Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
12622 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Reducing mobile coverage at 14 Jan 2011 01:06:49 PM
Small business mobile phone user living in outer NE suburbs of Melbourne. As a project manager I rely heavily on mobile communications to manage suppliers, clients etc. When I started my business Vodafone offered a $59 bundle plan encompassing unlimited email & internet so I signed up to the 2-year plan. While mobile coverage was never great at home (1 or 2 bars) on my Blackberry Bold, it was still sufficient to pick up SMS, Voicemail notifications etc and if I needed too I could step outside, point my head to the east and make a reasonable call. Occasionally it would still drop out, but I could live with that. 17 months later - I can no longer get any signal...nothing...not a single bar...step outside again nothing. In fact I have to travel more than2 kilometres back towards the city to pick up any signal again. What's killing me is that I don't get notified that someone has tried to call or clients have noticed that it may take hours for me to get back to them which is not acceptable. I have 7 months left, but I can't afford to stay like this.
12621 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Dropped phone calls at 14 Jan 2011 01:03:31 PM
In 3 days I have more than 10 phone calls cut off 5 seconds after the connection. It was really bad as some of these are work phone calls from customers, the reception goes on and off all the while. I am so regret signing up this voda plan instead of continuing with my 3.
12620 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ++++++++++++++++++++++ at 14 Jan 2011 01:01:49 PM
5.5 hours total time on hold to speak to vodafone customer service in 1 week plus call dropped out twice during this time. Have to stand in corner of back garden just to get 1 bar of signal! Absolute crap service, coverage and communication. Have decided to give optus a go!
12619 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Overcharged on data plan at 14 Jan 2011 12:54:59 PM
vodafone sent me a bill for around $1000 saying i've over used my data plan of 1.5 GB and have used 3GB from my phone.I've a HTC legend that came with my $49 CAP Plan. Now, i never used those data on my phone. I've got naked dsl 100GB at home, i've got internet access at work. There is no way i would used that 3GB from my phone.This is an ongoing issue since the date(nearly 4 months ago) i joined vodafone. Everymonth they keep overcharging me on my data plans. And every month call them,be on hold for hours.They keep insisting the date and time of the data usage is showing in the system.But they not willing to investigate any further, what if the system got a glitch?? i already had enough so frustrated and wish to cancel my service with them and will send the phone back.
12618 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very at 14 Jan 2011 12:52:27 PM
I can't log on to to see how bad it is!
12617 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is 3G fail at 14 Jan 2011 12:51:13 PM
No 3G coverage of any sort within my own home for over an hour. This is a common occurrence and when there is coverage it is slow and un usable.
12614 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is I am sure my nipples could provide better service than vodafail at 14 Jan 2011 12:19:43 PM
Since before Xmas I have been having issues with Vodafone. My phone was stolen and I desperate needed one so I got myself an iPhone with them. At first it was fine 3-4 bars reception no drop outs and I could still text my friends living in the USA. Then it went downhill. 1 bar of reception. I was lucky if I got 2. More often than not I have no service. I am only just now able to text to USA again yet every 5 minutes I lose reception. I'm a full time student with no income bar the measly amount I get from Centrelink and I have no way to rid myself of them for another 16 months at least. Is it so difficult to get what you pay for these days. Definately sound like vodafail to me.
12612 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No reception/service at 14 Jan 2011 12:16:04 PM
I constantly have no reception, after walking around my house and yard for 30 minutes to find reception, the call then drops out after 30 seconds. These is no coverage in my house at all, then I'm faced with walking in the rain and mud out doors!!!! Messages don't send automatically, i have to turn my phone on and off to activate the sending of my message. I have people constantly complaining that they are unable to get through to me.
12611 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is EPIC FAILERS SINCE GOING O/S at 14 Jan 2011 12:11:04 PM
Only a coulple more weeks before I can leave Vodafail. Bring it on!
12610 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is HUGE at 14 Jan 2011 12:09:04 PM
Spent 2 weeks in Prospect SA - 10 mins from the city centre not like it was rural or anything. I had no 3G service the whole time - NADA! In certain parts of Adelaide it was fine but not in Prospect. Talk about frustrating! And there is no point even calling about this. The whole "process" of calling them makes me want to jump off a bridge!! FAIL
15 Jan 2011 01:08:49 AM: I hope interstate people realise how close to the CBD Prospect and Torrensville are.
12609 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Dudaphone at 14 Jan 2011 11:53:23 AM
A bit ironic that the Australian Cricket team has not won a match since their branding changed from 3 to Vodafone. Both the cricket team and Vodafone are underperforming in the basics and both have a bad experience with LARA to some extent (Bingle that is !).
20 Jan 2011 12:17:52 PM: Perhaps, since they're aligned with Vodafone,with such a reputation for dishonesty, they are involved in matchfixing, and are deliberately losing?
12608 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Shocking at 14 Jan 2011 11:51:52 AM
Love the site, hate the service from voda... I get better coverage from my kids play phone but they only cost me $10 with no recurring b*llsh*t bills!
Anyway found this page about it aswell... lets drive this corporate giant to being responsible to their clients!
Anyway found this page about it aswell... lets drive this corporate giant to being responsible to their clients!
12607 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is massive at 14 Jan 2011 11:47:50 AM
cut outs all the time
12606 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Massive at 14 Jan 2011 11:47:03 AM
Cut outs and reception. I could be talking with normal reception then Bang! cut out.
Im leaving in 2 months to Optus or Telstra
Im leaving in 2 months to Optus or Telstra
14 Jan 2011 11:49:54 AM: I don't even remember what my phone looks like when it shows full reception anymore
12605 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Dropped Calls at 14 Jan 2011 11:37:34 AM
Recently moved to Manly (Sydney Northern Beaches). It is impossible to have a call connected for longer than a few minutes. Service seems to be better around CBD (where I work). Tried calling VHA a number of times over the last few days but either dropped out or gave up after 20 minutes.
Another example of the great Australian service standard!
Another example of the great Australian service standard!
12604 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Collapsing at 14 Jan 2011 11:20:30 AM
I have troubles since December getting reception on my mobile around the CBD. I always wonder why so suddenly Vodafone's network becomes gradually worser over time. It's either the 3 merger or it's some unforeseen UFO with the power to mass absorb RF from Vodafone network towers across Australia causing massive interference. There goes all our communications via Vodafone.
12603 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is PAINFUL at 14 Jan 2011 11:17:07 AM
No 3G reception ~40% of the time in Melbourne inner city. Often no reception of any kind, so no ability to make calls or receive text messages. It's so surreal standing in the middle of the CBD and getting No Service on your phone...
PLUS I've started getting the monthly bill of another Vodafone customer in addition to my own containing all of their private details, including name, address and all the calls and texts they have sent. Considering the current media reports about customer privacy I couldn't believe it!
PLUS I've started getting the monthly bill of another Vodafone customer in addition to my own containing all of their private details, including name, address and all the calls and texts they have sent. Considering the current media reports about customer privacy I couldn't believe it!
14 Jan 2011 11:23:02 AM: Thats just pathetic. You should definitely switch telcos. Telstra is looking better everyday.
14 Jan 2011 11:51:02 AM: I would let that person know that you are receiving their bills. If I was them I would appreciate knowing
12602 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Useless at 14 Jan 2011 11:14:52 AM
I'm trying to work remotely from home as I'm now working from interstate. I have had to log back in over a dozen times due to constant disconnecting and it's only lunch time. I'm within 4kms of the Adelaide CBD. Vodafone you are a joke!
I'm going to another provider today..
I'm going to another provider today..
14 Jan 2011 11:27:19 AM: People have reported that the reception is still intermittent in adelaide. Seriously bad.
12601 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is GOOD ADVICE!!!!!!!! at 14 Jan 2011 11:03:37 AM
The average wait time is between 30-45 seconds. Longest I've ever waited was 2 minutes. Now for the tricky party...
In order to get your problem addressed, make a fuss, be annoying, create problems, be demanding, don't take no for an answer, demand supervisors etc... I'm sure by now you've all had lots of practice with this. Following this, demand that the relevant department call you back or they put you straight across. It'll save you the average wait time of 30-45 minutes for any other department. Don't let them dictate how we should get customer care. Screw their inept policies, procedures and simplistic problem solving/delegation.
The average wait time is between 30-45 seconds. Longest I've ever waited was 2 minutes. Now for the tricky party...
In order to get your problem addressed, make a fuss, be annoying, create problems, be demanding, don't take no for an answer, demand supervisors etc... I'm sure by now you've all had lots of practice with this. Following this, demand that the relevant department call you back or they put you straight across. It'll save you the average wait time of 30-45 minutes for any other department. Don't let them dictate how we should get customer care. Screw their inept policies, procedures and simplistic problem solving/delegation.
14 Jan 2011 11:15:46 AM: Thanks. Let me give it a try.
I have tried all sort of accents, Lara refuses to understand me.
I have tried all sort of accents, Lara refuses to understand me.
14 Jan 2011 11:30:28 AM: You're spot on. Lara lacks any ability to understand accented english. Epic fail. Or maybe because the network is bad, our voice reaches her all broken.
14 Jan 2011 03:28:52 PM: Give that a try, although I have done my best to do this in real life 3 times today at their stores. I'm beginning to suspect they deliberately hire brain dead staff just to frustrate you though. When I was with Virgin and I had to use their automated number system I used to just repeatedly press # till I spoke to a human.
14 Jan 2011 03:36:43 PM: Actually just had an evil thought. Why not use this webpage and lodging complaints by locality to organise for people to meet and protest outside Vodafone shops? Even if we all just milled in and started asking embarassing questions. Normally I am a decent quiet individual, but it is time customers gave Vodaf..k what they have been giving us.
14 Jan 2011 03:53:05 PM: It'd be a bit unfair to throw all that flak at the actual branch employees who are just trying to work.
But if it merely involved standing outside with messages of customer horror stories/complaints with the aim of dissuading potential customers from signing up with VHA? That'd be awesome.
But if it merely involved standing outside with messages of customer horror stories/complaints with the aim of dissuading potential customers from signing up with VHA? That'd be awesome.
15 Jan 2011 07:02:04 AM: I'm there
12600 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Wireless Broadband Coverage at 14 Jan 2011 10:47:07 AM
I have recently moved to Bulli. The change of address has cost me lots of money, as I cannot upload anything for the job I am supposed to be doing.
I write articles for a news organisation.
I have a question. Is there ANY coverage in the Wooonona-Bulli-Thirroul area -- at all? It has been the same since I've moved here, six weeks ago. Connection yes and no, but mainly no. Nothing has been done since I have lived here. Any hope of a miracle?
This problem is not connected to the floods, surely!
Thanks. I'm hoping for enlightenment.
Sandra Martelozzo
I write articles for a news organisation.
I have a question. Is there ANY coverage in the Wooonona-Bulli-Thirroul area -- at all? It has been the same since I've moved here, six weeks ago. Connection yes and no, but mainly no. Nothing has been done since I have lived here. Any hope of a miracle?
This problem is not connected to the floods, surely!
Thanks. I'm hoping for enlightenment.
Sandra Martelozzo
12598 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 14 Jan 2011 10:46:15 AM
Au revoir Vodafone... loyal customer since 1999!!!! Just about to put in the Telstra sim!!! I was lucky as my contract had expired!
14 Jan 2011 11:07:06 AM: lucky
12597 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Hate the Lara!! at 14 Jan 2011 10:36:18 AM
How many different numbers does one need to call, and how many times do the menu options need to change?! The flexi cap etc is somewhat 'confusing'and limmits your choices as to what you need. I made the choice to bail from Voda as soon as the company became headlines on the news. Vodaphone need to sack themselves for breaching all of the privacy Acts!
2 Feb 2011 11:02:33 PM: Sometimes change is for the better. What is 'confusing' about the flexi cap may I ask. Much of the Privacy Act 'breach' was actually incorrectly stated by the media. The actual issue was a staff member giving out a system password, not a product of hacking. The media were incorrect as credit card details were not available and the system could not be accessed from the general internet, only in store's with the program.
The systems were then changed to an incredibly high amount of privacy almost immediately. What more do you want? Telstra run on the EXACT same system so the exact same thing could have happened to them if their staff went around givign out passwords.
The systems were then changed to an incredibly high amount of privacy almost immediately. What more do you want? Telstra run on the EXACT same system so the exact same thing could have happened to them if their staff went around givign out passwords.
12596 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 14 Jan 2011 10:34:52 AM
I cannot get reception in my office in Burleigh Heads nor my house in Bonogin.
Any attempt to contact Vodafone takes at least 20 minutes of holding on to your phone and 2 months latter still have no reception. It is now blaming the floods in Brisbane for poor reception.
Any attempt to contact Vodafone takes at least 20 minutes of holding on to your phone and 2 months latter still have no reception. It is now blaming the floods in Brisbane for poor reception.
12595 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Success! at 14 Jan 2011 10:28:40 AM
Vodafone coverage and network performance is excellent inside the Vodafone store in the Canberra Centre. I will just walk there to use my phone everytime I need to make a call or connect to the Internet. Problem solved.
14 Jan 2011 11:33:31 AM: That should've been a crucial requirement stated on all Vodafone products: "Only use our products at our stores for guaranteed calling and networking capabilities. Please go to the nearest store and stay there."
14 Jan 2011 11:43:36 AM: hahahah. good idea, there is a vodaphone store about 10 shops down from where i work (i cant get much reception at work, sometimes can text but if i want internet im better off walking to the ones u put $2 in) maybe ill try it in the store next time i walk past and see what happens.
12594 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is No good today at 14 Jan 2011 10:26:18 AM
Managed to connect to the Internet from my phone today but only for about 30 seconds before I started getting timeouts. Can't get my emails. Also experienced a phone drop call drop out this morning. Not sure what I am paying for here.
14 Jan 2011 10:34:15 AM: The CEO's income, while he does nothing more than say 'everything is fine'. The company's expenses, which all go to sponsoring losing teams and not even sparing a single cent for their network. It will all change from this month forth, or maybe Vodafone won't do anything until the class action lawsuit really goes into action.
16 Jan 2011 10:36:32 AM: And then Vodafone will be spending a whole lot of money defending the suit, and when it goes against then, a whole lot more money appealing the decision.They should also be defending an action by the ACCC, and possibly another one by ASIC.And, they may rearrange things, like James Hardie and asbestos victims, and try to escape paying by moving their address offshore.
12593 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is More fail than the Australian cricket team (at the moment anyway) at 14 Jan 2011 10:22:08 AM
I live 5 kms outside the Adelaide CBD, I use my phone for work. I go through lengthy periods with no signal available. When I do call someone calls continually drop out. And now anyone who can access the vodafone website can access my personal details. At least the service works well enough so that I can receive my reminder to make sure I pay my bill on time.
14 Jan 2011 11:45:18 AM: touche. i cant recieve texts from my friends but i sure can get that reminder text about my bill is available online. except for the fact i cant log onto my vodafone to check it!
12591 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is may not make it to 2012 at this rate at 14 Jan 2011 10:15:07 AM
Adelaide, signal for 3G is bad on my mobile. I live south of the city and have experienced slow 3G internet for my mobile broadband. Called Vodafone but been on hold for an hour and dropped. The CEO's 'email' is probably flooded as worse as QLD with complaints, but at least people report that it is working. I never knew it takes all that to get some action. The employees of the call centres are probably too busy focusing on getting rid of customers from the bogged up complaint line, cutting calls to improve their key performance indicators (KPIs) and times. :roll eyes: This telco needs to get a grip because their services have gone downhill in these past few months. At this rate it'll probably take them 'til the end of this year to fix this. People would have left by then. I don't know how many chances we have to give this telco. But enough is enough. By the way, you know how the media are reporting that the world may end in 2012? It actually wont. You are all mistaken. The media were actually refering to Vodafone Australia's impending doom in 2012. Hopefully 3 will survive. I can feel your pain.
12590 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 14 Jan 2011 10:12:09 AM
i am constantly having reception black outs on my network, extremely delayed text msg receipt and voicemail retrieval doesnt seem to be working. i have only had this issue for a few months and though it was the case that my phone was playing up when i saw the article in the paper and report on tv i knew it wasnt just me. my mobile is less then 12 months old and considering its one of the latest i phones figured finally it wasnt the issue. i have been with vodafone since day dot, literally 10 years. this month i was late in paying my bill by a few days , first instance in the duration of my loyalty with the company, i woke up went to check my emails and reply to a txt msg and noticed nothng was coming or going through. i went to use my phone to make a call and what do you know my phone is barred. this is ridiculous, after not receiving a payment of $100 odd dollars you go and cut my service? im trying to run a business and wasnt around a computer when the payment was due to transfer the money and the best thing you guys can do is cut my service? i think after this incident im going to cut my service with you and let all those years of loyalty go down the drain cos clearly it means jack all to you as it now does to me. loyalty , whats that vodafone asks themselves. its not a word i will be able to associate with this company in the future.
oh and another thing, i really appreciate my personal details being released and getting hacked to, its really great to know your happy to take our money but cant provide the service you promise and have done so in the past. whats going on in your telco?? trying to save a few dollars by cutting people off perhaps?
oh and another thing, i really appreciate my personal details being released and getting hacked to, its really great to know your happy to take our money but cant provide the service you promise and have done so in the past. whats going on in your telco?? trying to save a few dollars by cutting people off perhaps?
20 Jan 2011 12:27:38 AM: At leastyou know you've been cut off.Most of the people here also can't communicate via or with Vodafone,either, and they haven't officially been barred.
Bugger that you didn't know someone, after your long relationship with Vodafone, who could have just gone in and changed it all for you.You should consider mixing in scummier circles if you want any joy with Vodafone. Probably still won't be able to reliably use the network.
Bugger that you didn't know someone, after your long relationship with Vodafone, who could have just gone in and changed it all for you.You should consider mixing in scummier circles if you want any joy with Vodafone. Probably still won't be able to reliably use the network.
12589 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 100% failure re Cust. Service at 14 Jan 2011 10:09:05 AM
I'm on hold for 72 minutes after "Lara" informing me of an "over 30 minute wait" when I first jumped in queue. After being on hold I get a CSO who can hardly string a sentence together and is so quiet that I have to keep asking him to repeat himself. After nicely (after all it's not the CSO's problem that my handset keeps crashing) explaining my issue he ends up grunting and then hanging up on me. Sadly this is what I've come to expect from their Tech Support.
I have no gripes with Vodafone support being offshore but I do expect civility and prompt service when I'm on a 24mth contract with them. If you don't have a good disposition, don't work in such a heavily customer focused role.
I have no gripes with Vodafone support being offshore but I do expect civility and prompt service when I'm on a 24mth contract with them. If you don't have a good disposition, don't work in such a heavily customer focused role.
14 Jan 2011 11:26:32 AM: You are being unfair to employees of call centre. Why blame wage earners when all they can is follow management instructions?
Vodafail can easily instruct call centre to increase number of employees to answer phone calls quickly.
Vodafail can easily instruct call centre to increase number of employees to answer phone calls quickly.
14 Jan 2011 11:43:06 AM: The offshore call centre employees are ok at their job. Its just that it is becoming more difficult to reach them. Problem is, we don't know if the call centre employees lie about network maintenance. They also go around in circles with their statements, which often encompass things that customers here have complained many times. Without a solution, this further aggravates an already aggravated customer.
21 Jan 2011 11:29:42 AM: how is this unfair? I'll tell you what's unfair, we are in Australia, paying Australian dollars, but getting the lowest type of service from another country. Why should I waste 10-30mins of my life repeating something to customer service when if this was locally based with proper english speaking people, I'd say it once, understood, problem resolved or at least escalated.
12588 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is I HAVE FOUND RECEPTION at 14 Jan 2011 10:03:24 AM
EVERYONE... I have found probably the only place in Austalia that gets reception. Admittedly the window is only for 5 mins but there is reception. Its on the corner of Bennet Road and The Great Western Hwy at Colyton and the times are from 11 am to 11.05 - 11.10am.... Thanks Vodaphone really appreciate is....
14 Jan 2011 10:18:55 AM: LMFAO! Is that all?! Yes funny as hell, but like it or not, it's true these days. It seems only a minority living in areas of Australia with functional towers can enjoy Vodafone's services. The rest of us will have to travel the nation to get to those 'hot spots'.
12587 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 10/10 at 14 Jan 2011 09:53:09 AM
I am with Vodafone for my internet connection... I am on the $39/month Vodafone Internet USB plan and cannot get service. My internet disconnects frequently and I am locked into the plan for 24 months. FAIL!
14 Jan 2011 09:54:32 AM: That's 10/10 for FAIL!*
12586 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Super fail at 14 Jan 2011 09:43:07 AM
I changed from 3 to vodafone recently - you would think the service would be the same seeing as they have joined forces BUT NO! My phone calls drop out mid call which means I then have to re dial (which costs me more) Not a happy customer at all, I will not be renewing my contract with 'vodafail' when this one runs out!!
14 Jan 2011 10:29:39 AM: I was on 3 in the Perth metro area. My calls were being dropped and voicemails were being lost during 2010. The advice was to swap to Vodafone and in between swapping between 3 consultants in India I found out that Vodafone doesn't even have a tower covering my home address. And after an unexplained error that resulted in the 8 hour disconnection of my phone, I contacted the TIO. Four days later I was released from contract 3 months early and promptly signed up to a new Telstra Cap plan. Never had a problem since.
12584 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Oh dear.. at 14 Jan 2011 09:14:50 AM
i signed up for a 24 month contract with vodafone 3 days ago. trying to port my previous number across. i was told initially it would take 2-3 hours. then i was told 24 hours after it was escalated to management for some reason i could not understand. so after 3 days and approx 4 hours on hold and going around in circles with lara (and calls dropping) i currently am still paying two providers and no closer to having my number ported. what have i got myself in to???
15 Jan 2011 01:15:10 AM: 3 days ago- TO vodafone! What were you thinking! I hope the TIO or someone can help.
12581 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 14 Jan 2011 09:00:46 AM
with my blackberry. Calls drop out constantly, data dropping in and out on a daily basis. everytime i call customer service (mind you takes forever to get through to a person, and they happen to be overseas and dont know what i am talking about) all they say is what area are you in? and check 'apparently' check the signal in that area. no matter how many times i say it happens all over sydney not just one specific area. then i happen to be left on hold for 15 mins, no one wants to speak to me??
same spot same time use my work phone which is optus and is crystal clear, doesnt drop out full reception.
texts delayed, blackberry messenger DELAYED. internet not reliable AT ALL. whats the point of having internet on your phone if you cannot use it??
ALSO. calling other vodafone users and saying their number is switched off,(even though when tested right next to me and apparently HAS some bars of reception) THEN TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE - trying to call voicemail and cannot get through or hear the the message clear enough... What if it were an emergency? ive had enough of Vodafone and would like to change. How did you change to another provider?
same spot same time use my work phone which is optus and is crystal clear, doesnt drop out full reception.
texts delayed, blackberry messenger DELAYED. internet not reliable AT ALL. whats the point of having internet on your phone if you cannot use it??
ALSO. calling other vodafone users and saying their number is switched off,(even though when tested right next to me and apparently HAS some bars of reception) THEN TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE - trying to call voicemail and cannot get through or hear the the message clear enough... What if it were an emergency? ive had enough of Vodafone and would like to change. How did you change to another provider?
14 Jan 2011 10:03:38 AM: just ask for them to terminate your contract as you cqn not access the services you are paying because of bad reception and idiotic services. if they refuse then threaten to go to the TIO. if they refuse still, actually go to the tio. click the how to complain link up the top for more
12580 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES! at 14 Jan 2011 08:50:37 AM
For the past 2 months, I have experienced countless issues with Vodafone and their VERY POOR customer service!
I have been waiting to receive my IPhone 4 upgrade for over a month now and am STILL yet to receive it. I received a phone call from Vodafone on 5/1/2011, stating that my phone and my siblings phone (who by the way, ordered her upgrade 2 weeks after me), would be delivered on 13/1/2011. I therefore, had someone stay home for the day to receive the handsets. Instead, ONLY my siblings phone was delivered.
When I called Vodafone to discuss this issue further the lady suggested that it was due to the QLD floods. She then went on to state that my sibling would have received her phone prior to mine as she ordered it in January 2011, whilst I ordered mine in December 2010! WHAT THE??? When I asked to speak with her supervisor, she HUNG UP ON ME!!!
I then had to make another 2 phone calls to vodafone (over 1.5hrs waiting time), and have been told something different by each customer service representative I have spoken with!
The customer service representatives could not care less about the issues that their customers are currently facing. Instead, they hung up on you, LIE and/or read out their 'apology and sorry for your inconvenience' blurb, and leave their customers to pick up the pieces! should be ashamed of yourselves!
I have been waiting to receive my IPhone 4 upgrade for over a month now and am STILL yet to receive it. I received a phone call from Vodafone on 5/1/2011, stating that my phone and my siblings phone (who by the way, ordered her upgrade 2 weeks after me), would be delivered on 13/1/2011. I therefore, had someone stay home for the day to receive the handsets. Instead, ONLY my siblings phone was delivered.
When I called Vodafone to discuss this issue further the lady suggested that it was due to the QLD floods. She then went on to state that my sibling would have received her phone prior to mine as she ordered it in January 2011, whilst I ordered mine in December 2010! WHAT THE??? When I asked to speak with her supervisor, she HUNG UP ON ME!!!
I then had to make another 2 phone calls to vodafone (over 1.5hrs waiting time), and have been told something different by each customer service representative I have spoken with!
The customer service representatives could not care less about the issues that their customers are currently facing. Instead, they hung up on you, LIE and/or read out their 'apology and sorry for your inconvenience' blurb, and leave their customers to pick up the pieces! should be ashamed of yourselves!
12579 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 99 at 14 Jan 2011 08:40:49 AM
I have been overseas for 8 weeks and I haven't received any notice of the due payment. I just got back and my phone has been cut off without ant warning. I wet to one of the stores in Bondi and the staff referred m eto call a number ( as always). They still keep adding dollars to my account even though they are not supplying the service. This morning I have been 25 minutes on waiting to get to someone that was going to put me to a voicemail system!!! I got very upset. to top it all the coverage in Bondi is really bad. I have been complaining for months they have changed my sim card but still many times the coverage is really bad. I have been with vodafone for more than 4 years and I haven't get any compensation what so ever. VERY VERY FRUSTRATEDDDDDDDDDD
12578 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is LOL losers at 14 Jan 2011 08:19:31 AM
So now they are firing staff for the database leak thing when like 2 days ago they were denying it even happened?!?! what?
12577 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 85% at 14 Jan 2011 08:08:47 AM
I have been with Vodafone for 5 years and have to complain about at least every other bill. Most recently they cut me off while overseas with no warning and are claiming I have a $1300 bill! They cut me off at $800 and since then my bill has increased another $500 without me being able to use my phone. I have called. And called. And emailed. But I can't even call 1555 from my phone as they have it barred. Before then I had drop out problems, very little reception in my house, but anyone with a different network has full coverage.
Not Happy Vodafone, not happy.
Not Happy Vodafone, not happy.
14 Jan 2011 08:20:42 AM: thats what happens to me, if i have some friends over i sit there with zero coverage and cant make calls or text when my friends on optus and telstra have full bars. its so frustrating.
12576 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 85% at 14 Jan 2011 08:08:19 AM
I have been with Vodafone for 5 years and have to complain about at least every other bill. Most recently they cut me off while overseas with no warning and are claiming I have a $1300 bill! They cut me off at $800 and since then my bill has increased another $500 without me being able to use my phone. I have called. And called. And emailed. But I can't even call 1555 from my phone as they have it barred. Before then I had drop out problems, very little reception in my house, but anyone with a different network has full coverage.
Not Happy Vodafone, not happy.
Not Happy Vodafone, not happy.
12575 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is LARA FAIL at 14 Jan 2011 07:54:19 AM
Here is some info on the voice behind LARA. This voice over person might be cringing I imagine ?
I have heard the LARA voice recognition system is to be dumped for something supposedly better.....that is if Vodafone stays afloat as a company I guess....
I have heard the LARA voice recognition system is to be dumped for something supposedly better.....that is if Vodafone stays afloat as a company I guess....
16 Jan 2011 07:29:55 PM: She's lovely. Leave her out of this. It was just a gig!
12574 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Worse than the Aussie cricket team! at 14 Jan 2011 07:44:33 AM
I signed up for 2 iphone 4's about 2 months ago and since then I have had major issues when we try to call people (it wont connect or drops out). When people try to call us (our phones are apparently off or out of servcie?)When sending sms's(they can take up to 24 hours to reach there destination and even longer if it's an mms)thats if the network lets you send it. When we try to use the internet it is either extremely slow or doesnt even connect! I have tried to call voda numerous times but have not been able to speak to anyone as i am left haning on hold for periods of 30 minutes and longer.......I did manage to complain via email but even then the process is lengthy. they did offer me 2 months free access though, not sure if the probelms will be resolved in that time?
14 Jan 2011 10:08:59 AM: it's been 4 months almost and there hasn't been an improvement so far. so please don't hold your breath.
12573 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is About 85% at 14 Jan 2011 07:37:03 AM
No signal at all at Tindal and very intermittent in Katherine even though the coverage map shows full coverage for both areas.
21 Jan 2011 06:32:58 AM: tell me about it.I have telstra and vodafone mobile.Telstra has full network bar and Vodafone out of coverage.Now i was travelling outside darwin its fair but i am in Berrimah.I cant believe after all the compaints people have put in Nothing has been done.
12572 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 14 Jan 2011 07:34:44 AM
Dropped calls and very slow internet access on iPhone 4 even when there is full service
12571 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Very high level of fail at 14 Jan 2011 07:30:14 AM
Have been a Vodafone customer for over 4 years, but since I bought a Google Nexus One and use the phone significantly more than I used to, I've realised how bad the Voda network is, especially in Hobart. I've been tearing my hair out over the last year, not even being able to make phone calls from inside my house (15 mins from Hobart CBD) so before Christmas I called to complain and demanded to be released from my contract. Voda wouldn't budge but offered to check the power of the network at my residency (West Moonah) and got back to me this week. Surprise, surprise I live in a low power area. However, this was enough to have me released from my contract, and within 20 minutes I was at JB Hi-Fi signing up to a Telstra plan. Very pleased; free $100 JB gift voucher, extra 500mb download limit, $10 less than I paid with Vodafone, and a movie ticket per week for the next year. Not least, I can make phone calls from inside my house and I have yet to be anywhere in Hobart where 3G reception has dipped below 5 bars.
So extremely happy right now. I feel sorry for those locked to Vodafone, but wish them all the best to be released.
So extremely happy right now. I feel sorry for those locked to Vodafone, but wish them all the best to be released.
12570 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic fail at 14 Jan 2011 07:15:23 AM
at first i thought my iphone 3gs was just crap, but reading up on this site i know realise that voda just plain sucks.
I had dropping out calls, when people tried to call me my phone wouldn't ring and it would tell them my phone is "unavailable, off or busy" when it wasn't, I'd receive msgs 3 or 4 hours after they were sent so i'd miss out on countless social activities, I cannot load anything on safari unless i'm on wi-fi and facebook takes forever to "reload"
I had dropping out calls, when people tried to call me my phone wouldn't ring and it would tell them my phone is "unavailable, off or busy" when it wasn't, I'd receive msgs 3 or 4 hours after they were sent so i'd miss out on countless social activities, I cannot load anything on safari unless i'm on wi-fi and facebook takes forever to "reload"
12569 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is unaustralian at 14 Jan 2011 07:12:46 AM
have two mobiles through Vodafone, one for myself and one for my partner. Both of us are continiously pulling our hair out at the absolute lack of reception that is available through their service. It is not unusual for us to receive text msg many hours later after they have been originally sent. Voice mail services aren't much better either....but here is what really gets to me. I am an Australian Defence Force member about to be deployed overseas for a period of 8 months....and in preperation for that, I contacted Vodafone to request a suspension of my phone for the period that I am away as I would not be using the service. Let me point out that i merely wanted to SUSPEND my service not cancel it, so when I returned from active duty, i would recommence my mobile telephone service. I was told that the maximum amount of time they would suspend my service was three months and that i would have to pay out the remainder of my plan if I wanted it for longer. Tell me this, we as Australians support this company by signing up with them and paying our bills on the due date month in month out, but when i comes to providing support to us, it is simply too much to ask. I am 100% behind this website and what it stands for and it couldn't be put simpler...VodaFAIL!
12568 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 14 Jan 2011 07:01:07 AM
Something I forgot. Tried to pay my bill on email received bill, sorry cannot accept at this time please call 1555. Tried that on hold for 10 minutes, gave up and waited 3 weeks until I paid them.
12567 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Data network at 14 Jan 2011 07:01:00 AM
I live in inner Sydney and work in North Sydney. The performance of the Vodafone data network is abysmal. You get 2Gb data allowance on my plan but is so slow that you would never get to use it. So they are chaging for product that they cannot deliver.
12566 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 14 Jan 2011 06:58:31 AM
Am so sick of phone dropping out or when I try to call I get "Connection Error." When I receive calls they can't be answered. Mised calls, messages and texts coming through hours or days after receiving. Instead of employing people to monitor Facebook and Twitter monitor your network. If Network is so bad FIX it. Am now off plan so am looking around. Any providers better?? Would like to think so but I think they are all crap.
14 Jan 2011 10:13:44 AM: 3/vodafail are both crap. if you want good services and good customer support go with optus or telstra.
12565 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is less footy sponsorship at 14 Jan 2011 06:44:43 AM
for Fks sake Vodafone, maybe if you redirected all your money into enhancing your telecom service ( like the company you purport to be )and less in sporting sponsorship and advertising, you won't go bust in 12 months.
12564 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is connection problems, coverage, customer service, delayed or nil message services at 14 Jan 2011 06:35:15 AM
supposed to have excellent coverage in the area I live according to their map, can't use phone inside house and frequently drops out when finally able to make call. delayed messaging is a huge problem, need phone for work and to keep in contact with child. vodafone never replied to complaint email. told by local vodafone store it was my 'outdated' phone and sim card, so purchased new one and had to go back to store 7 times to get set up properly. on prepaid, what entitlements do I have, don't want to pay to switch service providers
14 Jan 2011 10:15:46 AM: if it's prepaid just goto another provider (not 3 as they are the same), and port your number over from vodafone. this will cancel the vodafail sim.
12563 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 10 at 14 Jan 2011 06:29:05 AM
fuck you lara, i asked for the operator
16 Jan 2011 07:30:38 PM: Who says operator any more?
12562 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pathetically at 14 Jan 2011 05:20:28 AM
Been with Vodafone 2 1/2 years. Last year they upgraded my plan to unlimited and said i would get the new iphone (3 months late). I kept getting random charges on my bill and took them 4 months to finally sort out and they still blamed me for getting on the wrong plan even though they promised me i was on the unlimited.
to top it off even when i have full reception my phone wont call. it drops out constantly. and the worst of it is internet. it just doesnt work, its slow, theres no point calling vodafone it takes hours to get through to an idiot in india reading prompts off the screen.
I cant wait maybe 12 months or so I can finally give them the arse and switch to a real provider!
to top it off even when i have full reception my phone wont call. it drops out constantly. and the worst of it is internet. it just doesnt work, its slow, theres no point calling vodafone it takes hours to get through to an idiot in india reading prompts off the screen.
I cant wait maybe 12 months or so I can finally give them the arse and switch to a real provider!
14 Jan 2011 10:18:32 AM: you can switch now. i would use the lateness of your handset, bad customer setivce experience, bad reception and wrong billing as excuses to get out of your contract otherwise tell them you're going to the TIO and if they refuse actually go to the TIO. worked perfectly for me and now i'm just on this sit helping people that want OUT!
12561 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Useless! at 14 Jan 2011 05:02:09 AM
In Toowoomba we finally get service back! It only took 3-4 days and after 1 night it is out again! What a great surprise for all of us Vodafone users!!! Just checked at 5:57am and again network down. Do we have to pay for days we have no service in out contracts / plans or whatever Vodafone staff want to call it? Is there a contract agreement at any point that states when out of signal or service Vodafone will not bill you for those periods or days? I guess if I go without proper signal or service for a month then I shouldn't pay for the signal or service I went without for the month right? Anyone have an idea on this? Why should anyone pay for something they don't get?
14 Jan 2011 06:05:30 AM: i rang them yesterday about lack of network coverage in my area. Told the indian that I have had no coverage for the past month or so and he wrote off my current bill. If you can get through to them just keep hammering the person then you get, that fact that you have had no service and that you are not paying your bill :)
14 Jan 2011 06:47:21 AM: Did you get the chap's name, id and the reference number of the call???
If may be in for a surprise at the next billing cycle!!!!!
If may be in for a surprise at the next billing cycle!!!!!
12560 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is taking action! at 14 Jan 2011 04:55:21 AM
Sackings! Crazy! I hope they get prosecuted to the full extent of the law! The journo must have cracked under interrogation! Good.
14 Jan 2011 10:09:45 AM: Lucky you're anonymous then OP, if we're living in such a Police state with journalists as gutless as you suggest.
14 Jan 2011 04:57:25 PM: OP? I wouldn't betray who I work for. They look after me. I work hard for them. Fair trade. Seriously glad they were sacked. Just goes to show no unauthorised/inappropiate access goes undetected.
14 Jan 2011 05:02:36 PM: Yet it took a Journo to show Vodafone how crap their security is :/
14 Jan 2011 10:22:23 PM: @14 Jan 2011 06:57:25 PM: Just goes to show that no unauthorised access to all our private data in Vodafone's system goes undetected AFTER it is splashed all over the national media and rubbed in Vodafone's face, Inspector Clouseau of Vodafone Dreamworld
12559 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is BAD! at 14 Jan 2011 03:13:24 AM
Queensland suffers it's worst disaster in the history of our state. Vodafone services fail and do not work for 3 days straight for me! We pay for a phone service and when we need it there is no service at all! How can this be explained away when Tesltra and Optus were working when Vodafone wasn't? What for those who called for help and did not know about cell phones and the 112 not 000 for emergency that have died?
14 Jan 2011 05:06:45 AM: would have died anyway unfortunately. You are low for trying to accuse Vodafone of causing death because the network went down. You can't prove that's what happened and you are making up scaremongering crap. Did you hear about the offices and main server building in Brisbane that got flooded? How is that Vodafone's fault? How about imagining that you're in water getting swept away. Your phone would be wrecked by the water anyway! give yourself an uppercut.
14 Jan 2011 10:13:53 AM: @ 14 Jan 2011 07:06:45 AM Most organisation, even small ones, would have a disaster recovery plan and also backup plans to be used in the event of natural disasters, such as floods.
Appears Vodafail had neither.
Appears Vodafail had neither.
15 Jan 2011 03:03:32 AM: If a system is implemented then there should always be a redundant backup system to take the entire workload. The redundant backup system should be located somewhere else other than the primary systems. Vodafone users went without service for 3-4 days in this city. There is no excuse and I am stating a very real fact that other telecommunication providers networks continued to work while Vodafone failed and not in part but fully. No Service!!! People could not call relatives and check on them. I have left Vodafone as of Tonight; some hours ago and all those who can will be advised by me to do the same. I will never use this network again in my life. As a technician I have backups of everything and plans to recover any hardware, service or data that I may loose at any time. Was there any system in place for the vodafone network or do they cram as much as they can into a service that is overwhelmed and failing because it has not been upgraded over time to meet service demand to maximise profits. This is 2011 and a company that is national that specialises in Communications via cellular / mobile handsets should be prepared as their competitors must have been and if they can be prepared and continue to provide service why can vodafone not?
12558 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is connection problems at 14 Jan 2011 01:38:50 AM
signed into a 2 year contract with vodafone beginning Feb 2011 and have had incoming and outgoing connection problems ever since. Been onto vodafone technical support twice with issue unresolved as its an intermittant problem. On last occassion I had to wait 1.5hrs to speak with someone. I need my phone for work, what can I do???? Please help me! What are my legal rights if I have just signed a 2 year contract with a company that can't provide what they advertise?
14 Jan 2011 05:07:00 AM:
12557 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very at 14 Jan 2011 01:12:46 AM
i recharge on the 12th of Jan 2011 and now they tell me my service will be disconnected if i dont recharge before the 14th of jan 2011. i just wasted $29 for 2 days of credit that is now useless to me....
12555 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Pretty Damn Fail at 14 Jan 2011 12:27:29 AM
Showing 3 bars on the table 0 bars when I select contact and click call. I'm in Sydenham 3037. Have used Virginmobile 2 years on the same spot with no such issue. Shame on u Vodafone!!!
12554 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Hugefail at 13 Jan 2011 11:35:58 PM
waited 45 mins today to "try" and get some help from vodafone while at work (closed by the time i get home here in Perth) as i had no reception all of last week too make calls , could only make random sms or random net coverage and even then at ridiculously slow speeds. i can be standing in one spot and have coverage and 3g , lose 3g and then lose coverage in any given order , and having too reopen web pages using up data limit . Missed important calls that were work related (supervisors trying too call me as well), the loss of net coverage and slow speeds has been on going and really startin pee me off .
12553 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is BIG FAIL at 13 Jan 2011 11:30:43 PM
12552 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is failed at 13 Jan 2011 11:17:24 PM
I have been facing problems with reception. Vodphone is providing such a poor reception. First i thought it might be Iphone issue. I got that sorted out and found there is nothing wrong with phone but service provider. At home, I am sitting in my bedroom, where I get the reception now which wasn't available at the same location 10 mins ago but towers on the screen showing full reception.
this is just ridiculus. Now bloddy my bill comes $350. because of late uploading data used on Vodaphone system.
I have major concerns regarding reception and biling.
Sucked in Vodaphone.
Pardon my language, but u people deserve it.
this is just ridiculus. Now bloddy my bill comes $350. because of late uploading data used on Vodaphone system.
I have major concerns regarding reception and biling.
Sucked in Vodaphone.
Pardon my language, but u people deserve it.
12551 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is a joke. not haha funny. at 13 Jan 2011 10:54:47 PM
I naively signed onto a contract with vodafone about 20 months ago, and have regretted it ever since. I have had a few major issues with them regarding insurance, appalling coverage when i live so close to the CBD of the 3rd largest city in Australia, and the fact that their customer service is a joke. like, not just bad, it is actually useless.
within the past 12 months I started a new job working at a major phone dealership, that deals with Vodafone, telstra, Optus and 3. I will not name the company or location, but one of the requirements is that we don't put down other carriers if there is no need. if we do a coverage checker and it looks good, and the plan suits the customer, we do it, and can't advise against it. but in recent months i have been steering customers well clear of vodafone and 3. i just explain my own experience as a vodafone customer, and then show my own phone's current signal compared to a store phone on telstra, and we both have a laugh at how bad it is.
after having no service for almost 2 days now during the floods, a time when we also had no electricity meaning no modem for the internet (NOT vodafone thank god), i was unable to contact friends and family, get help, nothing. vodafone, that is just not good enough. I am now on a one person mission to sway customers away from a useless network. YOUR TURN, VODAFONE!!!
within the past 12 months I started a new job working at a major phone dealership, that deals with Vodafone, telstra, Optus and 3. I will not name the company or location, but one of the requirements is that we don't put down other carriers if there is no need. if we do a coverage checker and it looks good, and the plan suits the customer, we do it, and can't advise against it. but in recent months i have been steering customers well clear of vodafone and 3. i just explain my own experience as a vodafone customer, and then show my own phone's current signal compared to a store phone on telstra, and we both have a laugh at how bad it is.
after having no service for almost 2 days now during the floods, a time when we also had no electricity meaning no modem for the internet (NOT vodafone thank god), i was unable to contact friends and family, get help, nothing. vodafone, that is just not good enough. I am now on a one person mission to sway customers away from a useless network. YOUR TURN, VODAFONE!!!
13 Jan 2011 10:56:34 PM: Mate.
13 Jan 2011 11:13:13 PM: So what is your modem plugged into?
Why can't you make calls from that phone line?
Why can't you make calls from that phone line?
14 Jan 2011 05:12:24 AM: It's cute that you expected Vodafone to be your hero and save you from lack of contact due to electricity outage hell. You should know that emergency services will still work. So what happened to grabbing an Optus or Telstra SIM even? If you're that ignorant.
14 Jan 2011 08:44:15 AM: hes in floods, i doubt the optus and telstra shops were open to get a new sim. ur the idiot. Vodafpne FAILED every one of its customers in brisbane, i live 40 minutes outside the city and luckily wasnt in the floods but my service was gone and i had no way of contacting friends and family in the area, i had to rely on my telstra internet (which worked perfect) to try and find out on facebook if they were alright.
not everyone has home phones.
not everyone has home phones.
12550 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 13 Jan 2011 10:54:35 PM
Call drop-out and missed sms messages
12549 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is flood-level fail at 13 Jan 2011 10:39:07 PM
i am up to my eyeballs with frustration over various issues throughout my contract, last week lodged a complaint with the TIO, but in brisbane at the moment with the flooding, i assumed network congestion would be an issue. I completely lost all signal yesterday morning, and without electricity (which meant modem couldn't work), i couldn't tether or contact anyone. I'm just so lucky i am staying with a friend who is on Telstra. almost 48 hours later i STILL don't have network coverage. and i have been in 3 suburbs today and restarted my phone. still nothing. i feel nothing but loathing towards this telco.
14 Jan 2011 05:14:49 AM: Handset might be water damaged. The network is up. I have friends successfully contacting me from Brissy last night.
14 Jan 2011 03:13:20 PM: I too am in the Brisbane area - Logan area and I have had no coverage for the past 2 days. Thought it was to do with floods but vodafone are not reporting any issues for Queensland. I too have been in several suburbs over the past couple of days and no success anywhere. I know of others experiencing the same issue - so don't think it is water damage.
12548 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Coverage at 13 Jan 2011 10:21:49 PM
I am a nurse who is on call, well I am suppose to be but with vodafone I have failed to receive any call from work until about 12 hours later...that is no good.. I am contracted until March 2012.. I hope I can get out of my contract.. I also hope that vodafone will contact me in regards to this... I DON'T THINK SO... they are so hopeless... worse than telstra... now that is saying something.
14 Jan 2011 05:16:10 AM: If it's important for your work, The only service legislated to always work is your landline. Hmmm...$20 a month to get shifts. I'd think about a landline.
14 Jan 2011 08:48:01 AM: that is the point idiot, why should she have to get a landline when she is PAYING for her mobile service.
12547 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is losing the plot at 13 Jan 2011 10:21:07 PM
I've tried calling Vodafone customer care about concerns of my poor reception and dropping calls. I live in the coverage zone, in the east metro area. When I call I always try to go through Lara's tree branching 'voice menu' options by the keypad. This leads me to a point where my call is ultimately dropped after minutes of broken music. :sigh: Then I tried the other option to speak to Lara using voice recognition. Even worse. I may have an accent but I can still speak audible english that is understandable. When I say an option, Lara monotonously replies along the lines of, "I'm sorry, I don't quite understand you." and "Can you please speak again with a clear voice." She even gave me suggested options to say after she thought I wasn't speaking english. At this rate I won't be reaching customer support. If they don't block you one way, then they'll block you another way. God sakes, Lara just let me through to customer support and fkn shut up for once. Stupid machine should save her breath for those foreigners working at the call centres. Ironically, I bet not even they have the right darn accent to pass her. Perhaps there should be a third option: a fkn translator for Lara and the call centre. Nothing more than pathetic.
14 Jan 2011 05:15:33 AM: Try emailing the CEO. I did this yesterday and had 2 calls backs (one from tech support, and one from a team leader at Tech Support - unfortunately BOTH indian, but easily understandable) within 3 hours, also a follow up text message.. Seems Nigel Dews gets things happening.
But be polite and firm. I told him I wanted this sorted, or I threatened TIO intervention..
But be polite and firm. I told him I wanted this sorted, or I threatened TIO intervention..
15 Jan 2011 06:05:48 PM: Why threaten with TIO? Just do it.
And before TIO bats you away because you couldn't actually get through to anyone to complain, photograph your call logs,and the log of the details of that call, and then broadcast loudly the facts.
And before TIO bats you away because you couldn't actually get through to anyone to complain, photograph your call logs,and the log of the details of that call, and then broadcast loudly the facts.
12546 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Call drop out only to other vodafone numbers at 13 Jan 2011 10:12:00 PM
Everytime I phone my mother (also Vodafone) I have to continually phone her back or she phones me back as we get a call drop out every 5 to 10 minutes. Only days ago we both heard a disconnection noise like someone was listening in then hang up. As this hanging up noise was heard be were both disconnected from each other...weird!
12545 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Vodaflop at 13 Jan 2011 09:56:00 PM
I have had my doubts of Vodafone for many years, but decided last year to give them a fair go; I should have stayed with my doubts in the first place. I've had more dropouts than I did on dial-up, and more dropouts than a high school! I didn't originally WANT Vodafone internet, I wanted 3 internet but got directed to Vodaflop. As soon as my contract is out, it's goodbye to Vodaflop!
12544 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is so much fail. at 13 Jan 2011 09:49:03 PM
insurance is absolutely ridiculous, nothing can be done upfront. It's always go through automated robot lady named Lara who doesn't understand my feelings at all :(
Even though i live in the middle of the city, i hardly get 3G reception and am always on 1-2 bars on my iPhone. As well as shockingly bad call charges, Vodafone always overprice their caps. $79 dollars per month over 2 years slowly turned into $110 per month.
Either pick up your game or lose your customers Vodfone, because you have sure lost me.
Even though i live in the middle of the city, i hardly get 3G reception and am always on 1-2 bars on my iPhone. As well as shockingly bad call charges, Vodafone always overprice their caps. $79 dollars per month over 2 years slowly turned into $110 per month.
Either pick up your game or lose your customers Vodfone, because you have sure lost me.
12543 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is 3G internet at 13 Jan 2011 09:40:55 PM
I am living in the middle of the adelaide city and still the connection is really bad. When i complain about the issue i got an automated message telling me about their coverage and also saying the problem is resolved with in 2 seconds. Thats the biggest bullshit i have ever heard in my life. Still the problem is unanswered.
13 Jan 2011 10:41:22 PM: Guess even the city areas are rife with problems. Vodafone need to sort this out at the speed of light if they are going to keep businesses with their recently degrading service.
12542 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very poor system at 13 Jan 2011 09:13:45 PM
vodaphone is just pure shit usb internet never going back to them ever
12541 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Seriously at 13 Jan 2011 09:13:17 PM
I have just received my bill via email and when I opened the pdf attachment it was for another customers account. Full name, address, mobile number and call records laid out in front of me. I tried ringing Vodafone and we all know where that ended up. I think I might ring the girl on the invoice and just let her know.
13 Jan 2011 09:34:23 PM: Ring Her!
I would!!
Whouldn't you want to know if the table was turned...?
I would!!
Whouldn't you want to know if the table was turned...?
14 Jan 2011 01:45:47 AM: I think you should go really public with this- don't let Vodafone sweep it under the carpet.
For a start- who's got your bill with all your details?
For a start- who's got your bill with all your details?
14 Jan 2011 05:21:38 AM: Ever received someone elses mail in the post? A mistake has obviously been made. I bet it's your neighbours mail.
14 Jan 2011 06:08:21 AM: @ 14 Jan 2011 07:21:38 AM The OP says the bill came via email.
14 Jan 2011 08:42:17 AM: Another vodafone worker in india trying to defend them
14 Jan 2011 09:45:40 AM: @ 14 Jan 2011 10:42:17 AM To whom are you referring in your post????
14 Jan 2011 11:27:32 AM: don't use your vodaphone ph to attempt to call her you'll never get through given she's on the same network...
12540 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Voda-flop at 13 Jan 2011 09:11:45 PM
I'm a salesman and travel throughout Canberra and the ACT region. I have yet to discover a single surburb in which I do not have a dropout, missed call or the blue screen of death (iPhone's) "Your Celluar Network is unavailable Please check settings and select another Carrier". If only it was that simple. And internet (3G) I have just giving up on having it.
12539 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extreme at 13 Jan 2011 09:10:35 PM
- Phone says I have reception, though people try and call and they can't get through
- Receive text messages hours late
- Receive SMS messages days late or not at all
- Data Coverage very slow, or doesn't work at all
- Continually drops out while I'm talking
- Goes for long periods where I can't call out
- I work from home on my internet and mobile and my work is getting seriously affected
- Receive text messages hours late
- Receive SMS messages days late or not at all
- Data Coverage very slow, or doesn't work at all
- Continually drops out while I'm talking
- Goes for long periods where I can't call out
- I work from home on my internet and mobile and my work is getting seriously affected
14 Jan 2011 05:14:57 AM: Try emailing the CEO. I did this yesterday and had 2 calls backs (one from tech support, and one from a team leader at Tech Support - unfortunately BOTH indian, but easily understandable) within 3 hours, also a follow up text message.. Seems Nigel Dews gets things happening.
But be polite and firm. I told him I wanted this sorted, or I threatened TIO intervention..
But be polite and firm. I told him I wanted this sorted, or I threatened TIO intervention..
12538 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is immensely at 13 Jan 2011 09:10:28 PM
i am so insanely frustrated at the poor reception I get no matter where i am, whether that be at work (Melbourne CBD) or home (inner south east). The internet loads slower that a '95 Computer loaded with viruses and using dial up. Calls are okay but it usually "fails" before connecting. Grr.
12535 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 13 Jan 2011 08:48:06 PM
My phone drops out at least 4-5 times a day. How do i REGISTER WITH THE CLASS ACTION?
13 Jan 2011 09:03:39 PM:
15 Jan 2011 06:08:05 PM: And read THEIR CONTRACT carefully before you sign up, and ask,if successful,how much compensation is possible.
12534 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is fail even in 2G at 13 Jan 2011 08:42:16 PM
i have GSM phone and have many many delayed sms. Had to start tracking delivery just to see if contacts had recieved. Reciept has been up to 3 days late
12533 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is MASSIVE FAIL at 13 Jan 2011 08:26:47 PM
They keep cutting out on me, I try to make calls and it says network busy, coverage drops in and out whilst in my house. Then when the floods were happening right at a cruital time when I was trying to contact friends and family their systems cut out!
12532 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is CRIMINAL at 13 Jan 2011 08:25:48 PM
This company is criminal by nature. They only respond when there is a possibility of new business when they can rip off some poor unsuspecting citizen
Any attempt to connect to their phone lines is the ultimate in frustration. Their robotic sex voice LARA connection is utterly useless. Even when you press all the right numbers the sex voice LARA robot tells you there is a problem & to call back later. Calls to Mumbai are answered by polite Indian people with no understanding of the frustration of dealing with a company that keeps people waiting in a queue for hours, which is the norm in India just to make a deposit or withdrawal from a bank or any other everyday procedure.
This company goes out of it's way to purposely make it extremely difficult to make any kind of complaint. Their phones either cut you off or do not answer for hours & if & when they do answer it is by a person who does not understand the problem, their email is sent from non-returnable addresses, they have no public contactable address & they send their hardware from disguised addresses through other intermediary companies.
If there is a vigalante band being organised to lynch the people who run this company please let me know so I can join.
Any attempt to connect to their phone lines is the ultimate in frustration. Their robotic sex voice LARA connection is utterly useless. Even when you press all the right numbers the sex voice LARA robot tells you there is a problem & to call back later. Calls to Mumbai are answered by polite Indian people with no understanding of the frustration of dealing with a company that keeps people waiting in a queue for hours, which is the norm in India just to make a deposit or withdrawal from a bank or any other everyday procedure.
This company goes out of it's way to purposely make it extremely difficult to make any kind of complaint. Their phones either cut you off or do not answer for hours & if & when they do answer it is by a person who does not understand the problem, their email is sent from non-returnable addresses, they have no public contactable address & they send their hardware from disguised addresses through other intermediary companies.
If there is a vigalante band being organised to lynch the people who run this company please let me know so I can join.
14 Jan 2011 01:53:20 AM: That is so funny. Vodafone is secretive and ekusive, almost to the point of paranoia, and yet people can help themselves to our lives via Vodafone's unbelievably slack control of their system.Did Vodafone use "Catch 22" as a procedure manual for conducting their business?
14 Jan 2011 05:14:28 AM: Try emailing the CEO. I did this yesterday and had 2 calls backs (one from tech support, and one from a team leader at Tech Support - unfortunately BOTH indian, but easily understandable) within 3 hours, also a follow up text message.. Seems Nigel Dews gets things happening.
But be polite and firm. I told him I wanted this sorted, or I threatened TIO intervention..
But be polite and firm. I told him I wanted this sorted, or I threatened TIO intervention..
14 Jan 2011 05:26:43 AM: Try not being an idiot and not emailing Nigel Dews as he probably has a PA that handles these calls. I get through to customer care quite easily. try calling around 9am and not at lunch time.
14 Jan 2011 09:47:54 AM: @ 14 Jan 2011 07:26:43 AM: Mate, I tried to contact them at 2.41 am on a Sunday morning and still had a 60 minute wait!!!
Stop the name calling as well. mod
Stop the name calling as well. mod
12531 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very useless at 13 Jan 2011 08:06:41 PM
I hardly ever recieve text messages to tell me that i have a voice mail.
Vodafone must think i'm Psychic but its turning me psychotic.
(they are sometimes very important messages and people think i'm being rude when i dont call them back)
This is NOT good enough!!!!!!!!!!!
Vodafone must think i'm Psychic but its turning me psychotic.
(they are sometimes very important messages and people think i'm being rude when i dont call them back)
This is NOT good enough!!!!!!!!!!!
14 Jan 2011 06:07:12 AM: call 1219 from your handset. Vodafone's other best kept secret not only does it make your voicemail free but it will call YOU and play the messages!
12530 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is worst ever at 13 Jan 2011 08:04:46 PM
Hi guys, the email system to Vodafu-k on the Net seems to be working again, here's the link ---
Can't guarantee it will go anywhere but give it a try!
I subscribed to Vodafu-k's wireless nonexistent broadband service (54KPBS), I could run faster than that. Spent hours on the phone waiting for Vodafu-k's "service" line to answer for days. Today again 1.45 hours in the queue listening to garbage messages & garbage music after being transferred by the nice gentleman in Mumbai & then threw my innocent phone across the room in frustration. Had a couple of drinks & then thought to myself why bother, just cancel the payments from my credit card & lodge a complaint with TIO as advised by people on here & go to a net cafe to research the forums for whichever company has the best record of wireless internet connection. Not going to look for the best deal, just one that works!
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Can't guarantee it will go anywhere but give it a try!
I subscribed to Vodafu-k's wireless nonexistent broadband service (54KPBS), I could run faster than that. Spent hours on the phone waiting for Vodafu-k's "service" line to answer for days. Today again 1.45 hours in the queue listening to garbage messages & garbage music after being transferred by the nice gentleman in Mumbai & then threw my innocent phone across the room in frustration. Had a couple of drinks & then thought to myself why bother, just cancel the payments from my credit card & lodge a complaint with TIO as advised by people on here & go to a net cafe to research the forums for whichever company has the best record of wireless internet connection. Not going to look for the best deal, just one that works!
Enjoy the rest of your day.
13 Jan 2011 08:14:53 PM: Vodafone fails again:
13 Jan 2011 08:40:58 PM: surprise surprise
12529 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is everywhere at 13 Jan 2011 08:00:17 PM
Hi all Vodafone has failed me in all aspect including the infamous IPHONE 4, that even worse.
I lose connectivity on the data and voice channel, the unit state your selected mobile provider is no longer available. What the hell doesd that mean ? I have never seen this on my Nokia any and all models, I used to work for Vodafail and know most of the faillings, this is a whole new range of rubbish that happening.
the the customer care staff in Bombay in Malad, (where my grandparents lived) they keep giving me the we have to do the regualr check, Reboot the phone master reset adn get a new sim card, and reset fro mhe network, all a waste of time energy and money having to go to the store back up reload and jump hopes, it would be ok if we got paid for doing this. They just have they routine directions but they dont care since they get paid to sit there and do this. if they had to compensate us by giving us $10-20 per hour they would fix the problems quick fast. ANZ bank did offer $5 if you wait more then 5 mins in line to get served and then they stopped with few weeks as they were loosing big money
I lose connectivity on the data and voice channel, the unit state your selected mobile provider is no longer available. What the hell doesd that mean ? I have never seen this on my Nokia any and all models, I used to work for Vodafail and know most of the faillings, this is a whole new range of rubbish that happening.
the the customer care staff in Bombay in Malad, (where my grandparents lived) they keep giving me the we have to do the regualr check, Reboot the phone master reset adn get a new sim card, and reset fro mhe network, all a waste of time energy and money having to go to the store back up reload and jump hopes, it would be ok if we got paid for doing this. They just have they routine directions but they dont care since they get paid to sit there and do this. if they had to compensate us by giving us $10-20 per hour they would fix the problems quick fast. ANZ bank did offer $5 if you wait more then 5 mins in line to get served and then they stopped with few weeks as they were loosing big money
12527 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is vodas__t at 13 Jan 2011 07:21:31 PM
Tired of being at work watching everyone browse on their phones except me.
12526 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 13 Jan 2011 07:14:30 PM
i got a good phone from voda with no network... insane
12525 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very very worse at 13 Jan 2011 06:55:27 PM
I dont have a very good reception in my house for a start and i have an iphone4, which means data is a crucial part as is making and receiving calls, but vodafone fails in all the department in calls and data parts. A frnd of mine who uses optus and i, had a competion to access a webpage in iphone4 at the same time, in a full strength coverage area and alas, i failed because i used vodafail. FYI: the page never opened for a lon time until i got frustrated and closed the browser. It annoys me very much and take the fun part out of using an iphone. I was with virgin on optus network before the contract expired and they didnt had iphone4 then, so i chose vodafone, not realising the pain of many. Now, i am in one. :(
12524 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is EXTREME FAIL at 13 Jan 2011 06:22:44 PM
So I ring up customer care when I get free time, go through the menu selection process, end up getting told the Iphone/network coverage side of things works from 8-8, how the hell am I going to get my crappy contract looked at if they are shut when I get free time?
12523 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Iphone drop outs at 13 Jan 2011 06:18:20 PM
After loosing too many calls i took my Iphone to the Apple centre who informed me that i had 37% of call droped. They tested the phone and found it to be ok. I bought a prepaid sim from another Telco. I then went back to Apple and they Call drops fell to only 11% ... I have now registered with law suit to get out of my contract.
13 Jan 2011 09:38:43 PM: ditto
12522 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Blackberry setup at 13 Jan 2011 06:14:23 PM
After a 90min wait the numskulls at Voda provisioned my blackberry for consumer use , even though I stated the blackberry was an enterprise unit working thru the BES. The second call was over 120 min dropped out and i called agian , waited 67min before call droped. my third call lasted 73min. In fact while on hold the third time i drove to the nearest store and used thier land line while waiting on my mobile. The phone droped out and the land line continued i finlly spoke to the guy in india and agian they failed to provide the right config. Finally after another 120 min wait i got thru and got the right config ...
12521 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is FAIL at 13 Jan 2011 06:13:49 PM
My saga has lasted 2 months!! i work for the railways in melbourne and am a safety critical worker.
No coverage and no messages passed on 1 night and 3 of my crew were nearly killed by a out of hours train!!
# times after i sent back my hand set i have been told all charges have been waived, complete crap!!
just spent another 45min on hold with another promise
No coverage and no messages passed on 1 night and 3 of my crew were nearly killed by a out of hours train!!
# times after i sent back my hand set i have been told all charges have been waived, complete crap!!
just spent another 45min on hold with another promise
12520 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is More fail than the word fail was ever ment to describe. at 13 Jan 2011 06:12:46 PM
This is my Vodafone story...
I received a call from Vodafone('s computer) 2 days ago saying that 2 months of bills were overdue and they would cut me off next week if i didn't pay them. Fair enough. So i logged in to my email to see my bills, but they had not sent either of them to me. They did however send me an email that said my bills were overdue. In this email there was a link to view my bills. I clicked on the link but, of course, that just lead to an error saying they were unable to open that bill.
So, I tried logging into my MyVodafone account online. Not ever really using this before I did not know my password so I answered the secret question instead, which was my father middle name. They told me the answer to the question was wrong 3 times before they locked me out for 24hours. I know my fathers middle name.
I decided to try and call them instead, but found that even though they had told me only a few hours earlier that my service would not be cut until at least next week, they had cut my service.
I walked into a Vodafone store yesterday and asked the sales rep to bring up my bills for me. After looking at the overdue bills, I decided it was fair enough to just pay the money.
On my way home from work (before I was able to pay the bills) my phone was reconnected and a million messages came through, one from Vodafone. The message told me that for the current month (not the overdue ones) I owed almost $100 over my cap for services that the cap does not cover. I am 100% sure that I did not use any such services.
I went home and called them again from my recently usable mobile phone. After dialing 3 times to 3 different Vodafone customer service numbers which all quite literally hung up on me every time I tried to get through to a customer service representative, I was finally put on hold the forth time.
After over an hour on hold, someone finally answered. To compensate for their shitty service, he is (apparently) giving me $20 off my next phone bill - which may I add, does still not even nearly equal the amount of money they are trying to overcharge me for for my current bill.
He put me through to the billing service to assist me with my issues and told me there will be a 7-10 minute wait on hold. 2 hours later, some one finally picked up. He said that Vodafone cant even view my bills and that they have to investigate which will take up to 5 business days, however they assured me that my service would not be cut before that time and he would personally call me on the 21st of January.
Today my service was cut again...
I received a call from Vodafone('s computer) 2 days ago saying that 2 months of bills were overdue and they would cut me off next week if i didn't pay them. Fair enough. So i logged in to my email to see my bills, but they had not sent either of them to me. They did however send me an email that said my bills were overdue. In this email there was a link to view my bills. I clicked on the link but, of course, that just lead to an error saying they were unable to open that bill.
So, I tried logging into my MyVodafone account online. Not ever really using this before I did not know my password so I answered the secret question instead, which was my father middle name. They told me the answer to the question was wrong 3 times before they locked me out for 24hours. I know my fathers middle name.
I decided to try and call them instead, but found that even though they had told me only a few hours earlier that my service would not be cut until at least next week, they had cut my service.
I walked into a Vodafone store yesterday and asked the sales rep to bring up my bills for me. After looking at the overdue bills, I decided it was fair enough to just pay the money.
On my way home from work (before I was able to pay the bills) my phone was reconnected and a million messages came through, one from Vodafone. The message told me that for the current month (not the overdue ones) I owed almost $100 over my cap for services that the cap does not cover. I am 100% sure that I did not use any such services.
I went home and called them again from my recently usable mobile phone. After dialing 3 times to 3 different Vodafone customer service numbers which all quite literally hung up on me every time I tried to get through to a customer service representative, I was finally put on hold the forth time.
After over an hour on hold, someone finally answered. To compensate for their shitty service, he is (apparently) giving me $20 off my next phone bill - which may I add, does still not even nearly equal the amount of money they are trying to overcharge me for for my current bill.
He put me through to the billing service to assist me with my issues and told me there will be a 7-10 minute wait on hold. 2 hours later, some one finally picked up. He said that Vodafone cant even view my bills and that they have to investigate which will take up to 5 business days, however they assured me that my service would not be cut before that time and he would personally call me on the 21st of January.
Today my service was cut again...
13 Jan 2011 06:30:47 PM: Time for the TIO and contract cancellation - make sue you get your phone unlocked for free and get you phone for free to compensate for your lost time and streess
13 Jan 2011 09:43:17 PM: Join the class action law suit!!
13 Jan 2011 10:57:38 PM: piper and alderman will just gut you if you win. Don't bother plus you have to prove losses not just say it is so.
14 Jan 2011 07:48:41 AM: @ 14 Jan 2011 12:57:38 AM Who cares about the money, it will only be a small amount, but it will be a wake up call for Vodafone, which is what we all want.........isn't it??
15 Jan 2011 07:40:03 AM: I agree, it is not the money, which in my case I gave more to charity in one week than the amount I'm querying. Their accounting system was stupid, inane and illogical [eg: adding a payment to the amount OWED]. Now I suspect it may have been hacked, possibly hackers using customers services. Then again it may just be SNAFU - Situation Normal All Fuc..d Up. As a logical reasonable person, the sheer stupidity dumbfounds me.
15 Jan 2011 09:30:23 AM: @ 15 Jan 2011 09:40:03 AM Could it be FUBAR as well???
12519 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is gone..going fast at 13 Jan 2011 06:12:37 PM
Like all here=problems with my phone service so... tried to phone customer "care"and was put on hold and then was constantly cut off. After hours of trying i gave up.As our monthly bills tell us- we are paying good money for this "service"
vote with your feet people
vote with your feet people
12518 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is All promise-no deliver at 13 Jan 2011 06:03:16 PM
We have terrible signal at home. The only place we can get a signal is at the end of the driveway. Fat load of good that does if its raining. In the House or in the back yard, virtually nothing. Definately not good enough to call with. This doesnt happen with other carriers. Other problem is I had to go over seas for work, asked what the call rates were, then when the bill came at the end of the month the rate was almost double what i had been told. called Vodafone "customer service" and said that thats what rates were and had to pay the bill. They also called my wife 10 days into my trip (i was uncontactable for big parts of the trip)and said the system had picked up on an unusually large increase in spending on the account and had to pay at least half or they would cut the service. I had rung them though before i left to inform them of the international usage. i have been with Vodafone for a bit over ten years and its the only company i can think of that as technology gets better, the product and service gets worse
12516 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no talk no business at 13 Jan 2011 05:19:41 PM
We'll ain't i the stupid one, i've been caught out with a double whammy. I have a vodafail phone and use the vodafail service. The phone just doesn't ring 85% of the time and nor does it divert to the message bank. Mind you I have been on the phone to them several times now about the message bank & reception issues but they keep failing me due to ????? They can't seem to tell me. I am a per-paid customer and I believe that because of that they feel quite comfortable providing me with a lower standard of the service. I have spoken to them personally about it on a few occasions. The care factor from them is NIL! I'm on the hunt for a new phone & new provider as i write the trouble is are any of them better?
12515 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No mobile Internet today at 13 Jan 2011 05:07:48 PM
I have been trying all day and have had little to no mobile Internet access on EITHER my mobile phone OR my prepaid broadband. Hopefully it will be working tomorrow...we can only hope as it seems no one in vodafone knows what they are doing. I would hate to think if I or anyone needed to access the Internet in an emergency....
12514 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is no limit at 13 Jan 2011 04:53:50 PM
phone is dead again, full bar 3G signal, just cant make call or receive call. Srsly, why is there no authority looking into this issue? this is a huge commercial crime. Selling out all these phones and plans and not be able to reach a reasonable amount of service time. Breach of SLA!!!I want my money back!!!
12513 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is All talk, no action... at 13 Jan 2011 04:43:01 PM
For weeks my data speed is fkn slow with shit signal, probably something wrong with the network tower(s) but Vodafone doesn't act at all. No point talking to a brick wall company with automatic apologetic responses. The company's management and employees probably are already aware of the pathetic network problems. I bet the majority of them are with another carrier, which is why they are problem free to a certain extent. The other scenario is that the Vodafone management are using the Vodafone network for data and calling, which explains the reason why they can't fix our issues; they can't contact each other properly due to their own calls being dropped by their own network. I don't even understand why they are still called 'Vodafone'. After all this trouble you'd think they should not have the right to call themselves Vodafone, since they can't even transmit VOice and DAta across FONEs properly. So fkn retarded.
12512 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is TOTALLY at 13 Jan 2011 04:42:57 PM
Living in Brisbane, but got next to no reception for the past 2 months. We should not have to pay to cancel our contracts!
Most of the times, I cannot make/receive any calls.
Most of the times, I cannot make/receive any calls.
12511 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is terrible at 13 Jan 2011 04:38:50 PM
No coverage in Toowoomba since at least one day before the flooding rain, so how can the transmitter be down because of the flood???. Not to have mobile service when you need it most is terrible. Now have phone calls I am having them call forwarded to my new telstra sim card but have to pay dearly for this service. Should be free as they are not providing me with any service.
But even still, that should not amount to 3GB (maybe 100MB or so at most, imo).
I suggest you download a free app that tracks your data usage. I have a Nexus One and I downloaded "Network traffic counter" (made by Cyril Jacquier). It's a free app that tracks 3G data and wifi separately - it will display your usage over the past month (based on a starting date you specify) as well as the most recent 7 days and the current day.
Then you can take it Vodafone and tell them to suck it cos they're ripping you off.
Yet when I have 3G enabled, calls won't even connect. Fail, Vodafone. Fail.