26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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20022 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 16 Nov 2011 07:18:34 PM
I just got a email from vodafone advising me that my visa debit card is about to expire and to update my info of my new card number .......... HAHA yea im running. Ill have the upper hand now yayy. You know (on another occasion) they tried to get me to switch from 3 to vodafone internet saying "we will wave your early exit fees of your current plan" umm for 1: im on a month to month payment (no plan) they should know this!!, and 2: after my experiences with them and other providers throughout the years ill never look at a contract for anything ever again!!
Prepaid till i die :D

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20021 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Worst at 16 Nov 2011 06:20:10 PM
Terrible data speeds and connection drop outs for the pocket wifi modem

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20020 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Adam Gilchrist on Vodafone at 16 Nov 2011 05:48:12 PM
Adam Gilchrist's true thoughts on Vodafone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7t7J1ZpDWw

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20019 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is baddd at 16 Nov 2011 05:15:49 PM
poor quility reception despite the so call upgrade!!!

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20018 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Worst ever! at 16 Nov 2011 04:51:57 PM
Blame their customer for everything! Worst service ever!

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20017 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Makes no sense fail at 16 Nov 2011 03:48:39 PM
It's terrible all over but it simply doesn't work IN GLEBE! INNER CITY SYDNEY!!! ALL ALONG one of the BUSIEST streets in sydney! I have never actually been able to upload a picture via twitter, not once! it's definitely gotten worse since i moved here 4 months ago (it was atrocious in brisbane as well). so i rang and explained this. they offer to waive my bills until march next year. my reply?
"so basically i can pay nothing and receive nothing?"
"...it would appear so"
haha! so i cancelled, they tried to make me pay out my contract. i told them that there isn't really a contract because my phone doesn't work. 5 minutes on hold. they waived this fee now.

am now on optus as of today... it switches over soon, time will tell if this is a glebe bermuda triangle issue or a vodafone issue. i think it's safe to say it's a vodafail issue.
17 Nov 2011 06:41:33 AM: Yeah mate, I live in Glebe also and I have the same issues, no service in Broadway mall. Calls dropping, calls failing altogether. up to 12 hour delays on SMS's, absolute SHITE.
Waiting to be ported to optus

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20015 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAEL at 16 Nov 2011 12:51:58 PM
In late August I rang up Vodafone with the intention of changing my number from a post paid to a pre paid account. I was sick of their shit which everyone is well aware and just wanted to keep my number which I've had for many years. My contract was due to run out on or around 7 September 2011. After speaking to one customer service representative, then being passed on to the customer retention team (even more annoying with their attempts to retain you), I was finally able to get the guy to change my account over. He asked me whether I wanted to do it straight away, or after my contract had expired. I said after it had expired because I don't want to pay and not receive service (which is what would've happened if I decided to change straight away). As I was on the $114 unlimited cap, I essentially paid for my service already.

Anyway he said he would have it done, without me needing to call back. I made sure of this because I wanted to make sure that this was the last time I would have to speak to Vodafone. He confirmed this and I was on my merry way.

Some time in October, I received a bill from Vodafone. I stupidly thought that this might be my last bill from them, so I paid it. In November, I received another bill from Vodafone. I knew straight away that they hadn't changed my number across and that I was essentially still paying $114 a month. I rang up on Saturday 12 November to try and rectify this issue, only for them to tell me to call back on Monday. I rang back on Monday, still without the issue resolved.

It's bad enough that they didn't do what they promised, I think this is just a tricky little technique they employ to keep customers. It makes me so angry as I've rung up about 5 or 6 times for this same matter and it's still to be resolved. Everytime I ask to speak to someone who can do something about it, or someone in Australia all the customer service representatives can say to me is I don't know if you will be transferred to Australia... Bloody gold Vodafone.

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20014 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 100% at 16 Nov 2011 11:10:54 AM
17 Nov 2011 07:59:31 AM: I am also being charged for exessive data, but with me, I can see that 3.9GB has been sent.... My question is where and what is being sent???? No one can help me....
18 Nov 2011 08:05:42 AM: Exact same - I have had EXACTLY the same thing happen yesterday and today. They cannot suspend your service unless you've not paid a bill, and they can't bar calls if you're disputing via the TIO - I haven't even gotten the bill for this extortionate amount, and am already speaking with TIO and they've barred me. Have been waiting an hour and 26 mins to get through

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20013 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is raaaaagh!!!! at 16 Nov 2011 10:56:01 AM
I have been trying to top up my credit for 2 days now and I can't get through to anyone in customer service and it simply tells me there's a tech error every time I try. I desperately need to make some important phone calls and this is causing me extreme stress - well done Vodafail, lost another one...

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20012 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is The worst at 16 Nov 2011 09:32:25 AM
On the 15 of november I received a bill saying that I own $314.04 from IDK. I called them and this indian guy said that you used ur data in excess. They started charging me extra amounts from the 23rd of october and the last time I checked my usage details was on the 27 of october saying that I have remaining $174 for calls, text messages, etc and 154mb data, excl.amt $0. They are charging me for something I didn't use even though I still had data to use.... I'm not gonna pay $314.04 because they need the money, Im gonna pay the $29 cap.

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20011 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is The worst at 16 Nov 2011 09:27:04 AM
On the 15 of november I received a bill saying that I own $314.04 from IDK. I called them and this indian guy said that you used ur data in excess. They started charging me extra amounts from the 23rd of october and the last time I checked my usage details was on the 27 of october saying that I have remaining $174 for calls, text messages, etc and 154mb data, excl.amt $0. They are charging me for something I didn't use even though I still had data to use.... I'm not gonna pay $314.04 because they need the money, Im gonna pay the $29 cap..

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20010 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Super Fail at 16 Nov 2011 07:54:28 AM
Everyone in our office has a Vodaphone iPhone 4 on an unlimited plan, although we are often on the road the time spent in the office has become hell the past few days as all 6 Sales reps have had massive reception issues and no land line! AAHHHH!! WTF VODAFAIL!

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20009 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is major at 16 Nov 2011 05:03:23 AM
ridiculously expensive

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20008 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no reception, consistently recalls, now triple the price at 15 Nov 2011 08:35:53 PM
so for way too long now I have accepted , VODAFAILS lack of service, the constant recalling of phone calls that cut out, the scary sounds of an aliens or someone under water tapping into my phone calls, .. or simple people telling me that they cant hear what i am saying so they will just text... BUT now this month they have decided that this recalling and texting has come at a charge, MORE then triple my monthly allowance..

TO top it off, when i call to complain, they ask if i can call them back in 4 hours time due to them unable to access my bill due to system maintenance... 4hours later i get a call (10.00pm at night) to be told i've gone over my allowance and that i have to pay the bill... then a sorry ma-em.. i cant hear you.. i cant hear you... phone cuts out.. i am sitting at my table. my phone still stating i have 3 bars of reception.. i go no where.. the phone rings again.. hello ma-em are you there?...... i explain i have not moved, my bars of reception have not change, and he has CLEARLY illustrated my frustrations of vodafail and of people cutting out on me.. and me usually the one to recall.. still no sympathy or assistance. HE then states i have gone over my bill and i must pay.. but he will get the maintenance team which have shut for the evening to call me tomorrow.. (despite having a new iphone which i got off vodafone, thinking my last last nokia must of had issues for people cutting out on me.

My temper now boiling, He ends with have a nice DAY.. (10.15pm) grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr no sleep tonight!

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20007 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is EPICALLY at 15 Nov 2011 08:16:35 PM
I had to migrate from 3 to Vodafone due to coverage issues. I received my first bill from them which was 2 bills in 1, as apparently I have to pay in advance for a service I have not yet used, this was not advised when I agreed to the migration. A week after my due date of my first bill I had my service cut even though I did try to call them to arrange a 3 day extension but their billing system was down for 24 hours and this morning they did a system upgrade. By the time I got to speak to someone my service had been cut, they did not care and said it was fine to pay the bill but would not restore my service or lack there of. I tried to call them later tonight after nearly an hour on hold, I was told that this was policy, I asked to ask to speak to a manager and I was quite polite and the representative kept muting me and then disconnected my call. I called back again, again a long hold time, asked to speak to a manager, advised I wasn't happy with the service and the representative hung up on me again. I am now going to take this further so my experience is a MASSIVE FAIL :-(
7 Dec 2011 04:30:28 PM: you know what? even if you ask for a manager, there's nothing they can do about it... A Manager is not a biller or tech support mate... That's why companies hire tech support or customer service agents... They are trained to speak to you... Not the manager...

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20006 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Bloatware Fail at 15 Nov 2011 03:02:41 PM
I have just started using my new Galaxy S2. Vodafail please do something about the bloatware with the next update or help everyone to get rid of it. I am not impressed that the apps Vodafone, Vodafone Apps, Games, Music, News, Sport all lead to the same Vodafone Live homepage. I think most users can accept bloatware as a means of subsiding their phone but installing a bunch of "apps'' that leads nowhere is pretty stupid. Get rid of these pointless icons or make them lead somewhere that is useful to the user and the company.
My Galaxy S1 was similarly infected, but the 'apps' on that led to the Vodafone corporate website, completely pointless.

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20005 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is going backwards at 15 Nov 2011 01:35:33 PM
Getting worse in Yanchep. I send messages and they register in my sent messages folder but no one gets them. Have a picture of a tower now - but no bars. Can't call out. Two calls to me in the last 2 days have made it through but dropped out.
Vodafone website reports no outages in WA, but some vague network upgrade stuff...HOW LONG IS THINS GOING TO KEEP GOING ON FOR? THEY SEEM TO BE DOWNGRADING MY NETWORK.....I HOPE NONE OF MY CHILDREN HAVE ANY EMERGENCIES!!! As for receiving any calls from prospective employers....

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20004 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is mammoth fail at 15 Nov 2011 10:36:38 AM
15 Nov 2011 12:54:23 PM: i think TIO would love this story & i do hope you have gotten in contact the the "other party" as they would also like to know about this total failure of VF
16 Nov 2011 08:03:36 AM: hi the "other party" has been called he got $5 off his bills but did not know just how much of his info i have. he is not happy.
17 Nov 2011 07:09:52 PM: Well this just got better i have now had the handsets we never got added to the final bill how do i get aca contact information?
18 Nov 2011 04:25:37 PM:
Wow you have been through the VF meat grinder!

As suggested start with the TIO, the details may be found at the top of the page under the How To Complain tab.

The TIO online complaint form will take less than 10 minutes to complete, you can copy and paste what you have written above.

I have used it twice now and it is easy.

VF then have 10 working days to respond to your complaint, they contact you, suggest you get pen/paper ready and take down the callers details, name, CSR id date and time of call and what was said.

The complaints team will try to make a mutually agreed satisfactory outcome, it could be half price payments over a certain period of time or termination of contract with no exit fees.

Your decision, but my intent was to rid myself of the extremely poor VF service and I did.

Good luck and let us know how you get on!

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
15 Dec 2011 11:25:48 AM: I had written Mammoth fail on the 15 of November and this is an update.
I have kept fighting this and started to record all of my conversations with Vodafone as the notes that Vodafone keep are completely miss leading I was having one conversation where I was told point blank that no one would have said that to me so I replayed the voice recording to her she then tried to tell me that it was because I had confused the operator!
In the end I think that I have won we had 2 accounts with Vodafone this is what I have gotten
Account 1
Waive early termination fees $772.56
Waive all owing charges (have not payed anything since this started) $325.31
All money back for hand set payment $45
Compensation $200
Account 2
Waive early termination fee $823.01
Waive all owing charges $483.06
Compensation $38

I have gotten letters to confirm that both accounts are completely clear
The $38 and $45 was credited to the credit card and the $200 will be credited to my bank with in the next 5 days it was a long fight but in the end I got what I wanted and I will never go back to Vodafone for anything!

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20003 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is THE MOST POSSIBLE at 15 Nov 2011 10:27:23 AM
Having spent 5 hrs on the phone over 10 phone calls to their customer service and 2 TIO complaints, I STILL receive a text saying I owe them money after my account was supposed to be closed in June 2011 (currently Nov 2011). During another 50 minute phone call the operator tells me they credited some money they owed me to my bank account twice, so I owe them money. I checked my bank statements and this was not so. After waiting on hold for 10 minutes he comes back, gives me a transaction reference and stops speaking. I assume he meant check it with the bank, so when I became cross he rudely interrupts and says "STOP TALKING!" I was alarmed and stopped. After more confusion I finally decipher he means they wiped the supposed amount I owed them from my record. Apart from the utter hopelessness and dishonesty of their company, customer service and billing team that I have encountered over the last 5 months, I receive the RUDEST response from a customer service operator that I have ever received in my life. NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER will I use Vodafone for ANYTHING ever again, so long as I shall ever live.

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20002 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 15 Nov 2011 07:51:24 AM
I receive my 3-internet bill to my email on November 4th with a due date November 11th (7day due date to direct debit). My friend gets 3 odd weeks to pay his bill.......i only found out about the bill when i checked my bank account as i only open that email once a week. Not happy at all to have them do what they want with my money without me knowing.

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20001 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is You FAILED!!!!!! at 15 Nov 2011 07:42:48 AM
I posted earlier about the activation not being registered and I called the TIO and they said to talk to VF first and see what they say and I told them I wanted the contract cancelled, no fees, no penalty, they agreed to do that, they have now lost a customer for life, too many times have I gone with them and had problems. Game over.

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20000 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is HORRIBLE at 15 Nov 2011 07:13:44 AM
I am being overbilled - I've spent hours on the phone discussing ti with them too. Their website constantly forces you to login again. I changed from 3 to Vodafone in response to their offers, and specifically was told (a) it would be the end of my bills from 3 (I am still getting bills from them) and (b) Facebook is free, including links visited. I am not surprised to find this is not the case, but I did doublecheck, at the time. So I have since spent 3 hours on the phone getting that first bill waived, but they then went back on this and billed me anyway. And when it was not paid (the money didn't come out of my account, because I don't have that much in my account) my phone is now not able to send texts, make calls, or use the Internet. Fantastic.

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19999 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Give'm the gong at 15 Nov 2011 06:38:39 AM
I got a new galaxy 2 phone and called to activate it, I went through the proceeure and waited for it to be activated, little did I know that the whole thing did not even register on their system and so I was waiting for something that was never going to come, too many times I have gone with this company on to have problem after problem, it never ends with this company, never. Im ringing the TIO today to have it cancelled before its even started.

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19998 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is blood sucking vampires at 15 Nov 2011 12:01:10 AM
Being a (former) customer service rep for vodafail , i apologise for instances when was unable to help customers, human beings like me who had families and trying to make ends meet... My hands were tied. Add to that the frustration of being forced to do intermittent 6-day week or an extra hour of overtime (@$3AUD/hr) at extremely short notice.
18 Nov 2011 01:37:01 PM: I'm always polite to the customer service reps, and if I get frustrated, I'm quick to point out it's not meant to be directed at them. Most of the customer service reps (even the overseas outsourced ones) I speak to are as helpful as they can be within the role they have. I think the problem with vodafone is more to do with their procedures than the people. My heart goes out to all the customer service reps who do their best to help the customers who are getting screwed by vodafone.

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19997 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is So much fail!!! at 14 Nov 2011 11:00:41 PM
Remaining balance not showing up in website, wrong name on account details online all of a sudden, tried to call and "they are dealing with urgent account maintenance". Not to mention calls always dropping out, no/bad service and bad customer service over the phone!

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19996 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is It's not. at 14 Nov 2011 10:22:27 PM
I've been a Vodafone customer for over 2 years now and I have never had any issues with my handset or service. Anyone at Vodafone I have spoken to I have had fantastic service and as much as everyone hates Vodafone, the other company's have the same sort of issues or they charge unbelievably ridiculous amounts of money for something you don't need to pay for just because they have the coverage. The amount f times I've been to places where people complain about I've always had coverage. People complain an complain because people are never satisfied about what they get. People expect to get perfection an you are obviously never going to get perfection with anyone. I believ that everyone has there right to an opinion but at the end of the day, 15 years ago nobody even had any of this as much as they do now. People should start respecting people. It's fucking ridiculous how much people complain. It's a handset running on over air connection, there is bound to be drop outs and they're over 2 million people using the Vodafone network... So if the sites are overloaded at sometimes and your handset drops out for more that 5 seconds, then I really don't believe that that's the end of the world.
15 Nov 2011 07:33:58 AM: so 1 cust is happy what about the 5 mill who have to deal with the drop out pain. the othe thing you said that is correct is the other charge too much & if vf goes we will pay more.

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19995 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Never get signal at 14 Nov 2011 09:13:09 PM
I live in Andrews Farm in SA and have a constant battle with getting signal on my mobile and 3G wifi I can never do any email or Internet stuff from home .Why did I go with this poor service from Vodafone? Will it ever get better?????? Just getting this message out has been harder than it should have been.
14 Nov 2011 10:24:54 PM: Maybe if you follow the processes you need to take to get out of your contract of you lr servie is that bard then Vodafone will do something about it. Yes, it may take a lot of persuading and time but at the end of the day if you really wanted to get out of your contract then you would fight your case, not post all over the Internet about your phone issues.
15 Nov 2011 04:46:44 AM: @ 14 Nov 2011 10:24:54 PM

Mate, apart from a duplicated incoherent and rambling post you have absolutely no right to tell the user where he/she may post on the internet about their phone issues.

Now get off back to school.

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19994 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 14 Nov 2011 07:02:13 PM
Real problems with network the last five or six days.

Constant call failures when trying to ring out (This is in the Sydney CBD). I'm not receiving text messages till hours later (or in fact a full day!) and I can't access voice mail at all because it just keeps hanging up on me (saying 'call failed') visual voice mail not working either.

I went into Vodafail shop today and they said "Call the call center. We don't know what's wrong... " went to another shop just to try my luck with someone else who didn't seem so preoccupied with their own iphone behind the counter and when I explained what had been happening she looked at me, didn't say anything but "here, take this" and handed me the shop phone which was apparantley calling the call center in whatever land and went to deal with someone else!

(I'm tossing up whether or not the shop assistants service is worse than the connection problems?)

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19992 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Call Log caller photo issue at 14 Nov 2011 05:55:27 PM
When i look at the Call Log for Missed call, It doesn't pickup the correct caller Photo. Please check and let me know.

I am from Chennai, India. I got vodafone 555 blue phone 2 Days before(Saturday 12 Nov 2011). Today is 14 Nov 2011.

Please check and let me know and call me on my mobile number <<PERSONAL DETAILS REMOVED>>
14 Nov 2011 06:28:26 PM: This website is a consumer website for Australian Vodafone customers, it is not the official Vodafone website either in Australia or India.

Suggest you make your complaint to the official website in India.

I have also removed your telephone number for privacy reasons.

Good luck trying to get your issues resolved.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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19991 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is failed again at 14 Nov 2011 03:59:28 PM
Yanchep were notified may be probs up to 13 Nov but... No service again. Phone turns itself off AND on again now...asks for PIN again. No service still.
14 Nov 2011 04:07:46 PM: if your switches its self off and on its a problem with the handset! i live in yanchep i had a sim card swap and i dont have any coverage issues
14 Nov 2011 10:25:45 PM: Maybe if you follow the processes you need to take to get out of your contract of you lr servie is that bard then Vodafone will do something about it. Yes, it may take a lot of persuading and time but at the end of the day if you really wanted to get out of your contract then you would fight your case, not post all over the Internet about your phone issues.
15 Nov 2011 04:48:14 AM: @ 14 Nov 2011 10:25:45 PM:

Mate, apart from a duplicated incoherent and rambling post you have absolutely no right to tell the user where he/she may post on the internet about their phone issues.

Now get off back to school.

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19990 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 14 Nov 2011 03:54:42 PM
I am a current employee of vodafone and i would just like to say that we have processes and policeys that we have to follow in store. we can not waive high bills, replace handsets, get you out of you contrcat or anything like that.. im sick of customers coming into stores and abusing us because we unable to help them, its not that we dont want to its becasue we cant get the autorisation, i dont think anyone would appreciate us coming into your place of work and abusing you the way that we get abused... we all start the day with a smile on our face but when we recieve death threats or have things thrown at us we are going to be less inclined to help you... when our system is down again that its not our fault! please take this into consideration before you walk into our stores calling us f*&k heads..
- pissed off employee
14 Nov 2011 04:12:28 PM: I agree, totally. Customers should value your help.
15 Nov 2011 04:54:20 AM: As the point of contact and often the point of sale of a poor telecommunications service you and your team are the shop window of Vodafail.

Users have a choice, they can complain about their issues and try to get them amicably resolved, or make the choice, eventually, to leave that service and proceed to a more responsible provider.

You also have that choice, use it.
18 Nov 2011 10:53:51 AM: Mabye if your call centre actually did something people wouldnt be pissed off .
18 Nov 2011 01:42:06 PM: People who abuse the customer service staff in stores are just being dicks, but when you consider the mess they have had to deal with in regards to vodafone, it's not hard to see why people act like that, not that it excuses it.

Perhaps you should redirect your anger at the customers back towards the company you work for. Is there some way you can provide customers with contact information for people who might actually be able to help them get out of their contracts, etc?

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19989 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 14 Nov 2011 03:20:05 PM
Is it true that vodafone has gone bankrupt
14 Nov 2011 04:19:09 PM: no!

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19988 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is selling dodgy Legends at 14 Nov 2011 03:06:51 PM
I purchased a HTC Legend for my wife last year thinking she would have fun with android, social media etc. Since then she has no end of strife with the phone constantly dropping out. We originally put that down to the vodafone network issues. After the phone was updated with Froyo (android) it became unusable so I asked my wife to drop it in for a repair. The store then asked her to collect the phone a week later. She rushed there thinking the phone was fixed only to be told that it had water damage and therefore any warranty was void. She advised the store asistant that it had never been in contact with water. He said it could have been caused by bathroom condensation or other moisture found in our home.
This has made me feel quite frustrated with vodafone. I have read elsewhere on vodafail that this type of water damage i.e. incurred during normal use is a scam used by vodafone to get out of dealing with faulty handsets. Has anyone else experienced this issue or got comment on vodafone using these tactics? Our next step will be to make a complaint to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman as it is just not right/fair/just that we should be left with a dud handset that hasn't been anywhere near water.
14 Nov 2011 10:28:54 PM: A store staff member does not fix your phone. They simply hand you the phone back and have to tell you the bad news. It's not the sales assistants fault that the repair centre has come back with that issue. You can get proof of water damage from the repair centre. Don't take it out on the staff member in store. It's there job to tell you what's happens, but they never diagnosed that your phone has water damage. Have a little respect. Things are frustrating but there is nothing a sales consultant can do in that situation.
15 Nov 2011 08:22:53 AM: Can you read? I was not blaming the sales assistant.
16 Nov 2011 07:19:41 PM: geeze what's with vodafone supporters on this site. Your networks sucks!!! "Selling dodgy Legends" was merely discussing his experience.... he never even complained about the sales assistants.. sounds like the response of a vodafail employee???? maybe you should get of the net and serve some customers, rather than being so defensive about someones legitimate statement

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19987 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Uber at 14 Nov 2011 01:51:40 PM
Vodafail is having a Sieble system meltdown that is causing its sales and customer service staff to be unable to even look at customer records. Transactions are just freezing mid process. Vodafail rather than fixing a problem that started yesterday overnight, in their infinite wisdom have decided that the middle of the business day is the best time to fix failing systems

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19986 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very bad at 14 Nov 2011 01:34:49 PM
I have really poor reception and black spots in St Peters, Sydney

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19985 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Dropped calls, no service at 14 Nov 2011 01:30:21 PM
Calls fail constantly and calls drop out constantly. Half of the time coverage is roaming, even though I am in a metropolitan area.

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19984 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is infinate plan not infinate at 14 Nov 2011 12:34:33 PM
I am having issues with the so called infinate plans they seem to last less than the regular prepaid

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19983 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Can we change from fail to feedback at 14 Nov 2011 11:32:55 AM
I am getting a lot of twitters, facebooks and unfounded comments everytime Vodafone is mentioned people are using the trem Vodafail to be funny even though they have never used Vodafone. This is unfair. I think this website needs to be FIRM yet have a positive impact to customer experience. I suggest you change this site to VodaFEEDBACK or VodaTRACK or something that shows it is working! Every business deserves a chance to recover or become even better! But this creates spiralling of Brand damage that I beleive is now couter constructive,Vodafone is probably spending more time and money now on PR anti-smear brand damage campaigns raher than fixing its system problems where we want money to be spent!Please change your tact.
14 Nov 2011 12:30:35 PM: You seriously expect us to feel sorry for Vodafail when they are more than happy to take on customers when they know their network is substandard. How many people has this website helped who don't know any better and without this website highlighting Vodafails shoddy network they would have never spent the money on this alleged upgrade. Consider this troll fed people.
14 Nov 2011 01:46:18 PM: You are correct a long time ago they had a network that provided services, when they do again people may support them. As they treat customers like criminals for demanding basic phone/data service they will get negative feed back. As you must work for VF may I suggest you go back to your desk stick your head in the sand & blame for customers for your problems.
14 Nov 2011 01:54:32 PM: if VF were seen to be making an effort to fix obvious problems I would agree, but they aren't.

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19982 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely at 14 Nov 2011 10:54:17 AM
Quite upset with Vodafone! It's been half a year, calls suddenly drop out, my incoming calls go straight to voice mail as it's off when it looks to me that it's perfectly within range (at home or in the office) for hours. Family and friends can't reach and I've had so many fights with my partner because I'm not contactable. I have tried using different phones in the hope that it would improve and it just doesn't! I'm still locked in a contract for 1.5 years and I don't know how to get out! I can't afford to pay out the contract, it's just frustrating!

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19981 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very annoying at 14 Nov 2011 10:10:30 AM
My phone constantly drops out and I struggle to get reception in my own house which is only 10 mins from CBD!!!!

Also, if someone returns a missed call from me it goes to some other person! The last time this happened (three days ago) my friend got talking to the other person and they said they were with Telstra and had only had the number for two weeks but were constantly getting calls for me and getting very pissed off about it!

Thank goodness I only have two weeks left to run on my contract ...

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19980 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 14 Nov 2011 08:10:10 AM
very poor reception, drop outs, incorrect billing, and the worst customer service ever.

i waited 1 hour only to be told the system is down in India and they can not look up my account.

I asked for a supervisor after 45 mins they hung up.

I am glad i am out of my contract.

i have been a loyal voda customer sine 1998- i am finished with vodafone..

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19978 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Ridiculous at 14 Nov 2011 12:33:06 AM
I am from sydney, and my partner is with vodafone... When i Call him i cant even talk for more then two mins at a time because its constantly dropping out!!! And cutting out!!!!
Im soooooo sick of it, im with another provider and have no issues, he on the other hand, not only pays more then me, but cant even make phone calls !!!
And when i send an urgent text he receives the text atleast an hr later. Vodafone is srsly a joke!

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19977 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Poor mobile broadband coverage at 13 Nov 2011 06:01:22 PM
I live in Williamstown, VIC and have been using Vodafone's mobile broadband for the last year with no major problems. But in the last few weeks the connection has dropped down to dial up speeds. I've rung repeatedly, done every check there is. The pocket wifi modem is working fine in other places, but now for some inexplicable reason not in my house. I am nearly out of contract and will have to try another carrier. No one can offer an explanation why reception in my house has suddenly changed. Just an inconsistent and unreliable service.

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19976 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 13 Nov 2011 02:02:44 PM
Looking for the four bars promised by the local Voda spruikers. Found one, so far, but only on a good day.

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19975 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 13 Nov 2011 01:59:40 PM
I'm in Narara, near Gosford. Was assured by the local Vodafone spruikers that this area was OK. Four bars (smug smile). Well, I'm lucky to get one bar on a good day. Are the Voda boffins doing anything about this?

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19974 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is superfail, sucks donkey balls at 13 Nov 2011 09:35:42 AM
3 words!!! vodafone sucks ass!!! i should have stayed with 3, another 15 months to go:(

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19973 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is gone! at 13 Nov 2011 09:20:45 AM
At Humpty Doo - Full signal then at 9AM disappeared, nada, "No Service".
Nothing on Vodafone website at 10AM.

Optus and Telstra still fine.
13 Nov 2011 09:36:04 AM: It's back, full strength, yay!
They must read this site.

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19972 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Horrible at 12 Nov 2011 05:19:14 AM
Very poor reception in glebe

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19971 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is totally at 11 Nov 2011 10:07:32 PM
Week three, yes THREE of virtually no signal at all from 4pm ish each afternoon Magically at midnight....BOING!!!! all back on. I have been told this is why i have been given two months free usage. I said i bet that hasn't been offered to everyone, and that it would be great getting it for free, IF IT WORKED! So, week three, i can't be arsed calling them again, They said they called me back, but i had no missed call, so i figure it was either a lie, or they were using their own product and the call COULDN'T make it through. LOL

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19970 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Poor service and coverage at 11 Nov 2011 07:18:48 PM
I migrated from 3 to Vodaphone in August and from the beginning things were not going well. First they told me that they would send me the new wi-fi modem in short time, after 5 weeks waiting I had to go personally to a shop to have this problem fixed and they didn't want to acknowledge the deal I've had because they said it was only an online deal. Once I had the modem the broadband speed was very slow and when I called customer service they told me to fix something with my network which I did but didn't help very much. Finally, after several time I ran out of patience and filed a complaint with the TIO and let Vodaphone know about it. Vodaphone told me that the area I live in has good coverage and they changed the modem and the sim card. Also because of my complaint with the TIO they said they will give me 3 months for free of internet service and a brand new "supermodem" which will fix my problem for good. This happened today. I told them that if there is no solution I would switch to other company and file another complaint with TIO,lets see how it goes.
13 Nov 2011 08:01:24 PM: Goodluck, hope it goes well, otherwise the TIO is the way to go.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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19969 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Handset delivery at 11 Nov 2011 04:26:51 PM
1) I ordered a new handset over the phone after the website wouldn't allow me to place the order. They then tried to deliver the phone to my office but said they couldn't deliver which I can't believe being a large office.
2) So the phone was returned to Vodafone and I've been on the phone to then every second day for the last 2 weeks to try and have it re-delivered! Today they said that it's on it's way but couldn't give me a tracking number yet? They even have the hide to say it's going to take 4-5 days for delivery. Haven't they heard of customer service and overnight delivery?? It's a joke!

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19967 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Very dissapointed at 11 Nov 2011 02:41:41 PM
2 months ago the 1512 balance setup did not work for 3 weeks. Now it keeps giving me vthe same balance for a week when i make at least 10 calls a day. After 20 years with vodafone, i am now going elsewhere. All my problems have only been since Hutchinson came on board.

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19966 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is shocking at 11 Nov 2011 02:34:00 PM
When I txt 1512 to get a balanceit keeps telling me the same balance and it must be at least $100. more. I got caught last month and had to pay $35. over my usual plan payment.

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19965 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 11 Nov 2011 02:31:14 PM
when i text 1512, it tells me the same balace and it must be at least a c$100. less. Got caught last month and had to pay $35. more than my plan.

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19964 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 11 Nov 2011 02:23:23 PM
My experience was waiting 3 days (while calling customer support and visiting the store 3 times) and after 3 days being told they still can't activate my prepaid simm and don't know when they will be able to.
I went to another provider and it tools 20 minutes to activate only

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19962 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is meh at 11 Nov 2011 12:49:07 PM
Ok at home but no 3G calls or internet at Sculpture by the Sea at Bondi. Had full signal but network seemed too busy to function. Forced phone to 2G GSM and all ok.

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19961 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very fail at 11 Nov 2011 11:25:55 AM
Transferred from 3 network to Vodafone on the promise of the Iphone4. Now 3 isn't the greatest network going but I thought it was okay. You would think that Vodafone being in the same stable as 3 would have similar coverage.
We holiday near Yarrawonga on the Vic/NSW border and once you get about 10 km out of Yarrawonga there is no Vodafone coverage.
Well, you might say. That is not unusual, you are in the rural areas, coverage is not as good. The strange thing is my daughter is still with 3 and gets perfect coverage where Vodafone doesn't. Both of us have the same phone also.
How is this possible when they are supposedly the same company and network now?
12 Nov 2011 09:49:32 AM: 3 when roaming uses the Telsra network, not Vodafones...

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19960 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Massive Fail at 11 Nov 2011 11:12:58 AM

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19958 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is bill at 11 Nov 2011 01:17:37 AM
I am unsure if Vodafone are over charging me
11 Nov 2011 10:06:46 AM: It can be fairly complicated to work out sometimes but go through your itemised monthly bill and see if it all makes sense. If it doesn't them call them up and ask them to explain the parts that don't. If you are certain you've been overcharged then you can follow the instructions on the 'how to complain' page to lodge a complaint.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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19957 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is epic fail historical fail fail of the century at 10 Nov 2011 11:30:54 PM
Made the mistake of switching over from three mobile to vodafone, and have just seen the mobile coverage on vodafone is worse than 3mobile indoors in cabramatta sydney. The3G indicator shows only one bar most of the time indoors and at the best of times it shows three bars but they dont last for very long. At times i get the annoying SOS calls only indication when the phone is indoors this reduces the whole 3g experience to a pathetic joke. When i was on 3mobile the indoor coverage in 3g mode was streets ahead of vodafone. the upgrade staff at the call centre said the new iphone 4s would be better since it would make use of vodafones new hspa network which meant improved coverage indoors.
Currently when im indoors at home i run the iphone 3gs in 2g mode with 3g mode disabled to prevent the phone from going into SOS calls only mode.
Is it possible to revert back to 3mobile?? im on a rolling monthly $50 cap at the moment.
Moral of the story if you are a longterm customer with 3mobile like me then please dont the foolish mistake which i made of switching over to vodafone.

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19956 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is almost total fail at 10 Nov 2011 11:16:02 PM
1 drop out 2 excessive bills, $1000 + 3 inconsistent and sometimes abrasive customer service 4 persistent and multiple texts regarding my bill even though i have updated my details on several occasions 5 charges for paper bill for the same reason 6 zero response to written feedback over time 7 complex feedback processes that do not work 8 denial of corporate history 9 plans and offers that are a desperate and not convincing attempt to retain customers 10 multiple identical messages and messages from three, who are not my carrier 11 general disappointment

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19955 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Worst Coverage at 10 Nov 2011 06:24:05 PM
Worst Coverage I can get in all the areas i go.
I dont get internet connected eventhough it says 3G on the display.
Dont know what to do

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19954 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is service,trash at 10 Nov 2011 06:23:49 PM
billing is a total rort i,m not uesing my phone that much but my bill keeps getting higher 60.00 per mth to 73.00 per mth seam.s to me big GST

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19952 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is WTF is going on with Voda!? at 10 Nov 2011 03:40:51 PM
Vodafone is driving me NUTS at the moment. I can't stay on a call for longer than 2 minutes without a call dropping out. This is seriously becoming beyond a joke now. Not to mention half the calls don't even connect. Just over it.

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19951 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 10 Nov 2011 03:18:59 PM
Calls drop everytime. Cannot connect. Service is completely unrelaible

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19950 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ARGHHHHHHHHHH at 10 Nov 2011 02:17:18 PM
I can't get any mobile internet in Sydney CBD at all, seriously vodafail you're useless.
14 Nov 2011 09:01:36 AM: I couldn't agree more! I work in the CBD and can very rarely get a decent connection. Usually it's not even enough to update facebook!

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19949 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is still failing at 10 Nov 2011 01:44:46 PM
Again, no data available via the mobile network in Sydney CBD.

I hope the Hulk doesn't use vodafail, he'd be so angry...

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19948 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Infinitely at 10 Nov 2011 01:04:29 PM
Tradesmen and contractors trying to call several times during the day. No voicemail, no missed call notifications, no messages. Unhappy tradesmen and contractors and an unhappy vodafail customer.

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19947 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is frequent network drop & poor battery life at 10 Nov 2011 11:27:22 AM

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19946 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is awful at 10 Nov 2011 07:09:43 AM
In northern nsw, and a week ago the lines went down for more than 12 hours!! Lastnight while I was on the phone to my partner (we're in a long term relationship which atm is long distance) the call dropped out. What am I meant to do? I can't message him and tell him what happened cause I don't have service! It was down for more than two hours. Just not happy. I was with 3 for two years with no problems. I figured since they merged, vodafail would be better. I was wrong. Also I have a long drive to my family and I don't get service for 90% of the trip. Where I did with 3. Aweful!!!!

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19945 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Vodafail at 10 Nov 2011 12:09:15 AM
Ive been with vodafone from last 3 months and i have 3 bars sometimes they drop to 1 and sometimes my iPhone shows searching on top anyways i have 1.5 gig of data that finished so fast coz i shifted my home and didnt had the internet there. I couldnt keep any track of how much data i used coz there system does not show me real time usage data. My data usage exceed by $8 and i called customer service, the guy gave me 500 MB to use and the next day i was happy i just have $8 up but when i checked my account balance it was up by $249 i called them and they told me its because of our system is designed in a way that does not show real time update. i was so pissed i told that guy in india that it use to show me when i was with optus but he keep saying tht there is no provider that tells you ur real time data. I told him its just to benefit the company and he had no answer even 3 updates their usage every day at 9 and vodafone do it after 48 hours and still that customer service told me you have to keep track and i told that idiot how can i keep track if you update it every 48 hours.. Im so pissed i want to get rid of it can anyone tell me how to make complaint about them and their shitty service?

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19943 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Poor service at 9 Nov 2011 10:50:03 PM
I have buy new sim from vodafone and paid security Rs. 250/-, all enquireis have cleared but my sim not activated since till. i request you that please cancel the my sim and return mu security.

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19942 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic. Seriously epic. at 9 Nov 2011 07:45:57 PM
Ah Vodafone how you've failed me.

You disappoint me with your endless call drop-outs, regular lack of coverage/service, your capacity to overcharge me, your continually broken promises, your ridiculous excuses and your magical Indian call centres.

Take ownership of your failures and quit it with the excuses.

Fail. Epic, epic fail. Seriously.

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19941 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is THE WORST at 9 Nov 2011 06:35:16 PM
well i got overcharged $393 dollars for I dont know what seriously. they overcharge so much for texts ad all . and idk why but within the last week my excluding amount went from $66 to today, $393 when i didnt even use any extras .. or call anyone whos not on voda or 3 .. im not gonna pay $393 for nothing seriously , their receptions always shit on and off everyday and never clear and fails all the time . they need to do some serious upgrading or something and idk why im with them.. GREAT .. have another year or so on my contract with them ! FML
16 Nov 2011 11:19:13 AM: I'm having the same problem. I've been overcharged $314.04 for i dont know, they say due to excess use of data, but I never use data, all i do is check facebook, twitter and thats free.... When i called them this indian guy told me he will take the money out of my account, no matter what Im saying..... Anyways did u solve the problem????
23 Nov 2011 11:04:08 PM: Excatly like you, i experienced overcharge for 215 dollars for the over use of data. But now, i change the company to Hello Mobile, it cost me only $15 per month for the same useage like before. It is very hard to get the money back .

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19940 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is deception at 9 Nov 2011 06:28:03 PM
went to UK used internet on mobile ran up a $500 bill in 9 days for very little use they charge $1 per kbt .Did not use the internet again but according to them i used it every day & still had a bill for $100 internet use cannot speak to anyone in OZ have to call India but cannot uderstan operator sent two emails off still waiting a reply 8 days later
11 Nov 2011 10:08:41 AM: If they don't sort it out (and it sounds like they are not) then lodge a complaint with the TIO. They will force vodafone to take the issue more seriously and resolve it as quick as possible. It might be worth calling Vodafone up again first to let them know you plan on going to the TIO as that springs them into action sometimes.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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19939 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Shonky Network at 9 Nov 2011 06:15:44 PM
Vodafone need a reality check, i get a newer phone, and it has a even worse signal pick up than my older phone. Its a complete sham, and i have had enough, everything else i use is with Telstra who i get no problems with, and it looks like my mobile is going to them as well. Screw Vodafone, i have used their shonky mobile network for 8 years too long.

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19938 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 90% at 9 Nov 2011 05:09:21 PM
Im from the Hawksbury area...and i run a flower business with my family...Im on prepaid...Vodafone sent me a text saying their working on their towers for a better connection and reception..but my brother told me it only works on certain phones (newest varieties samsung galaxy n iphone ect) so i went out and paid 700 for the new samsung galaxy2.From day 1 ive had problems!!!Reception..calls only lasting minium 10seconds and maximum 16seconds!!!and the other person on the other end is talking and they cant hear me when i can them clearly.
Texts are delayed..getting texts a day later and other people i send to get them the next day aswell..anyone else get this same problem???Im losing business cause vodafone is crap and had problems in relationships cause of vodafone!!!!Ive had vodafone for years and had no problems and now i bought this new phone its hell!i know its not the phone cause my brother has the exact same problems and phone.
If they dont fix themselves,im going to change to another provider..so Vodafone you want to hurry up and fix it or you loose another customer!!!thank you Vodafail for the website n letting us say what we want..take care all..

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19936 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is CRAP CUSTOMER SERVICE at 9 Nov 2011 03:13:35 PM
I have been trying to get information/service with regards to a plan I've just signed up with. I have tried calling them, using their online services (and I use the term loosely) as well as in person at one of their shops, all to NO AVAIL. The two issues I was trying to get help with were 1) changing my address that was from 4 years ago and was in a completely different state 2) to find out where my new phone was that I had ordered and received no notification of how long it would take to deliver or any email confirmation of my payment.

On the phone, I was put on hold for 45 minutes after the automated voice told me it would be a 4-minute wait. I was then informed that the query I had was meant to go to another dept so the person on the other line put me on hold to redirect my call. I waited another half hour before I just go so pissed of I hung up. I then went through their callback system to get another useless operator (who is clearly aware that there are no consequences for crap customer service) who then told me he's going to put me on hold to re-direct my call. I was too angry to wait again so I told him I refuse to wait another hour to have either of my issues addressed. I told him I wanted to cancel the plan. He said he'll have to re-direct my call. What exactly is the point in calling the "help" line, when if you do, there is NO HELP on the other end, just redirecting?

I then tried to log-in online. Again instead of being redirected by a person, I was 'redirected' to pages that either timed out or just didn't load. I was going through their "helpful" tips because I thought I might be doing something wrong. Now, I'm in IT so I'm not unfamiliar with navigating through sites. Their site it just completely UNHELPFUL and cluttered to manoeuvre through. I feel this is a deliberate tactic to confuse the consumer. There are loads of sections that are similarly named but with different information. Completely useless to garner any sort of useful information.

I then tried to go into the shop only to be left waiting in line, to get a ticket to wait in yet another queue. This is the sort of business practice their executives think is going to get them more clients?

I think everyone who has had an issue with Vodafone needs to post their discontent on every social media site possible. This is unacceptable as well as unethical business practice. I'm fairly shocked at the rapid decline of their service since they merged with Three. I am also going to be posting on travel sites that all travellers and expats should avoid using Vodafone in Australia (regardless of what their experiences were in other countries, because mine in the UK was ok). Regardless of how appealing it sounds, it's all a ploy to steal your hard earned money and ruin your day if you ever have the misfortune of having to call them for any assistance.

Thanks for letting vent.

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19934 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is faaaaaaaaaaaaaail at 9 Nov 2011 02:31:45 PM
Lines have been down for a day now.
It's so annoying i don't have any service at all and im over it!!
It should be fixed my now!!!

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19932 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Fuck33up at 9 Nov 2011 02:30:05 PM
Congratulations for getting the Samsung Galaxie 2 at 5$ only per month. Well Done.

However I have done better today.

I have 5 accounts with Three but made the mistake to migrate to Vodafone last month. For the past 5 weeks I have nothing but abuses and profanities against the Vodafone customers services and counter service staff, some of whom cried. I also threatened to walk off my contract without paying(I can lose my credit card and have new numbers reissued) and kicked up so much fuss with their priority service that they repeatedly called me to stop me from migrating back to Telstra.

I am saying this here so that you guys should repeat the same abuses to their Vodafone staff, I have used up to 5 phones to choke up their customer service line every time they put me on hold for more than 15 min. Make they pay dearly for their sloppy services and shonky connections. Guess what...they rewarded me by first waiving two of my 5 account of all minimum charges for 1 month, from last week. I abused them again today, they lifted the waiving to all 5 accounts for the next 6 months, saving me like $1,300.00 in total.

Who says that abusive and discourteous bheaviours does not pay ?

If you wish send me your response so that I can copy to you all the voice recording of the abuses and profanities I used, and the rewards Vodafone conceded to me following my beliggerence. Payback time for these corporate bulies.

10 Nov 2011 09:00:09 AM: personally I am horrified and disgusted at your behaviour.And the fact that you are proud of it only further demonstrates your lack of maturity. It because of people like you, who tie up several phone lines at one time, that the rest of us are unable to get through to them for our own reasons. And making people cry from your verbal abuse?? You really should be ashamed of yourself.
19 Nov 2011 01:40:46 AM: plz keep doing what you are doing
4 Dec 2011 10:42:02 AM: I work as a supervisor in customer service for a bank, people who behave in the way you described I simply hang up on and put appropriate notes on their account, to many comments and we simply shut your account with no further warning irrespective of the account balance.

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19931 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bad at 9 Nov 2011 12:31:00 PM
Billing disputes

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19930 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Extremely Poor at 9 Nov 2011 11:15:20 AM
My messages and pics are getting sent days later and not being recieved by the other party.

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19929 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is useless at 9 Nov 2011 08:06:11 AM
Yesterday I was out of credit so I called to recharge. Vodafone were having technical difficulties so I couldn't recharge over the phone. I tried to recharge online; still couldn't recharge. On my way home from work, there was an incident on the train line (a tree fell on track and broke cable) and the train I was on got stranded stations away from my house. Normally I would have called a cab but I had no phone credit and only $5 cash on me. My next option was to look up a map and nearest bus routes on my phone, but alas NO CREDIT=NO INTERNET BROWSING. There were no ATMs or shops nearby so I had to walk to the next train station in the rain by following the train tracks so I could contact someone to come and pick me up. Thanks Vodafone. Today after I was finally able to recharge, the internet browsing would work for a second, drop out, not work at all for 10 minutes, work for a second, then drop out again. I think I'll be changing providers.

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19928 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Finally got somwhere at 9 Nov 2011 07:23:28 AM
After the last year nd many complaints to there overseas call center nd not understanding a word they say nd very poor customer service i went to telecommunication ombudsman nd lodged a complaint nd hey presto i speak to voda resolution center nd an AUSTRALIAN nd finally got my contract not commited anymore nd put on lower plan till decide who to change to with no early ecit fees or charges...

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19927 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is data at 8 Nov 2011 11:28:57 PM
Data still a mess in WA

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19926 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is High! at 8 Nov 2011 11:17:35 PM
Massive fail whale. Minimal 3G reception=lousy internet. Right now no 2G reception so virtually nothing.

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19925 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% consistent in their failure at 8 Nov 2011 08:25:06 PM
Have had connection proes since day 1 of changing to vodafail back in Aug '10. I live in the St George area in metropolitan Sydney yet have next to NO service at home. If I make/take a call I have to use handsfree & leave my phone static on a table to maintain reception throughout. And 100%, that's right 100% of my calls that last longer than 5mins dropout! And tonight - no service whatsoever - been trying to call interstate family for the past 3hrs and nada, zippo, zilch - nothing!! So over it! And I have 9 months to go on my contract!
8 Nov 2011 08:59:30 PM: You can get out of your contract early and without a penalty if Vodafone isn't providing the service that you signed up for. File a complaint by following the steps on the 'how to complain' page. You might have to end up going through the TIO but complain first to vodafone. Alternatively you can wade it out although that can be painful. Goodluck!

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
9 Nov 2011 08:33:05 AM: Hey there, this advice is perfect for you, after talking with the TIO the service absolutely must be available at the home address you have provided to the company, if not it is a breach of contract and you can cancel without incurring fees.

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19924 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is unable to activate a SIM card at 8 Nov 2011 05:31:32 PM
I was on the verge of leaving the Vodafail network, when my 24 month contract finally expired. However I was lured back to the dark side by one of their "retention" officers who desperately offered a "loyalty" bonus to stay with the network in return for an upgraded phone and plan. Reluctantly, I accepted, as the task of switching networks, with all its hassle was too much to bear.
So after paying the $10 delivery fee, I waited and waited for my new iPhone to arrive. .. and 14 days later it finally did! Granted, they are a bit overwhelmed with iphone 4S issues at the moment...
Next step activating my SIM- I activated it Sunday, and was warned it would take 24 hours.
I called the helpdesk on Monday night, and was told it would be activated by midnight.
I called again Tuesday morning to be told I needed to reactivate it again - by this time I had bought a hard case and the Sim was not accessable! After struggling to remove the hardcase of my new phone, I reactivated the SIM for a SECOND time, and wait once again for Vodafail to provide service...

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19923 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is fail at 8 Nov 2011 04:58:56 PM
Received my online bill this morning showing nil outstanding balance and current charges. Lo and behold I received an SMS at lunchtime telling me that I failed to honour my payment schedule. and that to prevent restriction to my service i was to pay immediately. 2 hours trying to get answers from that bloody call centre and their refusal to put me through to someone in Australia, it turns out that their September payments were not processed so the outstanding amount related to that invoice. Still trying to find out how the amount was not taken up in the direct debit payment in October and why the invoice issued Nov. 6 shows a 0.00 outstanding balance. I have no problem paying the bill but how dare they threaten my services for their own stuff up. How kind of them to offer me an extension on the outstanding amounts so it can be taken up in the November payment. As the invoice displays a zero outstanding balance, I wonder where I stand legally if I refuse to pay an amount I knew nothing about and can get no sensible answers about besides the standard responses that the call centres preach. Hope the TIO will be able to get the answers I want.
9 Nov 2011 05:40:00 PM: Absolutely same thing happened to me yesterday. Three hours on the phome, six different people & nothing but lies. Excuses like "your bank reversed it" - untrue. Their statement as recent as Sunday 6 nov showed nil outstandings 7 they work out Monday that they have failed to trigger the payment & then send threatening SMSs to all of my phone holders (6 on the plan). Their accounting & billing system is a shambles.

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19922 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Big time at 8 Nov 2011 03:12:23 PM
Using my phone for business in Sydney CBD. What a joke, I'm losing more and more money by staying with these clowns. Can't even get a full conversation through before it cuts out. Vodafone's 3G is the biggest joke

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19921 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 99% FAIL at 8 Nov 2011 02:56:08 PM
Reception/service is completley unsatisfactory. 90% of aeveyphone call i make, drops out after 10-15seconds, which requires me to call back.. that call lasts about 15mins or so before dropping out again. Internet is painfully slow. Ive never ever missed a bill, always pay them BEFORE they are due. This is the service im paying for?

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19919 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 8 Nov 2011 12:44:02 PM
My phone only works about 30% of the time (msgs not sending meaning i have to resend and resend, no internet reception, not receiving phone calls so that it goes through to voicemail and I have to pay to retrieve the msg and call the caller back - ALL will full bars but no data download).

I wonder as it only works 30% of the time Vodafone would be willing to accept 30% of the bill I am charged?
8 Nov 2011 12:52:00 PM: Call them up with that offer and see what they say. If you are not getting what you signed up for and paid for then you have a legitimate complaint. Follow the steps on the how to complain page and don't hesitate to contact the TIO if Vodafone isn't helpful.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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19918 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is totally at 8 Nov 2011 12:27:56 PM
i don't know why, but i ordered a nexus s handset from vodafone. seemed like a good deal. ordered on the 26th of october, havent received it yet. wish i had bought one on ebay instead :s...... vodafailed me again :(
8 Nov 2011 05:33:40 PM: i had a 14 day wait to receive an i phone! don't hold your breath

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19917 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is has Lying & Useless customer service team at 8 Nov 2011 12:26:12 PM
Lets start with the switch from 3 Mobile to Vodafail! 3 were fantastic for over 5 years! Still not officially with Vodaphone but already hate them! They lie, lie, lie and fail in every area!
Called to switch over from Vodaphone to 3 on the 10th October 2011, all good phone to be there between 3-5 days! 7 days later no phone! Check website, it says upto 10 days for a new switch over! Call up they say to wait for 10 days(you did said 3-5 to start with)! Ok 10 days come around and still no phone! Call up and they have stuffed up a whole shipment of new phones! There is no way to track them as they ruined the tracking numbers! Thanks Vodaphone! Told to wait another week as they are dealing with it! Call back again, now out to 16 days, they cant find it, try calling the dispatcher or AAE! Call them, they say they dont deal with consumers, only vodaphone! AAE cant find it cos the tracking numbers are wrong! (why I am calling and not them, i dont no! its their job to call around and fix it not me!)Call back Vodaphone, this time they decide to do it for me! Man calls dispatcher many times and says they are not there! Well the lying little man was told that I called 10 minutes before I called him and they answered my call! He places me on hold again and calls them again, surprise surprise they answer this time! But they cant help me and then calls AAE and they say its somewhere, but they cant say where, but the problem has been fixed and it is transit! Told to wait until the following Friday, will be there, no problems im assured! That Friday comes around, now 25 days since I started, and no phone! Call back and they try to go through the whole process again, and this time I tell them to sort it out themselves and call me back! They do and say that AAE where unable to deliver the package! How or why they dont no but it is being returned to the dispatcher! I speak with AAE and after talking to them we discover that Vodaphone stuffed up the address which is why it didnt get there! Ask Vodaphone why they didnt call me "as you are not a customer we are unable to contact you" - again LIES - I am a Vodaphone mobile broadband customer(which by the way doesnt work and is as slow as dial up and I live 5 minutes from the CBD in St Kilda Road), I tell them and they ignore me, they seem to know im right but just cant say anything!
So now ask where to from here and can they send the phone again, no they have 'cancelled your order and you must now reorder'! Could not understand this but go through the whole ordering process again and lets see how it goes, BUT I am told that as the phone I am after is in high demand there will be an extended wait on the product! I lose it after that, after 25 days I am told they now dont have the phone in stock and I have to wait after I have signed up for a second time! After he stuffs around for a bit he finally says he can get my original returned phone, sent back out to me, but I have to wait for it to be returned! better than nothing, but why they couldn't just do that instead of re-signing up I will never no!
Now I still sit here waiting 29 days later and still no phone! Now onto their complaints department and TIO!
21 Nov 2011 04:02:04 PM: it's spelt vodafone

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19916 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Unable to log into mnyVodafone online at 8 Nov 2011 12:07:44 PM
I migrated from 3 to vodafone in July and I have been trying to log onto online billing website since then. I have called the call centre about 5-6 times and everytime they reset my password and it still does not work, and every time someone promised to call me back, its has been 4 months, no one called.

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19915 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is calls constantly cutting out at 8 Nov 2011 12:04:04 PM
In my house when i get a call have to constantly hang up and then recall from outside.

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19914 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Failes,failed ,failed at 8 Nov 2011 11:59:52 AM
Drops call,can watch youtube etc.

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19913 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Customer Service at 8 Nov 2011 11:45:47 AM
I am with three and was sent the bill from Vodafone. I rang the number on the bill waited 24 minutes and was put through to Vodafone who said no you have to speak with Three. I questioned this and he said I will put you through to a Supervisor and was hung up on. I rang back to speak with him again and apparently no one by this name works there. Amazing. It took over 38 minutes the second time to speak with someone.

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19912 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is rubbish at 8 Nov 2011 11:37:50 AM
vodafone checked and confirmed that there is GOOD coverage in my area. However, when I signed up for the connection and I tried on the first day there was limited connectivity. Sometimes there is full connectivity but still calls will fail to connect. There is no connectivity when in the train. Utter rubbish and money making business.

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19911 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Phone is a Lemon at 8 Nov 2011 11:32:41 AM
Purchased a Nokia X6 through vodafone, nothing but problems. Phone has now been returned 3 times, even gave me a new phone the 1st time, but still freezes and won't send text. Ringing customer care only fobs you to another department, left holding at tech support for 30 minutes, still no reply. This has been 3 months of constant calls to Vodafone still no resolution and no phone. I did buy a cheap $24.00 phone while X6 was being fixed and it works better than my so called smart phone. Yeah!!! Told by tech support today to return phone to store and get new phone as there are issues with this one, Not likely been sent for repair again!! This phone is 7 months old and still under warranty. NOT HAPPY VODAFONE!

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