26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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3344 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 04:00:26 PM
I have been with Vodafone for a number of years. Coverage has always been poor but this year I have noticed it becoming worse. Every day I get 'Network Lost' pop ups. I have also started to lose coverage in my home! I have missed numerous calls from family inlcuding from my family overseas and urgent calls about my daughter when ill. It's extremely frustrating and just not good enough. It's also becoming embarassing having to tell friends I simply didn't receive their latest voicemail. I can't wait for my contract to expire.

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3343 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extreme fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:00:25 PM
I only ever have one bar of coverage. My phone is forever 'searching' and I'm paying excess bills due to the search changing fm roaming and not 3G as I'm typing this my phone is dropping in and out. I'm over it and want out. I'm going back to optus when my contract expires.

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3342 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 100% fail at 27 Dec 2010 04:00:25 PM
1. After 2 months, my phone was sent in for repair as the screen kept freezing, I couldn't answer calls, the line was interferred with, the line would drop out, I couldn't get on the net.
2. Can NEVER EVER get thru to Vodafone on the phone lines and the ques are massive in store (obviously EVERYONE is there to complain as they cant get thru to customer service either!!!).
3. Another 2 months down the track my phone is back in for repairs for the same issues - I got told it has to be sent in 3 times for them to actually replace the phone or look into the issue.
4. I cant view my email bills online and they charge to send them out to you... ummmm, does anyone else see a problem with this!?
27 Dec 2010 04:04:11 PM: "I got told it has to be sent in 3 times for them to actually replace the phone or look into the issue"
they will only let u change contract. a waste of time
29 Dec 2010 04:27:48 PM: this is the case with all the other providers...it is not vodafone that gives u another fone, but the manufacturer...so it wouldnt make a difference if u were with optus or telstra...the policy would be the same.
31 Dec 2010 10:39:56 AM: You are also overlooking the fact that there are two products here that you purchased, a plan from Vodafone and a Handset, the handset has a warranty that is honored and maintained by the manufacturer, you want a new phone outside of the period of which Vodafone is allowed to replace it under that agreement then talk to the manufacturer directly.

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3341 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Need to be closed down!! at 27 Dec 2010 03:59:50 PM
After getting into a business plan 2 years ago and having my phone in for service for 10 weeks during the first few months, I was annoyed o say the least but the lack of reception, constant drop outs, impossibly long wait times to complain to a 'service centre' (what a joke) on the phone, and the total lies that these imbeciles tell when you finally do get someone on the other end stuns me!!! I even tried complaining via email and of course that got me nowhere either. I am soooo pleased that I have found out that I'm not the only one that has this problem....I wish I had known about you months ago, It might of saved my sanity!!! Please close this company down to help the mental state of this country!!! A very upset, frustrated, soon to be ex customer...By the way, don't bother with the 'Vodafone MySay' emails if you receive them, needless to say I tried it and it is also hopeless!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

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3340 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Two Golden Turds on a Pappadum at 27 Dec 2010 03:59:48 PM
Below is the email I sent Vodafail. I will wait and see which automatically generated reply I receive.

"I've been told to contact the technical department in regards to registering a complaint about the poor network performance but I don't envy spending three hours on the phone to an "international visitor" who isn't even in the same country as the problem.

Therefore I'm contacting via email to ask about the avenues which must be undertaken to obtain a release from a contract given that the promised service is not being delivered - empty promises that "it will be fixed soon" are no longer cutting it.

I have been a vodafone customer for over seven years, and this is the last straw as far as I'm concerned.

Awaiting your response, but not holding my breath."

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3339 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Never ends! at 27 Dec 2010 03:59:42 PM
Since i took out a plan with them on Pre-pay about 3 years ago, i have NOT had 1 phone call where it lasted more than 20 minutes without dropping out!
Multiple call backs just to get 1 message accross.
Absolutely NO service at home in Metro NSW!

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3338 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Add Three Network at 27 Dec 2010 03:59:25 PM
Since the meerger between 3 and Vodafone it appears both providers have dropped their service.
I run a business and have lost countless calls and large amounts of money.
The Ombudsman managed to get my contract cancelled and I have now moved to Optus.
If the class action extends to 3 network - count me in.

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3337 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 03:59:13 PM
I have joint vodafone two and half months ago,the second week I could not connect for 10 days at all. from the first day I could not sign in my account, they give me a new pin after 3 tries es I'm locked out,up to today I have got 10 pins and more than 30 tries,Im steal trying to log in.

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3336 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 03:59:03 PM
My vodafone network regularly drops in and out. Sometimes I cannot access it for hours. Thou, recently, it seems to work better.

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3335 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Never ending! at 27 Dec 2010 03:59:01 PM
Since i took out a plan with them on Pre-pay about 3 years ago, i have NOT had 1 phone call where it lasted more than 20 minutes without dropping out!
Multiple call backs just to get 1 message accross.
Absolutely NO service at home in Metro NSW!

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3334 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is stupid at 27 Dec 2010 03:58:55 PM

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3333 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is get better coverage with 2 cups and a length of string at 27 Dec 2010 03:58:49 PM
28 Dec 2010 07:08:46 PM: yeh but for me every time i go into the shop to complain about reception my reception bars go up,they must have a tower in every shop near me
29 Dec 2010 06:33:25 AM: They have extenders in their stores. I know this because whenever I walk past them I can make calls.
29 Dec 2010 11:07:43 AM: I wish there was a contract for you to stop using all caps in your posts you troglodyte. STOP SHOUTING YOU WANKER. Aren't you more concerned about being stupid enough to accept what a sales rep under pre assure to deliver sales is saying to stitch you up without verifying same in the paperwork? Oh, yes, readng is a necessary skill to enable you to do this, sorry...

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3332 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is coverage at 27 Dec 2010 03:58:25 PM
I told the sailsman when I sighned up I needed good coverage as I drive tour coaches for a living and need it incase of a breakdown. He told me that they have 99.5 percent of the coverage of telatra. Bullshit the 1st tour I did I had no coverage from Roma to Mount Isa 1400kms of no coverage along one of australias main highways and telstra has coverage all through there. I paid it out and got a teltra phone. After this expeince I will neve use them again as im sure theyve lost alot of customers the same way. If the sailsman was honest about the coverave I might have been willing to give them a go in the future when the coverage improved. What if I was broken down somewhere with 40 peoples safty to worry about and had no coverage.
27 Dec 2010 04:00:29 PM: buddy thats your fault for not checking to coverage map

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3331 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Cataclysm at 27 Dec 2010 03:58:25 PM

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3330 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 03:58:24 PM
Ive had vodafones wireless internet usb service in two different suburbs (Tweed Heads and Gold Coast, so not rural). Both times I've had next to no reception, download speeds of less than 1 Kb/s, constant drop outs (network not available), Vodafone software crashes/freezes, and non stop hassle. Whats worse is if you try to contact them about it you are talking to someone in Egypt or Sri Lanka, who can't help you at all because they don't know why the network is down or when it will work again.
Even better, walk into any Vodafone retail outlet and ask a staff member for help, and they'll simply tell you to phone "Customer Care" and explain it to them.
The quality of service and customer care with this company has been absolutely atrocious for many years, they completely deserve this backlash from the public, and hopefully massive financial implications for them as a result.

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3329 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Absolutely Pathetic!!!!!!!!!!! at 27 Dec 2010 03:58:17 PM
Considering it took me 30 mins to load this page, let alone trying to use the junk for anything internet related, wasting my time and money... what junk Vodacrap!!!!!!

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3328 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 03:58:16 PM
My MOB drops out & I thought it was my fault, but now reading all this I realise that it is the provider.
A day does not go by where I have to ring my friends back as I have been cut off.

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3327 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodablows at 27 Dec 2010 03:58:08 PM
EVERY time I call the helpdesk, I get disconnected for at least the first three times. Very frustrating! When I finally get through, I can barely understand a word these freaks are saying.

I live in a central area, within 10 mins of CBD, yet Vodafone's Internet coverage is useless! Frequently drops out and this goes on for several weeks sometimes. I use my Internet for work, and when I don't have a proper connection for a few weeks, my productivity drops. Not good enough Vodafone!

Your mobile phone coverage is not much better. Why do my text messages take up to 24 hours to be received??
29 Dec 2010 11:03:27 AM: Freaks! Fuckin' freaks...I'd be happy just to listen to a cd of these tech calls...with the freaks...

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3326 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL! at 27 Dec 2010 03:57:56 PM
After Telstra decided dor some random reason to send my bills to another address (resulting in a $600+ bill), I decided to switch to Vodafone. I was a prepaid customer with them a few years ago, and was really happy with their service.
I have an an iPhone 3GS (which i love), but I don't get reception in my house, or in my street for that matter. I can only get 1 bar of reception at my parents house, which just happens to be on a small hill. My friends try to call me, text me etc but I never recieve them because of the crap service. I'm lucky that I have wireless broadband, otherwise I wouldn't be able to download apps etc.
I'm paying $80 a month for a shitload of calls that I can't use. The reason why I signed up in the beginning was to use my mobile instead of the landline to save money.

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3325 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 100% at 27 Dec 2010 03:57:40 PM
I have been had long term customer, I have 2 mobiles (one for friends, the other business). I have drop outs daily, no service (4-5 times daily), calls disconnect with in seconds of answering. No messages or delayed by days. It is disastrous as I have an eBay business! If I could swap providers but locked in a contract....
Try calling.... 45 mins on hold or try using the call back feature- they take over an hour, if not longer. Once you get through, you go through the same thing every time. No solution as they know they can't fix it! If everyone has this problem, it is about time they think about it being the problem being them! Very disappointed, frustrated and annoyed customer!

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3324 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is high at 27 Dec 2010 03:57:38 PM
I live in Coogee, middle of Sydney and the connection is really terrible, especially in the evenings or bad weather. I constantly have to disconnect and reconnect to get a better connection, but it doesn't really help much. Being on Skpe with family overseas is dropping out all the times, that is not what I have signed up for. I have been complaining several times at the Randwick shop and got the answer that due to where I live and how many people are online it is slow. This is just not good enough Vodaphone.

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3323 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is shocker at 27 Dec 2010 03:57:24 PM
I have been travelling around OZ for the last year. In that time I have had service around 30% of the time ! I have had that many drop outs and if do get to speak for more than 10mins my phone goes flat !! The latest annoyance is people i message getting the text around 8 time (at a charge to me) or getting my texts the nexts day !! Too bad if your trying to organise something. People try to call and get my voicelail even if im in service. I have had better coverage in 3rd world countries !! What about today ... I called my sister who is with vodafone also. We call each other to use our vodafone to vodafone credit.. You think your getting free minutes but they charge of your main balance ?? What ... you ring them to complain and they cant see how it happened and most of the time they dont understand what im saying... Pathetic Vodafone ! What a disgrace. Telstra is more expensive but is still the most reliable... Its the old addage. You get what you pay for.

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3322 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally failed at 27 Dec 2010 03:57:11 PM
1/ GET RID OF LARA. NOW.I don't live in a soundproof world!
2/I cannot respond to emails that I receive. Vodafones answer- the Telstra netwook see anything send thru Vodafone as spam and rejects it.
4/Worse coverage now than I had 6 years ago
6/ GET RID OF INDIA. They NEVER understand what I'm trying to achieve.
7/Re-work your roaming

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3321 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is vodacrap... at 27 Dec 2010 03:56:52 PM
I have been a vodafone customer for many years...dont ask me why...but i have to walk around the yard for 10 mins to try and get just 1 bar of service...make the call and have to call back numerous times to the person whom i speaking with because of the drop outs...wouldnt dare to try and get internet connection...dont happen...and in the town i live in they dont even sell vodafone perpaid at all at coles because u never get any service in town...i worry if im in town or at home and the school calls one of the kids are sick or have had an accident....of course i wouldnt get the call...it suprises me when sometimes my fone rings when sitting on the bench in kitchen but i have to race outside so i dont lose the call...in which 9 times out of ten i do...so i have to call them back...just sooooo over it

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3320 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Appallingly Frustrating at 27 Dec 2010 03:56:50 PM
Very poor reception on mobile broadband, frequent drop outs and connection times that can take over 10 mins only to last 1 min then drop out again....
27 Dec 2010 04:08:36 PM: Im in SA also (Modbury to be accurate). I have the exact same problem! I was promised 100 percent coverage upon signing up for a contract. I get 2/5 bars worth of reception on a good day and it frequently drops out. To get it to work again I have to turn the computer off and start all over again.

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3319 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Coverage at 27 Dec 2010 03:56:42 PM
We were advised that vodaphone was similar coverage to telstra as vodaphone had brought three mobile - coverage is not this, but I also have a three mobile through work and get better coverage with this than my vodaphone mobile!!!!

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3318 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Hear say at 27 Dec 2010 03:56:18 PM
I was thinking of moving over to Vodafone once my Optus contract runs out on a sim only plan due to buying a stand alone phone but based on this, maybe I shall watch from a distance.
I did send a MMS to a mate on Vodafone the other day as he was driving up the coast, talked to him 3 hours later and he still hadn't received it. I thought it was the xmas traffic, but I guess not.

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3317 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is signal at 27 Dec 2010 03:55:58 PM
In the last 4-5 weeks phoe keeps droppoin out on me while im on the phone to people im so ova it at first i thought it was my phone so i used my dad;s phone and it keeps doing the same thing

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3316 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 03:55:58 PM
Due to an injury i have found myself working from home. Nothing but trouble since i took out a month by month mobile internet plan (which was apparently supposed to be easier than prepaid).
Plus my calls either drop out or wont even ring in the first place. Thus hanging up on some customers 3 times in a row.
Managed to get through to Vodafone Customer Care once.. heard the voice on the other end say "may i start with your name please". Then i got disconnected. After a ridiculously long wait.
I resorted to logging two complaints online which apparently has a 5 day response time. I havent heard anything yet... and i complained weeks ago.
I also havent been able to get onto my online services to even see my bills. And i cant get help from Vodafone, because the stores seem to know nothing about anything and i cant get through to customer care.
Not impressed.
I hope they dont expect me to pay for a service that im not using. They're nothing but a huge frustration. God help them when i finally get through.

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3315 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Epic !! at 27 Dec 2010 03:55:56 PM
Bought our 11 year old a phone to give him a bit of security and independence when he is with his friends and put him on the Vodafone network with us ... pffft - what a waste of time !! The reception is ridiculous when there is any, calls are constantly dropping out and you we can't guarantee that SMS will get to him or that we will receive them from him in a timely manner. Vodafone has definitely failed to provide us with the peace of mind we thought we would have !!

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3314 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Rubbish at 27 Dec 2010 03:55:08 PM
Vodafone is so bad, it's hard to know where to start. I've given up expecting to be able to make a call whenever and wherever I want (not even from Cairns International Airport, for God's sake, and don't get me started on the Hume Highway's pathetic coverage - more gaps than coverage, I reckon), and as for 3G connectivity, forget it. And it's getting worse, not better. What little coverage I had at home seems to be getting worse. I now have to walk around to find a signal, and even then half of all the calls I make and receive are either unintelligible or drop out.

Rubbish, rubbish, rubbish.

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3312 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone Hell at 27 Dec 2010 03:54:59 PM
In Albion Park NSW the coverage is so poor I go from 5 bars to no bars in minutes. The service from the tower just drops out and another many kilometres away (Berkeley) takes over. Don't even bother with their so called "broadband", its slower than dial up. They should be ashamed of the service or lack there of they are providing. Rang tech support almost three years ago to alert them of the issue,they said they were aware of it and still nothing has changed to this day.

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3311 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very much at 27 Dec 2010 03:54:57 PM
Very often I would ben without reception unable to go on internet and I was truying to call them but waited forever aproximately 30 minutes or more and no one would pick up phone so I would be very angry. Also I was very tempted to cancel my membership.

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3310 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 03:54:49 PM
Due to an injury i have found myself working from home. Nothing but trouble since i took out a month by month mobile internet plan (which was apparently supposed to be easier than prepaid).
Plus my calls either drop out or wont even ring in the first place. Thus hanging up on some customers 3 times in a row.
Managed to get through to Vodafone Customer Care once.. heard the voice on the other end say "may i start with your name please". Then i got disconnected. After a ridiculously long wait.
I resorted to logging two complaints online which apparently has a 5 day response time. I havent heard anything yet... and i complained weeks ago.
I also havent been able to get onto my online services to even see my bills. And i cant get help from Vodafone, because the stores seem to know nothing about anything and i cant get through to customer care.
Not impressed.
I hope they dont expect me to pay for a service that im not using. They're nothing but a huge frustration. God help them when i finally get through.

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3309 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is As fail as fail can get at 27 Dec 2010 03:54:49 PM
I signed up to a $115/month unlimited txt/mms/calls to anybody plan in October 09 and it was okay at first. I live in the Sunshine Coast hinterland and figured bad reception was just part and parcel of living in a semi-remote area. At first I got reception out the front of my house and on windowsills in certain rooms, but eventually the reception diminished all together. I didn't even get reception out the front of my house anymore and had to drive 2km up the road for the phone to get one bar of reception and no 3G service. I was now paying $125 a month (stupid phone insurance) for a phone that I could barely use. I wasn't even getting reception in Maroochydore (central Sunshine Coast) anymore. I thought something was wrong with my phone, so I took it into a couple of phone shops and they told me absolutely nothing was wrong with it. I called up Vodafone to complain FIVE times and was told the first 3 times that they would call me back within 2-5 days. They never did. I got more infuriated with each call and eventually the Indian on the other end told me that I could have my plan cut off and I just had to send my phone back to them. I missed out on countless shifts at work, phone calls and text messages from friends due to Vodafones beyond shitty service. I'm now with Telstra and I get reception EVERYWHERE in my house. Not just on windowsills and outside. I get full service outside. I now realise that I shouldn't have put up with Vodafones shitty service for as long as I did!!!

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3308 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extremely at 27 Dec 2010 03:53:45 PM
I have bin with Vodafone for a short time but have a 24 month contract. If i'm indoors i do not get reception. My phone relies on 3G to make phone calls but rarely get 3G connection when i'm indoors or at home. I am a contracted worker and rely on getting texts from my employer to know when i am working. I will constantly have to walk to the top of my street to receive texts which is extremely inconvenient. This has bin an ongoing problem from the first week i got my new mobile. If this continues it will just build up stress in a world where there is to much already. They need to make a change soon.

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3307 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Voda Phony! at 27 Dec 2010 03:53:36 PM
Terrible reception at my home and I live 27km from Sydney CBD, please get me away from this provider !! (and i dont want to pay exit fees)
27 Dec 2010 03:56:08 PM: keep ringing them up and complaining about the lack of service until they cancel your plan. i got out with no exit fees after ringing 7 times. just yell at the fucking indian on the other end until they give in.

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3306 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 03:53:35 PM
we have been using vodafone mobile usb broadband for some time now and i called to ask about the area we moved to what its like for signal etc, well we get told its all good blah, blah blah only to try using the internet at the new place to find out its not so good here and we have to go and buy a sharing dock to help boost our signal, and our usb stick is compatible only to set it all up and surprise surprise it still does not work so call them back to be told i have to done load the upgrade so my usb stick will work. so after all of this is done you would think it works fine sadly no i still get drop outs and there is nothing they can do.

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3305 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 03:53:20 PM
I have been with Vodafone for just under a year, and all has been fine until just a few weeks ago. I can't get any reception on my phone when at work, so I miss calls and when trying to make them my phone just drops out. Voicemail messages aren't received until I get home and have decent reception again, by which point it's too late to respond to the missed call. My phone is a lifeline at work as I work in a private home with 5 children and need a working phone incase of emergencies....

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3304 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Why at 27 Dec 2010 03:52:55 PM
Why does the site owner, Adam, keep deleting posts regarding whether he works for a company that resells Optus services, rather than directly owning upto it?
27 Dec 2010 03:57:07 PM: Please stop lying. We have not deleted any comments about working for a company that resells Optus services. We do NOT work for ANY TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY. - Vodafail Team
27 Dec 2010 03:58:36 PM: OH HI VODAFONE REP

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3303 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is How Fail Is It? It's Fraud. at 27 Dec 2010 03:52:41 PM
I have many complaints as a 1/2 year contract holder to share with you all today, how lovely this company really is.

I am 20 Male from Country W.A I was signed into a Contract with Vodafone without them checking I had a job in the first place (I don't work and my parents have to pay my Bill) so they gave me a contract I myself had no income to pay but that was fine. This was my first problem, I was pretty much TALKED INTO a contract when I went into buy a PREPAID Handset and the sales person from ARMADALE W.A talked me into it so I went with it not knowing how I was going to pay for it, they apparently ran a Credit Check and some how I was earning money when I never had a job for the past 4 years? I still have a another 11 sad months ahead on my $114.00 contract.

The next problem I had was constant Service Drop outs some times days without reception, I would ring up and get Notes applied to my account and sometimes was offered a credit for not being able to use my Unlimited Cap Plan of $114.00 a month I can't even pay yet they gave me the contract LOL?

The next problem I then had was, more constant network interference slow data speeds on GSM and on 3G. Recently I had 3x Days in December without network coverage here, I rung customer support and sat on the phone for 3 hours at the Minimum trying to get through to these people to complain and get a credit applied to my account for the inconsistence (What happens if my car broke down or I was bitten by a snake working on the farm) I had no phone to use and no service which is a service I pay for each month. The next thing I was told that a $50.00 credit would be applie to my January 6th 2011 Bill and even recieved a Text Message from 1555 Saying it was applied (THIS IS YET TO HAPPEN) I then waited a day and still no phone service and I got a call from a foreign lady I spoke with yesterday saying due to my 3x days network outage my bill of $117.19 would be wavered and paid this month due 6th January 2011. I still owe this money and no credits have been applied to my account. They pretty much lied to me in person and yet I still have poor service. I feel so low in the dumps with this service I sat here and cried last week and asked how much it was to cancel the contract I couldn't even afford to pay in the first place it was like $1,000+ to cancel it as I have 11 months left finishing on the 11th November 2011 which is painful for someone who has no job or full time work.

I also have another problem with Vodafone AU the list goes on, this time something that says "!@#$ Off" in my opinion... They Vodafone AU shut down my nearest Vodafone Retail Store which was in Armadale where I got my Plan Contract from, they just shut the doors so now instead of driving 230 Kilometers to go to a Store I now need to drive 265 to the nearest in Cannington Carousel shopping centre, to me this says "WE DON'T WANT YOUR BUSINESS" And it was the nearest store for all COUNTRY W.A Citizens to visit!

Another problem is, Vodafone recently joined partners with 3 Hutchinson Australia!? VODAFONE NEVER SENT OUT INFORMATION, OR ADVISED CONTRACT PERSON/S ME AND 4 OF MY FRIENDS of the joining partnership this was done behind customers backs and not mentioned until it was DONE!

My LAST Painful complaint is my Christmas Present for 2010. My mobile phone broke a week ago and my parents got me a Nokia C3 Graphite Handset ADVERTISED TO HAVE WORKING WI-FI Connection, after exchanging the handset 3x times before Xmas Eve I could NOT get a working handset and had to travel 100 Kilometers each day for 3x days to keep returning the handset! THE HANDSET IS FAULTY Nokia know about the WI-FI Problem and Nokia have released a 7.20 Firmware Update whilst Vodafone have only released up to 4.65 Firmware for the HANDSET Which means THE WIFI STILL DOES NOT WORK But Vodafone are selling these handsets at $99.00 with WIFI! I tried 3x handsets and after trying 3 and travelling 300+ Kilometers a 54 Kilometer trip each way I was offered NO REFUND By Woolworth but to have the handset sent away!

GOOGLE SEARCH Nokia C3 WiFi problems, THE HANDSETS ARE BEING SOLD FAULTY AND VODAFONE OFFER NO CURRENT 7.20 FIRMWARE UPDATE TO FIX THE PROBLEM! 100% FALSE ADVERTISING AND SCAM I AM SICK OF THIS SHIT AND SERIOUSLY THINK THERE MUST BE A WAY TO GET OUT OF CONTRACT WITHOUT PAYING FOR THE CRAP! I feel suicidal, I can't even pay for the contract but was given one at the drop of a hat without even checking I had full time work to start with!



0405 630 436
27 Dec 2010 09:06:30 PM: try using opera mini on the c3 to browse using wifi
30 Dec 2010 03:35:22 PM: TRIED THAT Opera Mini AND OFFERS NO "OPTION" TO SELECT WIFI OR GPRS" It's a piece of shit I am not a NOOB I have iPods, Xbox 360 PS3, Laptops, had over 100+ phones and even a iPhone 3G on contract from Vodafone.

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3302 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Disappointment in phone connection at 27 Dec 2010 03:52:38 PM
On a continual basis, the phone line cuts out between myself and my partner in Tasmania, both of us on Vodafone. This is frustrating, annoying and, in my opinion, in breach of the agreement by Vodafone to provide service to customers, with the proviso that the account is paid up. My account is $59 sim cap, debited from my account every month, and for what?

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3301 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 03:52:37 PM
My mobile has terrible reception, and the rare times I do get reception calls still drop out, voicemails can come through days late and the internet - terrible! Internet is the worst, it runs slow, constantly drops out and then just doesnt reconnect. My battery runs out from constantly searching for reception. When in public areas with a lot of people around, I cant get reception at all - 'network busy'. Its totally useless, can't wait for my contract to end so I can switch to Telstra.

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3300 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is coverage at 27 Dec 2010 03:52:35 PM
For the 3rd time this month I have sat on the landline phone for anywhere up to 3hrs waiting fior someone to fix up my mobile phone reception. My mobile will be working fine then suddenly I can only make "emergency calls" or my "service is unavailable". This is particularly frustrating when I have an ill father who is somewhat reliable on contacting me in times of need!
When the 'emergency calls' comes up I can't even call 'customer care' from my mobile but have to call from a landline which costs even more as the v odaphone number is a 1300 number!!
It also seems Every month my bill has extra charges which inturn causes me to spend more of the time i don'yt have on the phone to the incompetent vodafone staff!!!

I now can't wait for my contract to end so I can forget Vodafone altogether and start fresh withb a companty thjat actually has reception!!!

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3299 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 03:52:27 PM
Using an iPhone over the vodafone network,
I estimate around 30% of my emails were not delivered.

After 6 weeks of telephone calls and venting to the Mumbi call centre
I finally got a tech to admit they had a problem with the network, and that messages from the vodafone server to www were being bounced by other service providers because of spam issues.

On one of my phone calls, I was on hold for over 3 hours
to "customer care" in Hobart. I had a meeting to attend
so had to cancel the call without ever being answered.

I left messages on the "complaint" section of vodafone website,
where a response within 48 hours is offered. I am still waiting.

The iPhone is now replaced with a Blackberry, and email issues are resolved.
I noticed yesterday the service had dropped back to Edge.

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3298 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 03:52:16 PM
I signed up to Vodafone mobile broadband internet about 2 months ago, as I was about to move about an hour out of Melbourne and they told me they had really good reception up there (yeah - right...). Since then I have had countless problems with dropouts, pathetically slow reception, and freezing screens, and with me trying to get a small business off the ground, this caused so many problems. I have contacted them a few times and not once did they mention there were problems. They told me I was probably in a "black spot" as reception up here was supposedly good. The signal strength never gets any better than "poor" and they told me I should buy a pocket wifi to improve the signal, but this costs an extra $100. Im glad I held off, and came across this news article and website, and now know its not just me! And I dont live in a "black spot". I have signed a 2 year contract, and was told the first 6 months would be 1/2 price, yet when I got my first bill recently, there was no mention of this. Another call to them, and they said it would apply from my next bill. Who knows if this will happen? I just want to get out of my contract and go to another provider who has good coverage up here (bit thin on the ground though....not many to choose from).

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3297 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 03:52:14 PM
Over the last couple of weeks I have noticed less coverage, delayed text messages and phone calls and no coverage over night (I have to switch my phone on and off to get any txt messages). I've had my phone and contract with vodafone for the last 2 years and things have been fine up until just recently...not sure why!

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3296 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Moronic at 27 Dec 2010 03:52:08 PM
I can goto places that claim to have full coverage and my phone will always switch between 3G/GSM/Emergency Signal

im also paying the extra $10 warranty, and i lost my back cover and went to the vodafone store i purchased my phone from, they told me to contact vodafone hotline, i asked if they couldnt just order a new one in, they said they dont deal with that, in the end i bought a new back cover for $3 off the internet, the warranty is definatly not worth it.

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3295 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is stupid at 27 Dec 2010 03:52:06 PM
i dont really know where to start, from there call center operators to there hopeless reception and data services, for over 3 months i have spent over 7 hours calling the call center- I HATE LARA SHE IS SO HOPELESS GET RID OF HERE !!! to get my data services fixed, I HAD NO DATE FOR A LONG TIME I HAD TO USE WIFI AT HOME AND THEY MADE ME TROUBLE SHOOT EVERY SINGLE WAY THEY CAN THINK OF THINKING IT WAS MY FONE BUT IT WASNT MY FONE, IN RESULT I LOST APPLICATIONS-
- first of all they said they will get back to me within 72 hours for the tech dept to see what the problems is,
-4 days later i called back cause no one got back to me and they told me that someone cancelled the request WTF??? so i had to wait another 72 hours cause i told them to reopen the case, no one got back to me, i went overseas on 27/11/10- 2-12-12 and wanted to use roaming there so i called up 1555 but the guy didnt know what i was talking about and he couldnt help me and said he will call me back asap, but he didnt, so i made another call and the guy helped me, i came back to aust and no one has gotten back to me about the data service so i made another call(note that it takes around 30 mins to get through to someone) i wanted to cancell my contract cause i think they breached the contract by not providing me a service in my contract, so retention person told me she will give me 2 months free access, but i just wanted the data service to be fixed , she said she will call me the next day and tell me whats happening, and guess what !! no phone call, i waited a few days to see if i will get that call but no, so i made another call, waited 60 mins to get thru !!, so i get really angry and they advised me they can give me another 2 more free months acess 2+2=4 months, so i waited and waited till 2 days ago and made another call just to see what the outcome is with my data services and yet they dont recall giving me a total of 4 months free access only 2, so they tranfered me to someother dept and FINALLY someone from australia was on the other side and he made me wait 5 mins and saw that there was a total of 4 months and he told me that there was upgrades in your area, BUT THE PROBLEM WAS I JUST WANTED TO KNOW WHY MY DATA WASNT WORKING IT TOOK THEM THIS LONG TO GIVE ME AN ANSWER OF LIES AND MISLEADING INFORMATION and it took someone from australia to get the problem fixed,

another problem occured while this was happening i wanted to cancell my insurance on my fone, i called up 1555 they said they cant cancell it only mobileme can so i called them up and said that they cant do anything that 1555 can only cancell it, so then i called up 1555 and they said they cant do it, i requested to speak to a team leader and he aid the same thing so i hanged up, i called the next day and said i would like to cancell my insurance and they person did it for my straight away. I SERIOUSLY DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT TRAINING THEY GET,IT IS REALLY FUSTRATING
seriously, i dont think its the company itself but its there overseas workers who really dont know anything, but yet again thats what companies deserve when they outsource their work to other countries, i really hope vodafone goes down, and the only reason they brought out the infinite plan is to gain more customers cause they know they are in the wrong and many people have left,


27 Dec 2010 04:02:11 PM: ^ obvious vodafone employee
27 Dec 2010 07:56:18 PM: I beleive you. Vodafone vodasux.

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3294 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is bloody ripoff! at 27 Dec 2010 03:51:42 PM
In Whyalla SA no coverage in the town area and we are the 2nd largest city in SA,what a joke. Continual drop outs and unbelievable waiting times(over an hour in some cases) to talk to someone is ridiculous.

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3293 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Data usage at 27 Dec 2010 03:51:21 PM
The internet usage Vodafone uses to track data is shit! I've talked to customer service 10 times about their 1512 updates and apparently it takes 48 hours to receive an accurate reading! That's not good enough I had to pay extra costs because Vodafone keeps FAILING to give us proper notifications of data use!

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3292 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is vodafone sux at 27 Dec 2010 03:51:10 PM
everything about vodafone sux. late voicemail, crappy signal 99% of the time, LARA is an idiot with inappropriate options & i cant understand the indian support staff... do you know how embarrassing it is for both parties when you have to ask them to s.p.e.l.l. i.t. o.u.t??? My 12 month contract runs out in feb, I am an I.T. techy and I WILL NEVER USE VODAFONE EVER AGAIN AND ILL MAKE SURE MY CUSTOMERS, FRIENDS AND RELLIES DON'T EITHER.
i want a refund.

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3291 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is downhill fast at 27 Dec 2010 03:51:10 PM
Since combining with 3, vodfone service has gone downhill fast.... my problem is in the area of mms, whenever I send pictures or receive pictures they take anything from one minute to 28hours to arrive.... this is not good enough. Even then when they arrive they often arrive 3 or 4 times in a row...... UNRELIABLE COMPLETELY.

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3290 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is How Fail Is It? It's Fraud. at 27 Dec 2010 03:51:04 PM
I have many complaints as a 1/2 year contract holder to share with you all today, how lovely this company really is. Thought I was making the right move from Telstra (I have notes on my phone account of many complaints about network out ages happening all to often please help me and speak out)

I am 20 Male from Country W.A I was signed into a Contract with Vodafone without them checking I had a job in the first place (I don't work and my parents have to pay my Bill) so they gave me a contract I myself had no income to pay but that was fine. This was my first problem, I was pretty much TALKED INTO a contract when I went into buy a PREPAID Handset and the sales person from ARMADALE W.A talked me into it so I went with it not knowing how I was going to pay for it, they apparently ran a Credit Check and some how I was earning money when I never had a job for the past 4 years? I still have a another 11 sad months ahead on my $114.00 contract.

The next problem I had was constant Service Drop outs some times days without reception, I would ring up and get Notes applied to my account and sometimes was offered a credit for not being able to use my Unlimited Cap Plan of $114.00 a month I can't even pay yet they gave me the contract LOL?

The next problem I then had was, more constant network interference slow data speeds on GSM and on 3G. Recently I had 3x Days in December without network coverage here, I rung customer support and sat on the phone for 3 hours at the Minimum trying to get through to these people to complain and get a credit applied to my account for the inconsistence (What happens if my car broke down or I was bitten by a snake working on the farm) I had no phone to use and no service which is a service I pay for each month. The next thing I was told that a $50.00 credit would be applie to my January 6th 2011 Bill and even recieved a Text Message from 1555 Saying it was applied (THIS IS YET TO HAPPEN) I then waited a day and still no phone service and I got a call from a foreign lady I spoke with yesterday saying due to my 3x days network outage my bill of $117.19 would be wavered and paid this month due 6th January 2011. I still owe this money and no credits have been applied to my account. They pretty much lied to me in person and yet I still have poor service. I feel so low in the dumps with this service I sat here and cried last week and asked how much it was to cancel the contract I couldn't even afford to pay in the first place it was like $1,000+ to cancel it as I have 11 months left finishing on the 11th November 2011 which is painful for someone who has no job or full time work.

I also have another problem with Vodafone AU the list goes on, this time something that says "!@#$ Off" in my opinion... They Vodafone AU shut down my nearest Vodafone Retail Store which was in Armadale where I got my Plan Contract from, they just shut the doors so now instead of driving 230 Kilometers to go to a Store I now need to drive 265 to the nearest in Cannington Carousel shopping centre, to me this says "WE DON'T WANT YOUR BUSINESS" And it was the nearest store for all COUNTRY W.A Citizens to visit!

Another problem is, Vodafone recently joined partners with 3 Hutchinson Australia!? VODAFONE NEVER SENT OUT INFORMATION, OR ADVISED CONTRACT PERSON/S ME AND 4 OF MY FRIENDS of the joining partnership this was done behind customers backs and not mentioned until it was DONE!

My LAST Painful complaint is my Christmas Present for 2010. My mobile phone broke a week ago and my parents got me a Nokia C3 Graphite Handset ADVERTISED TO HAVE WORKING WI-FI Connection, after exchanging the handset 3x times before Xmas Eve I could NOT get a working handset and had to travel 100 Kilometers each day for 3x days to keep returning the handset! THE HANDSET IS FAULTY Nokia know about the WI-FI Problem and Nokia have released a 7.20 Firmware Update whilst Vodafone have only released up to 4.65 Firmware for the HANDSET Which means THE WIFI STILL DOES NOT WORK But Vodafone are selling these handsets at $99.00 with WIFI! I tried 3x handsets and after trying 3 and travelling 300+ Kilometers a 54 Kilometer trip each way I was offered NO REFUND By Woolworth but to have the handset sent away!

GOOGLE SEARCH Nokia C3 WiFi problems, THE HANDSETS ARE BEING SOLD FAULTY AND VODAFONE OFFER NO CURRENT 7.20 FIRMWARE UPDATE TO FIX THE PROBLEM! 100% FALSE ADVERTISING AND SCAM I AM SICK OF THIS SHIT AND SERIOUSLY THINK THERE MUST BE A WAY TO GET OUT OF CONTRACT WITHOUT PAYING FOR THE CRAP! I feel suicidal, I can't even pay for the contract but was given one at the drop of a hat without even checking I had full time work to start with!


27 Dec 2010 04:03:11 PM: yep, pretty sure he'd just make up a massive wall of text post because he's bored. congratulations on your astute observation mr vodafone employee!
29 Dec 2010 04:29:50 PM: wat a freakin essay,,do u expect us to read this crap.
30 Dec 2010 03:36:13 PM: I don't work for Vodafone I don't think Vodafone has any stores in WAGIN Thanks.
30 Dec 2010 03:38:27 PM: If I didn't have these problems and I have video And audio recordings of my problems I wouldn't have wasted my time signing up to the Class Action and posting here and typing up my problems. Thanks very much you can see all of this for yourself just use Goog|e in regards to Faulty C3 Handsets and even the shop in Armadale being shut down. Kudos to you x

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3289 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 100% at 27 Dec 2010 03:50:50 PM
got signed up for a pre-payed account when I was 14 under my dads details due to vodafone demanding because I was under age. after years of multiple issues with them and and having to contact my father to ring them each time there was an issue, I decided to change the owner to my name. They refused to change my details claiming "pre-payed accounts cant be changed", and refused to fix any of my problems. late msgs, thats if they even turned up at all, multiple drop out calls, bugger all reception. Got out and went to 3....now they've bloody merged. grrrr...
cant even think of 1 good thing to say about vodafone

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3288 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Unable to Register for Online viewing of my bills at 27 Dec 2010 03:50:45 PM
I try to register online for 2 days, by entering my Mobile number, and it will sms me a password, try this 5 times, it does not work, I try this over 2 days, finally, I call Vodafone and the customer services person told me to let him try, he did that and it does not work, he put me on hold for another 5 mins, return after speaking to someone, told me to wait 24 hours and try again, which I did and it worked this time. It is waste of time, if it does not work, the system should be taken down, so that customer don't kept trying, I would say it wasted me 2 hours in total.
29 Dec 2010 11:12:36 AM: Over weeks, I have had 20 hours easy lost forever by this issue. Even 'helpless center' staff can't make it work. A joke. A real bad one.

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3287 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 03:50:43 PM
Hi i live at Marsden Brisbane and have had 4 months of terrible service from vodafone.

Everywhere i go the phone disconnects and drops out whilst speaking to people. As a business person this is not good.

Is there any chance of getting help. My whole family are on vodafone and it looks like no way out of our contracts, we only want good service.

27 Dec 2010 04:14:08 PM: You've got a long road in front of you! The first step is to start documenting every problem that occurs (time, place etc.). Ring Vodafail and start going through the trouble shooting process - they will first blame your phone and do a whole lot of things to try trouble shooting this. This won't be the issue, and next you will be asked to provide details about the issues (tim, place etc.) - they will waste months stuffing around with this. Vodafail are trying to make it hard for you and want you to quit and put up with the crap service (putting you in hold for hours is also another method to keep you on the contract). I did't quit and after 3 months got out of the contract. Also try the TO, just start documenting all the issues. Good luck!

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3286 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is telling lies at 27 Dec 2010 03:50:42 PM
15 months ago I purchased 3 x iPhone 3's at Vodafone in Hay St Mall. One was for a contractor who whould be with us for 12 months. We specifically asked if we ported her existing mobile number across to Vodafone that we would be able to swap it out for another number when her contract with our company was complete. On that basis we did the deal. I've been trying for 4 months to make the transition and give the contractor her phone number back. Vodafone wont do it without breaking the contract and forcing a payout EVEN THOUGH I WANT THE CONTRACT TO CONTINUE ... ALL I NEED TO DO IS CHANGE THE NUMBER! Vodafone's customer service say I must visit the store ... the stores say that "Customer service will say anything" (That is a direct quote). Meanwhile, this is costine me over $1,000. If anyone from Vodafone actually is reading this, then I welcom a call from a real, live person who can action a simple request that isn't even going to cost you a customer.

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3285 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is BULL SHIT at 27 Dec 2010 03:50:29 PM
I have upgraded from an Iphone to a Sumsung Galaxy, I agreed to continue paying off the Iphone MONTHLY as well as the Galaxy, I am fine with this it's what I agreed to. I recieved my bill and it showed I owed on the 14th of December for $1,200 since then I have been contacting Vodafone to get the matter sorted but I either have to wait 40 minutes until someone answers or over an hour before they call back. when I spoke to Vodafone about their mistake they claimed I agreed to pay out the Iphone for $1000 this is not true, I advised them to check their phone recordings which they claim they don't always record their calls. I advised them to call during my lunch break,,,they failed they called me while I was working...I advised them to call me back the next day as I was on holidays telling me they sorted the problem,. They still haven't. When they did call me back, they transfered me through to another department so I could speak to someone else, but I was on hold for 6 minutes. I still have not had the problem sorted out and it is the 27th of December...

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3284 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is stupid at 27 Dec 2010 03:50:19 PM
i dont really know where to start, from there call center operators to there hopeless reception and data services, for over 3 months i have spent over 7 hours calling the call center- I HATE LARA SHE IS SO HOPELESS GET RID OF HERE !!! to get my data services fixed, I HAD NO DATE FOR A LONG TIME I HAD TO USE WIFI AT HOME AND THEY MADE ME TROUBLE SHOOT EVERY SINGLE WAY THEY CAN THINK OF THINKING IT WAS MY FONE BUT IT WASNT MY FONE, IN RESULT I LOST APPLICATIONS-
- first of all they said they will get back to me within 72 hours for the tech dept to see what the problems is,
-4 days later i called back cause no one got back to me and they told me that someone cancelled the request WTF??? so i had to wait another 72 hours cause i told them to reopen the case, no one got back to me, i went overseas on 27/11/10- 2-12-12 and wanted to use roaming there so i called up 1555 but the guy didnt know what i was talking about and he couldnt help me and said he will call me back asap, but he didnt, so i made another call and the guy helped me, i came back to aust and no one has gotten back to me about the data service so i made another call(note that it takes around 30 mins to get through to someone) i wanted to cancell my contract cause i think they breached the contract by not providing me a service in my contract, so retention person told me she will give me 2 months free access, but i just wanted the data service to be fixed , she said she will call me the next day and tell me whats happening, and guess what !! no phone call, i waited a few days to see if i will get that call but no, so i made another call, waited 60 mins to get thru !!, so i get really angry and they advised me they can give me another 2 more free months acess 2+2=4 months, so i waited and waited till 2 days ago and made another call just to see what the outcome is with my data services and yet they dont recall giving me a total of 4 months free access only 2, so they tranfered me to someother dept and FINALLY someone from australia was on the other side and he made me wait 5 mins and saw that there was a total of 4 months and he told me that there was upgrades in your area, BUT THE PROBLEM WAS I JUST WANTED TO KNOW WHY MY DATA WASNT WORKING IT TOOK THEM THIS LONG TO GIVE ME AN ANSWER OF LIES AND MISLEADING INFORMATION and it took someone from australia to get the problem fixed,

another problem occured while this was happening i wanted to cancell my insurance on my fone, i called up 1555 they said they cant cancell it only mobileme can so i called them up and said that they cant do anything that 1555 can only cancell it, so then i called up 1555 and they said they cant do it, i requested to speak to a team leader and he aid the same thing so i hanged up, i called the next day and said i would like to cancell my insurance and they person did it for my straight away. I SERIOUSLY DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT TRAINING THEY GET,IT IS REALLY FUSTRATING
seriously, i dont think its the company itself but its there overseas workers who really dont know anything, but yet again thats what companies deserve when they outsource their work to other countries, i really hope vodafone goes down, and the only reason they brought out the infinite plan is to gain more customers cause they know they are in the wrong and many people have left,



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3283 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is by saying that you can get 3G network coverage and charging for same at 27 Dec 2010 03:50:11 PM
As I didnt have a permanent residence at the time I signed up for a 12 month contract with vodafone on the condition that I would be able to link up with Wireless Vodafone 3g Broadband, every since I have been with Vodafone I have had problems with the 3G Wireless Broadband, when I tried to speak to someone in Charge and make a written or verbal complaint I was informed that there was no one that could take this complaint, so for the past 12 months I have been ringing the Vodafone faults line, with that wonderful voice Called LARA , Vodafone need to do something about this also.
Vodafone (INDIAN TECH"S) informed me after 11 months of problems with the 3G network that there was NO COVERAGE OF 3G IN MY AREA but they have taken 12 months contract payments , whick when I asked them about , their reply was, " TO BAD YOU SIGNED UP FOR A 12 MONTH CONTRACT, AND IT YOU WANT TO LEAVE BEFORE THE TIME IS UP THEN YOU HAVE TO PAY THE CONTRACT OUR, the balance of the monthly payments!!!!!!! What a wonderful company this Australian Vodafone is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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3282 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is How long is a piece of string? at 27 Dec 2010 03:50:10 PM
I had never had ongoing coverage issues with Vodafone before October 2010. I have relatives that are contracted to 3 that have nothing but trouble with coverage since 3 was merged with Voda into VHA. It was only several weeks ago that I was getting a "connection error" when trying to use my phone in the Randwick area of Sydney. It made no sense to me why I would have full bars of coverage, but yet still not be able to make or receive calls whenever I was within the Randwick area coverage. So, I came to the conclusion that the issue was a handset issue and I went back to the Vodafone retailer and demanded another handset. They had initially borked at the idea but then quickly capitulated when I taunted them with the representations they (VHA) had made to the ACCC back in January over faulty handset issues.

It was the very next day I came to the conclusion that my new handset was not going to change the FACT that a blackspot (previously only obvious to 3 customers living in the Tamarama area) was occuring in the Randwick area(the Voda rep at the retailer I went back to actually stated there was "a network issue" in the Randwick coverage area) and my handset was useless whenever I was in the area.
Previously to me upgrading my handset, I was with Vodafone previously for a year. It was only because of my dissatisfaction of a faulty handset that I was released from the contract.

The funny thing though is, that for the whole time I started with Vodafone( I am a previous Telstra customer, whenever I went through Randwick's coverage area, my handset would crash and restart. I use to go through there on a daily basis and now wonder (since my handset became defective with the firmware) if it was in fact something occurring on the network that crashed my phone into a state of needing to be returned to Nokia itself.

Oh yes, you can bet I will be dumping Vodafone at the next opportunity. There are several reasons why. One of which is coverage that just isn't what it was before and should be for a city like Sydney.

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3281 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very fail at 27 Dec 2010 03:49:52 PM
Everthing- data, phone call dropout, poor coverage

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3280 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 8/10 at 27 Dec 2010 03:49:47 PM
I live at Shorncliffe, northern suburb of Bisbane. Catch the train into city to work. I watch other train travellers having phone conversations but my Vodafail shows no signal for large sections of the 30 min journey. This has been the same every day for 18 months. My contract is up in 6 months and that's it for me.

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3279 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is you have no idea..... at 27 Dec 2010 03:49:43 PM
Went in store to update my contract, and get a new iphone 4. Got told in store they only have iphones instore for new customers, so if i want one i have to ring customer support. Rang customer support, and got told i have to wait 3 weeks for it to arrive, as they were out of stock. still got charged for my plan for 3 weeks, and when it arrived, phone kept heating up and burning my face. Rang customer support AGAIN, explained the problem, and had to wait ANOTHER 3 weeks for a new iphone 4. finally got that iphone, but instead of sending 1, they sent 2 iphones, rand customer support straight away, and was told that they would send an envelope, to send the 2nd iphone back.Then waited 2 weeks, no envelope, so irang again, explained the situation (again) and they said the same thing. waited another 2 weeks. still nothing. rang again, repated the process, and was supposed to get an envelope. needless to say its 3 months later, and i still have an iphone 4 in box sitting in my house. Tried to do the honest thing. each phone call, had me on hold for over an hour each time.Customer service were rude and no help at all. AND even worse, im stuck on the plan for another 2 years. changing to optus asap.
27 Dec 2010 03:51:08 PM: and just to make it worse... iphone constantly has no reception 90 percent of the time, so its useless to me anyway. tried going instore, they tell me to ring customer service, tried ringing, i get put on hold, tried emailing, they tell me to ring. fuck vodafone!

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3278 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Reception at 27 Dec 2010 03:49:42 PM
Calls constantly drop out. Working in the middle of the Sydney CBD is no guarantee of good coverage or reception - a mere gust of wind can cause a phone call to cut out. I estimate that half of my monthly telephone bill is redialled dropped out phone calls. A disgrace.

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3277 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VERY at 27 Dec 2010 03:49:36 PM
I purchased USB Modem on a 1 year contract from the Wollongong store. I was advised that I should experience a minimum speed of 500 kpbs. At the best of times, I would only get 50 - 150 kpbs (only 5% of the time I used the modem. I was advised by the store to call the service number which I did (Please note; no-one at the Vodafone stores will offer to assist with any problems regarding service - they are all sales people). I called the service centres (with a minimum wait of 20 minutes). On some occasions, I would end up in the wrong department after carefully choosing my options on the key pad. I would be advised to speak to the "data-people" who can analyse my coverage to determine whether I was receiving coverage (I understand formalities are needed). It took a while to convince the operator that the coverage map being viewed was the same one I viewed prior to purchasing the modem, and that it does not reflect reality. I called several more times to speak to these specialist to check out my problem in-depth with no luck after being on hold for close to half-hour; this is after being transferred. Eventually, I was advised to call another "date-service number" to speak with person that could correct the issue. I was advised to call within a hour timeframe (8-9am) which I found difficult due to the fact I travel to Sydney for work and I am in transit (NO chance of Vodafone USB reception in motion). I rang this number on return from work. After being transferred for half-an-hour from department to department. The last person I spoke spent a considerable amount of time repeating my calling history (which I obviously new) then in the last minutes transferred me to a department. I received a voice message advising that this department was now closed. I called the complaints department the next day. Not only did I reached the wrong department again, but also a girl with an attitude problem. I vented my anger (not at any individual) I was advised, and I quote, "After all that has been reported by you, I can see that you NOW had enough". I was advised to return the product which I did and no cancellation costs would apply in my case. I still keep receiving bills and this has forced me to go to my bank and bar Vodafone from accessing my funds. In summary: MISGUIDED INFORMATION ON COVERAGE, OVERLY-DETERMINED SALES PEOPLE, POOR COVERAGE, UNORGANISED CALL CENTRES, RUDE AND UNPROFESSIONAL CALL-CENTRE STAFF, TIME WASTERS. Thank you.

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3276 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is unprofessional at 27 Dec 2010 03:49:30 PM
had to pay out my contract due to little or most times no reception in my area. i was told upon purchase of contract that i would have no problem with reception but from the start unless i left my phone outside,i would miss calls and not receive messages or voicemails for days. i was unaware i was able to do anything about it through vodafone. when i finally got them to do something they offered me a $10 a month reduction in my bill. thinking this was as good as it would get i accepted the offer. after a month or so of still having the same reception,i came to the conclusion that the $10 reduction on a contract that had no reception was not a good enough discount.i told vodafone again about the extremely poor reception and was told my options were to put up with it or cancel the contract.upon choosing to cancel the contract i was told a payment of $250 would be required to do so. payment was made and i begun a contract with optus which has been faultless thus far. with all of these new issues coming to light,i think it was unfair of vodafone to charge me $250 to end a contract that they from the start were unable to professionally service me with. thankyou

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3275 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is complete and utter at 27 Dec 2010 03:49:17 PM
I had to change to Telstra because my coverage was non existent where I moved to. That was OK. I kind of expected that. But working within 17km of the CBD and constantly having drop outs and having to call clients back and being told by people to change my phone and that I sound like I'm under water etc.. To save my business I had to play 360 bucks to bail from vodafone. Now I'm with Telstra and while theyre not perfect, my coverage is great.

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3274 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 03:49:14 PM
so frustrated with the then 3 migrating to vodaphone network that I changed carriers as I could not get a signal. No one at voaphone wanted to deal with issue... international call centres leave a bit to be desired at times ... no local knowledge... "our maps indicate you should have service... it must be your handset...let me talk you through this (again and again and again...)" Aaaaah!

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3273 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EXTREME FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 03:49:12 PM
phone internet not workingmobile
broadband slow or not working at all
uncountable amounts of unhelpful service from the helpline
numerous hours of being kept on hold
letters of complaints not answered
emails unanswered
the list goes on and on...
I got my phone stolen last week and I'm overseas indefinitely and now stuck 12 months into a 24 month contract which is useless and will cost $550 to get out of.
I spoke to a manager on the helpline and even he told me to go with another company as he admitted no one could help me with the recepetion issues and I lived in Surry Hills for god's sake - The centre of the biggest city in this country!

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3272 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is I have felt suicidal with my experiences with Vodafone at 27 Dec 2010 03:49:08 PM
I have many complaints as a 1/2 year contract holder to share with you all today, how lovely this company really is. Thought I was making the right move from Telstra (I have notes on my phone account of many complaints about network out ages happening all to often please help me and speak out)

I am 20 Male from Country W.A I was signed into a Contract with Vodafone without them checking I had a job in the first place (I don't work and my parents have to pay my Bill) so they gave me a contract I myself had no income to pay but that was fine. This was my first problem, I was pretty much TALKED INTO a contract when I went into buy a PREPAID Handset and the sales person from ARMADALE W.A talked me into it so I went with it not knowing how I was going to pay for it, they apparently ran a Credit Check and some how I was earning money when I never had a job for the past 4 years? I still have a another 11 sad months ahead on my $114.00 contract.

The next problem I had was constant Service Drop outs some times days without reception, I would ring up and get Notes applied to my account and sometimes was offered a credit for not being able to use my Unlimited Cap Plan of $114.00 a month I can't even pay yet they gave me the contract LOL?

The next problem I then had was, more constant network interference slow data speeds on GSM and on 3G. Recently I had 3x Days in December without network coverage here, I rung customer support and sat on the phone for 3 hours at the Minimum trying to get through to these people to complain and get a credit applied to my account for the inconsistence (What happens if my car broke down or I was bitten by a snake working on the farm) I had no phone to use and no service which is a service I pay for each month. The next thing I was told that a $50.00 credit would be applie to my January 6th 2011 Bill and even recieved a Text Message from 1555 Saying it was applied (THIS IS YET TO HAPPEN) I then waited a day and still no phone service and I got a call from a foreign lady I spoke with yesterday saying due to my 3x days network outage my bill of $117.19 would be wavered and paid this month due 6th January 2011. I still owe this money and no credits have been applied to my account. They pretty much lied to me in person and yet I still have poor service. I feel so low in the dumps with this service I sat here and cried last week and asked how much it was to cancel the contract I couldn't even afford to pay in the first place it was like $1,000+ to cancel it as I have 11 months left finishing on the 11th November 2011 which is painful for someone who has no job or full time work.

I also have another problem with Vodafone AU the list goes on, this time something that says "!@#$ Off" in my opinion... They Vodafone AU shut down my nearest Vodafone Retail Store which was in Armadale where I got my Plan Contract from, they just shut the doors so now instead of driving 230 Kilometers to go to a Store I now need to drive 265 to the nearest in Cannington Carousel shopping centre, to me this says "WE DON'T WANT YOUR BUSINESS" And it was the nearest store for all COUNTRY W.A Citizens to visit!

Another problem is, Vodafone recently joined partners with 3 Hutchinson Australia!? VODAFONE NEVER SENT OUT INFORMATION, OR ADVISED CONTRACT PERSON/S ME AND 4 OF MY FRIENDS of the joining partnership this was done behind customers backs and not mentioned until it was DONE!

My LAST Painful complaint is my Christmas Present for 2010. My mobile phone broke a week ago and my parents got me a Nokia C3 Graphite Handset ADVERTISED TO HAVE WORKING WI-FI Connection, after exchanging the handset 3x times before Xmas Eve I could NOT get a working handset and had to travel 100 Kilometers each day for 3x days to keep returning the handset! THE HANDSET IS FAULTY Nokia know about the WI-FI Problem and Nokia have released a 7.20 Firmware Update whilst Vodafone have only released up to 4.65 Firmware for the HANDSET Which means THE WIFI STILL DOES NOT WORK But Vodafone are selling these handsets at $99.00 with WIFI! I tried 3x handsets and after trying 3 and travelling 300+ Kilometers a 54 Kilometer trip each way I was offered NO REFUND By Woolworth but to have the handset sent away!

GOOGLE SEARCH Nokia C3 WiFi problems, THE HANDSETS ARE BEING SOLD FAULTY AND VODAFONE OFFER NO CURRENT 7.20 FIRMWARE UPDATE TO FIX THE PROBLEM! 100% FALSE ADVERTISING AND SCAM I AM SICK OF THIS SHIT AND SERIOUSLY THINK THERE MUST BE A WAY TO GET OUT OF CONTRACT WITHOUT PAYING FOR THE CRAP! I feel suicidal, I can't even pay for the contract but was given one at the drop of a hat without even checking I had full time work to start with!



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3271 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic at 27 Dec 2010 03:49:02 PM
I have upgraded from an Iphone to a Sumsung Galaxy, I agreed to continue paying off the Iphone MONTHLY as well as the Galaxy, I am fine with this it's what I agreed to. I recieved my bill and it showed I owed on the 14th of December for $1,200 since then I have been contacting Vodafone to get the matter sorted but I either have to wait 40 minutes until someone answers or over an hour before they call back. when I spoke to Vodafone about their mistake they claimed I agreed to pay out the Iphone for $1000 this is not true, I advised them to check their phone recordings which they claim they don't always record their calls. I advised them to call during my lunch break,,,they failed they called me while I was working...I advised them to call me back the next day as I was on holidays telling me they sorted the problem,. They still haven't. When they did call me back, they transfered me through to another department so I could speak to someone else, but I was on hold for 6 minutes. I still have not had the problem sorted out and it is the 27th of December...
27 Dec 2010 03:49:41 PM: that is meant to be EPIC FAIL

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3270 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is shit. at 27 Dec 2010 03:49:02 PM
my boyfriend and i don't receive each others text messages until a few ours after.
i am so tempted to join a BETTER one!

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3269 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Absolutely Pathetic. at 27 Dec 2010 03:49:02 PM
I went to Vodafone in August of 08, thinking nothing bad of Vodafone after what the Vodafone representitive told me once i signed on the dotted line. After no more than a week into the contract i was already facing repeption issues. Delayed txt messages, incoming and outgoing calls failing, and a whole bunch of "we don't want to hear your problems" from Vodafone customer service.

It think something needs to be done about Vodafone. I was told a whole bunch of misleading information when i was in the Vodafone store, all that just so they could get another customer. Vodafone was the biggest waste of time EVER.

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3268 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Epic at 27 Dec 2010 03:48:29 PM
My Wife said she wanted a Birmingham booty Call, Thanks to Vodafones lack of coverage my wife has now left me for a young man with a prepaid Telstra Sim.. Thanks Vodafone!


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3267 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Useless at 27 Dec 2010 03:48:29 PM
I am on a mobile internet contract that I never use - it takes forever to connect and once it finally does, it runs at a glacial pace, then after a couple of minutes it drops out, and I can't reconnect. I have given up, and bought a Telstra pre-paid internet sim (which works like a dream) - but am stuck paying out my 2 year Vodafone contract for nothing!

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3266 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is complete failure. at 27 Dec 2010 03:48:26 PM
no exaggeration... EVERY call i make the first attempt dropps out after about 30 seconds of talking, so i have to recall and it sometimes takes 3 attempts to get a connection that i can hear the other person. frequently i try to make calls and get the "emergency calls only" message and cannot even call customer care.. i am ready to switch providers.. although i have another year on my contract and would have to pay it out.. and they wont even let me upgrade my plan from a $49 a month cap to the $79 a month cap, after recently having a baby i am always calling my parents and always going over my cap which costs me hundreds of dollars.. i guess its in their interests to make more money off a new mother. nice customer "care" vodafone.

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3265 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Lack of help, customer service and just playing pass the blame!!! at 27 Dec 2010 03:48:10 PM
I Bought a new cell phone, and c3 nokia but with in a week the phone start to play up. One didnt have to be a very smart to work out that the phone was falulty. A sales person at a vodafone store because the phone is only a week old, vodafone would replace it on the spot.... this never happend. Many many calls to the vodafone help line and tech support and I was told the same thing. Yet no one, would change the phone. What they could do, is take my new phone and send it back to nokia and I would have to wait 3 to 4 weeks to find out if the phone is faulty or and if they would give me a new hand set or repire the old one. Also becuase I needed a phone to use for the duration of the 3 to 4 weeks, they would give me a hand set to use but id have to pay $50 to use the phone. Yet every one that I spoke to including the people in India at the Vodafone call center and tech support kept telling me, I have a faulty hand set and that i should get a new hand set on the spot. But they couldnt give me one because have to send the phone away to nokia first. Althought consmer affiars staets that, a faulty product is to be replaced on the spot if the product is less that 28 days old.

They are happy to take ur money but, once they have taken it.... your not a vauled customer any more, vodafone.... fucking people!!!!

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3264 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally Hopeless at 27 Dec 2010 03:48:01 PM
Lack of reception, shocking customer service, am totally disgruntled!!!

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3263 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is jokafone customer service at 27 Dec 2010 03:47:47 PM
For any sort of customer service even if you 'were' to upgrade your plan they want you to wait 40 mins on the phone.What great incentive to stay with them with customer service like that jokafone.

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3262 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very fail at 27 Dec 2010 03:47:38 PM
Several times a week I talk to a friend for two hours. On a good day we can talk without drop out, on a bad day it can drop out ten times. On one conversation the service drop out was nine times within an hour. We are both vodaphone prepaid mobiles but this also happens when I talk to other friends on different networks. Vodafone need to pick up their game, otherwise I will go back to using the landline. It actually works out cheaper.

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3261 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 03:47:37 PM
Every year especially in summertime we have drop outs for up to 7 hours. Vodafone outage maps show nothing and having to wait for up to an hour to talk to someone is a joke. Get rid of Lara and provide a decent service that people are paying for. As soon as my contract is up,I will be switching to telstra. Although the most expensive at least I will have fewer drop outs and better coverage.

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3260 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is ripped off at 27 Dec 2010 03:47:26 PM
I guess you get what you pay for!! (WHAT A JOKE)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All these company's should be ashamed of themselves and stop being so GREEDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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3259 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is failing at 27 Dec 2010 03:47:26 PM
the vodfone tower is less then 500m away.everytime i try and connect to the internet on my iphone it usually takes up 10 minutes 2 connect.with txt'ing some txts take ages to send or they dont send at all

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3258 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Numerous at 27 Dec 2010 03:47:14 PM
I regularly travel all over Sydney, and I continually have more dropouts that the NSW State Government. Just the other day I had a mate seated next to me in my vehicle. He too is a Vodafone customer and he sent me a text at 9.30am, 5 feet from my phone. That text arrived that afternoon at 4.30pm, luckily it was not a live saving message Vodafone.
They are the Taliban of phone companies.

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3257 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Numerous at 27 Dec 2010 03:46:55 PM
I regularly travel all over Sydney, and I continually have more dropouts that the NSW State Government. Just the other day I had a mate seated next to me in my vehicle. He too is a Vodafone customer and he sent me a text at 9.30am, 5 feet from my phone. That text arrived that afternoon at 4.30pm, luckily it was not a live saving message Vodafone.
They are the Taliban of phone companies.

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3256 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Coverage is not up to standard at 27 Dec 2010 03:46:53 PM
I was a 3 customer and never had issues with coverage at all. I joined V in November this year and I was shocked with the lack of network coverage! I live in Seabrook (better known as Point Cook) and have had occasions where I have no signal...I mean, come on...it's not as if I'm on an island. I called V (mind you, it takes approximately 35 minutes just to speak to someone...and when you do, it's kind of pathetic). I managed to get a $30 credit on my first bill after speaking to the Supervisor at the "overseas" call centre. V really need to do something...I was on a very important phone call (phone interview) and the call kept dropping out. I ended up having to use my home phone.

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3255 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Seriously disappointed at 27 Dec 2010 03:46:51 PM
The cap plan was very appealing, as was the 'best mate' deal (nominate one number that is free to call).
However the reception is worse than anyone else on any other carrier. I moved from the bush into Launceston and frankly, the reception was better out in the sticks (and not great there either)! wtf??
Had a vodafone dongle also and the speed was excruciatingly slow, or constantly dropped out.
So disappointed. There's a vodafone shop in town which has been recently revamped - shame the money wasn't put to improving the phones...

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3254 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is is money hungry at 27 Dec 2010 03:46:44 PM
My boyfriend and I signed to vodafone because they had the iphone4...so far awesome. However on a recent trip to Queensland we used my boyfriends phone for google maps. Little did we know that we had gone over the cap until vodafone decides to tell us once we had gone $450 over. Thanx vodafone from the prompt update. Needless to say we are wondering why they didn't send one earlier but hey $450 seems like the right amount before telling a customer. Not happy!!! Furthermore, I wouldn't like to be a Queensland customer either, we found that now where in queenlsand could you get reception more than one bar at best.
Be a previous 3 customer I hope the customer service at vodafone is alittle better. Im thinking that my choice to change is a bad one. Here's to hoping to getting out of a now $600 phone bill because of data usage!!!! Thanx alot vodafone!
27 Dec 2010 03:51:32 PM: excuse me????
27 Dec 2010 03:58:11 PM: i don't understand...why are you saying 'ur welcome'?

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3253 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 03:46:36 PM
i never have service even at my house where i have never had problems at all with optus etc, as well as having my calls constantly dropping outand voice mails coming thru over 2 days later. i am currently in the process of changing providers even tho i am still under contract until July next year. i have called several times and waited for up to an hour and a half before someone answered only to have them hang up on me when they put me on hold. honestly i need a provider that doesnt have so many issues .. worst service ever !!

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3252 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 03:46:27 PM
Messages are delayed. Reception breaks up constantly as of about 4-6 weeks ago, calls drop out constantly as of 4-6 weeks ago. VERY FRUSTRATING!!! Up until then we were very happy with Vodaphone for the previous 3 years. I initially thought it was my phone, but now I find out the problems are widespread. My entire extended family is on Vodaphone prepaid (about 18 of us) so if the problems don't get fixed soon we'll easily be able to change carriers. (Sorry for all you guys on plans!)

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3251 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Beyond poor at 27 Dec 2010 03:46:19 PM
Vodafone are so fucked to say the least. I have been released from my contract and taken my business elsewhere.

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3250 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 03:46:12 PM
i am facing the same problems as everyone else with the lack of reception.

i have called a number of times and have not had any luck with customer care.

With all of us annoyed with Voda's efforts, Is there a way we can brake our contracts. Has anyone online got the experience to guide us through this process.
Somebody please ease our pain......

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3249 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Overbilling at 27 Dec 2010 03:46:06 PM
I have been overbilled by vodaphone, to the tune of $1253, charges applied over and above the agreed cap which I signed up to. I can't afford legal advice so I am paying it off at an agreed amount each fortnight. This is an example of how companies like this take advantage of those at the lower end of the market

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3248 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is its beyond a joke at 27 Dec 2010 03:46:04 PM
I live in sydney in the eastern suburbs, i have no reception on regular basis,my sms and mms messages arrive hours/days late. I ring vodafone, you are on hold for hours, then youre told to take your simcard out, and switch the phone on/off. Then of course there is still no reception, and you get told there is something wrong with your phone!!!The staff are really rude about it too. I have gone into my local vodafone and was given two replacement simcards, and then told there was something wrong with my phone!!!Like are you for real????I have been with vodafone for the last 10 years,i renewed my contract in January,however intend to cancel now, and return my phone. Whats the point of paying monthly fees when you have no coverage,and are getting messages late? Vodafone is not even offering any credit or timeframe when this should be fixed?Fed up and want out!!!
27 Dec 2010 04:05:02 PM: just wait til they give you the *wrong* SIM, and fry your account for a couple of weeks while they puzzle it out...

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3247 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is fatal at 27 Dec 2010 03:45:54 PM
continual drop out of calls, constant loss of GPRS service and hours spent on the help line with no results.

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3246 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Reception problems at 27 Dec 2010 03:45:46 PM
I live on the North Coast of NSW & my Vodafone reception is next to nothing!!!
So frustrating & not bloody good enough! Its 2010 going on 2011...come on guys.

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3245 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very fail at 27 Dec 2010 03:45:40 PM
i have been with vodafone for years now but have become very irritated by them recently when people have been trying to contact me the calls go straight to voicemail and i have been looking for a job if an employer has tried to get a hold of me and could not that would be very bad. i have also been displeased with my internet lately it keeps cutting out and saying unable to connect due to reception cutting out not pleased.

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3244 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is No coverage! at 27 Dec 2010 03:45:31 PM
I was a Vodafone customer for years, and then moved to Eaton had absolutely no signal what-so-ever with Vodafone. Full signal in Bunbury, but none 5 minutes down the road? What the hell? Vodafone also advised me that there was no plans to upgrade the services available in my area. Well shit, $89p/m contract for 2 years...with a service I'm paying for but can't use? I don't think so!

Hello Telstra!
Better phones, cheaper cap plans and a service that actually works!

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