Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
20257 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Customer In-Law at 8 Dec 2011 10:39:25 AM
Just a quick point of note after looking at your suggested "How to Complain" notes on this suggest that we should be polite and courteous to the Vodafone staff in the stores............surely this should work both ways. The times that I have visited the stores and waited in line for 30 minutes or more only to be ignored, brushed off or told to ring (now theres a thought)the office because I am not buying a phone are innumerable and then they wonder why they get abused. I live in WA and if I need to talk to someone in Sydney it would be quicker to jump on a plane and meet with them. Vodafone have succeeded in proving that we don't need mobile phones because they hardly ever work on their network. I just cannot understand how their systems just keep failing......go to a "thirld world Country", buy a SIM and it will work with no problem..........and it is at least half the cost of what we pay here. I just wish that we could bill Vodafone for the amount of time that we spend trying to resolve issues.
After all that...........the one thing that they do have right is the "LARA" nkow that voice activated answering is just the same as talking to one of their does not undestand English, Australian or American either! I am currently taking indian lessons to see if it helps but may have to explore some further language courses dependent upon the results. Maybe Swahili would work.
After all that...........the one thing that they do have right is the "LARA" nkow that voice activated answering is just the same as talking to one of their does not undestand English, Australian or American either! I am currently taking indian lessons to see if it helps but may have to explore some further language courses dependent upon the results. Maybe Swahili would work.
20256 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No Serivce/No Data/poor service at 8 Dec 2011 10:35:00 AM
2x Handsets no service constant dropouts and then having to retireve voicemails because of dropped calls then vodafone charging for them!!!!
they refuse to waive my last bill even though that is what they are suppose to do as they did the last few bills because of the same issues i'm having!!!!!
they refuse to waive my last bill even though that is what they are suppose to do as they did the last few bills because of the same issues i'm having!!!!!
20255 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Hooray at 8 Dec 2011 10:20:49 AM
Finally coming to the end of my Contracts. I have 4 mobiles, all signed up with 3 (who are now Vodafone except if you talk to Vodafone!)and have had nothing but problems since the switch rollout. Billing, coverage, customer service (sorry customer abuse which they provide free of charge! Now switching to Telstra.......not much better but at least I can make a call and complete it without at least having to call back half way through. Only problem is that Vodafone are now having problems porting the numbers to another carrier. I guess I will also continue to receive bill demands from Vodafone over the next few months until they realize that I do not have a service with them anymore. Same thing happened 10 years ago when i was with them and it took me 2 years to get my credit rating cleared! Vodafone GO HOME and leave us in Australia to fight with our local carriers..............If I want a phone in India I will buy one.
20254 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Should Fold NOW at 7 Dec 2011 09:49:43 PM
20253 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 7 Dec 2011 09:44:03 PM
Live in Epping NSW, no reception, SOS all day today. First time, very unhappy.
20252 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 7 Dec 2011 05:03:05 PM
Have SOS only messaged displayed on my iphone. Been there since 10:00pm last night :(
20251 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Vodafone sent me a promotion text which doesn't work! at 7 Dec 2011 04:56:36 PM
Vodafone sent me a text on 6/12/2011 that said if I recharge on Text and Talk in next 7 days, I'll get triple amount of free text and talk inclusions in 24 hours.
and the text follows by a link for the promotion, which is not working at all! I tried it several times, nothing!
I couldn't find any info anywhere!just some other people wrote about the same problem!
so I consider it as a fake promotion from Vodafone!
and the text follows by a link for the promotion, which is not working at all! I tried it several times, nothing!
I couldn't find any info anywhere!just some other people wrote about the same problem!
so I consider it as a fake promotion from Vodafone!
7 Dec 2011 07:23:41 PM: According to , those links only work if opened from a mobile phone. They never work on computers. Very frustrating! I have a basic phone (and happy with it), and this looks like an attempt to push me towards getting a more expensive phone.
10 Dec 2011 02:48:38 PM: It's legit. I tried it out, and actually got exactly what it said. (I'm not kidding too). At first though, when I called 1512, it didn't work (I didn't get triple), but I called again, I think the next day and I actually got the 300 free text. Also, Vodafone had sent me a text the day after I recharged, saying: Thanks for recharging.We've included triple the amount of Free TXT & Free Talk inclusions for your next 2 TXT&Talk recharges. I hope this helps.
20250 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is No comment at 7 Dec 2011 04:18:46 PM
all that i can read here are just cries and whines... like babies.. hehe
7 Dec 2011 04:35:49 PM: You seem to like babies cries then. Why to open this page and read if you don't like it? And then, there is the "Share Your Gain" page for mighty "grown ups" like you.
7 Dec 2011 04:47:17 PM:
At 7 Dec 2011 04:18:46 PM: So what time does the store open tomorrow?
At 7 Dec 2011 04:18:46 PM: So what time does the store open tomorrow?
20249 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 7 Dec 2011 04:11:14 PM
Living in Shellharbour no service at all sitting in my house you have full bar reception and as soon as you pick it up the reception drops to 1 bar and the call drops out. I will never ever spend a sent with vodafone again when contract runs out... my wife is with crazy johns and they are exactly the same...
20248 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is alot at 7 Dec 2011 03:10:57 PM
no service in metropolitan area of mooroolbark indoors and dropped calls.
9 Dec 2011 10:07:43 AM: I still have no service and the bloody Indan's keep telling me to just turn off and on my phone! How many times until it works??? They admit they are having issues but still insist that I cycle my handset. Idiots!
20247 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Almost cost me a Job at 7 Dec 2011 02:28:14 PM
I got a Text message this morning at 5:56am, It was sent by my brother at 8:00 last night,
And today i recieved a call from a job agency saying they have left 2 voicemail messages. Ive recieved neither.
Last time about 5 voicemails arrived at once but going back about 4 days.
And today i recieved a call from a job agency saying they have left 2 voicemail messages. Ive recieved neither.
Last time about 5 voicemails arrived at once but going back about 4 days.
20246 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 7 Dec 2011 01:06:24 PM
1. Never paid a credit they promised.
2. Direct Debit was due to come out 19th Nov. It didn't come out
and a week later I call as I didn't see the transaction they tell me no funds are owing. Since then receive a bill saying no overdue funds! Then today get a sms saying I haven't been keeping up with repayment plan??? I call them they tell me the payment never reached them on the 6th Dec ???? Of course after being told that I had no funds due I paid other bills. And now have this bill and the previous to pay right before christmas ???? $450 !!! Plus they promised $149 credit that they said I declined ! Someone help me
2. Direct Debit was due to come out 19th Nov. It didn't come out
and a week later I call as I didn't see the transaction they tell me no funds are owing. Since then receive a bill saying no overdue funds! Then today get a sms saying I haven't been keeping up with repayment plan??? I call them they tell me the payment never reached them on the 6th Dec ???? Of course after being told that I had no funds due I paid other bills. And now have this bill and the previous to pay right before christmas ???? $450 !!! Plus they promised $149 credit that they said I declined ! Someone help me
7 Dec 2011 03:41:27 PM: Take this matter to the TIO, tell them what you have told us.
The TIO on line form takes less than 10 minutes to complete, VF then have 10 working days to respond to your issue.
Hopefully a mutually agreed satisfactory outcome may be achieved..........even termination of your contract.
TIO contact details at the top of the page under the How To Complain tab.
Good luck! Moderation Team
The TIO on line form takes less than 10 minutes to complete, VF then have 10 working days to respond to your issue.
Hopefully a mutually agreed satisfactory outcome may be achieved..........even termination of your contract.
TIO contact details at the top of the page under the How To Complain tab.
Good luck! Moderation Team
20245 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ridiculous at 7 Dec 2011 12:15:50 PM
Vodafone called to discuss a new contract, on a day where I can't get any mobile data and phonecalls are dropping out... Good Luck!!!
20244 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Recharge is impossible at 7 Dec 2011 10:07:53 AM
Can't recharge my prepaid account since 3 December (5 days already) and will lose all my credits tonight because my account will expire if Vodafone recharge still doesn't work. I am also afraid that I will not be able to make calls or send SMS.
20243 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pretty bad at 7 Dec 2011 09:49:23 AM
Very weak signal in Revesby NSW area. Stuttering voice quality
20242 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very bad at 7 Dec 2011 09:10:14 AM
This morning, I spent 70 minutes on the phone with Vodafail to cancel a service. In the end, I was told I had to go to a store to have it finally cancelled. I can't believe it took 70 minutes, and the service still could not be completely cancelled.
The matter was relatively simple, but I was constantly put on hold, the guy spoke to me for about two mintues, then put me on hold for 10 minutes, then did this again, again and again.
The matter was relatively simple, but I was constantly put on hold, the guy spoke to me for about two mintues, then put me on hold for 10 minutes, then did this again, again and again.
20241 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 24 hours and still no recharge at 7 Dec 2011 06:27:05 AM
Still waiting, waiting, waiting!!!! Has been a very long 24 hours so far for the promised recharge problems to be fixed so I can use my phone. Customer service messages only say that Vodafone engineers are fixing the problem, when? what day? what month? So very inconvenient, so frustrating, and good reason to ditch Vodafone for another provider who CAN provide service!
7 Dec 2011 10:20:54 AM: You are lucky, because it's been way more than 24 hours of recharge problems. % days, actually. And I am still waiting, since 3 December.
20240 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is laughable at 6 Dec 2011 09:52:13 PM
So, today, after wo days of waiting, i recharged my phone. Only a 20 dollar prepaid top up, but the system had been down for two days, so i waited. Then i was BOMBARDED with text messages of thanks and free offers of TRIPLE the free talk time and texts........and to go to supplied web addresses with codes to get more info. NONE OF THE SUPPLIED ADDRESSES CONNECT TO ANYTHING !!! Surprised? Not ME !
7 Dec 2011 10:16:36 AM: I have been trying to recharge my prepaid account since 3 December. They didn't say anything about the problems until the next day (not on their website, nor there was the automated message when you call 152) and I was worried up until I found the blog and could see that I am not alone with this failure. It's 7 December today, and every time I call to check my account, the same robot tell me that there are still problems with Vodafone recharge. Now I fount this site and see that Vodafone problems are endless.
20239 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is no service at 6 Dec 2011 05:53:59 PM
I've had no service on my iPhone 3gs the whole day. tried switching off then on again which usually helps but no luck. anyone else having issues?
6 Dec 2011 07:25:03 PM: Try switching to another network.
8 Dec 2011 02:54:32 PM: 6 Dec 2011 07:25:03 PM: Try switching to another network.
Because thats helpful when you're stuck in a contract. C'mon, you could be a little more helpful - or say nothing at all.
Because thats helpful when you're stuck in a contract. C'mon, you could be a little more helpful - or say nothing at all.
8 Dec 2011 04:28:23 PM: I think there is an unplanned outage in WA at the moment.
If you have contacted VF without success with your issue the next step is the TIO.
The TIO on line form takes less than 10 minutes to complete and VF have to contact you within 10 working days, but I must stress you must contact VF before going down the TIO route, otherwise the TIO will be reluctant to help you.
TIO contact details under the How To Complain tab at the top of the page.
Good luck! Moderation Team
If you have contacted VF without success with your issue the next step is the TIO.
The TIO on line form takes less than 10 minutes to complete and VF have to contact you within 10 working days, but I must stress you must contact VF before going down the TIO route, otherwise the TIO will be reluctant to help you.
TIO contact details under the How To Complain tab at the top of the page.
Good luck! Moderation Team
20238 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extreme at 6 Dec 2011 04:29:51 PM
I ordered in Ipad 2 online and was immediately charged for it. 5 days later sent emails that went unanswered rang them up and they couldn't even find my order in the system. I sent an email to a different address still no answer. Finally I made a comment on twitter and with in 20 minutes had some one emailing with me. That girl solved the issues and said I should receive my order in 3 days.
3 days later I finally got a reply from two one of my first emails that stated she had now found my order and could process it if i gave her some personal info. I immediately asked for a refund but have not yet received it
3 days later I finally got a reply from two one of my first emails that stated she had now found my order and could process it if i gave her some personal info. I immediately asked for a refund but have not yet received it
20237 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is BLACKBERRY FAILED! at 6 Dec 2011 02:19:12 PM
20236 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is fragmented at 6 Dec 2011 02:14:44 PM
I have a blackberry 9780 and randomly this morning the sim said it it was having a read error. I went into Vodafail store and as I was waiting for 30mins just to get service...a flood of people started coming in with the same error on their blackberries. The Vodafail staff member got onto 1 retail support person who had no idea what was going on. Then 5 mins later he got onto another guy who said an issue had been identified but no solutions yet. THAT WAS AT 10AM. Weve tried new sim cards and still nothing
I'm a business person on a business plan and cant get onto anyone in Australia to speak to about this. I tried calling customer service ( got stuffed around by Lara voice automated menu and her inability to recognise the words "business support") and finally got to the blackberry technical handest team.....when finally a pre-recorded message came through saying that Vodafail had recognized their was a service issue with blackberry's and they were working to solve it. Its now 4.15pm AND STILL NO SOLUTION!!!!!!!! I'm on the phone now holding while the multiple arms of this business keep transfering me, asking me to turn my phone on and off.......and then putting me on hold. I CANNOT RUN A BUSINESS ON VODAFONE WITH THIS KIND OF SUPPORT. I've lost $1000's of dollars today being unreachable with a phone that doesnt work.
I'm a business person on a business plan and cant get onto anyone in Australia to speak to about this. I tried calling customer service ( got stuffed around by Lara voice automated menu and her inability to recognise the words "business support") and finally got to the blackberry technical handest team.....when finally a pre-recorded message came through saying that Vodafail had recognized their was a service issue with blackberry's and they were working to solve it. Its now 4.15pm AND STILL NO SOLUTION!!!!!!!! I'm on the phone now holding while the multiple arms of this business keep transfering me, asking me to turn my phone on and off.......and then putting me on hold. I CANNOT RUN A BUSINESS ON VODAFONE WITH THIS KIND OF SUPPORT. I've lost $1000's of dollars today being unreachable with a phone that doesnt work.
6 Dec 2011 03:31:40 PM: Terrible! Sounds like it might be time to invest in a better provider. If they stuff you around anymore then you can go to the TIO and seek compensation from Vodafone. Details are on the 'how to complain' page. Moderation Team Moderation Team
6 Dec 2011 03:48:34 PM: welcome to my world - happened to me late last year. can't wait for the class action to get funding......
6 Dec 2011 07:23:21 PM: "Its (sic) now 4:15pm AND STILL NO SOLUTION!!!!!!!" But, the time of your post is 2:14pm on the same day. This is quite an achievement.
20235 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Call drop outs no reception at 6 Dec 2011 01:55:16 PM
Calls constantly drop out and no reception. Poor customer service from Indian call cenre staff who speak english but don't really understand english. Good bye Vodafail.
20234 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is THE WORST EVER at 6 Dec 2011 01:39:31 PM
I have a new iphone 4S and it stopped working only after a month of use.
I reported it to Voda who directed me to Apple. Apple confirmed it was DOA and offered me a refurbished handset but advised that I was entitled to a new one under the 1 yr warranty. The Vodafone store at 333 George Street, Sydney was where I got the phone so I went there and have never been subject to such stupidity, unprofessionalism and abuse. I asked them to call their team to confirm their authorisation for me to get a new phone which was verbally authorised over the phone at the Apple store but they said "you call them because you're the customer. They called me a bitch as I was walking out after complaining of the non-existing customer service.
I reported it to Voda who directed me to Apple. Apple confirmed it was DOA and offered me a refurbished handset but advised that I was entitled to a new one under the 1 yr warranty. The Vodafone store at 333 George Street, Sydney was where I got the phone so I went there and have never been subject to such stupidity, unprofessionalism and abuse. I asked them to call their team to confirm their authorisation for me to get a new phone which was verbally authorised over the phone at the Apple store but they said "you call them because you're the customer. They called me a bitch as I was walking out after complaining of the non-existing customer service.
8 Dec 2011 02:57:46 PM: write to the store manager - that is completely unacceptable. Don't say you can't be bothered because that's how bad staff get away with it.
20233 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 70% at 6 Dec 2011 11:35:50 AM
Today I received a text informing me that my spend was at $100 due to excess data usage. This does not include my monthly plan costs of $60, meaning my bill will be in excess of $170 for this month. I feel that this is an excessive amount over the basic plan costs to be warning your customers about their spend. Other carriers will warn when they have reached 80% of their entitlements. If it is possible to warn at $100, it must be possible to warn at either a lower limit or at a percentage entitlement left. I have been with Vodafone for 15 years and am now seriously considering both lodging a formal complaint with the ombudsman and switching carriers.
8 Dec 2011 02:59:52 PM: I got the same text, they had agreed to not charge me for the lst 2 mths of my bill because they would have my coverage issues sorted by December. I now get a bill for excess usage and they can't help me because the network is down and my bill takes 5 days to be generated for me to check my calls etc.
leaving voda on Saturday for someone better.
leaving voda on Saturday for someone better.
20232 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is NO SERVICE at 6 Dec 2011 11:07:21 AM
No service in St Leonards, Sydney, today.
20231 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is EPIC FAILURE at 6 Dec 2011 10:52:34 AM
In 2011 I am reduced to having to shuffle awkwardly to certain 'pockets' in my house to garner even a BAR of phone reception and have to stand completely still for fear of the connection dropping out. EVERY and I mean EVERY phone conversation I have, the connection cuts out. Today alone, the reception has been on a permanent 'searching' mode. I signed up with Vodafones 'Infinity' plan expecting that I would be relieved of the 'end of the month bill surprises'. I make a high volume of calls and was 'lured' by their unlimited text and phone call premise. What I didn't realise was that a plan like this is of no inconvenience to Vodafone because you don't even HAVE THE RECEPTION to make the unlimited calls or texts. In dealing with a US counterpart for a business call this morning, I had to walk out of my house and down the street in the FREEZING Canberra cold just to ensure I wouldn't suffer the embarrassing connection cut. I was wrong. I am cursing the day I signed this contract. I am disappointed in myself for making such a poor judgement call. Vodafone should have criminal action taken against them based on fraudulence alone. You can't keep taking people's money from them like this if you're selling a busted product.
20230 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pretty fail at 6 Dec 2011 10:48:25 AM
Well, I have had no coverage anywhere since last night. Sucks coz I really wanted to wish someone Bon Voyage. Vodafone sucks balls. How can there be no coverage anywhere??????
20229 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC at 6 Dec 2011 09:50:01 AM
Just left fotr Optus... 100x better!
20228 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is the most at 6 Dec 2011 09:02:08 AM
No Service at all today, in Sydney. Do we just have to wait?
20227 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is NO SERVICE at 6 Dec 2011 08:56:46 AM
My mobile has been showing SOS only since this morning. I have restarted my iphone a few times and the problem is still there.
I called the customer support and had to wait for more than 30 minutes in the queue ... customer support really sucks ... VODA FAIL, I wish I had listened my friends advice before I signed the contract.
I called the customer support and had to wait for more than 30 minutes in the queue ... customer support really sucks ... VODA FAIL, I wish I had listened my friends advice before I signed the contract.
20226 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No service at 6 Dec 2011 08:42:39 AM
Hi people,
I was still able to sent a text in the morning says about 815am.
The network suddenly decided to die on me. Unable to make phone calls or internet connection.... only able to connect to wifi (the smart phone did it- not VODA!!!!)
Rang the customer service, was put on hold for at least 30 min!!! and the customer service lady was not able to tell you what was wrong with the network...
But on the nsw service - they says no outrage!!! which is bullshit!!!
unhappy voda customer like u guys :((((
I was still able to sent a text in the morning says about 815am.
The network suddenly decided to die on me. Unable to make phone calls or internet connection.... only able to connect to wifi (the smart phone did it- not VODA!!!!)
Rang the customer service, was put on hold for at least 30 min!!! and the customer service lady was not able to tell you what was wrong with the network...
But on the nsw service - they says no outrage!!! which is bullshit!!!
unhappy voda customer like u guys :((((
6 Dec 2011 08:59:11 AM: Service still out in 2265 this morning
7 Dec 2011 07:45:08 PM:
Reception Details for Martinsville Voice / SMS 20% Mobile Internet 0% Broadband 0% Dropped Calls 23
Coverage and reception information has been reported by 3 user in this area. Moderation Team
Reception Details for Martinsville Voice / SMS 20% Mobile Internet 0% Broadband 0% Dropped Calls 23
Coverage and reception information has been reported by 3 user in this area. Moderation Team
20221 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC at 6 Dec 2011 08:27:04 AM
Moved over from 3 where I was a happy business customer. I have never had so many call drop outs, failed calls and sparadic service access. I spoke with a customer service person who asked me to provide examples of three drop outs and they will investigate it. Surely the likes of Voda can do some simple analysis between drop out rates, coverage and call issues between 3 and Voda to work out just how utterly incompetent they are. Why the push from the three network to Voda? Should be the other way around in my opinion. I am always on the road and rely on my mobile services. VODA is just hopeless and all the BS from customer service about spending $1.4bn on upgrades is nothing more than spin as I cannot believe they could have been actually worse. EPIC FAIL VODAFONE!! Oh, customer service offered me a reduced plan for three months. Not looking for compensation, just want them to fix their daft network. The bloke in India hung up on me.
20220 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No network at 6 Dec 2011 07:43:40 AM
No Network in Broadway NSW
6 Dec 2011 08:44:50 AM: think they have some systme outrage which the customer service is unable to explain... and the Engineers that is not competence to solve it.
20219 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is massive fail at 6 Dec 2011 07:35:58 AM
Have no network coverage at all today, since being on Vodafone some calls don't connect, have bad reception most of the time, text msgs don't send and people can't contact me. Seems like its getting worse with the more upgrades they do. VODAFAIL....
20218 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely fail at 6 Dec 2011 06:30:58 AM
Constant dropouts, waiting 15 to 20 seconds for a phone call to connect, phone calls not even connecting, and today all of a sudden there is no network coverage at all. I was surfing and then my bars just up and disappeared and have not come back. Tried many troubleshooting steps including the good ol' power cycle but atlas still no magical bars. It is not a fault in the handset because my wifes optus sim works in it fine.
Thank you Vodafone for your slow broadband, dropouts and a crappy network.
Thank you Vodafone for your slow broadband, dropouts and a crappy network.
20217 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very Bad at 6 Dec 2011 06:27:20 AM
Woke up this morning to no network 30 minute wait on phone no CS
20215 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Big fail at 5 Dec 2011 10:50:36 PM
No internet, phone or text on:
Tuesday 5th December 6:30 -8:30pm / 8:45-9:25pm area code 6019:
Our network upgrade is coming to parts of Scarborough Beach and some surrounds. It may affect your night service (11pm-7am) 27Nov-5Dec. Please call 1520 for more info.
Coverage is worse since thier upgrade!
Tuesday 5th December 6:30 -8:30pm / 8:45-9:25pm area code 6019:
Our network upgrade is coming to parts of Scarborough Beach and some surrounds. It may affect your night service (11pm-7am) 27Nov-5Dec. Please call 1520 for more info.
Coverage is worse since thier upgrade!
20214 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is crazy johns sucks too at 5 Dec 2011 07:24:31 PM
I signed a 24month contract with crazy johns 2 1/2 weeks ago after being shown and told that we would have top coverage in our area on the vodafone network.
I frequently experience drop outs, little to no 3G coverage and further dead spots and drop outs on the 2G network. I even tried to make an emergency phone call (122) and could not get through!!! I have called Crazy Johns a number of times to complain as I want to cancel the contract and I have been told in order to opt out of the contract, I would have to pay for the remainding 23months. I've just typed my concerns to the TIO. yah... :(
I frequently experience drop outs, little to no 3G coverage and further dead spots and drop outs on the 2G network. I even tried to make an emergency phone call (122) and could not get through!!! I have called Crazy Johns a number of times to complain as I want to cancel the contract and I have been told in order to opt out of the contract, I would have to pay for the remainding 23months. I've just typed my concerns to the TIO. yah... :(
5 Dec 2011 10:47:30 PM: 122... you may want to look into that...
20213 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Utterly useless!!! at 5 Dec 2011 07:17:19 PM
Coming to you from Geelong, Melbourne, courtesy of an expensive Telstra network because Vodafail is beyond useless.
Just transferred from 3 to Vodafail, was getting a huge data roaming charge on 3 because it couldn't get reception on the 3 network and would roam onto Optus or Telstra, had to turn 3G off to prevent excess charge but would still receive calls and get texts (except MMS because no 3G).
Decided to migrate to Vodafail when I got an email telling me the 3 network was being phased out and I would have to move across to Vodafail if I wanted to continue using my mobile.
Migrated across and now it changes from "SOS only, Searching..., NO SERVICE, SOS Only, Searching..., to 1 bar signal and sometimes on the rarest off occasions, 2 bars signal.
Vodafail drops calls, gets texts hours later, doesn't connect to the network half the time, let alone getting 3G reception.
AND on top of that the first bill I received was $30 OVER the cap because of some miscellaneous network charge?!
Vodafail should be ashamed of their network coverage, or lack there of, and customer service and should instead of spending thousands on public sporting figure endorsements and publicity, should focus on upgrading the pity-full network coverage before the TIO and ACCC are forced to do something. Or there is a class action that finds Vodafail in breach of there obligations as a service provider and they are forced to pay compensation to thousands of disgruntled customers.
Another pissed-off Vodafail customer.
Coming to you from Geelong, Melbourne, courtesy of an expensive Telstra network because Vodafail is beyond useless.
Just transferred from 3 to Vodafail, was getting a huge data roaming charge on 3 because it couldn't get reception on the 3 network and would roam onto Optus or Telstra, had to turn 3G off to prevent excess charge but would still receive calls and get texts (except MMS because no 3G).
Decided to migrate to Vodafail when I got an email telling me the 3 network was being phased out and I would have to move across to Vodafail if I wanted to continue using my mobile.
Migrated across and now it changes from "SOS only, Searching..., NO SERVICE, SOS Only, Searching..., to 1 bar signal and sometimes on the rarest off occasions, 2 bars signal.
Vodafail drops calls, gets texts hours later, doesn't connect to the network half the time, let alone getting 3G reception.
AND on top of that the first bill I received was $30 OVER the cap because of some miscellaneous network charge?!
Vodafail should be ashamed of their network coverage, or lack there of, and customer service and should instead of spending thousands on public sporting figure endorsements and publicity, should focus on upgrading the pity-full network coverage before the TIO and ACCC are forced to do something. Or there is a class action that finds Vodafail in breach of there obligations as a service provider and they are forced to pay compensation to thousands of disgruntled customers.
Another pissed-off Vodafail customer.
10 Dec 2011 05:23:28 AM: I think there is 30 days warranty period for network issue. you can cancel your contract because of that. it is on their website.
10 Jan 2012 08:03:30 PM: All sorted out!!!
I was all prepared to tear them another one walking into the store but with the assistance of a very helpful staff member, who is on Telstra themselves. Cancelled the contract, sent the phone back.
Now on Telstra (Devils spawn I'm aware but willing to pay for a infallible service)
Enjoying all the benefits of my new network with 3G speeds around 3-4 times more than Vodafail (when I'm at home compared to when Vodafail was in the middle of the city!!!) And no excess data usage charges so my bill is actually about $30 cheaper on Telstra than when on 3 and Vodafail anyway!!!
I will never use the 3 or Vodafail service (or lack there of) EVER again and have told anyone and everyone I know and meet about the beyond ridiculously poor service provided (or not provided).
I sincerely hope you sort out your priorities and instead of hiring celebrity sports-people to advertise your service, you funnel your funding into upgrading your 'network' to something that resembles a phone service before ALL of your customers wise-up to the disgraceful service you supposedly provide, and leave the network as your share price plummets and you go into receivership...we can only hope!
So long Vodafail Hutchinson, I bid you good day and tell you to shove it sideways!!!
Another (previously) pissed-off Vodafail customer.
I was all prepared to tear them another one walking into the store but with the assistance of a very helpful staff member, who is on Telstra themselves. Cancelled the contract, sent the phone back.
Now on Telstra (Devils spawn I'm aware but willing to pay for a infallible service)
Enjoying all the benefits of my new network with 3G speeds around 3-4 times more than Vodafail (when I'm at home compared to when Vodafail was in the middle of the city!!!) And no excess data usage charges so my bill is actually about $30 cheaper on Telstra than when on 3 and Vodafail anyway!!!
I will never use the 3 or Vodafail service (or lack there of) EVER again and have told anyone and everyone I know and meet about the beyond ridiculously poor service provided (or not provided).
I sincerely hope you sort out your priorities and instead of hiring celebrity sports-people to advertise your service, you funnel your funding into upgrading your 'network' to something that resembles a phone service before ALL of your customers wise-up to the disgraceful service you supposedly provide, and leave the network as your share price plummets and you go into receivership...we can only hope!
So long Vodafail Hutchinson, I bid you good day and tell you to shove it sideways!!!
Another (previously) pissed-off Vodafail customer.
20212 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is sucking massive donkey balls at 5 Dec 2011 06:44:41 PM
Visitor to the country, on Vodaphone Pay-As-You-FAIL.
Terrible reception. Shocking customer service!
Terrible reception. Shocking customer service!
20211 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Epic Fail! at 5 Dec 2011 04:38:09 PM
3G works half the time, customer service is BY FAR the worst I have ever experienced in my entire life!
20210 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail! at 5 Dec 2011 03:53:59 PM
When my credit expired this morning, I got 33 text messages from VF withing 5 minutes telling me I have insufficient funds. It made my phone lag. And now I an't recharge due to technical difficulties since midday.
Plus I get the occasional SMS message a few hours late and MMS a few days late or not at all :/ Not Happy.
Plus I get the occasional SMS message a few hours late and MMS a few days late or not at all :/ Not Happy.
5 Dec 2011 05:30:38 PM: My credit expired yesterday morning and I spent 50 bucks on a recharge voucher only to find their recharge system was stuffed.
I got through to the Indian call centre around 10 pm last night and they couldn't do anything useful apart from offering me $25 extra call credit per month for 3 months (pigs will fly!) if it ever happens.
Today @ 5.33pm I received a text from VFone stating "the Vodafone Recharge Service has been fully restored.We aplogise for any disruption you may have experienced""
After taking a few sedatives previously,I made 4 calls to make sure it was working...Guess What? ... ZERO ..ZIP ..NADA..NOTHING!!!Talk about misinformation.. this crap service is still down and the sedatives are not working...Steam is coming out of my ears and I will be breathing fireas soon as I can get through to this Morally corrupt/highly misleading management ..Is it too hard to make a public statement ..they have my money and I have Zip..Zero ..the only thing I have got from all this is loss of business and Extreme Blood pressure.
Bunch of thieving Liars!!
I got through to the Indian call centre around 10 pm last night and they couldn't do anything useful apart from offering me $25 extra call credit per month for 3 months (pigs will fly!) if it ever happens.
Today @ 5.33pm I received a text from VFone stating "the Vodafone Recharge Service has been fully restored.We aplogise for any disruption you may have experienced""
After taking a few sedatives previously,I made 4 calls to make sure it was working...Guess What? ... ZERO ..ZIP ..NADA..NOTHING!!!Talk about misinformation.. this crap service is still down and the sedatives are not working...Steam is coming out of my ears and I will be breathing fireas soon as I can get through to this Morally corrupt/highly misleading management ..Is it too hard to make a public statement ..they have my money and I have Zip..Zero ..the only thing I have got from all this is loss of business and Extreme Blood pressure.
Bunch of thieving Liars!!
20209 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Never a trurer word said than in jest at 5 Dec 2011 01:59:35 PM
Here is a hilarious takeoff of Lady Gaga's "Telephone" about Vodafone and all it's failures -
20208 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is massive fail!!! at 5 Dec 2011 10:52:46 AM
still waiting for my replacement sim to be activated after 24 hours (told in would take 30 mins). This was after i went to 2 vodafone stores - the first guy wouldn't give me a replacement card (he didnt have any - yeah right he wasn't going to make any money from me) the second guy wanted to charge me $10! Have tried to call the call centre 3 times and can't get through (i'm am borrowing people's phones to get trough as I don;t have one BECAUSE MINE WON'T ACTIVATE!!!!!). If i can't ring them, email them or ask in the store - how am i supposed to sort this out? Carrier pigeon?????
20207 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is New contract resulted in disconnection of number at 5 Dec 2011 10:44:41 AM
I switched from Vodaphone prepaid to Vodaphone post paid last week and picked up a new iPhone. The new phone could make outgoing calls but anyone calling in was told the number was disconnected! It was finally resolved after a number of lengthy calls to Vodaphone in India, however two days ago the phone number stopped working again and I can neither send or receive any calls. Once again my number is coming up as disconnected. This is a work phone and I'm losing customers because they can't contact me. Vodaphone support can't resolve the problem and keep saying to give them more time. I've only been with them a week and the phone's only worked for probably 3 days out of that week. I'm taking it back and going elsewhere!
20206 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Horrible at 5 Dec 2011 10:42:35 AM
Bought the new HTC sensation XE through these bastards and barely a week had passed when the screen cracked.. I am ridiculously careful with my phones and ive still got my Iphone 3gs in immaculate condition. I have a feeling it might of had something to do with the faulty case, as it was causing the bottom right corner of the glass to sit higher than the case. Anyway I called HTC about it and they said it should be covered under warranty so I was pleased with that, but when I spoke to Vodafone it wasn't the case. How can they do this!? The manufactures warranty means they can take my phone and send it back to HTC and let them deal with it. Instead they are going to try and charge me $300 or so just because they sold me a faulty phone.
I have been waiting for nearly 2 weeks and still no word from Vodafail. They initially told me it would be a 1 or 2 day wait at most. And just then I got hung up on by someone from their service call centre while I was trying to find out if there was any news about what was happening with my phone.
Vodafone.. never again
I have been waiting for nearly 2 weeks and still no word from Vodafail. They initially told me it would be a 1 or 2 day wait at most. And just then I got hung up on by someone from their service call centre while I was trying to find out if there was any news about what was happening with my phone.
Vodafone.. never again
20204 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Driving me crazy at 5 Dec 2011 10:02:26 AM
I'm sick of drop outs, so I've decided to call and request an early cancellation. After 55 minutes waiting, I finally get connected, told them my name, and then get complete silence. The call is still connected, so now not only am I not able to register my complaint, my landline can't be used for anything else. Given how unreliable Vodafone is at home, I'm fuming.
20203 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Concerned at 5 Dec 2011 09:39:31 AM
My concern is recent reports "Carriers" are using "Carrier IQ" software pre installed on Android devices particularly those from HTC to extract personal usage including "Key Strokes" without the users permission. Ref: 4th Dec, 2011. Vodafone deny such action but to be sure will get my phone tested by a professional if they are lying and in fact Vodafone Australia are using "Carrier IQ" to extract data for and on behalf of advertising industry I assure you hell will play and will make sure every Radio, TV and Newspaper will know about it, and what if carriers can use the software to extract information what if criminals or News of the World get hold of the software.
20202 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 100% at 5 Dec 2011 09:38:04 AM
Paid my bill on time as usual. Two weeks later received text message bill overdue. Rang to say bill has been paid. Half hour wait in queue, gave details of payment, receipt no's etc. told will get back to me. two weeks go by no reply, bills keep coming as well billed for 55gig download I didn't make?? Rang back, told no note of my bill problems, have to explain all over. Another two weeks go by still nothing. Now I have no service at all??? Bills keep building.
20201 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Frustratingly craptastic at 5 Dec 2011 08:51:29 AM
3G fail
20200 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is SOS only, restarted iPhone to no data network! at 5 Dec 2011 08:50:49 AM
At first I had "SOS only" connection, then had to restart, only to find there's no 3G connection.. a few minutes later, 3G icon appears but there's still no internet connection at all!
20199 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pretty fail at 5 Dec 2011 08:31:19 AM
Sydney CBD up near the rocks. "unable to activate data network"... been like that for an hour now.
20198 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 3g network problems on my phone at 5 Dec 2011 08:30:38 AM
3g network problems on my phone
20197 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is EXTREME at 5 Dec 2011 08:28:41 AM
3g is down again. Uselsss.
20196 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is super mega fail at 5 Dec 2011 08:21:16 AM
No 3g coverage for the past few days despite rebooting my phone several times
20195 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Useless,are they going out of business? at 5 Dec 2011 08:03:44 AM
Who else out there has recharged their phone over the last 24 hrs,only to find that their recharge has not been registered by Vodaphone and they can't make any calls.
This all started 24 hours ago for me ... now I just feel like slashing my wrists for being so bloody stupid and putting up with the Vodaphone network problems for so long.
Of course you will at first think that their network is down temporarily. Just before you feel like ramming the phone up Vodaphones nether regions, dial 1512 and you will realise why your phone doesn't work.
I am about to give the complaints department a verbal spray, I know it's not the complaints department fault, but I need to have the problem noted on record.Then I will take this further .. I run the phone for business and this Glitch,that has been around for a year now,could cost me a huge loss in income..guess who I will be suing for loss of business revenue and further damages?
Don't take it lying down .. give them a boot up the backside's your money!
This all started 24 hours ago for me ... now I just feel like slashing my wrists for being so bloody stupid and putting up with the Vodaphone network problems for so long.
Of course you will at first think that their network is down temporarily. Just before you feel like ramming the phone up Vodaphones nether regions, dial 1512 and you will realise why your phone doesn't work.
I am about to give the complaints department a verbal spray, I know it's not the complaints department fault, but I need to have the problem noted on record.Then I will take this further .. I run the phone for business and this Glitch,that has been around for a year now,could cost me a huge loss in income..guess who I will be suing for loss of business revenue and further damages?
Don't take it lying down .. give them a boot up the backside's your money!
20194 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very at 5 Dec 2011 08:01:51 AM
3G network is down
20192 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 5 Dec 2011 06:31:21 AM
Vodafone network down this morning 5/12/2011....Need to call the doctor for my Daughter. THANKS VODAFONE!
20191 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is really bad at 5 Dec 2011 05:27:34 AM
paid for recharge voucher validated it and still not working
20190 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 5 Dec 2011 12:53:13 AM
no network reception 4th dec 2011
20189 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 5 Dec 2011 12:48:39 AM
No reception at home! It's like not having a mobile phone!
20188 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is tha at 4 Dec 2011 10:43:34 PM
i got a plan for 6gb on pocket wifi 2 for 1 year at the price of 25$
it sounded like a good deal at the start
later i got a bill for 80$ and i only used my internet 3 days that month
cuz i was at a camp
so i called the support talked to the bimbo taking robot survived the over seas call center after tech help and thay said that was a glitch after i let that one go
1 months later
i got a 2nd bill that was 556$ so i went to the voadfone shop the
sales lady there after 2 hours she let my bill pass
2 months later
I got a even bigger bill it was 3000$
i went to the shop went to the voadfone shop
i raged like living hell i shouted at the top of
my lungs after she called head office
they where trying try to sell me on more plans
i walked out the store and went to a telstra shop
i had a look at what they had
after some time i went with thair prepayed
a few days later i got bully messages from Vodafail beat collecters
you have not been paying your bill of 3000
i call the center and threatened to walk off my contract with out paying
that said that i will never get a plan with different isp now i have
a telstra wire internet 256 GB for 70 $
remember you get what you pay for if you pay that extra penny
you will good product cabled is all way better than any other internet
it sounded like a good deal at the start
later i got a bill for 80$ and i only used my internet 3 days that month
cuz i was at a camp
so i called the support talked to the bimbo taking robot survived the over seas call center after tech help and thay said that was a glitch after i let that one go
1 months later
i got a 2nd bill that was 556$ so i went to the voadfone shop the
sales lady there after 2 hours she let my bill pass
2 months later
I got a even bigger bill it was 3000$
i went to the shop went to the voadfone shop
i raged like living hell i shouted at the top of
my lungs after she called head office
they where trying try to sell me on more plans
i walked out the store and went to a telstra shop
i had a look at what they had
after some time i went with thair prepayed
a few days later i got bully messages from Vodafail beat collecters
you have not been paying your bill of 3000
i call the center and threatened to walk off my contract with out paying
that said that i will never get a plan with different isp now i have
a telstra wire internet 256 GB for 70 $
remember you get what you pay for if you pay that extra penny
you will good product cabled is all way better than any other internet
4 Dec 2011 10:44:44 PM: FIGHT BACK IS THE WAY
20187 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is no service at 4 Dec 2011 10:14:23 PM
Today and from last night unable to get internet on my phone as well as sending txt and call. I have to keep turning my phone on and off to check if any messages go through or recieve any. SICK of this this is the 2nd time Im highly thinking of changing from vodaphone. Been with them for 7 years no problems till the last 2 networking issues and now this tickes it off. Better be a compensation or able to get out of your contract.
20186 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extreme at 4 Dec 2011 07:47:50 PM
i still continue to get 1 and 2 day old mms and sms, from V network this is a terrible
20185 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extreme at 4 Dec 2011 07:45:12 PM
i travel all around nsw and still everytime i make a call i dropps out 2 to 3 times a call
20184 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Zero network at 4 Dec 2011 12:54:54 PM
I am in Willoughby in Sydney and I too have absolutely no reception and coverage today...What's going on.. Twice this week for me. I just recharged the phone this morning so I could make phone calls today.Hate to tell you how I really feel but this company is as useless as tits on a bull.
20183 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is unlocking iphone at 4 Dec 2011 08:25:47 AM
I have tried for almost 2 weeks to unlock my iphone. When i called them they said I had to do it on-line at the links do not work. this is the final straw in several years of being with this appalling business. All I want is to leave their network and even now they fail me.
4 Dec 2011 08:56:08 AM: The link provided does not work for me either!
When you do leave ensure you cancel your contract, it does mean the pain of 1555 again but make sure you get the CSR id, name, incident number, date and time and that all direct debits have been cancelled.
Contracts do not automatically expire on the anniversary date, they continue until you notify VF the contract has now ceased.
Check your bank balance to ensure VF have cancelled the direct debit as VF have, in the past, not cancelled. Moderation Team
When you do leave ensure you cancel your contract, it does mean the pain of 1555 again but make sure you get the CSR id, name, incident number, date and time and that all direct debits have been cancelled.
Contracts do not automatically expire on the anniversary date, they continue until you notify VF the contract has now ceased.
Check your bank balance to ensure VF have cancelled the direct debit as VF have, in the past, not cancelled. Moderation Team
10 Dec 2011 11:48:47 PM: I found you have to go to the VF store and get them to unlock it...after 10 attempts online to do it....they fail right across the board
20182 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Zero coverage at 4 Dec 2011 08:18:17 AM
Am in Rosebery (NSW) a suburb 7kms from the CBD. Zero coverage today however the Vodafone website says that there are no network issues! 6 March 2012 - contract expires and I'm off to Telstra.
4 Dec 2011 08:59:46 AM: Why wait until March?
Check out the How To Complain tab at the top of the page, contact the TIO, complete their on line form and be away from VF before Xmas, then move to a provider of your choice.
If you do decide to wait until March ensure you cancel your contract, it does mean the pain of 1555 again but make sure you get the CSR id, name, incident number, date and time and that all direct debits have been cancelled.
Contracts do not automatically expire on the anniversary date, they continue until you notify VF the contract has now ceased.
Check your bank balance to ensure VF have cancelled the direct debit as VF have, in the past, not cancelled. Moderation Team
Check out the How To Complain tab at the top of the page, contact the TIO, complete their on line form and be away from VF before Xmas, then move to a provider of your choice.
If you do decide to wait until March ensure you cancel your contract, it does mean the pain of 1555 again but make sure you get the CSR id, name, incident number, date and time and that all direct debits have been cancelled.
Contracts do not automatically expire on the anniversary date, they continue until you notify VF the contract has now ceased.
Check your bank balance to ensure VF have cancelled the direct debit as VF have, in the past, not cancelled. Moderation Team
20181 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail? at 4 Dec 2011 07:17:14 AM
I posted a little while back about having three or four days with contasnt call drop outs and delayed texts/multimedia messages and really really slow internet.
It has now been four weeks. Of the same thing.
Still no improvement.
Every time I make a call I either get "beep beep" and no connection at all, OR I get "Hi ..... " and it drops out straight away. I'm apparantly still not receiving half of the text messages people send and when others try and call my phone when it is switched on and apparantly has full range (I've tried this from my home phone too - to test) and it goes straight to "This person isn't available right now"
So I went in to a vodaphone shop front the other day to see what's going on- if it's my sim or what...
"No... It's your Iphone" (I have an Iphone 4) to which I replied "It's not that old, I got it in July this year from America (when I was in the states I got it from the Apple store in New york with full warranty, so it's a genuine phone).
I then got told "No it must be a dodgy phone or you have done something to it... Have you put it in water"?
I explained there was nothing wrong with the phone (software/hardware wise)all the apps work, everything is great but the reception/phone/visual voicemail failing to connect/call drop outs... etc.
She told me there was absolutely no issues with the network but I would have to go to the Apple store and get it sorted.
It turns out another disgruntled customer sitting next to me while I was being told this leant over to her (the vodafail rep) and said he worked for the Apple store and there was nothing wrong with their phones (regardless if it was an American Iphone - UNLOCKED!) and he had experienced the exact same issues which is why he was in the Vodafone shop!
She then went "Ah... aH" and went back of shop and got me a cordless work phone and said "Here" and dumped a phone on me without telling me who was on the other line or what I was doing - it turns out it was the call centre in whatever country and I had suddenly to speak to some lady about what was going on - all over again.
While I was on the phone I looked for the vodafone person who was with me before and she was off with another customer ignoring me and the other dude!
This is not the first time someone has handed me a phone and walked off when they had a tricky question. It happened the last time I went into a vodafone shop - is this common practice for them?
Ignore the customer?
Nice vodafail. Nice.
It has now been four weeks. Of the same thing.
Still no improvement.
Every time I make a call I either get "beep beep" and no connection at all, OR I get "Hi ..... " and it drops out straight away. I'm apparantly still not receiving half of the text messages people send and when others try and call my phone when it is switched on and apparantly has full range (I've tried this from my home phone too - to test) and it goes straight to "This person isn't available right now"
So I went in to a vodaphone shop front the other day to see what's going on- if it's my sim or what...
"No... It's your Iphone" (I have an Iphone 4) to which I replied "It's not that old, I got it in July this year from America (when I was in the states I got it from the Apple store in New york with full warranty, so it's a genuine phone).
I then got told "No it must be a dodgy phone or you have done something to it... Have you put it in water"?
I explained there was nothing wrong with the phone (software/hardware wise)all the apps work, everything is great but the reception/phone/visual voicemail failing to connect/call drop outs... etc.
She told me there was absolutely no issues with the network but I would have to go to the Apple store and get it sorted.
It turns out another disgruntled customer sitting next to me while I was being told this leant over to her (the vodafail rep) and said he worked for the Apple store and there was nothing wrong with their phones (regardless if it was an American Iphone - UNLOCKED!) and he had experienced the exact same issues which is why he was in the Vodafone shop!
She then went "Ah... aH" and went back of shop and got me a cordless work phone and said "Here" and dumped a phone on me without telling me who was on the other line or what I was doing - it turns out it was the call centre in whatever country and I had suddenly to speak to some lady about what was going on - all over again.
While I was on the phone I looked for the vodafone person who was with me before and she was off with another customer ignoring me and the other dude!
This is not the first time someone has handed me a phone and walked off when they had a tricky question. It happened the last time I went into a vodafone shop - is this common practice for them?
Ignore the customer?
Nice vodafail. Nice.
4 Dec 2011 08:17:53 AM: Agreed, customer service is a bit of an enigma to VF, little or no concept of what constitutes excellent customer experience/satisfaction/service.
However that aside, there is the good and bad news, the good news is your phone is unlocked with self ownership, the bad news, that you appear to be in a contract with VF.
Time to port your number to a more reliable provider and one that has slightly more respect to the customer.
As you have complained to VF and apparently have not reached any satisfactory result why not contact the TIO?
VF have 10 working days to contact you and resolve the matter.
TIO details under the tab How To Complain at the top of the page, takes less than 10 minutes to complete their on line form.
Should you agree to mutually terminate your contract there is the potential to be away from VF before Xmas......... Moderation Team
However that aside, there is the good and bad news, the good news is your phone is unlocked with self ownership, the bad news, that you appear to be in a contract with VF.
Time to port your number to a more reliable provider and one that has slightly more respect to the customer.
As you have complained to VF and apparently have not reached any satisfactory result why not contact the TIO?
VF have 10 working days to contact you and resolve the matter.
TIO details under the tab How To Complain at the top of the page, takes less than 10 minutes to complete their on line form.
Should you agree to mutually terminate your contract there is the potential to be away from VF before Xmas......... Moderation Team
20180 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Brilliant at 3 Dec 2011 10:36:10 PM
Vodafone is the best carrier in Australia. Cheap, great service, great network and decent phones on offer. Have been with them for 13 years and not changing.
3 Dec 2011 10:41:16 PM: Good for you!!
A happy customer!! Moderation Team
A happy customer!! Moderation Team
10 Dec 2011 11:57:08 PM: They are also full of it... a paid Vodaphone staff member putting messages on Vodafail
20179 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Ridiculous! at 3 Dec 2011 09:26:53 PM
Vodafone upgraded my partner's phone to an iPhone 4 midway through the contract due to endless reception complaints to which Vodafone concluded was due to 'new upgrades being incompatible with iPhone 3.' Since then, the problem has become worse. We are 10 minutes outside of Brisbane CBD and calls drop out, text messages don't send/receive, internet doesnt load and the list goes on. Vodafone's excuse is always 'we're currently doing upgrades.'
More recently, Vodafone took an extra payment off my credit card when I paid the bill last week. Dispite the fact that we have bank records and their receipts, they are denying they received two payments and are refusing to credit my account. I have been waiting for 6 days for someone to call me after 'investigating' the issue and even though I call regularly to chase it up, all I ever receive is a promise for someone to call me back.
More recently, Vodafone took an extra payment off my credit card when I paid the bill last week. Dispite the fact that we have bank records and their receipts, they are denying they received two payments and are refusing to credit my account. I have been waiting for 6 days for someone to call me after 'investigating' the issue and even though I call regularly to chase it up, all I ever receive is a promise for someone to call me back.
3 Dec 2011 10:40:40 PM: Oh dear, not good by any stretch of the imagination and sadly we have read the same or similar stories concerning Vodafail.
Obviously you have tried to resolve the position with VF without success, the next step is to take the matter to the TIO.
The TIO on line form takes less than 10 minutes to complete but VF have 10 working days to contact you to resolve the matter to a mutually agreed and satisfactory conclusion.
The TIO contact details may be found at the top of the page under the How To Complain tab.
Suggest you take 10 minutes or less out of your day to initiate some action.
Good luck! Moderation Team
Obviously you have tried to resolve the position with VF without success, the next step is to take the matter to the TIO.
The TIO on line form takes less than 10 minutes to complete but VF have 10 working days to contact you to resolve the matter to a mutually agreed and satisfactory conclusion.
The TIO contact details may be found at the top of the page under the How To Complain tab.
Suggest you take 10 minutes or less out of your day to initiate some action.
Good luck! Moderation Team
20178 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Dishonest information at 3 Dec 2011 05:04:38 PM
I have requested to unlock my phone and have been told it will cost $25. Nothing was ever mentioned to me when I bought the phone. It is fraudulent to omit any information that may affect a customers choice. And charging a fee to unlock is a denial of customer free choice to switch between suppliers.
20177 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is lastlty at 3 Dec 2011 02:55:14 PM
when i get calls from international numbers the wrong number comes up...when i call back the person has never heard of me. the person who originally called has a completely different number!!!!
20176 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is what now? at 3 Dec 2011 02:52:36 PM
so i have been with voda for 9 years!!!
but often overseas..
lists of complains
roaming suddenly stopped working in montenegro. croatia, dubai, and fort lauderdale
could not recharge when credit expired
suddenly can't make calls...for 24 hours-the cost to me exorbitant!
can't have text messaging forwarding to new vodafone number
couldn't multimedia text even though voda said i could (internationally)
could not get a new sim card sent to me internationally after losing my phone...excuse was it is not possible to send internationally....been with them 9 YEARS!!!!!
lara the voicemail woman is rubbish often putting me through to the wrong department
despite working internationally cannot get a new hand set sent to me internationally -- what vodafone has never heard of airmail?
I'm done moving on....sick of there ineptitude and poor service
but often overseas..
lists of complains
roaming suddenly stopped working in montenegro. croatia, dubai, and fort lauderdale
could not recharge when credit expired
suddenly can't make calls...for 24 hours-the cost to me exorbitant!
can't have text messaging forwarding to new vodafone number
couldn't multimedia text even though voda said i could (internationally)
could not get a new sim card sent to me internationally after losing my phone...excuse was it is not possible to send internationally....been with them 9 YEARS!!!!!
lara the voicemail woman is rubbish often putting me through to the wrong department
despite working internationally cannot get a new hand set sent to me internationally -- what vodafone has never heard of airmail?
I'm done moving on....sick of there ineptitude and poor service
20175 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no internet coverage for a week at 3 Dec 2011 02:48:18 PM
i have had no internet coverage for a week and now i can't get help from tech support as their computers are out
20174 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no tech support available at 3 Dec 2011 02:45:26 PM
no tech support available as their computers have failed
20173 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No coverage at 3 Dec 2011 06:35:33 AM
I am sick of poor coverage, my wife and I both have vodafone contracts and we need our phones for business. This issue is getting worse the phone network is just not connecting or if we are on the phone we cannot be heard clearly by whoever we are talking to. This is not good enough!
20172 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is terible at 2 Dec 2011 05:30:35 PM
15 years of being with them, just renewed contract and they cant do any better then take 20$ of my bill for 4 months.
all the usual probs, no customer service, waiting for an aussie to apparently call me back, all i asked was 2 new iphones, so now its threats with the ombudsman when i do get in contact.
all the usual probs, no customer service, waiting for an aussie to apparently call me back, all i asked was 2 new iphones, so now its threats with the ombudsman when i do get in contact.
20171 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Epic at 2 Dec 2011 04:10:16 PM
Iphone 4S promised to be delivered today on my son's birthday. My wife waited at home all day. No contact from Vodafone. Tried contacting salesperson who had all calls going to messagebank. Vodafone support worse than useless. Tried to tell me that I placed an order for this in December 2010 (yes, an Iphone 4S). This after the usual being routed through many different overseas staff.
2 Dec 2011 04:12:04 PM: From VIC not ACT
20170 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 2 Dec 2011 03:10:31 PM
Tried to call my wife at home this afternoon. I switched to Telstra from Vodafone but she is under contract with them. Our house in approx 7km from the Melbourne CBD and her phone went straight to voicemail dispite being switched on. No coverage!
20169 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 2 Dec 2011 01:06:07 PM
After 24 months of no reception, call drops, no data connection etc with Vodafone I finally got out of my contract... easy?... not quite.
Apparently a system outage at Vodafone means that whilst Vodafone have cut off my number with them, they cannot release it to be ported over to Telstra... so I now have no phone at all and probably won't do for a week until Vodafone pull their finger out and fix their system.
One final slap in the face from Vodafone which about sums up their sheer incompetence. I cannot emphasise enough how much I really hope they go bust and have to pull out of the Australian market, they're a joke
Apparently a system outage at Vodafone means that whilst Vodafone have cut off my number with them, they cannot release it to be ported over to Telstra... so I now have no phone at all and probably won't do for a week until Vodafone pull their finger out and fix their system.
One final slap in the face from Vodafone which about sums up their sheer incompetence. I cannot emphasise enough how much I really hope they go bust and have to pull out of the Australian market, they're a joke
20168 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is entire victoria is outage at 2 Dec 2011 12:03:49 PM
the state of victoria is done.
1300 is ringing out. tried 5 times
i then used a special number i was given as a business customer and get through only to be told state was down major outage and knowone knew when service would be back up.
I entered into a 12 month contract yesterday and have been a customer for 13 straight years.
Thanks vodaphone. im off to Telstra to get a paid paid sim and will be sending you the invoice for chargeback.
1300 is ringing out. tried 5 times
i then used a special number i was given as a business customer and get through only to be told state was down major outage and knowone knew when service would be back up.
I entered into a 12 month contract yesterday and have been a customer for 13 straight years.
Thanks vodaphone. im off to Telstra to get a paid paid sim and will be sending you the invoice for chargeback.
2 Dec 2011 12:22:17 PM: why wait ring vf next week explain u want out & that u are going to speak to TIO, problem solved.
20167 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Super Fail at 2 Dec 2011 11:31:05 AM
I was forced to swap from 3 to Vodafail because apparently voda has better coverage and no charges for roaming, today I have no internet access and when I call customer help the keypad options rarely work and after 20 minutes of holding the guy who answers can't hear me so eventually hangs up, my friends can hear me but they can't. Absolutely pathetic as soon as they can hear me I will be demanding cancellation of the contract with no fees as obviously the coverage is not better as I was led to believe.
20166 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Fail with double F at 2 Dec 2011 11:23:11 AM
Dropped calls much, much to often
20165 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is It succeeds ONLY in failing at 1 Dec 2011 11:22:28 PM
i cant send picture messages.. well i can, but no one ever receives them.
Also my reception is absolutely appalling
Only another year to go before my contract expires, never going with voda again
Also my reception is absolutely appalling
Only another year to go before my contract expires, never going with voda again
2 Dec 2011 07:17:02 AM: Why wait? If you've had reception problems then you might be able to get out of your contract without paying the cancellation fee. File a complaint with Vodafone and if they don't listen then on to the TIO. Check out the 'how to complain' page for details. Moderation Team Moderation Team
20164 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is all downhill from here at 1 Dec 2011 09:32:19 PM
2 Dec 2011 09:45:22 AM: if we dont double bill how are we going to make money now everyone is leaving for the dark side
20163 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very very disappointing at 1 Dec 2011 09:22:10 PM
Since yesterday, I have been getting almost no signal at all. Initially I assumed it was because of my phone, or my location, because I have never had this issue... I have restarted my phone, moved around to see where I can get some signal at least. I have heard complaints over Vodafone but I had no reason (yet) to complain - I thought Vodafone has been quite good to me.
I have been a Vodafone customer for years, had prepaid and moved to postpaid as soon as I had a full time job. Finished my contract, and immediately signed up for another 24 months with TWO plans this time. I am not the type of person to complain straight away, but my signal issues are getting really frustrating now. I get a decent signal, I try to make a call and of course the signal is immediately lost! I'm in Sydney, how can I not have any signal?
Voda keeps promising better service and coverage but by the looks of it, they are just empty promises to us.
I have been a Vodafone customer for years, had prepaid and moved to postpaid as soon as I had a full time job. Finished my contract, and immediately signed up for another 24 months with TWO plans this time. I am not the type of person to complain straight away, but my signal issues are getting really frustrating now. I get a decent signal, I try to make a call and of course the signal is immediately lost! I'm in Sydney, how can I not have any signal?
Voda keeps promising better service and coverage but by the looks of it, they are just empty promises to us.
2 Dec 2011 09:52:14 AM:
20162 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% FAIL! at 1 Dec 2011 08:48:14 PM
I'm about to give this company away. They used to be a good company once upon a time and were a great alternative to the other telcos.
First of all there were problems with the reception - my bill has doubled when I had to resend test messages. Now there is supposed reception when there is none - send a text message for it to freeze and not send when there is apparently full barred up reception on my phone. Now they tell me I need to ring them to pay my bill. Funny how they can find me with a bill but I can't pay it. This is the second month.
I've lost patience finally as I have to use work time tomorrow to ring them. I don't have time to sit on the phone waiting for them to sort out my account. I've been a customer for a long time.
Pity they didn't learn from their recent mistakes with the privacy issues and listen to their customers as well.
Think I will check out someone else. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
First of all there were problems with the reception - my bill has doubled when I had to resend test messages. Now there is supposed reception when there is none - send a text message for it to freeze and not send when there is apparently full barred up reception on my phone. Now they tell me I need to ring them to pay my bill. Funny how they can find me with a bill but I can't pay it. This is the second month.
I've lost patience finally as I have to use work time tomorrow to ring them. I don't have time to sit on the phone waiting for them to sort out my account. I've been a customer for a long time.
Pity they didn't learn from their recent mistakes with the privacy issues and listen to their customers as well.
Think I will check out someone else. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
20157 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is signal is not in the ground floor at 1 Dec 2011 08:11:44 PM
signal is not in the ground floor
20156 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 1 Dec 2011 07:58:33 PM
signal drops out constantly
20155 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is appalling accounts at 1 Dec 2011 06:50:36 PM
signed a new contract in Sept 2011 took an offer which icluded a Samsung Galaxy at no charge,lo and behold in November an account for over $200 in excess charges comes to my attention.
further enquiry reveals the account had not been upgraded,i furnished the details
of the contact and lo and behold they amended the account including excess charges
plus a bill for the handset.
yes i have lodged a complint with the TIO, tonite i spoke to the third account supervisor who assured me it would be resolved,i also requested the automatic debiting of my account would cease.
around 20 years as a customer its disgracefull ,its like authorised theft,i thought i would give them another chance--but its the last chance finished,finito i am looking to have the contract rescinded so i can move to another provider asap
further enquiry reveals the account had not been upgraded,i furnished the details
of the contact and lo and behold they amended the account including excess charges
plus a bill for the handset.
yes i have lodged a complint with the TIO, tonite i spoke to the third account supervisor who assured me it would be resolved,i also requested the automatic debiting of my account would cease.
around 20 years as a customer its disgracefull ,its like authorised theft,i thought i would give them another chance--but its the last chance finished,finito i am looking to have the contract rescinded so i can move to another provider asap
2 Dec 2011 07:15:48 AM: What a terrible experience! All the best with a new provider, maybe Vodafone will listen when more long time customers start leaving. Moderation Team Moderation Team
20152 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Mobile tv has failed! supprised, nope at 1 Dec 2011 01:39:50 PM
start of the cricket season today (1/12/11) accessed my mobile tv subscription to view cricket as promissed by vodafone (major sponser of aus cricket) and to my supprise, they are having technical difficulties and no cricket to watch.
1 Dec 2011 02:25:01 PM: that surprised you? lol
20150 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is uber fail at 1 Dec 2011 11:26:07 AM
I have the Samsung Galaxy S2, crowned best smartphone / smartphone of the year by many magazines and tech sites.. its been brought down to its knees thanks to Vodafone. 3G performance is rotten. Live in Fitzroy, work in Docklands.. both area suffers from 3G dropout. Even Melbourne CBD has few blank spots. Worst of all, because the phone constantly hunts for signals, battery life has suffered. I only have another 12 months to go and then off to the big T with its extortionate pricing.. but I guess, you get what you paid for!
3 Dec 2011 02:35:52 PM: I admit I have the same probs with the battery life and hunting but scrap the samsung software. it's crap. My bf is in IT and he downloaded the android software onto it and the battery life lasts longer. Don't ask me why, I am not IT minded. It worked for my Galaxy 1 and he has done the same now for my Galaxy 2. It will help. trust me. Good luck :o)
20149 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is its extremely bad at 1 Dec 2011 10:51:51 AM
i never been in the mess like this one hey i cant belive it they running a phone net work
20148 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very bad at 1 Dec 2011 10:40:47 AM
i am in big mess then i ever been in my life
20147 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Big fail at 1 Dec 2011 08:39:52 AM
attended the Queenscliff Music Festival on the weekend, which is just 100 km from Melbourne (30 km from Geelong) with a significant residential population. Either one bar or nil coverage (mostly no coverage) which was hugely frustrating. How can Vodafone claim 94% coverage of the Australian population when they don't work in populated areas like this, and most of far North Qld outside of cairns an a couple of other cities?
20146 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is TOTAL at 1 Dec 2011 08:22:04 AM
After waiting a month for my phone upgrade I was finally ready to recieve my handset today as was told to me on the 24th. A quick call to vodafone this morning to determine when to expect my phone and Once again Vodafone has stuffed me around. I have been told it will take another 2 weeks to recieve. I have cancelled the upgrade finally. This will be the last time I will be with Vodafail, only 1 month left to go on my previous contract.
20145 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is will the new cricket service work at 1 Dec 2011 07:44:26 AM
1 Dec 2011 09:10:14 AM: i am watching said cricket match as we speak, and despise the fact that it is polluted with vodafail logos.
1 Dec 2011 09:43:43 AM:
Thanks for the link, now displayed on the Facebook page located here: Moderation Team