26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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354 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FunnyFail at 17 Dec 2010 02:57:44 PM
Constant "call failed" even when in range with full bars. 3G access problems. Constant drop outs esp with one other Voda customer who when I call, or he call me, guaranteed drop out within first 3 minutes each and every single F time?? Call Voda, on hold 30 mins, then get msg to leave msg and they will call me back? Yes they di acutally 3 hours later, explained my issue, then was transferred to another dept and on hold for 45 mins before I gave up....WTF???? they used to be good

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353 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Massive fail at 17 Dec 2010 02:56:26 PM
I'm a 6 year customer of Vodafone and have noticed their customer service sliding to an all time low this year. On hold for 30 minutes plus every time I call (however, if you call the sales line, you get through in 2 minutes - funny that)... I have also emailed them 3 times to request getting out of my contract because they have been so bad, with no reply.

The minute my contract expires I'm out - can't put up with it any more - but they have lost another 2 year contract from me (and I spend $60-$80 per month).

Nice fail, Vodafone!

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352 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Rubbish at 17 Dec 2010 02:55:27 PM
I spent 2 years with rubbish reception and service from Vodafone. Since switching to Telstra I have not had one dropped call in three months. When Switching to Telstra I had to go to the Vodafone store to get my customer number. It took 45mins in a queue for them to look up the system and obtain my number. I Then walked back to the Telstra shop and was served within 10 secs of walking in the door. When I spoek with Vodafone at one stage I was advised that if I could log three dropped calls within 48 hours they would help me terminate my contract early. This wasn't a problem and I was able to get out of the last three months of my contract. Should have done it sooner. Good luck

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351 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic at 17 Dec 2010 02:55:04 PM
Vodafone doesn't work in city shopping malls, CBD dropouts, etc. Our 3G datacard rarely gets above 1mbps - true, better than dial up but kind of frustrating for the Gold Coast region.

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350 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very very bad service at 17 Dec 2010 02:54:55 PM
I have 3G mobile broadband with 3, which is owned by Hutchison Australia, and could only receive 0.1 MBPS in manly, Sydney earlier this year. I tried for 6 months to get it fixed but to no avail. I cancelled my account because they could not fix the service. They would not refund me for the price of the modem. Even now I am still receiving a monthly bill for an account I do not have.

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349 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No voice call on train from Central to Parra at 17 Dec 2010 02:54:45 PM
Calls regularly dropped. Forget using the web as too slow and often no response.
have stopped calling ...switching provider as soon as contract finishes

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348 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is CRAP service at 17 Dec 2010 02:54:27 PM
Poor coverage - Across Melbourne - CRAPPPP

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347 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Its the worse decision I have made at 17 Dec 2010 02:53:54 PM
My partner and I recently changed network providers and we shopped around and as he was with 3 and always had good reception we decided to go with 3. However, we were asked by a staff member at 3 "why 3? Why not Vodafone? We will be getting rid of 3 soon so you're better off with Vodafone", so we went with Vodafone. It is the biggest mistake of my life. If I thought I had bad reception with Optus I had it even worse with Vodafone. I had no reception in the city or even if I apparently did have reception I couldn't make calls. Internet is slow, I receive text messages over 4 hours after they are sent (and that's being generous), my friends ask me why my phone is switched off etc. Its CRAP!!! I should have just stayed with Optus!

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346 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Not too bad at 17 Dec 2010 02:53:01 PM
Annoying yes, however have you ever tried the call centre at Optus. I think that is the angriest I have ever been. I can only describe it as white anger.

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345 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Crap grade network at 17 Dec 2010 02:52:50 PM
I live in Williams Landing. There is no coverage in our suburb. I get like one bar if I am in my garden and inside the house there is no coverage at all on 3G. I use iphone4, I manually switch off 3G option to get proper signal strength, which means the network goes to EDGE and I can make calls! I can't access Internet with good speed because of this!

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344 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very fail service at 17 Dec 2010 02:52:49 PM
wrong information provided even before i signed on the contract. Wrong information again when i went to a different store. Called up to complain, and got a call back less than an hour with a real australian woman who was rude and not the least bit helpful anyway, after talking to someone in India, on hold for 30 minutes in total only to wait for a call back. Saving grace was a very polite gentleman from another store that listened to me and checked up his computer to give me what i wanted straight away, no hassles, no unnecessary documents etc etc... why did i spend all this effort? because vodafone is the only one with the blackberry i want on the plan that suits me. just because you have the monopoly doesn't mean you can be rude and ignorant to the customer. Customer service is crap, network service is below average, bills are unclear and myvodafail account on website is next to useless, vague and unclear.

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343 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Give me a shotgun and leave me alone in the room with Vodafone... at 17 Dec 2010 02:52:30 PM
Just this morning I sent the following e-mail to Vodafone. Then I saw a news article on SMH and this site was linked to it.

--- Sent today 17/12/2010 at 9am ---

A couple of years ago, after being with Vodafone Prepaid for several years, I had a number of bad experiences with credit disappearing and poor Customer Care calls and decided to port my number to Optus, a decision I was extremely happy with.

Several weeks ago, I decided to purchase the HTC Desire HD (only available through Vodafone) on a 12 month contract and so I ported my number back to Vodafone in order to get the phone. Since then, several things have occurred that have made me regret my decision and I would like to express my dissatisfaction:

1. My number took a little over 48 hours to port, despite being told that it would only take several hours by the lady at the store. This was only a minor inconvenience, granted, but an annoyance still.

2. I have had a number of occasions when people have been trying to call me and my phone comes up as being switched off or unavailable. I believe reception with the Vodafone network, while decent, is so choppy and I can't predict the reception blackspots, usually in the same area that I otherwise receive great reception. This is disruptive to my work (I work 2 jobs and really need my phone on me at all times due to the nature of my work).

3. I paid my first phone bill (due 30 December) on Monday (13 December). Despite this, I have received a number of e-mail notifications and text messages subsequent to paying, telling me that I still owe the money. It is now 4 days later and MyVodafone still lists money owing. Can you please fix this.

4. I have tried for two days to call Customer Care, at various points throughout the day. I constantly receive the message that "due to unexpected large volumes of callers...." nobody is able to take my call. Top this with the fact that Customer Care are only open on weekdays from 8am to 8pm, and the aforementioned problems, this is ridiculously poor customer service.

I'm sorry for the negativity of this message, however I've completely regretted moving back to Vodafone and am contemplating leaving your company again if things don't improve; I have regretted my decision to leave Optus and it's only 3 weeks in to my 12 month contract.

Can you please tell me how you are addressing the problems I'm experiencing.

Many thanks,
--------------- Message End -------------------

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342 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is rediculous at 17 Dec 2010 02:51:49 PM
Won't even allow me to make calls with full reception in Parramatta CBD while still allows me to recieve them every second or third go. some txts come through a day late. In the Blue Mountains even in areas the website says it covers decides to drop calls every 2 mins.

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341 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is HURTFUL at 17 Dec 2010 02:51:49 PM

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335 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Intermittantly fail at 17 Dec 2010 02:51:38 PM
Phone saying I have full 3G with 5 bars, yet not actually being connected to a data network. Turning radio off and on again sees a flurry of missed emails and txts come through.

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333 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Disgusting at 17 Dec 2010 02:51:10 PM
I've been having issues for ages tyt have caused me to miss out on improtant revenue generating calls. I called to complain and waited for 45 before eventually hanging up. Corporate scumbags is all they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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332 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FIVE STRAIGHT SETS at 17 Dec 2010 02:50:41 PM
I agree with below's thoughts that Vodafone has become 3. No reception in city, dropped calls, mobile internet pain... all very 3.

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331 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 17 Dec 2010 02:50:39 PM
Service has been steadily getting worse for the past 6 months with hours and hours of "No Service" messages without any ownership from VF that there's an issue. Yesterday at 5pm I had NO SERVICE again between Crows Nest and Frenchs Forest for over an hour whilst trying to inform my young children's carer that I would be late. What's worse is I'm under contract till August and do not have time to waste waiting on a ridiculously long customer service cue. As far as I'm concerned they're breaching their contract with me but as the consumer you have no recourse. Shame Vodafone. You have to wonder if this is the work of the Hutchison Leadership Team after the takeover. Merger my %$%^#.

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330 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 17 Dec 2010 02:49:51 PM

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329 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic at 17 Dec 2010 02:49:28 PM
No 3G reception in George Street Sydney. Calls regularly dropped. Forget using the web as too slow and often no response. Unfrotunately, I am stuck with it as it is a company supplied Blackberry.

I now a telstra personal mobile phone as well in case of emergencies (like a 10 year old needing me)

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328 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Incompatent at 17 Dec 2010 02:48:35 PM

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327 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Piece Of Shit at 17 Dec 2010 02:47:59 PM
Vodafone would have to be the worst provider in the world! I purchased a brand new phone which had no signal from the start, they sent it away to get fixed and 4 months later with a loan phone I was told that they had lost it. What useless pieces of shit! It is more reliable to send a text via snail mail then through Vodafone.
Consumer law suit needs to happen!! They owe us MILLIONS!

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325 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Not at all. at 17 Dec 2010 02:46:46 PM
No Pain for me, the only time my phone had dropped a call was when i drove underground in the CBD, but that's a given.

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324 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is cant organise a direct debit at 17 Dec 2010 02:46:30 PM
I have been with VF for about a year. Recently my credit card expired and bounced their direct debit request. No big deal right ? Just let me know and then get the new numbers. Nope. How about instead of that we just let your mobile phone debt rack up to 500, then cut off your phone.

I have spoken to their "help" desk people on three occasions (none of those calls less than an hour), and each time they have "fixed" the problem, and each time the problem has magically reappeared a month later.

Its going to cost me about 600 to get out of vodafone. Seriously BEST money ill ever spend to never have to deal with this useless f*cking company again

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323 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is So fail at 17 Dec 2010 02:45:49 PM
Work in the city and can't make or receive calls on most occassions in or around my office (Australia Square) even with full bars. No service in Pitt St Mall.

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321 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 17 Dec 2010 02:45:03 PM
Every now and then someone will try to call me. They instead have the privilege of listening to Kylie Minogue. Whilst my phone doesn't even register that they have called...

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320 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is UNBELIEVABLE at 17 Dec 2010 02:44:42 PM
I have just realised that I can make calls from my VF, however No one can call me.
Tried from my house phone and no connect, wife try from her 3 mobile at another location and she gets same tone. What the fark is going on Vodafone....We all pay you with hard earned money, where is the service we pay for????

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319 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is railroaded fail at 17 Dec 2010 02:43:39 PM
My contract has been up for a few months now, but been too busy to switch providers. I have a new email every week offering a cheaper plan with an upgraded phone. Until the plan hits $0per month, it will still be a rip off!

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318 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Total failure at 17 Dec 2010 02:43:37 PM
I live I'n lane cove Sydney, i joined up to vodafone for the $99 unlimited plan, for iPhone 4 as it was for $0. Signal keeps switching from 3G to 2g, drops out slow data speed and crashes the phone, useless customer service I have ported out to Telstra and have had the best coverage ever and data speeds with not one cutout or drop out!!!! I even paid out my contract as it was that frustrating!!!!! Vodafone should just shut down as there is no solution for this issue!!!

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317 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Qld at 17 Dec 2010 02:42:35 PM
I called two days ago to lodge a complaint and waited online for half an hour to get response. I was told the system was down and to call back in two hours. Vodafone agreed to call me back to confirm refund of money owed. The call never came. Its been two days and still no response. Vodafone has my money and I want my money back now!!!!

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316 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic at 17 Dec 2010 02:42:05 PM
I've had to switch off the 3G on my phone because I can't actually be sure that I will receive calls or txt messages of any kind at the time they're sent - or even within 24 hours. Extremely frustrating!

I have screen shots showing no service at various places around Sydney CBD where I live and work.

Not sure how "SomewhereElse" thinks this is an overblown issue - do you work for Voda by any chance - only someone who wasn't actually experiencing the problems would think it wasn't an issue.

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313 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Total failure for me.Pure utter rubbish! at 17 Dec 2010 02:40:06 PM
Can't get calls from anyone on any network other than from one using Vodafail.Have called them everyday for the past 2 weeks but still problem not sorted out.Stuck into this crappy CAP.

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311 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 17 Dec 2010 02:38:51 PM
Our problem is that since July 2010 we have been unable to send an email from our iphones. I have an iphone 4 and my husband an iphone 3GS. According to Vodafone they have had a problem with their server and the Apple software and since July have not been able to work out how to fix it. We have managed to be given a reduction in our monthly plan fee until the problem is fixed but they have no idea as to when we will be able to send emails. They initially suggested we send emails via the web but we aren't happy with a substandard service. Only after calling the ombudsman's office did we get any refund for the partial service. We'd rather have the full service! Interestingly, we are currently in New Zealand for a couple of weeks and spekaing to Vodafone users here they don't have any trouble sending emails. Our email addresses are via our company but that should not effect the ability to send an email from our iphone.

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310 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 17 Dec 2010 02:38:44 PM
On a brand new phone. 1. Calls fail to connect with full signal. 2. Data does not load. 3. Voicemails turn up 12 hours late. 4. Signal levels jump from full to nil without moving the phone. 5. Can't hang up from a call.

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309 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Total at 17 Dec 2010 02:38:38 PM
Can't call up chicks that I pick up!
Affecting my sex life.
Vodofone is fucking me and I want to fuck them over.

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308 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is MegaFlop at 17 Dec 2010 02:36:49 PM
My phone service is, to put it blunty, complete and utter crap now with Vodafone. The staff are incompetent but not so much so to tell me the truth that the network has been pretty much rooted since they started merging with 3.
I have never experience such bad customer service in my life and now that one of my ex-bosses (a certain Croatian prick that worked in the online hotel industry up until about a year ago) works for Vodafone it can only get worse. They have employed yet another incompetent bulls**t artist.

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307 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is not so fail at 17 Dec 2010 02:36:43 PM
My vodafone service works OK, and presume this site has been set up by either Telstra or Optus

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306 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terminally Ill at 17 Dec 2010 02:36:36 PM
Terrible reception - poor coverage in Sydney metro and random drop outs even in the CBD!
Messaging - Missing or Delayed MMS with some up to over a day!
3G data - What data? 56K modems can download pages faster than Voda's mobile "broadband"
Customer service - should be renamed to customer suffering department. If your experiencing delays, where was the extra resources and communications? The Head of Customer Service should be fired. What a joke.

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305 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is DropCallCentral at 17 Dec 2010 02:35:38 PM
1. After 10 years living in my townhouse, i suddenly have a black spot in my house - calls just buzz out and no one can hear me.
2. Every 2nd or 3rd call wherever i seem to be, calls get to 3-4 minutes and then drop out
3. Corrupted calls that effectively drop out, sometime doesn't allow me to hang up on my iPhone 4

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303 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is FAIL.COM at 17 Dec 2010 02:34:59 PM
They offered my 10 bucks compensation so I can get a happy meal.

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302 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Ver fail. at 17 Dec 2010 02:34:52 PM
Signed up for 24 month broadband plan. It has been fail since i bought it.

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301 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is downhill since the takeover of 3 at 17 Dec 2010 02:34:47 PM
Vodafone's call centre is now the old 3 call centre based over in India. They are useless, they were useless back when 3 first came out, every call to them is minimum half hour and constantly placed on hold. TIO is the way to go.

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300 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is F at 17 Dec 2010 02:33:55 PM
I am switching to Telstra. Everyone bags them out, yes they are not perfect can cost more but at least they F&*^ing work.

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298 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 17 Dec 2010 02:33:08 PM
I work in the sydney CBD i will go out at lunch and try to make a call and i get a "no service" message. I was so annoyed the other day i marched down to the nearest vodafone store to complain but as soon as i walked in the door, full reception... Typical!

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297 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is LIARS at 17 Dec 2010 02:33:05 PM
Vodafone are telling lies when they say a software fix will resolve these issues. They need to build more infrastructure, it cannot cope with the increased amount of smartphones on the network. They have a project in place to split the bandwidth and resolve this problem, but that is going to take a year. Nothing will be fixed by "next Friday...." as they keep saying.

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296 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 17 Dec 2010 02:32:32 PM
I have had numerous people email me today saying that they can't get through to my phone, it doesn't even go to voicemail, nothing happens. I am based in the Sydney CBD, so service should be no issue. This is an ongoing issue. Most calls I get from people go straight to VM, my network never picks up calls. I can't wait to move off Vodafone.

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295 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is S!I#H)(!@E at 17 Dec 2010 02:32:26 PM
constant drop outs, not being contactable. I thought my handset was causing issues, but no hearing other people with their issues. Whenever in the CBD in Melbourne, i loose reception and ability to receive call or make calls for up to 4-6 hrs per day.

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294 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Big Time Failure at 17 Dec 2010 02:32:19 PM
Apart from constant call dropouts, no service dispalyed on the screen 20 times in a day.

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293 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is HOPELESS at 17 Dec 2010 02:32:12 PM
I called Vodafone straight after work to report some missing texts and the recording says they are now offering customer service 24hrs a day. Great!

Then I get a '40 minute wait' message. I leave a message and they called me back 1.5hours later. I told them I was missing a large number of texts over the last 2 months. She said she would transfer me to the 'Technical Department'.

I then get a '20 minute wait message' which was *immediately followed by* another message saying, "Sorry we are closed for the day, please call again tomorrow." and I was hung up on. Wth happened to their 24 hr a day service?!??!

Really nice way to deal with a phone call - not.

Went to a Telstra store the very next day to look at new plans.

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292 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is sooooo fail at 17 Dec 2010 02:31:37 PM
don't get alerts for voicemails until days after they are left, phone doesn't ring, but goes straight through to voicemail. NO reception in my house in the last 4 months - husband is with Telstra and has full coverage. Calls drop out, takes multiple tries to call someone. Constantly switching to and from airplane mode to get reception. LAME.

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291 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 17 Dec 2010 02:31:15 PM
My phone won't load web pages, I have to disable 3G in order to make and recieve calls in the CBD without drop outs. When 3G, I have to turn my phone off to reset and receive text messages or update web pages......I can't connect to cellar data for no reason......and I get voicemail messages 2 days after they were left. Think that just about covers it all.....it's terrible how long this has been going on for

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290 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is failed at 17 Dec 2010 02:30:53 PM
I get call drop off's every day.One minute I get 3G coverage and next minute It is GPRS or Edge. I think my phone got major issues with switching from one phone tower to other while driving. I have given up after talking to Vodaphone helpdesk. I do not even bother to call them anymore. I am looking to sign a contract with Telsra, It might be expesive but at least worth it.

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289 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Network Problem, Faulty iPhone 4 at 17 Dec 2010 02:30:44 PM
I have always suffering from network problem at my home. most of the time it shows "no service" and most of the time "call dropped". Before switching me from 3 to vodafone, they have said the we have problem in 3 but in vodafone. So you shift on vodafone but vodafone has same story. My iPhone camera is freezed while taking photos or making videos, I have complained to vodafone, they said go to any vodafone store, I went to one of vodafone store. Representative there said you should update the software and it will be ok after that. But I have already updated two more versions but it has still same problem. Vodafone, please listen to the customers otherwise you will loose big clientele.

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288 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is A PIECE OF **** at 17 Dec 2010 02:30:29 PM
When you use your mobile as your ONLY phone, you expect that your one phone will be reliable. Pity I counted on Vodafail! Constantly drops out, even when standing in the CBD having a conversation. It's like there's a timer, and they cap your calls at 3 minutes. Every single call reliably drops out around that lovely 3 minute mark.

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287 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is on and off at 17 Dec 2010 02:30:28 PM
I got supplied a wireless modem from a Vodafone reseller which had one version of operating software as well as a software disk containing another software version You can imagine the pain when these two software versions starting fighting each other! Vodafone finally came to the party after a year of poor performance and constant emails and phone calls. I got disconnected so many times from the Vodafone call centre accidently off course!

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286 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodaf....u#$%&k at 17 Dec 2010 02:30:16 PM
That what i will be calling them from now on. Oh i forgot..i can't i just switched to Optus. bye vodaf.......k

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285 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is How FAIL can they get at 17 Dec 2010 02:29:29 PM
I just got a bill for not returning my phone when I switched networks. Australia post refused to take the phone in the bag sent by Vodafail. Still trying to get through to customer no service.


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284 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Awful at 17 Dec 2010 02:29:01 PM
I'm currently in the CBD and 4 out of 5 attempts at a call is not connecting. My last call connected but then dropped out in less than a minute. Not happy Jan

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283 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Highly unacceptable at 17 Dec 2010 02:28:56 PM
Nearly cost me a new relationship cause this guy thought I was ignoring his texts and I thought he was ignoring mine. Just turns out that they were being 'sent' and 'charged' to our accounts - yet never being delivered or seen again.

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282 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Massive FAIL at 17 Dec 2010 02:28:10 PM
First of all - I myself is a telecomunication engineer working for one of the leading vendors. I called their helpdesk when I was trying to send SMS to Sweden but it did not work. But I could receive SMS from that same Swedish mobile. I asked the helpdesk guy about text message agreement between Vodafone and the Swedish operator Tele2. But the guy did not want to listen and kept saying I was using wrong number. I asked how come the same number works when I try from 3-mobile? He didnt answer and asked me to try his suggestion. And his suggestion was to add 0011 instead of + (when you dial overseas from Aus), country code, CITY CODE (which is only applicable for calling land lines) and then mobile number beginning with 0. So, the number for SMS should look like: 0011 46 03 071234567. Or just to explain how dumb that was I am giving example using Australian numbers - 0011 61 03 0411576891.

I told the guy that this would definitely not gonna work cause CITY code is not applicable in mobile number system. But the Indian guy got angry and he was so rude and said - "you first try what I tell you to try. who is the helpdesk? if you know how to do it, why did you call helpdesk? first try my recommendation, and if it does not work, call back again." and he hung up.

Of course it did not work and I called back the next day. Talked to an Australian girl this time and she agreed that what that Indian guy said was rubbish. But still she could not help to figure out why I cannot send SMS to Sweden but can receive.

Finally, after waiting for 3 months without a solution, and facing other issues like no coverage in my bed room, or underground car parks or even in safeway/coles, I decided to move to Telstra. Could be a little costly but their NextG got the best possible coverage.

27 Dec 2010 06:58:26 PM: You dont know how lucky you were, not being able to send sms to Sweden, try running a business and not getting any sms messages from anywhere, and not being able to receive calls, and having callers who cant even leave a voicemail message, but insted the vodafone message gives them the impression that the phone has been disconnected. Even Vodafone couldnt retrieve sms messages sent to or tell me who had tried to call me. "it all dissapeared" they said. This went on for eight weeks.Try running a business with this going on and being continually assured it will be fixed by tomorrow. I still get crap receptiona lot of the time, some sms messages dont come through and at times callers cant reach me, cant send emails at all ( vodafone did acknowledge they had an ongoing problem with email).
Vodafone (via a senior manager who I wont name) refused to release me from contract.Perhaps its time to email her again and with all this publicity maybe I should suggest she look at releasing me from the contract, refund what I have paid. As for her her denials regarding a lot of these issues that have come to light more recently, I may include ..."I told you so"
27 Dec 2010 07:36:51 PM: 'I myself is a telecomuication engineer', mate, Why don't you learn english first and improve your grammer before making race based comments. Yes, Vodafone's coverage is shite and most probably their call centre is nearly entirely manned by people of Indians origin (mind you, so is telstra & optus). How about sticking to highlighting what issues you're having with Vodafone and keeping your racial issues to yourself.
27 Dec 2010 07:43:24 PM: Well, speaking of grammar the correct spelling is 'grammar' not 'grammer' :)
better 'clean up your backyard' before you preach buddy ...
27 Dec 2010 07:46:47 PM: I think he is just stating that the Indians are a pain in the you know what to talk to because they don't speak fluent English and pretty much just know enough to read a script in front of them. Useless, they piss me off
27 Dec 2010 07:54:40 PM: How in the hell was this guys comments racial/racist or whatever. Your a bit of a sensitive little princess arent you.
27 Dec 2010 08:15:26 PM: How can the guy's comments be perceived as "racist"? He was stating that the guy he was speaking to was "Indian", that is hardly offensive!
Vodafone is constantly disappointing it's customers. When you are frustrated, it is extremely annoying to be told by someone at a call centre that your problem is easily resolved using the technique they suggested when you know it's ridiculous and it won't work.
So lay off about your racial views 27 Dec 09:36:51 PM - you're the one with the issue!
27 Dec 2010 08:17:23 PM: I understand how annoyed you would have been but you don't have to point out what race you spoke to. It appears to me that the guy you spoke to were dumb because he is an Indian????
27 Dec 2010 08:19:08 PM: Not "were" but "was".
27 Dec 2010 09:07:31 PM: But its true, most of the time when you speak to an offshore helpdesk the last thing you get is help, all you get is frustration at the lack of communication from the so called helper.
28 Dec 2010 07:38:24 AM: whenever my phone was on 3G i have to use area codes to call down the street. lmao, im guessing down my street is long distance now
29 Dec 2010 08:05:35 PM: you are all sad, stop hating here, proper spelling or not. at least were all on the same page when we say vodafone sucks. they have coverage outages all the time and there response constantly is that tower or signal updates are being performed as to the reason there is difficulty, however that is what the have been saying for 2 years as i worked for a vodafone dealer. plus i used to call the indians everyday and i would tell them how to do there job
31 Dec 2010 09:59:19 AM: Vodaphone has Customer service in India,now when I say I spoke to CS in India and Indian told me so and so I am racist?common people what a easy way to abuse...or are you ashamed that you are from India?
31 Dec 2010 10:32:38 AM: Dont people realise that English is the most dominate spoken language in India. I believe they also have the world highest percentage of English speaking persons too.
1 Jan 2011 02:12:26 PM: to be honest u guys seem to be having fun putting up with all this, and since u are putting up with all of this i think u guys deserve to be treated like this. How difficult it is t change service providers ??????
1 Jan 2011 07:42:11 PM: What a fool you are, dont you know what a contract is, dont you know that telcos prey on the fact that customers are locked into contracts??? That is how difficult it is to change service prividers!!!
2 Jan 2011 07:26:49 PM: Yeah i have been trying to change my service providers and it could cost a rediculous amount so shutup you obviously know nothing
4 Jan 2011 04:42:44 PM: Re: 31 Dec 2010 12:32:38 PM
Actually its China :)
4 Jan 2011 07:42:54 PM: According to Wikipeadia India is second to the USA in highest percentages of total number of population that speak English. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_language
9 Jan 2011 02:18:15 PM: i think people are pointing out the fact that they are indian because you can actually understand how their comments would sound to a customer who is annoyed by the crappy service they are getting. I work in telco and the amount of times i have had a indian answer my call and be rude, speak over me, swear, hang up and over all annoy me are very high to the few that are amazing at their job. like a chic named star at virgin....she is awesome at her job!!! and a guy from voda who says his name is tom is awful, rude and pisses me off. I actually hang up if i get him (hehehe a little bit of pay back)
21 Jan 2011 10:41:06 AM: For a network engineer you sure are dumb putting 0 in front of the swedish mobile number.

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281 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is an EPIC FAILURE at 17 Dec 2010 02:27:28 PM
On the weekend of 27/28 November I literally had NO Vodafail service for the entire weekend. At first I thought my new handset was faulty, so I charge up my old handset and put my SIM in. That didn't work so figured it was Vodafail.

Does Vodafail's "Lara" work on the weekend? No! The 24 hotline number was constantly engaged so I ended up ringing up the 24/7 business line - from my landline of course as my mobile didn't work at all. The woman told me she couldn't help, left me on hold for ages and then eventually I got a dead phone line and they'd hung up on me. Lovely.

My sister in WA got an apology text yesterday - I never got one and I'm in Sydney where many of the problems have been. Where is my apology?

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280 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Infuriating at 17 Dec 2010 02:27:24 PM
I'm talking about customer service this time, and the endless phone queues and run around whenever you call them.

I tried to change my number to vodafone earlier this year (my employer was taking over my phone account) and the operation they said would take 'a few hours' took 6 days. I called them every day, was always kept on hold for over an hour, and was told every time that it would be resolved in a 'few hours'. I was hung up on several times - not on purpose, because I was being rude, but accidentally, because they didn't know how to use their hold/transfer functions. The first day I spoke to 4 different people just trying to get my number transfered, the first of whom was the worst informed customer service person I've ever worked with (I knew more them him).

And I suspect the whole thing too so long because they had me black marked because I got angry when they refused to refund my credit after I'd been on the phone to them for hours. They tried to claim it was my fault for calling the number from their store's website instead of the number for existing customers - even though I was a new customer and had never heard of either number.

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279 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FULL of LIES at 17 Dec 2010 02:27:22 PM
Vodafone still continue to advertise to the public knowing that it can't deliver its services properly. ATTENTION DEPT OF FAIR TRADING AND ACCC

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278 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 17 Dec 2010 02:26:56 PM
CAlls constantly dropping and losing reception in Randwick NSW where i live. Call customer service to be told that there is a 30 minute wait- Great. Problem is I am on a 24 month contract otherwise I would walk. Seems like a breach of contract on their behalf ie not providing a proper service

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277 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is LARA at 17 Dec 2010 02:26:40 PM
VODAFONE GET MORE STAFF AND FIRE LARA!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a pathetic service you offer

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275 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is TOTAL at 17 Dec 2010 02:26:16 PM
I cant even stay on line long enough to get to a real person. By the time "Lara" thanks me for calling vodafone my call drops out!

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274 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is I'm CHANGING NETWORKS!!! at 17 Dec 2010 02:26:15 PM
Goodbye voda!!!

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272 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Unusable at 17 Dec 2010 02:24:57 PM
Performance is just getting worse. For years I have used Vodafone in Brisbane, but the last few months, i constantly get drop outs, and even when my phone is next to me, I get missed calls & voice mail, when the phone has never rung. When i finally did get through to Vodafone I was told systems are working normally and I must be in a black spot or the iPhone is faulty. I'm not in a blackspot, and when I contacted Apple, for various reasons said it could NOT be the phone. So stuck using an unusable carrier that is impacting on my business.

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271 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VODA-CRAP at 17 Dec 2010 02:24:21 PM

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270 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is fail at 17 Dec 2010 02:24:09 PM
vodaphone is a big fail they need to give all there customers a free 29 dollar recharge

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268 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Very at 17 Dec 2010 02:22:31 PM
I am not able to make call from my mobile in my home, office or bus. My wife's phone (three) works very well at my home and office (took for testing). Friends call me on my landline saying that cannot connect me. no missed call, no message on my phone. I went to vodafone shop. Repiared the mobile , changed the sim. Same old thing. Completely hopeless vodafone.

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267 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Fail with a Capital F at 17 Dec 2010 02:22:14 PM
My co-worker went to the Vodafone store in Rundle Mall, Adelaide and was told that there is "nothing wrong with our network". WTF?????

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266 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is OUT OF 10..10 at 17 Dec 2010 02:22:10 PM
My vodafone gripes.... in no particular order...
Ordered new HTC Desire HD - tooks a few days and 4 phone calls to finally get it. Wasn't offered insurance for new phone at the time of upgrade, and since told that it can't be purchased after getting the phone. Calls dropping out. Constant searching for 3g and therefore draining my battery, have since turned off 3g and oh guess what... my battery has now lasted over 30 hours. Customer service is a complete joke... at least 60 mins wait whenever you want to speak to them. I live about 8kms from Sydney CBD, I would expect to have a better connection/reception and I am like everyone else on here disapointed to say the least with these issues, call fail, call cannot be connected, can't always get your balance from 1512 as its not avaiable and even when it is you never know when the balance was updated....and then of course you have to look at your balance and then take 10% (GST) off your remaining balance to figure out what you actually have left so that you don't go over your cap... or maybe this is a ploy to get you to go over it to make yet more money from you..suck it up vodafone, sort out the issues before too many more customers walk away!!!!

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265 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is voice messges when have not been on phone at 17 Dec 2010 02:21:17 PM
agree with Vic. can be in the office and get a voice message from minutes ago when phone has not been used.

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263 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPICFAIL at 17 Dec 2010 02:21:03 PM
Constant loss of service, constant lack of 3G bandwidth, delayed texts voice mails, you name it, Vodafails.

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262 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC at 17 Dec 2010 02:20:07 PM
I was a 3g Wireless customer out of Narellan NSW, but that ceased a little over 12 months agao. Ands that was after 12 months of drop outs, no connections, numerous complaints and finally escalation to the Ombudsman !!! Their networks have been clogging up for years, it's not just a recent thing. Even when I was having issues they advised continually the the network was being upgraded. FInally I got out of my contract annd got a meaty refund for paying for a service that wasn't !!!! Good luck to all you guys having issues with the Voice Product.

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261 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is useless at 17 Dec 2010 02:20:03 PM
I am on 3, but this uses Voda GSM coverage where there is no Three 3G coverage. At home I only have Voda GSM and it takes about 10 attempts before I can place a call. I was thinking it was my new shit phone!

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260 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Mobile Phone at 17 Dec 2010 02:19:54 PM
In sept I decided to purchase a mobile broadband service - the unit was not available in store but the wrong product delivered attempts to activate failed after nearly 4 days of trying to contact vodafone went to a store and was told couldnot help, took me two weeks to sort out tyhe problem and I ended up with a mobile broadband and a prepaid phone plus a faulty number that would not activate after which everything was ok till recently when i started to get failed calls not even bothering to call vodafone

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259 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is making my blood boil at 17 Dec 2010 02:19:53 PM
I was attracted by their advertisement and I signed up for a 24-months contract with a 3G and internet data. Vodafone didn't lived up to their advertised promises. I am experiencing frequent connection dropout or no 3G connection at all. I'm really very annoyed and wanted to get out but I'm stuck with them for 24 months. How I wish customers like us are protected by consumer authorities from these companies.

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258 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is late messages at 17 Dec 2010 02:19:18 PM
I thought it was just a freak thing but often go through periods where voice messages come day/s after been left or staff just don't get my sms's.

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257 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Big time fail at 17 Dec 2010 02:19:09 PM
why doesn't anyone in your Indian call centre answer the phone or when they do they just read you a script and give you the run around...why doesn't your network provide the product that you sell us? Why Vodafail I mean Vodafone why why why???

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256 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Capital F Fail at 17 Dec 2010 02:18:57 PM
I use my mobile for work as I work between the office and an external warehouse. At least once a day I suddenly receive a voicemail alert even though I have not been on the phone and the phone has not rang. I check my voicemail and sure enough, the office has called and left a message a minute or two earlier. Some of these calls that I have missed have been extremely urgent. But, must say that Vodafone still rates above Optus on my best telco ladder (but it's hard to rate worse that Optus really with the shit they put me through!)

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255 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely at 17 Dec 2010 02:18:24 PM
I live in regional Australia (25km North of Bowral) in an area that is supposedly fully covered, I can safely say that this isn't true, I get reception when standing in the middle of my front lawn, and nowhere else. You want to use your phone indoors? HA! HA! No indoor phone usage for you!

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254 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Utterly Pathetic at 17 Dec 2010 02:18:10 PM
I work in the CBD, and any time I try to make a call or access my 3G anywhere outside my building, it doesnt work! I constantly have to turn my phone onto airplane mode to get reception. My phone won't even move position on my desk and it will go from 3 bars to "searching" to nothing at all.

What's the point of having an iphone and paying for my $99 unlimited plan when most of the time - I DON'T GET TO USE IT.

I'm switiching to Telstra, because I'd rather pay the extra money and have a reliable service than be stuck with vodafail.

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253 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is What a Mess at 17 Dec 2010 02:17:49 PM
I live in the Inner West and Work in the Sutherland Shire. All day yesterday I could not use my phone to make calls. There were two others in my office that are with Vodafone who had the same problem. I was on the phone for 2hours most of this time I was on hold. However they would not release me from my contract, gave me 3 months free then I have 2 months left until I can cancel my contract. They are supposedly investigating my issue. I also find I have no service when I'm in the city of inner west at times even though there are NO service outages. Yesterday I'd had enough that I went and signed up with OPTUS - I will be leaving Vodafone as soon as possible.

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252 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Unreliable and inconsistent at 17 Dec 2010 02:17:31 PM
I went with Vodafone because I liked the competitive rates. But the pay off for poor service is unacceptable. I live in Preston and regularly only have one bar of reception in my house, when my partner on Telstra has all bars. I get the no cellular message at least four times a day. But the most annoying things are the delayed messages - voicemail messages received a day or more after they were left. I use this phone for work, so that's completely unacceptable. I'm locked in for another year, so 12 months more of pain.

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250 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is mega at 17 Dec 2010 02:17:11 PM
house was robbed-thought person still inside. even call to 000 kept failing and had to keep calling back! Had to convince them I was not making a prank call and that the phone reception was crap. Took four phone calls.

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249 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Incompetent at 17 Dec 2010 02:16:55 PM
In Willoughby North, 4.13 Friday - no service at all. Whats the point of a credit - I couldnt get anywhere near my cap if I wanted to cos theres no bloody network!!

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248 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very! at 17 Dec 2010 02:15:39 PM
My phone wouldn't work in the suburb I live in so I would have to get in the car and drive for 10 minutes before I could get any reception. Great service when you are expecting a call! I had to keep getting in the car every half an hour to check if I had any missed calls.

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247 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Its not a fail??? at 17 Dec 2010 02:15:25 PM
Confused. This is all reverse marketing. Get a life

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246 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone are F***ing thieves at 17 Dec 2010 02:15:22 PM
Vodafone lied to me about going on a plan and that would allow me to sms my friend in seoul. So i wnet on one of their thieving plans and I still could not sms my friend in Seoul. Howver, those pieces of trash Vodafone would not return me to my prepaid arrangment and since then have charged me thousands of dollares more. I am keen to join any action against Vodathief - cheers

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245 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Scammers! at 17 Dec 2010 02:15:13 PM
How are you supposed to contact customer service when the hold time is longer than an hour, but the crap Vodafail network is only capable of holding a call for less than 2 minutes before it drops out.

I changed to Telstra and Vodafail told me I had to pay the full contract amount out since I did not contact them to tell them about the problem. WTF do you want me to do Vodafail?

Still - the pain of paying out the contract is nothing when compared to the joy of not being on their SHIT network anymore!

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244 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 17 Dec 2010 02:14:36 PM

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242 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Consistently consistent at 17 Dec 2010 02:14:19 PM
From the beginning anything that could go wrong has gone wrong with my vodafone experience. Transferring over from 3 (and by the way they are the same company now) my phone number disappeared into the ether for 5 days and I had no connection... Spent a couple of days on the phone to various people in Mumbai and got nowhere. Thank god I have a friend who works at Vodafone, I forwarded the issue to her and someone ported the number ported over as a favour... Then next, of course the internet connection didn't work either... another 2 days of calls to Mumbai... nothing... they are so painful.. spend 2 hours on the phone "i'll just transfer you to someone sir then...." beep beep beep (disconnection. go back to beginning). Similarly the only way I got it sorted out was to ask my friend again to call in some favours at Vodafone. Which takes me up to today.. Of course the MMS facility doesn't work either on my phone... I just can't muster the strength to call the centres again to go through the pain. I've been into the shop to ask them and they can't fix it. In a way I have resigned myself to the fact that I won't have MMS. In summary this company really needs to get its act together or they will go under.

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241 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is NonFail at 17 Dec 2010 02:13:56 PM
Loving the media storm about a completely overblown issue! Talk about Telstra driven agenda - this is shock marketing at its best, dont market yourself, destroy your competitor - all because infinite plans make a mockery of the other telco plans (mobiel and fixed). Dont believe half of what you read and none of what you hear. Fail site Fail. Sucked in.
23 Dec 2010 12:41:27 AM: Voodoofone are destroing themselves. Well, it could be a Teltra driven thing, but does that make all these people's unresolved complaints and frustration and anger less real? No, Nigel's suckhole, it doesn't. It actually suits me to stay with Voodoofone (as long as they last) because I hardly use my phone as a phone. And until my dispute with VF is settled, I don't have a choice unless I want to P a lot of credit away. My experience with them had me not even looking at them for wireless broadband, and I am planning to ditch my Telstra landline and go Naked ADSL, absolutely NOT with the big Dinosaur.
25 Dec 2010 09:14:40 PM: And what is one reason I hardly use my phone as a phone?Because, when the battery in the previous phone would die really quickly for no apparent reason, I switched it to offline, and pretty much only re-connected to view TV schedule via VF live, occasionally, and to check, and note,my credit. Then I found credit had dropped and I had been charged for things I couldn't possibly have done, since my phone had been offline for a long time when Vodafone said the events had occurred. My logs(in my phone) showed no activity for days either side of the alleged events, and I spent over 30 mins arguing with the various Vodafone employees.(This has happenned again recently -didn't have to argue so long- I'm sure somewhere it would be on file that I will go to the TIO,sooner rather than later if they f*ck with me.For what that's worth.)When I had the battery tested at Nokia, they said it was fine. Somewhere I read that it was better for battery life to make the default 2G, so I did. If Nokia, in the CBD centre was telling the truth (don't know if they used a sim in it in the test, or, if so, whose sim,) then it is fair to draw the conclusion that trying to maintain a connection to the Vodafone network,(not on a call, or an sms, or anything) was what was flattenning the battery so quickly.
27 Dec 2010 11:38:43 AM: I am in no way a pro-Telstra or any other Telco customer for that matter. The stories of thousnds of people can't be the evil plot of Telstra. Do you think we're all idiots???
27 Dec 2010 12:09:47 PM: Oh somewhere else! - we know you are the Voda stooge - we can feel it in your angst. Focus on fixing the problems not bleating about us bleaters
21 Jan 2011 10:43:13 AM: If any of you had half a brain, you would have gone to the TIO years ago and ended your relationship with Vodafone. That fact that you're still there soaking up the punishment says the other half is probably missing as well.

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240 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Drop Outs, network busy, no service, no data, message bank delays . at 17 Dec 2010 02:13:50 PM
Our company had noticed this since early this year. Bought it to the attention of our account manager, emails, reports etc etc. In denial, met up with the Vodafone Dealer Owner who we went through, told us that to get out of contract in March 2011, had to pay $2k. Don't think we will be paying the $2k, I think we can call it compensation. We even got Telstra sims, as an emergency backup.

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239 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Serious failure at 17 Dec 2010 02:13:35 PM
I work in the middle of Sydney and 80% of my calls are dropped, not connected or have no audio. I can not use data at all. This has happenned for the last 3-4 months. I am stuck in a plan for 6 more months. Seriously sucks.

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238 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 17 Dec 2010 02:12:39 PM
Vodaf&%^%gfone!! Poor service and reception pretty much all over sydney, from mobile phones to 3g data. The data plans are expensive. The install software for the 3g cards was abismal, one couldn't uninstall it from ones machine.
I found trying to navigate the super crap lara system to complain about being over charged or to cancel my contract was extremely bothersome as most times I couldnt get through and when i did i got cut off for holding on to long because i wasn't speaking to the right person. Have since moved on to another network happily.

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236 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Major Fail at 17 Dec 2010 02:12:05 PM
I want out of my contract because when talking to someone my service drops out ever 2 mins i end up calling the person back at least 3-5 times per conversation or having to sms that person in order to get a conversation through. Even SMS' take a 5-10 mins to process. this has been happening for 3 months. My sister is also on a vodafone customer, she has been waiting for 3 months for someone to come to her place to see how there is no service available for her, where her husband is with Telstra and has full reception. Makes no sense to us both and we keep getting the run around.

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235 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is totally so NOT awesome at 17 Dec 2010 02:11:37 PM
3G sucks!!! what's the point of offering "included" date if it cant be used. its been going on for months not weeks. Now other carriers are cashing in with Virgin Mobile running VODAFAIL adds!!

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