Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
12396 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Don't even ask! at 12 Jan 2011 11:07:44 PM
I waited on hold for an hour and 10 mins before vodafail hanging up on me. I then ring back again wait for another 58 minutes, to finally get through to someone who spoke over the top of me, told me I was not listening and would not understand. Once I had finally got through to him to tell me exactly what was wrong, he said that yes they had been over billing me because my phone was not sending text messages properly so were sending more than once so I went over my cap....
So how is this MY fault?
Then i explain i am not receiving texts or phone calls - his response "yes well i have given you back that credit. - REALLY?! what about the calls and texts?
Not only was i on hold to wait for the "great" customer service but i also had to listen to them promoting their non-exsistant "great" plans and deals!
So how is this MY fault?
Then i explain i am not receiving texts or phone calls - his response "yes well i have given you back that credit. - REALLY?! what about the calls and texts?
Not only was i on hold to wait for the "great" customer service but i also had to listen to them promoting their non-exsistant "great" plans and deals!
14 Jan 2011 03:45:02 PM: Their have been reports of malware on phones. Check if yours could be one of them.
12395 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is NON EXISTANT SERVICE at 12 Jan 2011 11:06:39 PM
During the flood emergency in Brisbane, There was completely no service for hours. And when reception did come back, phone calls was limited to seconds before dropped out. I believe Voda are responsible for lives lost and property lost due to unable to call anyone for help ....... also why are they even charing us for service that is non existant ?
13 Jan 2011 06:17:39 AM: You can still make an emergency call when you have no coverage.
13 Jan 2011 07:43:53 AM: Emergency lines were jammed and people were trying to get through to family members for help
12394 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Online complaint fail at 12 Jan 2011 11:00:03 PM
Has anyone noticed that when you make a complaint online it doesn't go through automatically. They send you a cofirmation email where you have to reformat what you want to send and then forward that on again to affirm your complaint or question. I've done this many times. Never had any response. Wish I could charge them my billable rate for emails. I'd have made a couple of thousand by now.
13 Jan 2011 06:53:21 AM: Oh yeah noticed that. They want you to jump through hoops before accepting your complaint. More than once Ive had to send a complaint a few times (same email over).. "typing between their special lines" AFTER THE INITIAL COMPLAINT IS LODGED ON THEIR SITE... just to never hear back from them. I guess if they dont see the complaint there is nothing to worry about. Strange how most other similar web services just send you a confirmation and let you get on with your life. Nooo not vodafone they have to mess you around to hide their problems while still being allowed to advertise and trap more people in contracts they cant keep to themselves.
Pack it up vodafone.. game over you monkeys.
Pack it up vodafone.. game over you monkeys.
13 Jan 2011 07:22:20 AM: got sent an apology txt message yesterday over their shockingly bad security and when I tried to comment back to them via my timed out and wouldn't send.
12393 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is EPIC! at 12 Jan 2011 10:52:44 PM
I am very fed up with the fact I am paying for a service that I cannot use. Cannot send texts nor receive texts. I constantly have no reception. My phone "loses" reception and continuously drops out while mid conversation. I am unable to access social networking sites. I do not receive phone calls. People try to contact me and it says my phone is "switched off". Again, why am I paying for a service I cannot use!!
12392 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Total Fail for four services at 12 Jan 2011 10:51:10 PM
Purchased 4 phones Nov/Dec ...have not had reception, contacted Vodafone, suggested it maybe Handset issues, changed handsets for new ones, no difference. Can't get reception even though there map shows good coverage, which obviously means nothing at all. Constant.goes off and switches to emergency calls only....and I get constant .....message unable to send. Cannot make voice calls inside my house, or even outside really, connection drops out constantly, my husband sends me a message to pick him up from work as we car share....hours later like six or seven hours later I get the messsged. Drop outs occur all the time. This is total breach of Vodafail contract and I want out of my contract which is less than did weeks old . Absolute rubbish service.
12391 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is criminal organization at 12 Jan 2011 10:45:30 PM
i heard on the radio that vodafone is still offering internet usb deals/contracts.
They have to be stopped as not everyone is aware that they will sign you up for a 24month internet contract and you will recieve nothing but pain.
This is fraud at its best
They have to be stopped as not everyone is aware that they will sign you up for a 24month internet contract and you will recieve nothing but pain.
This is fraud at its best
13 Jan 2011 04:51:24 AM: If the coverage doesnt work in your home, call them up and cancel, it will take a month but you can get out of it. I did.
13 Jan 2011 07:24:00 AM: i rang the TIO and two hours later I was phone back and out of my contract
12390 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Super bad at 12 Jan 2011 10:24:03 PM
If some people have time set up a YouTube channel and a link on this page to it and show on different types of phones and the locations eg the centre of Sydney how long it takes to load pages and how you can't make calls
This would show really well how bad it is
This would show really well how bad it is
12389 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Billing screw up at 12 Jan 2011 10:11:51 PM
After receiving the worst customer service attempting to solve an unresolved data issue, Vodafone said they'd refund 2 months service, then billed me for it.
Customer service, I think not. Let's sue these suckers!
Customer service, I think not. Let's sue these suckers!
12388 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is no internet at 12 Jan 2011 10:09:30 PM
No data provided at all on an unlimited plan, can't call Vodafone to complain as they never answer the phone.
Then I went into a store in Sydney and was told to "fuck off" but Vodafone employee's, sent an official complaint via the site and received an automated response from the company.
Then I went into a store in Sydney and was told to "fuck off" but Vodafone employee's, sent an official complaint via the site and received an automated response from the company.
13 Jan 2011 07:07:51 AM: Check it out.. officially voted UK's worst company for 2010 !
12387 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Complete FAIL at 12 Jan 2011 09:46:53 PM
Flooding emergency. Vodafone network continually dropping out. F*CK YOU VODAFONE!
12386 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is BAH! at 12 Jan 2011 09:35:19 PM
my phone reception cut out whilst talking to a CSR about my level 2 TIO complaint....
13 Jan 2011 07:24:18 AM: my phone has no coverage and I'm on level 40 in the CBD of Sydney. How can that be even possible?
12384 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic at 12 Jan 2011 09:24:23 PM
Call drop outs & being charged to re make the same call. sms & email coming through 2 or 3 days after they were sent.... not good for a small business!!!
Young family & 6 attempts to reach me? whar would happen if it was urgent????
40Mins on the phone to discuss bull **it bill & no answer? over it.
Taking it up with acca
Young family & 6 attempts to reach me? whar would happen if it was urgent????
40Mins on the phone to discuss bull **it bill & no answer? over it.
Taking it up with acca
12383 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Poor at 12 Jan 2011 09:18:53 PM
Forgot to add to previous post - phone often doesn't ring and this happens with both phones not just one - messages go to voice mail which then cost heaps to check on prepaid. Also, messages can take some time to come through.
12382 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic at 12 Jan 2011 09:14:58 PM
i have got Telstra qualifications up to my armpits! We moved away from telstra to get a better deal rather than the $300 + bills that we were receiving. We are on a plan for $87.99 a month for 2 business phones yet for some unknown reason over our quiet period we have been charged an extra $50 for drop out calls & text/emails that have come through 2 or 3 days after they were sent. At least with Telstra it was same day service!!!!!
12381 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Poor at 12 Jan 2011 09:14:04 PM
Poor coverage anywhere but in major towns/cities. Recent trip along Great Ocean Road absolutely no coverage between Apollo Bay and Warnambool. Even in Warnambool you needed to be right in the centre of town, no coverage on outskirts of Warnambool(10 mins from the centre if that). Calls dropped out at Logan's Beach watching the whales(not exactly out of town!). Poor coverage inner city Melbourne - calls drop out or don't connect at all if on the lower level of larger buildings eg basement floor of Myer, Target, Big W etc. Driving to Queensland a few years ago through NSW via the Newell HWY absolutely no coverage unless in a town - bad luck if the car breaks down or there is an emergency. It was quite ironic driving past the saellite dish in Parkes, they can communicate to space out there but you couldn't get any Vodafone coverage! We've only remained with Vodafone as their prepaid is cheap compared to other providers and our mobiles are not used for making social calls. I suppose you get what you pay for!!!
12380 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Actvate New SIM at 12 Jan 2011 09:04:44 PM
There has been a communication problem and your request has not been processed. Please try again in 10 minutes. (Error identification SAM-{0}). Click here for more detail.
12379 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is total at 12 Jan 2011 08:58:13 PM
overcharged for shared subscription. charged for call dropouts & re-making the calls.waiting 2-3 days for emails/SMS. spending 40 minutes on the phone & not being answered by a bunch of *******
stop me now or I will take someone out!!!!
12 calls at least last Friday were lost. 6 of them were from my partner who was trying to get in touch with me. Thank god it was not something to do with my kids!!!!!
stop me now or I will take someone out!!!!
12 calls at least last Friday were lost. 6 of them were from my partner who was trying to get in touch with me. Thank god it was not something to do with my kids!!!!!
12378 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 12 Jan 2011 08:51:32 PM
Ive had my N97 since Oct 2010 With Vodafail. Besides the fact that i beleive there is something wrong with the phone - and Nokia thinks it is user fault that the battery doesnt last, that the phone wont charge, that it drops out of charging randomly etc - My experience with Vodafone has been disasterous.
I struggle to get decent reception - and i live 15 kms from Sydney CBD. Many times my friends on Optus and Telstra have reception when i dont, my reception drops out randomly and i struggle to get it back - and im not even moving from my location and this happens,even the reception i have drops out in calls, I get delayed text msgs, or msgs i send are not recieved by the recipient untill the next day or longer, I supposedly have 3G reception but it fails to deliver.
The vodafone customer service is so atrocious that i refuse to even call the customer service line - because i know im going to sit on there for 30 mins or more, and then be told there is nothing they can do, and to take the phone into the store. The store people palm you off to customer service!! Its rediculous really. They keep passing the buck for blame. I have been unable to use my N97 and have had to buy a cheap make do phone so i could still use a phone. It runs out of battery within only a few hours, refuses to make calls, struggles to charge (and is only a bit better about charging if i take the sim out of the phone), reception drops out, the phone doesnt cope with the amount of memory it has, is slow.
Also Vodafone years ago used ot ask you if you wanted to change your contract to the new version of hte one you are paying that has better stuff with it - ie more money in the cap etc - but i havent heard a thing, i didnt even know i could transfer accross to the equiv contract. And again, you have to call the shitty customer service cos teh people in shops only want to sell the phone to you, they dont want to talk to you about any issues you are having.
I struggle to get decent reception - and i live 15 kms from Sydney CBD. Many times my friends on Optus and Telstra have reception when i dont, my reception drops out randomly and i struggle to get it back - and im not even moving from my location and this happens,even the reception i have drops out in calls, I get delayed text msgs, or msgs i send are not recieved by the recipient untill the next day or longer, I supposedly have 3G reception but it fails to deliver.
The vodafone customer service is so atrocious that i refuse to even call the customer service line - because i know im going to sit on there for 30 mins or more, and then be told there is nothing they can do, and to take the phone into the store. The store people palm you off to customer service!! Its rediculous really. They keep passing the buck for blame. I have been unable to use my N97 and have had to buy a cheap make do phone so i could still use a phone. It runs out of battery within only a few hours, refuses to make calls, struggles to charge (and is only a bit better about charging if i take the sim out of the phone), reception drops out, the phone doesnt cope with the amount of memory it has, is slow.
Also Vodafone years ago used ot ask you if you wanted to change your contract to the new version of hte one you are paying that has better stuff with it - ie more money in the cap etc - but i havent heard a thing, i didnt even know i could transfer accross to the equiv contract. And again, you have to call the shitty customer service cos teh people in shops only want to sell the phone to you, they dont want to talk to you about any issues you are having.
13 Jan 2011 06:28:10 PM: omg this is my exact problem and the exact same phone!!!!
Vodafone u are pathetic!
Vodafone u are pathetic!
13 Jan 2011 07:10:21 PM: the n97 sucks nokia-fail
12377 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is total at 12 Jan 2011 08:46:03 PM
call fail to connect, calls that don't even ring go to message bank, calls drop out in the middle of conversation & being charged to make the same call, SMS taking 2 to 3 days to reach destination. Spending 40 minutes on the phone to discuss over charged bill & not being answered.shared billing & not being able to utilize unused credits!!!!
over it!!!
over it!!!
12376 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 12 Jan 2011 08:45:51 PM
Internet on iPhone keeps dropping. I'm have 4bars & 3G coverage... Vodafail!
12375 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Sucks a$$ at 12 Jan 2011 08:42:09 PM
Very slow mobile internet,delayed messaging (sending and recieving) by up to 6 hours.My phone (Nokia N97 mini) is basically usless and I still have a year and a half left on my contract.
Get better reception as apposed to pouring money down the drain in sponsering cricket and bringing out new shitty adds
Get better reception as apposed to pouring money down the drain in sponsering cricket and bringing out new shitty adds
18 Jan 2011 08:45:28 PM: Yep - Nokia N97 Mini is useless! I have one and wouldn't recommend it to anyone!
12373 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely !!!!!!!!! at 12 Jan 2011 08:41:35 PM
Crap Nokia N97 phone,calls drop out, freezing up phone,text delayed , email slow or not working at all. Customer care a waste of time hours , days & weeks & now 14 months wasted trying to get a better service. I'm Disgusted in the service and want my contract ripped up yesterday. I've been with Vodafone 20 years. And i wont make it 21 years.
12 Jan 2011 08:52:33 PM: Ive had the same issues with my N97!
12371 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Vodafone is horse sh!t at 12 Jan 2011 08:38:21 PM
Poor reception, delayed messaging
12370 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 100 at 12 Jan 2011 08:38:13 PM
i have vodafone phone and internet. where do i start calls dropping out at 6 min 40 sec, miss calls coming up even when i have the phone right next to me and most of the time people cant hear me inside and half the time i cant use the internet on my phone. and as for the internet most the time its on green so it takes 30 mins or longer to load a page and thats if it loads it at all when its ment to but dark blue
12369 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is CRAP at 12 Jan 2011 08:32:08 PM
Vodafone!!! U seriously have no idea how much i HATE you!!!! I have got wifi internet through you and if it is not saying no network, it is saying connected, but no internet access!!! WHat is the freaking point of having wifi internet if I cant access it!!!! GRRRRRR
12368 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 100% at 12 Jan 2011 08:28:39 PM
got a sms from council to evacuate to higher ground NOW, rang thruconnect for council number to get location of higher ground- 4min and numerous screw ups with spelling (after i repeatedly spelt it)still could not find number for me, kept saying "won't be a moment". My life and that of my 8year old nephew put at risk because vodafuckup outsources an important service. This will be taken further.
12367 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 12 Jan 2011 08:27:02 PM
I had to ring vodafone customer support about three weeks ago. I had an issue with recharching my pre paid account. When I attempted to recharge over the phone, the lara lady told me sorry, we have some technical issues.
So I had to ring customer support. 40 minutes later I FINALLY got to talk to a rude vodafone guy. I asked why I was experiancing this problem and WHAT WAS THE TECHNICAL issue? He said he doesnt know. I was left feeling angry and fustrated by the poor quality of customer service.
So I had to ring customer support. 40 minutes later I FINALLY got to talk to a rude vodafone guy. I asked why I was experiancing this problem and WHAT WAS THE TECHNICAL issue? He said he doesnt know. I was left feeling angry and fustrated by the poor quality of customer service.
12366 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 100% at 12 Jan 2011 08:25:03 PM
dropped calls, constantly getting message "your provider is no longer available go to settings to change" what a crock, undelivered texts, voicemails, missed calls popping up when phone has not rung, no signal on phone or mobile internet.All for the bargain price of $80 a month.
12365 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 100% Incompetence at 12 Jan 2011 08:18:05 PM
Purchased a mobile internet package for specific use on Moreton Island.
Zero service coverage anywhere on the island.
I was assured from sales staff that I would be able to access internet from Tangalooma resort- even showed me a coverage map as proof.
Bah! Posted my details on the class action against Vodafone.
Zero service coverage anywhere on the island.
I was assured from sales staff that I would be able to access internet from Tangalooma resort- even showed me a coverage map as proof.
Bah! Posted my details on the class action against Vodafone.
12364 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is ridiculous!!!! at 12 Jan 2011 08:16:28 PM
I have not received ANY texts from them in regards to my bills not to mention in regards to the lack of service i have received, and now they have barred my phone. So i have called them i have to wait on hold for longer than 30 minutes and have to listen to adverts on how amazing their deals are.... I DONT THINK SO!
12363 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Completely Incompetent at 12 Jan 2011 08:16:27 PM
Purchased a mobile internet package for specific use on Moreton Island.
Zero service coverage anywhere on the island.
I was assured from sales staff that I would be able to access internet from Tangalooma resort- even showed me a coverage map as proof.
Bah! Posted my details on the class action against Vodafone.
Zero service coverage anywhere on the island.
I was assured from sales staff that I would be able to access internet from Tangalooma resort- even showed me a coverage map as proof.
Bah! Posted my details on the class action against Vodafone.
12 Jan 2011 08:25:23 PM: Hope you're not expecting that one to work right now...
12362 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bad at 12 Jan 2011 08:06:11 PM
bad coverage
12361 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Vodafails in all areas at 12 Jan 2011 07:54:18 PM
I've been with vodafone for over 10 years and when I lived in Sydney-the line would drop out continually and get a message on my phone saying that the network is busy.
Now I live in Queensland and the network is non-existent up here. One moment I have 2 bars and then make a phone call- the next moment, no network coverage.It would be easier to send pigeons with messages.
I'm changing phone companies when damage control due to the floods has passed.
Now I live in Queensland and the network is non-existent up here. One moment I have 2 bars and then make a phone call- the next moment, no network coverage.It would be easier to send pigeons with messages.
I'm changing phone companies when damage control due to the floods has passed.
12360 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Total Fail for the Country people at 12 Jan 2011 07:54:01 PM
I live in a country town, Coonabarabran NSW.. Over the past 3 months I have noticed that the service to our town and surrounding areas has been anything but lacklustre. I am constantly dropping out of calls where only minutes before I had full reception. Excessive Junk TXT messages are appearing on my phone where I have made no subscriptions to any of these third party companies.
Just bluntly, after being a member for 10 years, the last 3 months have been an absolute shocker...Vodafone, pull your finger out and fix this before I get sick of this CARP of a service and change providers...
Just bluntly, after being a member for 10 years, the last 3 months have been an absolute shocker...Vodafone, pull your finger out and fix this before I get sick of this CARP of a service and change providers...
12359 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 12 Jan 2011 07:52:36 PM
Its a joke. I was on a $79 cap for years without a contract i was happy but then Vodaphone kept calling and calling and calling to get me signed up on a plan so i agreed but since then i cant get through to anyone to find out what the hell is going on. I seriously never have service and im over it. As soon as my contract is up im out.
12358 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% at 12 Jan 2011 07:49:51 PM
Looking forward to my plan finishing, so I can go with another provider! Thinking Optus or Telstra.
I've complained in person many times about the lack of reception my phone gets, or the full bars of reception my phone displays however msgs not sending. It's become a painful task of turning my phone on and off to send one msg. I also find connecting to the net on my phone painfully slow on many occasions. Some days, the phone works. Other days, I'm outta luck. The service is too unreliable. I'm completely frustrated with the lack of network coverage!
When I compare my reception to my partner, who is on Optus I always find I'm the one with either no or the lowest amount of reception available. Poor work on Vodafone behalf!
The staff members in the shop are extremely unhelpful and rude when I bring up these issues. One staff member has even said to me his phone isn't with Vodafone, so he doesn't know of the technical problems I have. Proves to me, Vodaphone is one massive FAIL!
I've complained in person many times about the lack of reception my phone gets, or the full bars of reception my phone displays however msgs not sending. It's become a painful task of turning my phone on and off to send one msg. I also find connecting to the net on my phone painfully slow on many occasions. Some days, the phone works. Other days, I'm outta luck. The service is too unreliable. I'm completely frustrated with the lack of network coverage!
When I compare my reception to my partner, who is on Optus I always find I'm the one with either no or the lowest amount of reception available. Poor work on Vodafone behalf!
The staff members in the shop are extremely unhelpful and rude when I bring up these issues. One staff member has even said to me his phone isn't with Vodafone, so he doesn't know of the technical problems I have. Proves to me, Vodaphone is one massive FAIL!
12357 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Dead Loss!!!!! at 12 Jan 2011 07:46:55 PM
I'm in the Ipswich floods tonight and was depending on communication to be available most of the time.
I understand that the network is congested because of the overall scale of this disaster but i at the very least expected to be able to make some calls when the network had a chance to recover.
But true to form Vodafone has gone down completely for the last 10 hrs, while my neighbour is with telstra and has not lost signal all day.
Most of the time vodafone is substandard but i thought just this once it might be fine, but true to form a "DEAD LOSS" #!!??#######
Goodbye Vodafone hello Telstra !!!
I understand that the network is congested because of the overall scale of this disaster but i at the very least expected to be able to make some calls when the network had a chance to recover.
But true to form Vodafone has gone down completely for the last 10 hrs, while my neighbour is with telstra and has not lost signal all day.
Most of the time vodafone is substandard but i thought just this once it might be fine, but true to form a "DEAD LOSS" #!!??#######
Goodbye Vodafone hello Telstra !!!
12 Jan 2011 08:01:56 PM: yea its bad ay....time like this we badly needed mobile phone service to rely on thats the only way we can get help in case of emergency but vodafone has failed us...!
12356 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very fail at 12 Jan 2011 07:45:54 PM
we are in the middle of the flood here in ipswich and we absolutely have no mobile phone network...cant make phone calls cant receive any calls...we be swept away by floods and cant even call out for help...! cant ring families let them know were ok cant ring freinds absolutely useless..!
12355 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Total Fail on ALL Counts at 12 Jan 2011 07:44:49 PM
I live in a country town, Coonabarabran NSW.. Over the past 3 months I have noticed that the service to our town and surrounding areas has been anything but lacklustre. I am constantly dropping out of calls where only minutes before I had full reception. Excessive Junk TXT messages are appearing on my phone where I have made no subscriptions to any of these third party companies.
Just bluntly, after being a member for 10 years, the last 3 months have been an absolute shocker...Vodafone, pull your finger out and fix this before I get sick of this CARP of a service and change providers...
Just bluntly, after being a member for 10 years, the last 3 months have been an absolute shocker...Vodafone, pull your finger out and fix this before I get sick of this CARP of a service and change providers...
12354 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extremely poor at 12 Jan 2011 07:29:38 PM
Upgraded two handsets to smart phones, supposedly changed plans to Infinite plans on same day (8 Dec). On 23 Dec phones stop working - unable to even call Vodafone! Call Vodafone on landline to be told we have a $1700+ bill and that is why we have been cut off (even though the bill hadn't been issued yet and therefore wasn't due!). Phone service reinstated by attending orginal Vodafone store where we upgraded handsets. Another hour passes in the store while we wait for the store manager to get through on the 'priority' line for Vodafone resellers. Vodafone never put us on Infinite plans so we were placed on deafult (and extremely expensive!) plans. Assured by Vodafone store that all was resolved. Rang in early January to confirm plans were correct and new bill would be issued. No! Plans still not correct! Customer service then ask me to attend store again to rectify. After explaining that there was no way I was wasting my time to rectify an internal Vodafone problem, the customer service person contacted the store (only because I had retained a piece of paper with the store manager's mobile number!). Vodafone then advised that store manager would rectify the problem within 36-48 hours and new bill would be issued. Tonight I have received text asking me to contact them to urgently discuss last month's account...WTF!!!
12353 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is iphone 3gs no networks at 12 Jan 2011 07:29:14 PM
since early december my iphone throughout sydney constantly drops calls, and network randomly; what should i do
12 Jan 2011 07:41:39 PM: Check out the How To Complain tab at the top of the page, 1555 then TIO if no result.
Let us know how you get on!!!
Let us know how you get on!!!
12352 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is cant call other vodaphones at 12 Jan 2011 07:28:30 PM
Sometimes, if I call another voda phone number it simply goes beep beep beep and then retruns to to the normal screen like nothing happened no engaged tone nothing. Basically it is saying you cant call right now for no reason. Then everyone says they send me texs and i dont get them then i receive them all at once many hours after the event, my girlfirend then gives me abuse!
12351 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Of to Telstra I go, and I hate Telstra at 12 Jan 2011 07:24:03 PM
Reception is poor, calls drop out all the time, down load speed is pathetic most of the time. I have endured this from this carrier for many months. I try to complain, they put me on hold, transfer me from dept. to dept. They operators that I speak to have fractured english, are rude and abrupt. Hours and hours of my life lost, what am I paying for? I am not a masochist yet it feels like I'm paying for a domination service, red ball in mouth bent over a table being flogged by a dominatrix using an iPhone charger. I am going to the ombudsman. I am iRate.
12350 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very poor at 12 Jan 2011 07:17:03 PM
My calls keep dropping out. I now dont get reception in areas where I used to. I receive text messages during the night when they were sent to me hours before. I also get messages when it's too late. Like hubby messaging me to pick up my son from day care because he can't get there and i've already gone home getting the message when my husband gets home and my son still in day care.
12349 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 12 Jan 2011 07:17:01 PM
3 phones and 1 wifi internet device all failed at the same time - rang Vodafone customer support from a different carrier phone, waited 45 minutes and was put through the ringer rebooting phones, removing sim cards, because they were convinced this was a problem with my three phones and internet device- possibly they required settings to be reset - couldn't be a problem with the network, although my devices all displayed "no network" at the same time.They were to phone me back - instead they sent me an SMS on my other phone telling me to call them back so they could "raise an investigation" as to why my devices all stopped working together. I rang back, after another 50 minutes listening to music and messages telling me how busy they were, network came back. Not the best time for network fail when people are trying to stay in contact due to flooding in QLD.
12348 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at the point where I'm looking at Virgin Mobile plans right now at 12 Jan 2011 07:15:06 PM
Yeah, I've whinged here already about poor reception in my unit. Well my boyfriend's been trying to call me afternoon and couldn't get through. I have bother of our phones in my hands - his calls aren't getting through to me and my calls aren't getting through to him.
We're both with Vodafone and both phones show up with full reception bars.
We're both with Vodafone and both phones show up with full reception bars.
12 Jan 2011 07:18:11 PM: Wow, talk about typos in my post.
I meant "call me all afternoon" and "I have both of our phones"
I meant "call me all afternoon" and "I have both of our phones"
12347 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very fail at 12 Jan 2011 07:10:25 PM
Signed up in august last year online with an iPhone 4 deal. Got the phone in two weeks so I thought things were looking promising. Called to port my number over was told it should take upto 24 hours. No word of a lie it took 3 weeks and around 10 angry calls with a minimum hold time of an hour to get it done. Finally had it ported but it wasnt done properly and my voicemail hadnt been transferred. So two weeks later and another 5 calls it finally worked properly.
Thy failed to alert me that I was close to exceeding my data cap. So $350 later I learnt to track it myself.
I live 30 kms out of melbourne and only had one bar of reception. With constant call drop out rates and 3G not working.
Jan this year I looked at my bill and realized that I'm not paying for my insurance i asked for. Had to call and get it enabled. Wonder what would have happened if I went to make a claim
I constantly have to reset my network settings just to get 3G working
So I found this website and Tried what the said about getting out of my contract. After about 2 weeks of a few angry email I got the to agree to cancel my contract free of charge and hand in
My phone. Went to jbhifi today and got a telstra next g iPhone 4 on a $50 cap and even got an extra 3 gig for $30 a month. Telstra had my number ported and working before I even left the store. 3G runs Sooooooo much faster and reception is soo much better.
Thanks vodafail for the knowledge of how to get out of my contract free of charge. I am very happy my telstra
Thy failed to alert me that I was close to exceeding my data cap. So $350 later I learnt to track it myself.
I live 30 kms out of melbourne and only had one bar of reception. With constant call drop out rates and 3G not working.
Jan this year I looked at my bill and realized that I'm not paying for my insurance i asked for. Had to call and get it enabled. Wonder what would have happened if I went to make a claim
I constantly have to reset my network settings just to get 3G working
So I found this website and Tried what the said about getting out of my contract. After about 2 weeks of a few angry email I got the to agree to cancel my contract free of charge and hand in
My phone. Went to jbhifi today and got a telstra next g iPhone 4 on a $50 cap and even got an extra 3 gig for $30 a month. Telstra had my number ported and working before I even left the store. 3G runs Sooooooo much faster and reception is soo much better.
Thanks vodafail for the knowledge of how to get out of my contract free of charge. I am very happy my telstra
12346 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Ultravodafail at 12 Jan 2011 06:47:34 PM
Excessive charges for international data roaming
12345 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Dreadful on all accounts at 12 Jan 2011 06:47:07 PM
I am almoast ashamed to admit I have put up with this comapny since 1995, having said that they changed their data base about 8-10 years ago and have me registered from then only, however i have bills that will date back under my old comapny. I have notice a sharp decline in their services over the past 30 months approx where I now encounter poor service, offshore at that, no apologies, no recognition of length of loyalty to the carrier, poor service in local suburbs, dandenong road between Glenferrie and Orrong, Monash freeway Endevour hills section and again Pakenham Bipass, I travel these roads twice a day 5 days a week, as do tens of thousands of others comuters. The latest gaff if from my home where service shuts off for up to 2 hours at time. The phone aquired visa vodaphone arrived to my desk, 3 times faulty and they would not let me change phone type, this was very aggitating as again my loyalty to this carrier and high cll plan meant very little. I know longer have any faith and upon completion of my plan will leave Vodaphone, possibly they are owned by one of the big 4 banks as they have similar behavior issues towards customer care. Kind regards consistently disgruntled.
12344 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Failing worse then ever at 12 Jan 2011 06:31:17 PM
I emailed Vodafone on 27th Dec. STILL have had no reply. Before this and during this time I have called maybe 20- 30 times. I have been told I would get a call back, never happened, been on hold for over 1 hour several times, been told they have technical difficulties, been told to hang in there etc etc... The complaints were for things such as no service, messages taking days to send, calls not connecting, calls hanging up after 20 seconds, problems in which both me and my partner were having. Every complaint we had made either via email, phone or at the store has included both of us. He emails them yesterday and already got a reply (yet they can't reply to me?) saying he has never tried to contact them before so the contract will not be broken.... In the email he sent he referred them to our original complaint email (and the 10 or so after that) and the calls he had made yet they would not budge saying he hasn't contacted them. Not only was the email rude they did not even offer any answers as to why we have these problems or how to fix them! After calling again today and being told 3 times they have technical problems we really don't know what to do!
12 Jan 2011 06:42:47 PM: Check out the how to complain link at the top of the page, Escalate the issue to the TIO and they should be able to get you out of your contract. Then sign up with a decent Telco. Best of luck and let us know how you go.
12343 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 12 Jan 2011 06:31:01 PM
No reception! Worst time ever for the Vodafone customers to lose reception when all this flooding is happening around here...
Come on Vodafone fix your coverage issues!
Come on Vodafone fix your coverage issues!
12 Jan 2011 08:29:38 PM:
Seriously....does that mean people should complain to energex because they need to turn the electricity off?
Seriously....does that mean people should complain to energex because they need to turn the electricity off?
12 Jan 2011 08:32:02 PM: No just means everyone should move to a quality Network like Telstra or Optus as they both are working fine for the last 2 days of the flood :)
12 Jan 2011 08:44:34 PM: Just like to add that 3 has been working fine as well - just so the anti-VHA people don't jump on board
12342 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Oh so very FAIL!!!! at 12 Jan 2011 06:27:44 PM
Been on hold now for 2hrs. Not happy Jan not happy what so f$&?!ing ever!!!!
12 Jan 2011 08:45:21 PM: Today? You're calling today? Even stores wouldn't call today.
12 Jan 2011 08:47:28 PM: 2 hours is pretty standard for vodafone. Read the other 11,000+ posts :)
12341 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extreme mega fail at 12 Jan 2011 06:22:20 PM
Have spent the last 2 hours without reception (phone says 'no service').... Who knows what calls havent been ble to come through!
My boyfriend who's also with vodafone had full reception right next to me. Spent 70 minutes on hold to vodafail before hanging up and sending then a nasty email loaded with abuse.
Vodafone ... You suck!
Agree that the accc should stop vodafone from signing up any new customers until they fix tear huge problems!!!
My boyfriend who's also with vodafone had full reception right next to me. Spent 70 minutes on hold to vodafail before hanging up and sending then a nasty email loaded with abuse.
Vodafone ... You suck!
Agree that the accc should stop vodafone from signing up any new customers until they fix tear huge problems!!!
12340 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is MAJOR FAIL at 12 Jan 2011 06:12:58 PM
no reception no sms no 3g no nothing im paying for services i cant even get! eventually when i get through it just drops out again! im over this im going to join telstra
12339 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is crappest fone company ever at 12 Jan 2011 06:10:57 PM
i run a pest control business and people try call me to book jobs and my fone is always out of service even though it shows full service on the fone , im loosing money every day and wehn i try call them i wait for 40 mins then as soon as they answer it drops out ! ive been on the fone for 6 hours and still waiting . loosing the plot
12338 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor 3G Internet, Delayed VMails and waiting forever for customer service at 12 Jan 2011 06:07:44 PM
I read with interest all the Vodafail issuesand I thought I would wait in the hope that they would work it out. What a poor choice.
Poor 3G internet performance, 3-6 hour delays in receiving some voicemails and SMS.
Its just not good eneough.
Vodafail should be stopped from adding new accounts until they fix the issue
Poor 3G internet performance, 3-6 hour delays in receiving some voicemails and SMS.
Its just not good eneough.
Vodafail should be stopped from adding new accounts until they fix the issue
12337 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is MAJOR FAIL!! at 12 Jan 2011 05:50:20 PM
no probs signing a contract ...
god help u trying to cancel it.
was on hold for an hour and a half in which time i had a shower, blow dried my hair and heard lara tellin me the wait coz it won't be too much longer.
finally got thru to a rep who i requested compensation from for calling a 1300 # from an Optus number on top of wanting to cancel my contract.
he advised me he would transfer me to the right department - a department which informed me via an automated msg tht it was closed over the christmas and new years holidays.
went to a store after that and was informed by a rep that you can only cancel via customer service.
spent another hour on hold in store.
gave up and told the rep i had enough i couldnt wait any longer.
the rep actually OFFERED to do it for me .. i was hesitant but i thought hey he's offered .. all i asked was for a callback if he couldnt ...
2 weeks later and nothing.
this is the worst experience!!! dont understand how a compant can get away with this!!!!
god help u trying to cancel it.
was on hold for an hour and a half in which time i had a shower, blow dried my hair and heard lara tellin me the wait coz it won't be too much longer.
finally got thru to a rep who i requested compensation from for calling a 1300 # from an Optus number on top of wanting to cancel my contract.
he advised me he would transfer me to the right department - a department which informed me via an automated msg tht it was closed over the christmas and new years holidays.
went to a store after that and was informed by a rep that you can only cancel via customer service.
spent another hour on hold in store.
gave up and told the rep i had enough i couldnt wait any longer.
the rep actually OFFERED to do it for me .. i was hesitant but i thought hey he's offered .. all i asked was for a callback if he couldnt ...
2 weeks later and nothing.
this is the worst experience!!! dont understand how a compant can get away with this!!!!
12 Jan 2011 05:56:38 PM: Hi Ho, Hi Ho, its off to the TIO you should GO. With a click of a link, at the top of the page, Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Hi Ho.
13 Jan 2011 12:16:37 PM: I called twice, 2st time, 2 hours and 15 mins no one picked up and I gave up then 2nd time 45 mins and no one pick up, I gave up again, strict to their website and complaint and request them to cancel my service demanding a email confirmation of the last day of the service. That still took them 10 days to come back to me but at least I am out of Voda!! Now I got a phone with 3 and soon or later will become as bad as Voda since Voda owns 3 now. Good luck to you
12336 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is It's enought to make you want to cry or shoot someone at 12 Jan 2011 05:40:04 PM
Where to start, well you can get any service in the main street of Home Hill and most of the town has pour to no signal, yet you can drive 1km out of Home Hill and have full signal. When I signed up to a plan in about sept 2009 I was told they would have 3G network in my area soon and yet now in early 2011 there is NO 3G network (Vodafail). For a while they have had no drop outs, but out of the blue, good old Vodafone (Vodafail) has droped out on me again!! So that's why i'm writing this!!
12335 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very fail at 12 Jan 2011 05:31:02 PM
no reception, dropped calls, delayed sms, delayed voicemail
12334 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is over it at 12 Jan 2011 05:16:56 PM
Voodafail's "someone will contact you within 72 hours" is up! Off to the TIO.
12 Jan 2011 05:53:27 PM: Report back on how it works out for you.
12333 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is coverage maps at 12 Jan 2011 05:15:40 PM
can anyone else get onto the coverage map on the vodafone website? coz i cant !
i watt to check if Pottsville, Kingscliff and Terranora are on there becuase i dont get reception at any of these places!
i watt to check if Pottsville, Kingscliff and Terranora are on there becuase i dont get reception at any of these places!
12332 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is miserable at 12 Jan 2011 05:14:40 PM
After several complaints vodafone agreed to release me from the contract and agreed to let me keep the handsets. My question is should thye not pay us out, if we decided to close the contract we would have to pay the balance and then exit then the same should apply to vodafone as well they should pay us the balance to exit wonder what the rest of you think.
12 Jan 2011 05:16:36 PM: they can keep my shit phone i just want out of my contract lol
12331 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No Reception at 12 Jan 2011 05:11:27 PM
Normally patchy coverage now no coverage at all. Expensive and inept service from This company and others is what we get from a weak and incompetent government that could so easily impose some form of basic performance standards on these telco's thereby forcing them to divert some their fat profits into necessary network expansion, instead of simply stuffing a daily stream new and unwitting customers into a woefully congested and inadequate network structure.
12 Jan 2011 08:31:21 PM:
I live in Queensland too. In the Gold Coast. My phone wasn't working all afternoon. Deal with it. This one isn't within Vodas control right now...
I live in Queensland too. In the Gold Coast. My phone wasn't working all afternoon. Deal with it. This one isn't within Vodas control right now...
12 Jan 2011 09:46:18 PM: @ Jan 2011 10:31:21 PM ----------- Huh??
12330 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Disgusting at 12 Jan 2011 05:09:41 PM
Have been trying to get through and actually speak to someone other than "Lara" for near on 2 hours now.
First call i was on hold for 45 mins before the call just dropped out, tried to call several times over the next 20 mins each time after getting past LARA it would ring and give me the message that they were having technical difficulties and to call back,
Still on hold 55 mins and counting and still havent spoken to anyone at vodafone.
So lucky i only have mobile internet with vodafone, and even happier that i only have a few months left on my contract. Dont know how a company that treats its customers so attrociously can still be in business!
Disgusting Vodafone, absolutely disgusting
First call i was on hold for 45 mins before the call just dropped out, tried to call several times over the next 20 mins each time after getting past LARA it would ring and give me the message that they were having technical difficulties and to call back,
Still on hold 55 mins and counting and still havent spoken to anyone at vodafone.
So lucky i only have mobile internet with vodafone, and even happier that i only have a few months left on my contract. Dont know how a company that treats its customers so attrociously can still be in business!
Disgusting Vodafone, absolutely disgusting
13 Jan 2011 12:18:42 PM: My advice is you should cancel the contract as soon as you can
12329 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Poor at 12 Jan 2011 05:09:38 PM
I have had issues for over a month. I lodged the issue with the TIO as Vodafone support hadn't been able to assist. The escalated to the resolutions team.
Unfortunately I missed the call from the Vodafone Resolutions team, their voicemail didn't leave a number and the calling number was blocked. Does anyone have a contact number specifically for them?
Unfortunately I missed the call from the Vodafone Resolutions team, their voicemail didn't leave a number and the calling number was blocked. Does anyone have a contact number specifically for them?
12328 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 100% at 12 Jan 2011 05:08:04 PM
I paid my bill using mastercard but it never was captured despite money taken from my bank. I have tried to get intouch with them but I spent two hours with lara and nothing resoved
12327 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is FAIL!! at 12 Jan 2011 05:03:47 PM
I live in a residential area with a population of over 60 thousand people. I have purchased mobile phones from vodafone and have signed up to their plans only to be completely disapointed by their lack of reception and service availability - As a result, I constantly miss calls, and, when i do recieve phone calls, I can hardley hear the person on the other end. Its just not good enough in this modern age of technology!
12326 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is vodaphone is crap at 12 Jan 2011 04:56:03 PM
the worse carrier ever.
why the hell do you people pay for CRAP. optus,vodaphone,3... srs guys telstra is going gold with the floods thanks to the next g network..
why the hell do you people pay for CRAP. optus,vodaphone,3... srs guys telstra is going gold with the floods thanks to the next g network..
12325 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is no service at 12 Jan 2011 04:51:36 PM
brisbane when is one of the worst flooding issue in history, myself and others around me have no mobile phone reception.
didnt have coverage from my work to home which is a 30 minute drive without traffic.
quite pathetic and unacceptable under the cercumstances especialy when my work phone (optus)is working fine
didnt have coverage from my work to home which is a 30 minute drive without traffic.
quite pathetic and unacceptable under the cercumstances especialy when my work phone (optus)is working fine
12324 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is no reception at 12 Jan 2011 04:50:09 PM
NO reception always cutting in and out SICK OF THIS
12323 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Call dropping out at 12 Jan 2011 04:49:12 PM
Omg all the time my bf call me from his voda number the call gose blank or just drop out what is it go with voda
12322 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is woeful at 12 Jan 2011 04:47:07 PM
Yesterday and today, no coverage, limited coverage, call drop outs. Six weeks into getting this phone problems seem to be increasing despite the "coverage" the media has given to Vodafone's poor performance. If they could only pro-rata the plan charges to correlate with available coverage, they'd go down the gurgler quick smart.
12321 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No Receiption at 12 Jan 2011 04:44:04 PM
Chermside area
already put up with bad reception.
now got NO reception at all!!!
already put up with bad reception.
now got NO reception at all!!!
12 Jan 2011 08:32:56 PM: Please stop complaining about no coverage in QLD right now. It sucks, but they can't really help it when base stations flood
Use the link, check the status
Use the link, check the status
12 Jan 2011 09:47:18 PM: @ 12 Jan 2011 10:32:56 PM: Yet other networks are working............go figure.
12320 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is the worst at 12 Jan 2011 04:41:41 PM
When I ring up to complain....they offer me bonus gigs / data on my plan which would be great were it not for the fact that their coverage is so poor that I cant actaully use it ! Epic fail !
12319 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Fantastic - NOT at 12 Jan 2011 04:40:28 PM
Within seconds of Sky News announcing that mobile phone providers were dependent on battery power and no one knew how long this would last VODAFONE service died AGAIN. WTF
12318 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic ! at 12 Jan 2011 04:37:22 PM
I'm in Townsville in northern QLD and I and a mass of people have no signal right now this is pathetic, just yesterday i had my calls dropping out and people not able to get through to me it would go straight to message bank.
About a month ago i had the same issue and went and spoke to a vodafail consultant in their store and he was so disinterested and clearly didn't know what he was talking about and was rude to boot. I will be getting out of my contract for terrible customer service and S#!t reception, i would call them to complain but i have no reception .... -_-
About a month ago i had the same issue and went and spoke to a vodafail consultant in their store and he was so disinterested and clearly didn't know what he was talking about and was rude to boot. I will be getting out of my contract for terrible customer service and S#!t reception, i would call them to complain but i have no reception .... -_-
12317 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is totally inept at 12 Jan 2011 04:36:50 PM
as everyone knows brisbane is flooding and we are all relying on our mobiles, that can be done as long as you are not with vodafone and we have 0 coverage not only here but my daughter on the gold coast also has 0 coverage. My mother who is with telstra has full coverage so I dont want to here the excuse that it is because of the flood.
12 Jan 2011 04:40:09 PM: well...sorry but the flood is the cause.
12 Jan 2011 04:45:35 PM: im a hour from Brisbane and have no service either.
The floods are no excuse, they have been having major problems for months, its about time they admitted it and let people out of there contracts who arent happy.
And people like the replyer who are happy can just stay with them. i on the other hand would LOVE to move to telstra!!
The floods are no excuse, they have been having major problems for months, its about time they admitted it and let people out of there contracts who arent happy.
And people like the replyer who are happy can just stay with them. i on the other hand would LOVE to move to telstra!!
12 Jan 2011 07:30:39 PM: Im just over the border in NSW - network failed 530pm NSW time - Vodafone told me they had no other problems or complaints and it was my 3 phones and wifi's fault.......
12 Jan 2011 08:34:38 PM: When a base station floods, it means the flood affects the network....seriously people
12 Jan 2011 08:43:11 PM: That is why I encourage everyone to port to Telstra or Optus as their network works during floods due to redundancies they have in place.
14 Jan 2011 04:51:28 PM: Telstra and Optus were also affected look at their pages or pop into whirlpool forums. Look at the bigger picture.
14 Jan 2011 05:04:25 PM: Telstra and Optus were only affected in a select few suburbs. Vodafone went down pretty much all over the state.
16 Jan 2011 07:16:17 PM:
Nah Telstra had 200 sites that they couldn't get in to fix.
Nah Telstra had 200 sites that they couldn't get in to fix.
16 Jan 2011 07:27:21 PM: "A Vodafone staffer, who did not wish to be named, said Vodafone sites were "going down hour by hour". lol
17 Jan 2011 07:45:38 PM: And a retard, who has anonymity like everyone else on this page, wrote a post...
24 Jan 2011 08:21:49 PM: Over and over....spam
12316 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very at 12 Jan 2011 04:36:16 PM
the only time I get reception in my own home is by hanging upside down in the shower....not good enough - when signing on for my contract was I by no means told about coverage areas either...when I went into my local store - their idea was just to take the sim out - I need to do this constantly just to get reception anywhere.....I seriously don;t think this is good enough - if there was an emergency I shouldnt have to rely on the emergency number if I have a fone that works but a provider that is not upholding their end of the deal. Not acceptable - just the tip of the iceberg....then just 5 mins ago the whole network drops out and when I rang the store - they knew nothing until the calls started flooding in...POOR....
12315 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 12 Jan 2011 04:29:39 PM
Never get reception its really anoying and bad for alot of reason obiously
12314 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is calls dropping at 12 Jan 2011 04:26:23 PM
Sent vodafone a mail the 28/12 still waiting on a reply from them regarding dropped calls... sent another e-mail today regarding my plan which is $99 p/m but excludes international calls in my cap not what i signed up for... got a bill to be paid on the 4/1/11 for $150 dollars which has still to be paid for and i got a txt from vodafone that my fone will be cut the 17/11/2010 if its not paid by then... already paid my previous bill last week for 250 which should only be $99.... any suggestions
12313 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Appauling at 12 Jan 2011 04:22:01 PM
I had two services with Vodafone. One private, and the other paid for by my employer.
Whilst on holidays, I had misplaced my private phone and needed the calls diverted to my work number so I can receive calls from both services. Well lets just say there is about 5.5 hours of my life I am never going to get back.
* 1st call. Got through to someone in god knows where and explained what I wanted. Was told that it was done and would kick in within 10 minutes. Rang my private service as a test 3 hours later, and went to voicemail.
* Tried again several times over two days, and still no good.
* Rang Vodafone Customer Service and was on hold for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Noone answered. When I finally thought I was going to get through, got a voice prompt from the ever so "charming" Lara, that there was a problem and cannot continue. I was cut off
* Repeat previous point x4 times in two days
* Went to Vodafone shop in Sydney, and explained what I was after and what I had done so far. They rang the same number I did, and I was left standing there for over an hour. Gave up an hour later
* Became incredibly frustrated, gave up and ported service to another provider.
You suck Vodafone. Completely over your complete lack of service and competence (both in your people and your technology). Some other provider is now getting my money.
Whilst on holidays, I had misplaced my private phone and needed the calls diverted to my work number so I can receive calls from both services. Well lets just say there is about 5.5 hours of my life I am never going to get back.
* 1st call. Got through to someone in god knows where and explained what I wanted. Was told that it was done and would kick in within 10 minutes. Rang my private service as a test 3 hours later, and went to voicemail.
* Tried again several times over two days, and still no good.
* Rang Vodafone Customer Service and was on hold for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Noone answered. When I finally thought I was going to get through, got a voice prompt from the ever so "charming" Lara, that there was a problem and cannot continue. I was cut off
* Repeat previous point x4 times in two days
* Went to Vodafone shop in Sydney, and explained what I was after and what I had done so far. They rang the same number I did, and I was left standing there for over an hour. Gave up an hour later
* Became incredibly frustrated, gave up and ported service to another provider.
You suck Vodafone. Completely over your complete lack of service and competence (both in your people and your technology). Some other provider is now getting my money.
13 Jan 2011 07:20:52 PM: this one I feel for. This is a lack of knowledge of old school stuff like diverting. We don't talk about it much these days. I call it technology lost. I wish you'd talked to me. You can actually set this up yourself at just register and go to detailed diverting. When my wife or I are on a call and another call comes in the calls are diverted to the other's phone. You can adjust heaps of other stuff on your account too!
12312 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is I cant communicate at all at 12 Jan 2011 04:19:26 PM
I live in Gladstone, QLD. I brought an Iphone with Vodaphone 6 months ago. I had perfect reception for the first two months in my current home. Now i struggle to make calls, send texts or connect online. I have to walk out of my home onto the street only to get 1 bar and wait for 20 mins at a time for texts and voicemail's to come through, which by the time i get them are to late.
Now i have to go onto the street hourly to check my texts, emails and voice mail but ifi was ever in trouble, their is no way i could ever make a call. Not even to 000.
Now i have to go onto the street hourly to check my texts, emails and voice mail but ifi was ever in trouble, their is no way i could ever make a call. Not even to 000.
12311 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is failwhale at 12 Jan 2011 04:18:38 PM
My phone says 'No Network Access'
omg if someone needed to call an ambulance, they would either have to crawl to the nearest payphone or be left there dying because of a rich company that is exploiting and scamming away our money.
omg if someone needed to call an ambulance, they would either have to crawl to the nearest payphone or be left there dying because of a rich company that is exploiting and scamming away our money.
12 Jan 2011 04:22:35 PM: If you have Telstra or Optus mobile service you should be able to make an emergency call to 000 even if you have no network service on a Voda Sim.
12310 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Reception at 12 Jan 2011 04:15:20 PM
I sometimes go without reception in Brisbane CBD for up to 6 hours. I am suppose to have my bill emailed to me on a certain date every month (Bill Date), yet have to call nearly every single month (5 days after the Bill Date) to ask them to send me my bill. Every single time I call them and explain that "it has happened again" and the bill was not sent. Friends are asking if they can break their contracts and I am not sure, any help?
12309 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is painful at 12 Jan 2011 04:13:42 PM
The coverage map for Townsend 2463 (East of Maclean) says that all of townsend should have regional reception but I get no bars at all. Once in a blue moon I might get one bar. Telstra and Optus have a tower on Wharf Street at maclean lookout however vodafone only has a tower all the way down at Woodforde Island.
Essentially the coverage map is completely wrong.
Essentially the coverage map is completely wrong.
12308 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is quite at 12 Jan 2011 04:11:44 PM
12 Jan 2011 04:16:28 PM: I doubt it is the flood as I have been having issues (as are a few friends) for a while before the flood.
12 Jan 2011 04:17:52 PM: Inside word is that whole Qld network is now down due to flooded main exchange in Brisbane. Vodafone network website indicates problem but advises that services were restored early this afternoon which is rubbish.
12 Jan 2011 04:19:16 PM: It's Vodafone but they're blaming the flood. It's terrible. Not the time for people to not have coverage
16 Jan 2011 05:36:46 AM: So you guys are saying that even though everything in Brisbane was completely shut off, vodafone should be somehow flood proof or not need any energex commercial supply to there servers or network systems for the state, are you people really truly that stupid and selfish! cant believe the ignorance and stupidity of people here just to placate yourselves.
16 Jan 2011 10:47:10 AM: @16 Jan 2011 07:36:46 AM
"cant believe the ignorance and stupidity of people here just to placate yourselves"
It would help if your insults made sense.
"cant believe the ignorance and stupidity of people here just to placate yourselves"
It would help if your insults made sense.
12307 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bad service at 12 Jan 2011 04:10:52 PM
waited half an hour yesterday to have someone speak to me, they told me to reset all the settings on my iphone, then swap sim cards with another phone. none made any change at all. waited 40mins today then after talking to a very unhelpful operator got put on hold again to wait another 50 mins to tslk to the technician department to put an investigation in. now i have to wait 5 days to find out what happens. apparently ill be compensated although i mentioned to the operator that all i want is to cancel my contract.
this is very frustrating, hopefully vodafone will let me go with no fees
this is very frustrating, hopefully vodafone will let me go with no fees
12306 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pretty fail at 12 Jan 2011 04:08:41 PM
A longtime Vodafone customer, I ordered a brand-spanking new HTC Desire online contract. Lovely. I receive it in the mail and discover a new SIM. Um, okay, I didn't need a replacment, but okay. Then I hop online, and discover I've been assigned a new number for the new plan. My old number has NOT been cancelled. I'm effectively paying for two accounts now.
Customer service explains I must not have specified that I wanted the new contract assigned to my existing account when I ordered the phone. This is possible. I don't actually remember seeing an option to do this. I *do* remember looking, although I also remember getting extremely frustrated at the fact that Vodafone's braindead orderform refuses to accept the address I give it as valid after 5 attempts. I might have been a little less than attentive to all the options when I finally managed to put the order from through on the 6th attempt.
So I get called back the next day and Vodafone's happy enough to make it so that the new contract is tied to my old number. So far, so good.
I'm providing the information that the accounts person is asking for. Then I get told something to the effect of "please hold for 2 minutes while we organise things here". Part-way through being on hold, the call ends abruptly. A line dropout? Irritating, but not serious - or so I think. I try to call back. I can't. In fact I can't call anyone at all. I restart my phone in the vague hope it might help. I get the message "Limited Service: Emergency Calls only". Whatever they did to my account to try to fix it has made it impossible for me to use it at all.
Of course this would happen right when I have no access to any other phone. I'm at home now, and guess who's spent the past 4 years happily thinking how smart they were becausing they were saving $20 to $30 a month by not having a landline?
I must now wait for my partner to come home so I can call customer support on his phone. From my previous experience trying to sort this out, I know that the accounts department, the department they tell me I need to talk to, will be closed. So I'm stuck until at least tomorrow with no phone access.
The phone itself, by the way, is lovely. Which just makes it all the more frustrating that I am currently completely unable to use it any capacity at all.
Customer service explains I must not have specified that I wanted the new contract assigned to my existing account when I ordered the phone. This is possible. I don't actually remember seeing an option to do this. I *do* remember looking, although I also remember getting extremely frustrated at the fact that Vodafone's braindead orderform refuses to accept the address I give it as valid after 5 attempts. I might have been a little less than attentive to all the options when I finally managed to put the order from through on the 6th attempt.
So I get called back the next day and Vodafone's happy enough to make it so that the new contract is tied to my old number. So far, so good.
I'm providing the information that the accounts person is asking for. Then I get told something to the effect of "please hold for 2 minutes while we organise things here". Part-way through being on hold, the call ends abruptly. A line dropout? Irritating, but not serious - or so I think. I try to call back. I can't. In fact I can't call anyone at all. I restart my phone in the vague hope it might help. I get the message "Limited Service: Emergency Calls only". Whatever they did to my account to try to fix it has made it impossible for me to use it at all.
Of course this would happen right when I have no access to any other phone. I'm at home now, and guess who's spent the past 4 years happily thinking how smart they were becausing they were saving $20 to $30 a month by not having a landline?
I must now wait for my partner to come home so I can call customer support on his phone. From my previous experience trying to sort this out, I know that the accounts department, the department they tell me I need to talk to, will be closed. So I'm stuck until at least tomorrow with no phone access.
The phone itself, by the way, is lovely. Which just makes it all the more frustrating that I am currently completely unable to use it any capacity at all.
13 Jan 2011 07:23:29 PM: That's a horrible situation. Did you try the new SIM in case they activated that one?
12305 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Woeful at 12 Jan 2011 04:07:56 PM
Just been advised by a Technician mate in Brisbane that the whole Vodafone Qld network has gone down due to a flooded main exchange. Surely they could of pre-planned for this and put in place contingencies for such services are essential at this time.
12 Jan 2011 04:10:16 PM: fucking great, have friends and family in the area who i cant contact to see if they are alright coz my phone wont work
14 Jan 2011 04:58:07 PM: Yeah cos it floods so often and is totally predictable...
14 Jan 2011 05:01:19 PM: Yet the other Telcos worked pretty much flawlessly :)
14 Jan 2011 10:25:39 PM: Well, seems to me, it does flood so often- I can't keep track of all the floods in Qld over the past year, and many people think it will only get worse
16 Jan 2011 06:55:18 PM:
Yeah the other telcos weren't affected at all. Check above link. Also If Telstra sites go down. All the telcos go down.
Yeah the other telcos weren't affected at all. Check above link. Also If Telstra sites go down. All the telcos go down.
16 Jan 2011 06:58:01 PM: "A Vodafone staffer, who did not wish to be named, said Vodafone sites were "going down hour by hour".
12304 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is ridiculously fail at 12 Jan 2011 04:06:57 PM
For the last 2 days I have had prolonged periods of NO reception whatsoever, and it's right in the middle of two major events that I really needed to be in contact, the birth of a new family member, and the flooding!!!! Thanks for absolutely nothing Vodafail, I was already sick of your poor service and calls dropping out, this seals the deal that I WILL be going elsewhere as soon as my contract is up!!!!
12303 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Fail-tastic at 12 Jan 2011 04:00:41 PM
Reception non-existant! 100m in clear line of sight to a cell-tower that obviously Voda has no connection to! Lies on your connection page vodaphone! Lies!
12302 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FUCK U at 12 Jan 2011 04:00:33 PM
i cant even call or text anyone, i live a hour from brisbane and am trying to contact friends in the city and my phone just says no service. cant even text or anything. UGHHHH
Good to know if we were stranded or drowning we would be able to callf or help, NOT.
i want OUT of my contract so i can go to Telstra
Good to know if we were stranded or drowning we would be able to callf or help, NOT.
i want OUT of my contract so i can go to Telstra
12301 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is needs vodabombing at 12 Jan 2011 04:00:09 PM
No signal in the heart of Surfers Paradise. You get full signal in the middle of Kenya and none in the middle of Surfers Paradise. Well done vodafone
12300 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Poor repair service/poor customer service at 12 Jan 2011 03:59:36 PM
Vodafone is the exclusive carrier for the BlackBerry Storm. The phone stopped operating within the first three months of my contract. I returned the phone to the place of purchase (Indooroopilly) and after 4 weeks received a new phone. Four months later, the phone stopped working, again. Returned the phone to the Indooroopilly shop. This time spoke to the manager, who was insulting. Said there were no loner phones in the shop, so I would have to wait. He promised to call. After two weeks, no call. I then went to the shop in person, discovered there were, indeed, loaner phones available. Turned in my dysfunctional Storm. Waited four weeks. No call. Two more weeks. No call. Went to the shop, discovered my phone had been repaired and was just sitting there, waiting. The manager stated, "Oh, I forgot to call you!" Over two months, no phone, and instead of an apology, an insulting manager who could care less about customers he insults. At the end of the contract, I will be leaving, unless I can terminate early without penalty due to lack of service.
13 Jan 2011 07:24:34 PM: Storm sucks.
12299 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Smellier than my underpants at 12 Jan 2011 03:58:43 PM
Gold Coast is now down as well as surrounding areas.
12298 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is voda-fucked at 12 Jan 2011 03:55:11 PM
What a freaken suprise. I have no reception again. Great, now I can't keep intouch with my relatives that are battling the QLD floods. There is no excuse for this too - This definately started before the floods. How the hell to I get out of my contract? I could scream!
12297 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is super fail at 12 Jan 2011 03:53:59 PM
i can't get reception on vodaphone!
12296 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 12 Jan 2011 03:53:37 PM
im currently recieving wrong bills and get stuck on hold for the last year my phone has played up and NOTHING gets done about it im currently not paying my phone bills or my partners either!!! until i get answers!!!!
12295 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is voda-fucked at 12 Jan 2011 03:51:53 PM
What a freaken suprise. I have no reception again. Great, now I can't keep intouch with my relatives that are battling the QLD floods. There is no excuse for this too - This definately started before the floods. How the hell to I get out of my contract? I could scream!
12294 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Absolute joke at 12 Jan 2011 03:51:21 PM
Complete lose of signal, doesn't even divert to voicemail when I call my number. Can't access customer care number via home phone or any other mobile. My area is not on the service status, despite Vodafone updating that Brisbane has been fixed... bull!