26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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4629 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Major Fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:41:06 PM
currently on the phone to a mate (also on vodafone) who keeps complaining that he can't hear me cos the reception is dropping out, we're both in areas where reception shouldn't be a problem!

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4625 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is mobile internet at 27 Dec 2010 06:40:41 PM
ive got the mobile internet they said it will work well at home bullshit i cant use it because it takes 10 minutes to load a web page up and then it dont load the 3g its is useless and im on a 24 month contract rang and they dont want to no about it (WTF)

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4623 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Global embarrassment at 27 Dec 2010 06:40:03 PM
Ever since Vodafone bought 3mobile and sent there customer service to India they have gone down hill. I have been a customer spending 300-400 per month for 8 years. I am now considering changing. Sorry vodafail you have lost me. Vodafone had a responsibility to shame opts and Telstra and show them how it's done, but you have failed!

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4622 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is RIP at 27 Dec 2010 06:39:49 PM
Lets orginise a protest against Vodafone for the first day of the Sydney cricket test, other cities and the rest of Sydney can blockade their offices and stores
this will bring more media coverage and hopefully make them do something to fix the problem
Lets remember they are spending millions on sponsorship and advertising to get more people to clog the network and VF bad vibe has rubbed off on the Australian cricket team
Can the web site set up a page for meeting points, numbers and signs etc

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4621 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:39:14 PM
i get 3 bars at my house outter suburbs of richmond nsw so very close to great service but as soon as i ring someone or recieve a phone call the phone drops out 100% of the time i thought it was just because of where i live but thank god for this website

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4617 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Disgrace at 27 Dec 2010 06:37:33 PM
I thought it wAs my phone.. Glad to here it's vodaphone
that's the problem.. Clean up your act and treAt your
customers with respect..

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4616 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Rubbish Network at 27 Dec 2010 06:37:32 PM
I have taken internet broadband for a year contract and never had excellent reception about 1 month left for the contract. I have been disconnected many times because of poor reception. I do not what what happened now because maybe they new I will change to another provider. Just waiting to waste money for another month.

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4615 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% at 27 Dec 2010 06:37:27 PM
I live in Glen Innes and I can hardly use my mobile or internet and I moved from lismore and had the same problem and was told that the service was going to be up graded last christmas ,the service only got worse,This Iam looking at changing to telstra,I feel I should not have to do this as I have surported vodafone for a very long time,and could not go to another internet plan with this compony.When I can get signal it drops out constantly,Im very unhappy.

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4613 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is mega frickin' fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:37:13 PM
27 Dec 2010 06:45:05 PM: Oh I forgot to mention that everytime I tried to call from NZ (a total of about 6 times) I was told it would be over 40 minutes until I spoke to someone. Finally on my 7th try I got through in 15 minutes.

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4611 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:36:37 PM
calls constantly drop out, reception randomly drops out despite the fact that i'm in a metropolitan area..
messages that don't send, and for a week last year, i didn't receive a single text on my phone even though people kept sending them!! and it's been like this for ages, recent network issues MY ARSE!!!
29 Dec 2010 12:15:59 PM: What is wrong with your arse? Too big? Can't see how your arse is vodafones problem...try canceling your arse or going with a different arse carrier...

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4607 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:36:00 PM
I lost my job because of vodafone effin shit coverage I only no if im working the night before as i work through a job agency and they call or message me the night before they need me in... they tried to call me and when they couldn't get through because it kept going through to my voice mail they sent me a MSG which i didn't receive until 10am the next morning which was to late considering i needed to start at 5am... the reason i got sacked is because this was not the first time it had happened
29 Dec 2010 12:13:38 PM: If you rely on a piece of tech for your work and livelihood, wouldn't a normal person ensure they can get contacted with it? Either the work wasn't important or you didn't care. That it has happened before suggests you SHOULD be sacked for being so negligent. Can't see how this is a Vodafone issue. Cancel them and go with someone that can provide the service. Grow up, be responsible with your life, stop being a child. Man the fuck up baby. You'd make a great customer service rep at Vodafone

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4603 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No coverage at 27 Dec 2010 06:35:22 PM
Have been a Vodafone customer for approx 6 years and have never had a problem with them until the last 6 months, me and my wife have Iphone's and we are always getting No Service or only 1 bar of coverage, for the cost of the plans we are on we expect to get better, but at the moment are considering paying out the contracts to go elsewhere, but WHY should I????? Vodafone need to pull there act together, I have gone into a vodafone shop on various occasions only to be told to call customer service, then when I do call customer service I'm waiting for approx 40 mins before I get to speak to someone, I don't how long other people are waiting but when I'm working and I have to wait for more than 40 minutes, that's not very good Customer Service (my job suffers), when you finally get through to someone they aren't very helpful anyway, there is a language barrier.... VODAFONE PULL YOUR DAMN HEADS IN AND START GIVING US BETTER SERVICE..

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4601 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:35:13 PM
I just spent an hour and twenty minutes on the phone to vodafone, to make a complaint. After redirected to "different" departments twice, both of which could hardly understand english I got cut off!!!! Which is ironic considering the reason I called to complain is because every-phone call I make gets cut off. I do not receive calls. I do not receive text messages on time and can rarely send a text message without getting "sent failed" I am absolutely furious with vodafone. I have been with your network for approximately five years yet no loyalty or understanding is being showed to me. I pay a lot of money to get absolutely nothing. I am sending this because I am unable to speak to anyone on the phone despite being on hold. I expect to get some kind of compensation for this otherwise I will be withdrawing from vodafone as soon as I can as my contract is drawing to an end. I will also look into taking further action. I have lost a lot of business in the last few months because of vodafones pathetic, unreliable and unprofessional network.

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4600 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:35:11 PM
I lost my job because of vodafone effin shit coverage I only no if im working the night before as i work through a job agency and they call or message me the night before they need me in... they tried to call me and when they couldn't get through because it kept going through to my voice mail they sent me a MSG which i didn't receive until 10am the next morning which was to late considering i needed to start at 5am... the reason i got sacked is because this was not the first time it had happened

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4599 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Crapolah at 27 Dec 2010 06:35:06 PM
Im based in the heart of Canberra and get crap house service and forever drop outs......... FRIGG vodafone, then again you cant expect to much from poms which use indians to run their call centres, easier talking to microsoft and thats even a joke.

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4597 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Immensely at 27 Dec 2010 06:34:58 PM
It is a joke. I called to make a complaint about the service I am not getting. After being on hold for almost two hours, being redirected to a different departments I finally get cut off!
27 Dec 2010 06:42:12 PM: Has happened to me too many times to count!

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4595 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:34:46 PM
I lost my job because of vodafone effin shit coverage I only no if im working the night before as i work through a job agency and they call or message me the night before they need me in... they tried to call me and when they couldn't get through because it kept going through to my voice mail they sent me a MSG which i didn't receive until 10am the next morning which was to late considering i needed to start at 5am... the reason i got sacked is because this was not the first time it had happened

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4593 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Sux at 27 Dec 2010 06:34:22 PM
I have Been a loyal customer for over 11yrs and vodafone have not shown any
Recognition, let alone informed me and other customers about any network redevelopment and impact it may cause. This year i have put up with Not having reception, incorrect amounts charged for my bill, call drop outs, slow data and being put on hold for hrs. And the most annoying thing would have to be Lara the computerized Staff member who is there to "help" but actully infuriates you more.
Vodafone needs to get there stuff together or I'm

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4592 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Xxxxrated fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:34:20 PM
I have an iPhone on Vodafone and an iPad on Telstra. It is an embarrassment to Vodafone that there signal is on one bar on the iPhone when the iPad is screaming with bandwidth!! Shame on you. Although Telstra and Optus have there own issues and are no better at service. I have DoDo broadband at home and every time it rains my service fails. It's about time Australia got a back bone and stood up for itself. The UK service 52 million customers and have 10 times better broadband speeds and incredible 3G bandwidth!! Come on Australia stop living in the dark ages and use the tax payers money on something better than Gillards red hair dye!

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4589 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:33:38 PM
I lost my job because of vodafone effin shit coverage I only no if im working the night before as i work through a job agency and they call or message me the night before they need me in... they tried to call me and when they couldn't get through because it kept going through to my voice mail they sent me a MSG which i didn't receive until 10am the next morning which was to late considering i needed to start at 5am... the reason i got sacked is because this was not the first time it had happened

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4583 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is completly at 27 Dec 2010 06:32:41 PM
We have prepaid ,and we are saving all our credits because we hardly ever have any reception!!!!!

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4577 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Dropouts at 27 Dec 2010 06:31:23 PM
I thought the dropouts were just a regular occurence across all networks, but now I know it's just Vodafone. What are my issues?? Little or no reception (I'm in Wollongong, apparently good on the 3G network??), calls go straight to voicemail...and these are received well after the call, txts not received by my friends but history show that it has been sent!!! On and on it goes, and shite me and my girlfriend have 19 more months left on our contract!!!

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4575 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAILED at 27 Dec 2010 06:31:22 PM
I only use my phone for 2 things these days
To speak to some girl called LARA and she says she is too busy right now but wait
and to get this message that can not load page no cellular data network

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4569 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Drop outs, slow HSPA at 27 Dec 2010 06:29:41 PM
I am right next to a tower, that i know Vodafone runs off, anyway i get drop outs constantly, slow as HSPA, like 15 seconds to get google for gods sake, and yes phone sits in limbo for about 20 seconds before connecting...

Sorry but VODAFAIL, then again Telstra and Optus are just as bad.

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4564 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No phone, no internet at 27 Dec 2010 06:28:11 PM
Live in Alexandria, NSW, full reception but cannot make/receive calls and no Internet. Only can SMS. Call Vodafail more than 5 times and each time waited for over an hour. Each time same stories; they upgrading the network and it will be fixed soon so case closed. Till now, service still not active. Over promise, under deliver.

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4561 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Incomprehensable at 27 Dec 2010 06:27:14 PM
In October Vodaphone rang me because my contract had run out, so I signed up again over the phone I was promised they would post me a new phone, well it never arrived, so I spent 6 hours trying to get hold of them only to be hung up on, when I finally got past Lara (who speaks english, she just doesn't understand it, or doesn't listen), I was told they had no record of the phone call, from then on it has gone from bad to worse, they offered me another phone plus 2 months free usage because of the the trouble I had gone through, I picked up the phone only to find out it was faulty and didn't work, so after many hours of trying to communicate with them, I took the new phone back for a replacement only to find out they didn't know when they would have any stock, so after another full day trying to get some satisfaction from them, they then promised me another phone on the $49.00 month plan and I could have the handset for free and I would still get the 2 months free without having to pay the monthly fee, (I might add at this stage I had an $85.00 credit on my monthly bill, well surprise surprise I received a bill for the $49.00 which they had promptly taken out of my $85.00 credit, so back to the drawing board, after another day on the phone, they told me because they had already taken the money they couldn't put it back, so the 2 months free would start on my next bill, then the next week they promptly disconnected my phone, so after another day of running around they finally reconnected it saying they were sorry they had messed up, then last week I got another bill only to discover they had taken the rest of my credit and someone in their wisdom had put me on a $240.00 a month plan, (which I have the paperwork to prove I am on a $49.00 month plan) that makes no difference to them, they are just ignorant and intolerant to peoples needs and really don't give a damn, anyway after spending all of last Thursday trying to get this sorted out, I was promised it would be fixed up in the afternoon and they would send me an SMS to let me know, it is now Monday night and still no SMS, and to top it all off on Friday I did get and SMS telling me my bill had been emailed to me for $240.00 due on the 12th January, I am still trying to work out what happened to my 2 months free.

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4560 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Sh_thouse. at 27 Dec 2010 06:27:14 PM
Very late SMS (days), dropped calls, super slow data, handset goes off line too often.

Vodafone customer for 10 year......never on contract.

It's simple, I'm off.

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4558 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Sh_thouse. at 27 Dec 2010 06:26:45 PM
Very late SMS (days), dropped calls, super slow data, handset goes off line too often.

Vodafone customer for 10 year......never on contract.

It's simple, I'm off.

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4554 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 10 at 27 Dec 2010 06:26:22 PM

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4553 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 27 Dec 2010 06:26:19 PM
Very late SMS (days), dropped calls, super slow data, handset goes off line too often.

Vodafone customer for 10 year......never on contract.

It's simple, I'm off.

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4547 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 27 Dec 2010 06:25:50 PM
Very late SMS (days), dropped calls, super slow data, handset goes off line too often.

Vodafone customer for 10 year......never on contract.

It's simple, I'm off.

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4539 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is reception at 27 Dec 2010 06:24:05 PM
l never have reception l will make a call it will cut out and then my phone will say no covereg and my other phone will have coverage or reception at the same time and when l tell vodafone they say oh maybe theirs something wrong with ur phone or it says connection erea which l hate sometimes l need it urgent and l cant use it l hate voda

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4537 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 06:23:25 PM
i purchased and iphone with vodafone on a plan as i was already and exsisiting prepaid customer, i started getting bills in total of $1300, with no itimised accounts and the fact i was also offered 3 months free and still had to pay , have not recieved one bill yet and dont know whow i could have such i high bill as i was paying $89 a month for over $800 of calls a months so this is all confusing to me as to why i have to pay so much with out knowing my bills, and now my service is frozen till i pay , evey call would also drop pot and signal in sydney were i live is shocking

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4535 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is poor reception adn coverage at 27 Dec 2010 06:23:01 PM
It often dropped off calls. It was poor reception in my area (2076&2075 postcode. I had to go out side of my house. my other mobile with other carrier was good reception.

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4529 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is never agian with vodafone at 27 Dec 2010 06:21:50 PM

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4528 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is criminal at 27 Dec 2010 06:21:43 PM
I think this site is great I thought I was alone for 6 months and tried to do a FB page but too busy Thank you
Here are a few tips to help
When you call LARA ask for sales this will cut out some of waiting (and will hopefully stop VF from signing up any new customers) when you get to speak to someone ask to THE RETENTION TEAM do not let them try to talk to you no ifs no buts RETENTION TEAM NOW, this is Australian based and they can make decsions
Always work for the best deal you can but I did get out of 2 contracts and keep the phones 1 contract was only 11 months into a 24 month contract, I said that they had not upheld their end of the contract and could not supply me with that service into the future, i had to keep pushing and they wanted me to give the phones back, just keep puhing they can not provide the service and if it was not for this you would not for this you would still be there and therefore should not be penalised for the money you have already paid against the phone
I would ask for this in writing but do not count on it i would record the call yourself, you do not want to port across to another provider and be hit with exit fees
You can also ask to reduce your contract before i got out of my contact i reduced it foe example if you are on a $114 unlimited 2GB, this is now a $99 unlimited 3GB, asked to be reduced with no penalty to you, even better ask for a reduction or FREE until they resolve the issues

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4519 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is lost data allowance at 27 Dec 2010 06:20:45 PM
I used all my 3g data on my broadband internet. I recharged it (for a whole yearof credit) and lent it to my girl friend a day later. She discovered no credit it on it so recharged it with a months credit. When I got it back I discovered the full amount there but one month later all my credit expired. They fixed that and then with 6 months left it all expired again. I checked my records and discovered it did not add up so called them and discovered I had lost 4Gb which they gave back to me. Lucky I checked and did just recharge as the computer suggested.

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4518 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is rubbish at 27 Dec 2010 06:20:37 PM
i got me and my partner a phone each on a plan with crazy johns which use the vodaphone network and we wehere told that the reception is great around our area. we've had nothing but problems with the reception, its like we live in the middle of know where but we are only an hour north of sydney. after constantly complaining,we keep getting told that they are upgrading the towers and it should be fine soon but when??? its been over 6 months...

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4516 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No reception and poor voicemail deliery at 27 Dec 2010 06:19:44 PM
I have been a vodafone customer for almost 5 years I joined up at the stage under the impression that 3G coverage on my old Sony k700 was only 6 months away. Finally when I upgraded 3 years later we got 3G coverage. Even at those stages I was always finding it hard to gain reception. I have previously owned an iPhone 3G and now with the the iPhone 4 still with the same reception issues.

Both myself and my father are both vodafone customers now and in a country twin with a population of over 15000 and 15 mins drive from
Wollongong the states 3rd largest city we both have limited to no reception when we are at our home.

Sadly I don't think this justifies the amount of money I have forked out over the years to remain "loyal"

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4512 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:19:27 PM
My Girlfriend dumped me because she thought I was ignoring her messages which I never received! Thanks alot vodafone!!!
27 Dec 2010 06:19:54 PM: same

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4506 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Annoying at 27 Dec 2010 06:18:25 PM
Dear Sir/Madam,

I have been trying to call the 1555 number to no avail. 'Lara' keeps telling me she'll be with me in a moment that never arrives even after 25 minutes.

I am currently paying $129 a month to yourselves for calls, sms's and surfing the web. Neither of which works adequately as the coverage is intermittent at home (st leonards) and work (Sydney CBD). Calls drop out, SMS's never arrive or arrive late or in the wrong order and the 3G is either slow or unavailable.

Please advise why should I keep paying $129 a month for poor technology and customer service?

Name and mobile number below. Been a voda customer for over 5 years now.


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4505 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Data speeds at 27 Dec 2010 06:17:44 PM
My data speed has been quite frustrating. Some days it runs fine then it will go slow enough for me to have to go to my parents house to use there Bigpond account. More recently it won't even connect and it has even gone on as long as 3 days.

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4498 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is dead since Xmas morn at 27 Dec 2010 06:16:00 PM
Bloody Vodafone - its been "no service" since early Christmas morning 25Dec.
took 2 hrs on phone tonite "they will investigate" and take about 3--4 days to do it. HUH! Will contact telephone ombudsman about these .
Mind u they sent my email bill very promptly! Pity their service cant match their impudence

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4497 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is the new hitler at 27 Dec 2010 06:15:56 PM
network busy. network busy. network busy. network busy. network busy. network busy. network busy. network busy. network busy. network busy. network busy. network busy.

I hate you.

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4496 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is txt msging at 27 Dec 2010 06:15:52 PM
I have had one major issue with my account, joined in April 2009, my txt message can be delayed for several days. I do use my mobile for work, mostly txting, and to have txt messages delayed, due to my provider, looks poorly on me. I now turn my phone on and off up to 6 times once until txt messages come through.

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4494 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bad fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:15:30 PM
I've had a great time with Vodafone UK for many years. I also found Vodacom in South Africa great service. SO I chose Vodafone for Australia.

I noticed the reception was always worse than the other networks. 5 years ago suddenly on my bill several SMS and MMS messages appeared that I was billed for 4-5 times repeatedly even though I only sent them once. Instead of a usual bill of $30.00 my bill was $150.00. Despite several attempts to resolve this issue no effort was made to return the money. Needless to say I ceased my association then.

1 year ago a friend of mine from Wales (UK) was living in Cairns, and was on Vodafone. He was perpetually uncontactable due to being out of range. Even at Tourist attractions such as Cervantes there was no reception at all.

No, no more Vodafone Australia for me...

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4493 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No 3G in Sydney CBD at 27 Dec 2010 06:15:27 PM
I need my data allowance.. My data is 1.5GB per month but i hardly used only for 20MB a month due to slow data. Which i need to wait a long time streaming youtube n others.

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4489 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Unbelievable at 27 Dec 2010 06:14:46 PM
I have been a Vodafone customer for over 10yrs and have never experienced such apauling service like this from them.

After finally getting through to someone in the network technician area, the standard trouble shooting they always do for initial network issues was presented to me (things I have already done a few times myself a few times with no success).

for iphone4 - turn wifi off (as it supposedly interferes with settings on the phone with the network... what a joke if their networkrk is that sensitive with a product and features they strongly promot for sale.
- So into settings, general and select reset and pick network to reset the network. If this doesn't work then try resetting to factory settings (which they assure won't delete any data on your phone).
- The 1st level tech also suggested I contact Apple to see if their booster cover is still available FREE if not try and get it as it's suppose to boost network signal... if this is well known, why doesn't it get supplied with the product in the first place, especially if it is a known issue with the product? Couldn't answer that one.
- if none of that works then call them back and they will escalate the logged issue to the next level of tech support... great... another 2-3 hr call wait before talking to someone.

The other phone having exactly the same problem but is a Nokia... do the following:
- take battery out, whipe the sim contacts with a soft cloth and put back together
- set the nokia network settings to manual mode and manually select vodafone au

No call me lame or a bit slow, but if two different phones are having the exact same network issues no matter where they are used (eg, home network area, city metro areas etc), wouldn't you think that it is automatically something more than just a basic handset or sim issue? I mean I am no telco teckie but I have some common sense and the above just seems a waste of time to me, and a way to fob the consumer off again without any real satisfaction of restored service or compensation for the lack of!

Needless to say none of this worked for me.... Who'd have thought!
29 Dec 2010 12:04:20 PM: Ok. You are lame and a bit slo.

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4486 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is so fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:14:17 PM
i live in surry hills where reception is ok. On my train to work (taking into consideration tunnels) from central to epping via newcastle line i get ZERO 3g. I get 1 bar of REGULAR reception (2g) at my desk IF I'M LUCKY. I pay $130 on my cap for 1k calls 500mb per month which is fine IF I HAD A SERVICE GOOD ENOUGH TO USE EVEN HALF OF THAT QUOTA. I use my phone for work, so have had to buy a PREPAID TELSTRA phone to use while i'm at my desk. Works better in more places take it from me. The real insult was when i finally got on the phone to someone in bangalore, i was told they wouldn't release me from my contract, and that i'd need to have a technician come out and survey the area to confirm the condition. Great i thought, that's a nice offer. Thank you i'll take it "the wait is 4 months" *CLICK* GGF Vodafone, your service is garbage, as is your customer service. I speak to your employees and even they agree with me your service is garbage. After speaking to some folks from VF at a company even, i've been told a $400m infrastructure investment is going to alleviate the problem - but even that's a further 6 months down the track. DONT HAVE TIME FOR THAT. OVER IT VODAFONE. Your poor service and lack of commitment to even those who pay rediculous money on your FLAGSHIP CONSUMER SERVICE is the last staw for me. I'm in contact with the TIO, telstra here i come. Welcome me with open arms.

seriously, someone from ACA get on this. LEt's do some damage to VF in a truly public arena. Lets see what the shraeholders think then

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4484 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:14:06 PM
Got to admit that Vodafone were FANTASTIC in getting my roaming set up for overseas calls.

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4482 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 06:14:05 PM
Line dropouts. Bad Reception, Delays in receiving sms, at first I thought this problem was my phone so therefore kept turning it off then on after a short wait to receive texts some which were days old.
To find out after hearing complaints from friends regarding the same issues.
As a long term customer of Vodaphone I find this service is no longer what it used to be and needs to be rectfied before more people move on elsewhere.

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4478 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:13:48 PM
We are very disgruntled and unsatisfied customers and we have been ever since signing a contract with vodafone 18months ago. Our bills are increasing each month due to the call drop outs before the call even takes place, yet we are charged 68c for the dropped out call. When people call either of our numbers they can never get through as their is no service and we receive our missed call notification all hours of the morning. I did not sign up for this lack of service or reception. We can easily get better service, reception, phones via other telcos. We recently rang vodafone to the complaints department and got hung up on 6 times when the call was finally answered after a 20minute wait each time. the call back service was just as bad because when we answered the call also dropped out. This is not good enough. We want to cancel our contract so we can get a provider that actually gives back service and it's going to cost us $280 each person to leave the contract or $280 to upgrade. WE will not be continuing our contract with vodafone again and would not recommend your service provider to any family or friends. Very very disappointing. They are they worst provider we have ever signed up with.

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4472 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Contract Details at 27 Dec 2010 06:12:14 PM
I have just received my bill with an extra $24 dollars charged over my cap. Looking at the bill they are putting all of the text messages in the cap cost even though the contract I signed said I would get 100 free text???!!!

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4463 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Ultra Fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:09:50 PM
This company is the worst Telco I encountered in the 40 years of my life!!! I actually thought Hutchison 3 is the worst but no - Vodafail took this notoriety from them.
About a month ago at the advise of a 3 customer support agent, I moved my 4 postpaid accounts to VF. I agreed since the 3 reception from where I live has gone from bad to worse! There is practically no signal in most areas in our house. Probably the biggest mistake of my life:
- Hours waiting to be answered by a CSR
- Unbelievably high call volumes even early in the morning and at midnight!!!
- Call dropping out (or intentionally being dropped off) a second after you hear a CSR's voice
- Being transferred to the wrong group although you clearly explained who you wanted to talk to
- Arrogant CSRs (I understand why this is so)
- 12 month half price not being honoured as reflected in my first bill
- Being neglected by AU staff regarding my phone orders. They won't action on any of you requests unless you call them daily and get mad at them over the phone for their failures.
- Not able to make calls or even send SMSes to family members who are all with VF. This is the most unacceptable thing for me. The 2 most basic functions you want on a mobile phone and you can't even use them.
27 Dec 2010 06:16:45 PM: BTW do not make the mistake of agreeing to have someone call you back. Nota gonna happen!!!
27 Dec 2010 07:15:48 PM: Food for thought, since June 09 Vodafone Australia has been legally owned by a Hutchison company

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4462 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:09:44 PM
Every time i go onto the on ramp at Pennant Hills Rd for the M2 heading towards the M7

DROP OUT. No matter what! Happens to my boss too.

"Have you tried a different handset?" shutup vodafone I hate you!

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4459 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bad Text at 27 Dec 2010 06:09:02 PM
My friend and I are both with Vodafone, same handset E71 Nokia, and the problem we have encountered is that on several occasions either one of us has sent the other a text and there has been a delay of anything from 1hr to 5-6hrs from sending to receiving. When I called and asked the questions they told me that they never heard of this problem. I only have problems with Vodafone to Vodafone

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4458 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodacrap TOTAL failure at 27 Dec 2010 06:09:00 PM
Vodacrap ripped me off - what more do I need to say? Promised a service they can't deliver. They cost me lot more than money too, they cost me a job. Dishonesty is the standard business paradigm for Australia but Vodacrap have taken dishonesty to a whole new level. We are lucky Vodacrap don't own a bank.

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4456 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 06:08:47 PM
Very bad, to no coverage on the south coast, NSW Mollymook area. I had (quit contract $$$) to stand in a certain area of my house to receive calls, and texts took up to 4 hours to arrive. Bad for my business. When they quoted $450 to exit my contract, I accepted, however the bill came and it was over $500 due to added GST which is illegal to do. I have not paid, and requested some one to contact me, which I am still waiting.

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4454 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very poor at 27 Dec 2010 06:08:13 PM
Very little service or no service in different rooms in my home. No service ever at Tahmoor where I often do my grocery shopping. This is not just in recent days - it has been happening for the 12 months I have been wirh Vodafail.

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4448 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Total Fail at 27 Dec 2010 06:06:51 PM
I had the misfortune to have a Vodaphone wireless internet connection for 3 months. It was extremely rare for me to be able to get online and when i did i dropped out every 2 - 3 minutes. It was difficult to get to talk to anyone and all they ever did was try to fob me off. In the end i broke contract and went Telstra.

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4435 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very! at 27 Dec 2010 06:05:11 PM
i use my mobile ALOT!!I am always on the phone, for work and study, and i use it to make international phone calls to my family in the middle east! The calls are dropping out, my sms service hardly works! when i send a picture, it rarely is received and when one is sent to me, i receive it about four to five days later! When i call "customer service" all i get is "i understand your frustration, i'm terribly sorry about your experience" WELL IF YOU'RE SORRY FIX IT!!!!! ggggggrrrrr!

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4430 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No reception at 27 Dec 2010 06:04:40 PM
Drop out all over Sydney, over the Blue Mountains Tasmania dreadful reception will change to Telstra at end of contract

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4423 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:04:00 PM
Vodafone were warned they will have serious issues if they do not manage the merger properly, and thats what you guys are experiencing. An overcrowding of the network.

I still remain firm that I do not experience issues with Vodafone. Telstra are a bunch of twats

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4422 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bad at 27 Dec 2010 06:03:57 PM
We have TWO mobile phones which never get reception. I have a pre-psaid USB internet modem, it cost me $100 and when i took it back to my store to obtsin a refund they told me coverage is not their problem as long the unit works i said "The unit doesn't work because there is nop signal strength". Our mobile are about 1 year old, we can't change to another provider because the phones are locked. Vodafone wants us to pay to unlock the phones. Vodafone should make sure they could at least give 90% coverage,not tell customs it's not their problem but it is their problem, the total cost of Vodafone's failure to us is about $400. We are also members of the SES in the New England Region and miss important calls

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4418 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is network coverage or no reception at 27 Dec 2010 06:03:27 PM
we've been with vodafone as loyal customer for a few years and always recharges the credit with reasonable amount but so far until today always...always had a problem with the network coverage, doesn't matter where we are and whenever. actually even got worse than that where i was in emergency ( Hospital ) by my self couldn't made a call with the mobile that i had because there was no reception at all, its really..really wasn't fair at all. i've been keep complaining but they(vodafone) didn't really make improvement to provide a better service coverage, so i think its time for us to consider and think about whether stai in with vodafone problem or move in to a better provider.

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4417 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Indian Nightmare! at 27 Dec 2010 06:03:16 PM
Call Centre in India!
Who the Fark is Lara? (the human-bot)I bet she doesn't live in India!

I'm OVER OFF SHORE CALL CENTRE's, its the year 2011 nearly, lets get it right!
27 Dec 2010 06:19:45 PM: Oh my golly gosh, you do not understand how hard it is to answer your calls when I am munching on my curry.

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4416 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bad at 27 Dec 2010 06:02:55 PM
We have TWO mobile phones which never get reception. I have a pre-psaid USB internet modem, it cost me $100 and when i took it back to my store to obtsin a refund they told me coverage is not their problem as long the unit works i said "The unit doesn't work because there is nop signal strength". Our mobile are about 1 year old, we can't change to another provider because the phones are locked. Vodafone wants us to pay to unlock the phones. Vodafone should make sure they could at least give 90% coverage,not tell customs it's not their problem but it is their problem, the total cost of Vodafone's failure to us is about $400. We are also members of the SES in the New England Region and miss important calls

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4413 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:02:21 PM
My wife and myself live in Kellyville Ridge / Rouse hill. We try and get reception but we have to move out side of the house, then when we do it drops out. Very frustrating for us.
Vodafone needs to address with with the highest priority.
Let it be noted today we can put a man on the moon, and yet the phone drops out in kellyville Ridge and on the M2.

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4412 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 06:02:17 PM
Moved from the ACT in 2007, no problems with service there. Live in north coast area, have had poor service all the time I have lived here, have complained to Vodafone retail store about service and been told on more than one occasion that they were going to put in new tower in local area for better reception YEH RIGHT! Heard it all before, there are only a few places in my home where I can get service usually sit on front window sill. Sick to death of appalling service and lack of concern from customer service staff when I ring to complain. Their store closed some time ago but they were useless anyway. Good luck with this campaign.

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4407 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodacrap TOTAL failure at 27 Dec 2010 06:01:44 PM
Vodacrap ripped me off - what more do I need to say? Promised a service they can't deliver. They cost me lot more than money too, they cost me a job. Dishonesty is the standard business paradigm for Australia but Vodacrap have taken dishonesty to a whole new level. We are lucky Vodacrap don't own a bank.

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4403 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is complete and utter failure at 27 Dec 2010 06:01:25 PM
Completey sick of Vodafone!!!!..i regret the day i left Telstra.Ive had nothing but grief from the day i walked out of the Vodafone store..they even made me repair my phone and said i had to repair it two more times before they would replace it... it would'nt have mattered if they replaced my phone its their horrible horrible reception it's has had me close to smashing/destroying my phone out of sheer frustration! It cuts out mid conversation ALL the time,and has"NO SERVICE" only 50kms out of Sydney and i dont even bother with the net!..im at the stage where i feel there isn't even any point to having a "Mobile" phone it doesn't work anyway!. All i want is out of my contract so im free to go back to Telstra!

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4402 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Any Lawyers not on Vodafones payroll? at 27 Dec 2010 06:01:24 PM
Pretty silent submissive bunch of sycophants aren't you?? Piper's have the balls - why are rest of you so piss weak??
27 Dec 2010 06:07:19 PM: The Aussie lawyers with integrity and guts got to fight UN cases-the ones remaining here suck on the corporate teat. Big 5 are silent cos they too busy sucking up to global clients like....let me see..Vodafone!!

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4400 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bloody Crap at 27 Dec 2010 06:01:07 PM
I took out a VodaPhone Wireless Internet Stick for my computer to surf the net and thought that prepaid internet wireless was the only way to go, well I had nothing but problems when I got the product home, there was at best of times a very weak siginal or no signal at all, I took the product back many times and had it swap over for a new stick, but still it did not fix the problem, I thought that vodaphone would work in a major city here in Sydney but it didn't.
After serveral attempts and exchanges I finally had enough, I asked for a refund and they did not want to give it to me as they want to try other options still all which didn't work, so I demanded my money back the next time I went in and finally got the majority of the money back except for a few dollars. For peace of mind I didn't care, but I also have a vodaphone mobile too and thats a constant struggle to deal with friendly customer service, most times It sound like I am speaking to a call centre somewhere in India

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4398 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Big Time at 27 Dec 2010 06:00:17 PM
I wanted to change plans, i was on hold for 1 hour and 20 mins until i spoke to some one. They put me through and i had to wait for a further hour. When i finally got through, the idiot put me into the wrong department. I had to wait again to get transferred into the correct department. To change my plan it took me 3 hours and 40 mins in total. I watched 7 news @ 4.30, deal or no deal, sevens news at 6, today tonight at 6.30, the Simpsons at 7, and i was finally off the phone at 7.40pm (starting at 4.00pm). Ridiculous waiting time! You cant change plans online nor in-stores and the waiting time for customer service is shocking.

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4397 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is data & Phone reception at 27 Dec 2010 06:00:16 PM
When I was with Telstra I had reception even in the most remote areas in some national parks however I am now with Vodaphone. I have no coverage from my house and even from the opera house !!! I could see the person I was ringing on the ferry as it went past me about 200 metrs away, yet my phone repeatedly reported "Call Fail". If you cannot use your phone wirth Vodaphone what is the use of having a phone in the first place.

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4393 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:59:23 PM
I can''t really complain about poor reception - it is always great EXCEPT for when I am in my house - a double brick home, that I get frequent drop outs. When I walk outside its fine. Any other location outside of my home is fine.

The thing that concerns me though is receiving a text message one hour after it was sent. This has not happened regularly, but has happened approximately 4 - 5 time in the last month or so.

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4392 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 05:59:05 PM
I had my phone serviced at vodafone randwick and I was going to ring them to find out if my phone was back yet. I called vodafone call connect to get the phone number for their randwick store. They told me they couldn't find it so they connected me through to vodafone customer service where i tried to navigate lara through to an operator but was unsuccessful.

I ended up calling telstras call connect service and they were very helpful, they told me the randwick number wasn't in the phone book, but they looked the number up on the internet for me.

I should have just googled it myself. but i thought surely vodafone could easily connect me to one of their stores...

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4390 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is not at all at 27 Dec 2010 05:58:56 PM
I have been with Vodafone for the last 10 years and no problems with reception, no calls being dropped, or delays in connecting a call.

Infact im on a Vodafone Wireless Data connection now.
I really have not experienced problems with them, and yes im an IT Tech but that should not make a difference.

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4389 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:58:37 PM
All this time I thought it was my phone playing up till I saw you on the news tonight. So what is Vodafone going to do for us.... I had to use my home phone so that i could get in touch with everyone. More money to out lay. Dont know how many times I turned my phone off to try and get network coverage.
I do have another issue to... when will the day come that we will get an australian to talk to about our issues instead of talking to someone in India that can not speak english!!!!!!!!!

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4385 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Mislead on plan/service at 27 Dec 2010 05:58:31 PM
I was misled when I signed up on a $49 plan and was told by the sales person I would be notified if I went over my limit I asked for a block on my phone if it was the case I was assured it would .My first months bill arrived I was horrified it was for the amount of $5000.Not only that the service was crap to begin with calls dropping out and limited service/coverage.

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4382 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 20% at 27 Dec 2010 05:58:03 PM
I'm lucky if I have 1 bar of service in my home in Engadine, a southern Sydney suburb. I recently spent 9 weeks travelling by caravan in Queensland and as soon as I left the coast I had no phone service whatsoever (3 weeks with no phone not good). Even at Crescent Head on the north coast of NSW I had no phone coverage. I'm only with Vodafone because my 2 daughters are and as soon as they change providers I will too.

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4379 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very bad at 27 Dec 2010 05:57:39 PM
I am constantly having dropouts on my Vodafone IPhone.

There is often no signal in the most obvious places where it should be 100%. My work phone is a blackberry from Telstra, what a difference.

Will swap over to Telstra as soon as my conract is up

Thanks for the chance of registering my complaints

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4372 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally unreliable at 27 Dec 2010 05:56:53 PM
Very poor reception - all the time. Call drop outs mid conversation or unable to reach others on their mobiles; 3 or 4 attempts required.
Misinformed about global roaming and felt ripped off and was not compensated satisfactorily.
I can't turn off my voice mail even when following the exact instructions - they, the automated voice, confirmed the action (to turn of v-mail) is done but it actually remains on.
Extremely difficult to speak to a customer service operator - you must go through so many electronic options and then you end up talking to someone in a foreign country and the quality of the call is usually very bad and the customer service operator doesn't speak English very well or can't understand you.

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4361 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAIL WITH 5 STARS at 27 Dec 2010 05:55:32 PM
where to start? transferred to voda from 3 (at the point where i wasnt aware they were merging..) then had problems with sign up- somehow wrong info entered, pushed into putting my number onto hubby's account which is all great til it comes on 1 bill which has none of my details - hopeless for tax.. mislead about data packages, bills $200 more than they shouldve been (basically staff instore told us different to the actual - and then i heard them repeat same to another customer next time i was in store!!!) told by 3/VODA customer service that i was wrong and that i needed to listen to them, spent countless hours on the phone to call centres on the other side of the world who cant seem to fix anything.. finally got credited for the mishap, but they STILL couldnt get my details right.. been ok for about a month, now it seems that my house has no reception despite my phone saying full reception.. I refuse to call the call centre as the last 2 times i called i was informed by "LARA" that there was a 40 minute wait and guess what...? the line dropped out.. had been with voda in the past then optus then 3, went back to voda thinking they were the best of the bunch.. Hmpfff and the funny thing? I only commenced my contract at the end of August!! They dont seem to think its funny when i tell them that i am disconnecting my payments because they havent kept their deal... TELCO Ombudsman here we come!!! just waiting for another written response from them to add to the collection!!

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4360 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is criminal at 27 Dec 2010 05:55:20 PM
I used rave about VF to friends and get them to join, now I am going to make sure I tell everyone I can to stay away from them & hopefully lose them alot more than the $20K I have spent with them over the years (it is easier now I will just direct them to this website)
I have been suffering with this for over 6 months and thought I was alone and have spent many hours to the 1555 and at one stage I was even told I was making it up about the service
The worst was 3 days without service in my home (that i have lived in for 6 years) on 2 seperate phones until after 12 people (on a public phone) someone told me to turn off 3G
I can have full bars on the phone but can not ring out and calls get directed to voicemail but if the message does not come through for days you have no idea you even missed a call
If you use VF as your outgoing mail server (I would not recommend this) a few monnths back for over 3 weeks the server was down so if you sent an email it went into your sent folder you did not get not get a bounce back BUT NO ONE GOT YOUR EMAIL and VF did not tell anyone
Will do another post with some tips to get out of contract as I did
27 Dec 2010 05:56:43 PM: Good on ya mate - from fed up too

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4355 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is completely hopeless at 27 Dec 2010 05:54:54 PM
intermittent service consistantly, not what I'm paying for. Everytime i ring up vodafone its always another problem and they're working on it !! It's been going on for a year now. (they're still working on it I presume!) Why should anyone pay for a service that doesn't exist ! I'm completely pissed off.. Seems like big companies can do more and more cons and can sell crap and get away with it. Lets go .. POWER TO THE PEOPLE !

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4350 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is completely hopeless at 27 Dec 2010 05:54:18 PM
intermittent service consistantly, not what I'm paying for. Everytime i ring up vodafone its always another problem and they're working on it !! It's been going on for a year now. (they're still working on it I presume!) Why should anyone pay for a service that doesn't exist ! I'm completely pissed off.. Seems like big companies can do more and more cons and can sell crap and get away with it. Lets go .. POWER TO THE PEOPLE !

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4347 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Drop out at 27 Dec 2010 05:54:02 PM
My phone drops out from Manly to Palm beach, Tasmania and just does not work over the Blue Moutains will be changing to Telstra when contract expires.

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4345 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Shocking! at 27 Dec 2010 05:53:46 PM
Calls drop out, often can't even get thru to people - need to keep redialing several times until eventually getting thru. Mobile data is SO SLOW often can't even access Facebook or LinkedIn!!!!
Not mention the delay in receiving voicemail and sms'
Not sure why I went on the $65 Infinite - it's only Infinite trouble!!!!!

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4342 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:53:28 PM
intermittent service consistantly, not what I'm paying for. Everytime i ring up vodafone its always another problem and they're working on it !! It's been going on for a year now. (they're still working on it I presume!) Why should anyone pay for a service that doesn't exist ! I'm completely pissed off.. Seems like big companies can do more and more cons and can sell crap and get away with it. Lets go .. POWER TO THE PEOPLE !

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4336 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodacrap TOTAL failure at 27 Dec 2010 05:53:04 PM
Vodacrap ripped me off - what more do I need to say? Promised a service they can't deliver. They cost me lot more than money too, they cost me a job. Dishonesty is the standard business paradigm for Australia but Vodacrap have taken dishonesty to a whole new level. We are lucky Vodacrap don't own a bank.

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4335 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Complete at 27 Dec 2010 05:53:00 PM
I have been on a Vodafone plan now for 10 months and it has been the 10 longest months of my life!!! Can't wait for my two years so I can change providers and NEVER USE VODAFONE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

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4332 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fairly at 27 Dec 2010 05:52:45 PM
Something totally fail about this website I felt I should draw attention on is the amount of complaints about poor battery life. Vodafone doesn't make a single handset. The handsets are pretty much the same wherever you go. If you've got a problem with the battery life, complain to the handset manufacturers not to the telco's you brainless douches.

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4331 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is completely hopeless at 27 Dec 2010 05:52:44 PM
intermittent service consistantly, not what I'm paying for. Everytime i ring up vodafone its always another problem and they're working on it !! It's been going on for a year now. (they're still working on it I presume!) Why should anyone pay for a service that doesn't exist ! I'm completely pissed off.. Seems like big companies can do more and more cons and can sell crap and get away with it. Lets go .. POWER TO THE PEOPLE !

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4330 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is completely hopeless at 27 Dec 2010 05:52:17 PM
intermittent service consistantly, not what I'm paying for. Everytime i ring up vodafone its always another problem and they're working on it !! It's been going on for a year now. (they're still working on it I presume!) Why should anyone pay for a service that doesn't exist ! I'm completely pissed off.. Seems like big companies can do more and more cons and can sell crap and get away with it. Lets go .. POWER TO THE PEOPLE !

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4327 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:51:54 PM
I have no reception in my house which is 15 mins from the Sydney CBD. My boyfriend who is with three gets full reception and yet I thought vodafone and three had merged, so why don't they share the same service?? One day into my new contract I tried to change phones because the battery didn't last 24 hours, and I need it for on call duties. Vodafone told me I would have to return the phone 3 times in 28 days before they would let me change to a different phone...what a joke!

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4316 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:51:02 PM
i have been with vodafone for about 4 years. At first it was ok, but everytime I made a call, after 5 minites it would just drop off. This would happen with every phone call and all through thr duration of the call.....very very frustrating. Then they go change the cap values on how you use them. Gee dont ask the customer what suits their needs .Reception is up to shit. The customer service section is bloody hopeless. Thats why I have now switched to telstra, now drop out of calls and better coverage.....try and compete with that vodafone.....bet you cant

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4315 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is completly hopeless at 27 Dec 2010 05:50:58 PM
intermittent service consistantly, not what I'm paying for. Everytime i ring up vodafone its always another problem and they're working on it !! It's been going on for a year now. (they're still working on it I presume!) Why should anyone pay for a service that doesn't exist ! I'm completely pissed off.. Seems like big companies can do more and more cons and can sell crap and get away with it. Lets go .. POWER TO THE PEOPLE !

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4313 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 05:50:45 PM
Vodafone Drops out going from Manly to Palm Beach! all over NSW and Tasmania I am sick of it and will change to Telstra

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4309 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic at 27 Dec 2010 05:49:58 PM
I am 8 1/2 months into a 24months contact with vodafone to a iPhone.
I love my phone and as I am on one of the most expensive plans to buy it out would cost me a small fortune I am sure...
My reception drops out all the time and it isnt always when i am in unusally places.(e.g when i went for a weekend away in windsor i had to reception the whole time.... which is some what understandable.)
But when i am simply lying on my bed or have my phone at my desk, places where i can get 100% coverage on the "good days".
at first i was exteremly unhappy with the iPhone thinking it was something to do with the smart phone with limited coverage...

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