26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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21202 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 26 Mar 2012 03:59:05 PM

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21200 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No sms messages at 26 Mar 2012 01:49:00 PM
I haven't received any text messages today being March 26 2012 ... very frustrating

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21196 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Total at 24 Mar 2012 11:45:56 PM
For the past 5-6 weeks my service has been SHOCKING, I'm up now (12.39 in the morning) because I can't use the net during the day it just keeps being incredibly slow or non existant and I've taken to walking up the street to use a neighbours phone or get a reasonable (though not without occassional disconnets) on my mobile.

I phoned customer service about 3 weeks ago and they said I could either terminate my contract and return my phone or I could have 3 months free. Having been with vodafone for 2.75 years and knowing that most other telcos wifi in this region is pretty bad or non existant I took the 3 months because they said the problem was because they were upgrading and that must be what was causing the issues, so once the upgrades are finished my service should be better, though I'd just be happy if it was back to the service I had prior to the current problems.
Today I checked my bill to see if they had kept their word, and guess what, they've billed me! Insult to injury, I'm up until 3am some days trying to get stuff done on the net, because of your lousy upgrade issues and you don't keep your promises that were made to keep a customer, well done vodafone.

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21195 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Dire trouble at 24 Mar 2012 10:58:23 PM
According to The Sydney Morning Herald on 22 March, V.fone have lost 500 000 customers and $350 million They are facing a huge challenge to restore their customer base. I can't imagine that many of the customers whom have left, will be returning. I left for Telstra (after 15 years with V.fone) and I am a very happy customer. I am not contemplating returning to V.fone. They might have a new CEO but personally I reckon in five years, V.fone will be finished in Australia. Their network is still poor and I customers just keep leaving.

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21194 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Absolute Fail at 24 Mar 2012 08:39:07 PM
no connection - SOS call only.
Location: Sydney CBD

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21191 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Playstation vita Fail at 23 Mar 2012 09:01:06 PM
Vita bought from a Sony store with a Wipeout 2047 Vodafone free game deal sticker on it - code given by VF for the AU playstation store for game is invalid, Vodafone have denied that they have to help me and asserted that this is a Sony issue. Sony say its a VF issue and transfered me through to a VF AU number, where I spoke to someone whom was obviously in AU. VF have agreed to get back to me Monday at this stage.

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21190 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 23 Mar 2012 08:37:59 PM
I live in Marsfield, work in Roseville. Both places give me terrible reception. Moving the phone LITERALLY inches will cause the receiption bars to go from 3 out of 5 to 0 (SOS only). It is totally unworkable. I use an iPhone 4.

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21184 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No 3G internet at 22 Mar 2012 07:09:44 PM
Isn't it a crime to take my money and not provide a service in the CBD of a major Australian city?

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21183 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Verrrry fail! at 22 Mar 2012 05:52:32 PM
I am just wondering if anyone else in the inner west of Sydney is experiencing no service at the moment or if it's just my phone?

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21182 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VERY at 22 Mar 2012 05:40:59 PM
Very weak signal, poor reception and lots of drop out for phone.
Internet at Kellyville Ridge is very weak with one bar signal only usually not worth using.

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21179 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is discusted. at 22 Mar 2012 01:28:36 PM

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21177 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Change is coming at 22 Mar 2012 07:05:49 AM
Glad to see a new CEO coming in....let's now hope things get sorted and we get good service, good network at cost effective prices.

Goodbye Nigel

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21174 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 21 Mar 2012 04:50:52 PM
piss poor coverage in medowie, nsw

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21173 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely at 21 Mar 2012 04:41:07 PM
I just had a call from a call centre in India asking, with attitude, about a non-payment of a bill. I advised him that it was paid...and lo and behold, he found it. I then asked him what the problem was with the website when I tried to pay. Apparently, he didn't have that information on him.

As a customer of somewhere between 15 and 20 years, I requested a phone call from someone in Australia to explain why I'm receiving harassing phone calls from India when my account has always been paid.

An hour later, I received another call from India advising me that there is not a single Vodafone employee based in Australia. Can this be really true?
21 Mar 2012 06:58:13 PM: No it is not true.

There is a team located in Tasmania.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
22 Mar 2012 08:24:49 AM: why does it bother you if the people contacting you are from india or australia?
22 Mar 2012 03:04:20 PM: i would like to improve the australia economy not some other country.

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21172 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Not improving as promised at 21 Mar 2012 02:13:40 PM
For a period of 4 days from 13-17 March, it took over 10 attempts to make a call out at my home location, which has had relatively decent coverage prior. Client calls wouldn't even reach my voicemail - they would be faced with a "beep, beep, beep" and then a failed call. I run a business from home, and Vodafone had failed to give me notice of some 'upgrades' that were going to create blind service spots. It was after the fact that Vodafone acknowledged the issue - and due to monetary loss I potentially incurred, offered to give me a 50% discount on my plan for 3 months. If service gaps continue, I'll be cancelling my contract.

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21167 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is compleetly at 20 Mar 2012 10:01:41 PM
No reception at home and no reception at work..I dont know what i am Paying for Monthly$30...Totall Waste...

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21150 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Huge failure!! at 18 Mar 2012 11:15:01 PM
Just joined Vodafone, I mean vodafail from 3. I was told I have excellent coverage in my area prior to signing up. Well that was a big lie!! I have had dropped calls after dropped calls, extremely bad reception and zero reception in one room of my house. Well what a joke vodafail is. They are heavily advertising for new customers, but they can't even satisfy their existing customers. I have been with them for 3 months now, haven't paid a bill yet because I have complained... I'll be switching to another provider for sure! Thanks for letting me vent

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21148 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No Mobile Broadband still in Hurstville NSW at 17 Mar 2012 10:47:49 PM
Hurstville NSW has major Vodafone mobile data issues at present.
Hurstville Westfields Vodafone Shop staff today confirmed with me that there has been no Vodafone mobile broadband in the shopping centre and around Hurstville for some time and that they have been complaining or alerting Vodafone about this. Vodafone website does not show this major ongoing fault in their Status page, which suggests we are seeing a rerun of late 2010 and 2011 when Vodafone was well aware of the technical faults but refused to let their customers know about this on the website.

My conversation with Vodafone support tomorrow is going to be most interesting when I notify them they are in breach of contract and letting know I will be terminating the contract early without penalty, and demanding credits for only partial supply of service, as soon as I can port away to a supplier that can actually provide a mobile phone+broadband service.

Would not be surprised if Vodafone is about to get some extremely adverse media coverage and quite likely that some senior voda heads will roll over this issue.
I feel really sorry for the voda staff having to deal with this.

Many would consider Voda not fit to hold a carrier licence in the way they continue to appear to be covering up network issues.

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21146 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is In Breach of Trade Practices Act at 17 Mar 2012 02:52:01 PM
17 Mar 2012 03:18:28 PM: Addition to ACCC Compliant on behalf of Vodafone Victims of Fraud and Theft

This is from Vodafone's COMMUNITY Australian Website
It has not been answered as at 17th March 2010

why i get altogether dfrnt informatio​n when i talk 2 two different customer care staff.its annoying..
....Thursday (15th march 2010)

i was talking to someone in customer care regarding my bill which was showing a internet pack which i never requested.this lady after checking concluded that i didn't actually request it and it was a system error.they kept charging me for 7 months.and when i asked for my overcharged money back she said it can not be refunded.i was talking very nicely uptill now.then i had to change my tone and give her all sought of bloody reasons why this money should be refunded as she was not able to understand this simple fact that this is a overcharge and this money belong to me. then she started showing me on what she is trained on.to start with she offered me a credit of 50 dollars and then 60 dollars in-spite of the fact that around 160 dollars were taken out of my account by wrong means.then she talked to her supervisor mr richard .as this credit was not acceptable to me,she offered me full money back only because i was getting a bit harsh. i wanted to talk to one of the supervisor but i was told that the supervisor is on break and she can arrange a call back next day.i waited for that call but as usual no one called.then i had to call them back and this supervisor anmol was online with me.the info i got from him was entirely different from what i got told the day before by that girl in so called customer care.she said this pack activation was a system error but this supervisor in his rude tone said that this is not a system error and we are charging you right.in his words he is just honouring the words of that lady in customer care and giving me this credit because she promised it.otherwise i m not entitled to this.he behaved in a manner as he is doing a favour to me.if vodafone starts honouring each-others word like this that will be huge loss for them. one more time,to confirm this, i asked him that when is my other contract for internet is finishing.he went back to check his system and came up with a date 02july.this is when according to him my internet contract is finishing.i said mr anmol according to the contract this should be finishing on 22mar.then he rechecked and concluded that it is 22 mar not 02 jul.in a span of 2 minutes he provided me two different dates.and rather than saying that he was at mistake , he was putting it on some other department saying that the dates were not updated be them. i wonder how they are trained.are they trained from the same book of everyone has got his own different rule book.when i was nice they refused me giving even my money back and when i started being a bit rude they gave me my money and compensated for inconveniences as well.why do we need to use that tone which i myself don't appreciate. every time they say the supervisor will call,u never get a call.everytime u call back and talk to a supervisor , they try to show you the attitude.the dont think that they understand the seriousness of the matter.kindly look into it... ..

17 Mar 2012 04:40:54 PM: correction:
Above Post
Dates should read 15th march 2012 and 17th march 2012 respectively

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21144 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is high at 17 Mar 2012 08:53:33 AM
constant drop outs in the leichhardt area. Very slow mbb browsing. Have tried multiple devices all with parheteic coverage. Paying premium price for much below standard service.

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21143 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is vodashit at 16 Mar 2012 10:37:42 PM
They talked me into going from 3 to Vodafone, BIG MISTAKE. The service in my house is absolute shit. They give me free download on my Phone. They give me free download because I can never get on the Fuc--ing net because there service is SO SHIT.....

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21142 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very very at 16 Mar 2012 05:45:48 PM
no reception fullsignal appears on phone, but calls keep dropping out and sms msg dont send or arrive a week after sent.
crazy johns uses the network so there are a lot of people suffering out there..

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21141 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Disgusting!!!!!!!! at 16 Mar 2012 03:46:01 PM
I recently (and successfully) cancelled my mobile broadband contract due to issues after approaching the TIO. Phone contract ends soon and I really don't care about paying more, I just want to get as far away from Vodafone as possible after years of issues.

2009: No issues yet, but then again only had a basic cap and no broadband

2010: Ordered iPhone, was lied to by Customer Service about delivery dates - got different answers over the 7 times I called over the space of 4 weeks. Received my phone and activated SIM but it only actually activated a day later on Vodafone's system.

2011: Got broadband, speed at 1kbps for weeks. Customer Service completely unhelpful, ended up resolving after 3 weeks without their intervention. Multiple issues involving incorrect billing and usage details. myVodafone constantly delaying updating of usage details by up to 12 days. Received a bill one month for almost $4,000 (normal bill is $103 for broadband and phone), but no usage shown outside caps. Apparently a system problem. Received several updates - amount changed to over $4,000, then $13,000 then negative $11,000. After 1 month of trying to deal with Customer Service, submitted to TIO and resolved within a few days.

2012: Cap for mobile broadband showed as incorrect on my account for several weeks - Customer Service couldn't figure out what problem was, took a month to fix. Continuing issues with usage details being incorrect. Broadband and phone signal at home became non-existent. Dealt with several Customer Service reps, all of whom said there didn't appear to be an issue with the network. One blamed me for using the network during peak hours, but couldn't answer when I asked if 3am is a peak hour. Was offered 3 months with a discount but only if I waived my consumer rights and accepted the bad service without question - no guarantee that service would improve. Submitted to TIO and resolved quickly - they also admitted there are major issues in my area, so I was either lied to by the others or their system is inadequate.

Not worth the stress or the cost, looking forward to being free!!!!
18 Mar 2012 03:21:52 PM: Here is one from the VodaNoPone No Community Website
Incorrect Billing.
....19 minutes ago 18.3.2012

Hi, i have a $69 infintate plan with a 2Gig Data limit. Now i have recived 2 bills at over $500 and one of them is for Premium Messages which i did not send and i have premium messages barred from my phone the other bill has $500 in data that was used when i use my WIFI at home most of the time. I have rang vodafone and they tell me they can not refund the premuim messages which i did not send they say it came from my number but i dont ever use premium messages, they say that i have to ring the companies that the messages are from and i asked what companies and there was like 10 different compaines so i said why the hell do i have to pay this when i didnt make the messages and they were like well we cant refund that money only the compaines who the messages were to can, and the data charges i got were rediculous because i use wifi when i am at home and hardly use my data when not at home. i am sick of talking to an overseas call center as they are rude and not helpful at all. i refuse to pay the $1200 or what ever it is for these bills. I want this amount cleared and my call barring lifted other wise i will cancell my contract with Vodafone and not pay the cancellation fee and i will go with telstra. So if you can please help it would be greatly appriciated.

Kind Regards

Wayne .(Surname removed by Poster.)
19 Mar 2012 02:50:05 PM: Put your mobile number into a webpage (even as a contact info) and then the scammers have your number and your mobile can & will go off like a rattle gun. Happened to me, even though premium messaging was disabled, TIO is the ONLY answer. Alas they need to get rid of premium messages all together now as the ONLY solution!
20 Mar 2012 08:37:19 PM: I am having the same issue with the wifi.. AND i have just had my my phone barred too.. I can't help but would be interested to know how you got on with your issue.. I will be doing the same thing tomorrow.

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21140 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is beyond at 16 Mar 2012 01:17:58 PM
I wish to kill Lara...
17 Mar 2012 03:32:15 PM: Here is some help!
Avoid answering the Robot's prompts.
Say nothing everytime that robot opens her mouth.
What you are doing is this.The robot can not recognise nothing,so the robot will eventually direct you to a Mumbai Human,(I think they are human)LOL!
Then your Real trouble will begin!
You will get Inhuman responses!

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21136 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Burwood area - No service signal for over a week now at 16 Mar 2012 09:35:10 AM
Just when we thought Vodaphone service couldn't get any worse, it did. For almost over a week seldom do we have any coverage in Burwood/NSW area. Our phones are searching for signal is all we have. Will need to waste few hours calling 1555!

16 Mar 2012 12:01:08 PM: I am in Strathfield, and vodaphone said the problem will be fixed by 25-3-12

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21135 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Burwood area - No service signal for over a week now at 16 Mar 2012 09:34:22 AM
Just when we thought Vodaphone service couldn't get any worse, it did. For almost over a week seldom do we have any coverage in Burwood/NSW area. Our phones are searching for signal is all we have. Will need to waste few hours calling 1555!

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21134 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Severly at 15 Mar 2012 11:28:48 PM
I recieved a letter saying that I can upgrade my handset if I switch from three to vodaphone. To confirm this I rang vodaphone and they said the information was correct. However when I went to the store, they told me I was not eligble and now I am without a phone. Has anyone else had this prblem
16 Mar 2012 08:37:07 AM: why are you without a phone?

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21128 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is MASSIVE FAIL at 15 Mar 2012 08:00:13 PM
Now that my wifi is past cooling off my connections have gone from H to 2g. WTF are you thinking Vodafone. It seems to be a load of crap that your network has been upgraded. I should never have ported from 3.As soon as I can my business is gone.

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21126 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% FAIL at 15 Mar 2012 04:40:46 PM
disgusted,ripped off and angry!vodafone is now in the class of the black nigerian internet dating scammers!!!what a scam they have going!!!unbelievable!!!im so disgruntled with vodafone and now in the same category as optus,as far as im concerned..u apparent communications companies that rip people off need to have a really good look at yourselves and go back to where you came from!leave us aussies to telstra[the only company that hasnt ripped me off yet]!!

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21122 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is I've left Vodafone! at 14 Mar 2012 07:05:59 PM
Two days ago I ported my number to Telstra as my Vodafone contract had expired. OMG - what a totally different experience. Emails download at lightning speed and web pages load almost instantaneously. No call drop outs so far either. Admittedly I've got a more advanced phone (iPhone 4s from Nokia N97) but as soon as you can, get away from V.fone. I'm so glad I made the switch! It took about 10 minutes from the time the request to port was lodged at the Telstra shop, to the time I was connected.

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21121 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Quite at 14 Mar 2012 05:03:21 PM
I just signed up to a Vodafone Mobile Broadband connection. Upon signing up, I entered a delivery address, the email confirmation confirmed the delivery address. Estimated delivery time 1-2 working days.
5 Days later they delivered the modem to a place 2 hours away...
I called to ask about it, for them to fix the problem will take 10 more days to collect and resend the modem, so they suggest it's easier for me to just go pick it up myself.

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21120 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 3gWiFi makes a good paper weight at 14 Mar 2012 12:29:38 PM
3g Internet via PocketWifi in Sydney is a myth.

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21118 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 14 Mar 2012 10:39:29 AM
fraudulent claim by vodafone over txt message usage

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21101 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is failed at 12 Mar 2012 03:58:29 PM
no signal, emergency only

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21100 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Awful at 12 Mar 2012 03:13:53 PM
I work in Pyrmont, I rarely get 3G coverage, I miss lots of calls including job interview calls, and I dont get voicemail for up to a week after the message is left

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21099 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very bad at 12 Mar 2012 01:16:26 PM
It started in end of Feb 2012. I received sms that there will be network update in where I live, Hurstville 2220. But even after the mentioned date on 26th Feb. I was experiencing a very weak reception, no signal at all when inside building. Then I also had reception problems in University of Sydney, Camperdown 2006. I complained, handled by the technical support, explained that there is a network upgrade in Camperdown 2006 and was given 25% off my plan for 2 months. And was asked to contact them if by end of March I am still experiencing network problem.

Several days later (after 26-2-2012), I had trouble in Hurstville 2220. I had full bar but no data connection. I tried to contact technical support help but that person was rude. He said I already complained and given a 25% off, why I was still complaining. I complained for different thing, and it is really not functioning as it supposed to. And later I contacted Vodafone AU Help via twitter and been explained that works in Hurstville 2006 was still being carried on until 6-3-2012. And it is actually after 6-3-2012, it is way much better in Hurstville.

Today as per 12-3-2012, I had a very big frustration in Camperdown 2006. I cant receive any call, call dropping every 5 seconds, and losing signal constantly. I was expecting many important work related phone call. I contact Vodafone AU help via twitter and just been told there is network upgrade until end of March. Does it mean I have to hold my desperation for another 2 weeks? What is the point of having mobile phone if I hardly can make a phone call.
13 Mar 2012 06:59:34 AM: They promise me the same solution, but I get 2 months free instead of the 25% OFF.
But there's no point having a free phone but you can't use it.
New solution: Just go to TIO and report the issues, and port to Telstra you will not regret it.

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21096 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is completely at 12 Mar 2012 10:46:08 AM
lost business due to no service in usa
24 Mar 2012 09:44:41 PM: thats because there is no vodafone in usa...

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21085 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 3 data network doesn't work at 10 Mar 2012 03:18:10 PM
Has been 4 days now since three data network stopped working! I'm connected to the 3 network but when I open safari it just says that couldn't connect to data network!
I tried to speak with the assistance but as I have an italian simcard they can't help me! Does anyone have the same problem? do you know how to solve it?!
13 Mar 2012 01:13:18 PM: If you have an italian simcard- you must be roaming- simply change network- Go to your network settings and change from automatic to Manual and select either Tesltra or Optus- easy
14 Mar 2012 01:11:29 PM: No i have free internet connection just connecting to 3telstra as I have the offer "three like home", if I connect to other networks I'm going to pay sooooo much money! The 3telstra network is still not working though

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21084 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is HOW HOPELESS IS HOPELESS! at 10 Mar 2012 03:03:31 PM


Moving from 3 to Vodafone, Horrible Service.....3 hours ago 10.03.2010

I was contacted by a Vodafone rep asking if i wanted to trial the Vodafone network, being a 3 customer i was told that the migration would be fast and simple. This was 3 weeks ago and i'm now left without a working SIM/coverage.

After receiving my Vodafone SIM i called the number to activate and was told to wait until my 3 SIM stopped working, after waiting 5 days with nothing changing i called up Vodafone customer service to see what was going on, after being told that my Port had been denied for some reason (thanks for letting my know by the way) they said they would manually port my number across.

Another week passes and still nothing, i decide to go into a Vodafone store this time to get answers, the Vodafone guy calls up and once again I'm told that porting has failed and that they'll try another way to port my number. This was on a Saturday so was told my Vodafone SIM would be up and running by the following Tuesday.

another week passes and on Friday (3 days after my Vodafone SIM was suppose to start working) my 3 service was cut off, I put in my Vodafone SIM in and still no service, i call once again to see what is happening and am told that my phone should be working by the end of the day. It has now been 2 days and now i am without a working service.

I shouldn't have to wait nearly a month for a process which is supposed to be 'easy and smooth'??!

Regret ever moving to Vodafone.


11 Mar 2012 10:29:13 PM: haha its not meant to be an online chat forum. they reply up to a week afterwards, what is your problem?
12 Mar 2012 10:17:18 AM: You hav'nt worked for Vodafone Rhodes store by any chance?
'What's you're problem' is the terminology they use their as well!
13 Mar 2012 08:35:20 AM: no i HAVN'T. I ask that because the OP was complaining that it was 3 hours and no one had answered yet. I asked what is YOUR problem because there is no problem with the staff not answering immediately because the site is not intended to be an instant response forum. And I dont know what terminology they use THERE or at any other vodafone store.
13 Mar 2012 12:16:52 PM: Vodafone employee!
That's not a response that your Jana, General Manager of Communications and Brand Vodafone would use!
Remember, Warmth and Love,-Got it?
Warmth and Love!,just like Jana would want the World to believe.
13 Mar 2012 01:57:57 PM: im not a vodafone employee .....

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21079 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Possible Lara Solution at 10 Mar 2012 10:39:07 AM
Lara has always given me problems and I have said this to Vodafone on many occasions. One of my problems is that if Lara runs out of options it just hangs up on you and you have wasted the call.

However, one of the radio annoucers showed how he jumps the queue with Telstra. When the Telstra Robot answers he just says "I hate Telstra" and it responds by saying "I better transfer you to a customer service representative straight away". I'll try this next time I tangle with Lara.
10 Mar 2012 10:42:01 AM: Yes,just dont agree with anything the robot says.
Another way is say nothing at every prompt.

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21077 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Won't auto rechardge at 10 Mar 2012 09:43:43 AM
I have several phones on one vodafone account with automatic recharge via credit card. For at least the last three days we can't call out because there is a message that says no credit. I've called Voda three times and they say they are having technical difficulties and say it will be fixed in a few hours. I said what if Vodafone's senior managers couldn't use their phones for three days and were told they don't know it when it could be fixed - wouldn't they be screamimg to. I said to tell their senior management to over-ride the computer and give free calls until they fix their problem. It is unreasonable to expect their customers to just accept this and wait for an unknown time. This problem has happened to me several times in the last three years when my credit card details were lost. To reinstate my service they had to cancel everything including my telephone numbers then give them back but I think I lost all the call credits. Vodafone Head Office Australia is within walking distance of where I live and I've visted them three times and each time they refuse to talk to me saying there is no one there who could help. Their solution is to ring customer service and get caught with Lara which hangs up when it runs out of options. After me showing my discontent at how poor the company is they had a person from Tasmania call me who I think took over the telephone calling to fix the problem but it has returned again. I think we will be going to another provider especially now that voda is changing some of its plans to increase its earnings from me.

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21066 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic fail at 9 Mar 2012 01:59:31 PM
Was in Newcastle at the end of Jan this year for a short holiday and my phone was on roaming ALL THE TIME! All my mates' phones were expecting mine which is with 3/Vodafail. And a few days ago I received this expensive bill from them. Apparently I have to pay a lot more extra for the mobile internet usage when my phone was on roaming!

I mean come on it's Newcastle, not some remote countryside!

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21065 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 9 Mar 2012 01:50:22 PM
continually getting call failed over the past two days and not able to send or receive texts despite having 3-4 bars, soooo shit.

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21063 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is fail at 9 Mar 2012 10:58:36 AM
I am not able make and receive phone calls since morning, March 8th, although it seems signal is strong on my phone. @ St Ives, NSW 2075

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21062 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is fail at 9 Mar 2012 10:58:02 AM
I am not able make and receive phone calls since morning, March 8th, although it seems signal is strong on my phone. @ St Ives, NSW 2075

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21059 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is scabrous at 8 Mar 2012 10:26:12 PM
I'm using an italian sim of TRE (three) that supposed to work on 3telstra... from yesterday i can't use internet, and obiviously i can't ask for customer support here because my number is not vodafone au/three.
that's suck!!
12 Mar 2012 01:08:10 PM: I have the same problem, i contacted both the italian and the au customer service but nothing changed....do you know something new about this matter?

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21054 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Megafail at 8 Mar 2012 06:42:15 PM
No network coverage anywhere in sydney since 11:00am this morning
8 Mar 2012 10:17:04 PM: is it normal? is some problem or they are switching off the network on their baseband 2100? i'm pissed off... i'm in ultimo and can't use internet on an italian sim card that was working on 3telstra since last days...

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21050 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is fail at 8 Mar 2012 05:29:24 PM
no network connection in wahroonga since 7.00pm today thursday 8th March

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21048 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is fail at 8 Mar 2012 05:04:01 PM
no network connection on petersham 8th march 2012

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21047 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 8 Mar 2012 11:21:08 AM
I was about to change over to vodafone today (because they're so cheap) until I read this website. If you're reading vodafone, you lost one new contract today
8 Mar 2012 03:43:18 PM: im a vodafone customer, and trust me the stuff on here is not the common experience
8 Mar 2012 04:14:31 PM: You mean you a vodafone employee.
8 Mar 2012 05:56:49 PM: first commenter here. LOL no im a Telstra employee, im just with vodafone because its cheaper.
8 Mar 2012 06:25:08 PM: Yep,I can understand that,a Vodafone customer who works for Telstra.
A bit like undercover work?Yes?
I can understand why you would like a change from speaking with un-understandable Telstra Customer Service in the Phillipines to go to un-understandable Vodafone Customer Service in Mumbai.
Gee, you should join the United Nations as a translater.
Is there a course on a person from a first english speaking country to translate broken and un-understand english from a second english speaking country?
I think I will ask LARA,Vodafone's talking robot.
8 Mar 2012 07:05:46 PM: OK folks, enough of the comments about overseas call centres and their command of the English language.

1/ Any post from this point onwards mentioning the National dish of any country in an even mildly derogatory manner will be moderated regardless of any value that the post brings to vodafail.com

2/ Any post from this point onwards that is disrespectful to other posters will be moderated regardless of any value that the post brings to vodafail.com

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
9 Mar 2012 07:43:52 AM: Thank you moderators, valuable as some posts may be some things are too offensive.

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21046 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is OMG... at 8 Mar 2012 11:10:45 AM
Charged $6+ for 10 sec phone calls to voice mail on numerous occassions. Called to complain... treated as though I didn't know what I was talking about... then apologised to with no explanation why this has occured...told I would be credited for the over charged amount... no credit applied to my account ... BIG WASTE OF FREAKING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!

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21043 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Rude staff at 7 Mar 2012 09:08:05 PM
I was in your Marrickville metro outlet today, where the staff where rude and did not do their job. I was not happy with the staffs attitude towards me and the poor respones to my interest in a vodafone product, the staff at Marrickville metro are rude slackers and I will go there again.

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21041 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 7 Mar 2012 05:31:48 PM
drop out are unbelievable never ending,text lucky to get within an hour have been told month after month that the network will fix and much better to use coverage sucks as we move around sydney & country areas customer f... hope less to a tee

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21039 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very slow data connection call drop off at 7 Mar 2012 03:28:34 PM
I regret two things, first moving to Vodafone secondly, getting a smartphone (HTC Desire HD) that is only supported on the 2100 network. I work out of home and rely on technology for business. I'm very upset & disappointed with the quality and reliability of the Vodafone tower close to where I live in Cherrybrook/Pennant Hills area. The phone keeps dropping off the network, sometimes 3 or 4 times within 10min and when I do manage to get connected I'm lucky if I get 0.03mbps data speeds. When comparing reliability and data speeds with neighbours on Telstra or even Optus it is simply embarrassing. Telstra was so much faster on their NextG & even more so on 4G. Consequentially I'm seriously considering adopting Telstra for all my future business telecommunication needs as my business expands. That includes the pending purchase of mobile internet for iPAD/Tablets/laptops and additional mobile phones. When I called Vodafone about my problem they just simply told be to set the phone to GSM 2G only which made no difference than was told I have faulty phone. HTC were fantastic but diplomatic helping me to resolve issue the but alias the phone was fine. Vodafone attitude was simply "You are getting a further discount so put up with it". To be fair to Vodafone, I don't have a problem when visiting places like Crows Nest, data speeds on the 2100 network is very good indeed and so is the reliability but I don't live or operate in Crows Nest. One short term solution I guess is for Vodafone to provide, swap or offer an HTC phone that supports both HSDPA 850 & 2100 until my contract is up for renewal October 2012 then I can re-evaluate the relationship to see if there is any significant improvements with the network and or customer service.

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21037 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 7 Mar 2012 10:51:34 AM
Glebe: Dropped out calls twice this morning on very important calls - very frustrating.
Voda promised to have new towers established by Christmas 2011.

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21035 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is should be shut down at 7 Mar 2012 01:33:50 AM
I believe we should not pay the bills as vodafail is in breach of contract and calling someone 2, 3 sometimes 4 times to continue a short conversation is utterly frustrating and unacceptable.

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21033 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Switching to Telstra this week! at 6 Mar 2012 07:55:56 PM
Yay - it's the date I've been waiting for, for the last twelve months - 6 March 2012! Why am I so excited?? Because today my contract with Vodafail expires and I get to port my number to Telstra and get a new iPhone!!! So excited about having a smart phone on a network which actually works (or at the least will work better than Vodafail)

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21029 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Constant at 6 Mar 2012 03:28:37 PM
Constant phone drop outs and reception black spots.
Late voice mail
Occurs in both Sydney and Melbourne

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21026 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 6 Mar 2012 01:29:39 PM
Ive never herd a grown lady scream/cheer in happiness as much as last night when my sister (28yo) ended her 24month vodafone contract and went to Woolworths prepaid (optus) and EVERY FEATURE WORKS ON HER PHONE!

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21025 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is PrePaid Call Rate Increase at 6 Mar 2012 01:11:56 PM
Vodafone increase call rate march 2012
365 Day
Was 39c (30 sec) + 35c connect thats (.74c 30 sec)
Now 89c (per min) + 35c connect thats ($1.25 per Min)
6 Mar 2012 01:18:52 PM: ** Unless you recharge with $30 before the end of march get infinity calls
Voda to Vodafone back to school special, if I understand the prepaid information correctly.
7 Mar 2012 05:28:07 AM: are you serious?
its 89c per minute plus 35c, its only $1.25 per min when for the first minute

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21023 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is i rate them -11/10 at 6 Mar 2012 08:51:36 AM
Never any network coverage, when I do get it, call drops after 30 seconds

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21022 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VERY, compared to other service providers at 5 Mar 2012 09:25:52 PM
I'm in one of UNSW's lecture theatres and its like being in a carpark, or worse. No reception AT ALL. I thought it was the building's problem until I saw my friend using Optus texting her bf happily. Reception drops regularly even at home, anywhere else in uni, wherever.

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21015 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 4 Mar 2012 08:15:02 PM
what is the reason we have no coverage with Vodafone in Bungendore. So frustrating as only switched from 3 as told stronger signal agrrr
5 Mar 2012 09:46:25 PM: Problem = VF. Why not switch back to 3 cos VF has intermittent coverage in your area? Alternatively complain to the VF HelplessDesk.

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21014 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 4 Mar 2012 08:14:12 PM
No coverage for past 4 hours.
5 Mar 2012 09:56:52 PM: What are you going to do about it? Writing words on this site is hardly going to fix your reception issues. Call VF and complain, or better still call the TIO after having a whinge to VF.

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21012 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no service at all at 4 Mar 2012 08:13:12 PM
Have recently switched from 3 to Vodafone as supposedly stronger signal. Have no coverage (for at least 4 hrs) at all in Bungendore..is there a problem

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21011 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is absolute, complete shit. at 4 Mar 2012 08:05:12 PM
Overcharged by $300 because apparently I went over my data limit, how is that possible when I ALWAYS have my Data Connection turned off? Vodafone are liars, I'd rather pay 10 times more and go with Telstra.

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21009 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Major fail at 4 Mar 2012 02:51:13 PM
Bungendore poor reception, no reception right now.
Continual network drop-outs between Bungers and Canberra.
Un-usable while travelling reception is so poor

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21007 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is toal Fail at 4 Mar 2012 04:55:09 AM
I am a 3 customer for almost 4 years and had have no issue with them. But just a month back I decided to buy Iphone 4 and it was on 29 cap with Vodafone so I decided to buy from Vodafone. I called 3 care because now 3 and Vodafone are together. 3Care put to Vodafone team and I assked them for discount as i am 3 customer foe 4 years they said as we are charging $5 a month Extra on 29 cap we can revoke it so you can enjoy 29 cap and a further 10% off on 29. Voda told me you have entered into Contract online and we will send you Iphone 4 32gb, Sim and details and you will receive in a week. After a week I called Vodafone customer care to enquire about my Parcel and I wondered they replied we have no such details... After waisting around 1.5 hour and talking to different departments they again took my details and send me the package. I received it in 4 days.. They sent me a mail and it clearly says $5 Off, 10% further Off and 1 month free. And now after 22 days I received a bill for
$56.34(The bill includes $29+ $5+ Advance fees for next month)
When I contacted Vodafone Customer Servise They said that they have no records for such discounts.. I sent them Copy of Details and matter is still pending because every time they ask for full story and irritates me because every time is new Assistant to help ( to Harras) ..NO ACTION SEEN..

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21005 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is useless bloodsuckers at 3 Mar 2012 02:36:36 PM
no coverage at all for about 8 hours
called them they said we're upgrading the network (and i'm losing my job as i'm on call most of the time )
knocking my head in the wall

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21002 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is GIVING ME LUNG CANCER at 2 Mar 2012 10:14:28 AM
its 2012 and despite all the amazing technology in this world, i now have to go outside in the rain and stand amongst the smokers to make or receive a call on my vodafone. you useless excuse for a telecommunications company are causing me passive lung cancer!!! just close the doors and go away. the most useless phone provider EVER!
3 Mar 2012 04:13:30 PM: haha "causing you passive lung cancer"

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21001 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is UN B LEIVABLE RUBBISH at 2 Mar 2012 10:06:48 AM

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20999 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very bad at 2 Mar 2012 09:34:43 AM
over billing

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20998 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Dropouts at 2 Mar 2012 07:09:32 AM
In Yass, constant dropouts, voice breaks constantly, conversation not possible. I was with 3 and was offered to move to Vodafone. Did not knew that this would be a disaster. Essentially I have no mobile phone.

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20994 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is heaps fail at 1 Mar 2012 01:44:46 PM
I'd ask Vodafone for my account to be investigated especially with the data usage past 11 Feb 2011 to 20th Feb 2011 where most of the charges are coming from. My mobile number is <<PERSONAL DETAILS REMOVED>>.

I know my data usage and never exceed my data usage and I've been with Vodafone for years. I called Vodafone on 1555 and asked for my data usage to be investigated but then being told that it is not possible because of privacy issue.

I've been billed for my excess data with amount of 290$ and at the same time there is no notification on the mobile that I've exceeded my data usage in the first place otherwise I will call Vodafone straight away to verify the usage, and I always been told that your system is always right and this data usage is my personal problem and again I'm not able to know what the data usage is for :( , feeling helpless at this stage
3 Mar 2012 01:43:26 PM: same thing ith mine the same month apparently i used 1.8gb in one afternoon. and there is no possible way this could have happened as i do not have ANY reception in my house. offered me a 25% discount that is it. and i know quite a few people had excess usage charges that month hhhhmmmm suss

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20992 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone knows just how horrible their service is at 29 Feb 2012 08:42:14 PM
All I want is to be able to make a phone call without any hassle, and I don't usually make a lot of calls anyway but the moment I do, it's a reminder of how stupid I am that I renewed my contract with Vodafone.

Slow internet, no decent reception, person on the other line can't hear you because it's a bad line... Surely this isn't what I signed up for. Total rip-off and customers should be able to cancel their contract without having to pay a cent if this network is providing nothing but headache.

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20987 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone 'claimed' useage at 29 Feb 2012 01:15:13 PM
Anyone else monitoring their useage?? - I've noticed recently the session times seen to be rather long - lately I've been logging data and session times, yesterday, good example, vodafone session time is 2 hrs longer than I was actually on, along with an extra 60mb as well.

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20985 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very bad service provider at 29 Feb 2012 10:27:41 AM
No mobile reception from home residence which is less than 25km form Sydney CBD. No reception while on holidays in North west Victoria (suburb - Yallambie. Roaming most of the time in Sydnney or completely no reception. Not acceptable, would rather change providers after 10 years with 3 / Orange and be loyal to someone else that can provide a service that I pay for.

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20979 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Tip's please. at 28 Feb 2012 12:14:46 PM
I have 2 accounts (pay per month) 3mobile internet to close as im going overseas soon for a few months. Whats is the best method? Ill have to do it soon as from what i understand, they dont listen to your commands at all and weeks pass with no action taken...
28 Feb 2012 01:35:01 PM: if they are outside the contract terms call and cancel them

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20978 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is major at 28 Feb 2012 09:14:02 AM
no wireless braodband connection in Jerilderie,keeps dropping out in narrandera

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20976 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No 3G during phne calls at 27 Feb 2012 03:06:47 PM
Not only do i have to put up with continuous phone call dropping out, but now, i have no 3G during a call (the rare occasions i can actually stay on the phone with someone for long enough). For about 12 moths now, it takes up to 10 times to establish a connection to make a call, and then once the call is made, ill be lucky if 1/3 phone calls does not drop off.

I have heard of others being offered free months to keep them happy, and when i have complained, i got the good old "the network in your area is being upgraded sir" line, which i am sick of. It has got to the point of now just waiting for my contract to finishing and jumping ship.

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20972 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Rip offs! at 27 Feb 2012 12:46:09 PM
Went into a VF store to do an upgrade, told I had to wait 1 month.. Fair enough no complaints there. When the nice young man serving me ran through plans and what not he informed me that in 2 days the Infinite plans are going up to a minimum of $79 a month and that I couldn't go on to the $50 plan even though I am an existing customer! NEW BUYERS BEWARE! CROOKS!
27 Feb 2012 05:46:19 PM: they are crooks for changing their pricing?
how does that make them crooks?
28 Feb 2012 10:17:29 PM: uh? cause it's dishonest? ??
29 Feb 2012 09:20:11 AM: and how is it dishonest to make a change to their pricing. Every telco changes their pricing or their plans every now and then. they add and remove new offers, they change things around. If telstra had raised the costs of some of their plans you wouldnt be calling them dishonest.
29 Feb 2012 04:23:51 PM: Fair enough if the service was EXCELLENT I'd pay $79 a month. But for something sub-par I'd recommend people to look in to Telstra plans
1 Mar 2012 07:40:46 AM: have you looked at the plans, they are still cheapest. just not as far below the other carriers as they used to be.

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20970 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very Bradley at 27 Feb 2012 11:31:51 AM
Lake Macquarie area - For most weekends this year (2 months) there as been no coverage on the weekends - and I am relying on my phone to make and receive calls regarding a person's medical condition!!

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20969 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Where do i begin... at 27 Feb 2012 10:40:03 AM
Was a 3 customer for 4 years... HAd problems with reception so I was being sent a new sim card from vodafone to help.
waited 2 weeks for said sim card... it never arrived... during this time my iphone broke and I was due an upgrade so i call vodafone and ask to have an upgrade shipped with the new sim card... 6 weeks later I get my new phone and activate my new sim card... it took 9 weeks for the sim card to port over from 3 to Vodafone and they charged me for both sim cards.

Now that im with vodafone I am experiencing WORSE coverage next to no 3g coverage... i dont even bother to using anything 3g anymore... I was given a $15 credit for 3 months for my troubles...

Vodafail... nuff said

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20966 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Abhorent. at 26 Feb 2012 04:58:54 PM
3g service is horrible, delayed text messages, bad coverage & constant outages. Internet on the iPhone only works early in the morning or late at night in between peak hours, when it works it's comparable to dial up speeds. Out of 10 I wouldn't even give Vodafone 1.

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20964 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is its as fail as my Year 12 Maths exam at 26 Feb 2012 12:24:06 PM
the usual really. call drop outs, slow internet speed and their coverage isnt very stable.

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20963 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is reception at 26 Feb 2012 09:12:57 AM
Signal goes from great to nothing and data speed is pathetic

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20952 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is a fucken disgrace, total failure to provide anything. at 25 Feb 2012 10:24:44 AM
Voda has been out now for over 48 hours on the far south coast. What the fuck is wrong with this telco? Surely the network can't be this fucked up?

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20951 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic fail at 24 Feb 2012 03:42:43 PM
Voda has been out for over 24 hours AGAIN on the far south coast NSW, it's quite normal to have absolutely piss poor performance, and despite them spending zillions on a new and beter network, or what ever the latest spin is, the service everywhere I go is shite!

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20949 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is THE WORST EVER at 24 Feb 2012 11:12:24 AM
I have been having problems with my vodafail reception for months now and was told in January that the issues in my area would be fixed in April, but after having my 4th phone call drop out for THE LAST HOUR I called vodafail and have now been told that it will be fixed by...wait for it.....JULY! After telling the guy on the phone that it wasn't good enough and I would be leaving their network for a rival network (I have been a customer of vodafail for almost 10 years now)I was told by the guy that I will be back as they have had people leave and come back, to this I laughed, wished him well and hung up!

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20947 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is its shit at 24 Feb 2012 03:06:45 AM
for 24 hours now, i don't have any network coverage, i cant txt or make any calls :(

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20944 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pretty fail at 23 Feb 2012 05:07:43 PM
No Vodafone signal in Taree for more than a week now.

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20941 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is woeful at 23 Feb 2012 01:19:38 PM
Left Vodafone about 2 weeks ago. They just sent me a survey... I so unleashed.

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20940 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is more than the usual at 23 Feb 2012 12:44:36 PM
On Pitt street in Sydney, in a corporate office on level 10 and despite having full bars the network is clearly switched off, and has been for hours.

Absolutely no data service what-so-ever.

Leaving vodafail on the weekend. Merry Christmas to me!

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20939 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Sooooo Fail at 23 Feb 2012 12:33:27 PM
Every month I get charged for a wifi device that was free as part of my contract, every month I have to ring them and get a credit for the amount they shouldn't have charged and am told the problem has been sorted and will not occur again.
4 months in a row and it's still happening.

My time + aggravation + time on hold + charges paid. Vodafail owe me about $760.00 so far

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20931 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is useless bloodsuckers at 22 Feb 2012 08:21:13 AM
Vodafone travellers services for overseas travellers is supposed to provide a fixed price cover for phones while going overseas. There is even a special iPhone plan, which should reasonably include iPhone functionality i.e. emails, messages and phone calls. However, should you be normal enough to use emails and other services, other than calls, they'll suck you dry for all the money they can despite your traveller coverage. Howz that for deceptive marketing ? I'd love to throw the vodafone management who think up these slimy money-grabbing tricks down a shitter and seal the top.

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20924 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is MegaFail at 21 Feb 2012 02:03:49 PM
I work in Sydney CBD. I am on PrePaid. Use the iPhone 4.

At my desk, on level 8 of a building on Kent st, I struggle with reception for both voice and data. One minute its working, the other it's not. Its bipolar.

Im not the only one. My colleagues who are also on Vodafone suffer from the crap reception. Advice given to everyone in our building is to move to Telstra as they have no reception issues whatsoever.

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20921 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Reception at 20 Feb 2012 06:14:25 PM
My family and I haven't got any reception for the last 2 days :) What is this Vodafonee??? you are loosing customers.. you better get everything fixed up soon...

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20918 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is TOTALLY FAILED at 20 Feb 2012 02:02:27 PM

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20917 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 10 out of 10 for failing at 20 Feb 2012 12:40:22 PM
Me: prepaid, no service since 15 Feb.
Daughter: prepaid, no service since 15 Feb.
Wife: post paid, erratic service since 15 Feb.
Brother-in-law: prepaid, erratic service since 15 Feb.
Mother-in-law: prepaid, erratic service since 15 Feb.
Vodafone did not respond to email
Rang them, and they have no record of anyone having any problems, and claim that my phone is too old and can't handle their frequencies. Since when is a Samsung Galaxy S II too old? Why was it handling frequencies perfectly fine before last week?
We're changing. Thanks Vodafone, you just lost 5 customers in one go... well done!
20 Feb 2012 02:51:16 PM: Don't bother calling Vodafone Mumbai,they will tell you that you are a liar and that 5 of the phones are broken.
This is common thing that they tellyou when they do not have a record.
Each one of you will have to call those morons and get a recepit number.

That's if your service does not drop out,and it probably will.
They will offer you a 50% discount on the monthly post paid service.
That will amount to nothing because,it is 50% of nothing(FUNNY MONEY)
You service will not work anyway.

The pre paids they will give you Vodafone to Vodafone free minutes,that will amount to nothing(MORE FUNNY MONEY)BECAUSE YOU DO NOT HAVE A RELIABLE SERVICE THAT YOU CAN USE.
So,what can you do......Get the real cash back through the TIO and cancel the post paid without penalty to you.
The pre paid,just let the money run out and get them to unlock the pre paids if they are locked,and never deal with them again.

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20916 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Blackberry Service DOWN at 20 Feb 2012 12:07:42 PM
Blackberry service is basically dead today, including my friends. it started this morning when I browse my blackberry in the bus and suddenly, it's DEAD
20 Feb 2012 12:57:05 PM: Ive had a problem since last night, no internet on my Blackberry, , in the service status it says under 'Blackberry Enterprise Server' Not Connected .. I thought I had done something wrong but it seems like im not the only one having a problem, the internet service comes and goes, sometimes I get emails and other times I dont but I havent been able to use the internet since last night .. my sister has Vodafone but has an iPhone and hers is fine, but not for my Blackberry
20 Feb 2012 06:11:49 PM: Everything seems to be back to normal now

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