Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
15680 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Bad at 17 Feb 2011 11:05:00 AM
Well... even worst between 2 Vodaphone mobiles indeed.
We thought we could enjoy free calls because of the same operator but instead we have failed calls, bad or no service period, delayed missed calls, and delayed voicemails...
We thought we could enjoy free calls because of the same operator but instead we have failed calls, bad or no service period, delayed missed calls, and delayed voicemails...
15679 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 17 Feb 2011 10:21:04 AM
Can't get any reception and I'm in the City!!
17 Feb 2011 10:41:32 AM: put in a complaint to the tio and do not settle for anything less when you do give vodafone a flick and move to optus or telsra
15678 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is What network??? at 17 Feb 2011 10:12:46 AM
No 3G, No calls unless I reset my network EVERYTIME I want to use my phone then I have a 1 min window before my phone turns into a brick again! Well done Vodafone you've only had a year to sort this crap out...
15677 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is completely useless at 17 Feb 2011 09:56:57 AM
i'm sick of having no reception... anywhere! i can be standing in the exact same location as someone on another server, and while i have no bars, theirs will be full. i've had it happen in a major city too, where surely there should be coverage... they're useless and something needs to be done!
15675 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is completely useless at 17 Feb 2011 09:53:57 AM
i have missed out on multiple shifts of work. they text me and usually within 10 minutes the shift is full... which is all well and good when you actually get the text msg at the right time! i just got one that was sent 20hrs ago... this is ridiculous! i have been cheated out of hundreds of dollars... go die in a hole vodafone
15674 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is party time at 17 Feb 2011 09:48:07 AM
was a pre-paid users & like the rest of us have had enough of this company. u know no call service, drop out & on the list goes. today is my last day with them, so please keep the stories rolling in i need a good laugh in my job. it will cost more to go to the other vultures but less mental torture. keep up the gr8 work vodafail, makes you wonder what will b the next bonus the board will pay themselves.
15673 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Big at 17 Feb 2011 09:42:25 AM
No coverage, 1hour wait for help desk on phone, coouldn't call my husbands telstra mobile (it said it was disconnected) for 3 weeks until it was fixed by vodafail. no vodafones could call his telstra number. I tried contacting vodafone 4 times and each time had to wait over 40 min on hold to speak to an operator only to be transferred to another operator and having to wait extended times again.
17 Feb 2011 09:50:02 AM: needs your waiting times to illustrate the unacceptable and excessive waiting times experienced from Customer Care.
Please use the On Hold Again? located at the top of the page to record your experience.
If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
Please use the On Hold Again? located at the top of the page to record your experience.
If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
15672 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is The Dark Side... at 17 Feb 2011 09:37:00 AM
After very frustrating and time consuming dealings with this company. After putting up with poor coverage and continuing dropouts, I finally walked away. IT FEELS SOOOO GOOD! Just do it people. I went to a major telco, the smiling, happy, efficient assistant solved all my problems in under 30 min. Just do it prople, get up and walk away. You will love it! Don't give them any more power over you. Ta Ta Vodafone.
15671 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is hopeless at 17 Feb 2011 09:32:11 AM
For the third day in a row I don't have a functioning mobile service in the middle of Canberra's CBD. Can't call. Can't receive a call. Can't connect to the Internet. There is full 3G reception but no network capacity.I have called Vodafone more times than I can remember but it's not getting any better. They waived last month's bill for me and they have said they'll charge me only 50% for the next three months but even that is poor value when you genuinely can't make a call. How long can this go on? I think we all need to warn as many people as possible not to get roped into a 24 month contract from Hell. Now, if only I could connect to Facebook to warn them ...
15670 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 17 Feb 2011 09:17:59 AM
takes me 30 mins to recharge. Vodafone just cant get anything right. so crap. im going optus
15668 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Total at 17 Feb 2011 07:57:26 AM
No coverage, then when contract agreed to be cancelled could not get any confirmation in writing. Charged my A/C for monthly usage and am still awaiting a refund. THEN tried to charge me $641 for cancelling contract. I had arranged for direct debit from my CC and have therefore had to cancel my credit card. No way are they getting my money!
15667 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is my Vodafone at 17 Feb 2011 07:35:01 AM
It hasn't worked for days now, cant get it through my phone either, so therefore my consume app can't retrieve the info either.. I tweeted help but they didn't reply.. So I rang.. complained and got a $15 credit. Also had to complain in December re over the top data charges in UK.. 4 minutes cost $111.00.. then another time cost only $30. work that out.. Got some back, but not all.. This company has massive problems.
15665 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is ripping me off at 17 Feb 2011 06:20:48 AM
I've renewed my contract with vodafail twice and have always been with themn. It wasn't until recently that I realised the service I was paying for was supposed to be better than it is.
At least for the last 3 years I've experienced dropped calls, poor reception, inability to connect to 3G data and I always assumed it was the phone or just normal. It takes me anywhere between several minutes to an hour (if I leave it that long) to get my iPhone 4 to connect to the internet in order to retrieve emails or for an app (that's if it'll even connect at all).
Sometimes even if I restart my phone it still won't connect. Meanwhile my friends on other networks have no or little problems with any of this. I've missed calls due to poor reception and haven't got the voicemail until over 24 hours later. The funniest thing is when my phone is in my pocket with reception, a call doesn't come through but a text message from the person does come through moments later saying they tried to call and I haven't moved! WTF?!
So I've reported this to vodafone and haven't heard anything in over 7 days... If I don't get some kind of resolution I'll be requesting my contract be terminated due to a breach under the Trade Practices Act 1974 subsection 58(b) whereby: "a company shall not... accept payment or other consideration for goods or services where, at the time of acceptance... the corporation will not be able to supply the goods or services within the period specified."
I've also joined the Class Action suit to try recoup the money spent on a service not provided to me as promised under contract.
At least for the last 3 years I've experienced dropped calls, poor reception, inability to connect to 3G data and I always assumed it was the phone or just normal. It takes me anywhere between several minutes to an hour (if I leave it that long) to get my iPhone 4 to connect to the internet in order to retrieve emails or for an app (that's if it'll even connect at all).
Sometimes even if I restart my phone it still won't connect. Meanwhile my friends on other networks have no or little problems with any of this. I've missed calls due to poor reception and haven't got the voicemail until over 24 hours later. The funniest thing is when my phone is in my pocket with reception, a call doesn't come through but a text message from the person does come through moments later saying they tried to call and I haven't moved! WTF?!
So I've reported this to vodafone and haven't heard anything in over 7 days... If I don't get some kind of resolution I'll be requesting my contract be terminated due to a breach under the Trade Practices Act 1974 subsection 58(b) whereby: "a company shall not... accept payment or other consideration for goods or services where, at the time of acceptance... the corporation will not be able to supply the goods or services within the period specified."
I've also joined the Class Action suit to try recoup the money spent on a service not provided to me as promised under contract.
17 Feb 2011 10:37:18 AM: why will you re contract with them when you specificly know they have issue with coverage honestly its like buying home brand over normal brand.
you had an option to go telstra and optus
you had an option to go telstra and optus
15664 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Sim Swap Shit Fight at 17 Feb 2011 05:40:15 AM
I was sent two sim cards by Vodafone for my new iphone 4. Both sim cards were activated, causing the correct sim card that fits in to the phone to deactivate. I was told they can't just reactivate the sim card and I would need to get a new sim card. This was on Monday. Monday afternoon I went in to a Vodafone store where all the staff were very helpful (in Belconnen). However when they rang Vodafone to do a sim swap they were told it hadn't yet clicked over to 'completed' and therefore it couldn't be done. We were told maximum 4 hours..
4 hours later it still wasn't completed and we were then told by Vodafone it would take 2 days...
2 days later I went back to the store and it STILL hadn't clicked over to completed meaning still no sim card. I spent 2 hours in the store, we rang 7 times to try get someone who knew what they were doing and had the authority to just press a button to move the status to completed. Still no luck.
I ended up getting through to an apparent manager who hung up on me because I was yelling.
How hard can it be to give a new sim card? Very hard apparently.
4 days later and still I am paying for a phone I haven't been able to use.
Vodafone - FAIL!!!
4 hours later it still wasn't completed and we were then told by Vodafone it would take 2 days...
2 days later I went back to the store and it STILL hadn't clicked over to completed meaning still no sim card. I spent 2 hours in the store, we rang 7 times to try get someone who knew what they were doing and had the authority to just press a button to move the status to completed. Still no luck.
I ended up getting through to an apparent manager who hung up on me because I was yelling.
How hard can it be to give a new sim card? Very hard apparently.
4 days later and still I am paying for a phone I haven't been able to use.
Vodafone - FAIL!!!
15663 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is MEGA FAIL at 17 Feb 2011 05:36:47 AM
I have a prepaid vodafone mobile and sim and a prepaid broadband stick and they are both so SLOWWWW, last night i was trying to use the internet, it works and then cuts out although it says its "connected" but the internet explorer wont load, it is so frustrating!!! Then my mobile does not work properly, had my parents trying to call me, said my phone was off, even though its not, try and call my parents and it wont even ring, the Vodafone coverage is absolutly appaling now and i WILL be changing providers.
15662 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is appalling at 17 Feb 2011 12:40:55 AM
I am outraged that vodafone charges me more than I have used.
Lara. I don't like your fake, dumb voice.
Reception is the worst.
Details of call amount usage takes too long to update and I get incorrect statistics.
Lara. I don't like your fake, dumb voice.
Reception is the worst.
Details of call amount usage takes too long to update and I get incorrect statistics.
15661 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is security breach at 17 Feb 2011 12:22:19 AM
WARNING TO myvodafone USERS!!!
Noticed a few days ago that the log out button on the myvodafone site does not work properly. It takes you to a page and makes you think you have logged out, they also suggest you close your browser. If you do not close your browser you will not be logged out!
Noticed a few days ago that the log out button on the myvodafone site does not work properly. It takes you to a page and makes you think you have logged out, they also suggest you close your browser. If you do not close your browser you will not be logged out!
15660 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is incompetent at 16 Feb 2011 10:28:30 PM
A couple of weeks ago I lost COMPLETE reception: I could not receive any calls and could not make any calls on either my handset or on my wireless modem. Could not even get 2G (GSM) or roaming. Nothing. This went on for the whole day while I was in Parramatta; my suppliers could not contact me and said that "trying to ring you, it is as if your phone number NO LONGER EXISTS" - What does that say about my business and professional reputation as a private industry consultant and project manager? Since then, I have bought an antenna to improve my internet connection which has improved but my handset internet just barely works. I've also lost a contract as I was also supposed to submit a proposal to a very large resources company - that very same day! What (bad) luck!
17 Feb 2011 06:26:52 AM: You can claim losses like your loss of contract by joining the Class Action suit against VF. Just google "Vodafone Class Action" and you'll find it.
17 Feb 2011 08:36:23 AM: As above, or even simpler check out the How To Complain tab at the top of the page.......the details are there!! Moderation Team Moderation Team
15659 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is veryq at 16 Feb 2011 10:25:16 PM
I even had trouble logging on to complain... South Yarra
15658 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Data Charge Spike at 16 Feb 2011 09:32:23 PM
Since Oct 2010, I have been getting surges of data which have been spiking my Data Usage. We previously my Data charges were negligible, I am now getting MB spikes which adds up to a few dollars here and then. So my Data charge for the month of Oct 2010 is nearly as much as I spent on voice calls the year before.
I am wondering if anyone else has been getting these problems.
Also reception is now consistently falling to 2 bars compared to much higher signal strength in the past.
I am wondering if anyone else has been getting these problems.
Also reception is now consistently falling to 2 bars compared to much higher signal strength in the past.
15657 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 16 Feb 2011 07:51:18 PM
Where to start?? Firstly they cannot spell my name right - apparently "Elizabeth" was too out of the ordinary. They cannot get my phone number right - I sent it off because it needed to be replaced. 2 months and after numerous calls to Vodafone and the insurance company - They finally realised it wasnt MY fault and that they had written down my number wrong. And the worst FAIL of all - they cannot get my credit card number right, so each month when I get debited, the next month I also get an overdue notice. Ive contacted them so many times I cant remember, wasted numerous hours of my life on hold, as well as many trips in store. Each time I was told that they have updated my details on the system, yet the problem still occurs, even though I always have money in my account. I have given up, and simply pay it as a normal bill. So my credit rating is probably screwed thanks to them and their incompetence. And yes my network coverage is non existent.
15655 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 16 Feb 2011 06:35:37 PM
Vodaphone repeatedly take the ammount owing for my phone bill out of my bank account MULTIPLE times and leave me overdrawn, with overdrawn fees. When I tell them what they have done, they don't give my money back, they just credit my account...then the next month they harrass me saying my bill is overdue...when my account is in credit !!
15654 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Zero signal, Inflexable customer service at 16 Feb 2011 06:24:10 PM
Got absolutely no coverage at my place of residence.
Recently I had to reset my password for my online acount. To do this they send a SMS. Only problem is with no signal I don't recieve the SMS with the temporary new password to change my account. Tried explaining this to customer service. They were unable to to send me an e-mail with a new password,they were unable to reset the password for me over the (landline) phone and they were unable yo send it to another mobile number because that number was not a Vodaphone account.
Over the last 3 days I'm still waiting for 6 new passwords to change my account.
Bring on February 2012 so I can transfer to another carrier.
Recently I had to reset my password for my online acount. To do this they send a SMS. Only problem is with no signal I don't recieve the SMS with the temporary new password to change my account. Tried explaining this to customer service. They were unable to to send me an e-mail with a new password,they were unable to reset the password for me over the (landline) phone and they were unable yo send it to another mobile number because that number was not a Vodaphone account.
Over the last 3 days I'm still waiting for 6 new passwords to change my account.
Bring on February 2012 so I can transfer to another carrier.
16 Feb 2011 11:06:30 PM: There is no need to stay with this shower for another year.
If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
15652 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Wow... now thats bad service. at 16 Feb 2011 06:20:36 PM
16 Feb 2011 07:47:50 PM: I was on hold with vodasnail for 40 minutes yesterday evening, only to be put on hold again.Not good enough you
15651 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Major FAIL at 16 Feb 2011 05:09:29 PM
I am losing work because people can't contact me... The calls go straight to my Voicemail which out of some mysterious reason does not send me sms msgs when I do have a message in my voice mail! FAIL FAIL FAIL And... When I go to a Vodafone store they refer me to their customer service number, which I'm doubting, is even working?? 2+hours on hold and NOTHING!!! It's money and jobs gone!!!! VODAFAIL!
16 Feb 2011 09:19:58 PM: Had a call go straight to voicemail today too. Was sitting next to my phone all day, never received a call, never said I had missed a call, and suddenly I get a voicemail. The caller is about 1 kilometre from where I was.
15650 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is MOTHER OF ALL FAILURES!!!! at 16 Feb 2011 04:06:30 PM
I am in the middle of regular suburbia (Parkwood) on the Gold Coast, and the Vodafone reception is so shocking..... Need to stand out in a corner of the garden to hear a call clearly, so bad......
Getting out of my contact a month early, called a rival company and they have offered me $200 to come back. Sweet as, good-bye and good riddance Vodafone, you really stink.
Getting out of my contact a month early, called a rival company and they have offered me $200 to come back. Sweet as, good-bye and good riddance Vodafone, you really stink.
15649 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Miserably fail at 16 Feb 2011 03:10:40 PM
I have same issues like others. Drop calls, don't receive calls, etc. Whenever I call, I get connected to Computer generated voice LARA who does not recognize my Indian accent & I never get connected to any human customer service. Second reason for not getting connected is very long hold time which goes well beyond an hour so I have to cut off that call myself. I am in contract so can't just change it.
15648 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is epic at 16 Feb 2011 02:48:30 PM
Ok, well this is sort of a win/fail situation.
The irony is that I had a win in regards to a TIO complaint that I lodged, 2 weeks later I recieved the text message stating i'd been released from my voice commitment and to call their customer service number, it also stated I would recieve more info in the mail...
After about 6 calls to the customer service number to discuss my options on leaving and to finalise it all, I am no further than
before I raised the complaint, I can't get through! I have left 5 voicemail messages all stating my name, number, tio complaint number etc... it's now been 8 days, and I still havn't recieved any mail in regards to the contract release.
Customer service call centre in Tas is harder to get hold of than their generic indian line...
All I want to do is rid myself of this network.
The irony is that I had a win in regards to a TIO complaint that I lodged, 2 weeks later I recieved the text message stating i'd been released from my voice commitment and to call their customer service number, it also stated I would recieve more info in the mail...
After about 6 calls to the customer service number to discuss my options on leaving and to finalise it all, I am no further than
before I raised the complaint, I can't get through! I have left 5 voicemail messages all stating my name, number, tio complaint number etc... it's now been 8 days, and I still havn't recieved any mail in regards to the contract release.
Customer service call centre in Tas is harder to get hold of than their generic indian line...
All I want to do is rid myself of this network.
16 Feb 2011 03:38:09 PM: Go back to the TIO with your original reference number and tell them the story, the TIO can further escalate for you, if I am reading your post correctly the incident level is then increased and presto Vodafail have to pay more dosh......I think you will then see some rapid action from Vodafone. Moderation Team Moderation Team
16 Feb 2011 09:14:46 PM: yep def go back to TIO. same thing i did, and vodafone "tried" to call me, but called like 2 times in 3 weeks and both times in the middle of the day on a monday so i was at work and missed it. and then ended up just getting a letter in the mail saying i was released and could port out free of cost. haha.
15647 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Rabidly at 16 Feb 2011 02:39:15 PM
Have 5 services connected to vodafone, 4 with 3G. All 3G services *don't*. It only works on 2G. On 2G it's slow (to be expected) but sporadic (not expected). On 3G it occassionally flickers into life onto to disappear as quickly as it appeared.
Have gone through the hoopla of lodging support requests with a 1 hour phone call to their support staff twice now, and have been politely asked to keep a log book of every time I have an issue with a call or data. Hmm. Let's see. Data. All the time. Even with full signal strength.
Phone calls - have gotten better lately. There was a 6 month period where I had a nightmare receiving or making a call anywhere in Sydney. Forget about SMSes. Couldn't even make an emergency phone call it was that bad!
3 x services are now off vodafone, only 2 to go. I've now been with vodafone for almost 12 years, used to be a rabid supporter of their $79 plans. 18 months of woeful service has left me burned and scarred and I'm not looking back.
Have gone through the hoopla of lodging support requests with a 1 hour phone call to their support staff twice now, and have been politely asked to keep a log book of every time I have an issue with a call or data. Hmm. Let's see. Data. All the time. Even with full signal strength.
Phone calls - have gotten better lately. There was a 6 month period where I had a nightmare receiving or making a call anywhere in Sydney. Forget about SMSes. Couldn't even make an emergency phone call it was that bad!
3 x services are now off vodafone, only 2 to go. I've now been with vodafone for almost 12 years, used to be a rabid supporter of their $79 plans. 18 months of woeful service has left me burned and scarred and I'm not looking back.
15644 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extreme at 16 Feb 2011 01:38:09 PM
I rely very much on my mobile as I am in sales in the fitness industry! I am sick and tired of having no service, receiving my txt msgs late and being unable to use my 'Maps' application for directions when I need it!!! Ontop of this when im at home my internet is forever falling in and out or not working at all!
16 Feb 2011 11:00:03 PM: make sure you join the class action by googling piper alderman so you can get some $$$ back for the business you lost!
15643 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Getting worse than useless at 16 Feb 2011 01:13:08 PM
I'm trying to call customer service, but my calls keep getting dropped. I get errors when I try to use their website for my account. This has been happening since yesterday (14 Feb.). This is in addition to the dreadful phone reception and on-off again internet reception.
15642 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 16 Feb 2011 12:45:42 PM
My credit card has been hit with an unkown charge by Vodafone for close to $200.00. I don not have a contract, I use my card to top up my mobile and mobile broadband. After being on hold for over 2 HOURS, I was told to call my bank, bank said call vodafone, called v'fone back was told system is down and will have to call back tomorrow which is a work day F@#! you Vodafone.
16 Feb 2011 03:40:53 PM: Eeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!
$200 is painful and I share your pain..........time for the TIO.
Check out the How To Complain tab at the top of the page for further details. Moderation Team
$200 is painful and I share your pain..........time for the TIO.
Check out the How To Complain tab at the top of the page for further details. Moderation Team
16 Feb 2011 09:56:44 PM: call TIO. omg that is insane. Vodafone are losing so many customers they are probably resorting to stealing from the ones they hav lol
15641 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely at 16 Feb 2011 12:41:48 PM
Poor coverage at home for 3G network. A " case " has been filed and I was supposed to get a call back within 5 days but have heard nothing for 10 days.
15640 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 3G at 16 Feb 2011 12:33:23 PM
no 3G again, im in a 3G area, and have an iphne 3Gs funny that its called a 3Gs, they blame my SIM and my phone, nothing is wrong with either, i have a new sim, they have cold transferred me 4 times today, and still no answers!! i pay 150 per month for a service they say they provide but no one recieves!!
15638 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic fail!!! at 16 Feb 2011 12:29:13 PM
i have 3g coverage for the duration of my contract and pre pay before hand, and amazingly once again i have ne access tom it at all, i need my internet connection and am still paying $150 per month for a service they are once again not providing. i have called several times aboutn this issue and have been cold transferred 4 times just today and still no answers! they keep telling me its my SIM or my phone, well, news flash is that its vodafone again. then the girl at the vodafone shop trys to tell me that iphone 3gs never could pick up 3g!!! what a joke!!! ive always been able to access 3g till now, once more, and the bloody phone is named 3Gs??? i am over vodafone, and been loyal to them over the years for a service they dont provide. i am in a 3g accessable area too
15637 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is PAINFUL! at 16 Feb 2011 12:25:18 PM
I seriously think the network quality has got worse since this whole thing came out. I no longer get 3G capability in Rushcutters Bay or Potts Point - both less then a 5 MINUTE train from the CBD!
Not to mention the standard several minute wait when dialing a number and having to wait for a connection - if you are lucky enough to make one.
Vodafone is truely a pathetic excuse for a service provider.
Not to mention the standard several minute wait when dialing a number and having to wait for a connection - if you are lucky enough to make one.
Vodafone is truely a pathetic excuse for a service provider.
15636 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAIL at 16 Feb 2011 12:09:33 PM
They wont cancel my contract UNLESS i pay over $1000 for a service they cant provide. The solution they provided was ridiculous.
16 Feb 2011 01:50:21 PM: Have you tried contacting the TIO? They should be able to get you out of your contract without charge if you are having lots of issues. Check out the 'How to complain' page for more information. Moderation Team Moderation Team
15635 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Extremely at 16 Feb 2011 11:32:34 AM
I purchased an IPhone via Vodafone at the Casino Store in Melbourne in the first week of January 2011, and signed up for their $45 unlimited call plan. I was totally unaware of the network issues that Vodafone was having - was only informed of this by a close friend after I signed up. I didn't see a need to check Vodafone's coverage as I used them years ago and was very happy with their service and coverage. I wish I had. Up until today, 16 Feb I have had serious issues with data downloads (just logging into weatherzone has become an issue - at times it does not load due to network error). My phone drops out and often, calls have not been connecting. In fact, I tried calling home 10 times and after the 11th try - I managed to get through. Not happy at all as I use my phone predominantly for business purposes. I want to get out of the contract - however in the interim, I will join the line of very unhappy customers and will join the suit. The irony of all this, is that I have a 3G Kindle and I get faster connection to the net via this simple e-reader than by Vodafone.
16 Feb 2011 01:46:35 PM: Contact the TIO, I recently got out of my contract,was only with them for 2 months, first ring up vodafail and make a complaint,then go to TIO,they should be able to get you out free of charge, push your way and dont settle for anything less than cancellation from vodafone, if you're losing business they are in breach of contract so you have a right to leave.Goodluck
17 Feb 2011 10:39:20 AM: i did the same thing got my contract canceled and left vodafone went to telstra.
15634 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Limitless Vodafail - I did not know that this could get so bad! at 16 Feb 2011 11:25:44 AM
For the past 6months I have had on and off reception, where I call people and my calls drop out straight away or in the best scenario the call lats 2mins and then drops out. Also when I was overseas Vodafone would deliver x100 msgs and calls from me, when I would either have a failed call or a msg that did not go through. My troubles do not stop there for months they have been charging me for voicemail, which had been turned off since Septer 2010! (i only found this out today, when I FINALLY got to speak to someone). Vodafone's failures also come to their stores and customer service teams, who constantly hang up during transferral or ping pong you around from department to department. In the last 6months TODAY 16/02/2011 was the 3rd time only in this period that I got to speak to someone, and not only one person but 7!!! I have gotten their names, and some of their extension numbers, which is a joke that there is no 1 department, which can deal with problems. Also only a miniscule part of my issue - the overbilling for phanthom Voicemailcalls (I have voicemail deactivated) we removed from my bill. My biggest problem of network was not solved, and by checking on a computer whether an area has coverage is not an investigation! They also kindly pointed out that I would be liable for every penny (direct speech from Arun) if I chose to sever my contract, yet not much could be done for a customer paying in excess of $1200 a year.
15633 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Very at 16 Feb 2011 11:25:21 AM
Call is being dropped when calling from Singapore to Australia.
15632 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Useless at 16 Feb 2011 11:22:37 AM
I have been with vodafone for three years.Very great until Oct 2010.When reception dropped to nothing.Ive in the middle of the Sydney.Have dropouts on both fone & broadband.WHY
15631 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is NO HELP at 16 Feb 2011 11:12:53 AM
Lara may spread out the enquiries for vodafone.But does nothing for customer service.When all you want to do is ask a simple question. Then when you get to spoke to someone.They CAN'T speak english.Every time you take your enquiy to a shop they tell you, you have ring Lara.
15630 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Infinity Fail at 16 Feb 2011 11:11:54 AM
Have been with Vodafone for 5 months - have yet to get a correct bill - my phone payment never reduces from 23 payments remaining. 3G data - what a joke - all that ever happens is my phone sits there with the wheel spinning - nothing coming down the "tube". Calls are constantly dropping out, or getting garbled sounds when people speak. Sends my SMS's multiple times to people- WTF. Have called and now they have started giving me bogas reference numbers and consultants "claim" to be in Melbourne, but said "how's the city of churches?" when I told them I was in Brisbane. TIO called - lets see what resolution happens.
15628 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is my phone keeps dropping out, no reception FRUSTRATING at 16 Feb 2011 10:18:08 AM
I have been a customer of Vodafone now for over 10 years. It used to be great!!!! NOW its terrible I thought it was my iphone but after googling vodafone reception problems i see it is not.
I am on a $79 plan and I am not getting the service I am paying for. I find the customer service staff very helpful.
I am on a $79 plan and I am not getting the service I am paying for. I find the customer service staff very helpful.
15627 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Getting Worse at 16 Feb 2011 09:31:34 AM
I just called 1512 to get my account balance. You used to be able to control it on the keypad. Now the moronic thing expects you to speak to it. I resent speaking to a moronic robot. In an office or a train you do not want to be disturbing others shouting yes or no.
15626 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Speechless at 16 Feb 2011 08:52:04 AM
After months of pain and paying $69 for 1GB that I can't use I had enough and called the retention dept. at Vodafone.
Being a few months from the end of the contract I would expect them to be courteous enough to wave the cancellation fee due to the network issues they are facing. I couldn't have been more wrong.
Here is what they offered:
1. Next 3 months for free to prove that their service will get better.
2. Migrate me to 3 networks for free.
3. Pay 50% of the cancellation fee. Approx $125.
I wouldn't have a problem with paying the cancellation fee if I wanted out for my own personal reason but this is a legitimate failure on their part and all the options given were in their benefit. Why would I even consider continuing with them, "even for free" might as well not even have a phone it would be the same thing.
I'm tired of trying to talk to "Lara", waiting for long periods of time, not getting replies to emails, etc.
Called the TIO, filed a complaint and not paying a single bill.
Vodafone, spend less money on advertising and more on customer service.
Being a few months from the end of the contract I would expect them to be courteous enough to wave the cancellation fee due to the network issues they are facing. I couldn't have been more wrong.
Here is what they offered:
1. Next 3 months for free to prove that their service will get better.
2. Migrate me to 3 networks for free.
3. Pay 50% of the cancellation fee. Approx $125.
I wouldn't have a problem with paying the cancellation fee if I wanted out for my own personal reason but this is a legitimate failure on their part and all the options given were in their benefit. Why would I even consider continuing with them, "even for free" might as well not even have a phone it would be the same thing.
I'm tired of trying to talk to "Lara", waiting for long periods of time, not getting replies to emails, etc.
Called the TIO, filed a complaint and not paying a single bill.
Vodafone, spend less money on advertising and more on customer service.
16 Feb 2011 11:19:02 AM: Yes
15625 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Huge at 16 Feb 2011 08:43:34 AM
Data network constantly failing, I have 1500MB a month be lucky if I can use 150MB! (iphone 4) reception going from full signal to nothing and calls dropping out. SMS failing to send and calls going to voicemail!
over it!
over it!
15624 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Mega Fail at 16 Feb 2011 08:40:59 AM
15623 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is total failure at 16 Feb 2011 07:57:12 AM
I would like to share my story with you all in the hope that someone else might also get to escapt this nightmare. Since October last year, my coveage has declined to almost nothing, and I have been dealing the voice mails without the phone ringing, the late SMSs, the time outs on 3G etc. But I did not realise that other people were having the same trouble.
After hearing about this site I decided to stop putting up with the lack of coverage I was experiencing. First I emailed Vodafone with full detials of all the places and times where I could not get cover (I nave no cover during the day and I am nor able to spend hours on hold on the work phone!).
I got an email back from them asking for more info and because of the way it was set up you can only really complain about one location. So I chose my work location as I am within sight of Parliament House in Canberrra but my phone is only useful as an ipod all day.
About a week later I received an SMS giving me a Ref No. and saying that my issues were being investigated.
When I had not hear within another week I then lodged a complaint with the TIO. Yesterday well within the 10 days for response, I received an SMS from Vodafone saying that I can cancel as of today and a letter will follow. I know that there is every chance that the letter will not arrive (given others' experiences) but escape now feels that much closer.
So people don't put up with this dismal excuse for a service provider. Be firm but polite, work through the process and hopefully you too will be able to get out of this VODAHOLE.
After hearing about this site I decided to stop putting up with the lack of coverage I was experiencing. First I emailed Vodafone with full detials of all the places and times where I could not get cover (I nave no cover during the day and I am nor able to spend hours on hold on the work phone!).
I got an email back from them asking for more info and because of the way it was set up you can only really complain about one location. So I chose my work location as I am within sight of Parliament House in Canberrra but my phone is only useful as an ipod all day.
About a week later I received an SMS giving me a Ref No. and saying that my issues were being investigated.
When I had not hear within another week I then lodged a complaint with the TIO. Yesterday well within the 10 days for response, I received an SMS from Vodafone saying that I can cancel as of today and a letter will follow. I know that there is every chance that the letter will not arrive (given others' experiences) but escape now feels that much closer.
So people don't put up with this dismal excuse for a service provider. Be firm but polite, work through the process and hopefully you too will be able to get out of this VODAHOLE.
15622 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely at 16 Feb 2011 06:55:12 AM
I continuously not have service especially when I need it! My Iphone needs to be reset almost eveyday to attempt to gain coverage. I call customer service and they blamed me! I visited a store and she changed the sim card and advised someone would call me! Still waiting....................
15621 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Maximum Fail at 15 Feb 2011 10:39:23 PM
I use my phone for both work and personal reasons. And over the last 2 months- December and January Vodafone has by far provided the worst customer service that I have ever had to put up with. I dont pay the amount on my bill for a phone that is without service in most areas around Perth. I called Vodafone in regards to this poor service and was not impressed with the way that they responded and now they have gone and barred my phone because I refused to pay for a service that I did not get.
15620 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Complete fail! at 15 Feb 2011 09:38:53 PM
The worst reception I have ever encountered. There are areas close to the city that are complete NO SERVICE and you have to keep resetting your phone and walking around and finally some reception, so you write a text and oh no, the reception is gone before you get a change to send it. I'm tired of missing out on work simply because I was uncontactable or not able to respond. I want OUT of my contract asap.
Oh and I'm also tired of ringing are 4th in the queue, you are 3rd in the queue, you are 2nd in the queue...I'm sorry, the service you have called is currently closed, please call again tomorrow between 8am and 8pm" well the service was open when I tried ringing 2 hours ago!
Oh and I'm also tired of ringing are 4th in the queue, you are 3rd in the queue, you are 2nd in the queue...I'm sorry, the service you have called is currently closed, please call again tomorrow between 8am and 8pm" well the service was open when I tried ringing 2 hours ago!
15619 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Useless at 15 Feb 2011 07:45:40 PM
Charged hundreds of dollars incorrectly due to a 'systems error'. The back office staff are attempting to fix the contract issue and the money will be credited to my future accounts. Not much use to me as I'm now stuck with the interest on hundreds of dollars that was taken out of my credit account due to a stuff up on their part.
This on top of the usual useless reception and service.
This on top of the usual useless reception and service.
15618 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 15 Feb 2011 07:39:34 PM
sms to 1512 to get balance but balance never changed for past 7 days. Everyday i use around 3-5MB usage. How do I know how much left in my account?? I dont want to get nasty surprise when I receive my bill.
15617 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 100% at 15 Feb 2011 07:28:38 PM
Unable to make a payment.
15616 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is fucking joke at 15 Feb 2011 06:52:16 PM
half the "help they give on the facebook page is telling people to turn off 3G and use 2G, that is a fucking joke!! people are PAYING to use 3G. what kind of scam show are they running. they cant get away with this!
15615 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is worst than poor at 15 Feb 2011 06:20:08 PM
unable to get through a call ,even when calling back 6 or more times and poor 3g
15614 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very at 15 Feb 2011 06:17:32 PM
Calls drop out all the time. Have to stand in one spot to make a call if I move I lose coverage. Since I live in the city and vodafone assure me that there is coverage, where is it? Can't get out of my contract. Have to carry another mobile from a different company. It is ridiculous.
15612 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extreamly!! at 15 Feb 2011 06:08:00 PM
I can't even connect, when I do, the connection only lasts a couple of minutes. Vodafone's connection is rubbish! I signed up in July 2010, and the connection was awsome, just after December 2010, the connections have gotten worse!! Unfortuately I am locked in a contract till July 2011 with this rubbish I can't use. I AM NOT HAPPY!!! >=(
15611 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Massive Fail at 15 Feb 2011 05:01:39 PM
I am constantly coping it from relatives and friends who say i "ignore their calls" when i actually NEVER recieve or had missed calls! My internet barely works, and i live in a built up area, im not out in the sticks somewhere!
I got a iphone 4 in my new plan which i was so excited about, but i am willing to just give back the phone and get rid of this plan!
I thought vodafone were awesome because i had like 2GB's of internet! ummmm.... i cannot even use MY INTERNET !!!!!! :( im so over it!
I had a plan with vodafone before this new plan, however i lived in a more remote place, so i stayed with vodafone for my new plan, thinking that now i live in a 'city' the reception would be awesome... WRONG!
I moved away from my home town for uni, i struggle financially, and it makes me so upset that i cannot even talk to my family as much as i would like, yet i still have to PAY for this horrible service!!!
its so not fair, and it makes me feel so angry and upset, its like they just take advantage of me. Im just a poor little nursing student! I just wanna talk to my family back home!
- Sarah
P.S - After ringing and waiting for AGES, i finally got onto a real human, and it cut out. I rang again, waited forever, and it cut out. A THIRD TIME i rang and it CUT OUT. There is now a beautiful big CRACK ON my screen as i PEGGED It at my wall at a great speed, and it actually got stuck into my wall. we had to bog up the wall when we moved out! damn vodafone should pay for that repair! ;)
I got a iphone 4 in my new plan which i was so excited about, but i am willing to just give back the phone and get rid of this plan!
I thought vodafone were awesome because i had like 2GB's of internet! ummmm.... i cannot even use MY INTERNET !!!!!! :( im so over it!
I had a plan with vodafone before this new plan, however i lived in a more remote place, so i stayed with vodafone for my new plan, thinking that now i live in a 'city' the reception would be awesome... WRONG!
I moved away from my home town for uni, i struggle financially, and it makes me so upset that i cannot even talk to my family as much as i would like, yet i still have to PAY for this horrible service!!!
its so not fair, and it makes me feel so angry and upset, its like they just take advantage of me. Im just a poor little nursing student! I just wanna talk to my family back home!
- Sarah
P.S - After ringing and waiting for AGES, i finally got onto a real human, and it cut out. I rang again, waited forever, and it cut out. A THIRD TIME i rang and it CUT OUT. There is now a beautiful big CRACK ON my screen as i PEGGED It at my wall at a great speed, and it actually got stuck into my wall. we had to bog up the wall when we moved out! damn vodafone should pay for that repair! ;)
15608 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Huge Fail at 15 Feb 2011 03:54:58 PM
Every other day I get people say to me 'i've been trying to contact you for days but your phone is either busy or saying out of service'. This has happened more often than not and is beyond a joke now.
Also I cant send MMS and have had to do a master reset three times, every time losing my saved contacts and data. Grrrr
Also I cant send MMS and have had to do a master reset three times, every time losing my saved contacts and data. Grrrr
15607 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is I am over Vodafone at 15 Feb 2011 03:41:48 PM
I have been with Vodafone now for several years. All has been mostly ok till this last plan which ends 1/9/2011, and that was organised over the phone because I had a call from Vodafone I gather because my previous plan was approaching the end. I've always had Nokia phones and they've been fine till this last one. Not long after receiving the new Nokia 6220 Classic I noticed that the battery didn't hold charge very long, barely a day on many occasions. I was used to the previous Nokia N73 battery lasting for at least 4 days. So often it would happen that I would fully charge the 6220 at night and the next day I would not even get through the first call and it would die. I took it back to the Vodaphone shop in Maroochydore and I was told that I would have to pay for a new battery. How is this right???
Also there were so many 'drop-outs' and many messages would come up to 4 days after they were sent. I gave up trying to contact Vodaphone, after being left on hold for sometimes an hour or more?? and then you get this 'Lara'. I want to speak to a person. I tried sending an email on their impossible website - I simply asked for someone to please ring me but no, I received some complicated return email where I had to click on this and that and it got me nowhere. Vodafone Customer Service is non-existant. I would like them to give me some very good reasons for staying with Vodafone.
Also there were so many 'drop-outs' and many messages would come up to 4 days after they were sent. I gave up trying to contact Vodaphone, after being left on hold for sometimes an hour or more?? and then you get this 'Lara'. I want to speak to a person. I tried sending an email on their impossible website - I simply asked for someone to please ring me but no, I received some complicated return email where I had to click on this and that and it got me nowhere. Vodafone Customer Service is non-existant. I would like them to give me some very good reasons for staying with Vodafone.
15 Feb 2011 04:20:27 PM: That is not good!
Feel your pain.......
Have you tried their facebook page?
The team on there are pretty useless but getting marginally and slowly better in their actions and responses. They may be able to help regarding the battery replacement.
Otherwise try the TIO, contact details at the top of the page on the How To Complain tab, why wait for your contract to expire when you can go to a more responsible provider?
Also agree their email system does not follow the normal conventional email etiquette of simply hitting the reply button, to force users to write in-between lines is a farce and should cease.
Hope the above helps! Moderation Team
Feel your pain.......
Have you tried their facebook page?
The team on there are pretty useless but getting marginally and slowly better in their actions and responses. They may be able to help regarding the battery replacement.
Otherwise try the TIO, contact details at the top of the page on the How To Complain tab, why wait for your contract to expire when you can go to a more responsible provider?
Also agree their email system does not follow the normal conventional email etiquette of simply hitting the reply button, to force users to write in-between lines is a farce and should cease.
Hope the above helps! Moderation Team
15606 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 15 Feb 2011 03:38:42 PM
I have been a long standing memeber of vodafone and I have recently got an iphone and moved address and now get little to no service.
I have spend hours on hold to vodafone complaining time and time again about the service I receive and nothing to this day has been done about it.
After several attempts they have given me discount off my bill but that does not get me out of my 24 month contract.
Vodafone advised me that it has something to do with the distance I am away from the exchange and tower but I have done my research and found out that i am around 300 meters away from it, I told vodfone this and they offered me a discount off my bill for 3 months until they update the tower.
I just want out I cant help that i get little service in the new house i have just purchased but they are not prepared to help me rectify the problem by releasing my contract.
I have spend hours on hold to vodafone complaining time and time again about the service I receive and nothing to this day has been done about it.
After several attempts they have given me discount off my bill but that does not get me out of my 24 month contract.
Vodafone advised me that it has something to do with the distance I am away from the exchange and tower but I have done my research and found out that i am around 300 meters away from it, I told vodfone this and they offered me a discount off my bill for 3 months until they update the tower.
I just want out I cant help that i get little service in the new house i have just purchased but they are not prepared to help me rectify the problem by releasing my contract.
15605 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very good at failing at 15 Feb 2011 03:24:32 PM
My mobile connection constantly switches from 3G to HSDPA to Edge and most of the time ends up running on Edge only. I thought this was a temporary issue but no, now it's sooo frequent that internet is unbrowsable on my phone. I use my mobile data mostly on my way to work. Well, I used to. Nowadays I don't even try. Don't wanna get frustrated before even reaching work. And ya, the usual call drop outs. I am just 5 months into my contract. Is there anything that I can do to get out of my contract?
15604 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is failed at 15 Feb 2011 03:20:39 PM
no phone calls in or out of home. HOME!!! where i am the most and needed to make phone calls the most.
15603 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Poor data performance at 15 Feb 2011 03:11:36 PM
Moved from Optus to Vodafone with iPhone 4. Since then takes 10mins to update facebook, check emails, can't use Evernote, google times out...
Reported fault twice to Vodafone, they claimed that internet speed was out of their hands. Well whose hands is it in!!
Have now lodged a dispute with the TIO. Looking forward to moving to Telstra.
Reported fault twice to Vodafone, they claimed that internet speed was out of their hands. Well whose hands is it in!!
Have now lodged a dispute with the TIO. Looking forward to moving to Telstra.
15602 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is poor at 15 Feb 2011 02:48:49 PM
cnr west terrace and franklin streets ,St marys College when school is out ( 315)
no coverage - no voice no sms , no web. Phone shows 5 bars but nothing
no coverage - no voice no sms , no web. Phone shows 5 bars but nothing
15601 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very fail at 15 Feb 2011 02:47:25 PM
Why do I always get this messag:
Sorry for the inconvenience
- An unexpected error has occurred. Please close your browser and try again later or call 1555 (a free call from a Vodafone mobile) or 1300 650 410 from another telephone service (standard charges apply) to complete your request.
Sorry for the inconvenience
- An unexpected error has occurred. Please close your browser and try again later or call 1555 (a free call from a Vodafone mobile) or 1300 650 410 from another telephone service (standard charges apply) to complete your request.
15600 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is criminal at 15 Feb 2011 01:18:04 PM
According to Voda's coverage maps, I'm blanketed by 3G coverage - by at least 10km in every direction. Yet I often can't get a signal at all (not even 2G), even when outside, with no tall buildings in sight.
Vodafone's website is all but useless. When trying to log in to My Vodafone, four times out of five I get an error message (I'm CERTAIN my details are correct). If I do successfully log in, clicking on any of the links within My Vodafone (e.g. to check my usage) usually just sends me back to the login page!
Vodafone's website is all but useless. When trying to log in to My Vodafone, four times out of five I get an error message (I'm CERTAIN my details are correct). If I do successfully log in, clicking on any of the links within My Vodafone (e.g. to check my usage) usually just sends me back to the login page!
15599 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Excruciating at 15 Feb 2011 12:50:35 PM
Vodafone customers are expected to find a spot of reception and not dare to move a muscle. Travelling is not option for customers, the device you are using is not intended for communication, that's an optional extra but whether it works or not is not an option. This is purely ridiculous.
Calls dropped, dials failed, internet service access pathetic. Why aren't we told when we sign up? Because Vodafone Australia would not exist.
Calls dropped, dials failed, internet service access pathetic. Why aren't we told when we sign up? Because Vodafone Australia would not exist.
15598 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% so far at 15 Feb 2011 12:27:24 PM
There is a payment credit on my Vodafone account. I have attempted via various help desks over the past 12 months to have this applied to current bills, and for the balance to be repaid to me. In this process I have contacted Vodafone at least six times and on each occasion I have been promised a return call with a solution. This has never eventuated. The information I have received during these calls has been incomplete/variable. I have spent I would estimate around ten hours either on my mobile or landline waiting either for a pick-up, or "further information".
15597 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is CONSTANT at 15 Feb 2011 12:07:54 PM
Daily calls drop out, voicemail is delayed, calls will not connect. So frustrating and impossible to stay connected with such poor service. I am mostyly across the CBD and within 10km radius of this where you would expect the best service knowing the concentration of users. Time to change providers!
15596 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Completely at 15 Feb 2011 12:05:31 PM
I lose coverage in my apartment! From the kitchen to the living room - it is insane. My calls drop out, my internet stops working... I am locked into a contract having to pay monthly for an unreliable service I don't even get all the time.
15595 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very ordinary at 15 Feb 2011 11:33:04 AM
Constantly delayed VM
15594 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 15 Feb 2011 11:03:14 AM
Not receiving calls from my girlfriend, goes straight through message bank. Now she thinks I'm having an affair because I never answer my phone. When I do get notified that I have a voice mail and I try to call her back it wont call at all, drops out straight away. I tried to explain that its Vodafone, but she gave me 'the look'.
15 Feb 2011 11:27:41 AM: Oh dear! Well tell your girlfriend that I'm having the same hopeless experience in Canberra and have been unable to make or receive calls all day. I've also been unable to connect to the Internet. The only time I can connect is from inside the Vodafone shop in the Canberra Centre. This is where I have to go in order to receive my emails. I am thinking of setting up my office in there. Clearly they have ensured that everything works in that shop so that they can keep signing up more poor mugs for 24 months of hell!
I just got off the phone to Vodafone and got the usual "have you tried switching it off, taking out the battery and then starting it up again?". Bless. I know they're only trying to help but who are they kidding? My call ended up being referred to the 'network team' and I will hear back from them in 5 days or so. Haha I'm not holding my breath.
I just got off the phone to Vodafone and got the usual "have you tried switching it off, taking out the battery and then starting it up again?". Bless. I know they're only trying to help but who are they kidding? My call ended up being referred to the 'network team' and I will hear back from them in 5 days or so. Haha I'm not holding my breath.
21 Feb 2011 12:14:11 PM: My friend had to wait for the magical 5 day call back. Guess what? Never happened. I told him to go via the TIO. He is now out of the contract witho no termination fees. He's enjoying fast 3G through Telstra now. As soon as I can be bothered dealing with their Indian call centre I'm out of Vodafone too.
PS: My girlfriend now understands. LOL.
PS: My girlfriend now understands. LOL.
15593 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Lost Cause at 15 Feb 2011 10:36:28 AM
Thank God I don't have one of their phones! Wireless Broadband is the biggest joke. We are using it on a stationary computer in a good coverage area and the dropouts are driving us mad. Have gone to another major supplier, service is great, coverage fantastic, no more problems. It obviously is not hard. Bye Bye Vodafone.
15592 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Seriously at 15 Feb 2011 10:29:57 AM
in addition to poor coverage, drop-outs and failure to receive vcoice messages for sometimes days, sending email from iPhones on the Vodafone network has not been possible for Bigpond email accounts for several months. this has bene known to Vodafone, but did they contact customers to let them know THEY had the problem? No. After 40 minutes on the phone with a helpful yojng man to set u pa gmail account form which to send mail, I now find I receive all emails twice (once from the incoming mail acocunt and once from Gmail, and can only send from the Gmail account, hence now confusing senders even more with additional addresses. Do they stil lcharge the same for email services? Yes. Do they still charge the same for data that often doesn't download? Yes. Sorry, Vodafone, after years of being a loyal and happy customer, you have lost me. I'm looking for another non-Vodafone alternative. And i won't pay out my contract.
15591 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Activate l phone 4 micro sim card at 15 Feb 2011 10:24:19 AM
Upgraded to a I phone 4 07/02/2011 after my 24 months contract ended in Dec 10
Local Vodafone dealer rang to activate micro sim card advised should be ready in about 2 hrs.
Well Tuesday 08/02/2011 afternoon rang Vodafone to ask what is happening,was told should be ready in 24 hrs no explanation as to what the issue is, sorry for the inconveince.
Wednesday 09/02/2011 still nothing rang Vodafone again was told that there is a back office issue with swapping sims need to wait 24 hrs to be rectified.
Thursday 10/02/2011 spoke with floor supervisor was told that its a back office issue and that they will need 24-48 hrs to rectify, after much persistance was told that my old sim was not deactivating properly and that the new micro sim would not activate because of this, supervisor said that he will call (still waiting).
Tuesday 15/02/2010 more than enough time to rectify the issue was told that my account details have been suspended and to rectify the issue will take 24hrs - 10 days,
Tried different avenue by calling the Sydney head office was told that they will put me through to a senior Australian supervisor lol straight to customer care service in India
My question to Vodafone do you care that your long term customers are being treated in this way?
Not impressed at all Vodafone get your act together
Upgraded to a I phone 4 07/02/2011 after my 24 months contract ended in Dec 10
Local Vodafone dealer rang to activate micro sim card advised should be ready in about 2 hrs.
Well Tuesday 08/02/2011 afternoon rang Vodafone to ask what is happening,was told should be ready in 24 hrs no explanation as to what the issue is, sorry for the inconveince.
Wednesday 09/02/2011 still nothing rang Vodafone again was told that there is a back office issue with swapping sims need to wait 24 hrs to be rectified.
Thursday 10/02/2011 spoke with floor supervisor was told that its a back office issue and that they will need 24-48 hrs to rectify, after much persistance was told that my old sim was not deactivating properly and that the new micro sim would not activate because of this, supervisor said that he will call (still waiting).
Tuesday 15/02/2010 more than enough time to rectify the issue was told that my account details have been suspended and to rectify the issue will take 24hrs - 10 days,
Tried different avenue by calling the Sydney head office was told that they will put me through to a senior Australian supervisor lol straight to customer care service in India
My question to Vodafone do you care that your long term customers are being treated in this way?
Not impressed at all Vodafone get your act together
21 Feb 2011 01:33:29 PM: Update-
15/02/2011 TIO have been contacted claim has been lodged, advice from TIO is wait to see what happens in 10 days, then contact TIO if nothing happens
Still waiting for any responce from Vodaphone, finally received a sms asking me to contact them as they had tried to contact me but no responce, very strange considering that l had no missed calls or sms's from them.
Tried to contact Vodaphone and somehow got in the waiting line for Myki (Victorian travel card disaster, oh not once but twice)
Finally had enough went back to the shop where all paper work was completed, explained the whole story, after much discussion apparently i was not listed as a customer via name, phone number or account number, the only way they could retrieve my details was via drivers licence number, email was sent via store to head office sales support explaining the whole issue.
15:00 still no contact from Vodaphone including store, l decided to ring them instead there excuse is that Seibel (Vodaphone customer data base)has a major error which she explained that the replied email they originally sent has no time frame as to when this issue will be resolved.
Store manager then asks "would you like me to ask for a time frame?"
What a joke talk about customer service hahahahahahaha
Telstra here l come
15/02/2011 TIO have been contacted claim has been lodged, advice from TIO is wait to see what happens in 10 days, then contact TIO if nothing happens
Still waiting for any responce from Vodaphone, finally received a sms asking me to contact them as they had tried to contact me but no responce, very strange considering that l had no missed calls or sms's from them.
Tried to contact Vodaphone and somehow got in the waiting line for Myki (Victorian travel card disaster, oh not once but twice)
Finally had enough went back to the shop where all paper work was completed, explained the whole story, after much discussion apparently i was not listed as a customer via name, phone number or account number, the only way they could retrieve my details was via drivers licence number, email was sent via store to head office sales support explaining the whole issue.
15:00 still no contact from Vodaphone including store, l decided to ring them instead there excuse is that Seibel (Vodaphone customer data base)has a major error which she explained that the replied email they originally sent has no time frame as to when this issue will be resolved.
Store manager then asks "would you like me to ask for a time frame?"
What a joke talk about customer service hahahahahahaha
Telstra here l come
15589 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is poor reception at 15 Feb 2011 10:14:22 AM
vodafone reception has gradually gotten worse.
Firstly I have poor reception at home but top reception of telstra!
Secondly I'm constantly reseting the phone to find reception.
Thirdly I fly alot and when I get off the plane in perth and turn on the phone, I'll loose reception three to four times while travelling o teh great eastern highway to fremantle.
Firstly I have poor reception at home but top reception of telstra!
Secondly I'm constantly reseting the phone to find reception.
Thirdly I fly alot and when I get off the plane in perth and turn on the phone, I'll loose reception three to four times while travelling o teh great eastern highway to fremantle.
15 Feb 2011 08:58:54 PM: argh! im in WA too and am also CONSTANTLY resetting my phone to find reception. I have nothing in Maylands, which is close to the city, and barely anything in Tuart Hill which is also close to the city. When I lived in Scarborough I had to go upstairs to get reception. Total crap...11 months of contract to go...
15587 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is beyond at 15 Feb 2011 09:16:25 AM
Further to my last posting, last night. This morning i am in the same boat i was in at the beginning of the last billing cycle. No information avaiable as to my current usage. So, whatever may have been left of my last months allowance has been swallowed yet again. I may have had enough to download a tv show etc, but who would know???? Certainly not this disgruntled customer. Do they save my mb's for someone else or something.According to the last information i had i still had 3333.33 mb's remaining.......but when i realised that figure wasn't moving at all, was too scared to do anyothing ajor online in case i went over the limit, But ow would i ever know wheni wasn't able to view my usage for 5 days running????
15 Feb 2011 09:18:22 AM: my earlier post is 15579 below, i really should come up with a username, seems i will be spending time here posting the latest ridiculous lack of service, LOL
15586 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is poorly crap at 15 Feb 2011 08:44:32 AM
I joined vodafone 3 months ago they told me they have the footprint of telstras coverage i was with telstra for 7 years i left them becuase the prices were expensive biggest regret i ever did. i was in geelong and had an car accident i could not even contact mum to say i am in strife.
i put a complaint in and got my contract waived. i have moved back to telstra best thing i ever did.
It took them 7 days of calling to end the contract
3 hours a day to speak to customer service they never follow up with my calls
it made me so angry.
i put a complaint in and got my contract waived. i have moved back to telstra best thing i ever did.
It took them 7 days of calling to end the contract
3 hours a day to speak to customer service they never follow up with my calls
it made me so angry.
15585 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very at 15 Feb 2011 08:33:47 AM
I think it is ridiculous!!!! On the weekend 13/2/11 we couldn't get ANY signal AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! we do not have a house phone and I worry when I'm at work and my hubby has my 2yr old and 3yr old at home if something was to happen then my hubby wouldn't be able to contact me or emergency services. I have found Vodaphone to be soooo unreliable. I think they should spend less money on they're commercials and more money on getting they're communication right!!! They are quick when they want payment but VERY slow with customer service!!!!!! I'm in the process of changing providers.
15 Feb 2011 08:41:50 AM: shop around make sure you leave those b...... they offer cheap plans but no coverage..
15584 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is internet at 15 Feb 2011 08:32:32 AM
on my phone i can have full "coverage" on 3g and yet the internet still has no response and connection interrupted errors almost every-time.
15 Feb 2011 08:35:59 AM: I'm in Canberra too. Centre of the CBD. My phone has full 3G strength but I can't currently make a call, receive a call or connect to the Internet. I can't be too unhappy though because I was able to send a text message. Hooray!
15583 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very at 15 Feb 2011 08:12:32 AM
Network not working (voice or data) in Adelaide CBD near Currie St, King William St. Has been down for much of the past couple of weeks.
15 Feb 2011 08:40:06 AM: put in a complaint to the tio i did and left vodafone to go telstra. best thing you will ever do
15 Feb 2011 09:00:26 PM: what's the TIO? were you in contract?
16 Feb 2011 02:55:34 AM: Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman 1800 062 058
They'll get you out of your contract obligations penalty free!!
They know all too well about Vodafone's disloyalty at the moment.
They'll get you out of your contract obligations penalty free!!
They know all too well about Vodafone's disloyalty at the moment.
15582 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is huh? at 15 Feb 2011 08:05:41 AM
I had my contract cancelled like a week ago and was waiting for my final bill from vodafone and just got it in my email but instead of the $29 i usually pay it just says balance due: $2.81CR
what?? does that mean credit? or do i pay $2.81 lol
random. anyone know? thanks
what?? does that mean credit? or do i pay $2.81 lol
random. anyone know? thanks
15 Feb 2011 03:07:13 PM: Your last bill is usually nil because you pay for 2 months in your first bill. The $2.81 CR is definitely credit. You can claim it but you should probably leave it as a donation as they need it now more than ever, as most of their users seems to be quitting VF.
15581 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Failtastic at 15 Feb 2011 07:30:44 AM
Outages in my area for 2 days.. on the back of constant low reception in my own home in a main suburban area. I constantly miss phone calls or experience long delays in recieving voice messages. When i ring to report this they cannot log a complaint until the network coverage is restored meaning i have to wait longer to get out of my frustrating contract..
15580 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely Fail at 14 Feb 2011 11:57:27 PM
I am sitting here in my Apartment with 2 identical Mobiles side by side. 1 with Vodafail Sim and other with Optus. Optus showing 5 bars of 3G, Voda Showing 1 bar.
Family tried to Contact my urgently last week and could not get through even though Mobile was switched on.
As for their Internet, nothing but constant dropouts and never once saw HSDPA speeds. Emails were even timing out.
I am now on a Phone $ Internet Bundle with another Carrier and loving it.
Family tried to Contact my urgently last week and could not get through even though Mobile was switched on.
As for their Internet, nothing but constant dropouts and never once saw HSDPA speeds. Emails were even timing out.
I am now on a Phone $ Internet Bundle with another Carrier and loving it.
15579 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is total at 14 Feb 2011 10:52:21 PM
At the beginning of this billing cycle, for many days i had NO WAY of checking my usage, i tried everything and then magically, after a phone call, it reappeared. At the end of the billing cycle, i have been stuck on 3333.33 mb, left out of my, i have used it with great trepidation for days, for fear of going over my limit. Now, as the billing cycle changes over again, i lose whatever it was i had left, that i wasn't able to check on, and it seems i will have no way of seeing what my usage is, AGAIN, as the system is down. Thankyou MYVODAFONE, you ain't no friend of mine.
15577 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is disappointing at 14 Feb 2011 10:01:17 PM
I am with Vodafone since July last year recently move to live in CBD. My main use is making/receiving calls and SMS. The signal drops getting more frequent and last longer than usual. I hardly able to receive/make call, SMS and data service anymore. This failure more obvious in CBD. Vodafail!
15576 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 14 Feb 2011 08:50:53 PM
today my town wagga wagga and surronding towns lost all recpetion, its the 1st problem i have had apart from when i was in qld with the floods which i fully understood why my phone wasnt working its best with coverage, but this is plan stupid, im unable to contact anyone and no one can contact me, pick up your game, im going back to optus at the end of my contract
15 Feb 2011 06:36:05 AM: And its still down, no service at all for at least 25+ hours and counting.
What a joke.
What a joke.
15 Feb 2011 07:32:18 AM: i was told on the phone today that there may be another 48 hours till resolution.. GO figure!
15 Feb 2011 09:49:24 AM: any idea what the go is? im in wagga too and have no reception AGAIN today. when i rang vodafone, the fella said it would be resolved within the next 24hours, and that i should not panic because my handset is fine. i explained to him that i don't care about my handset, instead that i RELY on my phone for work purposes! so he said, "turn your phone off and on and it will work for you".....what a load of rubbish. of course that didn't fix the problem. think i should just pay out my contract and move on...
15 Feb 2011 11:44:25 AM: yep, i posted that comment up the top, it works in town, but as soon as i go past wagga high nothing, its a joke
15 Feb 2011 12:48:36 PM: I live in Tumut and still nothing. Pissin me off.
15575 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Over charge at 14 Feb 2011 06:30:23 PM
I'm on $29 cap 24 month contract, i have nearly $118 credit, but when I checked my balance, i still owe them $50 for extra usage, I have no idea...what is going. I called custoemr care, but put on hold until my battery ran flat. Voda FAILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
15573 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is cancelling tomorrow!! at 14 Feb 2011 05:18:09 PM
AFTER MONTHS AND MONTHS. I will FINALLY be free from Vodafone tomorrow, when I cancel both my contracts.
Whats the best service to go with aside from Vodafone and 3?? I only need a $29 cap, so I was thinking virgin, are they any good?
Any ideas?
Whats the best service to go with aside from Vodafone and 3?? I only need a $29 cap, so I was thinking virgin, are they any good?
Any ideas?
14 Feb 2011 06:04:06 PM: I have been with Virgin and never had a problem that they couldn't fix.
When I leave Vodafail I will consider them again.
When I leave Vodafail I will consider them again.
14 Feb 2011 06:27:48 PM: How would you say Virgins call centre(s) are? are they overseas? helpful?
or are they as a mess like vodafone?
or are they as a mess like vodafone?
14 Feb 2011 08:36:33 PM: I was with virgin just a few days ago , surprisingly I only don't get network coverage near my house , i am just 3 km from Melbourne CBD I was under the impression that the optus network was better than VHA network. But nope .. the only hope i have near my house is full coverage provided by telstra.
I have come to realize that telstra are a bit more expensive than all other providers. But the extra charge is justified because of network coverage ... problem free customer service ... one bill payment along with landlines, foxtel etc you get discounts... the best part it that you get the fastest browsing speed on your mobile compared to other providers.
I have come to realize that telstra are a bit more expensive than all other providers. But the extra charge is justified because of network coverage ... problem free customer service ... one bill payment along with landlines, foxtel etc you get discounts... the best part it that you get the fastest browsing speed on your mobile compared to other providers.
15572 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is hopeless at 14 Feb 2011 05:13:39 PM
I bought new mobile couple of months ago and I have been trying to register for MY VODAFONE since 02/12 but no success. I tried to contact customer service but the wait was too long and again no success. I have tried again today (14/02) and I have been told the MY VODAFONE website hasn't been working for a while and they are trying to fix it. It has been two months and they still can't fix the problem.
So I have requested since I won't be able to check my balance would they be willing to put call barring once I've reached my cap limit or warning message.I've been told they don't have the system setup for it and they asked me to sms 1512 to check my balance. According to them 1512 updates the info every 24 to 48 hrs. Fortunately I kept all my messages and I sent one on 27/01 and another one on 08/02, both of them have the exact same info,it didn't give me update information as they said. They are going to look into it and get back to me.
Also, while I was on the phone with VODAFONE, the line drop few times and I spent almost an hour just to get few info.
So I have requested since I won't be able to check my balance would they be willing to put call barring once I've reached my cap limit or warning message.I've been told they don't have the system setup for it and they asked me to sms 1512 to check my balance. According to them 1512 updates the info every 24 to 48 hrs. Fortunately I kept all my messages and I sent one on 27/01 and another one on 08/02, both of them have the exact same info,it didn't give me update information as they said. They are going to look into it and get back to me.
Also, while I was on the phone with VODAFONE, the line drop few times and I spent almost an hour just to get few info.
15571 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is VERY FAIL at 14 Feb 2011 05:05:31 PM
From December 2010 when I churned from Telstra (to Crazy Johns) I have had the following issues:
1) Little or no service in all areas of Perth
2) Cant make or receive calls in my house even though it shows full 3G coverage
3) SMS delayed by hours/days/weeks
4) "Network busy" or "Connection Error" messages on nearly every call I make
5) Calls lasting about 30 seconds then dropping out (in full 3g service)
6) Middle of the CBD showing 2 bars, non 3G
7) People call me but it goes straight to Voice Mail. VM SMS is delayed by hours/days/week
8) Customer service is crap. All I get it "turn the phone off" "turn it back on" or "please be wiping the sim card".
9) On hold to technical support for over 90 minutes (had to hang up eventually)
10) Can not understand the customer service person (speak english please...)
11) Days go past where I can not make calls (phone shows full service and full battery).
11) My wifes Vodafone phone has excatly the same problems so it is not my phone.
If you havent moved to Vodafone/Crazy John's and are thinking about it...
Go with someone else, Vodafone/Crazy John's are the worst provider ever!
1) Little or no service in all areas of Perth
2) Cant make or receive calls in my house even though it shows full 3G coverage
3) SMS delayed by hours/days/weeks
4) "Network busy" or "Connection Error" messages on nearly every call I make
5) Calls lasting about 30 seconds then dropping out (in full 3g service)
6) Middle of the CBD showing 2 bars, non 3G
7) People call me but it goes straight to Voice Mail. VM SMS is delayed by hours/days/week
8) Customer service is crap. All I get it "turn the phone off" "turn it back on" or "please be wiping the sim card".
9) On hold to technical support for over 90 minutes (had to hang up eventually)
10) Can not understand the customer service person (speak english please...)
11) Days go past where I can not make calls (phone shows full service and full battery).
11) My wifes Vodafone phone has excatly the same problems so it is not my phone.
If you havent moved to Vodafone/Crazy John's and are thinking about it...
Go with someone else, Vodafone/Crazy John's are the worst provider ever!
15570 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is nothing worse at 14 Feb 2011 05:00:18 PM
they ruined my credit rating, the contacted veda while i was paying off my bill, now i cant get a mortgage because of their 'mistake' to use their words. this happened in 2008 and i just found out now!
15569 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 14 Feb 2011 04:58:09 PM
No coverage, and on hold for too long. When you file a complain they tell you that it will take 10 business days to get back to us. WTF??? My company's probably losing money over this terrible service as well.
Congratulations, Vodafone.
Congratulations, Vodafone.
15568 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Totally vodaFAIL at 14 Feb 2011 04:14:58 PM
Lost business due to NO CARRIER messages, right in Clarkson, WA.
15567 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 14 Feb 2011 04:07:36 PM
what customer service?, icontinually dial 15555, to be told that i hve rung customer servicer & that i have to ring 15555, hello?
14 Feb 2011 05:31:55 PM: yes, I have been told same thing. I have rung 1555 and the customer service lady asked me to ring 1555..I told her I am ringing to 1555 and she said I've to speak to customer care not her...weird!!
15566 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is DISGUSTING! at 14 Feb 2011 02:28:17 PM
Had an $800 phone bill.... my partners was $100.... There is NO WAY on earth I could have used that much over my cap as ive just moved INTERSTATE to be closer to my man. I only call/txt him!
So i called up........ they tell me its correct its all DATA USAGE.. BULL SHT! Everytime for the past month I was txting 1512 to get my FREE bill balance and it was using the data allocated.. NO EXTRA CHARGES were on there EVER.
I told them this and that frankly I didnt believe it and i was extremely unhappy... he put me on hold to come back and tell me they ACCIDENTLY charged me $700 and he would credit it.
Oh....... and i also tell EVERYONE i possibly know how SH!T House vodafone are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So i called up........ they tell me its correct its all DATA USAGE.. BULL SHT! Everytime for the past month I was txting 1512 to get my FREE bill balance and it was using the data allocated.. NO EXTRA CHARGES were on there EVER.
I told them this and that frankly I didnt believe it and i was extremely unhappy... he put me on hold to come back and tell me they ACCIDENTLY charged me $700 and he would credit it.
Oh....... and i also tell EVERYONE i possibly know how SH!T House vodafone are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15565 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 100% FAIL! at 14 Feb 2011 02:27:22 PM
I have a brand new iphone 4 and am on the most expensive plan vodafone offer... I can't access the net, calls constantly drop out, i'm ALWAYS getting outbid on ebay because the service drops in and out constantly!!! WTF am i supposed to do when all they do is tell me to reset my settings... I'm going to keep complaining until they do something about this!!!!