26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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8075 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 29 Dec 2010 08:18:52 AM
I cannot get reception in my house

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8074 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic at 29 Dec 2010 08:18:33 AM
I don't have a doorbell, and rely on my phone for any visitors to let me know they are here.
Often I get messages up to hours after someone has sent them, or they call and it says my phone is switched off or unavailable.
No, it's sitting on the desk showing full battery, and decent vodafone coverage. Yet calls still never come through. Most of my friends know that my mobile is completely unreliable now. It's back to rocks on the window to let me know they are here!

When I'm on the phone the calls drop out, sometimes every few minutes. Annoying!

I've tried calling the Vodafone help line and emailing, but no response, or I get the shits with an hour or two of "Hang on in there, we'll be with you real soon"

I've been a long term customer of Vodafone but it really has degraded badly in the past 12 months to the point where our whole family is thinking of making a switch.

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8072 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is poor at 29 Dec 2010 08:17:25 AM
Poor to zero reception, when sitting next to a Telstra customer who has 3-5 bars on their phone. SMS messages that have taken up to two WEEKS to finally arrive!. Impossibly long waits for a response to a help call. I dont have time to waste waiting for Vodafone to respond! Am waiting out my contract, then will walk to another carrier, never to return.

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8071 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Terrible Coverage at 29 Dec 2010 08:17:17 AM
I live in a northern beaches suburb of Cairns. My coverage is next to useless. I have to walk around the house to find a signal and then it will drop out. I recently drove right across Australia from Adelaide to Cairns and found that coverage was useless in most places unless you were right in the centre of a major town like Alice Springs, otherwise forget it. I travel with a prepaid Telstra backup phone just in case. I don't even bother now to take my phone with me when I travel in regional areas and I pay a lot for an unlimited iPhone plan. I feel ripped off. I have complained to Vodafone about coverage and they gave me the same spin...we have coverage in 99.53% of Australia. That is an outright lie - they are not accepting the reality that their coverage is next to useless anywhere you go in Australia. When I see Cairns people signing up in Vodafone shops I feel like running in there and warning them "DON'T SIGN UP... ALL YOU GET IS PAIN!"

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8069 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is excelling at failing at 29 Dec 2010 08:15:38 AM
I switched from 3 to get better coverage as promised by Crazy John's staff and the coverage is actually worse, I loose reception between Carrum Downs and Keysborough, had no reception at all in Ventnor Philip Island on Monday 27.12.10, some reception in parts of Cowes, always had 3 reception on the island. Disappointed, regret changing providers. KaD

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8066 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Everything at 29 Dec 2010 08:13:40 AM
A friend of mine sent me a text on the 24th and I received it last night at 11:00pm almost 5 days after the text. The 3G coverage on this network is woeful. I can hardly get onto the app store on my iphone and to even search google takes forever (if it connects to the internet at all). I switched from Virgin at the end of my contract for my previous iPhone as vodafone were more competitive. I realised from the day I switched what a mistake it was. It's the worst reception ever.

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8065 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Coverage at 29 Dec 2010 08:13:36 AM
How come I'm the only person on the train who can't use her phone when everyone around me is using theirs?

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8062 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is fail at 29 Dec 2010 08:09:40 AM
It's common knowelege that the iphone has receptioni issues. So you shouldn't have selected that phone. However I reacon vodafone shouldn't be selling a phone with known reception issues anyway. It's just to please the isheep i suppose.

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8060 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no fail at 29 Dec 2010 08:08:15 AM
i am in no mess...been with VODAFONE....not VODAFAIL/VODAPHONE!!! for 14 years and still am....and have had no problems....have the HTC desire, is a fast processing phone with of course the back up of the network. Honestly, i think it is hideous and people try and whinge about everything. Yes they are in India, However ever time i have spoken with them about an issue/enquiry they respond well and on time. Yes they make you wait, but how many of you are calling cause you actually have a fault or just wanting to be a sheep and join the rest of the clan....

Watching you on today tonight made me laugh. Yes you were on hold for a long time but honestly... did you not know how to put the phone on loud speaker and actually do something constructive with your life then sit on your ass making a website about a company that is updating towers to benefit everyone.

They have 332 million people over the world for customers....GO TO TELSTRA AND PAY $60 FOR 1GB for your internet and stop complaining....
Vodafone has the money to back them up....HOPE YOU DO!!!


29 Dec 2010 11:17:18 AM: A bunch of personal issues here that can't be resolved on this forum. The reality is that Vodafone's network doesn't work.( for me and it appears many thousands of Australians). We paid for it to perform as advertised, not deal with their excuses. Not interested in what they are 'gunnado" to improve network. They have failed to meet their contract with me. Want my money back and will move on to another provider.
29 Dec 2010 01:40:16 PM: if you went to the tio you would solve the issue calmly and civilised....not cause such a statement when they are down at the moment.

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8057 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 29 Dec 2010 08:05:47 AM
Myself and my partner are both on the Vodaphone network, my partner has Cancer and many times we have not be able to receive or make calls. We have had a friend drive over as he thought something was wrong. It was we were not receiving calls.
29 Dec 2010 08:23:12 AM: Same position as me, I share your pain on both fronts. I hope everything works out for you and your partner. Best wishes, David Clifford
29 Dec 2010 08:48:27 AM: Thank you David hope everything in 2011 goes well for your and your partner including having a working mobile for an emergency. Best wishes Gary

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8056 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extremely at 29 Dec 2010 08:04:33 AM
I pay the highest cap per month and get nothing back. Where I live and where I work (two separate places on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland) both have no reception. There is no point me owning an iPhone when I cant even use it due to the lack of reception. Vodafone also lack any decent service whatsoever and you can never talk to anyone when calling for any type of service. As soon as my contract is complete, I'm going straight to Telstra!!!


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8055 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is coverage ?? what coverage !!! at 29 Dec 2010 08:03:52 AM
I have been with Vodafone since obtaining my first mobile phone (nearly 20 years ago ! ouch!). Upon relocating to BRISBANE 10 years ago - yes the QLD capital where you would think we would have coverage - I have none & I'm located within 10kms of the CBD.
I have asked several staff at Vodafone why the issue in this area and the latest staff member asked "what type of roof do I have" !!!! Apparently the type of roof I have affects the coverage in my house. Not sure why that would then affect the service OUTSIDE the house !!
I would love to upgrade my phone to an iphone but can't really see the point when we don't get coverage.
I've had numerous other issues during my time with Vodafone - don't get me started...

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8050 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Total fail! at 29 Dec 2010 07:59:53 AM
I live in rural NSW, Port Macquarie. To get any sort of reception from my vodafone I have to walk upstairs and out onto the street,even in rain! We don't even receive calls or messages in our house! My family all went on vodafone so our children in Sydney could contact us and we them. The calls drop out continually and frequently we can't connect with each other. There have been several occasions when my children just couldn't contact us in an emergency. It is a total failure.

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8038 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is epic fail. at 29 Dec 2010 07:47:50 AM
Well, i was with Three Mobile (yes I know theyre affiliated)i was living in the Salisbury area (5018) and I had coverage issues. They suggested I change to Vodafone for better coverage & it showed me on a online map that I would have full coverage in that area so i signed up to a 24 month plan. I found that the coverage was NO better (if not worse) and whenever I try to contact their customer centre for ANY enquiries im on hold for at least 40 minutes!!!!! they tell me this is because of the high demand for the iPhone... pfft what a load. The technicians & service agents I speak to are soo novice and the people in the actual stores are no better. I wish I had stayed with three, theyre cheaper, easier to get in contact with & much more customer focused. I was with them for 4 years before I changed & iv regretted it ever since :(

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8037 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 29 Dec 2010 07:46:31 AM
Their primary DNS server hasn't worked for months, now use Googles, I have problems connecting to their network, Web pages time out, frequent disconnections. All of above especially bad over Christmas.

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8036 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Coverage at 29 Dec 2010 07:45:30 AM

I live 10 minutes from the the centre of Cairns. Yet everytime I make or take a call at home, (ground flr unit block)I have to race outside trying not to break my neck at the same time and stand outside usually in my underwear to speak to anyone. I'm sure all near by tenants and the caravan park behind us all the inner workings of my day 2 day business. It also rains a lot in Cairns so I find myself cursing Vodaphone on a daily basis. If I didn't just print a 1000 business cards I would ditch Vodaphone at the first opportunity, I'm seriously considering throwing the business cards in the bin!
29 Dec 2010 09:49:39 AM: You can port the phone to another service provider and keep the number. Then you wouldnt have to worry about the business card cost, you could still use them. Ask any other service provider and they can give you the details.

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8035 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 100% at 29 Dec 2010 07:43:34 AM
this is shit. cant even get reception in my house. have to go outside to get like 2 bars just to send a message. i live in morwell victoria 3840. fix it

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8034 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is SEARCHING at 29 Dec 2010 07:43:02 AM
That's all my phone seems to do. When I signed up they told me they had total coverage in my area. When I complained they told me to switch off 3G and then I could make phone calls. When I said that didn't work they said I should just call them and they would talk me through it. How could I call with no signal? Duh!

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8033 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is terrible!!! at 29 Dec 2010 07:40:50 AM
I constantly have drop outs in my house (which apparently is surrounded by Vodafone towers) and am lucky to have reception anywhere outside the Melbourne CBD. When i am able to access their 3G network it still runs extremely slow.

Absolute joke!!

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8032 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EXTREMELY at 29 Dec 2010 07:39:01 AM
Constant drop-outs, redials, barely hearing the other caller, messing with my business. Its embarrasing when potential employees are calling for jobs and I can not even hear them speaking. Extra costs on my bill due to the reception and reCalling people. Half the time the areas I am in have no service at all and i am in the Sydney Metro Area. I am locked into contract so they have me stuck!!!!! HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE

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8030 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Richeous Fail at 29 Dec 2010 07:31:08 AM
Signed to Vodafone because they had exclusive on phone, but
1. Get hardly any service,
2. Calls drop,
3. Sms take hours to go through, (and come back)
4. Calls to 1555 are 3 hours long, go around and around being transferred from one department to another, and are an exercise in futility.

Vodafone has setup their entire operation as a stooge to deny problems and annoy customers with wild goose chases "you need a new sim", "you need a repair on your handset", we will do a coverage/network check" all for the sake of delaying the inevitable, and in the meantime for inconveniencing the customer who not only has to put with crap network, crap service and lies, now has to jump through paper hoops merely to entertain the Vodafail torture machine.

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8029 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is NO SERVICE at 29 Dec 2010 07:29:42 AM
That seems to be the only signal I ever get on my phone. When I am lucky I will have 1 bar, however if I move less than a metre from the kitchen table to the kitchen bench, it drops out, starts searching and you guessed it NO SERVICE comes up yet again. I've also had enough of the poor customer service, if I'm able to get through. I recently moved to a rural property where having phone reception is essential so I enquired into how I could get out of my contract. I was told I'd need to stay in my contract and to go to the next suburb to get reception and make my calls. The next suburb? I'm on a rural property, there is no next suburb, the next town in 30 minutes away and I'm not driving 30 minutes to make a phone call. I just pray that we never face an emergency, Vodafone won't be there to help.

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8028 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Big Con at 29 Dec 2010 07:24:46 AM
I live in Youngtown a suburb of Launceston the second largest city in the state and regularly coverage for my I-Phone drops out. All my other services are with Telstra (broadband, wife's mobile, landline & fax) and I wished I hadn't signed up to Vodafone for a two year contract in Jan'10. Definitely will not be re-newing at contract end. Reception in CBD Melbourne & Sydney is fantastic but as soon as you go regional areas the signal is crap & prone to disappear. I was conned on the quality of the reception in an around Launceston when I signed up. I can be within 2km of Launceston CBD and have no signal. About a month after I signed up their customer service rang me to get feedback & I gave them a blast. The caller immediately implemented a $10 monthly credit to my account. Surely this is an admission of problems on their end. The constant delays (sometimes days) in receiving SMS & Voicemail is a shocking state of affairs as the mobile is my main point of contact for communication with my clients. If I could get out my contract now without being penalised I would do so it in a flash.

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8023 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is EXTREMELY FAILED at 29 Dec 2010 07:20:09 AM
I have been a Vodafone user for over 10 years, when we moved to another area I found that they did not cover this area, I rang them so many times to ask why I could not get coverage in my area, I was giving so many reasons as to why I could not get coverage, also I found the operators to be very rude and even some of them hung the phone up on me. The last call I made to Vodafone to asked when they were going to give phone coverage in my area, the operator then asked me why I was not using my mobile to contact them (I laughed at this statement) and informed the operator that I had no coverage to be able to ring them or anybody else, after being transferred to so many different operators and then they hung up and the call was disconnected. I just gave up, a few days later we were in an area that had coverage I tried to use my mobile and to my shock I found that Vodafone had disconnected my phone completely. I rang them from a landline and asked why my mobile had been disconnected and the operator informed me that I had asked for cancellation of my service, I informed the operator that I had not asked for any such thing and to connect my service immediately, it then took Vodafone several days to reconnect my service back.

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8022 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is fail whale at 29 Dec 2010 07:19:06 AM
sms messages comimg through hours and even days later
calls dropping out constantly.
full reception but can not make or receive calls
i live in the cbd and constantly have times of no reception.

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8021 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Within Standard at 29 Dec 2010 07:18:33 AM
it is true that any mobile network provider faces coverage and reception issues with 1% -2% of customers being affected at any given time.

29 Dec 2010 07:22:19 AM: What percentage of there customer base is here? Does anyone know how many customers there are?
29 Dec 2010 07:31:21 AM: The Voda Social Networking teams will be very busy online over the next few weeks won't they! - and a site to vent pain, frustration and anger over continual poor service seems a great idea - you gotta love people power! (gotta feel a little for the the Voda customer service employees at this time of year, poor things, it's not their fault, it's their bosses, remember that - vent on!

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8020 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Big fail at 29 Dec 2010 07:18:23 AM
After 6 years just unfortunantly resigned on 24 month iphone 4 contract my phone delsys msgs for days, my safari never works i live on sunshine coast n meant ti have full service coverage n half the time my phone drops out n freezes, my battery dies constantly my cap bills are always over and i think it is a disgrace to be charged for their faults.

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8019 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic fail at 29 Dec 2010 07:17:19 AM
I am stuck for another year in a contract, with no reception in most places in my town, reception goes from full bars to no bars at the same time, I get error messages everytime I try to call or text, my messages sent or received come days later, my voicemail also comes days later, example my friend asked me out to tea I got the message 3 days later, when i have broken down i have had to walk kms to get reception to call nrma only to be cut out in that reception spot 3 or 4 times therefore costing me more having to go through the whole process everytime, I have tried calling many times to complain only to speak to someone with poor english who i cant understand and reception will cut out so i give up, I am waiting for my contract to finish then i will be taking my buisness elsewhere. Not happy at all :(

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8016 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Fail at 29 Dec 2010 07:14:18 AM
Ive come from NZ and live in QLD Australia now, but when i was in NZ the vodafone service wasnt that great, call dropping, service was useless and they said the 3G network was lightening fast internet, well it was prob fast comparing it to dial up internet.
I thought after moving to Australia the vodafone service would be much better but it is same here, its very frustrating having calls dropped, and when you surf the net on the 3G network it is so slow you cant do much, i was told when i signed up my contract on vodafone here in Aussie that it was a better service to NZ, well i cant see any change. Feel ripped off because im stuck on my plan for another year. So yeah vodafone is a BIG FAIL to me.

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8012 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 29 Dec 2010 07:11:57 AM
No Reception and when I do have reception no one can still call me. Calls drop out every 2 min and delyed sms. Very bad service when you call vodafone.

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8011 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is failing to live up to its brand's promise at 29 Dec 2010 07:10:26 AM

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8010 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 29 Dec 2010 07:09:08 AM
Assumption after assumption, you people need to get your facts straight before you just start making claims of what your problem is and why!

No 3 and Voda aren't using the same network it's not as simple as just flicking a switch, if you are having 3 problems then it has nothing to do with the voda problems

Yes transact use vodafone, but that doesn't mean that vodafone dictate your billing, if your having transact billing problems, speak to transact, you dont go to telstra if you are having optus problem just cause they lease their lines.

No you cant just leave your contracts, even if its not working, no matter how long it takes, you have to speak to customer care, says Graeme Samuels Chairman of the ACCC (WA today 17th dec 2010)

The Australian Approved Standard for the failure rate of electronic products and services is 3%-5%, what is represented here is about 0.25% of there customer base.

29 Dec 2010 07:36:52 AM: You can't leave your contract. But if hundreds and thousands stopped making payments, I wonder what Vodafone would do about that.
29 Dec 2010 07:42:30 AM: you'll wreck your credit file, and Vodafone won't have done anything wrong, a contract is a contract! you still need to follow the ACCC recommendations no matter how shit it seems!
29 Dec 2010 08:29:36 AM: .........."what is represented here is about 0.25 percent of there [sic] customer base"..............but that representation is growing all the time...........

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8009 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 29 Dec 2010 07:07:45 AM
I have 3 services with Vodafail. All 3 suffer delayed retrieval of sms, patchy reception depending where you are travelling and un-reliable internet/data access.
I also had to chase Vodafone to actually obtain my cap bonuses that should have been applied upon the activation of te account. I am still chasing my bonus credit from the purchase of an eligible Android phone that should have been given to me on my 3rd bill. I am now approaching my 5th bill with no credit bonus.
Being placed on hold for up to 50 minutes at a time to talk to a service consultant and then to be passed on from one department to another.
Not good enough.

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8008 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Rip Off at 29 Dec 2010 07:06:51 AM
I have issues weekly with not receiving reception for 5 - 10 minutes. It isn't as though i am in an isolated area either, normally i am in the middle of the city or simply at home. Also I regularly send text messages which go through to the receipent 6 times!!! All of which i get charged for.

I attempted to contact the complaints department but after 60 minutes on hold i gave up and sent an email. I received a reply saying "Please contact us" GGGGRRR So i then rang the head office and when asked to speak to the complaints department i was told "Oh sorry we don't have one" What the?!?!?!

Vodafone = fail

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8007 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is mega fail at 29 Dec 2010 07:05:12 AM
constant reception loss even when outdoors. the fact that on some bills, i get charged for numbers i dont call, and the free calls get charged also..!! i cant wait for my contract to end, im going elsewhere, ive been with vodafone for over 10 years, and its just getting worse..

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8006 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Vodafone Blackberry Storm at 29 Dec 2010 07:04:56 AM
I think that says it all....absolutely worst Blackberry ever exclusive to Vodafone and the crap reception makes it worthless. Will be taking my business elsewhere, thank god my contract ends in 3 wks!

Epic fail.

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8004 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is love it at 29 Dec 2010 07:02:35 AM
To dear vodaphone if you were talking to someone on the phone and your phone constantly drops out after 1 minute on a number of occasions what would you do? Your friends had something very important to tell you but you got there message a few days later and even there voice mail ? Don't receive text messages when the person next to you sends you one ? Your phone has full service but goes strait to voice mail ? Yes the settings are all correct. Ring the customer service line and wait for a rediculas amount of time and not being racist have not much knowledge that people do work and can't go to the apple store to get phone checked I don't see what for but anyway problem not solved as you can cleary see it's a network problem not the phone, anyway vodaphone how would you deal with all this ? How would you feel? What would you do ? Do you feel as though your not a satisfied paying customer that signed a contract your following but the other party is not providing to the satisfaction of the customer ? Isn't the customer always right ? Just wondering vodaphone how would you feel regards to all this? This is just my inquiry and I can see and read the rest of complaints I beleave somewhere in your customer service policy you have a duty of care please voda could you answer me on how you have done this ? Thanks for your time vodaphone as you have wasted allot of mine

29 Dec 2010 07:06:14 AM: They would transfer you to the call centre in India make you wait for 1 hr if your lucky, Make you wait another 30 mins to talk to a supervisor, wont let you cancell as its your fault and blame you, Leave the ball in your court and make you waste your time contacting the TIO and when you do you Tassie voda will ring you saying bla bla bla when you just want to cancell your contract that is so good VODA they ask me why I want to cancell maybe casue I love the sevice so much FOOLS
29 Dec 2010 07:08:48 AM: Sounds awesome might renew my contract
29 Dec 2010 07:12:40 AM: Hey Vodaphne ring up iinet maybe you can learn from them about customer service can you beleave iinet ring you back within 1 minute and actually solve your promblems WOW amazing and no I dont work for them VODAPHONE maybe you can learn something, I bet the manager of Vodaphone dont care and dont want to here all this as its all about money money money and how much company can save when actually when you look at the picture its our loss not theres they have made profit all they have to do is shut down the net work and open a new one and do it all over again we will never win

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8003 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is is the best at 29 Dec 2010 07:02:11 AM
To dear vodaphone if you were talking to someone on the phone and your phone constantly drops out after 1 minute on a number of occasions what would you do? Your friends had something very important to tell you but you got there message a few days later and even there voice mail ? Don't receive text messages when the person next to you sends you one ? Your phone has full service but goes strait to voice mail ? Yes the settings are all correct. Ring the customer service line and wait for a rediculas amount of time and not being racist have not much knowledge that people do work and can't go to the apple store to get phone checked I don't see what for but anyway problem not solved as you can cleary see it's a network problem not the phone, anyway vodaphone how would you deal with all this ? How would you feel? What would you do ? Do you feel as though your not a satisfied paying customer that signed a contract your following but the other party is not providing to the satisfaction of the customer ? Isn't the customer always right ? Just wondering vodaphone how would you feel regards to all this? This is just my inquiry and I can see and read the rest of complaints I beleave somewhere in your customer service policy you have a duty of care please voda could you answer me on how you have done this ? Thanks for your time vodaphone as you have wasted allot of mine

29 Dec 2010 07:07:50 AM: They wont answer this Question as there not with vodaphone them selves

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8002 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 29 Dec 2010 07:02:06 AM

Many people are leaving or have left Vodafone already.

Strange thing is, with call volumes down, the network still doesn't work.

I also wouldn't put it past Vodafone that their plan was to actually get some of their customers to leave so as to be able to better service the remainder. Vodafone would still win due to break fees.

But I don't think they counted on all this publicity.
Oh, to be a fly on the wall of the Vodafone CFO's office. With all these people leaving, the network upgrade will cease to generate a viable return on investment. Contingency should then kick in leading to a cancellation of network upgrades. This will leave everyone in the same mess.

Perhaps Vodafone is on the way to a spectacular public failure?

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8001 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Shocking service! at 29 Dec 2010 07:01:13 AM
I live in South Qld and at 11 pm last night (28th Dec) received a text and photo that was sent from Townsville at around lunchtime on 24th Dec. A few hours earlier I had received one that was sent from Melbourne on Christmas Day (25th) at about 10.00 am. I have been with Vodafone for many years and signed up for a further 2 years as we were travelling after I was told that their coverage would see that we were contactable in all but a VERY small area of our route. We subsequently discovered that we had no service in a wide area of north western Victoria and over the border into NSW. We could not even get service in many areas up the east coast of Queensland where we were told we'd be fully covered. We had to locate public telephones to let our family know where we were so that they would know we were safe.

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7999 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Terrible at 29 Dec 2010 07:00:49 AM
I stay at my parents house at Bribie and can never get reception unless I try and walk outside to find some reception. Very frustrating when you are on a call to a client for work.

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7998 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is its the best at 29 Dec 2010 06:59:50 AM
To dear vodaphone if you were talking to someone on the phone and your phone constantly drops out after 1 minute on a number of occasions what would you do? Your friends had something very important to tell you but you got there message a few days later and even there voice mail ? Don't receive text messages when the person next to you sends you one ? Your phone has full service but goes strait to voice mail ? Yes the settings are all correct. Ring the customer service line and wait for a rediculas amount of time and not being racist have not much knowledge that people do work and can't go to the apple store to get phone checked I don't see what for but anyway problem not solved as you can cleary see it's a network problem not the phone, anyway vodaphone how would you deal with all this ? How would you feel? What would you do ? Do you feel as though your not a satisfied paying customer that signed a contract your following but the other party is not providing to the satisfaction of the customer ? Isn't the customer always right ? Just wondering vodaphone how would you feel regards to all this? This is just my inquiry and I can see and read the rest of complaints I beleave somewhere in your customer service policy you have a duty of care please voda could you answer me on how you have done this ? Thanks for your time vodaphone as you have wasted allot of mine

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7997 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No Reception! at 29 Dec 2010 06:59:15 AM
No reception where I am despite being told that coverage in my area was fine. Ripped off, every time you ask you get told..."they've just done some work on the towers...give it a couple of days and it should be right again".


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7995 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is mislead. at 29 Dec 2010 06:53:39 AM
Purchased a Vodaphone $65 plan and $15 phone plan on 24/12/10. I was not made aware of any of the network problems Vodaphone are having, and I feel I have been misled by this non disclosure. It is now 29/12/10 and have already experienced failed reception in Jamberoo and Shellharbour. Is there a cooling off period that would allow me to cancel the plan with no firther costs. ?
I would be prepared to pay for the IP4.
29 Dec 2010 07:55:25 AM: NO STUPID!
29 Dec 2010 08:07:28 AM: It's a straightforward question that was asked and to have a complete idiot like you say "no stupid" really shows who is the STUPID one here!!!!
Bloody armchair experts - pissoff!
29 Dec 2010 10:08:58 AM: Interested in chatting to Vodafone customers in the Illawarra for a story in the Illawarra Mercury. If you'd like to help out, email Matt at mjones@illawarramercury.com.au. Thanks.

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7992 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Slow poor reception at 29 Dec 2010 06:51:16 AM
Very poor phone reception with continual drop outs, No internet access from home, and I am receiving text messages at 1am that were sent at 9.00pm.
As I live in a major city I would think coverage would not be a problem my husband has a Telstra phone and has no problems anyware in town.
They have not delivered on what I signed up for, I will not get sucked in and ripped off by this company again and neither will my family and freind's.

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7991 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no reception no data at 29 Dec 2010 06:49:23 AM
Upgrading to a new mobile I was convinced to sign up on a plan giving me $700 in calls plus 3gb data, great i thought more than enough. Well it may as well be $3 and 3kbs as I can rarely access the internet if I do it's slow, calls are forever dropping out and I receive text's 3 day's after they were sent. Not to mention the coverage which is poor, especially frustrating when someone standing next to you on another carrier has full coverage. All this and I live in the modern city of Sydney, I gave up trying to use my phone in regional NSW

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7988 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Late pxt, no coverage at MCG at 29 Dec 2010 06:45:40 AM
I have a new iPhone with vofafone which drops out alot and can't make calls, often people can't hear me on calls. Today I received a pxt at 530 am from 9 am on the 26th of december, not what I wanted to wake to. Safari hardly works and when it does it is slow.

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7987 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone useless service at 29 Dec 2010 06:43:58 AM
Sydney M5 tunnel does not work. I am all over different parts of Sydney everyday and I would drop out a least 30 times day not professional when clients are on the other side. I also have a 3 phone for personal it works very well. I know 3 and vodafone use different networks maybe they should use the 3 network as part of the same company.

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7983 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 99% at 29 Dec 2010 06:32:17 AM
I have a Pocketwifi device using the Vodaphone mobile Internet service.
Using the device in the northern suburbs of Sydney is almost totally incapable of accessing the Internet. This morning I spent 90 minutes attempting to send an email and access thiss website to vent my anger. I gave up and connected to the internet with my girlfriend's mobile Internet which is provided by another telco.

My diagnosis showed that Internet access was not possible when the Pocketwifi connected to the 3G network, but a slow connection was possible when connecting to the "H" network. I spent 90 minutes recycling the power to the Pocketwifi, moving it around the house to a better location, watching it connect then disconnect, switch networks and so on, but was still unable to send my email.

I am now considering a request to cancel my account. The service is totally useless.

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7982 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 89 - 99% at 29 Dec 2010 06:31:56 AM
I live in Townsville, my fiancee (we are both with Vodafone unfortunately) is in Coolum Beach and I regularly work in Airlee Beach (all in Queensland).

The drop outs to getting 'no Service'in Townsville is frequent depending where in my building you are or what suburb you are in at the time.

Airlee Beach is a major 'No Service' area. In the hotel room no service, outside under a tin veranda-no service. Outside in the full sun 1 - 2 bars & then you turn around & the signal drops out.

Coolum Beach is a major drop out, no service area. At my fiancees house no service exept for a corner of the bedroom & i mean the corner (0.5 mtr square). When you stand at the back of the yard good signal. Walking around Coolum Beach it ranges from no service to good signal & back again.

I just feel i spend a lot of time and wasting lots of money trying to ring.

HOWEVER, my workphone is with Telstra 3G. It works in all areas. My fiancees son is with Telstra 3G and on many occasions i call him & get my fiancee to go to an area that has reception.

I have complained to Vodafone recently (last week) & also complained to TCO. Vodafone emailed a series of questions to which i have responded.

Vodafone are not providing the service that I am paying for. Vodafone are no honoring there contractual obligation to provide a reliable service.

I want to be able to 'opt out' and transfer to a provider that can provide a service that i can rely upon at no penalty.
If i break the contract i am penalised financially. I they breach the contract by not providing the service that the sold to me I have to put up with it..Why is this?

Pick your game up Vodafone..Allow me to go to a provider that can supply a good service.

My previous providers for my personal phone (Telstra & Virgin) i had no major issues. Vodafone is another story all together - there is no reliable service..

Thanks for allowing me to voice my pain.

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7981 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is OK at 29 Dec 2010 06:31:45 AM
My experience with Vodaphone is good. No carrier has full coverage, its all down to geography (and man-made structures). The frequencies used for mobile phone communication are high and only good for line-of-sight or near line-of-sight contact. Lower frequencies cannot be used with small devices, the antenna would be too big. If you move as you call (that is what you want to do) you may move to a dead spot (shielded by geography or buildings) and your call will drop out.
Batteries going flat is not a vodaphone fault, they do not make the phones or batteries. I have a vodaphone pre-paid service and a vodaphone pocket wifi modem, they work well.
There are only three mobile phone carriers in Australia, Vodaphone, Optus and Telstra, choose one with the coverage you need - if you can.
29 Dec 2010 06:35:09 AM: Thanks for the advice. I choose not to be with Vodafone because it has the worst coverage of all.
29 Dec 2010 08:41:06 AM: Why would you want to " move as you call" ?
No service should be as piss poor as this where you have to move a couple of feet to get a reception!!!
You're joking aren't you???
29 Dec 2010 10:41:50 AM: Telstra use a slow frequency, hence awesome reception where ever I am.! I'm so happy with telstra..!
29 Dec 2010 02:26:41 PM: Batteries go flat because the phone constantly keeps looking for a signal, therefore, it's Vodafone's fault. It's Vodafone's fault that they chose a frequency that costs less to set up.

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7980 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor Caverage at 29 Dec 2010 06:26:36 AM
When signing the contract Vodaphone promised very broad coverage outside Sydney. When this failed realize Vodapohone's off-shored call centre said "when coverage fails call us and we will check" (Dahhh!). They promised if it got no better we would be let out of the contract. After more than a year of complaining, instead of letting us out of the contract they dropped the rates from $30 to $20.
Never again thanks Vodaphone, at any price.

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7979 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is line cut out at 29 Dec 2010 06:26:34 AM
every time i use phone if i move slightly call drops out; the most i can talk for at a time is 2 minutes then i have to call person back - reception is poor; line cut out is continuous - i complained to a vodaphone customer representative at my local shop whom asked what area am i in? i replied "what has that got to do with it, fortunately i have a life and i don't just stay in the one area" he then advised maybe it is my sim card and did give me a new one - mind you i only had the phone for 2 weeks at this stage - anyway new sim card makes no difference at all - the only consulation that i give myself is that i have signed up to their infinite plan (unlimited calls) thank god, otherwise i would be in a real mess having to ring people back up to five times at least just to make a quick 5 minute call - prior to signing up with vodafone (carrier which i have never been with before) i was with optus - regret deeply signing over now - i should have waited a couple of weeks because optus have same deal with same phone that i purchased) but now i am locked into a 2 year contract - it is getting to the stage that my friends and family groan when i ring them as they know i will have to keep calling back constantly just to talk

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7976 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Awful at 29 Dec 2010 06:20:30 AM
Calls dropping out - some of our phones cant even receive calls for 5 or 6 attempts - shocking reception (especially if you go out of town)
The most efficient thing Vodafone have done is disconnect all my phones on a business fleet due to an overdue bill (only 10 days over) even though I have had a very good payment record for 3 years. No phone call to follow up why they just disconnected the phones. I'd love to jump ship but I'm stuck with them for another 12 months.

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7975 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 3g internet at 29 Dec 2010 06:16:52 AM
The 3g internet service through vodaphone is pathetic, it's so slow, i'd complain it's my iphone, but i see others on optus and telstra and it's quick to respond.

to be clear the internet connection is actually very quick. but it's very laggy.

*Browsing (internet)to a new site, which takes just 10 seconds on my computer can take close to a minute.

*Checking gmail via the email client is dreadfully slow.

*When a game is ad supported i'm sitting waiting forever, while the app struggles to download a non animated picture as an ad.

*Attempting to browse the app store. it take forever for a page to open. (really this is just the same as browsing the net.

the signal is usally quite poor too, but even with strong signal its slow.
infact i notice sometimes when i'm on the edge network rather than 3g, the pages load faster.


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7974 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is its called nodafone service at 29 Dec 2010 06:13:45 AM
i am costantly having problems with coverage as in phone showing full service but can not receive or make a call at all, have tried for 2 days to get to customer service , and result was they think there was a service problem and they should be working on it and to see how it goes in a couple of days (in other words she had no idea and i think she was speaking english just not very well at all , a complete waste of time) i called into a vodafone shop 3 times now and all they can say is they are having problems with there own phones and vodafone should be working on it. does vodafone even know that there is a problem as not one of the people i contacted bothered to look it ut or report it , just tell me they should be working on it, i have purchased a cheap telstra next g phone as a back up as i manage 2 bussineses and have to be contactable at all times as 1 is related to 24/7 air medical support.typical vodafone suck you into a plan then offer no service, maybe i should open my own phone service i do not need any service,equipment or even phones or coverage and still be as compedative as vodaphone is but just honest up front and tell you that you will not have any service but i should be working on it.

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7973 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is verry at 29 Dec 2010 06:13:24 AM
i go on holidays to mission bbeach every school holidays and i get no reception at all and it is difficult because i can"t talk to family friends and i am unable to re-charge my credit as i can not call costomer care!!

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7972 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is hit and miss at 29 Dec 2010 06:12:49 AM
had vodafone 3 g internet ...reception all over country was bad drop ots no service and vodafone adivse they are well aware we will not chrge you this month sir (when u finally get past Lara) and it will be fixed soon just hold on ...new iphone 4 through vodafone next to no reception in my work office after great reception on my nokia ...vodafone advise me that thats standard ..call drop outs on a regular daily basis ...covergae normally ok where i travel just a bit over having to ring some one 3-4 time to finish a conversation

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7970 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 29 Dec 2010 06:11:31 AM
Pretty much the same as everyone else...have been living in this area for 16 months. At first when I moved here, I could text and occasionally receive or make phone calls (depending where i was in the house).
Eventually as the months passed the signal got worse and now I have problems not only calling and receiving calls, but even texting and receiving texts.
I phoned vodafone regarding the problem however nothing could be done. A sales consultant from Vodafone phoned me to update my plan but got impatient when the signal kept dropping out!!!. In April of this year, fed up and disgruntled, I stopped paying my account, only to receive a creditors letter in October (so I've resumed my account payments again!)Again another Vodafone representative phoned me regarding this and had to call me back on my landline because of the poor signal!!!!!
This past 16 mths has been nothing short of absolute frustration. I have had a partner who has lived overseas and interstate and trying to stay in touch with her via my mobile has been, well, difficult to say the least. I had much better success in NZ with my mobile then I did with my own network provider!
I am very grateful for this site and wish the class action all the success in the world. I will be joining it!!!

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7968 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Dropped Calls, very poor reception at 29 Dec 2010 06:08:12 AM
I have had dropped calls daily since using Vodaphone for the past 3 years. I always thought it was the other person not me or a fluke for ages but now I see it isn't. In addition, I have noticed that where other friends have good reception, I have none. For example when I am at Melbourne Uni in one of the buildings everyone has reception with other networks like Telstra, yet I have none from the second I walk in the building. As soon as we leave the city, reception is adequate at best. Thank you for starting this website as I was just getting used to substandard service which is not acceptable!

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7966 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor Customer Service at 29 Dec 2010 06:05:59 AM
Vodafones biggest failing has been to close their Australian call centers and relocate them to Mumbai in India. The wait times are unbelievable, the customer service standard and knowledge of the people there is very very poor. Customers need to talk with someone they can understand and with someone who can actually work through to a solution, if there is one.
The Vodafone network in Australia has been undercapitalised from day one. They should spend more of the glitzy corporate advertising budget improving their network capacity, coverage and performance for their customers.
The bottom line is that I will never deal with Vodafone again.

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7961 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail is fail at 29 Dec 2010 05:59:11 AM
My pain is with 3 who I believe shares the same network with Vodafone, and from what I heard about Vodafone I can assure you that 3 has a failure customer service as well if not even worse. I feel with you all and good on you.

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7957 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No Singnal and dropping out and poor costomer servise at 29 Dec 2010 05:48:53 AM
My son and I were with Vodafone prepaid, we would get cut off when we could actually make a call and then when he moved to Drayton in Toowoomba he got no reception at all.When we would call vodafone the customer service was very bad,they didnt care about us at all. My son and I went to Optus,it wasnt much better and we are back to Telstra( not that Telstra customer service is good in any way at all either but at least we get coverage) A word of advice to AYONE...DONT BUT A VODAFONE,they all stuff up and if you take it back to the Vodafone shop they wont give a refund,this happedned to me and i had to fight them to get a refund on the dodgey phone that kept freezing up.

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7956 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is sucks at 29 Dec 2010 05:48:11 AM
Signed up in APR 2009 because i was shown a map that demonstrates coverage whilst I am at work. Was told if I didn't get coverage to ring Vodafone and they will cancel contract. A week later I was on the phone to customer service. I was transferred between 5 different people all of which had English as their second language. The first lady said, I have coverage as the map says so. I said I was calling on a landline as right now my mobile has no service. To which I was told that is impossible. I got put onto the next lady who said service would improve. To which I replied I was told if it doesn't work now, I can cancel and get a refund. I got sent to another lady who was supposed to do the refund who told me the map shows coverage so "no refund" when I complained that I had already been through this with another support person she then forwarded me finally to someone who would cancel my contract but she didn't know how to, so I was put through to someone finally who did know only to be told their computer system was down and to ring back later. I said when will it be up, she said to ring in a few days time. 2.5 hours of my life wasted. Suffice to say I didn't want to go through the pain of ringing customer service again so I stayed on the contract. Dropouts, delayed texts, no coverage, people trying to ring me and unable to get through.Voicemail fail, 3G internet is useless, so much for Google Maps.. the otherday I had to goto a place i have never been in ipswich and the vodafone dropped out on google maps and I was lost for 40 minutes, Ive had it all and enough.. I should of stayed with telstra and will be going back as soon as i can

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7955 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Thank you for giving us an opportunity at 29 Dec 2010 05:48:03 AM
We suffered for over a year. We couldn't call each other due to poor reception at home or even out in street. We received texts after several hours. We never knew if texts we sent reached destinations. We suffered because we are trapped in 24 month contracts.

Must be due to this site that for the first time in over a year, we have 4 bar signal inside home. Thanks to you for your efforts.

Blaming phone attendants and company employees is unfair. They are paid to follow instructions and script. Problem is with the company itself and its attitude towards customers. This company has too many customers, too many, so many that they do not care for unsatisfied customers. This is my personal opinion.

Thank you for giving us a voice. God bless you.

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7954 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No reception at home at 29 Dec 2010 05:38:07 AM
I am missing calls, calls dropping out, voicemails arriving days after they are sent

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7952 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is fail at 29 Dec 2010 05:35:07 AM
My partner and i both vodafone and it like we live in a black hole so we thought! they told us it was our handsets we said no we have tried new handsets, they then said it was our sim cards so we got new iphone's which came with micro sim. after getting up them via email telling them we just just signed up for two more years for a service that didnt work we got a reply saying we needed to change settings on phone from a 3G Service back to 2G. While this worked to a degree.... we now have reception and can receive calls but any data download is a total joke. we live in sydney so there one should be no excuse for the poor coverage and two so pist i now have two more years with a carrier that is unsatisfactory!!!!

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7951 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Extremely at 29 Dec 2010 05:30:05 AM
My address is in Crittenden Road, Andrews Farm, SA 5114, We are supposed to have standard coverage for all services it shows green on the coverage map. I continually have nil signal and so does my partner. We have both had to remove batteries several time on Blackberry 9700 and it seems to resolve the issues for a short time. We chose to obtain a Vodafone broadband USB device as a back up if our land line ADSL is down and the signal with that device is substandard. Interesting that we were with 3 and never experienced an issues with mobile broadband signal and or mobile signal.

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7950 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is terrible at 29 Dec 2010 05:29:25 AM
I was in eugowra last friday and had no reception at all. And when I try to ring vodaphone I wait at least 30 minutes

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7949 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is useless at 29 Dec 2010 05:25:03 AM
I was sold a mobile phone and plan that would give me access to mobile facilities in Bali. At the time of the sale there was no connection facilities for Vodaphone in Bali. They knew it and still vouched me of their network facilties. I was naive and believed their sales talk. When I returned to Australia and complained, I was passed from one sales person to another and fobbed off. Will never deal with Vodaphone again.

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7948 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Bad at 29 Dec 2010 05:21:11 AM
I have been with Vodafone for tw plus tears. In the last 6 months I have noticed the call reception
Strength to be BAD and it takes 2 days to receive a mms/ picture text. This is while I'm in Brisbane it shouldn't be like this
29 Dec 2010 06:06:29 AM: I share this pain with you, I am in the same situation. the mms messages is not going no where???? please explain Vodafone? I thought my phone is not working properly, now I know what is the problem. I want to be compensated by missing call, dropping calls and messages arriving few days late. Appauling service.

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7947 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 29 Dec 2010 05:20:37 AM
No reception , I have lived in 3 different area, and all the areas are the same, NO RECEPTION. I received no help from VODAFONE at all...

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7946 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Poor Reception, Unable to Send Email at 29 Dec 2010 05:20:07 AM
I have had significant reception problems with calls dropping out randomly and it is still impossible to send an email on the vodaphone service. It has not been possible to send emails on the service for over 6 months. I was told by a Vodaphone representative that Vodpahone is well aware of this problem but continue to sell plans which include email without any informing customers of this problem. Customer service is not trained to resolve problems ... they simply apologise but take no responsiblity for misleading consumers such as myself into signing up contracts even though they are unable to provide the full service. I have spent many hours on the phone with no real resolve yet have to pay the monthly service fee.

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7945 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is big time failure at 29 Dec 2010 05:18:10 AM
Called Vodafone and was put on hold for 1 hour, couldn't take it any longer so hung up....this was for my phone. As for my home internet, after a while it drops off with the message "searching for network".
29 Dec 2010 06:33:20 AM: well if you ring somewhere that isn't open yet i guess you will be waiting silly!

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7942 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 29 Dec 2010 05:11:50 AM
i lost my number because vodafone have recorded my and hundreds of others dates of birth wrong. we changed from their network to optus network though savvytel.

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7937 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Super bad reception at 29 Dec 2010 04:47:34 AM
No reception in my house, every time we need to make a call, we end up at the balcony in front of the house..... its hard at time because it will be either raining or we freeze to death lol, and we always try to explain it to Vodafone, they will check network coverage and always say its fine in your area (Fairfield East NSW), yeah right, your not the one who is going out the front on rainy days and freezing... i also had a little head ace a few weeks ago, Vodafone called me and said that i owed them $224.00, i replied saying i have every invoice and receipt, they kept bothering me for most of the day saying i had to pay this amount or my account will be barred, i got so frustrated and told them off for not checking there systems glitches before consulting the customer, they ended up waving this amount of the account, what was in the first place none of my concern........

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7936 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is crap at 29 Dec 2010 04:29:25 AM
Am on prepay and could change but went with them cos they had good prepay caps. Get bad reception, dropped calls, sms sent more than once yet says not sent try again. Internet always down. There is no real excuse for this crap

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7926 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is fail at 29 Dec 2010 03:48:00 AM
Hey 7909 re battery life. Yes Voda and all networks controll battery life. Clser to tower phone transmits less power so longer battery life. If signal is weak then phone transmits more power so less battery life. FACT Sorry! The reason is to stop overpowering the base station reciver.
Net effect; weak network, poor battery life.
29 Dec 2010 03:53:25 PM: If the signal is low the phone does not transmit more power FACT. I've worked for a company that deals with telco mobile towers. Network towers and mobile phone battery life have no connection what so ever.

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7925 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone don't care. I'm on contract, they get their money each month, END OF STORY. So the network fails. Oh dear, this happens..... at 29 Dec 2010 03:42:40 AM
This is the email response recieved to my complaints about frequent late delivery of voice and text messages....
"Thank you for your email.
Unfortunately, Vodafone, like any other service provider, do experience network delays/outages from time to time.
If the issue is ongoing, you will need to speak to our customer care team on 1300650410 to have this escalated to our technicians for investigation."


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7924 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is It's getting rediculous! at 29 Dec 2010 03:39:15 AM
I have been with them for a couple of years on pre paid bit changes to a cap.,my phones always dropping out of calls or reception in full coverage areas I'm always recieving texts late or people are getting them days later from me, my phone won't ring but I'll have missed call notifications randomly pop up out Ov no where plus Ive had my phone about4 months now got it online Bcoz stores didn't stock iPhones for a while took almost a month to arrive no sim card whith delivery plus my first bill weeks after receiving the phone was $500 Bcoz I supposedly sent over 2000 text within 3 weeks I'm 17 with a part time job, just finished school and the only person I really text is my boyfriend to say im on my way to his house etc or my mum so this is getting beyond ridiculous the customer care people some are nice enough but they are no help they con u into paying more to add extras on your cap so you won't go over .. That's if you can actually get through to some one

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7922 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 110% Fail at 29 Dec 2010 03:14:55 AM
I have lived in the same house for almost 6 years. Roughly 2 years ago I started not recieving calls and having calls drop out. My phone wuold be sitting there on my desk in front of me, not moving, full 3G coverage bars, and yet people would be trying to call me and just get the message 'this Vodafone is unavailable, please try again later'. As this was our only phone, this was obviously extremely inconvenient. For a year and a half I called and spoke to I think every customer service and faults officer in Vodafone's Egypt office. Half the time, there were not even notes left from the previous time, so subsequently I had to go to a Vodafone store and replace my SIM card 4 times in total, replaced my phone, at my own expense, twice and cannot count the amount of times I had to switch it on then off again, reinstall various programs they sent me etc etc. I just wanted to make calls and recieve calls. My husband missed out on numerous employment calls. And eventually the last straw came when the woman on the phone said she had tried my phone and it rang fine. I called her out on her blatant lie, as my husband was on chat with me on the pc at the time, with the phone next to him, and it had not rang at all.
Eventually when I threatened to contact the TIO, they 'tested my area' and found that I was in a low coverage area. How this changed in the last year from this time, they would not or could not explain. Same house, same street, same suburb. Which coincidently shows FULL 3G COVERAGE on their website.
At this point the man from faults offered me a day of free calls credited back to me. I was incredulous. A DAY for 18 months of Vodahell!!! My friends had started using the term "I was Vodafoned" to explain a drop out!
I went to the TIO, and they put me through to a man via email. Because obviously he had trouble calling me!!! He offered me 1 month credit (I was on prepaid) I demanded 6 months minimum. He gave it to me no questions asked.
Honestly, I should have gotten 18 months back, but by this time my spirit was broken, I just wanted out of their company. Since then, I have joined another company. It is MUCH more expensive. But they so far have not made me wait over an hour to answer my calls, I have no drop outs, and when people call me, surprise surprise, they can get through to me.

Both my mother and sister are both still with Vodafail, and have issue after issue after issue. Its such a shame, because all of my siblings and myself have been with vodafone for about 15 years. But they have no clue what loyalty is.

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7921 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic Vodafail at 29 Dec 2010 02:59:26 AM
Let's begin with just over 12 months ago. Relocated to Sydney for 3 months for work, so decided to purchase a wireless USB modem and internet SIM for use where I moved in - a 1 minute drive from the city in Woolloomooloo. Sure enough, when I went to set this up to use for the first time, not a BAR of reception. The device appeared to work okay, but the network coverage was non-existent. Returning the stick to Vodafone proved hardly effective, the amount of prepaid internet could not be refunded, but they would refund me for the stick. What about the time wasted in the first place? And my frustration at not being able to use the service?

For 2 years I have used Vodafone through my employer's Blackberry business plan.. the past 12 months in particular I have seen ramped up call dropouts, no internet service, constant lack of any service at all and 'SOS' state service.. I am sure those of us who purchase mobile handsets and in particular smartphones want full functionality all the time and wherever we go.. otherwise we would simply use landlines or home internet as needed. The fact we pay extortionate amounts monthly in any case to access a service we want to but in most cases CANNOT access on the fly is appalling. Vodafone should survey its Blackberry users to see how many would mind waiting until the end of a busy day transferring from meeting to meeting until they get home before they can answer emails or get into contact with their key client stakeholders.

I have seen it mentioned below, but we cannot forget Australian airports!!!!! I frequently fly between Sydney and Brisbane - both terminals have a Vodafone store housed within. Brisbane's Vodafone network access at both domestic and international airports is nowhere to be found... and Sydney's service is ridiculously intermittent and unreliable. I needn't begin describing what a pain it is to disembark from an airplane and fail at many attempts to get into contact with a family member or friend who is picking you up... I have had the embarrassing hassle of having to ask to borrow another waiting member of the public's phone (which I will note was a Telstra user) to contact my waiting lift.

I am well and truly over this appalling service, and wish that Vodafone could reimburse its customers for failing to deliver over and over again - and what I anticipate will continue to occur for years to come, until their supposed improvements occur!

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7919 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is It is Crap at 29 Dec 2010 02:05:58 AM
I am in Beerwah Queensland, I need this mobile for work, and it doesn't have coverage at home or around the town it is shit

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7918 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pretty bad at 29 Dec 2010 01:54:46 AM
I moved to Sydney 8 weeks ago and bought a Vodaphone pay as you go chip and pay as you go usb stick. My mobile drops calls which never happened before, messages are sent numerous times despite me being told that the message has failed to send and the internet connection continuously drops off. I am sooooo glad I got a pay as you go and was able to trial the network here as I will be switching to a BETTER network as soon as possible. I chose Vodaphone as it was the only brand I recognized coming from London and although smaller it wasn't one of the networks at home that have a bad rep. The heads need to realise that this is a brand they are representing and the service (I won't even go into their customer call center rant), that they are providing has thrown a grenade into the Vodaphone name here, which I will most probably never forget regardless which side of the pond I live on.

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7917 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail at 29 Dec 2010 01:38:42 AM
This article from the UK shows how seriously Vodafone treats unauthorised social networking posts. Unauthorised posts from employees are apparently a "serious breach" and will result in "suspension of employees". Check out the following abstract and weblink;

Vodafone was forced to release a stream of apologies, replying to each user individually to say "we weren't hacked. A severe breach of rules by staff in our building, dealing with that internally. We're very sorry". By the evening the company had been forced to release that message to hundreds of individual followers.
"An individual posted an obscene remark on the Vodafone UK Twitter account," said a spokesman for the company. "The individual has been suspended pending further notice."
The "tweet" is understood to have emanated from Vodafone's customer service centre in Stoke, where its web team uses social networking sites such as Twitter to keep in contact with users.

29 Dec 2010 02:08:52 AM: Vodafone UK and Vodafone AU are completely 2 different companies.
29 Dec 2010 06:41:09 AM: They are both called Vodafone. There's a reason for that Einstein. They are the same company.

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7916 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is discusted at 29 Dec 2010 01:07:05 AM
i signed up to vodafone earlier this year not knowing of its bad performance. I get constant dropping out of calls, network loss every few minutes, cant recieve piture messages... and if i do get them its 4 days after they were sent to me.
My house phone bill has risen dramatically as i cant make calls from my mobile so have to use the house phone, all my family live interstate so i dont call them very often anymore. Their service has caused me so much grief i wish i could get out of my contract and never use vodafone again
29 Dec 2010 01:10:08 AM: You can get out of your contract, contact the TIO...click the how to complain button at the top of this website!

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7915 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Continuous drop outs at 29 Dec 2010 01:04:39 AM
Finally changed to another provider. This is all Sydney metro, whilst driving home (29km) knew the 15 places the phone would drop out by heart.

Was a standing joke with workmates.

There is also limited to no reception at Sydney (Mascot) Airport

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7914 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is discusted at 29 Dec 2010 01:04:31 AM
i signed up to vodafone earlier this year not knowing of its bad performance. I get constant dropping out of calls, network loss every few minutes, cant recieve piture messages... and if i do get them its 4 days after they were sent to me.
My house phone bill has risen dramatically as i cant make calls from my mobile so have to use the house phone, all my family live interstate so i dont call them very often anymore. Their service has caused me so much grief i wish i could get out of my contract and never use vodafone again
29 Dec 2010 01:05:16 AM: You can get out of your contract, contact the TIO

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7912 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Vodafone Fails Epic'ly at 29 Dec 2010 01:00:19 AM
I get zero reception inside my house! Or inside anywhere for that matter! I manage to find a place that will give me a bar or two of signal, but if I move an inch to either my left or right, the call immediately drops out, then I have to run around the place with my phone up in the air looking for another spot that gets signal!
29 Dec 2010 01:06:29 AM: OMG i have the exact same trouble, i have to go down the back yard. And forget about getting reception in a shopping mall.

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7911 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Ridonculous at 29 Dec 2010 12:59:07 AM
I have had frequent problems with getting and maintaining reception across many suburbs in perth metro and have slow/no Internet even when I have full coverage and 3G.

Also, vodafone has got to be the worst company for customer service as I have wasted hours upon hours trying to get through to someone on many occasions only to be told that I have been put through to the wrong department. Although I wait on hold to be transferred to the right department I am yet again told I have reached the wrong department, usually at which time the reception drops. Such bad customer service had meant that I have not been able to transfer my old number although this is a relatively easy task at other service providers.

Vodafone needs to pick up their game.

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7910 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Is terrible at 29 Dec 2010 12:54:34 AM
Thank goodness for this website.

How else would thousands of frustrated customer be able to vent.

Vodafail, you have helped get media coverage for serious issues of lying and underservicing.

Keep up the great work!
29 Dec 2010 12:57:05 AM: You think posting here will fix your problem?? hahahah good luck
29 Dec 2010 12:58:21 AM: Amen!
29 Dec 2010 12:59:48 AM: It is about gaining a collective of people, this site does exactly that. Well done to the sites creator and to the people that have posted their problems.
29 Dec 2010 01:00:01 AM: Nope it won't. I went to the TIO and got out of my contract 9 months early with no break fees or handset costs. For the last week, I have been using a great service on another character.

Now I'm making it my mission to ensure others are armed with info to do the same.

But thanks for your post. It's the thought that counts.
29 Dec 2010 01:02:35 AM: Great website. About time. I find it hard to believe that detractors hang around here at 3am during the holidays. As for me, I just got home from a very late dinner. Goodnight!
29 Dec 2010 01:03:33 AM: See now there is a smart person that posted at 3:00am. Instead of wasting his time on this stupid website he actually used his time to make something happen. Why can't more people be like him.

Gaining a collective of people for what?? To waste time by reading people's shitty stories?? Yea thats really gonna get something done
29 Dec 2010 01:05:24 AM: I don't quite follow your argument. If you don't like this website then noone is forcing you to post.
29 Dec 2010 01:06:39 AM: Im just pointing out the flaws and how shit the website is
29 Dec 2010 01:06:53 AM: Yet here you are on this so called stupid website...sounds like a troll to me :/
29 Dec 2010 01:07:06 AM: If the maker of this website is a software developer im sure he has some sort of intelligence.
29 Dec 2010 01:12:28 AM: There is a team called the Vodafone social networking team that have been charged with posting these diversions. And apparently single males under 30 employed by Vodafone or subsidiaries that are (under breach of their employment contracts), talking on behalf of the company.
29 Dec 2010 02:10:38 AM: Single males under 30?? How did you find out that the individuals were under 30, single and were male?? Must be some super power you have
29 Dec 2010 06:45:40 AM: Yep, a super power to identify Vodafone employees and report them.
29 Dec 2010 03:59:58 PM: So tell me am i a vodafone employee under 30 and am i a male???

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7909 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Great Service at 29 Dec 2010 12:50:31 AM
Im a happy Vodafone customer and they have helped me in solve all my issues. But what i don't understand is that when i first saw this website the dude that made this i think his name is Adam or whatever said

"In short I am a disgruntled Vodafone customer after using the service for less than 6 weeks. After my relentless attempts to contact Vodafone customer support to resolve my issues (the usual dropped calls, no reception, poor battery life and delayed voicemail messages) I have no choice but to create a website to express my dissatisfaction to the world"

I get how vodafone is responsible for dropped calls, no reception and delayed voicemail. But for someone of his intelligence and for a so called software developer i don't know how he can say poor battery life is a fault by vodafone. Does he mean that Vodafone sents out some signal to make the phone use more battery power? Poor battery life is caused by the manufacturer! As for the coverage map on this website, HAHAHAHAHA what a joke!! True the Vodafone coverage checker isn't the greatest but that doesn't mean the one on this is any better. Just now i was able to enter in several post codes and say the reception was 100% and 0 dropped calls. Oh and the message saying your ip is blocked for spamming purposes. Hahaha just takes 2min to get a new ip.

I just can't believe how stupid some people are. I was at a store today checking up my plan. Sadly the system was down. But it came to my surprise at how stupid some people in this country really are. I saw a stupid lady blaming the sales rep like it was her fault the systems were down and its people like her that are causing problems. Seriously to all the keyboard warriors that spend time on this stupid website complaining about their service, if you have the brains then instead of wasting time here just call the telco ombudsman. Heres the website even
Soo simple. But im sure people just want to sit here and continue complaining. So how about instead of sitting on this poorly made website, you get ur lazy ass to a land line phone, and call the telco ombudsman. Why dont you go on and join up with Telstra the number 1 telco provider in AUS??? You will see that their complaints line is longer than their service line and dont get surprised when they charge you thousands of dollars for their service.
29 Dec 2010 12:56:14 AM: You sound like a desperate captain going down with a sinking ship.
I admire your misguided loyalty.
29 Dec 2010 12:58:55 AM: Im a happy customer and i agree vodafone has and is still experiencing problems. But venting here isn't gonna solve it is it?? If people want a solution no point posting it up here. Its just like a blog page. Go to the website i posted to get something done about it instead of wasting your time here for nothing
29 Dec 2010 01:03:03 AM: Yet here you are posting :/ this site is about gaining a collective of people to show vodafone that customers are not willing to put up with the poor service they are providing. Sure people will still go through vodafone and the tio and even the lawsuit to gain compensation / be free of vodafone, but first it is about making the company and the wider Australian audience aware of the problem
29 Dec 2010 01:03:45 AM: This website has gained a huge amount of publicity on radio, television and print.
29 Dec 2010 01:05:26 AM: Gaining a collective of people to show customers?? HAHAHAHAHA good luck to that!
29 Dec 2010 01:08:05 AM: This website has had over 1.2 million hits in 12 days. Check any webtracker. I think it may be working.
29 Dec 2010 02:13:08 AM: ok so what is 1.2 million hits gonna do? Is it gonna magically make the reception better?? Is it gonna magically cancel your contract?? Is it gonna magically make me a millionaire?? Is it gonna magically make the battery life better on my handset?? Because according to the maker of this website, Vodafone is responsible for shitty battery life.
29 Dec 2010 03:24:26 AM: Errr Vodafone is responsible for replacing handsets with faults, that they provide with plans.
It took them almost 6 months to replace my sisters faulty iPhone! Which had a programming fault. And thats how long it was sitting in Vodafones incompetent hands for. Once Apple got it, it was a matter of days!
Just not good enough!
29 Dec 2010 03:54:11 PM: So it was Apple's fault to begin with correct??
29 Dec 2010 08:10:07 PM: vodafone staff are quote "not qualified" according to apple, to deem an iPhone 'faulty' so cram it up your arse before you go around making radical statements and blaming the wrong people
29 Dec 2010 09:06:14 PM: Ummm... Just so your aware, as it seems your not.. Poor battery life could mean a few things... Your phone is continually looking for reception from voda, therefore killing the battery life... it could also mean he waisted many hours away from a charger trying to get through to customer support... which will kill your battery life with lenghy hold times.. Not all of us can sit on hold at home or work for 2 Hours with the charger plugged in! Oh yeah, and voda are responsible for the handset you purchase off them!!
1 Jan 2011 12:04:26 PM: I also have had no problems with Vodafone, silly me just changed over to Telstra to go on one of those bundle plans. Man, bad move. Now that they have bad customer service being switch from one person to another with no good outcome. I went straight to the ombudsman and its all sorted. Maybe some of you VF customers should do this. Was a very simple process.
2 Jan 2011 05:46:46 AM: Hey numbnut, the site lets it be known that we as consumers have a voice (this country democracy) just cant believe how stupid you are. Amongst other things, lots of us are now aware that the problems are with the network. Dont you get it?? fone continually seaching uses more battery power.cant believe they let stupid people like you out of your country, maybe they try keep the intelligent people and let them make a meaningful contribution
2 Jan 2011 01:28:02 PM: Poor battery life can be attributed to poor network quality. When your phone is transmitting (ie. making calls, using internet, periodically checking in with the tower) it is sending signals to the mobile tower. If reception is poor, then signal quality is degraded to the point were communication between your phone and the tower is effected, your phone will compensate for this by increasing transmission power and thus draining batteries faster (conversely when signal quality is good your phone will reduce transmission power in order to conserve battery life).

A drop out occurs when your phone has maxed out its transmission power but still cannot maintain adequate signal to noise ratio with the tower. On a side note, the increased transmission power equates to an increase in the energy of the microwave radiation emitted from your phone antenna, most of which passes through your brain...
9 Jan 2011 09:36:39 AM: I have two identical phones however one is already with Telstra and the other still with vodafail (not for much longer). The phone with Telstra uses about 1/4 less battery power over the day. It will still have 1-2 bars of battery consistently at the end of each day. And they both do the same amount of work.
22 Jun 2011 12:01:22 AM: A phone that has to constantly search for a weak signal will experience reduced battery life as the voltage from the battery is used to amplify the receipt and transmission of radio signals. This is basic telecomunications physics.

- radio technician.

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7908 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is in trouble. at 29 Dec 2010 12:47:21 AM
Many people are leaving or have left Vodafone already.

Strange thing is, with call volumes down, the network still doesn't work.

I also wouldn't put it past Vodafone that their plan was to actually get some of their customers to leave so as to be able to better service the remainder. Vodafone would still win due to break fees.

But I don't think they counted on all this publicity.
Oh, to be a fly on the wall of the Vodafone CFO's office. With all these people leaving, the network upgrade will cease to generate a viable return on investment. Contingency should then kick in leading to a cancellation of network upgrades. This will leave everyone in the same mess.

Perhaps Vodafone is on the way to a spectacular public failure?

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7907 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is dropp in receiption at 29 Dec 2010 12:37:53 AM
Its been around mora than 2 weeks now, i could not get network continously, i my get in the toilet but not in the kitchen, i might fet in some part of the school and it will drop off suddenly.
So on the 28th of DEC 2010, i decided to give voda phone a try, so i called the customer care center to complain, the result was i waited till the reciption dropped off = 37 min and 25 sec.
i guess being bigger is not always better.
Gday to all

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7906 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is FAIL at 29 Dec 2010 12:28:25 AM
I am with 3 mobile and since it has gone to Vodafone (and therefore using there reception) I find that my phone now has very poor reception in areas that I used to have no problem with when 3 mobile used to use Telstra as it's roaming network.

When we went to the 3 mobile/Vodafone shop at Chermside they told us that they had too many customers which was affecting reception and drop out rates!! We just laughed at them and left.

When my plan is finished I will ensure that I help them lose some customers!
29 Dec 2010 12:30:31 AM: 3 and Voda uses different towers. 3 still uses Telstra towers to roam. Dont assume things you dont know about
29 Dec 2010 12:36:06 AM: Oh whinge whinge. Go back to seek.com.au Vodafone employee.
29 Dec 2010 12:43:50 AM: How's it a whinge? The fact is that the agreement between 3 and Telstra still exists and that 3 customers can still roam on Telstra's network. The network infrastructure that Vodafone and 3 uses are completely separate from each other. Consequently, Vodafone users cannot roam across to the 3 network.
29 Dec 2010 12:50:00 AM: "don't assume things you don't know".....

You sound rather defensive to me!

Fact is, it doesn't matter which way you slice it, Vodafone are Vodafailing.
29 Dec 2010 01:07:05 AM: I'm not "29 Dec 2010 02:30:31 AM"... I'm a different person lol.
29 Dec 2010 01:09:52 AM: ^ The only one who defensive is you. Just admit you were mistaken. Its a well known fact that 3 and vodafone uses different towers. They're still two separate networks. Maybe do some research so you dont look like an idiot. :)
29 Dec 2010 01:14:32 AM: Who cares. Vodafone is failing. They bought 3. Now 3 are failing. The CEO has admitted issues. Did you see his blog?
29 Dec 2010 01:17:38 AM: Changing the topic? Vodafone didn't "buy" Three. It was a joint venture between both Hutchison (who runs 3) and Vodafone. The ownership is split 50-50. The CEO has only admitted issues on the Vodafone network - Three customers are unaffected.
29 Dec 2010 01:20:31 AM: Thank you for that valuable information.
29 Dec 2010 01:22:00 AM: There's no need to be sarcastic. All I was doing was correcting your incorrect information/facts and perceptions before others became misinformed.
29 Dec 2010 01:25:53 AM: Ok so you are clearly a Voda or affiliate employee. By contract, you are in breach of HR policy making any public comment without the express permission of your PR team. Edwina Elliott, your corporate affairs and PR manager, will not be pleased when I direct her to your posts.
29 Dec 2010 01:33:01 AM: http://m.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/feb/05/vodafone-twitter-obscene-tweet?cat=technology&type=article
29 Dec 2010 02:05:38 AM: Ok im a different person thats still in high school with no job and even i knew that 3 and vodafone use separate towers. Pretty easy to find that information when you wiki it. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

29 Dec 2010 03:22:00 AM - if someone has corrected you, do you automatically assume that they work for the company?? If i told you that Microsoft is separate to apple, do you assume that i work for Microsoft??
29 Dec 2010 02:08:04 AM: 29 Dec 2010 03:25:53 AM - Just wondering have you read their contract?? Im not saying i have but have you? Does it actually say that or are you making shit up?? What prof do you have??? Also that link for the article is not relevant. Vodafone AU and Vodafone UK are completely 2 different companies. Didn't know there were people that stupid on this flame site
29 Dec 2010 06:44:20 AM: Gosh, you must be desperate. Have a nice day watching people document their pain.
Goodbye :)
29 Dec 2010 09:55:10 AM: While all the above is true - note it is also a fact that most of the Voda staff of previous years have left. It is now pretty much run by 90 percent of Hutch staff. Processes, service, marketing all these things have changed significantly. The GM's and CEO are pretty much all Hutch. Ans since all this happened Voda has gone to the dogs. I have many many good friends who work there and have done so for more than 10years. No-One is happy with how things are, I have been advised to port out cause they dont know when the fix will be in place. Even if you are cranky about it or defensive about it - look at the facts. Poor service, poor coverage and even worse accountability. After 15 yrs, I am off to Telstra. At least you can call people.
29 Dec 2010 11:09:57 AM: I am with Three and have been for years and cannot complain,used to be with Telstra until Three bought out capped calls,years and years ago.
My boarder who has a granny flat 10 metres from where I am typing tis from,is on Voda for both Iphone 1/2 nd gen and mobile broadband.Broadband seems to be the worst offender of them all.Drops out,cannot boot up,ssslllooowww tttooo llloooaaaddd web pages,etc etc,.He has spoken to Voda heaps of time s and they actually blame the wind and rain that we are having in Strathpine [Just north of Brisbane] as the cause for connection failure issues,Apparently there is a Voda call centre in Tassie that he has rung sometimes and is more help that your local indian voda employee.I use a Nokia N95 Plum 1 gig and have just got a Iphone 3rd gen 32 gig,and am next to his laptop and I have full service and his mobike broadband like flickers for 3 bars or so and goes up and down.
bad bad,bad,bad.

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7905 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is hektik fail at 29 Dec 2010 12:24:51 AM
I been paying $114 a month unlimited cap almost 2 years now and been with voda for over 6 years and ever since i have used a iphone and android phone from vodafone ofcourse i get the usual late messages dropped calls, cant call or recieve. NO BLOODY 3G WTF? i pay $114 and 2gig of 3G i dont even use... wtf is Edge network i pay for 3G, i called voda 3 times they make me stay on the fone for over an hour NO LIE, i wanted a new phone from them thinking my fones faulty they ddint give it, im hoping to move to telstra end of my contract stuff voda

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7897 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VERY at 29 Dec 2010 12:07:01 AM
Internet Reception 0/10, Phone Reception in Sydney CBD 1/10, Text messages and MMS take a long time to reach me or...they never reach me, Most frustrating is the Internet Connection which is worse than a developing country's Internet service.

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7892 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 11:56:11 PM
After calling endlessly wasting valuable time eg40 hours in a week on hold! No joke!!! To be told that I cannot get out of my contract despite not having any reception though I still have to pay! Being told the network is being fixed but can't ever give me a date! I am so glad that I am not alone in this! Also some bills have been $1200 per month and the bloody thing doesn't even work and more hours another 40 approximate having to complain with no response!

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7890 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is not happy jan at 28 Dec 2010 11:51:28 PM
when we signed up for business phones 7 of them we were first given the wrong plan to what we signed up for and cost us a fortune

but the most annoying thing was we were told that we would get 90% coverage around australia ( we asked this because we knew that we were going to travel)

NO DID NOT HAPPEN 4 klms out of a major regional town no coverage

we were charged for two months for the phones and didnt ever have a couple of the phones

we have been battling with vodafone since we got the phones over issues on plans coverage

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7886 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is can LMB at 28 Dec 2010 11:49:14 PM
I have sat on customer service for hours and hours as well, but then decided that I would contact the TIO requesting with Vodafone that I wanted out of my contract. They called me and said they'd credit my account for $79 (my monthly cap) and, exasperated, I decided to agree since my contract is done in March. I then saw all the media coverage on the reception - I hadn't even thought of complaining! I had just chalked it up to it "being Vodafone". But Vodafone refuses to let me out of my contract. Come on March!!!
28 Dec 2010 11:50:52 PM: Raise it back with the TIO, explain your situation, the TIO will then contact Vodfone again and they have 10 days to respond.

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