Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
13979 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 21 Jan 2011 04:15:34 PM
I was a loyal Vodafone customer for over 7 years but the last 2 months took the cake.
I had to ring them in December 2010 and I rang during my lunch break at 12:00pm I was on hold untill 12:37 pm and then i was lucky enough to speak to some Indian guy who was very painfull and hard to understand, when I complained about the amount of time I was on hold he told me that the Vodafone call centre was open 24 hrs for convenience so I called early the next morning at ^ am and you guessed it on hold for 18 mins for a 20 second call!!!!!!!!!!!
So i left Vodafone and joined Amaysim and i ahve been vewry happy ever since and I even had to call them once and I was on hold for less the 1 min :) .
I then recieve a bill from Vodafone telling me I had a credit owing to me of $53.94 So I rang Vodafone again at 6:30 am and and Iw as on hold for 9 mmins but I just had the dial tone no music or messages telling me what was happening I didnt know if something ahd gone wrong or not so I hung up and tried again and the exact same thing happened no music just a dial tone I was on hold for 23 mins when I'd finally had enough and hung up and sent the followong email:
I am owed $53.94 from vodafone as a credit on my bill and I have just been on hold for over 30 mins since 6:30am that is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!
How do I get my money back???? I require an answer by COB Friday 28 Jan 2011 or I will not hesitate to take this further.
The customer service your company provides is nothing short of disgraceful and I will never use Vodafone again!!!
All of the negative media reports about your company seem to be completely justified going by my recent experiences with your company!!
I'm still waiting................................
I had to ring them in December 2010 and I rang during my lunch break at 12:00pm I was on hold untill 12:37 pm and then i was lucky enough to speak to some Indian guy who was very painfull and hard to understand, when I complained about the amount of time I was on hold he told me that the Vodafone call centre was open 24 hrs for convenience so I called early the next morning at ^ am and you guessed it on hold for 18 mins for a 20 second call!!!!!!!!!!!
So i left Vodafone and joined Amaysim and i ahve been vewry happy ever since and I even had to call them once and I was on hold for less the 1 min :) .
I then recieve a bill from Vodafone telling me I had a credit owing to me of $53.94 So I rang Vodafone again at 6:30 am and and Iw as on hold for 9 mmins but I just had the dial tone no music or messages telling me what was happening I didnt know if something ahd gone wrong or not so I hung up and tried again and the exact same thing happened no music just a dial tone I was on hold for 23 mins when I'd finally had enough and hung up and sent the followong email:
I am owed $53.94 from vodafone as a credit on my bill and I have just been on hold for over 30 mins since 6:30am that is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!
How do I get my money back???? I require an answer by COB Friday 28 Jan 2011 or I will not hesitate to take this further.
The customer service your company provides is nothing short of disgraceful and I will never use Vodafone again!!!
All of the negative media reports about your company seem to be completely justified going by my recent experiences with your company!!
I'm still waiting................................
13978 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Useless at 21 Jan 2011 04:03:54 PM
I have a iPhone with all the normal Vodafone issues. I've been told that they'll cancel my contract if I talk to network. So I phoned them. They told me they needed me on a landline in order to check my phone. They gave me a 1300 to call. I did but it was the wrong number and the woman who answered told me I was ne of many.
13977 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2011 04:02:33 PM
The reception has become so poor! first I ignored it but now it is really driving me crazy! that is it time for a complaint phone call!!! i tried calling someone today and yesterday 6 times till it would actually ring! what a joke! ridiculous!
13976 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Privacy breach at 21 Jan 2011 03:59:00 PM
I had a Vodaphone account that was stolen by another person and closed without my knowledge or consent. I complained to the Telco Ombudisman and finally got it sorted but at one stage I was looking at a bill of several thousand dollars. Top tip - don't get the Communications Minister involved, absolutely no interest in helping.
13975 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail at 21 Jan 2011 03:56:11 PM
I am still on hold to 3 (Vodafone as they use the same call center) after THIRTY minutes and still waiting for anyone to pick up. This is ridiculous!!!
I also had to wait at their store today for 25 minutes until someone got to me! That is HALF my lunch break! Please tell me, are they going to reimburse me for my time??
I also had to wait at their store today for 25 minutes until someone got to me! That is HALF my lunch break! Please tell me, are they going to reimburse me for my time??
13974 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Big Fail at 21 Jan 2011 03:52:46 PM
Constant drop outs and roams too often. Rubbish service.
13973 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Too Right at 21 Jan 2011 03:50:48 PM
Me is A Bruva from the muva land UK, Me's tring to call mi bitches for a bit of Knobbin and me can'ts gets no action. Please sort this mungrel out yeah, big upya Vodafone, Aight
Marko Sanchoosi
Marko Sanchoosi
13972 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor - 10 at 21 Jan 2011 03:50:45 PM
Almost EVERY call I receive or make drops out. There is huge blackspots all over sydney city, poor reception in the eastern suburbs (Vaucluse, Watsons Bay). To have a phone contract that your phone does not ring whilst it sits on your coffeetable due to the coverage in our capital city is terrible, especially considering one of my kids has a life threatening kidney disease.
I also asked Vodafone to check the coverage map for Blueys Beach, Smiths Lake and Pacific Palms as I have recently purchased a house in the area. The coverage map states FULL RECEPTION but in actuality there is NO RECEPTION for miles around, not even a bar. Great news again for me as my kid has a life threatening kidney disease and I can't use my phone at my new house...
The $45 unlimited plan seems too sweet. Why not bring customers down from $120 unlimited plans to the unlimited $45 plans? Greed? Just don't care?
Tethering internet always seems impossible, data is ssllllllooooooooowww, calls always drop out and there is terribly unreliable coverage..
Vodafone, you'll be lucky if you last a couple of years in this country the way your going..
I also asked Vodafone to check the coverage map for Blueys Beach, Smiths Lake and Pacific Palms as I have recently purchased a house in the area. The coverage map states FULL RECEPTION but in actuality there is NO RECEPTION for miles around, not even a bar. Great news again for me as my kid has a life threatening kidney disease and I can't use my phone at my new house...
The $45 unlimited plan seems too sweet. Why not bring customers down from $120 unlimited plans to the unlimited $45 plans? Greed? Just don't care?
Tethering internet always seems impossible, data is ssllllllooooooooowww, calls always drop out and there is terribly unreliable coverage..
Vodafone, you'll be lucky if you last a couple of years in this country the way your going..
13970 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Getting worse by the day at 21 Jan 2011 03:42:31 PM
Every phone call I make, I know it is to be shortlived. On average my phone calls last a maximum 2 minutes, because of the continuous dropout due to extremely poor signal. Also, I tend to have to stay very (and I mean VERY) still so that I don't lose the one bar of signal strength I always have. The day I see my phone with 2 signal bars, is one heck of a lucky day for me!
I've been with Vodafone my whole life, but this is the worst state I've seen the network in. I'm seriously thinking of changing!!
I've been with Vodafone my whole life, but this is the worst state I've seen the network in. I'm seriously thinking of changing!!
13969 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is retarded at 21 Jan 2011 03:41:33 PM
since i have been on my vodafail plan, i have had no reception at home, 3 of my friends houses, and sometimes even in Miranda Westfield.
Being over charged constantly even though im on a $59 dollar plan i end up paying atleast 15 dollars more, when trying to call vodafail about it, i sat on call waiting for almost an hour with the land line, the battery from the land line phone ran out before they could ever talk to me. after going to a vodafail store and telling them the situation they told me, everyone gets overcharged on vodafail and if i didnt like it i should sign up to Telstra or Optus, after asking a second question about bad reception issues they said vodafails hardware is old and they cant do anything about it, and that i should complain to someone that really cares like my mummy.
Being over charged constantly even though im on a $59 dollar plan i end up paying atleast 15 dollars more, when trying to call vodafail about it, i sat on call waiting for almost an hour with the land line, the battery from the land line phone ran out before they could ever talk to me. after going to a vodafail store and telling them the situation they told me, everyone gets overcharged on vodafail and if i didnt like it i should sign up to Telstra or Optus, after asking a second question about bad reception issues they said vodafails hardware is old and they cant do anything about it, and that i should complain to someone that really cares like my mummy.
10 Feb 2011 12:35:57 PM: haha! wouldnt expect anything less than those answers from those Wankers lol
13968 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 5 hours on hold... at 21 Jan 2011 03:41:06 PM
21 Jan 2011 11:21:31 PM: Been there done that >:( ..... I feel your pain 100%
13967 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Waiting almost 5 hours on Customer Care at 21 Jan 2011 03:39:53 PM
I woke up just before 5am every morning for 3 consecutive days to attempt to contact Customer Services. Here's a pic of me waiting and listening to that stupid John Mayer music at around the 4 hour 40 min mark. I'm fortunate enough to have a friend who works there who simultaneously was able to work out a solution from his end.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Problem? After explaining to in-store staff at Morley Galleria that I wanted to purchase a recharge voucher for a SIM for my car alarm, they quickly sold me the SIM then told me that they weren't able to assist me with the recharge and that I had to contact Customer Care.
This is where the real issue started. Unable to contact them for a few days during the day and waiting on hold for over an hour I decided to try and call when their call centre opens 8am (5am Perth Time).
At around 10am, my friend who works at another Vodafone store contacted me to advise that he was able to sort out the issue from his store.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Problem? After explaining to in-store staff at Morley Galleria that I wanted to purchase a recharge voucher for a SIM for my car alarm, they quickly sold me the SIM then told me that they weren't able to assist me with the recharge and that I had to contact Customer Care.
This is where the real issue started. Unable to contact them for a few days during the day and waiting on hold for over an hour I decided to try and call when their call centre opens 8am (5am Perth Time).
At around 10am, my friend who works at another Vodafone store contacted me to advise that he was able to sort out the issue from his store.
13966 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Badly at 21 Jan 2011 03:39:03 PM
No mess, I left vodafone after the coutless call, the irritaing questions and the non understanding and lack of customer service, apparently no one can do anything as it is put of their jurisdiction. Vodafone needs to invest in training, recruitment, actually employ people who like peoke an ensure there are people right there that can make shit happen!!!!!
13965 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No internet ever at 21 Jan 2011 03:33:59 PM
My partner and I are with Crazy John's who deal for Vodafone. We have had internet issues for almost a year now and have gotten as far with tech support as replacing our sim cards and having our service disconnected then reconnected. Upon reconnection we received a call asking if the net was working and we told them it was working but still not well. They just said ok and hung up. Ring back 2 weeks later to find out why we have had no further tech support and they had put in the notes that we had told them the internet was working fine.
The notes they have on our account are nothing but lies they have made up to get out of actually having to do anything. Instore can't help because they just have to ring tech support like us. Tech support has also lied to the store staff trying to help us just to get rid of them. Tech support has also hung up on me because I told them to shut up when they kept talking over me. I didn't even swear I just told him he needs to shut up..
Still have no internet and still haven't gotten more tech support months later
The notes they have on our account are nothing but lies they have made up to get out of actually having to do anything. Instore can't help because they just have to ring tech support like us. Tech support has also lied to the store staff trying to help us just to get rid of them. Tech support has also hung up on me because I told them to shut up when they kept talking over me. I didn't even swear I just told him he needs to shut up..
Still have no internet and still haven't gotten more tech support months later
22 Jan 2011 08:24:14 AM: I would have hung up on you too if you to told me to shut up. Really, that's no way of endearing someone who you are trying to get to help you.
22 Jan 2011 05:58:01 PM: He wasn't trying to help me. He was only interested in telling me the lies other customer service people had written on the account and was constantly talking over me. I told him to shut up considering I couldn't get a word in edgewise with him just sprouting all the crap that was written on the account which in no way coincides with what is actually happening on the account
24 Jan 2011 10:55:08 AM: I must admit having worked for Vodafone in the past the Tech support guys kinda have this thing where if they cant help you they try to confuse you and keep talking jargon just to confuse you enough that you hang up thinking they are working on your problem.
13964 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is extremely dissapointment at 21 Jan 2011 03:33:27 PM
I only just become a Vodafail customer from September 2010. It took them 3 weeks to transfer my number from Telstra to their number. Then I couldnt unlock my phone,it said my phone's IMEI is not registered. Took forever to get through to someone,so I gave up and sent email.They said unlocking service has become available free online for me but i still couldnt do it!I asked for Vodafone traveller and my 3G disabled.Went overseas for 2 weeks and Vodafone cust officer called and said my phone bill was $1,065.00 ! I am on $79 cap plan.They turned off the internet function in my phone.Complained as I got back in Oz. Tried to pay bill in Voda shop, they said thay didnt accept payments (what?!). When i'm at a mall, i always lost signal. signal strength is very weak in most part and I always have to go outside if i want to make/receive phone calls....and....the signal was dropped for couple of hours last week. I'm so had enough but I still have 21 months to go ! HELP !!
21 Jan 2011 04:09:50 PM: Mate if your having issues likes that, I know it will be a long wait ATM but, call vodafone on 135 888
and just tell them, Vodafone want to keep there customers happy im sure they will help you ALOT
and just tell them, Vodafone want to keep there customers happy im sure they will help you ALOT
23 Jan 2011 06:12:37 AM: of course, hence the reason this site exists .... the help f-all
13963 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is merged with 3 at 21 Jan 2011 03:32:22 PM
I am with 3, but 3 do not sell 3 phones, because "we have merged with vodaphone".
Ok they can sell me a vodaphone phone, then want between $50 and $199 to unlock the phone I buy from the 3/ vodaphone store.
I was a vodaphone customer and changed due to wait times with help, poor reception, poor after sales and high call costs.
I wish you would start a three the unlucky number site, as I'm sure 3 customers like myself also have no signal/no service and no assistance. good luck
Ok they can sell me a vodaphone phone, then want between $50 and $199 to unlock the phone I buy from the 3/ vodaphone store.
I was a vodaphone customer and changed due to wait times with help, poor reception, poor after sales and high call costs.
I wish you would start a three the unlucky number site, as I'm sure 3 customers like myself also have no signal/no service and no assistance. good luck
13962 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No Service at 21 Jan 2011 03:31:44 PM
I signed a 12 month contract for mobile USB for my laptop on the website it states that service is good in Churchill Victoria but when I try to use it no service is what I get I have tried since the 22nd October 2010 to get it resolved but no-one wants to help me I am not paying the accounts and i have sent to the Crows Nest address all my emails regarding this matter as I have been threaten with legal action for a balance on my account we will see what happens when they get my letters next week
13960 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is poor customer service at 21 Jan 2011 03:27:56 PM
My story is i went to a 3/vodafone shop in townhall TGV. im a existing customer with vodafone, and i wanted to upgrade to an iphone. but the store member Charlene advised me they dont have any stock for customer to upgrade, if i really wanted an iphone, i need to cancel my number and get a new one, since the stock they have is only for the new connections. at the time i did believed it wat they were saying, but i went to the little vodafone kiosk next door opposite JB hifi, i ask the staff in that shop if they have any iphone stock for customer to upgrades. the store member advised me they have the stocks and there is no such thing as different stocks for new customers and upgrading. i got a phone from their shop for upgrading, but that got me thinking there is some shops is trying to get customer to cancel their plan and start up with a new number so they can gain more commission from vodafone. so big thanks to the shop members in the vodafone kiosk opposite JB HIFI, and finger down for the 3/vodafone next door. POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!
13959 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Im not here for no reason at 21 Jan 2011 03:21:01 PM
Vodafone network reception is the worst reception possible. After spending over 3 hours on hold with goodpta singh and goopta nagi they tried telling me they were going to build a new tower in my area to fix my network problems. In the next few months too they tell me. When is the due date? Oh, it hasnt actually been approved yet. Lies.
I bought the Desire HD, and they have deliberately shafted their customers by getting HTC to not implement the 850Mhz frequency, so I cant even take it to Telstra when I'm finished with these lying, theiving, criminals. On top of that the phone sucks on so many levels its not funny.
Whats that? Over 60% of the time your phone has no reception? Oh well, thats normal isnt it? Yeh right, I monitor mobile equipment using Telstra's NextG network, even in vehicles driving around all kinds of places it works over 99% of the time. Sorry, VODAFONE NETWORK FAAAAAAIIIIILLLLLLL!
I have been ripped off by Vodafone. Take the phone back to the store for support, and they have got it down pat on how to get you out the door in record time. Any vodafone store is purely, 100% sales based. They do not have any stores where you can get support. Support is completely done by calling old mate singh in india and getting inane, useless, totally ridiculous answers. You can't even tell what they are saying half the time. Then they tell me the answer is to turn 3G off. Yeh right. Buy a smart phone so you cant use the Internet. Thats a little oxymoron, contravenes the Trade Practices Act really.
I have been attempting to deal with 1555 for a while now, and they do not call me back. I have been very polite when dealing with them. My story is now going to the TIO.
Thanks for NOTHING vodafone.
I bought the Desire HD, and they have deliberately shafted their customers by getting HTC to not implement the 850Mhz frequency, so I cant even take it to Telstra when I'm finished with these lying, theiving, criminals. On top of that the phone sucks on so many levels its not funny.
Whats that? Over 60% of the time your phone has no reception? Oh well, thats normal isnt it? Yeh right, I monitor mobile equipment using Telstra's NextG network, even in vehicles driving around all kinds of places it works over 99% of the time. Sorry, VODAFONE NETWORK FAAAAAAIIIIILLLLLLL!
I have been ripped off by Vodafone. Take the phone back to the store for support, and they have got it down pat on how to get you out the door in record time. Any vodafone store is purely, 100% sales based. They do not have any stores where you can get support. Support is completely done by calling old mate singh in india and getting inane, useless, totally ridiculous answers. You can't even tell what they are saying half the time. Then they tell me the answer is to turn 3G off. Yeh right. Buy a smart phone so you cant use the Internet. Thats a little oxymoron, contravenes the Trade Practices Act really.
I have been attempting to deal with 1555 for a while now, and they do not call me back. I have been very polite when dealing with them. My story is now going to the TIO.
Thanks for NOTHING vodafone.
24 Jan 2011 11:00:55 AM: While i agree Vodafone is poor you cant get angry over not implementing some certain network band such as the 850MHz band. Working for a vendor I know the issues surrounding the different bands. As the 850 band is mainly implemented in the USA mobile handset vendors do a predominant amount of development in the US which takes longer than the European version (i.e. 900MHz version) SO in the interest of not losing time to market to the likes of Optus they are forced to go ahead with the European version. In some cases handsets support both 850 and 900 bands but at the moment this is Rare (Only some Nokia's and the IPhone at this stage)
13958 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is epic fail at 21 Jan 2011 03:20:36 PM
Delayed/lost SMS
Delayed/lost Voicemail
Barely functional 3G network
Delayed/lost Voicemail
Barely functional 3G network
13956 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is unreliable at 21 Jan 2011 03:18:48 PM
I've been with Vodafone for around 20 years. When they first started, things were great. Great connection & everything else. But over the last couple of years, I have had some rotten experiences - lots of issues with customer service. One incident: I complained that a friend of mine was not getting any of my mms messages ( picture file). The Indian accented call centre person claimed that Vodafone would not guarantee files larger than 100kb. What the? This was never a problem before. Also, my friend was getting messages from me at 2 or 3am - they were being delayed for several hours! I cannot rely on it to send urgent messages via sms. Too unreliable. Also call drop outs making me have to redial and pay the flag fall fee again. Grrr.
13955 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is useless at 21 Jan 2011 03:18:04 PM
Poor 3G coverage at best. Drops out all the time when their map shows good coverage well beond my suburb.
13954 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Big Time FAIL at 21 Jan 2011 03:16:25 PM
I am on prepaid and sometimes I cant make any phone calls due to no reception. Sometimes its there and sometimes it ain't.
13953 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Almost useless at 21 Jan 2011 03:15:39 PM
I have been a 3 customer for about 4 years. Everything fine for the first 2 but the last 2 is a different story. At home in a leafy northern melbourne suburb my iphone 3gs shows no service, roaming or at best 1 to 2 bars of reception. About a third of the time it has no service. I am in their metro melbourne coverage area so I figure I should have decent coverage 24/7 with them, thats what I pay them for!!
I was in Sydney last week travelling from Mosman to the northern beaches area of Ingleside. I rand my wife at home in melbourne and during a 10 minute conversation I had 6 drop outs. Not good enough 3/Vodaphone!
I was in Sydney last week travelling from Mosman to the northern beaches area of Ingleside. I rand my wife at home in melbourne and during a 10 minute conversation I had 6 drop outs. Not good enough 3/Vodaphone!
13952 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is high at 21 Jan 2011 03:15:01 PM
NO signal in Sydney City railway stations. Very poor & loss of reception on many parts of the Sydney Northshore rail link. Vodafone website is cumbersome and too slow. Overall, VERY DISSatisfied with Vodafone. I'm going back to Optus.
13951 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Vodafone is a disappointment at 21 Jan 2011 03:10:29 PM
I have noticed for some time that when I pick up my mobile to answer a call (before enough time has lapsed that it's transferred to voicemail) the call would disconnect at hello. At other times when I make a call I can hear the ring tone but I cannot get through, the call disconnecting itself before reaching the other person. Because I don't use my mobile as much as other people do, I've just put up with the problem because I can't be bothered to switch to another telco. It was only after I read several SMH articles about Vodafone issues that I came to realize that this problem I was experiencing and still do is widespread in the Vodafone network. It's truly disappointing, Vodafone comes off as being unprofessional and not trustworthy.
13950 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 3g and call drop outs at 21 Jan 2011 03:09:41 PM
I signed up for a 12 month contract last june. For the first four months my payments to them for some reason was not being updated in the system. So while I was paying on time and often before time, I kept getting sms' demanding payment at the risk of disconnection, which did occur. I eventually got onto CS after the eight or ninth attempt, I was told to just turn my handset off and back on and that seemed fix it. Weird bad true. I figured that would be the end of it but then around september I noticed I started getting really bad phone and 3G reception. My phone 30% of the time will just cut out for no reason during a call, the other 30% of the time it will cut out within about three seconds into the call, it works the other 40% of the time. I just wonder how much my bill is inflated if Voda charge a flag fall. Also network acccess cuts out despite having full bars/being in a city/under a voda tower. Piss poor. I pay 70 dollars a month for the privilege of having access to my phone 40% of the time. Pathetic.
13949 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is masquerading as a telco at 21 Jan 2011 03:06:31 PM
"Standing in a car park, with my just received, brand new phone, trying to get the settings from Vodafone to be able to use it properly and getting Lara'd, round and round and round, (frequently different people comment that I speak really clearly), I had the urge to just throw the phone on the ground and walk off. I just made a loud noise and embarrassed myself instead. I've had few encounters with Lara, and this is the first I've ever "shared". Even writing this, the ire and frustration surges in me. May you never have to experience Lara."
Somebody (who it apears has never been with Vodafone) complained somewhere else about people complaining here about the LARA. i realised I hadn't, so I have copied my post from that other place
Somebody (who it apears has never been with Vodafone) complained somewhere else about people complaining here about the LARA. i realised I hadn't, so I have copied my post from that other place
13948 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Billing at 21 Jan 2011 03:06:06 PM
Vodafone is so fail that when your bill is overdue and they activate call baring you can't even use your vodafail mobile to call vodafail and pay your bill!! If you had reception that is...
13947 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Drop outs at 21 Jan 2011 03:04:36 PM
25 Jan 2011 01:02:12 PM: It would be worth clickng on the How to Complain link on ths site before you even start, because you will need records. I think you should be able to get out of your contract penalty free AND be reimbursed for the injury to your business.That is with the TIO.
Also, it is worth considerng the class action against Vodafone
Also, it is worth considerng the class action against Vodafone
13946 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is failed at 21 Jan 2011 03:02:46 PM
Coverage drops out regualrly - calls drop out mid conversation. cant get internet connectivity even in CBD. Live in como and get 1 bar signal
13945 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 21 Jan 2011 03:01:15 PM
Having used to work for Vodafone in Geelong, I had an incentive to put up with their terrible coverage because they were paying half my bill for me. Even still, I made complaints to their customer care line with no luck. Now, I live in Melbourne and work in the CBD and my coverage is worse than ever! Driving down Russell Street the other day, my phone was SEARCHING... this is unacceptable! I never have internet coverage (always having to use WIFI) and at my house the phone drops in and out of coverage constantly. I have checked with retail staff and the online coverage maps and I should have FULL 3G reception everywhere.
I rang Vodafone to complain AGAIN about this on Tuesday. After sitting on hold for 30 minutes, I was told I needed to be transferred to a different department. After 30 minutes on hold for the second time, my service dropped out before I could speak to someone. I called back again, asked to be put through the the Network department, and after 30 minutes on hold AGAIN finally got to speak to someone. I explained all my issues and they said "you need to speak to the network department". I said "Didn't I come through to them?" they said "no, this is the billing department and the network department closed at 8 so you will call them tomorrow." You can imagine how annoyed I was with this situation! This was at 8.10. If they had answered my call in the first place and put me through to the right department, it may have been sorted. SO! I call back on Wednesday, speak to someone from Network and they say they can't do anything about canceling contracts so I'm out through to the Collections department. I'm getting more and more pissed every second with this! I tell them my story AGAIN and they say that because I've moved addresses, they will not cancel my contract without a fee because my network is checked to the address where the phone is provisioned. I told them that it was a MOBILE phone and should work everywhere. If I wanted a home phone, I would've got a landline! They then said they would do me a deal because I used to work for them and let me cancel the contract without a fee however I have to pay for the phone. Good work Vodafone! We all know why you do that! Because the phones are where you make your money! Not only that but what good is a iPhone 4 to me that is locked to Vodafone?! Last time I checked you couldn't unlock the iPhones because it voided your warranty! So you now want me to PAY for I phone I don't even want to use on your network when I'm getting it for free! I told them I would send them back the phone (because they just refurbish them and give them to you when you're phone is replaced under repair anyway) and they told me that was not an option and I was given my option and if I didn't like it, to take it to the Ombudsman. Thanks for the advice, that is exactly what I did! They say that the success rates for mergers are only at about 30%... well, look out! I'm pretty sure that unless they pull their fingers out, this one with 3 is SURE to fail!
I rang Vodafone to complain AGAIN about this on Tuesday. After sitting on hold for 30 minutes, I was told I needed to be transferred to a different department. After 30 minutes on hold for the second time, my service dropped out before I could speak to someone. I called back again, asked to be put through the the Network department, and after 30 minutes on hold AGAIN finally got to speak to someone. I explained all my issues and they said "you need to speak to the network department". I said "Didn't I come through to them?" they said "no, this is the billing department and the network department closed at 8 so you will call them tomorrow." You can imagine how annoyed I was with this situation! This was at 8.10. If they had answered my call in the first place and put me through to the right department, it may have been sorted. SO! I call back on Wednesday, speak to someone from Network and they say they can't do anything about canceling contracts so I'm out through to the Collections department. I'm getting more and more pissed every second with this! I tell them my story AGAIN and they say that because I've moved addresses, they will not cancel my contract without a fee because my network is checked to the address where the phone is provisioned. I told them that it was a MOBILE phone and should work everywhere. If I wanted a home phone, I would've got a landline! They then said they would do me a deal because I used to work for them and let me cancel the contract without a fee however I have to pay for the phone. Good work Vodafone! We all know why you do that! Because the phones are where you make your money! Not only that but what good is a iPhone 4 to me that is locked to Vodafone?! Last time I checked you couldn't unlock the iPhones because it voided your warranty! So you now want me to PAY for I phone I don't even want to use on your network when I'm getting it for free! I told them I would send them back the phone (because they just refurbish them and give them to you when you're phone is replaced under repair anyway) and they told me that was not an option and I was given my option and if I didn't like it, to take it to the Ombudsman. Thanks for the advice, that is exactly what I did! They say that the success rates for mergers are only at about 30%... well, look out! I'm pretty sure that unless they pull their fingers out, this one with 3 is SURE to fail!
13944 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is How long is a piece of string. They fail..endlessly... at 21 Jan 2011 03:00:47 PM
After being a customer with Vodafone Australia for 10 years I have never, ever experienced the terrible service to the degree I am experiencing today. Fourteen months ago I decided to go for a new post-paid plan, choosing Vodafone was a given as I am one of the few people who believe in brand loyalty. It wasnt the most attractive plan available to me but I though "Hey, I haven't had any issues in 10 years of service, whats the harm in signing to a more costly contract?". This was MY fail, assuming the best from a 2-bit telcom struggling to keep its head above water..never again.
First it started with drop outs. In rural areas, then suburban areas, hell even on Pitt Street for a few days whilst at work. Often when I see coverage I ask my friends "Have you got reception?" Their replies were always yes, followed by an explanation of how great Telstra and Optus coverage is.
I lost a few hundred dollars throughout 2010 due to drop-outs with vodafone. This is with a majority of calls being made from North Western Suburbs and Sydney CBD. FAIL VODAFONE
Then there was the phone insurance issue. Another premium I pay for that I didn't receive without wasting valuable time arguing on the phone. My phone was water damaged and upon making a claim I was told it was rejected, due to physical tampering. I've owned the phone from new, nobody has touched the phone except me from new and I certainly have never, nor attempted to open the handset. I spent $140 on insurance premiums and then a further $150 for a replacement handset. The process spanned over 1 month and cut into 7 of my working hours. Thats more money than I care to share, but my was time reimbursed? No. Was there an apology? No. Did I pay a ridiculous amount to receive another poorly built handset that their consumer products team have selected? Yes. FAIL VODAFONE
Then I hear about lawsuits, and customer details being accessed remotely outside of Vodafone. Sweet, so now who knows which hands my credit card details lie with, or my personal details, or my call records, or my phone number. Wheres the privacy? FAIL VODAFONE
Then floods hit, a national disaster. Coverage was knocked out in Brisbane during an EMERGENCY. Thats just great Vodafone, poorly design your telco infrastructure so that in dire times nobody can use your service when they need to most. I wonder how much avoidable damage was caused thanks to people being denied a service they are entitled to?
After 10 years, this relationship has broken down. Im disgusted at the way you operate, and the lack of responsibility you take for troubles you cause your valuable customers. Im not paying my next bill, because Vodafone you fail.
First it started with drop outs. In rural areas, then suburban areas, hell even on Pitt Street for a few days whilst at work. Often when I see coverage I ask my friends "Have you got reception?" Their replies were always yes, followed by an explanation of how great Telstra and Optus coverage is.
I lost a few hundred dollars throughout 2010 due to drop-outs with vodafone. This is with a majority of calls being made from North Western Suburbs and Sydney CBD. FAIL VODAFONE
Then there was the phone insurance issue. Another premium I pay for that I didn't receive without wasting valuable time arguing on the phone. My phone was water damaged and upon making a claim I was told it was rejected, due to physical tampering. I've owned the phone from new, nobody has touched the phone except me from new and I certainly have never, nor attempted to open the handset. I spent $140 on insurance premiums and then a further $150 for a replacement handset. The process spanned over 1 month and cut into 7 of my working hours. Thats more money than I care to share, but my was time reimbursed? No. Was there an apology? No. Did I pay a ridiculous amount to receive another poorly built handset that their consumer products team have selected? Yes. FAIL VODAFONE
Then I hear about lawsuits, and customer details being accessed remotely outside of Vodafone. Sweet, so now who knows which hands my credit card details lie with, or my personal details, or my call records, or my phone number. Wheres the privacy? FAIL VODAFONE
Then floods hit, a national disaster. Coverage was knocked out in Brisbane during an EMERGENCY. Thats just great Vodafone, poorly design your telco infrastructure so that in dire times nobody can use your service when they need to most. I wonder how much avoidable damage was caused thanks to people being denied a service they are entitled to?
After 10 years, this relationship has broken down. Im disgusted at the way you operate, and the lack of responsibility you take for troubles you cause your valuable customers. Im not paying my next bill, because Vodafone you fail.
30 Jan 2011 11:28:16 PM: "Then floods hit, a national disaster. Coverage was knocked out in Brisbane during an EMERGENCY. Thats just great Vodafone, poorly design your telco infrastructure so that in dire times nobody can use your service when they need to most."
Get a grip on reality with this particular point - all networks (yes, that includes Telstra and Optus) suffered some degree of service interruption, not just Vodafone.
Going by the postings of some Vodafone, Optus and Telstra customers on other forums, Vodafone were apparently the first back on the air. Not being from Brisbane myself, I can only take that at face value.
Get a grip on reality with this particular point - all networks (yes, that includes Telstra and Optus) suffered some degree of service interruption, not just Vodafone.
Going by the postings of some Vodafone, Optus and Telstra customers on other forums, Vodafone were apparently the first back on the air. Not being from Brisbane myself, I can only take that at face value.
21 Jul 2011 01:47:15 AM: No phone company covers water damaged phones.
13943 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2011 03:00:29 PM
What to do? Minimal coverage at home address, calls drop out or simply cannot be made. Vodafone will not cancel contracts...however suggested getting a prepaid phone with another carrier so i can make calls! Have been charged twice for a bill i paid ($300+) and told it will take 5-10 business days to be credited back. Have made complaints via email and never hear back and have basically given up calling Customer Service due to waiting times.
25 Jan 2011 05:56:07 AM: Check out the How to Complain link on this site.
25 Jan 2011 01:04:32 PM: Don't give up! That is what they want. That's how Vodafone contnue to get away with it!
Click on the "How to Complain" link on this site before you even start, because you will need records.
Click on the "How to Complain" link on this site before you even start, because you will need records.
13942 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Failed at 21 Jan 2011 02:59:41 PM
Signals are often weak and calls dropped out.
Rang Vodafone customer service and was advsed no problems with the connection.
The problems is not solved.
Rang Vodafone customer service and was advsed no problems with the connection.
The problems is not solved.
13941 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2011 02:59:37 PM
I checked in store and online for coverage before I signed up.After numerous calls to them at 2 1/2 hour wait time per call, They say they agree that I should not have been sighned up as even though coverage maps say I have total coverage I have none at all. They have sent me a post pack to send them back my phone, but no letter to confirm they will release me from contract. I have sent them four emails, and called the customer NO CARE line but still have had no confirmation I wont owe them anything.I dont think I can trust them if I just send back the phone.
13940 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extremely at 21 Jan 2011 02:59:00 PM
I signed up on 2year plan about 2yrs ago but due to crap service n stupid Lara n every other problem, worked out cheaper for me to cancel plan 3months on, since I was always been over billed. So I paid $800+ to cancel rather than $100+ for another 21months!
13939 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Shonky all round at 21 Jan 2011 02:56:11 PM
For 2 years my calls dropped out and that was if I was lucky to even be able to make any calls!! It got to the stage where the only solution was for me to buy out my current plan and take on a new phone and stupid of me...I should have just changed to a different phone company. For the last year at least I have not been able to log into "myvodafone" online account and can never access my usage details. I rang Customer Care (which is an oxy moron) and was on hold for 1 Hour and 27 mins before getting through and was just told the issue was a network issue which would be fixed in 24 hours. What a crock ...They clearly have no idea because this issue has been happening for over 12 months!!!!!!! I have now escalated the issue via a complaint - so lets see if this ever gets sorted.
13937 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Extreme Fail at 21 Jan 2011 02:55:34 PM
Last year I signed up to Vodafone Mobile Broadband as I already had a Blackberry through them and was fairly happy with the service/coverage/price etc. I took it home, connected it and happily began using the internet.
After around 5 minutes however it randomly slowed (around 0-20 kbsps downloads). I thought 'hmm this is weird,' so I unplugged it, plugged it back in and it did the same thing. After a few unpluggin sessions it refused to even connect.
Since that first day it has barely connected at all. (I have even taken it with me to Sydney where it would not connect and I was in the CBD!)
As I have been paying $50 a month for it, I have tried speaking to them about it (I try almost every month) and they simply have no idea what to do.... They leave me on hold for 20-30 mins, transfer me between departments and in some cases I have even had people from Vodafone hang up on me (this has actually happened quite a few times!)
I just got off the phone just then complaining about the internet, where the man said that the problem 'obviously lies with the computer' and told me to go to my nearest Vodafone shop. I told him that was over 3.5 hours drive from here, nearly 7 hours return and he just said: 'so, when will you be able to get there then??'
ARRRRGGGHHHHHHH I just felt like yelling at him (but I didnt). The phone call was not resolved as I just said that I 'would think about it' and hung up...
Since I bought the broadband I have spent almost $500 for something I cant use and after MANY complaints, phone calls and hours wasted it looks like it will never be fixed and I will never get my money back.
After around 5 minutes however it randomly slowed (around 0-20 kbsps downloads). I thought 'hmm this is weird,' so I unplugged it, plugged it back in and it did the same thing. After a few unpluggin sessions it refused to even connect.
Since that first day it has barely connected at all. (I have even taken it with me to Sydney where it would not connect and I was in the CBD!)
As I have been paying $50 a month for it, I have tried speaking to them about it (I try almost every month) and they simply have no idea what to do.... They leave me on hold for 20-30 mins, transfer me between departments and in some cases I have even had people from Vodafone hang up on me (this has actually happened quite a few times!)
I just got off the phone just then complaining about the internet, where the man said that the problem 'obviously lies with the computer' and told me to go to my nearest Vodafone shop. I told him that was over 3.5 hours drive from here, nearly 7 hours return and he just said: 'so, when will you be able to get there then??'
ARRRRGGGHHHHHHH I just felt like yelling at him (but I didnt). The phone call was not resolved as I just said that I 'would think about it' and hung up...
Since I bought the broadband I have spent almost $500 for something I cant use and after MANY complaints, phone calls and hours wasted it looks like it will never be fixed and I will never get my money back.
13936 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very bad service!!!! at 21 Jan 2011 02:54:53 PM
I have no reception at my house!!!! How is it I have to honor my contract for two years when they can't provide services they promised or they will charge me exit fee???
I run a business and I can't rely on my own phone!!!
Sick of waiting for any help from customer service.
Will be going to the ombudsman for help.
I run a business and I can't rely on my own phone!!!
Sick of waiting for any help from customer service.
Will be going to the ombudsman for help.
13935 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Disastrous at 21 Jan 2011 02:54:22 PM
13934 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is BAD at 21 Jan 2011 02:53:41 PM
when im in 3g sometimes i cant receive or make a phone call. as a read in the forum lots of people have some problem like me. however, when i call them, they said they need evidence about my problem. therefore at the moment i trying to collect as many evidence as i can. it has been 4 hours since i started it and i already got 4 or 5 evidences about how bad the vodafone service is. not only the phone call but the transfer rate also so slow. im trying to update my facebook and it took 5 minutes just to update it. i will try to collect these evidences and i will submit it on monday. hope it will satisfy them.
13933 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is More useless a\than fly screens on a submarine at 21 Jan 2011 02:53:00 PM
Have had patchie at best coverage for the past 3 weeks. Calls drop out and messages take hours to get through ( several sms's took more thank 24 hours), that if I can even get a signal to send one. I live in a big city that is meant to have excellent coverage. Vodafone you fail big time.
13932 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Appalling data download on mobile phone at 21 Jan 2011 02:52:25 PM
There is just not enough grunt in their network for data download on my phone. It's appalling. VODAFONE are concentrating on growing their customer base with promotions like unlimited calls etc... Instead of focussing on fixing their tired old network. So frustrating. I've only got 3 months of contract left with them and I'll be churning back to Telstra, the good old faithful/reliable network that's full of grunt, and I'll NEVER EVER return to the VODAFONE network.
13931 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is incomparable in terms of poor customer service, and blatant lies to customers at 21 Jan 2011 02:49:28 PM
13930 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is utter at 21 Jan 2011 02:48:25 PM
i started of with 3 because my prior vodafone deal was an expensive waste of time (5 years ago ) and here they are again fucking up my 3 coverage! vodafone get out i say. this company and its sales only mentality has proved time and time again that customer service is not their concern. now 3 customers service is not their concern either. why is an incompetant telco allowed to take over another network and then show contempt for their customers as well?
13929 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Most of the time at 21 Jan 2011 02:44:19 PM
I have been a customer since their inception. Unfortunately I have been experiencing more frequently in the last 6 months to a year, increase in drop outs, even with four or five bars of signal. Delayed sms, sometimes days and also delayed voice mails with no record of the person actually calling, only finding out when I receive their voice message 4 to 5 days later, great when you are expecting job offer calls! I have also suffered at the hands of their support team trying to contact them is not much fun when they keep you on hold for 45mis to an hour then transfer you to someone else, if you are lucky, and then have to re-explain everything again or they cut you off instead.
24 Jan 2011 01:49:07 AM: But when the cousins of those f**kers calls in the middle of getting dinner or something, no way in the world you can get rid of them. They even call you back if you hang up on them!
13928 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Pretty fail at 21 Jan 2011 02:44:12 PM
Mainly very inconsistent 3G, I am in CBD and get very poor response.
Only really experienced serious call issues this week (not withstanding the December outage).
Had numerous dropped calls, inability to place SMS , but seem to receive ok (of course I don't know how many I am NOT receiving.)
Made worse by lack of local support after 5pm (call centre closes at 8pm EST)
Incorrect information about fault line being open 24 hours (still haven't found a 24 hour number).
Promises to receive call back after several hours attempting to connect were not followed through until I complained in writing.
Have asked to be released from our current contract so that we can find a provider that can provide.
We pay over $5000 per year for mobile services and do not think it unreasonable to be able to get coverage and response. Back to Telstra as soon as I get that release.
Only really experienced serious call issues this week (not withstanding the December outage).
Had numerous dropped calls, inability to place SMS , but seem to receive ok (of course I don't know how many I am NOT receiving.)
Made worse by lack of local support after 5pm (call centre closes at 8pm EST)
Incorrect information about fault line being open 24 hours (still haven't found a 24 hour number).
Promises to receive call back after several hours attempting to connect were not followed through until I complained in writing.
Have asked to be released from our current contract so that we can find a provider that can provide.
We pay over $5000 per year for mobile services and do not think it unreasonable to be able to get coverage and response. Back to Telstra as soon as I get that release.
13927 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely at 21 Jan 2011 02:43:13 PM
Being a longstanding customer (12 years) allowed me to see the decline of customer service over time. This culminated in Vodafone failing to send me my bills for a 6 month period to the designated email address, and being unable to provide me with them in PDF format. Some customer service reps said they would send all of my bills to me (but didn't). Some reps said that there was a fee for each bill (but then said it wasn't possible to provide them). Some reps said that they needed the following shift to generate the bills (but never sent them through). All up I spoke to no less than 8 people to get my bills. I ended up getting all 6 bills, but there was no call details on them. I gave up and switched companies.
13926 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is relentlessly shite at 21 Jan 2011 02:39:21 PM
I'm not longer in this mess because I gave up and coughed up. I had been with Vodafone for quite a while and in the N.T. - even inner city Darwin area, the reception is rubbish. I'm talking ZERO bars. From inside my house, anywhere in my house in one of the oldest suburbs of Darwin, very close to the city center, I have to leave my phone on my windowsill in hope of gaining reception. If I get a call I must run outside and even then I am at a high risk of reception fail. I had complained a few times to the HORRIBLE staff at Casuarina Vodafone but they say 'that's just Darwin' and 'All the carriers have this problem'. Let me tell you now, that this is RUBBISH. Since I switched my phone now gets reception inside my house and never drops out outside. YOU LIE, VODAFAIL. YOU LIE. When my phone died I went into Vodafail and enquired about what I could do. The phone had simply deteriorated from a functioning Nokia N95 to one that wouldn't work. There was no incedent or anything like that. I was told by the DISGUSTING VODAFAIL CASUARINA STAFF that my only choices were to pay out my contract and enter into a new contract with Vodafail or pay out my contract and go elsewhere. Some way to treat a loyal customer. I asked if there was anything they could do, any deals, any help on perhaps repairing the phone and the fat little goth behind the counter told me in the rudest of no uncertain terms that bad luck, whatever you do you have to pay up, we dont care. I then said why should I stay with you when I can go to telstra who had a better deal on at the time and had better reception? She bassically then told me to f-off to Telstra then, she doesn't care. So I did. And my HTC Desire Andriod never misses a bar. And I have never had a bill quite as large as some of my Vodafail bills. And the staff were rather pleasant. This isn't an add for Telstra, I think they all pretty much stink but Vodafail stinks the most. They sent me the $300 bill of course. I paid... eventually.
13925 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2011 02:38:37 PM
I live in Cronulla, NSW and am changing my carrier as my Vodafone does not work at least 50% of the time on weekends. As far as I've been told, this is a breach of the telecommunications act yet this has been ongoing all Summer and no site of any fix. I even entered the Cronulla Vodafone store to ask when this will be rectified and all I got was an embarassed shrug of the shoulders..
13924 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is extremely at 21 Jan 2011 02:38:27 PM
i had a phone on a pre paid plan with vodafone for about 4 years and then when i first got the phone it was brand new but even as soon as i got it i found trouble with service coverage everywhere that i went and if i did have reception it would only be a maximum of 1 - 2 bars out of 6 but whenever i would have limited service like calls to 000 i would have full bars which led to poor reception calls dropping out texts arriving late sometimes up to three weeks late voicemails and notificATIONS of missed calls arriving late as well it suked because it affected my relationships with friends, work colleagus and family due to the fact that they just werent able to reach me due to vodafones extremely poor services
13923 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is very fail at 21 Jan 2011 02:36:13 PM
I have dial up broadband, and it is pretty much unusable at peak hours due to dropping out, slow speed and major latency issues. Not good for playing computer games online. Also I have tried 3 mobile, (which someone tells me is being taken over by vodaphone or already has been) and they are better, but only slightly, the latency is still really high, but at least it doesn't drop out. A friend that works for telstra bigpond says that vodaphone offers really cheap deals but oversells them, and doesn't have the infrastructure to deal with the customers, sounds about right to me.
25 Jan 2011 01:07:47 PM: Do something about it.Click on the "How to Complain" link on this site before you even start, because you will need some records.
13922 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is service at 21 Jan 2011 02:36:05 PM
I have been a loyal Vodafone customer for many years on a contract,
I upgraded my phone and from there...The phone had issues within the first week, took it back, it got sent away to be fixed. (a new phone needed repairing - a problem here for a start) I want a replacement. Forget the warranty - that's only on the paper so I would enter the deal cause it doesn't actually exist) They tell me, we will have to repair it first! ... omg! Went back to store and still wouldn't replace, follow the steps... phone has to be sent away 3 times for repair before replacing the phone was a consideration. Well, I gave up, I don't care anymore. I put the dead phone away and put my sim card into my sons old phone. 3 years later, my son's old phone is still chugging along, there is no way I would consider updating the phone. Hear all the time for family/freinds etc the ongoing issues.
I upgraded my phone and from there...The phone had issues within the first week, took it back, it got sent away to be fixed. (a new phone needed repairing - a problem here for a start) I want a replacement. Forget the warranty - that's only on the paper so I would enter the deal cause it doesn't actually exist) They tell me, we will have to repair it first! ... omg! Went back to store and still wouldn't replace, follow the steps... phone has to be sent away 3 times for repair before replacing the phone was a consideration. Well, I gave up, I don't care anymore. I put the dead phone away and put my sim card into my sons old phone. 3 years later, my son's old phone is still chugging along, there is no way I would consider updating the phone. Hear all the time for family/freinds etc the ongoing issues.
13920 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Over the top at 21 Jan 2011 02:26:28 PM
Mess? More like chaos .. my calls drop out, my phone goes through to voicemail without ringing then the voicemail will take hours (& days) to come through. Yesterday I rang vodafone 5 times in a window of 15 minutes. EVERY call dropped out! I also got fed up with not being able to either understand what the person was saying because their accent was too heavy or they spoke really softly. I got fed up with the voice recognition software not recognising what I was saying. As I'm a business I'm over the poor performance. I find it amusing how the technical help tell me to do the exact opposite of what the shop people do. Between the two of them one sets my phone settings one way and then the other tell me to set it back to what it was. Why can they not agree? Why do they blame my phone?
25 Jan 2011 01:09:47 PM: It would be worth clickng on the How to Complain link on ths site. I think you should be able to get out of your contract penalty free AND be reimbursed for the injury to your business.That is with the TIO.
Also, it is worth considerng the class action against Vodafone
Also, it is worth considerng the class action against Vodafone
13919 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is agonisingly awful at 21 Jan 2011 02:24:45 PM
21 Jan 2011 02:29:31 PM: zzzzzzzzzz....
21 Jan 2011 02:41:14 PM: a vodafone representative said zzzzzzz...see this is their attitude
13918 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Utterly Useless at 21 Jan 2011 02:24:08 PM
I am on a 24 month contract for the iPhone 3gs. When I first signed the contract the lady in the vodafone store told me that if I wanted insurance I had to call up and organise it over the phone. So I got home and called only to be told that I had to purchase the insurance instore when I first signed the contract. I explained the situation only to be told, oh well. Great customer service..
13917 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is pretty crap at 21 Jan 2011 02:24:07 PM
1. Ellenbrook WA - very poor reception on 3G network. Only getting one maybe 2 bars (2 are rare) and making calls of any clarity are nigh impossible form both inside and outside the house.
2. Last 3 or 4 days I have been experiencing great difficulty in getting outgoing calls to connect - phone just hangs until it eventually shows that the call failed. Combined with that ocntinued dropout when trying to access e-mails, texts, Facebook,........... pretty much everything really.
2. Last 3 or 4 days I have been experiencing great difficulty in getting outgoing calls to connect - phone just hangs until it eventually shows that the call failed. Combined with that ocntinued dropout when trying to access e-mails, texts, Facebook,........... pretty much everything really.
13915 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Complete fail at 21 Jan 2011 02:22:37 PM
I'm a vodafone mobile customer and i am amazed by how often my calls drop out, even though all my calls are being received or dialed from urban areas. It is not only frustrating, but increasingly expensive as i have to dial again. However, as i am locked in, i am unable to do anything about it!
13914 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Hopless, get me out of here. at 21 Jan 2011 02:22:32 PM
Vodafone called me today with regards to a email I left on 30 Dec 2010. Kudos to them responding after close to a month (Punk intended). Over the last 2 weeks, I have managed to call them stating network coverage issues and initiating investigations. They have confirm poor coverage at my home (NSW 2137) and will be upgraded by Feb. Now, NSW 2137 is not even on the list of upgrade sites on their media report. Are they kidding me?
Both my wife and myself are on Vodafone, so chances of call dropping is x2. How did we manage to survive this for the last 2 months?
I'm still waiting for the billing team to contact me to offer alternatives. Get me out of my contracts please.
Both my wife and myself are on Vodafone, so chances of call dropping is x2. How did we manage to survive this for the last 2 months?
I'm still waiting for the billing team to contact me to offer alternatives. Get me out of my contracts please.
13913 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Fail is an understatement at 21 Jan 2011 02:20:58 PM
I had network issues and was not recieving phone calls text messages and voicemails although in fairness voicemails some did run late by a week.
I had tried calling but would end up hanging up because after being on hold for 1 hour i would be told that i needed a different department which meant i had to hold for another hour.
Finally I was fed up and told vodafone that I was cancelling and not paying a cancelletion fee as this was a joke they then told nme to try different handsets and a number of different things they sent me text msgs that did not come through.
After all of this they told me they needed to troubleshoot which may take 28 days to figure out what was wrong. The Consultant then told me I had to pay to cancel which i was fuming at so i explained I was happy to continue as long as they were happy to pay consultancy fees per hour for the 18 hours i had been on this particular matter over 3 days and no call backs as promissed.
To cut a long story short after 5 hours I was offered a credit and was advised that because my phone was required for business and i could not wait to cancel and go to another network. Which i did immediately as i was traveling overseas the following day and left my phone with a friend for the time i was away and took theres so i did not have network problems.
I explained to the consultant that if i had to call back i needed to be compensated if none of the above were actioned. I had even exagerated my fees at $5000 per hour and told them that I would charge this for the hours i had spent previously and the hours I would send to sought it out.
After all of this I sure enough got charged to cancell and no credits were applied. I then called back and went to a supervisor who said i would not be credited but he would do me the favour and wave my cancellation fees. I explained to him that as per my mention that i would be requesting a $100,000 + compensation for my time and services. he then said that is impossible I then said well you wont apply any of the credits that were originally agreed to so put me through to the person who I spoe with originally and this super visor who I wont name refused saying he did not believe me that this had been mentioned and i was lucky that i he was crediting me the cancellation fee. I finally hung up as I was getting nowhere.
I then called the next day spoke to the person i originally spoke with for 5 hours on november 2nd mind you it took an hour to get through again. During this I conversation i had to loose it as he was going on about it was my fault and that he could no longer credit me as i cancelled on his advice but he would wave the fee. Finally I advised him of our compensation fee and he said he would wave the entire amount owing but could not get me any form of compensation.
Yours sincerly
Mr 30 hours+
I had tried calling but would end up hanging up because after being on hold for 1 hour i would be told that i needed a different department which meant i had to hold for another hour.
Finally I was fed up and told vodafone that I was cancelling and not paying a cancelletion fee as this was a joke they then told nme to try different handsets and a number of different things they sent me text msgs that did not come through.
After all of this they told me they needed to troubleshoot which may take 28 days to figure out what was wrong. The Consultant then told me I had to pay to cancel which i was fuming at so i explained I was happy to continue as long as they were happy to pay consultancy fees per hour for the 18 hours i had been on this particular matter over 3 days and no call backs as promissed.
To cut a long story short after 5 hours I was offered a credit and was advised that because my phone was required for business and i could not wait to cancel and go to another network. Which i did immediately as i was traveling overseas the following day and left my phone with a friend for the time i was away and took theres so i did not have network problems.
I explained to the consultant that if i had to call back i needed to be compensated if none of the above were actioned. I had even exagerated my fees at $5000 per hour and told them that I would charge this for the hours i had spent previously and the hours I would send to sought it out.
After all of this I sure enough got charged to cancell and no credits were applied. I then called back and went to a supervisor who said i would not be credited but he would do me the favour and wave my cancellation fees. I explained to him that as per my mention that i would be requesting a $100,000 + compensation for my time and services. he then said that is impossible I then said well you wont apply any of the credits that were originally agreed to so put me through to the person who I spoe with originally and this super visor who I wont name refused saying he did not believe me that this had been mentioned and i was lucky that i he was crediting me the cancellation fee. I finally hung up as I was getting nowhere.
I then called the next day spoke to the person i originally spoke with for 5 hours on november 2nd mind you it took an hour to get through again. During this I conversation i had to loose it as he was going on about it was my fault and that he could no longer credit me as i cancelled on his advice but he would wave the fee. Finally I advised him of our compensation fee and he said he would wave the entire amount owing but could not get me any form of compensation.
Yours sincerly
Mr 30 hours+
13912 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is service dropping in and out at 21 Jan 2011 02:20:42 PM
i have been with vodafone for about 6 years now and had no issues up until now. i can be on a phone call sitting in the same spot and then all of a sudden i have "no service". i havent moved one bit?!? how can it do this? it is the same as my internet, it connects, says the service if "very good" and then takes 10 minutes to open a page or says i am not connected.. i am over it!!!!!!
13911 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is UberFail at 21 Jan 2011 02:19:11 PM
I signed up for Vodafone mobile internet. Paid $150 for the little modem and a SIM card. When I got it home I found that to get any reception at all on the thing I had to fix it to the outside of my house, and even then, reception drops out every so often, just like my phone service. I figured I'd try it for a month as some internet was better than no internet. I paid the $50 dollar bill at the end of December. After an infuriating month of having to wait hours for a page to load (if it loads at all) and constantly having Skype drop out on me in the middle of talking to my family back home, I get a bill for over $600. First they are claiming that I have not paid my first bill, even though my bank statement clearly states that I did; then they say that my fiancee and I used over 30G in under a month. I'm not sure how thats possible when the modem can't connect for over half the time anyway. But try explaining that to the tech support in India. They refused to take my complaint because their "records" show that I owe $600 dollars.
It gets worse....
I paid $150 for the modem and was told that it is unlocked and we are free to put in any SIM card we want... WRONG! Its locked to Vodafone. So I called their "help line" to get the unlock codes.... 45 minutes of holding... LARA... More holding...
The woman who I spoke to couldn't speak english well enough to know what an unlock code was. After speaking to her mangers manager and being disconnected and not called back 3 times, I was told to "go to the website as they did not know any unlock codes."
On the website, no unlock codes where available. And to get them I am required to pay $75 dollars.
I now have the number of the Ombudsman and will try to get them off him if I can get enough reception to make a call... And considering that I can't call my fiancee's phone when its 2 feet away from me I doubt I'll be able to.
It gets worse....
I paid $150 for the modem and was told that it is unlocked and we are free to put in any SIM card we want... WRONG! Its locked to Vodafone. So I called their "help line" to get the unlock codes.... 45 minutes of holding... LARA... More holding...
The woman who I spoke to couldn't speak english well enough to know what an unlock code was. After speaking to her mangers manager and being disconnected and not called back 3 times, I was told to "go to the website as they did not know any unlock codes."
On the website, no unlock codes where available. And to get them I am required to pay $75 dollars.
I now have the number of the Ombudsman and will try to get them off him if I can get enough reception to make a call... And considering that I can't call my fiancee's phone when its 2 feet away from me I doubt I'll be able to.
21 Jan 2011 03:48:28 PM: My partner and I have the same issue. We have been told we used over 17Gb of data when we can't connect half the time. OUr unlocked mobile brodband dongles and the unlocked mobile phone are all locked to vodafone/crazy johns and can't be unlocked without paying. We had a billing enquiry done and they never called back about it. When I called them they said they did call us and gave us the results. Just another lie from vodafone
13910 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 21 Jan 2011 02:16:20 PM
This time - I missed calls from work because the phone didn't ring (full reception bars) and then the Voicemail came three days later - Vodafone offered to send my handsets (that's right, two, I bought the second one because the first one had the same issues) away for up to 8 weeks. They refused to admit that it's a network issue, even when I pointed out that I had both a Blackberry and an iPhone with THE SAME PROBLEMS. And when I pointed out that the loan phone did not have internet capabilities, and asked if they could cancel the internet section of my bill for the time the phones were away, the poor girl at the Vodafone store had to explain to me that it's 'impossible'. I am three months from the end of my contract and I will not be renewing it. I'm currently trying to get them to let me out early - they've cost me twice as much in lost shifts in the last week than the payments on the rest of my contract.
13909 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 3G network is a JOKE at 21 Jan 2011 02:11:28 PM
Vodafone 3G network appears to be cobbled together with pieces of string that someone must constantly keep 'wet' (I'll leave the HOW up to your imagination!) for any data to get through at all. The person or persons responsible for this 'wetting' activity must be narcoleptic given the observed performance. In an area showing 100% coverage [according to Vodafone's web site] I can get anywhere from 3+ Mbps of bandwidth, to as little as NONE WHAT-SO-EVER. Unfortunately, the latter is a far more frequent occurrence than the former. I now keep detailed records [ping times, link drop-out frequency, etc] just for the day when this info will come in handy!!!
21 Jan 2011 02:15:50 PM: Unfortunately wet string has been replaced as the telecommunications medium of choice.
13908 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% at 21 Jan 2011 02:11:20 PM
Where do I start?
There are 2 significant Vodafails I have experienced in the last 5 years. Not impressed:
1. I have had my Vodafone mobile number since I joined the service back in 1997. It is my only number I use for business purposes as I am self employed. However between 5 and 7 years ago, a number of clients and friends commented that they had tried to call me but been put through to a guys phone instead. It was confirmed when on one of these occasions my friend asked him where I was, and he replied "Oh, I've been getting calls for this girl for at least 5 years". As soon as my friend actually managed to get hold of me and tell me, I rang Vodafone to confront them about why another customer had MY number and did they realise I had probably lost business because of it!
Well the charming girl advised me that she would disconnect me!!! In the end I don't know what happened to the 'other guy', but what they did was to disconnect my service for a few hours and then reconnect it (after I had to call them to do it). I was never given an apology once. All this whilst on a $149 business plan per month. DISGUSTING.
2. My husband and I purchased the wireless internet because it was such a good deal. Shame it had zero reception. It would take up to 6 hours to load a single internet page, like hotmail login. The poor guy I spoke to was so sheepish when he admitted that Vodafail had failed to actually supply enough infrastrusture to support the demand. We took it back and got our refund.
I am still with Vodafone due to the call costs, however my husband and I will shortly be changing to Optus so we can save money on a package deal with our home and internet.
There are 2 significant Vodafails I have experienced in the last 5 years. Not impressed:
1. I have had my Vodafone mobile number since I joined the service back in 1997. It is my only number I use for business purposes as I am self employed. However between 5 and 7 years ago, a number of clients and friends commented that they had tried to call me but been put through to a guys phone instead. It was confirmed when on one of these occasions my friend asked him where I was, and he replied "Oh, I've been getting calls for this girl for at least 5 years". As soon as my friend actually managed to get hold of me and tell me, I rang Vodafone to confront them about why another customer had MY number and did they realise I had probably lost business because of it!
Well the charming girl advised me that she would disconnect me!!! In the end I don't know what happened to the 'other guy', but what they did was to disconnect my service for a few hours and then reconnect it (after I had to call them to do it). I was never given an apology once. All this whilst on a $149 business plan per month. DISGUSTING.
2. My husband and I purchased the wireless internet because it was such a good deal. Shame it had zero reception. It would take up to 6 hours to load a single internet page, like hotmail login. The poor guy I spoke to was so sheepish when he admitted that Vodafail had failed to actually supply enough infrastrusture to support the demand. We took it back and got our refund.
I am still with Vodafone due to the call costs, however my husband and I will shortly be changing to Optus so we can save money on a package deal with our home and internet.
21 Jan 2011 03:13:34 PM: I have their mobile internet too... It never works and yet they are trying to say we went over our cap and that we owe $650.
13906 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Timing Fail at 21 Jan 2011 02:07:38 PM
I just got a text from a friend this morning... But it's date October 28th, 2010 at 3:30pm!!!!! Well done, you pathetic excuse for a telco, surely that's a new record!
13905 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2011 02:01:50 PM
when sighning up,no indication was given that our suburb as bad or no reception. This is after I specificly asked the vodaphone salesman about coverage in this area. while returning my sons handset after 7 days because of no network coverage, I was supprised that 3 other people returned the same handset at the same time. All of us were blamed for not taking care of the handset!!
13904 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor Service at 21 Jan 2011 02:01:21 PM
Long time customer receiving too many call drop outs and as a result invoices have tripled. I have contacted Vodafone many times to rectify the situation and we have had Zero assistance in this matter.
13903 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is epic fail at 21 Jan 2011 02:00:36 PM
Ok, so i previously lived in Wandi, a little out of the way but was told by teh guy selling me teh phone that reception out there was no issue. It was. So i moved to Attadale, right in teh metro area i suppose... and i couldnt use phone in house... so thats shit i thought... anyway so i go to work and in my office reception is poor at best, sometimes no reception at all...
WTF?!?!? im in teh metro area and i still cant get proper reception... and dont get me started on 3G... just did a test then... 0.06 mbps (from
WTF?!?!? im in teh metro area and i still cant get proper reception... and dont get me started on 3G... just did a test then... 0.06 mbps (from
21 Jan 2011 02:23:04 PM: I live 2 minutes away from a vodafone tower... I miss calls because my phone doesn't ring, then suddenly I'll get 5 texts and 3 missed calls from hours ago.
13902 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Interesting!! at 21 Jan 2011 02:00:26 PM
13901 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is cancelled my contract at 21 Jan 2011 01:59:27 PM
Due to my on going problems i have cancelled my contract what with no connection drop out on calls and the rude staff with a massive lack of proudut skills cant understand who i did manage to talk to and then left on hold to have another drop out i have had enough and told vodauseless never to contact me again brian p
ps good riddance to you know who
ps good riddance to you know who
21 Jan 2011 02:17:45 PM: Grammar is my specialty.
13899 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is VODAFAIL at 21 Jan 2011 01:57:36 PM
3G Internet bill is always a shock for me... Each second month is inflated, even if I check my data consumption using my Vodafone account and through SMS. I tried to explain these issues to Vodafone Customer Care guys, but they know their lesson - it's my liability to make sure that I DO NOT go over my quota. When I asked them how should I do that if their data metering is so far off, they started to BLA, BLA, BLA....not really interested to help, more interested to get rid of me. SO, what's the solution - found it. Don't bother calling VODAFONE - bunch of idi**s - CALL TIO and they will register your claim as 'inadequate data metering' or similar and give you a claim number. With the claim number, it's coming also a special Vodafone number - which is not always busy and the person answering this number can offer something without transferring you X times between various VODAFAIL departments.
CALL TIO, forget about normal VODAFONE customer service number and LARA.
CALL TIO, forget about normal VODAFONE customer service number and LARA.
13898 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very poor at 21 Jan 2011 01:56:40 PM
Very poor reception to nil in my home and garden. Delays in text messages to not delivered at all.
13897 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VERY BAD at 21 Jan 2011 01:55:59 PM
Vodafone is a piece of shit. I regret signing up. My father was in hospital and my mother couldn't get through to me to let me know of the situation. Vodafone is not even worthy to be in the worst third world country. Vodafone has a duty to provide the service it agrees to do in the contract that we sign and they are ripping us off. I want my money back. VODAFONE GO FUCK YOURSELF
13896 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Unusable at 21 Jan 2011 01:48:43 PM
About two months ago reception in Adelaide CBD and esp. Bridgewater became pretty hit or miss, often miss. I'd get lost calls and couldn't see the network several times a day. Since then it has improved slightly but I just found out they did a survey of reception in Bridgewater and the area has lost 80% of the signal.....
Just waiting for my company to make the change....
Just waiting for my company to make the change....
25 Jan 2011 01:12:40 PM: Probably pass this to the appropriate people in your company.
It would be worth clickng on the How to Complain link on ths site. I think you should be able to get out of your contract penalty free AND be reimbursed for the injury to your business.That is with the TIO. Also, it is worth considerng the class action against Vodafone
It would be worth clickng on the How to Complain link on ths site. I think you should be able to get out of your contract penalty free AND be reimbursed for the injury to your business.That is with the TIO. Also, it is worth considerng the class action against Vodafone
13895 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is lack of coverage at 21 Jan 2011 01:44:50 PM
my biggest issue with VF is lack of coverage. Whenever we leave the Canberra urban area, I enter a "no reception zone" while my daughter who is on Otus has full covergae. I lose coverage in Muurambateman, Yass, Young, Captains Flat, Braidwood, Gunning, etc etc. As I ride a motorbike, the lack of service is a real issue in the event of an emergency.
13894 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is F'ing fail! at 21 Jan 2011 01:43:14 PM
Not to sure why it happens and would be interested to hear if it happens to others, but when ever i go to sporting events, i can never text anyone.
It says i have full reception but the message always fails.
Prime example of this was at the Ashes Criccket game at the MCG on Boxing day, The event was sponsered by vodaphone, but i still couldnt text - or use interent!?
It happened yesterday at the Australian open tennis as well???
It says i have full reception but the message always fails.
Prime example of this was at the Ashes Criccket game at the MCG on Boxing day, The event was sponsered by vodaphone, but i still couldnt text - or use interent!?
It happened yesterday at the Australian open tennis as well???
21 Jan 2011 01:47:04 PM: Same as Christmas and new years, every man, woman, child and dog is sending text's from the venue. Therefore, whichever base station is in the area will become overloaded. I don't work for Vodafone. This is just the way the technology works.
21 Jan 2011 01:51:35 PM: Same with me - was at the cricket (MCG) on boxing day and phone said full 3G reception, yet I could not make calls or go on the net.
21 Jan 2011 02:03:46 PM: It's a peak load problem and it makes no sense bulking up the capacity of that particular network location to accomodate a sporting event that happens for 5 days a year. Cricket being a special case since it's so boring everyone reaches for the phone.
22 Jan 2011 08:12:22 PM: I've had it at the tennis also, couldn't use 3G internet at all, and after giving up completely I asked my friend on Optus to help out and send a text for me...
I really don't know why I bother. I had absolutely no problem until late last year. Stupid Vodafail!!!
I really don't know why I bother. I had absolutely no problem until late last year. Stupid Vodafail!!!
13893 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Phone Problems at 21 Jan 2011 01:42:46 PM
The blackberry bold that has been sent to me by vodaphone after the 28 day return policy has finished my phone started to glitch and started break. i ask vodaphone to exchange wich they said they cant and that i would have to send it off to repairs when they tried to look for my contract on their systems they could not find it. the only evidence of a contract i have is a excel document with my number name and phone model. i signed up to this contract over the phone with the vodaphone buisness centre and i have been having problems ever since.
13892 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Ultra fail at 21 Jan 2011 01:40:40 PM
Drop outs, data non existent, when it is there it takes ages to load a web page, I thought leaving 3 was the right thing to do.... FAIL!
21 Jan 2011 02:07:11 PM: 3 went through the same pain. In the early days they couldn't transfer from 3G to 2G(roaming) without dropping the call. While this mainly applied when you were on the move, if you were on the border between coverage areas it wasn't unheard of to drop calls while stationary. These problems have been largely smoothed out by 3 but makes you wonder if this is what's happening with Vodafone.
22 Jan 2011 12:49:00 AM: I will have full 3G reception, not even touch my phone and I lose all reception. Messages CONSTANTLY fail to send. extremely frustrating. I have missed many shifts at work thanks to it not working. I have been in a rush to find people in the city and I have to use someone elses phone to ring them because even though my phone will have reception, it just disconnects me. And it's not my phone, I had to get a replacement recently due to dead pixels and that was the same. I've been with 4 different telco's and nothing this woeful.
22 Jan 2011 12:51:44 AM: Oh and the insurance team is as useless as a wet rag. Asked if my battery was covered due to water damage and he did not understand that. Just went 'huh?' and then went on about something to do with the phone being covered by insurance when I wasn't asking about that. Somehow couldn't comprehend what a battery is and that it can be removed.
22 Jan 2011 03:52:36 PM: As a small business owner, I was at the point of paying whatever it cost to get out of my contracts and sign up with a less disreputable, and more reliable network.
Lodged complaint online with tio, took 3 mins. Vodafone released me from 2 contracts ( 1 had 18 months to go). Signed up with telstra, pay the same get 3 gig instead of 1 gig, got an iphone 4, the difference is like comparing dial up to cable, get texts when they are sent, people I send texts to get them straight away (unless they are with voda). My business prides itself on reliability and proffessionalism, our only drawback was vodafone.
Lodged complaint online with tio, took 3 mins. Vodafone released me from 2 contracts ( 1 had 18 months to go). Signed up with telstra, pay the same get 3 gig instead of 1 gig, got an iphone 4, the difference is like comparing dial up to cable, get texts when they are sent, people I send texts to get them straight away (unless they are with voda). My business prides itself on reliability and proffessionalism, our only drawback was vodafone.
13889 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is like a crip wearing red at 21 Jan 2011 01:38:35 PM
The usual problems; picture messages in particular come through about 5 hours later than they get sent, often with a batch of texts. I have so much drama with data though! I'm on an iphone 4, which is fast for all my friends on other networks, but I can barely even load something as lightweight as my Twitter timeline within 5 minutes (if at all).
I've noticed I have particularly slow service in Templestowe and South Melbourne, areas I unfortunately spend a lot of time in.
I've noticed I have particularly slow service in Templestowe and South Melbourne, areas I unfortunately spend a lot of time in.
21 Jan 2011 02:11:47 PM: iphone4......
13887 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Extremely at 21 Jan 2011 01:37:41 PM
I was contacted by a Vodafone agent from a call centre overseas, I assume it was as it felt like you were talking through a long tunnel. I knew exactly what it was for but decided to stop him before he launches his spiel and told him I am sorry but I am not interested. Well guess what, the call centre person told me I was a "f@#king stupid moron". Well there goes any hopes of me ever switching to Vodafone. I rang Vodafone to complain as I had the exact time, date and name of the agent. Well of course Vodafone customer care told me they did not have such a name working for them and that it was possibly a vodafone agent! And to my frustration, the person on the phone kept saying it is not their fault as it was not Vodafone but an agent who rang, but funny that at the end of the day they represent Vodafone!
13886 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is big time at 21 Jan 2011 01:26:12 PM
my location must be in a black spot because I get only 1 or 2 bars on my phone (iPhone4) and the connection gets disconnected / re-connected all the time. Also I have to get out of the house test simply times out (test can't be done because it takes too long)
21 Jan 2011 02:11:19 PM: iphone4....
13885 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafiasko at 21 Jan 2011 01:24:55 PM
Non delivery of voicemail is common, if you are lucky it comes late. It is also not uncommon for multiple text messsages to arrive at once, some sent hours earlier by friends and family.
Vodafiasko is a regrettable institution.
Vodafiasko is a regrettable institution.
13884 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is like a donkey on rollerskates at 21 Jan 2011 01:24:02 PM
Vodafone customer for far too long now. Everything was fine with the old network...then 3G. I guess I understand, I do live about 25 minutes from the CBD of Brisbane (which is not exactly out in the sticks and still dark green on the coverage maps I'm regularly referred to by friendly staff). I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who needs to stand in the middle of the street on one leg, holding a coat hanger in the air just to make a call let alone do anything else a smart phone is capable of. COUNTING DOWN til June '11.
13883 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is customer service/SMS/3G sucks at 21 Jan 2011 01:22:43 PM
When calling for assistance to the vodaphone support number I have never managed to get through to a human in less than 40 minutes. The vodaphone store from which i signed up is no faster at getting through.
SMS are delayed by hours more than 75% of the time, so that it is not even worth texting anymore.
The internet through their 3G service on my iphone fails to connect more than half the time, despite supposedly good reception.
There is no excuse for such poor service. Who ever is responsible should be fired.
In the meantime vodaphone should offer to reduce fees and costs by more than 50% given they provide less than 50% of the service they have promised.
If I was a shareholder I would be considering legal action given the obviously negligent manner in which the directors are running the country and reducing shareholder value.
SMS are delayed by hours more than 75% of the time, so that it is not even worth texting anymore.
The internet through their 3G service on my iphone fails to connect more than half the time, despite supposedly good reception.
There is no excuse for such poor service. Who ever is responsible should be fired.
In the meantime vodaphone should offer to reduce fees and costs by more than 50% given they provide less than 50% of the service they have promised.
If I was a shareholder I would be considering legal action given the obviously negligent manner in which the directors are running the country and reducing shareholder value.
13882 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very disaPpointing at 21 Jan 2011 01:16:06 PM
I was a Vodafone customer for many years until about 2006. I then changed to another service provider due poor reception and was happy with them for a few years. Last year I decided to give Vodafone another go as they offered the handset I wanted on an ok plan. At the time I resided not even 10mins from the Cairns CBD so you would think that reception would be fantastic. Well I was wrong! To make any sort of call I would have to go outside and hold my phone above my head until it registered some sort of reception which was very rare. Not only was this a huge annoyance, as soon as I would connect through and begin talking to someone my phone would cut out and say that I have no reception. My partner had his internet connected with Vodafone and also had the same problems in relation to reception. He contacted Vodafone many times and was told that a technician was going to come out and fix the problem as we were supposed to be in a good reception area. Well no one every came out and after many hours on hold and many pass arounds to different 'sections' of the company his contract was cancelled. We have since moved again to another populated part of Cairns where I have been told that I should get good reception. Well thats also not true. Not only is it really hard to find a spot in my house, inside and out, where I get reception my handset will say that I have one or two bars and as soon as I push the call button it says that I have no service. I still get charged a connection fee everytime this happens. EVERY TIME! 20c or whatever it is may not be alot but when this happens multiple times a day it really does add up. I thought that maybe it could be my phone so I went out and bought a $30 prepaid phone offered by Vodafone. It is purposely built for just calling and texting so I thought that this would mean better service as there is not so much 'going on' with the phone. I now get about 1 bar more however it still cuts out once connected. Clearly it is not the phones. I have been a good customer to Vodafone with bills always paid on time even before due occasionally. I have made minor complaints however have never been rude on the phone. I live in a built up residential neighbourhood and no other service provider seems to have a problem providing their customers with adequate service in my area. I am fed up and sick of paying good money for a service that can't be properly provided to me. I am also unhappy with the recent 'information leaks' that have been reported. Vodafone - VERY DISAPPOINTING.
13881 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is OUT OF COVERAGE at 21 Jan 2011 01:15:51 PM
21 Jan 2011 02:00:44 PM: why would you want to?
13880 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 21 Jan 2011 01:15:15 PM
Only a customer for for three months, have only ever received one bill. I have phone them ten times to date requesting invoices via email or mail, just get them to me. Last three phone calls where, if you don't pay the bill soon, will have to disconnect the phone! I want to pay the bill vodafone, just send me the damn invoices.
I'm also looking at seeing if I can terminate the contract as the reception is next to nill around most parts of Logan.
I'm also looking at seeing if I can terminate the contract as the reception is next to nill around most parts of Logan.
13879 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2011 01:14:34 PM
I have been a loyal Vodafone customer for 8years and for the first time in August 2010 I went on a contract (before was only a pre-paid customer) and got a Nokia N97 mini. Biggest stuff around ever!! The phone started stuffing up in the first week with a mirad of faults as long as your arm. Went back to store and was told to call customer service and spent 2 1/2 hours on hold only to be told there was nothing they could do and to go back into a store!! went back to store and they tried to tell me to call customer service again, I was pretty angry and said the phone is brand new and under warranty, I want a replacement. No, they said we'll have to repair it first!! We can send it in for you which could take a week or more or you acn take it youself. well, great customer service, I now had to travel another 2 hours out of my way so I wouldn't be without a phone for who knows how long. Got phone serviced and the next day it was doing the same things it was supposed to be fixed!! Went back to store and still wouldn't repalce and said there was this process of forms etc before I could get a replacement, all the while thinking what's the point of a warranty anyway??!! so they said they had to send it away for repair again before I could get a replacement!!! So here I am one month later and the gave me a new handset only to get home and charge it and within hours it was doing the same thing as the previous phone!!! sooo furious, I now have to waste more time to back to the store ahain. Absolutly livid, if it is not resolved tomorrow when I return it I will be cancelling my contract and contacting the ombudsman
13878 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is completely inept at 21 Jan 2011 01:13:41 PM
For the past 6-8 months, text messages have been delivered and received 1-2 after being sent. Calls take 30-40 seconds to register (if they register at all). On the train going through areas where I see people with other providers happily talking, texting and browsing away whilst I look stupid trying to get my phone into an angle that will allow it to connect. Complete rubbish!
13877 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is DIRECT DEBIT W/O AUTHORISE at 21 Jan 2011 01:10:58 PM
Upgrade to a new plan year ago & signed no authorisation form for direct debit for this plan. Some how i got charged to my cc every month. I've tried to cancel this service via web access with no vail. Vodafone you've failed me. I am your loyal customer for more than 10 years... I'm considering paying premium to Telstra for better service & customer service.
21 Jan 2011 02:16:13 PM: Telstra are shit and don't kid yourself, they invented the customer service technique you find at Vodafone!
13876 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Fail Burger! at 21 Jan 2011 01:07:43 PM
Just looked at my contract. Vodafone have been over-charging me $10 a month for the last 14 months (I'm on a 2 year contract)
13875 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Not at 21 Jan 2011 01:05:25 PM
If you're using an iPhone then look no further for your problems. Devices that try to do everything usually do none of them well and your voice, dropouts and other varied reception problems are directly attributable to that device.
21 Jan 2011 01:09:22 PM: Why does my iPhone work perfectly on another carrier then? (Exactly the same phone)
This is the kind of response you get from Vodafone staff <haha>
This is the kind of response you get from Vodafone staff <haha>
21 Jan 2011 01:15:31 PM: How do you know it's exaclty the same? I don't recall specifying which iPhone it was.
21 Jan 2011 01:34:43 PM: My own phone. I got my iPhone I used on the VF network (dropped calls, reception problems, Internet connection problems, late Voicemails, late SMS's) and used the SAME phone on another network and it worked perfectly...
How can you say it's the phone problem when it works perfectly on another carriers network?
How can you say it's the phone problem when it works perfectly on another carriers network?
21 Jan 2011 01:39:34 PM: Aren't you talking about ALL iPhones? Or are you saying one particular model only?
21 Jan 2011 01:41:41 PM: HAHA! Typical Vodafone response! It's not us! It's your phone! HAHA
21 Jan 2011 01:42:23 PM: iPhone 4 has well documented reception problems.
21 Jan 2011 01:43:44 PM: Also if you've already moved networks, what you are doing on here crying about it.
21 Jan 2011 01:45:27 PM: Simply disproving your point!
21 Jan 2011 01:47:41 PM: So you also fail as much as Vodafone because the iPhone4 does have issues.
21 Jan 2011 01:49:40 PM: I was having all these issues with an iPhone 3G
21 Jan 2011 01:50:16 PM: So you admit Vodafone are FAIL? <haha>
21 Jan 2011 01:57:07 PM: I don't care about Vodafone, I was merely pointing out that iPhone4's have problems and it doesn't matter which network you are on, if you don't fix the phones problems then you're coverage will be bad.
21 Jan 2011 01:58:07 PM: Note nothing to do with iPhone3G's or Vodafone in previous message. Perhaps if you could stick to topic you wouldn't look so stupid.
21 Jan 2011 07:27:05 PM: iPhone4 works perfectly on Telstra's NextG Network, it doesn't work on vodafails network as they do not have the capacity to cope with it (or just about any other smartphone).
21 Jan 2011 09:43:57 PM: No problems here with the iPhone4 on Telstra full coverage almost everywhere I go and super fast browsing. Get your facts in order before you start bagging a particular brand. A mate who has a nokia 6120 on vodafone has little to no coverage for 3G in the areas I have full on the iPhone.
25 Jan 2011 09:17:59 AM: In the original post it says "Devices that try to do everything usually do none of them well". Does this mean just the iPhone 4? Most smart phones "try to do everything". I don't think the poster knows what they're talking about. Must be a Vodafone employee.
25 Jan 2011 03:21:56 PM: to be fair I have plenty of problems with my iPhone 3G on the telstra network... I have a HTC Desire HD with vodaphone and as of this point I have no issues with service
27 Jan 2011 12:03:57 PM: Now that's a fair point! Appropriate, on-topic and not wild uninformed generalising... Fair point taken.
13874 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is 80% at 21 Jan 2011 01:03:18 PM
They cannot even supply caller display whereas Telecom provided that service for nearly 10 yrs no worries,i wish i hadnt changed providers
21 Jan 2011 01:06:50 PM: yes they can. Did reading suddenly become a skill used only by the few? Read your manual, check your settings and you can change caller id on your phone.
24 Jan 2011 12:20:47 AM: I thought that was the default setting, but if one of the honest guys from Vodafone abusively suggests different,then we're all wrong.
26 Jan 2011 06:17:04 PM: Yeah that bloke was a bit rough in his delivery. Check your handset though the network can do it!
13873 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Massive Fail at 21 Jan 2011 01:02:16 PM
I have been a Vodafone customer for 10 years. For the overwelming majority of that time, I have been a prepaid account holder to avoid the problems associated with Vodafone customer service.
When I upgraded my telephone in 2006, a sales representative at a Vodafone store convinced me that the best option for me was to sign up on a plan. Needless to say, the best option for me was not to sign up to a plan. After only 4 months I had spent in excess of $600 of my usual spend because of the geared phone charges under the contract. I later learnt that performance indicators for sales staff largely revolved around 'signing people up' because Vodafone found it was the most profitable means of retaining customers.
I rang Vodafone Customer Service and after an hour of waiting and talking to different people I was able to agree that my contract would be cancelled and that I would only have to pay half the payout figure $150 to go back onto prepaid.
While the outcome was unsatisfactory in light of the misleading statements made by Vodafone's sales rep, I was eager to get out their customer system and back onto the prepaid plan. Accordingly, I followed the instructions provided to me by Vodafone's customer representative and purchased a new prepaid pack. However, the next correspondence I received from Vodafone was a letter demanding $350 in termination fees, followed by a threat to default me with Baycorp and letters from debt collectors. In response, I rang Vodafone and explained that I had entered into an agreement, I wouldn't be paying the amount demanded, and that I would be very upset if they defaulted me for a debt that I didn't owe. I also asked for an invoice for the agreed exit fee of $150. The operator said that the money was owing and that he would default me if I didn't pay immediately. I refused and he added a default listing with Baycorp as soon as our telephone conversation ended.
I then started receiving telephone calls from debt collectors, who I told not to call me. The matter was only resolved when I made a complaint to the Telecommuncations Ombudsman. The Ombudsman found that Vodafone should never have added the default listing and that I was entitled to a refund of amounts charged by Vodafone to remove it. However, despite agreeing to the refund, Vodafone never paid me, so I had to make a second complaint requesting payment. After the second complaint, I received a refund from Vodafone.
Needless to say, I would never again sign up to be a Vodafone contract customer.
When I upgraded my telephone in 2006, a sales representative at a Vodafone store convinced me that the best option for me was to sign up on a plan. Needless to say, the best option for me was not to sign up to a plan. After only 4 months I had spent in excess of $600 of my usual spend because of the geared phone charges under the contract. I later learnt that performance indicators for sales staff largely revolved around 'signing people up' because Vodafone found it was the most profitable means of retaining customers.
I rang Vodafone Customer Service and after an hour of waiting and talking to different people I was able to agree that my contract would be cancelled and that I would only have to pay half the payout figure $150 to go back onto prepaid.
While the outcome was unsatisfactory in light of the misleading statements made by Vodafone's sales rep, I was eager to get out their customer system and back onto the prepaid plan. Accordingly, I followed the instructions provided to me by Vodafone's customer representative and purchased a new prepaid pack. However, the next correspondence I received from Vodafone was a letter demanding $350 in termination fees, followed by a threat to default me with Baycorp and letters from debt collectors. In response, I rang Vodafone and explained that I had entered into an agreement, I wouldn't be paying the amount demanded, and that I would be very upset if they defaulted me for a debt that I didn't owe. I also asked for an invoice for the agreed exit fee of $150. The operator said that the money was owing and that he would default me if I didn't pay immediately. I refused and he added a default listing with Baycorp as soon as our telephone conversation ended.
I then started receiving telephone calls from debt collectors, who I told not to call me. The matter was only resolved when I made a complaint to the Telecommuncations Ombudsman. The Ombudsman found that Vodafone should never have added the default listing and that I was entitled to a refund of amounts charged by Vodafone to remove it. However, despite agreeing to the refund, Vodafone never paid me, so I had to make a second complaint requesting payment. After the second complaint, I received a refund from Vodafone.
Needless to say, I would never again sign up to be a Vodafone contract customer.
13872 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is So epic it makes the 2010 Commonwealth Games look like gold at 21 Jan 2011 01:01:54 PM
Reception. Everytime I get a call or make one I have to sit in a weird position to have any reception at matter where in my house I am...
I live in suburban Melbourne for God's the hell can I not have any there? Customer service is horrid too. I gave up on calling or texting to recieve credit information because most of the time it is out of date and causes me to use more than I'm told I have so I ed up going over the limit...If it isn't out of date it just doesn't work, saying things like 'this service is unavailable right now' or it just doesn't send em anything back...
Lowest company...Absolute dead weight.
I live in suburban Melbourne for God's the hell can I not have any there? Customer service is horrid too. I gave up on calling or texting to recieve credit information because most of the time it is out of date and causes me to use more than I'm told I have so I ed up going over the limit...If it isn't out of date it just doesn't work, saying things like 'this service is unavailable right now' or it just doesn't send em anything back...
Lowest company...Absolute dead weight.
21 Jan 2011 01:08:15 PM: Oh it's their fault that you talk too much and exceed your cap is it?
21 Jan 2011 01:40:02 PM: I think the complaint is about the credit info being outdated genius.
21 Jan 2011 02:08:26 PM: i use the website to check my credit balance... i know it can be a couple of days out of date, but it's the only way i get accurate credit balances at any time!
21 Jan 2011 02:24:03 PM: @3:40 I think you'll find the complaint is more about reception.
13871 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Massive Fail at 21 Jan 2011 01:01:32 PM
I have been a Vodafone customer for 10 years. For the overwelming majority of that time, I have been a prepaid account holder to avoid the problems associated with Vodafone customer service.
When I upgraded my telephone in 2006, a sales representative at a Vodafone store convinced me that the best option for me was to sign up on a plan. Needless to say, the best option for me was not to sign up to a plan. After only 4 months I had spent in excess of $600 of my usual spend because of the geared phone charges under the contract. I later learnt that performance indicators for sales staff largely revolved around 'signing people up' because Vodafone found it was the most profitable means of retaining customers.
I rang Vodafone Customer Service and after an hour of waiting and talking to different people I was able to agree that my contract would be cancelled and that I would only have to pay half the payout figure $150 to go back onto prepaid.
While the outcome was unsatisfactory in light of the misleading statements made by Vodafone's sales rep, I was eager to get out their customer system and back onto the prepaid plan. Accordingly, I followed the instructions provided to me by Vodafone's customer representative and purchased a new prepaid pack. However, the next correspondence I received from Vodafone was a letter demanding $350 in termination fees, followed by a threat to default me with Baycorp and letters from debt collectors. In response, I rang Vodafone and explained that I had entered into an agreement, I wouldn't be paying the amount demanded, and that I would be very upset if they defaulted me for a debt that I didn't owe. I also asked for an invoice for the agreed exit fee of $150. The operator said that the money was owing and that he would default me if I didn't pay immediately. I refused and he added a default listing with Baycorp as soon as our telephone conversation ended.
I then started receiving telephone calls from debt collectors, who I told not to call me. The matter was only resolved when I made a complaint to the Telecommuncations Ombudsman. The Ombudsman found that Vodafone should never have added the default listing and that I was entitled to a refund of amounts charged by Vodafone to remove it. However, despite agreeing to the refund, Vodafone never paid me, so I had to make a second complaint requesting payment. After the second complaint, I received a refund from Vodafone.
Needless to say, I would never again sign up to be a Vodafone contract customer.
When I upgraded my telephone in 2006, a sales representative at a Vodafone store convinced me that the best option for me was to sign up on a plan. Needless to say, the best option for me was not to sign up to a plan. After only 4 months I had spent in excess of $600 of my usual spend because of the geared phone charges under the contract. I later learnt that performance indicators for sales staff largely revolved around 'signing people up' because Vodafone found it was the most profitable means of retaining customers.
I rang Vodafone Customer Service and after an hour of waiting and talking to different people I was able to agree that my contract would be cancelled and that I would only have to pay half the payout figure $150 to go back onto prepaid.
While the outcome was unsatisfactory in light of the misleading statements made by Vodafone's sales rep, I was eager to get out their customer system and back onto the prepaid plan. Accordingly, I followed the instructions provided to me by Vodafone's customer representative and purchased a new prepaid pack. However, the next correspondence I received from Vodafone was a letter demanding $350 in termination fees, followed by a threat to default me with Baycorp and letters from debt collectors. In response, I rang Vodafone and explained that I had entered into an agreement, I wouldn't be paying the amount demanded, and that I would be very upset if they defaulted me for a debt that I didn't owe. I also asked for an invoice for the agreed exit fee of $150. The operator said that the money was owing and that he would default me if I didn't pay immediately. I refused and he added a default listing with Baycorp as soon as our telephone conversation ended.
I then started receiving telephone calls from debt collectors, who I told not to call me. The matter was only resolved when I made a complaint to the Telecommuncations Ombudsman. The Ombudsman found that Vodafone should never have added the default listing and that I was entitled to a refund of amounts charged by Vodafone to remove it. However, despite agreeing to the refund, Vodafone never paid me, so I had to make a second complaint requesting payment. After the second complaint, I received a refund from Vodafone.
Needless to say, I would never again sign up to be a Vodafone contract customer.
13870 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2011 12:59:23 PM
I get no reception at home. When i rang Vodafone "customer care" i was advised that i using an old phone that was not 3G enabled (even though it said on my screen 3G where the reception bars are) so i upgraded to a "new phone" the problem is now worse.. to upgrade to the "new phone" i had to sign up on a contract only to go home and low and behold NO RECEPTION AT HOME STILL! So i am now 4 months into a 2 year contract with a phone that A) gets no reception & B) I dont get my voicemails for DAYS later. I work in real estate my mobile phone is paramount. So i am faced with porting my number to Optus and paying out and 18 month contract that i was misled into signing!
21 Jan 2011 01:25:36 PM: how did you ring when you had no reception?
23 Jan 2011 06:19:08 AM: landline you idiot ...
It would appear the Vodafones "employing of extra staff to improve service" is crap. They are all on this site trying to debunk all these comments"
Clowns. either do it right of close up shop Vodafone ...
It would appear the Vodafones "employing of extra staff to improve service" is crap. They are all on this site trying to debunk all these comments"
Clowns. either do it right of close up shop Vodafone ...
13869 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is totally fail at 21 Jan 2011 12:55:52 PM
I am on 3Mobile network. every so often my SMSs and missed call notifications just...stop. Next time I turn my phone off and back on I get flooded with dozens of messages. It so super dooper crap and drives me nuts.
if you stick with vodafone by the end of 2011 our network will be up there with telstras,
just sucks that the upgrades have been effecting this many people.
Your network will never be "up there with Telstras"