Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
10524 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Unacceptable at 5 Jan 2011 10:49:32 AM
Poor mobile phone reception at home (south sydney) and at work (city) in particular. Call drop outs. Delayed texts and voice mail messages. Very frustrating and concerning.
Internet broadband at home very rarely connects, and when it does, maybe lasts a minute or two then drops out. Have had this problem for months, but it's getting progressively worse.
Lodged complaint with Vodafone yesterday. Was told there's an upgrade to the broadband in my home area next week. Investigations logged for mobile coverage issue at work and home, said they'll get back to me in 3 days. Totally frustrated and fed up!!
Internet broadband at home very rarely connects, and when it does, maybe lasts a minute or two then drops out. Have had this problem for months, but it's getting progressively worse.
Lodged complaint with Vodafone yesterday. Was told there's an upgrade to the broadband in my home area next week. Investigations logged for mobile coverage issue at work and home, said they'll get back to me in 3 days. Totally frustrated and fed up!!
10523 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 95% fail at 5 Jan 2011 10:48:59 AM
I have been a longterm customer of Vodafone - by longterm I mean 10yrs + .... and in that 10 plus years where do I begin?!
I cannot describe the frustration - the difficulties in communicating with a communications company!
I have had lost calls, dropped calls, sms messages that time out and don't go through ... or finally come through at 3.11 am (for some weird reason)... I've had no, limited or non-existent data or broadband - 3G is dodgy at the best of times, incorrect billing ... and the icing on the cake was when they refused to sell me a new fone (for my partner when he changed jobs) because I've paid my bills late (occassionally ... as a protest) because I was a "risky" customer ... they are fortunate enough to still have me as a customer only through my pig-headedness!
When you try to speak to a person ... you get the infuriating Lara .. (I hate Lara) ... and the cycle of "we're really busy at the moment ..."
It is not unusual to have wait times to customer service in excess of 45 minutes ... whereupon you get a call centre who has no idea of the problems, denies there is a problem, blames the customer/client, insists that you go through a stupid procedure to re-set your phone, and still have dropped calls, bad reception and overcharges on your bills at the end of it.
Trying to contact them with a complaint is a nightmare - trying to email them is even worse - I have a list of replies stating that my complaint has been dealt with ... it never was, and probably never will be!
Contrast this with a well known car insurance company that I had to deal with on New Years' Day .... less than 3 minutes ... TALKING TO A REAL PERSON ... had my claim sorted.
Vodafone is just good enough and apart from the class action - I think they should be investigated under the Trade Practices Act for false and misleading conduct ... and maybe we should get the ACCC involved too...
Constant misleading rubbish is all we get fed from Vodafone.
I cannot describe the frustration - the difficulties in communicating with a communications company!
I have had lost calls, dropped calls, sms messages that time out and don't go through ... or finally come through at 3.11 am (for some weird reason)... I've had no, limited or non-existent data or broadband - 3G is dodgy at the best of times, incorrect billing ... and the icing on the cake was when they refused to sell me a new fone (for my partner when he changed jobs) because I've paid my bills late (occassionally ... as a protest) because I was a "risky" customer ... they are fortunate enough to still have me as a customer only through my pig-headedness!
When you try to speak to a person ... you get the infuriating Lara .. (I hate Lara) ... and the cycle of "we're really busy at the moment ..."
It is not unusual to have wait times to customer service in excess of 45 minutes ... whereupon you get a call centre who has no idea of the problems, denies there is a problem, blames the customer/client, insists that you go through a stupid procedure to re-set your phone, and still have dropped calls, bad reception and overcharges on your bills at the end of it.
Trying to contact them with a complaint is a nightmare - trying to email them is even worse - I have a list of replies stating that my complaint has been dealt with ... it never was, and probably never will be!
Contrast this with a well known car insurance company that I had to deal with on New Years' Day .... less than 3 minutes ... TALKING TO A REAL PERSON ... had my claim sorted.
Vodafone is just good enough and apart from the class action - I think they should be investigated under the Trade Practices Act for false and misleading conduct ... and maybe we should get the ACCC involved too...
Constant misleading rubbish is all we get fed from Vodafone.
10522 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally at 5 Jan 2011 10:47:20 AM
I am so sick and tired of missed calls appearing when my iphone is switched on and right beside me! People are constantly texting me and I don't recived them and forget Voice Mail if it arrives its days late. I rarely attempt data usage out of the home on the 3G network as it simply drops out or says cannot contact server - at home I have Wi-fi (not vodafone). Sometimes my ipone simply goes blank when I'm talking or freezes requiring a re-boot (a couple of time per day)I've been with Vodafone since 2006 but have started researcing other carriers. I have attempted contact with Vodafone but in my experioece the customer service officers have not been interested in addressing the issues.
10521 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is THE WROST NETWORK IN AUSTRALIA!!!!!!!!!...PERIOD at 5 Jan 2011 10:46:36 AM
I was on Vodafone for one year, and let me tell you it was THE WORST NETWORK I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!! as soon as I went into a buliding i got NO SERVICE!!!!!!!!!!!!! when I went into the wollongong entertainment centre to watch an sporting event I had no service!!!! while everyone besides vodafone customers did!!!!! Vodafone is the worst network period!!!!! they are even behind on how much credit and data you have left!!!!! vodafone is 4 days behind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF VODAFONE!!!!!!! AS soon as I got out I went to telstra and it is 100000000000000000000000x better then VODAFONE HELL ANY OTHER PROVIDER IS BETTER THEN VODAFONE!!!!! I WILL NEVER EVER GO BACK TO VODAFONE I'M STAYING WITH TELSTRA ITS THE BEST NETWORK AND IT DOESN'T DO WHAT VODAFONE IS SOOOOOOOOO GOOD AT............LOSING RECEPTION EVERY 5 MINS AND AS SOON AS YOU WALK INTO A BUILDING YOU LOSE RECEPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VODAFONE IS THE WORST NETWORK IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!
10520 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ABSOLUTELY CRAP IS BEING TOO NICE at 5 Jan 2011 10:45:11 AM
hooray, finally i have ended my mobile phone & mobile broadband with VODAFONE....CANCELLED FOREVER......the day i cancelled all my stuff from VF......i was on hold for over 4 hours.......i was a long serving customer for over 10 years......not anymore & never again.....
10519 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 5 Jan 2011 10:41:43 AM
My letter to vodafone,
Dear Vodafone,
Just received another bill on time, thankyou for the one aspect of your services that appears to be running smoothly. Please find below some feedback on areas that you may look at improving:
1. I have no service: phone, data connection- nothing. I had this crazy expectation that if i had a phone I paid for, I could actually call people and they could call me. Thankyou vodafone for failing to deliver this basic service.
2. I called up to ask about said problem. I had another crazy idea Id be able to resolve the issue. I was again proven wrong by vodafone. After waiting 20 mins to speak to someone, and getting transferred I eventually had to hang up after 50 mins.
3. Dont think I made the above call on my own phone, god no. Cause guess what? Its faulty and I cant receive or make calls even if I do happen to be blessed with service for a few nanoseconds.
Happy new year vodafone. Id call you to wish you this in person, but, my phone wont work.
Dear Vodafone,
Just received another bill on time, thankyou for the one aspect of your services that appears to be running smoothly. Please find below some feedback on areas that you may look at improving:
1. I have no service: phone, data connection- nothing. I had this crazy expectation that if i had a phone I paid for, I could actually call people and they could call me. Thankyou vodafone for failing to deliver this basic service.
2. I called up to ask about said problem. I had another crazy idea Id be able to resolve the issue. I was again proven wrong by vodafone. After waiting 20 mins to speak to someone, and getting transferred I eventually had to hang up after 50 mins.
3. Dont think I made the above call on my own phone, god no. Cause guess what? Its faulty and I cant receive or make calls even if I do happen to be blessed with service for a few nanoseconds.
Happy new year vodafone. Id call you to wish you this in person, but, my phone wont work.
10518 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Not happy at all at 5 Jan 2011 10:40:28 AM
I have been fortunate that Vodafone cancelled my broadband account without any cancellation fees and now in the process of returning the dodgy USB. All good there..
HOWEVER... my mobile contract is still up in the air thanks to the dodgy service I have been receiving. I lodged a complaint with Vodafone about the coverage only to receive the automated response. It looks like I live outside of the Vodafone coverage area (despite the consultants arguing with me about the reception in my area)thanks to the coverage map on this site. The complaint has now gone to the TIO for resolution but meanwhile I am stuck with a horrible phone service :(
HOWEVER... my mobile contract is still up in the air thanks to the dodgy service I have been receiving. I lodged a complaint with Vodafone about the coverage only to receive the automated response. It looks like I live outside of the Vodafone coverage area (despite the consultants arguing with me about the reception in my area)thanks to the coverage map on this site. The complaint has now gone to the TIO for resolution but meanwhile I am stuck with a horrible phone service :(
10517 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Continual at 5 Jan 2011 10:34:18 AM
Regularly get missed call messages and SMS messages up to 24 hours late. Also suspect that many don't get through at all.
Extremely frustrated by dozens of automated calls from Vodafone that hangs up as soon as I answer.
All pales to insignificance compared to the disaster that is Vodafone mobile broadband.
Extremely frustrated by dozens of automated calls from Vodafone that hangs up as soon as I answer.
All pales to insignificance compared to the disaster that is Vodafone mobile broadband.
10516 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Continually at 5 Jan 2011 10:27:54 AM
Some days mobile broadband is almost unusable. Regularly logs me off mid session, sometimes within seconds of logging on. Only fix offered by the nohelp line (average waiting time 40 minutes) is to uninstall, re-install and download updated software. So far I have had to do this somewhere between 30 and 50 times in 12 months. Can't wait to get away from this sham of a company. In spite of claims, no network coverage for phone or broadband east of Northam or west of Kalgoorlie (WA).
10515 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 5 Jan 2011 10:26:30 AM
I've had three different handsets over the last 18 months and experienced sparodic of calls going straight to voicemail without the the phone ringing. Where this occurred, I was in the metropolitan area with full reception.
10514 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is FAILURE 360 at 5 Jan 2011 10:26:16 AM
Phone drops out every 5minutes while Im talking to someone, poor reception alot of places I travel too... Internet slow and poor server, vodafone really bad on BLACKBERRY PHONES! I have not lasted more than 10minutes on the phone without it cutting out! Call fails numerous times just problem after problem after problem.
10513 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 5 Jan 2011 10:25:15 AM
Since July 2010 my calls drop out or no network . I cannot send pxt . So txt messages wont send and others arrive hours after being sent . I cant get any help from vodafone . Also hard to find someone i can understand .
10512 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is VERY at 5 Jan 2011 10:24:06 AM
ok so ive only been with Vodafail since the 22nd of November 2010... first they tried to put me on the 35 dollar cap of unlimited sms calls etc... and failed to tell me i had to pay 150 bux upfront... so i said no thank ill just go on the 49 dollar cap... everything was sweet... told me to wait 24 hours for them to activate my si...m... this was on a thursday night.. friday came along... still wasnt activated... tried to call was on hold for an hour got pissed off and hung up... waited until monday... still wasnt connected... rang them up was on hold for 40 mins... they told me "your account number doesnt match with 3's you have to ring 3 and get it" and i was like why the hell hasnt anybody rang me about this!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRR so angry.... so i rang 3 got the right number called Vodafail back... was on hold for ANOTHER 40 minutes... was really pissed off at this stage... gave them the number everything was sweet they activated my number... THEN i find out i can recieve picture messages... so i ring up again on hold again for 40 minutes or more... they activate that... everythings good.. then this whole no coverage bullshit starts!!! anyway my phone decides last night that it... wasnt going to turn on and wont charge... take it into the shop today told me "looks like its been dropped cant claim it on warranty" GRRR told them ive had nothing but problems with them and walked out... went to another store they put it in for repairs straight away... couldnt give me a replacement phone... so im using one i had... but still no reception and im so over it... after they repair my phone im gonna tell em to shove there contract up their arse and im going with Optus i think... and ill be claiming off them to seen as ive missed all phone calls i have recieved about job interviews... AND the first bill i get is 93 dollars instead of 49 and i wasnt informed that they charge double on the first bill... their customer service sux arse!!! and coz its christmas and all im broke and cant afford to pay them there 93 dollars
10511 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is so 90's at 5 Jan 2011 10:23:47 AM
dropped calls, delayed sms, poor reception, mysterious voicemails days later with no explanation. it's like using a mobile phone in 1995. Oh, and I HATE Lara.
10510 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Epic at 5 Jan 2011 10:22:32 AM
Have spent over three hours over three separate calls on hold. One of those calls was an hour and forty minutes before speaking to a human being. So much for the callback service - was never given the option.
Their support department has admitted that I have poor coverage indoors at both work and home, in spite of supposedly having "full" coverage at my home address. Tired of paying extortionate prices for lack of service.
However, if I do get out of my contract, what are my options? The alternatives aren't much better. Optus have poor performance in Melbourne, and their accounts department are clueless, and Telstra have an excellent network but the performance of their accounts department appears to be inversely proportional to the quality of their network, and their prices are now almost-extortionate, down from extortionate.
How depressing.
Their support department has admitted that I have poor coverage indoors at both work and home, in spite of supposedly having "full" coverage at my home address. Tired of paying extortionate prices for lack of service.
However, if I do get out of my contract, what are my options? The alternatives aren't much better. Optus have poor performance in Melbourne, and their accounts department are clueless, and Telstra have an excellent network but the performance of their accounts department appears to be inversely proportional to the quality of their network, and their prices are now almost-extortionate, down from extortionate.
How depressing.
10508 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Severe at 5 Jan 2011 10:19:30 AM
Still facing dropping calls and very slow data retrival, contacting customer care is more painful , have to wait more than an I am seeing 'No network' message frequently.
10507 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ifaillPhone at 5 Jan 2011 10:19:08 AM
Sometimes I get my voice messages 2 days later. When I have full coverage, I still can't make calls and people can't contact me.
10506 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is coverage in cbd and northern beaches patchy at best at 5 Jan 2011 10:18:46 AM
Building in North Sydney that had good coverage with 3 and same handset is rubbish with Vodafone. Coverage around Newport / monavale up to Palm beach complete crap. They need to combine the networks (3 and V) to improve coverage at least.
10505 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 5 Jan 2011 10:17:41 AM
I am a solicitor and have today sent the fourth piece of correspondence to Vodafone in relation to the same problems as everyone else. In the most recent letter (sent today) I have outlined all of the breaches of the trade practices act Vodafone has committed and advised them that I no longer recognise a legally binding contract between me and Vodafone and will no longer be using my mobile and no longer paying any account fees going forward.
5 Jan 2011 10:26:25 AM: can you post on here a copy of the letter; or a summary of the breaches for the assistance of other vodafone customers who want out if their service is unfit for purpose.
10504 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Network & Phone Dropouts at 5 Jan 2011 10:03:49 AM
I live in the Melbourne suburbs with a tower less than 100 metres away. My phone constantly drops out in the middle of a phone call and I have to call back the person again. I constantly loose network coverage for the internet and have to use my home wifi. Very interesting though I have spoken to a contractor that works for a company that repairs and looks after the towers for vodaphone and I asked him what was going on. He said They can only go and repair or do work on the towers and network when requested by vodaphone, which surprisingly they have not been asked to do. I have been haveing problems for the last 6 - 8 months. Not happy I can tell you.
10503 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is service at 5 Jan 2011 10:00:27 AM
10502 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very very fail at 5 Jan 2011 09:54:47 AM
I pay my account direct debit and there has been alot of times where they dont take it out they lrt it build up I am sick of vodafone and so are my frends as soon as our contract is up we wont be renewing our accounts
5 Jan 2011 02:30:44 PM: the same thing happened to me. the stopped taking it out of my account and the first I heard of it was a letter saying they were send my file to the debt collectors. I tried to call them to tell them what happened but they just said it was to late and it is not thier problem.
6 Jan 2011 01:07:03 PM: This happened to me too and I thought it must have been my fault but they didn't tell me and then there are the fees for late payments!!!
10501 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Network dropouts at 5 Jan 2011 09:54:42 AM
I have experienced a huge number of network dropouts in the Sunbury area late last year. At some stages I can't even make calls. It seems to go in phases. Most days are good, but then you get these days where you are speaking to someone and the phone keeps dropping off (up to a dozen time in one call) to the point of frustration. I drive regularly from Melbourne airport to sunburn regularly and at nearly the same point each time the phone drops off as well. Can't they switch tower without dropping off line. Very frustrating.
Recently both my wives and my phone would not even log onto the vodaphone network, so it's not a phone or location issue. I spent quite a while on the phone to try and get the problem resolved, but they tried to insist that it was an issue on my end. Typical!
Recently both my wives and my phone would not even log onto the vodaphone network, so it's not a phone or location issue. I spent quite a while on the phone to try and get the problem resolved, but they tried to insist that it was an issue on my end. Typical!
10500 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is big fail at 5 Jan 2011 09:53:17 AM
Everytime i ring someone my phone drops out after about 30-60 seconds and i must either ring people back or they ring me and we have a chance of dropping out at the 5 minute mark
10499 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Big fail at 5 Jan 2011 09:52:05 AM
Both my internet and phone are with vodafone, and im having major reception issues. People try to ring me when i am at home and cant get through to me as i am "unavailable or phone is switched off" Which i know is not the case.
10498 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 5 Jan 2011 09:48:51 AM
Yesterday afternoon, I made 4 calls to Vodafone customer care (1555) to raise my concern over my mobile phone reception coverage.
1st call - I used the key pad prompts but failed to find one that satisfied my complaint and so chose my account. I was then advised I would have to call back later as Lara had experienced a problem....
2nd call - I was on hold for over 30 minutes when my call was answered however my reception cut out and the call ended. I have really bad coverage in inner Sydney...
3rd call - I went through the options again and when I was placed on hold, the reception cut out again and my call ended.... steaming mad...
4th call - I am now home. I began calling Vodafone when I left work, One hour ago exactly. I have hung up the call at 18 minutes on hold.
I tried to go to thewebsite to ask someone to call ME and had sooo much trouble trying to find a way to contact vodafone directly! It seems they have put everything in place so that we solve our own problems instead of bothering THEM!
Their service levels have dropped, phone coverage has dropped, but my call charges haven't... I think it's a breach of contract.. LET ME OUT!!!
1st call - I used the key pad prompts but failed to find one that satisfied my complaint and so chose my account. I was then advised I would have to call back later as Lara had experienced a problem....
2nd call - I was on hold for over 30 minutes when my call was answered however my reception cut out and the call ended. I have really bad coverage in inner Sydney...
3rd call - I went through the options again and when I was placed on hold, the reception cut out again and my call ended.... steaming mad...
4th call - I am now home. I began calling Vodafone when I left work, One hour ago exactly. I have hung up the call at 18 minutes on hold.
I tried to go to thewebsite to ask someone to call ME and had sooo much trouble trying to find a way to contact vodafone directly! It seems they have put everything in place so that we solve our own problems instead of bothering THEM!
Their service levels have dropped, phone coverage has dropped, but my call charges haven't... I think it's a breach of contract.. LET ME OUT!!!
10497 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bad at 5 Jan 2011 09:40:58 AM
My new vodafone is not doing it's drops in and out within seconds..takes up to 5hrs at times to receive a msg..I wonder if I had an emergency and needed to call for help would vodofone actually respond my call to the appropriate people..this is a big worry
10496 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 100% at 5 Jan 2011 09:37:33 AM
It's a total failure but in our case it's not something we depend on. Briefly, my wife and I purchased a small notebook computer to use while travelling here and overseas. We have had two prepaid cards both of which expired without one use being able to be made of the facility. Despite hours on the phone to technical personnel and a number of visits to Vodaphone stores we have achieved absolutely nothing. The cost to us has not been great but the frustration and the time wasted has been significant.
10495 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Cannot supply change of plan or new phone as promised! at 5 Jan 2011 09:35:14 AM
10494 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is texts and v/mails not getting thru at 5 Jan 2011 09:35:02 AM
I'll keep this short because I'm fairly hot headed right now. Been having trouble with ALL vodafone services (sales, upgrades, instore staff, connections, data, phones, you name it) for the past 2 years. I've been patient. When NO texts that I sent over Christmas were received I calmly put it down to networks being over-run. 11 days later they still haven't been received. Neither have the v/mails I have left or apparently recieved. and NOW my future wife will not talk to me because I am an"uncaring and un-emotional (insert expletive)". Why??? Because I don't return her missed calls - that don't come through, and I don't reply to her texts - I do, they just aren't received. Oh and apparently I'm having an affair because I get texts from total strangers at all hours of the night. Really frustrated and really want Vodafone to sort itself out so I can go back to living a normal life.
10493 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 5 Jan 2011 09:19:03 AM
there isn't actually a tel-co in the world that doesn't have customers experiencing issues with coverage, usually about 3%-5% of customers, a small percentage, and would make sense nothing works perfect, in Vodafone's case 5% would equate to over 400 thousand people! Much more than registered for the class action and 400 x the amount of complaints here!
Think it needs to be put into perspective!
Think it needs to be put into perspective!
5 Jan 2011 09:22:44 AM: they are within the accepted industry failure rate for electronics products and services of 3 - 5% percent
5 Jan 2011 09:23:57 AM: Methinks another happy Vodafone employee............
5 Jan 2011 09:30:08 AM: Stupid Vodafone is stupid, Nuff said.
5 Jan 2011 09:30:52 AM: i actually work in electronic repairs and servicing for Toshiba.
All electronic products and services are allowed some failure, nothing is perfect!
All electronic products and services are allowed some failure, nothing is perfect!
5 Jan 2011 09:31:53 AM: Can't say I agree with you, over 10000 pains in 22 days,. Consider for a moment 1/ People may not know about this site........yet 2/ People may not be able to access this site.........thanks Vodafail 3/ There is always the silent majority, those who are happy to live with this mess..........until they get fed up with it 4/ See the stats at the bottom of the page...........
5 Jan 2011 09:36:01 AM: @ 5 Jan 2011 11:30:52 AM: (presumably the OP) I had a Tosh portable once, decent piece of kit, went wrong.........sent it to Tosh who repaired it FOC.......great stuff, well done, did not cost me a bean!!!! Why???? Because it was under guarantee or warranty for 12 months, imagine the same scenario with Vodafone..............people here has said from day 1 their mobiles have not worked and Vodafone have basically
5 Jan 2011 09:39:42 AM: the stats don't mean squat, there is not any kind of registration or accountability here, it is complete here say, yes there is 10,000 pains but is their really 10,000 different people, also comments are moderated out and the counter is not even adjusted, on this page alone there are almost 200 pains deleted out!
5 Jan 2011 09:42:43 AM: If you reckon taking a tosh portable to tosh to get fixed and it was so awesome, how does that rational work with the Vodafone example, surely by what your saying you would take your Nokia to Nokia, not to the Vodafone????
5 Jan 2011 09:45:21 AM: to the second last post'er agreed are there 10.000 pains here or just 1000 people complaining 10 times? No accountability if anything isn't helping the cause, none of these comments will do anything for the situation, they are right this is all here say? and it cant be proven any other way?
5 Jan 2011 09:49:24 AM: agreed there needs to be some sort of profiling here, so we can get a true and accurate figure of complaints
5 Jan 2011 10:01:13 AM: The number of posts displayed next the the locations at the top of this page is the number of posts that have not been moderated out. So there are over 10,000 now (number next to 'Everywhere'). From those 10,000 we know (based on their IP) that there are at least 7,500 posts from different IPs. There are also close to 100,000 different people who have visited this website so far.
It is true that all industries have a percentage of products that are defective. However it is the responsibility of the company selling the products to ensure the 3-5% that are faulty are replaced with non-faulty products. That is the main issue here. People have been complaining for a long time now and Vodafone still cannot provide a non-faulty product.
It is true that all industries have a percentage of products that are defective. However it is the responsibility of the company selling the products to ensure the 3-5% that are faulty are replaced with non-faulty products. That is the main issue here. People have been complaining for a long time now and Vodafone still cannot provide a non-faulty product.
5 Jan 2011 10:04:14 AM: @ 5 Jan 2011 11:42:43 AM, No I am not saying really is quite contract is with Vodafone...not Apple.......... not Nokia or any other handset manufacturers......... it is with I said........quite simple really.
5 Jan 2011 10:11:49 AM: @ 5 Jan 2011 11:39:42 AM: the reason that pains have been deleted is............Posting Rules and Moderation
Any post that does not discuss Vodafone (regardless of opinion) is considered as off topic for this forum and will be removed. Any posts that contain the contact information of Vodafone staff will also be removed. Please keep the discussion relevant and on topic.
Due to the high volume of comments we are receiving, we will not hesitate to block users or moderate any comments that: incite violence, are overly aggressive, include excessive profanity, are crude or appear to be spamming attempts. Thank you for your support...........It's in the big red box in red letters at the top of the page. Probably these post have been deleted for the very reasons outlined above.
Any post that does not discuss Vodafone (regardless of opinion) is considered as off topic for this forum and will be removed. Any posts that contain the contact information of Vodafone staff will also be removed. Please keep the discussion relevant and on topic.
Due to the high volume of comments we are receiving, we will not hesitate to block users or moderate any comments that: incite violence, are overly aggressive, include excessive profanity, are crude or appear to be spamming attempts. Thank you for your support...........It's in the big red box in red letters at the top of the page. Probably these post have been deleted for the very reasons outlined above.
5 Jan 2011 10:19:03 AM: Still doesn't make sense, unless Vodafone actually make phones?
5 Jan 2011 10:26:49 AM: @ 5 Jan 2011 12:19:03 PM Like I said it really is quite simple.........I say contract is with Vodafone..........not Nokia or anyone else.
5 Jan 2011 10:46:59 AM: Most people don't know about this site, nor do they post on this site. The 10000+ people that have posted would be a very large sample size and probably represents closer to 750,000 customers or something close to that number. The difference is at least we know this 10,000 are now aware that they are not alone, and will hopefully seek help from the TIO to get out of their contracts with the unreliable company.
5 Jan 2011 10:57:56 AM: Try and make it easier..........Yesterday on the way home I was caught in a traffic jam, probably 20 kms long all due to roadworks!!! Took me ages to get to my destination and I also missed several very important appointments. When I got eventually got home some 4 hours late I immediately contacted my car manufacturer (Nissan) to complain about the delays............get my drift now???????
5 Jan 2011 11:08:57 AM: @ 5 Jan 2011 11:39:42 AM: ................ on this page alone there are almost 200 pains deleted out!..............actually it is 2 pains deleted for very unpleasant language. Vodafail Mod.
5 Jan 2011 11:33:55 AM: ummm then how come for instance on the last three posts it goes 10524, then 10500, then 10499, after that is goes 10494 then 10493 then 10489 then 10489, 23 are missing in the first two post alone, that is more than 2, and its still all anonymous
5 Jan 2011 12:07:38 PM: thats just cause there is other states taking up the comments, would have to agree though its all anonymous and that's defiantly an issue!
6 Jan 2011 10:50:17 AM: Your point being?
10492 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is total fail at 5 Jan 2011 09:18:37 AM
its the same thing that happens all the time i get constent messages from vodafone saying thati hav insufficient funs wen i hav ova $50 credit, also i cant seem 2 hav enough reception wen i need it.
10491 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very bad at 5 Jan 2011 09:16:29 AM
l have 5 phones with vodaphone and they all fail when we call each other and we cannot connect to each other l sit on the landline to talk to customer service but l am on the line for 2hrs and l still do not get service l would like to go in the law suit as well because they say l cannot get out of my contacts with them because l still have 12 months to go but they will not help me
10490 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is poor at 5 Jan 2011 09:13:46 AM
Unable to use prepaid phone. Vodafone Staff tells me my account shows $50 credit(I agree) however when I try to use phone it says no credit available.Have been calling since 21st Dec and have been told to wait 5 - 7 days
10489 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is where do i start.... at 5 Jan 2011 09:02:42 AM
10488 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAIL at 5 Jan 2011 09:00:41 AM
I currently have wireless internet with VODAFAIL and it keeps dropping out, I have to disconect the modem and stick it back in every 20 min or so, its a joke, never had a problem with myother prividers. Half the time i can't even access the internet, its so shit
10487 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is billing fail at 5 Jan 2011 08:58:39 AM
Signed up with NRMA discount offer of "first 3 months free and $10 off per month after that" end of October/Early November. Unimpressed when the first bill arrived in december.
Logged a call on-line within days of receiving it, but heard nothing back.
Finally called after Christmas, and helpdeskdroid was suitably apologetic and said it was being fixed, and I would have an extra 10% off for my troubles.
This morning received SMS from vfone telling me bill is now overdue.
Called - well, with over 1/2 hr delay had them call me back - and nice helldeskdroid tried to help, but explained that the credits were not able to be applied to already issued (and now overdue) bills, and would not take effect until the next bill.
Technically this is a breach of the contract, as it was clearly stated that this would be the "first three bills", not "pay the first and then the next three free".
Logged a call on-line within days of receiving it, but heard nothing back.
Finally called after Christmas, and helpdeskdroid was suitably apologetic and said it was being fixed, and I would have an extra 10% off for my troubles.
This morning received SMS from vfone telling me bill is now overdue.
Called - well, with over 1/2 hr delay had them call me back - and nice helldeskdroid tried to help, but explained that the credits were not able to be applied to already issued (and now overdue) bills, and would not take effect until the next bill.
Technically this is a breach of the contract, as it was clearly stated that this would be the "first three bills", not "pay the first and then the next three free".
10486 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is total fail at 5 Jan 2011 08:58:22 AM
my wife calls me at work and within 30 seconds to call fades, i can't hear her then 10 seconds later to call is dropped. come on vodafone time to fix up to signal problems.
10485 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 5 Jan 2011 08:53:09 AM
I had no reception for 2 days. I went back to the store 4 times and they just kept changing my sim card, still it didn't work. In the end I got fed up and just waited it out. Im in the middle of the city for work, you think vodafone would at least get there City coverage sorted!....and lets not get into the work calls I missed during these two days! Also; I still had had to pay the full amount of my CAP plan even theough I had no phone service. Way to go with your customer care Vodafone.
10484 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is painful at 5 Jan 2011 08:42:44 AM
the network coverage is shit im only 100 meters away from a vodafone store where i got my new phone and i can't get coverage... not to mention my new phone is now not working and had to be sent away for repairs.... and i paid my first bill... after that i have not recived another bill it has been 4 months they have not called not texted not cut me off they don't want my money...
i left telstra because of there bad service now im with vodafone i get BAD SERVICE AND BAD COVERAGE is there a telco out there that will look after its customers??????? mabye we should all donate money and build owe own!!!!!!
i left telstra because of there bad service now im with vodafone i get BAD SERVICE AND BAD COVERAGE is there a telco out there that will look after its customers??????? mabye we should all donate money and build owe own!!!!!!
5 Jan 2011 09:09:15 AM: Have you validated your email address with them? Bills are by email, they send you an initial email which you need to validate so that they can confirm the email address for future bills.
10483 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 5 Jan 2011 08:32:23 AM
transact do need to life their game a bit, i went in the transact store and they just wanted to blame Vodafone and wouldn't help me with my bill saying i need to speak to them!
But they cant help me i'm not with Vodafone i'm with transact, if i have a problem with my OPTUS home phone i don't go to TELSTRA just cause OPTUS use their lines!
Transact Fail! when are transact customers gonna get their on website for problems, or are we just being ignored by Adam!
But they cant help me i'm not with Vodafone i'm with transact, if i have a problem with my OPTUS home phone i don't go to TELSTRA just cause OPTUS use their lines!
Transact Fail! when are transact customers gonna get their on website for problems, or are we just being ignored by Adam!
5 Jan 2011 08:34:03 AM: Completely different topic, ADSL Broadband is a seperate issue, if you are having a problem with your ADSL Broadband, why don't you grow a pair and create your own site, instead of expecting others to do it for you.
5 Jan 2011 08:37:33 AM: Transact??? Transact WHO????? Don't blame Adam on your problems, build one yourself!!!
5 Jan 2011 08:43:17 AM: Ignored by Adam????? Get a grip matey!!!! Adam deals with Vodafail, if you want a specific website for your issues it yourself!!! Sheeesh............some people!!!
5 Jan 2011 09:04:39 AM: I never said anything about broadband, so many assumptions here
5 Jan 2011 09:08:30 AM: Yea whats the ADSL thing?? was that response for this post?
5 Jan 2011 09:11:08 AM: there have been many responses here of people with Optus or Telstra who feel they are being ignored, their is a huge focus on Vodafone and people who are having major issues feel left out and ignored, even by Joe public
5 Jan 2011 09:18:08 AM: there isn't actually a tel-co in the world that doesn't have customers experiencing issues with coverage, usually about 3%-5% of customers, a small percentage, and would make sense nothing works perfect, in Vodafone's case 5% would equate to over 400 thousand people! Much more than registered for the class action and 400 x the amount of complaints here!
Think it needs to be put into perspective!
Think it needs to be put into perspective!
10 Jan 2011 02:02:46 PM: Um, regarding the above comment - I'm sure all of the tel-co's in the world, but more specifically, Australia, experience 'issues with coverage'.
But this is just 'issues with coverage'.
If it was, there wouldn't be a public backlash, and a website like this.
This is ongoing, serious problems, with both coverage and customer service, and a company who is refusing to take ownership of the problem.
But this is just 'issues with coverage'.
If it was, there wouldn't be a public backlash, and a website like this.
This is ongoing, serious problems, with both coverage and customer service, and a company who is refusing to take ownership of the problem.
10 Jan 2011 02:04:03 PM: Sorry - that should read 'this isn't just 'issues with coverage'
10482 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is why just for vodafone at 5 Jan 2011 08:31:10 AM
I have a two year mobile internet contract with TRANSACT which uses vodafone network. In the past few months, the drop out rate is sometimes every few minutes and when it is on it's so slow that it's practically useless. Hello TRANSACT, are you going to do something about it or do I have to go outside the ACT to get a decent service???
5 Jan 2011 10:29:52 AM: transact do need to life their game a bit, i went in the transact store and they just wanted to blame Vodafone and wouldn't help me with my bill saying i need to speak to them!
But they cant help me i'm not with Vodafone i'm with transact, if i have a problem with my OPTUS home phone i don't go to TELSTRA just cause OPTUS use their lines!
Transact Fail! when are transact customers gonna get their on website for problems, or are we just being ignored by Adam!
5 Jan 2011 10:29:52 AM: transact do need to life their game a bit, i went in the transact store and they just wanted to blame Vodafone and wouldn't help me with my bill saying i need to speak to them!
But they cant help me i'm not with Vodafone i'm with transact, if i have a problem with my OPTUS home phone i don't go to TELSTRA just cause OPTUS use their lines!
Transact Fail! when are transact customers gonna get their on website for problems, or are we just being ignored by Adam!
5 Jan 2011 08:42:23 AM: Completely different topic, ADSL Broadband is a seperate issue, if you are having a problem with your ADSL Broadband, why don't you grow a pair and create your own site, instead of expecting others to do it for you.
10481 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 5 Jan 2011 08:29:47 AM
Don't you love getting a TXT message at 1.30am in the morning while your sleeping that your friend sent to you at 7.30pm the night before!!! Awesome work there Vodafone.
5 Jan 2011 09:18:12 AM: That's been happening to me, too but i'm with Optus. Seems like everybody's got issues, huh?
5 Jan 2011 11:15:59 AM: My friends on optus don't have that problem, you must work for vodafone, huh!
10480 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is useless for someone trying to run a business at 5 Jan 2011 08:23:24 AM
I'm trying to run a bussiness and it doesn't help that phone calls are not being received or phone calls keep dropping out. My phone reception constantly says 'searching' and the only way to get recption back is to turn the phone off and turn it back on again. I am not receiving texts to say that I have received a voicemail and have to constantly check my voicemail to see if there are any messages. So frustrating! I went to see Telstra about changing over but I am currently on a contract plan which will cost a ridiculous amount to break the contract!
5 Jan 2011 08:33:37 AM: I own a 3Gs iPhone and when travelling from the Sunshine Coast to Brisbane my phone does the same thing! If you don't turn it off it will not reconnect to the network, feel your pain!
10479 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No reception, cant call customer service at 5 Jan 2011 08:22:25 AM
I have recently moved to Tweed Heads and I have never had such a drama with vodafone. I am on a contractand it seems at 6pm everynight I lose all reception for about 3 hours I cant get any calls and then the next day at about 9am I receive voicemail messages form the night before. I tried to call customer service using the 1511 number and it wont connect. So I have to call the 1300 number and they said there is no service in my area to call the 1511 number. But when I tried calling from a pre paid number it works fine. Then when I get my bill at the end of the month there is a $20 call on it to them because I was on hold for 20 minutes at a time. I have been with vodafone for 10 years and it seems they only want to reward new customers and give nothing to customers that have been loyal to them.
Also they have stopped taking the money out by direct debit without my knowledge and sending me reminder bills in the mail demanding I pay the bill.
They really need to sort themselves out
Also they have stopped taking the money out by direct debit without my knowledge and sending me reminder bills in the mail demanding I pay the bill.
They really need to sort themselves out
5 Jan 2011 08:37:32 AM: has your credit card changed?
5 Jan 2011 08:47:48 AM: There are 2 numbers for customer care, 1555(free from Vodafone numbers) and 1300650410 which is not free. 1511 is the number for prepaid to recharge hence why it worked for your prepaid. Don't use the 1300 number and complain when you get charged when there is 1555 for free for existing customers(!).
5 Jan 2011 08:49:44 AM: Well not totally without your knowledge... they are sending you reminder bills after all.
5 Jan 2011 09:01:01 AM: Hello, I currently work in a Vodafone store and I must say that it extremely frustrating and incorrect when I hear "I have been with vodafone for 10 years and it seems they only want to reward new customers and give nothing to customers that have been loyal to them." I hear this a lot and just isn't true. In store we have a program that lists every deal or promotion currently running and there is a section that lists deals ONLY available to existing customers in addition to every other offer that's available to everyone.
Please keep your complaints fair and honest. Vodafone has had enough real issues (which they are working hard to fix) to comment on without resorting to exaggeration and fabrication.
Please keep your complaints fair and honest. Vodafone has had enough real issues (which they are working hard to fix) to comment on without resorting to exaggeration and fabrication.
5 Jan 2011 09:20:46 AM: (ibid) reply 4!
And yes, the only reason your direct debit would cease is if the card with which you initiated the contract has since expired and been replaced with a new one. When this happens you need to notify Vodafone so they can continue the direct debit.
And yes, the only reason your direct debit would cease is if the card with which you initiated the contract has since expired and been replaced with a new one. When this happens you need to notify Vodafone so they can continue the direct debit.
5 Jan 2011 02:20:50 PM: Sorry im meant to say the 1555 number was not available in my area through my plan but was for pre paid customers. My bank details have not changed the whole time I have been with vodafone, they just stopped doing the direct debit. They only send a reminder bill when it gets to the point that they are going to send my details to a debt collector. And I have been to the local store to try and get the data cap added to my plan as stated on the website and when I did there was no one in the store that had heard anything about it. Then they just tried to make me upgrade my plan to a different one and told me i had to pay out the original contract to do it. I just received another bill today after being away for three weeks of the billing period without my phone and when I really did not use it when I had it and got charged $50 over what the cap price is. I dont know how they come up with their figures
10478 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is BAD at 5 Jan 2011 08:19:28 AM
Ive been with vodafone for just over 4 years, and was happy with there service until about 4 months ago! now my phone will lose signal and to get it back i have to turn my phone off and on , even then i may have to repeat this to get signal back. I have plenty of friends that say they dont get my messages or they will be delayed for hours. I will have atleast a couple of calls a day that will drop out, then means i have to make another phone call! Trying to check my Facebook on my IPhone is near on impossible at the best of times. also the couple of calls i have made to there customer lines over the past 12 months, i have had very rude customer service staff that are not very willing to help with anything! Vodafone you have failed us all!
10477 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 100% Best customer Service award for not providing customer service at 5 Jan 2011 08:17:01 AM
We have been with vodafone for 16months now, and i have had nothing but problems from day one. Problems from vodafone billing us incorrectly, charging us for calls which are part of our cap, right up to the last 3-4 months of rediculous service.
Vodafone have said to adjust a couple of phone settings to try to help the service, Yeah right.... still in same situation. we even went as far as getting our new phone serviced to make sure i even resorted back to using my older phones to see which one makes a difference. nothing....
we operate our business from a home office, and i cannot believe the amount of times my phone will search for a network, or i can be working away and not realising that i have had not reception for half the day, until a call will come through and say where have you been?
we were promised a good deal without affecting our service. i am so over Vodafone and their rubbish promises. they can shove it where it fits.
if you can't deliver what you promise, an international company like vodafone, then you should release your customers, not suck anyone else into your pathetic company and shut your doors!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vodafone have said to adjust a couple of phone settings to try to help the service, Yeah right.... still in same situation. we even went as far as getting our new phone serviced to make sure i even resorted back to using my older phones to see which one makes a difference. nothing....
we operate our business from a home office, and i cannot believe the amount of times my phone will search for a network, or i can be working away and not realising that i have had not reception for half the day, until a call will come through and say where have you been?
we were promised a good deal without affecting our service. i am so over Vodafone and their rubbish promises. they can shove it where it fits.
if you can't deliver what you promise, an international company like vodafone, then you should release your customers, not suck anyone else into your pathetic company and shut your doors!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 Jan 2011 08:34:46 AM: Do you have a landline? If you're running a business from home without one then shame on you.
Also, if you need your phone for business why go Vodafone over Telstra? I have 2 phones, my work phone with Telstra and my private phone is with Vodafone. I chose Telstra for my business number because I didn't mind the more expensive plan for better coverage and rural coverage. Vodafone's plans are much cheaper and better value and even though so far I've not had a problem with coverage and reception I was not willing to risk it for my business. People just need to take some responsibility for themselves and/or their business.
Also, if you need your phone for business why go Vodafone over Telstra? I have 2 phones, my work phone with Telstra and my private phone is with Vodafone. I chose Telstra for my business number because I didn't mind the more expensive plan for better coverage and rural coverage. Vodafone's plans are much cheaper and better value and even though so far I've not had a problem with coverage and reception I was not willing to risk it for my business. People just need to take some responsibility for themselves and/or their business.
5 Jan 2011 09:28:25 AM: @ 5 Jan 2011 10:34:46 AM: How dare you criticize the OP. You know didlly-squat about his business circumstances other than that he has shared with us!!! Take your holier-than-thou attitude, lube it up and shove it where the sun don't shine.
10476 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Phone Calls not being received at 5 Jan 2011 08:08:39 AM
I hae had a number of people tell me they have rung me and my phone is off or out of reception. My phone uis always on, I did an experiment, every night at home I get my wife to ring my phone whilst we are both home. My phone always says it has reception, in the last month about 40% of the time she has gotten the message that my phone is off out of reception. Depsite me sitting next to here with my phone on and with it displaying that it has reception. I have forwarde these results to vodafone, as yeat no response.
10475 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is disgraceful at 5 Jan 2011 08:06:02 AM
Little or no reception in an area that had reasonable coverage (being my reason to switch to VodaF for the better coverage) until a 'network outage' one week. Then no more reasonable coverage, actually no coverage basically. Calls dropping out out constantly, not being able to make calls due to poor reception. The big thing here was before the outage it was good and was never a problem.
10474 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is zip at 5 Jan 2011 08:00:42 AM
I travelled to mid north coast for two days and had absolutely no coverage! Not even Coffs I am back on the Gold Coast and a day later the reception has not returned Website wont accept my details either
5 Jan 2011 08:04:32 AM: I also live on the Gold Coast with the same 'no coverage' yesterday. If you have your postcodes can you please record them on the Your Coverage tab? We need your raw data to gather information about Vodafones apparent lack of network coverage.
10473 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Too Slack at 5 Jan 2011 07:55:53 AM
Be careful if you are on a plan and you make international calls, that useage may not register for up to three days. I got caught out at the end of the month when I had some extra dollars I could use up and I made a couple of overseas calls. It can take up to three days to register them in your useage. I accept it can take a couple of hours, but three days is ridiculous
5 Jan 2011 07:59:39 AM: Incredible in this day and age that phone call registers can take so long to appear on a bill!!!! Laura (silly woman) says that some charges can take up to 40 hours to appear on your bill and some charges even longer. Thanks for the warning!!!!
10472 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is disgusted at 5 Jan 2011 07:44:26 AM
I only signed up for vodafone a couple of months ago because they seemed to be able to offer 'cheap' dataplans without a contract. Now wish I hadn't ...
Even though I live and work in Metropolitan Sydney where coverage should be OK if you believe their map, the service is dismal.
- Receiving Calls: I keep on 'missing' calls. I can reproduce this: Even when my phone says it is on 3G with full coverage bars, sometimes when I call it with another phone, it just goes straight to the 'blablabla unavailable' message. I don't get a missed call on my phone nor do I get a text or anything about a call being missed
- Making calls: Even right in the center of town I need to almost stand still to successfully complete a call without being dropped. Entering a building or walking through an arcade or something will drop the call almost every time.
- Data coverage: With full 3G and all coverage bars I regularly get timeouts on opening webpages. Even when it doesn't time out, a speedtest shows my internet to be a dismal 150Kbit (about 25 times slower than my other Telstra SIM on the same phone). I have given up relying on my emails coming in on my vodafail SIM as they often don't arrive until half a day after they are actually in my mailbox.
- Coverage: This is what baffled me most. I drove over the blue mountains to Orange the other day. Only an hour out of Sydney, I lost complete reception never to get it back. In Orange I could not get any reception yet shops on the high street were still selling Vodafone plans - How do they do it ?
All the above didn't seem to deter from Vodafone sending me a $270 bill on my $39 cap for my first month. I have blocked my direct debit and will do everything I can not to pay this bill.
I guess I am luckier than most of you guys as I am not on a contract so I can (and will) just port my number to a decent provider.
All the best for people fighting to get out of their contracts - No consumer this day and age should put up with this sort of service !
Even though I live and work in Metropolitan Sydney where coverage should be OK if you believe their map, the service is dismal.
- Receiving Calls: I keep on 'missing' calls. I can reproduce this: Even when my phone says it is on 3G with full coverage bars, sometimes when I call it with another phone, it just goes straight to the 'blablabla unavailable' message. I don't get a missed call on my phone nor do I get a text or anything about a call being missed
- Making calls: Even right in the center of town I need to almost stand still to successfully complete a call without being dropped. Entering a building or walking through an arcade or something will drop the call almost every time.
- Data coverage: With full 3G and all coverage bars I regularly get timeouts on opening webpages. Even when it doesn't time out, a speedtest shows my internet to be a dismal 150Kbit (about 25 times slower than my other Telstra SIM on the same phone). I have given up relying on my emails coming in on my vodafail SIM as they often don't arrive until half a day after they are actually in my mailbox.
- Coverage: This is what baffled me most. I drove over the blue mountains to Orange the other day. Only an hour out of Sydney, I lost complete reception never to get it back. In Orange I could not get any reception yet shops on the high street were still selling Vodafone plans - How do they do it ?
All the above didn't seem to deter from Vodafone sending me a $270 bill on my $39 cap for my first month. I have blocked my direct debit and will do everything I can not to pay this bill.
I guess I am luckier than most of you guys as I am not on a contract so I can (and will) just port my number to a decent provider.
All the best for people fighting to get out of their contracts - No consumer this day and age should put up with this sort of service !
5 Jan 2011 07:57:26 AM: Agree completely with all of your comments!!! Best wishes for the future..........without Vodafone!!!!
10471 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Death Defying at 5 Jan 2011 07:39:52 AM
Family were sending me SMS to advise that my Grandmother was sick and dying, after 6 hours later I got the F*#$ SMS. All I can say Vodaphone CEO....I hope that you F*#$ Rot in Hell
5 Jan 2011 07:47:05 AM: It sadly is a common experience that loved ones of the sick and needy are unable to be contacted using Vodafail. Take your comment to TIO located at the top of the page in the How To Complain tab. By my own experiences........I really feel your pain and I hope your Grandmother is feeling better.
10470 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is the crappiest at 5 Jan 2011 07:22:15 AM
Just got off the phone with vodafail because I cant send any emails and they tell me that the problem wont be fixed until the 15th January.. WHAT A JOKE!!! I'm sick of the crap this company has put me through! They also said that after i get my email service back that i can call up and they will put credit on my service.. may aswell not bother as the time it will take to do that will cost about as much as they will give me!
5 Jan 2011 08:02:09 AM: Celebrations!!!!!!!!!! You managed to talk to someone at Vodafone?!?!?! A coup in itself!!!! Agree the whole company is a complete joke, may be worth visiting the TIO the details can be found in the How To Complain tab at the top of the page.
10469 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely at 5 Jan 2011 07:18:19 AM
I just want to cancel my month to month mobile broadband contract due to rubbish reception and it dropping out all the time and I was on hold for 1 hour and then the operator told me he did not have the authority to cancel the contract and a member of the 'cancellation team' had to call me back. How ridiculous. Im still waiting for the call. Looks like another hour or so on the phone.
5 Jan 2011 07:52:16 AM: I feel your pain.............!!!! We need your data (postcode) in the Your Coverage tab and you need to visit the TIO as soon as possible, your situation is simply not good enough with this shower. Check out the How To Complain tab for more information. In addition the On Hold Again? tab can record your waiting time(s) Good luck!!!!
5 Jan 2011 08:19:28 AM: I signed up for a month by month mobile broadband when I was inbetween moving houses and setting up fixed line internet. After I was finished and had cable internet I called up to cancel. In my case they offered me 3 months free instead of cancelling so I took it, but luckily I've never had any speed/coverage issues (I live/travel in and around Brisbane and Ipswich). They do make it difficult to cancel but you just need to be firm, calm and direct.
10468 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Its rediculous at 5 Jan 2011 07:11:07 AM
My credit keeps dissapearing.. I am on prepaid, so I charge my mobile when needed it used to last me sometimes 3 - 4 weeks. NOw everytime I recharge I am lucky to have it for 2 - 3 days.. What is happening.. I checked my balance on Monday night the 3rd Jan 11, at 1.30am - I had $145 left in Flexi credit and $28 in Vodafone credit, yesterday Tuesday the 4th Jan 11, I was speaking with a friend who is also vodafone therefore it should have been using my vodafone to vodafone credit. I was lucky to be talking to him for 15mins and we where cut off. Approx 30 mins later I thought I better check my credit. My Vodafone credit was 32c and my flexi credit was 38c. How the hell this happened I DO NOT KNOW!! I want to know what Vodafone is doing to people.. How long have they been ripping people off??? I have had a few problems with them since being on vodafonw and have tried to change providers but my phone is locked to vodafone.. They want to charge me I think its $75 - $90 to unlock it..??? Hello !! What kind of provider is this?? I am not only being ripped with my credit but am also being ripped off with my phone.. Unbelievable.. AND another thing after so many years of having my phone it will still cost me to have it unlocked.. what kind of company is this?? That's what I want to know!! I am not happy at all!! This needs to STOP!!
5 Jan 2011 07:49:36 AM: You need to visit the TIO as soon as possible, your situation is simply not good enough with this shower. Check out the How To Complain tab for more information. Good luck!!!!
10467 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 5 Jan 2011 07:10:57 AM
Last month, for the first time, I was charged excess usage on my phone, even though I have $750 worth of call and text to use. I checked my Vodafone usage yesterday January 3rd to see how I was going since it reset on January 1st. Strangely, Vodafone maintains that I have used $140 worth of calls and texts (possible) but also maintains that I only have 993MB of Data left out of 2Gigs...strange indeed as I have not used any data at all since January 1st. So be careful regarding your bills. I have also been receiving txt bills for someone elses account, despite having made Vodafone aware of this in early December.
I have just phoned Vf Customer Service only to be told that their computers are down so they can't check anything for me for at least another 4 hours.
I have just phoned Vf Customer Service only to be told that their computers are down so they can't check anything for me for at least another 4 hours.
5 Jan 2011 07:56:03 AM: Oh my gosh!!!! What a horrid experience!! Also the biggest lie in the world is............the computers are down!!!! Check out the How To Complain tab at the top of the page and take your issue to the TIO. Good luck!!!!
10466 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No signal at 5 Jan 2011 07:08:09 AM
I live just outside liverpool in Sydneys west and there isn't a bar of reception at all!! I'm on a $79 cap and i'd be lucky to use $20 of it. If I'm lucky I might get one bar for 5 minutes and thats it. My contract ends in March and when it does i'll never go with Vodafone again they suck!!
5 Jan 2011 07:48:12 AM: 2 months to go of this useless company!!! How I envy you!!! Good luck!!!
10465 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Broadband dongle pain at 5 Jan 2011 07:04:28 AM
Broadband dongle is so slow. Also it crashes every time it stays logged on for more than 10 minutes. Which means I have to force close the software. Then the only way to reconnect is to restart my mac. It's a real pain.
I moved to Mt Macedon and my phone never worked. But I couldn't cancel my contract (due to no service)... that's bad news. If they can't provide what you are paying for WHERE you live what's the point??!?!?
Also my phone bill keeps rocketing up to $250. When usually it's $60 CAP. I get no knowledge of why suddenly so much, and no warning. I'd rather it just 'run out' so will cancel and go back to pay-as-you-go. But I can't cancel because of their contract.
I moved to Mt Macedon and my phone never worked. But I couldn't cancel my contract (due to no service)... that's bad news. If they can't provide what you are paying for WHERE you live what's the point??!?!?
Also my phone bill keeps rocketing up to $250. When usually it's $60 CAP. I get no knowledge of why suddenly so much, and no warning. I'd rather it just 'run out' so will cancel and go back to pay-as-you-go. But I can't cancel because of their contract.
5 Jan 2011 07:07:25 AM: You need to visit the TIO as soon as possible, your situation is simply not good enough with this shower. Check out the How To Complain tab for more information. We also need your postcode to record your lack of coverage in the Your Coverage tab. Good luck!!!!
10464 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is crap at 5 Jan 2011 07:04:01 AM
I have bought Vodafone Mobile Broadband internet for 2 months now and I can't have a decent internet connection. I am paying money for the service but Vodafone doesn't seem to be concerned with it. Maybe, they should have just refunded the money for a failure service and then fix their system. I am very very frustrated with Vodafone!
5 Jan 2011 07:09:07 AM: Hope you are not on a plan with them!!!??? If you are you need to visit the TIO as soon as possible. Check out the How To Complain tab for more information. We also need your postcode to record your lack of coverage in the Your Coverage tab. Good luck!!!!
5 Jan 2011 07:18:56 AM: I felt terrible,.. I am on a plan for 12 months. I am thinking that I will have to pay early exit and cancellation fees. What is TIO? Thanks.
5 Jan 2011 07:22:52 AM: The telecommunications industry ombudsman. It's an office setup by the federal government and paid for by charging fees to the telcos that handles complaints against the telcos. They have the power to force vodafone to let you out of your contract and each time someone contacts the TIO against vodafone, vodafone pays a fine. The fine increase depending on how many steps you have to go through, so once you contact the TIO, vodafone would want to resolve your situation as fast as possible.
5 Jan 2011 07:39:40 AM: The TIO details are in the How To Complain tab at the top of the page.......sorry I should have mentioned that earlier!!!
5 Jan 2011 07:48:23 AM: Thanks. I'll do that.
5 Jan 2011 08:05:52 AM: Let us know how you get on!!!
10463 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No Signal in location of Businesses at 5 Jan 2011 06:55:47 AM
We own 3 businesses and in all three business locations there is no Vodaphone reception. The vodaphone technical department has acknoweldged that it is a problem and said we should cancel our plan which involves 10 phones. The trouble is we can not get in contact with the business cancellations department to cancel. Good-one Vodaphone.
5 Jan 2011 10:53:09 AM: I cancelled my prepaid internet package and I'm still getting charged...nice.
On hold again waiting for them again :(
On hold again waiting for them again :(
10462 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is downloads in bps?! at 5 Jan 2011 06:46:18 AM
downloads in bps?!
10461 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 3G working now in Ryde at 5 Jan 2011 06:39:42 AM
There 3G is now working again (morning of 5th of Jan) in the Ryde area after being slow since 23rd of dec, NSW. Download speeds are back to normal of around 300KB/s (3Mbps) on USB sticks and iPhone 4. It is annoying that you cant get a straight story from the call centre, they must have no access to any network monitoring or status, or Vodafone itself have no way of monitoring their network.
10460 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafail. GOODBYE 4EVER at 5 Jan 2011 06:33:05 AM
going to telstra today. might be a bit expensive, but at least have full coverage at my place, and NO DROP OUTS.
bye bye vodafail...
bye bye vodafail...
10459 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 5 Jan 2011 06:31:02 AM
my calls seem to drop out all the time now and my service seems to have weakend a shit load since they got into bed with 3g Hutchison, u would think that by growing larger that the network would grow big and better but we guess wrong fucken stubid i say, oh and u ring up vodafone and u get the run around and then for them to turn around and say i guess u need to up grade u your mobile fone but in fact i have the last Ifone so what the fuck is going on there
10458 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is cannot connect at 5 Jan 2011 06:27:39 AM
Vodaphone's arm, 3G, has been out of service for a week or so, cannot connect to mobile broadband, and even if u can, it is so slow it is unworkable. Call Centre people cannot tell u wot is happening, all they can say is something about network problems with outages. This should have been fixed in a day or two, not over a week, and problem is still occuring. Imagine all the businesses, and people on 3G who can't connect for over a week already !!!!!
10457 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is incompetent at 5 Jan 2011 05:56:40 AM
Friends and myself who are with vodafone are missing phonecalls that go straight through to voicemail, when i have full service :-/ WTF?????
not receiving said voicemail until upto a day or more later :-/ WTF?????
not receiving txts when i have full service and having to turn my phone on and off repeatedly to receive txts sent hours ago when i had service the whole time :-/ WTF?????
having service and not able to use the internet and also not able to send txts... and when i call tech supp or vodafone in itself the call goes straight through to "i'm sorry, there has been a technical error, please hang up and call again" POOR FORM
not receiving said voicemail until upto a day or more later :-/ WTF?????
not receiving txts when i have full service and having to turn my phone on and off repeatedly to receive txts sent hours ago when i had service the whole time :-/ WTF?????
having service and not able to use the internet and also not able to send txts... and when i call tech supp or vodafone in itself the call goes straight through to "i'm sorry, there has been a technical error, please hang up and call again" POOR FORM
5 Jan 2011 06:40:19 AM: i am in the middle of the city canberra and i have 1 bar service, the consultant from vodafone told me to turn off my internet settings and it gave me two extra bars.... i am paying for a service that is supposed to provide me with capable service and internet settings.
10456 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is an insanity test! at 5 Jan 2011 03:24:21 AM
Hey Vodafone,
You know the amount of advertising your pumping into the cricket? Well bugger that and use that money to fix your f@!#%$ network!
Want Poor Service? Want Bad Mobile Broadband? Want Horrible Customer Support? Want a Terrible Experience over-all?
Switch to Vodafone!
You got it! (Insert that music from the advertisement)
You know the amount of advertising your pumping into the cricket? Well bugger that and use that money to fix your f@!#%$ network!
Want Poor Service? Want Bad Mobile Broadband? Want Horrible Customer Support? Want a Terrible Experience over-all?
Switch to Vodafone!
You got it! (Insert that music from the advertisement)
11 Jan 2011 01:16:03 AM: The Australian Cricket team performs better than Vodafone.Vodafone seems to be performing like the Pakistani cricket team.
10455 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is simply fuct at 5 Jan 2011 02:17:47 AM
Being charged for sms even though still had around 25 free sms remaining on my pre-paid account. Also having no signals for entire days is just not good enough for me! Also my Vodafone to Vodafone minutes are being chewed up alot faster than usual aswell even though my usage has been no greater. I'm guessing they are under handedly recouping their losses from ppl choosing other providers. I'm going to another provider and will pay to keep existing number so it wont be to much stuffing around. Thanks VodaFungoolas!
10454 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is not happy at all at 5 Jan 2011 01:25:29 AM
my calls keep dropping out too, at times my sms's dont get sent, when i ring customer service and i start telling them abt my problem they hang up on me or dont return my calls as they say they will. my cap plan is missing sum credits which i havent used, i dont receive my bill via email, or got a copy sent out. I cant seem to find some one from a vodafone store to help me out with my enquiries and im losing patience. Also i bought a new phone and within 2 months had to go in service. Not good enuff.
10453 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is nothing new with telcos at 5 Jan 2011 01:02:57 AM
Wow! This site is awesome! 7000 ppl out of 7 million have complaints! Hey guys check out floptus and Hellstra tooooo!
10452 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 5 Jan 2011 12:28:17 AM
vodafone what are you doing!!
i try to recharge and have to call 11 times because the connection fails,
i try to send a message which in many cases has failed on several occassions or continues to defer sending.
I have reception but cannot make calls, i wouldnt want to be in an emergency being connected to vodafone.
That is all.
i try to recharge and have to call 11 times because the connection fails,
i try to send a message which in many cases has failed on several occassions or continues to defer sending.
I have reception but cannot make calls, i wouldnt want to be in an emergency being connected to vodafone.
That is all.
10451 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Not Going to Find Out at 5 Jan 2011 12:23:44 AM
My Family Business was looking into switching to Vodaphail from Telstra as a cost saving measure. We currently have a corparate account with just over 80 handsets nationaly. The Vodaphail representive is coming tomorrow thinking he is going to sign us up, but after I have showed my Dad this great site, there is NO way we are switching, although we will use the Vodaphail contract offer as leverage to get a better deal from Telsta!
So Thankyou for the big heads up, and saving us from what seems to be like a Carousel From Hell! :)
So Thankyou for the big heads up, and saving us from what seems to be like a Carousel From Hell! :)
5 Jan 2011 12:47:24 AM: Business and Vodafone dont mix
5 Jan 2011 07:04:34 AM: Great business acumen, play one against the other for a better deal!!! Avoid Vodafone at all costs but..............I really would be interested to know how you get on and also what nonsensical yarns the Vodafone salesperson spins to try to get the business!!! Please let us know!!!
10448 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No Reception at 4 Jan 2011 11:46:51 PM
I Live on the gold coast and I have been using vodafone for the past 8years.
I have never had so many problems with these guys since the last few years .
Phone has no reception at hame have to go outside and use it and we have a little baby which means we have to take her outside while on the phone n ot good.
Phone sometimes calls other times just sit's and does nothing.
This is getting worse everyday
I use my phone for work Well when it wants to work which i would say is about 30% of the time.
Not good enough vodafone.....
I have never had so many problems with these guys since the last few years .
Phone has no reception at hame have to go outside and use it and we have a little baby which means we have to take her outside while on the phone n ot good.
Phone sometimes calls other times just sit's and does nothing.
This is getting worse everyday
I use my phone for work Well when it wants to work which i would say is about 30% of the time.
Not good enough vodafone.....
10447 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is fully fail at 4 Jan 2011 11:28:57 PM
my phone wouldn't even call 000, what if i was being murdered??
4 Jan 2011 11:31:46 PM: i was well within a general coverage area i might add.
10446 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Words fail to explain at 4 Jan 2011 10:59:41 PM
Am at the airport and have just noticed how much advertising vodafone has done here. Every trolley and sign have the vodafone name and logo on it and the thought occurred to me, if vodafone spent just half of what they do on advertising on fixing the problems with the sad sad network life would be so much better. As this thought occurred to me I reached for my dads relates iPhone to share it on vodafail as I have no service in the airport.
5 Jan 2011 12:28:53 AM: they probably thinks its better to get new customers than keep their old ones.
5 Jan 2011 01:35:42 AM: Relates = telstra. Damn iPhone spelling.
10445 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is billing and website problems at 4 Jan 2011 10:25:27 PM
tried logging on to myvodafone but system shut me out and told me to call a number to reset password. called this number was on the phone for 15 mins. they came to the conclusion that they could reset my password however it may not work for 1-2 days due to ongoing problems with their website... they then want to chage me $156 for the 15 min phone call
4 Jan 2011 10:31:26 PM: thats a crock of shit. $156 for 15 min phone call no chance in hell
4 Jan 2011 11:44:04 PM: I agree totaly, no chance in hell a vodafone call could possibley stay connected that long
10444 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Data Drop out at 4 Jan 2011 10:25:01 PM
My data connection either times out, says it can't connect to server or won't get online. Wasting my money and time. Not Impressed Vodafail! (This was in the city too!) Had numerous calls drop out on the F3 and crappy reception on Mona Vale Rd. Not to mention poor Data reception from the City to Pennant Hills Rd via M2/LCT!!! Doing my head in!!!
10443 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is dodgy at 4 Jan 2011 10:23:57 PM
I got 0 reception in Halls Gap, which, mind you is in the heart of the Grampians and attracts thousands of tourists a year. When I first went onto my plan the lady assured me that Vodafone gets 96% reception and would only drop out in the most obscure places. Hmmm well it doesn't seem that way to me.
5 Jan 2011 02:39:51 AM: Well vodafones deffinition of obscure places includes the Sydney CBD, pacific highway at turramurra and manly. All places I have struggled to get propped coverage.
10442 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Extremely at 4 Jan 2011 09:55:16 PM
They keep on sending me in circles when I call them. Right now, I'm meant to meet my brother in town. Trying to call him for the last half hour. Calls fail. I'm annoyed. I'm stuck in the city cos of vodafone. Almost lost my new job cos my phone dropped out three times on my new boss last week!!
10441 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is terrible reception at 4 Jan 2011 09:41:03 PM
This company is a joke, coverage on the mornington peninsula is a disgrace!!
Get 10 drop outs a day, anywhere between, frankston, mount eliza and mornington.
Don't get reception down towards sorrento much.
Telstra here we come!!
Get 10 drop outs a day, anywhere between, frankston, mount eliza and mornington.
Don't get reception down towards sorrento much.
Telstra here we come!!
10440 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very fail at 4 Jan 2011 09:35:21 PM
i cannot use 3G on my iphone. when i do, i find the battery dies very quick as it is constantly swapping between 3g and edge trying to get a signal. Also, if i am on and talking on phone, often if iphone checks for email, the call will drop. If i leave it on no 3G, all is good. Very painful to switch to 3G, wait for signal to drop, then come back in again to view the contents of an email then repeat process so i don't end up dropping calls.
I went with Voda because the sales person said it was less subscribed than my old Optus and i would get faster 3G. I thought it was just me until i heard of this on the news.
And New Years ??? Anyone in Perth try to send their mates a Hew Year text a 9PM ??? Mine finally sent about 9:20pm .....
My 2cents
I went with Voda because the sales person said it was less subscribed than my old Optus and i would get faster 3G. I thought it was just me until i heard of this on the news.
And New Years ??? Anyone in Perth try to send their mates a Hew Year text a 9PM ??? Mine finally sent about 9:20pm .....
My 2cents
5 Jan 2011 02:43:11 AM: With all respect I think all telco's would find their networks heavily congested on new years eve/morning.
10439 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is absolutely shocking at 4 Jan 2011 09:29:43 PM
After 6 months of persisting with a third-world phone service with vodafone (calls going straight to voicemail even with full reception, constant dropouts especially that little bastard of a black spot in the eastern distributor in Sydney, non-existent or primitive internet speeds on 3G, text and picture messages arriving days late, almost constant "call failed" messages) and complaining about it with them and having nothing done, today after 6 hours of perseverence and threats of legal action, I finally had my contract cancelled and moved across to optus. this is after I lodged a complaint with the TIO.
My first attempt to cancel the contract at 9.30am this morning ended in an hour wait, and after finally getting through to someone and them transferring me to the disconnections department, the call dropping out. I then got a text message saying "we have tried calling you but cannot get through" which was the pinnacle of irony right there. My second attempt was a call that ended with "we are experiencing technical issues, try again later" and the call being disconnected. Called straight back, and left my number for a callback "within 30 mins". That callback happened several hours later.
When I finally did get put through to disconnections, originally I was told "we need to investigate the fault and you need to provide 3 examples of proof where these errors have happened, and this will take 7 days". when i turned around and threatened legal action on the basis that I run a restaurant business off my phone and every customer who attempts to book a table with me and cant will be documented and I would sue for loss of income, the rep yielded and said he would cancel my contract, however I would need to return my phone for them to cancel the contract! my plan had 6 months left, I replied by saying I would do no such thing and that given all the issues I had been having, the least vodafone could do was cut me loose and let me keep the phone for my troubles. After more insistence, he turned around and said "we will cancel your contract and you can keep the phone, however you will not be able to port your number across" which completely smacked of slash and burn. Again I told him he will do no such thing as my number was the business number that I use. Finally he said "ok, contract is cancelled, port across and when you get your final bill we will waive all charges once you call me and talk to me."
I was absolutely disgusted with their entire level of conduct over the whole thing. Never was an apology forthcoming, never would he listen to me unless I threatened legal action on Vodafone. I dont see a rosy future for Vodafone, they are as bad as 3 were when I wanted to cancel my service with them years ago when I was out of contract (the guy at 3 tried every trick to keep me on board even telling me that blackberry phones were "crap" to get me to use the motorola equivalent and stay with 3).
Never again will I use Vodafone, and I suggest to people having issues to lodge a complaint with the TIO and FIGHT HARD for having your contract cancelled. Dont take no for an answer, the people in cancellations have the authority to cancel contracts on the spot, DONT be abusive but DO threaten legal action and recovery of all costs and monies lost due to their failed excuse for a telecommunications service, and again DONT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER!.
My first attempt to cancel the contract at 9.30am this morning ended in an hour wait, and after finally getting through to someone and them transferring me to the disconnections department, the call dropping out. I then got a text message saying "we have tried calling you but cannot get through" which was the pinnacle of irony right there. My second attempt was a call that ended with "we are experiencing technical issues, try again later" and the call being disconnected. Called straight back, and left my number for a callback "within 30 mins". That callback happened several hours later.
When I finally did get put through to disconnections, originally I was told "we need to investigate the fault and you need to provide 3 examples of proof where these errors have happened, and this will take 7 days". when i turned around and threatened legal action on the basis that I run a restaurant business off my phone and every customer who attempts to book a table with me and cant will be documented and I would sue for loss of income, the rep yielded and said he would cancel my contract, however I would need to return my phone for them to cancel the contract! my plan had 6 months left, I replied by saying I would do no such thing and that given all the issues I had been having, the least vodafone could do was cut me loose and let me keep the phone for my troubles. After more insistence, he turned around and said "we will cancel your contract and you can keep the phone, however you will not be able to port your number across" which completely smacked of slash and burn. Again I told him he will do no such thing as my number was the business number that I use. Finally he said "ok, contract is cancelled, port across and when you get your final bill we will waive all charges once you call me and talk to me."
I was absolutely disgusted with their entire level of conduct over the whole thing. Never was an apology forthcoming, never would he listen to me unless I threatened legal action on Vodafone. I dont see a rosy future for Vodafone, they are as bad as 3 were when I wanted to cancel my service with them years ago when I was out of contract (the guy at 3 tried every trick to keep me on board even telling me that blackberry phones were "crap" to get me to use the motorola equivalent and stay with 3).
Never again will I use Vodafone, and I suggest to people having issues to lodge a complaint with the TIO and FIGHT HARD for having your contract cancelled. Dont take no for an answer, the people in cancellations have the authority to cancel contracts on the spot, DONT be abusive but DO threaten legal action and recovery of all costs and monies lost due to their failed excuse for a telecommunications service, and again DONT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER!.
4 Jan 2011 09:34:40 PM: Very sorry to hear about your frustrating experience. Hopefully you've seen the end of it! Please help us collect data by posting your wait times in the 'On Hold Again' section.
10438 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 4 Jan 2011 09:28:48 PM
No reception though my phone will display full coverage, was told they would investigate and even received sms confirming this, was told they would call me back in 5 days time and that was 15/12/10 and still nothing, worst mistake I ever did was go to vodafone and I will NEVER use any of there products again
10437 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EXTREMEFAIL at 4 Jan 2011 09:25:47 PM
I have two iPhone's with VF and pay over $200 a month for the service. To call it a service is a joke. More than 60% of the time my phone simply reads NO NETWORK!! I have spend hours on the phone with them and their response to transfer me to the network team to see how the coverage can be improved in my area. VF customer support will tell you they are working on it on an individual basis... but does seeing how coverage can be improved in an entire area seem 'individual' to you? One iPhone had to go in for repair and I was told it had to be tested at a store so the nearest VF or 3 store is over 500km's from my home. When at the store they told me it didn't have to be tested and I could have sent it in...hmmm. I was promised 3G but then told I will only ever get Edge where I live and coverage in this area, which is a major regional area is horrible. The hospital, downtown, the schools, supermarkets are all dead zones. I have an iPhone 3GS and an iPhone 4 and I have given up trying to make a call. When on a call now it drops every minute or so and I am constantly trying to call the person back only to have the call fail for the next 10 minutes...good thing it isn't an emergency. The ironic thing is many of the people I can't call are also on the VF network. I have gone to the TIO because I am paying for a service that is not close to being acceptable. VF have another week to contact me regarding my TIO complaint but I bet if I didn't pay my bill I would hear from them quickly. I will pay my bill but I am headed to Telstra (Im afraid to go to Optus in case I have similar problems) even though it is more expensive it will work out cheaper in the long run since I will actually be able to make a call. I am beyond frustrated with them and I will accept nothing less than to be free of my commitment to them since they have seen fit to free themselves of their commitment (providing service) to me. They can have my iPhones, and whatever else I have to send back but I am done playing this one sided game with them where I do all the work.
10436 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is im not joining at 4 Jan 2011 09:19:55 PM
Im with 3, Port to vodaphone they say, HA!!!!!!!!! mate is with them, nothing but strife....says Voda is useless, totally unreliable...
10435 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is not at all at 4 Jan 2011 09:02:21 PM
Vodafone has provided me with nothing but first class service.
4 Jan 2011 09:16:37 PM: yeh they provided millions with good service, but it all went to shit
5 Jan 2011 04:30:15 AM: .....and now you can wake up!
10434 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is poor reception - poor communication skills - poor everything! at 4 Jan 2011 08:49:56 PM
I have been a vodafone customer for years. never been really happy but the cap was cheap. recently signed onto a contract, and a new phone. I now seem to never have reception and never receive messages and calls on time. I called vodafone several times regarding this and was put through to the call centre in india. there were many issues with this as communication was an issue. when i finally got my poin across they performed an investigation in which i never heard the result of after being told they will call me in a weeks times. now it seems i cant get onto people who understand my issue once again. ARGH its so frustrating!!
10433 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Mega at 4 Jan 2011 08:46:25 PM
i have recently been run a muck my vodafone mobile broadband. for starters the connection fails to register sometimes, and once it does i have noticed slow to choppy connection speeds. i have talk to the customer service area obviously being sent overseas. the rep recommended i switch my devices to GPRS which is dial up slow. i live in St Kilda not exactly country Victoria. what the hell!!
10432 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is abject failure at 4 Jan 2011 08:40:22 PM
Have been with Vodafone for years. I have to stand in the middle of the street, literally, to be able to get mobile reception. When I look down my street and see some other poor soul there talking on their mobile - I KNOW they are with Vodafone. Pathetic coverage - Australia wide. Should have their licence withdrawn.
4 Jan 2011 08:53:04 PM: They are aware of the problem, all you need to do is go to the nearest store and pick up a free fluro shirt,to reduce the chances of you guys getting run over!
4 Jan 2011 08:57:01 PM: Heaven forbid, but I wonder if Vodafone would be guilty of culpable manslaughter?
4 Jan 2011 09:19:11 PM: doubt it, but they would sue the driver for loss of revenue
5 Jan 2011 01:26:44 AM: Paraphrasing something I have in writing from VF- They did not compel you to.....*insert* finally just lose it and act violently
10431 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Its a rubbish company that has lead me to sign a 2 year contract at 4 Jan 2011 08:37:44 PM
I have signed up for a 24 month plan for iphone. The calls drop out every now and then. I can't use internet on my phone in my own room as it takes over 3 min to load google.
I asked if I can get out of the contract and they said I gotta pay the rest of the amount upfront.
Customer service sucks big time, the call centre is offshore and you are just another caller. I ad to wait well over 30 minutes each time I called. The website is absolute crap, has doesn't recognise my mobile number and has suspended my account three times.
What am I supposed to do now?
I asked if I can get out of the contract and they said I gotta pay the rest of the amount upfront.
Customer service sucks big time, the call centre is offshore and you are just another caller. I ad to wait well over 30 minutes each time I called. The website is absolute crap, has doesn't recognise my mobile number and has suspended my account three times.
What am I supposed to do now?
4 Jan 2011 08:55:44 PM: go to another network, but tio first
10430 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is total at 4 Jan 2011 08:36:46 PM
I paid $79.00 for a mobile broadband starter pack. The browsing speed is slower than the original dial up speed from years ago. It is a waste of time trying to use the net. Bye bye $79.00.
I have a friend who joined Vodaphone mobile two weeks ago and he is yet to make a call that hasn't dropped out.
My daughter joined vodaphone mobile about 6 weeks ago and says the coverage is hopeless'
This is outright theft under another name.
The problems are still happening today, 4th January. Nothing has been fixed.
I have a friend who joined Vodaphone mobile two weeks ago and he is yet to make a call that hasn't dropped out.
My daughter joined vodaphone mobile about 6 weeks ago and says the coverage is hopeless'
This is outright theft under another name.
The problems are still happening today, 4th January. Nothing has been fixed.
10429 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is horrfic at 4 Jan 2011 08:36:24 PM
Vodafone every month that i have been with them have charged me a sneaky extra amount on my bill, first it was minimal and to tell the truth, i didnt notice However, the last few months it has been additions of $50+, i have called Vodafone 6 times this month to try and sort it and they either hang up or say that this amount is outstanding and i have been charged extra GST?????????? i THOUGHT TELSTRA WAS BAD!!! Its ok though, i have got my revenge they have lost the company i manage contract, might i say worth over 60,000 a month.
I m just sick of it,
I m just sick of it,
10428 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is bad at 4 Jan 2011 08:30:23 PM
We have signed up for Vodafone mobile broadband service and some days can not connect - error message stating no service available yet their coverage map well and truely covers the areas we have tried. When we do connect we are often connected at dial up modem speeds, very frustrating. Vodafone are taking our money yet not providing the service we have paid for. Don't bother contacting their call centre, you'll only get the run around and more frustrated. Appears to be a deliberate ploy by Vodafone to use over seas call centres where english is spoken poorly. The govt should take action against Vodafone.
10427 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is I got better reception in India! at 4 Jan 2011 08:30:23 PM
I've come to the conclusion they dont give a damn! Been using Vodafone for over 2 years and it has been consistently crap. Their ideal modus operandi is to churn out their $2 sim cards and phone credits while leaving a couple of answering machines as their only form of customer service. Burn in hell Vodafone!!
10426 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 4 Jan 2011 08:30:13 PM
Two weeks into my contract phone drops out, late messages,and when tried to contact customer care could not speak to anyone about this problem due to service kept dropping out on me.This is very frustrating
10425 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bogus bill at 4 Jan 2011 08:05:38 PM
Some clown rang me on behalf of Vodafone today asking why I still hadn't paid a $209 bill for back in June and It was the first was for some phone number I had never heard of. I asked did they ring the phone number in question, he hadn't, so frustrating. I said I had to show my passport and drivers license to get on the plan I'm on now and asked if he checked that this other number had the same personal information, he hadn't checked. He then went on to tell me I then needed to ring Vodafone back and talk to customer care there and sort it out, guess what, Vodafone were "flat out at the minute" for over an hour, had to hang up.
10424 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is hopeless at 4 Jan 2011 08:03:49 PM
5 days into a 2 year contract,no reception,drop outs etc etc 4 hrs on to customer care for 3 hangups and a transfer to a hangup.I suggest no one pay bills, port numbers to serious companies and let the court decide who broke the contract.
10423 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail 0/10 at 4 Jan 2011 07:57:05 PM
I have been with Vodafone since August 2010 on a post paid wireless internet deal. I live in the Cronulla area of Sydney and I would say that my connection has been down at least 3-4 times per week. Over Christmas it was down 6 days/24 hours running. I needed to book airline tickets and do internet booking. I was shut down. When I purchased the wireless internet I was told the service was fast and efficient. What a total farce that sales pitch was. I was duped. I am now switching to another provider.
10422 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone is all over the shop at 4 Jan 2011 07:51:54 PM
All the usual nightmares - no calls, call dropping, no voicemail, 5 bars - searching,5 bars -searching etc. I live in Redfern Sydney next to the station and work in CBD so there is absolutely no excuse. Vodfail is a disgrace.