Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
10078 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 3 Jan 2011 10:43:18 AM
god I hate vodafone customer service ..SOOOOOOO bad you can never get your point across, they don't understand a word Im saying..I was supposed to be on the 99 unlimited cap and im trying to explain thats what I signed up for..she keeps telling me im not $%^#&@# how are you supposed get them to understand
3 Jan 2011 11:57:12 AM: what does your contract say
10077 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is horrible fail in Preston at 3 Jan 2011 10:40:25 AM
I live in Preston - 9kms from the CBD in Melbourne. I have to sit beside a particular wall in my house to get reception, and even then experience multiple drop outs per call. If I have a long call e.g. to my parents - I have experienced up to 8 drop outs over the course of 40 minutes. Also, sometimes I don't get voicemails for a couple of days. It is killing me.
10076 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is vodafone doesnt work ANYWHERE at 3 Jan 2011 10:27:29 AM
no reception anywhere, i call people on vodafone it says they are engaged. people call me it says im engaged when im not. my voicemails come in up to 3 days late. and best of all my extremely important text messages will show up up to a week late. i have noticed when you make a phone call, sometimes text messages start flowing in.
i have given up on vodafone. will NEVER go with them again. they get taken over by 3 and merge. suddenly all their call centres are overseas and they are useless completely useless
i have given up on vodafone. will NEVER go with them again. they get taken over by 3 and merge. suddenly all their call centres are overseas and they are useless completely useless
10075 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Payment system Fail at 3 Jan 2011 10:26:04 AM
Im caught in the same mess many, many people are in.
I am currently on a 12month contract with vodafone. I received a txt saying that my bill is due on the 24th Dec 2010. I paid my bill in full on the 22nd. However, thanks to a system failure, the network never registered my payment, so my phone has "Call Baring" on, which means i cannot make calls, use the internet or send txt messages.
I used my mobile as my primary form of contacting people, and there couldnt be a worse time to not send a txt to family and friends for the Christmas/New Year break.
I am currently on a 12month contract with vodafone. I received a txt saying that my bill is due on the 24th Dec 2010. I paid my bill in full on the 22nd. However, thanks to a system failure, the network never registered my payment, so my phone has "Call Baring" on, which means i cannot make calls, use the internet or send txt messages.
I used my mobile as my primary form of contacting people, and there couldnt be a worse time to not send a txt to family and friends for the Christmas/New Year break.
10074 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is HELP at 3 Jan 2011 10:23:59 AM
Can someone tell me where I go to get Vodafone to call me? this wouldnt normally be a problem but Im an extra lucky customer who can not call the free call 1555 off my vodafone!?!?!? So instead I usually waste my credit calling the 1300 number that Vodafone have - which reminds me - Ill bring that up when i finally get in touch with them! Im sure thats a reasonable credit expectation!!!
10072 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 3 Jan 2011 10:13:02 AM
for 12 months they have put me on a contract for a phone i didnt have so therefore been paying double with NO reimburement... thanks vodafone
10071 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Massive fail! at 3 Jan 2011 10:08:08 AM
I've been with vodafone for 13yrs and never have I been more disappointed as I have in the last 12 to 18 months. The daily call drop outs, sometimes up to three and four times in one conversation is frustrating to say the least. And then when you call and complain it's always a "technical issue" and they're working on it. I've also recently moved, and despite being in a large suburb, I'm lucky to get two bars of signal from inside the house. Pathetic!
3 Jan 2011 12:54:24 PM: LOL
10070 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extremely at 3 Jan 2011 10:01:57 AM
have bars but phone keeps telling me called has failed and I can't connect.. happens all the time. thanks vodafail
10069 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is I'd coat flammable items with vodafone at 3 Jan 2011 10:00:36 AM
The area I live in has one mobile phone store, it used to be 3. The guy that owned it had an ok business when 3 roamed to telstra. Now they use vodafail and he can't give away the service. I've called vodafail about dropped / missed calls etc (the calls have always dropped out, even to them) and still they've done stuff all.
I've had enough of their shocking "service".
I've had enough of their shocking "service".
10068 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epically at 3 Jan 2011 09:51:08 AM
Just recieved a important call, im at home in my house, and have supposedly full bars of reception and my call kept dropping out, i could barely hear the other person i had to keep walking around the house to find somewhere so i could hear, most of the conversation was "what?" "i cant hear u"
not impressed. for some reason i always assumed it was other peoples phones, but its happened so reguarly lately its obviously mine.
websites take forever to load. IF they load. usually have to refresh a million times. wont load certain sites like facebook ever. really frustrating as i keep in touch with a lot of people on there who live overseas as its cheaper then ringing.
Dont receive most calls, i get lots of voicemails when the phone was sitting next to me and never rung.
this is pathetic.
The only thing i want a phone for is to be able to use the phone, i dont care about all the fancy features. just want a simple phone that i can ring and reciever calls and with vodafone i dont have that, its a waste of money.
Still have 8 months on my contract. ughh
not impressed. for some reason i always assumed it was other peoples phones, but its happened so reguarly lately its obviously mine.
websites take forever to load. IF they load. usually have to refresh a million times. wont load certain sites like facebook ever. really frustrating as i keep in touch with a lot of people on there who live overseas as its cheaper then ringing.
Dont receive most calls, i get lots of voicemails when the phone was sitting next to me and never rung.
this is pathetic.
The only thing i want a phone for is to be able to use the phone, i dont care about all the fancy features. just want a simple phone that i can ring and reciever calls and with vodafone i dont have that, its a waste of money.
Still have 8 months on my contract. ughh
3 Jan 2011 09:52:38 AM: Also have been in lots of situations where i need to call someone and have had no reception at all, usually have to borrow someone elses phone. Worries me when im driving alone at night and if i break down im screwed
10066 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Big 'F" at 3 Jan 2011 09:50:26 AM
I bought Crazy John's prepaid internet, provided by Vodafone, & for the last month my internet connection has been all but non-existant! I spent over an hour on Boxing day checking with their customer service, then upgraded & checked all my end, only to discover that it is indeed related - something their customer service failed to inform me.
As my work relies on a reliable internet service, I will have to purchase with another company & forfeit the outstanding credit. But my opinions will be strenuously voiced at Crazy John's customer feedback, hopefully with many others which might influence them to find another provider!
Any suggestions related to this dilemma are most welcome, thank you.
As my work relies on a reliable internet service, I will have to purchase with another company & forfeit the outstanding credit. But my opinions will be strenuously voiced at Crazy John's customer feedback, hopefully with many others which might influence them to find another provider!
Any suggestions related to this dilemma are most welcome, thank you.
10065 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is dropped calls slow 3G! at 3 Jan 2011 09:35:25 AM
It is terrible...i have moved from 3 after have no end of drop outs and thinking i have moved to greener pasture, i actually find i have moved to the desert it seems......... May the 3 and Vodafail marriage continue as i shall be getting a divorce!
10064 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Too often at 3 Jan 2011 09:33:50 AM
Emails are my problem . Although living only 500 metres from one of their towers ,
have too much trouble accessing internet . This has been an on-going problem here at Bateau Bay on the glorious Central Coast . I feel empathy for those who try to rely on Vodafone for their mobiles - what about an urgent call to 000 ?
have too much trouble accessing internet . This has been an on-going problem here at Bateau Bay on the glorious Central Coast . I feel empathy for those who try to rely on Vodafone for their mobiles - what about an urgent call to 000 ?
3 Jan 2011 12:51:37 PM: No matter where you are 000 is for free and will roam onto any network possible to get through so you dont need to worry
10063 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is A complete and utter fail at 3 Jan 2011 09:29:44 AM
We have 3 business iPhones using the VFail network, for calls, email, Skype, web surfing and Calendar sync. For at least the last 6 months, we've been unable to rely on them to support our business, as calls drop out (or even more often just don't ring at all), email takes hrs to come in, using the web is unbelievably, frustratingly slow and trying to sync over the network is pointless. VFail currently decides this level of service is worth $280 a month! The best part is that when we DID get through to customer service (yes, you've guessed it, somewhere on the Indian sub-continent, to someone whose first language wasn't English), they offered us a $30 discount - which equates to them saying their service is only 10% worse than it should be!! Telstra, here we come...
10062 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Non functional at 3 Jan 2011 09:26:30 AM
I've already expressed my views on my issues in Brisbane (my home town), but just had to express my disgust at the coverage in Melbourne!
Just spent a week there and the coverage was AWFUL! Took almost an hour to download a single email. Was going to call and complain, but I knew the call would drop out before I made it to the head of the que
Just spent a week there and the coverage was AWFUL! Took almost an hour to download a single email. Was going to call and complain, but I knew the call would drop out before I made it to the head of the que
10061 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Poor COverage at 3 Jan 2011 09:04:38 AM
Ive been with Vodaphone for 12 years now... During regular trips to the country to visit family the reception has now decreased to nothing over this time with technology of phones and towers getting better. Logic says I should be gettting better service even with no upgrades.. Most frustrating
3 Jan 2011 04:01:45 PM: lack of planning, probably sacked the engineers who told them this would happen!!!
10060 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 3 Jan 2011 09:03:17 AM
Three phones two are for the kids all under contract, in the past year it has got worse we drop out in the house, daughter is a paramedic and can't even get service in the station in the middle of town.
10059 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Shit. at 3 Jan 2011 09:00:54 AM
Feb 2010 I recieved my bill, $1700 all up for one month. $1300 of it was for less than 5 minutes on the internet. It has taken me almost a year to get hold of anyone even willing to listen to me and even now I'm still struggling. I cannot understand their customer service reps on the phone and they have been extremely rude. Their is no way in hell I am paying for a $1300 mistake on their behalf. This is a $79 a month plan through Crazy Johns and it turned into this.
3 Jan 2011 10:51:49 AM: woohoo have internet after three days only because we just went down and got a telstra wirless..brilliant,ohh and vodaphone you can keep the $150.00 we just wasted on tour crap wirless,save it for the administrators when your business (so called)fore closes, we can only hope so .
3 Jan 2011 04:06:08 PM: unfortunately they are signing up new victims as we speak, their cash will keep the pyramid going until they rectify these problems
4 Jan 2011 08:40:58 AM: yes well hopefully with people power we can minimise or help crumble there pyrimid,i for one like probadly everyone on here are sick and tired of everyone screwing our asses off and getting away with it time after time whilst they make hefty profits,i may as well advertise a car that needs no fuel,oil or water,suck everyone in and who cares if it doesent run,no different to vodaphone.
6 Jan 2011 03:42:18 PM: Vodafone Australia's operations ARE resembling a Ponzi scheme.
Bernie Madoff and Nigel Dews sharing a cell for the next 150 years "I'd like to see that"
What's 150 years to a vampire?
I am a lot more familiar with the myths of Vodafone than I am with vampire mythology- so forgive me- A vampire would need fresh non-vampire blood for 150 years to just be a click of the fingers?
Bernie Madoff and Nigel Dews sharing a cell for the next 150 years "I'd like to see that"
What's 150 years to a vampire?
I am a lot more familiar with the myths of Vodafone than I am with vampire mythology- so forgive me- A vampire would need fresh non-vampire blood for 150 years to just be a click of the fingers?
10058 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is bad at 3 Jan 2011 08:53:23 AM
had contract for two months had phone for one month [took four weeks to replace when it should off taken one minute] don't think i can hang for the remaining ten months with no or limited service lucky i still kept landline
10057 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 3 Jan 2011 08:51:38 AM
3 Jan 2011 08:54:07 AM: I got the same deal! My online account information said ending 10/01/2011 and when I go into the shop they say I have to pay a fee to exit?
3 Jan 2011 08:58:48 AM: What you see online is accurate and must be....what they are telling about only seen by Vodaphone staff is a crock...they ARE required to put the same information online for you as they see....this becomes fraud if they tell you any different...
10056 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is can't use at all at 3 Jan 2011 08:46:56 AM
wireless broadband is as slow as dial up at home (SA) at times I can't even get on net. Mobile not so bad.
On Hols in Darwin and can't use either, no phone no internet both contracts are useless here.
Have spoken to Vodaphone back in SA with a suck it up answer (not their words)
On Hols in Darwin and can't use either, no phone no internet both contracts are useless here.
Have spoken to Vodaphone back in SA with a suck it up answer (not their words)
10055 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very flaky at 3 Jan 2011 08:43:10 AM
bought a Vodaphone BB USB modem for travelling. Checked coverage for my destination which claimed to be fine, but its not. Drops out a lot, flaps a lot between 3G & HSDPA; and at times the modem takes forever to be recognised by the computer. Really just not reliable enough for regular use. Pity.
10053 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is nothing short of woeful at 3 Jan 2011 08:38:42 AM
terrible service/dropouts...complained a heap...nothing done.....out of our contracts now.....seeya vodafone
10052 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic! at 3 Jan 2011 08:37:00 AM
A friend and myself were out in Milton just before the new year both on brand new iPhone 4's. He is on vodafone I on telstra. We both had full bars of 3G reception and we both tested our internet service going to the same website. NOT surprisingly his vodafone service failed to download anything whilst mine went on happily and hastily. I've never been a vodafone customer but im glad I'm not and I do feel for the subscribers having all these issues. GG VF
10051 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no help from outlets at 3 Jan 2011 08:36:37 AM
Incoming calls now go straight to message bank when I have full service, voice mail left comes in 1 to 2 hours late and when you call to get the voice mail it says it cant connect to get it. Out going calls fail to connect or take 1 min to connect. Visited the Erina Fair Vodafone store this morning their solution is to dissolve their affiliation with vodafone and say any complaint have to be directed to them. They changed my sim card and put my 3G iPhone on the 2g network saying they don't know when their 3G towers will be fixed but that should solve the problem. So I'm now paying for a 3G network and forced to use 2g so my phone works.
10050 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Extremely poor at 3 Jan 2011 08:31:04 AM
Only been with vodafone for 2 months. Have had to call customer support for porting issues and billing issues about 10 times. Previously I was with Optus, Soul, and TPG mobile. I hardly ever had to call them.
The network is likewise poor. In Metropolitan Melbourne, the coverage is patchy and unacceptable for such a large telco.
The network is likewise poor. In Metropolitan Melbourne, the coverage is patchy and unacceptable for such a large telco.
10049 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Overpromise Undeliver at 3 Jan 2011 08:10:59 AM
I've been with Voda for 5 years, having purchased my handset and plan, prior to travel. Needless to say I found that it was a white elephant. Coverage seems only to work in major metro areas or the ski fields. Receiving bills by email when VF went paperless has also been a problem - perhaps clueless applies. When I tried to get in touch by phone, website or email they were uncontactable. I have given up and will soon port to another telco.
10048 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is vodafone is shit. at 3 Jan 2011 08:10:56 AM
Bought Vodafone prepay mobile broadband as I was told by the sales person that Vodafone had coverage in the Glossodia area. After 2 sim cards and many hours on the phone to the Vodatech`s, still not working. tomorrow will be the fourth trip into town to try and get a refund. Also have my mobile phone with Three for several years now, my phone had better service before the two merged. Vodafone please get your shit together...
10047 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Severe at 3 Jan 2011 07:59:39 AM
I was with vodafone for 10 years, constant billing errors, hours on the phone to vf, blackspots, dropped calls, bad quality calls, etc etc, when I called to terminate my account they offered me 3 months unlimited free which I declined. Since I ported to another company the call quality is remarkably better and the call costs are comparatively around 50% as a result.
10046 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Fail Fail Fail at 3 Jan 2011 07:56:36 AM
There service drops out even in the center of Vodafone coverage areas stated on their website the price and plans are great its just the service dropouts and cut offs in the middle of calls that gets me
3 Jan 2011 08:03:20 AM: Network is overloaded. Dont be guided by price, checkout what you are actually getting for your money in future
10045 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 3 Jan 2011 07:37:31 AM
I am sick of low coverage and no or little service.
3 Jan 2011 07:44:42 AM: You just wont listen will you? you only need to waste aprox 1 hour once, to be told to turn fone off, remove sim, reinsert sim, turn fone on. It is so easy to remember, such a simple process fixes absolutely everything. Doesnt it? I think its called a vodafix
3 Jan 2011 07:51:35 AM: The point is no one should have to do that. You don't have to do that on other networks.
3 Jan 2011 07:59:14 AM: it was a joke, customer service get you to do that to get you to hang up and turn your fone off. That process actually fixes very little.
It makes as much sense as you car not working and the nrma telling you to get the passengers to swap seats
It makes as much sense as you car not working and the nrma telling you to get the passengers to swap seats
that way you can tell them "thank you but I have tried that and it isn't the solution"
that way you can tell them "thank you but I have tried that and it isn't the solution"
10044 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is incompetent at 3 Jan 2011 07:25:37 AM
About 10 different 100% guaranteed drop-out areas within the center of the nations capital (even right outside my Company's building in the CBD). Total inability to get even one billing cycle correct (ever) and a customer support helpline that is too painful to endure.
10043 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Drop outs, excessive black spots, delays with voice mail at 3 Jan 2011 07:23:46 AM
I previoulsy used Vodafone about 6 years ago. At the time they provided a decent service. In June I needed to enter into a contract due to a new job. The reliability of the service since then has been woeful. If I have a long phone call I fully expect the call to drop out.This can also happen with short calls too. I drive a lot for my job and have found numerous black spots in areas that you would fully expect to have service. And delays with their voice mail being delivered are regularly delayed up to half a day.
Also, when I entered in to the contract I thought their voicemail (not video voicemail on iphones), 13 no's and 1300 no's where included in the monthly charge. The booklet with services and charges had a summary that showed these services included in the monthly charge. This summary was what I read with the sales consultant when I entered into the contract. Further on in the booklet the detail of charges was different and contradicted the sumary earlier in the booklet. When I visited the store later to show them the mistake, the consultant simply said it is a typo. I would think this is a critical mistake and misleading that should have lead to the withdrawal of the booklet promoting their services.
Also, when I entered in to the contract I thought their voicemail (not video voicemail on iphones), 13 no's and 1300 no's where included in the monthly charge. The booklet with services and charges had a summary that showed these services included in the monthly charge. This summary was what I read with the sales consultant when I entered into the contract. Further on in the booklet the detail of charges was different and contradicted the sumary earlier in the booklet. When I visited the store later to show them the mistake, the consultant simply said it is a typo. I would think this is a critical mistake and misleading that should have lead to the withdrawal of the booklet promoting their services.
10042 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Completely at 3 Jan 2011 07:09:04 AM
No service at all in Ngunnawal since last night. Called this morning to initially be told that there are no network issues in the ACT. A few minutes later after resetting my iPhone I was asked for my postcode, only to be told that there *are* network issues in Ngunnawal (where I live), Amaroo and Casey and that they have no idea when they'll be fixed. I put my simcard in my old Nokia and am at least able to get/ make calls, but nothing with a phone which has a newer network usage.
3 Jan 2011 07:14:14 AM: It's a 3G issue, as 2G works fine.
10041 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is total at 3 Jan 2011 07:02:28 AM
started in nov 2010 got a call from vodafone."do you know that 3 & vodafone have merged giving us the best coverage & by the way your contract is up on 3". It all went down hill from there.I was told that all people on 3 network will all switch over to vodafone network.All new to me just a simple plumber! "Would you like to start a new contract".Worst thing i could have said "Yes". This started events that i have just now recovered.Without sigining anything or reading/accepting product statement,was sent a box which should have had 2 phones&2net sticks (Wrong).Only 1 phone came& 2 sticks & delivery docket from vodafone corprate .Which had no contact phone number.Thinking that i would be contacted, the box sat on the bentch waiting for this to happen for 2 weeks.1/12/2010 6:00am turn alarm of on phone.No coverage check sim,i had been automaticly switched to vodafone overnight on warning no call.Very pissed trying to run a plumbing business in dec/xmas time with no phone thank you vadafone!!!!! With coutless calls to inda & countless trips to the local vodafone store & days of lost work. I was put back on my old plan 24/12/2010. Ps-The 2nd phone turned up on 23/12/2010 but still waiting for the bag to arrive to send it all back.One more thing, while on the vodafone network all be it brief. I did a job for my father at lake eppaloch which was very peacefull as nobody could reach me for two days i was lucky no accidents thanks vodafone for the best coverage! It was like being back in the stone age! All i can say is i am glad to be FREE/CUTLOOSE from vodafail
3 Jan 2011 07:50:36 AM: Didnt you realise you need distress flares in case of emergency,( voda stopped giving them out as theirs failed to work)
10040 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No 3 Months Free at 3 Jan 2011 06:57:50 AM
I went into a 12 month contract that included three months free access and 10% off my contract bill each month. I got my first bill recently after being with vodafone for just over a month and realised there was an actual figure amount to be paid when I should have 3 months off my contract which should make my bill a nil amount. I also noticed my 10% off was not 10% but about 9%. I called Vodafone care and their customer care employee "supposedly" put down an enquiry to their boss to fix the issue while asking me to email their boss with my receipt showing proof I am meant to have 3 months free access. I also enquired about the 10% and they stated a few things about GST that I am still unsure about. I has been about a week and I have not heard from them.
3 Jan 2011 07:05:10 AM: Help me someone who works in accounting,but isnt it law that all prices must include gst? (I get the impression the dispute here is that perhaps gst wasnt included)
3 Jan 2011 07:15:20 AM: My dispute is not just that GST was not included in my receipt i.e. I'm meant to be paying only $62.10 on a $69 contract per month, not not $62.72 (I know its measly but every cent counts in my household), but I am also meant to have 3 months free access for my account which does not show in my bill. They have said that I don't have 3 months free access on my contract even though it clearly shows on my receipt.
3 Jan 2011 07:19:23 AM: I had the same issue actually, they billed for the incorrect account and forgot about the three months free. It turns out that the three months is actually months 4,5,6 of the contract although they never tell you that. Long story short after a lot of explaining and arguing how it wasn't right they made the first 3 months free and fixed the bill. Call up the vodafone number and try and get through to the accounts people, if you have a receipt then they can't argue. Goodluck!
3 Jan 2011 07:37:54 AM: I just called up vodafone just now and luckily for me got through in about 20 seconds which is a first as I am usually on hold for about 20 minutes to about an hour. The person was no help at all! They said they will advise the person who spoke with me before about the problem and they will call me back. I asked about the GST thing and they said the same thing, then cut off. I should have tried to be more stern as this would possibly be the only time I actually got put through in less than a minute!
3 Jan 2011 07:55:42 AM: Bills could and should be much simpler, but they do thier best to baffle us with the bullshit
10038 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 100% at 3 Jan 2011 06:19:41 AM
As a 17 year old I jumped at the chance to get the latest mobile, and the only company that allowed me to sign up for a contract was Vodafail. Furthermore to being exploited by being put on a plan twice the cost of the one I was actually after, I was blacklisted by Vodaphone over an amount of money THAT ENDED UP BEING CREDITED BACK TO MY ACCOUNT. To cut a long story short, I called to change my billing address and cancel my contract after it was up. The contract was not cancelled and the address was not updated, leaving me to believe I had no outstanding charges on my account. Well shock and horror, eventually the mail was forwarded to my new address twelve months after they had began sending warnings of being blacklisted over $20.45. It was too late when I realised. I called to dispute the charges and received a refund cheque to the same value - $20.45. However, after repeated attempts at resolving this, the credit default remains on my account to this day, and without the option of receiving a bank loan, I have had to take out several high interest loans for my car and business, leaving me with weekly backbreaking budgets and thousands and thousands of dollars down the drain! thanks vodafone!
3 Jan 2011 07:06:22 AM: Get onto the ombudsman asap
4 Jan 2011 04:43:28 PM: I don't see how this is possible. Vodafone uses a system called siebel. In this system if a customers date of birth is less than 18 years then you are unable to proceed with a contract as you legally need to be 18 to sign a contract.
10035 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 100% at 3 Jan 2011 12:34:35 AM
I have a business in the middle of south yarra! One of Melbournes most populated suburbs.... guess what, 1-2bars (only if I turn my 3g off). With 3g no service. I live in Toorak, another innercity suburb. In my lounge.. no service, in my office... no service! I recently went on holidays in Gold Coast (Surfers Paradise!) again very central location.... no service, no data! I have lost over a doz important business calls/new clients over the past 2 weeks due to this useless company! How can I get out of my contract? I have 6 months to go and I will be moving to Telstra even if it costs me an extra couple of dollars a month (it beats losing tens of thousands in business loss over the past 2 weeks). Will vodafone reimburse the potential loss of busines I have realised over the past 2 weeks? I doubt it.. they cant even get their network to function... I am so angry with Vodafail... We are living in a world where you dont even think to check your service bar when travelling in metro areas. Mobile phones are now relied upon for personal and business use ( the same way a wrist watch became reliable 100s of years ago.. what would you think if your wrist watch would stop working every day and you would be late for important meetings? You would stop to rely on it!) This should not be happening to the mobile phone industry and its vodafone alone that is failing the entire industry!
3 Jan 2011 06:52:26 AM: I am with you, i need reliability to run my business, my business has to date succeeded (despite a major failure on vodafones part) due to our reliability and availability.
Whatever it costs (within reason), I am more than willing to pay. I am not a tightarse, I didnt go to vodafone because they were cheap, at the time, there flexibility suited me and I was more than happy with the service.
With the losses I have incurred to date, I could have paid 5 years worth of fone bills!!!
Whatever it costs (within reason), I am more than willing to pay. I am not a tightarse, I didnt go to vodafone because they were cheap, at the time, there flexibility suited me and I was more than happy with the service.
With the losses I have incurred to date, I could have paid 5 years worth of fone bills!!!
10033 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% fail at 2 Jan 2011 10:17:25 PM
Turramurra - there is NO service, and has not been for about a month now. It just suddenly died!
3 Jan 2011 07:11:27 AM: thats because of the incompetent merge with 3 mobile
3 Jan 2011 08:12:35 AM: perhaps also due to overselling, lack of planning, and not enough engineers(the guys who kept things going successfully for a long time. (were they possibly seen as unnecessary and made reduntant in a cost cutting excercise?) Any telco engineers got any comment?
10031 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is always fail at 2 Jan 2011 09:49:02 PM
I missed lots of job interviews due to delay of voicemail message and text messages. Also the latest was last December 31 the line was congested that I was not able to send the text messages.
3 Jan 2011 07:08:36 AM: Its almost as if those of us who depend on our mobiles need a spare connected to another network!!!!!!!
10030 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extreme at 2 Jan 2011 09:35:42 PM
Every aspect of service is shithouse, they are completely congested and have been for a long time, yet still pump the adds for new customers with even bigger download limits!
3 Jan 2011 06:53:56 AM: GREED
3 Jan 2011 10:26:16 AM: Yeah...maybe fix your service for your existing customers! Completely pathetic
10029 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Absolute Classic Failure at 2 Jan 2011 09:34:17 PM
Mobile phones
Signal is getting more variable with call dropouts in the ACT. Txt messages sometimes take days to arrive (record for us so far is a week).
Up until Dec 2010 I had Vodafail's prepaid mobile broadband for 12 months. I live in Richardson in the ACT. The service degraded over this period to the point where I could not get a reliable connection and when I did it was at less than dial up speed being prepaid I was able to walk. For the record I used this service in Blacktown, NSW during this time and the service went from poor to non existent. Just could not establish a connection even with Vodafail's support desk assistance
Signal is getting more variable with call dropouts in the ACT. Txt messages sometimes take days to arrive (record for us so far is a week).
Up until Dec 2010 I had Vodafail's prepaid mobile broadband for 12 months. I live in Richardson in the ACT. The service degraded over this period to the point where I could not get a reliable connection and when I did it was at less than dial up speed being prepaid I was able to walk. For the record I used this service in Blacktown, NSW during this time and the service went from poor to non existent. Just could not establish a connection even with Vodafail's support desk assistance
2 Jan 2011 09:45:49 PM: I live in Blacktown and the reception is just a joke!
10028 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is VERY!!! at 2 Jan 2011 09:32:37 PM
I cannot use my mobile inside my unit. I have to wait for ages for bars to appear and even then I'm lucky if it stays at 3 bars. Drops out depending on which suburb I'm in. Continually fails to send texts. Periodic failure to receive texts.
10027 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is useless at 2 Jan 2011 09:28:37 PM
im on prepaid and no one seams to care about that... my internet only work intermitantly and my phone loses service for up to 6 hours at a time. prepayed customers should also be compensated after all they already have my money... im just a poor pensioner
3 Jan 2011 06:45:09 AM: ur prepaid! its more of an issue if ur on contract u can do as ur please and not have to cancel ur contract.idiot
3 Jan 2011 07:10:34 AM: If you can use the internet, do a google seach for either telstra or optus, if your fone is locked get it unlocked
3 Jan 2011 08:36:12 AM: @ 3 Jan 2011 08:45:09 AM There is no need to call a pensioner an Idiot.
10026 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is So upset at 2 Jan 2011 09:23:43 PM
Just returning to work after being a stay at home mum for five years I needed to know that my children could reach me at any time so I signed up for three mobile phone contracts at vodafone, BIG MISTAKE It is very rare that I can call my kids or visa versa without our phones dropping out or even sometimes we dont have coverage at all. I have spoken to Vodafone several times only to be told that they are looking into the problem and they will get back to me, and SUPRISE SUPRISE THEY NEVER DO. I should of realised that the coverage was crap when two staff members in a Vodafone store that I went to had Telstra on their phones.
10025 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Choked Me to Death at 2 Jan 2011 09:11:51 PM
3 Jan 2011 07:13:19 AM: At the rate they are signing up new victims they should be investing a lot more!!!!
10024 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAILING EPICALLY at 2 Jan 2011 09:00:15 PM
Reception and 3G randomly cuts out, will receive messages but reception cuts out before I am able to reply! Spent a week in Perth a month ago, did not receive reception in hotel room, maxxed about 2 bars of reception while in Perth, had to sit in carpark to have even 1 bar of reception. Loading maps takes forever, loading apps takes forever. Very dissatisfied considering I pay $69 a month and got an iphone for its specific purpose!
10023 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is internet stick at 2 Jan 2011 08:56:56 PM
went to vodaphone store was told to download to fix my connection but of course its not happening what now? using a friends stick to get online. Please help with my vodafone stick
10022 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 2 Jan 2011 08:44:12 PM
I have Vodafone for my mobile and wireless broadband, It took me 5 attempts to load this site, the download speeds constantly stay at zero for minutes at a time, I had better performance on tpg dial up 15 years ago.. My phone rings sometimes, sms can take days, voice mail? if you can call it that.. occasionally works and never timely
10021 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is pain in the a** at 2 Jan 2011 08:44:09 PM
Very slow data usage - slow application usage ie facebook, safari/online usage, delayed text messages, delayed voicemail, calls dropping out and low quality connection during calls
10020 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Consistently Fail at 2 Jan 2011 08:42:28 PM
No signal. No Reception. I receive messages and voice mail messages days after they have been sent. I always thought it was just me who had this problem with Vodafone because of where I lived - obviously not.
10019 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is MASSIVE at 2 Jan 2011 08:27:04 PM
3 Jan 2011 07:18:45 AM: They better not go before we get our apologies and compensation
3 Jan 2011 10:28:05 AM: I'd be happy with just getting out of my contract....dogs
3 Jan 2011 12:07:23 PM: They're advertising line is "Power to you" - I don't think so! Vodafail should be using this line :-)
10018 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Getting Worse at 2 Jan 2011 08:22:50 PM
Its takes me on average 8 attempts to make a call and then it usually drops out. And thats inside my house in Manly. I just switched recently from pre pay to plan and the service has dropped almost completely. Maybe I was on an old network or something cos my next door neighbour is prepaid and she has no probs. I dont want to not like Vodafone Ive never had any issues with them before. I despise Telstra & Optus aint great either. SO PLEASE FIX YOUR NETWORK VODAFONE.
10017 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is massive fail!! at 2 Jan 2011 08:13:56 PM
Managing a retail store it is essential that i have a usable mobile phone...i actually thought my handset was faulty after hundreds of calls failed...realising it was the network i attempted to contact vodaphone several times with no success...
10016 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 2 Jan 2011 08:07:41 PM
Have been a customer for over 7 years and haven't had any problems until recently when the signal repeatedly drops out and i have no coverage at all, unless i turn my phone off and move around. Each month my bill varies for the same amount of use one month it will be $49 and other months it will be $110 and with no access to my bill because they're updating their website i can't see if I have indeed been using more than previous months, which I believe is incorrect.
I have been patiently waiting to get out of my contract within the 3 months early exit with no fees period, to upgrade to the iphone 4 (finally) only to be told today when i went to ask about it that i can only get out of it if i wish to upgrade with vodafone, which will not be happening. The staff at the store were not very helpful and particularly unfriendly.
So its either slug it out with vodafail for another 3 and a bit months or pay $150 to get my number and run to another carrier.
I have been patiently waiting to get out of my contract within the 3 months early exit with no fees period, to upgrade to the iphone 4 (finally) only to be told today when i went to ask about it that i can only get out of it if i wish to upgrade with vodafone, which will not be happening. The staff at the store were not very helpful and particularly unfriendly.
So its either slug it out with vodafail for another 3 and a bit months or pay $150 to get my number and run to another carrier.
10015 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extremely at 2 Jan 2011 08:05:30 PM
An example of what I am going through for the last month or so is, in the last hour I have tried calling a friend and they have been trying to call me. 26 attempts by me and still no success, just call fail. I can't even call 1555 to complain and yet there is reception according to the phone. I have switched my phone off/on 6 times now. This is going not to mention all the call drop outs. Yet sms's seem to be working OK most of the time.
10014 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 2 Jan 2011 08:01:51 PM
If you have signed a contract & your not happy with the service you are getting you should be able to cancel your contract,nobody should be made to stay trapped in a contract!
2 Jan 2011 09:33:09 PM: You do realize what a contract is? If people could just cancel contracts it would defeat the purpose of a contract. This applies to any industry.
10013 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is call drops out, never any service at 2 Jan 2011 07:40:08 PM
my credit is going for no reason because it consistently drops out
10012 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Totally useless at 2 Jan 2011 07:32:13 PM
Useless signal at home and office. Useless 3G speed everywhere.
10011 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Shocking at 2 Jan 2011 07:29:30 PM
Stuck on a 24 month contract. Terrible customer service. I was on the phone to Mumbai for 6 hours - repeating and reiterating that I had no mobile coverage. They wanted to investigate because their words ' we have had no complaints about network coverage,. I was goes on and on.
2 Jan 2011 07:39:55 PM: At a guess, The TIO will be able to help you out of your contract. Check out the 'How To Complain' link at the top of the page (Make sure you follow all steps, as the TIO will require all of the information). Best of luck.
10010 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 2 Jan 2011 07:25:37 PM
My phone keeps cutting out and I have to constantly call back every time I make or receive a call. It is frustrating to have "full reception and 3G" however there actually is not service. There are dozens of reasons why I would never recommend Vodafone. I have been saying for weeks I will contact the Ombudsman and I definately will now.
10009 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very very fail at 2 Jan 2011 07:17:13 PM
vodafone sux big time. i have the usual limited reception in my once good phone switches on/off and drops out during battery life seems to decrease by the day. what the f....k is going on.i have tried many times to ring vodafone and complain but never seem to get through or realise after a while this call is costing me huge money as the mobile is my only phone.
2 Jan 2011 07:40:08 PM: At a guess, The TIO will be able to help you out of your contract. Check out the 'How To Complain' link at the top of the page (Make sure you follow all steps, as the TIO will require all of the information). Best of luck.
2 Jan 2011 08:27:44 PM: Does anyone know how the battery life thing works cos I have a New phone and the battery lasts for a day usually. I dont know how that is related to the network fail?
10008 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is A lot at 2 Jan 2011 07:13:38 PM
Well if the reception hasn't dropped instantly at random times and my texts don't send or receive on time, I now see the standard Vodafone text rate is now going up to 29c and not 25c like it used to be. This sounds like Telstra in red to me. And if there's any value for the monthly pre-paid.. (yes it's prepaid, you can get more with plans, etc), then why can't the $29 Flexi-Cap allow $300 credit like Optus and not $150 like Vodafone gives us?
And finally, sometimes I send a text and the receiving end will get it on an average 10 - 15 times... of the same message.
That is all.
And finally, sometimes I send a text and the receiving end will get it on an average 10 - 15 times... of the same message.
That is all.
10007 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 2 Jan 2011 07:10:08 PM
I'm new with Vodafone, I use it because there's a new Vodafone outlet in my campus. I was traveling from Melbourne to Albury, most of the way there's almost no service. I couldn't send any message, not to mention make a call, when others could. It was frustrating, since I could not contact my husband.
The internet connection also very upsetting, unstable, constantly on and off. Now, I can't even check my balance, how can I control my usage..
The internet connection also very upsetting, unstable, constantly on and off. Now, I can't even check my balance, how can I control my usage..
10006 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is off limits at 2 Jan 2011 07:04:42 PM
I have been a 3 customer for over a year and since they merged with Vodaphone I have to walk out to my driveway for reception. I guess im getting exercise huh? Anyway this sux, my phone bill was $200 more in the last two months from all the people I have to ring back due to drop outs
2 Jan 2011 07:08:40 PM: $200? thats nothing, Nigel probably spends that on a bottle of champagn!
2 Jan 2011 09:34:47 PM: The networks are still separate, the merge didn't change your reception.
10005 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is BULLSHIT at 2 Jan 2011 07:04:26 PM
So I finally got hold of their service dept after being on hold for over an hour & a half, told them my complaints (same as everyone elses), they said they couldn't help & someone would get back to me soon. Well someone did about 2 hours later, they tried to transfer me & the call dropped out. Peanuts! I have contacted & lodged my complaint with the Telecommunication Ombudsman
10004 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No Service... again at 2 Jan 2011 06:59:35 PM
Yet again in Echuca the signal is off then on, and has been all day. Thank you Vodafone for your fantastic upgraded 3G network here.
10003 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is FAIL at 2 Jan 2011 06:47:03 PM
Im with optus (thank god) but one of my friends is with vodafone and she has the worst reception ever i dont even bother calling or txting her anymore i just contact her through the internet because i know that 95% of the time she wont recieve my call or txt
2 Jan 2011 07:10:28 PM: Who's her internet with? couldnt be vodafone
10002 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is POOR RECEPTION DELAYED MESSAGED at 2 Jan 2011 06:46:48 PM
Always get poor reception and receive text messages hours later after friends have sent them. Not Happy!!!!
2 Jan 2011 08:36:53 PM: ...Jan
10001 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Incredibly fail at 2 Jan 2011 06:18:56 PM
I get dropped calls, data rates that my old 56k modem could beat, incredibly poor coverage, call ghosting and have spent over 15 hours on hold to customer care. I've changed phones at my own expense and tried friends phones. I'm at my wits end with this. And so sick of hearing Lara tell me Rio hang in there. I know for a fact you won't be with me really soon. Release me from this contract so i can get a Telstra Sim.
2 Jan 2011 06:26:41 PM: At a guess, The TIO will be able to help you out of your contract. Check out the 'How To Complain' link at the top of the page (Make sure you follow all steps, as the TIO will require all of the information). Best of luck.
10000 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is BIG TIME and ALL THE TIME at 2 Jan 2011 06:11:37 PM
my iphone internet is extremely slow and my calls can't be made. the no connection/no service in my phone is very constant now. can't even make a simple call JUST NOW. BLOODY HELL vodafone....go to hell
9999 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is painfully fail at 2 Jan 2011 06:07:19 PM
Messages not going through, not connecting, states services unavailable or connection error. Message bank messages come through hours to a day later. I have changed to a new sim card and still the same issues.
9998 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ? at 2 Jan 2011 06:05:23 PM
Oh.....PLUS!!! I have to re-connect to the internet about every 15 minutes as this stupid dongle drops out all the time!!! I am going insane!!!!!!
9996 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ? at 2 Jan 2011 06:04:18 PM
They charged me for additional connection fees, although I have an all-inclusive plan. It took 10 MONTHS before they fixed it, despite me calling EVERY MONTH to advise of the mistake, and despite PROMISES EVRY MONTH that it was fixed. EVERY month they put a credit ti the account and EVERY month I still had to call to get them to fix it!!! Each call took at least an hour!!!!absolutely insane!!!
9995 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very. at 2 Jan 2011 05:52:51 PM
Accepted contract because the coverage map said the coverage was full 3G in my home. The coverage is 3G, when I get reception (which is rare). I am frustrated that the coverage map was misleading, now I can't accept calls on my mobile (if they come through) as it is embarrassing when they drop out halfway through.
9994 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is to many to mention at 2 Jan 2011 05:50:20 PM
Just when I thought they couldnt get worst. Just went on "my vodafone" wouldnt except my password, so after many attempts it excepted my 4 digit password, but before it would allow me in, up came a pop-up window asking me how I rate their service, LIKE WAKE UP VODAFONE....WHAT... DON'T YOU READ THE FORUMS. The vodafone network is as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.
9993 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is How is this possible at 2 Jan 2011 05:48:53 PM
receiving Happy New Year
greeting messages 39
hours after they were sent?
Greeting texts I sent at
midnight never left, I was
able to send after 11am on
1st January.
greeting messages 39
hours after they were sent?
Greeting texts I sent at
midnight never left, I was
able to send after 11am on
1st January.
9992 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is EXTREMELY FAIL-AGE! at 2 Jan 2011 05:48:33 PM
ive been trying to get through to customer service to send me handset settings for my internet to work. and they still haven't answered my call ! i been on the phone for 1week now for hours trying to get a answer!!!.and reception is really bad!; this is unbelievable ! i'm really disappointed in vodafone ! i thought they were the best company to be with! guess not. !!!!
2 Jan 2011 07:02:40 PM: I think you can get the settings sent if you go on the vodafone website. Just have a dig around, it will be quicker than waiting for their customer service to get back to you.
2 Jan 2011 09:38:29 PM: It's right hand side on main Voda page, "Set up my Mobile Device".
9991 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is LIARS at 2 Jan 2011 05:45:22 PM
Phone was for my 13 year old son for xmas. he was very excited xmas morning with a list of his friends numbers ready to go. no service in our area, was told there was when i bought it. Very upset boy xmas day. very very angry mother
no satisfaction with calling vodaphone. not worth taking phone back to shop as its 4 hour round trip. Since bought him telstra phone, works perfectly
no satisfaction with calling vodaphone. not worth taking phone back to shop as its 4 hour round trip. Since bought him telstra phone, works perfectly
9990 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 2 Jan 2011 05:41:22 PM
Extremely poor internet connection-constantly cutting off. Customer service is appalling. Have waited on the customer service line for hours at a time and then just been cut off without any contact. If I can get through to someone they pass me from person to person and then hang up when I tell them there is some problem. Customer service officers have been rude and aggressive.
9989 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is huge fail at 2 Jan 2011 05:40:05 PM
i spent 5 days in brisbane for 4 of those days i either had no signal or it said full but i couldnt send sms/ring or connect to the net.
Then have sent sms and they arrive 2 days later and send more then once and im getting charged for them, Drop outs are also very annoying when trying to conduct business
im very unhappy and am thinking of changing to another carrier
Then have sent sms and they arrive 2 days later and send more then once and im getting charged for them, Drop outs are also very annoying when trying to conduct business
im very unhappy and am thinking of changing to another carrier
9988 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VERY! at 2 Jan 2011 05:16:28 PM
I spent 5 days in the Melbourne CBD from Dec 25th to Dec 30th and on numerous occasions I either had no signal or it said full signal but I could not send/receive sms/talk or connect to the internet.
I then spent a further 3 days in the Sydney CBD and again on numerous occasions I either had no signal or it said full signal but I could not send/receive sms/talk or connect to the internet.
I then spent a further 3 days in the Sydney CBD and again on numerous occasions I either had no signal or it said full signal but I could not send/receive sms/talk or connect to the internet.
9987 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VodaDinosaur at 2 Jan 2011 05:08:25 PM
Mobile Broadband dropping out and failing to load pages..AGAIN.
Network is switching between 3G and EDGE 2G and GPRS and seems very unstable.
Vodafoney IS like a box of never know what you are gonna get !
Telstra is looking attractive now..................
Network is switching between 3G and EDGE 2G and GPRS and seems very unstable.
Vodafoney IS like a box of never know what you are gonna get !
Telstra is looking attractive now..................
1 Feb 2011 01:48:39 PM: Yea I have the same problem. It's really bad.
9986 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very. at 2 Jan 2011 05:05:55 PM
Accepted contract because the coverage map said the coverage was full 3G in my home. The coverage is 3G, when I get reception (which is rare). I am frustrated that the coverage map was misleading, now I can't accept calls on my mobile (if they come through) as it is embarrassing when they drop out halfway through.
9984 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 2 Jan 2011 04:50:18 PM
Not receiving some text messages on my phone when i send text it gets sent like 5 times and i am being charged.... but the most annoying thing would be the drop outs even though my reception isnt that bad.... wat is going on???
2 Jan 2011 04:51:58 PM: True, true... WHAT THE &@$? IS GOING ON?!?! STUPID VODAFAIL!! >:(
9983 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is pre paid stick 3g internet at 2 Jan 2011 04:46:27 PM
my name is chris and i am from seymour in victoria i just recently bought my first laptop and i was looking forward to using my vodafone prepaid stick 3g though on my attempts to use it over 3 nights i discovered i had no or unreliable reception.
this is my 2nd attempt at using vodafone products as i am wanting something different to telstra though unfortunately i am going to have to use them yuk!!!!
this is my 2nd attempt at using vodafone products as i am wanting something different to telstra though unfortunately i am going to have to use them yuk!!!!
9982 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Something at the bottom of my toilet! at 2 Jan 2011 04:40:25 PM
I'm on my iPhone and it seems to be better on Edge (2G) connection, when I turn on 3G I it goes to 1-3 bars! I would accept at least 4 bars! VodaFAIL should really make there 3G coverage broader!
9981 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 0 out of 10 at 2 Jan 2011 04:37:39 PM
My phone has always randomly dropped out and not go txts but until recently I always thought it was the other persons phone. A few weeks ago I was having all sorts of problems, so thought it was my phone. Changed phone same dramas. Connection error, no service, all really good when your trying to talk to clients, organise subbies and do break downs!! This was in WA, now Im on holidays in Sydney and its happening over here. I couldnt even ring 1555 or 121. So I get on a land line to call them. I use the call back feature and am surprised that I got the call back so soon(2 hrs). The guy was friendly enough, but had no idea what he was talking about. Then said he would put me through to technical. The waiting game began. Hung up after 30 min then tired to call back but didnt get the call back option. So back to square one. WHO the fuck in Vodafone and who can help me?? I want out. Im going to a dealer tomorrow to cancel my contract!
9980 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail to validate my password. What does that mean? no access to the website and sh.. reception, terrible dropout at 2 Jan 2011 04:35:39 PM
9978 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is fail with a capital F at 2 Jan 2011 04:26:27 PM
Im not going to mention all the past dramas we had,mainly with wireless coverage and being told we would have coverage in Cairns and not having any,This is just a bit of the problem needless to say we now have Telstra,the current problem is not receiving phone calls but Im able to recieve texts,granted they are about a day late and tend to be in the middle of the night.I get no coverage in our home and in 2 of the major shopping centres.Its been over a year of their crap-time for a change I think!!
9977 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is useless coverage and phone at 2 Jan 2011 04:12:12 PM
My phone drops out of service continually, its battery barely lasts a day, yet its a brand new samsung galaxy, it won't send txt messages despite being in full service, it turns itself off regularly and open programs but itself when its locked.I can't download apps for it as it wont connect to the networks, i've sent it back 4 times each time to be told theres nothing wrong with it.i've tried getting hold of customer service, only to be on hold for over an hour and not get any answer
9976 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100 at 2 Jan 2011 03:51:19 PM
After 2 minutes on every call it drops out! Text msgs come 2 days later! Vodafone is ruining my life!
9975 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is poor 3G coverage at 2 Jan 2011 03:48:51 PM
I was out in Virginia 2day and got poor 3G coverage and when I went to use internet on my fone it was slow as an "old man walking" very slow and 3G dropping out...
9974 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 2 Jan 2011 03:45:55 PM
well, vodafone sometimes laggs so much that a message will take 1 whole hour to recieve. It is very bad if you have important things to tell people.
9972 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is The Worst at 2 Jan 2011 03:45:25 PM
I would love to see some tee shirts printed with "VODAFAIL"
they would sell like hot cakes !!!!
they would sell like hot cakes !!!!
3 Jan 2011 05:15:19 PM: It's comments from people like you that get sites like these shut down. Say something relevant or don't say anything at all and get off this site.
3 Jan 2011 06:05:22 PM: the post @ 8:46 sounds suspiciously like a vodafail employee. i think all the profanity laden flaming replies are from vodafone reps. i agree tho comments on this forum should remain constructive and the OP's comments about shirts aren't exactly helping.
3 Jan 2011 06:18:53 PM: Yep! Thanks! from post at 7.15.19 =)
3 Jan 2011 08:35:39 PM: The reply has been moderated out.
9971 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 100% at 2 Jan 2011 03:45:16 PM
I am on a 2 year contract with vodafail and have 6 months left for completion. At first I did not know that it was vodaphone that was responsible for the issues I was having, I thought that it was my iphone. I went into a vodaphone store and was treated very poorly. At first they changed my sim and said that was the problem. I left the store, went to make a phone call and it did exactly the same thing as before, disconnected me after about 5 seconds. I went back in and told them it hasn't worked. They suggested I see Apple as it's my phone. After more discussions (mostly me asking to talk to the Manager), they put me on the phone to Lara, in which I waited 45 minutes without getting through. I had to pick my son up so I handed the phone over to one of the staff members who said that she would wait on for me and that she would give them my sons no to call me on, as no one could get through to my no. That happened 6 weeks ago and I am still waiting for a call from Vodaphone. As I do not have a home phone my mobile is the only way I can be contacted. The main issues I have is constant dropping out, my phone constantly tells others trying to call me that my no is disconnected. I quite often cannot get through and if I am lucky enough to do so, I only get to talk to them for 2 seconds and they are gone. I have had to buy a prepaid phone (even though I am in a contract for my iphone with vodafail), just to make sure that I am covered as I am a single mother.
9970 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 100% at 2 Jan 2011 03:43:17 PM
I'm not with Vodafone, but I'm with 3 which is basically Vodafone anyway. VHA is the crappest telecommunications company in Australia. The coverage around Doreen, VIC is very poor. I get little to no coverage. I don't even get emergency calls. VHA better get their game together and start helping their customers. I sat on the phone for about 3 hours trying to find out why my iPad Mobile Broadband wasn't working. It took them 3 hours to find out that it wasn't working in my area. So I went to Telstra and bought iPad mobile broadband from them. There coverage in my area is EXCELLENT!!!! I am switching to Telstra right now!!!!! DONT TRUST VODAFONE OR 3!!!!
9969 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 2 Jan 2011 03:42:24 PM
it always occurs to me that every once in a few days vodafone cannot get my internet usage statistics or cannot even provide me with any internet connection at all. Sometimes vodafone even stops inbetween a connection which can be extremly frustrating if i am chatting with freinds, playing an online game, or anything else.
9968 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 90 at 2 Jan 2011 03:41:48 PM
- failed calls
- missed calls without the phone even ringing
- partially received text msgs, some take hours or days to fully receive
- crazy phone bills (a month of making a number of international calls cost me less than a month of normal use!?)
- terrible reception, drop outs in my home (2km from melbourne cbd)
- slow internet
- missed calls without the phone even ringing
- partially received text msgs, some take hours or days to fully receive
- crazy phone bills (a month of making a number of international calls cost me less than a month of normal use!?)
- terrible reception, drop outs in my home (2km from melbourne cbd)
- slow internet
9964 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is inexcusable at 2 Jan 2011 03:39:03 PM
5 nines reliability fail. It's January 2 and it's already impossible for Vodafone to meet a 5 nine's uptime for 2011.
2 Jan 2011 05:43:03 PM: whats a 5 nines uptime?