26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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21192 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very bad at 23 Mar 2012 10:31:51 PM
I was switching to vodaphone from three mobile. As I have a locked phone, I asked the agent (from offshore) if they can check first if they can unlock my phone as I got it from ebay. Agent said, "Sorry, you are not a vodaphone customer yet, call back when you are." I should have packed my bags then.

Took a week before they moved my account, and as expected, the vodaphone sim will not work on a 3 mobile.

Gave them a call, and for a week, they said, just wait, the vodaphone sim will eventually work. Of course it didn't.

They sent me a refurbished nokia x6 after another week, which would turn off at the slightest nudge.

Complaining again, an agent promised to credit me $$$ to buy a nokia x6, but as they are offshore, didn't know Vodaphone has pulled out the model in Melbourne (it took hours to get this concept through).

Good thing I wasnt able to buy as a week later, no money has been credited to my account yet. I called back and THEN they clarify, it will be used to offset my monthly bills, and not transferred to my bank account. (how could you then by a phone with it, then?)

Bargaining ensued. They offered to replace the phone with something like a Nokia 3210 (just those old old models), then switched tactics to a Galaxy... but only just remembered at the end of the conversation that they are putting me on a 2 year contract, offered a refurbished Blackberry but would not have a battery, or anything else for that matter.

Finally, they promised to send me a new smart phone... fingers crossed, they're not pulling my leg anymore.

26 Mar 2012 09:56:58 AM: you could've just gone to three.com.au/unlocking and unlock your phone from there

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21187 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Appalling at 23 Mar 2012 11:54:36 AM
I make approximately 20 calls a day with each call lasting about 15 minutes. Over half of these calls drop out - normally after about 4 minutes. Often I am stationery for these calls and the call starts with full signal then it drops out for up to a minute but sometimes just a second. It's a diabolical state. Who wants to do business with the guy who's phone cuts out every time you speak with him? I'm fuming

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21181 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 22 Mar 2012 04:35:42 PM

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21176 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Pretty failed at 21 Mar 2012 11:54:23 PM
For some reason I have no reception for the past 24hrs. Unfortunately I seem to be the only one in country Victoria that is still with Vodafone.
Perhaps the blame lies with my phone, but I think that this is unlikely. How do I find out?

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21171 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Data is slower that dialup at 21 Mar 2012 01:26:12 PM
Bought 5 sims and seeking to change

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21164 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is almost unusable now at 20 Mar 2012 05:52:38 PM
call quality deteriorated lately to almost unusable in Docklands, Melbourne CBD.
All the promises of new network are just rubbish.Have been asked to wait by VF customer services and that upgrades are scheduled for October 2011. last drop of patience gone now.

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21163 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Awful at 20 Mar 2012 02:57:41 PM
Every single time I'm on the phone, my calls drop out. I have called Vodafone repeatedly about this issue, they have said they have installed new phone towers and in the meantime gave me a discount on my bills, but there is absolutely no improvement. They should be finished reception upgrades by now, but it is getting worse, not better.
I'm so tired of carrying on a conversation punctuated with "What? I can't hear you, you're dropping out."
Really considering terminating my contract and going elsewhere.

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21161 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Billing at 20 Mar 2012 11:20:33 AM
In Oct 2011 Vfone advised me to move to a new 135 plan for 3 Phones and 3 data devices. Vfone found a problem with 3000 missing tech fund on my current account. They billed me 2000+ for nov/dec when they finaly sorted out their accounts issue. I told them I was NOT paying this amount as I should be on 135+gst. Many emails and phone calls now I cannot contact the Australian person as they do not return calls or emails. I ended up with Indian call centre HOPELESS ! They tell me that I am on 135 plan for 3 phones + 90 plan for data that I never agreed to. I have their email stating the plan inclusions at 135. I am now left with overdue of 440 these guys must have the accounting system from the stone age.

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21159 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 20 Mar 2012 07:21:19 AM
No voicemail access for the past 2 days!

Texts come through ok (I'm assuming that I'm getting them all, but who would know...) and I can leave a message on my own voicemail - but can't access it!

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21157 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Just plain bad at 19 Mar 2012 08:13:00 PM
Vodafone suck i run a busines in torqauy victoria on the surf coast and the coverage is just weak telstra have five base stations optus three and voda just one in using a 2100 mhz nokia x6 and now are using 2g network just to get a signal to make a call its has allways been a voda no go zone so come on voda put a tower in north torqauy and not one base station to cover a growing town with all most ten thousand people.

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21151 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is A lot at 19 Mar 2012 02:21:21 PM
I have no reception at my house and I'm quite near the city.

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21132 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is BAD at 15 Mar 2012 09:35:37 PM
No Network reception. Downloads and web page loading is extremely slow. i may as well go back to 56k internet connection it would still be quicker - and imean it. I tried calling the customer service. no one answers they just hang up on me. I am leaving vodafone tomorrow.

Very unhappy customer.

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21131 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very Bad at 15 Mar 2012 09:25:59 PM
Calls are dropped very often, SMS can take minutes to send, network is a joke.

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21130 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Lost calls at 15 Mar 2012 08:48:24 PM
They are supposed to be getting better but the service is getting worse, SMS can take hours, call drop outs frequent.
Where we once had good reception it is now poor or nothing.

What is going wrong with Vodaphone? in the rest of the world it works great I know and travel a lot.

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21125 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Abysmal at 15 Mar 2012 01:14:37 PM
I spend most of my time in an area within 7km of Melbourne CBD. The data connection via my iPhone 4GS is abysmal. Half the time when I go to access the internet no connection is available (but voice and SMS) is okay). If I do get an internet connection half the time it takes ages to download. This is a rubbish service and prevents me from really making use of all benefits of my phone - it is impossible to view video under these circumstances for example, rely on a map working right when you need it, using Tramtracker, the list goes on. I find it hard to believe that Vodafone have the nerve to provide such a service, especially in one of the most populated areas of Australia. There is no way I can use all of the data allowance that comes with my plan as I can't get connected to the internet often enough, so I am just wasting this part of my plan due to Vodafone's inability to provide a reliable data service.

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21123 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 14 Mar 2012 11:22:11 PM
They cancelled my contract by accident!!! Recontracted me again for 12 months, what a waste as I have 6 months remaining. Indeed Vodafail
15 Mar 2012 12:10:30 AM: that's like winning the lotto without having purchased a ticket, but then giving the money back. what were you thinking re-signing!?

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21109 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Big Time Fail at 13 Mar 2012 02:38:34 PM
No Reception/Very Slowwww data at Carlton Gardens/St Vincents Hospital

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21108 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 10000000 times fail at 13 Mar 2012 01:32:04 PM
When i rang to pay out the remaining 3 months of my contract i was offered an Iphone 4s and was assured that any time i cancel my contract i will not pay any fees. Now that i have moved to Telstra,and ported my number to them, vodafone have slapped me with a 1500 dollar bill stating that i should have rang them first before moving to Telstra and now i have to pay cancellation fees. This is the worse company in the world to deal with!

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21105 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Suck! at 12 Mar 2012 10:21:43 PM
I have 2 phones, my work phone HTC Desire HD and my personal iPhone 4(with Optus)
Well i have been trying to get 3g working at a decent speed and Voda just SUCKS!! i am lucky to get over 10kb/sec where with my iphone tethered to optus i can get 170kb/sec +
I just moved to Melbourne(from Sydney) to open a new branch and dont have ADSL yet installed into my place.
I even went out and purchased a Vodaphone 3G USB modem but i get the same speeds. VODA YOU SUCK AND NEED TO CHANGE YOUR NETWORK, im surprised there isn't a full out class action/war against you.
Oi and btw your website says that your support is 24x7 and there is no wait times, i called and it says to call back at 7AM(no wonder there is no wait times :|). How can a business that offers 24x7 service only support it some hours? seriously!
I will defiantly be getting my boss onto our account manager in the morning and hitting them up!
if anyone is wondering as well my postcode is 3037 in VIC

PS voda you suck :)

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21104 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Fail Fail Fail at 12 Mar 2012 08:28:59 PM
Spent the weekend in the Grampian region and whilst others were able to use their mobiles on both Optus and Telstra, of two vodafone handsets, HTC and Samsung S 11 neither worked.- Emergency calls only. Well what if others had an energency where they needed to contact me.!!!!!

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21090 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Crap at 10 Mar 2012 07:33:32 PM
To the person from Qld who had problems with the pathetic sales person..same thing happend to me at Vic store..ring ombudsman tell them your problem refuse to pay your bill..insist on cancelling your contract if problem is not rectified asap..it worked for me I have changed carriets and am extremely happy now..dont forget to mention the rude monkey to the ombudsman..hopefully he will lose his $10 an hour job..good luck!!

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21074 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 10 Mar 2012 05:55:08 AM
I have tried to find out final amount and final billing information now my contract has expired. Got the Mumbai mumble, passed around from excuse to excuse. Told accounts not open yet. Rang off and rang back selecting the Accounts option and guess what, they were open. Don't believe it when Voda says they have changed. It is still the same place all over again

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21073 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is TERRIBLE SERVICE at 10 Mar 2012 05:52:25 AM
Trying to find billing and final account information

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21061 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Yes at 9 Mar 2012 03:54:40 AM
Recently switched from 3 to Vodafone. Brought 5 phones across. Constant complaints with reception and drop outs. 3 was bad towards the end but Vodafone is hopeless

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21053 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Shocking internet connection at 8 Mar 2012 06:34:05 PM
Since January my Samsung Galaxy SII has intermittent internet. I mean it connects for say 30mins. The no internet for 5mins. Then back on again for 30secs. Then nothing for one hour. Totally unpredictable so it makes my internet basically unreliable and not worth bothering with. My phone useage is basically for internet!

I live in South Yarra and returned to Vodafone only because of their big advertising campaign to roll out a new network that would benefit South Yarra. Since that roll out my service has failed!!!

I complained in Jan and was told there was no problem. Asked to change some settings which I did to no avail. They asked me to try a different handset; I did that and the problem was not corrected. I called again and they explained there was a technical issue and that it would be fixed by 1st Feb.

On 2nd Feb my internet connectivity was worse than ever. I called back and discussed termination. I was told I could cancel and they would waive the termination fees. I waited as I was reluctant to go through the hassle of cancellation (getting a new provider/phone etc).

Through Feb the technical team called me to keep me updated (I consider that stupid as there is clearly a problem with my internet connectivity and no amount of updates will help that). In March they told me the problem was rectified. At that time I had just experienced a very frustrating few hours with no internet connectivity at all. I explained this but their consultant insisted that the problem was fixed.

I called back to discuss termination. They now deny there is a problem and want me to pay full termination charges.

I dont doubt that all telecom companies will do what they can to extract fees but I feel that they are playing dirty by denying the problem.

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21040 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is OMG! Useless! at 7 Mar 2012 05:11:53 PM
Okay, on Friday 2nd March ordered a new iPhone 4S calling their centre - foreign call centre answered. I was told a 12 month term @ $62 per month. The contract arrives - it's stated over 24 months @ $62 per month !!! I phone to cancel the order on Monday March 5 - was told cancellation takes up to 5 days to process. I phoned back Tuesday morning March 6 and repeated my cancellation request, stating I wanted to speak to someone in Australia (I cannot do that was the reply), reassured it was cancelled. TODAY, Wednesday 7 March, sms adving of the consignment delivery number !!! What the hell - TIO, here I come. Absolutely disappointed and lied to.

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21036 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is no connection AT ALL at 7 Mar 2012 10:46:51 AM
no messages able to be sent, no data connection to network, no call connection from network...how do I get out of this PAIN!!!!

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21027 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Shocking at 6 Mar 2012 02:40:35 PM
have persevered with vodafail through all the recent woes, hoping they would improve, but now run out of patience. How do I get out of my contract?

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21020 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No brainer at 5 Mar 2012 03:14:36 PM
Recently joined VF and setup the usage alert to prevent myself from exceeding the cap, however got the aleart via SMS at 2:34 AM!
I think Vodafone is run by a bunch of clowns...

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21019 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is terrible failure at 5 Mar 2012 02:57:04 PM
Live in hoppers crossing, VIC. vodafone to vodafone call quality is terrible and atleast one drop during a call. vodafone to other network is a bit Ok, but below satisfaction. Waiting till the contract ends to switch to a better network.
5 Mar 2012 09:53:24 PM: Why wait till the end of your contract? COMPLAIN NOW to VF.

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20988 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Total Fail at 29 Feb 2012 01:54:12 PM
Constant dropped calls, and SOS (emergency calls only) in lots of place. Was on the phone to the boyfriend, when I walked under a bridge signal dropped (?!), but came back after I passed the bridge. If they didn't have the cheapest iPhone 4S deal on the market, I would never have gone with them.

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20981 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Above and beyond failure! at 28 Feb 2012 03:44:42 PM
My wife and I have Vodafone mobiles, mainly because I live and work away from home during the week and calling to say goodnight to the kids every night gets expensive. So, the idea of free Vodafone mobile to mobile was appealing. What a joke! Point Cook is one of Victoria's fastest growing suburbs yet in our home the phones (iPhone 4 and Samsung Galaxy SII) are pretty much useless. Too bad if we needed them in an emergency.
Anyway, in the first month of living away from home I exceeded my cap. Why? Because I had to call the landline and even then the phone reception in my work area (Mornington Penisular) is pretty hit and miss. So I go over on my cap. Pissed off. After speaking to a couple of people in a call centre who could barely understand me, I finally managed to get a $30 credit towards the extra $40 in calls. As a service upgrade is due in Point Cook in a few months I got a 25% increase in my call cap. Well so I thought. After a week or so I noticed that there was no change to my cap. Another call to a call centre person with poor English confirmed that Vodafone had taken 25% off my monthly fee of $29. How the hell this helps I am failing to see. I still can't call my wife on her mobile. I still have to call the landline and I am still chewing through my call cap. I've got about $18 to last me 13 days and I am away from home 11 of those days.
I signed a contract with the company to say that I'd stay with them for two years and pay them x dollars per month to keep my phone connected. Surely they are breaching this contract by not providing the phone service that they are charging me for. If I was in a remote locality then fair enough. But I am far from it. Last week I was in Canberra. Crap service. This week I'm in Sydney. Service not great and 3G is very intermittent. I believe that I should be able to walk away from the contract on the grounds stated above. Does anyone else agree?

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20977 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 28 Feb 2012 08:59:57 AM
My Wireless Broadband Internet keeps dropping off. Vodafone tell me they are doing upgrades on their network but can not give me a time frame!
They want me to pay for a service i can not use?? I DONT THINK SO!!!!

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20950 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is The worst organisation I have EVER dealt with at 24 Feb 2012 02:28:09 PM
Due to shocking coverage, I cancelled my mobile plan with Vodafone. I still had a Vodafone Wireless Mobile Internet.

I cancelled that too on 18 Jan but have still been billed $39 for Jan & Feb. They said they put in a 'request' to cancel it but it did not go through.

When I finally get put through to the Dept that can cancel and refund... they hang up on me

Easily the worst organisation I have ever dealt with. Forgetting the coverage issues, they cant even cancel an account that is out of contract and stop charging me

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20948 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Extemely High at 24 Feb 2012 10:49:13 AM
Not able to connect to internet today and txt messages not going through since yesterday, no service in the CBD. How can vodafail put add's on during the cricket saying they are upgrading there network, WHEN is this going to happen, that is false advertising. They have not improved they're network it has got a gazillion times worse. I once respected Adam Gilchrist but not now. Shame Gilchrist Shame

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20943 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Shocking at 23 Feb 2012 04:03:08 PM
Usual shocking reception, data speeds, SMS send failures, voicemail etc. called Vodafone & on hold to india for 50 mins. Told them I wanted to leave. Was offered 4 months to stay. Since I only had 4 months left on my contract, I thought "what the hell?". I'd keep my handset, then I can move to Telstra. Cool!!

Next month, I got a bill! Odd I thought as I have 4 months free. Rang Voda. Told no record of it. Assured it would be applied. Same thing next month. 45 mins on hold, only for call to drop out. Again, regular as clockwork, my bill came again now over $300!! Threatened with service restriction. By this stage I was over talking to Vodafones "service" centre in India.

Out of the blue got a call from the Tasmanian call centre doing a random "customer satisfaction" survey. Told her the issues and she told me a retention team member would be in touch. 2 weeks later, Indian team member called. Had no idea what was going on, was only told to call me.

I hung up. Lodged a complaint with the TIO. Thats supposed to STOP all collection action etc. what the hell, it's only a government regulation right??? So woke up one day & my phone is barred!!!

Called ombudsman & was given direct line to their TIO liaison team (they're Australians who speak English as a first language thank the Lord!!). Had restrictions lifted, my 4 months credited and I'm finally getting what Vodafone promised e over 4 months previously!!

Now, I'm off to Telstra to go with them and actually get reception & the service I pay for! Good to get the result from Vodafone, but it's just not good enough. You've lost my business FOR LIFE!!!

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20938 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Usage report problem at 23 Feb 2012 12:23:02 PM
Over the last few days I have been receiving info SMS about my account balance. 2 in an hour when I didn't use my phone at all. One minute I had $6 then a minute later $17 and I hadn't topped up! Called India, they said there 'usage' system calculator had been 'down' since 25 January and will probably be fixed on 28 Feb... to ease my pain they gave me 25 mins free calls. Not a lot, but I am a low user and have unlimited VTV calls. See what happens when businesses out source. The system breaks...

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20929 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 3G SO SLOW at 21 Feb 2012 05:53:43 PM
3G reception is ridiculous. Sometimes great reception, most of the time no reception or too slow. This is in the south, north and the CBD. I thought the networks upgrades would help? It is like they have limited 3g slots on each tower and cycle their customers from 3g to edge.... Will be moving to telstra ASAP

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20899 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is So fail at 18 Feb 2012 08:31:51 PM
Unable to make calls or send messages, I have reception but have had a no-call symbol on my screen all day, VERY FRUSTRATING!

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20891 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is THIEFS at 17 Feb 2012 12:20:18 PM
Payment Processing Charges of approximately 250 aud was taken from my account during the month of January when I was not even in Australia!!! Yes, that means my australian phone number was not in usage!!! Bloody Thiefs
17 Feb 2012 02:32:28 PM: Go immediately to the TIO with this one
They have an 1800 number so it will not cost you and I called them yesterday very polite and helpfull.
Try to bring your details with you EG bank account, and Vodafone account, times, payments, ETC.

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20888 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is MEGA at 16 Feb 2012 04:20:02 PM
can't wait to get out of this contract!! got a BB 9760 - decent phone but Vodafail make is slow and crap. Outside my office full 3G, inside - 1 bar Edge. WTH? in all this time that they say they are improving network coverage I haven't noticed any difference. calls cut out. slow internet. can't wait to leave. i will pay more if the service is good.

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20885 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 16 Feb 2012 04:12:47 PM
Vodafone has terminated all calls to Oman, Middle East for commercial reasons. They further did not let their customers know about this, and customer care kept changing their story..I now have to terminate my contract to move to other service provider...Shame!!

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20876 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Inconsistent at 15 Feb 2012 05:26:34 PM
Some areas and some days the reception is good. But today was bad when I was talking to a recruiter and I got cut off half way through the conversation. This inconsistent reception is not on. Please do better Vodafone! Loyal customers don't deserve this.

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20874 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is BAD FAIL - NEVER GO BACK at 15 Feb 2012 04:33:32 PM
Contract completed. Walked away. THE WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE. THE WORST BILLING. THE WORST COVERAGE. I WILL NEVER GO BACK. I would rather use string and tin cans than VODAFONE
16 Feb 2012 11:26:26 AM: Maybe a fleet of homing pidgeons,might help in delivering messages for Voda- nofone.
It would be cheaper than paying NO SERVICE VODAFONE employees from MUMBAI.
Good part is,pidgeons do not munch on curry!!!
16 Feb 2012 04:09:37 PM: bad customer service can come from any country. we cant say that just because a call centre is Mumbai that service is going to be bad

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20873 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Pretty, pretty, pretty fail at 15 Feb 2012 01:30:42 PM
Incoming calls divert straight to VM (despite my phone showing coverage), then I don't get notified of them for sometimes up to 24hrs.

Outgoing calls fail regularly, very often have to turn phone off and on again just to make a call.

Customer service will "get back to me in 5-10 working days" -- that's 2 weeks dammit, and all the while I am still, like a moron, paying the bill.

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20870 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is FAIL - No outbound SMS 23 hours now and counting... at 15 Feb 2012 11:59:49 AM
FAIL - No outbound SMS 23 hours now and counting... Four (4) phone calls to Vodafone, approximately three (3) hours on the phone, still no outbound SMS. Can receive calls, and SMSes, but not send. Samsung Galaxy SII, tried updating SMSC using *#*#4636#*#*, Phone Information, and Vodafone SMS Centre +61415011501, but clicking Update gives "update error". Received Browser and MMS settings, and still not working. Tried VF sim in another handset with SMSC set the same, still no joy. Put SIM back, turned phone off, removed SIM, back on, tried disabling packet data, re-enabling, then escalation they tell it me it will take five (5) days. Rubbish. I'm calling the TIO next.

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20869 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is FAIL - No outbound SMS for 23 hours and counting... at 15 Feb 2012 11:59:16 AM
Four (4) phone calls to Vodafone, approximately three (3) hours on the phone, still no outbound SMS. Can receive calls, and SMSes, but not send. Samsung Galaxy SII, tried updating SMSC using *#*#4636#*#*, Phone Information, and Vodafone SMS Centre +61415011501, but clicking Update gives "update error". Received Browser and MMS settings, and still not working. Tried VF sim in another handset with SMSC set the same, still no joy. Put SIM back, turned phone off, removed SIM, back on, tried disabling packet data, re-enabling, then escalation they tell it me it will take five (5) days. Rubbish. I'm calling the TIO next.

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20858 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Credit not issued as promised at 13 Feb 2012 08:23:42 PM
I went to NZ for 2 weeks about the same time that Vodafone decided to upgrade their systems. I checked usage regularly and never got close to the roaming data limit on the data pack specifically purchased for my holiday.
Only upon return to Oz did I discover that usage records was 4-5 days behind for roaming data and that I would be charged an extra approx $200 for their incompetent and slow systems. I am supposed to read their fine print and understand the delay! After an hour on the phone complaining, I managed to a get a $100 credit approved - but guess what, they didn't process the credit, so it wasn't put on the bill, even though this bill was issued 12 days later! Apparently I have to pay the full $300+ bill and then wait for the next 4 months to use up the credit that they now says will be refunded on the next bill......

Are their systems so bad that they really are incapable of updating a bill that isn't due to be paid for another 2 weeks?????
They need another new system I think!
They will lose this customer (plus all my family members) as soon as I can withdraw from their contract.

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20842 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Epic at 11 Feb 2012 03:59:51 PM
I keep getting the RAS error code and no connection

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20825 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is $500 Internet usage at 9 Feb 2012 01:45:57 PM

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20822 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very Failed at 9 Feb 2012 11:45:23 AM
Vodafone does not allow phone calls to South Sudan. I spoke with customer service who do not even seem to know what they are doing. Wrote to the Resolutions Centre who told me that Vodafone needs agreement with South Sudan before calls to that country are allowed. I asked if there are other countries that Vodafone does not have agreements with, the gave examples like Sierra Leone, Sao Tome, Afghanistan but it turns out, even without agreements, it is possible to make phone calls to these countries (for they even have calling rate to these countries) at perhaps higher calling rates! This all I needed; to be able to use my credit to call my family and friends in South Sudan, but the resolution department thinks the only way to resolve this issue is to kick me out of the network! They do not have calling rates to the country and do not even have the country code +211 in their system. Even on Vodafone global website, they still have Sudan as one country....basically, they believe South Sudan does not exist!
9 Feb 2012 05:25:50 PM: I'm a disgruntled v. done customer but I think they gave you a legitimate reason - it is not that they do not think that Sound Sudan exists, it is exactly as they told you ie. they do not have an agreement with South Sudan. How do you know that they didn't try? Maybe they did and South Sudan didn't want one....

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20800 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is on hold for 1hr so far at 7 Feb 2012 06:35:51 PM
There customer service is as bad as their phone service.

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20799 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is BIG FAT FAIL!! at 7 Feb 2012 05:32:14 PM
I was with 3 and joined Vodafone now that they have merged. I have been with them for 2 months now and have had nothing but trouble. When I received my phone in the mail it took 1 WEEK to port the number across to my new phone. In the past this has usually taken a few hrs max with other phone companies I have been with. Finally once my phone was up and working the service has been pretty crap. I was told reception would be the same as 3 but a beg to differ. Once I received my bill, it was incorrect. I rang and queried it and they said they would fix the issue but my next bill has come and it is exactly the same, still being overcharged. I rang them again and was told it would be fixed on the next bill. Lets see what happens when the next bill arrives. BIG DISAPPOINTMENT.. and I still have 22 months and counting to go!! :( Cannot wait to get away from this company!!!! Service his shocking!!!

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20790 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 6 Feb 2012 08:14:16 PM
My partner and I have been on 3mobile for some time now, so we could call each other for free and she could call her 3mobile friends for free. But all her friends changed to vodafone so yesterday she changed to Vodafone.
We had to do it in store at coles, because we couldn't get through on the phone. Even when we took up the "call back" option, we just went back on hold.
But the girl at Coles in chadstone was really helpful.
So anyway, today the phone(New iPhone 4s) has been charged and is working fine, but it doesn't prompt you to enter a password for wifi??? Mine always does!
So I turned wifi off and tried the same google search with each phone, on 3, my phone found results in 2-3 seconds... About 1.5 mins later, her phone popped-up as unable to connect to server!
I can call her from the next room, but the reception is worse than when I used to have a Nokia 5110 12 years ago!
I'm hoping there's a way out of this, because I can't imagine another 24 months of this rubbish!

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20785 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Extreme FAIL FAIL FAIL at 6 Feb 2012 03:26:21 PM
Vodaphone has reported a default to a credit reporting company! I changed my address with them and paid the final amount after reporting that despite telling there was coverage for internet from my unit, there was none, dropping out etc. They would not assist. I had to pay out the contract. I put the internet usb in a draw and never turned it on - ever. Yet, I was getting dataa usage charges for it at early hour times - when I was asleep. I complained each time and they said they would credit - they never did.

Paying the final bill, I find nearly 12 months later a default for a considerable sum on my credit rating. I have no correspondence, no debt collectors bill or phone calls from them pre-warning me that I owed them anything. I have contacted vodaphone to be passed between departments as they cand find no record of my account (it is closed and not showing) but they say there is a an outstanding amount when through to credit control. I have had to ring a credit agency who they say are handling the matter externally but when I called this company they said that the file is no longer in their hands. There is no record on their system of any of the calls I have made to sort out the situation and when trying to speak to someone who understands me and knows what they are doing, the call keeps dropping out and then I have to ring back and go through everything again. Conveniently, none of these calls are ever logged and you end up screaming! The last attempt to sort this issue out I spent 4.5 hours on the phone back and forth calling back etc! COnsequently, because they can send me any copies or information, I cannot rectify this sitution and I cannot clear it from my once impeccable credit rating which ultimtely affects my ability to obtain credit despite my assets and salary. I cannot get through to anyone to help me here nor can I go to a store to sort it out as I have nothing from them pertaining to this alleged outstanding debt. I have not received any mail from this stupid company in more than 14 months!!! I updated my details with them too - but they never seem to have records of anything!!! everytime I ring these muppets up, no one knows what I am taalking about and I get told different information each time. It is making me irate and it has severely affected my credit which is unacceptable. They are completely incompetent, lying cheats!!!
12 Feb 2012 11:41:39 PM:
17 Feb 2012 05:02:28 AM: Thank you! I have done this and waiting. Vodaphone have now referred it to a credit agency. Turns out vodaphone provided them with an address for me on the otherside of the country!!!! The account was opened in Perth but they some how found an old address for me in Victoria!!! Yet they have no record of the address I updated them with!! So they sending default letters to an address I hAvent lived at for years and never gave them and can't explain where they got it from ! So now we have a breach of privacy! This also went on the ombudsman's complaint ! The ombudsman's office were fantastic to deal with! This company is just plain dodgy! I'd like to know where they got my former address in a different state from And assume I live there!!! Furious! To make matters worse, trying to explain this, debt collector snapped at me, demanded payment (remember I have no paperwork from anyone- then hung up on me. Funny how they agency has my ph number yet no one from vodaphone has ever called !!!!
21 Feb 2012 02:58:14 PM: Based on this information you have grounds to contact Veda or whoever the CR agency is and DEMAND it be corrected. They'll try n tell you to contact VF but THEY have to to determibe if it was correctly listed. You are entitled to MAJOR compensation due you inability to access credit during this time. TIO for Vodafone AND Credit Ombudsman for complaints about Veda Advantage.

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20781 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No signal at 6 Feb 2012 06:17:15 AM
Travelling along the Hume Highway I get no signal. Why?

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20779 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Overcharge in Data usage at 5 Feb 2012 01:42:33 PM
they overcharged me in data usage when i barely use the internet at all. I mostly use it for facebook, google and reading the news how is it possible to get charged 600mb at 6:50am when i havent even woken up

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20770 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No Service at 3 Feb 2012 09:38:29 AM
We are with 3 and we used to have reception in our house, everywhere for that matter now they have merged with Vodafail it seems like my wife and I must make at least four phne calls to have one short conversation. FAIL FAIL FAIL!

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20769 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 3 Feb 2012 09:20:35 AM
I was offered 50% off my cap amount for problems with a faulty sim card that was the responsibility of vodafone. I agreed to this as I was about to change providers, and vodafone offered the dicount so I would stay with them.

However when I recieved my bill and no discount had been applied, vodafone said I had not agreed to the 50% discount. WHY would I not agree and then stay with them?? I can not beleive the DISHONESTY of their staff in indicating I had not agreed to a discount in my favour. It was only when I threatened going to the ombudsman that they brgrudgingly accepted it would be illogical for a customer to not accept a dicount and finally credited a future bill.

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20763 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Vodafone need to be sanctioned ASAP at 2 Feb 2012 10:38:19 AM
I have had my phoned (well im up to my 5th one now) for 18 months. Every since the phone was connected it has been a nightmare. The phone continuously drops mobile and internet coverages, texts dont send, I dont get voicemail notifications.....Im paying for NOTHING!

I originally had an iPhone 4 and after having the phoned swapped 4 times and after two complaints to the Ombudsman as Vodafone insisted it was a handset issues I got a new Samsung galaxy S2. SAME ISSUES ARE STILL HAPPENING.

The network is clearly sub-standard and has issues. Vodafone should be sanctioned by government and SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO SIGN UP ANY NEW CONNECTIONS until an investigation is undertaken into the problems with their inferior network.

Lets be honest, they pour millions of dollars into racing car sponsorship, advertising and other useless crap. That money is much better used in correcting their network problems.

Bring on August when I can port out, yay!

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20761 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is junk Broadband at 2 Feb 2012 07:44:01 AM
Within a month time, Vodafone broadband in VIC has failed completely for long hours twice!! I understand there must be a bouch of engineers and subbies being busy like bees trying to revive the system. But it's just not acceptable. Vodafone users should get compensation!!

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20752 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is A company in which the CEO drinks tears of little children and kills ponies for fun. at 1 Feb 2012 02:09:44 PM
The Vodafone Internet and Networks are the worst. If you have a Pocket WIFI, Pocket WIFI 2 or Mobile Broadband Internet USB/SD then you are pretty much screwed... #topplevodafone ?

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20749 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is The Worst and an Evil Corperation at 1 Feb 2012 10:29:19 AM
The Vodafone Pocket WiFi 2 is the worst creation to man... Sometimes it doesn't connect to computers at all... The network is the worst no matter where you are and the thing they don't tell you is that it doesn't even work wirelessly with a majority of computers. DO NOT PURCHASE THIS FROM VODAFONE

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20742 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is HTC Sensation XE no stock!? at 31 Jan 2012 02:58:24 PM

I changed my plan and ordered the HTC Sensation XE on the 21st of Jan, i have received a letter in the mail telling me about my new contract but i have not received any information about my handset. My plan was changed on the day i called but the consultant never gave me an order number or tracking number.

I rang the day after but the next consultant told me that the order was not in the system yet and the handset would be delivered in 8-10 days.

Can you please give me an order number and tracking number and advise when i will receive my new phone as my old one is broken.


Hi Adam

Thank you for your email.

I'm sorry to hear that you haven't received the information you require. I can understand the frustration with this.

I have checked the order and it looks like the HTC Sensation XE is no longer available from our warehouse.

I apologise for the inconvenience, from time to time handset manufactures stop the supply of particular models of handsets and we only receive short notice.

I know this hasn't created the best experience for you and I definitely want to help.

We do have a small amount of stock of the HTC Trophy 7 in black in stock, which I'm happy to order for you.

It's also $0 on the $29 cap contract for 24 months.

I have included the following link from the HTC website with more details about the phone:


Or, you welcome to chose another phone we have available on the $29 cap 24 month contract.

I have included the following link for our online store. The online store is only designed for new connections so some of the offers we may not be able to provide for an upgrade.

Although it will give you an idea of what phones I can look at providing for you:


If you'd like me to order any of the phones, I can organise it to be delivered

Once again, apologies for the inconvenience.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards
Correspondence Team

No i want the Sensation XE, this is what somebody sold to me!

I have spent many hours researching the new phone i wanted. It is not my fault that Vodafone has sold people more phones than they accounted for, i don't want some shitty Windows HTC mobile like the trophy.

This has really pissed me off yet another Vodafail i have been with Vodafone and i used to stick up for you guys, your service of late has been nothing short of shit.

This is Terrible consumer service, I will be approaching the telecommunications ombudsman (TIO) if you cannot deliver what was promised. It is an illegal practice to trick consumers and lock them into a 24 month contract when Vodafone knows it can't deliver. How long would it have been until Vodafone notified me that the handset could not be delivered???!!! PROBABLY NEVER!

I am more than happy to wait for the phone that i purchased. If my demand cannot be met return me to my original $35 month to month cap and cancel my 24 month contract IMMEDIATELY.
2 Feb 2012 07:39:24 AM: Why don't you get the Galaxy S2 or the Sensation XL, both have now dropped to $5 on the $29, maybe speak to VF and see if they can arrange a $5 credit for a period of time for you for the hassles, they may put you through to Priority Care to organise this for you and threaten them with cancellation and they usually come to the party...

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20726 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is epic at 29 Jan 2012 07:20:06 PM
no reception at my house when I've had full reception prior to this.

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20714 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Mobile Usage Fail at 27 Jan 2012 06:44:38 AM
So we have a Telstra outage in our area affecting our adsl service, coming up to 48 hours now. As a backup (as I am an IT support Guy) I have a Vodafone 6GB pocket WiFi, which as a result of the Telstra Outage we are using quite heavily now. To ensure the 6GB cap is not exceeded, we log into the website to check our usage to be presented with <1mb used of 6GB. Knowing that this can't be right we ring Vodafone and ask what our usage is and the guy at the other end (we have trouble communicating with each other) tells us that its less than 1mb, so we tell him this cant be true and he tells us that the web site isnt working correctly so I say, "so how do we check our usage" and he says, "the updates to the site are 5 days in arrears so you will see the usage in 5 days" and I explain that we are using it heavily and dont want to exceed the cap, so he says "be careful".

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20694 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Frustratingly at 24 Jan 2012 07:59:17 PM
With Vodafone 2 years ago. After having 2 years (contract duration) of paper bills telling me to get online billing to save the environment - I am still getting their bills 2 years later with $10 credit!!!! I emailed to complain- no reply.
Did I then go into a local Geelong shop to complain? Yes. Did they simply stop the bills? No. Even when I told them I didn't want the $10? Still no.
Still getting bills 17 months after complaining & likely never to stop.

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20685 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is BADLY at 23 Jan 2012 09:00:50 PM
I would like to complain about Vodafone to all users and watch out

I last year changed from 3 to Vodafone as 3 was taken over by Vodafone

I have been a customer for 2 years with 3 and have been on cap 19 dollars with 3 phones

All my bills have been paid on time and there was no problem except for customer service

which was directed to Mumbai Orbit call centre and as usual you had to wait hours for service

But that isn't my complain, when I changed to Vodafone everything was handed by Vodafone with direct debit

including change of address as I had moved

Changed over 2 phones on the 19 dollar cap and and one phone on pre-pay and an additional phone

with pre-pay

As the contract got over with 3 asked customer service to stop direct debit to 3

This was in March 2011

In December 2011 Vodafone issued an credit report on with my bank and put a black mark on my credit history

My bank has put me on the black list due to this I explained that all my bills are paid and I can't understand why they are doing this to me

After speaking many times to customer service in Indian call centre they were not in the least interested to help me

and said it is not their problem

I told them that they could have at least informed me as I have given a change of address and changed

Looks like 3 was sending all bills to old address

and also to 3 mobile numbers even when I have changed them to vodafone numbers

They even sent a Debt recovery team after me

Due to that there was a lot of stress this Christmas and after speaking to my bank it still isn't resolved

I have even paid all outstanding arrears but


After this contract I shall withdraw all services with VODAFONE.
6 Feb 2012 03:32:19 PM: Same thing has happened to me!! Homeloan finance rejected because of these morons and I cnanot get it removed. Exactly the same - despite changing my details on the phone with them and paying out the balance they cant find this record, nor my account details etc. At least you received something from a debt collector - my outstanding amount was discovered when finance was rejected! I got nothing!!!!! I hate them with a passion.Dishonest!!

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20679 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is totally at 22 Jan 2012 08:11:30 PM
I get very little network,lots of call drop outs. But another problem I have I had is they did not send me any bill (neither by e-mail or postal mail)for last 4 months. I did not check my account as I thought they are direct debiting it and now they sent me the bill for $722. I called them and they said they had a technical problem and computer did not generate my bill for last 5 months. Now they sent me bill for 5 months. Already sick from their network I asked the operator to put me to disconnections. He said they are closed now and said someone will call me back. When no body called back I called vodafone again and asked to talk to some one to disconnect the service and I waited 35 minutes them I gave up and hanged up the phone and reported it to Telecom industry ombudsmen.I really want to move to a better carrier like Telstra or even optus.
25 Jan 2012 06:14:07 PM: Try Amaysim or TPG. They are both on the Optus network anyway which leaves Vodafail for dead, but Amaysim is a breath of fresh air for their billing, pricing and ease of dealing with.
I had exactly the same issues with V for overbilling, bills turning up after account closed, you name it. The call centre is a joke, when it all got too hard they just hung up. Its like a hand in your pocket all the time pulling out $100 notes with this provider. They are hopeless and disgraceful. The sooner they fold and put their customers out of their misery the better

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20671 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2012 08:38:52 PM
Having been coersed into changing to vodafone after it's take-over of 3 ie being told that we would not be able to continue our 3 plan if we didn't change to Vodafone, I now find that I can't use roaming in Alice Springs where I spend at least two months every year. Anyone considering changing to Vodafone should think twice, three times before doing so. Reception around outer Melbourne is pretty poor, but being unable to use my moblie, therefore internet, facebook etc, in Alice in frustraing in the extreme.

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20668 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is TERRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE at 21 Jan 2012 01:23:59 PM

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20650 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Complete Fail at 19 Jan 2012 02:40:31 PM
Dropped calls
Reception issues
Internet issues
Incorrect billing information

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20646 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Extremely Poor at 18 Jan 2012 08:39:46 PM
Tried to call a Telstra shop from queen street to finders street station. Nothing failed calls. So switched to flight mode, phone on and off kept trying. By now blood boiling!!! Finally richmond station could make a phone call!!! It's the tennis but it still isn't good enough! Off to Telstra tomorrow. I really feel sorry for the Vodafone employee that tells me I have to pay out my contract.... Good luck!

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20643 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is hugely! at 18 Jan 2012 02:06:13 PM
i have a few friends with vodafone,it was a great thing for them until the other day u know how you aparently get free vodafone to vodafone well according to me you dont see one of them called the other and was on for about 2 hours i dont know why and she thought she wasnt getting charged then about a week later when she got her bill she was over by like $100! so she called vodafone to complain and they told her that with her plan she doesnt get it free but in her book it says clearly that she does to me vodafone is a huge FAIL!!!!!!!! i would personaly never join them.
18 Jan 2012 04:55:52 PM: the books in store give information about the new plans, your friend might be on an old plan and it might not be on that one

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20642 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is EPIC! at 18 Jan 2012 01:08:35 PM
Decided to bring my partners phone acroos from another carrier to my existing account with Voda. Old account dropped out at 12:30pm Sunday, number did not reconnect with Vodafone until 12:30pm TODAY! Numerous calls to the activiations teams resulted in being told it is being fixed, please just wait another 24 hours. Partner has a serious medical condition and was left without a phone for 3 days. Finally couldn't take anmore this morning after being patient and giving them every chance, and launched a tirade - seems to have worked! Constantly being told there is no way to manually overide their porting system for a stuck number and manually connect the number - Voda get your act together with porting, in this day, age and technology it just shouldn't happen!!!!

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20629 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Incoherant Fools at 17 Jan 2012 05:03:46 PM
I have asked Vodafail many times to send out a post pack to return a handset I dont want but I am being charged for it and I have now been suspened over the amount for the phone, and they seem bloody useless when I re-request a post pack.

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20621 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Blatent liers and incompetent at 17 Jan 2012 11:45:06 AM
Went in to the local Vodafone store and asked about upgrading my mobile broadband download limit. After being offered an attractive deal to migrate my provider from 3 to Vodafone and assured that I had a 3 day cooling-off period, I walked out with with a brand new K3771 USB modem.
I waited 24 hours for the number to be ported and then plugged it in to my computer, expecting it to load the software and set itself up automatically, as my previous 3 modem did. No such luck.
After 10 hours with various members of tech support, I was told that the version 10.2 software that comes with the K3771 modem is NOT Windows 7 compatible and I should download a prior version. An 88Mb file eventually came down at dial-up speeds and I installed the previous version as instructed. The new software failed to even run.
At this point I asked to exercise my 'cooling-off' option and go back to 3 whereupon I was told by the Retentions people that "There *is* no cooling off period".
So now I've been lied to, sold a product that Vodafone *know* doesn't work and am still being told by their Retention gremlins that "they *might* consider letting me out of my contract if they decide that they can't provide me with a service".
I have a feeing they plan to send me an email asking me to reply if that's what I want.

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20618 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is High at 17 Jan 2012 10:03:42 AM
Wont give me reception anywhere!!!

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20614 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Stinks at 16 Jan 2012 09:00:27 AM
Had enough of Vodafail broadband congestion. Back to 3 which used to work and hopefully still does.

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20612 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Hitler rants about them at 15 Jan 2012 09:10:50 PM
Even Hitler is ranting about Vodafone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vl_5L2v0A2k

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20597 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is customer service fail at 13 Jan 2012 06:01:13 PM
Before I went on holidays over seas for a month I organised to have direct debit on my next bill so I didn't have to do it on my holiday and could just relax. Well, I get back home after my holiday to find my phone cut off and $30 in overdue fees. When I called them they said they got rid of the fees and apologised and would take it out now. So I thought all was fine, then I look at my account in two days and they tried to take out the bill plus the late fees and I didn't have enough so was charged another dishonour fee!!! Again I called and they apologised AGAIN and said they would fix it AGAIN. I look at my account, all seems to be fine.

... Three MONTHS LATER I get a letter in the mail saying I owed the same amount that had been owing when I got back from my holiday. Utterly confused I looked at my account and they had put the money back in???? So I called again (4 times) and on the final call I explained everything and luckily got someone who actually spoke english and took out all the fees added on over the time so it was down to the raw bill amount that should have been paid and out of my hair three months ago then explained how I could pay it myself to make sure it was all done properly.

one day when I have lots of money I am buying my way out of this contract... I haven't had one month where I haven't needed to call with an issue.
They are hopeless.

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20595 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is super fail at 13 Jan 2012 05:52:19 PM
My first bill with vodafone was suppose to be $58 but when I received my bill it was $148. Apparently according to my bill I had gone $90 over my cap in the last 14 hours of my billing period... considering myself and most of the country were asleep during most of those hours as they were going from 8pm to 10am the next day. After visiting an office and being told to call customer service I was sure there was a mistake, I read over my bill and found it hard to understand as it wasn't showing where (as in was it call or txt or net?) all the different over amounts came from clearly just when i went over. After three different calls and each person even a manager just reading out my bill to me I gave up and paid. I regret giving up but there was zero information given to me that I hadn't already read on the bill. So confusing and worst customer service ever!!!!

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20594 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 13 Jan 2012 01:27:42 PM
I recently moved to vodaphone because vodaphone bought the 3 company that I was with in Australia Melbourne. From the very first day I was with Vodaphone I noticed the network coverage was significantly worse off than what I usually get previously. I have constant call dropouts on my new mobile phone the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, the internet was really slow due to the Vodaphone network as well. Even at work, where I work right in the centre of the CBD, the vodaphone network is still really really slow. I cannot read my emails on the phone or anything.

I seriously regret not going to Telstra...
15 Jan 2012 02:55:09 PM: Remembering, when in the CBD, you are competing with over 2mill other individuals using the exact same towers. Telstra and Optus have the same issues.
26 Jan 2012 08:35:32 AM: are you sure about that??? lol Ummmm no, i'm with Optus and rarely experience congestion on the Optus Network when i'm in the city. The internet runs extremely fast on my iPhone and i rarely experience call drop outs.

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20593 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 13 Jan 2012 01:22:37 PM
Mobile broadband congested and completely unusable again in the Melbourne CBD. Now that everone is back from xmas holidays broadband is hopelessly congested again.

Vodafail seem to be totally incapable of providing a service that works.

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20589 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is billing pricacy breach at 13 Jan 2012 08:32:34 AM
I had a call from a complete ramdom claiming she had been emailed from Vodafone the last 6 months of my bills, I can only assume its true because she had my mobile number and all my details, all attemps the complain to Vodafone have been ignored,
13 Jan 2012 09:14:12 AM: Call customer support and give them your mobile number and PIN and ask to check the billing account details, including your email address; don't mention that your bills are being sent to somebody else until you've checked the email address. If it's correct, explain the situation to them and see what can be done. If it's not correct, fix it and maybe see if they can give you some compensation for it. - VF Employee

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20586 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is dropouts galore at 12 Jan 2012 06:30:58 PM
I have had about 40 drop outs this week. not happy!!! I didnt have that many when i was with 3, i thought they were the same thing?? Anyways i average on about 5 drop outs per call.
13 Jan 2012 09:17:15 AM: Check your coverage on VF's website. If it seems you have decent coverage, you may need a new SIM card as it sounds like it's damaged. You can get this swapped for free at any store. - VF Employee

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20585 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Poor Coverage at 12 Jan 2012 04:50:09 PM
I transferred from three to Vodafone and was told that I was in a good coverage area, Southbank Victoria. Vodafone now tell me the network is being "upgraded" in the area and this is the reason why I would experience slow data speeds on my pocket wifi. Lucky for me I have the coverage guarantee. I was told the cancellations team were "busy" and to call back again later, however I'm now on hold waiting for them to answer.
13 Jan 2012 01:27:03 PM: Yep. I transferred from 3 too - a very bad choice. Massive Vodafail congestion around the Melbourne CBD. I've been getting the upgrade story for 3 months now. Congestion is just getting worse day by day.

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20583 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 12 Jan 2012 02:18:01 PM
No service for no apparent reason

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20576 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 11 Jan 2012 01:02:51 PM
Unable to sent texts overseas. Reply to Msg from people in NZ says its sent but no one receives them. Also 4 bars of reception 3g and no internet page will load. Can't wait for my plan to end!!!!!!

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20572 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 10 Jan 2012 08:50:29 PM
Blackberry 9900 not receiving texts

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20565 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very fail at 10 Jan 2012 09:32:43 AM
billing problems

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20556 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Unbelievable Joke at 9 Jan 2012 01:49:25 PM
Iphone 4, n8, blackberry bold 9780 x5 and i still dont have a working phone!!!! Vodafone said they would now send me a iphone 4s and whats this no one has ordered it and I still dont have a phone but they expect me to pay my bills. When will this madness end! I only stay with them as for 7 years i didnt have a single issue!

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20554 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Useles at 9 Jan 2012 10:59:59 AM
I upgraded to iphone 4s from three, 2 working days they say... i cancelled after 10 days waiting, went into store got phone within 1 hour, transfer from three takes 10 days, then just for fun they send me another phone which i had to return der !!!! still havent transferred mobile braodban after 20 days they say oh someone cancelled it? so finally they fix that after 24 hrs. now mobile braodband slow and worse than three broadband, they say new tower in January, will wait until then and if not happy cancel all services and go back to 3.. they should not be allowed to operate in this country without australian tech support, they are untrained, incompetent and offshore morons!!

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20553 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Really bad at 9 Jan 2012 06:07:39 AM
Bad signal to make phone call, cant connect to internet, delayed in receiving sms, no signal to receive call and not even a missed call on my phone. Dont use Vodafone, they suck big time!!
I live in Truganina area. Whenever Im in Point Cook, Vodafone is even worse!!

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20546 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is bad at 7 Jan 2012 09:15:40 AM
Vodafone's 3g in richmond, inner melbourne, has been down since early this morn. Has the company made any comment yet?

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20545 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is totally ! at 6 Jan 2012 11:43:07 PM

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20544 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No 3G at 6 Jan 2012 11:18:43 PM
no 3G coverage across the inner suburbs of Melbourne
7 Jan 2012 07:21:20 AM: I'm in essendon. It's still the same today :((

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20539 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is FAIL FAIL at 6 Jan 2012 12:52:31 PM
Since new year's Eve I have to recharge my prepaid on 17 different occasaions - 5 times via phone (2 x hang ups, 3 x "we'll try if for you in the next hour" with no result following lengthy phone conversations) and 12 instances of the site not functioning "at this time" over the past 6 days.

That's 17 times they've FAILED TO ACCEPT MONEY FROM A CUSTOMER, let alone provide me with a working service.


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20534 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is I feel like I'm just being taken advantage of, as a customer. at 5 Jan 2012 02:59:11 PM
No coverage where I live, being a care giver for my disabled mother this is a very key thing to have. I'm not on a high enough income to be wasting $65 a month for something I can't even use.
6 Jan 2012 08:18:58 AM: it sucks that your in that situation, but you really should have checked the coverage in your area first

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20533 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Shitty at 5 Jan 2012 01:46:56 PM
the 3g connection is getting worseeeeee..i cant connect at all!! it shows 3g but no CONNECTIVITY... pls fix this shiet up vodaphone!!

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