Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
13328 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is totally at 21 Jan 2011 07:38:54 AM
I was so frustrated by Vodafone that I have switched to Optus and am very happy now.
13327 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Delayed SMS messages at 21 Jan 2011 07:38:38 AM
Weekly I will send texts to people who won't receive them until two days or so later. Pain in the ass if you are organising anything.
13325 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very at 21 Jan 2011 07:38:14 AM
When purchasing a new phone and plan, I was told by Three rep to change from Three to Vodafone and that my friends on the Three network could still call me for "free". They have since been charged for calls made to me. Impossible to get through on phone to discuss the issue.
Reception seems to be getting progressively worse. Should have gone to Telstra.
Reception seems to be getting progressively worse. Should have gone to Telstra.
21 Jan 2011 09:45:38 AM: i have been told the same as well its very dodgy
21 Jan 2011 12:16:00 PM: Yes the catch is you need to ensure the 3 plan has been updated. I had the same issue with my wife calling my Vodafone work mobile. We were getting charged so I rang and spoke to a 3 rep and they advised that in order to get the free calls we needed to update our plan. Couldn't see that in any small print.
13324 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Still deciding at 21 Jan 2011 07:37:00 AM
I can't get 3G reception in Newcastle. Even standing near the phone towers (Voda?) at Charlestown I still can't get reception.
Just signed up.
Just signed up.
13323 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Dropped Calls at 21 Jan 2011 07:36:47 AM
Important work calls drop out meaning I have to phone clients two or three times before I can finish a conversation.
13322 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is badly at 21 Jan 2011 07:36:23 AM
I run a business and can not afford business conversations to continually drop out
13321 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Overcharging at 21 Jan 2011 07:36:18 AM
I have been overcharged $20 per month for two years! Minimum phone charge I was told by staff would be $20 per month on my phone so I thought I would keep it as backup when I was away from the farm (no vode coverage outside of Bendigo)but I kept getting charged $40 and they would not budge. I chopped it off end Nov 2010 and today had to pay $6.67 in admin fees for the last billing period even though I paid the account in full when I disconnected!
13319 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is On hold to customer service at 21 Jan 2011 07:35:54 AM
Call customer service and placed on hold for more than an hour! Not once not twice but four times, Outrageous.
13318 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor at 21 Jan 2011 07:35:50 AM
Minor compared to others. I cannot access any bill details on the website. I can login successfully, but since I signed up in Dec 2010 my efforts are always blocked with an "internal error" and a suggestion to ring 1555 which is, of course, a complete waste of time. The real problem is I cannot check usage between bills. Vodafone ignored all email requests, and my one 1555 attempt that got through was futile: reset the web account, with no change. They did call after I complained to TIO and offered 2 months free and no charges over the cap, but no suggestion of when this obviously simple issue might be fixed. I was with 3 before, same mobile number, and never a problem
13317 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2011 07:35:39 AM
I joined vodafone simply because they were the only company who could tell me when they were getting IPhone 4 in stock I joined in November. Since then I have had numerous problems with calls dropping out, not being able to receive emails, not being able to connect to the web. I initially had problems porting my number which took 2 weeks to sort out. I have had my sim card changed about 4 times. Last week i visited a store to complain about the fact i can't receive emails and was told to contact my carrier - which i did and was told it was a vodafone issue as i could receive them at times and not others. So back to vodafone who told me they were having issues with email and advised me to set up a gmail account and set it to receive emails from my existing address. I have done this but still don't get emails. SOOOO frustrated as i am on a 24 month contract!
13315 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is almost total at 21 Jan 2011 07:35:17 AM
1.I have been a Vodafone customer since June 2009, after switching from my employer's Telstra system due to work downturn. I arranged for a $29 a month prepaid account using my existing mobile phone, and for it to be automatically recharged from my credit card account every month. The automatic payment has not occured 75% of the time, and I have only been aware of this when "call failed" appeared on the mobile's screen. My wife and I were stuck in Europe due to the volcanic ash cloud and I couldn't get my account credited because I didn't have the right credit card with me to do it. When I have asked Vodafone why the system to automatically recharge hasn't worked, I have been given many different tales - system failure, credit balance was too low, it won't happen again, etc.
2. In June 2010 I took up a "special offer" through NRMA and chose to buy a $49 a month account (less 10% for NRMA members) which included a Nokia 97 mini. Howevere, the next day, I realised that I don't need a new phone or the extra services. I rang Vodafone to cancel my order. They said that was fine, but I had to return the phone in a special 'return' bag which they would send me. Despite many calls (most of which I give up on after waiting up to an hour) and a visit to the local Vodafone store, no 'return bag' arrived, so I sent the unopened package back to Vodafone. Then the billing started - $49 a month. I returned the bills indicating that I didn;t have a Vodafone supplied mobile. Another bill, then another then another - all returned annotated to say I didn't have a Vodafone supplied mobile. Then the debt collection agency wrote saying I owed Vodafone $1324 and unless I paid legal action would occur. I went yet again to the local Vodafone store where I was told that because I had cancelled my account I had to pay a cancellation fee ($900?)- but the store could not resolve the problem, it had to be done by phone. More calls and hours spent on hold. Eventually my solicitor told me to send a "Cease and Desist Notice" to Vodafone and to use this in any legal proceedings that Vodafone might try to bring against me. That worked. I have received no more bills or threats of debt recovery.
2. In June 2010 I took up a "special offer" through NRMA and chose to buy a $49 a month account (less 10% for NRMA members) which included a Nokia 97 mini. Howevere, the next day, I realised that I don't need a new phone or the extra services. I rang Vodafone to cancel my order. They said that was fine, but I had to return the phone in a special 'return' bag which they would send me. Despite many calls (most of which I give up on after waiting up to an hour) and a visit to the local Vodafone store, no 'return bag' arrived, so I sent the unopened package back to Vodafone. Then the billing started - $49 a month. I returned the bills indicating that I didn;t have a Vodafone supplied mobile. Another bill, then another then another - all returned annotated to say I didn't have a Vodafone supplied mobile. Then the debt collection agency wrote saying I owed Vodafone $1324 and unless I paid legal action would occur. I went yet again to the local Vodafone store where I was told that because I had cancelled my account I had to pay a cancellation fee ($900?)- but the store could not resolve the problem, it had to be done by phone. More calls and hours spent on hold. Eventually my solicitor told me to send a "Cease and Desist Notice" to Vodafone and to use this in any legal proceedings that Vodafone might try to bring against me. That worked. I have received no more bills or threats of debt recovery.
21 Jan 2011 07:43:36 AM: You should also check with the credit reference organsations. Vodafone may have stopped sending you bills but they may have declared the debt black and you will suffer as a result!
13314 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Uberfail at 21 Jan 2011 07:34:58 AM
I was so sick of the poor reception and lack of customer support, and the fact that calls kept dropping out at my home in Hawker that I paid $850 to get out of my contract and join Telstra. Since then I've had no problems. Vodafone = FAIL
13313 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is poor reception at 21 Jan 2011 07:34:21 AM
Vodafone has terrible reception. Unacceptable. I am a prepaid customer, but still think I deserve some respect from the company. I cannot get any reception in Healseville, for example. Healesville is a town of about 6000 people in the Yarra Valley, Victoria. My reception drops out soon after leaving Melbourne. I can only imagine what it must be like for the residents of that town.
I think the Minister for Communications should threaten to remove vodafone's license to practise as a telescommunications company in Australia.
I think the Minister for Communications should threaten to remove vodafone's license to practise as a telescommunications company in Australia.
21 Jan 2011 08:30:13 AM: I live in Healesville, and the reception is poor. I am with Crazy Johns (Vodafone network) and I'm sick of having no reception or very poor reception. Even in the main street I get zero reception sometimes, and the coverage here is supposed to be "excellent".
13312 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 21 Jan 2011 07:33:27 AM
I have experience problems with network coverage and drop outs and 3G network problems. I also have Vodafone wireless internet and that also drops out, when I signed up they said I will have good coverage at my home address but since, I've had it I have problems nearly daily. I only renewed my contract late last year.
13311 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Fed up at 21 Jan 2011 07:33:16 AM
Been using Vodafone for about 9 years I moved from Brisbane to just outside Toowoomba thought it was just my old phone because it was pre 3G bought a new phone last year on contract it has all bells and whistles ,still had problems so then thought it may just be because of where I lived but others on different networks had reception. I called vodafone a few months ago and was put on hold for ages as well. I complained about the constant drop outs and delayed SMS messages that remain in the outbox and are not sent unless I physically resend. Reception can be shocking, no service it comes and goes all the time. I make 1 call and then the network is unavailable. Its crazy. You call and you can't even talk to an Aussie. They told me the same as they have been telling everyone else. It was my phone. There is nothing wrong with my phone. I used to be proud of being with vodafone and now I am embarrassed. I have not bothered to call back because what is the point they don't give a damn about their customers anymore.
13310 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very at 21 Jan 2011 07:32:33 AM
i upgraded my phone a couple of months ago and as i was with 3 the salesperson said that all 3 customers would eventually have to change to voda, worst thing i ever did have had constand problems with reception and have been put on hold for at least a minimum of 30 minutes every time am i going to get compensated for my time? i dont think so will they still want thier money probably, i am now advising people not to change to vodaphone
13309 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is dropped calls, delayed sms, reception issues and poor customer service at 21 Jan 2011 07:32:28 AM
Disgruntled 9 year verten of Vodafail! (mind you only the last say... 2 years has been terrible)
*my sms's are delayed just yesterday one was delayed 6 hours, NOT cool
*A bucket load of "call failed" at least 10 a day!, NOT cool
*Consistently getting bull*#@! reception, NOT cool
*And dont even start me with the customer service. OMG after on average 30 minutes on hold everytime i get someone who not only cannot speak english very well, they dont understand me and its obvious they are not in the great land down under due to the silence when they are not talking, crackly sounds and massive delays when they are talking! I tried the 'go to the bloody store and talk to someone there' tactic and wow they apparently cannot help you at all ... out of the 7 different stores i have been to all but one told me to " call 1555 customer service" the other one asked if i'd like to know i could get out of my contract and in his words 'sign up to a better provider".... hmm EPIC VODAFAIL!
*my sms's are delayed just yesterday one was delayed 6 hours, NOT cool
*A bucket load of "call failed" at least 10 a day!, NOT cool
*Consistently getting bull*#@! reception, NOT cool
*And dont even start me with the customer service. OMG after on average 30 minutes on hold everytime i get someone who not only cannot speak english very well, they dont understand me and its obvious they are not in the great land down under due to the silence when they are not talking, crackly sounds and massive delays when they are talking! I tried the 'go to the bloody store and talk to someone there' tactic and wow they apparently cannot help you at all ... out of the 7 different stores i have been to all but one told me to " call 1555 customer service" the other one asked if i'd like to know i could get out of my contract and in his words 'sign up to a better provider".... hmm EPIC VODAFAIL!
21 Jan 2011 07:36:53 AM: oops veteran*
13308 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is poor at 21 Jan 2011 07:31:50 AM
i have 2 services a USB modem and Blackberry Storm - I returned my Blackberry storm with in 2 weeks after it broke, (keys fell out). and for the last 12 months, both my services coverage has been beyond poor. I have had excess usage bills, due to the fact I have had to make so many additonal calls, because they keep dropping out.
when trying to ring the call centre - I tried for 15 times in a row, befor I actually got someone to talk to. when I spoek to the Tech guys. they simply said there is nothing they can do... I live with 25 klms from the CBD of Brisbane. and also work with in 10 klms of the CBD...
I will wait for my contracts to expire then take my business else where.
when trying to ring the call centre - I tried for 15 times in a row, befor I actually got someone to talk to. when I spoek to the Tech guys. they simply said there is nothing they can do... I live with 25 klms from the CBD of Brisbane. and also work with in 10 klms of the CBD...
I will wait for my contracts to expire then take my business else where.
13307 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally at 21 Jan 2011 07:31:38 AM
I had changed to Vodafone internet from another provider, they took all my details (at the shop) copy of my license checked that we had coverage in that area. All good. So for months I complained about having internet connection that was like using dial up. They checked to make sure there was no fault, and told me after I HAD TO CALL THEM BACK (they said "oh we were just about to call you) that there was no problems. So I kept calling for the next 3 months, same issue same outcome. I had had enough after a year and told them I wanted out of the contract as it wasn't good enough, the gentleman I spoke to agreed there was a problem and said he would cancel the contract. When I got another bill 2 months later I called back and asked why. I was told I hadn't cancelled my contract, after being on the phone for over an hour, I was finally put through to someone who could help and informed me it wasn't their problem and I'd have to pay out the contract....... BECAUSE THE HOME ADDRESS WAS DIFFERENT TO THE BILLING ADDRESS, even though I had changed my address with them, even though they took a photo copy of my license, even though they checked my new address on their system when I went in to see them......... I am still with them with my mobile, I have never had any problems with that (that's probably cause I have an old phone and can only use it as a phone, camera.
13306 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is epic fail at 21 Jan 2011 07:31:01 AM
I live ~15km's out of brisbane city and i receive 0-2 BARS RECEPTION. This is absolutely disgusting. There are quite often times i look at my phone and it has 'no service'.
Postcode 4055
Postcode 4055
13305 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is the worst telco in the southern hemisphere at 21 Jan 2011 07:30:35 AM
All our 3G dongles used for by our staff for remote access use Vodafone sims.
Reception is crap at the best of times.
The coverage map is a lie.
A LIE I tell you!!!
Don't believe anything a vodafone employee has to say as they either don't know and just make it up or they deliberately mislead in an attempt to turn the blame back on the customer.
Reception is crap at the best of times.
The coverage map is a lie.
A LIE I tell you!!!
Don't believe anything a vodafone employee has to say as they either don't know and just make it up or they deliberately mislead in an attempt to turn the blame back on the customer.
13304 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Very poor at 21 Jan 2011 07:30:24 AM
I am getting missed calls, but the phone never rang, no service - I have to restart my phone to get service again, I received texts 4 days after they were sent.
13303 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is everything at 21 Jan 2011 07:30:23 AM
I have not been recieving my text messages, voicemail is delayed and when calling customer service to try and fix this they are clueless and blame my handset.
13300 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Poor Signal at 21 Jan 2011 07:29:59 AM
I have recently signed new contract with Vodafone and I never had good reception. Most of the time i have got only one bar... Opponent person hardly hear me.. Poor customer service and Network coverage. But Vodafone is saying they are covering 95% of Australia which is a lie... very bad...
13299 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is big at 21 Jan 2011 07:29:41 AM
I have had several clients over the past week say they have left messages for me and yet no message was received. Did I call vodaphone on this occassion............NO because they have not fixed any of my other challenges and I am sick of calling them.
13298 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is a write off at 21 Jan 2011 07:29:33 AM
For about the last year, attempts to make calls in Dubbo only randomly work. I have full signal strength (you can see the tower from where I live), yet after dialling, nothing for over 30 seconds then 3 beeps and the phone goes back to "ready". If you keep trying, it gets out once in every 10 times.
Wrote to vodaphone twice or three times and was totally ignored. I had need for an emergency call and couldn't get out. It is not satisfactory.
I left and went to telstra which works every time.
Wrote to vodaphone twice or three times and was totally ignored. I had need for an emergency call and couldn't get out. It is not satisfactory.
I left and went to telstra which works every time.
13297 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 21 Jan 2011 07:29:29 AM
I have consistently faced dropped calls (Call Failed), data dropouts (need to restart the phone) and basically NO SERVICE for over 6 months now. I drive an 80km journey each way to work and have coverage for probably 15 minutes of it. I'm not in the bush, this is the F3 between Newcastle and the Central Coast. After growing tired of the 'network upgrade' story, I rang Customer support and left a message for them to call me back in 39 minutes. The automatic service did call me back, unfortunately I had three failed calls and gave up for the day. I tried again the following week and was escalated to the Network team.
13296 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very average at 21 Jan 2011 07:29:27 AM
Have been with Vodafone for my personal mobile since it was vodacall over 20 years ago. Since the inception of 3G and data devices my wife recently took over my account with Vodafone as I do not use it. I got her a new iPhone4 and the reception is just crap. Whether at home in Cairns or standing in the middle of Brisbane or Sydney CBD the data coverage is hopeless. My work iPhone4 on the big T is blistering and downloads pages etc in one tenth of the time it takes Vodafone if it loads at all! For the extra $10 per month to go with T it is well worth it...
13295 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Coverage Maps False Advertising at 21 Jan 2011 07:29:01 AM
The coverage maps of the central coast are a complete falsehood. They constitute misrepresentation of the product offered.(i.e. phone services)
There is no coverage whatsoever in Patonga and environs and yet on their maps shows a good coverage.
If i advertised a product that didn't exist the advertising council and consumer affairs would crucify me!
There is no coverage whatsoever in Patonga and environs and yet on their maps shows a good coverage.
If i advertised a product that didn't exist the advertising council and consumer affairs would crucify me!
13294 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor Reception at 21 Jan 2011 07:28:50 AM
Since signing up with vodafone and switching from Optus, its been poor or no reception at my home. My friends always complain that you do not turn your phone on, or why is your phone off all the times.
13293 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Very at 21 Jan 2011 07:28:32 AM
My girlfriend and i often dont receive texts, phonecalls or voicemails. When we went into the Vodafone store to enqurie they said it was due to our sim cards and replaced them - made absolutely no differece.
13292 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is So Horrible at 21 Jan 2011 07:28:32 AM
I have tried to ring Vodafone customer service is the past few weeks for several times but never be successful.
Each day I called at least 5 times, either the voice machine said that they have the technical issues and require me to hang up, or I have been put on hold for at least 1 hour each time.
Even I am lucky enough to speak to a human, as soon as they knew I want to cancel my contract, they cut the line off straight away.
At work, there is no reception at all. I have to divert my phone everyday and cost my own money.
There email reply is saying they can't help me with anything.....
Each day I called at least 5 times, either the voice machine said that they have the technical issues and require me to hang up, or I have been put on hold for at least 1 hour each time.
Even I am lucky enough to speak to a human, as soon as they knew I want to cancel my contract, they cut the line off straight away.
At work, there is no reception at all. I have to divert my phone everyday and cost my own money.
There email reply is saying they can't help me with anything.....
13291 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor Reception at 21 Jan 2011 07:28:27 AM
Since signing up with vodafone and switching from Optus, its been poor or no reception at my home. My friends always complain that you do not turn your phone on, or why is your phone off all the times.
13289 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EXTREMLY FAIL at 21 Jan 2011 07:28:15 AM
13288 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 21 Jan 2011 07:28:10 AM
Thankfully my contract is due to finish in two weeks, however since November 2010, I have had nothing but issues. Poor reception, delayed text messages or not being notified of voicemail messages and being billed for a service I do not even use. I since found out that as I am on the "old" $79.00 cap it excludes alot services and I have received large phone bills in the past three months, when for two years my bill has never been anymore than the $79.00. After spending 42 minutes on hold waiting for a Vodafone customer service representative I was told the plans had changed and I would be billed for additional services. I thought any changes to a legally binding contract all parties had to be made aware not just change the contract and expect the customer to pay!
Thankyou Vodafone for nothing, after 7 years it will be easy to change providers.
Thankyou Vodafone for nothing, after 7 years it will be easy to change providers.
13287 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Inner West Pain!! at 21 Jan 2011 07:27:55 AM
My phone coverage is Shiattt!! .. i can not walk in between rooms in my house whilst on the phone without cutting out .. Damn it - there only walls!! .. Running my own part time business - u need to talk to customers but u cant when you dont have network coverage!! Vodacrap!!
13286 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 21 Jan 2011 07:27:38 AM
Constant call drop-outs. I often have to call people back after my phone drops out, which is frustration & time consuming. This usually occurs 2-3 times per 10 min conversation. Usually once a day, I have to re-boot my iphone, as it freezes after call drop-out.
I will be going Telstra next!
I will be going Telstra next!
13285 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is constant drop outs... at 21 Jan 2011 07:27:18 AM
I have been swearing at my phone for the last 2 months since joining Vodacrap... 1/2 of my calls end with "hello... hello... you still there? hello...bloody Vodaphone!!!!" Great job on standing up against the rip off!
13284 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is pretty dam bad at 21 Jan 2011 07:26:53 AM
Reception? I dont even know what good reception is anymore. having 3 txt messages come in all at once, but have different sending time periods is rediculous.
13283 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 21 Jan 2011 07:26:31 AM
- Calls dropping out all the time........CHECK
- Rubbish 3G reception.......CHECK
- Hours on hold to customer service who usually have no idea what I'm trying to say so they just hang up.........MASSIVE CHECK
-Constantly trying to get through to customer service sometimes to get a generated message...."we are experiencing technical difficulties, please call back later.....CHECK
-Costs on my bills that shouldn't be there, query them to get nowhere even though supposed "investigation" raised into those suspect costs.....CHECK
-Promises to get phone calls back from Vodafone re: queries only to never get a phone call back.....CHECK
- Rubbish 3G reception.......CHECK
- Hours on hold to customer service who usually have no idea what I'm trying to say so they just hang up.........MASSIVE CHECK
-Constantly trying to get through to customer service sometimes to get a generated message...."we are experiencing technical difficulties, please call back later.....CHECK
-Costs on my bills that shouldn't be there, query them to get nowhere even though supposed "investigation" raised into those suspect costs.....CHECK
-Promises to get phone calls back from Vodafone re: queries only to never get a phone call back.....CHECK
13282 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2011 07:26:21 AM
As many of the other people on the forum I have been suffering issues with poor coverage and edlayed messages. While I have made do in the situation it is my partner that has suffered from this. The poor coverage has led to a number of important phone calls being missed. While voicemails were left they were not received for a number of days. There was not even a registration of a missed call for a full 24hrs after the call was released. The call was to notify him that his work related licence that he had been frantically trying to renew had not been processed and he was unable to work. During this time he continued to work with no knowledge that there was a problem. Consequently an $11k fine was narrowly missed on a technicality. As a young couple that is trying to get started in life it would have been debilitating.
I have a complaint lodged with the Telecommunications ombudsman (which I would reccomend all parties do) and the complaints unit has been most unhelpful. I work full time and am not able to answer my mobile in work hrs. A situation I would think would be very common. The call return details is an answering machine that is checked once a day so after phoning them 5 times to give a suitable time to call me back I have still not spoken to the complaints department regarding the dispute. I have reported this back to the Ombudsman and am awaiting a response and a resolution.
This site proves the need for an investigation by ACCC into Vodafone's service and customer relations.
I have a complaint lodged with the Telecommunications ombudsman (which I would reccomend all parties do) and the complaints unit has been most unhelpful. I work full time and am not able to answer my mobile in work hrs. A situation I would think would be very common. The call return details is an answering machine that is checked once a day so after phoning them 5 times to give a suitable time to call me back I have still not spoken to the complaints department regarding the dispute. I have reported this back to the Ombudsman and am awaiting a response and a resolution.
This site proves the need for an investigation by ACCC into Vodafone's service and customer relations.
13281 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 21 Jan 2011 07:26:01 AM
Last week I upgraded my contract with Vodafone (24 months) I received a new iPhone 4. My old iPhone has been sooooo slow for the last 6 months. Prob due to the new OS software.
Anyway in the last week i have been on hold with Vodafone for over 3 hours trying to:
Activate my new sim card
Carry over my handset insurance
Yesterday I was on hold foe 60 mins alone...just trying to provide voda with my imei number of my new phone for insurance...i was transfered 7 times as nobody seemed to no how to update my records.
Im now thinking i made a BIG mistake in signing up again for another 2 years.
Anyway in the last week i have been on hold with Vodafone for over 3 hours trying to:
Activate my new sim card
Carry over my handset insurance
Yesterday I was on hold foe 60 mins alone...just trying to provide voda with my imei number of my new phone for insurance...i was transfered 7 times as nobody seemed to no how to update my records.
Im now thinking i made a BIG mistake in signing up again for another 2 years.
13280 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2011 07:25:59 AM
As many of the other people on the forum I have been suffering issues with poor coverage and edlayed messages. While I have made do in the situation it is my partner that has suffered from this. The poor coverage has led to a number of important phone calls being missed. While voicemails were left they were not received for a number of days. There was not even a registration of a missed call for a full 24hrs after the call was released. The call was to notify him that his work related licence that he had been frantically trying to renew had not been processed and he was unable to work. During this time he continued to work with no knowledge that there was a problem. Consequently an $11k fine was narrowly missed on a technicality. As a young couple that is trying to get started in life it would have been debilitating.
I have a complaint lodged with the Telecommunications ombudsman (which I would reccomend all parties do) and the complaints unit has been most unhelpful. I work full time and am not able to answer my mobile in work hrs. A situation I would think would be very common. The call return details is an answering machine that is checked once a day so after phoning them 5 times to give a suitable time to call me back I have still not spoken to the complaints department regarding the dispute. I have reported this back to the Ombudsman and am awaiting a response and a resolution.
This site proves the need for an investigation by ACCC into Vodafone's service and customer relations.
I have a complaint lodged with the Telecommunications ombudsman (which I would reccomend all parties do) and the complaints unit has been most unhelpful. I work full time and am not able to answer my mobile in work hrs. A situation I would think would be very common. The call return details is an answering machine that is checked once a day so after phoning them 5 times to give a suitable time to call me back I have still not spoken to the complaints department regarding the dispute. I have reported this back to the Ombudsman and am awaiting a response and a resolution.
This site proves the need for an investigation by ACCC into Vodafone's service and customer relations.
13279 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very poor customer service at 21 Jan 2011 07:25:29 AM
Wanting to change my plan after 6 years and told I can not because nothing else will do. Cannot supply handset wanter... POOR Poor Poor.
13278 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Medical Fail at 21 Jan 2011 07:25:21 AM
I applaud those business that send SMS reminders for appointments, and then allow confirmation of attendance via return SMS. Unfortuately I am on Vodafone, which means that when I respond that I will be attending an important medical appointment, and my SMS is obviously not received by my specialist office, and my appointment (that I have waited quite some time to get in the first place) is cancelled and I cant get in again! The TIO asks "have you lodged your complaint with the carrier?" Um No, I dont have the time to wait more than an hour to get through.
21 Jan 2011 07:30:03 AM: You should be able to notify the Ombudsman that your attempt at a complaint resolution has not been successful and they can still look at a complaint. That is what I did. It does refer it back to vodafone, but it will in either case. If they do not contact you within sufficient time the Ombudsman can take further action.
They do that to prevent unneccessary complaints when it wcould be resolved by talking to the providor. Ofcourse it doesnt account for Vodafone's service.
Keeping in mind each time a complaint is lodged Vodafone is charged approx $1200 and then $5000 if they fail to resolve it themselves.
They do that to prevent unneccessary complaints when it wcould be resolved by talking to the providor. Ofcourse it doesnt account for Vodafone's service.
Keeping in mind each time a complaint is lodged Vodafone is charged approx $1200 and then $5000 if they fail to resolve it themselves.
13277 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is always at 21 Jan 2011 07:25:06 AM
I don't like lara. It is a failed attempt at making the company come across as cool and edgy, when really its just another way from them stopping you talking to a real person. And when you do talk to a real person, they aren't able to help you. It sucks.
13276 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% at 21 Jan 2011 07:25:06 AM
Once more last month I was overcharged. I am 100% sure that I never used whatever they were charging me...also the stress about waiting 1 hour and getting nothing sorted.
13274 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 21 Jan 2011 07:24:41 AM
I have been with vodafone for a while now and all i have had is problems. i even suggested to my dad to come on vodafone so it would be cheaper for the both of us to call. and nothing but problems. reception is pathetic, never ever ever have service.
13273 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Fail = very rarely have coverage at 21 Jan 2011 07:24:30 AM
I brought a new HTC on a 24 month plan in the hope that the issues that I'd previously been experiencing using my older prepaid Nokia would discontinue - I thought the issue was with having an older model phone and not the network. I also suspected if it was not the actual phone that it was my SIM so was happy at the time to replace it with a new one when I switched to the plan option.
Unfortunately it appears I was wrong. In fact it is actually safe to say that the issue is the same on a good day and worse in general. From what I gather my entire house is a blackspot of some variety (Moonee Ponds - which is hardly far from civilisation) as is my place of work (in the city centre). It can take four or five attempts to send an SMS and I very rarely receive photos that friends send or vice versa because the network drops out so frequently.
The plan I have means I am able to make up $400 worth of calls for the flat rate but it's almost completely useless given the network drops out more than reqularly while I'm on a call. Recently I had to call my bank to cancel a lost card and request a replacement and while on the call the network dropped out three times which meant speaking to three different people in order to get my request completed. Which is alarming given if I was to make a call for an emergency, would I be in danger of experiencing the same problem?
As soon as I leave the city limits I lose all coverage until I'm back within a certain zone. It was only about an hour out from Melbourne central that I lost all reception and was without it for the entire time I was away (three days). Which calls in to question: what is the point of having this phone if I am unable to use it?
It seems unfair that anyone should have to pay for this kind of service, especially when I have 20 months left of a contract to go!
Unfortunately it appears I was wrong. In fact it is actually safe to say that the issue is the same on a good day and worse in general. From what I gather my entire house is a blackspot of some variety (Moonee Ponds - which is hardly far from civilisation) as is my place of work (in the city centre). It can take four or five attempts to send an SMS and I very rarely receive photos that friends send or vice versa because the network drops out so frequently.
The plan I have means I am able to make up $400 worth of calls for the flat rate but it's almost completely useless given the network drops out more than reqularly while I'm on a call. Recently I had to call my bank to cancel a lost card and request a replacement and while on the call the network dropped out three times which meant speaking to three different people in order to get my request completed. Which is alarming given if I was to make a call for an emergency, would I be in danger of experiencing the same problem?
As soon as I leave the city limits I lose all coverage until I'm back within a certain zone. It was only about an hour out from Melbourne central that I lost all reception and was without it for the entire time I was away (three days). Which calls in to question: what is the point of having this phone if I am unable to use it?
It seems unfair that anyone should have to pay for this kind of service, especially when I have 20 months left of a contract to go!
13272 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is worst service ever at 21 Jan 2011 07:23:52 AM
We a business in melbournes Western Suburbs. We are approximately 8KM from the CBD. We swapped over to vodafone in the month of october 2010. We have 6 phones connected to this service. We have lost business (due to the amount of drop outs), been abused (not getting back to people as we dont always get their voicemail), had extra expenses (due to people not being able to contact us) etc etc. I can really go on and on and on. It is an absolute joke that this is allowed to happen. The only solution i see is to change over to a new carrier. Vodafone says we are on a contract and therefore we cant. My reply to them is that they have not fulfilled their side of the contract as they are not supplying the service they promised.
13271 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is FAIL at 21 Jan 2011 07:23:43 AM
I cant stand Lara, I get spammed all the time and there does not seem to be a way of opting out of this. Calls drop out all the time and coverage is shit
13270 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Copy of my Marriage Certificate lost after 'required' for name change at 21 Jan 2011 07:23:35 AM
I have issues with the quality of service at the Woden store.
Last year I went through this whole complicated scenario to change my surname on my Vodafone account, after I was married.
The customer staff at Vodafone Woden said they required a certified copy of my marriage certificate to do the change - a drivers licence was not adequate. I duly bought one into the store on a Saturday, and was told 'oh, the person who can do this isn't in until Monday, you can leave it here and we'll make sure it is all done'. I didn't want to leave the certificate in store, but they were adamant that it was required. We compromised by them making a copy via their fax machine, and I was assured it would be treated with care and my privacy would be protected.
Big mistake! Nothing happened, so when I went in the following week I was met by blank looks and a missing copy of the certificate. One staff member actually said that she thought it had ended up in the bin!!!
After a big hissy fit, the guy helping me said he didn't need it anyway and made the necessary call to have the details changed. At no point during that call was he asked about proof of name change.
They are so frustrating.
In fact, reading how dodgy they are via this website has made me resolve to change carriers this weekend. I should have done it at the point they were being so hard with my name change. Sigh
Good on you for making this website and allowing us to vent our frustrations.
Last year I went through this whole complicated scenario to change my surname on my Vodafone account, after I was married.
The customer staff at Vodafone Woden said they required a certified copy of my marriage certificate to do the change - a drivers licence was not adequate. I duly bought one into the store on a Saturday, and was told 'oh, the person who can do this isn't in until Monday, you can leave it here and we'll make sure it is all done'. I didn't want to leave the certificate in store, but they were adamant that it was required. We compromised by them making a copy via their fax machine, and I was assured it would be treated with care and my privacy would be protected.
Big mistake! Nothing happened, so when I went in the following week I was met by blank looks and a missing copy of the certificate. One staff member actually said that she thought it had ended up in the bin!!!
After a big hissy fit, the guy helping me said he didn't need it anyway and made the necessary call to have the details changed. At no point during that call was he asked about proof of name change.
They are so frustrating.
In fact, reading how dodgy they are via this website has made me resolve to change carriers this weekend. I should have done it at the point they were being so hard with my name change. Sigh
Good on you for making this website and allowing us to vent our frustrations.
13269 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Too long to resolve at 21 Jan 2011 07:23:05 AM
Was on hold for 35 minutes the other day before I managed to speak to a dude for about 30 seconds before getting put back on hold. Total call duration 1hour 12 minutes. Total time spent talking to person approximately 12 minutes.
Was billed incorrectly for the first month, then recieved another bill dated for the same period. Now I'm no maths genius, but being charged for 3 months in the space of 2 is wrong, particularly when the bill does not match my deal, including incorrect dates, incorrect charges, incorrect contract amounts, etc etc.
It wouldn't be a HUGE problem if I could get through to VF and sort it out, but I'm not gonna spend 40 minutes on the phone every month trying to sort it out. And the online complaints form is farked at the moment too.
I'm sure it is a massive pain in the butt to get out of the contract but to be honest this was not the level of service I was expecting when I signed up to Vodafone. My partner has had good service for a long time but for me it's been a bit of a headache with the billing department.
Was billed incorrectly for the first month, then recieved another bill dated for the same period. Now I'm no maths genius, but being charged for 3 months in the space of 2 is wrong, particularly when the bill does not match my deal, including incorrect dates, incorrect charges, incorrect contract amounts, etc etc.
It wouldn't be a HUGE problem if I could get through to VF and sort it out, but I'm not gonna spend 40 minutes on the phone every month trying to sort it out. And the online complaints form is farked at the moment too.
I'm sure it is a massive pain in the butt to get out of the contract but to be honest this was not the level of service I was expecting when I signed up to Vodafone. My partner has had good service for a long time but for me it's been a bit of a headache with the billing department.
13268 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% at 21 Jan 2011 07:22:47 AM
Have terrible reception in a lot of different places. The only place that I have reception at home for example is in the Lounge.
13266 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is message bank at 21 Jan 2011 07:22:33 AM
I have requested many times to turn my voice mail off. They hit a few buttons and say it is off. Days later it is back and people start leaving messages that I have to pay to retrieve. I didn't want it so people would text or just phone another time but I can't ignore a message in case it's important. Got to be one of the worst Telco companies in Australia
13265 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 21 Jan 2011 07:22:27 AM
I have the same issues as well late vmail and sms and also a heap of drop out when making calls also the 3g coverage is very poor I have been a customer of vodafone for about 10 years and its so disgusting. I wish I didnt sign up on a new contract but now I'm stuck and with all the legal binding of this contract it's to costly to pull out and sign up a new one thanks vodafone for a shitty service and I he u guys fall on your ass just like Onetel did.
13264 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is crap at 21 Jan 2011 07:22:24 AM
phone never has reception, can never call my partner as no one can never call me, i pay $130 a month to hold and ipod on me its crazy. and when i called they said every thing was fine and its my phone. why dont they just save themselves and just terminate our contracts. i feel sorry for those who are joining up now, not knowing what there in for.
13263 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor Data / Phone Reception at 21 Jan 2011 07:22:17 AM
Reason I picked up vodafone for me and my wife was because at the time they were the only providers offering Android on HTC Desire HD. Immediately after signing a 24 month contract, Telstra introduced their plan on HTC Mozart, and I would have gone with Telstra if the timing was right. Now I feel Vodafone's plan of 3 GB of data is a joke, we don't get any reception, and the only way to use it is with Wi Fi through our Telstra Bigpond - what's the use. Add to this that phone reception is very poor and drops off regularly. Rubbish. Then there's the Premium Service that we didn't know about until after the first bill arrived. It seems by default we were paying for 19.. advertisers who send us text messages. We didn't even know about this, and after a couple of hours waiting for their help line from India, we were able to block this stupid service. Shame on you Vodafone - we should have been told and given the option to disable this stupid service on signing the contract, not hush it under the carpet. 23 months left, cannot wait.
13262 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is WORDS DON'T EQUATE at 21 Jan 2011 07:22:08 AM
Upload and download speed often says "O".......hold times to Vodafail in excess of 45 mins. Who can wait this long? When they do answer, they tell me I'm in contract and can't get out of it. It should be illegal to remove money from my account without providing the service you promise. THIS IS STEALING!!! And I cant afford to pay 2 services so I can't sign up with another carrier in the meantime as I'm a uni student. You know how hard it is to study a degree online when your internet doesn't work. ITS IMPOSSIBLE..........I'm SO ANGRY!!!!
13261 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2011 07:22:06 AM
I've been having poor reception for a while now and the battery drains in 1 day. I believe that I rarely connect to the "local" tower as google maps shows me been 5km from my actual destination. When contacted vodafone said there were no issues with equipment in my area; got me to reboot my phone and discussed possible simcard issues. Now I see I'm not the only one.....
13260 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE at 21 Jan 2011 07:21:49 AM
Where do I start: Signed up Aug 09 with a Blackberry 9500
Firstly moving to Adelaide city about 1 1/2 years ago, then moving only 20 minutes away from the city to the hills, I only get one bar and majority of the time SOS coverage. I have missed so many phone calls, had so many drop outs in conversations, delayed sms's, internet is not possible. Its ridiculous.
Secondly - back in October 10, I woke up with my phone screen 'App Err 523' and it didn't do anything. Went to the vodafone shop who told me that they will send it away for repairs and provide me a loan phone in the interim. The loan phone was not charged and was given a wall charger only, thus I had to go a day without a phone, as I was on the road driving. A week later I received an sms that my phone had come back. Went to the store to pick it up. It was a brand new phone. I questioned where my phone was, they had no answer. There was no note, no details, no information what had happened to my original phone. I still had important information left on my original phone - which was now gone. My new phone returned to me - had barely enough battery power and when I wanted to send an sms, it would open the internet. When I wanted to make a call, I couldn't dial any of the numbers correctly. When I pressed 0, it would press 3. I returned back to the store. They couldn't fix my phone and said 'we will send this away for repairs'. Another loan phone, another week later. The same new phone returned. This time they gave it to me with no battery power. This 'new' phone would not lock, I couldn't scroll on the screen and I was having the same problems as before. I decided to go into another vodafone store, with all my repair paperwork, they said 'we will have to send this away for repair's'. I said not again - this is the third time. I cant do this anymore. I cant use this phone to it's full capacity and same with the loan phones. I said I believe I shouldn't have to pay for my account this month. I want to cancel my account and I want to speak to a supervisor. She wasn't available and I was yet left with ANOTHER loan phone. A few days later, I received an sms to pick up my phone, yet again. They were unable to cancel my contract as it was still up until August 2011. In regards to my account I had to call a number. She then proceeded to open a brand new Blackberry 9500 box and give me another brand new mobile. They had no answers for me in regards to the previous phone.
I called the number for my account - 6 times. Lara is pathetic and I was on hold too long. I gave up. I still ended up paying my full amount. I was mentally tired by the end of this whole saga which ended up being the whole month of October 09. The amount of time I had wasted, still gets to me.
Thirdly - their set up in there stores is pathetic when you go in there for questions. You wait for a long time, there is hardly enough staff in the stores around Adelaide I have attended. And you stand where ever you can get a spot and risk having other customers who don't take notice of others who had been waiting, pushing in. It's poor service full stop.
Bring on Aug 11 - I cant wait till the end of my 2 year contract, I never will go with Vodafone again and I will be recommending to anyone who will listen - STAY AWAY FROM VODAFONE.
Firstly moving to Adelaide city about 1 1/2 years ago, then moving only 20 minutes away from the city to the hills, I only get one bar and majority of the time SOS coverage. I have missed so many phone calls, had so many drop outs in conversations, delayed sms's, internet is not possible. Its ridiculous.
Secondly - back in October 10, I woke up with my phone screen 'App Err 523' and it didn't do anything. Went to the vodafone shop who told me that they will send it away for repairs and provide me a loan phone in the interim. The loan phone was not charged and was given a wall charger only, thus I had to go a day without a phone, as I was on the road driving. A week later I received an sms that my phone had come back. Went to the store to pick it up. It was a brand new phone. I questioned where my phone was, they had no answer. There was no note, no details, no information what had happened to my original phone. I still had important information left on my original phone - which was now gone. My new phone returned to me - had barely enough battery power and when I wanted to send an sms, it would open the internet. When I wanted to make a call, I couldn't dial any of the numbers correctly. When I pressed 0, it would press 3. I returned back to the store. They couldn't fix my phone and said 'we will send this away for repairs'. Another loan phone, another week later. The same new phone returned. This time they gave it to me with no battery power. This 'new' phone would not lock, I couldn't scroll on the screen and I was having the same problems as before. I decided to go into another vodafone store, with all my repair paperwork, they said 'we will have to send this away for repair's'. I said not again - this is the third time. I cant do this anymore. I cant use this phone to it's full capacity and same with the loan phones. I said I believe I shouldn't have to pay for my account this month. I want to cancel my account and I want to speak to a supervisor. She wasn't available and I was yet left with ANOTHER loan phone. A few days later, I received an sms to pick up my phone, yet again. They were unable to cancel my contract as it was still up until August 2011. In regards to my account I had to call a number. She then proceeded to open a brand new Blackberry 9500 box and give me another brand new mobile. They had no answers for me in regards to the previous phone.
I called the number for my account - 6 times. Lara is pathetic and I was on hold too long. I gave up. I still ended up paying my full amount. I was mentally tired by the end of this whole saga which ended up being the whole month of October 09. The amount of time I had wasted, still gets to me.
Thirdly - their set up in there stores is pathetic when you go in there for questions. You wait for a long time, there is hardly enough staff in the stores around Adelaide I have attended. And you stand where ever you can get a spot and risk having other customers who don't take notice of others who had been waiting, pushing in. It's poor service full stop.
Bring on Aug 11 - I cant wait till the end of my 2 year contract, I never will go with Vodafone again and I will be recommending to anyone who will listen - STAY AWAY FROM VODAFONE.
21 Jan 2011 08:23:48 AM: Dude, call the TIO immediately. Theres a pretty good chance they'll override vodafone and get you out of your contract early... I had a similar problem to you with the blackberry,only they gave me secondhand reconditioned replacements instead of brand new ones.
13259 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is WORST SERVICE EVER at 21 Jan 2011 07:21:33 AM
Text messages are always delayed and I keep missing phone calls. I have a virtual business number that forwards call to my mobile, so when I miss phone calls I am potentially loosing business.
3G reception is incredibly poor, makes it totally useless for me to have spent money on an iphone - again I need to check my email constantly when I'm away from the office, yet most of the times I'm unable to do that.
I'm so frustrated, my husband is with Telstra and he has none of these problems!!
3G reception is incredibly poor, makes it totally useless for me to have spent money on an iphone - again I need to check my email constantly when I'm away from the office, yet most of the times I'm unable to do that.
I'm so frustrated, my husband is with Telstra and he has none of these problems!!
13258 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Always at 21 Jan 2011 07:20:58 AM
Had a massive problem in my life once that some very confidential information was sent by mistake to my home.
13257 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2011 07:20:34 AM
my son was in hospital my mum tried calling me but as usuall she couldnt get through, left a voicemail at 9am didnt receive that voicemail until 10.30pm!!!
13256 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is MASSIVE at 21 Jan 2011 07:19:42 AM
I live in Netown, very close to the city, and I can't make phone calls in my own house. I am SOOOOO very angry. I am locked in to a stupid contract, and I can't even receive or make phone calls. I wait each day on my drive to work to see how many calls and missed text messages I have.
I can not wait to get away from the massive failure of a company
I can not wait to get away from the massive failure of a company
13255 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is total at 21 Jan 2011 07:18:58 AM
I was moved by the Vodafone/3 consortium to Vodafone's wireless broadband internet services after 3 months I gave up because I was paying for broadband speed but getting around 1 or 2 kilobytes per second sometimes if I was lucky.
It was worse than 3 where I was also paying for broadband speed but getting only dialup speed sometimes. 3 said that their tower in Melbourne was overloaded and could not increase the speed in the forseeable future. Lets face it people, these turkeys who operate communication services in AUstralia but all the support and technical staff are overseas are just ripping us off. We need to support companies who have real people here and have invested in Australia and our future.
It was worse than 3 where I was also paying for broadband speed but getting only dialup speed sometimes. 3 said that their tower in Melbourne was overloaded and could not increase the speed in the forseeable future. Lets face it people, these turkeys who operate communication services in AUstralia but all the support and technical staff are overseas are just ripping us off. We need to support companies who have real people here and have invested in Australia and our future.
13254 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2011 07:18:54 AM
I never recieve any of my messages on time there always delayed
13253 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2011 07:18:05 AM
CBD 3G reception in Sydney CBD drops out every 8-9 minutes for 3 minutes CONSISTANTLY all day. i use Gchat on my HTC desire and it disconnects ALL day and is bloody annoying.
13252 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 21 Jan 2011 07:17:23 AM
I have had dropped calls, calls to me going directly to voicemail while my phone was on and all bars showing. There have been 4 dropped calls in two days (I think I made 6 in total!). No access to web services. I have complained twice to Vodafone, and have been given a months free "coverage" but have explained to them that I now have one month's free "non-coverage" and want the issue resolved. Sick of talking to people who can't resolve this issue.
My mobile broadband has not been available for over a month.
My mobile broadband has not been available for over a month.
13250 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC at 21 Jan 2011 07:16:14 AM
I finished my plan and wanted to upgrade to the new iPhone (partly because I thought my connectivity problems were caused by my iPhone and not Vodafone!). I won't even go into the part where I was on the waiting list at 4 different stores for three months ... But finally Vodafone gave me a number I could call to get my new iPhone sorted out. I had to call the 1300 number to sort out delivery and was on hold for TWO HOURS.
Then, to top it off, I got my bill this month and I have to pay extra on top of my "infinite" cap, BECAUSE OF THE TWO HOUR CALL TO VODAFONE!!
Epic fail.
Then, to top it off, I got my bill this month and I have to pay extra on top of my "infinite" cap, BECAUSE OF THE TWO HOUR CALL TO VODAFONE!!
Epic fail.
13248 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Worst at 21 Jan 2011 07:14:58 AM
I joined Vodafone is December 2010. I live in south west and work in Parramatta CBD.I'm not able to get even 2 bars on 3G. I've got 150MB 3G data and has newer been able to use 3G internet on my phone.When I try to use becomes GPRS. I can't even get incoming calls or make outgoing calls due to poor reception. Tried ringing customer service 6 times ....had to wait for over 30 mins hung up. They promise they would call you but it newer happens.When I go to a store...they are not helpful as well.
The biggest mistake in my life was changing to Vodafone.
The biggest mistake in my life was changing to Vodafone.
13247 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is The worst ever at 21 Jan 2011 07:14:40 AM
After being with 3 for two years, they were prefect. Never had a issue or anything, when my contract ran out, i was eager to sign up again with 3 only to find that they were changing over to vodafone, but was assured that everything would be the same, only billed through vodafone now. Since signing over to Vodafone in mid November 2010, I have had my phone replace twice already as problems with no service or wont call and constent freezing. And my partner is also with Vodafone, signing up from Telstra, on the same phone same plan four days after me, and has had the same problems - Having his phone replaced, he doesn't seem to get some messages from me or me from him. I don't know weather it just wont send to any other Vodafone customers, but the frustration, and the problems we go through thinking one of us is in trouble when no response, or ignoring the other is very frustrating. I never had this problem with 3 and he never had a problem with Telstra. If I could, I would cancel my contract and change to another network, as this is just appualing of a large network to be so slack like this. Get your act together Vodafone, and get these problems sorted as you are NOT holding up your end of the contract here by suppling me with me paid goods.!!
21 Jan 2011 08:32:03 AM: Ditto. Since the Vodafone took over 3, all the people I know on 3 have experienced severe network issues, with phones failing to have any signal, or locking to G (GSM/GPRS only) and refusing to go back to 3G/HSDPA. It has got so bad that we have been forced to try to make our phones roam to Telstra prior to using the Vodafone network, as this is more reliable.
13246 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is massive at 21 Jan 2011 07:14:35 AM
I missed out on seeing my long lost cousin one last time before he left because of Vodafone. We havent seen each other for 30 years and he recently came to Australia for a holiday. He sent me a text asking if we wanted to meet up at the weekend and I didnt receive it till 3 days later so I missed out on saying goodbye-I was so devastated!
My friends all think Im avoiding them, I sometimes wonder if Im going blind and not seeing the texts when I check the phone - what is going on over there at Vodafone?
My friends all think Im avoiding them, I sometimes wonder if Im going blind and not seeing the texts when I check the phone - what is going on over there at Vodafone?
13245 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Always at 21 Jan 2011 07:14:06 AM
Terrible costumer service...minimum 30 min wait to enquire about anything. Plus can barely understand what the staff say.
13244 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Always at 21 Jan 2011 07:11:44 AM
Bills are never right, charge for services you never use
13243 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Data & texts at 21 Jan 2011 07:11:35 AM
my fone shows i have full 3g coverage but I cant open any webpages or check facebook - I get text message 20min after people in the same room have sent them to me, up to 2 days for a picture message. The same goes when I send people messages. Calls going straight to voicemail regardless that I have full coverage.
I've spend 40 min on hold with vodafone only to be told there isn't anyhing wrong with the network & its my iphone.
I've spend 40 min on hold with vodafone only to be told there isn't anyhing wrong with the network & its my iphone.
13242 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Massive at 21 Jan 2011 07:10:49 AM
Constantly have my iphone in the network searching mode and the only way to rectify it is to turn it off and then back on again. Means I am constantly missing calls and wasting my time & money having to listen to voice messages and then return the calls.
13241 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is TERRIBLE at 21 Jan 2011 07:10:45 AM
Took my blackberry in to get fixed, after a month (with no phone) vodaphone replaced it with a new one - that didn't turn on.
Took the new phone back to get it replaced - after SIX MONTHS (with no phone) and multiple phone calls and unplesant visits to the shop (where it would take hours before anyone seemed to have any idea what was happening with my phone) I was told that my second new phone had already been collected - the only problem was it hadn't been collected by me (I am pretty sure some kid working at vodaphone signed off on the collection papers). TWO MONTHS after this (still no phone) I finally speak to someone who tell me to go back to the shop to pick up a replacement phone (this is after numerous phone calls and visits to the vodaphone shop where they make me tell them my whole story and then say they will call me back and never do. All up I paid for my vodaphone phone for about 9 months with no phone and dealt with about 100 annoying, unhelpful kids.
Took the new phone back to get it replaced - after SIX MONTHS (with no phone) and multiple phone calls and unplesant visits to the shop (where it would take hours before anyone seemed to have any idea what was happening with my phone) I was told that my second new phone had already been collected - the only problem was it hadn't been collected by me (I am pretty sure some kid working at vodaphone signed off on the collection papers). TWO MONTHS after this (still no phone) I finally speak to someone who tell me to go back to the shop to pick up a replacement phone (this is after numerous phone calls and visits to the vodaphone shop where they make me tell them my whole story and then say they will call me back and never do. All up I paid for my vodaphone phone for about 9 months with no phone and dealt with about 100 annoying, unhelpful kids.
13240 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Completely at 21 Jan 2011 07:10:23 AM
Always having billing problems...charging for service you never plan was changed withou even knowing
13239 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is VERY FAIL at 21 Jan 2011 07:09:28 AM
The network keeps dropping out!
13238 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Far less effective than the other two major suppliers. at 21 Jan 2011 07:09:21 AM
I have been a vodafone user for over two years. I have experienced constant drop out of conversations over this time. Only recently have I become aware that not everyone experiences this. In my current area of operation (Airlie Beach) I find that my mobile phone has no coverage in areas that other provider's phones have full coverage. I also find that sms's tend to arrive at 3.00am regardless of when they have been sent. I attempted to get out of my contract but received no help from Crazy John's, we sign you up but do not support you, and after a protracted telephone wait (6 hours over two days)with Vodafone, I was offered a reduced tariff on my contract for two months but was told that I could not get out of my contract without suffering a penalty for the handpiece that I have. Although polite, Vodafone have left me in no doubt that I cannot get out of my contract. There were vague assertions that the coverage would improve in this area but have seen no evidence of this.
13237 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Terrible at 21 Jan 2011 07:08:49 AM
I am a 3 customer...which any person know in Australia that 3 is owned by Vodafone. And the 3 service is going the Vodafone way.
I have a wireless broadband connection for 2 years now. Since I have recently got a ADSL internet connection, I wanted to cancell my old wireless 3 setup...but unfortunately there is no answer when I call 3 Care.
Reasons which they give like handset or SIM malfunction are all garbage.
I have been paying for a service which I do not use and do not want either.
I want to cancel it but 3 doesnt seem to be interested. I want my money back !!!! I'm planning to round up a few mates who are going through the same experiance and file a legal suit demanding compensation.
I have a wireless broadband connection for 2 years now. Since I have recently got a ADSL internet connection, I wanted to cancell my old wireless 3 setup...but unfortunately there is no answer when I call 3 Care.
Reasons which they give like handset or SIM malfunction are all garbage.
I have been paying for a service which I do not use and do not want either.
I want to cancel it but 3 doesnt seem to be interested. I want my money back !!!! I'm planning to round up a few mates who are going through the same experiance and file a legal suit demanding compensation.
21 Jan 2011 07:19:33 AM: Unfortunatly you did sign a contract for this service, Probably a 24 month contract, you may be able to get out of it but if you are not using it due to the fact of getting ADSL then you will be unlickly to get your money back. If however you are out of contract on this i suggest you go into a store and stay there while the staff get this cancelled for you.
13236 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is seriously at 21 Jan 2011 07:08:23 AM
COnstantly having calls missed or going straight to voice mail. text messages and voicemails taking over 1 week to arrive. on hold to vodaphone for an hour and a half and then being told its my handset and there is no problem with the phone. I have been give a few dollars credit on my phone account however was asked to please be patient as they are aware of the issue and it will be rectified. NOT HAPPY JAN!!
13235 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is BAD at 21 Jan 2011 07:07:58 AM
I swapped from 3 to Vodafone about 4 months ago.
Shortly after swapping i was getting call drop outs and non 3G coverage, in Erskineville in Sydney and also at paddington.
When going to Port stephens for Holidays for a week i got 0 coverage i complained and told there were no issues with the area, it was frustrating as at the time i was waiting to here back from some job interviews, I had told the recruitment firms i would be on holidays but would have coverage.
II recently moved to Bathurst were thar is a weak vodafone signal, there is a vodafone store and even the rep at the store said it is patchy all over bathurst.
Shortly after swapping i was getting call drop outs and non 3G coverage, in Erskineville in Sydney and also at paddington.
When going to Port stephens for Holidays for a week i got 0 coverage i complained and told there were no issues with the area, it was frustrating as at the time i was waiting to here back from some job interviews, I had told the recruitment firms i would be on holidays but would have coverage.
II recently moved to Bathurst were thar is a weak vodafone signal, there is a vodafone store and even the rep at the store said it is patchy all over bathurst.
13234 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Data network issue at 21 Jan 2011 07:07:55 AM
I am living in Wentworthville and working in city, its take 45-50 minute by train. So, only thing i can do is mobile browsing, believe or not but by Vodafone network I can only access 3-4 pages !!!!! yes !!!! then I stop to use mobile network and start to play mobile games. But this website wake me up to do something about it.....
13231 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is what? who? when? how? at 21 Jan 2011 07:07:04 AM
Poor Service!
I am over missing calls left right & centre because I have no coverage. What is the use of having a mobile phone if only to look at & wish it would pick up a signal?
Fail Vodafone.
I am over missing calls left right & centre because I have no coverage. What is the use of having a mobile phone if only to look at & wish it would pick up a signal?
Fail Vodafone.
13230 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 21 Jan 2011 07:07:01 AM
I had a vodafone 3G USB stick, I bought the product on a $19 package. I then upgraded it to a $29 package to get more gigs of data. Later when I tried to downgrade they said the $19 was an introductory package and its not possible to downgrade, what a load of crap.
I then asked if I could pay the $100 for the USB stick that was included in the contract and cancel my contract. They said I had to pay the full remaining months at $29 to pay out my contract.
Aint going with them in the future...
I then asked if I could pay the $100 for the USB stick that was included in the contract and cancel my contract. They said I had to pay the full remaining months at $29 to pay out my contract.
Aint going with them in the future...
13229 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Deceptive,Dishonest and Indifferent at 21 Jan 2011 07:06:53 AM
Signed up in late December mainly to access mobile internet. Took 3 visits to voda stores before any staff even acknowledged my presence let alone served me (Should've seen the writing on the wall right there and then but Telstra and Optus staff were just as uncaring as voda!)One month into a 24 month contract I dont bother trying to use the net as it's excruciatingly slow. Quicker to drive to the local library. E-mail is so slow that it's much less hassle to access it once I arrive home, which defeats the purpose of getting a smartphone with vodaphone in the first place. Except for one noble exception vodaphone staff have been dismissive, abrasive or just plain rude.
13228 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VERY at 21 Jan 2011 07:06:39 AM
I cannot seem to have a call longer than a few minutes without it dropping out. This is in Sydney, not in a small country town but in a well populated suburb. The drop outs are all the time, even worse when I am talking to someone else on Vodafone! GRRRr
13227 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is VERY at 21 Jan 2011 07:06:30 AM
I made the mistake of switching to Vodafone from Telstra about 18 months ago. I have never in my life had so many issues. Calls drop out all the time, I often have it go straight to voicemail when I could have answered it, and have had many cases of voicemails/texts being delivered hours after they arrived. My husband tries to run his business with his Vodafone phone and he has lost many job opportunities due to bad reception and missed calls he should have been able to answer.
And don't get me started on the lack of coverage!!! Terrible!
And don't get me started on the lack of coverage!!! Terrible!
13226 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail at 21 Jan 2011 07:06:28 AM
I sent back a Vodafone mobile broadband receiver to the Vodafone head office
when they were in Chatswood NSW. I requested a refund as the network coverage
was extremely poor. To date, I have received no refund, I called customer support and spoke to someone in India who told me they had no knowledge of my issue and to fax a letter off which I have done. This was over 6 months ago
and I have had no company rep call me. Once you have an issue they FAIL!
when they were in Chatswood NSW. I requested a refund as the network coverage
was extremely poor. To date, I have received no refund, I called customer support and spoke to someone in India who told me they had no knowledge of my issue and to fax a letter off which I have done. This was over 6 months ago
and I have had no company rep call me. Once you have an issue they FAIL!
13225 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Frustrating at 21 Jan 2011 07:04:52 AM
First of all, thank you for setting up this website!
I had heard that Vodafone is relatively poor in terms of national coverage. Yet, because they seemed to offer the best value for money and the fact that I live in central Sydney, I decided to at least give them a go. In June last year I went to a Crazy John's shop (only sells Vodafone deals) and enquired about Vodafone's coverage. I was shown a map (same map that is available on Vodafone's homepage), where it showed that there was 100% coverage of the area where I lived. Just in case, I asked what would happen if their map turned out to be "wrong" in terms of coverage. I was told that all I needed to do was to bring the phone back in store and it would be cancelled. As soon as I got near our house in Watsons Bay in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney the reception got worse and worse... eventually, there was NO reception at all. Disappointed I drove back to the shop but was told that the cancellation process was a bit complicated... They sent me home and asked me to call Vodafone's engineers from my landline and explain my situation to them and only then Crazy John's could refund me. I spoke to three or four different people and no one really had a desire to help out. In fact, they were adamant that I was wrong...For instance, one guy said "No, you must be wrong, our maps show that there is perfect reception where you are". I gave up, went back to the shop and told them that I was not keen on spending the rest of the day on hold with Vodafone's customer service or with their engineers who did not want to help out anyway. Eventually, we agreed that Crazy John's would make the calls for me. About two weeks later, I still had not heard anything and I checked with Crazy John's and was told that they had "forgotten" to make the call... They did make the call and Vodafone eventually sent out a satchel for me to return the phone to them in. In the instructions it said in bold text and capital letters: make sure you remove the battery before you return the phone. I had bought an iPhone and was a bit perplexed as getting the battery out is not that straightforward. I found some youtube videos on how to remove the battery but the whole process seemed a bit dodgy. By accident I happened to read the instruction booklet and in the small print I found that if you remove the battery you cannot return the phone. I phoned Vodafone again and asked them what I should do. I was told not to remove the battery after all. I went to Australia post the next day thinking that finally I could get this whole thing out of the way. They asked me if I had removed the battery from the phone that I was sending to Vodafone. I told them what I was told by Vodafone. Australia Post refused to accept the satchel as it is against their safety rules to send phones with batteries inside. I went back home, called Vodafone again but was told that I needed to use the satchel they had sent me if I wanted to cancel the contract. The next day I went to a (different) Australia Post office and I actually lied about the content of the satchel... It did not feel good, particularly as I had to put my signature on the paperwork. It was sent away to Vodafone and I was very relieved when, a few days later, I found out that Vodafone had received it. Then, about two weeks later, I received a bill for the full amount of a month's usage. I can see how things get wrong when everything is automated so I simply called them and asked what the bill was for. They apologised and were actually surprisingly helpful that time. They told me that I did not have to pay anything as it was cancelled and that they were going to send a new bill that stated that I owed them zero dollars. The next bill, however, showed a new amount which was even higher than the first one :-)...It took another two weeks before everything was sorted out.
This was a something that should have been a very simple process. I am convinced that a lot of people would have given up half way through, which I guess, is how Vodafone makes a fair bit of money at the end of the day. I spent so much time both on the phone, by e-mail and in the store that I have become completely turned off by Vodafone forever. I will never, ever go near Vodafone's products again and I will continue to recommend friends not to have anything to do with them.
1) They use false advertising by saying they have full coverage of areas where they clearly don't. This is a serious offence that ACCC should look into.
2) They advertise a simple cancellation process, which is nothing but an administrative headache, which you need to spend several hours on to get to the bottom with.
3) Some of their customer service reps were nice and helpful (including staff at Crazy John's) while others were completely uninterested in taking any accountability.
I find it amazing that Vodafone spends so much money on advertising and sponsorship (e.g. the Ashes) instead of spending it on a good product and customer services!? Word of mouth travels far.
I had heard that Vodafone is relatively poor in terms of national coverage. Yet, because they seemed to offer the best value for money and the fact that I live in central Sydney, I decided to at least give them a go. In June last year I went to a Crazy John's shop (only sells Vodafone deals) and enquired about Vodafone's coverage. I was shown a map (same map that is available on Vodafone's homepage), where it showed that there was 100% coverage of the area where I lived. Just in case, I asked what would happen if their map turned out to be "wrong" in terms of coverage. I was told that all I needed to do was to bring the phone back in store and it would be cancelled. As soon as I got near our house in Watsons Bay in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney the reception got worse and worse... eventually, there was NO reception at all. Disappointed I drove back to the shop but was told that the cancellation process was a bit complicated... They sent me home and asked me to call Vodafone's engineers from my landline and explain my situation to them and only then Crazy John's could refund me. I spoke to three or four different people and no one really had a desire to help out. In fact, they were adamant that I was wrong...For instance, one guy said "No, you must be wrong, our maps show that there is perfect reception where you are". I gave up, went back to the shop and told them that I was not keen on spending the rest of the day on hold with Vodafone's customer service or with their engineers who did not want to help out anyway. Eventually, we agreed that Crazy John's would make the calls for me. About two weeks later, I still had not heard anything and I checked with Crazy John's and was told that they had "forgotten" to make the call... They did make the call and Vodafone eventually sent out a satchel for me to return the phone to them in. In the instructions it said in bold text and capital letters: make sure you remove the battery before you return the phone. I had bought an iPhone and was a bit perplexed as getting the battery out is not that straightforward. I found some youtube videos on how to remove the battery but the whole process seemed a bit dodgy. By accident I happened to read the instruction booklet and in the small print I found that if you remove the battery you cannot return the phone. I phoned Vodafone again and asked them what I should do. I was told not to remove the battery after all. I went to Australia post the next day thinking that finally I could get this whole thing out of the way. They asked me if I had removed the battery from the phone that I was sending to Vodafone. I told them what I was told by Vodafone. Australia Post refused to accept the satchel as it is against their safety rules to send phones with batteries inside. I went back home, called Vodafone again but was told that I needed to use the satchel they had sent me if I wanted to cancel the contract. The next day I went to a (different) Australia Post office and I actually lied about the content of the satchel... It did not feel good, particularly as I had to put my signature on the paperwork. It was sent away to Vodafone and I was very relieved when, a few days later, I found out that Vodafone had received it. Then, about two weeks later, I received a bill for the full amount of a month's usage. I can see how things get wrong when everything is automated so I simply called them and asked what the bill was for. They apologised and were actually surprisingly helpful that time. They told me that I did not have to pay anything as it was cancelled and that they were going to send a new bill that stated that I owed them zero dollars. The next bill, however, showed a new amount which was even higher than the first one :-)...It took another two weeks before everything was sorted out.
This was a something that should have been a very simple process. I am convinced that a lot of people would have given up half way through, which I guess, is how Vodafone makes a fair bit of money at the end of the day. I spent so much time both on the phone, by e-mail and in the store that I have become completely turned off by Vodafone forever. I will never, ever go near Vodafone's products again and I will continue to recommend friends not to have anything to do with them.
1) They use false advertising by saying they have full coverage of areas where they clearly don't. This is a serious offence that ACCC should look into.
2) They advertise a simple cancellation process, which is nothing but an administrative headache, which you need to spend several hours on to get to the bottom with.
3) Some of their customer service reps were nice and helpful (including staff at Crazy John's) while others were completely uninterested in taking any accountability.
I find it amazing that Vodafone spends so much money on advertising and sponsorship (e.g. the Ashes) instead of spending it on a good product and customer services!? Word of mouth travels far.
21 Jan 2011 09:18:51 AM: I had an identical situation but my o2 phone was dead on arrival. Vodafone told me to call o2 (in Singapore???). I got the satchel, returned the phone to Vodafone (Tas) and broke the contract under the cooling off period as I was given the run around. A few days later receive a bill for $1100 which took over a month for them to correct. So frustrating...
13224 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very! at 21 Jan 2011 07:03:48 AM
Nice important voicemail that was left on 16/01 and only received to my handset today 21/01...Carrier pigeon anyone?
13223 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 21 Jan 2011 07:02:53 AM
My ex accidentally paid a large sum of money off my account which stopped my direct debit because they account was in credit.
The first call I didn't actually know it was my ex, it was just a credit on my account that I had not paid. They told me there was nothing they could do, but the CSR seemed surprised that I'd be upset about someone else paying my account for me.
The second call was a few months later, and the ex and I had figured out why she'd been paying heaps off her account and it wasn't showing up, and why my account was now several hundred dollars in credit. Again I was told there was nothing they could do from my end, I would just have to wait until she'd reported it, it had been "investigated" and then money transferred out. At this stage my direct debit had been stopped for about 3 months. I actually had this call esculated to a "specialist" who told me basically the same thing. I asked them about what would happen when the money was transferred and my account was suddenly 3 months overdue and was assured they'd just automatically direct deposit the money.
They called me at some point to let me know that they'd sorted it out and the money was being transferred a day later. Again I was assured my account would be ok.
Three days later I got a text saying my account was very overdue, if I didn't pay immediately I would be disconnected. Once again I contacted them and was assured this would not happen and that the money would be direct deposited. At this point there was 4 months worth of bills outstanding, so I was not really very pleased at the prospect of having to pay it all one lump sum, but just wanted to get it sorted out.
Three days later my phone was disconnected. I called them again and was this time told that the direct debit option doesn't apply to overdue payments and they'd need to process it manually. I paid the overdue amount and went to move my service to another provider the same day. Ridiculous!
The first call I didn't actually know it was my ex, it was just a credit on my account that I had not paid. They told me there was nothing they could do, but the CSR seemed surprised that I'd be upset about someone else paying my account for me.
The second call was a few months later, and the ex and I had figured out why she'd been paying heaps off her account and it wasn't showing up, and why my account was now several hundred dollars in credit. Again I was told there was nothing they could do from my end, I would just have to wait until she'd reported it, it had been "investigated" and then money transferred out. At this stage my direct debit had been stopped for about 3 months. I actually had this call esculated to a "specialist" who told me basically the same thing. I asked them about what would happen when the money was transferred and my account was suddenly 3 months overdue and was assured they'd just automatically direct deposit the money.
They called me at some point to let me know that they'd sorted it out and the money was being transferred a day later. Again I was assured my account would be ok.
Three days later I got a text saying my account was very overdue, if I didn't pay immediately I would be disconnected. Once again I contacted them and was assured this would not happen and that the money would be direct deposited. At this point there was 4 months worth of bills outstanding, so I was not really very pleased at the prospect of having to pay it all one lump sum, but just wanted to get it sorted out.
Three days later my phone was disconnected. I called them again and was this time told that the direct debit option doesn't apply to overdue payments and they'd need to process it manually. I paid the overdue amount and went to move my service to another provider the same day. Ridiculous!
13222 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is pretty badly at 21 Jan 2011 07:02:44 AM
I always thought it was my blackberry that was stuffing up... but i've slowly realised that it is vodafone.. as messages never arrive to me and after a certain period of time on the phone my phone cuts out. I was supposed to also be on a $99 cap and i have been getting phone bills for $150+... bit sick of it all. But have heard people complain about optus and i'm not willing to pay the extra to go telstra!!! bahhhhh! over vodafone.
13221 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Not at 21 Jan 2011 07:01:16 AM
I have been with Vodaphone for ages and never had a problem with drop outs or anything else. Have phoned customer support twice to make enquiries about something and no problem there either. Was connected to a support person within a couple of minutes and they very helpful. My children and most of their friends are with Vodaphone too. They have the prepaid $29 cap and get free calls to each other which works out great and have no complaints of drop outs.
21 Jan 2011 07:05:22 AM: What phone do you have??? I want one!
13220 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is pathetic at 21 Jan 2011 07:00:24 AM
i am also an unfortunate person lied to when sold vodafone/3 wireless braodband, working in Melbournes cbd, at best its at dial up speed, so how they can say this is broadband, evades me, the drop out are regular and consistent, and dont bother even trying during school holidays, the vodafone wireless network cant handle basic streaming media, unles you like a 5 minute show to take 25mins to watch, stop start, these peopjamale are selling a product they simply cant or are not prepared to deliver
13219 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is call drop outs, not receiving voice mails until days after original message has been left, not receiving MMS at 21 Jan 2011 06:59:19 AM
I have little coverage on Vodafone with constant call drop out. MMS and Voice mails can take upto 3 days to come through which means I am missing out on important information. I have contacted Vodafone on a number of occasions and have been told that there is nothing wrong and this is not happening!
13218 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extremely. at 21 Jan 2011 06:57:54 AM
My phone contract is all unlimited - email, internet, messages, calls and voicemails.
I received a phone bill just the other week for an EXTRA $300 on top of my $114 unlimited cap for internet usage. I phoned vodafone to ask them why I' am being charged this extra $300 saying that I' am on an unlimited deal and all they could do was take $20 off. When my contract clearly states UNLIMITED usage of internet GPRS usage.
I received a phone bill just the other week for an EXTRA $300 on top of my $114 unlimited cap for internet usage. I phoned vodafone to ask them why I' am being charged this extra $300 saying that I' am on an unlimited deal and all they could do was take $20 off. When my contract clearly states UNLIMITED usage of internet GPRS usage.
13217 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Enough to leave at 21 Jan 2011 06:57:42 AM
I ordered an iphone in October from them which still hasn't been received. Their customer service is so bad that in the 5 times I have rung I have been put on hold for over an hour - no joke - when you finally speak to someone they try to blame you then say someone will call to help and no one does. And they wont let me cancel the order. I feel so helpless as there is no other avenues of help to go down. Worst customer service ever and I have decided I will not accept the phone if it does turn up eventually. From the sounds of the coverage reports it probably a good idea.