excellent and always honest but the reception in regional areas in not the best. They also have amazing plans. I am now having a look at the other contender - Optus/Virgin and their plans are not quite as good andin our area that their reception may only be marginally better.
16778 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 9 out of 10 at 13 Apr 2011 06:56:55 PM
I've been with vodafail for about 6 months, just hoping the reception would improve(EPIC FAIL)... The whole 6 months i've not been able to make or answer a phone call, or connect to the net from home.(except with my TELSTRA WiFi.)I've spoke to the Crazy Johns Rep and he says yeh! sorry about that;but vodaFAIL is more for people that live around the city! Absolute Horseshit! I was with TELSTRA B4 vodafail and it is awesome; almost everywhere! Wish i was still with them!!!
16777 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 13 Apr 2011 04:28:36 PM
virtually no phone reception in metro sydney (west). used to have excellent coverage with previous carrier.. now all my calls when at home go to voicemail as ppl are unable to get thru...
16776 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 12 Apr 2011 10:18:46 PM
no network coverage
16775 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is They make look good at 12 Apr 2011 09:01:33 PM
I left Vodafone 6 months ago when things got bad. I paid a leaving fee after going to the TIO and settled my account. Today I get a letter telling me my direct debit was cancelled due to a 'system error', and I should re-enable it.
I don't even have an account or an service with them any more. It just goes to show what sort of mess they are in if they cant differentiate current customers from ex-customers.
I don't even have an account or an service with them any more. It just goes to show what sort of mess they are in if they cant differentiate current customers from ex-customers.
16774 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very fail at 12 Apr 2011 08:25:44 PM
After having weeks of reception trouble, I decided to call VodafoneAU. When I finaly got onto them I was advised that the towers are being upgraded. This really pissed me off seeing as though I received a random msg from them only weeks into signing up for my plan to tell me that I could get my plan for $15 cheaper than what I had just locked onto for 24 months. A random msg that I was not interested in............... how hard would it be to send a txt to all the customers telling of the problems we were about to face....... Vodafail I reckon
16773 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Super dooper shiet at 12 Apr 2011 06:36:58 PM
Reception always drops out.. only had the phone for 2 months of a 24 month contract!! :(
16772 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Monumental!! at 12 Apr 2011 06:31:42 PM
Sick of not having coverage and bloody calls dropping out! Then to get guarentee from service dep that coverage would be fixed by start of this month, only to find that is not the case!
16771 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Unbelievable at 12 Apr 2011 04:47:38 PM
Taking 15 minutes to download 3 minute youtube video in Brisbane CBD!!! So annoying!!!
16770 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 12 Apr 2011 04:12:10 PM
16768 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is call operator playing god at 12 Apr 2011 03:31:55 PM
I got so frustrated at being told I was making my voicemail automatically turn off,especially after the call centre operator told me he would turn on 121 and it would never turn off - and this was after I kept telling him I didn't want 121 I wanted 1219 ring alert deliver, that I said don't worry I'll sort it myself and think I'll change networks and contact the ombudsman. I hung up then my phone rang. I ignored it because I was so upset and didn't want to swear at the person. Then I turned the phone off. When I turned it on THE PIN DIDN'T WORK ANYMORE! I had to call from a landline to get the PUK and reset it. Two hours of my day wasted today on vodafone!!!
16767 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very fail at 12 Apr 2011 03:21:21 PM
No reception in Avalon.
16766 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is voicemail gone into black hole at 12 Apr 2011 02:48:32 PM
I'm still waiting for voicemail messages from yesterday. Even left myself some and they haven't arrived yet! Also Vodafone says messages have to be more than 3 seconds long or the system discards them. I'm still waiting...
16765 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is getting worse and worse at 12 Apr 2011 02:43:13 PM
Two Rocks and Yanchep networks dropping out more often. No outages listed on vodafone's website. Says to contact them on 1555 about network outages....very the network is out!
ALSO my voicemail and ring-alert-deliver keep being automatically turned off, but the call centre operator says I am doing it....I'm NOT! Too bad if there's an emergency and my kids or the school can't reach me. Does anyone know of a good mobile phone network that works in the Two Rocks and Yanchep area? KAS
ALSO my voicemail and ring-alert-deliver keep being automatically turned off, but the call centre operator says I am doing it....I'm NOT! Too bad if there's an emergency and my kids or the school can't reach me. Does anyone know of a good mobile phone network that works in the Two Rocks and Yanchep area? KAS
16764 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is VERY at 12 Apr 2011 12:48:15 PM
I spent an hour and a half in a vodafone store (there was no wait, it just took them that long to deal with my enquiry). I had to get out of my plan because it was not working properly (no reception). Ended up getting a parking fine while I was in the store (nevr imagined it could take so long!). I noticed the store attendants had to call the same help desk that I was calling for weeks beforehand - and they couldn't understand them either lol.. plus, they got transferred no less than 4 times (that I happened to hear!)... I actually feel sorry for the workers in the stores and even the (rather rude) helpdesk people. I blame the CEO entirely for this - 18 and 19 year old store workers really have no control over network quality, but the CEO should done his job and got it up to scratch. You can't sell 100 movie tickets if the cinema only has 50 seats.. so who are they to sell too many phone/data contracts to people when their network only supports so many... how is this behaviour not penalised by ACMA or something??
12 Apr 2011 12:49:40 PM: plus they are still selling them, there's advertising everywhere in syd and melbourne, plus on tv.
16763 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Voicemail FAIL at 12 Apr 2011 10:48:22 AM
I am currently in several job application processes and have missed a few (private number) calls. I have received voicemail notifications but ALAS, the system is down. I haven't had access voicemail for at least 18 hours now. I did manage to get through to the voicemail menu about an hour ago (10am Tues April 12th) but am being told I cannot hear or access any new messages. VODAFAIL, yet again.
16762 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is defunct at 11 Apr 2011 10:52:33 PM
You're not a provider of telecommunications! You must have shared pharmaceutical companies to make money off your clients requiring pain killers for the headaches you cause us! Give me the service I was promised when I signed the contract with you...incompetent! And where is the "hate" or "dislike" button on your Facebook page? It's so ridiclous that you only have a "like" button!
11 Apr 2011 10:53:58 PM: "You must have shares in pharmaceutical companies"...
12 Apr 2011 12:26:30 AM: Even more ironic is that you cannot complain on the facebook page until you 'like' the vodafone page. Moderation Team Moderation Team
16761 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Wasting Money at 11 Apr 2011 10:47:31 PM
I am sick and tired of seeing Vodafone advertising in print, television and radio. The costs associated with this need to be put into urgent network upgrades. And I don't see any warnings in their advertisements to potential new cutomers about their service issues...come on Vodafone get your act together and fix the network...vodafail!
13 Apr 2011 12:19:12 AM: Service issues displayed on TV marketing?? You don't seem to understand advertising at all.
16760 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Billing at 11 Apr 2011 10:43:44 PM
Vodafone constantly gets my billing wrong. I have been unlucky enough to be with them since December. The first month was signed up on incorrect plan and given no plan credit. Result over charged 178 dollars. Second month over charged 1434 dollars third month over charged 576 dollars this month major improvement over charged 30 dollars. All this on infinite plan 45 dollars go figure that. I am at a loss at their billing system it is just pot luck. One major improvement is call wait times is low now.
16759 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Embarrassing for the Vodafone executive team at 11 Apr 2011 10:20:03 PM
I'm currently in the middle of a two year corporate voice and data plan, and I've been a Vodafone customer for several years. After continuous network issues since Nov. 2010 in the Melbourne CBD, suburbs, home and interstate I called Vodafone in Jan. 2011 and was given a vague assurance that a software update was in progress and would address my issues.
I've seen NO improvement after several months, so I'm trying to exit my plan with no penalties. Of course Vodafone's customer service matches the quality of service of their communications network - APPALLING. After calling them in early April to cancel my contract, I was not provided with a reference number even though I requested one, and then I received an email from Vodafone stating that they had not heard from me since I renewed my contract in Oct. 2010 and they could not terminate my contract without any evidence of problems.
Have they not seen the video their CEO posted on YouTube? Have their short memories erased all the recent and very bad media publicity? This company is UNBELIEVABLE.
I've since lodged a complaint with the TIO, but still there is no improvement from Vodafone's customer service (in fact it is getting worse). I'm continously asked to provide specific examples of VOICE drop outs (they seem to have forgotten that I've been paying them to also provide a DATA service over the last six months and it has been unreliable). Vodafone is also oblivious to the fact that I'm busy and don't have time to track details of call drop outs.
According to Vodafone I got it wrong somewhere, but I thought when you signed up for a telecommunications service you should get reliable service, and the provider could track and monitor coverage!
Interrogate and frustrate the paying customer even futher, what a great approach to customer service in the middle of a BIG PR disaster that is disseminating the Vodafone brand - this company is absolutely beyond belief.
Vodafone has obviously not learnt anything in the last several months. Can someone send Vodafone's executive team of clowns back to the circus?
Looking forward to getting off my plan at some point (my complaint is with the 'resolutions' team) and being able to contact friends, family, clients and colleagues when I WANT to, access the internet, check email and update my calendar when I NEED to - not when Vodafone's joke of a network decides to work.
My advice: NEVER, NEVER, NEVER sign up with Vodafone no matter how cheap or attractive their deals or plans are. This is not even a case of 'you get what you pay for' - it is 'you get a whole lot less than what you pay for'.
Can't wait to switch to Telstra. More expensive maybe, but at least I'll have reliable coverage.
I've seen NO improvement after several months, so I'm trying to exit my plan with no penalties. Of course Vodafone's customer service matches the quality of service of their communications network - APPALLING. After calling them in early April to cancel my contract, I was not provided with a reference number even though I requested one, and then I received an email from Vodafone stating that they had not heard from me since I renewed my contract in Oct. 2010 and they could not terminate my contract without any evidence of problems.
Have they not seen the video their CEO posted on YouTube? Have their short memories erased all the recent and very bad media publicity? This company is UNBELIEVABLE.
I've since lodged a complaint with the TIO, but still there is no improvement from Vodafone's customer service (in fact it is getting worse). I'm continously asked to provide specific examples of VOICE drop outs (they seem to have forgotten that I've been paying them to also provide a DATA service over the last six months and it has been unreliable). Vodafone is also oblivious to the fact that I'm busy and don't have time to track details of call drop outs.
According to Vodafone I got it wrong somewhere, but I thought when you signed up for a telecommunications service you should get reliable service, and the provider could track and monitor coverage!
Interrogate and frustrate the paying customer even futher, what a great approach to customer service in the middle of a BIG PR disaster that is disseminating the Vodafone brand - this company is absolutely beyond belief.
Vodafone has obviously not learnt anything in the last several months. Can someone send Vodafone's executive team of clowns back to the circus?
Looking forward to getting off my plan at some point (my complaint is with the 'resolutions' team) and being able to contact friends, family, clients and colleagues when I WANT to, access the internet, check email and update my calendar when I NEED to - not when Vodafone's joke of a network decides to work.
My advice: NEVER, NEVER, NEVER sign up with Vodafone no matter how cheap or attractive their deals or plans are. This is not even a case of 'you get what you pay for' - it is 'you get a whole lot less than what you pay for'.
Can't wait to switch to Telstra. More expensive maybe, but at least I'll have reliable coverage.
16758 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Network Ungrades at 11 Apr 2011 09:59:46 PM
With all the talking Vodafone is doing about how they are fixing their network they have forgotten about one group of customers, the rural and country customers. Vodafone says they are either building or upgrading 2500 sites but NOT one of these new sites (as posted on their website) are going in country or rural areas. Everyone of them are for city areas. What makes things worse is when you question Vodafone about this they ask, Which country" are you asking about. Which country, bloody hell Vodafone, AUSTRALIA, that's what country. FFS if this is all you get from them then there is no way they are going to fix and improve their network in the country areas. Vodafone don't give a shit about you if you don't live in the cities. Well I think it's time that customers of Vodafone that live in rural and country areas give Vodafone the flick. When I talk about country areas I'm talking about the main highways contacting Melbourne to Mildura and many more around the country where Vodafone don't seem to care about. I've been with Vodafone since 2003 and this is how they thank you from sticking with them through other network issues over the years.
11 Apr 2011 10:31:01 PM: All Vodafone customers should give Vodafone the flick. Regional, rural, metropolitan services - all are rubbish. I don't even think they know what day it is.
16757 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally at 11 Apr 2011 09:14:59 PM
I have signed up for a $29 cap plan for 24 month. As in the sales agreement I am entitled to $10 credit for the first 12 months. However, from the third months on, there is no $10 credit in my phone bill. I went to Vodafone's store, one of the staff made a long phone call to confirm my plan and promised me in the next 10 months $10 credit will be deducted from my monthly bill. For certain reasons, they could not adjust the amount on the already issued invoice.
I trusted them. I was so disappointed to see the same mistake on this month's phone bill. There is no improvement at all. I have to go back to the store and see what excuse the staff can come up with!
I hate Vodafone! I will definately switch to other network service providers once this miserable 24 month plan is over.
By the way, I am not the only suffering from such poor service. While I was waiting at the store, I saw a couple complaining the ridiculously high phone bill and wanted to cancel the plan with Vodafone. But they were informed that it was impossible as they had signed the CONTRACT!
I trusted them. I was so disappointed to see the same mistake on this month's phone bill. There is no improvement at all. I have to go back to the store and see what excuse the staff can come up with!
I hate Vodafone! I will definately switch to other network service providers once this miserable 24 month plan is over.
By the way, I am not the only suffering from such poor service. While I was waiting at the store, I saw a couple complaining the ridiculously high phone bill and wanted to cancel the plan with Vodafone. But they were informed that it was impossible as they had signed the CONTRACT!
13 Apr 2011 12:07:20 AM: Going over the usage that you sign up for and agree to is no grounds to cancel a contract without fee. Why sign up to something if you are going to disagree with it afterwards?
16756 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is CRAP at 11 Apr 2011 05:37:39 PM
It has been 6 months since my last post on Vodafail and my service has NOT IMPROVED AT ALL!!!!! I watched a video recently on the vodafone website by the CEO saying how they were fixing the problems with more towers and capacity but I don't think there is anything of substance happening to rectify the SERIOUS NETWORK PROBLEMS!!!! I believe Vodafone is nothing but a Marketing company that is exactly the most it can out of a sub-par network and providing minimal service to customers. The BOTTOM LINE IS: THEY DON'T CARE!!!!!
I have no choice to switch providers. It looks like Telstra Next G is my own option. Competition in this country sux. We are forced to pay higher prices to another thuggish company like telstra (partly govt owned) just because they have a monopoly on network infrastructure. Disgust and appalling situation in a supposedly technologically advanced society!!! Lift your game - all of you!!!
I have no choice to switch providers. It looks like Telstra Next G is my own option. Competition in this country sux. We are forced to pay higher prices to another thuggish company like telstra (partly govt owned) just because they have a monopoly on network infrastructure. Disgust and appalling situation in a supposedly technologically advanced society!!! Lift your game - all of you!!!
16755 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is total fail at 11 Apr 2011 05:22:47 PM
cant send texts, dont recieve texts, dont get calls, no coverage and service drops out. disgusting! and so i joined OPTUS and couldnt be happier with FULL reception, texts that are sent immedietly and i now recieve texts! good by vodasux you lost my business FOR EVER and many people i know are bailing too. thats what happens when you rip off customers.
16754 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 11 Apr 2011 05:18:08 PM
cannot retrieve voicemail since 1.30pm today - rang vodafail and was advised no customers cal access voicemail and it may be fixed in the next 24 hours!!!!!!!are you kidding
11 Apr 2011 05:53:42 PM: Yep, can't find anything on their website (can't be bothered call their crappy service centre).
11 Apr 2011 10:04:16 PM: Voice mail still not working!
16753 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is History at 11 Apr 2011 04:31:14 PM
Following a complaint to the TIO, Vodafone end dated my contract 7 months early.
I ported my number to another provider on Saturday which took approximately 3 minutes. A call to Vodafone on Sunday to ensure my service had been cancelled confirmed that the act of porting my number closed my account. This was the quickest phone call I have ever experience with Vodafone and only took a couple of minutes.
Job done!
I feel so sorry for the people I see when I pass Vodafone stores, don't they read the press? They have no idea how much grief they are signing themselves up for.
I ported my number to another provider on Saturday which took approximately 3 minutes. A call to Vodafone on Sunday to ensure my service had been cancelled confirmed that the act of porting my number closed my account. This was the quickest phone call I have ever experience with Vodafone and only took a couple of minutes.
Job done!
I feel so sorry for the people I see when I pass Vodafone stores, don't they read the press? They have no idea how much grief they are signing themselves up for.
13 Apr 2011 12:00:33 AM: A majority of customer's have no issues. Do you really think the press is 100% truth that accounts for every single person?
13 Apr 2011 11:44:44 AM: Somewhere in the region of 22,000 Vodafone customers do have issues, can this be considered satisfactory? The press has published the fact that this number of people have joined the class action which I am sure can be verified.
As a Vodafone customer of more than 10 years standing I am saddened by the degredation in service and service standards. Sadly Vodafone just don't appear to get it!
As a Vodafone customer of more than 10 years standing I am saddened by the degredation in service and service standards. Sadly Vodafone just don't appear to get it!
13 Apr 2011 11:53:25 AM: Rather than employing staff to trawl this website and insert comments, Vodafone's resources would be better directed to deploying staff where they could have a positive effect on their product offering. Further evidence of why a large number of their former loyal customers feel that they are treated with contempt.
21 Apr 2011 05:57:42 PM: I totally agree , i work for another phone company and i constantly get people coming up to me saying vodafones got this and that ... hello there coverage is shit house lol ! no-matter what you tell people these days they still go in and sign up its sad .... coz they will end up like everyone of these people on this site
16752 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Recharge wiped out credit at 11 Apr 2011 02:56:14 PM
I had close to $30 balance on my prepaid credit. During next recharge of $30, I changed the plan from talk & text to Simplified plan. When I checked the current balance, it was only $30.00 and my previous balance were wiped out. I was never given any warning at all. Vodafone doesn't care.
13 Apr 2011 12:01:37 AM: Where would the warning come from and how does that in any way relate to not caring? Try calling them to see if you can have it re-credited due to being unaware of the way prepaid works
16751 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Stupidly massive fail at 11 Apr 2011 02:23:13 PM
Once again, vodafone has failed...i cannot access my voicemail, it states that the user is not available.... and could have important messages on there. They said could be 24 hours wait. What a freeeeekin joke. it shouldn't take them that long to fix seriously. All they compensated me for is 10 mins of talk time and 10 free WHOOOOPPEEE DOOOO, it could cost me a new job. I will definitely cancel after this mess.
16750 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 11 Apr 2011 01:39:02 PM
I recently signed on a 79 dollar contract and have paid more than $150 each bill, because I apparently check my voicemail account 10 times a day. Little do vodaphone know, I do not check my voicemail account ever! yet somehow I get charged for checking it and now 2 years later and more than $2000 worth of bills later I am cancelling my vodaphone contract today. Vodaphone fail. Thank you for making this website. I am glad someone else is feeling my pain.
16748 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Broken Promise! at 11 Apr 2011 11:21:41 AM
I recently renewed my contract with Voda on the express condition that I do not pay extra for the iPhone 4 16GB. I was on a $49 plan and the cost should remain the same. The bill arrived this morning and the deal has NOT been respected: I have been charged for the handset! I tried to ring them only to be cut in the middle of the conversation with the lady in India (based on strong and hard to understand accent). Needless to say that I am angry!
12 Apr 2011 03:35:06 PM: It's not that it's a hard accent, the problem is that your english is bad.
16747 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is massive fail at 11 Apr 2011 11:18:28 AM
12 Apr 2011 12:28:51 AM: If you aren't getting anywhere with Vodafone (likely) then you might want to contact the Telecom ombudsman. They can get Vodafone to solve your problem or recover incorrect charges. No point paying for a service you aren't receiving. Moderation Team Moderation Team
13 Apr 2011 12:04:53 AM: So they offered basic troubleshooting and further troubleshooting if all else fails. This is a resolution. What more do you want? Vodafone can't account for your level of intelligence and therefore would have to cater for a majority of people who have a very basic understanding of troubleshooting technology.
18 Apr 2011 12:06:09 AM: Have you actually done any of that troubleshooting? Did you write back and tell them so?
16746 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is TOTAL FAIL at 11 Apr 2011 05:10:50 AM
I just remembered that recently I called vodafail customer service and was on hold for 57 minutes. I nearly screamed. I hung up, after losing an hor of my precious life, and called the telecomunications Industry Ombudsman instead. they are currently dealingwith a voda fail caseon my behalf, where i tried ti pay my bill on the phone and the 'person' at the other end couldn't get either of my credit cards to work.
Then when I got my bank statement, they had charged me TWICE for the same amount. 3 months later I am still waiting to be reimbursed for this 'double' charge.
Last week the TIO asked me what resolution would satisfy me with my case and I said I just want my money back. Then I added, "Actually, I also want to be awarded $100 million in punitive damages so that vodafail don't give me such grief ever again." The TIO guy just laughed. But I was serious!!!
Then when I got my bank statement, they had charged me TWICE for the same amount. 3 months later I am still waiting to be reimbursed for this 'double' charge.
Last week the TIO asked me what resolution would satisfy me with my case and I said I just want my money back. Then I added, "Actually, I also want to be awarded $100 million in punitive damages so that vodafail don't give me such grief ever again." The TIO guy just laughed. But I was serious!!!
16745 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% at 11 Apr 2011 05:03:43 AM
I just posted b4 how totally crap vodafail are. I just want to know now if our thousands of complaints are actually going to be submitted to vodafail...?
I sure hope someone with something to lose at vodafail gets to see how appalling we think their company is.They should be ashamed of themselves. if the rest of us provided such horrible service, we'd be out of a job that's for sure. Pride in workmanship seems lost these days.
I sure hope someone with something to lose at vodafail gets to see how appalling we think their company is.They should be ashamed of themselves. if the rest of us provided such horrible service, we'd be out of a job that's for sure. Pride in workmanship seems lost these days.
16744 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 99% at 11 Apr 2011 04:54:53 AM
I have to stand outside and hold my phone in the air for up to 2 minutes to send an sms. At night too, with mosquitoes biting me!!!! As for actual calls, forget it! 5 seconds talking, and the call goes dead.
Friends of mine who are with Telstra have the luxury of sitting inside on the couch and getting 5 full bars of signal; they sms and call whoever they want to. I get 0 bars or 1 bar of signal in the same house, because I'm with vodahell.
My mobile phone is next to useless with vodafail. I hardly ever use it and vodafail's uselessness has actually affected some of my friendships negatively. People sms me, and the msg doesn't even come thru for many hours or days, so my friends think i am rude.
I have called vodafone to complain and they have told me to my 'face' that they truly don't care about their 'country' customers; that their city customers are all that're worth focussing on financially.
Vodafone suck really bad - the worst phone company in Australia
Friends of mine who are with Telstra have the luxury of sitting inside on the couch and getting 5 full bars of signal; they sms and call whoever they want to. I get 0 bars or 1 bar of signal in the same house, because I'm with vodahell.
My mobile phone is next to useless with vodafail. I hardly ever use it and vodafail's uselessness has actually affected some of my friendships negatively. People sms me, and the msg doesn't even come thru for many hours or days, so my friends think i am rude.
I have called vodafone to complain and they have told me to my 'face' that they truly don't care about their 'country' customers; that their city customers are all that're worth focussing on financially.
Vodafone suck really bad - the worst phone company in Australia
16743 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Dropped calls during 2G/3G handoff on the iPhone 4 at 10 Apr 2011 09:27:33 PM
In my case (iPhone 4 user), the dropped call issue seems to be related to 2G to 3G "handoff" (and visa versa). If this is an iPhone problem, why did Vodafone sign off on the technicals related to the handset (after all, Vodafone has over 380 million customers worldwide, surely that means that they would have significant leverage over Apple/Jobs to get the product right!!).
13 Apr 2011 12:11:02 AM: If they don't sign up for iPhone they'll lose a lot of the market who are suckered into the iPhone's hype machine. Unfortunately Apple's technology is lazy and unpolished, but they still sell.
16742 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 10 Apr 2011 08:44:55 PM
*****Read this***
I have not received a satisfactory response at all. I have been following up for the past 3 months. All they do is keep making you running around stating that they need to look into it. They have not idea with regards to the seriousness on the situation. I have been a good customer for the past 5 years with Vodafone.
Sent: 08 March 2011 09:26
Subject: RE: ***Escalated Issue - Complaint# 164367205***
Good Morning Ms. Mundkur,
Appended mail refers; (9833518***)
I am writing to you as I do not have any option. This mail is being written twelve (12) days post my e-mail to the nodal officer. I have still not received a reply when your company states that I should receive a reply within three (3) working days. I am currently being faced with two (2) issues;
1) My incoming and outgoing is barred
2) I have been charged for a service that I have not utilised
I could write the issue again but I would really appreciate it if you could read the chain of prior mails before continuing reading my e-mail.
Reference #169740711
Further to the issues mentioned, I went to the Vodafone centre at Hypercity and the Vodafone rep confirmed that he saw the response to cancel the idata plan on my phone dated 5th October 2010.
I would appreciate it if you could look into this and have the matter resolved at the earliest as I am currently not able to keep intouch with my clients due to the services being barred. Just an overview, I have visited the Vodafone store 4-5 times in the last two (2) months and this is my third email to have someone look into this. For which I have not had a satisfactory response.
Thanks and regards,
Sent: 25 February 2011 19:22
Subject: RE: ***Escalated Issue - Complaint# 164367205***
Good Evening Mam,
I am writing to you because I am facing an inconvenience with my service provider. I have my Vodafone connection for the past five (5) years and term myself as a sincere and devout customer of Vodafone.
The issue I am facing is; On 3rd October 2010, as I was travelling outside the city, I requested for the idata200 plan to be activated. Post my return to Mumbai on 5th October, I cancelled the plan (for activation and de-activation I have sms messages to and from Vodafone). Additionally, I called Vodafone to confirm the cancellation and I was informed that it would be cancelled from the following billing cycle. I was OK with that.
My billing is generally very high on a month-to-month basis, and I generally pay more than what is required as I mostly make the payments late every month. So I continued making my payments and in the month of Jan 2011, I found out that my bill was extremely high, so I checked my bill and found out that I was charged for the idata200 plan from October till date.
I have had an iPhone for the past two (2) years and I frequently have been accessing the internet as I have a WIFI connection at home. The WIFI connection allows me to do everything I require as I have an unlimited package. The reason why I activated the idata200 plan is because I was travelling in October 2010 and got lost and needed directions. Outside home, I have no use for the internet.
I have gone to the Vodafone store in Hypercity a couple of time to make this complaint but they informed me that I require to send an e-mail to register a complaint. I have also called the helpline with the same result. However, post sending the e-mail I have not received a suitable response from them either.
My initial e-mail was sent on 15th Feb with a response received on 22nd Feb and my following e-mail was sent on 22nd Feb with a follow-up on 24th Feb and today is the 25th Feb and I am still awaiting a response. The customer service representatives and Managers have little or NO authority to review my case and provide a resolution.
I receive client calls daily and cannot afford to have my services de-activated as I may lose a lot of business. Mam, I am a genuine person and would not try to cheat anyone. The only reason I am writing to you I because I believe that you can do something about it and help me.
If you require any further details, you can call me on 9833518*** or e-mail me on
I appreciate your time in looking into this matter.
Thank you and regards,
Sent: 24 February 2011 18:10
To: 'Vodafonecare Mum'
Subject: RE: ***Escalated Issue - Complaint# 164367205***
Awaiting a response?
Sent: 22 February 2011 16:46
To: Vodafonecare Mum
Subject: Re: ***Escalated Issue - Complaint# 164367205***
Hi - This email does not answer any of my questions.
Please help me understand. I am available on 9833518*** if you have any further questions.
On 22-Feb-2011, at 4:20 PM, Vodafonecare Mum <> wrote:
Dear Mr. Pereira,
Thank you for your email dated 16/02/11, regarding for your Vodafone number 9833518***.
We tried contacting you on your Vodafone number 9833518*** and your Alternate number 28643859 but were unable to speak with you.
Mr. Pereira, we wish to inform that Vodafone live and Vodafone mobile connect are the core services, same as the STD and the SMS services.
However this does not include usage of certain applications like YouTube, video/ music streaming (e.g. Music Junction), tickers on HTML sites, handset applications and MMS which uses Vodafone Live! as access point and will be charged @ 10/10KB. These charges are applicable over and above the data plan.
If the handset has applications which auto refresh /update by connecting through the WAP gateway (Wireless Application Protocol) i.e. VL, will be charged accordingly. The settings for these applications are pre defined on the handset by the manufacturer.
We confirm that we have checked your bill dated 18/10/10 to 18/01/11 and confirm to you that the Gprs usage charges charged are indeed accurate.
We will be unable to reverse the charges as they are charged correctly.
In case you need further assistance, please do call or email us. We‘ll do our best to help you.
Happy to help,
Vodafone Care
Contact numbers
For Enquiries : 111 or +91-9820098200
For Complaints / Requests : 198 (toll free)
Fax number : +91-22-66661200
E-mail :
Website :
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 12:46 AM
To: Vodafonecare Mum (MUM)
Subject: ***Escalated Issue - Complaint# 164367205***
I am writing to you as I am facing an issue with my billing.
From the month of October 2010 I am being charged with GPRS for the
idata200 plan that is activated on my number. I requested for this
plan to be activated on 3rd October 2010 and then requested for it to
be cancelled on 5th October 2010. From 5th October onwards this plan
was supposed to be cancelled and not active on my number.
However I recently found out that the plan is still active on my
number and I am being billed for it since October 2010.
PLEASE NOTE: I have a WIFI connection in my house and I check my mail
and surf the net on my iPhone. I have had this connection since
October 2009. I do not know why is Vodafone charging me with this plan
when I cancelled it in October 2010. If you like I can send you copies.
I also have the SMS I sent to Vodafone for the cancellation of the
idata plan on 5th October and the conformation SMS from Vodafone on
the same day stating that the plan was cancelled.
I request to validate my billing from November till date and have the
charges reversed as they have been incorrectly been billed to me.
Total charged is INR 8,265 after deducting the free mb.
I will escalate this to the highest level if I have too to have this
issue resolved.
Please call me on 9833518*** or email me on if
you have any questions.
Thanks and Regards,
I have not received a satisfactory response at all. I have been following up for the past 3 months. All they do is keep making you running around stating that they need to look into it. They have not idea with regards to the seriousness on the situation. I have been a good customer for the past 5 years with Vodafone.
Sent: 08 March 2011 09:26
Subject: RE: ***Escalated Issue - Complaint# 164367205***
Good Morning Ms. Mundkur,
Appended mail refers; (9833518***)
I am writing to you as I do not have any option. This mail is being written twelve (12) days post my e-mail to the nodal officer. I have still not received a reply when your company states that I should receive a reply within three (3) working days. I am currently being faced with two (2) issues;
1) My incoming and outgoing is barred
2) I have been charged for a service that I have not utilised
I could write the issue again but I would really appreciate it if you could read the chain of prior mails before continuing reading my e-mail.
Reference #169740711
Further to the issues mentioned, I went to the Vodafone centre at Hypercity and the Vodafone rep confirmed that he saw the response to cancel the idata plan on my phone dated 5th October 2010.
I would appreciate it if you could look into this and have the matter resolved at the earliest as I am currently not able to keep intouch with my clients due to the services being barred. Just an overview, I have visited the Vodafone store 4-5 times in the last two (2) months and this is my third email to have someone look into this. For which I have not had a satisfactory response.
Thanks and regards,
Sent: 25 February 2011 19:22
Subject: RE: ***Escalated Issue - Complaint# 164367205***
Good Evening Mam,
I am writing to you because I am facing an inconvenience with my service provider. I have my Vodafone connection for the past five (5) years and term myself as a sincere and devout customer of Vodafone.
The issue I am facing is; On 3rd October 2010, as I was travelling outside the city, I requested for the idata200 plan to be activated. Post my return to Mumbai on 5th October, I cancelled the plan (for activation and de-activation I have sms messages to and from Vodafone). Additionally, I called Vodafone to confirm the cancellation and I was informed that it would be cancelled from the following billing cycle. I was OK with that.
My billing is generally very high on a month-to-month basis, and I generally pay more than what is required as I mostly make the payments late every month. So I continued making my payments and in the month of Jan 2011, I found out that my bill was extremely high, so I checked my bill and found out that I was charged for the idata200 plan from October till date.
I have had an iPhone for the past two (2) years and I frequently have been accessing the internet as I have a WIFI connection at home. The WIFI connection allows me to do everything I require as I have an unlimited package. The reason why I activated the idata200 plan is because I was travelling in October 2010 and got lost and needed directions. Outside home, I have no use for the internet.
I have gone to the Vodafone store in Hypercity a couple of time to make this complaint but they informed me that I require to send an e-mail to register a complaint. I have also called the helpline with the same result. However, post sending the e-mail I have not received a suitable response from them either.
My initial e-mail was sent on 15th Feb with a response received on 22nd Feb and my following e-mail was sent on 22nd Feb with a follow-up on 24th Feb and today is the 25th Feb and I am still awaiting a response. The customer service representatives and Managers have little or NO authority to review my case and provide a resolution.
I receive client calls daily and cannot afford to have my services de-activated as I may lose a lot of business. Mam, I am a genuine person and would not try to cheat anyone. The only reason I am writing to you I because I believe that you can do something about it and help me.
If you require any further details, you can call me on 9833518*** or e-mail me on
I appreciate your time in looking into this matter.
Thank you and regards,
Sent: 24 February 2011 18:10
To: 'Vodafonecare Mum'
Subject: RE: ***Escalated Issue - Complaint# 164367205***
Awaiting a response?
Sent: 22 February 2011 16:46
To: Vodafonecare Mum
Subject: Re: ***Escalated Issue - Complaint# 164367205***
Hi - This email does not answer any of my questions.
Please help me understand. I am available on 9833518*** if you have any further questions.
On 22-Feb-2011, at 4:20 PM, Vodafonecare Mum <> wrote:
Dear Mr. Pereira,
Thank you for your email dated 16/02/11, regarding for your Vodafone number 9833518***.
We tried contacting you on your Vodafone number 9833518*** and your Alternate number 28643859 but were unable to speak with you.
Mr. Pereira, we wish to inform that Vodafone live and Vodafone mobile connect are the core services, same as the STD and the SMS services.
However this does not include usage of certain applications like YouTube, video/ music streaming (e.g. Music Junction), tickers on HTML sites, handset applications and MMS which uses Vodafone Live! as access point and will be charged @ 10/10KB. These charges are applicable over and above the data plan.
If the handset has applications which auto refresh /update by connecting through the WAP gateway (Wireless Application Protocol) i.e. VL, will be charged accordingly. The settings for these applications are pre defined on the handset by the manufacturer.
We confirm that we have checked your bill dated 18/10/10 to 18/01/11 and confirm to you that the Gprs usage charges charged are indeed accurate.
We will be unable to reverse the charges as they are charged correctly.
In case you need further assistance, please do call or email us. We‘ll do our best to help you.
Happy to help,
Vodafone Care
Contact numbers
For Enquiries : 111 or +91-9820098200
For Complaints / Requests : 198 (toll free)
Fax number : +91-22-66661200
E-mail :
Website :
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 12:46 AM
To: Vodafonecare Mum (MUM)
Subject: ***Escalated Issue - Complaint# 164367205***
I am writing to you as I am facing an issue with my billing.
From the month of October 2010 I am being charged with GPRS for the
idata200 plan that is activated on my number. I requested for this
plan to be activated on 3rd October 2010 and then requested for it to
be cancelled on 5th October 2010. From 5th October onwards this plan
was supposed to be cancelled and not active on my number.
However I recently found out that the plan is still active on my
number and I am being billed for it since October 2010.
PLEASE NOTE: I have a WIFI connection in my house and I check my mail
and surf the net on my iPhone. I have had this connection since
October 2009. I do not know why is Vodafone charging me with this plan
when I cancelled it in October 2010. If you like I can send you copies.
I also have the SMS I sent to Vodafone for the cancellation of the
idata plan on 5th October and the conformation SMS from Vodafone on
the same day stating that the plan was cancelled.
I request to validate my billing from November till date and have the
charges reversed as they have been incorrectly been billed to me.
Total charged is INR 8,265 after deducting the free mb.
I will escalate this to the highest level if I have too to have this
issue resolved.
Please call me on 9833518*** or email me on if
you have any questions.
Thanks and Regards,
16741 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VF is totally a FAIL! at 10 Apr 2011 08:37:52 PM
Last last year in 2010 VodaFone my bill displayed an outstanding amount of 600 dollars to which I was very perplexed as I was on a $49 dollar cap for nearly the past two years.
I immediately called up customer servie and after having patiently waiting for 20 mins i got to the accounts department where the international lady very calmly stated that the bill was changed in july 2010 and i was sent a text message of this... I stated that i never recall such a text message and if they wanted to change my cotnract and plan then they could have had the decency to call me. The international lady then replied " we cannot call everyone" and me stated "YES YOU CAN"
i stated i never consented to such a change and would like the bill changed to the orignal amount of no more than $49 a month.
I had to have "the manager" call me back and after looking at the fact that i had been a customer for over ten years that they would change one of the bills!
hence i still owed 300 dollars - which is when i stated that if they did not change both bills then i would go straight to consumer affairs!
I immediately called up customer servie and after having patiently waiting for 20 mins i got to the accounts department where the international lady very calmly stated that the bill was changed in july 2010 and i was sent a text message of this... I stated that i never recall such a text message and if they wanted to change my cotnract and plan then they could have had the decency to call me. The international lady then replied " we cannot call everyone" and me stated "YES YOU CAN"
i stated i never consented to such a change and would like the bill changed to the orignal amount of no more than $49 a month.
I had to have "the manager" call me back and after looking at the fact that i had been a customer for over ten years that they would change one of the bills!
hence i still owed 300 dollars - which is when i stated that if they did not change both bills then i would go straight to consumer affairs!
16740 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very - dropped calls and even worse internet speed at 10 Apr 2011 06:30:50 PM
I use my CJ's phone and internet as after hours system with my photography business to contact / maintain contact and upload images to my server. The telecommunications service in Forster NSW is awful to say the least.I want out after over 2 years with this company the recent lack of decent service and then today to find my 'local' (Port Macquarie) store has closed is the straw that broke this camels back.
16739 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is reception at 10 Apr 2011 05:42:20 PM
since being sold out by 3 to vodafone the reception on my phone is nothing less than appalling, cant wait for my cotract to end. pick up you act vodafone
13 Apr 2011 12:13:07 AM: It was a 50/50 merger and the network is still entirely separate until 2012
14 Apr 2011 09:19:55 AM: It seems strange that since 3 has merged with voda, now VHA, reception on my mobile is also appalling, in addition to having experience 6 delayed "missed-call" notifications, some over 48 hours later. I reported the 6 instances, and 3 support have still NOT identified the cause and resolution. they ring me daily but without ANY concrete findings - what a useless bunch of support and technical people - they should be sacked - its been more than a month since the issues were reported - extremely incompetent Three support!!!!!!
16738 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail at 10 Apr 2011 04:51:23 PM
Wondering if vodafone is worth staying
16737 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is fairly bad at 10 Apr 2011 10:52:25 AM
Their plans are over the top on the amount they charge. $1.14 for a call that last 1 second and their pre-paid customers get a rate which is 50% less. It's actually good value to use pay phones to make a call. Their MMS system took 2 hours to deliver a message from a family member. Don't worry though, I got charged for receiving it even though I have a data plan. Horrible reception on the trains down from Illawara to Wollongong. Optus at least gets enough reception for a SMS.
I regret signing up to a new Vodafone contract. When this one runs out, I am going back to pre-paid and switching companies to find a better plan. I don't want the phone and a large bill. I want the average phone and cheap call rates.
I regret signing up to a new Vodafone contract. When this one runs out, I am going back to pre-paid and switching companies to find a better plan. I don't want the phone and a large bill. I want the average phone and cheap call rates.
16736 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is STRESSFULLY PATHETIC at 9 Apr 2011 11:01:02 PM
my internet on my phone will just not work. it use to work a week ago, although it was still extremely slow. but if i waited long enough the pages would load. now, they dont even load. i will wait for a long time before an error message about the server pops up. not only that, none of the data related applications will load. weather takes a good 5 minutes or so. facebook? forget about it! when i try to call my mother and father, i have to call and hang up 2-3 times before we can get a conversation going. IT IS TIME TO MOVE TO TELSTRA! I never thought id have to say that. ive been a vodafone customer for 8 years. thats right EIGHT YEARS!
16735 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is ongoing disaster at 9 Apr 2011 04:15:14 PM
My problems are now escalating. After going through the complaints system, I was promised a reduction in my bill and an offer to extract myself from the contract. Guess what? No change. Latest bill, business as usual.
The service is disastrous and this company really does not care. Coverage has got worse not better for me.
I'm a $10,000 a customer, probably closer to $15,000. I'm going back the the Telecommunications Ombudsman.
The service is disastrous and this company really does not care. Coverage has got worse not better for me.
I'm a $10,000 a customer, probably closer to $15,000. I'm going back the the Telecommunications Ombudsman.
16734 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 9 Apr 2011 03:41:54 PM
Dropped Calls, Delays on MMS and SMS, Slow Internet
16733 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Total automated Vodafone billing system FAIL! at 9 Apr 2011 03:29:54 PM
I signed up for a 24 month contract ($79), added an extra handset and plan ($49)to my existing account just over month later, received the next bill and instead of being charged for the monthly fee, I was being billed for what should have been the CREDITED amount, eg 79 & 49 should have totalled $128/month - instead billed approx. $850. Every month, hundreds of dollars were accruing against my account while dozens of calls to Vodafone were placed, all the while being assured the problem would be resolved. I ended up having to pay out the two contracts in one lump sum. The whole experience has damaged my credit rating.
16728 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Reception problem at 9 Apr 2011 12:48:04 PM
In Bonner ACT I hardly got any signal. To place a call need to hold mobile on some particular angle. If some time lucky enough to got some signal than calls are missed or drop out.
In office at Tuggeranong it works bit batter if you are sitting next to window.
In office at Tuggeranong it works bit batter if you are sitting next to window.
16727 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Enough to lose my business! at 9 Apr 2011 12:17:51 PM
I live about 3km from the CBD in Waterloo, Sydney - we have a mobile broadband 3g plan and both our iphones on Vodafone. As for using the phones to make calls - not too bad - although we don't make many calls. Other than that the 3g network internet coverage is unreliable and slow, and the mobile broadband is too frustrating to use. Terrible speeds, constant dropouts - I have just tried twice to download the newest iphone software and the connection dropped out twice halfway through, using up lots of data allowance with nothing to show for it. I thought that being in the middle of a major city the speeds and coverage should be fairly reliable here if nowhere else - unfortunately they are crap!
Switching to a new service provider as soon as the contracts have expired - until vodafone fixes it's coverage and network speeds I'm not wasting my money on them again.
Switching to a new service provider as soon as the contracts have expired - until vodafone fixes it's coverage and network speeds I'm not wasting my money on them again.
16726 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is gigantic at 8 Apr 2011 09:42:29 PM
It is driving me (and whoever tries to call me) INSANE!! The only thing i can rely on with Vodafone is that my call is going to cut out at some super inconvenient time in the conversation. It makes me look incompentent, i have just had enough!!
16725 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 8 Apr 2011 06:48:22 PM
I use vodafone wireless internet.on over 24 hours alway no single.just show searching for network......
Vodafone is real rubbish.
Vodafone is real rubbish.
16724 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very fail at 8 Apr 2011 05:28:02 PM
Hi Maree,
Thank you for your response but I'm very disappointed in your answer. I was under the impression that National Roaming represented a sharing of networks throughout Victoria so that if one network has no coverage in a particular area it could utilise other networks to expand their coverage. I work in the Dandenong ranges in Melb. I cannot get any signal in Olinda , Sassafras, Kalorama, Silvan and all surrounding areas. Vodafone 's coverage stops at Upper Ferntree Gully as I approach the Dandenongs..What really frustrates and annoys me is that my wife who is with the 3 network and friends who are with Telstra or Optus have perfect coverage in all the aforementioned areas. Vodafone recently merged with 3 so why on earth can't you share their signal? My mobile says "No Signal" yet when I search for other networks I invariably get Telstra or Optus but I can't use them. I have been stranded in the hills on two occasions and have had to walk for kilometers because I had no means of communication. I am unable to contact my employer or fellow employees aaaarrrrr!!!!! I am stuck with a 2 year contract which I never would have entered into if I had been aware of Vodafones poor coverage.
I find it outrageous to see Vodafone constantly spending thousands of dollars on promoting sales with new plans and new mobiles and seemingly doing very little to improve their quality of service. How about siphoning off some of that sales promotion money into technical improvements such as expanding your coverage.What's the point of gaining all those new customers when they end up becoming disgruntled and deserting Vodafone in droves because of poor service. It's a revolving door situation. The aim should be not only to gain new customers but to keep them as well
Please pass this on to your technical team in the slender hope that they may act on the information I have provided you.
Thank you for your response but I'm very disappointed in your answer. I was under the impression that National Roaming represented a sharing of networks throughout Victoria so that if one network has no coverage in a particular area it could utilise other networks to expand their coverage. I work in the Dandenong ranges in Melb. I cannot get any signal in Olinda , Sassafras, Kalorama, Silvan and all surrounding areas. Vodafone 's coverage stops at Upper Ferntree Gully as I approach the Dandenongs..What really frustrates and annoys me is that my wife who is with the 3 network and friends who are with Telstra or Optus have perfect coverage in all the aforementioned areas. Vodafone recently merged with 3 so why on earth can't you share their signal? My mobile says "No Signal" yet when I search for other networks I invariably get Telstra or Optus but I can't use them. I have been stranded in the hills on two occasions and have had to walk for kilometers because I had no means of communication. I am unable to contact my employer or fellow employees aaaarrrrr!!!!! I am stuck with a 2 year contract which I never would have entered into if I had been aware of Vodafones poor coverage.
I find it outrageous to see Vodafone constantly spending thousands of dollars on promoting sales with new plans and new mobiles and seemingly doing very little to improve their quality of service. How about siphoning off some of that sales promotion money into technical improvements such as expanding your coverage.What's the point of gaining all those new customers when they end up becoming disgruntled and deserting Vodafone in droves because of poor service. It's a revolving door situation. The aim should be not only to gain new customers but to keep them as well
Please pass this on to your technical team in the slender hope that they may act on the information I have provided you.
16723 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is massive fail! at 8 Apr 2011 03:30:21 PM
Currently house sitting out in Casey ACT where the internet on my iPhone works better on edge than it does in Phillip on 3G. I may as well be using an old Nokia 3310 than my iPhone as the only things I can do on it are make calls and receive messages (although calls regularly drop out and it can take a day or two for voicemail messages to come through)
16722 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Three Support is useless at 8 Apr 2011 12:09:31 PM
I am with Three and have reported 6 instances of delayed "missed-call" notifications to Three Support. The last instance was on Saturday 2 April 2011. The support person informed me that their network people do not work 24*7 to resolve networking issues and that I will receive a call either on Monday or Tuesday with their findings. Todate, I have not received ANY feedback as to why I receive delayed "missed-call" notifications and neither been contacted by the networking team. The Three support person advised me last night that he does not have direct contact with the networking team and therefore does not know what they have found. He agreed their lack of response is "unreasonable" however he also has done nothing to seek feedback. He is the front person I have to deal with and in my view, Three Support is totally useless, incapable and do not care. As long as they can "close" their support calls in 24 hours, thats all that matters, regardless a resolution has not been found!!! I for one will be leaving Three - since they have merged with Vodafone their service has taken a nose-dive.... I certainly won't join Voda....was their customer many years ago and vowed never to rejoin them - unfortunately, Vods & Three have merged - not a good move for Three as they have now inherited Voda's useless services!!!
I think its about time Voda & Three issues are reported to the news media and publicised nationally.
I think its about time Voda & Three issues are reported to the news media and publicised nationally.
16721 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is The biggest FAIL at 8 Apr 2011 11:05:25 AM
want to know why everything is so hard with vodafone?
You have said that I'am able to unlock my handset in order to be with another service provider because you have openly admitted your service "is lacking." You have also mentioned that you have had a large number of people with this same issue, the issues include:
-The phone not connecting to the network to use internet or even to call.
-Taking 3 or 4 times to actually get through to a number, at the best of times
-Missing texts and calls nearly 80% of the time.
These misadventures eventuate with the extremely painful experience of missing calls from work, The fact that i'm risking my job for this incompetent, company who continues to advertise it's great packages and deals, what you should be doing is hiding in shame that you have ripped off your customers who have been loyal to you since they first owned a phone, and chose you as their service provider.
The best you can suggest is unlocking the handset and letting your customers use another service provider that could potentially take that customer away from you, I don't even think YOU understand the amount of 'multicultural' spoken languages in your call centres so how the hell are we supposed to? The inconvenience of having to swap company's when you have only been with vodafone your whole life:
-Not having the same number
-Spending more money on sim
-Spending more money on expensive call and -messaging rates on a prepaid service.
-The inconvenience of having to constantly top up with credit, due to these expensive call and messaging rates.
Just to name a few.
Just letting you know I have never complained about anything before in my life, and am usually quite patient with people, but the fact that now the discussions between my friends and I isn't about boys and partying rather we chat about how we couldn't party or talk to boys because vodafone screwed us over. I find this sad. Don't you think.
Take a bow VODAFONE, Well done!
You can count on me for expressing my love for you, to ALL my friends!
Thanks again for all your hard work. NOT.
P.s You can trust that i will be posting this on Facebook!
You have said that I'am able to unlock my handset in order to be with another service provider because you have openly admitted your service "is lacking." You have also mentioned that you have had a large number of people with this same issue, the issues include:
-The phone not connecting to the network to use internet or even to call.
-Taking 3 or 4 times to actually get through to a number, at the best of times
-Missing texts and calls nearly 80% of the time.
These misadventures eventuate with the extremely painful experience of missing calls from work, The fact that i'm risking my job for this incompetent, company who continues to advertise it's great packages and deals, what you should be doing is hiding in shame that you have ripped off your customers who have been loyal to you since they first owned a phone, and chose you as their service provider.
The best you can suggest is unlocking the handset and letting your customers use another service provider that could potentially take that customer away from you, I don't even think YOU understand the amount of 'multicultural' spoken languages in your call centres so how the hell are we supposed to? The inconvenience of having to swap company's when you have only been with vodafone your whole life:
-Not having the same number
-Spending more money on sim
-Spending more money on expensive call and -messaging rates on a prepaid service.
-The inconvenience of having to constantly top up with credit, due to these expensive call and messaging rates.
Just to name a few.
Just letting you know I have never complained about anything before in my life, and am usually quite patient with people, but the fact that now the discussions between my friends and I isn't about boys and partying rather we chat about how we couldn't party or talk to boys because vodafone screwed us over. I find this sad. Don't you think.
Take a bow VODAFONE, Well done!
You can count on me for expressing my love for you, to ALL my friends!
Thanks again for all your hard work. NOT.
P.s You can trust that i will be posting this on Facebook!
xx Moderation Team