Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
16259 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Stupi-fail at 11 Mar 2011 11:28:22 AM
Well, I cancelled my 12 month contract in September last year, switching to Optus and keeping the same number. Since then I've receive a text from Vodafone every month telling me that I owe them -$0.32 and it will be debited from my account on the 30th of the month.
Three main issues here:
1. I turned off direct debit THREE times and they still took money out.
2. This wasn't for my account, the account number was totally different to the one I had, had.
3. After almost six months, surely they'd have figured out that it was 32c they owed me and they could just drop it and leave me alone.
So I called them, after being on hold for 10 minutes I spoke to someone I could barely understand. I gave her my mobile number and the account number in the account number in the messages. Her response "This isn't your account number" "I know that, that's why I'm calling you to complain." "Oh, well I'll cancel this service for you and you shouldn't receive any more texts. Are you happy with the resolution today?" I hung up.
Now I'm wondering if they do this to many people. How can a company be so poorly managed?
I called the TIO six times on them in 12 months! It took 2 weeks of back and forth between stores and call centre, 2 calls to the TIO and one two hour phone call to get the account changed from my mother's name into mine. I constantly had issues as stupid and easily fixed as that.
Immediately after switching from 3 to Vodafone I started having reception issues, I'd kept the same phone just a new sim. When I asked Vodafone they told me it was a fault with my phone and I would have to buy a new one and see if the problem resolved and if it didn't I would have to purchase a new sim. Great solution.
One month they took money from my bank account AFTER I'd paid at Australia post (and asked them to turn off direct debit... three times). This meant that there was a double up in payments so it appeared on my next bill that I didn't owe anything and they told me not to pay it. So I didn't. In the meantime they refunded money into my bank account and then sent me a dishonour fee. It took three phone calls to sort that one out and a TIO complaint.
The list is endless. Needless to I haven't experienced any of these issues with Optus.
Three main issues here:
1. I turned off direct debit THREE times and they still took money out.
2. This wasn't for my account, the account number was totally different to the one I had, had.
3. After almost six months, surely they'd have figured out that it was 32c they owed me and they could just drop it and leave me alone.
So I called them, after being on hold for 10 minutes I spoke to someone I could barely understand. I gave her my mobile number and the account number in the account number in the messages. Her response "This isn't your account number" "I know that, that's why I'm calling you to complain." "Oh, well I'll cancel this service for you and you shouldn't receive any more texts. Are you happy with the resolution today?" I hung up.
Now I'm wondering if they do this to many people. How can a company be so poorly managed?
I called the TIO six times on them in 12 months! It took 2 weeks of back and forth between stores and call centre, 2 calls to the TIO and one two hour phone call to get the account changed from my mother's name into mine. I constantly had issues as stupid and easily fixed as that.
Immediately after switching from 3 to Vodafone I started having reception issues, I'd kept the same phone just a new sim. When I asked Vodafone they told me it was a fault with my phone and I would have to buy a new one and see if the problem resolved and if it didn't I would have to purchase a new sim. Great solution.
One month they took money from my bank account AFTER I'd paid at Australia post (and asked them to turn off direct debit... three times). This meant that there was a double up in payments so it appeared on my next bill that I didn't owe anything and they told me not to pay it. So I didn't. In the meantime they refunded money into my bank account and then sent me a dishonour fee. It took three phone calls to sort that one out and a TIO complaint.
The list is endless. Needless to I haven't experienced any of these issues with Optus.
14 Mar 2011 01:51:37 PM: Vodafone Infinite Plans... They will debityour account infinitely!!
16258 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is violating contract at 11 Mar 2011 10:36:48 AM
Lost internet again, sitting at my desk at Sth Bris. iPhone 3GS (latest wares) said I have 3 bars and 3G but I can't get into TinyChef due to no internet connection.
16253 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Monstrous Fail at 11 Mar 2011 10:12:36 AM
On several occasions over the past week, my husband and I have experienced lengthy service drop outs where we are unable to use our phones for internet, messaging or calls. We have had problems before, but it seems to be getting much worse. I have a pre-paid account and find it very annoying that each month I am being 'ripped off' a couple of days worth of phone use.
16252 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is joining with 3 at 11 Mar 2011 08:50:51 AM issue is this: 3 sucks...if you are in a brick house (outside of the CBD Melbourne) there is maximum 1 bar of reception, i use an iphone (3gs), and if im on the phone, talking, theres a 50% chance it will drop out...
Vodafone has merged with 3...very funny. the 2 worst telecoms merge.
Please can someone make a 3fail website please?
Vodafone has merged with 3...very funny. the 2 worst telecoms merge.
Please can someone make a 3fail website please?
16250 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is stupidly! at 11 Mar 2011 01:17:10 AM
vodafone just had a "network congestion" again. I have a company that I am trying to establish, and I work after hours, on the phone with my partners alot during after hours. vodafone reliability is seriously starting to annoy me!
16249 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is terribly at 10 Mar 2011 09:16:20 PM
I live next to the the transmitter on Anzac hwy and I can never get anything... emails take half an hour to update!!! Aaaargh!
16248 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is extreme at 10 Mar 2011 09:12:22 PM
I live right next to the tower and can never get any download bandwidth to my iPhone 4!!! Complete rubbish. I have a lot of quota that just does nothing!!!
16246 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Bad at 10 Mar 2011 07:20:34 PM
I live only minutes from the City of Brisbane in a suburb close by. I joined with Vodaphone just prior to the publicity. Now I am not a big complainer, however I have had days without service at times over the last month. yet my bills continue?
I sign a contract and if I break this contract I am financially penalised and my credit rating may be affected. Tell me why I can not have my bills decreased to match the service I am given or why Vodaphone is not obligued to finacially reimburse me?
All I ask is that I can make and receive calls and text. Is that really too much to ask?
I sign a contract and if I break this contract I am financially penalised and my credit rating may be affected. Tell me why I can not have my bills decreased to match the service I am given or why Vodaphone is not obligued to finacially reimburse me?
All I ask is that I can make and receive calls and text. Is that really too much to ask?
16245 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Not interested in the little guy at 10 Mar 2011 05:08:42 PM
I find it amazing that Vodafone can manage to sponsor a V8 team, a formula one team and Australian cricket but I have to leave my house to make a phone call and I get messages hours after they have been sent. Put some money into improving services before spending it on everything else!!
16244 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is USELESS!!! at 10 Mar 2011 03:38:51 PM
I have been a loyal customer with vodafone for over 7 years now, having multiple phone contracts and mobile broadband accounts over the years.
My account number is 218955903
I have recently recieved a new iphone 4 and renewed my contract for another 12 months.. hoping this would fix the multitude of problems ive been facing over the last 6 months. These include dropped calls, no service, customer service won't help with the complaint,and worst of all the potential loss of business due to poor reception and dropped calls.
I run my own electrical contracting bussiness in the sydney cbd and metro area but am finding it EXTREMELY DIFFICULT! to do so as every second call drops out to prospective clients, and more often then not i get voicemails from clients that have been unable to get through. This being due to poor service in the middle of sydney!!
The internet speeds make it pretty much useless to complete anything on the phone, as now i dont even bother.
The Phone i am using cannot be the problem as it is brand new with a new sim card and i have friends on the same plan who have full reception and not a problem.
I have contacted customer support numerous times only to be put on hold and transfered over and over again for an hour each time.. with no success!! I have logged a complaint with vodafone and am unfortunatly looking to cancel my contract with them and switch to a new service provider.
This is costing me a fortune in lost bussines!
My account number is 218955903
I have recently recieved a new iphone 4 and renewed my contract for another 12 months.. hoping this would fix the multitude of problems ive been facing over the last 6 months. These include dropped calls, no service, customer service won't help with the complaint,and worst of all the potential loss of business due to poor reception and dropped calls.
I run my own electrical contracting bussiness in the sydney cbd and metro area but am finding it EXTREMELY DIFFICULT! to do so as every second call drops out to prospective clients, and more often then not i get voicemails from clients that have been unable to get through. This being due to poor service in the middle of sydney!!
The internet speeds make it pretty much useless to complete anything on the phone, as now i dont even bother.
The Phone i am using cannot be the problem as it is brand new with a new sim card and i have friends on the same plan who have full reception and not a problem.
I have contacted customer support numerous times only to be put on hold and transfered over and over again for an hour each time.. with no success!! I have logged a complaint with vodafone and am unfortunatly looking to cancel my contract with them and switch to a new service provider.
This is costing me a fortune in lost bussines!
16243 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 1970 09:00:00 AM
Im so sick of having to call someone back 10 times within 20 mins all because they can hear me or my phone just hangs up. Poor reception in Salisbury Heights/ Greenwith area. Average reception in Enfield.
16242 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is MASSIVE Fail at 10 Mar 2011 01:39:03 PM
Please see below emails to customer service just over the last two days...
And now the ULTIMATE insult...
I get a text advising me you can't reach me on my mobile... and to call you back on the 1300 number.
10/03/2011 12:36
Network Feedback <>
Re: Network Feedback Response
For the third day in a row - I have been unable to make a phone call , send or receive text messages or access the internet from my phone. The problem starts when i wake up in Penrith and persists thru the day at Parramatta.
About the only time my network works is for periods of about 15 seconds after i make a call if i can get thru after seven attempts or at around 2:30 for about 4 minutes.
This is my third email in 2 days to customer service. Please do not email me your unable to reach me on my mobile number... when i have given you the details as well as three landlines.
Getting them 5 hours after you sent them make me so cross, its insulting.
I wrote yesterday and was emailed this morning that the problem could not be fixed as i didn't include my phone number.
I popped out for lunch and received 4 text messages three hours late, these were people I was trying to arrange to meet for lunch that i had texted at 9 am.
I have checked on your website for network disruptions... supposedly none in my area today. my phone shows full service, and 3G.
I am two metres away from a person who is having no difficulty whatsoever.
I tried to call 1555. My phone wouldn't connect.
I called your 1300 number where it wouldn't accept my voice commands from a landline at my work. Then after putting in the options via keypad - i was put thru to someone who had such a thick Indian accent - not only could they not understand what I was saying... Ironically What i was asking for was an English speaking person as i couldn't understand them.
After several minutes of being asked for all the details i had already entered, I was told there is no problems with coverage.
Yet i can still not send a text or access the net and have to make 7 attempt's before i can put thru a local phone call.
Vodafail - you are a Joke.
Please don't say it is an issue with my handset - I put in another carriers sim and i have full service.
As soon as my credit runs out this month I'm going to another carrier and reporting vodaphone to the telecommunications ombudsman.
Another ANGRY ANGRY ANGRY vodaphone customer loyal for 10 years and seriously over it.
Network Feedback <>
09/03/2011 22:33
Network Feedback Response
Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting the network feedback team. We have received your email feedback. We were unable to find your account details as the contact details were missing in the email. Kindly provide your mobile number where you would like to receive a call and we will get in touch with you at the earliest.
----- Forwarded by 09/03/2011 15:21
Giving up.
I am so sick of my vodaphone constantly dropping out.
I will be
a) joining the class action against Vodaphone
b) informing the Telecommunications ombudsman
c) Changing networks ASAP when my credit expires.
I'm over it. I'm standing next to people in a foyer who have full service. I'm in an urban centre location which has supposedly already been upgraded.
I look on your "reported problems" site and it says that 3G was down for 20 mins in my area.
I get voicemail messages two days late, half the phonecalls I get don't even register, and now i can't even send a txt! I have called customer support now on 28 occasions in the last 3 months and am told - they don't have a complaint section to take down my concerns.
I have been a loyal vodaphone customer for 10 years, however I have not been able to make the most basic phonecall or text message or access the internet for 4.5 hours now and this has become a daily occurrence. My Mobile No is XXXXXXXXXXXX
Over it... you want my custom - you have 2 hours before i finish work and get myself to optus or Telstra to tell me what you are going to offer me to stay.
And now the ULTIMATE insult...
I get a text advising me you can't reach me on my mobile... and to call you back on the 1300 number.
10/03/2011 12:36
Network Feedback <>
Re: Network Feedback Response
For the third day in a row - I have been unable to make a phone call , send or receive text messages or access the internet from my phone. The problem starts when i wake up in Penrith and persists thru the day at Parramatta.
About the only time my network works is for periods of about 15 seconds after i make a call if i can get thru after seven attempts or at around 2:30 for about 4 minutes.
This is my third email in 2 days to customer service. Please do not email me your unable to reach me on my mobile number... when i have given you the details as well as three landlines.
Getting them 5 hours after you sent them make me so cross, its insulting.
I wrote yesterday and was emailed this morning that the problem could not be fixed as i didn't include my phone number.
I popped out for lunch and received 4 text messages three hours late, these were people I was trying to arrange to meet for lunch that i had texted at 9 am.
I have checked on your website for network disruptions... supposedly none in my area today. my phone shows full service, and 3G.
I am two metres away from a person who is having no difficulty whatsoever.
I tried to call 1555. My phone wouldn't connect.
I called your 1300 number where it wouldn't accept my voice commands from a landline at my work. Then after putting in the options via keypad - i was put thru to someone who had such a thick Indian accent - not only could they not understand what I was saying... Ironically What i was asking for was an English speaking person as i couldn't understand them.
After several minutes of being asked for all the details i had already entered, I was told there is no problems with coverage.
Yet i can still not send a text or access the net and have to make 7 attempt's before i can put thru a local phone call.
Vodafail - you are a Joke.
Please don't say it is an issue with my handset - I put in another carriers sim and i have full service.
As soon as my credit runs out this month I'm going to another carrier and reporting vodaphone to the telecommunications ombudsman.
Another ANGRY ANGRY ANGRY vodaphone customer loyal for 10 years and seriously over it.
Network Feedback <>
09/03/2011 22:33
Network Feedback Response
Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting the network feedback team. We have received your email feedback. We were unable to find your account details as the contact details were missing in the email. Kindly provide your mobile number where you would like to receive a call and we will get in touch with you at the earliest.
----- Forwarded by 09/03/2011 15:21
Giving up.
I am so sick of my vodaphone constantly dropping out.
I will be
a) joining the class action against Vodaphone
b) informing the Telecommunications ombudsman
c) Changing networks ASAP when my credit expires.
I'm over it. I'm standing next to people in a foyer who have full service. I'm in an urban centre location which has supposedly already been upgraded.
I look on your "reported problems" site and it says that 3G was down for 20 mins in my area.
I get voicemail messages two days late, half the phonecalls I get don't even register, and now i can't even send a txt! I have called customer support now on 28 occasions in the last 3 months and am told - they don't have a complaint section to take down my concerns.
I have been a loyal vodaphone customer for 10 years, however I have not been able to make the most basic phonecall or text message or access the internet for 4.5 hours now and this has become a daily occurrence. My Mobile No is XXXXXXXXXXXX
Over it... you want my custom - you have 2 hours before i finish work and get myself to optus or Telstra to tell me what you are going to offer me to stay.
16241 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is delayed sms's at 10 Mar 2011 12:49:27 PM
For a 48 hour period I received no text messages and then they all came through within an - so my phone was constantly beeping. Messages from friends and colleagues that required quick responses meant that I was very embarassed and had to apologise - friends are understanding, work colleagues not as much - saying 'something is wrong with my phone' is like the modern-day equivalent of 'the dog ate my homework'. I have been a loyal Vodafone custoomer for over five years and have never had any issues (well any that weren't rectified) before now. Disgruntled.
16240 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is SMS to Spain and Portugal? at 10 Mar 2011 12:06:17 PM
I've been the Wireless broadband user for 3 years now. After I complained about the speed which is 2-3 kbps in the evening, so dail-up is 10-20 times faster, they offered me $10/month for the service.
Now, looks like I've been charged for the SMS sent to Spain and Portugal while I was sleeping and Internet was shut down! For two months I needed to contact the Customer service about this charge and spent hours on the phone. They even said this might happen in the future.
Now, looks like I've been charged for the SMS sent to Spain and Portugal while I was sleeping and Internet was shut down! For two months I needed to contact the Customer service about this charge and spent hours on the phone. They even said this might happen in the future.
16239 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Extremely at 10 Mar 2011 11:34:40 AM
We have been having constant problems with calls dropping out while talking and then when clients try to call back the message they get is that the number you are calling has been disconnected or the number is busy or the number is no longer available. Also not receiving txt messages until a day later if at all. I have contacted Vodafone only to be told by their technical division thet they can't detect any problems. We have asked to be let out of our contract without incurring any exit fees but they have refused to do so. We have now contacted the Telecommunications Ombudsman because we can longer run our business with this poor service
16237 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Good Bye Farewell Amen at 10 Mar 2011 10:05:04 AM
Constant call drop outs
Billing an absolute mess
Customer service in India means well - but are absolutely useless
After 15 years with Vodafone - it is Goodbye, farewell and Amen
Billing an absolute mess
Customer service in India means well - but are absolutely useless
After 15 years with Vodafone - it is Goodbye, farewell and Amen
16236 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bad but got it sorted!! at 10 Mar 2011 09:11:42 AM
I have had the same issues as many others. I live in Central Met Sydney and was having my phone drop out or only one bar. Texts coming late and just not receiving calls etc. Poor service and phone drop out were the main issue.
I called up to get out of contract. I had just put up with the crap service etc and hadn't reported so they did ask me about that. I just said just because I hadn't called them or documented every time it happened it didn't mean I hadn't been having issues. I was bounced around a bunch of times. First I got told if I wanted to know anything about my account they couldn't help as their computer wasn't working and got told to call back in an hour. Second time I said hello to them and that I wanted to cancel and the call dropped/they hung up. Third time they said they would charge me 12 x $79 as cancellation fee (remaining time on 24month contract). I said this is unacceptable and asked to speak to supervisor. They said none were on and that they would get a supervisor to call in next three to four hours. Didn't receive call.
I called back next day (today) and spoke to them again and they consulted with their supervisor. They said they would waive three months and I said that does not assist me if they coverage is crap etc and due to my work (in emergency services) I require my mobile to work at all times as a matter of urgency/priority. More discussions and then they finally agreed to let me cancel my contract and waive the $1000 fee. If i wanted to keep my phone I would have had to pay for it. I said no, so I need to send it back. They said I can port to telstra anytime now. They said they will send me an envelope and instructions to send back my phone. Once they have the phone back in their warehouse they will waive the fees.
Job done.
Good luck everyone.
Just remember to document if you can (take photo of the screen if possible when phone drops out, times dates etc), call them and complain if you are having issues so they have a log, and if you want to cancel explain how phone use for you is a needed as a matter of priority (eg if you in emergency services and need phone to save lives etc). Good luck!
I called up to get out of contract. I had just put up with the crap service etc and hadn't reported so they did ask me about that. I just said just because I hadn't called them or documented every time it happened it didn't mean I hadn't been having issues. I was bounced around a bunch of times. First I got told if I wanted to know anything about my account they couldn't help as their computer wasn't working and got told to call back in an hour. Second time I said hello to them and that I wanted to cancel and the call dropped/they hung up. Third time they said they would charge me 12 x $79 as cancellation fee (remaining time on 24month contract). I said this is unacceptable and asked to speak to supervisor. They said none were on and that they would get a supervisor to call in next three to four hours. Didn't receive call.
I called back next day (today) and spoke to them again and they consulted with their supervisor. They said they would waive three months and I said that does not assist me if they coverage is crap etc and due to my work (in emergency services) I require my mobile to work at all times as a matter of urgency/priority. More discussions and then they finally agreed to let me cancel my contract and waive the $1000 fee. If i wanted to keep my phone I would have had to pay for it. I said no, so I need to send it back. They said I can port to telstra anytime now. They said they will send me an envelope and instructions to send back my phone. Once they have the phone back in their warehouse they will waive the fees.
Job done.
Good luck everyone.
Just remember to document if you can (take photo of the screen if possible when phone drops out, times dates etc), call them and complain if you are having issues so they have a log, and if you want to cancel explain how phone use for you is a needed as a matter of priority (eg if you in emergency services and need phone to save lives etc). Good luck!
16235 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is failed entirely at 10 Mar 2011 07:52:23 AM
i haven't had any reception on my phone since around midnight last night. Phone hangs up on people. Internet is slower than a developing country.
16234 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 10 Mar 2011 04:21:51 AM
16233 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is The most frustrating piece of crap at 9 Mar 2011 08:43:09 PM
It's just frustrating because some of the messages I send aren't received by my friends but some are... So I have no freaking idea if they have received the messages or not. I'd rather it to be consistently not delivering msgs instead of only delivering some!!!!!!!!!!!
And I'm locked in a 12 months contract. Sigh.
And I'm locked in a 12 months contract. Sigh.
16232 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is VERY at 9 Mar 2011 08:02:00 PM
they think i owe them $1200 when the lady on the phone said i only owe them $845. So i should have recorded the conversation,hopefully they can find it. They are ridiculous. Cant supply me a working network service and they expect me to pay them $1200. Get real. Your joking.Im never paying you $1200.
16231 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is fail! at 9 Mar 2011 07:56:28 PM
as i said, i would rather s**t in my hands a clap than be with vodafone, sure the "40 bucks a month infant cap" sound pretty awesome! which it would be, if i have f-ing reception to use it!, i can't be on a phone call for more than 60 seconds at most! without it cutting out, my internet service is the biggest fail, take 10 mins to load GOOGLE! my phone is constantly lagging, constantly downloading something, that i haven't DOWNLOADED, my battery cant even last a day! and wen i call Vodafone i get a f-ing Indian that i cant understand and doesn't understand me! then wen i go into a store to complain face to face i get "well then maybe you shouldn't have gone on the plan/ phone" oh reli Vodafone RELI!, pretty sure you were quick enough to f-ing sell it to me!, screw you! i want out of my plan! and dont wanna pay you a god damn mother f-ing CENT!
16230 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is id rather sh*t in my hands a clap, then be with vodafone at 9 Mar 2011 07:55:59 PM
as i said, i would rather sh*t in my hands a clap than be with vodafone, sure the "40 bucks a month infant cap" sound pretty awesome! which it would be, if i have f-ing reception to use it!, i can't be on a phone call for more than 60 seconds at most! without it cutting out, my internet service is the biggest fail, take 10 mins to load GOOGLE! my phone is constantly lagging, constantly downloading something, that i haven't DOWNLOADED, my battery cant even last a day! and wen i call Vodafone i get a f-ing Indian that i cant understand and doesn't understand me! then wen i go into a store to complain face to face i get "well then maybe you shouldn't have gone on the plan/ phone" oh reli Vodafone RELI!, pretty sure you were quick enough to f-ing sell it to me!, screw you! i want out of my plan! and dont wanna pay you a god damn mother f-ing CENT!
as i said, i would rather shit in my hands a clap than be with vodafone, sure the "40 bucks a month infant cap" sound pretty awesome! which it would be, if i have fucking reception to use it!, i can't be on a phone call for more than 60 seconds at most! without it cutting out, my internet service is the shittest, take 10 mins to load GOOGLE! my phone is constantly lagging, constantly downloading something, that i haven't DOWNLOADED, my battery cant even last a day! and wen i call Vodafone i get a fucking Indian that i cant understand and doesn't understand me! then wen i go into a store to complain face to face i get "well then maybe you shouldn't have gone on the plan/ phone" oh reli Vodafone RELI!, pretty sure you were quick enough to fucking sell it to me!, fuck you! i want out of my plan! and dont wanna pay you a god damn mother fucking CENT!
16228 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 9 Mar 2011 07:28:52 PM
webpages take ages to load. for example. take this website, i took around 2-3 minutes to get this page loaded and another 2 mins to come to where im at now. no 3g reception at all even though i live in the city. sounds like epic fail. maybe all the buildings block off my internet reception. im still not happy at all at the way vodaphony is treating their customers. im switching after my mobile broadband term is up.
16227 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 9 Mar 2011 07:27:38 PM
Dropped calls. Shocking coverage in Kilburn, Prospect, Blackwood, Bedford Park, Marion, Woodcroft, Hackham, and the Barossa... just to name a few. Voicemails and SMS not received for hours (absolutely useless when work calls me and asks me if I can come in when I've not been rostered on, for instance). Cannot make calls or receive calls for large blocks of time... thank god I've not YET been in an emergency situation... or had family trying to contact me urgently! Trying to use the internet on my iPhone 3GS is painful whenever I leave the house, even gave up trying to use the internet on my phone in MELBOURNE recently. Also, my phone is usually rendered useless when in a shopping centre (no service whatsoever). SMS that refuse to send, or take numerous attempts to send. SMS sent that are not actually received are extremely frustrating, not to mention trying on friendships and relationships!
I've been a Vodafone customer for 9 years (at least), unfortunately, the majority of my problems started a few months into signing a contract for the iPhone in April last year. Never really had much of a problem previously as a prepaid customer. I'm paying $79 a month on my contract, is it too much to ask that I can AT LEAST make and receive phone calls ALL THE TIME? I had my landline disconnected when I took out this contract with Vodafone, having never had any problems with my service previously, and trusting that I would be able to make and receive calls all the time.
I've been a Vodafone customer for 9 years (at least), unfortunately, the majority of my problems started a few months into signing a contract for the iPhone in April last year. Never really had much of a problem previously as a prepaid customer. I'm paying $79 a month on my contract, is it too much to ask that I can AT LEAST make and receive phone calls ALL THE TIME? I had my landline disconnected when I took out this contract with Vodafone, having never had any problems with my service previously, and trusting that I would be able to make and receive calls all the time.
16226 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is IT JUST DOSENT WORK at 9 Mar 2011 05:36:24 PM
Cannot connect to Intrnet Explorer .The quicker the NBN gets going the better.Wireless internet sucks.
16225 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Reception at 9 Mar 2011 04:11:14 PM
I don't know what is going on down here on the gold coast, but after there so call upgrade, I had great data and enjoyed having 3G speed for 1 whole day, now the reception has forced me to use only 2g again. Maybe vodacrap should market there network for people who don't need to be connected to the network. They are no longer a network to be taken serious, god can't wait till my contract runs out, and no doubt I will be getting there marketing people to try to sign up for another 2 yrs of lies. And please those voda drones that get on the forum stating how wonderful the network is let's shed some light. 10,000 people can't be wrong.
16224 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Total at 9 Mar 2011 03:37:06 PM
When I purchased the phone I asked the sales person if the coverage maps were corect and that coverage is available to Mahogany Creek/ Mundaring and was told it was. Coverage is non existant in many areas. Call drop outs is common place. Calling Voda Support is a waste of time - the customer service response is ponderous to say the least.
16223 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is shite at 9 Mar 2011 02:34:50 PM
just spoke to todd from vodafone and said that no1 is willing to help even when it comes to their sister company vha(3).when will this court case to ahead??????????????????????????????????????
16222 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is very fail at 9 Mar 2011 02:20:42 PM
usual fail
16221 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 1970 09:00:00 AM
16220 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is VERY at 9 Mar 2011 02:20:15 PM
New contract. Abysmal service.
16219 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 1970 09:00:00 AM
I changed from pre paid to post paid on 27 December 2010 - I was supposed to be on a 12 month 45 infinate plan with $25 per month for Nokia n8. I was promised a three month waiver of the $45 and a discount of 10% for the 12 months on the $25 amount.
This has then been my experience:
1. First three days (including my birthday unable to receive calls
2. Rang vodaphone 6 times to get message bank set up over a weeks period
3. Spent between 45 - 1 hour on hold each time I tried to contact.
4. Phone "bricked" itself and I had to return it
5. First bill - no discount for $45 charge - contact call centre took 3 attempts as over 1 hours hold time
6. Finally got on to consultant who cant help, finally get a supervisor who says she has fixed it and sends an email (10 Jan) assuring me the $45 discount and 10% will be applied from now on.
7. Next bill - no discount - hours again getting on to consultant who said it was fixed and would show on next bill
8. Next Bill - no $45 discount caled again and spoke to supervisor who assures me it is fixed and I will not have to call again
9.Called TIO and lodged complaint
10. Try to use vodaphone music stre on N8 tracks do not download - contact vodafhone and get told nokia n8 not compatable with the vodaphone store, consultant checks account and says I wont be charged for tracks.
11. Called by vodafone in response to TIO complaint 2 days ago, woman quite snappy and says it has been fixed and I will not have to call again
12. Today - get new bill and 45 credit has been applied however now 10% discount has fallen off. Also have been charged for vodaphone music store tracks that did not download
13 Call vodaphone and speak to supervisor who tells me he is in melbourne billing - looks at account and agrees the 10% has not been applied and says it will happen next month as will music refund- I ask for something in writing as this has been promised so many times before and he refuses. ask to speak to someone higher up and get transfered without warning or introduction to a customer complaints electronic service
14. Call back and request to get back to supervisor I was speaking to and get told they cannot transfer calls internally and also tells me there is no billing department in melbourne. Also says there is no internal staff directory for vodaphone
15. burst into tears of frustration and Go back to TIO
This has then been my experience:
1. First three days (including my birthday unable to receive calls
2. Rang vodaphone 6 times to get message bank set up over a weeks period
3. Spent between 45 - 1 hour on hold each time I tried to contact.
4. Phone "bricked" itself and I had to return it
5. First bill - no discount for $45 charge - contact call centre took 3 attempts as over 1 hours hold time
6. Finally got on to consultant who cant help, finally get a supervisor who says she has fixed it and sends an email (10 Jan) assuring me the $45 discount and 10% will be applied from now on.
7. Next bill - no discount - hours again getting on to consultant who said it was fixed and would show on next bill
8. Next Bill - no $45 discount caled again and spoke to supervisor who assures me it is fixed and I will not have to call again
9.Called TIO and lodged complaint
10. Try to use vodaphone music stre on N8 tracks do not download - contact vodafhone and get told nokia n8 not compatable with the vodaphone store, consultant checks account and says I wont be charged for tracks.
11. Called by vodafone in response to TIO complaint 2 days ago, woman quite snappy and says it has been fixed and I will not have to call again
12. Today - get new bill and 45 credit has been applied however now 10% discount has fallen off. Also have been charged for vodaphone music store tracks that did not download
13 Call vodaphone and speak to supervisor who tells me he is in melbourne billing - looks at account and agrees the 10% has not been applied and says it will happen next month as will music refund- I ask for something in writing as this has been promised so many times before and he refuses. ask to speak to someone higher up and get transfered without warning or introduction to a customer complaints electronic service
14. Call back and request to get back to supervisor I was speaking to and get told they cannot transfer calls internally and also tells me there is no billing department in melbourne. Also says there is no internal staff directory for vodaphone
15. burst into tears of frustration and Go back to TIO
16218 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is EXTREME at 9 Mar 2011 12:34:24 PM
No coverage most of the time, takes between 5-10 mins to load a page.. drops in and out of service and not to mention the call centre is NOT helpful one bit! After around 10 years, you would think that they would try to help out their loyal customers. I am officially sick of vodafone, yet i am locked in for other year.. what do I do??????!
16217 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is A JOKE!! at 9 Mar 2011 12:26:55 PM
16216 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very! at 9 Mar 2011 12:07:32 PM
Just resigned with Vodaphone 3 months ago, the first 3 days could make calls but not recieve them now constant drop outs, slow data (sometimes not working at all), sometimes can't call out as reception fluctuates and am constantly being told by people that they cant contact me and it says its unavailable or off! My partner is having the same problems and after countless calls to Vodaphone & visits to the stores there is NO resolution! Customer care says go to a store & the stores say it must be dealt with customer care! When I call someone I might have to call 4 times as it constantly drops out, why should I pay for a service that i'm not getting? I use this phone for work and so does my partner, who is going to pay for the work lost because clients/customers cant contact us?! And now i'm stuck with this for 24 months?
16215 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No incoming calls..!! at 9 Mar 2011 11:12:46 AM
I have prepaid phone, I can make calls but I can not receive calls, this is very strange..!!
16214 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Faileriffic at 9 Mar 2011 09:28:54 AM
Vodafail won't return calls, emails or complaints, no internet or phone reception even though it says full 3G service. Can't contact my disabled Fiance!!!!!!!!!!!!
16213 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Data fail at 9 Mar 2011 07:18:47 AM
Stuck In a 24 months contract with slowww data service. Sometimes not loading at all
16212 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is how fail is the customers at 8 Mar 2011 09:54:33 PM
i left telstra to move to voda cause they have the best plans, yeh the reception isnt the best atm but 45 infiniti plan who cares if u drop out you can call back fools and get no charge and yeh i have a iphone 4 that i pay for ontop of the plan but work it out people 45+18 thats pretty effing cheap seeing your getting a $800 phone with unlimited calls and text to anyone in australia and u can callscreen yoru messages on 1219 for $0, pfffftttt if people wernt dumb they would know they can do rate plan changes aswell. seriously people need to take a big look at themselves "are you perfect" No im sure you screw up many times in your life, i remember when telstra upgraded everything to next g and reception was effing sh#t house. its gonna be funny when everything is sweet again and you are all locked into contracts with other shit providers that plans dont even compare. Also my friend works at voda and said its funny cause so many people call up saying they are having all these drop outs(dont you all realise they can see how many dropouts you have so it would be good to stop lying and making yourself look like a dick).
Thats all that needs to be said
Thats all that needs to be said
16211 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 1970 09:00:00 AM
Border of Tarneit and Werribee, No 3G and sometimes no 2G. Phone constantly drops out inside house so have to go outside to call people. No good because computer is inside house so end up using land good for business and the so-called unlimited cap is pointless.
3G reception is non-existent. 1km south-west and it's perfect, I just don't live their. Considering the area I live in is one of the fastest growing areas in Victoria I would have thought Vodaphony would be eager to cover it. Even Werribee plaza is a drop-out zone, and they have a Vodaphony store.
Mobile phone companies should have a duty to inform you before purchase that 3G is NOT reliable / available at your own address. To not inform you is a form of false advertisingand providing misleading information. Both of these breach the fair trading Act. The ACCC should demand this practice be stopped.
I'm not a big fan of Telstra but if Vodaphony don't fix this issue ASAP then they can have their phone back and a get one that actually works from Telstra.
3G reception is non-existent. 1km south-west and it's perfect, I just don't live their. Considering the area I live in is one of the fastest growing areas in Victoria I would have thought Vodaphony would be eager to cover it. Even Werribee plaza is a drop-out zone, and they have a Vodaphony store.
Mobile phone companies should have a duty to inform you before purchase that 3G is NOT reliable / available at your own address. To not inform you is a form of false advertisingand providing misleading information. Both of these breach the fair trading Act. The ACCC should demand this practice be stopped.
I'm not a big fan of Telstra but if Vodaphony don't fix this issue ASAP then they can have their phone back and a get one that actually works from Telstra.
16210 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is F****ed at 8 Mar 2011 08:21:38 PM
Has anyone ahd the same problem as me, i cancelled my contract over 1 month ago due to recpetion issues, and i still gets bill despite me sending phone abck and not being on vodafone????? i recieved a bill for $374 saying i need to pay????? pay for what????? ive been telstra for over 1 month so why should i be paying vodafail????
Idiots i swear
Idiots i swear
16209 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is NO RECEPTION at 8 Mar 2011 07:41:53 PM
i never have reception where i live. and if i go away from home i never have full reception.
switching to vodaFAIL only made my life more difficult. there should be a one month trial so that if you dont like a phone company then you can get out of it!
sick of not being able to send or receive msgs at my home!
switching to vodaFAIL only made my life more difficult. there should be a one month trial so that if you dont like a phone company then you can get out of it!
sick of not being able to send or receive msgs at my home!
16206 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 8 Mar 2011 07:05:08 PM
I have two phone contracts with Vodafone, Vodafone says I should have full 3G coverage in Townsville. I do not. I called them 2 months ago, and, according to customer service rep, cancelled my contracts free of charge. I found out today that they didn't cancel them, and I'm now being slugged with overdue fees
16204 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Phone just dead at 8 Mar 2011 06:56:48 PM
How to get out the contract with vodafail? Just wanted to go back with Optus, more than 10 years no problems
16203 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is usuless at 8 Mar 2011 06:23:02 PM
it takes me on average 30 minutes to access the internet on my phone.i made a complaint to mr nigel dews of vodafone australia.his response was to pass the buck to a call centre in india or where ever vodafone's call centre is.
16202 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very fail at 8 Mar 2011 03:55:50 PM
first i was experiencing call drop outs for about 6-8 months and when i called up and complained about it they apparently changed some sort of setting at their end and now i cant send of recieve picture messages or get onto vodafone live or the internet. they told me to do a sim swap but it didnt do anything.
16201 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 8 Mar 2011 03:50:19 PM
Cant cancel at the moment, our data centre is down
16199 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Network Congestion at 8 Mar 2011 02:04:19 PM
Since Vodafone made the decision to switch from their 3g network share aggrement with Optus (2100 Mhz)on the towers to make the switch to combine (2100Mhz) services on the 3three network towers.
It seems the Vodafone customer has to share the (2100Mhz) network with 3three,Vodafone and Telstra.
Thus creating severe network congestion issues.
It seems the Vodafone customer has to share the (2100Mhz) network with 3three,Vodafone and Telstra.
Thus creating severe network congestion issues.
16198 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Everything at 8 Mar 2011 01:52:41 PM
1. Had issues transfering my number to vodaphone when I joined on 9th Feb
2. It then wasn't linked to the plan I had taken out
3. After 8hrs with no phone, it started to work, by no internet
So, called up again and after a day it started to work
4. Everything seemed to work - despite being very slow.
5. Today I got a text saying my bill was $121!!!!!! Which is suprising considering my phone as been actually working for all of 4 days.
6. I was told by customer centre they couldn't do anything until my bill was generated in 4-5 days - I'm expecting a call back on the 11th...........
7. On top of this I raised a complaint back 18/2 but still not heard a response........... Going round in circles - wish I'd stayed on my old phone.
2. It then wasn't linked to the plan I had taken out
3. After 8hrs with no phone, it started to work, by no internet
So, called up again and after a day it started to work
4. Everything seemed to work - despite being very slow.
5. Today I got a text saying my bill was $121!!!!!! Which is suprising considering my phone as been actually working for all of 4 days.
6. I was told by customer centre they couldn't do anything until my bill was generated in 4-5 days - I'm expecting a call back on the 11th...........
7. On top of this I raised a complaint back 18/2 but still not heard a response........... Going round in circles - wish I'd stayed on my old phone.
16197 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Super Dooper Fail at 8 Mar 2011 01:18:17 PM
signal drop outs, call drop outs, delayed voicemail & sms for months. finally cracked it yesterday when on internet banking the sms from my bank to pay a bill took 2.5hrs to come through. then tried logging onto to check my account to see what options i have to get out of the last 12 months, and their website failed....
16196 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is TEARS JUST TEARS - SOUNDWAVE 2011 WA FAIL !! at 8 Mar 2011 12:56:20 PM
Mr Nigel Dews sends me an email asking me to check out his sorry statement.. I genuinely believed that Vodafone was on track to get it's issues sorted.. Then comes my time in Claremont WA at the Soundwave festival 7/3/2011.. In the 6 hours I spent there I was unable to send or recieve any calls.. I sent 1 successful text and recieved 1 text.. I made one successful check in on Foursquare.. You could claim that there we're to many people trying to access the network but that isn't my problem.. My friends with their Telstra and Optus plans had next to no issues all day.. Seriously folks "Infinity" ??. Infinitely offline..
16195 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is VodaFraud at 8 Mar 2011 12:46:30 PM
I still am unable to make and recieve calls that do not disconnect due to network error within a few seconds. My signal strength shows 3/4 to full yet once call is made I get broken up voice then a few seconds later disconnection.
I returned to the Crazy Johns store at Strathpine and spoke the the Manager and asked what's being done to rectify this situation,they told me it's been fixed and I'm under contract to keep paying the $69 a month for this lack of service or they will take recovery action.
Also when I purchased the phone the sales person informed me that I could change down my monthly plan at no cost.
The manager looked up who sold met he plan and said Oh that's Robbie he told lots of lies to customers to sell phones that's why he no longer work's at my store.If you have an issue take it up with him personally at the North Lakes store.
So not only do we have a company that sells a service that's not functioning they knowingly have sales people working for them that mislead customers to sign up to them.
I returned to the Crazy Johns store at Strathpine and spoke the the Manager and asked what's being done to rectify this situation,they told me it's been fixed and I'm under contract to keep paying the $69 a month for this lack of service or they will take recovery action.
Also when I purchased the phone the sales person informed me that I could change down my monthly plan at no cost.
The manager looked up who sold met he plan and said Oh that's Robbie he told lots of lies to customers to sell phones that's why he no longer work's at my store.If you have an issue take it up with him personally at the North Lakes store.
So not only do we have a company that sells a service that's not functioning they knowingly have sales people working for them that mislead customers to sign up to them.
6 Jun 2011 11:49:32 PM: hmm i highly doubt thats what happened. If you think you can downgrade to a lower plan when your still in contract, you're delluisional. Wouldnt everyone then start on a 'high' plan just to get the better phone free and then drop it down to a low plan??? its commonsense, not 'misleading' information from a sales rep
16192 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 1970 09:00:00 AM
8 Apr 2011 07:03:04 AM: You call them on a landline because your phone drops out ... duh!
12 Apr 2011 04:39:31 PM: Actually, that doesn't always work either. I've called on Vodafone's hopeless help line, waded through the "press X for service Y" system, only for the stupid thing to then hang up on me. Mind you Telecom NZ's idiotic voice "recognition" system is even worse!
16191 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 1970 09:00:00 AM
To try and keep customers in the last 6 months of their contract, Vodafone are offering early upgrades to 'valued customers'. They are offering to waive any remaining monthly instalments left on a current mobile contract so you can start a new 24 month plan with them. As if anyone nearing the end of their contract would be so stupid. I want mobile reception with my mobile.
16190 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Massively FAIL at 8 Mar 2011 10:43:14 AM
I normally have Vodafone reception dropping in and out, especially 3G. But I normally have at least 2G reception.
Today, my reception has been terrible. I couldn't count on my hands and toes the amount of times today that I've seen "Could not activate cellular date network" come up on my iPhone!
Very frustrating.
Today, my reception has been terrible. I couldn't count on my hands and toes the amount of times today that I've seen "Could not activate cellular date network" come up on my iPhone!
Very frustrating.
16188 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very high at 7 Mar 2011 08:29:30 PM
Perhaps vodafone should stop spending so much money on advertising: newspapers, magazines, radio, tv, sporting teams, arranging to drive a formula 1 car around Bathurst, etc, etc and just spend some money on, oh I don't know, giving their customers some reception! Just a thought
16187 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Extreme at 7 Mar 2011 08:25:36 PM
Vodafone is shit!! How shit you ask? Well, as I was trying to access the vodafail site, I had no less then 3 messages telling me that safari could not access the site, despite me clicking on the link from a google search. Also a bonus of having to try three times to watch a clip on you tube about vodafail. Apparently I couldn't connect to the Internet. Hmm, that seems to be happening quite a bit lately. Goodbye vodafone, or should I say vodafuck!?
16186 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Reception Issue at 7 Mar 2011 08:22:17 PM
I live in East Hawthorn in Melbourne and the Vodafone reception is hopeless. The network can disconnect completely and much of the time I have zero bars and a cross for "no reception" showing on my phone. Often I have to go upstairs in the house to get viable reception. It is hard to believe Vodafone reception can be so bad only 10 Km from the centre of Melbourne. Despite this East Hawthorn isn't even on the Vodafone upgrade list despite Customer Service advising that this is an area with "bad reception".
It looks like the only option is to change to another carrier.
It looks like the only option is to change to another carrier.
16185 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Extreme at 7 Mar 2011 08:18:15 PM
I have an iPhone, but don't get to use it anywhere near as much as I'd like to. I wonder why? Oh, that's right, vodafone doesn't allow for you tube, google, emails, face book, the downloading of a still photograph taking less then 2 minutes, etc, etc. I'm probably being unreasonable, I mean just cos I pay for data downloads in my cap, doesn't mean that I have the right to use it. Ive been a vodafone customer for over 7 years, but can't take it anymore, I'm porting my number tomorrow. Goodbye vodaf**k, hello optus!!
16184 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 7 Mar 2011 08:07:23 PM
shit everything
16183 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is on hold at 7 Mar 2011 07:57:04 PM
On hold for 20 minutes then put through to another department for another 15 minutes before being disconnected.
I was calling because my internet connection (originally a 3 product) is much slower than it used to be.
I was calling because my internet connection (originally a 3 product) is much slower than it used to be.
16182 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is mega fail at 7 Mar 2011 07:29:24 PM
Hardly any reception anywhere I go. I even have to walk down the road from my house to make a call. A complete joke.
16180 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is dreadfull reception at 7 Mar 2011 06:02:20 PM
Crazy John customer,who use voda network. I have phone & mobile broadband stick. From home some days it kind of works other days cannot even connect to internet,then complain ,talk to person in India who says they can not hear me very well. Arrrrrggghhh!!!!!!!!!!!
16179 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extrema at 7 Mar 2011 05:05:39 PM
No freaking service. How do you expect to run a business with no phones vodaphone sucks
16178 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Not getting any signal at 7 Mar 2011 04:53:38 PM
No signal/bars for 2G or 3G mobile coverage at Crawley, WA (actually on University of WA campus).
Is the network down again?
Is the network down again?
16177 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is working only intermittently at 7 Mar 2011 04:32:51 PM
I have had a 3G connection issue with my Vodafone Mobile Broadband involving DNS Server not responding according to Windows 7 network diagnostics. The net was working fine until yesterday at 8.15pm. Since then, when I do connect, I can load a webpage and then it fails to load anymore after that, often resulting with the network notification icon to display no internet connection available, even if the signal is 3-5 bars. Then the connect becomes intermittent, dropping out due to DNS issues. At times, I cannot connect at all and this results in RAS Error 635. GPRS mode works fine at least. 3G is always dropping connections. This is definitely a network problem, as I haven't changed anything on my pc for the past few weeks. Lame, considering there are apparently no network issues stated under SA in their website's network status page. I've called Vodafone and went through 2 hours troubleshooting, nothing was resolved. I wonder if anyone else had those DNS issues.
16176 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No voicemail notification at 7 Mar 2011 03:16:25 PM
It lets me choice voice or text but it doesn't then notify me!!!!!
16175 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Monthly Bill at 7 Mar 2011 01:00:36 PM
I have never fail to get a monthly SMS reminding me to pay my bill
16174 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Safety Issue at 7 Mar 2011 12:44:22 PM
Recently, my partner sent a text message to say she was leaving Sarina for a 45 minute drive home. I got the text message, 10 minutes after she got home.
16173 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Incompetent, unhelpful, deceitful. at 7 Mar 2011 12:18:10 PM
Wireless broadband:
1.Low bandwidth has often resulted in slow data delivery, especially during peak times and on weekends. This is usually caused by an ISP who values profit above customer service and connects too many subscribers to a network node with inadequate bandwidth. As a domestic user I expected this from a company with a reputation like Vodafone's, and tolerated it.
2.Response has often failed for lengthy periods, probably due to overloading of the Domain Name Servers. This is usually due to poor configuration and incompetent management.
3.Complete failure occurred at the beginning of the year, and required my robust altercation with shop staff, all of whom demonstrated a complete lack of technical knowledge, in order for it to be restored.
4.Connectivity has at times been impossible, suggesting that the system is both faulty and overloaded.
5.Complete failure of the service occurred last Wednesday and the service remains unavailable. No changes have been made to my equipment, the modem is recognized by the server, acquires IP addresses for the host, gateway and DNS servers, and I can ping the servers. At first I was also able to ping other machines, one in Australia and one in Singapore, so connection had been made to the Internet, but client software reported an inability to access the required domains, suggesting failure of the DNS.
1.Low bandwidth has often resulted in slow data delivery, especially during peak times and on weekends. This is usually caused by an ISP who values profit above customer service and connects too many subscribers to a network node with inadequate bandwidth. As a domestic user I expected this from a company with a reputation like Vodafone's, and tolerated it.
2.Response has often failed for lengthy periods, probably due to overloading of the Domain Name Servers. This is usually due to poor configuration and incompetent management.
3.Complete failure occurred at the beginning of the year, and required my robust altercation with shop staff, all of whom demonstrated a complete lack of technical knowledge, in order for it to be restored.
4.Connectivity has at times been impossible, suggesting that the system is both faulty and overloaded.
5.Complete failure of the service occurred last Wednesday and the service remains unavailable. No changes have been made to my equipment, the modem is recognized by the server, acquires IP addresses for the host, gateway and DNS servers, and I can ping the servers. At first I was also able to ping other machines, one in Australia and one in Singapore, so connection had been made to the Internet, but client software reported an inability to access the required domains, suggesting failure of the DNS.
16172 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is service all round at 7 Mar 2011 11:48:08 AM
Thanks for the site.
Firstly, I tried to question whether I should be on the maximum monthly charge which I was put on by a Vodafone sales person. This is ABOVE my contract. To get out I'm told I have to pay $518.
Secondly, when I asked for help someone at V said they would call me back and NEVER DID.
Thirdly, coverage is poor and built on lies. I am on the Hume Highway regularly (HIGHWAY ONE Vodafone people) and there is no coverage.
I've been a loyal customer, have spent at least $10,000 with the company.
And the treatment is reprehensible.
Gerard McManus
Firstly, I tried to question whether I should be on the maximum monthly charge which I was put on by a Vodafone sales person. This is ABOVE my contract. To get out I'm told I have to pay $518.
Secondly, when I asked for help someone at V said they would call me back and NEVER DID.
Thirdly, coverage is poor and built on lies. I am on the Hume Highway regularly (HIGHWAY ONE Vodafone people) and there is no coverage.
I've been a loyal customer, have spent at least $10,000 with the company.
And the treatment is reprehensible.
Gerard McManus
16171 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is bad at 7 Mar 2011 09:17:53 AM
I had full bars and 3G on a 3GS and the Google Maps wouldn't load the map only show the blue icon, which is useless. I needed directions and this is a bad form, what if I was raped?
31 Mar 2011 10:41:10 PM: lol! or you exploded! or were eaten by a lion! bloody vodafail!
16170 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is terrible at 7 Mar 2011 09:16:04 AM
Getting no 3G @ South Brisbane all morning. iPhone 3GS usually gets 2-3 bars + 3G. Today I get a rare 1 bar + 3G dropping out to 4 bars and no 3G. I've rebooted the phone several times and hit airport mode to reset network. Still having massive issues. Usually get random drop outs of data too generally.
16169 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is POOR RECEPTION at 7 Mar 2011 06:56:17 AM
During the Christmas period there was virtually no reception on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria. I couldn't nake any calls, and when I was able to the reception just dropped out. Voicemails were late arriving and it was extremely hard to run my business with no mobile phone.
16168 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 1970 09:00:00 AM
Incoming calls FAIL even when in a full coverage area
16167 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 6 Mar 2011 09:59:30 PM
I'm not a frequent mobile phone user but around 50% of my calls I don't receive, they arrive as missed call messages. Frequently I can't make calls; instead I just get the message "Call Failed". It's also not uncommon for my stationary phone to cycle between full signal and SOS for several minutes.
16166 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Ridiculous at 6 Mar 2011 09:27:25 PM
According to Vodafones website, we have perfect reception. Truth is, we have zero reception 90% of the time and the other 10% goes from 2-3 bars then back to zero when you pick up the handset. THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! Vodafone is seriously letting us down! And we are quite willing to change provider.
16165 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very at 6 Mar 2011 07:45:09 PM
the worst phone company i have ever been with. the products and services is disgusting. Sent my phone away 3 times btwn Jan and Feb 2011. I have a Nokia 6700. Ppl ring me and it always says my phone is off, i never turn it off, it's on 24/7 cos of my job...
16163 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is more fail than george bush at 6 Mar 2011 05:58:10 PM
vodafone is shit. do not ever get a phone on vodafone
16162 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Unending debacle at 6 Mar 2011 05:25:47 PM
I have struggled with a prepaid Vodafone mobile broadband service for the last severaal months. Constant slow speeds, sometimes no service at all for a week at a time. All this in Metro Sydney. If Voda fone cannot get it right in the major cities, what hope have our country cousins ?
Bought a Telstra wifi station today, setup thru efficient telstra customer service in a matter of minutes. Bye Bye Vodafone forever !!
Vodafone, Wild Horses could never get me to return to you as a customer !!!!
Bought a Telstra wifi station today, setup thru efficient telstra customer service in a matter of minutes. Bye Bye Vodafone forever !!
Vodafone, Wild Horses could never get me to return to you as a customer !!!!
16161 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Low signal - drop outs at 6 Mar 2011 03:12:15 PM
We live at Ocean Grove on the bellarine peninsula near Geelong Victoria
Our Vodafone signal is always low and we experience constant drop outs at home and on the local roads for our mobile phone service. I had a Vodafone modem for my laptop and the service was so unpredictable I cancelled the service at the end of the contract. Amazingly i still get monthly accounts for this service - even though its then credited off - seems they cant delete the account from their system???
I lost emails to my Blackberry storm in Jan 2011 and still havent been able to get them back on the mobile - with or without the help of vodafone customer support. My phone contract is due to expire soon and i cant wait to get away from Vodafone and this mongrel Blackberry phone
Warren Gibbs Account 213545543 - but not for much longer
Our Vodafone signal is always low and we experience constant drop outs at home and on the local roads for our mobile phone service. I had a Vodafone modem for my laptop and the service was so unpredictable I cancelled the service at the end of the contract. Amazingly i still get monthly accounts for this service - even though its then credited off - seems they cant delete the account from their system???
I lost emails to my Blackberry storm in Jan 2011 and still havent been able to get them back on the mobile - with or without the help of vodafone customer support. My phone contract is due to expire soon and i cant wait to get away from Vodafone and this mongrel Blackberry phone
Warren Gibbs Account 213545543 - but not for much longer
16160 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Max fail at 6 Mar 2011 01:33:36 PM
can't make or receive calls or texts for the past 3 full days. vodafone sucks a fat one
16159 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Absolutely pathetic at 6 Mar 2011 11:38:17 AM
DO NOT EVER consider recommending vodafail's mobile broadband. I travel frequently and spend a great deal of time in the St Kilda area. At best I am able to achieve broadband speeds from an alleged 3G service. And Perth has not proved to be much better. What a WOFTAM. When I complained, they basically said tough shit. SO off to the ombudsman I go so I can get out of this crappy plan. They tried to tell me it was my equipment’s fault, ummmm nice try, I tried an Optus prepaid sim and it worked faultlessly... So long Vodafail, the only pleasurable part of this relationship is leaving.
16158 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 1970 09:00:00 AM
16157 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is All the time at 6 Mar 2011 10:34:53 AM
I’m sick of Vodafone, I never receive messages until 4 hours later, my coverage is shit in Cairns, I am for ever losing signal, 1/2 through phone calls, and have to phone people back all the time, I can’t even use my phone inside, my house or at work, I have to go outside all the time for clear signal, majority of the time I barely even get 1 bar of signal on my phone, when I try and use the neton my phone it takes forever and then the server stops, there’s no transparency with their billing, I.E no itemized bill, I can’t wait to get out of my contract, 2 more months to go, I would never use them again, and I have been a loyal customer over 14 years, so you can spend all of those millionswith the cricket team trying to get me back, but I will never go back to you.
16156 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is FAIL at 6 Mar 2011 08:56:03 AM
I have been with Vodafone for 14 years, I once changed to another provider for 3 weeks and they were back then not so good so came back. No Service pretty much all last week while in Sydney. Cannot send emails when I'm not in a wi-fi area. Apparently people are spamming the outgoing emails and Vodafone have advised Telstra, Optus etc.. but are looking at getting a new server???? Phoned a few times about the 'No Service' to be told to turn the 3G off. So the point of having 3G is what? Was charged twice for mobile monthly payment so rang for Januarys bill and was told their mistake so it will be fixed, Hello, February's bill, now $10 overdue and another double up so rang yet again and was told their mistake again will be credited. Rang 5 days later - nothing done. I could go on but like everybody that is with Vodafone, there are MAJOR problems with their service or lack of, roll on end of contract. Definately changing the 3 mobiles in this household to Telstra.
16155 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAIL at 6 Mar 2011 08:16:24 AM
I loose service i get searching messages.
Changes from 3G to E what?.
3G is very slow or doesn't work. I tested a Telstra Next G mobile side by side with Vodafone 3G WOW Telstra blew Voda away extremely quick speed i cant wait for my voda contract to end and i'm gone
Terrible Product i am paying for a service that should work properly but doesn't extremely disappointing
Changes from 3G to E what?.
3G is very slow or doesn't work. I tested a Telstra Next G mobile side by side with Vodafone 3G WOW Telstra blew Voda away extremely quick speed i cant wait for my voda contract to end and i'm gone
Terrible Product i am paying for a service that should work properly but doesn't extremely disappointing
16154 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Customer Service Mess and Coverage. at 5 Mar 2011 09:34:25 PM
So I entered a simple complaint about coverage issues I am still currently experiencing sometime ago and since the coverage has still not improved and Vodafone have STILL failed to respond to my concern (ever after saying they would) I thought I should share it here.
Email conversation appears below - in date order.
Response (Emil) 28/05/2010 11:02 AM
Thank you for your email.
I regret to hear of the difficulties you are experiencing with network coverage in the areas you have specified. Vodafone endeavours to provide quality service to our customers where possible. To enable me to submit a service request for our technicians to investigate the coverage issues you have outlined, please supply the following information.
筆obile number and alternate contact number
菱andset make/model (if using an iPhone please insure that you are using the latest software as this can effect coverage in most cases)
姫rovide address including postcode where problem is experienced with the nearest cross road as the street directory does not always cover these locations.
髭xplain the coverage issue - is there no/low signal strength, quality problems, bad audio or frequent dropouts? Please provide three specific examples including date/times this has occurred?
肘s the problem a degradation or has it always been present? If degradation, provide approximate date and time that the problem began.
疋oes the phone work in other locations?
疋oes the problem occur when receiving or making calls, or both?
疋oes problem only occur to/from a specific number, landline, specific mobile carrier or all numbers?
疋oes the problem occur inside, outside or both? If inside is this a multi storey building and what level are you on?
菱ow many bars of signal strength are on the phone?
姫lease advise whether your phone indicates reception on the 3G or 2G network?
肘f 3G, please advise whether the issue continues when manually selecting service with the 2G network?
姫lease check and confirm the coverage received with your SIM card in another handset? Please also supply the handset type.
姫lease check and confirm the coverage received with another Vodafone SIM in your handset?
Please add any additional information that may assist in resolving your issue.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards,
Correspondence Team
Customer (XXXXXX) 29/05/2010 12:13 AM
Dear Vodafone,
Thank you for your kind reply.
Please find following the answers to the many questions you surely could have investigated and answered yourself instead of making me (the customer) do all the running around.
> 筆obile number and alternate contact number: XXXX XXX XXX is the vodafone mobile number, XXXX XXX XXX is an alternative number (telstra)
> 菱andset make/model (if using an iPhone please insure that you are using the latest software as this can effect coverage in most cases): I am using an iphone with XXXXXXXXXX the Vodafone number.
> 姫rovide address including postcode where problem is experienced with the nearest cross road as the street directory does not always cover these locations. As per my initial coverage complaint the area affected by coverage issues includes; XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, Richlands QLD, XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, Richlands QLD, Logan Motorway at the Centenary Highway exit. General Postcode for this area is 4077.
> 髭xplain the coverage issue - is there no/low signal strength, quality problems, bad audio or frequent dropouts? Please provide three specific examples including date/times this has occurred?
> 1. Monday 24/05/2010 - low signal strength dropping to read "NO SIGNAL" on regular occasions both outside and inside building NO 3G coverage at all.
> 2. Tuesday 25/05/2010 - low signal strength dropping to read "NO SIGNAL" on regular occasions both outside and inside building NO 3G coverage at all.
> 3. Wednesday 26/05/2010 - same as above
> 4. Thursday 27/05/2010 - same as above
> 5. Friday 28/05/2010 - same as above
> 肘s the problem a degradation or has it always been present? If degradation, provide approximate date and time that the problem began: I have spoken to other persons in the area and they advised that coverage in the area had always been pathetic and a bit hit and miss.
> 疋oes the phone work in other locations: Yes, the phone works in other locations, but the fact I work in the area it means I spend a large part of my day in the area with no Vodafone coverage.
> 疋oes the problem occur when receiving or making calls, or both: Both - the problem seems to exist all day.
> 疋oes problem only occur to/from a specific number, landline, specific mobile carrier or all numbers: Yes, Vodafone - Telstra coverage in the area is 100%, Vodafone coverage in the area sucks.
> 疋oes the problem occur inside, outside or both? If inside is this a multi storey building and what level are you on? Occurs inside and out of building, inside on ground level and on first floor - no coverage, outside in the open - no coverage, driving in my car along the roads listed above - no coverage
> 菱ow many bars of signal strength are on the phone? Generally none, however will occasionally display 1 bar - NO 3G
> 姫lease advise whether your phone indicates reception on the 3G or 2G network? Does not indicate reception of 3G at all in the area
> 肘f 3G, please advise whether the issue continues when manually selecting service with the 2G network? N/A
> 姫lease check and confirm the coverage received with your SIM card in another handset? Please also supply the handset type. - Nokia still crap Vodafone coverage in the area.
> 姫lease check and confirm the coverage received with another Vodafone SIM in your handset? Will you send me another Vodafone SIM to trail? I'm not going out to purchase another SIM only to find out it doesn't work either and then I'm stuck with it.
> Thank you again for actioning my coverage concern. I look forward to hearing how you intend to resolve this issue in order to retain me as a loyal Vodafone customer. If this issue is not resolved promptly I will be transferring to Telstra who appear to have perfect coverage in the area.
> Regards,
Response (Emil) 31/05/2010 09:43 AM
Thank you for your email.
Please be advised you will need to provide your residential address as the coverage can only be investigated based on the address that you contracted with.
Can you also please provide the nearest cross street to your residential address.
You will also need to provide three specific coverage issues within the past 72 hours.
Kind regards,
Correspondence Team
Customer (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 31/05/2010 06:42 PM
To whom it concerns,
I think you fail to understand the actual coverage concern I have raised - it has nothing to do with my residential address (therefore I will not be providing it for you) - my phone works fine at home, along with many other areas. The purpose of my original email was to highlight that you have a coverage blackspot in the area in which I work. I have next to no reception on my iphone when I am in XXXXXXXXXXXX, Richlands Queensland.
This really is a simple matter that could easily be resolved by:
a) Vodafone sending a technician to XXXXXXXXXXXX, Richlands to test coverage
b) identifying a lack of coverage in the area
c) admitting there is a coverage issue and updating your "coverage map" to suit
d) rectifying the issue and improving coverage in this area.
As I have said in previous correspondence (but I will repeat myself incase you didn't read the first time - Telstra mobile coverage is 100% in XXXXXXXXXXXX - both indoors and out side. Vodafone coverage in XXXXXXXXXXXXXX is pathetic to say the least.
I have been a Vodafone customer for many years, and quite frankly if Vodafone continue to send me emails making this a drawn out process and making silly excuses I will sooner transfer my account to Telstra and encourage all within my networks to change from Vodafone too.
Vodafone - I am giving you the opportunity to value your customer and retain me. If coverage in the area is improved I will have no problems continuing to be a Vodafone customer. If coverage is not improved in the region I will no longer be your customer. Therefore the outcome is in your hands.
What I fail to understand is why Telstra coverage can be perfect! And after all these years Vodafone coverage isn't on par.
Your speedy response is greatly appreciated,
Response (Emil) 01/06/2010 08:26 AM
Please be advised in order for me to be able to raise a Service Request for our technicians to investigate I will require you to provide the specific addresses that the coverage issues are experienced along with three examples over the past 72 hours for each of the addresses as without this information the Service Request will be declined.
Kind regards,
Correspondence Team
Customer (XXXXXXXXXXXXX) 01/06/2010 09:43 PM
> Dear Vodafone,
Thank you for your response. The specific address is XXXXXXXXXX Richlands Queensland - thats pretty specific to me. The entire street! But if you really require a pin pointed located a good place to start is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Richlands.
Secondly - three examples have been provided previously with the coverage complaint - but for your reference I have copied them below -
> 1. Monday 24/05/2010 - low signal strength dropping to read "NO SIGNAL" on regular occasions both outside and inside building NO 3G coverage at all.
> 2. Tuesday 25/05/2010 - low signal strength dropping to read "NO SIGNAL" on regular occasions both outside and inside building NO 3G coverage at all.
> 3. Wednesday 26/05/2010 - same as above
> 4. Thursday 27/05/2010 - same as above
> 5. Friday 28/05/2010 - same as above
Look forward to hearing your response this time - as I have said this is your opportunity to retain me as a valued customer of Vodafone. This process of emailing back and forth having me answer countless questions that could easily be obtained if you sent a technician out to the location specified to investigate signal strength is not a very good example of the efficiencies of Vodafone, nor is it a good reflection on the value that Vodafone place on their Customers.
Response (Emil) 02/06/2010 07:12 AM
As previously requested I require 3 coverage issue examples within the last 72 hours.
I advise that a technician is sent through the area once a Service Request has been raised however as the information requested is yet to be provided a Service Request has not been submitted.
Kind regards,
Correspondence Team
Customer (XXXXXXXXXXX) 02/06/2010 07:28 AM
> This is ridiculous. Shall I bold the FIVE examples of coverage issues below so that you understand that I have provided them now on 3 occasions!
1. Monday 24/05/2010 - low signal strength dropping to read "NO SIGNAL" on regular occasions both outside and inside building NO 3G coverage at all.
> 2. Tuesday 25/05/2010 - low signal strength dropping to read "NO SIGNAL" on regular occasions both outside and inside building NO 3G coverage at all.
> 3. Wednesday 26/05/2010 - same as above
> 4. Thursday 27/05/2010 - same as above
> 5. Friday 28/05/2010 - same as above
Obviously all the above mean there is no COVERAGE on a regular basis which means I cannot use the phone nor receive emails etc... because the COVERAGE is so inconsistent in Richlands Queensland.
Hopefully this meets your needs to raise a request now. Where are you based to not understand what I have written?
Customer (XXXXXXXX) 02/06/2010 07:59 AM
> Emil,
Within the previous 72 hours the dates on the initial examples provided could simply be changed.
1. Monday 31/06/2010 - low signal strength dropping to read "NO SIGNAL" on regular occasions both outside and inside building NO 3G coverage at all.
> 2. Tuesday 01/06/2010 - low signal strength dropping to read "NO SIGNAL" on regular occasions both outside and inside building NO 3G coverage at all.
> 3. Wednesday 02/06/2010 - same as above
Hope this helps,
Please let me know the outcome.
Response (Emil) 02/06/2010 01:36 PM
Please be advised that a Service Request has been raised with our technicians outlining the issues regarding Network coverage in the area/s you have specified.
Your reference number is XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Please quote this number when making reference to your report.
I will contact you upon the outcome of your CPD report.
Kind regards,
Correspondence Team
Still NO response!
Email conversation appears below - in date order.
Response (Emil) 28/05/2010 11:02 AM
Thank you for your email.
I regret to hear of the difficulties you are experiencing with network coverage in the areas you have specified. Vodafone endeavours to provide quality service to our customers where possible. To enable me to submit a service request for our technicians to investigate the coverage issues you have outlined, please supply the following information.
筆obile number and alternate contact number
菱andset make/model (if using an iPhone please insure that you are using the latest software as this can effect coverage in most cases)
姫rovide address including postcode where problem is experienced with the nearest cross road as the street directory does not always cover these locations.
髭xplain the coverage issue - is there no/low signal strength, quality problems, bad audio or frequent dropouts? Please provide three specific examples including date/times this has occurred?
肘s the problem a degradation or has it always been present? If degradation, provide approximate date and time that the problem began.
疋oes the phone work in other locations?
疋oes the problem occur when receiving or making calls, or both?
疋oes problem only occur to/from a specific number, landline, specific mobile carrier or all numbers?
疋oes the problem occur inside, outside or both? If inside is this a multi storey building and what level are you on?
菱ow many bars of signal strength are on the phone?
姫lease advise whether your phone indicates reception on the 3G or 2G network?
肘f 3G, please advise whether the issue continues when manually selecting service with the 2G network?
姫lease check and confirm the coverage received with your SIM card in another handset? Please also supply the handset type.
姫lease check and confirm the coverage received with another Vodafone SIM in your handset?
Please add any additional information that may assist in resolving your issue.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards,
Correspondence Team
Customer (XXXXXX) 29/05/2010 12:13 AM
Dear Vodafone,
Thank you for your kind reply.
Please find following the answers to the many questions you surely could have investigated and answered yourself instead of making me (the customer) do all the running around.
> 筆obile number and alternate contact number: XXXX XXX XXX is the vodafone mobile number, XXXX XXX XXX is an alternative number (telstra)
> 菱andset make/model (if using an iPhone please insure that you are using the latest software as this can effect coverage in most cases): I am using an iphone with XXXXXXXXXX the Vodafone number.
> 姫rovide address including postcode where problem is experienced with the nearest cross road as the street directory does not always cover these locations. As per my initial coverage complaint the area affected by coverage issues includes; XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, Richlands QLD, XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, Richlands QLD, Logan Motorway at the Centenary Highway exit. General Postcode for this area is 4077.
> 髭xplain the coverage issue - is there no/low signal strength, quality problems, bad audio or frequent dropouts? Please provide three specific examples including date/times this has occurred?
> 1. Monday 24/05/2010 - low signal strength dropping to read "NO SIGNAL" on regular occasions both outside and inside building NO 3G coverage at all.
> 2. Tuesday 25/05/2010 - low signal strength dropping to read "NO SIGNAL" on regular occasions both outside and inside building NO 3G coverage at all.
> 3. Wednesday 26/05/2010 - same as above
> 4. Thursday 27/05/2010 - same as above
> 5. Friday 28/05/2010 - same as above
> 肘s the problem a degradation or has it always been present? If degradation, provide approximate date and time that the problem began: I have spoken to other persons in the area and they advised that coverage in the area had always been pathetic and a bit hit and miss.
> 疋oes the phone work in other locations: Yes, the phone works in other locations, but the fact I work in the area it means I spend a large part of my day in the area with no Vodafone coverage.
> 疋oes the problem occur when receiving or making calls, or both: Both - the problem seems to exist all day.
> 疋oes problem only occur to/from a specific number, landline, specific mobile carrier or all numbers: Yes, Vodafone - Telstra coverage in the area is 100%, Vodafone coverage in the area sucks.
> 疋oes the problem occur inside, outside or both? If inside is this a multi storey building and what level are you on? Occurs inside and out of building, inside on ground level and on first floor - no coverage, outside in the open - no coverage, driving in my car along the roads listed above - no coverage
> 菱ow many bars of signal strength are on the phone? Generally none, however will occasionally display 1 bar - NO 3G
> 姫lease advise whether your phone indicates reception on the 3G or 2G network? Does not indicate reception of 3G at all in the area
> 肘f 3G, please advise whether the issue continues when manually selecting service with the 2G network? N/A
> 姫lease check and confirm the coverage received with your SIM card in another handset? Please also supply the handset type. - Nokia still crap Vodafone coverage in the area.
> 姫lease check and confirm the coverage received with another Vodafone SIM in your handset? Will you send me another Vodafone SIM to trail? I'm not going out to purchase another SIM only to find out it doesn't work either and then I'm stuck with it.
> Thank you again for actioning my coverage concern. I look forward to hearing how you intend to resolve this issue in order to retain me as a loyal Vodafone customer. If this issue is not resolved promptly I will be transferring to Telstra who appear to have perfect coverage in the area.
> Regards,
Response (Emil) 31/05/2010 09:43 AM
Thank you for your email.
Please be advised you will need to provide your residential address as the coverage can only be investigated based on the address that you contracted with.
Can you also please provide the nearest cross street to your residential address.
You will also need to provide three specific coverage issues within the past 72 hours.
Kind regards,
Correspondence Team
Customer (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 31/05/2010 06:42 PM
To whom it concerns,
I think you fail to understand the actual coverage concern I have raised - it has nothing to do with my residential address (therefore I will not be providing it for you) - my phone works fine at home, along with many other areas. The purpose of my original email was to highlight that you have a coverage blackspot in the area in which I work. I have next to no reception on my iphone when I am in XXXXXXXXXXXX, Richlands Queensland.
This really is a simple matter that could easily be resolved by:
a) Vodafone sending a technician to XXXXXXXXXXXX, Richlands to test coverage
b) identifying a lack of coverage in the area
c) admitting there is a coverage issue and updating your "coverage map" to suit
d) rectifying the issue and improving coverage in this area.
As I have said in previous correspondence (but I will repeat myself incase you didn't read the first time - Telstra mobile coverage is 100% in XXXXXXXXXXXX - both indoors and out side. Vodafone coverage in XXXXXXXXXXXXXX is pathetic to say the least.
I have been a Vodafone customer for many years, and quite frankly if Vodafone continue to send me emails making this a drawn out process and making silly excuses I will sooner transfer my account to Telstra and encourage all within my networks to change from Vodafone too.
Vodafone - I am giving you the opportunity to value your customer and retain me. If coverage in the area is improved I will have no problems continuing to be a Vodafone customer. If coverage is not improved in the region I will no longer be your customer. Therefore the outcome is in your hands.
What I fail to understand is why Telstra coverage can be perfect! And after all these years Vodafone coverage isn't on par.
Your speedy response is greatly appreciated,
Response (Emil) 01/06/2010 08:26 AM
Please be advised in order for me to be able to raise a Service Request for our technicians to investigate I will require you to provide the specific addresses that the coverage issues are experienced along with three examples over the past 72 hours for each of the addresses as without this information the Service Request will be declined.
Kind regards,
Correspondence Team
Customer (XXXXXXXXXXXXX) 01/06/2010 09:43 PM
> Dear Vodafone,
Thank you for your response. The specific address is XXXXXXXXXX Richlands Queensland - thats pretty specific to me. The entire street! But if you really require a pin pointed located a good place to start is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Richlands.
Secondly - three examples have been provided previously with the coverage complaint - but for your reference I have copied them below -
> 1. Monday 24/05/2010 - low signal strength dropping to read "NO SIGNAL" on regular occasions both outside and inside building NO 3G coverage at all.
> 2. Tuesday 25/05/2010 - low signal strength dropping to read "NO SIGNAL" on regular occasions both outside and inside building NO 3G coverage at all.
> 3. Wednesday 26/05/2010 - same as above
> 4. Thursday 27/05/2010 - same as above
> 5. Friday 28/05/2010 - same as above
Look forward to hearing your response this time - as I have said this is your opportunity to retain me as a valued customer of Vodafone. This process of emailing back and forth having me answer countless questions that could easily be obtained if you sent a technician out to the location specified to investigate signal strength is not a very good example of the efficiencies of Vodafone, nor is it a good reflection on the value that Vodafone place on their Customers.
Response (Emil) 02/06/2010 07:12 AM
As previously requested I require 3 coverage issue examples within the last 72 hours.
I advise that a technician is sent through the area once a Service Request has been raised however as the information requested is yet to be provided a Service Request has not been submitted.
Kind regards,
Correspondence Team
Customer (XXXXXXXXXXX) 02/06/2010 07:28 AM
> This is ridiculous. Shall I bold the FIVE examples of coverage issues below so that you understand that I have provided them now on 3 occasions!
1. Monday 24/05/2010 - low signal strength dropping to read "NO SIGNAL" on regular occasions both outside and inside building NO 3G coverage at all.
> 2. Tuesday 25/05/2010 - low signal strength dropping to read "NO SIGNAL" on regular occasions both outside and inside building NO 3G coverage at all.
> 3. Wednesday 26/05/2010 - same as above
> 4. Thursday 27/05/2010 - same as above
> 5. Friday 28/05/2010 - same as above
Obviously all the above mean there is no COVERAGE on a regular basis which means I cannot use the phone nor receive emails etc... because the COVERAGE is so inconsistent in Richlands Queensland.
Hopefully this meets your needs to raise a request now. Where are you based to not understand what I have written?
Customer (XXXXXXXX) 02/06/2010 07:59 AM
> Emil,
Within the previous 72 hours the dates on the initial examples provided could simply be changed.
1. Monday 31/06/2010 - low signal strength dropping to read "NO SIGNAL" on regular occasions both outside and inside building NO 3G coverage at all.
> 2. Tuesday 01/06/2010 - low signal strength dropping to read "NO SIGNAL" on regular occasions both outside and inside building NO 3G coverage at all.
> 3. Wednesday 02/06/2010 - same as above
Hope this helps,
Please let me know the outcome.
Response (Emil) 02/06/2010 01:36 PM
Please be advised that a Service Request has been raised with our technicians outlining the issues regarding Network coverage in the area/s you have specified.
Your reference number is XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Please quote this number when making reference to your report.
I will contact you upon the outcome of your CPD report.
Kind regards,
Correspondence Team
Still NO response!
16153 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 1970 09:00:00 AM
Hi there,
as I'm sitting here typing this I'm watching as the time keeps ticking over on the Vodafone customer care (hah! don't make me weep with frustration) line while I'm on hold. I've now been on hold for one hour, six minutes and35 seconds and counting. I'm pretty outraged that the last time an actual person has been on the line to me was at 37 minutes and 40 seconds and at that stage they told me the wait would only be another 2-3 minutes.
I'm trying to sort out an issue with my mobile broadband which for the last 2 weeks has been cutting out continuously, the last time while I was trying to download a movie from iTunes. Now my credit card has been charged for this, so I've paid, but I haven't received the item as my broadband cut out half way through.
I'm incensed by the whole thing and beginning to suspect that there's a pure 'on hold' cul de sac line that doesn't progress in a queue.
I have tried over the last few weeks to email them with my issues but have had nothing back but automated response emails which no-one ever follows up. I just also tried to get their customer care number from Telstra so i could ring through on my other phone while the on hold line kept ticking over. To my utter disgust, the Telstra operator told me the Vodafone customer care line number had been pulled from the white pages in december last year and so I couldn't get the number.
I'm beyond furious now as I've been on the line for an hour and a quarter and am about to hang up and ring them back and give them an earful. Luckily for me I'll shortly be out of contract and I will never, ever be going back to vodafone and will be talking friends and family out of ever signing up with them. I am also going to make a complaint about this through the ombudsman.
Hope you go down in a ball of flames, Vodafone.
a very dissatisified customer
as I'm sitting here typing this I'm watching as the time keeps ticking over on the Vodafone customer care (hah! don't make me weep with frustration) line while I'm on hold. I've now been on hold for one hour, six minutes and35 seconds and counting. I'm pretty outraged that the last time an actual person has been on the line to me was at 37 minutes and 40 seconds and at that stage they told me the wait would only be another 2-3 minutes.
I'm trying to sort out an issue with my mobile broadband which for the last 2 weeks has been cutting out continuously, the last time while I was trying to download a movie from iTunes. Now my credit card has been charged for this, so I've paid, but I haven't received the item as my broadband cut out half way through.
I'm incensed by the whole thing and beginning to suspect that there's a pure 'on hold' cul de sac line that doesn't progress in a queue.
I have tried over the last few weeks to email them with my issues but have had nothing back but automated response emails which no-one ever follows up. I just also tried to get their customer care number from Telstra so i could ring through on my other phone while the on hold line kept ticking over. To my utter disgust, the Telstra operator told me the Vodafone customer care line number had been pulled from the white pages in december last year and so I couldn't get the number.
I'm beyond furious now as I've been on the line for an hour and a quarter and am about to hang up and ring them back and give them an earful. Luckily for me I'll shortly be out of contract and I will never, ever be going back to vodafone and will be talking friends and family out of ever signing up with them. I am also going to make a complaint about this through the ombudsman.
Hope you go down in a ball of flames, Vodafone.
a very dissatisified customer
16152 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Dangerous at 5 Mar 2011 04:55:58 PM
My mother could not contact my Vodafone mobile from another Vodafone mobile while standing outside a major Sydney Hospital. Kept getting a message saying that my phone was "The number is not in use". She tried 3 times with no success. My phone was on the whole time and I was near a major transport hub. This was a potential emergency situation and Vodafone let me down. Hopeless!
16151 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Disgusting at 5 Mar 2011 02:50:25 PM
I live in the heart of the city and i cant even get a bar sometimes!!!! especially when im indoors its soooo annoying, why dont we just go back to the dark ages hey.
16150 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 5 Mar 2011 01:33:04 PM
Constant call drop outs, zero reception in my house which is in a supposedly high reception area. Crap customer service. the customer care line should be called the lack of care line. My handset has a billion features but if you try to use any of them it completely cracks the shits.. I WANT OUT!
16149 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Billing Issues at 5 Mar 2011 11:46:12 AM
Finally thought I was free of Vodaphone only to find that they have not acknowledge the recipt of my phone at their Tasmania depot and are trying to bill me another month. I am sick of this company!
16148 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Incredibly. at 5 Mar 2011 10:34:24 AM
I moved to Brisbane from Perth about a month ago. I used vividwireless while in Perth, but they don't yet have coverage in Brisbane. So, I had to buy a new prepaid internet service. I went with Vodafone. I've had it for 3 weeks, and I already hate the thing.
It drops out constantly, it never gives me a speed greater than 3kbps, and most of the time I'm forced to restart my computer before it will find the network again. I contacted Vodafone, they said all these problems were caused because I was outside the coverage zone. Lies. I'm actually close to the middle of the Brisbane coverage area, I checked it before I bought the darn thing.
Here's hoping they fix it, or at least give in to my demands to refund me. I'm honestly surprised that Vodafone are still in business, given the horrible service they offer.
It drops out constantly, it never gives me a speed greater than 3kbps, and most of the time I'm forced to restart my computer before it will find the network again. I contacted Vodafone, they said all these problems were caused because I was outside the coverage zone. Lies. I'm actually close to the middle of the Brisbane coverage area, I checked it before I bought the darn thing.
Here's hoping they fix it, or at least give in to my demands to refund me. I'm honestly surprised that Vodafone are still in business, given the horrible service they offer.
16147 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 1970 09:00:00 AM
where do I start... the ever helpful call centre, the over charging, not being able to see my bills on line (if my number is not registered for myvodafone then how have I got e-mail billing!!!) or the stupid bitch lara! I've been with vodafone for over 10yrs. As soon as you could port your number I changed. I used to get regular calls to see if I wanted upgrades or when a better plan came along. Now you have to fight to disconnect a mobile broadband service you don't use (No i don't want to transfer it to another number!!!) My last few bills I've gone slightly over my cap, for the first time in a year and the charges are over the top. As soon as I pay my bill I will be going to optus, who regularly call me to offer fantastic plans as I am with them on my home and net... bit like vodafone used to. It seems in the past 3-5 year vodafail has consistantly gotten worse. They promised the world to get us all to swap then thought we've got them now we can rest on our laurels. Guess what - YOU CAN'T! Oh and I can't wait to never have to here Lara's voice again!
16146 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Bad at 5 Mar 2011 07:45:21 AM
I have two mobiles and mobile broadband with vodafone. For the last 8 weeks i have had major service disruptions. I cannot acces the internet off my "smartphone" my calls drop out or just beeps in my ear and displays a call failed on my screen. People are telling me they are sending me text messages which i haven't recieved. Then two days later i will get inundated with text messages. and With my mobile broadband everytime i try to access the internet it says page cannot be displayed. We are seriously sick of this and are thinking it might be time to change!! Shape up Vodafone!!
16145 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is not useable at 5 Mar 2011 07:32:18 AM
cannot get reception where i live and all other areas patchy. all other functions on phone not useable due to coverage. use this phone for work and if this continues i will be looking for a new job, however after many calls to vodaphone and going into their stores they either do not get back to me or refer me to another person who nevere gets back to me. have been a loyal customer for 14 years but once this is over will never use this company again.
16144 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible connection issues at 4 Mar 2011 10:34:52 PM
I find i get ALOT of CALL FAILED in St Leonards, and in the heart of the City (Sydney CBD)
The ONLY way to rectify this, is if i RESTART my phone, and in some cases, not even that fixes it. I am very fed up with this.
The ONLY way to rectify this, is if i RESTART my phone, and in some cases, not even that fixes it. I am very fed up with this.