Dear visitor,
Since its inception has made a significant
contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced
by Vodafone customers.
Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders.
You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.
Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of
More recently, traffic to has declined significantly.
Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints.
The site will remain online for as long as possible as a
reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.
It has been a privilege to run this initiative
and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In
particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their
continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.
You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.
Until next time,
Adam Brimo
Share Your Pain
ACT (1140) | Everywhere (19206) | NSW (7557) | NT (170) | QLD (3578) | SA (987) | Somewhere else (224) | TAS (242) | VIC (3573) | WA (1735) |
13030 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is N/A at 20 Jan 2011 12:10:01 PM
Ok, So i have to say this, i myself am a staff member of vodafone, i and the rest of my family and my staff are also on vodafone ( and no as staff we DONT get discounts ) BUT in all honesty to all the people that come into my store every day yelling at my staff, cmon its not our fault, we are facing all this crap as well... So we dont need to keep hearing it from you guys call sales support or somthing, or we are more than happy to TALK to you about it, but coming into the store and yelling and abusing us and calling us names, were trying to help you guys, but we cant do anything about it, Ive had staff wanting to quit coz of it, So next time your in a vodafone store please remember its not our fault we are trying and everything but we will help you if we can.
20 Jan 2011 01:39:26 PM: word!
20 Jan 2011 02:20:48 PM: Thank you, that would mean a lot to Vodafone's customers...but what happens if you go into a Vodafone shop and they tell you they aren't actually employees of Vodafone and they tell you to call Customer Service. You're back to square 1 with no help and depending on "Lara" to try and "help" you...
20 Jan 2011 02:45:20 PM: The staff are representatives and agents for Vodafone. You are happy to sign up new customers and take their money so don't be surprised when customers come back and complain. Customers can't get through the long waits on the call centres so naturally they will come back to the store and complain. Hopefully more customers will do this so that the message gets from the front desk to those higher up and they might actually address the problems rather than just producing a collection of weasel words on their website,
20 Jan 2011 06:29:44 PM: Best to start selling Optus or Telstra and give Voda away.