Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
15079 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is wireless broadband on contract at 1 Feb 2011 06:55:00 PM
Contacted Vodafone on 26 August 2010 because on average my wireless broadband connection is 5 kilobytes per second, a lot of the time it has 0 bytes per second. I was told to ring Vodafone, tell Lara to connect me to Data Services but when I did
a) there is no option for Data Services
b) I got transferred to someone who spoke bad English and had to shout DATA SERVICES 3 times
c) was put on hold until I had to go back to work as I called during my break.
Honestly, does anyone have any idea how I can get out of this 24-month contract? It feels like I'm giving my hard-earned money for a service I am not getting!!!!
a) there is no option for Data Services
b) I got transferred to someone who spoke bad English and had to shout DATA SERVICES 3 times
c) was put on hold until I had to go back to work as I called during my break.
Honestly, does anyone have any idea how I can get out of this 24-month contract? It feels like I'm giving my hard-earned money for a service I am not getting!!!!
15078 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Shooockers at 1 Feb 2011 06:52:39 PM
took my newish sony phone to them a few years ago and gess what $100 later it was fixed
altought when i got home nada nothing
took it back staff said come back to morrow
2 days later i get there no phone diffrent staff
all staff member walked
with mine and about 10 others phones
lucky i hadent had time to put my contact in
or lots of people would have it
complined to comms onbuds man dont give a shit i had recipts the lot
600.00 dollors of my hard eanrd money down the drain + the hundred and the calls 200 minutes to voda staff unreal hey pathitic and Crule
so i swaped carrier and tell others alot about this shop that was in melbourne
it cesesd to exist after not to long
WHOOPS!!! s.s
altought when i got home nada nothing
took it back staff said come back to morrow
2 days later i get there no phone diffrent staff
all staff member walked
with mine and about 10 others phones
lucky i hadent had time to put my contact in
or lots of people would have it
complined to comms onbuds man dont give a shit i had recipts the lot
600.00 dollors of my hard eanrd money down the drain + the hundred and the calls 200 minutes to voda staff unreal hey pathitic and Crule
so i swaped carrier and tell others alot about this shop that was in melbourne
it cesesd to exist after not to long
WHOOPS!!! s.s
15076 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Digusting!!! at 1 Feb 2011 06:14:46 PM
I am seriously so mad at those call center in India. I've called Blackberry Technical team today and try to resolve my problem as I can't receive emails on my Blackberry. I was waited for 40mins and by the time the call was answered it was 755PM. I was asked my name and I was told they are closed and call back.
I was so angry and I told him that you are still open as it's only 755PM, 5 more mins and you can't expect me to call back tomorrow at wait for another 40mins. He refused to help me and insisted me to callback tomorrow. I was yelling at him and said I want to speak to his supervisor and he refused to transfer the call but terminated my call.
Vodafone is useless!!!!
I was so angry and I told him that you are still open as it's only 755PM, 5 more mins and you can't expect me to call back tomorrow at wait for another 40mins. He refused to help me and insisted me to callback tomorrow. I was yelling at him and said I want to speak to his supervisor and he refused to transfer the call but terminated my call.
Vodafone is useless!!!!
15075 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Major Headaches at 1 Feb 2011 05:54:10 PM
why does my reception tell me Emergency calls only,then something about my sim card is missing , i try to call a friend the phone is tryin to call the number then i get the signal the call has been disconnected i cant even hear the telephone on the end end ring let alone get disconnected these people have major problems they need to fix.
today i went into store to ask when my contract finishes and he couldnt even give me a date all he kept sayin to me was its finishing this month well what date answer this month and would i like to update i dont want an update beacuse there service is rubbish unreal
today i went into store to ask when my contract finishes and he couldnt even give me a date all he kept sayin to me was its finishing this month well what date answer this month and would i like to update i dont want an update beacuse there service is rubbish unreal
15074 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Hugely at 1 Feb 2011 05:41:38 PM
I have been with Voda from day one. In the last 12 months I have noticed a marked drop in area coverage. It can happen happen at any place or any time...I will look at my phone when it lights up, only to see it display 'No Service' on the screen. I'm over it!
Not good enough voda! I pay for this service, yet you aren't keeping up your end of the contract.
Not good enough voda! I pay for this service, yet you aren't keeping up your end of the contract.
15073 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is EXTREME FAIL at 1 Feb 2011 05:31:06 PM
I was with another carrier and wished i never left. Since being with Vodafone my calls drop out I cant get reception and I cannot download messages from people especially photo messages. The message I keep getting when trying to download the photo message is Generic network failure. I hate Vodafone and when my contract is up I will be returning to the other carrier. Each time I speak to them about calls dropping out apparently I am going through a BLACK SPOT so apparently I am constantly in a BLACK SPOT whatever Vodafone/Vodafail you will always cover your arse and try to waffle us with BS.
15072 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Coverage at 1 Feb 2011 05:29:03 PM
This evening i was driving thru the Melbourne CBD, driving down Russell St and had NO coverage whatsoever! Not a little bit of service, not 1 bar but absolutely NO coverage at the heart of Melbourne City!!! WTF???? That's crazy...i wasn't in the country, i wasn't in an underground carpark, i wasn't anywhere obscure...i was driving thru the middle if the Melbourne CBD, and had nothing. How can they still be operational as a provider....if they can't even provide a basic coverage!!!
15071 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No Service at 1 Feb 2011 05:18:19 PM
No service has cost me a real estate deal as I had a property going to auction this evening.
15067 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 3G slow, slow, slow at 1 Feb 2011 04:25:33 PM
Well I read everyones input and did it. I did not want to as changing telco's is inconvenient at best, especially when you have been with 1 provider for over 10 years+. But no longer could I put up with almost non-existent 3G coverage at Bankstown Airport, Parramatta and Castle Hill. Rang Vodafone (all politely), investigated, confirmed 'low signal areas', thence no argument exit from contract with 11 months remaining. No penalty. iPhone offer to keep at $386 but no thanks. Rang Telstra. Within 10 minutes was all signed up to Next G. Phones arrive in 48 hours and numbers will be ported. Vodafone graciously gave me 8 days to find a new provider for which I thank them. It ended up being painless but still inconvenient.
15065 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 1 Feb 2011 03:27:18 PM
For 3 and a half hours today there was no internet AT ALL! No laptop, no mobile - nothing at all. I was on hold for 22 mins then go disconnected. Called again, on hold 24 mins and disconected again. This is ridickulous! I am so so sick of waiting for over 20mins when I have been a loyal customer for 11 years!!! Get your act together Vodaphone!!!!!!!!
1 Feb 2011 04:33:55 PM: loyalty doesnt count for poo as far as vodacrap is concerned, head to another network, enjoy the difference
1 Feb 2011 06:32:27 PM: needs your waiting times to illustrate the unacceptable and excessive waiting times experienced from Customer Care.
Please use the On Hold Again? located at the top of the page to record your experience.
If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
Please use the On Hold Again? located at the top of the page to record your experience.
If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
15064 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 1 Feb 2011 03:27:11 PM
My partner and I both were signed up for a 24 month plan with 3G iPhones on $99/month plans. The problem we both have is that we can only gain reception approximately 10-15 % of the time despite being in a area that is supposed to have coverage not only in our area Pacific Pines but in numerous other Gold Coast locations.
We are at our wits end having made numerous complaints to Vodafone with no success and out of frustration reported the situation to the QLD Telecommunications Ombudsman
We ask a very simple question - How can Vodafone ethically and morally charge good money for a service that is sub-standard to non-existant?
Please tell us how we can join in the current legal class action against this company
Frustrated, Pacific Pines Gold Coast QLD
We are at our wits end having made numerous complaints to Vodafone with no success and out of frustration reported the situation to the QLD Telecommunications Ombudsman
We ask a very simple question - How can Vodafone ethically and morally charge good money for a service that is sub-standard to non-existant?
Please tell us how we can join in the current legal class action against this company
Frustrated, Pacific Pines Gold Coast QLD
1 Feb 2011 04:12:43 PM: Ethically Vodafone have no problems at all charging you full tilt, because they have no morals, principles or ethics. Lodge complaint wit tio, you could be with another network in 2 weeks. I did and I thoroughly reconmend Telstra (only on coverage and reliability, have no idea what customer service is like)
1 Feb 2011 06:31:25 PM: Hi there, I live fairly near you guys in the Gold Coast and the Vodafone reception is poor (being charitable here) to say the least.
Have you seen the How To Complain? tab at the top of the page?
The tab contains all the information you need (including the Class action details) to escalate your issues further. needs your waiting times to illustrate the unacceptable and excessive waiting times experienced from Customer Care.
Please use the On Hold Again? located at the top of the page to record your experience.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
Have you seen the How To Complain? tab at the top of the page?
The tab contains all the information you need (including the Class action details) to escalate your issues further. needs your waiting times to illustrate the unacceptable and excessive waiting times experienced from Customer Care.
Please use the On Hold Again? located at the top of the page to record your experience.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
15062 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is it's not how much it's just plain vodaFAIL at 1 Feb 2011 03:16:18 PM
so i have to admit for the last couple of weeks i've actually managed alright services.. i'm one of the lucky few. Had a couple of hiccups with the 3g and push msging.
and prior to that i put another complaint here about the fact that i can't call or receive calls from 4 different handsets that all show full bars of reception.
anyway so today i was sitting in a training seminar for the whole day... no 3g reception at all despite the fun telling me otherwise...
i've now been trying to use my 3g for the last ... 90 minutes but still nothing...
i reckon that we should define vodafail as:
failures that cross state or national boundaries, kinda like epic fails -.-
and prior to that i put another complaint here about the fact that i can't call or receive calls from 4 different handsets that all show full bars of reception.
anyway so today i was sitting in a training seminar for the whole day... no 3g reception at all despite the fun telling me otherwise...
i've now been trying to use my 3g for the last ... 90 minutes but still nothing...
i reckon that we should define vodafail as:
failures that cross state or national boundaries, kinda like epic fails -.-
1 Feb 2011 03:18:21 PM: i posted this originally at 440pm on the report page.. but no i'll add that i've been unable to call out or receive for the last 2 hours as well now...
currently says i have 3 bars AND 3G..
i'm thinking i should ring Voda and tell them to change their towers or maybe it's just a card problem for them too?
currently says i have 3 bars AND 3G..
i'm thinking i should ring Voda and tell them to change their towers or maybe it's just a card problem for them too?
15061 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 1 Feb 2011 03:01:22 PM
Both me and my wife are with vodafone. The problem is even if you have full bar reception the call still goes to my voicemail, and I will only get the voicemail hours/days later. To compound the problem my wife is a Doctor and when she is on call she is expected to make life decisions. Well guess what is never gets the call, an issue that got her into trouble with the hospital that she is covering. Not to say we live in the bush, we are in metropolitan sydney
1 Feb 2011 04:33:45 PM: I am medical as well. Informed Vodafone of this. After checking my coverage area they agreed that it was 'low'. Allowed contract exit without penalty.
15060 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is very poor reception at 1 Feb 2011 02:49:09 PM
Called vodafone to complain and to be let out of our contract and they refused. told us it would be a fee of $800 for both phones to be released from our contract! tried to argue that they are not providing the service we pay for. i barely get reception in my house and a lot of time no reception. my husband works out at ranger and only get reception in certain areas of the mine. they told us we could switch to 3 and that would give us better coverage. has anyone else tried this and gotten better recpeption?
15059 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor & No Reception at 1 Feb 2011 02:42:14 PM
I have recently left Vodafone since their reception has been so bad. I was charged $700 to exit my 24m plan!
This is disgraceful and i will tell you why:
1. I rang them 7 separate times waiting from 7min to 45min without getting in contact with one employee! So i had to leave without being able to complain and since i pay with automatic payments I couldn't even negotiate and now they have my money and I will have to fight to get it back.
2. Their 3G service has been terrible since day one and has become unusable at worst and patchy at best.
3. I can't use their service at home?
4. There are 2 exact cutout points on the way to work!
Terrible service and they need some serious work to get their reputation back in order!
This is disgraceful and i will tell you why:
1. I rang them 7 separate times waiting from 7min to 45min without getting in contact with one employee! So i had to leave without being able to complain and since i pay with automatic payments I couldn't even negotiate and now they have my money and I will have to fight to get it back.
2. Their 3G service has been terrible since day one and has become unusable at worst and patchy at best.
3. I can't use their service at home?
4. There are 2 exact cutout points on the way to work!
Terrible service and they need some serious work to get their reputation back in order!
15056 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Can't make a call in my apartment at 1 Feb 2011 02:34:29 PM
Can hardly get any reception at all in my apartment in Teneriffe, Brisbane 4005. 2kms from the CBD. Was told I need a new sim card. Sigh......
15055 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bad sales member at 1 Feb 2011 02:08:17 PM
Being into a shop in the TGV, the big vodafone store. the shop members name is Lawrence, bad service, not motivated at all.
15054 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Epic at 1 Feb 2011 01:55:48 PM
Been with them for nearly 10 years. Started noticing frequent network coverage dropouts about 6 months ago. Just put up with it. Started taking screenshots in December 2010 whenever I lost service. Now have >60 images documenting lost service since 20 December. That's almost twice per day! Sent two email complaints 18th 20th January. No response. Rang on 27th. On hold for 40 minutes. Was told someone would get back to me within 24-48 hours. Still waiting. Raised complaint to TIO 31st January. Porting to another provider on 2nd Feb irrespective of response as am completely fed up.
1 Feb 2011 04:43:42 PM: dont jump the gun, it only tokk me about 10 days to be let out of 2 contracts. otherwise those mongrels will go after you to pay out your contract
2 Feb 2011 01:53:33 PM: Thanks for the tip. So are you saying I should wait to get it resolved with VF before I activate the port?
15053 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Mostly Fail at 1 Feb 2011 01:53:20 PM
I just joined vodafone last week, and got my new iphone 4 and vodafone sim in the mail yesterday.. All excited I opened it up. popped the sim in and turned it on to give it a run!
my previous phone was a iphone 3gs with telstra prepaid which has FULL bars and reception at my house on the Gold coast.
Once the phone booted I was shocked to see that I had between 1 bar and no service anywhere in my house!! so i started browsing the web and found out the truth!
I also catch the train to work and cannot use the internet at all while on the train, its just dead with mostly no service. :(
This is not what i signed a 24 month contract for, not at all.
is there a way i can cancel the contract?? like some sort of grace period?
my previous phone was a iphone 3gs with telstra prepaid which has FULL bars and reception at my house on the Gold coast.
Once the phone booted I was shocked to see that I had between 1 bar and no service anywhere in my house!! so i started browsing the web and found out the truth!
I also catch the train to work and cannot use the internet at all while on the train, its just dead with mostly no service. :(
This is not what i signed a 24 month contract for, not at all.
is there a way i can cancel the contract?? like some sort of grace period?
1 Feb 2011 03:25:30 PM: Ryan, not totally sure if there is a grace period but there are new laws available to protect the consumer since 1st January 2011
Oddly enough I found these new laws on the soon to be number three mobile provider for Australia, Virgin Mobile.
Check them out here especially bullet point 4 about goods being fit for purpose.
Otherwise you may have to start with Vodafone, do it sooner not later!!
There is also the TIO details found at the top of the page on the How To Complain tab, good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
Oddly enough I found these new laws on the soon to be number three mobile provider for Australia, Virgin Mobile.
Check them out here especially bullet point 4 about goods being fit for purpose.
Otherwise you may have to start with Vodafone, do it sooner not later!!
There is also the TIO details found at the top of the page on the How To Complain tab, good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
2 Feb 2011 10:51:00 AM: Virgin number 3 telco? That's a little bit of an odd thing to claim, for starters they aren't even a full telco, just an Optus reseller effectively. Then there's the "3rd" part, even if VHA lost every one of the Vodafail complaints that would be .3% of the total customer base, not exactly a massive loss.
2 Feb 2011 01:25:43 PM: Mate, what don't you understand about 'soon to be number three mobile provider for Australia'?
I never said they were the number three.
Just out of interest what constitutes a 'massive loss' in your eyes, 3%, 5%, 10%, 30% ?
I would lay odds that the CEO of Vodafone would be well peeved to lose 3% of his customer base. Moderation Team
I never said they were the number three.
Just out of interest what constitutes a 'massive loss' in your eyes, 3%, 5%, 10%, 30% ?
I would lay odds that the CEO of Vodafone would be well peeved to lose 3% of his customer base. Moderation Team
2 Feb 2011 01:59:28 PM: For starters, I was more referring to your comment rather then stating that you said they were number 3, I should have been clearer in that, however the rest of my post still stands, they aren't a full telco, and that it would take a lot more then .3% to shift VHA below Virgin. As for what I would see as a massive loss that's irrelevant, as to what the CEO would feel about losing 3% (not .3%) you would have to ask him, but I would say the loss of the headache this site provides would be substantial.
Think of it this way, if everyone of these customer left (and more) would it outweigh the cost of all the bad PR this minority provides? You asked my opinion and as irrelevant as it is, I'd sacrifice 3% to remove the bad press, you would regain it fairly quickly once they sort their shot out.
Also first response from a moderator that's actually had a bit of bite to it, good to see not every post is a copy paste job.
Think of it this way, if everyone of these customer left (and more) would it outweigh the cost of all the bad PR this minority provides? You asked my opinion and as irrelevant as it is, I'd sacrifice 3% to remove the bad press, you would regain it fairly quickly once they sort their shot out.
Also first response from a moderator that's actually had a bit of bite to it, good to see not every post is a copy paste job.
2 Feb 2011 02:08:15 PM: Just for numbers sake, according to the Wiki's for both companies, VHA has 7 million customers and Virgin has 500,000. So VHA would need to lose 92% of it's customer base for Virgin to overtake.
2 Feb 2011 03:06:32 PM: @ 2 Feb 2011 03:59:28 PM: So help me out here, what does, in your opinion, constitute a full telco?
I agree with your comment about asking the CEO if 0.3% is a massive loss, so really that would be an unknown quantity as neither of us know what the CEO would be thinking, yes?
There have been many surveys performed about poor service experiences in the past and several have always indicated that personal recommendation (or lack of) is a strong motivator for people to decide on a service to choose, I for one have easily talked 9 potential customers out of using Vodafone, if they tell one other person each..........and so on.
Finally to clarify we (mods) are all people who volunteer our time freely on, we all have full time jobs, careers and families.
@ 2 Feb 2011 04:08:15 PM: I wonder what Wiki would read in 2 years time? (personally I have my reservations about Wiki but hey ho). Moderation Team
I agree with your comment about asking the CEO if 0.3% is a massive loss, so really that would be an unknown quantity as neither of us know what the CEO would be thinking, yes?
There have been many surveys performed about poor service experiences in the past and several have always indicated that personal recommendation (or lack of) is a strong motivator for people to decide on a service to choose, I for one have easily talked 9 potential customers out of using Vodafone, if they tell one other person each..........and so on.
Finally to clarify we (mods) are all people who volunteer our time freely on, we all have full time jobs, careers and families.
@ 2 Feb 2011 04:08:15 PM: I wonder what Wiki would read in 2 years time? (personally I have my reservations about Wiki but hey ho). Moderation Team
2 Feb 2011 03:21:12 PM: A full telco would be a Telco that actually has it's own infrastructure, and doesn't piggy back/resell off another network. Vodafone was the third Telco to obtain a license from the government, the other 2 being obviously Telstra and Optus.
In terms of telling people not to join a telco that effects growth rates, retention rates would be effected by losing existing customers, so as the numbers say VHA would need to lose 6.5million customers for Virgin in it's current state to overtake.
Personally, I'd avoid Virgin and stick with Telstra, it's a stable network as they invested the money long time ago, judging by that trend, VHA with current plans should catch Telstra's current coverage in a few years time, chances are the 4G network by that stage.
Gotta remember what history shows us, all telcos go through this stage, Telstra did, Optus are just getting out of theirs now, and eventually Vodafone will too.
In terms of telling people not to join a telco that effects growth rates, retention rates would be effected by losing existing customers, so as the numbers say VHA would need to lose 6.5million customers for Virgin in it's current state to overtake.
Personally, I'd avoid Virgin and stick with Telstra, it's a stable network as they invested the money long time ago, judging by that trend, VHA with current plans should catch Telstra's current coverage in a few years time, chances are the 4G network by that stage.
Gotta remember what history shows us, all telcos go through this stage, Telstra did, Optus are just getting out of theirs now, and eventually Vodafone will too.
2 Feb 2011 03:50:24 PM: Is your definition of a full Telco entirely correct? I thought they leased one another's towers and that is common practice, are you also suggesting that Virgin do not have a licence from the Government?
Agree with the growth rates statement, judging by the number of customers on here who have expressed their opinions the retention rates are also subject to loss.
Consider that (customers):
1/ Not every one knows about this site
2/ Not every one has access to the internet
3/ Many people will just sit and watch from the sidelines for the activists to force the changes
4/ Many people will sit on the network fence in the hope that things will improve prior to the end of their contracts
5/ The silent majority are as they suggest.......silent.
Time will tell.
Enjoy the rest of your day! Moderation Team
Agree with the growth rates statement, judging by the number of customers on here who have expressed their opinions the retention rates are also subject to loss.
Consider that (customers):
1/ Not every one knows about this site
2/ Not every one has access to the internet
3/ Many people will just sit and watch from the sidelines for the activists to force the changes
4/ Many people will sit on the network fence in the hope that things will improve prior to the end of their contracts
5/ The silent majority are as they suggest.......silent.
Time will tell.
Enjoy the rest of your day! Moderation Team
2 Feb 2011 04:40:28 PM: The government licensing is more about the infrastructure/towers etc, all the little resellers are still classed as Telco's, so I don't mean that Virgin are an irregularity nor somehow illegal, more that they don't gave their own towers, only the big 3 have their own towers and if them Vodafone was the last one to get that privilege.
Also I hope I'm not coming across as a Vodafone apologist, it's more I've dealt with a lot o the Telco's and they are all as bad as eachother when it comes to customer service, network wise Telstra is ahead leaps and bounds, Optus still have a ways to go, and that lies the issue with Virgin. Optus have the most resellers using their network so they are also inclined to have congestions issues as well. I think the report made by this site is one of the best presentations of issues, it relays all the facts you've gathered but doesn't take a bad tone to it, if only more posts were like the report.
Also I hope I'm not coming across as a Vodafone apologist, it's more I've dealt with a lot o the Telco's and they are all as bad as eachother when it comes to customer service, network wise Telstra is ahead leaps and bounds, Optus still have a ways to go, and that lies the issue with Virgin. Optus have the most resellers using their network so they are also inclined to have congestions issues as well. I think the report made by this site is one of the best presentations of issues, it relays all the facts you've gathered but doesn't take a bad tone to it, if only more posts were like the report.
15052 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is To the point of no return at 1 Feb 2011 01:52:16 PM
Since taking out a 24 month contract, I've experienced data drop out issues, emails working one day and not the next, and the horrendous customer support just makes me cringe when I think about the next 18 months until I'm released from the contract. Their customer support is the biggest time wasters! There's no help their support staff can provide that can't be found on their website. Very frustrating for me to have done my homework, tried all else to no avail, wait at least 30 minutes in the process of being passed around the world, then confronted by a poorly English speaking staff who obviously, is doing the same as what I have done, while I wait.
Numerous calls back and forth, hours and days later, ironically due to poor network coverage while I'm complaing about data drop outs, still no resolution. And when I insist on obtaining a call reference number, asked to speak to their supervisor to escalate my issues, (because clearly they are just wasting my time), to my infuriation, I got hung up on!!!
Numerous calls back and forth, hours and days later, ironically due to poor network coverage while I'm complaing about data drop outs, still no resolution. And when I insist on obtaining a call reference number, asked to speak to their supervisor to escalate my issues, (because clearly they are just wasting my time), to my infuriation, I got hung up on!!!
1 Feb 2011 01:55:22 PM: And if I could kill Lara, I would!
15051 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is EXTREME FAIL at 1 Feb 2011 01:25:03 PM
Ridiculous mobile broadband coverage today. Managed to load this page & that's it. Been trying since 9am and have had to advise work that I would not be available today (third time in a month) as I cannot get online! Wonder if Vodafone can contact my boss and explain the situation... AND reimburse me for missed wages!!!
15050 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is roaming charges when fone not in use. at 1 Feb 2011 01:00:07 PM
beside drop calls and no service since day one i bought the fone over a yr a go, but never complaint to vodafone.. i now been bill for $1783.23 for roaming which i was on overseas trip last few weeks but the point is i was never use my fone and fone was off the whole time.. only when i was in wi fi area and fully detected wi fi that's when i use my fone for web browser but by saying that i dont browse to long max 5mins but in the end i got bill for $1783.23 and i have been calling vodafone customer service but they are very bad in handling calls, i and have to wait at least 30mins minimum before i can get throught to customer service and i then got transfer to few diff areas but still no one can help me in resolving my matter.
i have contacted TIO and hoping they can help. i am willing to participate in suing vodafone and very happy to see i am not alone.
cant wait to get out my cotnract with vodafone this July.
i have contacted TIO and hoping they can help. i am willing to participate in suing vodafone and very happy to see i am not alone.
cant wait to get out my cotnract with vodafone this July.
1 Feb 2011 01:41:12 PM: they did a similar thing to me.fuckers
1 Feb 2011 01:41:55 PM: what the hell. i replied and it turned into all those random letters?!?!
1 Feb 2011 01:49:23 PM: Hi, Apologies for that, we we're in the middle of an update to the website. Your reply has been corrected.
1 Feb 2011 01:54:02 PM: And FCUK Lara!
15049 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is to the xtreme at 1 Feb 2011 12:39:12 PM
i've had coverage and network problems for about 7 months now, i've had my phone repaired and replaced. nothing helps and again i'm stuck in suburbia with no coverage and work hassling me over not answering my phone. i was billed back in december for using the gps on my phone in which i need coverage to use to the extent of $80! i know with no shadow of a doubt that i had no coverage during the day that i was billed for.
now i have to pay that to get out of my contract. Vodafone is crap and i'm sick of their excuses.
now i have to pay that to get out of my contract. Vodafone is crap and i'm sick of their excuses.
15048 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is roaming charges at 1 Feb 2011 12:32:40 PM
beside drop calls and no service since day one i bought the fone over a yr a go, but never complaint to vodafone.. i now been bill for $1783.23 for roaming which i was on overseas trip last few weeks but the point is i was never use my fone and fone was off the whole time.. only when i was in wi fi area and fully detected wi fi that's when i use my fone for web browser but by saying that i dont browse to long max 5mins but in the end i got bill for $1783.23 and i have been calling vodafone customer service but they are very bad in handling calls, i and have to wait at least 30mins minimum before i can get throught to customer service and i then got transfer to few diff areas but still no one can help me in resolving my matter.
i have contacted TIO and hoping they can help. i am willing to participate in suing vodafone and very happy to see i am not alone.
i have contacted TIO and hoping they can help. i am willing to participate in suing vodafone and very happy to see i am not alone.
15047 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is UBER FAIL AGAIN at 1 Feb 2011 12:23:11 PM
There is currently NO 3G coverage in most of SA and Vic.
15046 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is worst at 1 Feb 2011 12:16:20 PM
I cant make calls or recieve them, once i called customer care, we went through all different ways to fix the problem, HOWEVER MY PHONE STILL WONT MAKE CALLS OR RECIEVE THEM!, I now have to wait a week before i have any news on the matter.
15045 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is coverage at 1 Feb 2011 12:06:03 PM
Their coverage maps & store staff told me we had both wireless modem & mobile phone coverage.Signed up for both only to find once home nothing worked.Called them on the landline (2hrs to get through) with the advice to walk around outside till we found a 'sweet spot'.Now with Optus wireless internet & telstra mobile.Why the lies about their coverage?
15043 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Vodafone unfones Egyptians at 1 Feb 2011 10:49:29 AM
An executive at London-based Vodafone Group PLC explained Friday morning that it did indeed have a role in the phone and Internet blackout affecting Egypt since Thursday night, confirming speculation that the firm had cooperated with the regime to close off protesters' communications.
The Raw Story
The Raw Story
15042 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is call dropping, phone freeze, battery not lasting long -- what not at 1 Feb 2011 09:36:10 AM
Hi, I am new to this but got issues with vodafone since i moved to them, story start with a Direct sales person called us to port our all three optus mobile to vodafone as business plan and will offer us iphone4 with $5 monthly repayment and $250 (each mobile) welcome credit as we advice them we are in contract-- all promises made to us what possible in this world. we got the phone and i told the person not to port untill i say to you as running business cant afford to lose business, but without information phone were disc (as they ported to vodafone) --- called optus but they said its disc as ported out--called sales person he said i dont know call Vodafone-- called them no reply-- called optus but they said its disc as ported out--was without service for almost 15 hrs-- then no credits were applied and i end up with getting huge bills-- finally called TIO-- who took action and got call from Vodafone and got some resolution to it-- but now THERE NETWORK IS PAIN IN A..S
everytime calls drops and phone freezes, cant use data as its dead slow..
my usage never updates so dont know what credit i left with for billing period..
everytime calls drops and phone freezes, cant use data as its dead slow..
my usage never updates so dont know what credit i left with for billing period..
15041 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is FAIL MULTIPLIED BY INFINITY at 1 Feb 2011 08:51:50 AM
15040 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is VERY at 1 Feb 2011 08:43:45 AM
I am so sick of the lack of coverage and service we get, my husband and i are both with vodafone, and cant wait to change, however unless we want to payout our contracts we are stuck till the end of the year.
It can take me up to 10 times to try and make a call as i repeatedly get the connection error on my phone, i can be sitting in the same place and watch my phone go from full service to no service, i can be sitting there watching my phone which has full service and all of a sudden receive a message that i have a missed call, as somone has tried to call me and been told i have my phone off.
Due to the lack of service, the calls dropping out, the connection errors etc my home phone bill has gone up as i now just use that instead, so i wonder if i will get any compensation from vodafone for that, NO.
I pay (& hubby is on a higher plan) heaps each months so that i can make the calls i need to make, but i am sick of the calls dropping out and having to make them again.
I have been with them for 10 years and the last few have been getting worse and worse, i can guarantee you that as soon as i can get out of the contract i will be taking mine and hubbys phone elsewhere.
It can take me up to 10 times to try and make a call as i repeatedly get the connection error on my phone, i can be sitting in the same place and watch my phone go from full service to no service, i can be sitting there watching my phone which has full service and all of a sudden receive a message that i have a missed call, as somone has tried to call me and been told i have my phone off.
Due to the lack of service, the calls dropping out, the connection errors etc my home phone bill has gone up as i now just use that instead, so i wonder if i will get any compensation from vodafone for that, NO.
I pay (& hubby is on a higher plan) heaps each months so that i can make the calls i need to make, but i am sick of the calls dropping out and having to make them again.
I have been with them for 10 years and the last few have been getting worse and worse, i can guarantee you that as soon as i can get out of the contract i will be taking mine and hubbys phone elsewhere.
15039 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is gigantic, epic fail at 1 Feb 2011 08:29:42 AM
im with vodafones sister company grl, after swithcing from optus to grl i have been completly unsatisfied! continuos connection errors, no service, line drop outs and credit dissapering with no explanation from vodafone as to where it went, were paying for crap and theyr stealing our money!!!
15038 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic fail! at 1 Feb 2011 08:04:47 AM
I am prepaid, I have had the service cutting out since nov 25th, my phone keeps cutting out saying 'connection error', people have been trying to call me and my phone has reception yet the caller gets the message saying I have my phone off?!?!?! Not good comparing I have a business to run! I am pregnant with mine and my Fiance's second child, it's a complicated pregnancy AND I have an extremely ill family member who I am Next Of Kin for! I spoke to Vodaphone multiple times, keep getting told there is nothing they can do, I have filmed my phone showing that I have waited minimum of 45 minutes each time, what can I do?
1 Feb 2011 11:21:07 AM: Complain to the TIO. Details can be found in the 'How to complain' tab above. Good luck
1 Feb 2011 01:47:31 PM: if you are prepaid cant you switch companys?
15037 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is No data.... at 1 Feb 2011 08:02:28 AM
1 Feb 2011 08:10:47 AM: does anyone know if this is South Australia only, or is it in the rest of the country as well?
if it's Australia wide I am SO HAPPY I left vodafone over the weekend!!!!
if it's Australia wide I am SO HAPPY I left vodafone over the weekend!!!!
1 Feb 2011 09:13:41 AM: Vodafone lists network information on their website but it looks like they have no idea if there are problems:
1 Feb 2011 03:52:20 PM: Pretty much Australia Wide...The Vodafone Network in general. Moderation Team Moderation Team
15036 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Extreme at 1 Feb 2011 07:46:16 AM
Apart from the call drop outs, delay in voicemail delivery and the frustration of spending numerous hours on hold, I have been dealing with outgoing email problems from my Iphone which was recommended by Vodafone to purchase in 2008. It started over 7 months ago I would receive emails from my host server but when ever I replied or sent an email from the Iphone it went into Cyber Space. It took a little while before I realised my emails were not being received. I am self employed and therefore rely heavily on what package Vodafone sales team sold to me. Vodafone firstly told me that it was my problem as no one else was experiencing these types of problems and I must have done something to cause this issue. After further waiting on the phone with Vodafone customer service representitives and being told it was not Vodafone but my host company problem, I then spent many hours with my host company trying to assist me without success. Vodafone finally admitted their fault, it was a major spam problem they had experienced causing the problem. The rep told me they were working on it and should not take to long before going back to normal. After waiting a few more weeks I went through the same old Vodafone frustrating contact process (hours and days on hold)and was told to use an alternative website to reply to my emails. This worked for about a 3 days then I started having the same problems again with their recommendations!! Please note, I have always paid my bill on time during this whole frustrating ordeal. All of my calls were naturally recorded by Vodafone, and all correspondence updated on my account, this showed a conversation I had with them stating they would contact me when this problem was rectified before the next billing cycle but they would inform me as their top international tech team were being flown into Australia to fix it. During Christmas they barred my out going calls, I was interstate on holidays and sat on the phone for 6 hours over 2 days trying to talk to someone from Vodafone. Finally spoke to a rep who understood my frustration and returned my phone to operational status as he was over the constant failure of Vodafone. Minor compensation has been offered along the way in the form of a $25 reduction in my bill!! I have not mentioned many other occassions I have been on the phone to Vodafone as this message would be longer then the Harry Potter novel. I spoke to a tech just recently who now said the problem only effects the Iphone so I should look at getting a Blackberry, when I mentioned considering it was Vodafone who told me to purchase 6 Iphones originally what could they offer given the inconvenience, his answer was "nothing as it is your choice". Ps my outgoing emails are still not operational even with all of their recommendations.
(Personal Details removed)
(Personal Details removed)
1 Feb 2011 08:40:44 AM: Richard I have had to removed your personal details. Moderation Team Moderation Team
15035 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 1 Feb 2011 07:41:54 AM
Are you serious. A whole Day of no internet access due to what? Scheduled maintenance. And what notice were we given?
15034 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 1 Feb 2011 07:29:34 AM
I have poor reception, I could understand if I lived in the country but I don't I live in Elizabeth Bay and work in The Rocks. We are not living in a 3rd world country, how does this happen and why wont they fix it.
15033 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is On hold for 50 mins at 1 Feb 2011 07:25:13 AM
After being put on hold for 50 mins, I have finally given up. Vodaphone sucks for sure. So here I am with a modem on contract paying 40 dollars a month and yet it doesn't work
15032 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Ultra Fail at 1 Feb 2011 07:04:54 AM
I've been released by VodaFail from my contract!!! Barely 2 months on a 24 month hell! Woohoo!!! I'll have to return my handsets though. Not a problem as I will get new ones upon signing up with another telco anyways. I moved a number to Virgin, another to Optus and the remaining 2 to Telstra. FREEEEEDDDDOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!
15031 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is broadband services that don't work at 1 Feb 2011 06:57:30 AM
I have been having problems connecting to internet using vodaphone mobile broadband and believe it or not, their help desk has put me on hold for the last 40mins. Am still waiting for someone to speak to me as I write this note
1 Feb 2011 07:04:51 AM: 40 minutes - is that all??
You still possibly have a lot more to wait and then the coup de grace, the moment you start to talk to get cut off!
You still possibly have a lot more to wait and then the coup de grace, the moment you start to talk to get cut off!
15030 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is shocking at 1 Feb 2011 05:57:27 AM
I've been with Voda for as long as I can remember never had a problem at all until Dec 10 when all of a sudden no service,searching,dropped calls,ten hr wait on sms ect. I went to Voda store got a new sim 3 times before I found out about this site. I finally got thru to the 1555 number after trying for weeks then giving up when 2 weeks ago my service was actually quite good, full reception on 3g, then of course it lasted bout 4 days then back to crap.Voda said yesterday they would check it out and I would have to wait 5-6 working days to see what happens. BUT a question I'm pre paid with a iphone 3gs that is locked to Voda but I bought outright Will they unlocked my phone if it's proven the reception is crap???
15029 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is absolute s@@t at 31 Jan 2011 10:56:46 PM
I can understand people swearing and being angry,its exactly what you do when you are being robbed by criminals.
Its taken me all day to get connected to the internet via the @hithouse usb stick.
What i cant understand is why the authorities are still allowing these criminals to advertise on the radio/tv drawing in unsuspecting honest australians.
This organisation has to be stopped as its getting out of control.
I do understand vodafone reps falsely posting on here quoting that there is nothing wrong with vodafone but at the end of the day these people will have to answer to the devil
Its taken me all day to get connected to the internet via the @hithouse usb stick.
What i cant understand is why the authorities are still allowing these criminals to advertise on the radio/tv drawing in unsuspecting honest australians.
This organisation has to be stopped as its getting out of control.
I do understand vodafone reps falsely posting on here quoting that there is nothing wrong with vodafone but at the end of the day these people will have to answer to the devil
15028 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very at 31 Jan 2011 08:58:28 PM
I have found that on my device HTC Desire HD, I have to set network to GSM in order to get calls at my home location and some others, if set on Auto, calls go straight to voicemail :(
I am currently testing WCDMA only to see the impact of that
I am currently testing WCDMA only to see the impact of that
15027 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is BAD and getting worse at 31 Jan 2011 08:27:07 PM
I knew i wasnt going to get great reception when i signed up but its jus getting worse, mms messages sent that never reach the recipient, dropped calls when im supposedly in high signal areas, 3G reception but never loads, long delays when trying to call someone someties takes minutes jus to start calling amd jus not getting any reception anymore, switching asap
31 Jan 2011 08:28:35 PM: Check out the how to complain link at the top of the page, follow all of the steps such as contacting vodafone first about your issue. If that doesn't work, escalate to the TIO, and they should be able to get you out of your contract penalty free.
Best Of Luck. Moderation Team
Best Of Luck. Moderation Team
8 Feb 2011 12:13:05 PM: I have just spent 40 minutes with the Vodafone techincal team to be told that they have to initiate an investigation in to the network in my area and that I have to give them 3 examples of my phone dropping out or never connecting. I gave them this & now they will only test the 3G network and come back to me in 5 business days, to which I won't have any service for this whole time, THEN I have to switch to the 2G network, try this for 24 hours, get 3 examples and then call back to get that investigation lodged also. This will then take another 5 working days, so all up half a month of no service before they will even contemplate cancelling my contract penalty free. IF, however, there is no network issues as they see it, then bad luck! There's nothing they can help me with.....
15026 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Poor Signal at 31 Jan 2011 07:45:55 PM
I live near Colac in Southern Victoria - (1) I have a wireless modem and have Poor signal and dropouts the thing is that the tower is located at the same place as Telstra & Optus yet Vodafones signal is so weak. (2) The Indian operators can hardly speak a word of English and that Lara thing is a nightmare to deal with if you cough while on the phone she goes back to the beginning.
15025 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Utter at 31 Jan 2011 07:34:29 PM
When I first joined over a year ago everything was rosy. Now I cannot access data in the CBD (lack of network capacity I feel) and calls drop out regularly. Signal strength can read 4/5 and I cannot connect.
31 Jan 2011 07:36:54 PM: Yep.....seems about par for the Vodafone course.
If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
15024 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Pretty fail at 31 Jan 2011 07:03:47 PM
I call people and I get nothing at the other end. They don't get me calling them and it just hangs with nothing. This can happen 3 or 4 times before it connects and this can happen about 20% of calls that i make.
Data? I though my slow painful data stream was the norm until I used my friends iPhone 3gs on another network and it was loading pages within seconds. It can take anything from 90 secs to 4 mins plus to load a page on the internet. On a game like bejewelled blitz i might connect once a day if i'm lucky, get connection error or no network the rest of the time. Apps or itunes is a big no no it just takes too long... all this time my battery life is dying. If i need to get emails it takes about 3 or 4 mins to download my emails. generally i use my iphone as a glorified ipod and a txt machine, so disappointing.
The trouble is calling vodafone is a joke. Lara is a nightmare and if you do manage to get put through to the right people she then tells you there is an hours plus wait. I don't have an hour to waste, I don't have an hours battery life pretty much because of the rubbish signal that i get. I rung the other day to find out how much it would cost to get out of my contract, I have been with vodafone for 5 years, 3.5 on a contract and still have 10 months left of this one, I was asked 3 times why I wanted to leave. I told him 3 times that the reception and data availability is not acceptable he acted surprised all 3 times and clearly wasn't listening.
I don't know what happened. I never had a problem until i got my iphone and i know its not that. Its almost like they didn't upgrade the infrastructure to deal with the new technology. Brand is not enough these days. I will be leaving when it doesn't cost me $680
Data? I though my slow painful data stream was the norm until I used my friends iPhone 3gs on another network and it was loading pages within seconds. It can take anything from 90 secs to 4 mins plus to load a page on the internet. On a game like bejewelled blitz i might connect once a day if i'm lucky, get connection error or no network the rest of the time. Apps or itunes is a big no no it just takes too long... all this time my battery life is dying. If i need to get emails it takes about 3 or 4 mins to download my emails. generally i use my iphone as a glorified ipod and a txt machine, so disappointing.
The trouble is calling vodafone is a joke. Lara is a nightmare and if you do manage to get put through to the right people she then tells you there is an hours plus wait. I don't have an hour to waste, I don't have an hours battery life pretty much because of the rubbish signal that i get. I rung the other day to find out how much it would cost to get out of my contract, I have been with vodafone for 5 years, 3.5 on a contract and still have 10 months left of this one, I was asked 3 times why I wanted to leave. I told him 3 times that the reception and data availability is not acceptable he acted surprised all 3 times and clearly wasn't listening.
I don't know what happened. I never had a problem until i got my iphone and i know its not that. Its almost like they didn't upgrade the infrastructure to deal with the new technology. Brand is not enough these days. I will be leaving when it doesn't cost me $680
31 Jan 2011 07:13:40 PM: Check out the how to complain link at the top of the page, follow all of the steps such as contacting vodafone first about your issue. If that doesn't work, escalate to the TIO, and they should be able to get you out of your contract penalty free.
Best Of Luck. Moderation Team
Best Of Luck. Moderation Team
15023 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 31 Jan 2011 07:03:22 PM
No 3G service, iPhone is always searching for network, Crackling phone calls. Vodafone is going down hill in a big way.. Im switching to Optus ASAP.
15021 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is VERY at 31 Jan 2011 06:42:33 PM
I have been tolerating vodafone for 2.5 years now, but they are getting onto my nerves. Ordered a new handset more than two weeks ago, and it hasn't arrived yet. Called 1555 number thrice, 2 times the customer service reps said there are gonna call me back with a solution, they didn't. The third time, 31/01/2011 at 6.54pm queensland time, after waiting 25 minutes, the CSR named Mustapha hung up on me and never called back. Wasted 30 minutes of my day this third time. called back on 1555 and the lady told me the service was not available. WTF ??? ARE THEY ABOVE LAW ??? THE TELCO OMBUDSMAN OR ANYONE ELSE CAN:T DO ANYTHING ?? WHAT A PITY !
31 Jan 2011 07:21:10 PM: No they are not above the law (nor some middle east dictators by the look of things), the TIO is there to help you. needs your waiting times to illustrate the unacceptable and excessive waiting times experienced from Customer Care.
Please use the On Hold Again? located at the top of the page to record your experience.
If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team needs your waiting times to illustrate the unacceptable and excessive waiting times experienced from Customer Care.
Please use the On Hold Again? located at the top of the page to record your experience.
If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
15020 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is BLOODY CRAPPOLA at 31 Jan 2011 05:29:45 PM
Everytime i need to call vodafail they fail me by cutting my off after ive been on hold for bloody ages..bloody pricks
31 Jan 2011 07:22:28 PM: Has happened to me on many occasions..........and no call backs!! needs your waiting times to illustrate the unacceptable and excessive waiting times experienced from Customer Care.
Please use the On Hold Again? located at the top of the page to record your experience.
If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team needs your waiting times to illustrate the unacceptable and excessive waiting times experienced from Customer Care.
Please use the On Hold Again? located at the top of the page to record your experience.
If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
1 Feb 2011 05:44:28 PM: 3 times I tried.. 1st time on hold for 8 minutes they hung up .2nd time on hold for 25 mins they hung up ..3rd time 20 minutes then i gave up they are really really bad
15012 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 31 Jan 2011 05:04:08 PM
31 Jan 2011 05:10:50 PM: Hi, your contact details will be edited out shortly as this is not the place to have a vodafone rep contact you. Nor do we allow contact details to be posted here.
Check out the 'How To Complain' link at the top of the page as between Vodafone and then no doubt the TIO, you should be able to get out of your contract penalty free. Make sure you follow all of the steps.
Best of luck and let us know how you go. Moderation Team
Check out the 'How To Complain' link at the top of the page as between Vodafone and then no doubt the TIO, you should be able to get out of your contract penalty free. Make sure you follow all of the steps.
Best of luck and let us know how you go. Moderation Team
15011 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% at 31 Jan 2011 04:41:43 PM
fix the network you pieces of Sh%t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
31 Jan 2011 05:34:09 PM: Well said
31 Jan 2011 07:23:56 PM: I think there is probably a consensus on that one!!!
If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!!
If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!!
15010 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is terible at 31 Jan 2011 04:33:21 PM
vodafone has put a $100 charge on my monthly bill and they cant even explain what the $100 is for.worst they suspended my account without notice because of that stupid $100 charge that they cant even explain.
31 Jan 2011 07:26:30 PM: Oh dear....that is not good!
Obviously you have tried to contact them without success so the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
Obviously you have tried to contact them without success so the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
15009 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is never respond to email enquiry within timeframes at 31 Jan 2011 04:21:58 PM
send email enquiry and have auto response that customer officer will attend to my enquiry within 5 working days. after that period I have received email indeed but saying that they have aleady answer my question adn if I have anymore concerns please write below lines. this was really irritating because you cannot access any space between lines. when I simply respond to email asking for someone to call me back have received more identical email requesting me to do same: fill in your enquiry below lines. It is hopeless I still have to spend some time on the phone to be able to talk to them. frustrating.
31 Jan 2011 07:34:52 PM: I know --------- Vodafone do not follow normal e mail etiquette and I have no idea why.......other than to make it difficult for the users, you should be able to hit the reply to form a normal e mail audit trail.
If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
15008 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bad at 31 Jan 2011 03:26:25 PM
4 months into my contract and I have had to call Vodafone to get my Invoice & statements for my mobil phone emailed to me, I get a sims message saying the bill is due,the date its due and the amount it also states in the sims that a copy of the invoice has been emailed to me........guess what...thats right no invoice..... how can I claim in on my tax if I cannot give my accountant a invoice.
Today I recieved 3 back-dated invoices,"all paid on time", no thanks to there system, AS FOR THE CURRENT INVOICE which must be paid by Feb 9th, "The accounts Dept has sent a copy to her supervisor and SHE,"the supervisor", will email it to me...........can anyone work that out......I can't.
Today I recieved 3 back-dated invoices,"all paid on time", no thanks to there system, AS FOR THE CURRENT INVOICE which must be paid by Feb 9th, "The accounts Dept has sent a copy to her supervisor and SHE,"the supervisor", will email it to me...........can anyone work that out......I can't.
31 Jan 2011 03:59:06 PM: The network is a failure, and their paperwork leaves a lot to be desired
15007 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Absolutely Pathetic at 31 Jan 2011 03:06:19 PM
I lost coverage AGAIN from 4.00pm on Friday 28th Jan until 3.02am on Sunday 30th, after which time it continued to come and go. It's monday now, and I still don't have full reception. This company was semi-professional once but is absolutely AWFUL now!! For a few months I've been tolerating the shithouse coverage, my calls being cut off, text messages arriving 3 days late etc. but I have finally switched providers & will NEVER use Vodafail again.
After this latest "technical difficulty", I contacted the Vodafail "customer service" line and, surprisingly, I was placed on hold for a ridiculous amount of time, and then somehow I was disconnected when the girl I was speaking to tried to put me on hold while she "checked something".
I've attempted to contact the company by phone and email, - I'm always put on hold, or "accidentally" disconnected, and not one of my calls has been returned despite the recorded message assuring me I'd be contacted within 2 - 15 minutes.
I've visited retail stores in person; - staff were no help at all. In fact, I told a sales girl at the Albury store that my calls always seem to be cut off at precise times, such as 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and 25 minutes, and I asked her if this was a deliberate action by Vodafail to force customers into making five or six calls to the same person, thereby using mass amounts of phone credit. I told her three other people I know each use Vodafail as their provider and each person has the same problem with calls dropping out. It was difficult to understand what she was saying while she was blowing bubbles with chewing gum, but she assured me it couldn't possibly be related to Vodafail's service. "Nah, it just wouldn't happen darl" is what she said. Classy. I think she expected me to be happy with her answer. Someone else I know received the same expert advice & assistance at this store, - absolutely useless staff who couldn't care less about customers.
This is definitely the WORST provider in the country, - not just the terrible phone reception & other service problems, but also the way Vodafail treats it's customers. As of Saturday I am no longer one of them, - joy!! I have excellent reception! And I can make calls that last longer than 10 minutes before being cut off! And I receive text messages a few seconds after they're sent! Best of all, I won't be paying this ridiculous company for such poor service. So long Vodafail, you pathetic excuse for a service provider!!!
After this latest "technical difficulty", I contacted the Vodafail "customer service" line and, surprisingly, I was placed on hold for a ridiculous amount of time, and then somehow I was disconnected when the girl I was speaking to tried to put me on hold while she "checked something".
I've attempted to contact the company by phone and email, - I'm always put on hold, or "accidentally" disconnected, and not one of my calls has been returned despite the recorded message assuring me I'd be contacted within 2 - 15 minutes.
I've visited retail stores in person; - staff were no help at all. In fact, I told a sales girl at the Albury store that my calls always seem to be cut off at precise times, such as 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and 25 minutes, and I asked her if this was a deliberate action by Vodafail to force customers into making five or six calls to the same person, thereby using mass amounts of phone credit. I told her three other people I know each use Vodafail as their provider and each person has the same problem with calls dropping out. It was difficult to understand what she was saying while she was blowing bubbles with chewing gum, but she assured me it couldn't possibly be related to Vodafail's service. "Nah, it just wouldn't happen darl" is what she said. Classy. I think she expected me to be happy with her answer. Someone else I know received the same expert advice & assistance at this store, - absolutely useless staff who couldn't care less about customers.
This is definitely the WORST provider in the country, - not just the terrible phone reception & other service problems, but also the way Vodafail treats it's customers. As of Saturday I am no longer one of them, - joy!! I have excellent reception! And I can make calls that last longer than 10 minutes before being cut off! And I receive text messages a few seconds after they're sent! Best of all, I won't be paying this ridiculous company for such poor service. So long Vodafail, you pathetic excuse for a service provider!!!
31 Jan 2011 03:40:27 PM: You see! thats what I call...making a positive move.
15006 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is awful at 31 Jan 2011 02:59:23 PM
my voda coverage has been non-existent all day -- "NO SERVICE". Voda SUCKS!
15005 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is going down big time! at 31 Jan 2011 02:49:43 PM
vodafone sent me a txt msg stating that my contract can be cancelled and I can either wait for paperwork to come through or call them and cancel today....
so obviously i called them today to cancel it and the pappadum transfered me 3 times and said I can try do a few things to see if my reception gets better !! so i said no thankyou id like to cancel my plan as the txt msg states and then she puts me on hold then drops out !!! wtf !
so obviously i called them today to cancel it and the pappadum transfered me 3 times and said I can try do a few things to see if my reception gets better !! so i said no thankyou id like to cancel my plan as the txt msg states and then she puts me on hold then drops out !!! wtf !
31 Jan 2011 02:57:05 PM: We have all been pushed too far by vodacrap, and I personally have endured severe financial losses due to the failed network, but I certainly dont support you with your racist refference to "papadum". That person is doing their job, and Vodafone are dispicable regardless wether it is an indian, chinaman, or aussie working in that call centre. Vodafone is the culprit here, not the person in the call centre
31 Jan 2011 03:43:10 PM: At least she said (no THANK YOU) before being (CUT OFF).
31 Jan 2011 04:34:21 PM: So she's a polite racist?
15004 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very very ordinary at 31 Jan 2011 02:14:50 PM
So I've emailed Vodafone (after giving up on trying to call), and they have offered to pay my $84 bill this month. This is after they refused to let me out of my contract, giving no reason what-so-ever.
Despite the lovely month off, I'm still not overly impressed with the service I'm getting, or the fact that no one seems to be able to tell me when/if it's going to get any better.
Do people think I can still ask to leave my contract, even though they've offered me compensation as such, and have already told me in writing that they are refusing to let me go?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Despite the lovely month off, I'm still not overly impressed with the service I'm getting, or the fact that no one seems to be able to tell me when/if it's going to get any better.
Do people think I can still ask to leave my contract, even though they've offered me compensation as such, and have already told me in writing that they are refusing to let me go?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
31 Jan 2011 03:49:18 PM: If they fail to provide the service then they are in breach of there agreement, stop calling them, write your complaint down and send it by regestered post given them 7 days in which to comply and also demand a written explanation from them... if they fail to adhere to your request(s) send them a letter cancelling there contract REMEMBER to regester all sent mail. if Vodafone takes you to court after that sue the Arse of them.
31 Jan 2011 04:00:19 PM: Please don't listen to the above reply. You cannot cancel your contract without Vodafone Permission, otherwise you will be slugged with an early termination fee. Please check out the 'How To Complain' link at the top of the page, follow all of the steps, however you will no doubt end up at the TIO. The TIO will be able to assist you out of your contract.
Best of luck. Moderation Team
Best of luck. Moderation Team
15003 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 31 Jan 2011 02:07:41 PM
I have a business plan with four blackberrys attached which we pay $249 per month which is always over I have a blackberry that doesn't work at all also my calls are constantly failing on the other one so I'm ringing one person several times as I'm half way through a conversation and it comes up call failed !
15002 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is extreme at 31 Jan 2011 01:30:38 PM
I'm really just after some advice...
Firstly, over the past month or so, I have been in contact with Vodafone and Crazy Johns (phone dealer who I got the contract through) mainly because I'm not happy with the privacy issues - which I feel is totally understandable on my part. Both Vodafone and Crazy Johns told me 2 different stories, and neither were willing to help when I mentioned what I believe to be a breach of contract on VF's behalf; therefore I want out of my contract. After the usual 15 calls going unanswered then going to the back of the queue, I finally get through to someone and the call drops out?! What the!?!?!? Yet another thing to complain about I guess! This particular conversation went to 3 different people without a resolution.
Secondly, I've recently been offered a job in an area where Vodafone don't have coverage. When asked what could happen with my contract in this instance, the Crazy Johns rep said it was my fault for moving away from the coverage and that they couldn't do anything. However, I am yet to raise this with Vodafone.
Really, I'm just after some advice on if anyone has had similar experiences, and what the outcome was? Also which angle do you think will get the best results (ie out of contract FOC. I currently have 5 months left on my contract.)
Firstly, over the past month or so, I have been in contact with Vodafone and Crazy Johns (phone dealer who I got the contract through) mainly because I'm not happy with the privacy issues - which I feel is totally understandable on my part. Both Vodafone and Crazy Johns told me 2 different stories, and neither were willing to help when I mentioned what I believe to be a breach of contract on VF's behalf; therefore I want out of my contract. After the usual 15 calls going unanswered then going to the back of the queue, I finally get through to someone and the call drops out?! What the!?!?!? Yet another thing to complain about I guess! This particular conversation went to 3 different people without a resolution.
Secondly, I've recently been offered a job in an area where Vodafone don't have coverage. When asked what could happen with my contract in this instance, the Crazy Johns rep said it was my fault for moving away from the coverage and that they couldn't do anything. However, I am yet to raise this with Vodafone.
Really, I'm just after some advice on if anyone has had similar experiences, and what the outcome was? Also which angle do you think will get the best results (ie out of contract FOC. I currently have 5 months left on my contract.)
15001 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is reception at 31 Jan 2011 01:09:39 PM
crappy reception, cuts out whenever it wants to, even while im in a conversation so i literally have to turn off and back on my phone for it to get the reception again. went through all the 10 day recovery stuff still doesnt work, got told after signing up with 3 that my area had a bad coverage to the 3 network, even though they tell me this they still wont cancel my contract and want me to pay a fee for disconecting with them up to $400 ?? iv contacted the company and still they keep ignoring my problem and serioulsy im sick of it! ots all bullshit. .
15000 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Excessive! at 31 Jan 2011 11:38:29 AM
After having a mobile broadband contract with Vodafone since January 2009 the service has continued to get worse and worse, particularly over the past 6 months. It got to the stage where it would constantly drop out, sometimes not even connect, had terrible reception/coverage and was increasingly slow! I decided enough was enough, I shouldn't have to pay for this kind of service and believed that I should be allowed to cancel the contract free of charge considering I am not receiving the service described in the contract to any degree. After calling vodafone many times and getting transferring to many different people, having to tell each one my story again and again and getting no where I was completely fed up only to be promied call backs which never happened and being told a different thing by every person I spoke to. After yet another hour long phonecall I finally got through to the trouble shooting department who did a 'test' on the device and lodged a case and told me I would be contacted within 5 working days. I thought they would be able to tell how bad the connection etc is considering through the entire test it cnstatnly played up and the guy noted that. Well today was 5 working days and still no phone call so I called and got through to connections who told me that they found no faults what so ever with my device and that the area I live in has fantastic coverage...well that is not true what so ever and the problems still exist so I told them again no way am I paying the cancellation fee and I will be contacting the TIO, upon telling them this they told me I could have the next 3 months service free until March, when the network coverage will be better apparently. Infuriated by this I said no and hung up. I called back again and got on to someone different in Cancellations who after a few minutes offered me the same 3 months free service until March when the network is better (so again basically admitting their service is rubbish!) and also offered me cancellation free of charge! Woohoo I win! It just goes to show that it really does depend who you talk to as every person there tends to tell you a different thing. Never ever in my life will I have a thing to do with Vodafone
14998 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Customer service in store - NOT at 31 Jan 2011 11:26:53 AM
I tried to call Vodaphone for an account matter and could not get through, so decided to try the call-back thing. It said it woudl call be back in one hour - FAIL! No call at all.
I actually went in to the Vodaphone shop at Bondi Junction that was quite full of customers, but they had one staff on and he was out the back. (There were two staff who had finished shift and were standing at the front of the store discussing what they were doing now that they had finished - too bad about all the customers there...) Customer service and retail shop security FAIL.
How does Vodaphone do business???
I actually went in to the Vodaphone shop at Bondi Junction that was quite full of customers, but they had one staff on and he was out the back. (There were two staff who had finished shift and were standing at the front of the store discussing what they were doing now that they had finished - too bad about all the customers there...) Customer service and retail shop security FAIL.
How does Vodaphone do business???
14997 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very! at 31 Jan 2011 11:25:27 AM
Poor Service, phone says it has coverage phone does not ring. In some built up areas phone disconects from network and need to restart the phone to force a connection. Oftern with 5 bars of service data will not work as the network appears to be jammed. Again very noticeible in busy areas around lunch times especially. SMS messages delivered a day late, voicemails delivered a few days late. This is unacceptable for me to run my business. I lose money every time I cannot receive a call. I am on a business plan yet I am not receiving a business class of service.
14996 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Online FAIL at 31 Jan 2011 11:23:44 AM
My Vodaphone - "Registering is simple and should take about three minutes." RUBBISH!! FAIL!!!
I got fed up trying to contact them by phone so decided to give the self-serve on the web a go. I tried to register online for "My Vodaphone" via the web site and guess what? Not once, not twice but three times FAIL! The web site comes back with an "Internal error. Customer service has been notified" message. I might try pigeon next or tin cans and string next. They might be more effective.
I got fed up trying to contact them by phone so decided to give the self-serve on the web a go. I tried to register online for "My Vodaphone" via the web site and guess what? Not once, not twice but three times FAIL! The web site comes back with an "Internal error. Customer service has been notified" message. I might try pigeon next or tin cans and string next. They might be more effective.
14995 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 10/10 at 31 Jan 2011 10:32:51 AM
I've had a Blackberry with vodafone for the past 2 years and reception had not been an issue at my Wollongong house previous. I've since upgraded to an iPhone 4 and low and behold - no reception! AT all!
I've had someone from customer service try to contact me on a number of occasions but the call drops out every time they try to contact me. Outrageous.
I've had someone from customer service try to contact me on a number of occasions but the call drops out every time they try to contact me. Outrageous.
31 Jan 2011 10:45:53 AM: Iphone 4 has a reception problem NOOB everyone knows this fault and yet losers stil keep buying it!!
31 Jan 2011 11:21:04 AM: Agree there are known problems with the iphone and yet the NOOBS and losers at Vodafone keep selling them!!!
31 Jan 2011 03:11:09 PM: I recently got out of 2 vodafone contracts, went to Telstra, got an iphone 4 and calls are clear, internet is fast. Is the problem really the iphone 4 or is it Vodafones failed network?
My moneys on the problem being with vodafone, regardless of the handset
My moneys on the problem being with vodafone, regardless of the handset
14994 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 31 Jan 2011 10:03:34 AM
vodafone keep sending emails
when they do not have an account to rechage
Dear customer,
Unfortunately your Auto Recharge failed on this attempt. Please consider recharging your Prepaid account via alternate methods to avoid your call credit expiring.
For more details call Vodafone on 1555 during call centre hours from your mobile and speak to one of our Customer Care representatives.
Please do not reply to this email.
Best regards
when they do not have an account to rechage
Dear customer,
Unfortunately your Auto Recharge failed on this attempt. Please consider recharging your Prepaid account via alternate methods to avoid your call credit expiring.
For more details call Vodafone on 1555 during call centre hours from your mobile and speak to one of our Customer Care representatives.
Please do not reply to this email.
Best regards
14993 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 31 Jan 2011 10:00:11 AM
I called vodafone regarding my poor service. Vodafone offerd me one months free however if i still was unhappy with the service I could cancell all fees waived.
One week later I called again to cancell as I still continued to have no service on a regular basis. The new operator i was talking to said that the preivous operator was wrong and what she offerd was impossible. I had asked to speak to the preivous operator. I was then put on hold as they searched for this person. She then came back and informed me that no one in the company know's who that person is therefor cannot be contacted and cannot verify the offer that i was given.
One week later I called again to cancell as I still continued to have no service on a regular basis. The new operator i was talking to said that the preivous operator was wrong and what she offerd was impossible. I had asked to speak to the preivous operator. I was then put on hold as they searched for this person. She then came back and informed me that no one in the company know's who that person is therefor cannot be contacted and cannot verify the offer that i was given.
14992 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is VERY at 31 Jan 2011 09:33:21 AM
When using my Vodaphone modem with my notepad I get messages every logon that there is no device. I then reinstall the device and then get another message that the device cannot connect. I go thru the whole business again and finally connect!!!!!!!! I have tried everything in their Help suggestions for these problems, which still persist! This has been happening since last Oct/Nov. Before, there were no or few problems, usually just poor signal strength.
14990 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No coverage at 31 Jan 2011 08:18:29 AM
I am running a business and cannot get reception in the point cook area. And many other areas as well. I'm losing calls and people cannot txt me or I can't txt them.
I did have some luck with getting the contract terminated which was not due to lapse until October this year. I have always been happy with their service and their plans are great. They are certainly cheaper than relates who I hate!!! But I'm not left with a choice. I've had to leave vodafone to go to telstra!!
I did have some luck with getting the contract terminated which was not due to lapse until October this year. I have always been happy with their service and their plans are great. They are certainly cheaper than relates who I hate!!! But I'm not left with a choice. I've had to leave vodafone to go to telstra!!
31 Jan 2011 12:11:49 PM: telstra has new busines plans 99 unlimited caps
or 79 cap with 750 incalls and unlimited text starting feb :)
or 79 cap with 750 incalls and unlimited text starting feb :)
14989 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is unbelievable at 31 Jan 2011 08:08:50 AM
I've tried so hard to bite my tongue, and give Vodafone the benefit of the doubt.
I've given them chance after chance to follow through with the promises made.
I have an active TIO complaint in force, but with the help of one of the TIO resolution staff, we'd figured out a possible compromise, that I was more than happy with.
It's just a pity that follow up conversations regarding this resolution shows that absolutely nothing has been done, apart from more and more notes being added to my file by your CSR's.
The original complaint was placed on the 12th. by attempted phone call that failed, and by sending an email to Nigel Dews. (and then with the TIO).
I was contacted by one of your Mumbai associates on the 14th, 15th, 16th, and 20th.
They isolated my fault to my handset. And AGREED to replace my handset. He said the order had been placed and I should receive it within 5-7 working days.
That order mysteriously disappeared from the system.
Contacted by the TIO resolution team on the 25th.
Once again order placed on the 25th from your resolution staff member. I was told that the order would be received within 5 days.
Yet I call this morning on an unrelated matter, and asked about the progress, to be told that even though they can see that an order was in place, and there was a brief note saying it had been sent, there was no order number, no tracking number, and no real idea about how long it would take, if it had really been sent, or what the status was.
Once again, I was advised to wait an additional 5-10 working days, while the lady I spoke to said she would put a follow up on my account.
So now, I have 3 different follow ups scheduled. One in 2 weeks by the TIO resolution team, one by the lady from today, and one from the 14th, who said he'd contact me back to clarify if I got my phone and I was once again happy with the service.
Please.. can this be sorted once and for all. I'm losing clients, patience and my ever-dwindling sanity over this.
I need a phone that works. Yes, I have a home landline, but that doesn't help me when I'm at work. I'd be happy to stay with Vodafone, if they could deliver on their promises.
I've given them chance after chance to follow through with the promises made.
I have an active TIO complaint in force, but with the help of one of the TIO resolution staff, we'd figured out a possible compromise, that I was more than happy with.
It's just a pity that follow up conversations regarding this resolution shows that absolutely nothing has been done, apart from more and more notes being added to my file by your CSR's.
The original complaint was placed on the 12th. by attempted phone call that failed, and by sending an email to Nigel Dews. (and then with the TIO).
I was contacted by one of your Mumbai associates on the 14th, 15th, 16th, and 20th.
They isolated my fault to my handset. And AGREED to replace my handset. He said the order had been placed and I should receive it within 5-7 working days.
That order mysteriously disappeared from the system.
Contacted by the TIO resolution team on the 25th.
Once again order placed on the 25th from your resolution staff member. I was told that the order would be received within 5 days.
Yet I call this morning on an unrelated matter, and asked about the progress, to be told that even though they can see that an order was in place, and there was a brief note saying it had been sent, there was no order number, no tracking number, and no real idea about how long it would take, if it had really been sent, or what the status was.
Once again, I was advised to wait an additional 5-10 working days, while the lady I spoke to said she would put a follow up on my account.
So now, I have 3 different follow ups scheduled. One in 2 weeks by the TIO resolution team, one by the lady from today, and one from the 14th, who said he'd contact me back to clarify if I got my phone and I was once again happy with the service.
Please.. can this be sorted once and for all. I'm losing clients, patience and my ever-dwindling sanity over this.
I need a phone that works. Yes, I have a home landline, but that doesn't help me when I'm at work. I'd be happy to stay with Vodafone, if they could deliver on their promises.
31 Jan 2011 03:37:41 PM: don't hold your breath
14987 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is no service again at 31 Jan 2011 07:41:16 AM
for the third time in two weeks my phone is telling me i have no service... in the same place i am everyday... Brisbane CBD
What a crock o shit
What a crock o shit
14985 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pretty damn fail. at 31 Jan 2011 12:26:19 AM
After being told by staff at Vodafone Dee Why that coverage in Marrickville was excellent, and that I would get coverage "everywhere except the middle of Australia" I was pretty shocked to find that I had to stand in the backyard to make a call at all. Even then there were frequent dropouts, and the sound quality often rendered any attempt at conversation pointless. This is about 5 or 6km from Central Station!
I was also surprised to see their website 'coverage checker' that the whole of the Inner West is marked by a smiley face, indicating good coverage. It's been a long time since Law School, but doesn't the Trade Practices Act say something about this? After about 2 months on the $70 unlimited plan I am looking to terminate my contract ASAP.
I was hoping to give back the handset (HTC Desire HD), as I intend to sign up for Telstra's unlimited plan, which includes an iPhone. I can't really afford to pay $800 for a backup phone. Unfortunately I cracked the screen this week, so I assume I'm stuck with it.
Does anyone know whether I am legally obliged to pay for the phone, and if so, how much? Could I just pay for repairs, give back the handset, and call it quits? ANY KNOWLEDGABLE ADVICE WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!
I've waited on the phone for hours trying to contact Vodafone before being told to hang up and try again. Staff at Dee Why told me to switch to 2G in my home which: a)Doesn't work and b)Leaves a bad taste in the mouth because its not really what I paid for, is it? Its like buying a Porsche and then being told it works okay as long as you don't go over 40.They also said their towers would be updated mid-year and all would be well. After my experience with them so far, I don't believe this for a second.
The really amazing thing to me is not that Vodafone provide a rubbish service, it's that a major company can basically commit fraud to make sales, despite all our consumer protection laws, and rather than the directors getting hauled off to jail, they continue to rake in the dosh, while the best we can do is whine about it on a website.
Over all, a learning experience, and a total pain in the balls.
I was also surprised to see their website 'coverage checker' that the whole of the Inner West is marked by a smiley face, indicating good coverage. It's been a long time since Law School, but doesn't the Trade Practices Act say something about this? After about 2 months on the $70 unlimited plan I am looking to terminate my contract ASAP.
I was hoping to give back the handset (HTC Desire HD), as I intend to sign up for Telstra's unlimited plan, which includes an iPhone. I can't really afford to pay $800 for a backup phone. Unfortunately I cracked the screen this week, so I assume I'm stuck with it.
Does anyone know whether I am legally obliged to pay for the phone, and if so, how much? Could I just pay for repairs, give back the handset, and call it quits? ANY KNOWLEDGABLE ADVICE WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!
I've waited on the phone for hours trying to contact Vodafone before being told to hang up and try again. Staff at Dee Why told me to switch to 2G in my home which: a)Doesn't work and b)Leaves a bad taste in the mouth because its not really what I paid for, is it? Its like buying a Porsche and then being told it works okay as long as you don't go over 40.They also said their towers would be updated mid-year and all would be well. After my experience with them so far, I don't believe this for a second.
The really amazing thing to me is not that Vodafone provide a rubbish service, it's that a major company can basically commit fraud to make sales, despite all our consumer protection laws, and rather than the directors getting hauled off to jail, they continue to rake in the dosh, while the best we can do is whine about it on a website.
Over all, a learning experience, and a total pain in the balls.
31 Jan 2011 04:38:51 AM: I had the same issue at Stanmore, had to go outside to make a call, was told by staff there was nothing I could do.
That was with Optus.
That was with Optus.
31 Jan 2011 09:24:29 PM: they say there towers will be upgraded soon no matter when u talk to them. its a lie
14984 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Cannoto call out even to Vodafone at 30 Jan 2011 11:52:38 PM
I try sms, can't sms and have to try 3-4 times. Tried calling even to another vodafone number. Can't send complain to Vodafone and this is what they did.
They sent an email to me with the crap statement about how their coverage is 94% of the population and then set the status to SOLVED.
Question Reference #110130-000282
Product Level 1: Network Info
Product Level 2: Coverage
Date Created: 30/01/2011 08:13 PM
Last Updated: 30/01/2011 08:13 PM
Status: Solved
How can it be solved? Never had this problem with Optus or Telstra. Vodafone only want to collect $$ and not bother about solving their network issue.
They sent an email to me with the crap statement about how their coverage is 94% of the population and then set the status to SOLVED.
Question Reference #110130-000282
Product Level 1: Network Info
Product Level 2: Coverage
Date Created: 30/01/2011 08:13 PM
Last Updated: 30/01/2011 08:13 PM
Status: Solved
How can it be solved? Never had this problem with Optus or Telstra. Vodafone only want to collect $$ and not bother about solving their network issue.
14983 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is totally at 30 Jan 2011 09:47:16 PM
incompetent at running a network & incompetent at running a business
14981 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ridculously failing loyal customers at 30 Jan 2011 08:44:31 PM
I have been a vodafone customer for 10 years. The last 2 years my coverage has slowly but surely reduced throughout australia and europe, when I make a phone call I have to re-call the person I'm talking to 3-4 times to complete one conversation and been on hold each time I've called vodafone to complain for over an 1hour only to be transferred to someone in india who can't speak or understand me!!It's disgusting and I believe loyal customers should not have to put up with this blatant lack of commitment and obvious grab for increased dollars for company execs!
14980 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Vodafail definitely suits at 30 Jan 2011 08:36:25 PM
I just got out of my contract with them and as i haven't had proper service with them for over a year i said i didnt want to be charged any fees to get out of my contract which they agreed too, now i have just been hit with a bill that includes cancellation fees, ive been waiting on hold for 25mins for customer service to tell them that im not paying as i wasnt getting the service i paid for, and im still waiting, this absolutely RIDICULOUS!! Vodafail sounds about right to me!!
2 Feb 2011 10:54:24 PM: Long wait times for customer service are common across all Telcos. 25 minutes does not sound out of the ordinary at all. Patience is a virtue. It's not the end of the world. If you don't like wait times, maybe try calling at another time when the line is less congested.
14979 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Dropouts at 30 Jan 2011 08:18:13 PM
Imagine been on a conference call working on a deal to restructure a company and it is the result of three years work. There is a problem when your phone keeps dropping out and you miss half the calls. Would be frustrated ? Why am I paying for this lack of service ??
14978 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is in a word S*** at 30 Jan 2011 08:17:45 PM
Going into 5 months of very poor service reception most of Mel CBD,and most of the outer suburbs as i work all over the state and can gage the level of signal etc,where i live no signal most of time.just so now in the process of cancel of contract with them.GO Telstra.
14977 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 30 Jan 2011 08:00:19 PM
I hate speaking to 'Lara' - tried every topic I could think of, but none of them took me through to a person on the line, I miss the people on the other end of the line at 3!
Reception is lousy and now my apps aren't working on the HTC - 'network failure'. Not happy.
Reception is lousy and now my apps aren't working on the HTC - 'network failure'. Not happy.
14976 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafail Reception at 30 Jan 2011 07:55:52 PM
i travel all around the country and i have been with vodafail for years and lately their reception even when sitting underneath a repeater still no service so i recently a couple of days ago switched all my phones and kids phones to telstra very happy with telstra and it has only been a couple of days full service 100% of the time even in the country areas
14975 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is unreliable mnobile broadband connection at 30 Jan 2011 07:38:39 PM
I purchased a one year prepaid mobile broadband usb connection which I activated 22nd August 2010.
Since then I have been unable to regularly use my plan because of lousy reception. I alternate between the 4215 and 4216 Post Codes.
I've been so frustrated by Vodafone's lack of customer response that I put it in the too hard basket and went about my business with my other broadband connection which is on my landline with DoDo. (no major issues with DoDo)
I have only recently been made aware of this site (Vodafail)and consequently have decided to pursue Vodafone again for answers. I feel they disregard the pain felt by their customers and don't fulfill their corporate responsibility. I wish their was a way for me to get a refund. Perhaps someone else on this site may know how I can obtain a refund.
Thank you
Since then I have been unable to regularly use my plan because of lousy reception. I alternate between the 4215 and 4216 Post Codes.
I've been so frustrated by Vodafone's lack of customer response that I put it in the too hard basket and went about my business with my other broadband connection which is on my landline with DoDo. (no major issues with DoDo)
I have only recently been made aware of this site (Vodafail)and consequently have decided to pursue Vodafone again for answers. I feel they disregard the pain felt by their customers and don't fulfill their corporate responsibility. I wish their was a way for me to get a refund. Perhaps someone else on this site may know how I can obtain a refund.
Thank you
30 Jan 2011 07:46:27 PM: Check out the How To Complain link at the top of the page. If you are looking to get a refund or out of your Contract (penalty free) it contains the information you need.
Follow all of the steps, such as contacting Vodafone first, but you will no doubt end up at the TIO who will then be able to assist you (assuming Vodafone don't).
Best of luck, and let us know how you go. Moderation Team
Follow all of the steps, such as contacting Vodafone first, but you will no doubt end up at the TIO who will then be able to assist you (assuming Vodafone don't).
Best of luck, and let us know how you go. Moderation Team
14974 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Confused at 30 Jan 2011 07:23:24 PM
Vodafone is stating on their website that they are going to build 2500 new base stations in the coming months utilizing 850meg frequency. Where im confused is that their current dual band runs on 2100/900 frequency as stated on their website. Are they now going to run a triple frequency meaning we have to change our phones again???
30 Jan 2011 07:37:16 PM: The 850 Frequency is to try and get the iPhone, Android Phones and any other smart phone that is UMTS 850 off the 2100/900 frequency, thus the theory is it will un-congest the 2100/900 frequency for everyone else, whilst also improving performance for the iPhone, Android Phone (and other smart phones) that use UMTS 850.
Also to clarify, 2500 base stations are supposed to be built over the next two years (although it does state 2011 on the website), in the first 3 months of this year they are doing the first 200 or so...It is going to take up to 2 years for Vodafone to become even half useable again.
Also to clarify, 2500 base stations are supposed to be built over the next two years (although it does state 2011 on the website), in the first 3 months of this year they are doing the first 200 or so...It is going to take up to 2 years for Vodafone to become even half useable again.
31 Jan 2011 06:23:05 AM: Also three users handsets use 850 network as well, cuase the telstra agreement finishes in aug 2012, syo they are getting ready for the transition
31 Jan 2011 09:57:48 AM: Not sure why this got deleted, but 3 customers have alot of handsets that are 850 capable, installing 850 towers will be able to handle those extra customers as the telstra agreement concludes in aug 2012
31 Jan 2011 06:12:08 PM: Thanks for the Info guys/Ladies very informative
14973 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very. at 30 Jan 2011 07:21:11 PM
they are trying to say my phone bill is $3,000 yet ii barely use my phone. it was supposed to be $79 a month.
30 Jan 2011 07:22:43 PM: and ii want out of my contract!
30 Jan 2011 07:37:41 PM: Check out the How To Complain link at the top of the page. If you are looking to get out of your Contract (penalty free) it contains the information you need.
Follow all of the steps, such as contacting Vodafone first, but you will no doubt end up at the TIO who will then be able to assist you (assuming Vodafone don't).
Follow all of the steps, such as contacting Vodafone first, but you will no doubt end up at the TIO who will then be able to assist you (assuming Vodafone don't).
14971 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is long delay in sending sms and 'network busy' all the time at 30 Jan 2011 06:28:22 PM
i switched from optus to vodafone because optus didn't have the phone i wanted. now i'm regretting that decision because i'm always unable to make calls as it keeps telling me 'network busy' even when it's not peak hours!
and also, it always takes about 5 minutes for an sms to be sent as it just sits in my outbox forever! even cellular service providers in 3rd world countries are better than this!
and also, it always takes about 5 minutes for an sms to be sent as it just sits in my outbox forever! even cellular service providers in 3rd world countries are better than this!
30 Jan 2011 06:29:16 PM: Check out my reply to your post below. Moderation Team Moderation Team
14966 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is cant make call or sms at 30 Jan 2011 06:14:57 PM
few times when I tried it keep on failing. Today 30/1/2011 5.05pm is the latest that we tried and failed. Worse thing I did was moved both my wife and my line from Optus to Vodafail!!
30 Jan 2011 06:19:35 PM: You are not alone, there are 15,000 posts here of others that share your exact pain.
Check out the How To Complain link at the top of the page. If you are looking to get out of your Contract (penalty free) it contains the information you need.
Follow all of the steps, such as contacting Vodafone first, but you will no doubt end up at the TIO who will then be able to assist you (assuming Vodafone don't).
Best of luck, and let us know how you go. Moderation Team
Check out the How To Complain link at the top of the page. If you are looking to get out of your Contract (penalty free) it contains the information you need.
Follow all of the steps, such as contacting Vodafone first, but you will no doubt end up at the TIO who will then be able to assist you (assuming Vodafone don't).
Best of luck, and let us know how you go. Moderation Team
14965 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Dear Moderation Team at 30 Jan 2011 05:48:25 PM
Dear Moderation Team
When you say "if you haven't been able to contact Vodafone without success", do you mean despite a horrid wait time people should complain to the TIO without Vodafone even having the opportunity to even hear the complaint or be given a chance to resolve it?
When you say "if you haven't been able to contact Vodafone without success", do you mean despite a horrid wait time people should complain to the TIO without Vodafone even having the opportunity to even hear the complaint or be given a chance to resolve it?
30 Jan 2011 05:53:30 PM: It actually says in the how to complain section that The TIO is the place to go when you have contacted Vodafone and they haven't resolved your issues.
Pretty sure that have to actually say no or whatever first before they have done anything wrong, no matter how long the hold time is
Pretty sure that have to actually say no or whatever first before they have done anything wrong, no matter how long the hold time is
30 Jan 2011 05:54:34 PM: Read the How To Complain link, it clearly outlines the steps that people need to follow:
Note the bit that states "IN ORDER THEY ARE"
"There are three main ways of getting your Vodafone issues resolved. In order they are: contact Vodafone (may take some time), contact the TIO (takes a bit more time), contact the ACCC (last resort, will take a lot of time)." Moderation Team
Note the bit that states "IN ORDER THEY ARE"
"There are three main ways of getting your Vodafone issues resolved. In order they are: contact Vodafone (may take some time), contact the TIO (takes a bit more time), contact the ACCC (last resort, will take a lot of time)." Moderation Team
30 Jan 2011 05:57:43 PM: @30 Jan 2011 07:53:30 PM, incorrect, many people have not even contacted Vodafone and got out of their contracts by contacting the TIO.
The Moderator above is correct that they should contact Vodafone first (as outlined in the How To Complain page), as the TIO should be considered as a last resort, however many people have posted here and bypassed Vodafone completely and gotten out of their contracts.
The Moderator above is correct that they should contact Vodafone first (as outlined in the How To Complain page), as the TIO should be considered as a last resort, however many people have posted here and bypassed Vodafone completely and gotten out of their contracts.
14964 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Learning to grin and bear it: Vodafone's bad month at 30 Jan 2011 05:23:37 PM
very interesting reading in the media coverage section regarding The Optus networks almost identical problems, this is actually the second time round for me on this stuff!
Learning to grin and bear it: Vodafone's bad month
capacity issues with Iphone and Android devices being on networks is a big and obvious problem!
All thats happening is thats it's Voda's turn right now, they'll get it fixed just like Optus did.
I encourage everyone to please read this article, maybe have a re-think about the fact that this can happen on other networks, it's a mobile phone thing, not a provider thing!
indecently moved from the Optus network in 2008 cause of the exact same problems, went to Vodafone and it was great, now its crap so gonna go back to Optus cause they have fixed it all now, but when i finish there gonna prolly go back to Vodafone case they'll have it fixed by then, and i did much prefer Vodafone until all these problems happened.
Learning to grin and bear it: Vodafone's bad month
capacity issues with Iphone and Android devices being on networks is a big and obvious problem!
All thats happening is thats it's Voda's turn right now, they'll get it fixed just like Optus did.
I encourage everyone to please read this article, maybe have a re-think about the fact that this can happen on other networks, it's a mobile phone thing, not a provider thing!
indecently moved from the Optus network in 2008 cause of the exact same problems, went to Vodafone and it was great, now its crap so gonna go back to Optus cause they have fixed it all now, but when i finish there gonna prolly go back to Vodafone case they'll have it fixed by then, and i did much prefer Vodafone until all these problems happened.
30 Jan 2011 05:51:52 PM: Vodafone clearly didn't plan ahead to allow for smartphones such as the iPhone and Android phones. This is a far more serious problem than what Optus went through and never was Optus in such a poor state like Vodafone are now.
For reference sake the NextG network has never suffered from this problem, the difference between the NextG network and Vodafone is that the NextG network can plan ahead and is already improving a flawless network. Yet Vodafone wait until customers are leaving left right and centre and then they start to look at what is wrong.
What is funny is that Vodafone continue to charge their customers for a service that is not working for the majority and worse than that they are signing new people up all of the time making the problem even worse.
They really need to fix their network and whilst they claim they are doing that it is far too little far too late. I would guess this is costing Vodafone a fortune with the amount of people leaving them and additionally going through the TIO (which costs vodafone even more money).
For reference sake the NextG network has never suffered from this problem, the difference between the NextG network and Vodafone is that the NextG network can plan ahead and is already improving a flawless network. Yet Vodafone wait until customers are leaving left right and centre and then they start to look at what is wrong.
What is funny is that Vodafone continue to charge their customers for a service that is not working for the majority and worse than that they are signing new people up all of the time making the problem even worse.
They really need to fix their network and whilst they claim they are doing that it is far too little far too late. I would guess this is costing Vodafone a fortune with the amount of people leaving them and additionally going through the TIO (which costs vodafone even more money).
30 Jan 2011 05:56:44 PM: your so right it was all in my imagination not having service for 4 months and paying for it having Optus tell me this is a normal part of 3G, your right i totally dreamed all that
30 Jan 2011 05:59:27 PM: if you read the article it clearly states and is certainly on the public record that Vodafone has been investing big money in their networks as do Optus and Telstra.
Did you read it?
Did you read it?
30 Jan 2011 06:22:55 PM: Regardless of whether Vodafone say they are investing money or not the poster at 30 Jan 2011 07:51:52 PM: has quite rightly pointed out it is too little too late. The damage to the reputation and credibility of Vodafone has been done. Had Vodafone identified and confessed at an earlier time that there were significant network performance issues instead of blaming those network issues on, the user, the mobile phone, the sim card and the numerous other scapegoats, all of the total PR disaster and customer experience disaster could have been avoided.
I see little to be gained on a circular argument, when the question has been asked and answered previously on many occasions.
I see little to be gained on a circular argument, when the question has been asked and answered previously on many occasions.
30 Jan 2011 06:43:25 PM: @ OP is that why Nigel Dews made a public apology to customers? Incidentally more than a month ago. Moderation Team Moderation Team
14963 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 30 Jan 2011 05:16:12 PM
Have not been able to use my mobile for the past 6 days straight which is not only infuriating but pathetic on Vodafone's behalf. These problems have persisted for several months. Spoke to Vodafone and they passed me onto Crazy Johns who told me to call back in a couple of days if the problems are still persisting and then they have several steps in place to determine what the problem is. How much longer will this take? It is simply unacceptable that Vodafone say they are doing "maintenance work" whilst customers are left paying for a service they cannot use. Is this not a breach of contract? Time for Vodafone to assure its customers of quality service or release people from their contracts.
14962 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 30 Jan 2011 04:08:09 PM
Can the moderators of this site make it clear in big bold headings (especially in this section) what people have to do to get out of their contracts? I would love to see 14,000 posts in the Share your GAIN section of this site.
30 Jan 2011 04:11:20 PM: Check out the 'How To Complain' link at the top of the page, and between Vodafone and then no doubt the TIO you should be able to get out of your contract penalty free. Just make sure you follow all of the steps in the 'How To Complain' link
Best of luck. Moderation Team
Best of luck. Moderation Team
30 Jan 2011 09:46:20 PM: Sorry, I should have been a bit clearer - i got out of my contract a few weeks ago but I want to see the other 14000 people here as well - i would like it more if vodafone went bankrupt though.
14960 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Crap coverage at 30 Jan 2011 02:08:02 PM
My phone constantly drops out, so I use more credit as I have to re-ring the person. It tells me people are not available when their phones are switched on. I have to try recalling the number a number of times before it finally connects. Some blacks spot you get no coverage. Just out of Brisbane all the way to Pallamallawa and for 4 days + most of the way home NO COVERAGE at any time.
I have had to cancel my credit card due to Vodafones poor privacy. They now want my new credit card details so I can unluck my phone, because they cannot hold up there end of the deal. Absolute rubbish. I would rather throw my phone at a brick wall.
I have had to cancel my credit card due to Vodafones poor privacy. They now want my new credit card details so I can unluck my phone, because they cannot hold up there end of the deal. Absolute rubbish. I would rather throw my phone at a brick wall.
14959 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is major service fail at 30 Jan 2011 12:49:33 PM
Vodafone drops out regularly in my house, futher their account balance sms message service appears to be switched off and the 1512 no. does not work due to 'technical problems.' Have rang customer care so much lately for various problems I can't stomach it anymore. The organisation is so bureaucratic it's people on the left side do not know what is happening on the right.
30 Jan 2011 01:06:43 PM: If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
14958 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic fail at 30 Jan 2011 12:28:31 PM
I bought a 3gb vodafone wireless internet and i kept dropping out its so frustrating :(
30 Jan 2011 12:35:26 PM: If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
14957 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 0 bars in my house at 30 Jan 2011 12:20:50 PM
i live in hawthorn 15km from the cbd and my reception is terrible. i have between 0 and 3 bars.
30 Jan 2011 12:35:43 PM: If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
14956 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is sms taking 30mins at 30 Jan 2011 12:19:24 PM
my wife texted me to pick her up after at about 1130pm from a pub. i responded with a text to find out her location, but it took 30minutes to get to her. she decided to catch public transport home. she got home just after midnight. then she received her message just after she got home.
30 Jan 2011 12:36:33 PM: Not good and very unsafe for your wife!
What actions have you taken to identify the cause? Moderation Team
What actions have you taken to identify the cause? Moderation Team
14955 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafail me again again & again at 30 Jan 2011 11:48:11 AM
I live in Newcastle for 15 years & being with vodafail for 10 years since 6 month the service have been very very bad most of the time only be 1 bar on my phone or none what's going on? I'm getting sick of vodafail saying there's no problem with service (CRAP). Vodafail need to be shaken up.
30 Jan 2011 12:36:51 PM: If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success or not to your satisfaction the next step is to contact the TIO.
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
The details may be found on the tab How To Complain located at the top of the page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!! Moderation Team
1 Feb 2011 12:16:35 PM: I just left vodafail now. I'm with telstra & the service it's much much better. I just hope you will keep fighting against vodafail & win
14954 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is haha funny. at 30 Jan 2011 10:55:18 AM
I find it funny that when it comes to sending a bill, vodafone sends it no problem and it arrives in your mailbox not a second too late.
But when it comes to sending a replacement handset or a letter for contract cancellation, it always seems to "get lost in the mail", "delayed" etc etc.
But on a good not, vodafone has finally agreed to cancel my contract with no fee's after I complained to the TIO.
Here's my question, I've paid about 14-15 months of 2 24 month contacts. Would I be able to keep one of my phones (I don't need the other one as it's faulty). I don't think it would be fair to have to return it as I wouldn't have minded to complete my contract (and hence keep my phone) had it not been for vodafones faults.
But when it comes to sending a replacement handset or a letter for contract cancellation, it always seems to "get lost in the mail", "delayed" etc etc.
But on a good not, vodafone has finally agreed to cancel my contract with no fee's after I complained to the TIO.
Here's my question, I've paid about 14-15 months of 2 24 month contacts. Would I be able to keep one of my phones (I don't need the other one as it's faulty). I don't think it would be fair to have to return it as I wouldn't have minded to complete my contract (and hence keep my phone) had it not been for vodafones faults.
30 Jan 2011 12:38:29 PM: That is something you need to discuss/negotiate with Vodafone, there appears to be no set rule as far as returns are concerned.
You can but try!! Moderation Team
You can but try!! Moderation Team
30 Jan 2011 04:40:23 PM: Tell them its in the mail!!!!!!
14953 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is 9/10 at 30 Jan 2011 10:50:10 AM
Hi all,
I have recently heard back from Vodafone after complaining to the TIO due to coverage issues.
They have agreed to let me out of my contract 18 months early without having to pay cancellation fee. I suggest if your unhappy like i was that you contact the TIO about your situation.
I only have to pay $38.18 for not returning the handset, as i sold my old one as i thought it was the phone that was the problem at that stage... wrong!
I hope you all make some progress as i did.
I have recently heard back from Vodafone after complaining to the TIO due to coverage issues.
They have agreed to let me out of my contract 18 months early without having to pay cancellation fee. I suggest if your unhappy like i was that you contact the TIO about your situation.
I only have to pay $38.18 for not returning the handset, as i sold my old one as i thought it was the phone that was the problem at that stage... wrong!
I hope you all make some progress as i did.
30 Jan 2011 12:39:53 PM: Excellent!!
Well done you, party at your place tonight!!!
Which other provider are you going to? Moderation Team
Well done you, party at your place tonight!!!
Which other provider are you going to? Moderation Team
30 Jan 2011 02:41:55 PM: I am still deciding between telstra or optus. Probabaly Telstra i would say as i have land line and internet through them.
Not wrong about the result! i was completely shocked!!! Its definately party time for sure!
Not wrong about the result! i was completely shocked!!! Its definately party time for sure!
30 Jan 2011 06:29:05 PM: Is it your shout?
14952 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Big Billing Fail! at 30 Jan 2011 10:47:40 AM
Vodafone did not send me a bill as according to the call center their computer said my address didn't exist, they had a mix of my old address and my new address, (funny how they sent me the phone??) I had also asked for email billing but when I phoned to query why I had not received one they didn't have my email address on record. My phone was disconnected for not paying a bill I didn't receive, then Vodafone wanted the whole amount (bill and Cancellation fee) within the month. I still have not paid the bill, I refuse to pay for their mistake. The bill has been sent to a debt collector, I am happy to pay for the phone calls but not for their stuff up!!
30 Jan 2011 12:06:31 PM: Whilst I understand your frustration, be very careful going down the line of not paying your bill. Vodafone are quick to give you a bad credut rating due to unpaid bills and that can take 5+ years to clear.
Your best choice would be to check out the 'How To Complain' link at the top of the page, and between Vodafone and then no doubt the TIO, push to get out of your contract penalty free and change to a carrier that can provide service.
Either way, Best of luck. Moderation Team
Your best choice would be to check out the 'How To Complain' link at the top of the page, and between Vodafone and then no doubt the TIO, push to get out of your contract penalty free and change to a carrier that can provide service.
Either way, Best of luck. Moderation Team
Party time at your place tonight!!!!
Excellent result!!! Moderation Team