26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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14589 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 25 Jan 2011 12:46:14 PM
after 11 years as a Vodafone customer I have finally given up. Last week I lost a contract due to the fact that I was unable to send an email with the proposal my client wanted. I drove from Manly to Newport (NSW) stopping every 1km or so to resend the email. 2 days later I deleted the email from my outbox, still not having sent. During this period I called Vodafone repeatedly. After being left on hold for 45 minutes I hung up and when I finally got through I was told "sorry" I "dropped out" to which I replied if i dropped out how come I could hear the hold music until I ended the call. I joined Vodafone knowing that regional reception was poor with them and that they concentrated on metro areas. But when I cant get reception in metro areas, when I pay for a 3G service and only get that about 15% of the time it leaves me wondering why I bother! Well I don't anymore. The only way we will let Vodafone know that it's service is substandard and that it cannot treat customers like that, is to vote with our plans and go elsewhere. After much frustration, with call centers that do not listen , reception that drops out and data that just does not work I have finally voted with my custom.

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14588 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally Over IT at 25 Jan 2011 12:44:58 PM
I run a business, and need to call at least 50 clients a day.
At least every second call wont go through it just keeps saying call failed. It takes ages to get through the calls. I have to use a land line phone for some of them as vodafone just wont work. Therefore I have to pay two phone bills every month.

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14587 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 15 years counts for zip at 25 Jan 2011 12:34:31 PM
I have been with Vodafone for 15+ years. One of their original customers and you know what that counts for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!! I bought an iphone 3 11 months ago. Since that time I have not been able to send emails - the reason I bought the phone. I have waited on hold for up to an hour sometimes and given up. I have written emails - not a single response. And after 15 years of loyal, paid on time service you know what I get - oh so sorry we will give you $30 off this month and then for the next three months you can have a discount. What I want is never to have to deal with Vodafone again. They don't care about my loyalty so why should I. Man up Vodafone. Cancel my contract at a reasonable rate. YOU HAVE SOLD A PRODUCT THAT CANNOT DO WHAT IT WAS SOLD TO DO. You don't deserve my business. Last Friday as my 2 year old was in an operating theatre guess what - no service coverage. This is in a suburb 5 minutes from the city and under Vodafone relay towers. Please - enough is enough
25 Jan 2011 12:58:33 PM: Time for the TIO - just details your issues and what Voda have offered.

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14585 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Megatron at 25 Jan 2011 12:20:17 PM
iPhone was not connecting to the internet. After 8 hours of vodash*t (un)support, and being sent to 5 diffrerent reps in 1 phone call and ultimately being told to call apple who said it was $200 to even look at, I took it to apple.

Apple fixed it, and blamed vodafone for not sending me the right configurations. After letting him on in my vodaproblems, he waived the fee.

These guys in India read off a script and are useless at helping customers.

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14584 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is verging on absolutely useless at 25 Jan 2011 12:03:22 PM
No coverage at all for a few hours this morning....and this is in Circular Quay in SYDNEY. Continually slow data transfer times or it just freezes. What a waste of money; and still 11 months to go on the plan....!

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14582 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 25 Jan 2011 11:49:34 AM
I am writing this letter of complaint as I cannot seem to get through to their call centre and when I get close my phone drops out of service!!!!!!!

My son was almost trapped at his day care due to the floods in queensland and the day care staff being unable to contact me - not acceptable.

Not to mention the voicemail (business related and private) messages that have 'slipped through' because vodafone cannot get it together.

Throw on top of that 2 weeks whilst I was in Tasmania TRYING to finalise some of my wedding details and I HAVE NO SERVICE on the whole of TASMANIA!

25 Jan 2011 12:04:10 PM: son almost trapped at daycare due to vodafones poor coverage is a news story worth of itself. Thats ridiculuos! Im sorry to hear stories such as this this is a true complaint and a good example of Vodafone neglect
28 Jan 2011 09:48:52 PM: If you look at the coverage maps you'll see Tasmania has limited coverage and if you are on a plan you can roam on to Telstra.

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14581 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Extreme Fail at 25 Jan 2011 11:48:08 AM
Without fail - they have overcharged me on every single bill. To try and get through to customer support, you have to wait a minimum of 30-45 minutes. When I cfinally get through, the person on the other end always states that they can not understand why it has been charged as sucha nd will look into it.

They then say they will contact me as soon as they haev resolved it. never once have I been contacted back.

What a joke - their servcie is truly appalling.

Lets hope people vote with their feet and shift to alternative telecoms providers even though vodafone is chepaer, the service is soooo poor and the product is really bad.

Lets hope that Vodafone is no more.

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14580 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Mega fail at 25 Jan 2011 11:46:33 AM
I have been with Vodafone for a few years now and have never really had any issues. However since upgrading to an iPhone 4 in September and signing a new 2 year contract, all of a sudden I'm having continuing issues with 3G coverage. Sometimes it works fine, other times it takes forever, but in most cases it doesn't work at all. This is particularly annoying as I rely on 3G coverage a lot. Phone reception is also a major issue. Recently I was holidaying in Bright (VIC) and on the first day I had full reception and perfect 3G coverage, however by the next day and for the remainder of my holiday I had no coverage at all! I couldn't pick up not even the slightest signal. Not good enough and I'm fed up. As soon as this current contract is up, I'm switching to a more reliable network coverage provider.
25 Jan 2011 09:36:05 PM: Ahhhh another person having trouble in Bright. I too had trouble, but was told repeatedly that there were no service issues in bright and there was full coverage. If you look at the coverage map it shows full coverage - dont see out your contract, check with the TIO maybe more of us calling them may help them to make quicker decisions!

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14579 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bad at 25 Jan 2011 11:43:47 AM
Signed up for a new cap plan with a promo of 1GB data each month free for the 1st 12 months of the contract.
On my first bill i was charged for the data, rang the call centre, someone in (i assume) india answered said there was no such promo(despite being told by the sales person at the time) was told to go back to the store(Bondi Junction) sales person no longer there. Nothing they can do. Also the time i signed up i was like everyone having no recetpion in the middle of the CBD.

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14578 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ridiculous at 25 Jan 2011 11:43:12 AM
Vodafone still can't get their billing right. My handset has been billed $1400 last month - we ended up paying $54...data was incorrect. And now this month the bill is $2077.00, yet again more time will be wasted trying to fix this yet again. The month to date is already heading the same way since 21st bill is already heading toward $200. Any other business would be ashamed of themselves, but they just don't get it. Fix the problem. Stuck in a contract for another 20 months - F#$@!!

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14577 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Worst network ever. at 25 Jan 2011 11:37:42 AM
I have been with Vodafone for the past 4 or so years for my business. In August this year we re-signed our contract for 10 staff phones for 2 years. About one month after we signed the contract, the network problems started to happen.

I live 10 minutes from the city, and my office is in the centre of Adelaide CBD. Every day on my way to work, as I would reach the city, reception would pretty much drop down to a single bar. Within my office it goes to 'no service'. I need to turn off 3G every time I'm in the CBD. If I forget to turn off 3G, IF I get service, then the call WILL drop out. Data is so slow it's practically unusable. I now leave my phone on 2G, as result I get GPRS data which is so slow it's not worth even using.

I have now gone out and bought a Telstra mobile / wifi unit, so that my iPhone now can use data when I'm not in the office or home, as Vodafone's data network is complete rubbish.

I spoke with my account rep at Vodafone about 2 months ago, and they promised network upgrades would have been completed that week. No change, no difference. When I travel to Sydney or Melbourne, it's equally as bad.

The only time my phone has ACTUALLY worked, was when I travelled to Japan and it was set to roaming, sadly I had better call quality and data talking to people in AUSTRALIA, using global roaming on a Japanese network.

At this point if I could exit Vodafone without an enormous penalty I would move to Telstra in a second.
25 Jan 2011 12:36:34 PM: It would be worth clickng on the How to Complain link on ths site. I think you should be able to get out of your contract penalty free AND be reimbursed for the sim/phone you bought from Telstra, AS WELL AS the injury to your business.That is with the TIO. Also, it is worth considerng the class action against Vodafone.
26 Jan 2011 01:22:26 PM: i agree

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14575 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is continuously at 25 Jan 2011 11:31:07 AM
I am continuously without coverage and when I speak to the local vodaphone dealership they have blamed my phone. It has now been "sent away" to be repaired (2 and a half weeks ago) and the loan phone that I had yesterday had no coverage. When I rang to discuss this I was told that they don't know what can be wrong!!!!!

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14574 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is This Company has no respect for customers at 25 Jan 2011 11:27:58 AM
They have too many. I just received a sms message from network
team of this useless company asking me to call 1555 so they can
update me! Adding insult to injury! This company doesn't care nor
has any respect for its clients. I am trapped for another year or
so of contract. Never again.

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14573 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is MEGAFAIL at 25 Jan 2011 11:23:44 AM
Crap data speeds, virtually no 3G coverage in SW Brisbane, delayed messages, Delayed voicemail, dropped calls, failed text messages. I waiting 90 minutes on hold to customer care, operator answered then call dropped, like they hung up on me. Complaint now lodged with TIO as i think 90 minutes on the phone to only be disconnected is a fair and reasonable attempt to fix my problems. How come when Lara asks "is it for the number your calling on?" they cant identify my number and call me back?? Fail cant wait to get out of there

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14572 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 25 Jan 2011 11:11:47 AM
I do not get mobile reception in my house - and I live in the inner city!

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14571 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Calls Dropping Out at 25 Jan 2011 11:03:40 AM
I have been in touch with Vodafone and after being on hold for 45 minutes I spoke with Two very helpful people (seriously). I explained my issues and the technicians at the help desk took my complains very seriously.

I have requested that I am released from my contract which at this point seems like a possibility, my reasoning is that for the past several months the services that I am paying for have been sub-standard, I am disappointed as Vodafone is an internationally recognized brand, one would have thought that their service would be incredibly reliable.

The Tech guy that I spoke to told me that in Australia 3 mobile and Vodafone have merged, he explained that the merge happened before the technology was updated, my response was 'why am I still paying a substantial monthly bill for poor quality service?'. Surely Vodafone customers should receive some sort of discount for our trouble.

My inquiry was left semi unresolved, I am told that technicians will check my main service areas and revert back to me in a few days, I was assured however that if there is no solution found in this time I would be free to walk away from my contract.

Vodafone seem to have been rather fair up to this point, I guess you just need to speak with them and explain your issues.

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14570 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pretty Poor at 25 Jan 2011 10:59:20 AM
Dropped calls all the time.
Bad reception

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14569 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is A joke! at 25 Jan 2011 10:56:14 AM
I've figured out why I can't stand calling Vodafone. It just took me 8mins of actual conversation (not including voice prompts and security checks) with a lady JUST to change my email address and postal address. No lie! Repeating myself over and over because they can't understand my Australian accent and I can't understand theirs. It makes it so much harder to resolve an issue - even as simple as a change of details - when your call-staff are somewhat difficult to understand. Maybe I'm the only one who feels this, maybe not! But it's very frustrating!! I would go on my online account to update details, except I am unable to access it due to not knowing my password. Nor can I get access to any of the new passwords that Vodafone staff are sending me. VODAFONE FAIL.

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14568 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is VODAFONE IS HORRIBLE at 25 Jan 2011 10:38:52 AM
To summarise:

- Poor reception
- No data coverage
- Echo on overseas calls
- Call dropouts

Solution: switched to another provider. I recommend Telstra. Superior in Reception and 3G coverage; even in underground carparks.

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14566 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Terrible at 25 Jan 2011 10:38:27 AM
Dropped calls, terrible coverage in my area, that is apparently in the coverage zone pfft yeah, ok. spotty at best 3g coverage, even in city suburbs.

short complaint, but im sure it echos of past posts.

./gives vodafone the finger.

ps. piss off Lara.

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14560 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Completely at 25 Jan 2011 10:35:40 AM
I have been with Vodafone for a number of years and have experienced illegitimate phone bills, constant disconnection of phone calls, limited reception and poor assistance from staff.

I spent 40 minutes on hold to speak to a customer service operator, when I told them my problem they then requested to transfer me to someone more appropriate and simply hung up on me. 40 minutes wasted.

There is no point trying to get help from a staff member because their stores are already full of other unhappy customers.

I currently own the Iphone 4 and am instantly regretting extending my phone with Vodafone. Close to every phone call I make is disconnected half way through due to what I assume is poor reception. No matter my location, I have one or two bars of reception. I do not receive messages, my phone rings out and doesn't display a missed call, and most of the time it connects straight to message bank.

Recently I've had two people tell me my phone has been disconnected when they have tried to contact me.


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14559 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic at 25 Jan 2011 10:12:09 AM
I still have 6 months left on my contract. I get no reception on my property (chapel hill). During my trip home to chapel hill from the city CBD im lucky if I can watch anything on youtube.....the whole way.

25 Jan 2011 11:36:04 AM: I should hope you arent watching you tube while driving!!!
25 Jan 2011 05:21:28 PM: he means on the train.

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14558 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Not withholding their end of the bargain at 25 Jan 2011 10:03:14 AM
This is the email I just wrote to Vodafone.

I would like to detail to you my displeasure in your service.

I have had an iPhone 3G for a year and a half and all was fine up until around September last year. I was in Sydney Metro Area and I noticed I was starting to lose reception and not receiving calls or SMS until days later. I am now in Perth Metro and the situation is untenable. Issues below
No 3G Coverage
Echo in long distance calls
Missed Calls
No service when service indicator has 4 bars?
This phone is my only means of communication and my business phone. This situation is unacceptable and I want to cancel my contract.
I have now escalated my complaints as I was expecting these issues to improve, they have not.
My action is to now contact Vodafone directly and asked that you, Vodafone and I agree to end the contract as your company is not living up to the terms of the contract.
My next action if no response from Vodafone is to contact the Telecommunications Ombudsman.

Please contact me any time to discuss or send me an email with the details.

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14557 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Incredibly Bad at 25 Jan 2011 09:58:23 AM
We have extremely poor coverage from our home, even though we were guaranteed 100% coverage when we signed a 24 month contract. As I use my mobile for work it is really frustrating when speaking to customers that the calls continually drop out, most customers feel sorry for me when I tell htem I'm with Vodafone but that doesn't fix the problem. I tried to speak to an operator at Vodafone earlier today, eventually when I got through I asked if she (Rita) had my mobile number, she said yes and repeated it back to me, I then said I was enquiring about exiting my contract early.... you can guess the rest... the phone went engaged, this was not a drop out as I was calling from a landline. I was hoping that because she had my mobile number she would call me back, but no such luck. They have lost the plot, I can't wait to change carriers.

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14555 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is EPIC Fail at 25 Jan 2011 09:37:10 AM
I joined up to the Vodafone infinity $45 per month plan in November and immediately there were problems. The person in the store who set it up did not inform me that i would be paying one month in advance, and when i questioned him about this (as in, i had to prompt him to tell me about it), he said that my first bill would just be two bills in one). However, my first bill came within two weeks of signing up to the plan, and was an odd amount. I had signed up for direct debit, so i knew this amount would be taken out regardless of any complaints i made. I called customer care, and to my surprise i actually got through quite quickly. I spoke to someone who told me that the 'odd' amount was due to pro rated charges (sorry if that is spelt incorrectly), and that i should have been told that i would be paying one month in advance, and then one month at the end of the first cycle. I let this slide, and figured i probably just had somebody who was new that was setting up my account. Anyways, following this, i found that i could not access the android market and could not download anything as it would simply just say 'download queued'. After several phone calls to customer care, and endless nights spent googling to try and find the answer to correct this, i finally rang a motorola service centre who put me directly onto motorola. Motorola called and told me to do a factory re-set, which i did, and this did not fix the problem. I then had to go into the original vodafone store where i signed up, and had to replace the handset. After waiting around for about an hour, and having a different store clerk serve me, i found that the replacement handset still had the same problem. I told the store clerk, who spent about 5 minutes fiddling with the phone, only to find out that it was a simple setting in the phone that had to be changed. Thank goodness he knew what he was doing! So not only had customer care wasted my time and made me change numerous settings on the phone, they had no idea how to actually fix the handset they are selling. Following this, i had no further problems. For the last couple of days, i have noticed that the internet speed on my phone has decreased dramatically, and sometimes it just simply will not even connect to the internet during peak times (i.e. after 5pm when i finish work, 12pm-1pm during my lunch hour, and in the morning from about 8am to 9am when i am travelling to work). This morning, i had reception at about 6am to 7am, but as soon as 8am arrived, i have not been able to use anything on my phone that requires an internet connection. Hence, making my phone useless in terms of the android software. I called customer care, and asked for a call back. I did receive a call back within about 5 minutes which was quite good, however the representative i spoke to was no help. He first tried to convince me that it was the setting on the phone, and once i explained that i had done nothing to change the settings and it had been working 2 hours earlier, he quickly changed his story to 'over congestion of the network'. I then asked how Vodafone was going to compensate me for this, as i am basically paying for a service i cannot use, and i got some story about how the merger between 3 and vodafone has affected network status. I became increasingly frustrated with the lack of assistance being provided and i terminated the call. I am extremely disapointed with this, and have already started looking at optus plans to change to. My internet has since started working following the phone call, but a three hour outage is simply not acceptible. I am only on a 12 month contract, and am seriously considering changing to optus or telstra and simply paying out the contract. unfortunately, it seems that nobody can escape the wrath of vodafone and its epic fail of a service.
26 Jan 2011 09:25:35 PM: Epic novel

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14554 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Reception at 25 Jan 2011 09:22:25 AM
I very rarely have reception. I cant even use my iphone in my bedroom!!! I was lost in the city at the weekend and couldnt call or contact a frined due to No signal and now i cant even send a text messga efrom my office!! NOT GOOD ENOUGH. I feel like i am getting extremley ripped off.

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14553 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Mega fail at 25 Jan 2011 09:14:56 AM
Constant poor reception in normal Melbourne suburbs within 25km of the CBD most annoyingly in our home suburb where we can rarely make or receive calls due to drop outs and poor reception. Also stupendously slow data when we do happen to have full 3G coverage and want to check something online. Lodged a complaint with Vodafone who said they would look into our 'deadspot' and received 1-2 calls and SMS's from them a week at all times of day and night just to tell me they were looking into it but never a resolution. We've been with Vodafone for years and never had trouble like the last year or so, switching as soon as we are near the end of our contract!

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14552 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 110% at 25 Jan 2011 09:06:48 AM
I've been trying all morning to fix my password. I did get to talk to someone who had 'technical difficulties' and had me on hold for about 5 minutes. Then he said I would get a new temp password by text. I though he'd wait until I got it but he said 'Have a nice day' and hung up. It never came. Now I have been trying to get through again and I can't! I am getting dropped from the automatic service, or not getting through at all.
What has happened to these people?? I've been with them for about 1.5 years - I've never loved them but it seems they have imploded!

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14551 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no 3g at 25 Jan 2011 08:58:47 AM
have full 3g connection but cannot connect to the internet. need to be able to get my emails on the road, but i cant. screw Vodafone!

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14550 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very at 25 Jan 2011 08:35:49 AM
Have been with vodafone for years but this last year has been crap! The 1% charge to pay by card should be absorbed by them. They offered me a new phone and $10 off every month for the next 12 months last july, it took 4 months for them to honor it despite my monthly complaints and their verbal acceptance and promise of fixing it every month when my bill arrived. Each of the complaint calls I made to them showed up a calls that were charged in my monthly cap on my bill...The reception where I have moved to which is only a 20min drive to melbourne cbd is poor at best and makes it very hard to communicate with people.

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14549 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is CRAP at 25 Jan 2011 08:31:32 AM
Trying to cancel my mobile braodband connection after 2 years of using it.

Nobody ever picks up ! I want my money back. Going to the TIO for justice.

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14548 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Stupid system at 25 Jan 2011 08:29:30 AM
They charge me for all calls and data usage I have used while Im under $69 contract....

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14547 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is totally at 25 Jan 2011 08:23:46 AM
i couldn't see my usage, the bar graph, ihave lost count of how many times it has gone AWOL, and in frustration i submitted a whinge on the feedback form.This is what i wrote.............
i need to know how to fix my inability to see my usage on the myvodafone site, the bar graph has gone missing AGAIN, i have deleted the cookies etc and that hasnt rectified it this time, and PLESE do not send me your automated response, actually respond to my issues thanks
This is what i got in response....ELEVEN DAYS LATER.....

Please note that you have submitted your query via our feedback form. Please submit your query to our Correspondence Team via 'Contact Us' located at http://vodafone.custhelp.com/app/ask.

How to submit your query;
1. Enter your email address, enter your question and choose the related product, sub-product and question type. Select "Continue".
2. Prior to your submission, you will be presented with several FAQ's that may answer your query. If these do not answer your question, select 'finish submitting your question".

We hope this information provides you with the correct procedure to submit your query.
Helpful huh???

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14546 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Tardy at 25 Jan 2011 07:51:53 AM
Had complained about service in three addresses. Lodged an online complaint and was offered 2 months credit. Said I wanted out and they wanted to investigate for three weeks. I then lodged a TIO complaint; they had until yesterday to rectify the situation - heck even call me. That didn't happen, so I called the TIO again. They now have three or so weeks to get back to me...

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14545 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is worst possible mobile network at 25 Jan 2011 07:48:52 AM
sick of calls not connecting when trying to call out. Sick of calls going stright to my voicemail without even ringing (with full reception!). It seems like it's always NYE and the networks are jammed. Annoyed that I am in a contract for a further 12 months.... Either way I will not be renewing with them after being with them for 10 years.

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14544 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 25 Jan 2011 07:33:14 AM
tried to change from post paid to pre-paid they gave me the wrong mobile number it took an hour and a half to get speak to someone on my mobile and using the usage on the mobile at the same time (its with optus)tried again with the write mobile and put me on hold for another hour before telling me i had to be put on hold again. just want to get put on pre paid so i don't get a mounting bill its that too much to ask.

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14543 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is extremely at 25 Jan 2011 07:03:28 AM
i have noticed since late 2010 i get constant call dropouts my mobile internet connection will no longer access 3g but i can access 2g sometimes (wow) , but it constantly drops out , i have phoned 1555 maney times but after 45 minutes unable to get through or my battery goes flat also tried emails (as 1555 useless)if i had the money i would go to court for breach of contract i live in QLD 4208 jacobs well can anyone tell me a server that will work this area after 15 years had enough

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14542 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Very poor service at 25 Jan 2011 07:02:10 AM
I'm in NZ and the service sounds just as bad over here... I was trying to cancel my service with them and couldnt even get through in the afternoon till there customer service desk closed only 9pm so thought would try call at 10am in morning (much quieter time?) No way.. waited nearly an hour to get through after being dropped the first time to have a very useless non english speaking phone representitive. Getting through was the easy part compared to cancelling with them!! They lost my request the first time. Never ever going through anything to do with Vodafone again!!!

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14541 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Huge fail!! at 25 Jan 2011 07:00:59 AM
I have been with 3 for two years and in December 2010 switched to Vodaphone as my 3 contract expired. The Vodaphone Infinate plan seemed like a dream come true. Dream come true turned nightmare. My boyfriend signed up to Vodaphone in November 2010. We often try for about 20 mins to 45 mins to try to call each other. Phone either just will not connect or goes straight through to voicemail. So the one person we both need to be able to call, we can't! Well done Vodaphone, great service for two new customers!!!
28 Jan 2011 12:35:18 PM:

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14540 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 25 Jan 2011 06:41:23 AM
I used to work for VF before the 3 merger and it's made a HUGE difference to service. I don't even try and call customer service because with the exception of corporate customers I know what kind of people I'll get on the other end! When I worked there the overseas (personal) care reps CONSTANTLY palmed people they 'couldn't handle' onto the business reps who although being locally based could not help them. They didn't seem to know how to fix simple problems that took all of 30 seconds to fix with the proper training and system knowledge and so now I do everything that needs to be done myself and thank the stars I'm in a decent area although the reception onion iPhone at times is ridiculous especially loading data pages.

Might I just say as an inside point of view I personally think the company went down somewhat with the new CEO from 3. Not a fan. Certainly not the same level of caring as his predecessor and why they made that choice is beyond me.

I've been with VF for a long time and unsure if I'll stay but I would never even attempt to call service unless I was out of every other conceivable alternative. Oh well. One can only hope that if enough people complain someone will listen.

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14539 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAIL at 25 Jan 2011 06:33:14 AM
My problems with Vodafone consist of:

Dropping calls. (talking with customers and the call drops out half way through a sentence then you have to call back appologise, only for it to happen again).

Poor signal. (leave the metro area and you may as well have a brick in your pocket)
Internet not available most of the time. (useless as it is never working when you actually need it)

Late arrival of txt messages.

People calling and being told my phone is switched off when its not.

No emails for the last 10 days. (was told to reset my phone how many times)

Then was told yesterday by a customer service representative to switch my phone to 2G while the upgrades to the network were being carried out but continue to pay for my 3G contract.

25 Jan 2011 07:26:07 AM: Look you have to learn to be patient. The network upgrade may or may not occur sometime in the next 10 years or so.
Your negative comments are hurtful to Nigel (and has an adverse impact on his bonus) and to the Vodafone shareholders.
In the meanwhile keep paying your bills.
25 Jan 2011 07:35:02 AM: @ 25 Jan 2011 09:26:07 AM: Just so everyone is aware the above post is very tongue-in-cheek!!!

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14538 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 25 Jan 2011 06:25:52 AM
im moved 2 bendigo 2 years ago, went in voda store and got a new 2 year contract for phone and also got mobile broadband 4 comp, had trouble eva since i got it, iv rang and complained dozens of times, especialy bout broadband and they neva can help me, and they wont let me out of my contract, they hav now closed the voda store in bendigo so that shows that they now there service up hear is bad, cant wait 4 contract 2 expire in april.

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14537 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Didn't know I wasn't alone... at 25 Jan 2011 06:13:40 AM
Heh, I thought it was just me having issues. I get dropped calls inside my house on the eastern side of footscray, near the city, bad internet connections at home despite showing several bars of reception (fluctuating), internet doesn't work as often as it should, even if I'm standing in the middle of the city, near the queen vic markets. I've missed a few calls now too without any ringing and gotten some pretty delayed messages.

The gotcha is... Vodafone is the only telco that I can find that will allow me to use the included value of the caps to call overseas and I do so quite often to keep in touch with family...

Anyone got any advice??

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14536 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is NOT FAIL at 25 Jan 2011 06:11:36 AM
I cancelled my two contracts yesterday, they waived the cancellation fee and I got to keep my iphone and my blackberry :)

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14535 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 25 Jan 2011 06:08:52 AM
I am a 3 customer, but since 3 merged with Vodafone there reception has been crap and I am really sick of it.

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14534 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Big Time Fail at 25 Jan 2011 06:07:57 AM
From Auckland, NZ.
About 5 months ago got a new Iphone from vodafone on contract, I was previously on prepay.
The Iphone arrived, went to activate the new SIM, waited for 40 mins to get to a person, then was asked what colour the sim pack was, as it needed to be the same colour as my previous prepay sim pack. WTF? Told I needed to be put through to the "Iphone Activation Team" which was closed for the day. Called back the next day after work, waited for nearly an hour, then got told by the operator that I was at the wrong dept and needed to call this 0800 number.!!! WTF!! called next day and waited for another 40 mins, and finally got my SIM activated. Coverage sucked in terms of signal strength, data was slow and calling them always took 40+ minutes to get through.

I have changed to Telecom XT and its amazing. Data is fast, reliable and so is signal strength. Best decision I ever made.

Also changed my home broadband from Vodaphone to Telecom. I have been battling them as I was suppose to be on ADSL+2 but my router would keep losing connection, I had to set it to ADSL1. I am a network engineer, so I know what I was doing. THeir support just offered stupid resolutions which got me no where.I Was getting 1.5mbps on VF and on Telecom I am getting 17mbps!

To everyone, get out if you can.

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14533 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Extremely at 25 Jan 2011 05:56:48 AM
Since sorted... but here goes: Six months ago we signed up for Home Phone Wireless. We were put onto a free calling area that did not include where we lived. Our phone number had been previously used and we were getting a lot of calls for another person. I request a new one and was given one. One hour later they called back and changed the number to a third one. Our phone bill was becoming increasingly hard to read (not that it was easy in the first place). The simply request to get our free calling area corrected resulted in another new phone number. Three months later issue finally sorted. Next issue: Vodacom ceased working. Rang help desk. Said they would call back at 12pm next day to see if issue was sorted. Never rang back so I rang at 2pm. Was told to take stick & sim card to nearest store to get replacement. Told them service not good enough, they didnt know what was wrong with it. Pack up screaming baby and drive 30 mins into town. Vodem stick replaced but would not replace sim card. Finally after ranting and raving and getting husband to contact the woman he'd been dealing with a Head Office they finally gave me a new sim card. During my conversations with Vodafone I have advised them that since we have had nothing but problems with their services should I ever want to terminate our contract that I WILL NOT be paying their disconnection fee. Thanks I feel better now that I know I'm not the only one. Let us let them know that its not ok to not hold up to their part of the deal.

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14532 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 25 Jan 2011 05:36:48 AM
Sucessfully cancelled two contracts with Vodafone, or so I thought. Yesterday received a bill for $600 due to early exit fee on my wifes phone. Rang them to get it resolved. After 40 mins on hold (not too bad considering some of the times I have had to wait) they told me that is a routine charge until they get the handset back. I asked why I was charged on that account and not the other one I cancelled if it was routine (no response).

I then stated that I was told there would be no exit fee and I wanted it reversed. She said she couldn't do it. I asked to speak to someone who could. She refused to transfer me. I told her I was not getting off the phone until the charge was reversed. She said there was nothing she could do. I then asked for all my direct debits to be cancelled. She confirmed that they were. I asked for her name and employee ID and she hung up on me.

I then tried to call back and after another 40 mins on hold was told that their system was down due to an upgrade and I should ring back tomorrow. I then asked who I could talk to to make a complaint and was told that no complaints can be taken while the system is down. Looking forward to round 3 today... NOT.
25 Jan 2011 06:01:51 AM: Good on you for cancelling your contracts... that's what I'll do if I ever have only one more problem. And I have TOLD them that I will not pay their disconnection charges.
25 Jan 2011 06:08:21 AM: Just called them again. They have confirmed that my direct debits have been cancelled and there is no automatic deduction to be attempted on the 7th of Feb when that bill is due. Will be interesting to see how this goes now.

I strongly suspect that I am going to have to call them again at least once to get the bill corrected.

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14531 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is appauling at 25 Jan 2011 02:57:30 AM
i travel around abit on holidays and wherever i seem to go there is no network coverage over christmas i was currently in foster/tuncurry nsw and i had 3g on and 3 to 4 bars of recpetion. i experienced calls dropping out messages 1-2 days later and so on like everyone else. i rang 1555 and stayed on the phone for over 1 hour which i also took a screen shot at 49.55 mins. during of which the wait the pre recorded woman was saying "just hold on we will be with you in just a moment." what happened to the recording message saying it will be a 1 hour wait please call back. but know i told the man my issues and he told be to switch off the 3g setting, in which i did and the phone cut out straight away. i was so furious lucky he called me back and went onto to explain it isn't his fault everyone should know to turn it off when experiencing difficulties. i told him i wasnt paying my bill and that was the end of it. i still got the bill and yet to pay it. im thinking telstra is the way to go!!!!

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14530 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Lazy & Useless at 25 Jan 2011 12:00:05 AM
I had contacted the TIO nearly toe weeks ago in regards to a Vodafone issue, I am stl waiting to hear from Vodafone, they have until the 28th of this month which of course is Friday, if they don't contact me by then I am supposed to contact the TIO back I want to know what Halle s after this? So I am prepared
25 Jan 2011 12:01:40 AM: * what happens after this?
25 Jan 2011 05:46:05 AM: "hang in there we'll be with you really soon".Lara

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14529 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Reception at 24 Jan 2011 11:52:49 PM
I travel to Canberra about 3 times a month. Last night and the whole of the 24th January I had fluctuating reception in Manuka varying between one bar of 3G on my iPhone 4 which then turned to GPRS then to Edge and again to 1 useless bar of 3G causing tmeouts to NO SERVICE AND SEARCHING. WTF!!!
This was in and around Manuka. Called Vodafone and all they said is they were doing upgrade works. This is the latest excuse. I thought it was my phone but back in Perth tonight reception is good again. So it is Vodafail.
25 Jan 2011 07:21:36 AM: Vodafone reception in the ACT is generally abysmal. There is nothing wrong with your phone. The fault lies with Voda. But they will still require you to pay your bill despite their clear failure in providing the contracted services.

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14527 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is FAIL at 24 Jan 2011 11:49:11 PM
I am so sick of LARA. seriously lara, get your act together and put on somebody real when i call up about problems. on most occasion my bills are wrong and i get overcharged, charged for my 'free' calls between vodafone and 3. the people that are supposed to help are useless and most workers in the stores have no idea what they are talking about. i never have reception and i live in the cbd. my voicemails arrive hours later. im sick of you vodafone, ive been with you way too long. i cannot wait to get out of my contract! only 15 months to go :(.......
25 Jan 2011 01:43:05 AM: hi there, if vodafone aren't providing the service outlined in your contract you are within your rights to cancel now without exit fees, if you have problems contact the TIO. Good luck.
29 Jan 2011 06:28:30 AM: Just contact TIO. The complaint form is only one page long. Not at all laborious.

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14526 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Voda failing miserably at 24 Jan 2011 11:01:49 PM
haven't been able to get a call or a call out for last 6 hours.....

this has been ongoing since end Nov

still waiting for answers -- just got another bill for payment???

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14525 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Receiver can't hear me at 24 Jan 2011 10:46:09 PM
I've had this problem on and off for several months now.
When I make a call from my prepay, and the other side picks up (so the call is connected from my end and costing me money on my prepay credit)... THEY CAN'T HEAR ME ALTHOUGH I CAN HEAR THEM~!!! I have to call them several time and EVERY SINGLE TIME They can't hear me when I can... So the other party hangs up but COSTING ME MONEY!!! Is this the way that Vodafone trying to make money out of me, INTENTIONALLY?

Please explain this VODAFAIL~!
25 Jan 2011 04:31:07 PM: maybe your microphone in the phone is faulty, not voda vault

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14524 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is OVER IT!!! at 24 Jan 2011 10:38:59 PM
My 1st Grudge with Vodaphone pretty much started when I signed up. I was living in Perth at the time and of course can get reception anywhere. Soon after I moved home to live with the Family in Albany and of course had RECEPTION SERVICE PROBLEMS, I was able to get coverage in town but drive 10mins away from the centre and away it went! This became an ongoing issue and really got on my nerves as I was having to use my families mobile phones to text who were of course with TELSTRA or OPTUS. Lucky I moved away eventually as I still had 23 months left on the contract!! My Newest GRUDGE has been recent. I have recently started a job which intales me to fly Internationally so in the last few months without even knowing my Bill has sky rocketed to massive $1500 with out me knowing. my phone recently got barred yesterday for not paying! Now I know When a Bill is overdue of course this is there procedure BUT on more then 3 occasions I Called (ON HOLD FOR OVER 30 mins each time!!) trying to sort this issue out. I had no contact from Vodaphone on any occasion to tell me my phone bill was incresing to this substanial amount when I had been at a minimal $80 a month for the last 16months. My payments have always been on time and never overdue! It would of been nice for them as a Company to see that there was a change in billing amount and call me or notify me of this problem!! (Like the Banks)
So now My phone is barred and have tried calling them 6x 2day to get the phone put back on and see what they can do with this amount that I had not been informed of! I finally got through (its now Midnight) after being told by a friend who also had similar problems to call COMPLAINTS and they unbarred my phone till 2moro where I then have to call again and speak to Collections!! So here I am now ANGRY more then ever and want to get out of my Vodaphone Contract!! Making sure I tell everyone never to sign with then again!!

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14523 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is INVOICING FAIL! at 24 Jan 2011 10:37:48 PM
Have signed up on their special 12months half price monthly access on 29 Caps. Got the first invoice last month with full $29.00 charged instead of $14.50~! Had to call them to fix their mess-up on my invoicing...

I've got another invoice for this month... and GUESS WHAT... YES, THEY HAVE CHARGED ME AGAIN WITH FULL $29.00~!!! FAIL VODAFONE~!

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14522 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is delayed SMS at 24 Jan 2011 10:20:31 PM
1. Sent SMS and only got delivered like few hours later.
2. Timestamp of received sms is based on Eastern state.

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14520 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is VERY SAD at 24 Jan 2011 10:07:28 PM
25 Jan 2011 05:20:05 AM: TIO and consider class the class action

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14519 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is My Vodafone website at 24 Jan 2011 09:05:44 PM
The My Vodafone website keeps timimng out and will not connect. I have experienced problems over several years and again cannot log in tonight. Have others had similar problems?
24 Jan 2011 10:00:07 PM: Can't say over several years............but certainly over the last several months!!!

Take almost any post...........and as they say in a card game..........read them and weep.

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14518 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Horrible at 24 Jan 2011 09:04:44 PM
I was on a phone call yesterday afternoon with almost full coverage in my house and the call disconnected twice!

plus for all the Melbourne residents that live in the eastern suburbs and know Holmeslgen station, it is high up on a hill... there is zero I REPEAT ZERO 3G Coverage!

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14515 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is BAD, BAD, BAD.... at 24 Jan 2011 08:46:06 PM
both my partner and I are vodafail customers and we are counting the days for when our contracts are unincumbered. We have and still do put up with pretty much every topic on this website. Delayed SMS and just fails to send, drop outs at approximately 10 each per day and one of the most frustrating when you work for yourself....delayed voicemail (some by several days). Never good for business followups. Very happy there is a website built for venting. Vodafone is akin to the same service provided by the old analogue 018 numbers (if anyone can remember that long ago!) Pathetic and so 1990's!
25 Jan 2011 11:16:52 AM: I still think the analogue service was much better!!
26 Jan 2011 09:27:32 PM: think we were better off without mobile phones.

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14514 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is massive fail at 24 Jan 2011 08:37:43 PM
I have been a customer of vodafone for several years now an have never encountered problems like I have been over the past 3months, my phone constantly does not receive calls an texts are delayed hours if not days or on some occasions never get to their destination. I have just upgraded my plan to get internet as well as the new iphone4 an if I knew I was going to have these problems I never would have upgraded. I have entire days and nights where I think i have reception but I actually dont no one can call me it goes straight to voice mail and the message comes through that I have a voice mail comes through the following day or longer! This service is not very good for a big company like this I expected more of them!

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14513 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Wireless 3G signal Crap! at 24 Jan 2011 08:30:00 PM
3G signal kept droppipng out on wireless internet broadband even after moving around the house in a Melb sub close to city! Just changed to prepaid Telstra wireless internet account and can't believe it - internet finally working and it doesn't matter where I am in the house! Once my mobile account with Vodafone (or should I say vodafail) finishes I'll also be going across to Telstra!).....whilst the customer service people were nice to speak to on the phone at vodafone I had to wait in excess of 40 minutes on one occassion and another occasion the phone line cut out after 40 minutes ... fail!

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14512 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Reception is ridiculous at 24 Jan 2011 08:26:09 PM
Even after Vodafone have come out and advised that they have boosted their network coverage, why can I never connect to the dongle internet.

It is ridiculous and I will never be using them again!!!
25 Jan 2011 05:23:14 AM: But you are going to contact the TIO first, right?

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14511 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ALOT at 24 Jan 2011 08:22:26 PM
Well i had $30 of credit and i tried to buy a ring tone for $10 it says i coulden't purchase it. So i went to try to buy a homer simpson ringtone for $10 it say i cant purchase it file not found like last last. Five minutes later i get a text message saying i have less than $10 of credit left.

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14510 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Severe fail at 24 Jan 2011 08:12:30 PM
Where do I start.. I have a full bar of reception, 3G network yet cannot get through to ANYONE!!! this is extremely frustrating especially in an emergency!
All I want to do is make a phone call! Never has any trouble with the Optus network.

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14508 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is poor at 24 Jan 2011 07:49:15 PM
I am currently trying to register for the my vodafone website so I can check whether or not I should have had service when I was overseas recently. Each time I enter my phone number they text me a temporary password however the passwords don't work. I've tried so many times and had three passwords texted to me. They instruct you to phone customer service f you continue to have difficulty which I did however after several voice prompts I was informed that service is closed and I have to call back in the morning. I have to work tomorrow and don't have time to wait hours to wait on hold to get something so trivial sorted. I have wasted many lunchtimes on hold to them over the past 12 years and just accepted it but since this website I've realised I don't need to take this. When I do get through I will attempt to end my contract.

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14507 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Uber at 24 Jan 2011 07:39:26 PM
I went through a long period where my messages never got through to people and in the end gave up and bought a new phone as I thought this was the problem. I now have this problem AND some messages send up to 6 repeats of the same message. I got a new SIM and I still have these problems as well as network losses.

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14506 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is compensation for business losses Vodafailfail! at 24 Jan 2011 07:35:58 PM
why Vodafone stops staff mentioning the TIO to customers:

The TIO can investigate complaints by small business users of telephone and internet services about loss of business arising from events that relate to the provision or supply of telephone and internet services.

A claim for compensation must be based on actual monetary losses suffered that are a direct result of the actions or inaction of a telephone company or ISP.

The TIO will only consider claims for losses that a reasonable person would anticipate in all the circumstances. Ideally, a claim should be presented as Total Lost Profit; that is, 'lost revenue' plus 'costs incurred in reducing loss' minus 'expenses normally incurred'. As further guidance:

'Lost revenue' is calculated by subtracting the actual revenue earned in the claim period from the revenue the customer would have expected to earn if the disputed event had not occurred.

'Costs incurred in reducing loss' are costs incurred as a result of measures taken to minimise losses, e.g. extraordinary use of a mobile phone or additional advertising.

'Expenses normally incurred' are expenses the customer would normally have incurred in conducting their business, e.g. commission for sales that would have been made, packaging for goods that would otherwise have been sold, cost of labour that would have been needed if business was able to function as normal.
Compensation claims considered by the TIO usually relate to businesses rather than residential customers. This is because any claims for loss must be substantiated. For most residential complaints, any losses as a result of a member's action or inaction are extremely difficult, if not impossible, to substantiate.

The sorts of substantive documentation the TIO might consider when investigating a compensation claim include:

records such as bank statements (proof of cash payments), monthly income figures, profit & loss statements, sales journals, cashbooks or receipts. (i.e. records for the claim period and for comparable periods in the past);

figures that show actual income or profit fell short of amounts predicted in forecasts or budgets compiled before the claim period. (i.e. forecasts or budgets in addition to the figures for the claim period);

any data that shows the number of incoming calls received during the claim period was less than the number received in the preceding and following months, e.g. business bookings taken over the telephone;

proposals for contracts that were lost as a direct result of the action (or inaction) of the provider;

statements (preferably statutory declarations) from customers who state they did not spend money with the business as a result of the circumstances in question;

receipts or invoices for claims for reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses, where these expenses were costs incurred in reducing or mitigating losses.
Where relevant and appropriate, information provided must be independently verifiable, e.g. in the form of tax returns or audited accounts.

In assessing a claim for compensation, the TIO will consider whether a complainant took reasonable steps to protect their interests or to mitigate their potential losses. In the case of a lost job opportunity, for example, the TIO will consider whether the complainant had access to a mobile phone or could have borrowed a friend or neighbour's phone to make a call to a prospective employer.

To assist complainants present their claim for compensation, the TIO has a fact sheet, which it sends to those wishing to submit a claim. In particular, the fact sheet outlines the TIO's expectations regarding any claim, and how complainants may go about substantiating their claim.

In the absence of documentary evidence to support a claim, the TIO may exercise its discretion not to investigate further.

For information on the TIO's general approach to compensation, see Compensation claims and the TIO.

these are not my words, full credit goes to the TIO reproduced in full from http://www.tio.com.au/POLICIES/Compensation/Compensationforbusinessloss.htm updated: 11 August 2005
25 Jan 2011 05:34:21 AM: I can't see why Vodafone wouldn't publicise this- Vodafone, with it's endless faffing around, dropped calls etc. when you are trying to get a phone to work as as a phone, and NOT be billed for somebody else's usage, is just like being in training for trying to get the TIO to sort the problems out.
25 Jan 2011 03:14:34 PM: thats what i thought, however the TIO settlement funds don't come from the TIO, they come from VODAFAILS bottom line. what they are scared of is a small business customer paying $49 for a couple of months then walking away with a business claim settlement in the 10's of thousands. that will destroy their profitability and place a huge liability write- down on their already cash negative income statement!

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14505 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Taking the piss at 24 Jan 2011 07:33:57 PM
Whomever is in charge of the company is quite simply an idiot...
Business 101.... it cost 7 times more to find a new customer than keep the old one!?!?!

It was quite liberating to call vodafone and cancel 2 phones and a mobile broadband package...
Why they asked... and i said are you fucking kidding me?

24 Jan 2011 08:22:56 PM: Love the retort................and an excellent result as well!!!
25 Jan 2011 06:10:30 AM: Hah they asked me that when I cancelled mine as well. Took me quite a while to go through the list.

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14504 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is baddddddddddd at 24 Jan 2011 07:32:52 PM
customer service 45mins on hold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! poor poor poor internet service
24 Jan 2011 07:36:27 PM: Vodafail.com needs your waiting times to illustrate the unacceptable and excessive waiting times experienced from Customer Care.

Please use the On Hold Again? located at the top of the page to record your experience.

Thanks Vodafail.com mod

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14502 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Unmitigated failure at 24 Jan 2011 07:23:24 PM
Where to start? I started to notice difficulties mid to late 2010 after being a loyal Vodaphone customer for almost two years, never late in paying my bill, regular user etc. Increasingly discovered that people were unable to get through to me, and that they'd not been offered the opportunity to leave any kind of message. Then I started to receive voice messages which indicated that someone had called while my phone was sitting right next to me indicating full signal, no missed call in the log, nothing besides the message to retrieve a voicemail (which of course we have to pay for). I call to ge the message and what do you know, there's more messages on there from up to a week ago that I've had absolutely no notification of - no ring, no 'missed call', no voicemail notification. Then, a massive (over $1400!!!) phone bill for internet usage, when I rarely use the internet, and only for google maps etc certainly not for downloading things but it's claiming I've downloaded 4.5gb over about 12 hours - my phone woudn't even have stayed on for that amount of time, I'd have had to recharge if I was doing anything that resource-heavy !!! Then I went through my bills with a fine-tooth comb and noticed bizarre charges, like one for EXACTLY one hour (1:00:00) almost every date for a couple of kB - what could that possibly be? I have Advanced AppKiller installed and now APNdroid, but I'm not surprised that I'm still charged for internet usage when the Vodaphone TIO resolution officer I spoke to claimed that the phone could continue to download data even when turned off. Really, I asked sarcastically, and with the battery removed too I guess? Oh no, he replied, because you see the power comes from the battery, it's like a little computer.

After not receiving calls, incoming calls failing to ring or notify messages, delays in receiving messages, frankly impossible charges and blatantly incorrect advice from Vodaphone, I am not prepared to accept condescendion or rudeness from 'resolution' staff. I've had enough, I want out of the contract and I never want anything to do with such a irresponsible, arrogant, useless company again.
24 Jan 2011 07:31:27 PM: Check out the 'How To Complain' link at the top of the page, you will no doubt end up going to the TIO, but follow all of the steps along the way. Best Of Luck :)
25 Jan 2011 07:47:29 AM: Given the current state of the Voda network I am astounded anyone could rack up a $1400 data charge in a month (whether it was intentional or not).
25 Jan 2011 12:34:37 PM: I wouldnt be suprised if your couple of KB every hour was an app like facebook syncing. Check that you dont have any applications set to auto sync every hour. Like your email, facebook etc.

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14501 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Newish customer bad taste left in mouth at 24 Jan 2011 07:12:11 PM
Been with vodafone since the iphone 4 release,

had ok coverage but cannot belive how bad 3G coverage is. I need the data, and I am on a good plan, not very happy with the coverage and coverage of a massive company like vodafone :(

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14500 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is on hold again at 24 Jan 2011 07:02:13 PM
loyal vodafone customer for 15 years (my first mobile was with vodafone)

crap service - cant get any reception in my house at all!

complained to TIO in december and released from contract just days before xmas (YAY) but now cant get my final bill sorted so i can change to a functional telco. been on the phone today with 5 different people (2 put me on hold when they couldnt figure out why i had been incorrectly charged $163.62 for a "TIO Settlement"???) and one just thought it was all too hard and hung up on me.

so, now i am trying to get my CREDIT! it shouldnt take 5 staff and more than 3hrs of combined calls to get this resolved!!!

if all goes well, i'll be a telstra customer this time tomorrow (and i never thought I would say THAT)!

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14498 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Simple duplicate billing at 24 Jan 2011 06:54:55 PM
Because I started midway into cycle in November, December charge was added to the 1st bill. However, I still got charged for December in the 2nd bill. Vodafone were notified by numerous reply email and more than 60 minutes on phone. I still have no response at end of January.

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14497 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is I am relying on mobile call for work or sms to come as I am working casualy. bosess were unable to contact me and vice verca - I lost two days pay. at 24 Jan 2011 06:53:11 PM
tried to contact Vodafone they said they are unable to compensate me. they have offer credit for my mobile but I am not satisfied. spoke to indien girl and unable to understand her due to her accent. sorry this is simple a matters of communication not discriminatory issue. I am sick of waiting for any responses from them.

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14495 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is pocketwifi problems at 24 Jan 2011 06:46:05 PM
Using a pocketwifi.

It is a warm, still, cloudless night where I am so there should be no atmospheric abnormalities causing any problems.

I have positioned the device all over the apartment and the following occurs no matter where the pocketwifi is located.

The signal constantly changing from 3G to HSDPA.

The signal strength drops from the maximum to minimum while the device remains in the best receiving location i can find.

The internal wireless network drops out, resulting in a ping www.google.com to time out, web pages time out, even though the pocketwifi dashboard claims there are still wifi connections current. the connection has to be reestablished to continue.

The download speeds have reduced from (consistently) near 1 Mbps using an older style vodafone mobile internet to less than 300kbps using the pocketwifi. This is with only having a single connection to the pocketwifi.

I am totally disappointed with the service of the pocketwifi and if vodafone cannot improve then they should increase the number of call centre staff by a factor of 5. I feel totally sorry for the vodafone call centre staff.

25 Jan 2011 05:17:53 PM: Having the EXACT same problem word for word. This pocket wifi does not work where I need it most, AT HOME! On contract for another 10 months and just want to rip it up what ever the cost!

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14493 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is New Zealand VF at 24 Jan 2011 05:56:07 PM
What about including Vodafone NZ in this as well, same issues over here - poor coverage, bad 3G handover to GSM - poor broadband. I have complained 4yrs ago, a blackspot is listed but no action yet, with Telecom NZ XT I get 7MB broadband at home download, where I cant even hold a normal non-3G call using GSM only ... p*ss poor VF NZ!!

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14492 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very at 24 Jan 2011 05:52:01 PM
After having a problem with my recharge by credit card I followed recorded message instructions 4 times but to no avail. I then called vodafone's support line and was put on hold. I have been on hold for 2 and a half hours all the while being reassured by "Lara" voice to "hang in there we'll be with you really soon". I am sure it will be soon in geological terms but not in human terms. I am still on hold waiting as I type! No, At the 2 and 3/4 mark I have now been disconnected. I feel quite unfriendly toward vodafone.
25 Jan 2011 05:43:59 AM: If you played that"hang in there we'll be with you really soon".once over the loudspeakers at say,the football, you'd have a third of the spectators turning around and punching the first person they saw.
25 Jan 2011 06:03:04 AM: I feel unfriendly towards you for reminding me.I wonder if we could jail the Vodafone decision makers for mass torture.And then make them hear "hang in there we'll be with you really soon", for an hour, 3 times a day for the terms of their natural lives.

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14491 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Horrible. at 24 Jan 2011 05:51:57 PM
1 bar reception at best when inside my house, and ONLY when situated right next to a window or doorway and even then calls are dropped at random. Terrible 3G reception. Unable to login to many sites (mobile banking in particular) due to timeouts or page simply not loading. When the site DOES finally load it's after about 15 minutes and a good 8-9 refreshes.
At random the phone will display full reception for about 10 minutes (when in reality there is little or no reception), during this time it is unable to send texts, make or recieve calls or access any form of data transfer.
Horrible company. Moving carriers ASAP.

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14490 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Fustratingly FAIL at 24 Jan 2011 05:17:11 PM
Stranded on the other side of town unable to pay for parking as I am unable to get money out as I am unable to connect to the INTERNET on my VODAFONE iPhone (despite full reception and 3G network!). Internet banking taking 30 MINUTES to load and then timing out. Stranded for two hours without connection in the middle of the city. HOW CAN YOU NOT HAVE INTERNET IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CITY. LSDKFJSL;DKFJSLDKFJD;LFKJ;ASLDFKJ

PHONE CALLS dropping out! People trying to call me whilst my phone is on a receiving "this person is currently unavailable" then receiving NO missed calls! Me being unable to call people/send MMS successfully. Brand new iPhone with vodafone signed contract for 2 years (BIG MISTAKE). FAAARK.
24 Jan 2011 05:37:14 PM: lodge complaint online with tio, might take about 2 weeks, but you can get out of contract

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14489 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 24 Jan 2011 05:14:28 PM
24 Jan 2011 05:17:47 PM: This site needs a 'Like' button :)
24 Jan 2011 07:11:05 PM: you can like it on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Can-we-find-1-million-people-who-will-never-use-Vodafone-again/172631736104243
28 Jan 2011 12:06:45 PM: well thats just gold *like

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14488 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Making me grrrr at 24 Jan 2011 05:12:53 PM
Vodafone... I thought you were meant to be improving. yet again another week and no 3G service. I am in West Perth!!!!! Not like i am in the middle of nowhere.

only 22 months until i can release myself from your awful grip.

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14487 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is a joke at 24 Jan 2011 05:09:47 PM
This is the advice I have been given:
Turn off phone. Remove battery and Sim Card. With a damp cloth clean sim card. Replace sim and battery. Turn on phone. Try again.

This works about 50% of the time but what a JOKE! I have to lick clean my sim card to get my phone to work on a regular basis because I dont carry a "damp cloth" around with me everywhere. Absolutely ridiculous!
24 Jan 2011 05:12:20 PM: Also have to reset time and date on phone every time this happens and on occasions have lost data such as contacts, sms messages, and multimedia.
24 Jan 2011 05:38:52 PM: forget the damp cloth, a telstra sim will fix it once and for all

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14486 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Intolerable at 24 Jan 2011 05:05:23 PM
I am a 3 customer and over the past few months the wireless broadband speed rates have become a joke. This must be connected with Vodafone in some waym shape or form. I am now out of contract with 3 and they tried to keep me by suggesting I move to Vodafone for improved service...yeah right!! Good bye 3 and hello to Optus for mobile coverage and Internode for wireless broadband.
2 Feb 2011 11:17:12 PM: Completely separate networks so no relation at all to Vodafone

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14485 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is VERY at 24 Jan 2011 05:04:40 PM
I want to recharge my fone... apparently im in some sort of $29 recharge plan and i jst wnt to change it so i can top up $20... customer service sux... i dnt want to talk to lara the machine.... i want an actual person... and now im waiting ages to get someone to respond....
25 Jan 2011 04:32:10 PM: It takes two minutes via Lara and your done
26 Jan 2011 02:27:04 PM: Not true. I held on for more than an hour with Lara.Are you wroking for Vodafail by the way that you are rebutting the complaints we make?? By the way I bloody well HATE lara. Hearing that voice is enough to make me start swearing and I always do.

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14484 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is the worst phone provider!!! at 24 Jan 2011 04:56:33 PM
I was with vodafone for 5 years and only in the last 6months started experiencing terrible coverage and even worse customer service. after trying to make a complaint several times and having to wait in excess of 1hour to get through to customer service, i changed to optus. the only good thing that vodafone ever did for for was waive the early exit fee that i would have had to pay. thankfully i am no longer a vodafone customer.

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14483 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 24 Jan 2011 04:54:59 PM
I have been with them for 12 years. Paid enough. through the years have upgraded the phone (normal). Now they fail in service and have the hide to try and charge me $75 to unlock my handset. Well the TIO agrees with me, THEY should unlock it free due to failure of service.

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14482 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic at 24 Jan 2011 04:48:47 PM
I am unfortunately locked into a contract for my internet service paying $25 a month - I have at the best, internet service around 20% of the times I try and use it, bear in mind I will at most only check once a day and only need it for 20 minutes it is unavailable for 80% of the time. Often it tells me its connnected when in fact I am staring at a white screen.

I complained when I was getting reminders to pay my bill - except I hadn't received the email bill - as I cant get online to view them. When I am lucky enough to access my email, it is highly unlikely I can stay logged on long enough to access my online bank account so I gave up one month. The advice from the customer care centre was to phone their help line.

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14478 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 70% at 24 Jan 2011 04:41:11 PM
I'm in a contract for phone and broadband but have NO internet coverage inside or outsde my place and the only reception I (sometimes) get for my phone is the kitchen window ledge so I have to climb up on the kitchen bench to talk or send messages!

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14477 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is breaking the law at 24 Jan 2011 04:40:23 PM
They've caused me so much pain that I'm going seeking criminal charges via the ACCC rather than just compensation via the TIO.

I have referred this matter to the TIO, however they are an alternative dispute resolution agency and I believe there have been criminal breaches of the Trade Practices Act, relating to not being able to provide a service as advertised, and continuing to advertise that service.

1. Calls going straight to voicemail without ringing despite bars being present to indicate signal.
2. Delays in voicemail and SMS messages sometimes by 1/2 day / 1 day despite bars being present.
3. Calls dropping.
4. Calls unable to get through.
5. No signal / dropped signal on a regular basis.
6. Botched connection for overseas and 10 day response means missed calls and service for 10 days.
7. 3G network often not working, replaced by a 'o' or 'E' symbol.
8. Data packets not downloading.
9. No reception in most of my residence, and the parts with better reception aren't strong enough to hold a call, or hear the caller.
10. Entire Western Australian network down for several hours.

All of the technical issues are present regularly between Sydney and Illawarra, in my regular travels to Melbourne and also during travel in throughout Western Australia. They are equally present in metro and regional. These have cost me lost business, lost reputation and most importantly, inability to deal with 2 family emergencies while traveling.

These issues appear to be endemnic and persistent and not isolated. As a result this really needs to be an ACCC flagship case.
24 Jan 2011 05:43:05 PM: Lodge tio complaint online, takes 3 minutes,go to telstra, it will take about half an hour to port your number, I did, calls are clear, no need to redial,web pages are fast, now I actually get what I have paid for for ages but never got. I am as happy as a dog with 2 dicks. You will be too

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14476 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very! at 24 Jan 2011 04:40:17 PM
End of last year, my sms's were being sent multiple times, 8 or more sometimes, and when I tried to ring the customer service, and speak to a human to rectify my dilemma.. after waiting over an hour from my land line phone, I gave up, and made a complain to the Telecommunications Ombudsman.

After a few days, someone from Vodafone eventually rang me, knowing I had made a complaint to the Ombudsman, and offered me free credit for my pain.. which was nice, until it ran out.

I went to recharge my credit, using the same credit card I had used for the past year, and it said I had no card registered? Ok, so I jumped online tried to register my card.. I entered all the details in, and it came up with some error, and to try calling 1555. So, after waiting over a year last year, I had hoped that they may answer sooner from the mobile on their network.. :( No.. I was on hold for over an hour and a half this time.. The call started at home, I packed up my gear, walked to the bus stop, was on the bus over 50 mins, and eventually lost the signal when the bus went into the underground bus station.. Quietly I think it would not have answered even if I had been there for 3 or 4 hours.. anyways. It kept sporadically telling me.. " Hang in there. We';ll be with you really soon" ... really soon??? Compared to what?

I have been unable to make calls/send text messages from my mobile for over a week and a half. I have no idea what happened to my credit card information, but I know they DID have it prior to November 2010, as I had used it to recharge ever since I'd been with Vodafone, and the card details are fine as I use it daily for my grocery shopping etc.

I have given up on Vodafone and think I'll give Virgin Mobile a go?

Vodafone Customer service 0/10 :( FAIL!
24 Jan 2011 05:54:18 PM: i had no troubles with virgin, decent coverage too

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14473 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 70% at 24 Jan 2011 04:36:47 PM
I'm in a contract with a mobile phone and broadband USB stick but I don't get ANY internet coverage ANYWHERE in my unit or even the courtyard and the only place I can take/receive calls or send texts is with my phone sitting on my kitchen window so I have to climb up on the kitchen bench to talk!!!!

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14472 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is completely stark raving mad at 24 Jan 2011 04:32:28 PM
After finally getting everything sorted out and my contract cancelled I received my last bill from them... hounding me for a single measly cent! That's right - $0.01! Seriously, these people are tapped!!
24 Jan 2011 04:38:11 PM: Hahahaha, if they posted that bill it cost them 45cents + the work involved. If they emailed it still it is a waste of resources. Either way congrats on getting out of your contract :)
24 Jan 2011 04:41:32 PM: It was an email but still... who spends that much time to compile all the graphics in that email and so on over one cent? Honestly! But yeah it feels so great getting out of the contract. If anyone is still having trouble I would totally recommend going to the TIO. They sorted everything for me.
24 Jan 2011 05:01:52 PM: I had to pay 70 cents because i closed my account 1 day ealier ffs
vodaphone TOTAL FAILURE !!!!!!!!!!!!
24 Jan 2011 05:45:44 PM: F#@k them, tio got me out and I made them credit me with my last 2 bills, if they tried getting anything else out of me, they knew it wasnt gona happen
24 Jan 2011 05:55:00 PM: credit card surcharge fee, it's automated.

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14471 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is cavalier, reckless and even breaking the law at 24 Jan 2011 04:26:50 PM
Ongoing problems with service since I originally contracted with them and service has deteriorated ever since.

1. Calls going straight to voicemail without ringing despite bars being present to indicate signal.
2. Delays in voicemail and SMS messages sometimes by 1/2 day / 1 day despite bars being present.
3. Calls dropping.
4. Calls unable to get through.
5. No signal / dropped signal on a regular basis.
6. Botched connection for overseas and 10 day response means missed calls and service for 10 days.
7. 3G network often not working, replaced by a 'o' or 'E' symbol.
8. Data packets not downloading.
9. No reception in most of my residence, and the parts with better reception aren't strong enough to hold a call, or hear the caller.
10. Entire Western Australian network down for several hours.

All of the technical issues are present regularly between Sydney and Illawarra, in my regular travels to Melbourne and also during travel in throughout Western Australia. They are equally present in metro and regional.

These have cost me lost business, lost reputation and most importantly, inability to deal with 2 family emergencies while traveling.

What appears to be deliberate stalling, and passing the buck, hours on hold, no offer of resolution or compensation.

I informed them of their potential breaches of contract, Trade Practices and Privacy Act. They were ill informed, and unable to escalate to anyone with the authority to do anything other than waste my time.

I told them to let me out of their contract because they were in breach of contract by not providing service and they told me that I would be charged if I changed providers without their technical dept getting involved. They promised to have their technical dept call me and they did not do so. I have been unable to get through since.

They have admitted fault, come up with every excuse under the sun, never apologised, offered compensation or even a token remedy.

Refund the full amount of charges since the inception of my contract and enable me to transfer my number to another provider without penalty. I am happy to return the handset upon transferring my number to another provider, provided Voda supplies a pre-paid envelope.

$xxx in wasted time which could have been spent billing clients instead of on hold to Voda.

$xxx in damages for lost business, missed opportunities and trauma caused by not being contactable by my family.


Looks like they've got 10 days to respond under TIO rules. Will be interested to see outcomes.

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14469 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Just Plain Sucks... at 24 Jan 2011 04:13:22 PM
Moved to Australia from NZ about 18 months ago - had Vodafone in NZ so stuck with it here. Two basic complaints:

(1) Coverage - For 2 weeks prior to the New Year, my girlfriend & I were campervaning around Gippland. For those 2 weeks for about 98% of the time we had no service. We should have just left the phones at home.

(2) I am on a pay-as-you-go plan and really resent the fact that if I do not use my credit (which I have paid for) by some certain date, the Vodafone just takes the balance. To me, this is like the bank saying if you do not spend everything in your cheque account by X date, the money is ours - how would that go down? Also, I find it really irritating that the way you find out you have no more credit is when you try to txt or make a call. Surely they know when you are getting low and could give you a heads up so you might me able to do something about it. I recently had that happen to me after I got on a tram & was trying to call my girlfriend - if I had been sent a txt that I was low I could of topped up at hundreds of places in central Melbourne. But what can you do on a tram???????
24 Jan 2011 05:55:56 PM: don't bring vodafone to the country, or any other telco other than telstra.

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14467 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is New contract with old products not removed at 24 Jan 2011 04:10:13 PM
They drive me nuts. After renewing my contract for 2 years, I asked, double checked and triple checked that the 'EXTRA' services that I once paid for were removed as they are now included in my plan. They assured me they would not be billed again. month 1, they billed me. I rang and was told is was leftover from the previous month. Dont worry, all good. month 2 - There it is again. Try explaining this to how many people every time is a joke. I cant get the service taken off and refunded. I am going to go and see the girl who sold me the phone next.

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14466 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Unprofessional service at 24 Jan 2011 04:09:46 PM
Changed to Vodafone for a "better deal" from another provider with whom I never had a problem in 6 years. Firstly, I wait almost 3 weeks to receive my new phone in the mail. There are no instructions included in the package regarding the account activation process. I call customer service for help only to be hung up on 3 times. I try to call the mobile number given to me by the girl who offered me the deal ("just call me directly if you have any problems...") but she's on holidays for the next 3 weeks. Perfect. Finally get through and activate the phone except they haven't transferred my old number over and have given me a new one which I had specifically asked them not to do. Rather than attempt to call them, I go to the store. Two staff behind the desk say it's impossible to transfer my old number over when luckily, the young guy stacking the shelves overhears the conversation and says "just type in the number you want transferred and click 'transfer'". I get minimal reception at home with frequent drop-outs (never had this before) and the touch-screen handset is a disaster to use even with my skinny fingers. Lucky last, they've started billing me from the day they posted my phone out so now I'm paying the bill to Vodafone and to my old provider this month. Whatever saving I was going to make this year is gone in the first bill. Stuck in the contract for another 23 months.
24 Jan 2011 04:24:12 PM: Check out the 'How To Complain' link at the top of the page. Escalate your issues to the TIO, and you will no doubt be able to get out of your contract penalty free. Let us know how you get on :)

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14465 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is sounding very worrying at 24 Jan 2011 04:09:42 PM
I am a current 3 user and am very worried about the reports that we will be forced over to Vodafone soon.... Considering http://www.three.com.au/cs/ContentServer?c=Page&pagename=Three%2FPage%2FThreeLayout&cid=1236150599184 still says that you don't have to move over but still use 3 services worries me even more.

Vodafone, get your sh!t together before I am finally forced onto your network or I and my partner will drop our dealings with you and move to Optus or Virgin (won't go near Telstra as they are nearly as bad)
24 Jan 2011 04:25:51 PM: I guess that is your choice to make, but FYI, Telstra's NextG network is the best network for performance and coverage in Aus. However Optus' network would be in second place, so you should be fine there as well.

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14464 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 24 Jan 2011 04:07:03 PM
I just want to say the "moderator" of this site is a hypocrite! The how to complain section is a farce and up until today he has been advising people to escalate to the TIO without contacting the customer care department first. Please note that if there is no record of you contacting the customer care department then the TIO's hands are tied.
24 Jan 2011 04:38:47 PM: In what way is he/she a hypocrite?

Why is the How To Complain section a farce?

I thought most of the replies from the mod start with:

If you have tried to contact Customer Care without success....................
24 Jan 2011 05:00:53 PM: Have a long hard look at what he/she has posted over the last week.
one guy was having issues playing online games no complaints to care told directly "check out the how to complain section and escalate to the TIO"
One guy has written "my phone sucks and I still have 10 months on my contract, how do I get a new one without paying fees" same reply as above.....
You have no wish to help the people who have legitimate concerns your just trying to screw a company who upset you.
Pathetic really
24 Jan 2011 05:31:06 PM: In what way is he/she a hypocrite?

Why is the How To Complain section a farce?

Are those examples the only two you can find?
24 Jan 2011 05:43:21 PM: The how to complain section is a farce as it states to follow a process yet the "Moderator" states something else.
He/she is a hypocrite for the above reason
As advised have a look at the posts he/she has posted over the last week

24 Jan 2011 05:47:40 PM: lol in reply to '24 Jan 2011 07:00:53 PM' The Moderator, <--- me actually said:

"Whilst this is not the answer to your question, any online game generally struggles to work when playing via 3G. You really need to look at getting ADSL for online gaming (or at the very least I would look at a more stable 3G option)."

Additionally the posts you refer to are just copy & paste by generally people posting here to help others. Finally when we say "Check the How To Complain link, you will no doubt have to escalate to the TIO" the 'How To Complain" link clearly says:

" In order they are: contact Vodafone (may take some time), contact the TIO (takes a bit more time), contact the ACCC (last resort, will take a lot of time)."


"First check the Vodafone outage page to see if the problem you are experiencing has been reported and is under investigation. If not contact Vodafone customer care on one of the many numbers listed on their website (1555 from your Vodafone mobile or 1300 650410 from any other phone)."

The OP is just assuming every post is a moderator because they are directed to the TIO.
24 Jan 2011 06:13:36 PM: Isn't it the " moderators" job to check these posts?
24 Jan 2011 06:26:17 PM: We do not moderate individuals posts unless it breaks the pages rules unless they incite violence, are overly aggressive, include excessive profanity, are crude or appear to be spamming attempts or completely off topic.

By them saying to check out the How To Complain part of the page they are right on the money, anything after that is really irrelevant as that page says everything it needs to say.
24 Jan 2011 06:31:37 PM: Unbelievable, the OP is blaming the Moderators for

1) posts that are apparently not theres (even though they are correct when they say check the 'how to complain' link
2) If Vodafone made it easier to get out of a contract due to their network that just doesn't work, nobody would need to go to the TIO.

The blame needs to be put squarely at Vodafone's feet, no one elses.
25 Jan 2011 08:28:42 AM: Cant beleive that the OP is cooly passing the blame on the Modertors !

Vodafone and 3 are the biggest hypocrites around !

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