Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
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11423 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is DUD at 9 Jan 2011 02:19:10 PM
Had an insurance claim rejected but claim was based on operators incorrect imput of microphone on the form yet it was the speaker that was broken so they didnt even assess the phone visually. The operator constantly asked me if i had dropped the phone to which i replyed no. After the claim was rejected I questioned the above and thay said the reason they asked about the dropping is that it was then easy to pass the claim. Now lieing to an insurance company is fraud so the insurance obudsman will be looking at this.
The shop went into renovations for 6 weeks the day my phone came back so I didnt have it for 9 weeks in total for them to not even look at it.
The last 6 months they have only gave me $550 worth of calls on my cap when I should get $900 when I questioned it they said they will only refund the overpaid the last 2 bills. How bout the 4 before that. This issue is with the Telecommunications obudsman.
Turns out that they technically own the phone and the warranty starts at the end of your 24mnth cap. So they introduced the new warranty thing for all phones purchased after a certain date as "goodwill" but it is actually the law catching up with them and their dodgyness.
The shop went into renovations for 6 weeks the day my phone came back so I didnt have it for 9 weeks in total for them to not even look at it.
The last 6 months they have only gave me $550 worth of calls on my cap when I should get $900 when I questioned it they said they will only refund the overpaid the last 2 bills. How bout the 4 before that. This issue is with the Telecommunications obudsman.
Turns out that they technically own the phone and the warranty starts at the end of your 24mnth cap. So they introduced the new warranty thing for all phones purchased after a certain date as "goodwill" but it is actually the law catching up with them and their dodgyness.
9 Jan 2011 03:06:05 PM: Wouldn't that be the insurance company and not Vodafone? Seems like the anger is miss directed.
10 Jan 2011 04:07:39 AM: Vodafone insurance, billed by vodafone, sold to me at the Vodafone shop by their agent, rejection letterhead had Vodafone on the top of it. Also READ 'this issue is at the insurance obudsman'.
11422 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is ridiculously at 9 Jan 2011 02:11:03 PM
I could not get reception in my home, in my car, in a shop, or within any structure whatsoever. I kept my phone beside a window in effort to still be able to receive and send calls and messages, at which point I'd have to hold my head extremely still beside that window when talking on it to avoid dropping out. I got facebook messages saying "I tried to call you but it said your phone was turned off" but it wasn't and I got no notification of the call attempt. Messages arrived to my phone sometimes DAYS after they were sent to me and some messages I sent out have NEVER arrived at their destination. And this newest story about the names, phone numbers and addresses of vodafone customers being able to be accessed over the internet scares me too because I put a lot of effort into keeping those details private due to my job. Surely someone can hold them responsible for this!
11421 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is certainly not brilliant! at 9 Jan 2011 02:10:17 PM
I've had my contract in place for 8 months. for 8 months I've had NO internet access through my iphone, unless hooked to my wifi at home, calls that drop out, and when I try and call Vodafone 1555... well lets just say I'm yet to be connected to the service centre.
I'm paying $79 a month for a glorified ipod and I'm not happy.
I've tried emailing them (which now seems to be unavailable!) and have never received a response.
I'm tired of Vodafone. But I can't even get through on 155 to try and get out of my contract.
I'm paying $79 a month for a glorified ipod and I'm not happy.
I've tried emailing them (which now seems to be unavailable!) and have never received a response.
I'm tired of Vodafone. But I can't even get through on 155 to try and get out of my contract.
11420 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Monstrosity at 9 Jan 2011 02:02:53 PM
After receiving a faulty phone and having returned it for repairs 3 times and waiting six weeks and many wasted hours traveling and dealing with vodafone, I finally got the phone changed. Since then they have over charged me by over $250 on my bills and charged me for services that I do not have.
I have spent over 72hrs on the phone with vodafone, many times with the call dropping out because of their coverage and continuous drop-outs, without even a courteous phone call back. They never write any notes about the calls or complaints or promises made, so the story needs to be explained in full every single phone call.
Previously I was on vodafone pre-paid and had 3-4bars of reception at my house for about a year. I then preceded to change to a plan and my reception went down to 0-1 bars if I'm lucky for the last 6 months. How is it that they can claim 98% coverage when I have only covered about 1% of Australia with my travels and only had reception about 40% of the time and even then, 50% of the time it is only on 1-2bars!
I have spent over 72hrs on the phone with vodafone, many times with the call dropping out because of their coverage and continuous drop-outs, without even a courteous phone call back. They never write any notes about the calls or complaints or promises made, so the story needs to be explained in full every single phone call.
Previously I was on vodafone pre-paid and had 3-4bars of reception at my house for about a year. I then preceded to change to a plan and my reception went down to 0-1 bars if I'm lucky for the last 6 months. How is it that they can claim 98% coverage when I have only covered about 1% of Australia with my travels and only had reception about 40% of the time and even then, 50% of the time it is only on 1-2bars!
11419 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very!!! at 9 Jan 2011 01:59:58 PM
i have been with vodafail for over 3 yrs now, and had nothing but problems with my internet and phone coverage!!! when i call them its the usual, there is nothing wrong with your service blah blah blah... i have also had 2 bills in a row with an extra $200 added to it, when i called up to see why i was told i used to much internet, after speaking to 4 different idiots there i was then informed it was a billing issue and they were aware of it, but yet neglected to inform all that had been affected! after arguing with a manager the 2nd time who basically told me t suck it up and pay the money i asked for a pay out figure and was put through a guy who told me the price, then proceeded to tell me that he had wiped my bill and gave me 8gb extra free of charge, YEAH GREAT, still beats the fact that i cannot use to internet in my own house when told "the new modem you are using is more compatible to the towers in your area" LIES LIES LIES, i have a tower 800m away from me and i get connection then lose after several mintues, i have to go outside and down the back corner of my yard to make a phone call... im sick of wasting my money monthly on a service i cant even use, and i pay 114 + 40 a month!!! after all the phone calls with complaints to them they still refuse to cancel my internet and phone without me owing anything, i deserve more then this voda and so does everyone else!!!
9 Jan 2011 02:33:28 PM: lodge a complain to telecommunication omburdsman...
11418 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is uberfail at 9 Jan 2011 01:58:36 PM
Yesterday i was out of coverage for 6 hours, but had not left home....Three used to be bad, but now since the vodafail buyout, it is tragic. will *gulp* be going to telstra once contract is up.
11417 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic at 9 Jan 2011 01:55:32 PM
I ordered a phone from the online store on the 16th NOVEMBER, they said they were in stock and I would receive it in 4 days. I never received the phone. I called Vodafone, waited on hold for an hour, and had a lady tell me "she didn't know, and maybe it will be there on Friday" I called again a week later and was given a consignment number for Australian Air Express, I called them the next day and was told that the phone was marked as "return to sender" on the computer and it never left the airport. I called Vodafone again, to be told that they didn't know why (after trying to prove that I never received the phone, that is), but he promised me it would be in my hands in no more than 5 business days. Those 5 days came and went, I called again, waited on hold again, told my story to 3 people again, and was again "Promised" that he would call me back in 48 hours with an answer as to where my phone had gone. Again, those hours came and went, I called again to be told that I would have to cancel my order and then re-order the phone.
I thought stuff that, I won't do anything....but a week later I got a f&*king bill from them, for $90!...I had opted for a direct debit option as payment! So of course I ring them up and again wait on hold for over 90 minutes, got passed on to 6 different people, and got talked into giving them one more chance,and my phone will come to me in a week, and that he had canceled the bill and direct debit order..... Its now been 2 weeks. My account is due to be debited on the 12th Jan, and I just know it will be.....
I cannot believe how they have f*&ked this up so many times. I find it very hard to keep cool everytime I ring, I know its not their personal fault, but they have no clue as to what you have been through, and to repeat your story to so many people. And them to have something go wrong EVERY time! It is somebodies fault....
I just want my contract terminated. I want to know that money isn't going to be taken out of my account, and I will stick with Optus.
This has been a balls up of epic proportions. I find it hard to figure out how ANYONE manages to get a vodafone phone, when they have screwed me over
about 8 times... F&#k you vodafone!
I thought stuff that, I won't do anything....but a week later I got a f&*king bill from them, for $90!...I had opted for a direct debit option as payment! So of course I ring them up and again wait on hold for over 90 minutes, got passed on to 6 different people, and got talked into giving them one more chance,and my phone will come to me in a week, and that he had canceled the bill and direct debit order..... Its now been 2 weeks. My account is due to be debited on the 12th Jan, and I just know it will be.....
I cannot believe how they have f*&ked this up so many times. I find it very hard to keep cool everytime I ring, I know its not their personal fault, but they have no clue as to what you have been through, and to repeat your story to so many people. And them to have something go wrong EVERY time! It is somebodies fault....
I just want my contract terminated. I want to know that money isn't going to be taken out of my account, and I will stick with Optus.
This has been a balls up of epic proportions. I find it hard to figure out how ANYONE manages to get a vodafone phone, when they have screwed me over
about 8 times... F&#k you vodafone!
11416 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is privacy and security at 9 Jan 2011 01:51:22 PM
Soon after Sun Herald reported leaks now I can put the missing part of the puzzle why I have been forced to change my loging details.
Till then Vodafone told me diffrent story which i have never believed anyaway.
Till then Vodafone told me diffrent story which i have never believed anyaway.
9 Jan 2011 02:01:31 PM: The myvodafone section of the website is completely seperate and unrelated to the breach the article refers to.
11415 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Telstra looks good at 9 Jan 2011 01:49:13 PM
Call cut out constantly. Promises of having fixed overcharges on your bill
only to find out they charge you anyway
only to find out they charge you anyway
11414 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Telstra is starting to look good at 9 Jan 2011 01:43:30 PM
I have been with vodafone for about five years, I am just back from holidays (Canberra to Toowoomba up the East Coast and back again by car). Largely no reception, no data, messages coming through anything up to a day late, emails coming through anything up to a day late. This includes many of the towns I passed through or stayed in, not just between towns.
Customer service is a joke and having to deal with Lara is a nightmare and more than enough reason to change carriers. I will be going in to speak with a real person at a vodafone outlet and working out how much time I have left on my contract on Monday.
Come on guys, you are quite happy to charge me 89 bucks a month for this, lift your game. Telstra is starting to look good again...
Customer service is a joke and having to deal with Lara is a nightmare and more than enough reason to change carriers. I will be going in to speak with a real person at a vodafone outlet and working out how much time I have left on my contract on Monday.
Come on guys, you are quite happy to charge me 89 bucks a month for this, lift your game. Telstra is starting to look good again...
11412 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Further to my fail at 9 Jan 2011 01:35:22 PM
Further to my post below (11409) the reason why I rang Vodafone customer service in the first place was because I would send a text and the recipient would get about half a dozen duplicates and I would get charged for every single one. I would also get up to 30 'reminder' texts a day to recharge. When I complained about that, the person said that 'it was the system there was nothing they could do.' Jesus Christ, well who designed the system? Robots from another planet?
11411 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is frustrating! at 9 Jan 2011 01:32:35 PM
I'm so sick of waiting on hold for over forty minutes every time I need to chat to customer care!
10 Jan 2011 03:58:37 PM: maybe if all of you stopped complaining and calling up to abuse the people who dont deserve it, there would be a smaller waiting time.
11410 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Quiet a fail at 9 Jan 2011 01:32:11 PM
Could not use phone from 30th Dec 10 to 4th Jan.
11409 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extreme fail at 9 Jan 2011 01:30:32 PM
Hello everyone,
I was a vodafone pre-paid customer for years until about 3 months ago when I switched to Optus. At one point with Vodafone, I spent over three hours a week (at over an hour each) on hold with 'customer service.' In one week, I was booted out of the queue by failed reception three times after being on hold for an hour. After that horror week I said 'F THIS' and switched to Optus. I haven't looked back. When you ring Optus, you actually get a person to talk to and I have never spent more than 2 minutes on hold. They also take the time (even up to 30-45min) to talk you through your issues and ring you back when they say they will. Vodafone is the biggest fail in history and I hope they go bankrupt NOW. God, they fail so hard.
I was a vodafone pre-paid customer for years until about 3 months ago when I switched to Optus. At one point with Vodafone, I spent over three hours a week (at over an hour each) on hold with 'customer service.' In one week, I was booted out of the queue by failed reception three times after being on hold for an hour. After that horror week I said 'F THIS' and switched to Optus. I haven't looked back. When you ring Optus, you actually get a person to talk to and I have never spent more than 2 minutes on hold. They also take the time (even up to 30-45min) to talk you through your issues and ring you back when they say they will. Vodafone is the biggest fail in history and I hope they go bankrupt NOW. God, they fail so hard.
10 Jan 2011 03:59:17 PM: thats because optus has no customers.
11408 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Death to Network and Billing at 9 Jan 2011 01:25:39 PM
I bought a new galaxy tab from vodafail website with an online exclusive plan, but I got billed $800 which was supposed to be in my cap. I called them and was on hold for atleast 3 hours and They promised me to call me back and its been three days but no calls yet.
The network is shit as. Never get more then 1 bar on my tab.
I want to kill myself for contracting with vodafone
The network is shit as. Never get more then 1 bar on my tab.
I want to kill myself for contracting with vodafone
11407 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 9 Jan 2011 01:22:39 PM
Just received a call back to my mobile after waiting 1hr for return call. Asked if I was paying for call, YES. Please call my landline, very sorry sir that number is not working, tries again, sorry sir still no dial tone etc. Please call my mobile then. Ring, Vodafone here, what is your concern? No internet coverage, no phone service, calls drop out, security breach?, Sorry sir that is a rumour, okay so can you explain my coverage issues? We need to check the setup of your Apple Iphone, tries landline again and it mysteriously works now :-( I explain that I have to use 2g to get any coverage for phone calls and it still drops out. Cannot connect to the internet, when I do it is that slow that sites/pages drop out. ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC. Well sir all we can do today is escalate this problem to check your area (home), what about where ever else this happens? should I call every time? I dont think so. I ask again re security breach and get transferred to customer care? haha wait time is 40+mins and no option of call back. Service? is ridiculous and after previous issues with Vodafail I should never have signed with them again. There certainly wont be a third time. Tried to send email via Vodafail's website and guess what? sorry to inform you that page is offline. No service, no customer care and no coverage, what the hell do they think we are paying for?
11406 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is useless since Three merged at 9 Jan 2011 01:20:27 PM
Vodafone had been great for me until they merged with Three. I had just left Three, but joined cause I had heard of the great customer service at Vodafone. At the start, even though there were some glitches (ie: Blackberry Storm), I was looked after and had ready access to a customer service rep who could help me.
My contract ends soon and that impression has steadily decreased. I lose reception in town, I leave a city and completely lose coverage, I spent 2 hours on hold recently, only to get transferred again.
I know where I won't be signing up with soon when my plan renews.
My contract ends soon and that impression has steadily decreased. I lose reception in town, I leave a city and completely lose coverage, I spent 2 hours on hold recently, only to get transferred again.
I know where I won't be signing up with soon when my plan renews.
11405 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is epic fail at 9 Jan 2011 01:20:22 PM
the two houses on either side of me an i have barely 1 bar of 2G reception let alone the supposed 3G we are meant to get in the middle of suburbs! 2 mins to the CBD & we get NO RECEPTION. I've been told from vodafone "tough luck you must be in a black spot" & have been told my only option is to buy a repeater station .
Calls repeatedly drop out, no matter wher i am or calls just dont connect.
Repeatedly i'll get disconnected from the network, albeit that im showing full reception & its only if i turn my phone off & on again (once i realise this has happened... several hours later) & then get all my voicemail & sms for the day.
ive been stuck in my contract for nearly two years & have had to put up with this for too long. my contract is up in 2 months & I AM OUTTA HERE!!!
Calls repeatedly drop out, no matter wher i am or calls just dont connect.
Repeatedly i'll get disconnected from the network, albeit that im showing full reception & its only if i turn my phone off & on again (once i realise this has happened... several hours later) & then get all my voicemail & sms for the day.
ive been stuck in my contract for nearly two years & have had to put up with this for too long. my contract is up in 2 months & I AM OUTTA HERE!!!
11404 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is I am sick of Vodafone at 9 Jan 2011 01:19:49 PM
All I want is a working service. I have been trying to contact vodafone for the past 2 months every time i call I have to wait for 40 minutes to be transfered so I give up. I have sent emails to them on facebook and twitter, I have sent comoplaints to the customer relations group via their website and also email still no call. not even an auto response. SO i have not raised it with the TIO hopefully they wil look into it. I am not going to start with the network problems and how I have to hang up and call 10 times for a 2 minute conversation, they are also over charging me, not fixing my bills and when they say they fixed it they dont. I JUST NEED HELP getting out of this contract so I can go to a more reliable company like Optus
11403 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is epic fail at 9 Jan 2011 01:18:27 PM
Vodafone assured me i would have awesome coverage but this doesn't seem the case. being from east Melbourne you would assume i get full metropolitan coverage but no. i get limited reception at home and at times i get no reception at houses of friends and family, not to mention messages and phone calls i've never received. now that im only 6 months into a 24 month contract im not keen on spending another year and a half with terrible service and with the chance of my private details leaked. is there any way of finding out if my details have been breached?
11401 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Catastrophuck. at 9 Jan 2011 01:13:34 PM
I live in a metro Brisbane suburb, and yet reception sits between 2 bars and zilch while at home(iPhone 3GS). Calls drop out and people on the other end often cant hear me. Texts are frequently undeliverable, MMS's generally turn up weeks late and sometimes not at all. The 3G data rate is atrocious, and I though I'm paying for 1GB of data, I'll often bail to my home wifi because the data is so SLOW. On top of all this, I see Voda's massive privacy fail in the news.
TLDR: NOT happy Jan!
TLDR: NOT happy Jan!
11400 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extremely at 9 Jan 2011 01:10:49 PM
I brought a month to month broadband data plan with a pocket wifi device from Vodafail and I've had problems with it ever since. it's just so frustrating. Everyday I try to connect but the device just keeps saying No Network or SMS Only. When it finally saids connected every time I try to browse a website it drops out saying No Network again. The longest continued connectivity I had with the Vodafail network is probably 1 hour. That's pathetic. I can't wait to move to another network.
11399 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Internet speed at 9 Jan 2011 01:10:17 PM
I signed up for mobile internet, to use on a visit to Qld.
It is so slow that I can't even download simple text emails.
I haven't been able to use this product and had to pay for a service from another provider.
It is so slow that I can't even download simple text emails.
I haven't been able to use this product and had to pay for a service from another provider.
11398 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very at 9 Jan 2011 01:06:33 PM
I have internet and phone plans with Vodaphone which constantly drops out. I was recently hounded for $312 which I had paid via their website 2-3 weeks prior to the hounding commencing. It makes me wonder how much I have been ripped off by Vodafone by paying my bill via the website (I am yet to investigate the past 4-5 months).
The icing on the cake is the recent security breaches that I have started seeking other providers, however believe that we will be slugged with full exit fees even though Vodafone's service is no longer of standard.
The icing on the cake is the recent security breaches that I have started seeking other providers, however believe that we will be slugged with full exit fees even though Vodafone's service is no longer of standard.
11397 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very much - fail at 9 Jan 2011 01:03:51 PM
Have been a Vodafone customer for just over a month. Experiencing many dropped calls, poor internet service (3G), delayed voicemails. Should have chosen another company.
11396 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is TRULY EPIC FAIL! at 9 Jan 2011 01:02:43 PM
poorest network coverage!!!! $69 cap plan with no service coverage on my phone.
thanks alot voda! thanks for the horrible service!
thanks alot voda! thanks for the horrible service!
11395 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is massive at 9 Jan 2011 01:01:20 PM
When I signed up to Vodafone I was told I would get coverage in country Victoria (4 hours west of Melbourne). To my surprise when I got back to my home town in the country, I had no service, infact the service was non-existent just 40 minutes out of Ballarat. This is so frustrating considering I'm always going into the country for work.
11394 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Dissapointing.. at 9 Jan 2011 12:58:16 PM
Look I am a vodafone employee and I recently read about a unkowm person claiming they work for vodafone stating "suck shit your the idiots that sign the contracts" I don't believe this is actually a vodafone employer as all of us here at casurina have contracts with vodafone and experience the same difficulties such as drop outs, reception, Internet issues, and customer care what u don't realize is that it's hard for us when u get angry at us when all we are licensed to do is sell you the phone! I personally if I know the phone is shit and heard bad about your suburb I will not sell! Because I am genuinely a nice person. But I am just stating for all of us at casurina we are sorry for the problems but there is nothing on our end we can do! Customer care drives me wild and even if I have a problem with my phone or contact I have to sit on the phone for hours too. but is a job and I have to do it to my best no matter the circumstances!
Yours sincerely vodafone employee casurina!
Yours sincerely vodafone employee casurina!
9 Jan 2011 01:03:50 PM: I definitely feel for your situation. The nature of this forum being anonymous is that we cannot be sure that anyone is who they say they are. It could be troublemakers, or disgruntled Voda employees. Clearly there is a wide spectrum of opinion within Voda itself. This website does stress again and again for customers to not take frustrations out on employees who are not responsible for the issues and cannot help much. I just hope people listen and also the higher ups at Voda get their act together to support both their employees and their customers.
9 Jan 2011 01:10:37 PM: Vodafone is not the best carrier for NT I have experienced this first hand each time I visit NT I have to take a different service provider, to stay in contact with WA.
9 Jan 2011 01:28:29 PM: I hope so too, but I am close with all the other girls that work here and all of them feel the same pain as we are all Voda customers as well as employees so they wouldn't wrote a statement like that! Our manager has lightly briefed us on the matters but we are still pretty oblivious to what's going on, and then I found this website. To be completely honest I was with opts before hand and not sticking up for my work place but I do get better reception with Voda!
Cas employee!
Cas employee!
11393 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Regret getting it at 9 Jan 2011 12:54:19 PM
Have not had a phone slower on the internet with 24/7 drop out whether on a call or on the internet. Inside my house using the phone is impossible.
11392 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Of the highest level at 9 Jan 2011 12:52:27 PM
My $59 cap plan costs me between $89-$150 per month due to the sub standard coverage the 3G network allows.
Why are we paying for their poor network coverage!?
THIS IS NOT THE 1980'S... Technology should not be this outdated and poorly maintained!
Why are we paying for their poor network coverage!?
THIS IS NOT THE 1980'S... Technology should not be this outdated and poorly maintained!
11391 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail Central at 9 Jan 2011 12:42:23 PM
I have the usual issues, limited coverage, limited 3G, drop out calls, and the most annoying, messages taking 12 hours to go through to people in the same suburb on the same fail network. Rang them up went through the coverage check and came back that I am in a low signal area. They gave me 3 months free access (which is good), even though I tried and tried for a release of contract, but since I moved house recently about 4 kms away I dont get out of my contract even though both addresses have less than average reception. Checking the coverage map on their website its says that basically my whole area is covered and that every part of sydney is covered, which is a complete lie, isn't there some kind of law against false advertising and misleading coverage maps that are nowhere near accurate??
11390 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 9 Jan 2011 12:39:07 PM
Was thinking about signing up for the class action... although they can probably just access my details online now like everyone else.
Vodafone is a joke.
Vodafone is a joke.
11389 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Pretty Bad at 9 Jan 2011 12:37:02 PM
Yep Vodafone suck bigtime. Living in Franklin (Gungahlin) my wife and I supposedly have full coverage. Well that be a lie. We both have iphone 3GS's and we are lucky to get 2 bars when outside the house and when inside it is a crap shoot between 1 bar and nothing at all. Have also experienced call dropouts, text message issues (eg: receiver gets them 6 hours after sending them, can't send them at all). My favourite was when we went to see Bon Jovi in Sydney and the SFS. Missle of Sydney and I couldn't get coverage. And.... don't get me started on the call centre. Bravo Vodafone, Bravo!!!!!
11388 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Needs to tidy up their act at 9 Jan 2011 12:34:05 PM
I would say that generally my past involvement with Vodafone has been good.
This appears to have changed in the last little while.
I've noticed that some calls drop out and some never come through at all.
I have friends who ask why I'm not taking their calls and then I check the missed call log on my phone to see that there are no missed calls.
I've also noticed in the last month or so that I'm being charged twice for sending the same message. I check the call details on Vodafone's website and it shows a message being sent at 11:38:40 & then at 11:38:42. I'm on a capped plan so EVERY duplicated message charge is coming off my call allowance.
It is a pity that Vodafone seems to have dropped the ball in some ways, my experience until now has been reasonable, or at the very least on par with the other carriers.
One last comment, please, please, please, send Lara on extended leave to a far away island, bring back a person who can answer the phone and who can help you.
This appears to have changed in the last little while.
I've noticed that some calls drop out and some never come through at all.
I have friends who ask why I'm not taking their calls and then I check the missed call log on my phone to see that there are no missed calls.
I've also noticed in the last month or so that I'm being charged twice for sending the same message. I check the call details on Vodafone's website and it shows a message being sent at 11:38:40 & then at 11:38:42. I'm on a capped plan so EVERY duplicated message charge is coming off my call allowance.
It is a pity that Vodafone seems to have dropped the ball in some ways, my experience until now has been reasonable, or at the very least on par with the other carriers.
One last comment, please, please, please, send Lara on extended leave to a far away island, bring back a person who can answer the phone and who can help you.
11387 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is majjjjooor FAIL at 9 Jan 2011 12:25:58 PM
this privacy breach....
it explains why i was receiving up to 5 calls a day from a dubai number who wanted to 'be my friend'.
wanting to know how the fuck they got my number. called day in day out for weeks it was only until my husband threatened to hunt them down that they stopped calling.
i researched the number on the internet and it is people trying to scam money and stealing phone numbers from such breaches like this.
going into the vodafone store tomorrow cause we all know if i call LARA will tell me as per usual its a 50 minute wait to speak to someone who doesnt even understand in fucken INDIA!!! hoping they will null and void my contract because of this major major fuck up.
hello optus...done telstra and now i have definitely done with vodafail.
it explains why i was receiving up to 5 calls a day from a dubai number who wanted to 'be my friend'.
wanting to know how the fuck they got my number. called day in day out for weeks it was only until my husband threatened to hunt them down that they stopped calling.
i researched the number on the internet and it is people trying to scam money and stealing phone numbers from such breaches like this.
going into the vodafone store tomorrow cause we all know if i call LARA will tell me as per usual its a 50 minute wait to speak to someone who doesnt even understand in fucken INDIA!!! hoping they will null and void my contract because of this major major fuck up.
hello optus...done telstra and now i have definitely done with vodafail.
9 Jan 2011 01:13:35 PM: My mum got a call a couple of days ago from someone pretending they were from the RSPCA but you could tell they weren't because he sounded really dodgy. Believe they got our number from vodafones breach
9 Jan 2011 04:31:17 PM: ridiculous
11386 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is BIG FAT FAIL! at 9 Jan 2011 12:22:17 PM
11385 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VERY FAIL! at 9 Jan 2011 12:19:47 PM
Mobile security outrage: private details accessible on net Natalie O'Brien
January 9, 2011
The personal details of millions of Vodafone customers, including their names, home addresses, driver's licence numbers and credit card details, have been publicly available on the internet in what is being described as an ''unbelievable'' lapse in security by the mobile phone giant.
This website is aware of criminal groups paying for the private information of some Vodafone customers to stand over them.
Other people have apparently obtained logins to check their spouses' communications.
Advertisement: Story continues below Personal details, accessible from any computer because they are kept on an internet site rather than on Vodafone's internal system, include which numbers a person has dialled or texted, plus from where and when.
The full extent of the privacy breach is unknown but this website has learnt that possibly thousands of people have logins that can be passed around and used by anyone to gain full access to the accounts of about 4 million Vodafone customers.
Professor Michael Fraser, the head of the Australian Communications Law Centre at the University of Technology, Sydney, said that it appeared to be a major breach of the company's privacy obligations and ''unbelievably slack security''.
''The fact you can look up anybody as easily as that seems to be a gross breach of privacy and resulting in an almost negligent exposure to criminal activity,'' said Professor Fraser, who also heads the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network.
A spokesman for Vodafone said yesterday the company had ordered an immediate investigation and review of security procedures.
''Customer information is accessed through a secure web portal, accessible to authorised employees and dealers via a secure login and password,'' he said.
''Any unauthorised access to the portal will be taken very seriously, and would constitute a breach of employment or dealer agreement and possibly a criminal offence.
''We will be conducting a thorough investigation of the matter with our internal security experts and will refer the matter to the Australian Federal Police if appropriate.''
He said all passwords would be reset, and training and other procedures would be reviewed.
The revelations come as Vodafone is facing potential lawsuits and widespread customer dissatisfaction with network access.
More than 9000 customers have joined a class action and the company has set up a number of taskforces to try to fix the problems.
In this new saga for Vodafone, dealers have revealed that they are frequently asked to do ''favours'' and to pass on their login details.
Because the customer database is not an intranet (internal company system) and instead on the internet, users with a password can log in to the portal from anywhere, then access any customer's information.
Vodafone retailers have said each store has a user name and password for the system. That access is shared by staff and every three months it is changed. Other mobile dealers who sell Vodafone products also get full access to the database.
Anyone with full access can look up a customer's bills and make changes to accounts. Limited access allows searching by name, which takes much longer and is more involved but can be just as effective when done correctly. ''It's scary stuff in the wrong hands,'' one dealer told this website.
Australian Privacy Commissioner Timothy Pilgrim said all organisations should take appropriate steps to secure the personal information of their customers or they risked breaching the Privacy Act.
''If an individual believes their privacy has been interfered with they should first contact the organisation responsible and if they are not satisfied with their response they can make a complaint to our office,'' Mr Pilgrim said.
He has backed the federal government's intention to give his office extra powers to impose penalties should he find a breach of the act.
Mobile security outrage: private details accessible on net Natalie O'Brien
January 9, 2011
The personal details of millions of Vodafone customers, including their names, home addresses, driver's licence numbers and credit card details, have been publicly available on the internet in what is being described as an ''unbelievable'' lapse in security by the mobile phone giant.
This website is aware of criminal groups paying for the private information of some Vodafone customers to stand over them.
Other people have apparently obtained logins to check their spouses' communications.
Advertisement: Story continues below Personal details, accessible from any computer because they are kept on an internet site rather than on Vodafone's internal system, include which numbers a person has dialled or texted, plus from where and when.
The full extent of the privacy breach is unknown but this website has learnt that possibly thousands of people have logins that can be passed around and used by anyone to gain full access to the accounts of about 4 million Vodafone customers.
Professor Michael Fraser, the head of the Australian Communications Law Centre at the University of Technology, Sydney, said that it appeared to be a major breach of the company's privacy obligations and ''unbelievably slack security''.
''The fact you can look up anybody as easily as that seems to be a gross breach of privacy and resulting in an almost negligent exposure to criminal activity,'' said Professor Fraser, who also heads the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network.
A spokesman for Vodafone said yesterday the company had ordered an immediate investigation and review of security procedures.
''Customer information is accessed through a secure web portal, accessible to authorised employees and dealers via a secure login and password,'' he said.
''Any unauthorised access to the portal will be taken very seriously, and would constitute a breach of employment or dealer agreement and possibly a criminal offence.
''We will be conducting a thorough investigation of the matter with our internal security experts and will refer the matter to the Australian Federal Police if appropriate.''
He said all passwords would be reset, and training and other procedures would be reviewed.
The revelations come as Vodafone is facing potential lawsuits and widespread customer dissatisfaction with network access.
More than 9000 customers have joined a class action and the company has set up a number of taskforces to try to fix the problems.
In this new saga for Vodafone, dealers have revealed that they are frequently asked to do ''favours'' and to pass on their login details.
Because the customer database is not an intranet (internal company system) and instead on the internet, users with a password can log in to the portal from anywhere, then access any customer's information.
Vodafone retailers have said each store has a user name and password for the system. That access is shared by staff and every three months it is changed. Other mobile dealers who sell Vodafone products also get full access to the database.
Anyone with full access can look up a customer's bills and make changes to accounts. Limited access allows searching by name, which takes much longer and is more involved but can be just as effective when done correctly. ''It's scary stuff in the wrong hands,'' one dealer told this website.
Australian Privacy Commissioner Timothy Pilgrim said all organisations should take appropriate steps to secure the personal information of their customers or they risked breaching the Privacy Act.
''If an individual believes their privacy has been interfered with they should first contact the organisation responsible and if they are not satisfied with their response they can make a complaint to our office,'' Mr Pilgrim said.
He has backed the federal government's intention to give his office extra powers to impose penalties should he find a breach of the act.
11384 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is pretty fail at 9 Jan 2011 12:14:11 PM
I used to be a Voda Store Manager and when I worked for voda we used to get txt on our phones about stystems being down etc etc. I left the company 3 months ago and I am still receiving these txts. I know when the systems aren't working. This means that i could tell all my mates who have bad credit to go into a store when the systems are down and tell them to get a phone on a plan because voda will do that if they cant credit check you, give you a phone on a plan and then manually create the account if you decline. This info is for you guys so you know how shit their privacy is.
9 Jan 2011 12:15:20 PM: cont'd......i forgot to mention that I have contacted my Territory Manager about this but he still has not actioned this. Funny that when he used to rouse me if I missed an email out of the 20 that were sent per day!
9 Jan 2011 12:23:31 PM: I'm a store manager at Voda and obviously what your saying is a lie. When the system is down you can't gain access to the system, so how can you get into the system and do a credit check if you can't even get into it? Your either lying or your not a store manager. We also don't get txts saying the system is down, it gets sent to to store email, and they block the stores from getting access to the system. Stupid stupid, like this website
9 Jan 2011 12:34:05 PM: I'm a Sales Consultant at Vodafone and my manager gets text messages when our system is down and we are asked to follow fall back procedure. I am sure she isn't lieing when she says she still gets messages from vodafone.
9 Jan 2011 12:39:37 PM: You obviously didn't read the msg properly. I get a txt telling me when the system is down. A credit check IS NOT performed on new customers if the system is down. Manual paperwork is done with all the cust details, time address, time at job, etc, the cust signs it and then it is put into the system. If it is declined when systems are up and running it is manually overturned. You are obviously a silly manager because you don't get the txt to your phone like all the other store managers about bulletins that have been posted, system issues, point of sale issues, high call volumes, unable to reach activations hotline, phones not working in stores etc. Go put it in V3 (or you might call it vodafone excellence still because you are so behind in the times) so you can get your updates and keep your staff up-to-date.
Here is a msg I received at the beginning of December:
02/12/2010 9:14 PM (yes, I got this at 9:14pm because WA are behind)
VF WA only: Please note,Due to Credit check issues on Siebel.We are currently on FALLBACK.Please follow the fallback procedure.
Xxxxx SSS
That is how the msg was written, word for word
Here is a msg I received at the beginning of December:
02/12/2010 9:14 PM (yes, I got this at 9:14pm because WA are behind)
VF WA only: Please note,Due to Credit check issues on Siebel.We are currently on FALLBACK.Please follow the fallback procedure.
Xxxxx SSS
That is how the msg was written, word for word
9 Jan 2011 12:41:41 PM: Voda store manager who says it is a lie probably doesnt get reception which is why they dont know what is going on lolololololol
9 Jan 2011 12:42:23 PM: I am a concerned customer unnecessarily worried about all things Vodafail and currently the fact that my personal details have potentially been exposed and are available to almost anyone to do as they wish!!! Thank goodness for sites like !!!!!!!
9 Jan 2011 12:45:33 PM: Nooooooo!!!!!! I won't be able to access Sieble from home now!!!!! Just kidding. I deleted the site when i quit the company 18 months ago. lucky customers that i am honest, definitely not others though
9 Jan 2011 01:03:50 PM: Thanks for telling us the truth ex V/F people.
I wish more staff or ex staff would blow the whistle on any shonky telco practices of this company.
I wish more staff or ex staff would blow the whistle on any shonky telco practices of this company.
9 Jan 2011 03:37:42 PM: to the 'store manager' who is accusing the other store manager of lieing. you are FULL OF SHIT!!!!! you do get those msg, my manager is always forwarding the msg to us when its her days off. you are probably from HR who has offered sweet F.A in support since this shit started. you all knew it too!!!! we had been telling you for months about the increase in complaints and you pushed our targets up. i have 3 job interviews over the next couple of weeks, i dont care if i get the one i dont really want i will take whatever i can get and leave. vodafone is a fucking joke. you can stick your 'Company Culture' you know where. the only culture is the culture set but the ass-lickers and sucker-upperers who back-stab everyone to get positions
16 Jan 2011 01:21:50 PM: Looks like Voodoofone hasn't been back to slime all over these posts.He is working diligently elsewhere, equally as detrimentally to Vodafone,bless him.
16 Jan 2011 06:48:13 PM: I'm wondering how you know who is posting what? Interesting.
16 Jan 2011 08:07:56 PM: I didn't, but a person consistantly claiming he is a Vodafone store manager,as if it's a big deal,and is full of bluster and bullsh!t- too coincidental.Unless this is standard operating procedure for Vodafone Store Managers. But, how do you know for sure that I'm the person that wrote that earlier? Interesting.
11383 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is miserable at 9 Jan 2011 12:08:38 PM
Vodafone-Hutchison Australia has been a mess the day both were merged and it has lost the plot,the mindset has been that they are now a big player in the market. They do not worry about customers' well beings.
The network can not hold connection, devices have become unsable, download speeds are not meaninful,now we are in trouble,all our personal information in the hands of unwanted people
They have all the call centres in Mumbai.
The network can not hold connection, devices have become unsable, download speeds are not meaninful,now we are in trouble,all our personal information in the hands of unwanted people
They have all the call centres in Mumbai.
9 Jan 2011 01:05:49 PM: So this means all our offshored personal information including credit card info is also in the hands of the Mumbai Bombay operators ? May God help us if this is true.
11382 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is very fail at 9 Jan 2011 12:01:16 PM
I recently upgraded my contract with vodafone to include a new nokia N8, being a place that doesn't have a vodafone store I upgarded over the phone, I was really impressed by the service...until I recieved my phone. As soon as it arrived I opened the box and tried to charge it, it wouldn't charge, so checked nokia website and found that the phone is faulty.
Next day I ring Vodafone @8am, after trying to explain what was happening, they transfer me to nokia, who say that vodafone needs to replace the phone, so I get transferred back to vodafone, after beiing on hold for 45 minutes, they then tell me that I have to take the phone into the vodafone store I brought it from, affter repeatly being told that there was NO vodafone store where I lived and the closest one was an 18 hour drive...they had to check before believing me...then they said I had to send the phone back first and they would chack it thenif it is faulty they would send a new one out...which would take 6 to 8 weeks????? What was i suppose to do during that time...not their problem.
Once I explained that what they wanted was not going to happen, and they needed to put me through to tech support so they could put a note on my account to send a new one out...2 1/2 hours on hold and the tech support guy tells me to turn the N8 off, remove the sim card and remove the battery...since my sim card was in my old phone and you can't remove the battery from the N8 I told him that this was impossible to do...another 45mins on hold while he checked that I was right and then told me to contact nokia, already done, and then he said that he couldn't help me and I would have to take it to a vodafone store....Finally after much discussion, he finally put a note on my account to send a replace phone and put me through to the account department to ensure everything was right to go...another 1hr on hold and then had to reexplain everything to the person on the other end.
So after three hours on the phone the problem was sorted...until having to wait another 3 weeks for my replacement phone to be sent out...because they don't process and orders for up to a week after it's been placed.
Even with the new phone, my calls still drop out, my voicemails are usually 3 to 4 days later and I'm lucky to get text messgaes within the week they are sent.
Next day I ring Vodafone @8am, after trying to explain what was happening, they transfer me to nokia, who say that vodafone needs to replace the phone, so I get transferred back to vodafone, after beiing on hold for 45 minutes, they then tell me that I have to take the phone into the vodafone store I brought it from, affter repeatly being told that there was NO vodafone store where I lived and the closest one was an 18 hour drive...they had to check before believing me...then they said I had to send the phone back first and they would chack it thenif it is faulty they would send a new one out...which would take 6 to 8 weeks????? What was i suppose to do during that time...not their problem.
Once I explained that what they wanted was not going to happen, and they needed to put me through to tech support so they could put a note on my account to send a new one out...2 1/2 hours on hold and the tech support guy tells me to turn the N8 off, remove the sim card and remove the battery...since my sim card was in my old phone and you can't remove the battery from the N8 I told him that this was impossible to do...another 45mins on hold while he checked that I was right and then told me to contact nokia, already done, and then he said that he couldn't help me and I would have to take it to a vodafone store....Finally after much discussion, he finally put a note on my account to send a replace phone and put me through to the account department to ensure everything was right to go...another 1hr on hold and then had to reexplain everything to the person on the other end.
So after three hours on the phone the problem was sorted...until having to wait another 3 weeks for my replacement phone to be sent out...because they don't process and orders for up to a week after it's been placed.
Even with the new phone, my calls still drop out, my voicemails are usually 3 to 4 days later and I'm lucky to get text messgaes within the week they are sent.
11381 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is I do not have the necessary degree in higher mathematics to be able to use figures to measure such phenomenal levels of ineptitude at 9 Jan 2011 12:01:05 PM
My problem is with 3 but then Vodaphone and 3 brag that they have been part of the same family for over a year now so you get the strength of both companies HAH!
My partner and I went to Thailand last year, we went into a 3 office to get our handsets unlocked so that we could use a local SIM while o/s. We specifically stated that we "did not want access to global roaming because it was too expensive" we had NOT ticked 'global roaming' on our respective contracts. My partner had her SIM stolen whilst in Phuket, we figured no biggie without global roaming it was useless o/s and we'd cancel when we got back to Oz. Wrong, 3 had activated global roaming DESPITE OUR REQUEST NOT TO! We got back to find over 250 calls to France and India and a bill for over $6000. 3s response? "we recognised the change in usage pattern and sent an sms to the number requesting identification but it was never answered" DUH! Wankers!
My partner and I went to Thailand last year, we went into a 3 office to get our handsets unlocked so that we could use a local SIM while o/s. We specifically stated that we "did not want access to global roaming because it was too expensive" we had NOT ticked 'global roaming' on our respective contracts. My partner had her SIM stolen whilst in Phuket, we figured no biggie without global roaming it was useless o/s and we'd cancel when we got back to Oz. Wrong, 3 had activated global roaming DESPITE OUR REQUEST NOT TO! We got back to find over 250 calls to France and India and a bill for over $6000. 3s response? "we recognised the change in usage pattern and sent an sms to the number requesting identification but it was never answered" DUH! Wankers!
16 Jan 2011 01:27:36 PM: So what have you done?Please tell us you didn't pay $6000 for THEIR mistake!
11380 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is is about useful as a chocolate teapot at 9 Jan 2011 11:59:58 AM
I signed up on a 2 year $29 cap about 6 months ago and pretty much only use it for calling and texting. I never exceded my $29 when I was on a pre pay but now every month it seems to be much more. Moan number 2 is due to lack of signal and connection, how can you possibly not have signal in the middle of the City. It's not exactly remote. Moan number 3 ... Terrible Customer Servie. Online bill wasn't working so needed a new password, after holding for 1/2 hour was told they would send through a new one via text, surprise surprise I never received it. The thought of trying to get back through to them just fills me with dread so I wont bother. If it wasn't going to cost me the earth to get out of the contract I would do it in a shot, unfortunately I'm stuck but will certainly NEVER re-sign with Vodafone ever again. Absolute CRAP!
11378 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is VODA IS THE WORST NETWORK at 9 Jan 2011 11:50:02 AM
NEVER SIGN TO VODAFONE I was called on tues to confirm that I would be home for a ph delivery friday and only to be told friday afternoon that the handset will not arrive until mon/tues. 4hours in total on hold to find out what was going on only to be offered a $30 credit and told they understand. BULLSH!T you work until 530am only to get up at 9am to wait for a handset that never arrives and then you will understand. i have had trouble time and time again with vodafone... recontracting, customer service, instore problems... NEVER AGAIN!!
11377 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is completely useless at 9 Jan 2011 11:44:56 AM
Hi I came to vodafone 5 months ago from telstra, what a mistake. Reception is pathetic and costs me business. At Dinner a few nights ago with friends sitting outside at Darling Harbour five people at the table on vodafone and not one of us could get a signal.VODAFAIL!!! After years with telstra on a $79 cap and never exceeding my usage, my vodafone bills are always over $100 up to $300. Admitedly I did add data to the package but only check a few emails each month and was assured by the ever so helpfull sales boy that I would never exceed my usage. yeah thanks mate.But maybe you should of told me up front that I'm billed in 1 minute blocks compared with 30 second blocks at Telstra
I am currently considering paying out the $1500 left on the contract and going back to Telstra,I will probably save money and have reception when I need it. Td
I am currently considering paying out the $1500 left on the contract and going back to Telstra,I will probably save money and have reception when I need it. Td
11376 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely at 9 Jan 2011 11:43:46 AM
I ahve only been with Vodafail for 12months with shithouse service broken promises, and now this breach of privacy...I am majorly pissed off and i dont want 2 friggin months free access i want out of my contract NOW.why would you want to stay with them if they have done this????
11375 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Half the service at 9 Jan 2011 11:42:01 AM
My phone loses reception so often it's not funny. I will not be renewing my contract with 3 again. They use to be much better before Vodafail took them over.
11374 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is has no customer service at 9 Jan 2011 11:38:54 AM
paid for a pre paid top up online through there website , it directed me to a pay pal account , never received the top up , took 2 trips to there store 4 phone calls to customer service with no help at all, ended up getting a refund thru pay pal 4 weeks later & cost me $1 to withdraw from pay pal , GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE VODAFONE, have since disconnected my internet connection, next will be my phone
9 Jan 2011 01:01:51 PM: Virgin has the same problem. Vouchers only work if you go to a store and pay cash for them.
11373 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is words can't comprehend at 9 Jan 2011 11:34:18 AM
After getting an i-phone 4 on a plan from vodafone I have had non-stop problems with it ranging from no reception to dead battery life, when I took it to the store that I purchased it from as its battery would no longer stand up for more than 3 hours when charged to 100% the woman informed me that it will take at the minimum 5 days for a new phone or my repaired phone to be returned to the store. This means that I will lose all of the information gained on my phone and I have only had this phone for less than a month. Until this is repaired I will not be paying my bill as I am not using the phone, I don't even have the phone! Vodafone's customer service is ridiculous and after being with another phone service provider I thought that service could not get much worse, apparently I was wrong.
11372 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Vodafone leaking private information about customers is a big FAIL at 9 Jan 2011 11:33:58 AM
I just heard and read that Vodafone customers banking details and other private info has been put onto a website so every THE personal details of millions of Vodafone customers, including their names, home addresses, driver's licence numbers and credit card details, have been publicly available on the internet in what is being described as an ''unbelievable'' lapse in security by the mobile phone can see.."" quoted from absolutely outrageous..I might cancel my contract. Criminals can get ur details and now purchase stuff without ur knowledge or even use confidential info as a leverage.
9 Jan 2011 05:20:27 PM: Actually the "website" is not available for general use. There is a login and password to access the secure site in which only dealers and stores have access to. Some store has passed on this information for people to log in. Today all passwords have been reset and they will be every 24 hrs. With credit card detals these are actually not displayed as they are ** out
20 Jan 2011 01:39:38 AM: So, now a crim has to get the new password everyday? Gee, I feel secure now.
11371 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is terrible at 9 Jan 2011 11:33:08 AM
i live in a central sydney suburb and find it extremely hard to contact friends on the same network and be contacted by them.
11368 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is RUDE! at 9 Jan 2011 11:22:09 AM
I had billing errors, which were obvious as it was directly debited from an account that always had enough funds - yet the bills would show that there are overdue bills that 'rolled over'. I rang and waited for about 45 minutes before i spoke to someone who admitted it was an error - but said it was rlated to the billing cycle so it will always appear on my paper bills that there are overdue bills, even though there werent. This was worrying because it looks bad on my future credut history. I visited my local VODAFONE store in Campbelltown MacArthur Square and an attitude laden guy offered no help to rectify the issue. Then a female took over the conversation and started yelling at me in front of all the customers. I couldnt believe i was being abused by a staff member!! I told her that ill be making a formal complaint about her yelling and she said "go ahead". I got home and made a complaint. This was recieved very empathically - but they never got back to me. In fact, they never got back to me after >1 month, despite telling me they will. Eventually, i decided to change to OPTUS (and they are much much better btw) and when i rang VODAFONE to cancel, they apologied and offered a $20 gift voucher! Really - you have to threaten to leave for them to take your complaint seriously. I took the $20 and left them anyway. They are deadbeat. There is a reason why their prices are lower - its because their service is inferior. Simple!
11367 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very fail at 9 Jan 2011 11:19:24 AM
Very upset with Vodafone as i can rarely send messages, picture messages are almost impossible to send, Almost every call of mine drops out which makes it even more frustrating because i got a new iphone 4 and i am getting angry at the horrible service that i cant even enjoy my phone anymore. The internet is extremely slow if i wanna use the internet i have to use a wifi, but in that situation a computer is almost always around so my phone seems to be useless with Vodafone.
10 Jan 2011 04:00:55 PM: Maybe it's because you got a shitty iphone4 and didn't listen to the retail person telling you that the HTC was much better. Watch this link and you'll realise your stupidity.
11366 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is An Epic Fail at 9 Jan 2011 11:18:57 AM
Well according to the young douche at my local vodafone store he gets reception where i live when he visits the area and its obviously my E71.... Ahhh no its not. Hardly any reception in my area with vodafone, optus telstra perfect or when the reception is at a moderate level i connect to my fb page its goes to nothing, the joys of vodafone. And then waking up this morning to read in the paper about leaked phone bills. Well i am waiting for the "call back" to get out of my contract and off to optus i go, definantly won't be telstra.
11365 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 9 Jan 2011 11:04:29 AM
11364 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Fails worst than the Australian Cricket Team at 9 Jan 2011 11:04:12 AM
I live in the north brisbane area (less than 5km from the city) and I hardly ever have full 3G service available. The service is never full in my house and most of the time I need to walk outside to have clear coverage on the phone.
When I stay with my g.f who lives 10km from the city it struggles to receive 1 bar of 3G and most of the time will be on 'edge'. How hard is it to received clear coverage? I travel frequently to the Sunshine Coast where I don't even bother going onto the Internet as the service there is extremely poor.
My most recent frustration was standing on a family members back deck in the stafford heights area during a phone interview and my phone dropped out twice, it's a complete joke! Now I read that Vodafone has been hacked and customers personal information is available!! How much longer can this go on for?
I sit here typing my vodafail experiences on telstra wifi as I don't think my Vodafone service will work for me :s
When I stay with my g.f who lives 10km from the city it struggles to receive 1 bar of 3G and most of the time will be on 'edge'. How hard is it to received clear coverage? I travel frequently to the Sunshine Coast where I don't even bother going onto the Internet as the service there is extremely poor.
My most recent frustration was standing on a family members back deck in the stafford heights area during a phone interview and my phone dropped out twice, it's a complete joke! Now I read that Vodafone has been hacked and customers personal information is available!! How much longer can this go on for?
I sit here typing my vodafail experiences on telstra wifi as I don't think my Vodafone service will work for me :s
11363 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Think class dunce at 9 Jan 2011 11:03:20 AM
I cant even login to My Vodaphone with 3 attempts with 3 different temporary passwords.
Even gave Lara a gobful but couldn't even phase her.
What a bunch of DROPKICKS !!!
This is my 2nd VODAFAIL whinge and i'm sure it won't be my last.
Can't wait to get out of this joke companies contract.
Even gave Lara a gobful but couldn't even phase her.
What a bunch of DROPKICKS !!!
This is my 2nd VODAFAIL whinge and i'm sure it won't be my last.
Can't wait to get out of this joke companies contract.
11362 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Was told there are no priblems at 9 Jan 2011 11:00:38 AM
I live on the central coast and since Xmas od 2010 i have been having network issues with vodaphone such as reception, internet usage etc.. I have rang vodafone to complain but was told " that there ARE NO network issues and that it must be my phone ( i have iphone4)... however when i went into a vodafone shop i was told that there are network issues and that hopefully problems will be resolved by febuary?...Now who's right a vodafone store or the vodafone support centre?
9 Jan 2011 12:19:07 PM: well considering the call centre is in india, the call centre is right!!
11361 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is What a joke at 9 Jan 2011 10:51:57 AM
My msgs either take 10 years to send or 10 years to receive,then I think it's quicker just to call but then theres no service on my fone, so basically I'm stuck with not a iPhone but a iPod touch cause thats all this fone is good for...might aswell give to the kids since they wanted the iPod touch..bloody stupid..
11360 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Hacked. Man in Middle attack. at 9 Jan 2011 10:48:23 AM
Fixed the mess due to a router. Don't have a LAN just a router that will let ONLY my two laptops connect to it, anyone else with a different MAC address is wasting their time. For a Man in the Middle attack to be successful, the ISP has to be conned into believing the hacker is me. I have to be conned into thinking I'm connecting to the ISP when really it is a hacker. Check if this is the case on the dos command prompt line or in a bash shell in linux type arp -a or arp -g. If any computers or IP's are there you don't recognise, you've been hacked.
11359 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Beyond Words at 9 Jan 2011 10:46:04 AM
Seen the media release today on leaked client information?
9 Jan 2011 10:56:58 AM: Yeah i just read that... i wonder if that explains why my password to login online suddenly stopped working and my drivers licence number that i needed to use to reset it was suddenly wrong - every time i tried in the last month.
I intentionally made my account lock me out by putting the wrong details in until i have a spare 2 hours to spend on hold so i can get the details reset and changed.
I intentionally made my account lock me out by putting the wrong details in until i have a spare 2 hours to spend on hold so i can get the details reset and changed.
11358 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Really Fail at 9 Jan 2011 10:45:33 AM
I have a Vodafone contract for 24 months with an Iphone 3GS. I think I only have about 9 months to go on it now. Despite the fact that I get abysmal reception in major shopping centres such as Chermside at times, and cannot get receiption at my parents place in Brighton, because there is no issue with my reception at the place I reside when I signed up (Zillmere), I have no recourse to exit my contract. I tried to look up a web site when on the move yesterday, to no avail. Every time I unlock my phone after going for a drive, I just see "The mobile network is not available"... seriously not good enough guys. I have 1 gig of data a month, and anywhere I try to use it, it is unusable. People use their own wireless network at home, so kinda useless to use it there.
11357 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VERY fail at 9 Jan 2011 10:38:55 AM
My husband signed a contract for 24 months in April 2009 for a Blackberry Storm paying $79/month. The phone had to go back a few times for fixing. Until the last time, in middle 2010, it stopped texting. He called Vodafone many times and they always gave him the same procedure, after waiting for a long time. The customer service attendants could speak/understand proper English. One of the shops sent the phone to the repair service and wanted to charge him, even though the mobile was still under warranty. After many calls and weeks without texting, he finally got a new phone after saying he was going to put a formal complaint with RIO. These were like magical words. The new phone given to him was not a Blackberry Storm, it was a very cheap model on a $19/month plan, while he still has to pay $79/month. If it is not enough during the last months his phone has been unable to make or receive calls when he is at home due to the poor service (we leave in the Eastern suburbs where should be good service according to Vodafone coverage area). I have found Vodafone extremely frustating! Never again!
11356 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Uber fail at 9 Jan 2011 10:34:13 AM
I only really noticed the drop outs and bad reception a few months ago and it has progressively gotten worse since. Unfortunately I dont think I have had a call this week that hasnt dropped out. I am constantly getting delayed messages, in fact last night I didnt get my friends msg till halfway through the dinner when she was sitting next to me!? People are apparently calling me but my phone does not ring and i dont get notifications till hours later.
I feel really bad for Vodafone, but enough is enough. They made a silly move to money grab and now it has come back to bite them.
my contract is up now so looks like i will be moving to another network :(
I feel really bad for Vodafone, but enough is enough. They made a silly move to money grab and now it has come back to bite them.
my contract is up now so looks like i will be moving to another network :(
11355 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Poor at 9 Jan 2011 10:31:16 AM
I carry a personal vodafone mobile and an optus work mobile in many areas of North Queensland. The service for both of them is fairly dismal once you leave any major town or city. I think web-sites like this are great to let these companies know that just because we don't chooos to live in a capital city our calls a re less important. The vodafone 'dropping out' issue seems to have improved lately.
11354 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Infinite at 9 Jan 2011 10:31:15 AM
Trying to terminate my vodafone contract, only to realise that you need to go through 3 call centers and are placed on hold in a cue at all three! Wait time has exceeded 2 hours, and still waiting for the 2nd call center to answer! I assume this is a ploy by vodafone to force you to wait out your contract.
11353 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very fail!! at 9 Jan 2011 10:28:14 AM
Can't get reception half the day, missed calls, drop outs...the list goes on
11352 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 9 Jan 2011 10:26:38 AM
My husband who lives in country Queensland where there is no Vodaphone coverage asked me to disconnect his service. This was back at the end of September 2010. On Monday 27th September 2010 I tried phoning Vodaphone and spent half an hour just hanging on hold. I then got on line and the only place I could find to contact Vodaphone was their technical support team. So I sent them an email and they sent me an email back telling me that someone would get back to me with reference to my "enquiry". So far no one has contacted me over this. A few weeks later I rang another number which connected me to Vodaphones call centre in India. The Indian man I spoke to said they could not help me because they needed my husband to ring them which he is unable to do. Before he left to go to Queensland we rang Vodaphone and he put me on the account so that I could be his voice as it were. I have the password and the accounts were paid by cheque with my name on them. For this organisation to flatly refuse to cancel the service because they cannot speak to my husband is ridiculous in light of the aforementioned intentions of my husband. I have not paid the last three bills and have no intention of doing so. I do not see why I should pay for something that is not needed anymore.
11350 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is criminal at 9 Jan 2011 10:21:30 AM
VODAFONE STAFF HAVE BEEN FOUND TO BE SELLING CUSTOMERS DETAILS TO CRIMINAL GROUPS! Good work Vodafone, way to win support. Story broke on ABC's website.
9 Jan 2011 10:30:50 AM: rumour
9 Jan 2011 11:49:53 AM: I do not think they have been selling to criminal groups.........!!!! That would be Corporate Suicide!!
10 Jan 2011 03:29:39 AM: Have they?
Name some names.
Otherwise you have unsubstantiated claims.
Name some names.
Otherwise you have unsubstantiated claims.
11349 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Slow Data and Call Quality at 9 Jan 2011 10:17:49 AM
I have experienced nothing but unusable slow data on my iphone 4, which is all over south east queensland. I am continually rebooting my phone in the hope it helps but never does. In some locations every attempt to call shows call fail, and has 4/5 bars of service. not good enough
11348 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is very at 9 Jan 2011 10:16:02 AM
messages are always late or will only send after i make a phone call. i cannot sit in my bedroom and maintain service for more then 30 minutes. having missed appointments and good partys thanks to a crap reception with i think is in breech of contract i am not happy
11347 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is monumental at 9 Jan 2011 10:11:19 AM
phone is absoultely useless, if you regularly have no service, in the middle of the metro area.... Im out asap.... Pains me to have to go to telstra or optus, but dont see any other choice :(
11346 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Big Fail at 9 Jan 2011 10:05:01 AM
Poor or no reception almost every where I go
11345 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Criminal at 9 Jan 2011 10:01:07 AM
Good to see that Vodafone is at least one thing: CONSISTENT. Now all of our records including credit card details, bank details and other identifying info of customers is readily accessible on the web to those that want to commit fraud, WHAT DOES ONE SAY HERE! Are they trying to make up for the lost income from call dropouts by charging for personal info to criminal organisations?
11344 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very fail at 9 Jan 2011 09:58:56 AM
very bad reception drain the battery I called them about two months ago and guy asked me to give an alternative number so I can trouble-shoot your mobile while talking to you using your land-line the guy never called me again. After two weeks I tried again to call Vodafone after hours of wait I managed to get through and complained about the reception problem and no one returned my call she apologized and after hours of troubleshooting she decided to send me an other sim card and I finally I received the new sim card and the reception is the same. Most of the time I get no reception at home. It only happened about 3 months ago. I used the network for about 4 years.
11343 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Disgusted at 9 Jan 2011 09:58:01 AM
Signed up for a 48 month vodafone plan in early december. Received the first bill a day or two later as they discussed with me in store. I had opted for the bills to be emailed. I go to pay the bill using their online billpay option, get all the way to the end of the procedure where i receive a pop up at the top of the page, sorry for the inconvenience but we're unable to process your request at this time and for me to call their 1555 number. So, as I am keen to pay my bill and not incur any late fees I dial this number, to be cut off repeatedly. I have gone through this entire process about 4 times now, and still haven't been able to pay my bill. Received a new one on top of that yesterday. I think I will be paying a store a visit as this is just ridiculous. I work hard for my money and can't afford to have it go towards late fees due to someone elses stuff up. Kristy
9 Jan 2011 10:14:16 AM: I've been printscreening these with the date and time showing on screen and saving to show I was trying to pay. You'd think the dic....ds would get the process whereby they get their income right! Nope. Shows you what morons they are.
9 Jan 2011 01:06:55 PM: Back again. I remember I fixed this issue by using BPay or Pay anyone in internet banking. This should be safer as using the bank's security setup. Had problems with doing this also, though other payments went through using Googles Chrome browser. I tried VFail payment again using Internet Explorer 8 and it went through.
11342 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic at 9 Jan 2011 09:57:33 AM
I constantly experience dropouts, failed calls, "can you hear me" calls, the need to reset my phone to get a signal, prompts that my network has disconnected and if I leave Sydney - I can't really use my phone at all. Combined with the recent article in the Sun Herald about user's personal information, including driver's license numbers and credit card details, being available over the internet to anyone with a Vodafone store password - I've had my fill of Vodafone.
I'm on an unlimited call plan, which is cheap for unlimited calls and is why I went on it, but it isn't cheap if you account for the fact I'm not receiving the service I contracted Vodafone to provide. I've lost numerous business calls, but thanks to other forms of technology have been able to get back in contact with clients and therefore probably haven't lost any business or suppliers as a result - just annoyed a few people. But I would like to cancel my contract without having to pay the cancellation fees. Which I think is only fair if they can't provide the contracted service or guarantee my personal information will remain secure.
I'm on an unlimited call plan, which is cheap for unlimited calls and is why I went on it, but it isn't cheap if you account for the fact I'm not receiving the service I contracted Vodafone to provide. I've lost numerous business calls, but thanks to other forms of technology have been able to get back in contact with clients and therefore probably haven't lost any business or suppliers as a result - just annoyed a few people. But I would like to cancel my contract without having to pay the cancellation fees. Which I think is only fair if they can't provide the contracted service or guarantee my personal information will remain secure.
9 Jan 2011 10:00:21 AM: Give the TIO a shout! Check out the 'How to complain' link at the top of the page for more information. They should be able to assist you out of your contract penalty free.
11341 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Frustating at 9 Jan 2011 09:55:40 AM
I am currently looking for a job, as I need to make lot of phone calls to recruitment agency went for the $69 VodaFone plan. But I have received complains from many caller that, they cant reach me by phone. So the whole purpose of my getting a vodafone was useless. I live just next to Melbourne CBD, I am wondering if I have network problem, imagine what will happen to people who are further away.
9 Jan 2011 10:27:10 PM: I lost out on jobs because like you, i applied online thru recruitment comanies and never heard anything back - so i call a couple to find out how my applications were going, only to be told they called me numerous times and couldnt get thru, hence the jobs were taken by someone else. I was with Vodafone at the time. I cant emhasise enough how much I detest them........
11339 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is insecure at 9 Jan 2011 09:52:47 AM
11338 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Painfully Fail at 9 Jan 2011 09:41:22 AM
I went on a 2 year contract with vodafone just over 12 months ago after being on pre-paid for a while but now wish that i hadn't done so. The amount of drop out calls & no service available i've experienced is just doing my head in. I've recently received another phone bill & was shocked to see the total that I owed, after further investigation into my bill I discovered that when vodafone had no coverage but latched onto a Telstra tower I am being charged for this. My call would drop-out & it would cost me a $1.14 to call that person back not once,twice three times but four times (work calls). So I think that Vodafone has more than made it's money out of me over the last 12 months. If I could cancel my contract right now I would do so quite happily. VERY FRUSTRATED & ANGRY at the moment to the point that I could just throw my phone out the darn window & think nothing of it. Thanks for nothing Vodafone
9 Jan 2011 09:54:55 AM: When in doubt, Give the TIO a shout! Check out the 'How to complain' link at the top of the page for more information. They should be able to assist you out of your contract penalty free.
11337 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Ridiculous at 9 Jan 2011 09:36:15 AM
I'm having trouble with my mobile phone reception namely where I work in a major Melbourne hospital.
Prior to using Just mobile (vodaphone) I was with Savvytel (also vodaphone) and I received reception where I work. However since I've switched to Just mobile (vodaphone) it does not receive any reception while I'm at work, with SMS being delayed as well.
This obviously doesn't make sense, however on a recent trip along the east coast of Victoria to Mallacoota. This was also evident as my husband's phone is with Savvytel (vodaphone) and in certain areas eg. Tambo, Foster, Cape Liptrap, my phone would only have emergency signal and his would have reception to dial out.
I have two different phones (Nokia and Siemens) and have tried them both at work. It also did not make a difference when I took out my sim card and put it in my husband's phone (Motorola) to see if I got any reception. So the phones are not an issue.
Having poor reception in an inner capital city location is ridiculous, regardless of what their map tells you
Prior to using Just mobile (vodaphone) I was with Savvytel (also vodaphone) and I received reception where I work. However since I've switched to Just mobile (vodaphone) it does not receive any reception while I'm at work, with SMS being delayed as well.
This obviously doesn't make sense, however on a recent trip along the east coast of Victoria to Mallacoota. This was also evident as my husband's phone is with Savvytel (vodaphone) and in certain areas eg. Tambo, Foster, Cape Liptrap, my phone would only have emergency signal and his would have reception to dial out.
I have two different phones (Nokia and Siemens) and have tried them both at work. It also did not make a difference when I took out my sim card and put it in my husband's phone (Motorola) to see if I got any reception. So the phones are not an issue.
Having poor reception in an inner capital city location is ridiculous, regardless of what their map tells you
11336 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is massive fail at 9 Jan 2011 09:28:49 AM
In May I signed a contract for $29 a month which gave me $150 calls and mobile broadband of 1GB. After several months of being under my usage capacity (I was only using 350-600mb of data and around $120 of phone, I received a bill for $220 stating that I had used 11GB of data although data usage on my laptop was saying only 350mb had been used. I rang to complain about this and after extensive wait times I was told that I must have used it or someone else has used it and that I must be downloading movies and music which I had not. I live by myself and am the sole user of my laptop. I got an itemised account and noticed the download times were when I was at work and that the downloads of up to 2GB at a time were being taken of my usage and that the computer was online for up to 5 hours at a time. After repeatedly telling my complaint to many different people at vodafone they took off the excess charge for that month and they told me to get my computer checked which I did and as I suspected my computer was fine and no downloads had occurred. I called them to tell them to check that my bill was not being combined with somebody elses bill and they said it hadnt. I stopped using my computer for a couple of weeks as I was scared this would happen again. Guess what? It happened again. The next month I was charged $227 with another 11GB of downloads! I checked the times of these domnload and again they occurred when I was at work and during the 2 weeks I didnt use my computer. Again I called to complain and they took the excess charge off the bill and gave me 1GB for free to use to monitor what was happening. Of course this was all used up and not by me. I was sent another excessive bill and by this stage I had had enough. I was sick of being put on hold, it interfered with my work, it caused me a lot of stress and sleepless nights. I finally called them and to told them I would call the TIO and consumer affairs and that I wanted my contract cancelled free of charge! Finally they cancelled my contract free of charge. The next month I got another bill texted to my mobile saying I owed -$11.00! Due on 15 January! It took me 3 days to get through as I kept getting a message saying too busy and to call back. Ridiculous! When I did get through I told them how can I be billed for a credit that they owe me $11.00! The customer service guy said that this was a goodwill gesture but I would not be getting the money as they had to put my account in credit to cancel the contract! How is this a goodwill gesture after what they put me through! I now have prepaid mobile broadband with another provider and have been using my computer a lot more than when I was with vodafone and am still going nowhere near 1GB a month! I do not use vodafone any more and never will again.
11335 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 9 Jan 2011 09:27:42 AM
Since I signed a contract in Nov 09 I have been getting nothing but utterless and poor aspects out of my service. My account is heavily screwed up with over $5000 of credits issued for Vodafone's billing issues where I have been billed incorrectly and billed by there internal system generating charges irralevant. Today is my billing cycle and I have just logged into my account and found a $742 bill - (totally incorrectly billed) as I am on the $99 unlimited plan. I cancelled a contract about 2 months ago and last months bill included DOUBLE the cancellation charge and now they are trying to bill me again. This is utterless as now I have to waste my time calling them - (being on hold, transferred between departments and explaining my frustration and then probably being promised by them that this will not happpen next month and seeing it reappear. I am sick and tired of Vodafone, I've always kept on my best impression to always be positive when issues do happen to my account and services but this is just getting out of control.
My bill summary for since Nov-09:
My payment summary since Nov-09:
As for reception wise I get one bar at work and then my phone will go to 'searching' then 'roaming' then followed by 3G and so on. As I am on call this is just super frustration and being informed by them that my work location has full 3G reception, I don't see this as the case. I've spoken to the iPhone team, replacted sim cards and tired different handsets but I still get the same old same old. Trying to use the internet on the train (Melbourne Metro) is also just disgusting just trying to update my Facebook status or check for notifications will just time out because my phone is constantely switching to roaming, 3G, searching and no service. Sometimes I need to put my phone into airplane mode just so I can get it to search for a 3G network.
I've contacted the TIO, I've contacted Vodafone and done everything to troubleshoot the issues they admit they didn't have until this site was open. I'm getting in loop holes and waste my time.
My bill summary for since Nov-09:
My payment summary since Nov-09:
As for reception wise I get one bar at work and then my phone will go to 'searching' then 'roaming' then followed by 3G and so on. As I am on call this is just super frustration and being informed by them that my work location has full 3G reception, I don't see this as the case. I've spoken to the iPhone team, replacted sim cards and tired different handsets but I still get the same old same old. Trying to use the internet on the train (Melbourne Metro) is also just disgusting just trying to update my Facebook status or check for notifications will just time out because my phone is constantely switching to roaming, 3G, searching and no service. Sometimes I need to put my phone into airplane mode just so I can get it to search for a 3G network.
I've contacted the TIO, I've contacted Vodafone and done everything to troubleshoot the issues they admit they didn't have until this site was open. I'm getting in loop holes and waste my time.
11334 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is ABSOLUTE at 9 Jan 2011 09:24:58 AM
In the ACT, Vodafone simply fails to work in any area where there is a dense number of people, shopping balls, business districts, etc. While you may have service bars - you simply don't get any ability to use data or make phone calls with calls routinely failing.
Absolutely crazy!
Absolutely crazy!
11333 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is disastrous!!!!!!!!!!! at 9 Jan 2011 09:23:19 AM
Is af the current V/F issues are not bad enough !
Now the breach of privacy and our personal details are leaked to who knows how many crims and identity thieves ? This is just extraordinary that Vodafail has such lax security around the privacy of OUR details. Add this privacy breach to the class action I say ! Federal Govenment agencies, what are you doing about this ?????
Here is a link to the V/F privacy policies.
Now the breach of privacy and our personal details are leaked to who knows how many crims and identity thieves ? This is just extraordinary that Vodafail has such lax security around the privacy of OUR details. Add this privacy breach to the class action I say ! Federal Govenment agencies, what are you doing about this ?????
Here is a link to the V/F privacy policies.
9 Jan 2011 09:26:23 AM: The question is what are you doing about this? Have you contacted the TIO to get out of your contract? The ACCC / Government are not going to act until you (and everyone else) start complaining. If you want to lodge a complaint to the TIO, check out the 'How To Complain' link at the top of the page.
11326 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is very at 9 Jan 2011 09:18:18 AM
spent hours trying to get through to customers service, then they billed me $700 for the pleasure of calling their number.
Also went on a road trip from Darwin to Adelaide, only had reception till 20km outside darwin, just within the town circle of Alic springs and Port Augusta and the same for Adelaide on Kangaroo Island there was none. Two other people one with Telstra and the other optus were more in reception than out of it and had reception on the island too. I was absolutly sickened, my partner alos has vodafone and she was also without reception so it definaltly was not the handsets
Also went on a road trip from Darwin to Adelaide, only had reception till 20km outside darwin, just within the town circle of Alic springs and Port Augusta and the same for Adelaide on Kangaroo Island there was none. Two other people one with Telstra and the other optus were more in reception than out of it and had reception on the island too. I was absolutly sickened, my partner alos has vodafone and she was also without reception so it definaltly was not the handsets
11325 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Inexplicably at 9 Jan 2011 09:16:57 AM
I am in the middle of moving house and now I need to change all of my credit card details and passwords due to their inexcusable data leak. Also months of poor reception dropped calls etc. but this pales into comparison to GIVING OUT MY CREDIT CARD DETAILS TO ANYONE WHO WANTS THEM!!!!!!
11323 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ULTRA-FAIL at 9 Jan 2011 09:13:35 AM
I was stupid enough to sign onto a 2yr mobile and internet contract last August - the new phone that came as part of the contract didnt work for the first 4 days and once it was figured out the back-office settings were incorrect, it only lasted for a further 5 weeks! A new phone - it is the worst product I have ever had the misfortune of using. When I tried to return it to Vodafone to be be fixed I was told I would not be given an interim replacement, so was expected to operate without any mobile until its was fixed - how long? Oh, maybe 3-4 weeks! When I asked for a new phone given the circumstances I was told I would have to pay outright for a new phone. This issue is amongst the phone cut-outs, text messages that aren't ever received and calls that never seem to come to my phone. I cant believe there is a further 1.5yrs left on my contract - and the latest SMH lead story that all our details inc personal addresses, licence and credit card details are now publicly available online for anyone to fraudulently to use. Vodafone is the worst company ever, should be bankrupted in payments to customers for the pain they have caused and never allowed to trade as a business in Australia again.
9 Jan 2011 09:18:39 AM: When in doubt, Give the TIO a shout! Check out the 'How to complain' link at the top of the page for more information :)
11322 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is All of them out of ten at 9 Jan 2011 09:11:46 AM
11321 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is PRETTY AWFUL at 9 Jan 2011 09:11:45 AM
I have just FINALLY spoken with someone about disconnecting my service - having gone elsewhere already. I'm told I still have to pay the full penalty nless I allow them to investigate whether I live in a low reception area. That would tip me into yet anotehr billing cycle - it takes about 72hrs - and then they will only waive the fee if my billing address is low. What about the rest of the state, including the neighbouring suburbs where I can't get recpetion in my brother's house? And what about the country areas I need to travel to for work where there is no reception? Apparaently they can't use any of those postcodes.
As for the news reports today about personal details being accessed - the fee is perhaps a small price to pay in the long run?
Now to switch my daughter's prepaid and we're completely FREEEEEEE.......
As for the news reports today about personal details being accessed - the fee is perhaps a small price to pay in the long run?
Now to switch my daughter's prepaid and we're completely FREEEEEEE.......
11320 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 9 Jan 2011 09:10:19 AM
Postcode 2106 Pittwater Area (Herbert Ave Newport). This is a known low signal area but it worked OK for 9 months on 3G. Now it mainly works on EDGE (GPRS). Thats OK as it was reliable but slow but it now switches between 3G and EDGE whilst working and drops out on the switch. The blue ball falls off and then you have to start again. It is very unreliable.
11317 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is absolutely at 9 Jan 2011 09:07:32 AM
my phone constantly has really bad connection i need to try about 3 times just to get hold of a number, even a home number and it will always cut off while im talking, always without fail no matter who it is i call or receive a call from, sometimes i dont even receive a message i have been sent, it never comes. i will be changing companies as soon as i can, i think people need to stop complaining and start changing then they will get the message loud and clear.
11316 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100 at 9 Jan 2011 09:06:12 AM
I am currently with the 3 Mobile service however i understand that 3 has been taken over by vodaphone. do i have a case here to get out of my contract? the service is absolutely terrible! please reply!
9 Jan 2011 09:06:42 AM: When in doubt, Give the TIO a shout! Check out the 'How to complain' link at the top of the page for more information :)
11315 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very at 9 Jan 2011 08:52:54 AM
I have have had a 3 phone foe years & ever since it was taken over by voda phone i cant get reception where i live & i used to be able to get it all the time, so i have asked about it & been ignored , i had to buy another phone. i have a heart condition & dont need this crap
11314 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is The worst ever !!!!! at 9 Jan 2011 08:50:27 AM
I want out of my contract. Poor service, and now my personal details on the web. I am sorry Vodafone, you do not deserve to operate in Australia.
9 Jan 2011 10:15:32 AM: Amen. Though I shudder about them operating in a third class economy.
20 Jan 2011 01:45:49 AM: It's our Underbelloids I worry about.No doubt they are completely without scruples- sort of like a telco- Underbellyfone.
11313 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is outraged at 9 Jan 2011 08:47:08 AM
if the latest news is true (vodafone and 'OUR' personal details available over the web) where do 'WE' leagaly stand ? can we exit our contracts due to this ? or are 'WE' trapped in contract while our personal details are there for everyone to see/use/abuse?
9 Jan 2011 08:57:17 AM: When in doubt, Give the TIO a shout! Check out the 'How to complain' link at the top of the page for more information :)
20 Jan 2011 01:47:19 AM: Even if you leave, they are required to keep your details for years.
11312 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Ultimate Fail at 9 Jan 2011 08:44:57 AM
Vodafone Security Breach... another fail... Hope I can get out of my contract.
11311 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is delayed voicemail and sms at 9 Jan 2011 08:40:14 AM
vociemails and sms arrive late by hours or days and at times not at all. Given I am applying for jobs at the moment this is unacceptable.
11310 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is delayed voicemail at 9 Jan 2011 08:38:53 AM
I constantly get voicemails several days after they ahve been left or NOT at all!
11308 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Apalling at 9 Jan 2011 08:34:50 AM
I was a loyal Vodafone customer for 14 years, even rung by them on numerous ocassions and told they considered me a 'VIP Customer' (what a joke), when late last year my automatic direct debit payment failed for the first time. I was away on holiday at the time and within 2 days they had completely barred my service. Even their Customer Service admitted I had an excellent payment record. It was the last straw for me and I finally gave up and have since switched carriers.
I also just couldn't stand 'Lara' anymore who could never understand what I wanted. And what security is it when you have to speak out loud all your private security PINs and codes for others around you to hear ? Management decisions by idiots. I won't even start on the endless unproductive calls I had to their Customer Service centre over the years.
Bye bye Vodafone, you deserve all the pain you're getting.
I also just couldn't stand 'Lara' anymore who could never understand what I wanted. And what security is it when you have to speak out loud all your private security PINs and codes for others around you to hear ? Management decisions by idiots. I won't even start on the endless unproductive calls I had to their Customer Service centre over the years.
Bye bye Vodafone, you deserve all the pain you're getting.
9 Jan 2011 10:17:15 AM: Lucky you for getting out. I'm certain that Lara only understands Hindi.
10 Jan 2011 09:24:07 AM: Be careful, I was chastised by people on this site for making "racist" comments when I mentioned the heavily Indian accented call centre staff. Anyway it's not Hindi Lara understands it's Urdu.
11307 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC at 9 Jan 2011 08:34:21 AM
An interesting article I found online this morning about Vodafail breaching customer privacy. Apparently its quite easty to obtain logins to access any Vodafone customers details and call lists!