26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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3423 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is aaawfull at 27 Dec 2010 04:10:26 PM
My calls keep failing or no service at all. Running a business on my iphone now is impossible how do you get out of your contract!!!!! and who has 3 hours to spend waiting for customer service which doesn't exist.

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3421 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is crap! at 27 Dec 2010 04:10:07 PM
I really dislike "Lara"!
27 Dec 2010 04:12:33 PM: Thumbs up... I hate Lara too :)
27 Dec 2010 06:47:45 PM: I hate her. Stupid Vodaphone, still using age old technology!!!!!!!!!!!1
29 Dec 2010 06:08:39 PM: I'm with you...i hater her too! she never works always drops out...its crap!
4 Jan 2011 04:42:29 PM: dont talk to the bitch.... press one for normal menus
10 Jan 2011 01:12:53 PM: She's always saying "sorry i didnt quite get that" or the departments closed their is no support team!

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3418 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:09:56 PM
iam on a $49 cap which i never use as i dont get reception and when i do it drops out and turns 1 phonecall into 5 or 8 its ridiculous iam contracted till july 2011 i will gladly bide my time as i signed a contract and will fulfill my end of the deal ,i cant use my phone to all its ability :( i have missed numerous important phone calls which have resulted in personal and monetery costs/losses .Such a large company should be able to provide coverage all around australia if smaller companys can why not vodaphone ??? July cannot come fast enough and being on a pension iam unable attm to buy a cheaper prepaid phone or pay out my contract.. frustrated raleigh customer..

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3417 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Unbelievably fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:09:53 PM
I used Vodafone mobile internet, and after three months of having only about two hours a day where I could actually get a connection to the internet, and hours spent waiting on the phone, I can canceled my service. I asked them to email me my last bill, because I can't access it any other way (since my MyVodafone account was also canceled) and they didn't email me anything. Now they're trying to charge me a late bill fee!

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3415 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VERY FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 04:09:52 PM

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3414 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no reception,battery life,bad web connection at 27 Dec 2010 04:09:48 PM
i'm sick of trying to make calls & lose of reception.my battery dies within 24hrs & its a new fone.can't get on the web to search! fustrating to the hell

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3412 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Major fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:09:40 PM
Good on you for standing up for many frustrated Vodafail customers Adam! I share many of the similar problems that others do: receive voice messages days after they are left, minimal or no coverage in most CBD areas, call drop outs and usually have to call someone at least three times before it even connects. I have two business plans with Vodafail and will be starting plans to exit from the contract ASAP! Over it!

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3411 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL! at 27 Dec 2010 04:09:40 PM
I run a business and use my mobile as my point of customer contact. I live in the lower Blue Mountains and have to call back vitually every customer I get enquires from on my landline phone (and have had to set up a private number at an extra cost to me) as my reception is CRAP/I get sweet FA and then it drops out completely. Not a problem if I lived in the CBD, but I don't. I've called SO many times and some Indian is forever telling me that I should have FULL COVERAGE from where I am. Screw you Vodafone!

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3410 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAIL BIG TIME at 27 Dec 2010 04:09:38 PM
I cant talk to my friends!!!! :(

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3409 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is vodafone is a fraud at 27 Dec 2010 04:09:34 PM
Vodafone is a total fraud. Their coverage is absolutely absymal. The mobile drops out in the Syndey metro repeatedly and then your charged double for re-calling the number that dropped out. Vodafone should be charged with fraudulent advertising.

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3408 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 04:09:33 PM
I have poor service, I get sms's and I get some sms saying "some missing text".
You ring up to get a credit update and while they are trying to get the balance, they say 'please listen carefully as we have changed the menu, for further information contact the website'. What the hell!!!

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3407 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is its disgusting at 27 Dec 2010 04:09:27 PM
I have a contract with Crazy Johns who use the vodaphone network. I switched to them because I was assured it was a chaper service. Unfortunatley I am continually paying more per month. The service regularily drops out. and when I call their customer service, the consultants are rude and unhelpful. Basically its you have signed up to this contract and there is nothing you can do. I would like out of my contract. I would like the Government to step in a dismiss the exit fees for bad service.

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3405 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Worst Network at 27 Dec 2010 04:09:22 PM
I've been with Vodafone for 3 years and during this time I have had terrible coverage, my phone constantly just drops on on calls regardless of how many bars of reception it has.
When I went overseas last year Vodafone charged me for hours worth of calls I apparently made while I was on a plane from Sydney to L.A....Clearly impossible. I am still, Over a year later, Waiting for a manager to call me back! This is Hundreds of dollars worth of calls that I ahd to pay, otherwise they would cut me off, but that no-one can explain!

Vodafone are terrible, This is NOT what I signed up for!

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3404 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bad Reception at 27 Dec 2010 04:09:18 PM
Very bad reception over the last year also. Calls drop out, are not connected. I needed to go to hospital emergency but couldn't call my husband due to no connection - network error.

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3403 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 04:09:18 PM
I have recently had to contact the Telecommunications Ombudsmen in regards to an excessive phone bill which had a myriad of errors - Granted - After contacting the ombudsmen as the call centre in Delhi was unable to provide the customer service required, Vodafone resolved my issues but not until I had been to the endth extreme.

Also, the reception is appalling - I am constantly rainsing my phone to the heavens in a hopr that some form of reception will be received - Maybe through divine intervention but alas ... NO DEAL!

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3402 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% at 27 Dec 2010 04:09:15 PM
Where to start....
- no reception
- drop outs
- ruuuuude staff (over phone)
- continuous stuff ups with bill payments
- cutting off of phone wihout any notice, or giving notice to pay phone bill or they will cut it off, you pay the bill and then they still decide to cut your phone line

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3401 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bad at 27 Dec 2010 04:09:05 PM
iam a current customer but i wont be for much longer.i cannot even get reception with my mobile at home so what is the point of being with vodaphone as i never had such problems with telstra.

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3398 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:08:52 PM
I've just spent 3 days in an area that is suppose to have coverage. The other dozen people there (with Telstra) all had perfect coverage and I had none. Only coming back into a major town (Goulburn) did I finally get service and got my messages and sms with my xmas wishes, shame I missed them all when it counted. Can't wait for my plan to expire. VodaFone SUCK!

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3397 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Failed at 27 Dec 2010 04:08:51 PM
I am with 3 and loved them untill the merg with vodaphone with no reception call prices etc places
Where I used to get 4 bar to full reception is now 0-1 bar or roaming which is Hightower cost arghhhh

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3396 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:08:45 PM
Phone has either one bar or no reception most if the time and I live in the city!

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3395 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is INCREDIBLY at 27 Dec 2010 04:08:35 PM
I have had zero coverage, drop outs and basically no service the whole time I have had vodafone, i was bribed initially into being transferred from the even more incredibly poor service of 3MOBILE across to VODAFONE and promised for much better reception and reliable service however this was not to be! Far from!
I refused to pay the final enormous bill of $298 which they said verbally that they would waiver however as it was not in writing i had to then pay it as they transferred the matter to Debt Collections Agency. this Company are bullies and I would be very happy to see justice done to these types of companies as i fear the world will one day suffer dramatically should we allow these problems to exist.

Many thanks for taking the time


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3394 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 04:08:29 PM
Vodafone sold me a 2 year contract for an internet dongle that never connects to the net.....especially when its raining!Vodafone refuse to replace the dongle.

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3393 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is coverage at 27 Dec 2010 04:08:25 PM
Always get Poor or Very Poor message when connecting to the internet. It cuts out very often. Cannot get coverage up at Old Bar, Taree area and we where told we would, when going to visit relatives and friends.

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3392 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is too much fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:08:18 PM
no reception in most houses, and also bad deals with phones for certain plans.

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3389 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:08:06 PM
There is never ANY reception ANYWHERE, and the phone continually drops out.

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3388 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bad reception at 27 Dec 2010 04:08:05 PM
After being with vodafone for years I finally decided to sign up with Telstra vodafone had bad reception couldn't call anyone for hour or two every now and then and was never able to get on net signing up with Telstra was the best thing I ever done Ohh and I never liked speaking with Lara. Used to spend ages trying to get thru to customer service vodafone has bad bad reception enough said never going back to the compony

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3384 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC at 27 Dec 2010 04:07:57 PM
I am constantly experiencing drop outs. I will be mid call and my phone cuts out. Other times, I will not even be able to connect to make a call!! Ill have a full bars of reception, and yet I cannot make a call! Sometimes, my friends will try and call me and I wont be able to receive the call. Also, my texts are often delayed - I either receive messages well after they are sent, or my friends receive my texts well after I send this. THIS IS A CONSTANT EXPERIENCE. IT IS NOT ONE OFF.

As for my internet - I am often receiving the "no web gateway" or something like that message. I can sometimes try and log on 5-10 times before I get a connection. I CANNOT RELY ON THIS EFFING SERVICE.

I called Vodafone months ago to inform them of this. They advised me that I was suppose to LOG all my issues - dates and times. Then they would consider reporting my issue and tracking it. This was unacceptable. I do not have time to PROVE to Vodafone what type of shit service they are doing. Having come across this website, I was absolutely SHOCKED to find out that these issues are common.

What can I do now?

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3383 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is terribleb at 27 Dec 2010 04:07:50 PM
My phone has been in for service for 2 months. They just told me it would be another month.

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3379 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Highlands Fail! at 27 Dec 2010 04:07:42 PM
My husband works in the Southern Highlands of NSW, He attempts to phone me several times during his shift and FAIL!! No reception. He works at Sutton Forest which is just off the Hume Highway, you would think along a major Highway that reception would be awesome, well totally wrong! I myself have a lot of problems with text sending, always deferring sending for a few minutes at a time, shouldn't text messages send immediately with full reception?

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3377 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Useless at 27 Dec 2010 04:07:28 PM
Not able to receive calls. Only able to dial out. What does that tell you?
Rang and was told it would be fixed in a jiffy.....2 days later....

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3372 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bad at 27 Dec 2010 04:06:37 PM
my data and messages are gone and i cant call anyone

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3371 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very! at 27 Dec 2010 04:06:32 PM
receiving messages 3 to 4 hours later after they have been sent!

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3370 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is shit at 27 Dec 2010 04:06:29 PM
Just received a letter in the mail to this effect.

We (Vodafone) have tried contacting you on the following three ocsasions regarding your recent complaint to the TIO. You did not repond to our calls. Please call us back on 1300-xxx-xxx. If we do not hear back from you within three business days we will consider the matter closed.



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3369 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAIL with capital letters at 27 Dec 2010 04:06:26 PM
An apology is not sufficient when there is nothing done to solve the problem. Phone keeps cutting out when i am mid conversation and when ever i try to call other vodafone customers it tells me there phone is 'unavailable'.

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3367 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is a lot at 27 Dec 2010 04:06:00 PM
We constantly have poor reception, sometimes we can't make phone calls from our phones, and we live in the middle of Sydney! We find this very frustrating and absolutely ridiculous.

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3366 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Complete Fail!!! at 27 Dec 2010 04:06:00 PM
Calls have been dropping out. Will randomly have no coverage at all. Take way too long for messages to be sent.

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3364 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Massive at 27 Dec 2010 04:05:33 PM
After reception constantly dropping out I made various complaints. I could then not get any reception whatsoever and also could not get any data access as I had 'reached my prepaid limit'. I am not on prepaid.

After I contacted them (only 40 mins on hold), I was advised I would have to call them back later. Was put through to Customer Care (after I asked to be put through to Cancellations) I ended up cancelling my contract and going with Telstra. I was on hold with Vodafone for 1.5 hours with no assistance whatsoever, I was actually told they did not know what to do.

I was with Vodafone for 6 years, my 6 weeks with Telstra has been amazing.
27 Dec 2010 04:43:23 PM: You are very lucky. My experience with Telstra continues to be one characterised by their traditional arrogance as market leader. Recently having had a complaint you cannot even use their service to call when prepay limits expire. There is no number to use .They advise to use the net or use another phone company to call them. How ridiculous. What other company refuses to provide access to their own customer complaints department when you have a problem with service. TELSTRA Bah humbug try lebara little know ,,cheap and wonderful service, great customer entitlements with your account. 3 cents per minute to India for example. My advice
leave the big companies telstra, Voda and Optus. seek out the little compnaies who use the big boy networks in any event.

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3363 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VERY at 27 Dec 2010 04:05:13 PM

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3362 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:04:43 PM
My daily reception has been so poor that I finally convinced Vodafone to give me a $60 per month credit to put towards a "3" sim card that I use to divert my incoming Vodafone calls due to extremely bad reception, & I have an office in the CBD of Wollongong.
Just this last week I have decided to buy out my contract and take my business elsewhere as the $60 no longer covers my "3" phone costs. How poor. In this day and age that I should have to go to these lengths. And don't get me started about voicemail. In the 3 days to Christmas I was averaging a 1 day lead time for voice messages. 1 whole day to receive the message after it had been left for me.
Internet coverage & 3G, non existent. To get 3G at my home I have to take my phone outside and stand holding the phone outstretched in a South/East direction in my driveway. Who am I? Captain Cook navigating at night???? Not good enough Vodafone. Just not good enough....
You have taken your customer service off shore & have left this local market to fend for itself. You have alienated your staff who man the front line, showered by complaints like mine. They have no support, no answers and no clue. Today I asked a staff member to give me a payout figure and he suggested I simply connect with another service provider and wait for the final bill. What?? Are you serious?
Either get your act together or take your corporate sponsorship and leave these shores.

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3361 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is CRIMINAL at 27 Dec 2010 04:04:35 PM
Every time you have a legitimate call drop out please post it on this site so the Vodafone executives might wake up and take notice. Watch out Vodafone we are as mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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3357 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Big time at 27 Dec 2010 04:03:33 PM
Picture messages never arrive. Text messages never arrive. Calls drop out regularly. Lack of service.

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3352 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Never ending at 27 Dec 2010 04:01:31 PM
Since i took out a plan with them on Pre-pay about 3 years ago, i have NOT had 1 phone call where it lasted more than 20 minutes without dropping out!
Multiple call backs just to get 1 message accross.
Absolutely NO service at home in Metro NSW!

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3349 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is a joke at 27 Dec 2010 04:01:10 PM
I like to think of my mobile as an expensive paperweight - every call drops out and it is costing me business. F U Vodafone

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3345 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Never ending at 27 Dec 2010 04:00:27 PM
Since i took out a plan with them on Pre-pay about 3 years ago, i have NOT had 1 phone call where it lasted more than 20 minutes without dropping out!
Multiple call backs just to get 1 message accross.
Absolutely NO service at home in Metro NSW!

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3341 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Need to be closed down!! at 27 Dec 2010 03:59:50 PM
After getting into a business plan 2 years ago and having my phone in for service for 10 weeks during the first few months, I was annoyed o say the least but the lack of reception, constant drop outs, impossibly long wait times to complain to a 'service centre' (what a joke) on the phone, and the total lies that these imbeciles tell when you finally do get someone on the other end stuns me!!! I even tried complaining via email and of course that got me nowhere either. I am soooo pleased that I have found out that I'm not the only one that has this problem....I wish I had known about you months ago, It might of saved my sanity!!! Please close this company down to help the mental state of this country!!! A very upset, frustrated, soon to be ex customer...By the way, don't bother with the 'Vodafone MySay' emails if you receive them, needless to say I tried it and it is also hopeless!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

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3340 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Two Golden Turds on a Pappadum at 27 Dec 2010 03:59:48 PM
Below is the email I sent Vodafail. I will wait and see which automatically generated reply I receive.

"I've been told to contact the technical department in regards to registering a complaint about the poor network performance but I don't envy spending three hours on the phone to an "international visitor" who isn't even in the same country as the problem.

Therefore I'm contacting via email to ask about the avenues which must be undertaken to obtain a release from a contract given that the promised service is not being delivered - empty promises that "it will be fixed soon" are no longer cutting it.

I have been a vodafone customer for over seven years, and this is the last straw as far as I'm concerned.

Awaiting your response, but not holding my breath."

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3339 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Never ends! at 27 Dec 2010 03:59:42 PM
Since i took out a plan with them on Pre-pay about 3 years ago, i have NOT had 1 phone call where it lasted more than 20 minutes without dropping out!
Multiple call backs just to get 1 message accross.
Absolutely NO service at home in Metro NSW!

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3337 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 03:59:13 PM
I have joint vodafone two and half months ago,the second week I could not connect for 10 days at all. from the first day I could not sign in my account, they give me a new pin after 3 tries es I'm locked out,up to today I have got 10 pins and more than 30 tries,Im steal trying to log in.

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3335 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Never ending! at 27 Dec 2010 03:59:01 PM
Since i took out a plan with them on Pre-pay about 3 years ago, i have NOT had 1 phone call where it lasted more than 20 minutes without dropping out!
Multiple call backs just to get 1 message accross.
Absolutely NO service at home in Metro NSW!

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3334 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is stupid at 27 Dec 2010 03:58:55 PM

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3333 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is get better coverage with 2 cups and a length of string at 27 Dec 2010 03:58:49 PM
28 Dec 2010 07:08:46 PM: yeh but for me every time i go into the shop to complain about reception my reception bars go up,they must have a tower in every shop near me
29 Dec 2010 06:33:25 AM: They have extenders in their stores. I know this because whenever I walk past them I can make calls.
29 Dec 2010 11:07:43 AM: I wish there was a contract for you to stop using all caps in your posts you troglodyte. STOP SHOUTING YOU WANKER. Aren't you more concerned about being stupid enough to accept what a sales rep under pre assure to deliver sales is saying to stitch you up without verifying same in the paperwork? Oh, yes, readng is a necessary skill to enable you to do this, sorry...

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3330 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 03:58:24 PM
Ive had vodafones wireless internet usb service in two different suburbs (Tweed Heads and Gold Coast, so not rural). Both times I've had next to no reception, download speeds of less than 1 Kb/s, constant drop outs (network not available), Vodafone software crashes/freezes, and non stop hassle. Whats worse is if you try to contact them about it you are talking to someone in Egypt or Sri Lanka, who can't help you at all because they don't know why the network is down or when it will work again.
Even better, walk into any Vodafone retail outlet and ask a staff member for help, and they'll simply tell you to phone "Customer Care" and explain it to them.
The quality of service and customer care with this company has been absolutely atrocious for many years, they completely deserve this backlash from the public, and hopefully massive financial implications for them as a result.

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3327 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodablows at 27 Dec 2010 03:58:08 PM
EVERY time I call the helpdesk, I get disconnected for at least the first three times. Very frustrating! When I finally get through, I can barely understand a word these freaks are saying.

I live in a central area, within 10 mins of CBD, yet Vodafone's Internet coverage is useless! Frequently drops out and this goes on for several weeks sometimes. I use my Internet for work, and when I don't have a proper connection for a few weeks, my productivity drops. Not good enough Vodafone!

Your mobile phone coverage is not much better. Why do my text messages take up to 24 hours to be received??
29 Dec 2010 11:03:27 AM: Freaks! Fuckin' freaks...I'd be happy just to listen to a cd of these tech calls...with the freaks...

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3326 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL! at 27 Dec 2010 03:57:56 PM
After Telstra decided dor some random reason to send my bills to another address (resulting in a $600+ bill), I decided to switch to Vodafone. I was a prepaid customer with them a few years ago, and was really happy with their service.
I have an an iPhone 3GS (which i love), but I don't get reception in my house, or in my street for that matter. I can only get 1 bar of reception at my parents house, which just happens to be on a small hill. My friends try to call me, text me etc but I never recieve them because of the crap service. I'm lucky that I have wireless broadband, otherwise I wouldn't be able to download apps etc.
I'm paying $80 a month for a shitload of calls that I can't use. The reason why I signed up in the beginning was to use my mobile instead of the landline to save money.

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3324 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is high at 27 Dec 2010 03:57:38 PM
I live in Coogee, middle of Sydney and the connection is really terrible, especially in the evenings or bad weather. I constantly have to disconnect and reconnect to get a better connection, but it doesn't really help much. Being on Skpe with family overseas is dropping out all the times, that is not what I have signed up for. I have been complaining several times at the Randwick shop and got the answer that due to where I live and how many people are online it is slow. This is just not good enough Vodaphone.

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3322 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally failed at 27 Dec 2010 03:57:11 PM
1/ GET RID OF LARA. NOW.I don't live in a soundproof world!
2/I cannot respond to emails that I receive. Vodafones answer- the Telstra netwook see anything send thru Vodafone as spam and rejects it.
4/Worse coverage now than I had 6 years ago
6/ GET RID OF INDIA. They NEVER understand what I'm trying to achieve.
7/Re-work your roaming

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3318 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Hear say at 27 Dec 2010 03:56:18 PM
I was thinking of moving over to Vodafone once my Optus contract runs out on a sim only plan due to buying a stand alone phone but based on this, maybe I shall watch from a distance.
I did send a MMS to a mate on Vodafone the other day as he was driving up the coast, talked to him 3 hours later and he still hadn't received it. I thought it was the xmas traffic, but I guess not.

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3317 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is signal at 27 Dec 2010 03:55:58 PM
In the last 4-5 weeks phoe keeps droppoin out on me while im on the phone to people im so ova it at first i thought it was my phone so i used my dad;s phone and it keeps doing the same thing

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3316 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 03:55:58 PM
Due to an injury i have found myself working from home. Nothing but trouble since i took out a month by month mobile internet plan (which was apparently supposed to be easier than prepaid).
Plus my calls either drop out or wont even ring in the first place. Thus hanging up on some customers 3 times in a row.
Managed to get through to Vodafone Customer Care once.. heard the voice on the other end say "may i start with your name please". Then i got disconnected. After a ridiculously long wait.
I resorted to logging two complaints online which apparently has a 5 day response time. I havent heard anything yet... and i complained weeks ago.
I also havent been able to get onto my online services to even see my bills. And i cant get help from Vodafone, because the stores seem to know nothing about anything and i cant get through to customer care.
Not impressed.
I hope they dont expect me to pay for a service that im not using. They're nothing but a huge frustration. God help them when i finally get through.

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3314 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Rubbish at 27 Dec 2010 03:55:08 PM
Vodafone is so bad, it's hard to know where to start. I've given up expecting to be able to make a call whenever and wherever I want (not even from Cairns International Airport, for God's sake, and don't get me started on the Hume Highway's pathetic coverage - more gaps than coverage, I reckon), and as for 3G connectivity, forget it. And it's getting worse, not better. What little coverage I had at home seems to be getting worse. I now have to walk around to find a signal, and even then half of all the calls I make and receive are either unintelligible or drop out.

Rubbish, rubbish, rubbish.

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3312 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone Hell at 27 Dec 2010 03:54:59 PM
In Albion Park NSW the coverage is so poor I go from 5 bars to no bars in minutes. The service from the tower just drops out and another many kilometres away (Berkeley) takes over. Don't even bother with their so called "broadband", its slower than dial up. They should be ashamed of the service or lack there of they are providing. Rang tech support almost three years ago to alert them of the issue,they said they were aware of it and still nothing has changed to this day.

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3311 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very much at 27 Dec 2010 03:54:57 PM
Very often I would ben without reception unable to go on internet and I was truying to call them but waited forever aproximately 30 minutes or more and no one would pick up phone so I would be very angry. Also I was very tempted to cancel my membership.

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3310 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 03:54:49 PM
Due to an injury i have found myself working from home. Nothing but trouble since i took out a month by month mobile internet plan (which was apparently supposed to be easier than prepaid).
Plus my calls either drop out or wont even ring in the first place. Thus hanging up on some customers 3 times in a row.
Managed to get through to Vodafone Customer Care once.. heard the voice on the other end say "may i start with your name please". Then i got disconnected. After a ridiculously long wait.
I resorted to logging two complaints online which apparently has a 5 day response time. I havent heard anything yet... and i complained weeks ago.
I also havent been able to get onto my online services to even see my bills. And i cant get help from Vodafone, because the stores seem to know nothing about anything and i cant get through to customer care.
Not impressed.
I hope they dont expect me to pay for a service that im not using. They're nothing but a huge frustration. God help them when i finally get through.

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3307 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Voda Phony! at 27 Dec 2010 03:53:36 PM
Terrible reception at my home and I live 27km from Sydney CBD, please get me away from this provider !! (and i dont want to pay exit fees)
27 Dec 2010 03:56:08 PM: keep ringing them up and complaining about the lack of service until they cancel your plan. i got out with no exit fees after ringing 7 times. just yell at the fucking indian on the other end until they give in.

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3304 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Why at 27 Dec 2010 03:52:55 PM
Why does the site owner, Adam, keep deleting posts regarding whether he works for a company that resells Optus services, rather than directly owning upto it?
27 Dec 2010 03:57:07 PM: Please stop lying. We have not deleted any comments about working for a company that resells Optus services. We do NOT work for ANY TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY. - Vodafail Team
27 Dec 2010 03:58:36 PM: OH HI VODAFONE REP

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3300 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is coverage at 27 Dec 2010 03:52:35 PM
For the 3rd time this month I have sat on the landline phone for anywhere up to 3hrs waiting fior someone to fix up my mobile phone reception. My mobile will be working fine then suddenly I can only make "emergency calls" or my "service is unavailable". This is particularly frustrating when I have an ill father who is somewhat reliable on contacting me in times of need!
When the 'emergency calls' comes up I can't even call 'customer care' from my mobile but have to call from a landline which costs even more as the v odaphone number is a 1300 number!!
It also seems Every month my bill has extra charges which inturn causes me to spend more of the time i don'yt have on the phone to the incompetent vodafone staff!!!

I now can't wait for my contract to end so I can forget Vodafone altogether and start fresh withb a companty thjat actually has reception!!!

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3299 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 03:52:27 PM
Using an iPhone over the vodafone network,
I estimate around 30% of my emails were not delivered.

After 6 weeks of telephone calls and venting to the Mumbi call centre
I finally got a tech to admit they had a problem with the network, and that messages from the vodafone server to www were being bounced by other service providers because of spam issues.

On one of my phone calls, I was on hold for over 3 hours
to "customer care" in Hobart. I had a meeting to attend
so had to cancel the call without ever being answered.

I left messages on the "complaint" section of vodafone website,
where a response within 48 hours is offered. I am still waiting.

The iPhone is now replaced with a Blackberry, and email issues are resolved.
I noticed yesterday the service had dropped back to Edge.

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3293 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Data usage at 27 Dec 2010 03:51:21 PM
The internet usage Vodafone uses to track data is shit! I've talked to customer service 10 times about their 1512 updates and apparently it takes 48 hours to receive an accurate reading! That's not good enough I had to pay extra costs because Vodafone keeps FAILING to give us proper notifications of data use!

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3288 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Unable to Register for Online viewing of my bills at 27 Dec 2010 03:50:45 PM
I try to register online for 2 days, by entering my Mobile number, and it will sms me a password, try this 5 times, it does not work, I try this over 2 days, finally, I call Vodafone and the customer services person told me to let him try, he did that and it does not work, he put me on hold for another 5 mins, return after speaking to someone, told me to wait 24 hours and try again, which I did and it worked this time. It is waste of time, if it does not work, the system should be taken down, so that customer don't kept trying, I would say it wasted me 2 hours in total.
29 Dec 2010 11:12:36 AM: Over weeks, I have had 20 hours easy lost forever by this issue. Even 'helpless center' staff can't make it work. A joke. A real bad one.

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3284 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is stupid at 27 Dec 2010 03:50:19 PM
i dont really know where to start, from there call center operators to there hopeless reception and data services, for over 3 months i have spent over 7 hours calling the call center- I HATE LARA SHE IS SO HOPELESS GET RID OF HERE !!! to get my data services fixed, I HAD NO DATE FOR A LONG TIME I HAD TO USE WIFI AT HOME AND THEY MADE ME TROUBLE SHOOT EVERY SINGLE WAY THEY CAN THINK OF THINKING IT WAS MY FONE BUT IT WASNT MY FONE, IN RESULT I LOST APPLICATIONS-
- first of all they said they will get back to me within 72 hours for the tech dept to see what the problems is,
-4 days later i called back cause no one got back to me and they told me that someone cancelled the request WTF??? so i had to wait another 72 hours cause i told them to reopen the case, no one got back to me, i went overseas on 27/11/10- 2-12-12 and wanted to use roaming there so i called up 1555 but the guy didnt know what i was talking about and he couldnt help me and said he will call me back asap, but he didnt, so i made another call and the guy helped me, i came back to aust and no one has gotten back to me about the data service so i made another call(note that it takes around 30 mins to get through to someone) i wanted to cancell my contract cause i think they breached the contract by not providing me a service in my contract, so retention person told me she will give me 2 months free access, but i just wanted the data service to be fixed , she said she will call me the next day and tell me whats happening, and guess what !! no phone call, i waited a few days to see if i will get that call but no, so i made another call, waited 60 mins to get thru !!, so i get really angry and they advised me they can give me another 2 more free months acess 2+2=4 months, so i waited and waited till 2 days ago and made another call just to see what the outcome is with my data services and yet they dont recall giving me a total of 4 months free access only 2, so they tranfered me to someother dept and FINALLY someone from australia was on the other side and he made me wait 5 mins and saw that there was a total of 4 months and he told me that there was upgrades in your area, BUT THE PROBLEM WAS I JUST WANTED TO KNOW WHY MY DATA WASNT WORKING IT TOOK THEM THIS LONG TO GIVE ME AN ANSWER OF LIES AND MISLEADING INFORMATION and it took someone from australia to get the problem fixed,

another problem occured while this was happening i wanted to cancell my insurance on my fone, i called up 1555 they said they cant cancell it only mobileme can so i called them up and said that they cant do anything that 1555 can only cancell it, so then i called up 1555 and they said they cant do it, i requested to speak to a team leader and he aid the same thing so i hanged up, i called the next day and said i would like to cancell my insurance and they person did it for my straight away. I SERIOUSLY DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT TRAINING THEY GET,IT IS REALLY FUSTRATING
seriously, i dont think its the company itself but its there overseas workers who really dont know anything, but yet again thats what companies deserve when they outsource their work to other countries, i really hope vodafone goes down, and the only reason they brought out the infinite plan is to gain more customers cause they know they are in the wrong and many people have left,



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3282 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is How long is a piece of string? at 27 Dec 2010 03:50:10 PM
I had never had ongoing coverage issues with Vodafone before October 2010. I have relatives that are contracted to 3 that have nothing but trouble with coverage since 3 was merged with Voda into VHA. It was only several weeks ago that I was getting a "connection error" when trying to use my phone in the Randwick area of Sydney. It made no sense to me why I would have full bars of coverage, but yet still not be able to make or receive calls whenever I was within the Randwick area coverage. So, I came to the conclusion that the issue was a handset issue and I went back to the Vodafone retailer and demanded another handset. They had initially borked at the idea but then quickly capitulated when I taunted them with the representations they (VHA) had made to the ACCC back in January over faulty handset issues.

It was the very next day I came to the conclusion that my new handset was not going to change the FACT that a blackspot (previously only obvious to 3 customers living in the Tamarama area) was occuring in the Randwick area(the Voda rep at the retailer I went back to actually stated there was "a network issue" in the Randwick coverage area) and my handset was useless whenever I was in the area.
Previously to me upgrading my handset, I was with Vodafone previously for a year. It was only because of my dissatisfaction of a faulty handset that I was released from the contract.

The funny thing though is, that for the whole time I started with Vodafone( I am a previous Telstra customer, whenever I went through Randwick's coverage area, my handset would crash and restart. I use to go through there on a daily basis and now wonder (since my handset became defective with the firmware) if it was in fact something occurring on the network that crashed my phone into a state of needing to be returned to Nokia itself.

Oh yes, you can bet I will be dumping Vodafone at the next opportunity. There are several reasons why. One of which is coverage that just isn't what it was before and should be for a city like Sydney.

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3281 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very fail at 27 Dec 2010 03:49:52 PM
Everthing- data, phone call dropout, poor coverage

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3278 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Reception at 27 Dec 2010 03:49:42 PM
Calls constantly drop out. Working in the middle of the Sydney CBD is no guarantee of good coverage or reception - a mere gust of wind can cause a phone call to cut out. I estimate that half of my monthly telephone bill is redialled dropped out phone calls. A disgrace.

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3277 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VERY at 27 Dec 2010 03:49:36 PM
I purchased USB Modem on a 1 year contract from the Wollongong store. I was advised that I should experience a minimum speed of 500 kpbs. At the best of times, I would only get 50 - 150 kpbs (only 5% of the time I used the modem. I was advised by the store to call the service number which I did (Please note; no-one at the Vodafone stores will offer to assist with any problems regarding service - they are all sales people). I called the service centres (with a minimum wait of 20 minutes). On some occasions, I would end up in the wrong department after carefully choosing my options on the key pad. I would be advised to speak to the "data-people" who can analyse my coverage to determine whether I was receiving coverage (I understand formalities are needed). It took a while to convince the operator that the coverage map being viewed was the same one I viewed prior to purchasing the modem, and that it does not reflect reality. I called several more times to speak to these specialist to check out my problem in-depth with no luck after being on hold for close to half-hour; this is after being transferred. Eventually, I was advised to call another "date-service number" to speak with person that could correct the issue. I was advised to call within a hour timeframe (8-9am) which I found difficult due to the fact I travel to Sydney for work and I am in transit (NO chance of Vodafone USB reception in motion). I rang this number on return from work. After being transferred for half-an-hour from department to department. The last person I spoke spent a considerable amount of time repeating my calling history (which I obviously new) then in the last minutes transferred me to a department. I received a voice message advising that this department was now closed. I called the complaints department the next day. Not only did I reached the wrong department again, but also a girl with an attitude problem. I vented my anger (not at any individual) I was advised, and I quote, "After all that has been reported by you, I can see that you NOW had enough". I was advised to return the product which I did and no cancellation costs would apply in my case. I still keep receiving bills and this has forced me to go to my bank and bar Vodafone from accessing my funds. In summary: MISGUIDED INFORMATION ON COVERAGE, OVERLY-DETERMINED SALES PEOPLE, POOR COVERAGE, UNORGANISED CALL CENTRES, RUDE AND UNPROFESSIONAL CALL-CENTRE STAFF, TIME WASTERS. Thank you.

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3276 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is unprofessional at 27 Dec 2010 03:49:30 PM
had to pay out my contract due to little or most times no reception in my area. i was told upon purchase of contract that i would have no problem with reception but from the start unless i left my phone outside,i would miss calls and not receive messages or voicemails for days. i was unaware i was able to do anything about it through vodafone. when i finally got them to do something they offered me a $10 a month reduction in my bill. thinking this was as good as it would get i accepted the offer. after a month or so of still having the same reception,i came to the conclusion that the $10 reduction on a contract that had no reception was not a good enough discount.i told vodafone again about the extremely poor reception and was told my options were to put up with it or cancel the contract.upon choosing to cancel the contract i was told a payment of $250 would be required to do so. payment was made and i begun a contract with optus which has been faultless thus far. with all of these new issues coming to light,i think it was unfair of vodafone to charge me $250 to end a contract that they from the start were unable to professionally service me with. thankyou

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3274 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 03:49:14 PM
so frustrated with the then 3 migrating to vodaphone network that I changed carriers as I could not get a signal. No one at voaphone wanted to deal with issue... international call centres leave a bit to be desired at times ... no local knowledge... "our maps indicate you should have service... it must be your handset...let me talk you through this (again and again and again...)" Aaaaah!

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3273 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EXTREME FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 03:49:12 PM
phone internet not workingmobile
broadband slow or not working at all
uncountable amounts of unhelpful service from the helpline
numerous hours of being kept on hold
letters of complaints not answered
emails unanswered
the list goes on and on...
I got my phone stolen last week and I'm overseas indefinitely and now stuck 12 months into a 24 month contract which is useless and will cost $550 to get out of.
I spoke to a manager on the helpline and even he told me to go with another company as he admitted no one could help me with the recepetion issues and I lived in Surry Hills for god's sake - The centre of the biggest city in this country!

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3266 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is complete failure. at 27 Dec 2010 03:48:26 PM
no exaggeration... EVERY call i make the first attempt dropps out after about 30 seconds of talking, so i have to recall and it sometimes takes 3 attempts to get a connection that i can hear the other person. frequently i try to make calls and get the "emergency calls only" message and cannot even call customer care.. i am ready to switch providers.. although i have another year on my contract and would have to pay it out.. and they wont even let me upgrade my plan from a $49 a month cap to the $79 a month cap, after recently having a baby i am always calling my parents and always going over my cap which costs me hundreds of dollars.. i guess its in their interests to make more money off a new mother. nice customer "care" vodafone.

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3264 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally Hopeless at 27 Dec 2010 03:48:01 PM
Lack of reception, shocking customer service, am totally disgruntled!!!

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3263 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is jokafone customer service at 27 Dec 2010 03:47:47 PM
For any sort of customer service even if you 'were' to upgrade your plan they want you to wait 40 mins on the phone.What great incentive to stay with them with customer service like that jokafone.

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3258 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Numerous at 27 Dec 2010 03:47:14 PM
I regularly travel all over Sydney, and I continually have more dropouts that the NSW State Government. Just the other day I had a mate seated next to me in my vehicle. He too is a Vodafone customer and he sent me a text at 9.30am, 5 feet from my phone. That text arrived that afternoon at 4.30pm, luckily it was not a live saving message Vodafone.
They are the Taliban of phone companies.

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3257 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Numerous at 27 Dec 2010 03:46:55 PM
I regularly travel all over Sydney, and I continually have more dropouts that the NSW State Government. Just the other day I had a mate seated next to me in my vehicle. He too is a Vodafone customer and he sent me a text at 9.30am, 5 feet from my phone. That text arrived that afternoon at 4.30pm, luckily it was not a live saving message Vodafone.
They are the Taliban of phone companies.

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3254 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is is money hungry at 27 Dec 2010 03:46:44 PM
My boyfriend and I signed to vodafone because they had the iphone4...so far awesome. However on a recent trip to Queensland we used my boyfriends phone for google maps. Little did we know that we had gone over the cap until vodafone decides to tell us once we had gone $450 over. Thanx vodafone from the prompt update. Needless to say we are wondering why they didn't send one earlier but hey $450 seems like the right amount before telling a customer. Not happy!!! Furthermore, I wouldn't like to be a Queensland customer either, we found that now where in queenlsand could you get reception more than one bar at best.
Be a previous 3 customer I hope the customer service at vodafone is alittle better. Im thinking that my choice to change is a bad one. Here's to hoping to getting out of a now $600 phone bill because of data usage!!!! Thanx alot vodafone!
27 Dec 2010 03:51:32 PM: excuse me????
27 Dec 2010 03:58:11 PM: i don't understand...why are you saying 'ur welcome'?

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3251 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Beyond poor at 27 Dec 2010 03:46:19 PM
Vodafone are so fucked to say the least. I have been released from my contract and taken my business elsewhere.

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3248 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is its beyond a joke at 27 Dec 2010 03:46:04 PM
I live in sydney in the eastern suburbs, i have no reception on regular basis,my sms and mms messages arrive hours/days late. I ring vodafone, you are on hold for hours, then youre told to take your simcard out, and switch the phone on/off. Then of course there is still no reception, and you get told there is something wrong with your phone!!!The staff are really rude about it too. I have gone into my local vodafone and was given two replacement simcards, and then told there was something wrong with my phone!!!Like are you for real????I have been with vodafone for the last 10 years,i renewed my contract in January,however intend to cancel now, and return my phone. Whats the point of paying monthly fees when you have no coverage,and are getting messages late? Vodafone is not even offering any credit or timeframe when this should be fixed?Fed up and want out!!!
27 Dec 2010 04:05:02 PM: just wait til they give you the *wrong* SIM, and fry your account for a couple of weeks while they puzzle it out...

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3246 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Reception problems at 27 Dec 2010 03:45:46 PM
I live on the North Coast of NSW & my Vodafone reception is next to nothing!!!
So frustrating & not bloody good enough! Its 2010 going on 2011...come on guys.

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3236 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bad at 27 Dec 2010 03:45:08 PM
I'm in a surburb of Newcastle and my reception is patchy.
As an Avon representative I need to be contactable, and I'm finding that difficult.
Unless I can get some help, I will have to change cariers.

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3234 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is .can I please make a call at 27 Dec 2010 03:44:39 PM
Constantly unable to make a call try and try to call out on my vodafone i am only a hop & jump from a tower. I dont understand why this can happen. Can take upto an hour to make a call at some times of the day.I recently signed a 24 month contract and am totally disheartened with the service. I cant even get throught to customer service, call drops out, waited over 45 minutes my call still not answered thats if i am able to call in the first place. I am stuck in with bad service for the next 23months not happy Vodafone.

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3233 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is is money hungry at 27 Dec 2010 03:44:18 PM
My boyfriend and I signed to vodafone because they had the iphone4...so far awesome. However on a recent trip to Queensland we used my boyfriends phone for google maps. Little did we know that we had gone over the cap until vodafone decides to tell us once we had gone $450 over. Thanx vodafone from the prompt update. Needless to say we are wondering why they didn't send one earlier but hey $450 seems like the right amount before telling a customer. Not happy!!! Furthermore, I wouldn't like to be a Queensland customer either, we found that now where in queenlsand could you get reception more than one bar at best.
Be a previous 3 customer I hope the customer service at vodafone is alittle better. Im thinking that my choice to change is a bad one. Here's to hoping to getting out of a now $600 phone bill because of data usage!!!! Thanx alot vodafone!
27 Dec 2010 03:46:19 PM: oh and my bluetooth doesn't work either??? And it seems that some times people call me and the phone doesn't even ring through. It just goes straight to a busy message.

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3232 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is abosolute liars, full of shit! at 27 Dec 2010 03:44:09 PM
we had vodafone approximately 2 years ago and ended up giving. we did it because it was cheap and only for short usage - you definately get what you pay for. we went with another carrier (after 2yrs of being so disgruntled) because vodafone promised covererage that they couldn't provide. we didn't use the phone a lot but in the country areas, pathetic coverage! it was only so my husband and i could keep in touch during his work hours but he'd call & drop out continually. even on holidays we checked their covereage areas and it was apparently covered - when were got on holidays (cresent head) there was NOTHING. absolutely useless moblie phone company who will lie through their teeth and tell you you're coverage is perfect - what a load of #$@!. DO NOT PURCHASE ANYTHING VODAFONE BECAUSE THEY CANNOT PROVIDE WHAT THEY PROMISE!!!!

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3229 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Parasites at 27 Dec 2010 03:43:41 PM
Slow data and call drop outs. But most of all being told the phone I was buying was a 'great phone' only to find out it was a cheap phone that barely did what I wanted it for. Now I am stuck with it for the next 2 years. I was not shown a demo before i was signed up and was not able to exchange it the next day. I am disgusted at there predatory sales technics and their almost instant change of attitude once their contract was signed. It was a painful lesson learnt and I will demand everything that I am entitled to as a customer before signing another contract.

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3226 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodaphone network issues at 27 Dec 2010 03:43:34 PM
Dropped out calls all the time, no reception in the middle of syd cbd and inner west,really everywhere! Then you get unacceptable customer service....surely vodaphone can come up with something better than what is to follow: I have been constantly told that they are upgrading and they are doing their best to resolve the situation (last 3 months)after many phone calls, many i'll be with you in just a moment, many on hold calls etc i have been through the trouble shooting process and now have been advised i have to replace my sim, it could be my handset, i have been on hold with managers for an unacceptable amount of time, what else do i need to do. Are you serious vodaphone? There is nothing wrong with my handset as my mate has exactly the same phone and is with Telstra having no problems. It is not my sim, but hey I have to go in to swap it at a store just to see. I am sick and tired of these problems. FED UP VODAFONE..GET REAL!

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3225 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally unreliable at 27 Dec 2010 03:43:33 PM
My business is based at Lindfield in Sydney where I cannot get reception on Vodafone despite promises that coverage in Sydney was excellent. I regularly have drop-outs, line fails, messages don't come through for 3 or 4 days and then they drop off my screen, and Vodafone will not allow your ring tone to ring for more than 20 seconds or 3 rings (which is not long enough) so that you have to constantly call message bank and rack up phone charges. When I've called for service there is always at least a 30 minute wait and if they call you back and its someone from the wrong department, they make you go through a new phone call to customer service for another 30 minutes. I've had problems on business overseas as well. Can't wait until my Vodafone contract is over and I can get out of it.

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3213 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is SOOOO FRUSTRATING at 27 Dec 2010 03:41:41 PM
Calls will drop out from time to time, fair enough. But my calls are never stable no matter if I am in the office (Surry Hills - Sydney), or at home (Balmain). Both are located within 2kms (as the bird flys) to Sydney CBD and I find myself forever searching for a place with more than one bar of coverage.
The iPhone alerts you when your coverage drops out with pop-up screens, these are forever coming up on my phone while trying to text. SOOO FRUSTRATING!!!
The worst thing is that when I went into Vodafone, I was of the understanding that I was NOT on contract. So you can imagine my surprise when I called up to cancel, they put me on a contract!!! SOOO FRUSTRATING!!!!!
I was so glad to see the story on the news tonight about this class action - count me in!

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3211 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is MASSIVE at 27 Dec 2010 03:41:29 PM
I will be celebrating on the 3rd of January 2010 when my contract with vodafone ends!!! I signed up to a 2 year contract with vodafone and the Blackberry storm and since then i had sent it away 3 times to be repaired... every time vodafone repaired the phone without fail, however i would continue to encounter the same problems, being; poor reception, call drop-outs very minimal 3G reception and horrible internet data service... not to mention problems with the Blackberry handset itself including random shutdowns, and problems with screen resolution. So after the third time that i sent my phone away i asked to be taken off my contract so i could go to another network as the problems were unacceptable and being a student the $80/month repayments were becoming a bit much when it was obvious i was not getting the service i was paying for... However Vodafone did not sympathize with me and did not allow me to exit my contract unless i gracefully paid a $600 exit fee, however being the kind people they are at vodafone (*insert* sarcasm) they would allow me to sign up for another 2 years on another contract with any phone but they iphone(which ofcourse was my phone of choice)..... This was very convenient for Vodafone as it meant they would have my money for another two years without providing me with adequate services!!!! So i said stuff you Vodafone, i am not paying $600 and i am not renewing my contract!!!! i have used my sisters old iphone for the duration of my contract and when it ends in a few days i will wave goodbye to voda and never look back!!!! i have never had so many problems with a service provider!!!

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3208 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Total Rubbish at 27 Dec 2010 03:41:16 PM
3 Network (vodafone and 3 are merged) gave me half price mobile internet for their 500MB plan. They said I would pay $4 not $8. Next month I get my bill to find out they had charged me $8!!! Total Rubbish. I called them to ask them to fix the problem. Next month I get my bill and they still charge me $8! I called them again. Next month i get a result, and they gave me $4 credit. But they didn't give credit for the last couple of months. I call them to ask them to give me credit for the last months and next month and forever. I get my bill and they charge me $8 with no credit! How garbage is that!

I called them AGAIN! They said they would give me $12 credit. I got my bill, and YES they finally did. Now they say I have to call them every month to get my $4credit! What a waste of time!

I am now waiting for my next bill....so I can do my next call!

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3207 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 03:41:15 PM
Had enough. Live on the central coast, in full coverage area , showing full service on my phone but can only make emergency calls at times. People have called me on my landline to say they have been trying to contact me on my mobile, I have then dialled my mobile from my home phone,with it sitting next to me (showing full service), only to have it go thru to voicemail. My sister left me a voicemail message at 3pm on 23/12 which I finally received the next day at 12.30pm. My daughter sent a text message at 6.15pm on 26/12 which I finally received at 8am today, 27/12. God knows how many other calls I just haven't received. PS rang vodafone to complain approx. 1hr ago, said over 30min wait, still waiting. Have been with vodafone for over 10years, never had a problem like this before, will be shopping around when my contract expires.

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3205 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Unbearable at 27 Dec 2010 03:40:47 PM
Walked into 2x dealer stores to upgrade to an iphone 4 and they advised me that the iphones they had in stock were only for NEW customers. WHAT about rewarding existing customers??? Then when I tried to upgrade over the phone it took me 2 days to even speak to someone! I've been with vodafone for 10 years with no issues and in the last 3 months its been an awful experience

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3204 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FINGERBANGED!!!!!!!!!! at 27 Dec 2010 03:40:40 PM

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3196 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is My Poo could provide better reception at 27 Dec 2010 03:40:01 PM
Oh and when I call Vodafone, some indian guy called "Max" or some Indian girl called "Crystal" answers the phone but ends up hanging up on me.

When I call back to speak with the manager, the person who answers the phone changes their voice and pretends to be the manager incase I make a complaint about THEM !!!!

Stick it right up your ....

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