Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new
complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of
these fine product / brand review sites.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.
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Other People's Pain
Everywhere (19206) | ACT (1140) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
9857 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is at 2 Jan 2011 01:57:31 AM
I find it extremely annoying. My niece was in hospital and her mother tried to call me ..... NOTHING! Even yesterday my boss tried to contact me and once more NOTHING! I think it is fantastic that this website is up and running! When you try to call vodaphone you get thrown on hold and then disconnected! Ridiculous!!
2 Jan 2011 06:47:15 AM: even better.. wait on hold for an hour, get through to customer service, call drops out, they have all your details on screen in front of them, but do they call you back?? no, now its time to start the whole agonising process again!
9856 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is epic at 2 Jan 2011 12:43:29 AM
nothing special, got shown a crudely drawn map and told yep you get coverage there, but it will be a little slow (wireless BB). "coverage" apparently means you get to stay online for seconds at a time before complete dropout. Thanks for this website, I hope people continue to make a noise, and that vodafone burns.
2 Jan 2011 05:53:25 AM: Im totally with you. I get almost zero network coverage for my mobile broadband here. I got told I could buy a booster to get better coverage which would cost me around $70-$100 but that my laptop would no longer be "mobile"!!? I'd have to use it in the same spot. Doesnt that defeat the whole purpose of being "mobile"? And if I do need a booster because of their poor coverage, they should give me one for free, especially if they want me to keep on using their service!!
9855 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is 3G coverage in ACT is garbage at 2 Jan 2011 12:02:11 AM
My wife has had to revert to 2G on her iPhone 4 as 3G coverage at our home in Gungahlin ACT is just about zero (no it's not a fault with the iPhone 4 antenna as 2G reception is perfect). She is rarely able to make any calls from our area and if she is then the reception is just terrible. Also she signed up for the $49 cap with $5 handset repayment for a new 24 mth plan - now the first bill has arrive and she has to pay $10 p/m for the phone. Customer service didn't help her at all, hopefully the Vodafone shop people will be able to sort it out! Great work Vodafone.
2 Jan 2011 05:27:39 AM: what does her contract say that she signed....? if it does say $10 and she didn't read it, then signed it anyway......well you prolly can't do anything
2 Jan 2011 09:35:14 PM: ?????? as I stated - she signed up for the $49 cap + $5 handset replacement. Have email from Vodafail to prove it...we'll see how long it takes to fix
9854 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is not cool at 1 Jan 2011 11:14:21 PM
I am pretty much over the fact that my calls are cutting out, having no reception too much, the internet not working too well and the voicemails coming through hours or days after they were left... and to top it off, when i call Vodafail there is a 45min wait... umm hell no, just makes me more aggitated... i feel sorry for those who have to work in the call centre! I just dont bother to wait that 45mins because its not fair if i were to take my frustration out on them! Boy this network is frustrating!
2 Jan 2011 04:52:38 AM: No need to get frustrated, just take sim out, wait a couple of mins and put it back in, this fixes a multitude of problems.
Thats what I have been told that many times, I almost believe it!!
Thats what I have been told that many times, I almost believe it!!
2 Jan 2011 07:08:28 AM: Try doing the exit SIM thing at just dont work. Also, this is a multibillion dollar giant. Imagine if you had to fiddle with your light switches 4 times before the light comes on, or if in the middle of readying, your light just goes out. Would this be acceptable? I would not give them an ounce of breathing space. they have been in the game long enough. Period!
9853 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is continuously switching to edge and killing my battery at 1 Jan 2011 10:46:18 PM
Have you noticed how you keep dropping out of a 3g zone and it switches to Edge and back and Edge and back. And then your battery is dead before sunset when it usually lasts a day and a hald easy?
9851 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is tha pitts at 1 Jan 2011 09:58:23 PM
my internet is crapola,thank for sfa vodafone!
9850 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 1 Jan 2011 09:54:19 PM
My partner and I decided to switch to Vodafone in order to get free unlimited calls with one another and to my family. I have been unable to take advantage of this feature as calls which are over 30 seconds in length seem to be too strenuous for the Vodafone network and drop out immediately. This problem wasn't too bad when I got my iPhone six months ago, however these days I am taken aback if I get more than a minute out of a call before it starts dropping out.
2 Jan 2011 09:10:27 AM: Watching the vodafone advertising on TV makes my blood boil.... ahs
9848 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is on a scale of 1 to 10 they fail 11 at 1 Jan 2011 09:40:48 PM
been trying for 30 minutes to get onto the website and find out when my contract ends. taking forever to load and when it finally does when i try and log in it has error message, and when i click the forgotten password button it tells me it will text me a new one, but then when i type my number in and click ok it just says some sort of error message. ughhh i just want to know when my contract ends!!!
9847 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extreme fail at 1 Jan 2011 09:34:55 PM
I'm sure most of you experience this, how your reception bar is full and you have 3G ( I've got an iPhone 3G) but the Internet doesn't work?! My biggest hate for vodafone is the fact that you can't speak to a real person to complain to, it's absolute bullshit!
9846 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 1 Jan 2011 09:22:51 PM
I am on a wireless internet plan with Vodafailed and i have NEVER had more then two bars of reception, it drops out every 5 mins and just will not connect sometimes! I went in store to discuss it and they didn't want to know about me and reffered me to their help line. How can a basic wireless network to operate in the middle of suburbia? It is pathetic!
9845 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No internet covegage right in Coolangatta town Central!! at 1 Jan 2011 08:33:42 PM
I have been with vodafone for 4 months now and i hate it! For starters the mobile internet stick has no reception in or outside my unit which is right in town in Coolangatta, nor does it have any decent coverage at work unless i sit outside the shop - the shop is on the main St of Coolangatta. The stick itself has always had issues being recognised by my brand new netbook. When taking my laptop and stick into vodafone i was told they could not look at it in store and i needed to call the contact centre - hat!!??? The contact centre is in Malaysia or india and i just cant clearly understand them. So now i have a a contract of 2 years for which i cant use the internet stick at home or work and I cant find help at any vodafone store if I need it, just a call centre that is too hard to understand - I am 28 so I cant imagine how an elderly person would cope trying to understand the call centre people!
P.S I have written this blurb on my partners mobile internet Stick which is Virgin and works perfectly fine at our unit.
P.S I have written this blurb on my partners mobile internet Stick which is Virgin and works perfectly fine at our unit.
1 Jan 2011 08:54:57 PM: P.S.S I recently took a trip inland with my inlaws from NZ, my phone cut out all coverage the whole trip, their NZ phone which I beleive runs through telstra had coverage the whole way!
9844 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is piece of crap at 1 Jan 2011 08:32:13 PM
spent new years at a party where i only knew 1 person and was gonna ring all my friends around midnight and text and such, but when i got there NO reception. everyone else who was on optus and telstra had full bars, i had none and could only get the 'emergency only' message to appear on my phone. ruined my night.
not impressed.
also couldnt call for someone to come pick me up. had to borrow someones phone.
not impressed.
also couldnt call for someone to come pick me up. had to borrow someones phone.
9843 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Completely at 1 Jan 2011 08:31:39 PM
Every call i make or receive either drops out or experiences some issues. Some attemps to call i make dont even go through. I regularly lose reception when a couple of km's from the perth CBD.
I do not receive a reasonable proportion of sms's until a few days later. mms's substantially longer.
I use the internet tethering on my iphone for my home internet use. Currently the broadband works a max 10% of the time. and when it does it cuts out every minute or so and is terribly slow. The 2g internet is fine but thats not what i pay for.
I live less than 4km's from Perth CBD. There is a tower approx 1km on a massive hill from me. I can see it if i went out the front of my house. and no f*cken reception?
The fact we are all paying for their services and the fact they are not delivering their services as outlined in the contract is a joke. I want out of vodafone asap.
I wouldnt expect to keep my job if i only worked less than 10% of the time. so why should vodafone be different? As such, i will not pay them when they are not doing their job.
BTW customer service was a joke. waited 2 hours for the call back (although i must admit the call back idea is a good one - not sure if this is a common thing its just the first time ive experienced it). in the end all i got told was reset the phone - which made no difference.
So i currently write this using crappy 2g speeds. takes several minutes for a page to load. seems slower than i remember the old 56kb modems on dial up connection used to be.
We signed a contract stating we will pay $XXX for them providing YYY. If they dont provide YYY thats a breach of the contact. they dont care about that but. I garantee as soon as we stop paying $XXX theyll be chasing us for every cent!
I do not receive a reasonable proportion of sms's until a few days later. mms's substantially longer.
I use the internet tethering on my iphone for my home internet use. Currently the broadband works a max 10% of the time. and when it does it cuts out every minute or so and is terribly slow. The 2g internet is fine but thats not what i pay for.
I live less than 4km's from Perth CBD. There is a tower approx 1km on a massive hill from me. I can see it if i went out the front of my house. and no f*cken reception?
The fact we are all paying for their services and the fact they are not delivering their services as outlined in the contract is a joke. I want out of vodafone asap.
I wouldnt expect to keep my job if i only worked less than 10% of the time. so why should vodafone be different? As such, i will not pay them when they are not doing their job.
BTW customer service was a joke. waited 2 hours for the call back (although i must admit the call back idea is a good one - not sure if this is a common thing its just the first time ive experienced it). in the end all i got told was reset the phone - which made no difference.
So i currently write this using crappy 2g speeds. takes several minutes for a page to load. seems slower than i remember the old 56kb modems on dial up connection used to be.
We signed a contract stating we will pay $XXX for them providing YYY. If they dont provide YYY thats a breach of the contact. they dont care about that but. I garantee as soon as we stop paying $XXX theyll be chasing us for every cent!
2 Jan 2011 07:10:32 AM: RIght on the money. these guys are taking us all for a ride.......then have the gaul to throw million dollar XMAS parties where they all pat themselves on the back for another year well done! These guys are a joke. I have 6 months to go on my contract then its asta lavista baby!
9841 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Extreme at 1 Jan 2011 08:15:45 PM
I only have a 10% at most success rate of dialling my daughter internationally. My current plan was supposedly set up and was to provide this service as a priority. My second complaint is the excess charges for using data. I am a basic user of emails and cannot understand or cannot get any help from vodafone regarding this problem. I have written emails and have rung the 1555 number only to be be ignored or asked to ring back.
1 Jan 2011 08:18:56 PM: If you can recall your date and time call to 1555 then please post that information on the tab "On Hold Again?", just helps to compile some hard statistics concerning Customer Care waiting times.
9840 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 2011 08:15:15 PM
Mary Molineux what's with all the drop outs with vodafone and messages that are sent and take like 20 minutes to get there and says the time sent was like a full half hour after I sent it like I sent it at 4:15 and the time on the other end said I sent is at 4:59pm but was received at 4:40pm how can that be and don't blame my clock on the mobile as it was and still correct. FOR GOD SAKE GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER OR I WILL CHANGE SERVER AND ALSO GET ALL MY FRIENDS TO DO SO TOO.
9839 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Facing a shit storm of their own making at 1 Jan 2011 08:15:11 PM
One would hope that Vodafone (and other large companies) have learnt from this monumental PR disaster. In the text books that will be written about this episode Vodaphone will be used as example of Exactly How Not To Respond To major technical problems with service delivery.
The woeful network problems from black spits to dropouts, billing issues and customers being locked out would be bad enough in isolation. But what has made this situation ten fold worse is the way they failed to 1/ initially listen to the flood of complaints and 2/ respond to these legitimate concerns.
How did it come to this. I'm convinced that the out sourcing of their call centres meant that they lost that crucial direct connection to their customers. If the customer team had been kept in house I'm sure the avalanche of complaints would have been brought to the attention of senior management much sooner, well before the need for a web site like this became overwhelming.
Vodafone only have themselves to blame.
The woeful network problems from black spits to dropouts, billing issues and customers being locked out would be bad enough in isolation. But what has made this situation ten fold worse is the way they failed to 1/ initially listen to the flood of complaints and 2/ respond to these legitimate concerns.
How did it come to this. I'm convinced that the out sourcing of their call centres meant that they lost that crucial direct connection to their customers. If the customer team had been kept in house I'm sure the avalanche of complaints would have been brought to the attention of senior management much sooner, well before the need for a web site like this became overwhelming.
Vodafone only have themselves to blame.
2 Jan 2011 05:42:44 PM: ALL Telcos are out sourced
9838 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is vodafone web account detail down at 1 Jan 2011 08:11:20 PM
once again i see the vodafone web site is down again as i cant log in to view or pay my bill you would think with all the bad publicly vodafone has been getting they would at least try and keep things working that can be easily resolved
2 Jan 2011 08:51:38 AM: 12 hours and the vodafone site is still down lol
2 Jan 2011 11:23:49 AM: Couldnt possibley take them that long to re insert sim, perhaps one of thier call centres has put them on hold
9837 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is dont sign a contract with Vodafone at 1 Jan 2011 08:11:14 PM
After being with vodaphone for 5 years I signed my first contract. Big mistake.
After my new handset valued at $550 was replaced three (3) times because it was faulty and after 3 months, trying to communicate with vodafone, I was given a replacement phone valued at $100 and im still paying $60 a month. I was advised that the replacement phone had to same features but has nothing compared to the phone I signed my contract with. 1 year into my contact and am still fighting with voadfone about my phone, their service and reception problems.
After my new handset valued at $550 was replaced three (3) times because it was faulty and after 3 months, trying to communicate with vodafone, I was given a replacement phone valued at $100 and im still paying $60 a month. I was advised that the replacement phone had to same features but has nothing compared to the phone I signed my contract with. 1 year into my contact and am still fighting with voadfone about my phone, their service and reception problems.
9836 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is fail 100% at 1 Jan 2011 08:08:54 PM
I signed up to vodafone in august. So far i have had 4 sim replacements to try and fix the problem of no reception. I had my phone replaced.I was told that would fix the problem. So now i have a new phone and still no reception. Also i have been told there is a vodafone tower 4 streets away from my house so i should have reception. But when i try to make a call i have no reception!!!! So my phone is now a $ 49 a month paper weight.
2 Jan 2011 11:27:06 AM: I geuss the best thing for anyone else that doesnt need a paperweihgt would be to talk to people in your area and at work about coverage, then choose a provider. Dont listen to the salesperson
9835 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 2011 08:07:46 PM
My issue with vodafone is with regard to a prepaid service. I would send a message, it would tell me it failed, so I would send it again. This would happen often. Often the intended recipient would never get a message from me at all, but more often than that they would receive the same message from me up to 7 times. Even when I only sent it once. I can never be contacted, people are always telling me when they ring me it goes straight to voicemail. When I call my sisters who are both vodafone subscribers, it goes straight to their voicemail as well.
I have had no issues with vodafone and their service up until the last two months. It was driving me batty! I wonder how many dollars of credit I wasted resending messages that never made it. I HATE that I cannot be contacted via phone call.
I cannot rely solely on text, as they too are unreliable and are never delivered as they are sent. Hours later I've received text messages. It's ridiculous.
I have had no issues with vodafone and their service up until the last two months. It was driving me batty! I wonder how many dollars of credit I wasted resending messages that never made it. I HATE that I cannot be contacted via phone call.
I cannot rely solely on text, as they too are unreliable and are never delivered as they are sent. Hours later I've received text messages. It's ridiculous.
9834 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Epic fail of failtasticness at 1 Jan 2011 07:49:48 PM
Live TWO MINUTES outside of Hobart and having been using one of Vodafone's USB internet devices, to much anger and frustration. Continual dropout, incredibly slow speeds and charging for both upload and download All the coverage maps say I should get coverage.
9833 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 1 Jan 2011 07:41:08 PM
i never get reception and my phone alwasy drops friends and family recives txts that i had sent 3-4 days before they actually receive it!! i have been with them for 4 years and am utterly dissapointed
9832 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 2011 07:30:12 PM
The Launceston VodaFone sales person ASSURED me I would get 3G reception in my suburb on an iPhone 3GS. From my house I can SEE the tower, direct line of sight, no obstructions, NO 3G. All I get is 1 or 2 bars on the EDGE network if I am lucky to get ANY reception at all! I get NO reception EVER at my work which is a mere 3km away from the tower, also line of sight. My SMS messages arrive hours, sometimes even days after they were sent to me. Every time I try to log into my VodaFone account on the website to pay or check my bill the incompetent idiots have changed my password WITHOUT notifying me, this happens on a daily basis and every time it occurs I have to put up with a 1990's University experiment known as Lara for 2 or 3 minutes before speaking to someone who doesn't understand that I want my website login password reset and NOT the handset pin.
Unfortunately you can not speak to anyone higher than a call centre operator so attempting to complain about being stuck in a 24 month contract that was promised to deliver only to fail is very frustrating.
Unfortunately you can not speak to anyone higher than a call centre operator so attempting to complain about being stuck in a 24 month contract that was promised to deliver only to fail is very frustrating.
1 Jan 2011 07:36:21 PM: do you think that maybe the reason you can see the tower and cant get reception is because the network isn't working properly as already stated by Vodafone!
Sure Vodafone needed to pull their thumbs out sooner with apologizing and advising, but there is there still this told you so style pointing out of things, its not a secret it's just becoming pointing out the obvious now.
Sure Vodafone needed to pull their thumbs out sooner with apologizing and advising, but there is there still this told you so style pointing out of things, its not a secret it's just becoming pointing out the obvious now.
1 Jan 2011 07:42:16 PM: I have no doubt! But I have been putting up with this for over a year now on this contract, paying hard earned money for something they ASSURED me was being dealt with "as we speak".
1 Jan 2011 08:53:09 PM: The reason you can't get 3G reception is because the iPhone 3GS doesn't support the 900 MHz frequency used in Launceston.
So, your issue of not getting 3G signal would therefore be directly related to your phone, not the network.
Also, just because you can see a tower, doesn't mean it's a Vodafone one.
So, your issue of not getting 3G signal would therefore be directly related to your phone, not the network.
Also, just because you can see a tower, doesn't mean it's a Vodafone one.
1 Jan 2011 09:06:03 PM: OK you didn't read my post properly... The sales person ASSURED me I would receive 3G on the iPhone 3GS. My complaint regarding this is that the sales person blatantly lied to me. And after enquiring with Vodafone as to the location of the tower I can safely assume that the tower I can see is the tower in which they use.
1 Jan 2011 09:26:02 PM: If the salespersons lips were moving, he was lying
9831 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is massive epic fail at 1 Jan 2011 07:28:10 PM
I have been a customer for nearly 2 years (will not be renewing my contract), the 3G network is constantly dropping out despite the coverage maps claiming otherwise. The reception has declined dramatically over the last few weeks. I regularly have to reconnect upto 5 times over a 15 min period - very frustrating.
9830 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 2011 07:26:05 PM
i have been trying to download my bill online so i can pay it but the page keeps coming up as an error. seems the only way i can pay my bill is to have it mailed to me and pay the extra $2.50 a month on top of the bill for the paper use.
9829 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Pretty bad at 1 Jan 2011 07:19:14 PM
I have been with vodafone for about 4 months now and have had alot of problems with my mobile broaband. After the first two weeks my USB modem stoped working, turned out to be faulty so they sent me another after a week with the new modem it stoped working again after that i gave up and didnt use my internet for 2 months and started using it at the start of december, well since then i have had nothing but problems with the network, not been able to connect to the network half the time or the signal drops out on me while on the net then not been able to get on for hours. not only that i recieved my bill yesterday not only to find out that they have charged me for the 2 months that i didnt use my internet after i had said to them i hadnt been using it and was going to be sorted out. Don't like calling them after waiting 45 minutes last time i called.
1 Jan 2011 08:20:00 PM: If you can recall your date and time call to 1555 then please post that information on the tab "On Hold Again?", just helps to compile some hard statistics concerning Customer Care waiting times.
5 Jan 2011 11:14:14 AM: Cheers for replying, i have the time and date for when i called.
24 of dec 2010 called 6pm AEST and was put on hold for 40 minutes and then put on hold for another further 10 minutes. Now the problem has gotten worse i am able to connect but no internet access, i would also like to join the law suit.
24 of dec 2010 called 6pm AEST and was put on hold for 40 minutes and then put on hold for another further 10 minutes. Now the problem has gotten worse i am able to connect but no internet access, i would also like to join the law suit.
9828 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is yo at 1 Jan 2011 07:18:30 PM
vodafone is good!!!!
1 Jan 2011 08:40:37 PM: Then please don't try to "Defend" Vodafone I mean Vodafail.
1 Jan 2011 08:41:51 PM: This Website is for complaining
2 Jan 2011 11:20:01 AM: bunch of whingers. seriously. get over it.
9827 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Severe at 1 Jan 2011 07:08:08 PM
Relating to mobile broadband coverage.
On 27 December I purchased a "wifi in your pocket" prepaid pack, complete with SIM before I left on vacation. Once I reached my destination I installed the software and attempted to activate the service. I could not do so without the phone number attached to the SIM. The pack in the "wifi in your pocket" box did not include the phone number anywhere; only the SIM number and control number.
So I called Vodafone. Waited on hold for 45 mins. Then they hung up on me. So I called back. This time I selected the "activate a new SIM option". It also required me to have the phone number and because I did not, the automated service told me to call Customer Care on 1555. How do they think I got through to the activation option in the first place?
So I called back again, was on hold for about 50 minutes. Finally, the person I spoke to said he would would transfer me to the correct department. They hung up on me. Again. Tried calling back later in the evening only to learn that the activation department was only operational between 8am and 8pm.
I backed up again the next morning. Waited about 55 minutes on hold. When someone finally answered, seeing I was calling from a Vodafone phone, the woman I spoke to gave me the phone number attached to a mobile broadband service I had 5 years ago. Yes, 5 years ago. I asked her how she knew which service I was calling about since the one I had just bought was not yet attached to me. She said it was. I said no, it's not. This is a brand new service, it does not have my details on it, you are talking about an old one. I need the phone number for this new one, the SIM number is..... She hung up on me too!
Irate, I called back AGAIN. After another 50 minute wait the woman this time told me that the SIM I had was blank and I needed to buy a $2 SIM for it to work. I said no, that cannot be right because this SIM came in the "wifi in your pocket" box. I asked why they would provide one if it was useless and another needed to be bought. She kept repeating that the SIM number I had quoted was blank. And then she hung up on me.
I called back. Waited on hold about 20 minutes and the man I spoke to provided me with the number for the new SIM in less than a minute.
This is not my first problem with Vodafone. I have had many. I dread to think how many hours I have wasted on the phone with them. My last issue was about 2 months ago and it took about 3 weeks to resolve. Mat with one T must be the rudest CSR in the world. He should be fired.
The staff at Vodafone's customer care centre are appalling. They just have no idea. They don't record file notes as they should, you get different answers from every person you speak to. It's absolutely disgraceful. And that is a real shame because I don't have problems with the coverage per se, only specific aspects of set-up and account maintenance and it is such a terrible experience.
Good luck in your action.
Rebekah, NSW
P.S. After all this my "wifi in your pocket" is still not working. What a surprise.
On 27 December I purchased a "wifi in your pocket" prepaid pack, complete with SIM before I left on vacation. Once I reached my destination I installed the software and attempted to activate the service. I could not do so without the phone number attached to the SIM. The pack in the "wifi in your pocket" box did not include the phone number anywhere; only the SIM number and control number.
So I called Vodafone. Waited on hold for 45 mins. Then they hung up on me. So I called back. This time I selected the "activate a new SIM option". It also required me to have the phone number and because I did not, the automated service told me to call Customer Care on 1555. How do they think I got through to the activation option in the first place?
So I called back again, was on hold for about 50 minutes. Finally, the person I spoke to said he would would transfer me to the correct department. They hung up on me. Again. Tried calling back later in the evening only to learn that the activation department was only operational between 8am and 8pm.
I backed up again the next morning. Waited about 55 minutes on hold. When someone finally answered, seeing I was calling from a Vodafone phone, the woman I spoke to gave me the phone number attached to a mobile broadband service I had 5 years ago. Yes, 5 years ago. I asked her how she knew which service I was calling about since the one I had just bought was not yet attached to me. She said it was. I said no, it's not. This is a brand new service, it does not have my details on it, you are talking about an old one. I need the phone number for this new one, the SIM number is..... She hung up on me too!
Irate, I called back AGAIN. After another 50 minute wait the woman this time told me that the SIM I had was blank and I needed to buy a $2 SIM for it to work. I said no, that cannot be right because this SIM came in the "wifi in your pocket" box. I asked why they would provide one if it was useless and another needed to be bought. She kept repeating that the SIM number I had quoted was blank. And then she hung up on me.
I called back. Waited on hold about 20 minutes and the man I spoke to provided me with the number for the new SIM in less than a minute.
This is not my first problem with Vodafone. I have had many. I dread to think how many hours I have wasted on the phone with them. My last issue was about 2 months ago and it took about 3 weeks to resolve. Mat with one T must be the rudest CSR in the world. He should be fired.
The staff at Vodafone's customer care centre are appalling. They just have no idea. They don't record file notes as they should, you get different answers from every person you speak to. It's absolutely disgraceful. And that is a real shame because I don't have problems with the coverage per se, only specific aspects of set-up and account maintenance and it is such a terrible experience.
Good luck in your action.
Rebekah, NSW
P.S. After all this my "wifi in your pocket" is still not working. What a surprise.
1 Jan 2011 07:11:50 PM: all sims have a phone number...they must have....the WiFi does not but operates off the sim card....however Vodaphone can supplt the number from the coded number on the sim....they should have done this...
1 Jan 2011 07:22:41 PM: that means you threw shit away with out paying attention
1 Jan 2011 07:26:46 PM: To the first respondent, exactly.
To the second, I did not. The plastic card which I removed the SIM from was still glued to the booklet it came in. All pieces of paper, and the plastic from the box and individual parts, are still in my possession. So I'd thank you to not cuss blindly.
To the second, I did not. The plastic card which I removed the SIM from was still glued to the booklet it came in. All pieces of paper, and the plastic from the box and individual parts, are still in my possession. So I'd thank you to not cuss blindly.
1 Jan 2011 07:39:12 PM: I also purchased one of these packs and the phone number was not included! I had to call, put up with Lara then wait almost an hour to tell someone who barely spoke English what had happened. It was as simple as saying "I just purchased mobile broadband, but the sim has no phone number written anywhere".
This did not go smoothly. I had to re explain to her multiple times after she thought I was trying to change the phone number on a handset, then I got transferred, another long wait, to a person who "handled" mobile broadband issues, who also thought I wanted to change the phone number on my handset.
This did not go smoothly. I had to re explain to her multiple times after she thought I was trying to change the phone number on a handset, then I got transferred, another long wait, to a person who "handled" mobile broadband issues, who also thought I wanted to change the phone number on my handset.
1 Jan 2011 07:47:10 PM: that piece of paper that had the sim stuck to it....i'm holding mine right now, underneath the bar-code it has two numbers one being the control number, above the bar code it has the mobile number, it's on my receipt too
1 Jan 2011 07:47:58 PM: Dude mine too, think you need glasses dude
1 Jan 2011 07:49:09 PM: Mine does not have a barcode on it. I am also holding it.
1 Jan 2011 07:52:52 PM: I didn't buy a pocket WiFi, I bought a modem, the number is on my green paper thingy it's called a MSDIN, also on the back of my box and recipt
1 Jan 2011 07:57:04 PM: well i defiantly didn't have one on mine, and needed to recharge, I didn't even know they had a number, i went into the shop and the guy rang up they asked me some ID type random questions and they found it from the SIM card, problem solved
2 Jan 2011 09:30:44 PM: Sigh.. your MSISDN is your mobile phone number.
9826 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is very at 1 Jan 2011 07:06:14 PM
here's a first people....had major problems for over 2 I got on and have been online all day.....miracles do happen
1 Jan 2011 09:29:53 PM: So you changed service providers? Optus or Telstra?
2 Jan 2011 05:20:56 AM: not everyone is experiencing issues, over 99% of the customer base still has not reported problems
2 Jan 2011 05:23:57 AM: Yea my phone works fine, my flatmate's, my daughters mothers, have no trouble surfing Facebook, sending TXT making calls etc etc, I dont doubt that people are having problems, but for everyone im my circles its been working fine
2 Jan 2011 05:56:54 PM: Who cares who is not reporting problems, this site is for people who are!
9825 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is SMSs delayed and 3G Internet works on and off! at 1 Jan 2011 07:04:11 PM
For about a month or so, sending and receiving text messages have been subject to a delay or lag. As this has started happening in the lead up to the festive season, this has been unacceptable service at what is naturally a busier time.
Furthermore, the 3G Internet stops working and then starts again. This seems completely random and is frustrating.
Furthermore, the 3G Internet stops working and then starts again. This seems completely random and is frustrating.
9823 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Super bad at 1 Jan 2011 06:58:06 PM
Regardless of drop-outs and poor reception how bad is the vodafone web site if you are trying to check your account or useage. 4 days not available NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
9822 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Excellent at 1 Jan 2011 06:57:52 PM
I'm in no mess at all, get cheaper bills than I did with Telstra. I understand that rural coverage is less than Telstra's. (Telstra did have 50 odd years of tax payers money to get it to where it is today) Optus and Vodafone started from scratch!
1 Jan 2011 07:08:18 PM: Vodaphone started from their company in the UK
1 Jan 2011 07:10:56 PM: I agree vodafone is great, way better than optus in terms of service and coverage and way cheaper than telstra
1 Jan 2011 08:09:36 PM: I agree, they're often cheaper.. I like my prepaid deals with them.. and I've had no worries with them in the past, until the last two months.
The network coverage has been awful.It's unreliable, and therefore unacceptable! ...
The network coverage has been awful.It's unreliable, and therefore unacceptable! ...
9821 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Pretty Bad at 1 Jan 2011 06:47:57 PM
i have sent many messages to here and overseas and it has been 2 days and it still has not been delivered, the network coverage fails in most of the areas and the call suddenly drops out whilst talking
9820 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is a major fail at 1 Jan 2011 06:45:36 PM
Excessive phone bills, non-existant wireless internet coverage (in North Sydney), extremely poor customer service and being kept on hold for hours while being "cold transferred" to different departments and different customer service queues to deal with issues.
Out of contract now but wanted to unlock my phone today - they tried to charge me $50 to unlock a phone that was already paid off. Got it after hours of discussions with CS, Supervisors and Managers. Wasn't happy about having to explain the situation at least four times to each customer service representative and being kept on hold for 50 minutes.
Would also like to include my short experience as a temp employee at Chatswood Head Office where I was treated in a disgraceful manner. I was given an initial run down on the job then left to my own devices with no support staff network and no staff available with knowledge of my job role, office floor procedures or any IT troubleshooting (they had just fired the only IT guy!!!!). No staff member around was able to help with any issues raised - was always told to call a different staff member, however nobody could help with anything. Was fired on the spot on Day 3 because supposedly I hadn't handled a situation well - would have been nice to have some team support. They were just so rude.
Left Vodafone as a customer immediately after - only way to do it though was to stop paying bills and have them cut off my service and pay a debt collector. (It worked, but I wouldn't recommend it. Credit is cleared in full).
Out of contract now but wanted to unlock my phone today - they tried to charge me $50 to unlock a phone that was already paid off. Got it after hours of discussions with CS, Supervisors and Managers. Wasn't happy about having to explain the situation at least four times to each customer service representative and being kept on hold for 50 minutes.
Would also like to include my short experience as a temp employee at Chatswood Head Office where I was treated in a disgraceful manner. I was given an initial run down on the job then left to my own devices with no support staff network and no staff available with knowledge of my job role, office floor procedures or any IT troubleshooting (they had just fired the only IT guy!!!!). No staff member around was able to help with any issues raised - was always told to call a different staff member, however nobody could help with anything. Was fired on the spot on Day 3 because supposedly I hadn't handled a situation well - would have been nice to have some team support. They were just so rude.
Left Vodafone as a customer immediately after - only way to do it though was to stop paying bills and have them cut off my service and pay a debt collector. (It worked, but I wouldn't recommend it. Credit is cleared in full).
1 Jan 2011 08:00:22 PM: used to work for Samsung some moons ago, and we were the ones getting the unlocking fees on our handsets as part of our contract with Vodafone, OPTUS and TELSTRA
9819 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Big fail. at 1 Jan 2011 06:07:26 PM
Seems like whenever we go on holidays to an island or a mountain somewhere, other folk on Telstra have reception, we've got NONE. Dunk Island. Lamington National Park...I could think of more if I could be bothered.
9818 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is going to call me for a change at 1 Jan 2011 05:58:17 PM
Open letter to Vodafail (also posted on Vodafones Facebook page):-
Your mobile broadband service - if you can call it that - is abysmal, to say the least.
But first, it is only appropriate that I start by stating that I only 'like' your company on Facebook because that's the only way I can start this thread. And Facebook is one of the few options I have left to communicate with you.
I far from like your company, your appauling customer service non-standards and your complete an inappropriate disregard for providing any level of service that you promote to proffer. But I digress.
When you were 3 you promised me the world. You couldn't deliver. When you transferred me to Vodafail you reluctantly apologised and promised me the world again with the added promise that the previous woes would never be repeated. They have been. Repeatedly. It took 4 months, constant phone calls, threats of legal action and contacting the police and TIO about your harrassment to make the 3 bills stop coming.
You've told me I was the only one with network issues. That there were no issues. That you'd oversubscribed your service. That things would get better. You've repeatedly put me on hold for hours. You've transferred my calls to the wrong department. You've hung up on me. You've told me you'll get back to me. That you'll investigate. You've offered pathetic discounts on a service that is barely useable at the best of times and often not useable at all. You've charged me for exceeding my limit the one month I managed to actually get a decent enough service level to use the internet despite months of not being able to use the internet allowance I've paid for in other months.
These are but a few of the lies and hurt and frustration that you have subjected me to. And now I learn I am not alone. In fact it would appear that I am a part of the majority.
So now I've stopped calling you. I've also stopped paying your bills. I can't get through to you on the phone to find out if you have a direct debit authority but I'm contacting the bank to make sure that if one exists it will be cancelled.
It's time for you to contact me. So now I'm waiting for you calls. So I can put you on hold. And hang up on you. And transfer you to the wrong department. Then one day I'll answer and I expect an apology. A big one. With bells and whistles.
In the meantime, I'd appreciate it if you would fix my internet, so I can use all the internet time I've paid for in the past and never managed to get access to. Then you should call me so we can discuss the closure of my account with no penalty to avoid yet another complaint to the TIO.
Your mobile broadband service - if you can call it that - is abysmal, to say the least.
But first, it is only appropriate that I start by stating that I only 'like' your company on Facebook because that's the only way I can start this thread. And Facebook is one of the few options I have left to communicate with you.
I far from like your company, your appauling customer service non-standards and your complete an inappropriate disregard for providing any level of service that you promote to proffer. But I digress.
When you were 3 you promised me the world. You couldn't deliver. When you transferred me to Vodafail you reluctantly apologised and promised me the world again with the added promise that the previous woes would never be repeated. They have been. Repeatedly. It took 4 months, constant phone calls, threats of legal action and contacting the police and TIO about your harrassment to make the 3 bills stop coming.
You've told me I was the only one with network issues. That there were no issues. That you'd oversubscribed your service. That things would get better. You've repeatedly put me on hold for hours. You've transferred my calls to the wrong department. You've hung up on me. You've told me you'll get back to me. That you'll investigate. You've offered pathetic discounts on a service that is barely useable at the best of times and often not useable at all. You've charged me for exceeding my limit the one month I managed to actually get a decent enough service level to use the internet despite months of not being able to use the internet allowance I've paid for in other months.
These are but a few of the lies and hurt and frustration that you have subjected me to. And now I learn I am not alone. In fact it would appear that I am a part of the majority.
So now I've stopped calling you. I've also stopped paying your bills. I can't get through to you on the phone to find out if you have a direct debit authority but I'm contacting the bank to make sure that if one exists it will be cancelled.
It's time for you to contact me. So now I'm waiting for you calls. So I can put you on hold. And hang up on you. And transfer you to the wrong department. Then one day I'll answer and I expect an apology. A big one. With bells and whistles.
In the meantime, I'd appreciate it if you would fix my internet, so I can use all the internet time I've paid for in the past and never managed to get access to. Then you should call me so we can discuss the closure of my account with no penalty to avoid yet another complaint to the TIO.
9817 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is FAIL FAIL FAIL! at 1 Jan 2011 05:52:49 PM
Bahahahaha, check this out!!!
1 Jan 2011 06:06:10 PM: would love to... but my internet is with vodafail...
1 Jan 2011 06:37:41 PM: Now minus typo :p
1 Jan 2011 07:11:20 PM: you can't use the internet because you are with vodafone and yet here you are?
1 Jan 2011 07:15:29 PM: maybe his/her net is super slow and takes ages to load youtube vids?
1 Jan 2011 07:21:30 PM: maybe they're just doing what most people seem to be doing and moaning because they want in on the action and not due to having an actual problem?..... hmmmm?
1 Jan 2011 08:55:36 PM: err he obviously means he cant watch youtube coz its so slow. it takes mine about 5 minutes to load hotmail, let alone a actual video
9816 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Close to EPIC at 1 Jan 2011 05:46:17 PM
On hour on hold and still waiting.... I guess it is New Years Day, but COME ON!!!
1 Jan 2011 05:49:00 PM: Has been horror stories of between 2-3 hours over the past few days...Hope you get through soon. Make sure once you get through you update the 'on hold again' link at the top of the page, to let us know how long it took.
9815 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is sucks for txt messages at 1 Jan 2011 05:34:50 PM
Sick of sending txt messages and getting no response. I end up ringing who I sent it to on my land line days later to discover they never received it!! It doesn't go to my out box either. Why do I even bother with my mobile or paying for it????
1 Jan 2011 07:23:08 PM: are you possibly an iPhone user?
1 Jan 2011 07:25:05 PM: No, I'm not actually.
9814 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is a waste of my time at 1 Jan 2011 05:26:58 PM
I've only been with Vodafail for a couple of months but stupidly signed up 3 phones, two of which are locked into 24 month contracts.
Rubbish reception
No data
Call drop outs
I've been trying to call through and opted for a call back, half an hour later when I got the call back was put in hold for over half an hour and then hung up. Called back, stayed on hold for 30 minutes when I spoke to someone he admitted Vodafone were having network issues but could offer me no solution. He wanted to put me through to the technical dept and when I said I didn't want to be placed on hold he couldn't tell me how long the wait was. I asked to speak to his supervisor and without a response from him I have been placed on hold.
Rubbish reception
No data
Call drop outs
I've been trying to call through and opted for a call back, half an hour later when I got the call back was put in hold for over half an hour and then hung up. Called back, stayed on hold for 30 minutes when I spoke to someone he admitted Vodafone were having network issues but could offer me no solution. He wanted to put me through to the technical dept and when I said I didn't want to be placed on hold he couldn't tell me how long the wait was. I asked to speak to his supervisor and without a response from him I have been placed on hold.
9813 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 2011 05:13:06 PM
how funny, its amazing, just last week i was put on hold for one hour, than they answered, i was than cut off, i called back to wait another hour on hold. Since being with voda phone wireless broadband I have experienced many problems. 6gb = $49 but it went 2kb over and some how went up to $300 a month , maybe this was due to me having to reload web pages due to sometimes nil coverage. who do i see about joining this legal action.? Scott
9812 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ultimate fail at 1 Jan 2011 05:12:09 PM
I had a 3 mobile broadband internet service - if you could call it that - for around 12 months. It often failed to connect at all and when it did it was never at a speed that was useable at any time of the day you'd normally want to use the internet. I dealt with continuous advice from 3 that no-one else was experiencing problems in my area, that they were investigating my complaint, etc. I complained that even if I did stay on the net 24 hours a day, for the whole month, that at the speeds I was achieving I'd never even be able to use 50% of the data I was paying for. I even had a staff member admit that they'd oversubscribed the service and that once Vodafone took over that the service would improve. I begrudgingly took the usual and regular offers for discounts off my bill, all the time stating that they were useless when I was actually able to use the service anyway! I finally contacted the TIO. The solution that 3 came up with was to transfer me over to Vodafone, sign me up to another 12 month contract with the promise that I would definitely never have these issues with Vodafone. That would have been about 6 months ago, the first month was fine, since then I've struggled to connect, when I can I have difficulty opening even Gmail or Facebook, I'd be dreaming if I ever thought I would be able to open something as futuristic as skype! 3 was difficult to deal with, Vodafone is impossible. When I can get actually through without being hung up on I get redirected to the wrong department. Every time I ask every time that they make a formal request that the very frustrating 'Lara' be retired forever. What a joke. She's there for one purpose - to make us all hang up and give up. Well I am, I'm on hold to Telstra right now, to see what they can offer!
9811 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone is a joke at 1 Jan 2011 04:58:29 PM
1 - constant call dropouts
2 - constant mobile internet
3 - excessive bills on both mobile internet and mobile phone
2 - constant mobile internet
3 - excessive bills on both mobile internet and mobile phone
9810 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Badly! at 1 Jan 2011 04:48:49 PM
I was on hold altogether for approximately 4 hours trying to speak to a customer service operator the other night!
I have a log of all the calls i make on vodafone coz i know they have not really been good at providing customer service in every way! Should anyone wish to see my 'log book' please contact me as i'd like to be compensated by vodafone too!
I have a log of all the calls i make on vodafone coz i know they have not really been good at providing customer service in every way! Should anyone wish to see my 'log book' please contact me as i'd like to be compensated by vodafone too!
9809 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is megafail at 1 Jan 2011 04:48:24 PM
crappy reception everywhere that i need reception. calls dropping out, and not being able to connect to calls or the internet
9808 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is VERY! at 1 Jan 2011 04:47:13 PM
I stupidly swapped to Vodafone after being a 3 customer with no reception in my home in metro Melbourne, thinking my endless reception issues would go away. I was told that since 3 and Vodafone are now 1, this would be the only way I could cancel my contract without paying a fee (which makes no sense, as I was paying for a service that was never provided), I was also assured many times that even though there the same company the operate out of different phone towers and my area was not a blackspot with Vodafone, and no blackspot = no reception issues. FAIL!!
I have no service whatsoever at my workplace (same area) and my Internet NEVER EVER works, unless ofcourse I am at home using my wireless Internet, where's my 2GB of data? Why can't I use it? And why-oh-why am I still being forced to pay for it?!
Ridiculous! Rule out Vodafone and rule out 3 for your next service providers, as not only is there service non existent but there customer services sucks just as hard!
I have no service whatsoever at my workplace (same area) and my Internet NEVER EVER works, unless ofcourse I am at home using my wireless Internet, where's my 2GB of data? Why can't I use it? And why-oh-why am I still being forced to pay for it?!
Ridiculous! Rule out Vodafone and rule out 3 for your next service providers, as not only is there service non existent but there customer services sucks just as hard!
9807 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Hella bad at 1 Jan 2011 04:44:16 PM
Hardly any 3G coverage in Carole Park. Don't believe coverage maps!
2G is woeful at the best of times.
2G is woeful at the best of times.
9806 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is EPIC at 1 Jan 2011 04:40:53 PM
Living in metro Melbourne, people are constantly telling me that they call me but it never rings...always goes directly to voicemail (which i then don't receive.) I rarely, if ever, have more than one bar of reception when I'm inside ANY building...18 months of contract left. Bah.
9805 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 1 Jan 2011 04:38:05 PM
Where do I start? I have had my service barred several times in recent months due to unpaid bills. For some bizarre reason every single month my bills are excessive, they should be around $400 and in one case I was issued a bill for $3000! Of course, every time I call to have this corrected I am left on hold for copious amounts of time and I eventually give up as I have a business to run and just don't have the time. Subsequently my service is barred for non-payment at which point my business is really impacted.
On top of this is constant call drop outs, inability to download emails, inability to browse the web and access Internet banking.
When I find the time I will take my complaint to the next level as I cannot operate under these conditions, one wouldn't think it would be that hard for a global brand to deliver on what they promise.
On top of this is constant call drop outs, inability to download emails, inability to browse the web and access Internet banking.
When I find the time I will take my complaint to the next level as I cannot operate under these conditions, one wouldn't think it would be that hard for a global brand to deliver on what they promise.
9804 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is no reception at home at 1 Jan 2011 04:28:36 PM
i am in Fraser ACT. i run a building/carpentry business from my mobile, i cant receive calls when i am at home inside or outside its a disgrace. apparently service is fine in my area. they are dreaming, i could have lost so much business but i will never know. optus here we come vodafone is shithouse
2 Jan 2011 05:39:07 AM: No the service isn't fine, it's not working as stated by vodafone!
Talk about worlds greatest Derr!
Talk about worlds greatest Derr!
2 Jan 2011 08:30:18 AM: Never know? Heard of voicemail?
2 Jan 2011 01:48:54 PM: it would be nice if you were notified you had a voicemail to retrieve please stop attacking people on here
9803 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is an absolute joke at 1 Jan 2011 04:28:16 PM
After waiting on hold for over 30 mins to speak to a customer service rep, the call dropped out. The same exact thing happen again two times after that. After an hour and a half i finally got to speak to a customer service rep, but i could not understand a thing they were saying due to their thick accent and poor english. they clearly could not understand a thing i was saying either, so i politely ended the call and just gave up. Thanks for stealing 2 hours of my day again Vodafone. Your customer service is embarrassinly bad - the worst i've ever encountered.
9802 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is unmeasurably at 1 Jan 2011 04:01:16 PM
The mess I am in is too long to list. I am quite justifiably tired of expecting things that should be logically provided to me without asking, such as, FREEDOM TO BROWSE INTERNET USING MY MOBILE PHONE, because the contract clearly states 2GB of free internet data.
Now, why am I not surprised to see the blocking page of vodafone when visiting which is the download point of skype mobile?
Well I can understand the illegal notions of vodafone to KEEP COMPETITION OUT, because, if allowed, I would then be able to make cheap calls using just the internet.
The pathetic page that I see is not even saying that I am blocked out of the web page, instead I get "We detected that you are overseas, how's the weather.... for Roaming conditions please visit....." message, whereas I am in the middle of Sydney CBD.
Dear I sincerely believe in the initiative of this website and hope you'll succeed in getting the justice served. If you can, please also investigate the policy and the reasons of vodafone blocking competitors' websites from the public. As far as my knowledge says, this is illegal.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Vodafone Sufferer.
Now, why am I not surprised to see the blocking page of vodafone when visiting which is the download point of skype mobile?
Well I can understand the illegal notions of vodafone to KEEP COMPETITION OUT, because, if allowed, I would then be able to make cheap calls using just the internet.
The pathetic page that I see is not even saying that I am blocked out of the web page, instead I get "We detected that you are overseas, how's the weather.... for Roaming conditions please visit....." message, whereas I am in the middle of Sydney CBD.
Dear I sincerely believe in the initiative of this website and hope you'll succeed in getting the justice served. If you can, please also investigate the policy and the reasons of vodafone blocking competitors' websites from the public. As far as my knowledge says, this is illegal.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Vodafone Sufferer.
9801 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no mobile broadband at 1 Jan 2011 03:57:39 PM
internmittent internet access for last month. Some days cannot send a text email
9800 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 1 Jan 2011 03:50:07 PM
9799 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is very at 1 Jan 2011 03:43:27 PM
always calls dropping out or not getting calls
same with texts.....
internet always not working...
so sick of it
same with texts.....
internet always not working...
so sick of it
1 Jan 2011 05:03:40 PM: its an utter joke as far as there internet is concerned,its now 6.30 pm and i have been trying to get on the net since about 8.45 am,they call themselfs a provider...provide what i would call them bloody thieves ,if they can only supply about a 1/4 of a service then charge a 1/4 price,ive said it in another post bloody uselss. ohhh and even now the sevice is barely usable and ive been trying to use both of our computors.
9798 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very at 1 Jan 2011 03:39:14 PM
On phone for a total of nine hours - went into the Vodaphone store - they called VF because they apparently cannot disconnect in store - and we were on hold there for 45 minutes and the Vf people in store gave up. I filled out seven online forms - no response. I have been trying to disconnect from Vf for the past four months. And now, to add injury to insult, I cannot only not disconnect but went to (begrudgingly) pay my bill today and it can't do that on-line and says I have to phone 1555 to do it !!! Un-bloody-likely
9797 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EXTREMELY BAD at 1 Jan 2011 03:37:36 PM
Well guys I understand your frustration, I used to work in the telecommunications industry and for a reseller who uses vodafail as one of their carriers this is dealing with business customers.
I had to deal with a lot of complaints where customers where on the vodafail network, one of their consultants said YES THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH THE 3G NETWORK AND THE NETWORK OVERALL.
The company didnt had a choice but to release customers from their contracts just 2 months into a 24 month contract.
Lets hope the Australian Government gets involved and customers get compensated and released from their contracts.
I had to deal with a lot of complaints where customers where on the vodafail network, one of their consultants said YES THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH THE 3G NETWORK AND THE NETWORK OVERALL.
The company didnt had a choice but to release customers from their contracts just 2 months into a 24 month contract.
Lets hope the Australian Government gets involved and customers get compensated and released from their contracts.
9796 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is crap at 1 Jan 2011 03:35:34 PM
No reception, constant call drops out, calls going straight to voicemail, voicemails taking hours to come through, waiting waiting waiting for internet pages to load.... im wasting my life looking at the spinning loady-thing!
Also MMS are taking 1-2 days to send and receive.
Also MMS are taking 1-2 days to send and receive.
9795 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 2011 03:33:44 PM
Yep, Im just one of the many and just spent most of my new years day on the home phone to a customer service person in India repersenting Vodafone after not getting anywhere with a overcharged account, I asked for a manager 2 hours and 10 minutes later I have been given a credit for the over charged account and told that in two weeks Vodafone will have the best service in australia!!! interesting. I have no reception at my home, I travel from west of Noosa to Maroochydore on a daily bases and only have reception for no more then 10% of the trip, when I do get a call it normally will drop out before the end of the conversation. I have been a Vodafone customer for more then 12 years now and after being extremly loylal I have had enough, the phone I have under contract (Nokia N97) turns itself off, freezes, tells me I have no memormy left and will not operate currectly, I have no less the 3 times reported problems with the handset to Vodafone Noosaville (Civic centre) only to be told that the handset is now out of warrenty by 2 days and it's basicly my problem. The Vodafone computer system has no detail of my last 2 reported issues with the phone (who's not doing there job!!!)so I now sit here writing this after being on hold 6 times over 4 hours and 17 minutes waiting for a return call as the last 2 calls where from the wrong department? it has now been a futher 14 min and still no reply but the last person did tell me they can offer a $10 discount for the remainder of my contract and free Vodafone to Vodafone calls "WOW" that's going to help someone who struggles to get reception.
I was told that network connection can come out to my area and check the signal strength and if it's not up to scratch mt contract can be terminated, thats if they ever get back to me??? its now 4.25pm I made my call to them at 11.59am good to see there fixing things. The first person to read this will be the only person to realy listen, sadly.
I was told that network connection can come out to my area and check the signal strength and if it's not up to scratch mt contract can be terminated, thats if they ever get back to me??? its now 4.25pm I made my call to them at 11.59am good to see there fixing things. The first person to read this will be the only person to realy listen, sadly.
9794 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is useless at 1 Jan 2011 03:31:09 PM
tried to help my mate activate his vodafone locked mobile(i already knew vodafone was bad but i wanted to see how far i could get with vodafone lol). bought a sim, filled in details & cant even activate by website or calling them. hmm interesting INTERESTING. it sorta helps to be able to use what you buy..... cheers vodafone!
9793 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 2011 03:25:04 PM
No coverage on phone or internet. Phone calls constantly drop out. Internet pages only load 2 times out of 10. Did the speed test yesterday and the lowest reading I got was 45.8kb/second. The network needs to provide at least 400kb/sec.
I have been on hold to vodafone trying to resolve the issue on and off for the past 3 days. Initially I was on hold for over an hour before speaking to an operator about my phone. I then had to go into the store and get a new sim which of course is not the issue. I then needed to call again, be put on hold again only to be told that I will need to be transferred to another department to discuss my internet as well. I was then on hold for another hour.
I am on hold now.
My internet has crashed twice while I was trying to upload this complaint.
And seriously - if they are going to put us on hold for such extensive amounts of time can you please not play maroon 5. It's killing me.
I have been on hold to vodafone trying to resolve the issue on and off for the past 3 days. Initially I was on hold for over an hour before speaking to an operator about my phone. I then had to go into the store and get a new sim which of course is not the issue. I then needed to call again, be put on hold again only to be told that I will need to be transferred to another department to discuss my internet as well. I was then on hold for another hour.
I am on hold now.
My internet has crashed twice while I was trying to upload this complaint.
And seriously - if they are going to put us on hold for such extensive amounts of time can you please not play maroon 5. It's killing me.
9792 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Confidence Trick ? at 1 Jan 2011 03:14:18 PM
Furthermore, when I signed the contract, Vodaphone failed to advise upfront that the indicated off their site usage could be up to 48 hours behind actual usage.
It took a $350+ plus bill and just having my service cut off without ANY warning whatsoever for days before I had to phone India that I discovered the problem. I firmly believe this is a con designed to trap the unwary. Why is this fact not released at the time of purchase and not hidden in small print on Vodaphone's site? How can anyone budget for usage when the statistics are 2 days old ? It is impossible under the terms of use that one can get the 6Gb of data I pain for without over running and incurring extra cost at 10 cents a Mb !
I would NEVER EVER get involved with this company again- In my opinion, they are just confidence tricksters and plain dishonest. Also, it's pointless trying to complain as they are plainly not interested as long as the $$$ keep flowing.
It's time the likes of this mob are removed from the Telco pool in Australia- we deserve better than this con job and the likes of the dodgy directors of the company!
I feel like I have been mugged by this company !
It took a $350+ plus bill and just having my service cut off without ANY warning whatsoever for days before I had to phone India that I discovered the problem. I firmly believe this is a con designed to trap the unwary. Why is this fact not released at the time of purchase and not hidden in small print on Vodaphone's site? How can anyone budget for usage when the statistics are 2 days old ? It is impossible under the terms of use that one can get the 6Gb of data I pain for without over running and incurring extra cost at 10 cents a Mb !
I would NEVER EVER get involved with this company again- In my opinion, they are just confidence tricksters and plain dishonest. Also, it's pointless trying to complain as they are plainly not interested as long as the $$$ keep flowing.
It's time the likes of this mob are removed from the Telco pool in Australia- we deserve better than this con job and the likes of the dodgy directors of the company!
I feel like I have been mugged by this company !
11 Jan 2011 11:29:49 AM: 48 hours is good, its when it takes 4 days which is a load of shit.......
9791 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Bad at 1 Jan 2011 03:04:38 PM
Very poor reception in our dwelling at Monash Plc Ferny Grove, Brisbane Qld. I was at Pacific Fair Shopping Centre, Broadbeach, Gold Coast on Boxing Day and had no reception, however my Daughter on Optus, had no problems. I took up with Vodafone Staff member (F) at the Centre and was asvised that because there were 2000 pepple at the shopping centre, the tower could not cope. Constant problems with getting Balance from Vodafone. To call 1555 you wait for half hour or more, listening to terrible music, then unable to understand the Vodafone (off shore) employee.
9790 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely at 1 Jan 2011 03:03:59 PM
I have spent many hours on hold with vodafone- they give you no indication of how long left you have to wait. The recorded message tells you that they'll be with you right away, but I don't call an hour (or more) right away. Most times I give up after an hour, not knowing how much longer it will be.
Then they dare to waste my time by ringing me with a recorded message!!!!! I don't want to hear a recorded message when I ring up let alone have a machine call me just to promote a service I don't want!
I've also had the usual problems like not receiving messages, call drop outs, and messages not sending.
Then they dare to waste my time by ringing me with a recorded message!!!!! I don't want to hear a recorded message when I ring up let alone have a machine call me just to promote a service I don't want!
I've also had the usual problems like not receiving messages, call drop outs, and messages not sending.
9789 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Poor Service at 1 Jan 2011 02:56:01 PM
I moved from Toowong to Nundah and have noticed that the coverage in my new residence varies from poor to no coverage at all. Outside the house is marginally better. At the time I was self employeed and the mobile number was my contacts with my clients. After contacting Vodafone this solution was suggested to me, buy and used a bluetooth headset with the mobile phone placed in a locations where it would be be able to make and receive call.
This was a brand new Blackberry Storm and email was important to me as well.
I recall that on next occasion that I reported this reception problem and I was told that a technician would survey the area. This is on file. I have since called again to voice my fustration again. The result was acknoledgement of a problem. I explained my situation again and in particular the fact that I was not getting the service that I was paying for each month.
The customer service operator without any hesitation offered to reduce my monthly plan from approx $109 to approx $65, with no fees for changing plans while on contract.
I now am out of my contract and have reduced my plan to $45.
I have been a customer with Vodafone for many many years, does loyality count for nothing? Why should I continue to put up with this?
No coverage area's exist, don't pretend that they don't, I live in one.
My only alternative is to switch carriers if I want my phone to work at home.
But what good will that do.
This was a brand new Blackberry Storm and email was important to me as well.
I recall that on next occasion that I reported this reception problem and I was told that a technician would survey the area. This is on file. I have since called again to voice my fustration again. The result was acknoledgement of a problem. I explained my situation again and in particular the fact that I was not getting the service that I was paying for each month.
The customer service operator without any hesitation offered to reduce my monthly plan from approx $109 to approx $65, with no fees for changing plans while on contract.
I now am out of my contract and have reduced my plan to $45.
I have been a customer with Vodafone for many many years, does loyality count for nothing? Why should I continue to put up with this?
No coverage area's exist, don't pretend that they don't, I live in one.
My only alternative is to switch carriers if I want my phone to work at home.
But what good will that do.
9788 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 1 Jan 2011 02:54:35 PM
I've been trying to contact Vodafone for the past few days, and have not been able to get through to 1555. All it does, is 3 beeps, and hangs up.
I am unable to use my 3G internet connection when away from my WiFi at home, and my calls keep dropping out, regardless of where I am.
I did not sign up for this shit. Bad Customer Service and extremely poor reception. Why am i paying again??
I am unable to use my 3G internet connection when away from my WiFi at home, and my calls keep dropping out, regardless of where I am.
I did not sign up for this shit. Bad Customer Service and extremely poor reception. Why am i paying again??
9787 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Useless at 1 Jan 2011 02:53:56 PM
My Vodaphone 3 mobile service has been essentially useless as even my email times out sometimes. Most times I just give up trying to download a page with constant timeouts. I'm being slugged $40/ month on a two year contract for this rubbish. I can get a dialup service for a fraction of this cost but now I have yet another 12 months of expensive, useless frustration. Surely Vodaphone can't hold me to a 'contract' that they fail to honour ? I will NEVER sign another 2 year contract with any Telco again! Rating ? I'd give them about 1 out of 10.
9786 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Rouse Hill at 1 Jan 2011 02:48:08 PM
I have heard reports that sms i send to friends are received hours later. Vodafone reception around the Hills area is riduculous!
boo vodafone
boo vodafone
9785 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is It just gets worse in Scarborough at 1 Jan 2011 02:46:04 PM
unbelievable...even when it shows coverage, the 3G is so or non-existent...calls dropping out or not connecting or coverage disappearing at random
1 Jan 2011 09:14:34 PM: ahhh going nuts here, in scarborough, says i have reception, none. can't call out, says call failed. so p*ssed off!
9784 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Pretty crap at 1 Jan 2011 02:39:56 PM
I have several issues:
1. Billing - I signed up for an NRMA deal and it took ages to get someone to actually listen to what the actual issue was. After several frustrating calls to the Indian call centre where they denied there was a problem and kept trying to tell me that I was being billed corectly. The 1555 number I think is designed to frustrate with excess wait times, call drop outs and that silly woman that keeps saying that they experiencing abnormally large call volumes (I would think that one call is an abnormally large call volume for them). I also tried to raise the issue through the Voda web site but the issue kept being classified as resolved -despite making it clear that I wanted the issue escalated. I finally lodged a TIO complaint and actually got an Australian to call me and supposedly it has now been rectified - I am waiting for my next bill to see (not holding my breath) and also should be getting one month free for my trouble - which is really only a token.
2. Coverage - woeful coverage across the ACT - the number of times I get no service is amazing. Currently working in Mitchell where I can get no coverage one moment when sitting at my desk and then limited coverage. Very poor really.
Also experienced really poor coverage in Brisbane.
3. Vodfone 3G USB internet access. I got a USB modem with 6GB of data and a 3 month expiry. I was careful to only activate it when I really needed it because the performance is that poor that I use a real internet connection - ADSL2. As it turns out it was activated at the time I purchased - not when I actually activated it in mid November. I tried to use it in Adelaide over Christmas but it had expired. After a call to Vodafail I was advised that it was activated in mid September when I purchased it - although I had to actually call Voda in mid November to get it activated in mid November to get connectivity. I have now been advised to get a recharge. Fat chance of that - I will take my #G internet business to a real provider with good coverage - as much as it pains me to say it - Telstra. I will limit the money I give to that crap company Vodafail.
I curse the day I thought I would change mobile providers from Telstra to Vodafail. Totally incompetent and poor coverage to boot. With a contact system designed to frustrate. I pity the poor call centre workers as they probably get hammered by irate customers of this crap company.
1. Billing - I signed up for an NRMA deal and it took ages to get someone to actually listen to what the actual issue was. After several frustrating calls to the Indian call centre where they denied there was a problem and kept trying to tell me that I was being billed corectly. The 1555 number I think is designed to frustrate with excess wait times, call drop outs and that silly woman that keeps saying that they experiencing abnormally large call volumes (I would think that one call is an abnormally large call volume for them). I also tried to raise the issue through the Voda web site but the issue kept being classified as resolved -despite making it clear that I wanted the issue escalated. I finally lodged a TIO complaint and actually got an Australian to call me and supposedly it has now been rectified - I am waiting for my next bill to see (not holding my breath) and also should be getting one month free for my trouble - which is really only a token.
2. Coverage - woeful coverage across the ACT - the number of times I get no service is amazing. Currently working in Mitchell where I can get no coverage one moment when sitting at my desk and then limited coverage. Very poor really.
Also experienced really poor coverage in Brisbane.
3. Vodfone 3G USB internet access. I got a USB modem with 6GB of data and a 3 month expiry. I was careful to only activate it when I really needed it because the performance is that poor that I use a real internet connection - ADSL2. As it turns out it was activated at the time I purchased - not when I actually activated it in mid November. I tried to use it in Adelaide over Christmas but it had expired. After a call to Vodafail I was advised that it was activated in mid September when I purchased it - although I had to actually call Voda in mid November to get it activated in mid November to get connectivity. I have now been advised to get a recharge. Fat chance of that - I will take my #G internet business to a real provider with good coverage - as much as it pains me to say it - Telstra. I will limit the money I give to that crap company Vodafail.
I curse the day I thought I would change mobile providers from Telstra to Vodafail. Totally incompetent and poor coverage to boot. With a contact system designed to frustrate. I pity the poor call centre workers as they probably get hammered by irate customers of this crap company.
1 Jan 2011 06:42:57 PM: If you were one of the biggest businesses in Australia how would YOU deal with numerous customer service issues. No company designs contact system to frustrate - what exactly does that achieve?? NOTHING. Not for the customer and especially not for the company.
2 Jan 2011 08:00:49 PM: Firstly I would ensure that the network is adequately designed and have sufficient capacity. The call centre would be used to identify opportunities for improvement rather than being used as a punching bag by frustrated customers complaining about poor network performance.
9783 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is NA at 1 Jan 2011 02:34:43 PM
excellent service from the past 11 years :D
1 Jan 2011 02:47:16 PM: you're the lucky one.
1 Jan 2011 02:47:33 PM: same here
9782 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Fantastic at 1 Jan 2011 02:31:29 PM
I am a solicitor in NSW and rely on my blackberry in rural and regional areas, as well as high data in the capital city. I have had bad dealings with other telco's (especially telstra). Vodafone have always been more than willing to help. I have only had one tech support issue, which was resolved within the hour with minimal disruption.
As with any business dealing, which is what a contract is, you have to be sure that you understand what you are getting into, i.e. have to activate this, or discount that.
As with any business dealing, which is what a contract is, you have to be sure that you understand what you are getting into, i.e. have to activate this, or discount that.
1 Jan 2011 06:43:23 PM: Here here :)
9781 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Super Fail at 1 Jan 2011 02:19:52 PM
I have been with vodafone for 14 years and also have noticed the service/reception sliding in the last few years. I have family on vodafone network interstate and it's cheaper for us to use our mobiles to talk, BUT WE CAN'T! My dad tried to call me about 3 times on Christmas morning, with constant drop outs, or going straight to my voicemail as there was ZERO service. I have just moved house and thought (rather hoped) that the service may improve being in a higher area, but I am still as disappointed as ever. I have been told that I can switch to a new carrier without having to pay exit costs as vodafone admit to rubbish service. I have emailed vodafone to find out what I can do. I am completely fed up with them and the lack of service. :-(
1 Jan 2011 02:33:02 PM: yeah, nobody wants to talk on christmas day on the mobile. Same thing happened to me at midnight on new years... couldnt get through because of the MILLIONS of people wanting to get through as well...
9780 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is fail at 1 Jan 2011 02:19:04 PM
I have been with vodafone since march and have been blaming the new telephone that I igned up for. After using another phone with my vodafone sim I have proof that the problem is the network. I have delaed messages, poor or no receptioon, I have to outside to get any reception most of the time. I recieve calls but the caller cannot hear me and so have to make a second call back to them. It is ghastly
9779 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 2011 02:18:15 PM
I have a buisness phone and make and recieve 50 calls per day, 40 to 45 of these calls drop out or dont even ring.. this has cost me many Missed clients and jobs due to people ringing elsewhere as my voicemail is usuall delayed 7 or 8 hours to recieve the message!! this is 3rd world reception iam recieving .. My texts messages are also delayed up to 2 hours on most days
9778 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Vodafoney = LOOO-HOOO-ZUH-HER! at 1 Jan 2011 02:15:59 PM
1 Jan 2011 03:06:18 PM: Good post fella!! Good post!!
9777 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is fail at 1 Jan 2011 02:15:25 PM
I have been with vodafone since march and have been blaming the new telephone that I igned up for. After using another phone with my vodafone sim I have proof that the problem is the network. I have delaed messages, poor or no receptioon, I have to outside to get any reception most of the time. I recieve calls but the caller cannot hear me and so have to make a second call back to them. It is ghastly
9776 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is is useless at 1 Jan 2011 02:14:19 PM
I have a nokia E63 from vodafone my husband has the same phone different povider.My phone will have full service but when i go make a call it's states "error in connection" or try to send a message it sits in my out box or when i finally get to make a call it drops out very very frustrating.2 days ago i had enough after not being able to use my phone or internet (internet is with vodafone as well) and trying to call them but could not get threw i went to a vodafone shop after standing there for 25 mins i was told there is nothing wrong with the service in my area and as for my internet the service guy had no idea why that was not working told me if it didn't start to work bring it in and they would replace the all in all i'm no closer to knowing any answers as of yesterday i'm shopping around for a new provider.Like many others i have children and need to be contactable always vodafone clearly can not provide me with that service.
9775 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is No Network Coverage at 1 Jan 2011 02:09:13 PM
I tried to send an SMS this morning at 9.30am.. I've been trying to make calls and send text messages all day. It's now 1.10pm New Year's Day. Hopefully I don't miss out on any work as this is the only number I have.
9774 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Typical at 1 Jan 2011 02:00:51 PM
Typical Fricken Australians aye.... all you guys ever do is complain, why the &^%$ are you still on their network if you dont like anything that they do.
Year on year bloody people continue to find more an more to complain about get over yourselves and go elsewhere, who bloody wants you as customers!! Go suck on a Koala. IDIOTS!!
Year on year bloody people continue to find more an more to complain about get over yourselves and go elsewhere, who bloody wants you as customers!! Go suck on a Koala. IDIOTS!!
1 Jan 2011 02:16:05 PM: Dear Mr Grumbles!! Wow dont you sound like a sour unsatisfied lonley cranky little person....your COMPLAINING about people COMPLAINING hmmmm doesnt make sence to me, maybe your a loaded sad man because the rest of us arnt to happy to part with money for a service we are LOCKED into and not getting, go back to bed and start again, oh and given your racial comments about us Aussies and our Koalas i take it your not an Aussie so mind your business and buzz of out of our country thanks
1 Jan 2011 09:38:45 PM: i agree. im complaining coz im PAYING money every month for a crap service which i cant get out of coz im on contract. u are complaining about us complaining....which is pathetic, why are u even on here if you arent from australia?
4 Jan 2011 06:26:11 PM: Are you a pom? Because you sure sound like one buddy.
Myself and everyone else on here are complaining because we are paying a ridiculous amount of money for a service which just isn't up to scratch. Every time I call I am on hold for lengthy periods and always end up speaking to someone who can't speak English properly. So you know what? Unless you can give me a valid reason why I shouldn't be complaining, you can just shut the fuck up. Oh and also, go suck on a koala is the stupidest insult I've ever heard, how about you go choke on a fat one =)
Myself and everyone else on here are complaining because we are paying a ridiculous amount of money for a service which just isn't up to scratch. Every time I call I am on hold for lengthy periods and always end up speaking to someone who can't speak English properly. So you know what? Unless you can give me a valid reason why I shouldn't be complaining, you can just shut the fuck up. Oh and also, go suck on a koala is the stupidest insult I've ever heard, how about you go choke on a fat one =)
5 Jan 2011 02:13:11 PM: Oi Pommy!
Name and Address buddy, and perhaps you can feel "our pain". You will defiantly feel some sort of pain hahahaha.
Seriously though don't ever do that again.
Name and Address buddy, and perhaps you can feel "our pain". You will defiantly feel some sort of pain hahahaha.
Seriously though don't ever do that again.
4 Feb 2011 12:43:12 PM: Typical fricken Australian business cannot set up a technical system.
Why are there so many problems in Australia with Vodafone and Optus and Telstra, but close to zero on the 2degrees service in New Zealand?
Or what about GroceryWatch - or FuelWatch???
I'd say Telecom NZ have a few problems, but nothing like the shambles at Telstra (network OK, but billing/customer service hideous).
Australians complain because they're being given shit systems that don't work.
Why are there so many problems in Australia with Vodafone and Optus and Telstra, but close to zero on the 2degrees service in New Zealand?
Or what about GroceryWatch - or FuelWatch???
I'd say Telecom NZ have a few problems, but nothing like the shambles at Telstra (network OK, but billing/customer service hideous).
Australians complain because they're being given shit systems that don't work.
9772 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is looted balance at 1 Jan 2011 01:58:50 PM
1 Jan 2011 02:07:54 PM: Hi Manoj,
It's sad to hear that vodafone is taking advantage of customers all around the world. We have had posts from Ghana as well and it doesn't appear uncommon. Vodafail is not affiliated with Vodafone in any way so we don't have the ability to investigate your situation.
The aim of this website is the make your grievances public in the hope that it will increase the pressure on vodafone to fix these problems. We have a page that documents how to air your complaints with the authorities in Australia ( but we do not have any information on how to do so in India. We wish you all the best if you create a vodafail site for India and hope that it gets the media coverage it needs. team
P.S. we will have to moderate the phone numbers out of your post for privacy reasons.
It's sad to hear that vodafone is taking advantage of customers all around the world. We have had posts from Ghana as well and it doesn't appear uncommon. Vodafail is not affiliated with Vodafone in any way so we don't have the ability to investigate your situation.
The aim of this website is the make your grievances public in the hope that it will increase the pressure on vodafone to fix these problems. We have a page that documents how to air your complaints with the authorities in Australia ( but we do not have any information on how to do so in India. We wish you all the best if you create a vodafail site for India and hope that it gets the media coverage it needs. team
P.S. we will have to moderate the phone numbers out of your post for privacy reasons.
9766 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Shocking! at 1 Jan 2011 01:56:16 PM
My phone constantly drops out during calls and it takes me at least two or three tries to send a text msg from anywhere. It took me forty minutes to send a text msg last night. People also tell me that my phone has been off when it hasn't. When people do finally get through to me I manage to catch about every third word because the reception is so bad. Vodafail!
9764 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is LOL cant send SMS! at 1 Jan 2011 01:51:54 PM
Been trying to send 1 SMS for the past 10 mins, its 3:51pm.
9763 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is WHERE DO I BEGIN at 1 Jan 2011 01:37:20 PM
my phone drops out of reception every ten minutes, since being with vodaphone iv had to replace numbers and phones every 2 weeks cos nothing saves, my internet connections don't exist unless i turn the phone off and on twice. none of my photos or data saves to the phone, my credit gets taken even when im still in the use by date i cannot make calls to anybody on vodaphone because it charges my normal credit not vodaphone money. im sick of fixing the phone and just want the company to know that every time this happens i get more frustrated and will be changing to a better company.
9762 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is not great at the moment at 1 Jan 2011 01:27:40 PM
9761 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is an absolute disgrace at 1 Jan 2011 01:27:19 PM
I was trying to locate my mobile ph in my house so I tried calling it from my landline. I called it 3 times, each time it said the mobile was off, which it wasn't! Once i found the mobile, it said I had 3 bars of service so I tried calling it again from my husband's phone, it said the mobile was off too. Tried again 20 minutes later, mobile working fine. Similar situations have occurred several times in the last 6 months.
9760 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Super Fail at 1 Jan 2011 01:25:02 PM
I am on the Gold Coast at Robina. The reception is always going from full service too 1 bar or no service. Everytime I call Vodafail the call back time is greater than 30 mins! You call and they need to transfer you to the network team or iPhone team. I have replaced my sim and restored my phone a couple of times!! They are still telling me it is not the network. Not happy!!
9759 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is useless! at 1 Jan 2011 01:23:19 PM
2 Jan 2011 05:25:05 AM: What???The vodafone system down????Then still down when you came back????? Surely not!!!!Why on earth didnt you simply tell them to take the sim out and put it back in?
4 Jan 2011 11:50:48 PM: voodoo
9758 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is epic fail at 1 Jan 2011 01:16:47 PM
gotta love getting no reception, internet that works when it wants to and calls that drop out all the time.......vodafone...more like vodafail
9757 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Hopeless at 1 Jan 2011 01:15:56 PM
Full signal trying to phone my wife on Vodafone network with full signal, and it goes onto voice mail. Paying for data, and can never use it. This company is a JOKE.
9756 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is BAD at 1 Jan 2011 01:08:40 PM
as of late there is no internet on my phone! i am paying for something i can't even use! vodafone you are a joke of a company.
very disappointing and unprofessional.
let's not even mention the lack of reception.
very disappointing and unprofessional.
let's not even mention the lack of reception.
20 Jan 2011 12:48:50 PM: Do mention it, because Vodafone isn't mentioning it in any of it's ads all over commercial television this week.
9755 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is TERRIBLE at 1 Jan 2011 01:06:58 PM
they want us to keep checking our credit to avoid going over the limit.. yet everytime we call, access the internet or send out an sms to 1512 it says currently unavailable! how are we meant to fix a problem if THEY can't fix their resources??
it's starting to seem like a trick only to charge us more money.
p.s: is the vodafone website 99% of the time down?!
it's starting to seem like a trick only to charge us more money.
p.s: is the vodafone website 99% of the time down?!
1 Jan 2011 01:34:50 PM: I tried today on Internet, got this messenge: "Sorry for the inconvenience
- An unexpected error has occurred. Please close your browser and try again later or call 1555 to complete your request." Occasionally i can get through, but the balance often not updated or mislead. Why can they provide a simple feature we can check on mobile for our monthly plan balance. It makes me think they are running a trick business.
- An unexpected error has occurred. Please close your browser and try again later or call 1555 to complete your request." Occasionally i can get through, but the balance often not updated or mislead. Why can they provide a simple feature we can check on mobile for our monthly plan balance. It makes me think they are running a trick business.
1 Jan 2011 01:58:06 PM: Yes, this is very frustrating!!
9754 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Total at 1 Jan 2011 01:03:10 PM
I don't have Vodaphoney because it is suckie suckie service or as they say in the classics total crap...
9753 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very much at 1 Jan 2011 12:57:51 PM
my phone shows no network at all for atleast half of the day and night, frequent call drops and i can not surf easily on net because of this problem. initially i thought it is very normal due to any maintenance but now it has been very long since it is posing as a serious threat to me and my work.
9752 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Poor or no service at 1 Jan 2011 12:42:29 PM
I had from the get go poor or no service & being a security guard I relied on a phone for emergencies. My employer would constantly say my phone was switched off, I NEVER switch my phone of. simply NO SERVICE,. It constantly drops out or I have to try & connect again because of an echo on the line. I gave up & took out a new plan with optus & I will be taking vadaphone to court to get the contract torn up.
9751 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 2011 12:39:53 PM
i had service out where we live and a month before christmas we have lost full service not even able to send or recive messages what a joke not to mention that they took all my free talk time and my free txt that id built up over time because i did not recharge in time by one day come pull your finger out VODAFONE and give us a proper mobile service that we pay for,
9750 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very fail at 1 Jan 2011 12:31:00 PM
cant call or recive calls from my house or surrounding area
messages come a day late, we have internet with them and havent been able to use it
Thanks vodafone havent been able to contact my family all xmass
messages come a day late, we have internet with them and havent been able to use it
Thanks vodafone havent been able to contact my family all xmass
9749 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 1 Jan 2011 12:28:06 PM
over the christmas break I was flooded in around bundaberg and had absolutely no coverage to phone or even txt my family to know where i was.. my uncle who lives there said 5 years ago vodafone was the only phone company they had out there and he said is was the best but now for some reason they have failed everyone and there is now 0 coverage!!
my parents live on the sunshine coast which is only 50min north of brisbane and there is 0 coverage.. this business is absolutely appalling and i hope something is done to fix it!!
my parents live on the sunshine coast which is only 50min north of brisbane and there is 0 coverage.. this business is absolutely appalling and i hope something is done to fix it!!
9748 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 1 Jan 2011 12:20:01 PM
Cant receive calls, Sms's come in way past their use by date..
To get my SMS reply to send have had to powercycle my phone every time!!!
Thats 50 times a day!!!!
Cannington 3G coverage is dead. 6017 is a mix of suburbs on this website it defaults to wilson so Cannington appears problem free - WRONG!!!
To get my SMS reply to send have had to powercycle my phone every time!!!
Thats 50 times a day!!!!
Cannington 3G coverage is dead. 6017 is a mix of suburbs on this website it defaults to wilson so Cannington appears problem free - WRONG!!!
9747 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 1 Jan 2011 12:18:01 PM
I have a $114 a month contract which started when i lived in sydney. Service was majority fine for coverage on the northern beaches. I then moved to the mid north coast and have absolutely no service where I live.
Through discussions with various staff at vodafone, I was given 3 months half price after first being told it was my fault because I moved!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was at this point I pointed out to my assisting costumer service rep that it was a MOBILE phone hence I should be able to use it anywhere.
I can understand they cannot cover everywhere but I cannot understand how they can legally charge for a service which they are not providing at all.
I truly feel like I have been paying money when they should release me from my contract immediately.
I have had to take another contract through telstra just to operate my business as a builder.
I just want to be released from my contract , any compensation for a year of no service would be a bonus.
Slim chance I know.
Through discussions with various staff at vodafone, I was given 3 months half price after first being told it was my fault because I moved!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was at this point I pointed out to my assisting costumer service rep that it was a MOBILE phone hence I should be able to use it anywhere.
I can understand they cannot cover everywhere but I cannot understand how they can legally charge for a service which they are not providing at all.
I truly feel like I have been paying money when they should release me from my contract immediately.
I have had to take another contract through telstra just to operate my business as a builder.
I just want to be released from my contract , any compensation for a year of no service would be a bonus.
Slim chance I know.
1 Jan 2011 12:43:37 PM: Check out the 'How To Complain' link at the top of the page :)