26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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21201 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is No Coverage Kadina/Moonta at 26 Mar 2012 03:36:17 PM
Just looked at the Vodafone Coverage Checker and it says no coverage for Kadina & Moonta area's so whats going on with the coverage map displaying no coverage for these areas to date.
Supposed to be a coverage improvement but the coverage map previously showed coverage for these areas, now it shows nothing in Kadina & Moonta SA

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21188 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is three roaming ends? at 23 Mar 2012 03:29:00 PM
Message on my Telstra phone that the 3 roaming ends on 31st august 12 so does that mean that the 3telstra GSM roaming also finishes on this date? dont know as VHA have yet to inform customers of the end date for the 3 brand in AU.
I would appreciate VHA letting me know asap when the 3 brand finishes and the Telstra GSM roaming stops.
24 Mar 2012 04:51:06 PM: Yes - the 3 roaming ends on 31 August 12. As I have registered my mobile on the Do Not Call register then VHA cannot officially inform me! LOL. By that time I will have moved away from VHA.

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21186 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is A Big Fat F-ing Zero at 23 Mar 2012 06:42:12 AM
Vodaphone USB modem [pre paid] have major issues connecting to network. Biggest issue is if you actually connect and use the modem,the computer then it refuses to let the computer shut down. Not using the modem results in normal shutdown. check on other compters same thing. Updated software,Shut down certain ways etc.etc still does it. Vodaphone are no help "its not our modem". You are doing something wrong. Well tell me what I need to do so I can FIX the problem. I have 20yrs experience in the computer industry: which is 19.85yrs more than the person who is informing me that I am doing something wrong. Should have known better.

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21178 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is no coverage at 22 Mar 2012 10:24:24 AM
cannot cancel as i am on plan as i being told. the sale rep keep pestering me to sign onto a new plan for next 6 months ( no contract .. yah right ... ) to get a Samsung galaxy or ipad ...

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21095 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is No Signal at 11 Mar 2012 09:41:43 PM
I was assured of the upgrade being completed by the 28th February 2012. This has not happened. I then noticed on their web site that this upgrade will not be completed until sometime in June 2012. So I rang Vodafone & they then admitted this after me purchasing a phone from them. Their support is rubbish. Try ringing Vodafone you would have better luck winning Xlotto than getting through to Vodafone

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21006 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is dropout at 3 Mar 2012 10:15:40 PM
I bought 2 cheap mobiles, starting using one and every call dropped out, so took the sim card out and put in other new mobile and it worked perfect, tried first one again and sure enough all calls dropped out, so took back to vodaphone at West Lakes, Staff member tried in office said seems to work ok ( So no warranty) As I need 2 mobiles that work I was forced then to buy another one Then she said "Have a nice day" Vodaphone just ripped me off on a mobile that does not work and she is wishing me a nice day

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20974 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is No Reception Bars on Phone at 27 Feb 2012 02:26:27 PM
Watching reception on both my Nokia Phones in the Adelaide metro area, coverage bars disapear for about 20 seconds then jump back up to 5-7 full bars of coverage at different times on both phones.
It cant be a reception issue as the phones are on a desk and are not moved so must be a capacity issue on the network.
So hope it's fixed with the compleation of the Vodafone upgrade in 2013.

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20961 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is I didn't even sign up with these bozos! at 25 Feb 2012 05:51:54 PM

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20912 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is behind the times at 20 Feb 2012 10:35:01 AM
What are 3G networks for? The data feed is so slow but most of all Vodafail can't even get the time right. The standard says that you can set your phone off the network time. And you can except the time is wrong. You ring up and complain and they tell you there is no problem.

It may not seem like much except it will make you miss your train or be late for your appointment.
21 Feb 2012 10:46:06 AM: It should be no problem to get the time right. Clock synchronisation programs have been around for ages and do a fantastic job.

What's so hard about fixing this, getting it right once and letting it stay right?

Vodafone don't even do daylight savings changeover properly!

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20852 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is epic at 13 Feb 2012 08:19:17 AM
ADR (vodafone's personal attack dog) have been continually breaching the ACCC's guidelines regarding debt collection (coercion, harrasment of a 3rd party, threatening, etc)

and im curious, who else has had this experience?

(for anyone who doesnt remember, ADR used to be a direct subsidary company of vodafone, before going out on their own around 12-18 months ago)

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20849 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is no service at 12 Feb 2012 03:49:02 PM
had no service for days in mt gambier

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20834 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very Screwed Up at 10 Feb 2012 11:38:59 AM
Tried to swap regualr sim to microsim for my new ipad, went through 20 calls, three sims swaps(they seem to fail one after another within 6 hours)and thousands of absusive words later yesterday, Vodafone refused to apologize.
When I demanded cancellation without any penalty charges(as I have suffered for the last 6 mths) its Customer Retention Manager can only promise to call me 48 hours later. What did that tell me? They must be bombards with thousand of such request everyday. Any one want to start a class action against Vodafone?
12 Feb 2012 12:55:13 PM: There are already,read this website more closely and hook up with some of the law firms that are wriiten here.

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20777 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Extremely!!! at 5 Feb 2012 10:02:47 AM
Experience data drops regularly.
Emailed support and exclaimed I keep getting data drops when surfing net.
Responses were please give me 3 examples of sms or call drops in 48 hours... plus a massive list of questions which could literally track down Osama Bin Laden on the moon, yet they claim technicians need more information still.

Although I mentioned web browsing data drops and banged on about this, I supplied 3 network drops anyway. 2 weeks later and 8 replies back and forth with arguing, me talking about internet drops and she constantly saying she wants phone call information, the service person finally exclaims "she cannot help me, as she does not work with resolved data problems"

WOW! - Why could she not read my initial email content and decide that? What a waste of my life and money. Absolutely useless. READ MY COMPLAINT BEFORE SPINNING OFF YOUR STANDARD COPY+PASTE RESPONSES VODAFAIL.

* just thought I would add...

I needed to provide details within 48 hours. So, I collected data drops, times, suburb and posted them to the service rep. Now get this...

Vodafail did not respond to me in 48 hours after that response.... - So 55 hours later I get a responding email... I had to provide another set of examples because "I" provided details which was "outside the 48 hour window". Not to mention this data is claimed to be only needed because it makes it "faster" for the technicians. So I'm working and collecting data during work days to provide and easy day for the technicians... How rough!

It would be interesting and a nice concept for a company being paid to,

a) investigate on behalf of the customer - not have the customer do all the work

b) Read customer emails and understand their problem before copy+pasting your standard customer service respones.

c) Accept responsibility for answering late rather than blaming the customer for providing details outside a time frame

d) Have a complaint loding service that allows the customer to have some sort of investigating into their service in less than 2 weeks.

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20776 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is On the nose at 5 Feb 2012 07:32:57 AM
I've had a win. Yep. A win. I have successfully cancelled my Vodafail Broadband Internet. The most unreliable and frustrating service I've ever had the misfortune to subscribe to. The gentleman at Vodafail put up a fight. Not a strong one. I get the feeling even they are giving up. Anyway, have now got 200Gb per month of ADSL2 and absolutely wrapped, and only $10 a month more then the 6Gb from VF. Only got one more Vodafail contract now and it expires in November and then, bye bye Vodafail...

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20720 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Massive Fail at 28 Jan 2012 01:34:55 PM

So after suffering two years of major coverage issues across the board I thought I would give Vodafone some feedback and some effort to keep myself and my partner as Vodafone customers.

I advised that I couldn't make calls from my house and that at work it was constant dropouts. Vodafone offered 20% off my partner and I's bill.

This month, we received our bills and BOTH of us had DOUBLE the charges!!! We were both appalled and when calling to complain they blamed "her facebook usage". They refuse to put our bills back to normal and seems they charged us extra to spite us for complaining.

Joined Telstra.
4 Feb 2012 08:34:06 PM: Make sure you take this to ACMA http://www.acma.gov.au
13 Feb 2012 08:21:58 AM: facebook is free with vodfone data? o_O

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20716 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Unusable on Aust Day at 27 Jan 2012 06:04:33 PM
Data not being transmitted and messages bouncing back on Australia Day near Glenelg SA

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20715 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Poor Customer Service at 27 Jan 2012 01:47:04 PM
Trying to swap from pre-paid to post paid. Its the most painful experience I've been through. I already have two numbers with them. Wanting to add a third shouldn't be that difficult. F--king Indian call centre is just another painful addition. On hold for half an hour then they tell you that you have the wrong department. I have to call the curry muncher back when it's switched over, to add extra data to the plan. Aaargh!
1 Mar 2012 06:05:53 AM: No need to be culturally insensitive here. 3 numbers eh, so you're not a drug dealer, you're an informer?

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20707 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very & Epic at 26 Jan 2012 10:09:29 AM
(handset: iphone 3GS)
I'm with Three and since they've merged I've had a lot of blackspot problems. Along North Terrace from King William St to Hackney Road I mostly have 'E' coverage - emergency use only.
My mother lives in the Barossa: she would regularly go for days with no coverage, be sitting next to her phone which didn't ring but went straight to voicemail. She would then see she missed a call and be able to call the person back - straight away. She would also get text messages arrive on her phone days after they'd been sent. She's now back with Telstra and has no coverage/usage problems.

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20699 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very at 25 Jan 2012 11:05:27 AM
Lost or missing messages

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20698 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very at 25 Jan 2012 11:03:37 AM
No or lost messages

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20687 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is butt hole of a company at 23 Jan 2012 09:56:09 PM
got 2 months left in my contract. I have always paid my bills on time even though I never got any of the service promised in writing on a contract that is on the same level of used toilet paper. Was ok for the first 3 weeks but then went crap. The phone I was told was a great, reliable handset which I later find out was taken off shelve due to being completely faulty. I asked for a swap for a more reliable phone and was asking for the HTC desire hd as my mate had one and had no issues at all with it. Since the phone I had was 900 dollars on the shelf I didnt see there being an issue.anyway I had to send it in for repairs 3 times before they would swap. Anyway when I got it back the second time it didnt work at all. After many calls I had enough and called the ombudsman to which they said they would swap my handset. When I went into the store to trade as directed. I was told by the staff that they didnt have the right within vodafone to swap my phone. They called customer care then got back to me saying that they can do it but I can only pick a phone that was within my handsets computer price which only gave me 230 dollars at most. Anyway After arguing my point, I made my choice. The new phone is still a waste. Not the phone itself but the service. When I was living in melton vic the service was shit. Before I moved back to adelaide I rang vodafone to see what it was like here and they told me that adelaide has just had a heap of work done in the areas I mentioned and that signal was terrific. Well here I am with my long ass rant, I cant use my handset at all and refuse to pay any bill. I rang them again to tell them that and they tell me that my location is set for a new tower at the start of march. So sick of hearing that they are putting a new tower in my area. Anyway they gave my the next a months off from bills but It still dont help the fact that 000 couldnt understand me when I cought a few junkies trying to break into my house. Vodafone can deepthroat a shotgun for all I care. Heading to telstra.
25 Jan 2012 08:24:53 PM: Welcome back to Adelaide with its junkie break-ins and lack of all mobile coverage!

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20672 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 22 Jan 2012 07:15:15 AM
No real pain, apart from first day on iPhone 4s trying to register which took nearly a week to get the new one gong but I had the old 3Gs so no big deal, but the pain is, how can Vodaphone not get simple website data correct, seems there is a mjor headache with the $59.95 cap plan, one time it shows notrhing then next/now it shows almost double my allowance and spend.......and so far all I get is the magic word, read for it folks, 'escalate' It use make me feel good to hear my problem is being escalated....wow!!!

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20664 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is No service at 20 Jan 2012 11:48:28 PM
Coverage stopped just before christmas 2011 after years of faultless service.Aldinga Beach area. Two different phones same problem,problem initially explained as upgrade of phone lines and would be fixed being of year..still no service vodafone has"technians" looking into our problem..Others with vodafone when visiting have same problem so we have ruled out the phone as a problem.

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20662 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is absolute at 20 Jan 2012 08:13:20 PM
Do not receive SMS from daughter's Voda to my Telstra until hours later!

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20661 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 20 Jan 2012 08:09:40 PM
Cannot send SMS from Telstra mobile to Voda mobile - very frustrating, only been happening from about 6pm for the last week or so - 20 Jan 2012
26 Jan 2012 10:30:55 AM: I hear ya! I wasn't receiving from Optus. Others in my area were.

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20639 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is very at 18 Jan 2012 08:03:51 AM
signed a 12 month pocket wifi plan in september 2011. Worked well for one month and then nothing, or too little to do anything. Thought it might be my laptop, so got another one. Still barely registering. Vodafone unsympathetic because that plan means I share connection with up to 4 others. I work odd hours, so have tried connected at many different times with the same result! Am very disappointed, disatisfied and out of pocket for the next 7 months for a service I am not receiving from a provider who couldn't care less!

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20638 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is very at 18 Jan 2012 08:00:31 AM
internet connection

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20596 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 13 Jan 2012 05:52:44 PM
What the .. Is up with the cap limit of only 100 mb on the bb ????? Vodacom .delet thankuU

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20592 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Rude & extremely fail at 13 Jan 2012 10:32:19 AM
This is an issue to do with 3 Care but arn't they all the same people now?
To summarise my over 12 month ongoing issue:

I had to give my iPhone up for repair due to technical issues numerous times in a row as they kepy telling me the issue was fixed but I would get the phone back with the same problems.They gave me an ancient replacement phone during all the time I was without my phone which was broken anyway and couldn't receive some calls all the meanwhile I was still paying for my unused iPhone.

The last time I came to pick up my iPhone from repair they told me the issue cldnt be fixed and gave me a new phone and told me they updated my plan to the new $49 Unlimited plan so I would get unlimited calls to all 3 & vodafone users

2months later my plan hadnt changed so I went back to the store the woman told me 3 care made a mistake and didnt put me on it and that it would get done right away.

next month received a big bill due to still being on the wrong plan went into the store and they told me there was no notes of anyone having offered me the new plan.

Called 3 care after long arguements and getting put on hold to speak to supervisors they credited me back the money over my $49 cap and told me I would be transferred to the new plan for the next month.

A few months later I was still not getting unlimited calls to vodafone and 3 and came into stores and rang them more times than I can count. Every time took ages to explain my issue and most of the time despite my insisting to write notes about each phone call the new guy would tell me there is no record of me having being offered the update or having called the previous million times.

Finally after numerous expensive bills for a service I wasn't receiving in October 2011 I was told that the unlimited plan does not exist on 3 and can only be accessed on Vodafone so the guy at the Vodafone (used to be 3) store told me he would transfer me to 3 so that I could be on the unlimited plan in the next month and that he would call me back within 48hours to let me know if they can credit me back any of the bills.

I received no contact from Vodafone and on the 24th Dec received a $394.60 bill from 3 (I thought I had been transferred to Vodafone). I rung them immediately and spoke for hours to 3 Care employee then supervisor then manager who finally told me that he would credit me back $344.60 for te Nov-Dec bill and he will call me back the next week when the Dec-Jan bill comes through so he can calculate the amount to return to me for that bill. He also said he would send me out a new iphone with a $59 Vodafone contract for which I would only be paying $49 and will have the unlimited calls.

Did not receive any calls so on the 12th Jan called them back, first spoke to a boy who said there was no record of anyone telling me they will return the money, after arguing for 20mins he got the manager I spoke to last time to call me back. The manager made up excuses for not having called me back and as to why I haven't received the money and offered to pay back half of both bills instead of the full amount he quoted me last time. I refused and reminded him what he told me in the last phone call so he put me on hold came back and said due to me having to chase them up for it he will credit me the amount which he already offered me last time we spoke! He became annoyed with my dissatisfaction, telling me this is my fault and finally said "look we'll credit u the $394.60 plus half of the second bill in the next 24hours! Bye!" and hung up on me.

Today I just got the new iPhone in the mail but I'm not sure what to do as I am very hesitant about starting another contract with them! I have received extremely poor customer service, pretty much have been accused of lying everytime I spoke to a new person on the issue and spent hours and hours chasing up vodafone people to come through.
26 Jan 2012 09:55:42 AM: It looks like you have kept details of dates and conversations - this is really important and I advise anyone, no matter how trivial your first complaint is to detail date, time, name of person, details of conversation and the companies reference number. If you don't need it later, bonus! If you do you'll look much more reliable in the eyes of the Telecomunications Ombudsman, should you need to go down that path. I know how frustrating your situation can be (I had something similar with Telstra). My advice would be that if they don't credit what you've agreed to, don't contact Vodafone/Three again - go straight to the TIO (website). There you can detail your problem and if they think you have a case they'll pursue it for you (In your case I think you're fine - I should think they would). In my discussions with various Telstra Customer Service people a few of the friendly ones said that if they get rude customers (no matter how justified) they don't enter the details of the conversations. The turnover in these places is so high that it really doesn't matter to them. If you pursue the TIO intervention expect 3-4 months for it to be finally resolved. I think that if you pursue with the TIO, you generally don't have to pay the amount you're disputing, just what you feel you agreed to, so if you should've been on a $49 cap but the bill is $335, pay the $49. But only do this after you have a case with the TIO and make sure you check your rights and obligations before you withold any money. The TIO is very helpful. Final advice: stay calm, it will work out.

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20538 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Incorrect plan at 6 Jan 2012 07:07:45 AM
I order two Iphone 4S over the phone. The saleslady agreed me to waive $5 handset fee per month and $10 freight cost, also gave me $10 off every month off the 49 cap plan. Which means I need to pay $39 only per month for the handset and plan. However, I just received the confirmation of upgrade, it showed completely diffent things, which are the original plans, $49 cap + $5 handset + $10 freight cost.
26 Jan 2012 10:03:05 AM: This agreement sounds like something Apple wouldn't let the various Telecoms do - they tend to be very strict about the costing of their plans. I suspect you got a salesperson who either didn't know what they were talking about or had no intention of giving it to you, just wanted to make the sale. My advice: contact them, explain what you believe you agreed to and see what happens. Document every conversation - dates, times, names, discussion details, case reference numbers etc. If the second call agrees to your costing then you may find you're ok in terms of justified action against the company. If not, you may have to chalk it up to an expensive learning experience. I think it's reasonable to give the company a few opportunities to right their wrongs. I know it's hard, but be polite and firm. You'll get far more cooperation from them if you're not yelling at them and sounding reasonable.

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20528 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is devious tricksters at 5 Jan 2012 11:19:46 AM
Recently when the blackspots are bad at my friends house I've taken to using my Telstra modem to connect to my phone and Skype the call. Cheers Telstra for your awesome coverage and transfer speeds

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20516 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Ridiculous FAIL at 3 Jan 2012 12:21:11 PM
I was in the Vodafone store at Tea Tree Plaza the other day - suprise suprise for a handset/network complaint. The salesperson was using his phone to show someone the features etc - to which he said you will need to come to the carpark with me as there is no reception in here - PRICELESS VODAFAIL

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20515 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is MEGA FAIL at 3 Jan 2012 12:11:27 PM
Cannot send SMS messages more than 160 characters (1 message) in length. I can receive them and send picture messages. Vodafone have advised it is not a problem with my handset or network, but rather the person/s I am trying to send messages to. They had no explanation when I said those people are sending and receiving these tyoes of messages no worries. I say it's ridiculous and the Vodafone rep akss "why? What is happenning?" VODAFAIL

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20487 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is SHIT at 29 Dec 2011 06:58:05 PM
Using one of their prepaid wireless modems and I have ZERO coverage for most of the day.

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20439 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is no reception at 26 Dec 2011 04:54:39 PM
cant even send texts

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20407 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is cant access internet. says google has changed it's address! at 22 Dec 2011 08:30:36 PM
I can't access Google, haven't been able for 2 days. 3G bars all highlighted but grey not blue. Have been able to access net before with this "poor" signal. Why not now. Why does it tell me Google has a new web

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20379 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Complete fail at 20 Dec 2011 08:31:47 PM
Got a no contract vodafone pocket wifi awhile ago, after about a month it turned to absolute shit. Actually, shit has more merit as it attracts flies. The service is almost non existent. Constant drop-outs, goes from full reception to nothing. I was told by the sales person that it was fast and would work for gaming and youtube streaming. What a load of bull. IF this post even works Ill be surprised..
Screw you vodafone, whoever is running the show needs a bullet. GTFO

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20378 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is epic fail at 20 Dec 2011 04:35:09 PM
trouble migrating from 3

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20348 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is massive fail at 16 Dec 2011 08:25:43 PM
No reception in largs bay 5016

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20312 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is VERY DELAYED MMS & OFTEN DELAYED TEXT at 14 Dec 2011 11:40:03 AM
Im sick and tired of my texts taking forever to get to the recipient.
The SMSs are even worse. I have been told that some people I send them too, dont receive them for days and/or they get a message saying they have to go to Vodafone to get them.
Ive contacted Crazy Johns and they keep telling me ITS THE OTHER PEOPLES PHONES THAT HAVE TO HAVE THEIR SETTINGS CHANGED. Like fun it is. Never had this problem before when I was with another Telco and the recipients all still have the same phone. Ive only changed Telco, NOT MY NUMBER?????


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20279 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is number of blind spots at 9 Dec 2011 02:38:01 PM
I migrated to Vodafone from 3 when they promised a billion dollar upgrades happening and the coverage is good.No such thing
I will first complain to Vodafone and if no action/ will go to Ombudsmans office

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20267 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Regular problems with internet not working at 8 Dec 2011 06:57:20 PM
I have had both telstra prepaid and vodafone prepaid for year now. Not once have i had trouble with telstra internet but i often have trouble with vodafone internet not working. Someone told me that the top boss of vodafone is doing this to us because of his christian beliefs. Can someone please truthfully reassure me that this is just rumor and not gospel truth

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20264 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very-Fail Billing at 8 Dec 2011 02:30:01 PM
Does anyone know what the limits were for a $69 contract 2 years ago with an iPhone? Voda tells me my cap is $400 worth of calls & 1 Gb of data, I distinctly remember at least $600 of calls. I have at the last month of my forsaken contract been billed an additional $86 - after they said they would waive my fees for 2 mths. I SWEAR they have done something to my contract.... and/or are trying to find a way to make me pay for the last 2 mths.
I can't access my bill (it takes days to update) and they're system keeps failing when I call so no one will give me info.
Argh. I'm swapping to another carrier on Saturday (my contract ended yesterday yaaay!!)
8 Dec 2011 02:43:57 PM: Not sure about the $69 cap but I was on a $79 cap and I only received $400 and 1gig data about 2 years ago.
8 Dec 2011 03:06:19 PM: Ok... $400... I was sure its higher... I am also sure they've charged me for stuff I never used. I have NEVER gone over my limit. I have had charges for roaming (which I did) and premium SMS.... never $86!! :(
8 Dec 2011 03:57:41 PM: The exact limits of your plan should be on the contract your originally signed. Unfortunately if you cannot find it then it's hard to prove. If you think the charges are incorrect and they won't remove them then you can lodge a complaint with the TIO.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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20258 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Vodafone is just pathetic at 8 Dec 2011 10:49:37 AM
Waited half an hour in store. None of the staff had worked there for more than a month. The speaker on my handset had stopped working. No one could give me any information about my warranty. I was told to call up tech support. Tech support couldn't hear me because my speaker had stopped working.
8 Dec 2011 02:42:52 PM: Oh noes. That sounds like one of those funny skits you see on TV. :(

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20127 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Unsuccessful SMS at 29 Nov 2011 10:09:45 AM
Today, 29 November 2011 I have been unable to send 9 sms. Keep getting "message send failure". This is despite having good signal strength and being able to make acutal calls.....just not sms....WHY?

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20122 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Lying to Customers for sales at 28 Nov 2011 04:22:08 PM
I recently damaged my iPhone so I needed to do an insurance claim. The insurance claim was fine and I got my phone within a week (very happy about this). When I picked up my phone from the store I asked them when my contract was up and they said in 3 months and that I could upgrade for free. I was a tad annoyed about this as the insurance claim cost me $250 and I would have upgraded and avoided that cost. Anyway I thought I would give the new phone that I got from insurance to my sister as she was in need of a phone and I upgraded my phone over the phone. AS I was giving the insurance phone to my sister I needed something to tide me over until I get my phone from upgrades in the next 2 weeks. I went into the store in Rundle Mall in Adelaide to grab a cheapie phone. I was served by a young girl and she ran out the back and got me the $20 cheapie phone that I asked for and when she came back she asked for my drivers licence. I asked what she needed it for and she said that she needed to activate the pre-paid sim card that came with the phone. I looked at the board that the phone was on and said that there were other phones that said that tehy came in packs but this one didn't and there was no disclaimer saying that I needed to activate a free sim card that came with the phone let alone hand over my drivers licence to activate it. I said that I had no need for the sim card and seeing as it didn't state that I had to take it I didn't want it. She started talking about how it was by law that they had to activate a sim card with every pre paid phone sold and so on and so forth. I said I would like the literature that states that I need to activate a pre paid number when I just want to buy a pre paid phone. She printed out a form (the one I had to sign) and said that it stated it on there. I informed her that the form talked about activating a pre-paid mobile number, not purchasing a pre paid phone. A young man came to help serve and he got agitated when I pointed out that the form had nothing to do with purchasing a pre paid mobile phone and I would like the literature which said I had to activate a sim card when purchasing a pre paid mobile phone. He said he could not find it and I asked politely if he could dig it up and I would be back in the store in an hour once I had finished work. His response absolutely horrified me. His exact word were, "I would rather be serving customers that have to do this." Now I have 3 post paid accounts with vodafone. One for me, one for my mother and one for my father as they are a bit older and it is getting a bit much for them to deal with bills so I consider myself a customer of vodafone no matter how small my issue is. Before I lost my temper I politely told him that if he could be so kind as to try and find the paperwork regarding activating a pre paid sim card before I returned I would be more than happy to take it.

I returned to the store an hour later as I said that I would. The girls who served me the first time was there and she asked me to wait. She then went to the front of the store, spoke to another girl and the second girl served me. The second girl said that I could have the phone with no sim card but there would be no warranty on the phone. I found that strange and said so. She then changed her story a little and said it was because there was no way of tracking the phone if they sold it to me without a phone number that they activated. I informed her the the first girl told me that I could throw away the activated sim card if I didn't need it and if this was the case if I came back needing the phone repaired without that phone number how would they find it? She then said it would be because they would find me by name.

Now I am not up-to-date with all technology but I do know this from buying other phones outright (without a damn pre paid sim card), to find a phone that a store has sold they always record the imei number. This is what happened why I needed to get my receipt for insurance and I know for a fact my name was not on that receipt because I have just checked it against the pre paid one that I bought.

I decided to test this theory. I called up the Tea Tree Plaza store and told them that I had bought a pre paid phone from a store in another state and I wanted to know if I could get a copy of the receipt from her store. The girl on the phone said, "yes, all we need is the IMEI number in the back of the phone."

I actually then went into the Tea Tree Plaza store and pretended that I wanted to buy a pre paid phone and the same thing happened. A boy said that he needed to activate a pre-paid sim card with my pre paid phone. I went through a similar spiel with what happened at the Rundle Mall store and he refused to sell me the phone and that it was for warranty purposes that he needed to activate the sim card with the pre paid phone.

Strange.....considering that the girl from the Tea Tree Plaza store said earlier that all I needed was the IMEI number for a receipt.

I believe that the girl in the Rundle Mall store along with the boy at the Tea Tree Plaza store were just trying to bump up their quota of pre paid numbers for the month and I am absolutely disgusted.

I have since gone through the Vodafone website thoroughly and cannot find ANYTHING saying that all pre-paid phones have to have a pre-paid sim card activated with them. Vodafone, I am withdrawing my upgrade and am transferring all 3 of my numbers to another carrier as soon as my parents phones come out of contract!

......and all of this because one of your staff members demanded my personal details to sell something that she didn't need
28 Nov 2011 04:33:15 PM: I also said that if I needed to take the sim card I didn't want to activate it as I would activate it when one of my relatives came out from overseas at some stage and I didn't want it to be expired and she still said that she had to activate it. Completely absurd
29 Nov 2011 08:28:15 AM: I think you find that any phone u buy u have to provide id for. Would have something to do with the telecommunication act & terrorism. Any sim card u buy u have to provide id for
29 Nov 2011 07:04:42 PM: Hi as a previous Vodafone employee I can give you the correct information. The sim card does not have to be activated in the store, you can take it and chuck it out or give it to a random person. Your ID was requested as all Mobile phones sold outright require a govenrnment based legal form to be filled out. Yes you are correct with saying they are trying to up their prepaid activation quota. Either way you still give over I'd for the form but don't have the sim activated
29 Nov 2011 07:37:50 PM: Thanks for the feedback guys. I just don't get it, when I have bought an $800 phone outright which I have had to do a couple of times I never get given a sim card but when I buy a $20 phone I get given hell. I have checked the AMTA website and it says nothing about a phone needing to be purchased with a sim card. I have since gone into Optus, Telstra and other dealers and they do not have this policy. I jsut find it bizarre.
29 Nov 2011 10:16:16 PM: As I said ex Vodafone employee, I can't stand them. So in answer to the eight hundred dollar prone vs twenty. Only pre paid phones need the forms .. Outright more expansive no Id vs prepaid cheaper id required! Hope this helps
30 Nov 2011 01:32:48 PM: I recommend checking the AMTA website a little closer. The handset you were going to buy was a prepaid phone and was packaged with a prepaid sim card. Even if you had no intention of using the sim card it is still a requirement that ID is taken for all sales of prepaid services - whether they are activated in store or not. Try buying a phone from the grocery store - they have the same policies. You may find it frustrating but as a mobile retailer filling out a form for a $20 phone is doubly frustrating, esp considering the small mark up on such devices. That said the fine if your audited and the forms arent filled out correctly is very expensive. Also the system used for warranty purposes only works when the imei of the phone is attached to a phone number. So even if you want to buy a phone without a sim they still need a phone number so they can put it in the system, so then the imei can be looked up at a later stage. Unfortunately nothing is that easy anymore.
2 Dec 2011 08:01:46 PM: Sorry, like I said, this one was not in a package, they were separate. I am aware pf the packaged ones in the stores and this was not packaged
2 Dec 2011 08:04:47 PM: Also to the person who posted on the 30th of Nov that I need to check the ATMA wbesite a bit closer, (I am assuming you work in a store) please post the link where it says when I buy a prepaid phone I need to have a sim card. That is all I asked for in a store and it could not be provided. I understand it is 'not easy" but if staff are asking for ID and it is advertised nowhere that the phone comes with a sim card this information needs to be readily available. It is not good enough.
22 Dec 2011 06:39:09 AM: The girl was lying when she said that she needed to activate a sim card with the phone. I believe the store recieves commision every time they activate a prepaid simcard instore. The amta form is always neccessary to fill out and sign by law. I believe this would be the same for other telecommunication stores. It is not the system or policies that is making your life hard, it would be the stores misleading staff at the time. As for insurance as long as you keep a receipt with or without your name, they can send it off for a warranty repair. All prepaid phones come with one year warranty, but seeing as yours was unpackaged (which seems very dodgy) it may not. In order to purchase a prepaid phone the store MUST fill out an amta form by law whereas not for an outright phone normally for postpaid stock, you must understand this. No matter what the price and a stupid as it sounds, they have to stick to the law. The staff there have obviously mislead you, and other staff have tried to back up what the wrongful staff has first said to avoid complaint like how most other retailers work.
13 Jan 2012 12:23:36 PM: The stores to not get commission for any pre-paid card activations. Don't get me wrong I am having major issues with vodafone atm which is why I am on this website but I think you need to put ur issue into perspective. All the retail stores (I used to work at Dick Smith) which sell phones are told do NOT sell a pre-paid phone without photo ID its company policy. They do not take a uni degree on terms and conditions so its no surprise that the employees couldn't find this policy. They wldve jst been told that this is company policy and that they will be in trouble if they do not follow this. I know it has something to do with anti-terrirism laws and all that. That is, australian laws not the store company laws.
As for activating the sim card i dunno where they got it from that they have to activate it but all pre-paid phones come with sim cards. If it was unpackages then it's probably a display phone or something but just because the sim card is physically out of the open package doesn't mean it is not included in the sale. I still think you should leave vodafone coz they are crap but i think ur making a mountain out of a mole

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20110 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is No Cell ID at 26 Nov 2011 01:48:15 PM
Vodafone has stopped showing the cell site id on gsm phones so when I view the phones screen it no longer shows what area i'm in come on vodafone put this service message display back on for gsm users!
30 Dec 2011 01:53:43 PM: Yes stopped showing cell information of what site your on in GSM mode, If anyone in the Vodafone Tech Department reads this can they have this feature switched back on or is it more complicated to do?
Seeking feedback from Voda Tech's on this post.
8 Jan 2012 02:42:44 PM: Yes,stopped the cell info display - come on Vodafone reset this feature to have this service back on for subscribers

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20108 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 26 Nov 2011 12:19:07 AM
I will make this very easy for all to understand..I have been so terribly mistreated by vodafone that i cannot explain it in 3000 words..

Some incidents// I have been on the phone to Vodafone for the past 11 weeks 3 hrs average every day..

I have been voice recording the last two days in which one of their senior Staff members has repeatadly said that in all his years at the Vodafone company he has never seen any body so poorly treated.

I have been offered credit which shouldve been applied repeatadly/when i call back as to ask in 3 days whats happening they simply call me a liar and hang up/This staff member that has been trying to sort out my issues for 11wks is so upset with the current situation and how badly i have been treated that he has offered on countless occasions that had it been up to him he wouldve gladly replaced the handset i paid for. He would've paid me for all the business i lost .I am currently studying A bachellor in Science and degree and doing my I.T degree at the same time,Well i wont go into details to much all i can say is that because of nearly 92hrs logged on the phone to Vodafone since mid september i have had a mental break down and am defering as to GP's instuctions.I have been recording all my phone conversations with them..I have got some rippers..Imagine not being able to call your son or daughter on their 18th birthday.Well this is just the beginning MR DEWS..AS i stated to the KEENS in GHANDI ville on many occasions in the past 5wks..I have recordings and am going YOUTUBE and The Media have already taken an interest in this one..So lets just hope my number that has not been working for so long mirraculously fixes its self and the merchandise that i have payed for outright suddenly appears at my door step..Well let me just say that up untill the 5wk stage i was ready to simply work something out,,But to many of your supervisors have all promised me express delivery and within half an hour your service will be activated..Imagine waiting 97days for this to happen and every calling u and getting the same thing your service will be activated within half an hour to 45 mins sir..JUST imagine well THIS is whats happened and still is to this day.I am fed up..TIME FOR you VODAFONE to cough up..Voice recordings will be posted on youtube shortly will advise every body of the link shortly... :(
27 Nov 2011 05:18:49 PM: You are no more a student doing a BSc than I am the man in the moon! if you really want to study something try English.. your spelling is atrocious not to mention your grammar. You have way too much time on your hands.. get a job you moron!!
27 Nov 2011 07:31:50 PM: @ 27 Nov 2011 05:18:49 PM: Mate, no need for name calling!
22 Dec 2011 06:44:55 AM: Haha a mental breakdown? Then go to another carrier already. You weak piece of crap

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20072 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 22 Nov 2011 11:27:01 AM
I have been waiting 16 days (6/11/2011) for my 3 service to kick over to Vodafone.
Everyday told something new. As of 22/11 still not active and i have now been told i will receive no compensation for my Vodaphone account.
I have contacted the Ombudsman and hope they can sort out this issue.
23 Nov 2011 09:51:55 AM: you should buy a lotto ticket because as this site will tell you not having joined vf is the best thing to happen in your life.

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20020 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Adam Gilchrist on Vodafone at 16 Nov 2011 05:48:12 PM
Adam Gilchrist's true thoughts on Vodafone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7t7J1ZpDWw

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20007 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is EPICALLY at 15 Nov 2011 08:16:35 PM
I had to migrate from 3 to Vodafone due to coverage issues. I received my first bill from them which was 2 bills in 1, as apparently I have to pay in advance for a service I have not yet used, this was not advised when I agreed to the migration. A week after my due date of my first bill I had my service cut even though I did try to call them to arrange a 3 day extension but their billing system was down for 24 hours and this morning they did a system upgrade. By the time I got to speak to someone my service had been cut, they did not care and said it was fine to pay the bill but would not restore my service or lack there of. I tried to call them later tonight after nearly an hour on hold, I was told that this was policy, I asked to ask to speak to a manager and I was quite polite and the representative kept muting me and then disconnected my call. I called back again, again a long hold time, asked to speak to a manager, advised I wasn't happy with the service and the representative hung up on me again. I am now going to take this further so my experience is a MASSIVE FAIL :-(
7 Dec 2011 04:30:28 PM: you know what? even if you ask for a manager, there's nothing they can do about it... A Manager is not a biller or tech support mate... That's why companies hire tech support or customer service agents... They are trained to speak to you... Not the manager...

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19995 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Never get signal at 14 Nov 2011 09:13:09 PM
I live in Andrews Farm in SA and have a constant battle with getting signal on my mobile and 3G wifi I can never do any email or Internet stuff from home .Why did I go with this poor service from Vodafone? Will it ever get better?????? Just getting this message out has been harder than it should have been.
14 Nov 2011 10:24:54 PM: Maybe if you follow the processes you need to take to get out of your contract of you lr servie is that bard then Vodafone will do something about it. Yes, it may take a lot of persuading and time but at the end of the day if you really wanted to get out of your contract then you would fight your case, not post all over the Internet about your phone issues.
15 Nov 2011 04:46:44 AM: @ 14 Nov 2011 10:24:54 PM

Mate, apart from a duplicated incoherent and rambling post you have absolutely no right to tell the user where he/she may post on the internet about their phone issues.

Now get off back to school.

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19989 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 14 Nov 2011 03:20:05 PM
Is it true that vodafone has gone bankrupt
14 Nov 2011 04:19:09 PM: no!

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19970 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Poor service and coverage at 11 Nov 2011 07:18:48 PM
I migrated from 3 to Vodaphone in August and from the beginning things were not going well. First they told me that they would send me the new wi-fi modem in short time, after 5 weeks waiting I had to go personally to a shop to have this problem fixed and they didn't want to acknowledge the deal I've had because they said it was only an online deal. Once I had the modem the broadband speed was very slow and when I called customer service they told me to fix something with my network which I did but didn't help very much. Finally, after several time I ran out of patience and filed a complaint with the TIO and let Vodaphone know about it. Vodaphone told me that the area I live in has good coverage and they changed the modem and the sim card. Also because of my complaint with the TIO they said they will give me 3 months for free of internet service and a brand new "supermodem" which will fix my problem for good. This happened today. I told them that if there is no solution I would switch to other company and file another complaint with TIO,lets see how it goes.
13 Nov 2011 08:01:24 PM: Goodluck, hope it goes well, otherwise the TIO is the way to go.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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19932 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Fuck33up at 9 Nov 2011 02:30:05 PM
Congratulations for getting the Samsung Galaxie 2 at 5$ only per month. Well Done.

However I have done better today.

I have 5 accounts with Three but made the mistake to migrate to Vodafone last month. For the past 5 weeks I have nothing but abuses and profanities against the Vodafone customers services and counter service staff, some of whom cried. I also threatened to walk off my contract without paying(I can lose my credit card and have new numbers reissued) and kicked up so much fuss with their priority service that they repeatedly called me to stop me from migrating back to Telstra.

I am saying this here so that you guys should repeat the same abuses to their Vodafone staff, I have used up to 5 phones to choke up their customer service line every time they put me on hold for more than 15 min. Make they pay dearly for their sloppy services and shonky connections. Guess what...they rewarded me by first waiving two of my 5 account of all minimum charges for 1 month, from last week. I abused them again today, they lifted the waiving to all 5 accounts for the next 6 months, saving me like $1,300.00 in total.

Who says that abusive and discourteous bheaviours does not pay ?

If you wish send me your response so that I can copy to you all the voice recording of the abuses and profanities I used, and the rewards Vodafone conceded to me following my beliggerence. Payback time for these corporate bulies.

10 Nov 2011 09:00:09 AM: personally I am horrified and disgusted at your behaviour.And the fact that you are proud of it only further demonstrates your lack of maturity. It because of people like you, who tie up several phone lines at one time, that the rest of us are unable to get through to them for our own reasons. And making people cry from your verbal abuse?? You really should be ashamed of yourself.
19 Nov 2011 01:40:46 AM: plz keep doing what you are doing
4 Dec 2011 10:42:02 AM: I work as a supervisor in customer service for a bank, people who behave in the way you described I simply hang up on and put appropriate notes on their account, to many comments and we simply shut your account with no further warning irrespective of the account balance.

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19916 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Unable to log into mnyVodafone online at 8 Nov 2011 12:07:44 PM
I migrated from 3 to vodafone in July and I have been trying to log onto online billing website since then. I have called the call centre about 5-6 times and everytime they reset my password and it still does not work, and every time someone promised to call me back, its has been 4 months, no one called.

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19887 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is coverage at 6 Nov 2011 06:31:29 PM
Im sick of theses crappy intertnet and phone coverage everytime i ring them to complain about it i usely get stuck on hold for atleast 30mins they try and say there upgrading the towers and they would be ready late LAST month how is this fair on me ive been a vodafone customer for a long time and had faith in vodafone with everything but not now if they cant provide a descent signal in the year 2011
im pretty sure TELSTRA WILL

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19880 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is The my vodafone service is crap. Never able to log in. Incorrect user name. Incorrect password. Now back to your problem. I wish you never signed up for direct debit in the first place. Heard on local adelaide tv station vodafone's doing it to all the at 6 Nov 2011 12:03:49 PM

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19872 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Absolute! at 5 Nov 2011 01:44:06 PM
14 Nov 2011 01:39:55 PM: Vodafone site Mawson lakes 6 E W Pitts Ave Cavan 2g 900/ 3g 900/ new 850 site added to the equip all ready there recently so good luck in your coverage.
This site is also co shared with telstra, you cant miss it painted red as it's near Parafield Airport flight path.

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19830 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Critical disruption of services at 29 Oct 2011 01:30:00 PM
I have been switched over from a 3 contract to a Vodafone contract on Wednesday this week and since I have not been able to access Internet via the mobile network. I have send over 10 hours on the phone on Thursday and Friday and there is currently an escalation case raised to their Network Team.

My problem appears not to be singular. I have found forum discussions from back in March 2011 where people have been complaining about same issues I am having. This is the reference link I have found: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/1662488 .

If there is some class action against this situation I would like to join the effort.

I can be contacted on <<PERSONAL EMAIL REMOVED>>

29 Oct 2011 04:12:44 PM: I have moderated your post and removed your personal email address.

The class action details may be found at the top of the page under the How To Complain tab.

There is additional information present about escalating your issue to the TIO.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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19811 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is to much at 27 Oct 2011 09:50:37 AM
i am tryin to send a msg but its msg fail check network

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19807 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is So far....100 out of 10 at 26 Oct 2011 09:49:55 PM
I have been with 3 for 12 years with little trouble....bring on Vodafone...1st day after having to switch, received wrong phones!!! After finally getting a phone that was not what I ordered and then spending 4 hours on hold, I was advised to go into the Vodaphone store where my problems could be soughted out.
After spending another 4 hours in that store, we came to an agreement that I would accept the phone I did not want because they did not have the phone in Australia that they had advertised! I rang on Monday morning to activate the sim card for the phone that did not fit in the phone as my new phone required a micro sim and Vodafone had sent me a large sim card....3 times!!! I am now waiting for the service to activate...4 days later after the message on the activation told me that the service would take between 2 hours and 24 hours!!! Go vodafail. I have tried to call back and let them know how pathetic thier customer service is and also that this is the worst company I have ever had to deal with but the Indians in the call centre can't give me any answers so who can???

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19788 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is totally at 25 Oct 2011 02:13:04 PM
Why would it take 8 hours to receive a MMS, this happens many times from my partner who is also on Vodafone, about 2 in 10 never even make it at all? WTF

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19787 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is very at 25 Oct 2011 02:08:57 PM
pocket wifi issues and very limited net connections comes and goes in spurts.
worked fine for past 6 months whilts displaying 3G but issues now as unit switches between 3G and H, each time it switches it disconnects me from net access so for each minute Im connected it takes 10 minutes to reconnect. I have version 1 pocket wifi, would version 2 improve my situation?
SA 5014

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19782 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Complete Fail at 24 Oct 2011 09:32:45 PM
We purchased 3 Iphones from Vodafone, were told that the reception was better than most (utter lies) and that we would be more than happy with there service. Nothing but lies from them, we customer service so many times it was ridiculous. Finally posted on there facebook page and they escalated the problem from us. After the usual 25% discount for 3 months nothing has changed, they are still crap. Our next stop is the TIO we want out of there fraudulent contracts. We are paying for 3 services and cannot use the phones. Vodafail.......
25 Oct 2011 10:00:10 PM: You shouldn't have to pay for something you can't use! Hope you get somewhere with Vodafone otherwise it's the TIO all the way. Goodluck!

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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19760 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is No service. Wtf!!!!! at 22 Oct 2011 05:17:15 PM
How can 3 phones be in the back of a taxi and only one of them have full service, the other two have no service at all. And whats the deal with no sms or mms again. Vodafone what is going on.

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19747 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 21 Oct 2011 03:03:21 PM
Where are the vodaphone shops in Adelaide and suburbs

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19733 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is network at 20 Oct 2011 05:25:31 PM
is for you send me the software to make my phone working.because if i put it on ,it says sim card registration failed.my phone is Nokia E63-1.IMEI:355376046826686
20 Oct 2011 05:31:39 PM: reply by sending right now.

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19707 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 18 Oct 2011 01:39:54 PM
They promised me 6 months free on two accounts now won't honour it
18 Oct 2011 04:05:04 PM: Make sure you have a record of what they said they would provide and then you can go to the TIO. The TIO will make someone from Vodafone's resolutions team contact you and try to sort it out properly.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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19697 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is big vodafail at 16 Oct 2011 02:42:25 PM
signed up for the iphon 4s on Friday told id be connected by the following nigh(sat night) still not connected by Sunday lunch so i ring them and get disconnected twice. after an hour of trying to talk to some one im then told that it will be Monday evening at the latest for my service to be connected i felt like the service people really didnt care about me

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19692 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is they are like a mega wedgie, they hurt you but you cant do much about it at 15 Oct 2011 11:30:39 AM
How good is this mob. ive been a customer for the better part of 5 years. I think thats pretty loyal. Ive finally had a gut full of receiving sms in the middle of the night that were sent during the day. im sick of rining my mrs and leaving VM only to find out she never got her VM. Finally i ring customer service lol .. i say lol because i got the "we will call you back because we are busy". well true to their form they called me back and without even talking to anyone i was put on hold. I got cranky after 45 min and hung up. What a bunch of incompatant turkeys. I want out of this place. I have 6 months to run on my contract and im thinking about just paying it and getting clear. such incompatance
15 Oct 2011 07:27:31 PM: No need to pay it out! Just file a complaint with Vodafone because you haven't been getting the service that you paid for and signed up for. Tell them that you want to get out of your contract without charge and if they don't want to sort it out then you can go to the TIO.

Full details are on the 'how to complain' page. It will take a couple phone calls but you'll get out without paying (usually after going to the TIO).

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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19691 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is very at 15 Oct 2011 10:41:29 AM
im sick of receiving SMS in the middle of the night when they are sent during the day

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19677 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Insurance at 14 Oct 2011 05:46:59 AM
Have had nothing but trouble from the start. First they sent me two phones instead of one, so now I'm am getting two email bills while I wait for them to send the 'postage package' so I can send back the phone. Also to top it all off, my phone got stolen the other week tried to claim my insurance that I took out when I signed up and now they are saying I never had insurance. And its my fault for not reading my bill and checking I had it. I've only had 2 bills so far and my first bill was supposed to be free and my second bill was like 95 bucks on a 55 dollor plan. I just assumed I had it already, I had to listen for a half an hour when I signed up to all of the terms and agree to them all. I even asked about the voice recording from when I signed up and they said they didnt have one. WTF???

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19671 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is so so vodafail at 13 Oct 2011 04:12:29 PM
Absolutley no service in Adelaide this is very unprofessional

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19646 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Rubbish at 10 Oct 2011 11:13:28 PM
Paying top dollar for bad service. Getting a decent signal for calls is hard enough. Using Internet over 3G next to impossible. Hardly get a signal at my house. Ridiculous rip off of a contract which is largely unusable. Not happy for many months!!

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19626 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is No reception at all at 10 Oct 2011 09:07:30 AM
I recently moved from 3 to Vodafone and there are no coverage at all in my area. I try to ring them several times and had to wait for 2 hrs on hold and still no fix to the issues and I cant even move back to 3 or get rid of vodafone as I am locked into a contract now.

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19617 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Data packs at 8 Oct 2011 08:58:19 PM
After 1 hours search of the `service' site, I found how to add the $8 `favourites pack', with the conditions that it would auto-update unless cancelled. Before getting the pack, I searched for the information on _how_ to cancel.
Glad Idid. it's not there
8 Oct 2011 09:38:01 PM: the idea is that they make it hard as possible so you can't

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19596 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is ha useless but! at 6 Oct 2011 09:01:51 PM
I went from vodaphone to 3, now with telstra and is even worse argh!!!

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19589 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Words cannot explain at 6 Oct 2011 10:26:09 AM
I get no signal where I live (Gawler, SA) but in the middle of nowhere I get full reception....
6 Oct 2011 04:35:06 PM: I was in adelaide cbd today. For several hours this afternoon i had no internet. Another vodafone customer had two dropped calls. For weeks now she is not getting her text messages which means she is missing out on job interviews and important messages from centrelink. Just not good enough.

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19565 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very at 3 Oct 2011 02:24:23 AM
Victor Harbor, during the day: 20kb/sec when I'm lucky. At 3AM: 150kb/sec, works perfectly, no lag, because I'd be the only person using the tower.

It's not a signal problem, or a hardware problem - it's very simple. The tower does not have enough capacity.

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19544 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is 100%FAIL at 29 Sep 2011 03:13:31 PM
Signal dropouts all the time. 2 weeks ago got call from sales guy who wanted me to renew. Told him about my poor dropout history and how their customer service people always wanted to reassure me that the service had been improved in my area. He told me that the customer service was overseas and they didnt know the local situation (impressed me no end). Told me that there is an upgrade schedule to June next year. (great just great). Within a couple of days i received a Huwai wireless transmitter in the post so I can share my connection within the house. Wan$ers dont realise that you have to have a connection before you can share one. Counting down the days till I go across to Telstra

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19533 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is EPIC at 27 Sep 2011 06:45:58 PM
No coverage at home today. NOTHING. Can't make or receive calls, can't send or receive text messages... but drive 10km away to my friend's house and receive them there? And last night my dad called me but did my phone ring? NO. Did I get the voicemail he left? NO. I'm surprised I got the text message he sent after that. FIX UP, VODAFONE.

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19532 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 27 Sep 2011 04:14:25 PM
I have had no service all bloody day! I cant make a phone call, i cant send a message, i cant use my internet! What the hell is the point of paying $70 per month for a phone i cant use!!!!!!!!!

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19519 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Not good enough at 25 Sep 2011 02:06:57 PM
For the second time in a month i can't send mms messages i just get network error message

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19517 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is incredibly at 25 Sep 2011 11:12:32 AM
Vodafone barred me for non-payment during a billing dispute escalated to the TIO. And even when that was resolved, the barring prevented me from logging on to their website OR calling 1555. It's like they didnt even want me to pay.

Now I'm on Telstra prepaid <3

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19481 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Epic at 20 Sep 2011 12:17:03 PM
Internet drops on my girlfriends handset and calls drop. And 3 tell me to give them a chance and switch to Vodafone or they won't exit me for free? Seriously?

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19454 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is looks bad at 16 Sep 2011 10:15:58 PM
After looking at this site, I definitely will not be renewing my 3 contract with Vodafone when it expires!

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19453 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Can't send photos at 16 Sep 2011 08:34:53 PM
I can send text but can't send pics just get alert saying network error try again later

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19421 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Reception at 13 Sep 2011 12:06:41 PM
Pretty much forget having a conversation from Parafield to Gawler - to many dropouts. No reception at home or office in Gawler. Limited reception along the Northern Expressway or Port Adelaide Expressway so cannot make calls. Very disappointed in service support. Rang a number of times over the past year and been told your area will be upgraded over the next 6 weeks - must be a directed response to customers. Have a prepaid through another telco and reception is good across all areas. On Vodafone contract at $200 per month and never gone over - probably because I am unable to make calls. Not Happy Jan!

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19377 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is 3G network at 7 Sep 2011 05:44:31 AM
Timed out all the way at home and occasionally in Adelaide CBD.
There's no point to get a 1.5GB plan per month with the usage of less than 50mb per months as u can't get onto the internet at all.

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19335 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is 5114 at 1 Sep 2011 06:35:23 PM
5114 . Poor reception, drops off in Craigmore, One Tree Hill, and Uleybury. Due to bad signal, battery is lost rapidly trying to connect to cell. Delayed Voicemail and text messages.

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19315 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is BIGTIME !! at 31 Aug 2011 07:23:08 PM
I have an iphone 4 I live in northern suburbs, absolutely rubbish data service. Pages still loading sometimes after minutes !!

Having said that it matters little where I am ... even in CBD data is crap !!

To be honest I have no other complaints though, no dropouts, signal strength is good ....get 5 bars most places .... but I may as well have no data attached because it is unusable !!

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19306 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Monumental at 31 Aug 2011 09:56:52 AM
Since getting into a contract $29/ month --- usual deal --- 24 months locked in thank you very much then first bill is >$600 for minmal calls. (I am am one of the old fogeys who don't use my mobile if I can help it). Vodafone after much running around said opps sorry charging you at wrong rate ; all fixed terribly sorry and that. Next bill, same usage (minimal) >$700. Of shore assistance said I was on wrong plan could upgrade to $49 and would be happy to do that for me and wrong data charges would be corrected. Silly me agreed sounded somewhat logical. Now the bill is $60 so and I have used 1.5% of my data usage. Please explain!!!! TIO involved and hopefully I can get out of Vodafone ... never want to deal with them again. Thank you for letting me vent. Yours in despair, "old Fart"

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19272 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is worse than three at 26 Aug 2011 03:09:56 PM
I was told by Three to change to Vodafone as I live in Craigmore to use the web on my phone. I've signed a contract with Vodafone, and now the internet is worse, it doesn't even work in Craigmore, and I can't make Video calls on this Sony Ericsson Xperia, when they told me that it could make video calls. It's like i've actually went backwards 5 years in phone technology and signed a 24 month contract. I've contacted the TIO, but Vodafone still hasn't contacted me, but they have until Monday.

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19249 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is F*cked at 24 Aug 2011 04:27:27 PM
We cancelled our account in January 2011, Now it is August, and apparently the account was not cancelled until July 2011, we have been charged $252 for Jan-Jul of non use.. I asked them to go back on their notes and have a look, and there are NO notes for cancellation - only notes of complains with handset..
Vodaphone have now given NRG the account, and because of this (and no notes), we now have no leg to stand on and HAVE to pay the account if we want to avoid black dots on our record..
Vodaphone say they have sent out letters which have gone to an incorrect address as we moved AFTER cancellation and they say that is our fault for not letting them know the new address (which why should we update address to an account we were under the assumption was cancelled)..
Vodaphone are SHIT and I would NEVER recommend anyone using their services......

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19239 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is not really at 23 Aug 2011 11:39:33 PM
after suggestion from my brother to get cheaper $45 infinite plan i was bit worried abt service such coverage, customer service. however, i was quite shocked with coverage. it is bloody excellent coverage. no drama at all.. i think they have improved after complain. good value in infinite $45. i am very pleased and i refered to my 4 frnds in south australia. all of them are amazed with the plan n improvement. very well done i guess..
23 Aug 2011 11:43:11 PM: same with me.. i guess they are doing much much much better work with new equipment. and $1bn investment.
26 Aug 2011 11:28:24 AM: well as they only have 2 customers in sa what do u expect, they dont work for the rest of us. interesting fact if we took 1 cent from them they would charge us why cant we charge them for stealing from us?

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19232 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is very very ,very fail at 23 Aug 2011 01:37:05 PM
look i'm trying to find out about this class action against vodafone because i want in!!!
i got a sumsung jet from their mail out service and the touch screen don't work, when i try to get it fixed i ring the customer care (1555)just to be told to go to the shop i got it from, the shop tells me that they can not do anything and i should send it back to where it came from and then i am told by them i should take it to the shop i got it from and so on, On top of this i am billed around 400 dollars, i start to pay it of then billed 800, then 1200 at 400 i took the sim card out of the phone so the bill did not get any higher and i found out i was charged for NOT using the phone!! to me that is stealing, stealing money of me for NOT using my phone, a phone that DOESN'T WORK! And then there is the issue of trying to change my address to my mothers address, a street called Neptune, just to be hung up on because they think i am having a joke with them, and then there is the times i am hung up on or not take seriously because i have a strange name. i just can not be taken seriously by them. could someone get back to me about what to do and this class action

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19227 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is data speed at 23 Aug 2011 10:10:53 AM
Vodaphone has failed in every way to resolve issues of drop outs extremelyslow data speed if i can stay online Report VODAPHONE TO TIO TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY OMBADSMAN IT COST THEM OVER A THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR EACH COMPLAINT INVESTIAGTED
23 Aug 2011 10:22:18 AM: Not quite, mate, over a thousand dollars, wishful thinking, but the carriers to get charged for each complaint:
$32 for basic Level 1 complaints
this rises to $280 for Level 2 complaints (usually when a Level 1 complaint isn't resolved and it's escelated - for instance when Vodafone argues the point and insists they're right and the customer is wrong).
Level 3, $530, Level 4, $2400, Level 5, $2900
Source: TIO http://www.tio.com.au/policies/indexa.htm#FundingArrangements

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19217 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Epic 3G Internet Fail at 22 Aug 2011 01:24:10 PM
My wife keeps calling me when she's out, and asks me to look stuff up on the internet, because her Vodafone 3G doesn't work.

I own EXACTLY the same phone as her but on a different network (one with lots of coverage... hint hint). I look-up the information she wants, then I text it to her.


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19191 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is billing at 18 Aug 2011 05:26:27 PM
i have not been on vodafone since cancellation of their sevice in late january and im still getting billed its up to 500 odd dollars now and well they can shove that right where the sun dont shine!!!!!what kind of racket are they running they are basically legal scammers!!!!they suck you in and then you have to keep calling them well im over it!!!!whos paying for MY TIME to get stuffed around by them????at a few stages of calling them i have been on hold for 3 hours them hung up on only to ring back more infuriated!!!!!vodafone you should give up and sell out while your stockprices are still in with a chance i will never recommend anyone to use this absoloutly ridiculious network that isnt worth what it says it is!!!!!

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