26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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21203 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Be carefull recharging useing the phone app on pre paid with credit cards. at 26 Mar 2012 07:15:22 PM
Today i sent 2 requests to recharge my pre paid mobile account via my phone useing my CC Card ($100). The money had been taken out twice but still no credit...They gave me $10 credit so i could call my bank to confirm and yes my bank had confirmed it then i got got disconnected as the $10 had run out. Vodafone said i had to fax through the details and i will get the money back in 6 to 11 working days and no compensation in anyway. I just had to suck it up.
Even though ive wasted a few hours on the phone with them and not been able to make any more calls all day because i didnt want to give them any more of my money. Not a happy.

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21198 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Facebook charges but do have Facebook account at 26 Mar 2012 09:51:17 AM
I have been with vodafone for over there months and continue to receive Facebook charges on daily basis even though I don't have account. Bills are now getting charged on different days and at higher rates which is impossible. Vodafone simply cannot explain. Useless wish I used another provider.

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21175 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is EXTREME at 21 Mar 2012 06:38:07 PM
Myself, my partner, colleguae and atleast 5 other people residing in Kalbarri WA have lost Vodafone network coverage since Tuesday 13th March (over one weel now). I phoned the first day I lost coverage to be told it was an issue with my handset. Funnily enough it was picking up other networks and then I realised it would be Vodafone seeing as just about every person I know using Vodafone in my area has lost coverage as well. Upon calling back I was again told it had to be my handset - mentioning the others who had the same problem, the customer service person confirmed there was a network problem. When my collegaue phoned, she was told it was her handset, and again Vodafone eventually admitted it was their network except a comment was made that a tower was being upgraded in our area over the next 12 months! As I was in desperate need of a means of contact being 6 months pregnant and loosing all of my exisiting vodafone credit, I phoned back again to request the phone be unlocked at no fee. Again a new customer service person tried to tell me it was a handset issue and offered $5 vodafone credit which obviously can't be used. After words with the manager at the time I convinced them to agree to drop the unlocking fee of $75 which was more than 48 hours ago (I am still unable to unlock the phone online.)
So here I am left wondering, how many others have had this problem and are turned away by Vodafone to say it's a handset issue. I especially am frustrated that I do not have a reliable means of contact as I cannot use the Vodafone network at all and am still waiting on them to unlock the phone so I can use a network that will provide service. After being a Vodafone customer for over 4 years I am extremely disguisted in the service and that no announcement was made to give notice of the network problem. Simply buying another phone is not a suitable resolution for me as it's well past it's return date and had been working for many months prior.
21 Mar 2012 07:05:59 PM: I feel your pain.

Why continue with VF if there is no resolution in the near future? Why not take your business elsewhere to a provider who can offer coverage and service?

Suggest you contact VF again, give VF the opportunity to rectify/remedy/fix the lack of coverage within a reasonable time scale, say 10 working days and if there is no improvement then demand to be released from your contract.

If VF say yes, then take your business elsewhere, if they say no, then consider an alternative strategy using the TIO.

The TIO will ensure VF either resolve the issue in 10 working days or alternatively seek the other solution of cessation of contract.

TIO contact details at the top of the page under the How To Complain tab.

A simple online form that takes less than 5 minutes to complete.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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21166 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is customer service now closing at 6pm sydney time!!!! at 20 Mar 2012 09:15:32 PM
For all western Australian customers this is just shocking. Something really needs to be open for WA customers in the afternoon/night why is it that countrys like nz have a 34hour help service but Australia doesnt

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21160 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Shite at 20 Mar 2012 11:04:31 AM

Well... looks like Data service is out in Perth (again!!). So sick of vodafone. - I haven't paid them a cent in over 8mths (due to multiple complaints, they have waivered my monthly access fee) - even this isn't enough anymore. Constant delayed texts & voicemails. Texts go missing (both send & receive). Call drop outs/patchy. Data is slow (when it works!). Rude customer service...

A free iPhone4 and no monthly charges (of $50p/m) isn't enough for me anymore. I'm getting out. They are the most useless "service".
20 Mar 2012 11:21:58 AM: I hear you on that. Ive had enough of dropouts and my data service cutting out all the time. Its time to move on to another carrier for me....

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21124 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 15 Mar 2012 08:28:15 AM
Many times when making a call, you hear nothing from the other end, not even a ringing tone. You have to try calling a few times. Then you will get the call through. The other end will tell you he heard me but I could not hear anything.
It happens constantly its maddening !
Another issue is the other end will ring but time out because they are not answering. But when you check with them, they said the telephone did not ring AT ALL !
Never had these problems when with 3. Contract ended, forced to move to Vodafone. What a failure.

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21087 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is can't log on at your home page at 10 Mar 2012 05:29:15 PM
i have try a lot of times ,but it just show;Sorry for the inconvenience
- An internal error has occurred. Please close your browser and try again later or call 1555 to complete your request.

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21070 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Outraged! at 9 Mar 2012 07:03:20 PM
I thought vodafone was meant to of fixed their problems with the poor reception problems? I have an iPhone with a $49 plan, paying this much each month, i expect to have no issues. Yes i know vodafone is known for bad reception but i constantly get SOS ONLY up the top of my screen! Ive had the phone for around 3 months and when i first got it, no issues.. now i can't even access Facebook or the internet when I'm out and about. My messages take about 10 mineuts to come through and I'm sick of it. I have to stick with vodafone for my 2 year contract and I'm not going to put up with this. Im tired of it and its needs to be sorted out as soon as possible. Vodafone was meant to make their lines better, well frankly i think they've gotten worse. Get your act together Vodafone and sort it out.
15 Mar 2012 06:56:58 PM: r u sure its not due to the iphone phone having problems remember they said if you hold the sides reception cuts out.
and not the network. get a galaxy s 2 there way better.

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21044 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Extreme Fail at 7 Mar 2012 10:28:53 PM
Got a Vodafone text advising call charging is going to 60 sec billing from 30 second billing for text and talk prepaid. How dare they basically increase the call rate while offering the worst network coverage, with the poorest quality. This company is a joke. I think its time to churn my family and friends to another carrier. This network is pathetic, I could not recommend anyone to join
8 Mar 2012 08:56:52 AM: I am on the 365 day plan. Can they really change the rates and billing before my plan expires? I have several months left. This really sucks.

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21017 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very failed at 5 Mar 2012 12:45:40 PM
Contacted 3 to upgrade my phone, told have to move to vodafone . Consolidate two accounts together . And now charging me cancelation fee .

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21004 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Indifference to complaints at 3 Mar 2012 12:53:29 AM
I have several issues with Vodafone.
1. my partner is overseas & her SIM card was removed from her phone & placed in a plastic container in a drawer. She has been away for two months & on Wednesday 1st March I was checking my usage in My Vodafone site when I noticed that there has been data use deducted from the credit allowed. I rang 1555 & spoke to an Indian guy by the name of Simon who insisted that some one else must have used the card.
I informed him that I am at home on my own & assured him that the card has not been inserted into a phone, but just kept on telling me that the card had been used for internet data. This indifference infuriated me so I hung up on him & sent an email to Vodafone "Contact us" site I received a "no reply" response allocating me a file number with the promise to contact within one working day; no response to date.
2. I have been to the Vodafone sales office to complain about dropouts during international calls & having to pay additional "flag falls" for each redialed number. I live in Collie W.A , in a high location,& at times the signal strength goes down to zero & the call, consequently, drops out.
3. I have two phones on $49.00 plans & pay an extra $20.00, for each phone, to convert the plans to 12 mths. On Tuesday 21st Feb I received a text from Vodafone telling me that I have successfully switched from a ($50 Infinite - 24mth plan to a $29.00 24mth plan. I immediately rang 1555 & told the female consultant ( Susan I think) that I had done no such thing & that I'm not on $50 Infinite plans. She insisted, several times, that I had done it on line.I hung up in disgust & also mentioned this problem in my email to Vodafone.
4. On checking my My Vodafone account today I see that the call credit has been reduced from $500.00 to $130.00 & that all of the $130.00 has been used; the SIM card is still in it's plastic container in the drawer.
3 Mar 2012 07:08:34 AM: Take it to the TIO..they will sort it out

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20995 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very at 1 Mar 2012 05:10:57 PM
Have to walk outside my house in central Perth to have a discussion on my mobile.
I work & travel in rural WA and have had to buy a prepaid Telstra phone to do business.
Late voice messages
Phone looses charge quickly as it is always looking for a signal

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20993 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Incompetent at 29 Feb 2012 10:53:13 PM
How can you run a telecommunication company without providing 24/7 technical support. The network has been unavailable to some of us in th south west for over 8 hours, I cannot get a redirection made and get an answer from them on when I will get service back. Vodafone has lost me as a customer !

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20991 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is SOS only? at 29 Feb 2012 05:57:11 PM
Go into a black spot. Come out of black spot with no reception still. I can pick up Telstra and Optus but no voda. What a surprise....

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20967 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Doesnt make sense??? at 26 Feb 2012 08:49:11 PM
Well lets just start with vodafone has to be one of the worst fone companies out there.... Correct me if im wrong but we are in 2012?? We shouldnt be havin these stupid little problems like loosing connection in a new area next to canningvale.. I have been with vodafone pretty much all mi life and can honestly say when i get the chance to leave u i will straight away!! U needa sort ur company out before it goes bankrupt!!!!!!!

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20955 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Delayed text messages at 25 Feb 2012 12:21:14 PM
Have had Samsung galaxy s2 through Vodafone for a month. Past week it has delayed my text messages for days. I have a chronic medical condition and rely heavily on my phone.

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20930 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is lies and theiving of my hard earnd money at 21 Feb 2012 10:29:29 PM
I moved from 3 to voda and hav had constant trouble with their network, when I do get to talk to a techy they tell me its my phone, its brand new and bought through voda and meant to work on their new network, yet I cant use even facebook, or app store, or youtube or even the standard browser. So much for new super fast network rollout. Xant even hold a 2G connection let alone a 3G or better. Lies and theft in broad daylight, with no help whatsoever from their end.

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20928 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is no areial at 21 Feb 2012 04:32:22 PM
yes, important calls from high school

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20927 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is not receiving the measages at 21 Feb 2012 04:28:30 PM
hamilton hill

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20890 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 16 Feb 2012 11:27:07 PM
I paid my bill on 27/01/2012, but now on 16/02/2012 I have recieved a note that my bill has been over due, so they have disconnected my line !!!!
I have my bank statement that shows the money has been transfered to vodafone.
What should I do now???
17 Feb 2012 02:35:25 PM: Ring the TIO with this one.
Its an 1800 number will not cost you.
bring all of your details.
the TIO staff very polite and helpfull.

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20884 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Crap in every state at 16 Feb 2012 03:44:32 PM
I regularly travel between Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. I can tell you now that data is still horrible in each city. Doesn't even matter if it's peak time, the speeds are woeful. If you're going for an unlimited plan, only go for the 1GB package because there isn't a hope in hell that you'll get to use more then that.

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20882 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Totally Dishonest at 16 Feb 2012 01:23:57 PM
Voicemail notifications are not arriving until maybe 2 or 3 people hours or days later leave a message.
I have complained to vodafone for almost 2 years due to sms problems and I keep hearing backing, fixed in a month, fixed in 3 months, fixed shortly etc etc.
They keep blaming coverage, yet their coverage maps show supposedly fantastic 3G coverage.
I think that after 2 years of the same problem not being fixed clearly shows that vodafone are not interested in fixing it and their 'apologies' are worthless. Come on ACCC and ACMA - how can you let this company continue to get away with blatantly selling something that is not what it is purported to be. They have even made public apologies on the network issues that are clearly related to congestion, yet they continue to add more customers. This is totally irresponsible and greedy.

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20863 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Mega Dodgy Fail at 14 Feb 2012 02:45:30 PM
In Bunbury Western Australia. Vodafone service has degraded over recent years and despite constant promises and upgrades, the service does not improve.
I think that everytime Vodafail/Vodafone does an upgrade - necessary not only because of faulty systems, but also largely because I believe the network is over utilised/saturated, Vodafail/Vodafone promptly signs up more new customers and saturates the new infrastructure as well.

Problems regularly experienced:
1. One side of conversation drops out, and remains dropped out until call is terminated and re-initiated - THIS HAPPENS DAILY!!!!
2. Reception dropouts - How is it that they keep telling me how their network is increasing yet the reception doesn't?
3. Phone will often not ring and goes directly to messagebank. When I get the message, I look at the phone and see good signal strength.
4. Vodafone staff keep blaming the phone and denying problems with their service. "Turn off your phone for 10 minutes and then turn it back on. That fixes most problems." I have tried several phones, even had sim card replaced. After contacting other people using vodafone in the area - they experience the same type of problems.
5. 'High Speed' Internet is non existent. Very often there is insufficient coverage to get any internet ( even though the bars of reception might show full 5 bars signal) and just shows 'E' for emergency only for the internet. When there is internet, it is usually slow. I have a 1.5GB plan with Vodafone and can rarely use it. Hence I am lucky if I get over 100MB usage for the month.
6. Voicemail notifications often do not arrive and I am only notified that there is a message after 2 or 3 voicemail messages have been left, which could be hours or days.
7. I have made numerous complaints to vodafone and tried to be escalated to a senior technician or department that might be able to work with me to solve the problems (I am a technician) on their network. They end up denying a problem and I never get the opportunity to speak to a level of support really interested in addressing rectifying the underlying problem.
8. Vodafone are more interested in adding more customers than they are fixing the existing problems.
9. I lose business because of the problems with them.
14 Feb 2012 03:28:30 PM: I have all the above problems!!!!!

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20861 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is big time at 14 Feb 2012 12:15:59 PM
I mived house to Glendalough and both my wife and I had to switch carriers as there was no Vodafone reception in our house. Interestingly we switched to 3 (owned by vodafone but using telstra towers) and had great coverage in our house. After attempting to buy a new phone contract with 3 I was told that I had no choice but to switch to Vodafone if I wanted a new phone. No deal - Voda doesn't work in our house. So I've switched to Virgin and have a new phone and contract.

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20853 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 13 Feb 2012 09:23:25 AM
When we are using the phone during a call or making call the phone drops out and the phone crashs and reboots itself.

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20846 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Over billing and Auto contract renewed :( at 11 Feb 2012 11:07:38 PM
From last two months, Vodafone billing is beyond my understanding and I ready very angry and want to sue this shit company.
I made enormous amount of phone calls (wasted allot of time). And yet they don’t understand or want to understand my issues.
OK start over again------
I signed a contract almost 15 months ago, and I was using the services with the number (PERSONAL DETAILS REMOVED) (Account 1). The contract was for 24month/$69 cap with $10 rebate on plan. So I was paying only $59.
Last month, I decided to get an-additional number, so I signed a new contract and have additional account with the number (PERSONAL DETAILS REMOVED) (Account 2).
>>> Now the first issue was that they charged me for two months for account 1 with $69 cap.
When I called and asked clarification, the customer operator said, that because I requested new account (which I didn’t) that’s why you are charged extra and you are still getting that $10 discount for your account 1. And next month I will get rebate back from the closed account, so my Feb bill will be adjusted.
Which is still not adjusted.....
>>>>> Second issue, the last bill (for the month of Jan usage) came unexpectedly very high. I am checking regularly my balance with 1555. On 21/01/2012 the balance message came as I have $385 (cannot remember exact numbers) worth of calls available.
(Note: These facts were taken from excel sheet saved on 5/2/2012) When I checked again on 27/01/2012 I already not even used that amount and also exceeded real dollar value of $84.63 (extra to my monthly quota), though I only used if we consider from 19/01/2012 till 25/01/2012 (Vodafone needs at-least two days to update the system—shocking) = $319.08 worth of calls.
My last conversation ended up in veins as operator said, wait until you get bill, and then call us.
And he was not excepting the service fault, which clearly shows lack in giving real information. Operator was saying we have major upgrade is going on that’s why.... and also other excuses.
I think it is Vodafone fault which allowed me to axcced my monthly phone quota. Therefore I should not pay that excess amount.
>>>> Thirdly the $10 discount on my cap is still not applied.

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20844 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Epic at 11 Feb 2012 08:40:14 PM
I signed up for a $29 iPhone plan. My Vodafone pre-pay number was to be transferred to my new plan. The transfer would take approx. 30mins. It is now day 8 and I still have no number. My number was disconnected during the transfer and then the transfer failed. So for eight days I have been desperately trying to get my number up and running again. The only response I ever get from 1555 number is "it will be working in 24-48 hours", of course it never is. I have been in communication via email with Vodafone customer support and they agree with me that it's not ok that I still do not have my number working, but they cannot tell me when the error will be fixed. I have been into the store and they couldn't help, they told me it would be fixed in 4hours and that was over 24hours ago. My number is the contact number for my childs school and for my childs disability support services, it is my contact number for my work, it is my contact number for my personal life. I have been without it for 8 days and counting and no one at Vodafone in any department can tell me when it will be fixed. I was given a temporary number for the plan, but there is a fault on that number so only I can call out on it but I can not receive incoming calls or text. So thanks to Vodafone, no one has been able to contact me via phone call or SMS for 8 days and counting. I have never felt so disempowered and frustrated; it's very stressful and still ongoing.
13 Feb 2012 01:37:14 PM: Day 10 still no working number

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20841 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is broadband usage at 11 Feb 2012 09:02:40 AM
cannot gauge or stop going over usage because usage is updated "Most usage is updated within 48 hours, but some activities including roaming and data usage may take longer" So, i have to make sure I that 2days before end of billing cycle i have at least 2gig of my 8 gig limit up my sleeve and inform my wife and 2 teenage daughters not to use the internet. So I am not receiving what i pay for. My family are fully aware and very careful so as to not go over limit. People say to DL this and that data app so you can monitor your usage. I shouldn't have to go to these extremes. Even armed with this info Vodafone does not care so what's the point. Why can't this telco just stop when i reach my limit with only limited access to Email, FB and the like until start of new billing cycle? I and my wife are on pensions and every $dollar is accounted for. My only option as i can see is to use those USB things and prepay but at least i will have piece of mind that i'm not going to get a $106 bill which should have been $39. My opinion!! they are aware a lot of people like myself are not that tech knowledgeable and will constantly go over their data limit which equates to $dollars in the bank. Oh and yes has happened a few times over 10mth period.

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20840 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Major at 10 Feb 2012 11:03:19 PM
Rang after being told that connecting to itunes would resolve my issues, it didnt. When I rang was told technical jobs could only be logged between 7am and 10pm. So Im paying for a service I cant use, but I have to wait till its convenient for them to be able to fix my problem!

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20839 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Major at 10 Feb 2012 10:30:59 PM
Bad reception.I can hear people when they call me or i call them but they cant hear me. I rang Vodafone they tole me to resync my phone to itunes and then it would work, if not i should call them back. As you can guess im calling them back.

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20737 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 90% at 30 Jan 2012 09:10:01 PM
change to vodafone from 3 and it's worse, when you ring to complain on the phone it drops out !!!!!!!

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20725 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Beyond a joke at 29 Jan 2012 02:13:37 PM

Just got 3 texts and one voicemail delivered all at once, 18hrs late. I'm sick of this company. I've had texts not delivered and not received in the past as well. (and they are the ones I know about). Constant dropouts with reception (no service & emergency calls only indicators are pretty normal for me... ) I'm not paying them another cent. Canceling my contract on Monday and will keep spreading the word about how absolutely horrible this service is. Complete rip off! I can't beleive they get away with this..still... Completel rubbish!!! - I loath this company.

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20723 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 28 Jan 2012 05:04:40 PM
SMS'S not sending again today...
Calls going straight to voicemail,My employer called ( as I was on call ) and it went to voicemail , I rcvd the message hours later and have lost a days pay.
Call centre told me these things happen.

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20688 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is took my money!! at 23 Jan 2012 11:45:13 PM
Vodafone offered me a 30% credit on a large bill when I upgraded to a higher plan. Not only did they fail to credit the bill, they deducted the full amount out of my account AND Deducted the full amount twice!!! Spent 46 minutes arguing with the indian call centre who first said they would refund the second bill deducted and refund the 30% credit, then the supervisor said the 30% credit can't be refunded. So mad, not happy and they couldn't care less. When I asked who handles their complaints, crappy supervisor says "we don't have a complaints department"

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20666 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is They are evil at 21 Jan 2012 09:38:24 AM
Repeately call and write to close my account, I am repeatedly assured everything is fixed... one month later a bill arrives.
21 Jan 2012 01:26:34 PM: You are so right. Had exactly the same issues. Finally, go to the TELECOMMUNICATIONS OMBUDSMAN immediately. Don't waste another minute trying to sort this out with these incompetent, patronising, rude incompetent people.

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20658 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Extremley at 20 Jan 2012 05:06:19 PM
Took a photo and tried to send it, it keeps failing to send. Isn't that sad that i pay this much money a month and i can't even take a photo & send it to a friend, apparently that's too difficult for the network to handle.

I've been with vodaphone since 2004, it's really sad that the company promotes services they cannot provide for their customers.

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20653 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is worked in vodafone for 1.5years in world at 20 Jan 2012 01:22:31 AM
I have worked with Vodafone as a company for nearly a year and a half. Loved Vodafone in nz the systems and plans might be different but essentially it is the same company. With the same goals to be the best total telecommunications company over the world. But Vodafone wa managers are on their own agenda and making up excuses to get rid of you if you make any query or question about anything. And also threaten you to fire you if you don't come to meetings and then make up some bullshit story that they were talking to a casual when there was no casual in the room at the time just to cover there own arse. Then also use being 5 min late a few times over 4 weeks which everyone else is in the store also if not even more so to get rid of you. Not a open workplace at all and if Vodafone is really working honestly on nps scores in wa not one person in the WA city stores except 2 are actually on that scale because of the poor area managment and store management( which of the 2 are not management on the company in this state. If asking questions about policys in company is a crime then why would I want to work.in this company here. Specialy when.in the 3 month I worked for the company I was top of fulltime sales and new to the vha aus company for the store even got gifts from customers which I didnt see anyone else in the store getting at all. Vha Australia if you want to make it in Western Australia then you need to learn that its about the customers and helping them and for them to know they can rely on you to come back to you otherwise what's the point of sending all and I.mean ALL your technical issues to a person in Mumbai because managers are too lazy to.train.staff of how to fix simple issues like software conflicts. I bet if.you went into a Vodafone WA store maybe 1 or 2 people would know about the global Vodafone site which takes 5minutes for you to help a customer to download. I'm so dissapointed in vha Australia because of the experiance ove had here that I don't even want to work for company here anymore. If being honest in telling someone to just do there job and standing up to people that like to threaten people and lie is bad then I wouldn't want to work for or trust as a customer either. If you hire Muppets then you get issues. And 6-9months down the track when your realise this manager you thought highly.of is a probably a thief. Yes I will stand there with a big fat I told you so. My character judgement is 95 percent correct. Voda you def failed on this getting rid of one of your actual nps promoters for a company if 99percebt of a team don't even know in WA that the founder of Vodafone is from Italy and visits every Vodafone branded company over the world yearly then are you really training your staff.. seriously its basics
23 Jan 2012 12:27:09 AM: And then straight after getting rid of me like not even a hour later they drive down and threaten my partner who works for the company. Which we kept secret and manager blurted out as i was handing keys over. Awesome work Perth HR....
14 Feb 2012 05:59:05 PM: i work for vodafone aswell, never had any issues. i think it might just be with that particular manager..

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20652 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Not Good at 19 Jan 2012 10:33:30 PM
Switched from 3 to Vodafone after seeing how fast the mobile internet was on Vodafone compared to 3. Things were fine up until the 17th of Jan. No mobile internet from 5pm to 8pm. Calls and SMS worked, checked with friend in a different suburb same issue. Internet worked fine on the 18th until about 5pm, my streaming radio started cutting out while walking to my car in Subiaco. Today the 19th I still have streaming issues when walking to the car after work. Streaming is fine in the morning, and on the drive home. I guess Subiaco is a "Black Spot"

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20651 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 19 Jan 2012 10:24:16 PM
I was in Merredin today for six hours no vodafone service once again in this area only 112 service. my service in the metro of Perth is so so therefore i will be changing network after 8 years, 3 of them very poor network service,and their o/s call centre who try their best to stuff you around, iam not mad with vodafone just feel sorry for them cause they just keep on keeping on losing old customers but who cares there are new punters everyday.

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20628 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is VERY at 17 Jan 2012 04:14:20 PM
Is anyone else having data issues with Vodafail? I've had no 3G for the best part of an hour. I work in the city. What a disgrace this service is. Vodafail AU is giving Vodafone Group a bad name. Vodafone Group need to cut ties with this farse of a company.
17 Jan 2012 06:45:49 PM: Im in Sydney, was trying to send a photo using data, didn't work at all, only got text via data

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20627 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Shite at 17 Jan 2012 03:09:30 PM
Just wondering if anyone else out there in Perth CBD / Northbridge is having data issues at the moment? - I can't access ANY data service now for an hour+. Shut down all apps, restarted, etc... no data. God this company / service sucks...

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20625 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Fucked up!! at 17 Jan 2012 02:56:26 PM
No 3G network again! Typical of vodafone!!!

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20607 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Major And superbly failing at 15 Jan 2012 11:38:57 AM
I have people telling me that when they call they get a recorded message that the number is not in use. Often I cannot call or send texts especially if they are slightly long. My calls frequently drop out. My son is also with Vodaphone and he has also been experiencing similar problems.

Poor customer service and extremely long wait time when trying to call for phone support. Recently I called 1555 number stated that I had connection problems proceeded to wait 45 minutes the a
recorded message came on asking for which invoice I wanted to pay and how I wanted to pay! Or something along that line!

Long wait time when calling into the shop. Staff who are not aware of general difficulties that customers Are having and generally the attitude of staff is that they are not aware of any complaints about network service.

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20599 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is major at 13 Jan 2012 07:28:11 PM
Recently moved from Three to Vodafone, and in process upgraded to a new phone. After waiting for weeks for number to be moved from 3 to Vodafone new phone working, everything somewhat ok...My email was hacked (could have been coincidental), then I decided to remove email from phone, so did a factory reset.
Discovered a few days after that I couldn't receive incoming calls from land lines. Then a few days following that (and after initial call to tech support and no assistance) I can not receive incoming calls. Two trips to Vodafone store near me, and two new SIM cards later problem not solved. Tech support apparently called today (4 days after initial complaint) to say the problem is still under investigation. Seems to have started after a factory reset of my new HTC Sensation. Super. Super. Super. annoying.

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20559 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is "Epic" at 9 Jan 2012 08:44:35 PM
I have been with Vodafone for nearly 5 years now. In the past 18 months I have had no reception in my house. I receive texts 2 days after they were sent, I can't make or receive phone calls (to do so I have to stand at the end of my driveway and even then it drops out). I can't access the internet either.

Think I live in a rural area? Nope I live not even 5km out of Perth!

So I rang Vodafone today, after I noticed that my phone has started dropping out when I am at work (I work in the CBD). After waiting for about 20 minutes and repeating myself numerous times, I was told that I was in a black spot and that a new tower was being installed this week...how convenient. When I asked to be released from my contract I was offered a month free. When I said that wasn't good enough after waiting 18 months for the problem to be fixed - my phone cut out. So now I have to start the process all over again tomorrow.
10 Jan 2012 04:53:52 PM: Agree, not good enough!

Sometimes the mention of the TIO does focus the minds of VF CSRs, try it tomorrow!

Ask for an investigation for the network reception to your house/place of work, allow VF to do the investigation and if after their investigation the issue still persists take the matter to the TIO.

Why pay for a service that does not work?

Have you also seen their webpage that shows completed and planned upgrades to towers.......???? Is your area on the list???

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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20558 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 9 Jan 2012 02:58:01 PM
poor service in Merredin WA 260 km east of Perth.

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20552 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 14 days and still no port - 3 to Voda at 8 Jan 2012 07:41:49 PM
Promised porting on 26th Dec 11, its now Jan 8th, my 3 sim is still active and Vodas is dead as a maggot.

Numerous calls to the "Welcome Crew", no one knows what is going on, been told it will be fixed in 48hrs three times now and patiently waited those hours too.....

No call backs and no replies to my queries on the Voda forums from their "support crew".

Should have stayed @ 3.
8 Jan 2012 09:38:59 PM: Get used to it mate, if you are on a 24 month contract, you only have 730 days of this type of Vodafail crap...........

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20551 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Non connection to service at 8 Jan 2012 12:28:06 PM
Had 42yr old son take me to purchase new 4s on 12Nov from Vodafone outlet signed up for $59 plan was promised delivery of new phone in 10days collected it from postal delivery centre on 23Dec had been in there for 14 days NO Fail to deliver notice left had to get details off. Vodafone office in Carousell Cannington. Returned next day to get change over from 3 to Vodafone was told12/48 hours It isonc The 8Jan still getting so sorry from Voda
After reading this page I'm getting worried. will keep with Telstra for IPad and 3 for wife's mobile

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20550 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is no network at 8 Jan 2012 12:27:32 PM
stuck on a two year plan and no service at all i live 22km from the perth cbd
8 Jan 2012 01:27:05 PM: Have you contacted VF about the lack of reception?

If so what did they say?

If not suggest you do contact them, allow VF to do their network investigation and if possible correct the issue, if no better after the investigation go directly to the TIO.

VF then have 10 working days to contact you and resolve the issue..........if they are unable to resolve you may want to look at alternative providers that can provide a service!

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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20548 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is No coverage 10 mins from home at 7 Jan 2012 01:15:30 PM
This is absolute BullSHIT 10 mins from home and I have no coverage its not like Im in the middle of the freaking outback as well. Pure and absolute BS vodaphone is vodaFAIL!!

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20543 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 6 Jan 2012 05:28:10 PM
I called Vodafone on 15 Dec 2011 to move to a special $29/month Samsung Galaxy S II plan. Vodafone assured me that everything was arranged and asked me to wait for the new handset to arrive in the mail. I called today (6 Jan 2012) to ask when my new phone would arrive and was informed that they had no record of an order being placed. The Sales assistant kindly asked whether I'd like to take up a more expensive plan for the same phone (since the $29/month special has now expired). I declined the offer.

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20535 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is willetton at 5 Jan 2012 05:06:33 PM
one bar in our house ,have to go 100 meters for calls
2 weeks to get through was told i should consider other servers???
Not interested in ajusting news towers etc here!!!!

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20531 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 5 Jan 2012 01:03:53 PM
6 Jan 2012 08:16:49 AM: they are leaving the old network there, just moving on to new technology, and adding another frequency
8 Jan 2012 09:19:08 AM: Voda are upgrading to the 850 Mhz band (same as Telstra) which is built for data, not coverage. If your HTC isn't 850 Mhz compatible it will still work, just not on the new freq. You get what you pay for, Go to Telstra if you want reliability on mobile network obviously as a much higher $$$ though...
9 Jan 2012 04:16:26 PM: the 850 Mhz band is good for data, but also travels further from the towers and better penetrates buildings
thats why they are changing to it

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20482 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is BILL SHOCKED at 29 Dec 2011 04:25:47 AM
29 Dec 2011 07:10:25 AM: Engr, you need to complain to VF direct via their Customer Helpline of 1555 via your mobile.

Vodafail.com is a consumer focussed website to facilitate user recording of issues associated with VF, we have no direct contact with VF, but we do offer advice where possible.

Please see the information contained under the How To Complain tab at the top of the page for further details.

I have also removed your mobile number as your surname as we do not allow personal details to be displayed on this website.

Good luck!

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
21 Jan 2012 05:49:51 PM: This is so true of the bills I got, until I got OUT. Big bills especially when outside the metropolitan area in roam are the norm. Get out of the contract and go straight to AMAYSIM or TPG and see the bill come in each month the same and get a billion percent more than VODAFAIL offers. Stay with VODAFAIL and its like having a hand pulling $100 dollar bills out of your wallet permanently with you

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20476 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is extremely at 28 Dec 2011 06:07:58 PM
I was told I could return a contract phone and not be billed any termination fee. i returned the phone in September2011 and then received a bill for termination charges in October, November and now December - even though i have rang several times and have been assured the charges will be dropped as per original conversation in September....it is an absolute pain each time i try and speak to someone and when i do finally get through, a miracle if i can understand the conversation - absolutely sick to death aaaaaghhhh....
28 Dec 2011 09:18:16 PM: Go to the TIO.

You have tried unsuccessfully to resolve the issue, now it is time for an alternative strategy.

TIO contact details at the top of the page under the How To Complain tab.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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20438 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 26 Dec 2011 01:06:38 AM
My Vodafone site is up but unable to change any divert settings. Going away soon and can't divert phones to a new prepaid (Not Vodaf**kingFail!). No customer service available and stupid voice recognition as middnight really tries patience when it goes to a dead end and hangs up on you. How can you say anything good about their "service". Get me out of this contract now - non-performance.

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20423 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 100% at 24 Dec 2011 09:50:48 AM
so i will be texting and a few texts later.... text fail.... try to resend.... fail... try a few times more.... fail fail fail.... try to call someone... hmmm sorry can not get a hold of this person. looks at reception. all bars r full. turn phone off and turn it on again. wait for phone to do its stuff to work again. everything is fine. WTF. seriously vodafone is a phone company. can they cant even get stuff like this right. they should be shut down cause they fail so much its not funny. they dont work. then say oh our new tower is up the reception should be great...... same things happen even after its been up for awhile. vodafone suck. then they lock u on contacts for 2 years and prob laugh at u when u leave cause they know what u have just done is the worst thing of ur life

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20392 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Absolutely useless at 21 Dec 2011 10:30:21 PM
Wanted to upgrade my phone, have a reasonable amount of Bonus Bank dollars, which I thought could use to buy a new phone????

After searching on the myvodafone web page and finding no phones of interest, I decided to ring the sales contact number to see how I could purchase my phone of choice - I got transferred 3 times to various parties to eventually be told that the Samsung phone I wanted could not be brought using Bonus Bank dollars - however if I got transferred a 4th time this could be confirmed. After having listened to music, been rung back twice as well - I just gave up and thought I would just buy one on ebay. Better than dealing with these mob of clowns!!

I then rang my daughter to have a chat and had a call which she could not hear me! Thankfully on ringing back a second time we had a successful call - abolute miracle!!

How can this company get it so wrong? Are the management for real???

By the way my Bonus Bank dollars expire in a few more days - thanks Vodafone for cancelling the scheme at short notice! I trust you will be sending me a check for the value of - hahaha what a joke!

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20373 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is LACK OF COVERAGE at 20 Dec 2011 07:23:48 AM
Hi there, unfortunately there is no network signal in here ROLEYSTONE 6111.
Friends thought i could have disappear or lost or being kidnap.
Alternative option for me is to STAY AWAY VODAFONE.
20 Dec 2011 05:04:39 PM: well move back to the metro area out of the bush, or dont be such a tight arse and pay for telstra coverage!

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20372 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 100% WRONG at 19 Dec 2011 08:59:56 PM
My broadband and landline are with another carrier. They offered to bundle my mobile with the aforesaid services and a great deal, with a 2-72 hour turnaround for the "porting" from Vodafone.
The porting dragged on and on and on, with my carrier claiming Vodafone had a different DOB for I.D. purposes.
This meant I had to call Vodafone to clarify the information.
The Vodafone Call Centre guy said, and I quote, "we often tell others [carriers] that the DOB is wrong so the customer will call us to rectify it and we have the opportunity to find out why they want to switch".
Further conversation revealed this was a practice he was "not particularly fond of" and "we usually tell the customer the birthdate year has been transposed".

I don't think I need to say any more.

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20361 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is in and out at 18 Dec 2011 09:48:16 PM
I am paying to recall everyone who calls me because they get disconnected within 1 minutes of being on the phone or they start hearing me crackle! frustrating trying to run a business here its costing me double the bill!

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20353 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very fail at 17 Dec 2011 03:57:02 PM
In the last week both phones dropping out every few minutes for data and network. i am surprised I can post this from my phone right now!!!!
17 Dec 2011 04:12:58 PM: By the way VODAFONE! What compensation will you offer???
18 Dec 2011 10:10:13 PM: Still happening!!
19 Dec 2011 10:11:34 AM: No reply from Vodafone. no response. problem still exists
19 Dec 2011 09:52:53 PM: Is Vodafone doing something about this?
20 Dec 2011 08:24:45 AM: Oh my goodness this problem is still ongoing and NOTHING FROM VODAFONE!!!!
20 Dec 2011 10:48:32 AM: Why have compensation?

Surely it is time to take the matter to the TIO?

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
20 Dec 2011 07:13:25 PM: Finally got a reply from Vodafone. Apparently there is a tower out in the Mt Lawley area. Hmmmmm will see how quickly this is rectified! If Vodafone is monitoring this I expect a month free for both of my phones!
20 Dec 2011 11:02:34 PM: Currently i am in Mt Lawley and my wife is in Melbourne. Same phones, same networks, same problems! Exactly how many towers are out???
21 Dec 2011 02:32:20 PM: Complaint lodged with TIO. Suggestions from Vodafone did not work.
21 Dec 2011 06:44:14 PM: Now the 10 business days waiting game..........

It was the correct thing to do, let us know the outcome!

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
22 Dec 2011 12:40:03 PM: Just heard from Vodafone saying their resolution team will contact me in 5 to 19 days. i won't be paying bills until I am released.
22 Dec 2011 03:25:38 PM: 5-19 days?

I thought it was 10 business days? Perhaps I am wrong.........or perhaps the resolution team are busy in the lead up to Christmas? Who knows?

The bills are usually put into ''suspension'' whilst the matter is investigated.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
22 Dec 2011 07:10:18 PM: Sorry. Typo. 5-10 days.
23 Dec 2011 09:49:18 AM: Another reply from VF stating problem in Mt Lawley has been fixed. WRONG!!!! Still the same problem and my wife having same problem in Melbourne abduction now in Sydney. I demanded my contracts be released immediately.
23 Dec 2011 09:51:00 AM: Abduction = and. Stupid corrective text. :)
23 Dec 2011 04:36:08 PM: Bit of a circular nightmare for you at the moment!

Was it the resolutions team that contacted you?

What was the response to your demand?

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
24 Dec 2011 09:17:03 AM: Not them. The Social Media consultant. But had no access for 15 hours since 4pm yesterday. Called VF and complained. Apparently another site nearby is having problems. Unbearable this is.
24 Dec 2011 12:51:56 PM: I emailed the consultant and demanded they release me and allow to have my numbers ported to another provider. Oh! By the way! It's still dropping out every few minutes. I am going online everywhere to complain. VF have no idea what I can do in this regard. The sooner they do the right thing the better it will be for them.
24 Dec 2011 02:35:18 PM: Good news! Vodafone are releasing me from boyhood contracts without penalty! This move has put them in the good books for a possible future service. :)
24 Dec 2011 02:36:38 PM: Lol. boyhood = both.
26 Dec 2011 09:13:24 AM: Result!!

Ensure that VF cancel your direct debit accounts and check your bank balance on the due date as they sometimes unexpectantly re-appear.......

Good luck with your new provider!

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
26 Dec 2011 05:16:50 PM: Thanks mate. I never did the direct debit thing and changed my account from auto payments to manual payments.

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20350 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 17 Dec 2011 02:07:32 AM

Anyone on a cap post paid or pre paid plan please check to make sure that vodafone are not double dipping with Data charges through your current billing month.
I af fighting them at the moment through the TIO, read the reasons why below.

When you check your call balance are spend through 1512 or myvodafone website Vodafone are actually including data usage in your call spend so in esence reducing your call spend for that month, they also deduct the MB usage from your included data which is the only place it should be deducted and only excess data usage be charged as additional spend.

I have 200mb of data per month and have only used 55mb of that, I also have $180 of call spend with my $29cap, When I call 1512 and get my balance of call spend entitelement owing for the $180 credit the 55mb data used is converted to $$$ and is deducted from your $180 and also the 200mb data included on top of the $180 call spend.

BEWARE. Vodafone have put it in the to hard basket and dont want to deal with me as I am seeking a substantial compensation for lost call spend, everone check your current spend on my vodafone and see the PKT in your current unbilled usage and see that they are charging this and deducting from your call spend and also the 200mb or whatever dats allowance you have.

Contact the TIO and complain no as I am
17 Dec 2011 09:53:28 AM: At last you can make calls & use your data allowance, even if it costs double. Most people with VF are paying but can't use any of the services.

Good luck with it all, after the TIO sorts it out go with another company like I am about to do.

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20304 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is New Services at 13 Dec 2011 09:57:59 AM
I am sure that all "3" customers have been getting the wonderful e-mails from Vodafone. They calim to have new networks, superior networks, better coverage etc. etc. etc. I got the e-mail yesterday............have had no network coverage since! What about spending the time and money on getting a network working to provide the service that we pay for rahter than more crap e-mails.

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20301 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is WOFTAM at 12 Dec 2011 04:16:01 PM
No service for 40% of overpriced 2-year contract. Can't get online/phone help; waste of time going into Rockingham store. 5 days of pain and frustration, and all data/phone allowance used up trying to unlock phone, additional $$ incurred buying more. Given wrong advice 3 times by VodaIndia. "Customer care"? oxymoron. This moron went to Virgin and hasn't looked back.

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20266 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is OMG!! at 8 Dec 2011 03:55:29 PM
have not had 3G service since 9AM, it is now 3PM. 6 hours is ridiculous!! what the heck am i paying for ?!

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20265 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is CRAP! at 8 Dec 2011 02:43:02 PM
3G internet doesn't work on phone.. Voda SUCKS!!!!!
8 Dec 2011 03:57:43 PM: same here! have called support twice today, thinking it could of been my phone. only to find out its vodafone!! havn't been able to check emails, net banking! pretty much stuffed me today!
8 Dec 2011 04:23:09 PM: If you have tried to contact VF without a satisfactory resolution then the the next step is the TIO.

The TIO on line form takes less than 10 minutes to complete and VF have 10 working days to respond to your issue, VF have to contact you!

Why put up with a poor service?

TIO details found on the How To Complain tab at the top of the page.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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20259 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is NO 3G!! at 8 Dec 2011 10:50:51 AM
Why is there no 3G? Tried switching network on and off, phone on and off and reset settings as per customer call line suggested...no luck! Would be good if voda Au mentioned that there were issues and when they would be resolved. Prepaid = annoying! Grrrr!
8 Dec 2011 03:59:14 PM: no coverage on plan either! vodafail so much!

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20257 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Customer In-Law at 8 Dec 2011 10:39:25 AM
Just a quick point of note after looking at your suggested "How to Complain" notes on this site.......you suggest that we should be polite and courteous to the Vodafone staff in the stores............surely this should work both ways. The times that I have visited the stores and waited in line for 30 minutes or more only to be ignored, brushed off or told to ring (now theres a thought)the office because I am not buying a phone are innumerable and then they wonder why they get abused. I live in WA and if I need to talk to someone in Sydney it would be quicker to jump on a plane and meet with them. Vodafone have succeeded in proving that we don't need mobile phones because they hardly ever work on their network. I just cannot understand how their systems just keep failing......go to a "thirld world Country", buy a SIM and it will work with no problem..........and it is at least half the cost of what we pay here. I just wish that we could bill Vodafone for the amount of time that we spend trying to resolve issues.
After all that...........the one thing that they do have right is the "LARA" system........you nkow that voice activated answering service......it is just the same as talking to one of their operators...........it does not undestand English, Australian or American either! I am currently taking indian lessons to see if it helps but may have to explore some further language courses dependent upon the results. Maybe Swahili would work.

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20255 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Hooray at 8 Dec 2011 10:20:49 AM
Finally coming to the end of my Contracts. I have 4 mobiles, all signed up with 3 (who are now Vodafone except if you talk to Vodafone!)and have had nothing but problems since the switch rollout. Billing, coverage, customer service (sorry customer abuse which they provide free of charge! Now switching to Telstra.......not much better but at least I can make a call and complete it without at least having to call back half way through. Only problem is that Vodafone are now having problems porting the numbers to another carrier. I guess I will also continue to receive bill demands from Vodafone over the next few months until they realize that I do not have a service with them anymore. Same thing happened 10 years ago when i was with them and it took me 2 years to get my credit rating cleared! Vodafone GO HOME and leave us in Australia to fight with our local carriers..............If I want a phone in India I will buy one.

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20239 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is no service at 6 Dec 2011 05:53:59 PM
I've had no service on my iPhone 3gs the whole day. tried switching off then on again which usually helps but no luck. anyone else having issues?
6 Dec 2011 07:25:03 PM: Try switching to another network.
8 Dec 2011 02:54:32 PM: 6 Dec 2011 07:25:03 PM: Try switching to another network.

Because thats helpful when you're stuck in a contract. C'mon, you could be a little more helpful - or say nothing at all.
8 Dec 2011 04:28:23 PM: I think there is an unplanned outage in WA at the moment.

If you have contacted VF without success with your issue the next step is the TIO.

The TIO on line form takes less than 10 minutes to complete and VF have to contact you within 10 working days, but I must stress you must contact VF before going down the TIO route, otherwise the TIO will be reluctant to help you.

TIO contact details under the How To Complain tab at the top of the page.

Good luck!

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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20215 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Big fail at 5 Dec 2011 10:50:36 PM
No internet, phone or text on:
Tuesday 5th December 6:30 -8:30pm / 8:45-9:25pm area code 6019:
Our network upgrade is coming to parts of Scarborough Beach and some surrounds. It may affect your night service (11pm-7am) 27Nov-5Dec. Please call 1520 for more info.
Coverage is worse since thier upgrade!

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20214 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is crazy johns sucks too at 5 Dec 2011 07:24:31 PM
I signed a 24month contract with crazy johns 2 1/2 weeks ago after being shown and told that we would have top coverage in our area on the vodafone network.
I frequently experience drop outs, little to no 3G coverage and further dead spots and drop outs on the 2G network. I even tried to make an emergency phone call (122) and could not get through!!! I have called Crazy Johns a number of times to complain as I want to cancel the contract and I have been told in order to opt out of the contract, I would have to pay for the remainding 23months. I've just typed my concerns to the TIO. yah... :(
5 Dec 2011 10:47:30 PM: 122... you may want to look into that...

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20202 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 100% at 5 Dec 2011 09:38:04 AM
Paid my bill on time as usual. Two weeks later received text message bill overdue. Rang to say bill has been paid. Half hour wait in queue, gave details of payment, receipt no's etc. told will get back to me. two weeks go by no reply, bills keep coming as well billed for 55gig download I didn't make?? Rang back, told no note of my bill problems, have to explain all over. Another two weeks go by still nothing. Now I have no service at all??? Bills keep building.

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20187 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is no service at 4 Dec 2011 10:14:23 PM
Today and from last night unable to get internet on my phone as well as sending txt and call. I have to keep turning my phone on and off to check if any messages go through or recieve any. SICK of this this is the 2nd time Im highly thinking of changing from vodaphone. Been with them for 7 years no problems till the last 2 networking issues and now this tickes it off. Better be a compensation or able to get out of your contract.

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20180 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Brilliant at 3 Dec 2011 10:36:10 PM
Vodafone is the best carrier in Australia. Cheap, great service, great network and decent phones on offer. Have been with them for 13 years and not changing.
3 Dec 2011 10:41:16 PM: Good for you!!

A happy customer!!

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
10 Dec 2011 11:57:08 PM: They are also full of it... a paid Vodaphone staff member putting messages on Vodafail

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20152 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Mobile tv has failed! supprised, nope at 1 Dec 2011 01:39:50 PM
start of the cricket season today (1/12/11) accessed my mobile tv subscription to view cricket as promissed by vodafone (major sponser of aus cricket) and to my supprise, they are having technical difficulties and no cricket to watch.
1 Dec 2011 02:25:01 PM: that surprised you? lol

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20134 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is FOREVER CRAP at 29 Nov 2011 10:08:58 PM
Why do they keep telling us that the network is gonna get better in a few months time... Ive been told this by VODAFONE staff for nearly a year now.. Im sick of it... They obviously not only bullshit the customers, they bullshit the staff and tell them to tell us such bullshit.. Why keep bullshitting.. VODABULLSHIT

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20133 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is VERY CRAP FONE at 29 Nov 2011 10:05:15 PM
How can pictures not be sent.. especially 50kb pics.. I mean to sit in the outbox for over 2 hours.. Ive tried to resend.. and they just wont go.. bloody vodacrap

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20131 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is It's the pits at 29 Nov 2011 06:39:39 PM
My phone drops out in my house and other places while I am talking, it's pathetic. This is when i am stationary.

My sms's arrive the next day HELLO................what are they doing????????

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20129 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Astonishing at 29 Nov 2011 11:30:40 AM
Vodafone again, going through "upgrade" unable to provide to me sufficient support. I've lost my phone today, and unable to lodge anything, or bar services from my simcard until 12 hours later. So in the mean time, anyone that uses my phone will be able to do so freely, at my expense. Another great vodafone service after one of their staff members decided to use my account for their personal gain. How could a company at this size make such mistakes?

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20123 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Poor at 28 Nov 2011 05:09:25 PM
I migrated from Three to Vodafone to receive better service, particularly in Albany WA without roaming when using Internet on my mobile phone.
Since changing to Vodafone, 2 out of every 3 calls at home don't connect properly (I can hear but others can't hear me) or disconnect during the call.
Vodafone now tell me my area is due for upgrade in February 2012, but this was not mentioned when I was talking to them about migrating, and their coverage checker indicated very good coverage only area.
They listen politely and make all sorts of suggestions as to what can be done but the result so far is that I still lose 2 out of 3 calls.
If not resolved soon I'm going to have to try and get out of this contract. Three gave me very few issues, even though it's apparently the same Company.

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20116 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is UBBERFAIL at 27 Nov 2011 11:55:35 PM
Despite being in a very metropolitan area, I only get EDGE signal. The website claims otherwise though. My boyfriend in NT has 0 signal at the moment. Long Distance already sucks. I thought technology was supposed to bring us closer? YOU FAIL VODAFONE!

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20109 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is cannot call at 26 Nov 2011 12:58:38 PM
i am unable to call anyone - even vodaphone them self
i can recieve calls i can send text msgs but cannot call
when i rang vodaphone from a landline they said that the area was busy???
so if the area is so busy how come i can recieve calls???
why am i paying vodaphone for a service they are not supplying????
not happy vodaphone

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20107 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Don't care about customers at 25 Nov 2011 08:55:36 PM
Had no network coverage all weekend long at Monkey Mia Dolphin Resort. Friend with Telstra had full signal. I tried calling Vodafail when I returned and had signal. Was on hold too long. Sent an email advising of the issue. Got an automated response asking me to send another email if I actually have an issue. Seriously fail Vodafail!

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20100 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is kyle sandilands level fail at 25 Nov 2011 11:12:14 AM
I can't log in to website to pay bill and they now no longer let you pay bills through the phone messaging service.I'm not going to waste an hour of my life on hold every time i want to pay my bills they better get their shit together or else no money

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20098 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very vodafailed at 24 Nov 2011 10:04:25 PM
I was with 3, which was great, had mega 3g, lived fairly rural and have cracking signal, converted all family and friends etc to 3. Then voda flop took over, when my contract is up for renewal they firstly don't have a mega 3g phone for me, and they say I most likely won't be able to get reception at all where I live when I go on a new contract!

I thought the merge was supposed to make it a better service not kill it off. Thats 3 seperate phones in my household that will end up on telstra which makes me even more dissatisfied and then slowly no doubt the rest of my family and friends will all have to convert over.
Vodaphone you have failed your new customers! and shame on 3 for dumping us in it.

Why would I ever want to go back to Vodaphone if I end up going elsewhere and paying for it, and no the price won't make me change back, once I am gone I am gone for good, and lets face it my lifespan could have made a fairly good return over the years. Again shame on you.

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20095 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 24 Nov 2011 04:35:18 PM
Calls drop out, no internet connection even when I am in West Perth.

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20088 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Gibberish voice at 23 Nov 2011 04:15:27 PM
After a few minutes into the call, the voice gets garbled. Its like aliens have taken over the phone...

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20078 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is fail fail at 22 Nov 2011 09:21:06 PM
After being with VF for a year or so we (partner and I)got sick of lack of reception in our NOR suburbs home. I complained to VF saying I wanted to end the contract for that reason and to my massive surprise they pretty much agreed to do that straight away. I then got a bill for termination which I called them about - they said once they received my phone back it would be credited. Fine. I then received a bill for around $50 - had no idea what that was for - after calling and speaking with every man and his dog in the call centre we figured out it was GST on the contract - yeah right - I told them I wouldnt pay it and they agreed to get rid of that debt too. So will just wait and see if another bill arrives. Anyway, point is, crap network and they try to rip you off at every point but its worth trying to get out of a contract especially if you dont have coverage.

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20077 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Absolutely useless network at 22 Nov 2011 07:42:36 PM
The coverage available is so small and limited its a joke. Calls drop out in in different places with no warning, Text delayed in being received and multiple copies, people can't hear me. Does this company have a real network or is it just a joke?

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20075 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 22 Nov 2011 06:59:15 PM
I live in Applecross, a central WA suburb. My mobile reception is so bad that all my contacts will dial on the land line rather than put up with the drop outs that happen on my mobile. I have tried twice to complain to VF and both times have had the complaint call dropped. Other than phoning I cannot find out where I can contact VF. Useless Useless Useless!

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20073 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is worse since upgrade at 22 Nov 2011 01:33:41 PM
Vodafone has sent us messages saying the upgrades to our area are completed. It is now much much worse in Yanchep. We get reception 10-20% of the time (used to get reception most of the time) and have to resend messages many times before they actually send. Everyone in the area seems to be saying the same about vodafone and a few have already signed up with telstra.
What a shame vodafone doesn't have a site like this. They never seem to have any problems in the area noted on their site and say to phone them if your phone isn't working - how?
22 Nov 2011 07:53:56 PM: If you want to switch then let Vodafone know you are still having problems and tell them you want to get out of your contract without paying. Since they aren't delivering the service you signed up for they should let you go, if they don't then it's time for the TIO. Details on the 'how to complain' page.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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20055 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Totally epic fail at 21 Nov 2011 07:25:12 AM
I just looked at my calendar and it is still 2011!! After the totally rubbish reception and connection I have been recieving since joining Vodaphone a month ago I thought I may have been teleported back about 5 years...but no it's still 2011. WTF?? How is this able to happen? Other Vodaphone users I know have been like 'oh yeah that's just Vodaphone - message delays, pictures taking two days to arrive, terrible reception even when u are in the CBD...that's just what they are like'. Hmmm something is very wrong with this picture! They are ripping off their consumers with sub-standard service delivery. This should not be allowed! It is outrageous that we are expected to pay for this service. What can I do?
21 Nov 2011 11:16:43 AM: well sunshine u found this website & if u had done your research u would know that for the last 2 or more years people have been complaining about this company. All I can say is enjoy your 2 yrs of hell.
21 Nov 2011 03:43:04 PM: Contrary to the reply above, if you have complained to VF about the lack or reception and attempted to undertake their trouble shooting exercises, you can go to the TIO, details found at the top of the page under the How To Complain tab.

VF then have 10 working days to respond to your complaint.

You will have to provide some evidence that calls drop out, for instance, time of call, number dialled, duration of call etc. I think VF like to have 3 separate instances prior to their network team investigating.

As mentioned in the first sentence if you have complained already to VF and nothing has occurred to improve the service ------&gt; straight to the TIO.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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20046 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Mess up at 20 Nov 2011 10:20:21 AM
I am using iphone4 but the issue is the way they charge is incorrect and wrong information. I am on $69 cap plan and get $700 credit each month to used(Got 2GB for data allowance but never used it cause voda very slow connection). I register consume(iphone apps for credit allowance and limit) and always check/send sms to 1512 for credit left in that month.
According to that month, I only used $650 credit which I still have another $50 to spend and when the bill comes it said that I over used. So I need to pay $69(for my cap) plus extra around $20.....Based on my bill that $650 is not including GST....But everytime I send sms to 1512 to get my credit limit notifications left and it said I still have another $50 left.
It happens with me twice and I try to use the credit and stop making calls/sms/mms 5 days in advance so vodafail system will get an update for my credit limit. And even last day update before my billing cycle, I still has $50 credit allowance left.

In this case why vodafone gives or sends wrong information about my credit limit and not updating on their network?? so they can rip off customer money.

What a loser?? and it happens twice,contact customer service and they only said change provider or go to TIO(They don't want to solve or assist anymore)... and advise me to use only $550 instead of $700 credit allowance.

So whats the point I pay $69 and only get $550 ?????WTF...so dissapointed as more than 2 years with vodafone.......
21 Nov 2011 11:24:21 AM: go to tio & see how easy it is too get out of the contract

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20033 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is service billing at 18 Nov 2011 10:51:47 AM
Been with Vodafone for years was good until they took over the three network . Service on two seperate devices is usless in city centre of Perth plus other major location around WA and Peth . Had a direct debit payment method each month to take out the amount out of my bank , But still get overdue fees when it is direct debit and never go close to any limits ? Vodafone cant tell me why only they didnt dierect debit the monthly limit on last month ? So they charge me overdue fee for they mistake ?

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20005 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is going backwards at 15 Nov 2011 01:35:33 PM
Getting worse in Yanchep. I send messages and they register in my sent messages folder but no one gets them. Have a picture of a tower now - but no bars. Can't call out. Two calls to me in the last 2 days have made it through but dropped out.
Vodafone website reports no outages in WA, but some vague network upgrade stuff...HOW LONG IS THINS GOING TO KEEP GOING ON FOR? THEY SEEM TO BE DOWNGRADING MY NETWORK.....I HOPE NONE OF MY CHILDREN HAVE ANY EMERGENCIES!!! As for receiving any calls from prospective employers....

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19997 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is So much fail!!! at 14 Nov 2011 11:00:41 PM
Remaining balance not showing up in website, wrong name on account details online all of a sudden, tried to call and "they are dealing with urgent account maintenance". Not to mention calls always dropping out, no/bad service and bad customer service over the phone!

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19996 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is It's not. at 14 Nov 2011 10:22:27 PM
I've been a Vodafone customer for over 2 years now and I have never had any issues with my handset or service. Anyone at Vodafone I have spoken to I have had fantastic service and as much as everyone hates Vodafone, the other company's have the same sort of issues or they charge unbelievably ridiculous amounts of money for something you don't need to pay for just because they have the coverage. The amount f times I've been to places where people complain about I've always had coverage. People complain an complain because people are never satisfied about what they get. People expect to get perfection an you are obviously never going to get perfection with anyone. I believ that everyone has there right to an opinion but at the end of the day, 15 years ago nobody even had any of this as much as they do now. People should start respecting people. It's fucking ridiculous how much people complain. It's a handset running on over air connection, there is bound to be drop outs and they're over 2 million people using the Vodafone network... So if the sites are overloaded at sometimes and your handset drops out for more that 5 seconds, then I really don't believe that that's the end of the world.
15 Nov 2011 07:33:58 AM: so 1 cust is happy what about the 5 mill who have to deal with the drop out pain. the othe thing you said that is correct is the other charge too much & if vf goes we will pay more.

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19991 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is failed again at 14 Nov 2011 03:59:28 PM
Yanchep were notified may be probs up to 13 Nov but... No service again. Phone turns itself off AND on again now...asks for PIN again. No service still.
14 Nov 2011 04:07:46 PM: if your switches its self off and on its a problem with the handset! i live in yanchep i had a sim card swap and i dont have any coverage issues
14 Nov 2011 10:25:45 PM: Maybe if you follow the processes you need to take to get out of your contract of you lr servie is that bard then Vodafone will do something about it. Yes, it may take a lot of persuading and time but at the end of the day if you really wanted to get out of your contract then you would fight your case, not post all over the Internet about your phone issues.
15 Nov 2011 04:48:14 AM: @ 14 Nov 2011 10:25:45 PM:

Mate, apart from a duplicated incoherent and rambling post you have absolutely no right to tell the user where he/she may post on the internet about their phone issues.

Now get off back to school.

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